tv The Daily Show With Trevor Noah Comedy Central September 20, 2022 1:12am-2:00am PDT
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>> coming to you from new york city, the only city in america, it's "the daily show." tonight the queen is laid to rest. the history of black animation. and sam more ill. this is the-- morril, this is the daily show with trevor noah. (applause). >> trevor: what's going on, everybody, welcome to the daily show, i'm trevor noah thank you so much for tuning in. thank you for coming out, thank you so much for being here. everyone, come on, thank you so much, take a seat. let's do this thing. we have got a great show four tonight. jeff bezos is now broke. roy wood, jr. watches cartoons and queen elizabeth the second
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is officially laid to rest. so let's do this, let's jump straight into today's headlines. >> all right, before we get into the big stories, let's catch up on a few other things that are going on in the world. first up, a giant story from the world of video games. over the weekend a hacker leaked unfinished footage from the grand theft auto game and they threatened to release more if rock star games doesn't reach a deal with them. yeah. and you know rock star the game manufacturer, they must be so piss the. how do these kids get the idea that it's fun to commit crimes, huh? now luckily law enforcement has said they had a lead on a criminal but he hid in a carwash for like a minute and they have fore goten about the whole case. in international news, gautam a dami an indian businessman who made his fortune in shipping an coal pruks passed jeff bezos to
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become the world's second richest person. poor jeff bezos, when he heard this his rocket ship immediately went limp. i see some of you cheering like yeah, indian guy, number two on the list. don't forget, don't forget yes, it is good news for him but mr. adani's parents are indian so they are probably still like, you know, i wish you went to medical school. a billionaire is cool, but you know what is cooler, being a doctor. oh, an an update on covid-19, in an interview yesterday, president biden said while we still have a problem with the virus, quote, the pandemic is over. yes. yeah. but i get why biden said this. i mean he just had covid. everyone who gets covid is over covid, everyone, as soon as they are done, all right, it's done for everybody, let's start this party. start breathing in each other's mouth. but let's get to the big story everyone is talking about. two weeks ago as you all know,
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queen elizabeth died of being old and it has been a wild two weeks since, right? lots of heated debates from all sides. she was an icon. she was a tyrant. preserve the monarchy. get rid of the monarchy. we hate charles. we also hate charles. but today, today britain said hey, let's suppress our feelings as usual because it is the queen's funeral. and they did it in a major way so let's catch up on the u.k.'s big day in our latest installment of the royal rumble. today queen elizabeth was laid to rest at one of her favorite castles but before she was buried the public was given a chance to visit her casket and pay their respects. >> overnight that incredible line of mourners snaking through stralt london, thousands patiently waiting to pay their respects to britain's longest
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reigning monarch. >> tens of thousands from around the world wait for hours to see the queen's coffin. >> with lines now stretching five miles to see her lying in state, they're predict the wait tornlt, an incredible 22 hours. >> been waiting for ten hours. >> been up since 4:00 this morning. >> seen soccer star david beckham lining up overnight for 13 hours. >> i think it was a reminder of how much people in this country really like to line up. it really is a nationals pasttime. british people enjoy queuing as they say in this country. (laughter). >> trevor: an interesting take away. why are these people, they just like lining up. that's something else, no, no, they just really like lining up. i think they also like the queen. but this is true, apparently standing in line is really popular in britain. like their national pasttime. and before you make fun of them, for doing something so boring, don't forget america's national pasttime is baseball, you know, which s when people act as if
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someone died but they didn't. but 22 hours in line, that is no joke. 22 hours. cuz remember, there is no iphone at the end of that line, right strks just a box and you don't even get to open the box. and as you heard, even david beckham waited in line. which honestly i found so impressive. because apparently he was offered a chance to skip the queue and he refused which is really admirable. i mean especially when you consider that you don't know who you are goes to be stuck in that line with, you know what i mean, because at the beginning you might be like i'm just going to stand in the line, and next thing you know there is an arsenal fan behind him, you are shit this see be so, nars all, arsenal, god save the queen, i miss her so much. arsenal! but after days of queuing, today was finally the queen's funeral. and essentially the entire country shut down for this thing. you've never seen anything like it.
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schools and businesses were closed. i mean that's a really great way to honor someone who also never had to work but it was intense, also a little inconvenient for people, flights were cancelled to avoid the noise. hospitals even postponed surgery, and yeah, if you were supposed to get a surgery on a plane, forget t that definitely wasn't happening. but for real, i think it is actually good that they postponed routine surgery because everyone in the u.k. is distracted today. you know, kind of doctors coming outlining i'm pleased to say the bum lift was a success. >> but i needed a hip replacement. >> and i need a new queen but you don't hear me complaining. now get on out of here with that fat ass, girl, go on. shake it, just shake it. so obviously this was a huge deal. and by the way, not just for the brits. leaders from all over the world flew in to be a part of this
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funeral. now what was a little strange is that president biden arrived in a six car motorcade, meanwhile, leaders from most other countries had to share buses. which i mean that must have sucked. like the whole point of becoming a world leader is that you don't ever have to ride a buses any more. imagine you are the emmerrer of japan and you have to pretend you don't hear justin trudeau shitting in the bus bathroom. and obviously some people are mad that biden got special treatment. but if you ask me i think the other world leaders are the ones who benefited. you can imagine being stuck on a bus with joe biden. with joe biden. the conversation would never end. it is him like so-- corn pop, i said listen, jack, i was in-- i took his hand-- you moving to another city, come on, man, come on.
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listen. and world leaders weren't the only ones in attendance, no, the queen's corgis were there too. this is really sweet. yeah, they got to pay their last respects, see the queen one more time. and then i assume follow the little trail of dog treats right into the tomb. very adorable. that is how the egyptians did it. i'm assuming the english are the same. it is also like why would you bring the dogs, why are you for turing them? were the dogs sit sitting up, can we get a treat. i'll show you why there is no more treats. once the funeral was over the queen's cass kelt was driven to windsor cass toll give her one last chance to experience london traffic and everyone made it count. we are watching the royal procession of queen elizabeth's coffin. cheers going up from the crowd, a crowd that has been quiet and somber throughout most. morning. but now cheers as the queen's coffin passes by, flowers being throne from the crowd toward the
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queen's coffin. >> this is probably my favorite part of the funeral. no, it genuinely is. there is a moment where everyone is sad because somebody is gofnlt and then there is the moment where you celebrate their life. i love this moment, oh,-- it is also weird they were throwing the-- throwing the flowers on to the car's windshield while the dude is driving. a bit risky. the guy is going to end up just plowing into the crowd. oh, just put those in the back with the queen, let's go, let's go, got to keep moving, got to keep moving. >> but aside from all the flowers and pantiesing being thrown at the cask, it was a beautiful prosesmghts all the king's horses, all the kings men, basically everyone who couldn't save humpty dumpty, they were there. and it was a three mile march from westminster abbey to windsor castle. also known as the long walk, yeah. or as kiley jenner calls it, why didn't they take the jet. so it was a long ride to windsor castle but it was worth the wait.
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because the ceremony, the ceremony formally laying her majesty to rest was not to be missed. >> the most intimate, moving moment was when the crown jeweler removed the instruments of state, that is the crown, the orb and the septemberer, removed them from the queen's coffin and placed them on the altar. and then the head of the queen's household broke his wand of office and then placed that on the queen's coffin. that essentially signals, we're told, that this queen's reign is over. the coffin then lowered into the vault. there are ten other monarchs buried there at st. george's chapel as well. >> trevor: way, as the world watched on queen elizabeth 2nd, the u.k.'s longest reigning monarch was lowered into the family vault. and whether you are for or against the monarchy, you cannot deny, this say landmark moment in history.
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they broke the wand and it is official. i will say yes, it is because i read tooch harry potter, this thing could have just as easily been part of a wizard ceremony, you know. like a guy in a cape holding an orb, snapping a wand. by the way, why is the wand getting buried with her majesty but nothing else. i feel like it is kind of a letdown, right? because they could bury her with the crown and the orb, like no, no, we'll hold on to these, yeah, you can be buried with this broken pool cue, there you go. ta ta. that it is it for the headlines but before we go let's check in on the stock market with our finance expert michael kosta, everybody. (cheers and applause) michael, a lot of money moving, a lot of things changing. what's happening in the market today. >> before we get into the market, i just want to say my thoughts are with the queen. and i pray that law enforcement
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finds her killer, okay. so there was no. >> today is a day where we reflect on the queen's life. we reflect and evaluate our own lives, you know, i took the weekend to consider the direction of my life and which way it's going. and trevor, i have to say, honestly, now more than ever i'm absolutely crushing it, okay. i'm crushing it even harder now because that is what the queen would have wanted, okay. so i have got a hot tip nor you and i have a hot tip as well so pay attention, or as they say in england, a boiling pointer. >> trevor: what? >> behind me this is the world billionaire index. these are the five richest people in the world otherwise known as bern quee sander' hit list. but, but, before we do this, biden saying that the pandemic is over, that's great. i love that. but i'm still going to keep spraying fruit and vegetables with lysol, okay. because have i become accustomed to the taste, to be honest with you, or whatever taste i have left. to be honest, everything tastes
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like metal at this point. but here is what i want to talk about. this adani guy, where is he, right there, all right. this is the point where he surpassed jeff bezos becoming the second richest man in the world. how did he do it? okay. which one is adani, okay, how did he do it? right here, this is where he started making coffee at home and stopped buying it on the way to work. boom. hundred million dollars. think about that in your own life. the number one spot is still elon musk, okay. you know elon just kind of, right here, he just kind of started out as a normal rich guy and then he realized around to 20 that he can be so annoying, okay, tweet, memes, talking about krichto. and guess what, that business strategy worked. and look at him, the more annoying he is, the more his value goes up. now on the flip side, trevor,
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bill gates, i mean geez, right? all the way down to number five. only a hundred billion dollars. what a loser. you know? i mean you know what i blame actually, my mom. she is still running windows 95, okay. takes her ten minutes to open up solitaire, now. big picture, i know what some of you are thinking, hey costa, you crush it so hard, thank you. why aren't you on this list. well, look, i'm a male feminist, all right. the reason-- why is that funny? look, i am a male feminist. the reason you don't see me op this list, i don't want to be on any list that doesn't include any women. let's be honest. yeah, yeah, yeah. there should be a woman on this list. okay? especially a hot blond chick with big boobs, you know what i am saying. all right, i promise you a
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boiling pointer, aka a hot tip. you see this chart, you see arnal, no one know who's the hell that guy is. so you can be him, legally change your name so arnal. i just gave you-- 150 billion, you're welcome, everybody, thank you very much. >> trevor: michael kosta, everybody. (applause) i don't think this is real financial advice but when we come back we're going to learn about black animator. so don't go away.
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enjoy! oooo, tostitos. can you grab the baby gifts? yeah. walk to mommy. (celebrating) what did i miss? she took her first steps! can she do it again? her first steps?? for me??? i missed it? i stepped away from the bowl for two seconds. i was supposed to read a poem. we're good. ok, i'm telling you, it's her sister. [tv] and you call yourself my sister. there it is. there it is. we're back on top! whoa, whoa, whoa. what happened? oh, you missed it. probably shouldn't have left. tostitos. get to the good stuff.
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animation right now. animators such as aaron mcgrooder or peter ramsey who won an oscar for that movie about that teenage black boy that was spiderman. i tell you y if i had jumping powers i wouldn't be doing no things around the neighborhood solving murders for free, i would be making millions in the nba. shoot a 3 point only if you want, stef curry, i will snatch it in the air. turn over. but before those animators there were pioneers who lead the way in animation. black pioneers like zelda jacky, she created four comic strips, the most iconic being patty jo and ginger which started two black sis her-- sisters, they were the venus and serena williams of their time. except for not playing tennis. and not being real. so i suppose they were nothing like venus and serena. but aside from that, they were.
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this cartoon was so popular it lead to the creation of the first african-american doll based on a comic character. and it was the only doll with a face that said i know these white girls about to touch my hair. the next black animator we want to celebrate is floyd norman. he was hired by walt disney studios after only two years in art school. and he worked on sleeping beauty, 101 dalmations, the swrd and the stone and mary poppin's. basically your mother ever bought you one of those fancy disney vhs tapes, odds are floyd norman drew it. you think he was busy enough working on those movies but no, floyd was also finding time to post gag drawings all over the walt disney campus. throwing and poking fun at company executives from walt disney himself saw them he was so impressed that he hand picked norman to work on the jungle book. you know how good you got to be
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at your job where roasting your boss gets you a promotion? usually only happens on-- norman left disney to cocreate the company vin yet films which is where he made his biggest contribution to the culture. creating the original opening credits for soul train. looks like if thomas the tank engine did acid and had a couple shots of hennessey. finally the bus thus mentioned bruce smith who dricted the 1992 cult classic. wait a minute, that guy looks familiar. he stole my look. i better talk to my lawyer about that. anyway, this was instrumental in animating movies like who framed roger rabbits, tarzan, a goofy movie and not only did he create the proud family, which was disney's first animated show with a black female lead, he was
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also a supervising animator on disney's the princess and the frog which features the studios first black princess. yes, i know she was immediately turned into a frog but it was still a better royal experience than the one meghan markle had. this crowning moment was codirecting the movie layer-- i was happy this story got told because it introduced america to every black father's worst nightmare, having to style your daughter's hair. one time i tried, i messed up my daughter's hair so bad she got a restraining order against me. i'm legally not allowed within 50 feet of her at all times. so there you have it, some of history's most inspiring black animators, in fact, it i spired me so much that i commissioned a group of top animators to turn me into my unique animated form. let's see how they did.
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i knew it. i knew that guy from bebe's kids stole my look. or i did steal his look? well, that's all the time we have for today. i'm roy wood, jr. and this has been cp time. and remember, before the culture, though seriously am i a ripoff from the guy from bebe kid's? be honest with me, do i look like robert harris. >> trevor: thank you so much for that, roy, but stay tuned because when we come back, standup comedian sam morril will be joining us on the show. you don't want to miss it.
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(vo) red lobster's finer points of fun dining becauhow to endless shrimp:tch, step 1: greet your shrimp step 2: bid your shrimp farewell. repeat! ultimate endless shrimp is back with new parmesan-bacon shrimp scampi. welcome to fun dining. ♪♪ trick or treat! - kit kat. - reese's. ooo, great costume. looks like you deserve both. see ya boys. ♪♪ >> welcome back to the daily show, my guest tonight say comedian, he's an actor and aes he is a cohost of sports podcast games with names, he's here to talk about his growfnedz breaking new netflix special sam
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morril, same time tomorrow. >> i will tell you what the bads job is could be, you have all that power but they don't pay you enough, you have a badge and a gun but make sometimes less than a teacher. you can imagine risking getting shot every day and you only make a little bit more than a cop? please welcome sam morril. what's going on? sam morril. >> how are you, man, welcome to the daily show. >> this is awesome. >> are you kidding me, this is one of my favorite moments because i met you, maybe like eight years ago when i first came to new york to do comedy. nobody knew me, this is like whatever, even longer, maybe ten years ago. and i moat you in the comedy cellar and in comedy circles there are alls comedians where they will say that is a
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comic's comic, where every comedian stays to watch that comic. every comedian wants to hear what they are going to sairks you were that guy, you are still that guy and i'm so excited, congratulations. >> thank you. i feel-- (applause) >> this is such a legit show, usually you have someone arguing before the human rights council and now you have me a guy who is arguing at the fronts desk of my hotel to return my muscle relaxers that they took. >> trevor: i think it is perfectly fitting. you saw in the clip, you talk beferg. >> yeah. >> trevor: for those who don't know sam, you are going to know him but let's starts with this part of the story which i really love. for a long time comedy has been the funniest, sort of make tups, then social media came in, things started changek and then it was almost like inside out, people are like who is famous, we'll make them a comedian and comedians are like it doesn't seem to be working as well, you konts get flib to look to take your special to put you on tv. you put it out yourself. >> right. >> you got like 11 million
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views, one of the most watched specials on youtube ever. >> yeah. >> trevor: and then netflix was like all right sam, we need to do a deal. >> yeah, netflix, i think their stock was sinking, and i feel like i got in the life boat right as the titanic started going down. i'm in dude, let's do t i'm honored, it's awesome. it's crazy, you put it on youtube. you don't think anyone is going to watch t i remember shopping it for hbo and netflix a couple of years ago and they passed. and i was like, well i'm going to make t i will make my own special, put it out. comics share t comics support comics so i got very lucky in that way. >> trevor: i don't think you got lucky, i think the audience got lucky,i honestly mean that. >> thank, man. >> trevor: because your special, everyone has come ented on if in different ways t is like i think it is part of the reason so many comics have always loved you. you never know what sam is going to say and how he is going to say it. like people are like oh, he does jokes about the transgender community and you don't know
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country way it is going to go, and you had, i saw your name trending online. i was like oh shit. >> me too i was like uh-oh,. >> trevor: and it was the transcommunity going we love this comedian and his jokes about transpeople. >> oh, that terrified me. >> trevor: why? >> because they love me today and they're like he's our guy, like don't make me your guy. you love me today, you're going to hate me tomorrow, i don't know. cuz when you say, you just kind of follow the joke, i don't want to hurt anyone on any joke but when you write a joke you're just going for the laughs, that joke for mee bas like you know, a guy said something, he goes it was about a friend who said you know, i fully support transpeople, i will play along, i was like i don't think that is what they are going for. i don't think you're scoring a lot of points walking up to a transperson like sure. if you say so. see how uncomfortable this whole crowd was about me even going into that. they were like where the [bleep]
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is he going with this joke. and then it was okay, right? >> trevor: you have got like this cadence, this vibe, you've got this-- you also have a joy about you. like i remember like tweeting there were some of shows coming up, yo, guys you have to watch sam morril, first of all half much south africa was like where is this, i should have told you, in new york. but the response i got from people afterwards t is exactly what you said. on stage it never feels like you are trying to hurt anybody t is never felt like that. but you are funny. you are still edgy. i think do you what comedy needs, you keep people on their toes strks not like are you safe for the sake of being safe. it seems like are you having fun. >> i love standup. that is the thing, some of these cities, i'm on the road every week, i love what i do, so that is the thing. you never go up there with the intent to hurt anybody. sometimes people get hurt but that could what, have i a friend ryan hamilton who has a joke about hot air balloons, he is
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likes that's offensive, i'm like that is on you, you are offended by hot air balloons, anything can offend someone. that is on them, sometimes you say you shouldn't joke about that, were you fine with me for the first 47 moments. >> trevor: a lot of people don't realize that every joke is funny until you find it personal. >> yeah. >> trevor: everybody laughs, laugh, laughs and then they will be like no, you went too far. what about the other jokes, those were cool, because they weren't about me or anything that i necessarily cared about. but then up until that point people are generally fine. >> yeah, and i think most people are smart enough to tell the difference between you know good intent and intended that-- we've all gotten mad at a person and that's not funny. when you become too emotionally attached are you not funny any momplet you need the detachment. >> you need the comedy. >> you but i think the comedy is connected to the detachment. >> i remember when my grandmother passed away we were in this weird space, i was
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crying the whole week. everyone was discussing the family, what are we going to do, what are we not going to do. and there would always be these moments where a joke comes up, you know what i am talking about, as a comedian, you see the joke and you look at the people around you, and like i can't-- because it was family i could say it i think that is part of it. you know, why do you think it is that you have really been able to keep the context of your come disee? a lot of comedy i think has been hurt by the lack of context, when we are in a room everyone gets it, we are making jokes about certain things, we know we don't feel certain ways, it is a joke. with social media it became someone who wasn't at the show, don't get the context, didn't know the beginning of the story, they get angry. this didn't happen to you but just happen toses comedy. for some reason you have managed to preserve that context, do you know why or how? >> i think placement in the set order is important. but you nailed it, yeah, social media, it sliek a comedy club where people are just opening the door and they come in at the wrong time.
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they just open the door, what was that, that's not what you when were you supposed to enter so it makes me mad s look, here is the thing, that is the beauty of social media. you reach so many people and so many people are like i like this guy now you about so many people are like i [bleep] hate you, and you kind of have to accept it is a package deal. >> i think you're getting one huge part of the package which is people loving you, your netflix special is was received to acclaim, obviously on youtube you are crushing it. you are doing so well that you have a whiskey, i heard a rumor that you have a whiskey. >> i have a whiskey. >> trevor: just explain this to me. >> bod ecka-- bodega cat, a real thing. >> trevor: then they said sam has a whiskey, i thought you just had a whiskey with you. >> well, i had that too, but that, no, yeah, look, i will be honest, i got into comedy, not because i was a go getter. my brother and sises ter are lawyers, very smart. i was the black sheep, you know, i was like oh, open bar, i'm in,
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that saul i needed and then i was like i can make my own whiskey so we got a whiskey cooking, this guy chris hart helped mark norman and i made a whiskey and-- you can get it now sto bodega cat whiskey. >> trevor: all i say, congratulations, you are one of the nicest, funniest comedians i investor met, i wish you all the best. >> thank you, you too, man. >> trevor: sam morril, man, we'll be right back after
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>> trevor: well, that's our show for tonight. but before we go, before we go i just wanted to remind that you much of puerto rico is still without power in the wake of hurricane if iona. so please consider supporting hispanic federation, they are already on the ground providing emergency relief services and essential supplies to the communities most affected by the storm. so if you can please donate at the link bloarks the next few days will be essential to get emergency services and supplies to all of those who need it the most. until next time stay safe out there and remember there may not be a long line at your funeral,
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but that's probably because you suck. now here st, your moment of zen. >> no, if i had to identify it, maybe minor royals, members of her-- i can't identify them. >> we can't identify everyone, unfortunately. they look like they could well be local dignitaries strks hard to see, we are looking at the backs of their head. >> i think we're getting to the end of, as they say, i'm just told that was liz truss, the new prime minister in the distance. >> going through the doors. >> thank you very much. for that information. - ♪ i'm going down to south park ♪ ♪ gonna have myself a time ♪ - ♪ friendly faces everywhere ♪ ♪ humble folks without temptation ♪ - ♪ going down to south park ♪ . ♪ gonna leave my woes behind ♪ - ♪ ample parking day or night ♪ ♪ people spouting "howdy neighbor" ♪ - ♪ headed on up to south park ♪ ♪ gonna see if i can't unwind ♪
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