tv The Daily Show With Trevor Noah Comedy Central November 28, 2022 11:00pm-11:45pm PST
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it's not even that good. i don't-- i don't even want it. i had cake for lunch. no, you know what, i've been good. i deserve this. oh. [groaning] what am i doing? come on, deangelo. hey. no! uh-oh. ♪ ♪ >> announcer: coming to you from new york city, the only city in america, it's "the daily show." tonight... controversy and the world cup. trump's dinner party. and will smith! this is "the daily show with trevor noah." ♪ ♪ [cheers and applause]
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♪ ♪ [cheers and applause] >> trevor: what's going on, everybody? welcome to "the daily show." i'm trevor noah. thank you so much for tuning in. thank you coming out in person. good to see you, everybody! take a seat, take a seat. we have got a jam-packed show for you tonight. "the daily show" is going to the world cup. if you have monkeypox, you are racist, and donald trump somehow has beef with kanye west. plus, the one and only will smith is joining us on today's show. so let's do this, people. let's jump straight into today's headlines. [cheers and applause] ♪ ♪ all right, before we get into the big stories, let's catch up on a few other things going on in the world. starting with monkeypox. this morning, the world health
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organization announced that because of concerns that the word "monkeypox" is racist and stigmatizing, the disease will officially be renamed "m-pox." i don't know who this is for. it sounds like they were trying so hard not to be racist that they ended up being racist. some guy was like, "we can't use "monkey," that immediately makes me think of... you know... right? we are all thinking it, right? am i the only one?" here's the thing, if you are trying to get rid of the stigma, give it a completely different name. you are repeating the word that we don't want to think about. which works until they say what does a m stand for? in international news, a french court has officially ruled that companies cannot require employees to have fun at work, after one man was fired for refusing to participate in
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office parties. i will tell you now, i am with this guy. if you ask me, companies require way too much of their employees, making you go to office parties, team buildings, forcing them to wash their hands after going to the bathroom. it's too much. you've got to pick one. in some news out of the pentagon, the u.s. defense department just failed a government audit, with officials saying they are unable to account for more than 60% of the military's $3.5 trillion in assets. they just don't know where it is. and i don't even know how it's possible to lose track of that much money. are they waterboarding people with cristal? what are they doing there? the pentagon deserves to be punished for this. unfortunately, they happen to have all the missiles, so we will let it slide this time, pentagon. oh, but next time. all right, let's move on to some of the bigger stories of the day. starting with china, america's
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long shot to. ever since the coronavirus originated in one of china's main cities, xi jingping has doing everything he can to get rid of covid. after three years of strict lockdowns, it looks like the chinese people have officially had enough. >> protests are spreading across that country. thousands are taking to the streets, some even calling for china's president to step down, all of this amid rising frustration over the government's zero covid strategy. >> crowds swelled in defiance, spilling over to the heart of beijing. >> freedom! >> we want to be free. >> chanting for freedom from the grip of the covid policy that protesters say has worn on too long. >> they are calling for the end of lockdowns, the end of testing, all of the zero covid measures that have ruled daily life here. >> trevor: that's right, people in china are taking to the streets to protest the government's draconian covid policies which is a big deal.
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because remember, china is not one of those chill countries. you can talk trash about the government or storm the capitol or plot to kidnap a governor, no, no, no, protesting in china is a big deal, it's like growing up in african family, and trying to tell your parents you don't think noah's ark it's real. i'm just saying, mom, how can they fit all of the animals on one boat? how can i fit all of his foot on your backside? are you saying that? now there are many reasons why china has been so hard core with its lockdowns. less than half of their elderly population is vaccinated, the chinese vaccine isn't particularly effective, and the communist government has refused to bring in outside vaccines come obviously come because i think it will make them look bad. the same reason i was not allowed to bring a dildo into my relationship. i don't mind that you use it,
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but the fact that you use it after me, that's what hurts me, candace! almost three years into this pandemic, it is still crazy to see the different responses from around the world. china shuts down an entire city if one person coughs. meanwhile, americans are like them "hey, guys, i tested positive for covid, so i'm just gonna play the first few rounds of spin the bottle tonight. let's be responsible." let's move on from a dictatorship to someone who wishes they could start their own. donald "you are making me crazy" from. ever since donald trump announced that he will be running for election in 2024, many have been wondering, will this finally be the moment when he becomes presidential? well, judging by his recent dinner party with kanye west, the computer says no. >> former president donald trump is piercing peers credit criticism even from his own
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allies, for having dinner at his mar-a-lago estate with controversial musician kanye west and white supremacist nick fuentes. >> if you're not familiar, he is a high-profile figure on the far right, holocaust denier, best known for running the america first organization, which according to the adl "seeks to forge a white nationalist alternative to the mainstream g.o.p." >> even for donald trump, this was outrageous. >> trevor: okay, first of all, this whole story sounds like the set up to one of those jokes that your uncle tells you at dinner. you know? okay, so a racist billionaire and anti-semitic rapper, and a white supremacist walk into a bar, and then what happens? oh, the black waiter is coming. a diet coke, please. thank you, thank you. secondly, why do journalists still act surprised when donald trump does donald trump stuff? even for donald trump, this
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is -- what do you mean, even for donald trump? it's donald trump doing donald trump. trump having dinner with nazis, that's not crazy. having dinner with vegetables, that is crazy. because of their trump, trump is taking a lot of flak from all sides. he sent out a few posts as for why, as per usual, he isn't to blame for anything. >> mr. trump tried distancing himself, posting on social media that west called me to have dinner, expressed no anti-semitism, and claimed, i didn't know him. >> trevor: yeah, and in his defense, how would he know that the guy kanye rolls with could be a white pharmacist? i get he is saying. he's like, "i just wanted to have dinner with this anti-semite, i didn't know he was going to bring a friend!" i love how he tries to immunize himself by saying kanye express no anti-semitism at the dinner. and then what? he didn't rap at the dinner but
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you know he's a rapper. you might be wondering, if kanye didn't want to talk anti-semitism at the dinner, what did he want to talk about? apparently, he was trying to convince trump to not run for president. but not in the way you think. speak of the dinner was not completely amiable. trump became angry when west asked the 2024 presidential candidate to serve as running mate for west's own newly announced presidential bid. >> ye posting this video to twitter titled mar-a-lago debrief, explaining he asked if trump would be his vice presidential running mate at the dinner. >> trump was most perturbed about, he asked him to be my vice president but then he goes on to say, "kim is a [bleep], you can tell her i said that," and i was thinking, like, "that's the mother of my children." trump started basically screaming at me at the table, telling me i was going to lose.
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i mean, has that ever worked for anyone in history? [laughs] i'm like, "whoa, whoa, hold on hold on, trump, you're talking to ye." >> trevor: okay, first of all, kanye, whoever made his video come with believed him when he said the thing that trump said. and i'm going, you have people that believe you, why don't you use them more? here's what i think about the [bleep]. also, the fact that trump got so mad at kanye just shows you where his priorities are. he has no problem posting a guy that wants to go def con 3 on the jews or the holocaust denier but if you ever suggest you should be number two on someone's ticket, he's like "you
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disgust me, sir. talk like that has no place in america, we don't talk about that in this country." i get where trump is coming from, kanye is asking trump to be his mike pence and trump is like, ew, i could never be mike pence, i have sex with my eyes open. that's it for the news. but before we go to the break, let's check in with the stock market with our finance expert michael kosta! [cheers and applause] michael, good to see you, man. >> good to see you. >> trevor: what on house is happening in the market? >> i am crushing it. got a hot tip for you, so pay attention. now today, the dow was down big. but i don't care. because today is cyber monday, right? not to be confused with black friday or small business saturday or giving tuesday. it is not thirsty thursdays or taco tuesdays or sunday bloody
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sunday, it is cyber monday, the day george washington declared 30% off of all plasma screen tvs. all right? so the way i am crushing it today, trevor, is by spending, all right? experts like me know you've got to spend money to make money, which is why today i am making boatloads of money. all right? let me show you what i am buying, okay? first thing in my cart, a stocks for dummies book. okay? look, i don't know shit about stocks. yeah, i crush it, i make tons of money can but i don't understand any of it. as soon as i learn to read, this book is going to be super helpful. now speaking of helpful, the next thing in my cart, seven restaurants. now look come a known fact, they can pump anything. you have a flooded basement? you need to put air in your bicycle tires? muscle definition? how do you think i got these fat
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baby twins? all right? by borrowing my sisters f breast pump. next item in my car, picture frame. i don't need a picture frame but this is a family i want to be a part of. innocent, pure, together. i bet this feminism think my mashed potatoes are too salty, you think about that? all right to my family? all right. next one, i always wanted to get a guitar so i put a guitar and my cart and i was going to get a real guitar but i got this fisher-price one cheap, no strings attached, also, no strings attached. so very easy to learn to play. now somber note. the next item in my cart as an adult casket. now look, i am not planning on dying anytime soon but i ate a bad egg sandwich anna west jet flight coming back for my ugly family thanksgiving and i was kind of putting my own death and during that time i thought, holy shit come i haven't planned
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for my funeral so i got a good . also, caskets come out great place for storage while you are still alive. paper towels, kids toys. [applause] new yorkers, you get it. smaller caskets, plus, bonus, will my wife says go sleep on the couch, i say, no problem. but secretly, i sleep in the casket. joke is on her. and with the extra storage space, i've got plenty of room for my last item, seven more breast pumps, just in case the first heaven break. hot tip, remember? stop watching this right now and start online shopping. you can't buy any of this any other day. back to you, trevor, let's go. >> trevor: michael kosta, everybody. don't stop watching this could. keep watching it. when we come back, we will catch up on the world cup, plus will smith will be joining us on the show. don't go away. [cheers and applause]
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my cheetos! the cheetos. no, chetos. don't forget the chips for the fifa world cup. these little cups would make great stocking stuffers. ♪♪ but how about right-now-in-your-mouth stuffers. happy holidays to your mouth. not sorry. reese's. for your most brilliant smile, crest has you covered. “nice smile, brad.” “nice!” “thanks?” crest 3d white. 100% more stain removal. crest. the #1 toothpaste brand in america. crest. when a truck hit my car, the #1 toothpaste brand in america. the insurance company wasn't fair. i didid't t kn whahatmy c caswa, so i called the barnes firm. i'm rich barnes. it's hard for people to k how much their accident case is worth.h barnes. t ouour juryry aorneneys hehelpou
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♪ what i want you've got ♪ ♪ and it might be hard to handle ♪ ♪ and how i can't explain ♪ ♪ oh, yeah ♪ ♪ well, well you ♪ ♪ (ooh-ho, hoo-ooh, ooh-oo) ♪ ♪ you make my dreams come true ♪ ♪ (you-hoo, you, you-hoo, hoo, you, hoo) ♪ ♪ well, well, well you ♪ ♪ (you-hoo, hoo-hoo-ooh) ♪ ♪ you make my dreams come true ♪ ♪ (you-hoo, hoo-hoo-ooh) ♪ ♪ oh, yeah ♪ [cheers and applause] >> trevor: welcome back to "the daily show." let's take a moment to talk about the world cup. it's the world's biggest soccer tournament.
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every four years, the best players from the best countries gather to compete until one team is declared champion of the world, or until someone kicks the ball through the neighbor's window and we all run home. because i am from the world, i love the world cup. let's check up on everything happening in qatar with the newest installment of our world cup coverage. ♪ ♪ [cheers and applause] the 2022 world cup is being hosted by qatar, a middle eastern country with a deep and rich history of having oil. and if you've been following the news, you know that there's been some controversies over qatar hosting the world cup. like, did qatar offer bribes to fifa to be the host? did qatar exploit migrant workers to build the soccer stadiums? are we pronouncing qatar right? is it "gha-tar" or is it like "cut-ter?" if we just mumble it, do you think they'll notice? all of these are questions. but one of the biggest controversies is that qatar has very strict laws prohibiting same-sex relationships, and these anti-gay policies are
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causing some tension on the pitch. >> amid the cheers of world cup fans, controversy is simmering. it's over the host country qatar and other nations' treatment of lgbtq people. >> rainbow imagery a sudden flashpoint after fifa demanded the captains of seven european teams not wear this armband in support of lgbtq causes, insisting the captains wear fifa-sanctioned bands. >> the team captains said they will not be wearing the rainbow colored arm band as intended as fifa threatened to give players yellow cards just for doing so. after receiving two yellow cards, of course, a player will face a one-match suspension. >> trevor: that's right. the captains of seven european teams plan to show their support of the lgbtq community by wearing rainbow armbands but then, when fifa threatened them with yellow cards, they scrapped the idea, which in my opinion, shows that you are not the ally you claim to be, right? like, "hey, i support your right
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to live free from persecution. unless i get a warning in a game or i kick a ball, then i am not. you gays are on your own. i'm just saying, that is a yellow card." a yellow card, it's not even like you are out. just a warning. you are like, "no, i tried." by the way, the rainbow band has got to be hard for the referees too, that is risky, because the referees are out there and they are like, yellow card! red card! oh, wait, we just are today rainbow! no! don't take me away! a little crazy story as well, if you happen to be in china watching the world cup, you probably are missing some things because on the government tv network, you'll barely see any footage of the fans at all, because china doesn't want its citizens to see people from every other country enjoying themselves without wearing masks. because they are like -- they just don't want them to know that is possible.
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you know? it sounds crazy but it's the same way canadian tv sensors their footage, they will never show fans behaving rudely. the canadians will be like, are other people telling people to [bleep] off? we didn't know we could do that. hey! my favorite part of the world cup and seeing how people from different parts of the world find ways to yell at each other. remember, a lot of the teams have coaches who are not from their country. for instance, saudi arabia's coaches actually french. he does not speak arabic. but the saudi translator doesn't speak french. so when the coach got mad at the team's performance in the first half, he had to yell at them in english so that the translator could yell at them in arabic. >> [yelling at players] >> [yelling in nonenglish language]
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[yelling at players] >> trevor: [laughs] oh, wow. see, this is the magic of the world cup, people. a french man yelling in english to a group of saudis about a british sport. it's beautiful! also wonder if the translator is augmenting the message so he doesn't lose any friends. "you are terrible, you also, you should be ashamed of yourself is what he said. because you know, i love you guys. i thought you were great in the first half, i thought you were great." so far, the world cup us had a lot of great moments. saudi arabia pulled out a huge upset over argentina, mexico had a heroic penalty save against poland, wales proved to the whole world they are a different country than england. and one of the most exciting moments was when japan defeated germany in an incredible match. but my favorite part of that game was what the japanese fans
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did after it. >> when japan beat germany in fans were ecstatic, right? but instead of leaving after the match to celebrate, hundreds of fans stayed in the stadium and picked up the trash that other fans left behind. pictures on social media show these japanese fans threading their way through the seats making sure the stadium was tidy before leaving. some online comments calling them the best guests in the world. >> trevor: wow, that is amazing. unfortunately, all of those japanese fans were arrested, because the qatari police deemed the act of tidying up, quote, "kind of gay." i'm not going to lie, this is one of the most amazing things to see. you see that every world cup, japan, south korea. it's a valuable lesson to all of us. if you are throwing a party, make sure you invite japanese fans to your help because they will clean up. if you ask me, though, this is a huge flex from the japanese
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fans. what's more of a baller move than beating somebody and then cleaning up after them? yeah, like, "here, let me take out your trash. oh, did you drop this? we will clean up. you guys can go figure out how to play soccer. we will just do that." we will take a quick break. stay tuned. when we come back, the one and only will smith will be here. [cheers and applause]
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♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ [television]: ♪ feliz navidad, feliz navidad ♪ ♪ deseamos que todos ♪ ♪ tengan un mundo lleno de amor y paz ♪ [click] ♪ yo soy mago, je, desaparezco, puff, je, sí ♪ ♪ la cuenta' 'tan llena ♪ ♪ está muy fuerte como, puff, uh, yeah ♪ ♪ mira cómo to' esto' niños aquí quieren ser como yo, ♪ ♪ no como tú, toy ♪ ♪ flexin' en coop, ♪ ♪ vos sos fantasma, ♪ ♪ solo dices: "boo", eh (eh), yo ♪ ♪ je, desaparezco, puff, je, sí ♪ ♪ está muy fuerte como, puff, uh, yeah ♪ i've been telling everyone... ♪ je, desaparezco, the secret to great teeth is having healthy gums. crest advanced gum restore. detoxifies below the gumline... and restores by helping heal gums in as little as 7 days. crest. the #1 toothpaste brand in america. [cheers and applause] >> trevor: welcome back to "the daily show." my guest tonight is an academy award-winning actor and
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grammy award-winning rapper. he's here to talk about his new film, "emancipation," which will be in select theaters this friday and streaming on apple tv plus december 9th. >> i heard it myself. slaves are free. >> free? says who? >> we must get to baton rouge. lincoln's army is there. >> it's true. i heard it also. >> so where is baton rouge? >> five days through the swamp. there are many ways to die in the swamp. there are many ways to die here. >> trevor: please welcome will smith! [cheers and applause] ♪ ♪
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[cheers and applause] >> thank you, thank you, thank you! [cheers and applause] >> trevor: mr. will smith! welcome back to "the daily show." >> thank you, sir. >> trevor: how are you? >> i am so good. i flew 30 hours to be here with you. >> trevor: where were you? >> in bhutan. >> trevor: what are you doing there? >> the nat geo show. >> trevor: so you're traveling around the world. >> traveling around the world, finding the secrets of life. >> trevor: so are you finding them? >> not yet. >> trevor: you are traveling around the world. "emancipation." i just watched it. it is, it is so hard to describe movies like this because people see it in the clip, but you play one of most famous unknown people, and you know what i
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mean, from america's history. a man whose picture went around the world, that basically showed many people who did not know innately how brutal slavery was. let's talk about this. "emancipation" is not the kind of film we would expect to see you in immediately as will smith. so why this project? why get into the story? and why this story in particular? >> when i read this script, man, you probably have seen the image, it is a black man and his back and his arms, it is a pretty famous portrait. >> trevor: i think we have that image. it is one of the famous ones. >> yes. it is that image. and first, seeing that image was one of the things that really got me, you know, excited to explore this, because you see the image, but you don't know who he is, you don't know what the story is. and then as i started to do the
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research, and it is -- american slavery was, you know, one of the most brutal aspects of human history. >> trevor: right. >> it was -- it was -- it was something that was so incomprehensible. you know? it is hard to understand the level of human cruelty. and the screenplay was spectacular, and antoine fuqua, you know, he did his thing on this, man. my daughter asked me, she's like, daddy, do we really need another slave movie? i said, baby, i promise you, i wouldn't make a slave movie. this is a freedom movie. [applause] >> trevor: wow. congrats again, congrats on the movie, great seeing you again. it has been a while since i last saw you, been a while since many
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people have seen you. you know? >> i have been away. what have y'all been doing? [laughter] >> trevor: it's been -- i can only imagine what it has been like for you. because it has been weird for many of us, you know? you are will smith. you know? [cheers and applause] you are will smith. >> yeah. >> trevor: you are one of the biggest movie stars that has ever existed, one of my favorite people i have ever seen inhabit a screen. >> thank you, man. >> trevor: you know, and then, you had the oscars, where in one night -- >> i have no independent recollection. >> trevor: i can only imagine. you know, you won your first oscar that night, a well-deserved oscar that night, but it is simultaneously, in many ways -- not the worst, i know a lot of people read the book -- but it's one of the best days of your life and the worst
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days of your life. and i would love to know, us talking, first of all, what has the journey been like since that day? because everyone speculates. everyone sees you and says, i think this, i think that. what has it been like for you? >> that was a horrific night, as you can imagine. you know, there's many nuances and complexities to it. but at the end of the day, i just -- i lost it, you know? and i guess what i would say, you just never know what somebody's going through, you know? in the audience right now, you are sitting next to strangers, you know? and somebody's mother died last week. you know? somebody's child is sick.
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you know? somebody just lost their job. somebody just found out their spouse cheated. you know? it's like -- there's all these things, and they're strangers, and you just don't know what is going on with people. and i was going through something that night, you know? not that that justifies my behavior at all, you are asking, what did i learn, and it is that we just got to be nice to each other, man. you know? it's like -- it's hard. i guess the thing that was most painful for me is, i took my hard and made it hard for other people. i understood the idea, they say hurt people hurt people. you know? and it's like -- >> trevor: you know, it's interesting. i remember -- again, everybody was speculating.
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one of my friends called me, we were talking, everybody has these opinions and somebody said, i feel like we saw the real will smith in that moment because it is a guy that is so full of love and so positive but i feel like in the moment we saw the real will smith and i said -- not because i know you -- but i said, honestly, you know, if anything, i feel like it was the opposite. you talk in your book about growing up so afraid of conflict. you grow up in your book talking about how you were always afraid to fight with, how you were afraid -- for me, it felt like in watching that moment, i felt like you were like, it's like, in a way, it's like you stood up for the wrong thing at the wrong time in a way. do you know what i'm saying? because here we are, human to human, man-to-man, people have said some shitty things about you and your family. you are a human being. i would say this, it is becoming relentlessly shitty now and people think it's okay.
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and not chris, by the way, i'm talking about people, the internet, et cetera. but it felt like this was will smith for the first time going, okay, is this how you want me to respond or not? >> yeah, no, you know, it was a lot of things. it was the little boy that watched his father beat up his mother, you know. all of that just bubbled up in that moment. you know, i just -- that is not who i want to be. >> trevor: right. >> you've known me for a long time, you know me personally, so you know. y'all might not know. it's like -- that's not who i want to be, man. i'm trying to -- >> trevor: i also think that's not who you are. i think that's not who you are. i think everyone can make a mistake. [applause] i think, in my honest opinion, i
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think, how i think of living my life -- >> now i am crying for real. >> trevor: i mean this honestly. i will tell you why. [cheers and applause] >> trevor: i will tell you why. on my side, as a human being, i go, the reason it was shocking because it is not who you are. does that make sense? >> exactly. >> trevor: i saw for instance, there was an article that was written, i think it was "hollywood reporter," they had a list of problematic actors. i was personally offended for you for different reasons, but they had you guys on the list where i was like, some of these people are here for sleeping with underage kids, some people are here for abusing their spouses. again, what you did was [bleep] up, i love chris, i'm friends with him, i love you, but this is [bleep] up but it's not the same world and that is what was weird. especially, i find, because there were all these dynamics. i know that as black people, black people get together and go, what was will doing?
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what the hell happened? a lot of black people were like, "he should go to jail." like, you need to relax yourself. it was a weird -- some people were overreacting, which made some people underreact. you know? >> yeah, it's -- i understand how shocking that was for people, man. >> trevor: right. you seemed a little dazed afterwards. >> yeah, i was gone, dude, i was gone. i was gone. i was -- you know, that was a rage that had been bottled for a really long time. and you know, but it's -- i understand the pain. it was like, my nephew is nine. and he is the sweetest little boy. he's like -- we came home, and it's like, he had stayed up late to see his uncle will, you know,
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and we are sitting in my kitchen and he is on my lap and he is holding the oscar and he is just like, why did you hit that man, uncle will? you know? damn it. why are you trying to oprah me? [applause] >> trevor: he is sitting on your lap. >> yeah, it was -- i was like -- it was a mess. i don't want to go too far into it. >> trevor: i hope you know that you don't always have to bottle it up. i hope you know that you not being perfect is what will make you -- you are will smith, man. do you know what i mean? [cheers and applause] we love you, for real. you are that dude, you know? >> that was one of the big things for me over this last
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couple of months, you know, that i had to forgive myself for being human. you know? and it's like, trust me, there is nobody that hates the fact that i'm human more than me. >> trevor: i know that. >> you know? [cheers and applause] >> trevor: we will take a break, we will be right back. for real. [cheers and applause] if you run a small business, you need the most from every investment. that's why comcast business gives you more. more innovation... with our new gig-speed wi-fi, plus unlimited data. more speed... from the largest, fastest, reliable network... and more savings- up to 60% a year with comcast business mobile. all from the company that powers more businesses than any other provider. get started with fast speeds and advanced security for $49.99 a month for 12 months.
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tomorrow is giving tuesday. please consider donating to one simple wish, a charity that grants wishes to kids and young adults in foster care. if you want to help grant a wish or donate towards their holiday wish fund, please do so at the link below. until next time, stay safe out there and remember, it is not called monkeypox anymore. now we just say the m word. here it is, you are moment of zen. >> from football to futbol. >> from football to futbol. >> football and futbol. >> this is in football, this is futbol. >> football and futbol. see what i did there? - ♪ mtv ♪ [police radio chatter] [bike tires screech] - [grunting] [siren wailing] [police radio chatter]
11:44 pm
[dog barking] - proceed with caution. 10-14. [helicopter whirring] - [groans] [panting] oh, god. hey. - hey, kid. - hey, officer. - out of the pool. do you live here? shit. i'm in the wrong place. - whoo! [upb[gunshots]usic - ah! - oh! - holy shit! [air horn blares] [siren wailing] [air horn blares] ♪ ♪
11:45 pm
[siren wailing] - go! - [yelps] - ooh. ooh, ooh, ooh. ooh, it's early. - good morning, gang. - good morning. [shaver whirring] - if you're doing, like, an impression of that, like, like a guy who has no voice. [shaver whirring] - [mutters gruffly] - [cackles] it's awesome. - [gruff voice] i'm your dad. i'm probably dying. - what's that? - uncle frederick's going to look after you now. [normal voice] but uncle frederick didn't. you---whew. he'd look after me. [police radio chatter] uh, who signed up for mandatory coyote hazing? okay. well, if you did sign up, report tonight, okay? and then we'll go in the dark from--we'll go from there. garcia asked to make an announcement. - i have been summoned by the u.s. department of justice,
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