tv The Daily Show With Trevor Noah Comedy Central October 5, 2022 11:00pm-11:45pm PDT
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and if you ask her if she lost a shoe, she says, "no, i found one." [crying] >> announcer: coming to you from new york city, the only city in america, it's "the daily show." tonight... tv is too dark. spores are going soft. and maggie haberman! this is "the daily show with trevor noah." ♪ ♪ [cheers and applause] ♪ ♪ [cheers and applause] >> trevor: what's going on, everybody? welcome to "the daily show." i'm trevor noah. thank you for tuning in. thank you for coming in person!
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good to see you! thank you so much, everybody. take a seat. we've got that great fun show. "house of the dragon" is starting to the dark side. ronny chieng will get into a major pillow fight and every judge just made a guy from the 60s has bitch, plus, maggie haberman is here to told us what he told her to her face. let's do this, people. let's jump straight in today's headlines. ♪ ♪ [cheers and applause] >> trevor: all right. before we get into the big stores, let's catch up on a few other things going on in the world. starting off with big news out of the retail industry. goodwill, the famous donation store, has launched its own e-commerce site, where you can buy secondhand items online. yeah, so if you are looking to buy back a short for $0.40 but then pay $20 in shipping, you are in luck. this is great. you know, it's good to see them expanding, they do really good work.
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but you have to admit, thrift shopping online is not the same as doing it in person. got to be there to see the patterns, feel the fabric, smell that secondhand sweat. someone's grandpa. and an international news, and irishman just became the first person ever to row a boat from new york city to ireland. yeah. it took him four months. but he said it was still better than flying out of laguardia. like, "the atlantic might be dangerous but it is still better than terminal 3." in economic news, the treasury department has announced that america's national debt has hit $31 trillion. which, damn, that's a lot of dutch. the only solution is for america to marry another country that has good finances. yeah, joe biden needs to go out and give a press conference like, hey, japan, you up?
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let's move on to some of the biggest stories of the day, starting with a major milestone of the world of baseball. the only sport that is somehow better on radio. baseball is a game that treats its records with reverence. all of them, from cal ripken jr.'s more than 2600 consecutive games played, to joe dimaggio's 56 game hitting streak, to derek jeter's record of being the only successful guy ever to be named derek. but no stat is more revered than the home run. last night, yankees outfielder aaron judge smashed his name into the record books. >> with the swing of his mighty bat, yankee superstar aaron judge slogged his way into history. >> there it goes! into history! 62! >> it took until the 161st game of the season, but number 99 has finally edged his name and the record books. aaron judge passes the great roger maris to break the record
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for most home runs in a single season by an american league player. >> the ball was caught by corey of dallas, a vice president at fisher investments, he said he has not decided what he will do with a souvenir, which could be worth a couple of million dollars. >> trevor: well, there is a feel-good story for you, i'm glad things are finally working on for that executive at an investment firm. that's what the game is all about you. good for you, buddy. good for you. yeah, huge congratulations to aaron judge. with just one game left to go in the season, he broke the american league home run record set by roger maris all the way back in 1961. think about it. 1961. that is a long ass time for a record to stand. back in 1961, you understand how long ago that was? america did not have a voting rights act and abortion was illegal, very different times. now to be clear, this is just
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the american league home run record. not the all-time record. some people think it should be, because everyone who is above aaron judge on the list was busted for taking performance-enhancing drugs. and whether you like it or not, this is a complicated issue because every player, whether they took steroids or not, has some advantage over players from other errors. like, babe ruth but he did not have access to modern medicine. he pulled a muscle, the team doctor would be like coming here, to smoke this pack of cigarettes, if that doesn't work, i will prescribe you some asbestos, go out there, buddy. if i'm being honest, i don't know why was i would write home runs in the first place. to me, all that happened is that you lost the ball. yeah, now we have to get a new ball. that is $10? with 62 homers, that shit adds up. i don't know if you heard but america is $31 trillion in debt, we should not be handling for shit! hitting the balls out there! you know who we should be celebrating?
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we should be celebrating the batters who missed the ball completely so we can keep using it! those people are the real heroes. i am really fun at parties. all right, let's move on to public health news. you know how the food you buy back has an expiration date on it? yes? if the food is past that date, then you throw it out unless you are a single guy and you eat it anyway? well, soon, there might not even be a date at all. >> this morning, concerns about global food rates are leading countries to rethink best before labels on food. major u.k. grocery chains have already removed "best before" labels on the european union is expected to revamp its labeling laws by the end of the year. "best before" labels are different than "used by" and have nothing to do a safety. critics say they could cause people to throw a perfectly good food. >> trevor: yeah, thank you. a great idea. i am serious. people throw out perfectly good food all the time because they
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think that "best buy" means go is that after work when it doesn't. and that is not just bad for the planet, it's an insult to the plants and animals you get the food from. you will toss away some perfectly fine cheese after a cow has worked so hard to pee it out of its four flat penises! educate yourself! i do get that best by and use before are different but is not that hard to understand. it sort of like guac. it is best before you run out of chips. but you can still use it by dipping your finger ended when no one is looking. does not clear that up? yeah? good. anyway, i am glad that they are getting rid of the best by date, because if you ask me, all they need is a worst by date, that is all you need. that is what i want to know. witness the date that this food is going to turn my butt
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into a super soaker. anything before that is fine, i don't care. finally, let's move onto some entertainment news. one of the biggest shows right now is hbo's "house of the dragon." [cheers and applause] huge, everybody is loving it. and now obviously this is a prequel to "game of thrones," which itself was a prequel to "friends." not going to get into the timeline, but ross and rachel are siblings. as a whole thing. anyway, a lot of people were so disappointed in the "game of thrones" finale that they said they weren't ever going to watch "house of the dragon." but now even the people watching "house of the dragon" are complaining that they can't watch "house of the dragon." >> hbo's "house of the dragon" is a very dark show thematically, right? but how dark does it have to be visually? fans of the show showed their dismay, saying it was too dark to see what was going on in the scene during the show. blaming the lighting budget. >> the hbo max twitter helpline was flooded with tweets from
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irritated fans, and the network kind of brushed off the criticism, they offered a boilerplate response on twitter that read "the dim plotting of the scene was an intentional creative decision." >> trevor: watch? this was an intentional creative -- looks, i am not steven spielberg or barry jenkins, i have not directed anything, but in my opinion, if you're intentional creative decision is that people can't su are making, then you are making a podcast, all right? that is not tv. i can't see it! that is not to be. that is a podcast. "house of the dragon" brought to you by casper mattress. for real, how do you guys noticed how this is happening on every single show? everything on tv is so dark. can't see anything, i don't know why. are they trying to get grittier, trying to make it feel like a movie? or maybe they think if they make it dark enough, then we can't complain about the cast not being diverse. i think that is another lax
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person? i guess i will let it slide. right now, hbo was facing a lot of backlash, but i think if they are smart about this, this could be a good business opportunity. they should just add a higher price tear. think about it. they should say a hbo max is $9.99 a month or $14.99 a month if you want to be able to see what the [bleep] it's happening. which what are you looking for? by the way, if you think it is bad watching a scene that dark, put yourself aside for a moment and just imagine how tough it must be for the characters who are in those scenes. "the time has come, lord, for us to unify the houses and to you, i beg of the dash wait, is that
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sir christian? wait, jeff, is that you? does someone have a torch or an iphone like they can shine? just at least tell me, is as a fighting scene or a sex scene? i will just stumble around with my sword and my penis out. let's try this. here we go, here we go!" [cheers and applause] all right. that's it for today's headlines. but before we go to break, let's move onto something that everybody loves, it's time to check out today's lotto numbers with their very own dulce sloan, everybody! [cheers and applause] oh, yeah! what's going on, dulce? >> i'm doing good, i look like a runner juke joint. >> trevor: [laughs] what's happening with today's lotto numbers? >> listen, i heard that america is $31 trillion in debt. >> trevor: america owes the
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world, dulce. >> we got all the guns. we got all the guns. com get it. come get it! we got all the guns. we got all the guns. come get your money! this is what america has! come get your money! >> trevor: doesn't sound like a very professional country. >> listen, red, white, and blue, baby. in the rockets red glare. [laughs] we will blow up your entire country. but, like, i wish we could treat people like these countries that we are never going to get because whole other countries also have massive amounts of debt, and no one talks about it. no one is blowing up america's phone every day, like "where's my money?" it is not what you do. like i said, because we've got
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all the guns. but listen, like saying you might only be $1,300 in debt, and now your cousin joe joe keep blowing up your cell phone. like, bro, this is nowhere near what america owes, like, stop it. sir, i met the emmys, leave me alone. i told you. >> trevor: is a personal story? >> what are you talking about? >> trevor: it sounds like you owed cousin jojo. >> i don't owe people. this is human here. what are you talking about? most of this jewelry is real. >> trevor: what's happening with the numbers? >> so listen, i heard goodwill is doing an online store. i will get to the numbers, but listen, i heard he was talking about goodwill is doing an online store? >> trevor: they are going to sell the stuff online, going to make e-commerce. >> why? you are supposed to go inside and earn those itchy clothes. this is just craigslist without
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the creeps and the creeps are my favorite part. >> trevor: i have no idea what that means. >> oh, so you never sent somebody a picture of your feet in exchange? a little classy -- >> trevor: did you say send someone a picture of their feet in exchange for an end table? >> a little classy aside boob for an ottoman? >> trevor: what? >> the georgia peach for a lamp? you know what i mean? [cheers and applause] >> trevor: no -- >> sometimes, you've got to furnish your furnished apartment anyway you can, trevor. >> trevor: that is a real thing? >> get out of my business. all i'm saying is, craigslist was basically only fans but for furniture! >> trevor: i've never heard of this. >> i never plan to live this way again because i'm trying to marry well and i heard you were talking about an athlete. >> trevor: yeah, aaron judge. >> yeah. he plays...
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>> trevor: for the yankees. >> and they play... >> trevor: baseball. he hit the home run's. >> baseball. i can say it, athlete. so he hit the home runs. >> trevor: yeah. >> is he married, does he have a girlfriend? does he like black girls? >> trevor: i mean, either way, he is taken, girlfriend or wife, he is taken. by would it matter? >> all, it matters, trevor. a wife is sacred. butter girlfriend? [bleep] a girlfriend. listening in! you didn't stand before god and promise anything for no girlfriend! there is no paperwork with no girlfriend! with a wife, the government is involved, okay? that is the law. but with a girlfriend, you put that bitch an in an uber, it' over. it's a known fact!
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you don't owe that girl anything, okay? listen, aaron judge, stick with me, baby, i get you 75 for a season. >> trevor: dulce, don't encourage this. let's get to the lotto numbers. just give us the numbers. >> okay, fine, let's do this p60 end. and winner is... cousin jojo! you have won $1,345.64. [cheers and applause] cousin jojo. >> trevor: i feel like that is an oddly specific number. is that the money that you owe your cousin jojo? >> [laughs] like i told you, trevor, i don't owe people anything. no. this is your lottery, so you owe my cousin jojo. good night, everybody! [cheers and applause] >> trevor: dulce sloan, everybody. when we come back, ronnie chang is going to get into a ring with an actual enemy fighter.
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so you've taken up running. apple watch has taken up a few new things as well... first it tracked your distance. now - it tracks your stride length. ♪ it knows a breast stroke, from a back stroke. and checks for temperature changes... to estimate when you've ovulated. ♪ when you're dreaming, it's measuring your rem sleep down to the minute. ♪
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and it can detect a serious car crash... then call for help. ♪ so yeah... a few new things. [cheers and applause] >> trevor: welcome back to "the daily show." you know, sports are a vital part of human existence, because without them, how else would men find an excuse to cry? well, here at "the daily show," we are always looking for the latest trends in the sports world, and it turns out, ronny chieng might have found one. >> boxing chemical punch itself in the face, mma, because rightw
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combat support taking over, and it's called ultimate pillow fights. ow. i need some ice. when you think of pillows, you may think of those scenes in movies, which have totally been some of these. or maybe you think of this guy. well, [bleep] all of that, because there is a new pillow guy in town and he is turning it lethal. i am so excited to be here with the creator of the pillow fighting championship. can you please tell me, what makes this pillow fighting so exciting? do you put bricks in the pillows, razors? >> no, just a pillow. >> so it's literally just fighting with a pillow? >> yeah, fluffy pillow. with our special pillows. >> were you lying in bed one night on your pillow and thinking, i could kick someone's ass with us? >> i was actually my brother's idea. we were going to start an mma
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club and he said i think mma is saturated. he said, why don't you do pillow fighting? he was 100% right. >> why would this be appealing to anybody? >> some people don't like violence and they don't like to see all the blood but they still want to see competition. >> human damages part of sports. there is no violence and damage around this. >> a little damage. >> not pillow fights, just making out with pillows as a kid. i hope steve has a backup plan because i can't imagine any athletes lining up to play a sport that is not a sport. >> who is the current pillow fighting champion? >> yuri pillow for. >> i will beat the shit end of a champion. >> i wouldn't even take steroids for this, i could not wait to be at the prepubescent loser dominating in pillows. ♪ ♪ >> whoa, whoa. >> this was the pillow champ?
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>> did you feel at the other martial arts? >> no, i'm a middleweight champion in jiu-jitsu. >> turns out, yuri is a pro mma fighter and a second degree black belt in brazilian jiu-jitsu who has unlocked multiple tournaments, so it begs the question, why are you doing this? >> i think pillow fighting is going to be bigger than any martial arts, anybody can run back. >> it's easy. >> it's not easy. anyone can win. >> it's not easy, you got to work to bunt. >> how do you win in pillow fighting? >> it's all about the head shots, so if i throw the pillow like this, it is one point, if i had it like this, it is two points, but now if i hit and you lose your balance, including your hand, knee on the floor, that is three points. and you get minus ten points for even pillow fighting because it is stupid? >> is easy to make fun of pillow fighting but you will actually need a lot of skill, training, footwork, because you are going to fight. >> you don't need training to do this. there is no training in this.
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it's pillow fighting. where is his weapon? where is the deadly weapon? [laughs] your pillow is pink! ow! what the [bleep]! ow! >> if you think it is dumb, let set up a fight tonight. >> fine. >> yuri said he would kill me in the ring so he was going to get me to fight one of his students and said. maybe i do need some training. luckily, i know someone who is a pillow expert. ♪ ♪ >> my grandma can do better than this and she died in 1995! >> are you ready? >> no. >> trait in the ranks of people know you are serious. >> why are you throwing all of this shit at me? >> cleaning out my garage. two birds with one stone.
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>> come on, man, straighten up. inside that room is some of the most og pillow fighters in the game. you beat them, you be ready for the championship tonight. make me proud. ♪ ♪ >> give me some more! gave me some more! again! ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> that's my little pillow fighter, ready to take on -- oh, hot dog. >> it was the longest montage of my life. i was ready to get in the ring and fluffed it up. ♪ ♪ what the hell? is this parkour are pillow fighting? >> scoring is one point, drop to
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the head, two points for a 360 with a clean shot to the head, three points for a knocked down. you don't strike with the pillow, there is no blocking above the head. >> what you mean, no blocking about the head? the whole thing he is aiming for my head. what am i supposed to do? >> move. now go to your corner. [bell rings] ♪ ♪ >> and fight. ♪ ♪ >> i didn't know i was fighting for bruce lee of pfc. >> is that legal? is that legal? >> one, two... >> i heard you! >> three, four... ♪ ♪ >> i can't believe i was getting my ass picked by feathers.
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i will have ptsd every time i go to bed. but then i remembered something roy said. >> dock! duck! duck! ♪ ♪ >> and the winner by knockout, leo! >> maybe i was wrong about pillow fighting. my broken body is saying this is very much a sport. but as rocky balboa said, if i can change, then you can cha change -- [cheers and applause] >> trevor: thank you so much for that, ronny chieng. stay tuned. would be come back, we will be talking to "the new york times" reporter who has broken all of your favorite stories on donald trump. maggie haberman will be joining me, so don't go away.
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courageous performance. discover a new world of possibilities with a bold new take on the lexus rx. never lose your edge. ♪ the walls start shaking, the earth was quaking ♪ ♪ my mind was aching and we were making it ♪ ♪ and you shook me all night long ♪ ♪ ♪ yeah, you shook me all night long ♪ ♪ ♪ and knocked me out i said, you shook me ♪ get 5 boneless wings for just $1 with any burger. only at applebee's. now that's eatin' good in the neighborhood. (cecily) adam, look-y what i got... (asdam) is that the new iphone 14 pro? only at applebee's. (cecily) yup, with this amazing new camera, smile! (adam) and you got it on verizon? (cecily) iphone 14 pro, on them. you should get one! wow, you can hustle. (vo) get a new iphone 14 pro, on us. and get it with one unlimited for iphone. only on verizon. quaker instant oatmeal has upped its game with protein!
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10g of protein heart-healthy* whole grains. and so delicious, you can see why these oats are the grain of all time. quaker oats. a super-trusted superfood. [cheers and applause] >> trevor: welcome back to "the daily show." my guest tonight is a pulitzer prize-winning "new york times" journalist. she is here to talk about her explosive book that is out this week called "confidence man: the making of donald trump and the breaking of america." please welcome maggie haberman. ♪ ♪ [cheers and applause]
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>> trevor: maggie haberman, welcome to "the daily show." >> thanks for having me. >> trevor: you have written a book that many have called the ultimate guide to donald j. trump, because it feels like you have an understanding of him that few -- never mind journalists, few human beings do, and what is interesting is, every time i have seen your reporting on him, every time i have seen him comment on you and the conversations you have with each other and the interviewers that he grants you, he always seems to hate you but then he likes you, it seems a little bit like the relationship hannibal had with clarice. >> [laughs] >> trevor: i can't tell if you have a mutual admiration for each other, a fascination as a journalist. explain to me why he keeps speaking to you and then afterwards says, why would you write the things that he said to you? >> first of all, thank you, and thank you for having me. a couple of things. look, he's a subject who i cover and i have covered a number of politicians over the last 26 years, i covered
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hillary clinton, mike bloomberg, rudy giuliani, who in many ways was a prototrump in certain aspects of his behavior, and now is very much like trump and has become more similar to him over time. trump needs the media in a way that is unlike any other politician i have ever seen. he craves attention and i explore this in the book. he just constantly wants to hold the media's gaze and he wants to see if he can sell you on a version of himself and he wants to get what he would call a good story -- literally, his words, a good story. then you write about him accurately, he said it is unfair. that is the dynamic you are talking about, but basically, he is obsessed with "the new york times," that is a lot of what this is about. he is uniquely focused on the paper and i'm just the person who has covered him more often than not.
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>> trevor: he exists in an interesting space in the world, because donald trump is the man, but then you talk about him, he is also donald trump the idea. and you give us truly one of the most comprehensive insights into how the man was forged. many people around the world don't know that he was considered a joke in many new york circles, in business, in entertainment, whatever field it was. many people don't realize -- you talk about this in the book, how "the apprentice" was in some ways a joke idea of, this guy will tell you how to run your business because he was so terrible. but he was so captivating on screen. he was so magnetic. he knew how to create entertainment, and then it became the tail wagging the dog. people saw the show, they went, he must be successful, then because of that, his success started rising and he went from the doldrums of nothingness back to being a semisuccessful person. so then i wonder, when you look at donald trump and you think of him through the lens of entertainment and politics, do you think donald trump has broken america? you say the making of donald trump and the breaking of america. do you think he has broken america or do you think he has exposed how america is broken? >> i think he has exposed
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aspects of how america has broken, and fueled and exploited that for his own gain. i think that the partisan divide that exists in the country started in the 1990s -- it started before that but it really, really accelerated in the 1990s. and then there were a series of national traumas that voters reacted to. there was an impeachment of bill clinton, there was a terrorist attack in the u.s., there were wars that followed, there was an election in 2000 settled by the supreme court, you know, there was the fiscal crisis where most people who were seen responsible were not punished. all of that left an impact on voters looking for something that they thought they were finding it him, but his ethos those that he came did a fine in new york in that period, talking about in the 1980s, really was hate as a civil good. hate should be a civic good. he would talk about that. he would talk about in the context of racial violence in new york that he would want to hate people. that is what he exported. he did not create it but he fueled it and he has benefited from it and there is a tremendous trickle-down effect.
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>> trevor: one of the more fascinating parts of the book, someone who has been in immersed in this world for a long time is the brutal clash between donald trump and ron desantis. ron desantis is somebody who in my opinion has slowly started adopting elements of trump in order to win over trumpers but then doesn't transform himself into trump so he seems like a reasonable choice. i watch him talking and everything and he started using hands like trump, he starts doing moves like trump, he starts speaking in curt sentences like trump "very good, very good," he dresses in the frumpy suits like trump -- really. i think he has emulated enough of trump to take trump's people, but not so much of trump, to, you know, dissuade the middle voters who want someone who is reasonable. and it seems like donald trump are starting to realize that ron desantis is stealing his vibe and he doesn't like it.
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>> he's not happy about it. he thinks he made ron desantis. he talked about it in the interviews last year, that he was responsible for desantis. i said, your at 3%, ron asked for my endorsement, he told me that he thought he would beat anybody very easily. i asked if he had talked to desantis about running against him or desantis running against him, he said that, but it is clearly on his mind and he has been privately trashing him to any number of people, which is often what he does when he -- >> trevor: he trashes him about his weight. >> he's been trashing them privately to people, fat, phony, whiny. >> trevor: trump has been saying that ron desantis is fat. >> right. >> trevor: okay. [laughs] it is interesting because you also talk about in the book, why you think and how you think trump sees the presidency and what it brings him. he's in a different position to what he was in before. before it seemed like it was a joyride, seemed like another push for publicity to get more money for "the apprentice" or whatever, but now it seems like there are more stakes. he may want the politics but he's also worried about the investigations, he is also
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worried -- do you then think, knowing him the way you do, having the interviews you've had with him, do you think that then in a weird way, ron desantis is now the biggest threat to trump? because if ron desantis managers to take the party away from trump, trump loses his best opportunity to escape the cases and people that are coming for him? >> whether it is ron desantis or someone else, the biggest threat to donald trump as someone who will stop him in the republican party. and a number of conservatives are hopeful desantis is it. we are just seeing desantis on a national stage in a way we haven't before with the hurricane response, so we will see how that goes. he has had a couple of off moments -- not in the last day but he has had a couple of off moments in handling it. everyone looks very good until they are on the bigger stage and that is one thing that trump is aware of. the difference he brought to running for president over other candidates as he had been in the media spotlight for decades. it is just something that is completely different. now the party is different over all in how it deals with the
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national media. republicans are very aggressive against national reporters at this point, desantis has obviously co-opted that from trump. desantis does not need or crave national attention in a way that trump does. trump is definitely aware desantis is a threat. i think it is too soon to say what that looks like. >> trevor: every part of the book is interesting, you have notes from donald trump or instance because you obviously send them to him, say, this is what i'm writing, do you have any comment? some of him going "fake news." >> there are several that said fake news. >> trevor: some of my favorites are the one where he is like, "this is great, i never thought of it like this." there is weird, interesting parts in how he sees you and what you are doing. there is a fascinating story about rudy giuliani taking the biggest dump in a private plane i have ever heard from trump. it's a book that covers everything, and honestly, i hope a lot of people read it before the next election comes because i think it gives a lot of much-needed insight. maggie, thank you so much for joining me on the show. >> thank you. >> trevor: appreciate you. [cheers and applause]
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mental health therapy services, so if you want to support them in this important work, please donate at the link below. until next time, stay safe out there and remember, if you can't see the characters on your tv screen, don't worry, they can't see you either. now here it is, your "moment of zen." [cheers and applause] ♪ ♪ >> new yorkers are used to seeing strange things, but this one was a real head-scratcher. a guy on top of one of new york city's oldest skyscrapers jumping from awning to awning and circling the building. ♪ ♪ >> he is outside the window. ♪ ♪ [laughter]
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from comedy central, this is stephen colbert prevents "tooning out the news." >> tesla, if you see our driverless cars, just play dead until it goes away. tonight on "tooning out the news," liberal warrior kylie weaver has an exclusive interview with secretary pete buttigieg. does he have his eye on the white house or is he perfectly happy in his current role, straining his every muscle pretending to care about bike lanes? and the conservative panel of "hot take" applauds ron desantis for accepting federal hurricane relief, calculating that floridians can't vote for him a 2024 if they have to fight off a shark in the voting booth. but first, president biden juggles the approaching midterms and a nuclear crisis with russia. do our polling models account for extra votes from radiation-induced third limbs? it's time for some big news. ♪ >> good evening. i'm james smartwood, and i got a head full of news where my brain should be. top story, with just 34 days
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until the midterm elections, the democratic and republican parties are fighting to convince voters that they know the perfect shade of pain to make our crumbling democracy pop. the leader of the republican party, former president and guy on a flight to riyadh trying to stuff a nuclear warhead into the overhead compartment donald trump is facing new startling accusations related to his latest treason gap. meanwhile, the leader of the democratic party, joe biden, wants to keep the nation focused on how republicans will ban all abortions, but with one exception. the man might run for senate one day on a platform of i played football. but the cable news military industrial complex is trying to sneak in a quickie world war. >> as putin is encountering he's difficulties, i think it's now time to remove some of the restrictions we put on ourselves. >> air and missile attack which would be devastating on everything he owns inside ukraine. >> we will continue to support the ukrainians, as you heard our president say for as long as it takes. >> doubling down on sanction, doubling down on export controls. ranging all the way to a nuclear
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response of our own. >> you know we're having a robust debate on the merits of military intervention when the only options laid out before the american people are we should do it, or come on, we should do it. joining me now to roll down the windows of truth, let's the scoops blow through our area and let the news make a memory of a lifetime, in the background of every single shot of hillary and chelsea's new apple tv do docu docuseries, lydia parker. >> good evening. >> chief washington bureau chief whose cat is the alpha of the relationship jonathan keene. >> hello. >> hey. and cbs news chief washington correspondent who got his job fair and square over his sister and the luckiest boy in the world, my dad, major garrett. >> great to be with you. >> there is no conflict on earth the united states should not get involved in. but how does biden spin america turning into an irradiated held netscape to his advantage in the midterms? >> so one thing is true about president biden, unlike his most immediate predecessor, he doesn't watch tv and take the advice of generals on tv to
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