tv The Daily Show With Trevor Noah Comedy Central November 8, 2022 1:15am-2:00am PST
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or fill out a medical form on public wifi with a screen the size of your hand. home internet shouldn't be a luxury. everyone should have it and now a lot more people can. so let's go. the digital age is waiting. when our daughter and her kids moved in with us... our bargain detergent couldn't keep up. turns out it's mostly water. so, we switched back to tide. one wash, stains are gone. [daughter] slurping
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♪ ♪ >> announcer: coming to you from new york city, the only city in america, it's "the daily show." tonight... election day is almost here. investigating the poll worker shortage. and gabriel iglesias. this is "the daily show with trevor noah." ♪ ♪ [cheers and applause] ♪ ♪ [cheers and applause] >> trevor: what's going on, everybody? welcome to "the daily show." i'm trevor noah. thank you so much for tuning in. thank you coming out in person. [cheers and applause] the best out here in the studio! take a seat, everybody. we've got a massive pre-election show for you tonight.
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donald trump is coming for ron desantis, democrats are more nervous than a chihuahua in a rainstorm. and i guess everyone has a good relationship with their fathers because no one wants to work the polls. so let's do this, people. let's jump straight into today's headlines. [cheers and applause] ♪ ♪ all right, before we get into the big stories, let's catch up on a few other things going on in the world. starting with our old friend covid-19. according to the cdc, there are now six new variants all competing to become the dominant strain this winter. but they don't realize is that they are all competing with a stream that is already affected most of the country called the "i don't give a shit about any of this strain." [cheers and applause] honestly, i feel a little bad for the the variant that becomes dominant now,
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because everyone has stopped caring. it's kind of like, if you won an early season of "american idol," you were famous. but if you win season 34, it's just a story you tell to your coworkers at the coffee machine. you are like "i have my decaf! i don't know if you saw me last night, i won "american idol" -- i will have to report to you soon." but remember, to all those covid variants competing against each other, remember, it's not about winning or losing. it's about this. getting into someone's lungs and ruining their week. remember that. in social media news: on friday, elon musk kicked off his new job as the head of twitter by laying off half of -- i like how you build your boo. [laughter] as the head of twitter by laying off half of the workforce. he even fired the bird. felt terrible. yeah, it's in a parking lot
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[bleep] dick for worms. relax, a dick is just a bigger worm. but apparently musk got a little ahead of himself, because this morning he is reportedly trying to rehire dozens of people he just fired, after realizing he actually needs them. i will be honest, i will put it out there. if he is handling twitter like this, i don't know how comfortable i would be going with this dude to mars. you know? i don't want to don't want elon walking to my cabin like, "hey, guys, turns out i accidentally fired the team that was bringing the oxygen. we'll be fine if we just stopped breathing for 69 months. [laughs] "[applause] oh, and in sports news, congratulations to the houston astros, who beat the philadelphia phillies on saturday to win the 2022 world series. yes, this was great news for
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texas, except for all the people who had to see ted cruz smile. and i feel bad for the people in philly. they're blackout drunk, fighting in the streets, and then they had to watch their team lose! all right, let's move on to some of the bigger stories of the day. starting once again with the midterm election: it's that time in american politicians where they get to send the order back to the kitchen to say they don't like how it tastes. "too much inflation." and we're gonna give you all the latest updates in our ongoing coverage of "votedemic 2022." [cheers and applause] ♪ ♪ so here we are, people. after months of campaign speeches, tv ads, fundraising emails, and spam texts the midterms and tomorrow, and i'm glad because i'm not getting rid of all the spam text that are killing me especially the ones that start off like a booty call. "hey trevor, you up?"
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"yeah!" "to save the senate?" "aww..." but tomorrow, it all ends, and with so many tight races, both parties are pulling out all the stops. >> down to the wire, a wall-to-wall weekend of campaigning in the battlegrounds. candidates locked in neck-and-neck battles, bringing out the big guns. >> the biggest names from both parties fanning out across the battleground states that will decide control of congress. three presidents past and present flooding pennsylvania, holding dueling campaign rallies. >> fundamental rights are on the ballot. democracy itself is on the ballot, the stakes are high! >> now even oprah winfrey has now jumped into this race. she discovered dr. oz, worked with him for years, but now announcing her endorsement of fetterman. >> but i will tell you all this, if i lived in pennsylvania, i would have already cast my vote for john fetterman for many reasons. >> trevor: wow!
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oprah winfrey. coming out -- not just coming out, she came out against dr. oz the man she created, the tv doctors she made famous. that is how it goes in life. at some point in life, you have to kill the monster you create. obi-wan and anikan. parents and your kids. every parent knows that i will come when you have to fight your child to the death to know who will control the remote control. still, that must have broken dr. oz's heart. luckily he has the perfect cure for that! dr. oz's broken heart dietary supplement. it'll enhance your mood and only turn your poop yellow some of the time! get it now before the fda outlaws it again! [applause] it's not just opera. the democrats are bringing
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everyone out, bill clinton, barack obama, what you have to admit is bad news for the democrats. because the bigger the names that come to support you, the worse you're doing. if i were a democrat in pennsylvania, this would make me nervous. "guess what, obama is coming to the rally tonight!" "ooh, boy..." "and he's bringing beyonce!" "aw, shit, we're so screwed!" and the truth is, democrats are nervous right now. because they've got a lot stacked up against them in this election. inflation is high, crime is up, pickleball is taking over for some reason? and all of that is sending democrats into full on panic mode. >> president biden is warning that american democracy is at risk, but it may not be enough to stop a red wave tomorrow night. >> a lot of democrats, whether they're elected officials, party leaders, strategists are panicked. that they feel like things are not going well for them in the midterms right now. >> president biden heading to traditionally blue maryland today after a stop sunday in another democratic stronghold, new york. >> vote, get out the vote.
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now. >> the president giving a last-minute boost to new york governor kathy hochul running now in an unexpectedly tight race against congressman lee zeldin, in a state that hasn't elected a republican governor in two decades. >> trevor: yeah, that's how bleak it is looking for democrats right now -- they're scrambling to salvage a governor's race in new york. which is crazy! new york is supposed to be a given for the democrats. this is like having to beg your stalker to like one of your instagram posts. "come on, man, my feet are in this one!" "yeah, i know, it's not doing it for me anymore." so yeah, the expectations are that republicans are going to have a very good election and that democrats are in deep trouble. but keep in mind, that's all based on the polls. which i'll be honest, bugs me about american politics. polls or an idea, what a person says, what they maybe will do and that is why they are often
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wrong. in fact, these days, it feels like they're wrong a lot more often than they're right. if you went by the polls in the last election, susan collins would have lost her election by 6 points, instead she won it by 9. lindsey graham was tied in the polls, but instead he destroyed his opponent. and according to the polls, joe biden was supposed to win by 8 points, instead, he had to steal the election! i mean, you don't know. and there are lots of reasons why polls could be off. maybe the pollsters are biased, or maybe people are answering sarcastically, like, "oh, i'd love to vote for joe biden!" but the poll doesn't get that. or maybe the polls could be wrong because only the craziest people answer them. have you ever answered a poll? no! if you get a call from an unknown number, you don't answer. what, are you a creep? any time a post or get participate, their next call should be to the police. "yeah, 911? someone just picked up my call and spoke to me for 10 minutes, you should go check their
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freezer for body parts. it's worrying. but even though the 2022 election isn't even over yet, it looks like the 2024 campaign might already be underway. according to reports, donald trump is planning to announce another run for president as soon as the midterms are over. [boos] yeah, but he's going to wait for the midterms first. he wants to do the responsible thing and see if his election deniers get into power so he can steal the election for him, he's waiting, it's good. but even though he hasn't officially announced he's running yet, trump is already taking shots at some of his rivals in the gop. >> donald trump, meanwhile, and florida governor ron desantis held competing rallies in the state of florida yesterday. while trump urged floridians to vote for desantis in his race against democrat charlie christ, the former president also took a swipe at the governor as a potential 2024 opponent. >> we're winning, we're winning big, big, big in the republican party for the nomination like nobody's ever seen before. let's see. there it is.
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trump at 71. [applause] ron desanctimonious at 10%. mike pence at seven. mike is doing better than i thought. >> trevor: "yeah, i thought he would be dead by now, i guess there's always next time, he's doing better." by the way, i love how trump always gives speeches on the tarmac right in front of his plane. have you noticed? the door is open. it's almost like he doesn't want to spend one second longer than needed with those people. like, keep the engine running, i want to leave the shit whole town, in fact, dangle me from a helicopter and pulled me up when i'm done. i want to get out of here before the rednecks can touch me. you sell what they do to mike pence. these people are dangerous!" the reason that speeches going going viral is because of that swipe at desanctimonious, you saw that, breaking out a classic trump nickname, in fact, that could have been him just trying
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to say ron desantis. "desanctimonious. and what makes the story even better is that apparently, trump has been privately testing nicknames for ron desantis. which is amazing to me. the man is in a meeting with his team of lawyers and he's like, "all right, all right, enough of all the ways i could go to jail. what do you guys like better? ron desanctimonious or ron deshithead? which one?" right now, it looks like a trump versus desantis feud is breaking out into the open. and usually when two florida men fight, it's at a margaritaville at 1:00 a.m., but this is a lot more high-stakes which is why a lot of republicans are upset with trump for going after desantis. yeah, because they are like, what are you doing? we love ron desantis, he's our guy. and trump is like,
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"yeah, i know, that's why i hate him." because you see, people don't realize, that's the one thing that trump hates more than anything, anyone having what he thinks should be his spotlight. that may be the thing that could destroy the republican chances in 2024. donald trump cannot stand not being the center of attention. i bet he got jealous when his kids were born. "congratulations, it's a boy!" "i'm also a boy and i've been a boy much longer. so long. many people are saying best boy of all time." all right, that's it for the headlines, but before we go to a quick break, let's check in on the stock market with our finance expert, michael kosta, everybody! [cheers and applause] michael, crazy crazy times in the economy, what is going on in the market today? >> i am crushing it. also, i bet big on the world series, i did. some of you thinks sports betting seems risky but not of the way i do it, okay? i bet on the astros and i hedged
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against the phillies. so i actually won on both sides. than i packaged the winnings into a credit default swap that i sold off to a retirement community in exchange for equity into their homes. now it is complicated, but all you need to know is that i owned most of your grandmother's house is now, okay? it is called finance, all right? no i got a hot tip for you so pay attention. got a hot tip for you. but first, let's get to this chart. look, this is twitter going private. and this is the biggest thing to happen to wall street since the cocaine shortage of '96, all right? i was there, trevor, it was a scariest hour and a half of my life? okay? okay, twitter was a publicly traded company, and then after this right here, it's private, okay? so everybody understands that? public, private. all right? your opinion matters here because you are a member of the
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public. but then after a single owner took over, everybody can shut the [bleep] up about twitter, okay? would let see how $44 million, it doesn't matter what you think. trevor, what do you think about twitter? >> trevor: i -- >> it doesn't matter what you think, trevor! okay? yeah. i hate to do it. it doesn't matter what anybody thinks about twitter, all right? now here's what i think about twitter. elon musk is having a tough time with twitter right now and here's how you know that, trevor, because everyone on twitter is talking about twitter. that's not good, okay? it's like at my house. when things are going great, i'm talking shit about the neighbors. but one my wife sits me down and says "we need to talk about us," well, obviously, she did something wrong, okay? now everyone is questioning elon's decisions and what he is doing but let's not forget, the man has ten kids.
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right? you know how overwhelming that it is? i have one kid. last night, my hair was in pigtails, i'm wearing lipstick, singing the "frozen" theme song. my son is 17 years old. the point is, kids drive you crazy. i mean, look what elon did. he fired people, now he's hiring the fired people back, he begged advertisers to stay, now he starts hitting them if they leave. but of course advertisers want to leave. twitter is getting too toxic. can you imagine if you are brand now? you don't want to be on the timeline, it's like nazi, cheese doodles, nazi, nazi. it's a tricky situation that elon finds himself in is that twitter is private now. remember? this is the part of the chart where i told you to shut the [bleep] up? but it is a platform that only runs on public opinions. so if everyone leaves twitter,
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it is worthless. which brings me to my hot tip, all right? if you have a $44 billion, just keep it. [cheers and applause] >> trevor: a great tip for all the people with $44 billion. michael kosta everybody. all right, when we come back, desi lydic finds out even more reasons to be worried about the elections. don't go away. [cheers and applause] ♪biggest, biggest, biggest♪ ♪this is the biggest bounce of the summer♪ ♪ay, ay, ay, ay, if you coming in,♪ ♪come, don't play play♪ [camera clicks] ♪if you feel too shy then watch pon me,♪ ♪watch pon me, watch, watch pon me♪ ♪shake your♪ ♪this the biggest bounce of the summer♪ ♪if you ain't coming that's a bummer♪ ♪freeze♪ ♪watch pon me♪ [car zooms] ♪ ♪bounce oi oi, biggest, oi oi, biggest oi oi, biggest♪ ♪this is the biggest bounce of the summer♪
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dishes still coming out dirty? it may be your detergent. only cascade uses dawn... as a built-in pre-rinse system. it rehydrates dried on food... ...lifts it off... ...and breaks it down. doing the pre-rinse for you. cascade platinum. scrape, load, done. i think i'm ready to leave the city. find a job where i can work from home, move somewhere where i can get a little house. [ding] that would be nice. ♪♪ are you sweating? didn't you use old spice dry spray? of course, i did! don't lie to me! old spice has long lasting sweat protection! ok, i lied. noooooooo! aaaah! i'm ok! ♪ hey lexus, turn it up! ♪ there's no place like unknown. unreal. the all-new lexus rx. never lose your edge. ♪
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just look around. this digital age we're living in,your edge. it's pretty unbelievable. problem is, not everyone's fully living in it. nobody should have to take a class or fill out a medical form on public wifi with a screen the size of your hand. home internet shouldn't be a luxury. everyone should have it and now a lot more people can. so let's go. the digital age is waiting.
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mighty quaker oats. a bowlful of nourishment. they're heart-healthy, have no artificial flavors, and for only cents per day... the delicious apples and cinnamon will hug your taste buds. quaker oats. a super-trusted superfood. i've been telling everyone... quaker oats. the secret to great teeth is having healthy gums. crest advanced gum restore. detoxifies below the gumline... and restores by helping heal gums in as little as 7 days. crest. the #1 toothpaste brand in america. [ laughter ] time to steal christmas. these bad men, they're all on my naughty list. trudy, do me a favor. close your eyes and sing jingle bells. santa claus is coming to town. ♪ jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way ♪ ♪ oh, what fun it is to ride in a one horse open sleigh ♪ hey! is he taking a nap? he's exhausted.
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xfinity rewards is a program whose sole purpose is to say "thank you" with experiences big, small and once-in-a-lifetime. sometimes it's about cheering hard enough to shake the stadium! sometimes, it's as simple as movie night right here at home, on us. you mean the world to us. so we're bringing you closer to what you love. kinda like this. welcome to 30 rock! join xfinity rewards for free on the xfinity app today. our thanks, your rewards. [cheers and applause] >> trevor: welcome back to "the daily show." after two years of voting fraud accusations and capitol rioting, it's no surprise that americans have become less confident in their elections. but as desi lydic discovers in her new series, america's election infrastructure may be in even worse shape than you think. ♪ ♪
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>> hello again. i am desi lydic. elections. they are a good gauge for measuring who your class considers this marty has smartest, prettiest, or coolest, unless you are up against rachel pearson, who brought everyone cupcakes because her dad is rich. but if our elected and system is as foolproof as we think, i continue to investigate and my ongoing segment, ""votedemic" 2022, our crumbling infrastructure. previously, i asked for the paper shortage that can affect ballots this season. something tells me that is not the only problem we are facing. i am back with tammy of democracy front. >> tammy. >> to find out what else can go wrong. >> the last time we discussed pre-election. what about election day itself? what are we looking at? >> we don't have enough poll workers. >> what? >> so far, the challenge with foul workers is that we did hundreds of thousands of them every election and in this
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moment we have a lot of people there say they don't want to come back. some of our former poll workers are aging out, we don't have as many young people stepping in, and part of that is because of the incivility that we have around elections right now. people are being threatened and they are not really wanting to serve in a role where they subject themselves to the onslaught of ridicule, sometimes from their fellow community members. >> yeah, if they wanted to do that, they would become comedians. just kidding. >> but tammy is right. it's becoming harder and harder to find americans to be poll workers. >> we have a poll worker shortage in this country. >> there's a poll worker shortage. >> because of the constant barrage of harassment at our office, a lot of us across the state are wondering how it will affect poll worker recruitment. >> under these conditions, why would anyone want to work the polls? >> in elections, it tends to be all about the food, so if you talk to poll workers, the election day potluck. >> there is a potluck? >> you will not believe their
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enthusiasm around the topic. who should bring what, who doesn't bring enough. >> i love a potluck, i love a potluck. >> i needed to find out more about this potluck -- poll worker probably. i'm in maryland. one of the many states with poll worker problems to talk to tracy dickerson. >> can you explain to me what a poll worker does? >> a poll workers our first line of defense. without them, we cannot run election. they check in voters, the issue ballots, and they also maintain the integrity part of the election. >> just trying to get people to vote one way or the other? >> we don't do that in here. we are election officials and we are 100% nonpartisan. >> completely nonpartisan. >> absolutely not. we take it serious. >> serious. >> we don't do it like that and here. >> i wouldn't joke. >> stop winking. >> why are we experiencing poll
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worker shortages right now? >> it is hard to say. the atmosphere in elections has drastically changed. some poll workers receive threats or when people come into vote, they get stuff thrown at them. i don't know if that is an issue. but we are in dire need. and i believe we are in dire need across the country. >> have you tried offering some perks, stock options, 401(k), that sort of thing? >> unfortunately, poll workers are the only more or less volunteer, so people basically do it for the community because their job is so important, you cannot run an election without them. >> gosh. so would you say this is a thankless job or an incredibly thankless job? >> yeah, it's a thankless job, because nobody thinks about it until it's an election year. and they just assume that the polling places show up in that they are just there. >> someone should come along and just say thank you, just say thank you.
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and someone will come a because you deserve it. >> i appreciate that. think you. >> you are welcome. i heard that there is a potluck happening where people bring a lot of delicious food? is that true? >> absolutely. they actually set up a full fledged meals. think it was that free to the public? >> it is for the poll workers. >> right. and how do i become a poll worker? >> you can sign up and take training. >> damn at. >> i decided to give poll worker training a try. when he came to the most important part of poll working... >> i heard there was a potluck situation, windows that start? does that start now? >> the potluck will happen on monday night or election night. >> so it is not happening today? >> not today. >> so if potlucks aren't going to save democracy, what is? >> i am a veteran and i am also a board member. >> what is that the vote?
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>> is a nationwide public awareness campaign to recruit 100,000 election poll workers this year. >> what have you learned from being a poll worker. >> if anyone doubts how poll stations are run, come in and see that process. you will see the two party integrity around everything. if you come in the door a skeptic, you will believe a believer, guaranteed. coming from the militant to military, poll workers are kind of the same thing. you are helping your community not for the politics but for the level of civics to make democracy. >> i am convinced. >> i wasn't actually convinced but i am a sucker for a power vest so i decided to finish my training. >> this is pretty high tech, this is some hacker stuff right here. >> so this is a zero report and this shows to the public, this arrives in the polling place in the state it entered. >> so this much paper is required to show zero votes? >> correct. >> i know where there is a paper shortage. >> i may not have been able to
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fix our broken voting system. >> just like back. [beeping] >> but i will say, if voting goes smoothly in york county, you have a poll worker to thank. [cheers and applause] >> trevor: thank you so much for that, desi. stay tuned, when we come back, international comedy superstar gabriel iglesias will join me. [cheers and applause]
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[cheers and applause] >> trevor: welcome back to "the daily show." my guest tonight is the first comedian to perform at and sell out dodger stadium. he's here to talk about his new standup special, "stadium fluffy," which is streaming now on netflix. >> i'm not a comedian who is divisive. that is why i don't talk about politics, religion, or sports. okay? because all three will divide people. that is why i talk about food. because food brings people together. [cheers and applause] that's right. unless you are vegan, in which case, you can leave right now. i don't give a shit, i really don't. >> trevor: please welcome gabriel iglesias! [cheers and applause] ♪ ♪
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gabriel sexy iglesias! >> what's up! >> trevor: welcome to "the daily show." >> thank you, this is awesome! >> trevor: this is ridiculous. >> it only took seven years. [laughter] >> trevor: don't even try that with me. i invited you from the moment i got this job. you are going to come on the show? you are probably the busiest person in comedy that i know of, you are always on the road, doing massive shows and now massive is an understatement. let start with that. congratulations first of all, not just selling out dodger stadium, selling out twice. [cheers and applause] that's -- like, what does that even feel like? >> man, it is surreal. it is very surreal.
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it's the biggest thing i have ever done and i did it at home. you know? it was the greatest night of my life and it was documented. the one that is beautiful. when you are performing, i would love to know, for those who don't know, gabriel iglesias is one of my favorite people in the world. not just as a comedian but as a human. when i first came to the u.s., he came to one of my shows. no one knew who i was. came to one of my shows, wait until everybody left, i was like, this guy is a creep. [laughter] everyone was gone. he came up to me from the back of the room and he was like "hey, trevor." i would like him "yeah?" "my name is gabriel iglesias, i'm a comedian come i think you are very funny, i would like you to come and come back on the road. you are big in south africa but no one knows you here. i don't want to offend you." you took me on the road and it may be some of my favorite memories that i ever had in life. you took me to el paso, texas, you took me to erie, pennsylvania, you took me --
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[cheers and applause] and so what i would love to know is how it feels to perform. what i love about your journey is, there is no club you have not been an come no theater you have not performed in, all over the world, and now stadiums. what is different about a stadium that you love and what is the thing you miss about a tiny club? >> what is awesome about a stadium is first of all, just saying you are at a stadium. oh, you are like a mexican tay tay. [laughter] and then of course, clubs, terry intimates. its instance. it's right there. it's very, very nice. its pros and cons to both. but i don't know where it will go now. >> trevor: i feel like it is only -- it is not even going up. you have been consistently successful every single year around the world, you know, as i started going to other countries, people would tell me -- they came to my shows because they saw us together doing something. you have traveled to multiple countries, way before other american comedians even half. what do you think is part of
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your success? why do people love fluffy so much? even a nickname, fluffy, has become synonymous -- it has become a joyous nickname. >> [laughs] you know what, i am a fish out of water, i share stories, try not to get in people's faces, it's always a good time, not trying to preach you, not trying to tell you who to vote for, not trying to tell you how to live your life, just sharing stories. people can relate to that. >> trevor: you have one of the most diverse audiences i have ever come across. you bring people together, you have always enjoyed sharing your heritage. you will do jokes, some of them will be in spanish but you will play with english, you'll mess around of the audience, that is what i loved about being on tour with you. you look at the rest of the world, do you still have places you dream of going to and performing in or have you done it all? >> i want to go to south africa. [cheers and applause] >> trevor: thank you. >> that is why i'm here! that is i am talking to you! >> trevor: -- >> i pretty much went everywhere. >> trevor: you've never been to south africa. >> trevor: fluffy, i will take
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you to south africa. [cheers and applause] [laughter] >> i have never been. i would love to go. i think you're the perfect person to take me. >> trevor: i would love to. [cheers and applause] the other things you are doing in the world, i feel like i hear your voice in everything from "space jam" to "paul patrol," your voice as you do a lot of voice work. >> a lot of voice work. covid, had to do something. >> trevor: you can do every voice as well. >> i did three movies from home during 2020. >> trevor: you watch them? >> no, i did them. >> trevor: i did, like, 23 movies from home. [laughter] >> i did voice overcome with three films while i was on. you got to be careful, you got to be specific because a vc if you work from home doing videos, you think -- they think you have and only fans or something. don't get me wrong. i could get paid doing that too. [cheers and applause] >> trevor: oh, man. [laughter] so you have the movie is. i heard that you are also
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working on a new show now, right? are you doing something else? >> doing something for netflix, a new film that is a story -- >> trevor: you got to give -- >> you have always been in love with you i was. >> yes, i have a couple of them. i didn't bring them. no, yeah, it is this thing this project i'm working on with the producer and writer of a film called "book of life," and we got together, and we just started coming up with this idea, and yeah, it is coming out next year, hopefully, fingers crossed. [cheers and applause] netflix it says yes but sometimes they say no. >> trevor: everyone should say yes to you. you are one of the nicest, most wonderful human beings i've ever had the pleasure of meeting. you are always kind to comedians, when they are on the road, you will bring out comics who are struggling and you will give them a leg up, audiences will get to know them. i would love to know, who is the
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comedian who shaped your life? not even a comedian, who was the person, when you look back and go, man, if it wasn't for them, they surely wouldn't be the same? >> that is my mom. that is my mom. [applause] she was the one who would always say, help others, but at the same time, she was like "but that's too much help. let them go. [speaking spanish] "i mean, early on, you know, it was one of those things where i started going on the road and no one told me to be nice to people. no one said, help the sky or take this person on the road. when i came up to you, i knew you were hysterical and you seemed really cool. i said, come on. you like taco bell? you will get a lot of it on the road. [laughter] >> trevor: you think he is joking. [laughter] my favorite part of being on tour with fluffy was how we would eat. no, because we would eat at a different place. remember, i had not eaten at most pickup places in america, so he would stop and all of
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these random cities and every night, fluffy would look at me, and there is this joke was telling, all the jokes had the word in it and he would be like hey -- that is what he would call me. like we would -- you want to get taco bell? i was like, what's taco bell? he would be like, you never had taco bell? and we went to taco bell. there was a group of us, but still, we bought $100 worth of taco bell. [laughter] which, for those of you -- it was bags and bags. and i walked out of taco bell -- i felt like that scene of julia roberts and "pretty woman." i never had that much food. i went to the tour bus and i looked at you and you looked at me. [laughter] man. >> you never lived like this! >> trevor: i never lived like this. [laughter] it's been an absolute pleasure having you. i'm glad i could have you on,
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genuinely, you are so busy. you basically came in just for this which i appreciate. genuinely. this guy has changed my life, he's one of my favorite people in the world. thank you so much for being in here, thank you for being in my life, fluffy. >> good seeing you, man. i will see you soon. >> trevor: i will see you in south africa. gabrgabriel iglesias, everybody! [cheers and applause]
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[cheers and applause] >> trevor: well, that's our show for tonight but, before we go: tomorrow is election day, so if you haven't already, make your plan to vote. you can find your polling location at so get out there and vote! and stay tuned because jordan klepper's about to finger the midterms in a brand new special! now, here it is. your "moment of zen." ♪ ♪ >> live television, gang. that is live tv for you. excuse me, my kids are here. live television. >> we are live! >> [speaking foreign language]
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captioning made possible by comedy central - ♪ i'm going down to south park ♪ ♪ gonna have myself a time ♪ both: ♪ friendly faces everywhere ♪ ♪ humble folks without temptation ♪ - ♪ i'm going down to south park ♪ ♪ gonna leave my woes behind ♪ - ♪ ample parking day or night ♪ ♪ people spouting "howdy neighbor" ♪ - ♪ headin' on up to south park ♪ ♪ gonna see if i can't unwind ♪ - ♪ [muffled] ♪ - ♪ come on down to south park ♪ ♪ and meet some friends of mine ♪ have you seen my new phone yet? it like, folds in half. i would never switch to samsung, i love my phone. what??? ♪♪
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