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tv   The Daily Show With Trevor Noah  Comedy Central  September 16, 2022 1:30am-2:00am PDT

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thing. and george stephanopoulos! this is "the daily show," with trevor noah. ( cheers and applause ) >> trevor: what's going on, everybody? welcome to "the daily show." i'm trevor noah. thank you so much for tuning in, and thank you for coming out in person. thank you for being here, thank you so much for being here. we have got a jam-packed show for you tonight. take a seat, let's get into it. mother earth became a billionaire, the game of chess is getting dirting and there is racism under the sea. let's get into today's headlines. all right!
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i'm going to be honest, with all the news that happened today, i don't think we have enough space in today's show. yeah, i'm sorry. i tried everything. i even went to a junk yard and asked to use the machine that crushes the cars. and now i need a new car. but there's still too much news and not enough time. fortunately, not enough time is just enough time for a segment we call "ain't nobody got time for that." all right, leets kick things off with one of the most amazing and positive stories involving a billionary. you know how most billionaires only seem to want to get more and more and more billions so they can afford the new iphone? it turns out not every rich person thinks like that. >> an extraordinary act of charity. of the founder of the outdoor gear and clothing brand patagonia has given away his $3 billion company. ownership has now been
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transferred to a specially created trust that is going to use any profits not reinvested in the business to fight climate change. that's expected to be roughly $100 million a year. 83-year-old yvon chouinard, who started patagonia roughly a half century ago said, "we are making earth our only shareholder." >> trevor: wow! the founder of patagonia decided being a billionaire was too much for any one person, so he's decided to give all the money away. ( cheers and applause ). which, which, when you think. it, is actually the most balling move of all time. who is more of a baller, the person who has a billion dollars or the person who literally using their billion dollars to make it rain. that's what they're doing. the earth is going through a drought. he saw what was happening in california. who would have thought a billionary would give away. if if i'm earth, yeah, pollution
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is killing me. where is your private jet, pluto? are you a planet anymore? damn, bitch. i will say it will be awkward for yvon chouinard's kids when they try to explain why they didn't inherit their dad's billions. "so did your father give you the money?" "no, he gave it to a polar bear." if we had more time we could talk about the how the founder of patagonia is showing us how you can be super rich and not be a bill billionaire and a businen still be successful and make money and contribute. but we don't have time, because while the owner of patagonia is trying to be the earth's biggest advocate, florida's governor, ron desantis, is trying to be the world's biggest dick. >> the governor of florida taking credit for sending least two planes filled with migrants to the wealth massachusetts
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island of martha's vineyard. >> the planed carried 50 migrants from venezuela. they were given no heads up. the group arrived with children and some elderly family members, all of whom could not speak english. the community, though, banded together. they helped them. they set them up in a nearby church overnight. >> now, what's truly bizarre about the situation is all of these immigrants came from texas, and it appears only the planes were provided by florida, specifically to bring them here. >> trevor: you know, there's assholes and then there's this guy. ( laughter ) no, because you know, sometimes, someone is so terrible, the word "asshole" doesn't quite capture their essence enough. because everyone is an asshole. like my neighbor is an asshole. drivers in traffic are assholes. hell i'm an asshole. ron desantis is like the edges around the ass shole that catch all the shit. because i can't show you that on tv, here is a picture so you know exactly what i'm trying to
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say. those little... ( applause ) ( laughter ) because here's the thing, remember, ron desantis is the governor of florida. so why is he grabbing refugees in texas and shipping them to massachusetts? why, sohe can prove merge's immigration system is broken? everyone knows that. instead of pushing lawmakers to reform the system he's using taxpayer money to what, go viral. this is what he wants to do. if you told desantis to spend the same amount of money helping the asylum seekers, they don't have that, but to toll the democrats, put on my card. america has a history of doing this. in the 1960s, racist organization in addition the south shipped black people up to northern states to make liberals uncomfortable. but ron desantis obviously doesn't know about that because the pages in his history books were torn out in his state. if we had more time we could delve into a long history of how american lawmakers are happening to portons of resources into destabilizing countries but when
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the effects are felt in the country, they don't have the money to pay for the consequences of their actions. while american lawmakers are arguing about what is happening in land borders americans on the internet are arguing about what is happening under the sea. >> the live-action "the little mermaid" has 100 million views. it is also being attacked. >> actress halle bailey stars in ariel in disney's new live-action film, and she looks nothing like the animated little mermaid with red hair from the original 1989 classic. the trailer has received more than 1.5 million dislikes on youtube. then there are the ugly, racist tweets "the little mermaid" is white, not black. >> trevor: people, we're doing this again? "she looks nothing like--" nothing like? they both have the tail. "she looks nothing like her. how do i even know this is a mermaid?" once again a bunch of internet racracists are upset a fictional
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character is being played by a black person. honestly, i don't know what the big deal is. you guys realize that nemo was black, too, right? yeah, yeah, that whole movie was about a fish who can't fiend his dad, yeah. calm down. calm down. i can say that because my dad left and he's white, so who's racist now? ( laughter ) ( applause ) this is so ridiculous. first of all, of course the little mermaid is black. everyone whose name starts with lil is black. lil wayne, lil nas x, lil kim. if you heard there was a woman named little mermaid you would assume she's on a track with cardi b. look, stop being ridiculous. it's imaginary. i hope this scandal doesn't overshadow the rest of the movie. "the little mermaid" is a beautiful story about a young woman changing her core identity to please a man. let's not forget about that, people. ( laughter )
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if we had time tim wakefield about how disney created a black mermaid 30 years ago and nobody cared or there is still plenty of white princesses for little girls who dream of being in a monarchy. you can still watch the original "the little mermaid." it's not like mick will jump out of the screen, "you're racist." racist isn't just on twitter. turns out it's also ruins the n.b.a. >> this evening, the major headline out of the n.b.a. they have now suspended phoenix suns and phoenix mercury owner robert sarver for a year. they have fined him $10 million, after a nearly year-long investigation that detailed inappropriate behavior during his 18 years with the team. >> the league says sarver, whose teams are mostly black, repeated the "n" word five times, bullied employees, and sent pornographic material, including a video, to staffers. >> sarver also allegedly made jokes frequently to employees in large and small settings about sex and sex-related anatomy. >> trevor: they say this guy was using the "n" word, he was
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bullying people. how do you justify sending porn to your employees? what are you doing? what's the rationale? is it like, "you see that gang bang video i e-mailed you. that's the kind of team work i want to see on the court tonight, people! come on, get out there!" ( laughter ) to be fair, to be fair, sarver wasn't calling black people the "n" word. he was just allegedly repeating black people's use of the "n" word, and then complaining about why he couldn't say it but they could. but he was saying it. so he isn't necessarily racist, but he's definitely a moron. and here's what i don't get, here's what i don't get. if you're someone who wants to walk around saying the "n" word, pretty much the worst place in the world for you is the n.b.a. ( laughter ) he's like, "i love saying the "n" word and hate the sound of squeaky shoes." my man, you chose the wrong field. if we had more time we could
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talk about whether or not a one-year suspension is enough of a punishment. if you can't learn in five minutes you shouldn't be saying the "n" word, i'm not sure that will help. while the n.b.a. is dealing with one bad owner, there is a scandal in the chess world shaking the entire sport. >> after world chess champion tucker carlson recently lost a match to young up-and-comer hans niemann, he quit the tournament and posted a cryptic tweet that many determined was speculation that he cheated. speculation has run wild how he could have cheated. and some suggesting a wearable vibrating device. >> it's really unprecedented. >> trevor: you're damn right, this is undesprevented. a chess grandmaster might have been cheating. that's disgusting. chess is sacred. an ancient game of skill and
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strategy with the little horseys you play with. now, even though lots of people are accusing niemann of cheating no one can say exactly how he did it. although you may have heard them say "vibrating." the one theory which the internet is running wild with is that he used vibrating anal beads to tell him what moves to make. which i know sounds nuts, but i get why someone would use vibrating anal beads to cheat. even if you lose, you still kind of win, you know ( laughter ) ( applause ) let's be clear, let us be clear-- there is absolutely no place for sex toys in the game of chess. except for the pawns and the bishop, if you nasty. ( laughter ) ( applause ) now, if only we had more time, we could have so much fun joking about which vibrations equal which moves or we could even talk about the real scandal in chess, which is how are all the
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pieces the same size? is the giant horse the size of a horse or the tiny castle the size of the horse. either way, protecting your king is the least of your problems. but we don't have time for it. i'm being told through my i have brath beads we need to go to a commercial break. don't go away. when we come back, we'll find out what you know about the news. you don't want to miss it. you don't want to miss it. ( applause
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♪ [upbeat music] ♪ [sound of tape application]
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i just need you to sign option three. [cheering] ♪ [upbeat music] ♪ for everything we need. for everything we want. for everything we do. [cheering] we're all better off with an ally. ♪♪
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( cheers and applause ) >> trevor: welcome back to "the daily show." you know, here at the show, we pay a lot of attention to what's going on in the news. but how much are the people outside our studio following along? we sent michael kosta to find out for another edition of "fill me in." >> welcome to... welcome to... >> answer the question? >> answer the question? >> with michael. >> "fill me in." time to find out how much new nw yorkers know about today's most trending quotes. taylor swift, her new album is called midnights. for people who lie weak at night hoping just maybe when the clock strikes 12 we will... >> fall asleep. >> party. >> turn into a pumpkin. >> you think taylor swift's new album "midnight" is an homage to cinderella. >> something like that. >> kate, why does your dumb husband say things like this.
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>> what's another word for greet that has most of the same letters in it but isn't greet? >> meet yourself. >> meet yourself is the right answer! big reaction. who is this. >> that's my man. >> that's my man. >> timothy shall may. >> it's harry styles. he said the thing about the movies is it feels like. >> real. >> what does a movie feel like? >> entertainment. >> how is a movie supposed to feel? is it supposed to feel like a book? >> no. >> no. is it supposed to feel like a tv show? >> no. >> no. is it supposed to feel like a broadway musical? >> no. >> no, so a movie is supposed to feel like... >> intermtd. >> shut up, you already said that. a movie feels like a... >> movie. >> a movie, yes. he said at the premiere of his newest movie, "it's tough to be alive right now.
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blank is in the air." >> love is in the air? >> you smell love. >> not really. >> around here. >> it kind of smells like... >> it's something that happened in rome. >> ash. >> let me see if that works. it's tough to be alive right now, ash is in the air. what happened to rome, eventually it... >> fell. >> now we're getting somewhere. it's too late. really we should be packing a go bag. >> society collapsed? >> you got it right! >> kim kardashian when asked what her talent is says, "i can give you a million ( bleep ) talents. i can cook well. use my belange for anything. >> you got that one. >> it's not what you think. pervert. >> your brain? >> guess what, brain is wrong. let me give you a hint. it's one part of her body we've seen the least of. >> i was going to say feet. >> you were going to say feet. >> what's on the feet? >> shoes. >> what's in the shoes. >> socks. >> socks, what's in the socks.
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>> feet. .>> what is in the feet? >> her d.n.a. >> her toes. >> not all of today's quotes are from movie stars. a.o.c.: "it's really important for people to feel like their elected officials blank." >> care? >> she didn't say care. she gave it more new york sass. >> ( bleep ). >> that's too much sass. caring but using a word for poop. >> give a shit. >> now put it together it's really important for people to feel like their elected officials... >> give a shit. >> one, two, three, give a shit. do you feel like your elected official gives a shit about you? you know who does give a shit about you? harry styles. ( cheers and applause ) >> trevor: thank you so much for that, michael. stay tuned, because when we come back, george stephanopoulos will be joining me. you don't want to miss it.
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( cheers and applause ) is
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>> trevor: welcome back to "the daily show." my guest tonight is the host of "good morning america" and "this week." he's here to talk about his docu-series, power trip. >> we're going to run you ragged. you're going to have to cover policy, politics and do it in a very polarized environment where you're going to have to gain trust from all sides. >> shut it down! >> this is just the beginning. you ain't seen nothing yet. >> you guys are fake news. fake, fake news. >> i think our democracy is on a knife edge. there's so much at stake >> trevor: please welcome george stephanopoulos! ( applause ) george stephanopoulos, welcome to "the daily show." >> it's great to be here. thank you. >> trevor: this is so amazing having you here. i feel like this is your world.
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you know, you're one of the most familiar faces. you're one of the names that is most synonymous with all things news. and now you're taking us behind the scenes in this docu-series, where abc is going to be embedding journalists-- >> seven young journalists. they're in their 20s. all ambitious, passionate, smart kids. they don't have a lot of experience but they're going to go out on the campaign trail, basically zone defense, and cover the campaigns. we're doing it for the first time in the midterm elections because i aid is in our clip. i think our democracy is at stake in the midterms. we have never seen anything like it before and we want to make sure we get it as real as we can. >> trevor: it feels like these midtermses are going to be different. people often say that, and i see american news try to drum up interest, but it feelses like it will be. >> this is the first time in a midterm election-- we saw a little in 2020, a lot in 2020-- where the very way we debate and decide elections is under assault. i mean, you've got 40% of the
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country who still doesn't believe last election is over. 40% of the country who is determined-- who doesn't accept facts. >> trevor: right. >> in a debate. and, you know, our whole system is premised on the ideas, both sides can argue out, based on a common set of facts. whoever wins, wins, and you go on to fight another day. this is different because that has not been settled after the last election. >> trevor: let me ask you this. as somebody covering the news for so long, involved in campaigns, you've seen the tide shift, you've seen the attitude change. did you see this coming? is it new? and if you did see it coming, what was the moment? was there one moment where you noticed that something had shifted? >> i can't say i saw this coming to this degree. i never believed-- i mean, i still well up when i think of the capitol under assault on january 6 after an election. our whole system is premised on the idea of a peaceful transfer of power. but the change that started happen-- you make is it sound like i'm very old. i guess i am. when i first worked --
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>> i said you've been doing for a long time. you could be a child star. ( laughter ). >> when i first worked in campaigns, we used to footnote our commercials because we were so concerned about being called out for not telling the truth. >> trevor: interesting. >> but what has changed over time is that-- as each side basically just tries to get out their own voters rather than trying to persuade others, they care less about whether they're called out by the media on telling the truth. >> trevor: it's interesting you say, that because i've noticed on the news shows, you'll be talking to politicians, and back in the day, it felt like a politician was so afraid to contradict themselves, to be a hypocrite, to have any moment where there was a discrepancy. and now it feels like just having the program to come on your news show and say something is more important than whether or not-- >> 1,000%. often you'll have someone come on, and you can sho and it can be footnoted, you can go to the dictionary and go to 8,000
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reference books and say, "you're just not telling the truth." and they say, "you're lying." and they don't care, because to the group of voters they're trying to appeal to, calling us out, whether we're right or wrong, works for them. >> trevor: do you ever get to a point as a news organization where you absolutely can't-- >> right now, i will not put anybody on my show who will not accept the results of the last election. they don't come on. >> trevor: wow ( applause ) >> so you have-- you have-- i had an interview with a weeks bl can't believe. remember, how hillary clinton had her emails that were classified, how trump said, "lock her up." republicans wanted investigation after investigation. this senator would not even say that trump having all of those documents in his house was wrong. four questions, four times, would not say it was wrong. >> trevor: so you're in an interesting position. for a long time, america had an
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agreed idea of what was happening on the news, for the most part. >> supposed to. >> trevor: cable news came and it became really partisan. you could have it this way and you could have it that way and your facts could almosting a la carte. you're still occupying a position-- >> trying to. >> trevor: you're still occupying the position where most people think it's the middle. but the window of middle is shifting. how do you respond? do you have to cater to some of these politicians? >> here's what you don't do. i think there is a risk when you're talking to certain politicians if you're willing to say what you're saying is not true, and sometimes you have to risk looking partisan by doing that. but i think we can't bow to that threat. i mean, as long as i'm confident when i am that we're arguing about facts, undisputable facts i have no problem saying, "you're not telling the truth." even if that causes somebody to say, "you're just being a political hack." you have to do that. that's what we have to stand up
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for as journalists -- right and wrong, fact, not fiction. >> trevor: you are now sending these journalists as embeds. they're on the ground. they're getting information on the ground from these people. what we see, even in that clip-- and i think the docu-series really gets into it-- people say well, you're fake news. do you think you're moving towards a world where the news is what you want to hear and then what you do essentially almost falls away? >> it's the-- i think it's one of the greatest dangers our democracy faces right now. i think there is no question about that. you see it right there. by definition, there is going to be certain people who no matter what the facts are, if i'm saying it, you're a liar. it's fake news. if their candidate is saying he's right, not wrong-- and you're right, people just end up going to the place where's they know the view that they already have is going to be reinforced whether or not it's true. >> trevor: have you found any way to break through, on the ground, on your show? >> we're going to try to do it
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with this show. i think what we're going to try to do is show the process of these young reporters trying to get the truth. show them doing it in the right way, showing them doing it. we hope with integrity. showing the risks they take to do it. i think if people have-- if we have some transparency on the process, i hope the people will trust what they're hearing. >> trevor: i wish you the best of luck. thank you so much for joining me on the show. a really fascinating docu-series. make sure to check it out. george stephanopoulos, everybody. we're going to take a short break. we'll be right back after this. best of luck. ( applause ) they know. they know that chipotle buys over 30 million pounds of local produce a year to support local farmers. and that these fajita veggies were cut, seasoned, and grilled fresh today. but you don't need to know all that, to know that real food just tastes better.
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chipotle, for real here's a good halloween trick. buy a bunch of reese's. (uh huh, there you go) turn off all the lights in your house. (yeah yeah) ( trick or treat!) and then just don't answer the door. not sorry, reese's. ( cheers and applause ) >> trevor: well, that's our show for tonight. charlamagne is up next. now, here it is, your moment. of zen. >> the f.b.i. came after me and took my phone. they surrounded me at a hardees, and they told me not to tell anybody. "don't tell anybody." okay, i won't. but i am. >> thank you, trevor, i'm sorry your queen died. now look it's been a hell of a week, okay. there is a scandal brewing in the world of high stakes chess with a player being accused of getting moves electronically signaled to him through the use of vibrating anal beads. i can't make this shit up.
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i don't another whether to shout check mate or ayo. queen nyla, let's get it. >> captioning sponsored by comedy central hey! welcome to "hell of a week." please say hello to our panel, he is one of the world's most famous khaki colored intellectuals and his podcast revisionist history is back september 159, malcolm gladwell. >> he's a comedian, daily show correspondent an all around bad mother [bleep], roy wood, jr. and she's an advocate and political analyst and also a bad moth [bleep], angela rye is here. and we got the og stops by later in the show t has been a hell of a week, ken starr who prosecuted
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bill clinton for the monica lewinsky scandal has died at 76. in lieu of flowers the family asked you leave a donation on the blue dress of your choice. what? here's what i want to talk about tonight, topic one. last thursday after 70 years on the throne queen liz bets of england died. y'all don't really care, in the nation lined up, not everyone was so sad, sports fans danced with joy. argentine anchorman popped champagne on air and black twitter who are known to stief el their feelings, they went all in like carnegie mellon university professor uju anya who tweeted i heard the chief monarch of a thieving raping genocidal em tire-- empire is finally dying, may her pain be excruciating. clearly she is


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