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tv   The Daily Show With Trevor Noah  Comedy Central  October 4, 2022 1:15am-2:00am PDT

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into penalty kicks. and other international news, the african nation of burkina faso has had another shake-up in its government, because the military leader who took power in a coup earlier this year has now himself been ousted in a second coup. and i guess he can't complain, right? what's he gonna say? [burkinabe accent] "what gave you the idea that you could just -- oh, oh, yeah." [normal voice] [cheers and applause] now the new guy has to be like, [burkinabe accent] "okay, i think we can all agree that this is the exact right number of coups. two feels like the right vibe, you know?" [normal voice] so my thoughts are with the people of burkina faso, but also with donald trump. yeah. must hurt him especially bad to see two coups in a row carried out properly. prayers up. [applause] back here in the u.s.,
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in some legal news, california has announced that jaywalking is now no longer a crime. [cheers and applause] so congratulations to the californians who like walking places, this is great news for the six of you. and when you do cross the road, remember to watch out for that bus! well, at least you didn't die committing a crime. but let's move onto some of the bigger stories of the day. starting with the global economy. i don't need to tell you this but right now, the entire world is teetering on the brink of recession. don't even move, you might tip it over. and if you think things are bad for real money, things are even worse for fake money, which is why the nft market has fallen 97% from its peak last january. which -- i am shocked. who would have thought paying 50 grand for a picture of a digital monkey was a bad financial move? it is just so hard to predict this stuff. but yeah, nfts have collapsed.
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now all the bored apes were released back into the wild. i ran over one with my car the other day, so tragic. they are just not equipped to be out there in the streets. and it's not just nfts. cryptocurrencies are plunging in value -- all of them. bitcoin, ethereum, dogecoin, tether, even trevbuttcoin, which i made up just now, but has already lost $2 billion! shit is wild, guys! now as the crypto bubble pops, some major names are now getting in trouble for t how they convinced their fans to invest in crypto. >> reality star kim kardashian has been charged by the securities and exchange commission, the sec, for the way that she promoted a cryptocurrency asset on instagram. >> she has settled this charge with the sec. the sec says that she unlawfully used her instagram account to promote a cryptocurrency token, and did not disclose to her many, many followers that she was being paid $250,000 to do that. the sec going out there and are saying just because a
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celebrity or influencer says something about a potential financial product, don't necessarily believe it. >> trevor: thank you, sec. you cannot trust anything a celebrity sells. i learned this the hard way, as the owner of queen elizabeth penis enlargement spray. it's more of a mist than a spray, queen! rest in peace, but still. by the way, why do i feel like this whole investigation might have started because someone at the sec was caught looking at kim's instagram? it such a unique case. almost like someone was like, "oh, no, boss! this is not what it looks like! i was just doing an i wasn't looking at her vacation photos! crypto? in case you're wondering, kim kardashian has agreed to pay the sec a fine of $1.3 million which is five times what she got paid for the ad. the question is, how was she going to make up that loss? i will tell you how. with trevbuttcoin. i know it seems shady, buttcoin.
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oh, speaking of scandals, recently, the world of alternative sports has been rocked by some of the craziest cheating allegations you have ever heard. when i say alternative sports, i needed. you might remember this but hs champ was accused of using anal. recently come a poker star had just been accused of using some kind of to win big hands and gay favorite story of all time, accusations of teaching have rocked the world of competitive fishing. >> let's get to a big story in the fishing community. two fishermen are accused of adding weights to their fish to win a popular tournament. so, here's what went down. people in the crowd suspected foul play and they prompted the fish to be inspected, when the director found multiple lead weights stuffed inside them. >> he needs to be arrested! he needs to be arrested!
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[bleep]! [bleep]! [bleep]! [bleep]! >> trevor: damn! those do is look pissed! call the cops! call the cops! i haven't seen white guys this mad about fish since disney released "the little mermaid" thing. but yeah, it turns out apparently, two fishermen -- [laughs] allegedly staffed the fish they caught with lead weights to make the fish way more because apparently the heavier the fish, the more prize money you can win. in this case, the price was $29,000. which is so much money. you guys at long john silvers, you can get a fish with two sides and a drink for $7.99 and you can use the rest of your $29,000 to buy trevbuttcoin,
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trevbuttcoin, the coin that always comes up tails. if i'm honest, i am most admire the simplicity of the scandal. i really enjoyed this. because in other sports when people cheat, it's like "untraceable performance-enhancing drugs," hgh, "hidden surveillance cameras," "secretly hollowed-out bats." these guys were just like, "so, uh, what if we like, put stuff in the fish?" i understand this. i am sad, though, about the scandal, because winning at all costs isn't what fishing is about. all right? fishing is about ""findi ""finding nemo" and eating him before his dad can get him back. i like that you are sad for not a real nemo. finally, let's catch up in our
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war in ukraine in our segment "vlad gone mad." as we all know, seven months a ago, russia's most famous balding troll invaded ukraine. and although so far he's only been able to capture about 15% of ukraine, last weekend, he announced no backsies. >> president putin has announced the annexation of four regions of ukraine that are partially controlled by russian forces. it is the biggest seizure of territory in europe since the second world war. >> russian president vladimir putin proclaiming "victory will be ours." after formally announcing the illegal annexation of 15% of ukraine, joining hands with the leaders of four russian-occupied regions chanting "russia." [chants] in a fiery speech, putin warning he'll do everything possible to defend the ukrainian territory as his own. >> that territory, vladimir putin insists, is now and forever will be russian. >> i want the kyiv authorities and their real masters in the west to hear me so that they
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remember this forever. people in luhansk, and donetsk, kherson, and zaporozhia are becoming our citizens. forever. >> trevor: goddamn. that is the scariest beginning to a relationship i've ever heard. [russian accent] "we are together, forever. here, i made you a bff necklace. you will wear it, forever. when we see each other, we will put halves together and say, besties! forever." [normal voice] this is yet another escalation in the work of the people. putin has declared that this territory is his, yeah. he invaded, he held a sham election and he celebrated by hosting a literal jerk circle. by the way, by the way, can i just say props to whichever cameraman chose to show the angle that shows putin as short
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as he actually is? because everyone is like, how tall is he? yeah, this is what happens. there is your short king. whoever that cameraman is, you better have someone taste your food for the next couple months. by the way, putin's big day wasn't just about imposing his will in other countries. he found a moment to deliver a furious rant about how america does it too. >> instead of democracy there, there is oppression exploitation instead of freedom, enslavement and violence. america is the only country in the world that has used nuclear weapons twice, when they destroyed the japanese cities of hiroshima and nagasaki. by the way, they set a precedent with that. >> underlayer, launching a tirade against the u.s. and its allies, saying, western nations are moving towards open satanism. >> trevor: whoa. america is moving toward
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satanism? relax. a guy walks into walmart during halloween and he thinks america worships the devil. if he comes here during valentine's day, he will think they have naked babies shooting loves. what he spends a lot of time saying, people shouldn't complain about what he is doing because the west has also done bad things in the past. yeah? and that is disingenuous. it is sort of like how if you complain about the legroom on spirit airlines, they shut you up by showing you pictures of other airlines that have crashed. you know? "i'm sorry, you're not comfortable. you know what you are? alive! that your ass and shut up! by the way, peanuts are $20." here's a weird thing, putin is a necessarily wrong. asterisks, asterisks, asterisks. the west has gotten stuck in perpetuating debts, it is true,
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if certain countries don't participant in the global order, they get sabotaged into bending a need. that doesn't mean that he is right for what he is doing. that is a thing of that sucks about bad guys. often times, they use the truth to justify their evil actions. you know? part of what he is saying is true. but it is putin who is saying it. a bad guy says a real thing, like, do i agree that the human population is over consuming and slowly killing the earth? yes. i just wish that thanos wasn't the one who said it, you know damien? maybe this is what leaders in the west need to understand. if they don't practice the ideas that they so often preached, mad men like putin will exploit the hypocrisy to justify the evil that he does in his name. all right, that is it for the headlines. before we go, let's check in with the traffic with our very own roy wood jr., everybody! [cheers and applause] >> why do you need to know traffic, are you going
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somewhere? >> trevor: no, no, roy coming out anytime soon, right? this is just for the people at home right now. i am still going to be here for a significant while. >> i'm going to be honest, man. i'm scared to talk to you because the last time you and i had a conversation, you decided to leave the show. i shouldn't be talking to you, you will leave through the next commercial break. >> trevor: that's not true, roy. >> why do you bring my name into it when you quit? you don't need to show -- but you started, i was talking to roy wood jr. -- you could have just said, i'm going. that's all you need to say is i'm gone, i'm out, you don't have to drag my name into it and everybody on my twitter is yelling at me, thinking that it's my fault that you decided to leave the show and it's not my fault when the truth of the matter, he was out the night before with dua lipita and you are out there in the streets with that singer! >> trevor: roy, that is not what happen. please, do not believe anything
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you read in the tabloids. >> you came in here, you set me up, you talk to me because you knew you were going to set down at the end of the conversation with me. stepped down from their show. didn't tell nobody -- look at what you did to ronny! look at ronny's face! do you know! ronny didn't know! i've never seen an asian this confused in my life! ronny is your friend! you could at least turn to ronny. you could have turned to ronny and say, ronny, you need to get the [bleep] out of here, some shit about to go down. but you didn't do that. that are sick. i understand, you can't be giving immigrants these jobs because these immigrants, you come over here and you don't treat the job right. >> trevor: roy, we had a wonderful seven years together. it has nothing to do with you. you inspired me, if anything. i was thanking you in a way. >> that's what's up. he was thanking me, he was going
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to come over here and you think i will just do traffic. what you want? you want to talk about burkina faso? if anything, you come over -- the upside to a coup is this. say what you want to but a dictator but at least they stay until somebody forces them out to. don't quit on their friends and throw their friend under the bus! >> trevor: i didn't throw you under the bus, roy, and i feel like right now you're being a little dramatic. can we just talk about the traffic? >> let's talk about traffic. speaking of traffic, let's talk about jaywalking. jaywalking is legal now. they are saying it's legal now. legal. instead of doing the one thing that everybody should expect her to do, you can just up and turnw of everybody else's life! without any consideration! it is perfectly legal to do -- oh, look at me, i walking around [bleep] up everybody else's traffic! >> trevor: roy, okay, i am sorry that you feel like i said
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you were responsible for me leaving the show, okay? i'm sorry. i am also sorry that people are blaming you on social media because you did nothing wrong, my friend, i'm sorry, i'm sorry. all you did was inspire me to leave the show. so in that spirit, my friend, can you please just do the traffic? >> man, do your own damn traffic, i'm out. [cheers and applause] >> trevor: thank you so much for that, roy wood jr. when we come back, we will take a look at the hottest dating app you've never heard of. don't go away. [cheers and applause]
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she's not kat medina delivering pizza in her 2003 hatchback... ...she's kat medina, bringer of sustenance, provider of all things greasy and caloric. ♪ ♪ you shook me all night long ♪ ♪ ♪ yeah you shook me all night ♪
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get 5 boneless wings for just $1 with any burger. only at applebee's. he takes the tostitos, fakes left, goes right and dives into the salsa. let's get down to the field for the coin toss. doesn't get much better than this. [sfx: coin toss] now, that is how you bring home the snacks!
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♪just the two of us♪ ♪we can make it if we try♪ ♪just the two of us♪ the lg washtower redefine laundry in half the space. ♪building castles in the sky♪ ♪just the two of♪ have you seen my new phone yet? it like, folds in half. i would never switch to samsung, i love my phone. what??? ♪♪ ( folds in half.) you see i love my phone. i would never switch to samsuuu... (gasping) ♪♪
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♪♪ trick or treat! - kit kat. - reese's. ooo, great costume. looks like you deserve both. see ya boys. ♪♪ [cheers and applause]
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>> trevor: welcome back to "the daily show." let's take a moment to talk about dating apps. the quickest and most convenient way to meet a few dozen psychopaths. these days, practically every single person in the world is on an app like tinder or bumble. but apparently, not everyone feels like those apps are serving their needs. >> we are back with some headlines. calling all conservatives. a new dating app called "the right stuff" just might give you a chance to meet your true match. >> it was funded by peter thiel but founded by former officials in the trump administration who had a hard time finding like-minded people on the existing dating apps that made them feel unwelcome. >> but yeah, some of my friends would try to use the apps. the minute it became known they were working for trump, the date immediately ended. that happened several times to my friends. >> really? >> yeah. girls would just get up and leave, abruptly try to end the date.
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[cheers and applause] >> trevor: [laughs] okay, to be fair, you can't assume these women left the date because of your politics. you can't assume that. i mean, let's be honest, trump staffers got fired like every week! every single week, they were getting fired. maybe they just didn't want to date someone who was about to be broke. you don't know. i work for trump. not for long. and also, i call bullshit on this whole story. when does anyone go on a date and not know what the person does ahead of time? it's 2022, we have the internet. let me tell you something, by the time you get to the restaurant, you know their job, their friends, their dating history. if they've taken a picture on a beach after the year 2005, you've seen it. but either way, none of this will be an issue anymore thanks to "the right stuff," a new dating app just for conservatives that launched over the weekend. and once people started signing up, it was immediately clear that this isn't like other dating apps. there are prompts for things
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like "favorite bible verse," that's fine. "favorite conservative pundit," huh. and "january 6 was 'blank'." yeah, so good luck out there all you conservatives hoping to match with that special... fbi agent monitoring the site. and look, there's nothing wrong with having a conservative dating site. nothing wrong at all. there are plenty of apps where you can be people with the same religious beliefs, you can meet fellow farmers. there's even an app where you can connect with other diehard "star trek" fans. which is so cool, it's great being able to avoid that awkward conversation about still being a virgin, because now you can just assume. "you, you do?" "yeah, yeah." but if you ask me, these apps are just one more way that people are retreating further and further into their own little bubbles, where you spend all your time with other people who are just like you.
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and in my opinion, that's a little sad. which is why i'm glad, thanks to "the daily show," there is another new dating app that is coming out soon that takes a much different approach. >> are you tired of going on dates with someone who is just like you? >> so you also support gun control? >> yeah. >> boring. why not try a dating app that is guaranteed to create a spark? introducing hate[bleep]. at hate[bleep], we will help you find someone you absolutely despise, so you can bang out your differences. >> that is why to become a january 6 was one of the worst days in american history. >> i was there on january 6. i thought it was a blast. >> you make me sick. >> people like you make me sick. >> let's go.
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>> let's go. >> with america more divided than ever, hate has become the defining emotion of our times. and hate[bleep] is here to make the most of it. here is how it works. when you sign up, you fill out a detailed survey about your most impassioned political beliefs. then, hate[bleep] will use a proprietary algorithm to find someone who thinks those beliefs ain't shit. because you can't see red or blue when the lights are out. >> oh, my god. >> hate[bleep]. helping america come together. [cheers and applause] >> trevor: stay tuned, when we come back, the one and only method man will be joining me right on the show. don't go away. [cheers and applause]
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ahhh...the fresh scent of delivering love in the morning... plus, the extra cash for drew here doesn't smell bad either. ♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ come seek the royal caribbean. why is everything so stressful when you're leaving for the airport? it's as if everything that could go wrong... goes wrong. [cat coughs] allie knows that uber reserve lets you schedule your ride up to 30 days in advance.
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so she has one less thing to worry about. nice one, allie from two weeks ago. reserve, so it's the last thing on your mind. introducing uber reserve. get your ride right.
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[cheers and applause] >> trevor: welcome back to "the daily show"! our guest tonight is the grammy award-winning rapper and original member of the wu-tang clan. he is also an actor and you know him from shows like "powerbook " here's here to talk about his new film, "on the come up," which is streaming on paramount+. >> it was like magic. he was talking about what life
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was really like in the garden and that is what people connected to. it's hard to be in his presence. we all did. he gave us hope. you can be that something good. if it wasn't for your daddy, i feel like it is my responsibility to make sure you make it. >> trevor: please welcome cliff "method man" smith! [cheers and applause] ♪ ♪ >> trevor: good to see you. [cheers and applause] >> trevor: it's the master. >> method man done made "the daily show." >> trevor: "the daily show" made it now. good to have you in person. the last time we spoke was virtually. good to have you in the flesh. i have always wondered this. there's few human beings that i've had careers as long and
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successful but also careers that spanned two different worlds. some people know you from the wu-tang clan, some people know you from method man, some people know you from "how high," "the wire," you are a sex symbol on instagram and on top of that, you are making movies. does it ever dawn on you how much you are doing, how amazing your journey has been? >> when i step out my door, yeah, it's pretty cool. i wish these people could tell my kids this. i don't know if they know well cool their dad has come you know? >> trevor: [laughs] >> it's pretty cool, to have a career this long, and still be relevant and have options is great. >> trevor: and to still be enjoying it. that is what i see in your eyes. >> yes, sir. >> trevor: you enjoy every single moment. you always hear the stories of musicians moving into film and they try it out but you always hear the stories about their divas, they are used to being rock stars, they want the same treatment. everything i've heard about you from everyone, it's almost like
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they know you behind you corner even when you are not, it's positive. >> yes, sir. >> trevor: every single one goes, this man is professional, he's courteous, he knows all of his lines, he is prepared, he is the epitome of what people want hollywood to be. congratulations on that. [cheers and applause] >> thank you, sir. i think the biggest problem with some musicians, certain artists who try to branch into acting is they say things like, i will try it for a minute, you know? this is something a lot of actors study for years, there are actors out there right now that you guys probably haven't even heard of that are cutting their teeth every day, every month, every year, still working a 9-to-5 job but making those auditions, you know? so who am i to cut the line and not do the work? you know? >> trevor: i love that. [cheers and applause] new film that is coming out on paramount+, it's an amazing story, we saw the clip and i love how much this film ties into your life.
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this movie is a story of a talented young woman who is trying to get into the rap game and your character plays a pivotal role in shaping her world. i would love to know, when you first read the script and when you first heard about the story, even when you were making it, were there parts of the journey that reminded you of your ascent into rap? >> absolutely. that is why the character i play, his name is supreme, that is why i wanted to play him as honest as possible. of course it would be apparent that he would supposedly be the villain in a story like this, you know, because artists, the one thing that we like to hold onto it when we do our art is our integrity. >> trevor: right. >> compromise is out of the question if you are a true artist, and supreme comes across as someone that tells you straight up and down, yes, you can still be an artist, but you can compromise as well, so we can get this money. which is basically what it is at the end of the day, so we can get a better life, get your mother a better life, it's not exactly dangling a carrot in
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front of her. it's just saying, i can make you better than what you are. right or wrong. >> trevor: you had periods like that in your life, i'm assuming, you had periods where you could have chosen a fork in the road. the wu-tang clan was not the most accepted in terms of commercial -- now you go everywhere, "wu-tang, wu-tang." >> white people love us. >> trevor: exactly. [laughs] you can say it. not me. i wonder how you have these integrity, how did you maintain that, how did you not go, i will forgo what i want to do creatively to maybe make more money or become more famous? why did you not do that? >> well, i have a lot of people around me that let me know when i am full of shit, it keeps me pretty grounded because you can smell it when you are grounded. you know? and where i am from, every opportunity that comes along is something like a blessing, you
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know? like i said, to be doing it this long, and for people to still trust me enough to work with me is just great and the grounded part is -- i was born that way. i am a humble person at heart and -- thank you. >> trevor: [laughs] i like how you were -- i don't want to interrupt you. >> family and friends as much as possible. >> trevor: it shows, it really does show. i felt that even in this film. you know, we've seen films that talk about a career, we see films that talk about what happens in life, in the streets, and hip-hop, whatever it may be. but i loved about this film, how it came together, how you portray -- you say villain, but really it is -- villain is always from a certain perspective. >> absolutely. >> trevor: what i want you on screen, i go, i don't like what you did but i understand why you did, i i don't know how i feel about you come you play this with nuance. i have to give credit to the
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director, sanaa lathan. sanaa lathan is a gem, she's a legend. she hasn't gotten her due in so many ways and here she is, directing for the very first time, and it's amazing. how does that feel for you? >> man, as soon as i heard she was a director, i was like, i have to support my sister, let's go. [cheers and applause] yeah. she did a fabulous job. you know, she's not heavy-handed when it comes to the directing. this is the result of having someone who was an actor as opposed to just camerawork. so she saw from both angles. and she walked us through it a lot. i mean, we were prepared to the point of being so prepared that our lead actress, who did a great job -- >> trevor: phenomenal. >> she had very little time to film because you know how budgets are and things of that nature and she was on it, and this is a testament to sanaa lathan's work ethic. like i said, she had a vision and other doctors took on the roles of trying to make that
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vision come to light as well as auntie's book, auntie thomas. yes. [applause] >> trevor: can i just say, as they always say, congratulations, thank you for being the epitome of what i would hope to even try to be in life, someone who enjoys what they do, someone who crushes it and everything they do. i appreciate you so much. you know i love you. [cheers and applause] method man, everybody. make sure to catch the film. we will take a quick break. we'll be right back after this. [cheers and applause]
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[cheers and applause] >> trevor: well, that's our show for tonight. but before we go: i wanted to remind you that hurricane ian is one of the most powerful storms to hit the united states in decades. right now, the ported disaster fund has been activated for response and recovery. if you can donate, please donate at the lincoln below to support these efforts. until next time, stay safe out there and remember, never take advice from celebrities. accept me, giving you this advice now. go buy trevbuttcoin. now here it is. your moment of zen. >> democrats want republicans dead.
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joe biden has declared every freedom-loving american an enemy of the states. we will take back our country from the communists who have stolen it and want us to disappear! the unelected bureaucrats, the real enemy is within, who have abused their power and declared political warfare on the greatest president this country has ever had! [screams] - ♪ i'm going down to south park ♪ ♪ gonna have myself a time ♪ both: ♪ friendly faces everywhere ♪ ♪ humble folks without temptation ♪ - ♪ i'm going down to south park ♪ ♪ gonna leave my woes behind ♪ - ♪ ample parking day or night ♪ ♪ people spouting "howdy neighbor" ♪ - ♪ headin' on up to south park ♪ ♪ gonna see if i can't unwind ♪ - ♪ [muffled] ♪ - ♪ come on down to south park ♪ ♪ and meet some friends of mine ♪
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- live from chicago, illinois, it's decision 2008. - good evening and welcome to the political debate between hillary rodham clinton and barack obama. first question. how do you see yourself as different from your opponent? how do you see... - ugh, dad, can we please not watch this? - this is important, stanley. you boys should care about this stuff. - yeah, but we totally don't. - well, you boys are gonna sit and watch this. this is what really matters. - and so, mr. obama,


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