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tv   Stephen Colbert Presents Tooning Out the News  Comedy Central  December 1, 2022 2:00am-2:31am PST

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[cheers and applause] >> trevor: well, that's our show for tonight but before we go: please consider donating to one simple wish, a charity that grants wishes to kids and young adults in foster care. if you want to help grant a wish or donate towards their holiday wish fund, please do so at the link below. until next time, stay safe out there and remember: don't get your medical advice from twitter. use tiktok for that. now here it is, your "moment of zen." ♪ ♪ >> i used to have a beagle named roger, and roger was a rascal. about every two weeks, roger would run off. he would always come back, but about half the time, he would come back dragging roadkill that he would hide under my back porch. president biden's energy policy looks like something roger use to keep under my back porch.
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♪ ♪ ♪ tampon packaging, make people think you're going to the bathroom to eat candy. tonight on "tooning out the news," inside the hill interviews legendary journalist bob woodward on his recorded conversations with donald trump and how often he declined trump's offer to guess the nuclear codes. on the conservative hot take, republicans say banning deadly assault weapons is not worth making a duck make it across with a wound. who best represents the party's face of humble blue collar mike pence. it's time for something news. ♪ good evening. i'm host and steering wheel james smartwood. the top story tonight after a stunning rejection of far-right extremism in the midterm
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elections, a humbled republican party is in civil war over who should course correct and lead the party even further extremely right. here are just some of those competing for power and, yes, each and every one of them has been banned for life from target. the battle to control the gop intensified this week after donald trump's dinner with future bunk mates kanye west and nick fuentes forcing republican leader kevin mccarthy to say this -- >> clarify your position on the meeting between trump and kanye west, was that appropriate? >> look, the president can have meetings with who he wants. i don't think anybody should have a meeting with nick fuentes and his views are nowhere within the republican party or within this country itself. >> kanye west? >> i think kanye west -- >> comments i don't think should associate with them as well. >> mccarthy obviously extremely proud to lead a political party where it open question is where everyone stands on dinners with nazis. the controversy arrives as
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congressman mccarthy is struggling to pull to votes necessary to win the speakership. >> we want everybody to have input but we have to speak as one voice. this is fragile if we play games on the floor. the democrats can pick who is speaker is. >> mccarthy deploying the cutting strategy of reminding every new republican member of congress that they alone could end his political career. joining me now to take a truth bat and run headlines flailing into a scoop lake is democratic strategist who legally changed her address to the msnbc green room, lydia parker. >> good evening. >> chief bureau chief seated at his brother's wedding bride's mother work friends jonathan keen. >> hello. >> chief correspondent james smartwood jr. >> hey. >> "tooning out the news" contributor and chemical opposite of peter, weijia jiang. thank you for joining us. >> great to see you again. >> weijia, you were the reporter who asked that question of kevin
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mccarthy. has this dinner fiasco derailed mccarthy east ability to focus house republicans serious agenda of sprinting out screen shots of hunter biden's sex tapes? >> it's becoming apparent it's not going to be as easy as he hoped to get the votes and as many people thought. remember, just a few weeks ago we were all talking about the red wave that wasn't. and because republicans have such a slim majority now in the house, that means there's very little wiggle room for mccarthy not to get votes. he needs 218 votes, a simple majority in order to clinch that title of house speaker. and right now, at least five conservative republicans in the house freedom caucus are threatening to vote against him. >> all i know is this is the sort of raucous no holds barred political struggle that's a perfect match far voice cracking
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substance free desantis. >> feebly grasping at the reins of power, mike pence said this about trump's dinner. >> president trump was wrong to give a white nationalist an anti-semite and holocaust denier a seat at the table. and i think he should apologize for it. and he should denounce those individuals. >> let's go live to mar-a-lago where shirley the contrite humble trump will emerge any moment tail between his legs and recite a tearful apology to the nation he served and respected colleague. it's going to happen for sure. >> absolutely. >> yes, of course. >> happening. going to happen. >> it's going to happen right now. >> is that him? did you just see him? >> is that it? >> shadow after raincoat. >> shadow of a raincoat. >> while we wait, weijia, how will he overcome this anti-semitism and win the republican nomination? >> mike pence has a struggle
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ahead, too, because right now, you know, he's trying to sell his book. he's distancing himself from trump, but he has a record that lives in history. and this loud voice that he's using now was not there, for example, during the january 6th riot. and so i think that, you know, republicans will be quick to point that out if they are not supporters of pence and do not want to see him in that position to be the nominee. >> you know, pence could get a bump from the base if he cuts his own head off? >> well, it does not look like that apology from trump is coming. one more moment that makes mike pence look weak. in addition to him already being dumb. now, more than ever he needs to toughen up his image if he wants any shot at this nomination, so naturally let's bring in chuck bones the founder of the cast, a super cool leather clothing store on manhattan's lower east side. chuck, thank you for joining us tonight. >> how's it going? thanks for having me. >> chuck, i know someone who is a little stiff, comes across as
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weak. what can he wear to appear like he has an aota of self respect? >> yeah. you have those guys that want to take some baby steps they never had a leather jacket before. >> for sure. >> something more streamlined for that type of guy. >> what are you thinking there? >> like a cafe racer, amsterdam jacket here. >> uh-huh. >> snap collar. >> sure. >> oh, cool. >> has minimal details, not too many bells and whistles. i think any guy can pull a jacket like this off. >> i certainly think he could. i think karen would be into it. what are we thinking of the cod piece? >> a lot of people get way more adventurous than we think. >> uh-huh. >> yeah, i would say it's not out of the question. >> not out of the question. >> well, if i could jump in here. i'm actually in the -- well, if i could jump in here, i'm in the market for something that says, ho, daddy, this is one cool cat. also, do you want to hang out, chuck bones? >> don't do it, chuck. i'm telling you, man. >> yeah.
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i would say any of these really. i mean, you could go -- >> oh, here we go. >> a little bit more -- kind of like a casual version of say an elvis 68 special jacket but like in black suede, that would be really cool. >> now you're speaking my language. >> real super cool, though. >> no one talks like that. no one talks like that. >> not as sleek as your average cow hide jacket, but -- >> okay. and in regards to the hanging out, are you available? >> i'm always down. >> i too am down. >> wow. >> lastly chuck, we have a power vacuum of the republican party. can heaven mccarthy pull together these 218 votes or do you think it will be a consensus candidate like steve scalise leading the party? i don't know if you do politics at all. >> i would say whoever is going to be wearing this jacket is probably going to get my vote. >> so sick. >> oh, hell yeah. >> a one-issue voter. >> that's all the time we have.
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sorry we didn't have time to cover herschel walker storming back into texas, holding a gun to his exstate's head and telling it to keep his itself mouth shut. toss it to hot take. how are you passing off your fear of other people as a righteous fight against the devil agenda tonight? >> thank you. tonight i explain the democrats fans guns leaves hunters without the rocket launchers necessary to protect them from turtle doves. that's ahead on hot takes. ♪
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triscut, it's delicious. host who wishes more stores had more pressure machines, tyler templeton alongside co-host favorite game was shove great grandma off the boat, bonnie davis, co-host, susan shepherd and fedora face threatens to return at any moment, austin sparks, prosecuting sam bank freed, this
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is hot take. ♪ what's up, rock hard? earwax gang? tonight like all reasonable americans, i am outraged that we just had another senseless, all too common, politicization of mass shootings in america. there is no other country on earth that has this level of gun reform stuff people are trying to do. and while republicans put forward concrete prayers and on fiscations all joe biden has to offer is policies dictated to him by the radical 90% of americans lobby. >> the idea we still allow semiautomatic weapons to be purchased is sick. it's just sick. it has no -- no essential redeeming value. >> what will you try to do? >> i will try to get rid of assault weapons. >> what will that solve? without assault weapons these people will just find some other non-gun way to fling bullets 2,000 miles per hour. maybe by open carrying an all-star pitcher.
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luckily, fox news somehow, some way got mike huk by to go on camera and talk about folksy crap. >> president is not helping anybody utter ignorance of firearms. semiautomatic been around for more than 100 years. many of us are hunters, we duck hunt with semiautomatic duck guns. >> 40,000 people need to die by guns every year so mike huckabee can liquefy a duck and everyone knows ducks don't die from normal guns due to their armor like exteriors. holy god s that the terminator. >> democrats don't want a virus pandemic or gun violence pandemic, so basically want people to live forever as if we have unlimited apartments. >> yeah. and fire has been around for centuries killing millions. and you don't see us trying to legislate that away with some firefighters force. moving on, house republicans will soon start investigations into the democrats delivering on the promises that won them a crushing single digit majority. here is a preview courtesy of
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incoming republican oversight committee chair and man double checking the delivery driver brought the crazy bread, james comber. >> assuming you're chairman of the oversight committee, you have one investigation, you get to focus on, there's just one. i know you have a bunch you want to do. what's the one? >> well, we're going to investigate between 40 and 50 different things. >> that's it. assuming each investigation lasts one year, that doesn't get us through the century. here is what republicans need to investigate now. >> fighting incidents are joe biden's eyes too small? how did joe biden's eyes get too small? >> joe biden's bizarre unconditional love of his son? has today's military become too woke to win wars for decades? i got like 50 more questions about joe biden's eyes. >> look, we need to find out if the bidens pedalled their influence for profit illegally by not funneling those profits through a failing hotel brand. >> when women see jim jordan asking an edge of your seat
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meandering question to express legislation merrick garland, they will completely forget republicans stripped them of their body autonomy. >> sounds right to me. i have to go eat the chicken florentine my wife made for company coming over and act like i forgot. let's wrap it out with i'm not done. ♪ knew twitter ceo and normal hairline industry disrupter elon musk is doing such an amazing job running twitter that apple is considering removing it from the app store. if that happens, elon musk says he would consider making his own alternative phone. sick. i hope it sinks with your tesla so they both explode at the same time. bonnie? >> it's a dark bay for blue collar manhattanites who buy their lobster tail at whole foods. >> lots of whole foods here in new york city, we all shop there, and now you won't be able to find maine lobster on the shelves orb in the frozen food sections because they're upset -- the swwhales are getti
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entangled in the traps. >> first off, the free market says i can buy whatever i want from whatever store i want. and second, the whole point of eating is knowing you are eating something that died for you. so, we need to start catching lobsters using methods that kill every single animal on earth. >> well when "tooning out the news" returns, inside the hill talks to bob woodward whether it was wrong for trump to have dinner with a white supremacist at mar-a-lago without making him ap apply for membership like everyone els be ready for whatever life throws your way. only dial provides a hard-working clean but is gentle to skin with its skin smart complex and 3 moisturizers to leave your skin feeling fresh and healthy. nothing cleans like dial. these little cups would make great stocking stuffers. ♪♪ but how about right-now-in-your-mouth stuffers.
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go to and get started today auto show, big room, weird guys. >> tonight we bring on legendary "washington post" journalist bob woodward to discuss whether trump can say that only 2% of his mar-a-lago dinner guests were anti-semitic if you count the hundreds of food born tapeworms. >> let's go inside the hill. ♪ all i'm saying i enjoy the world cup more knowing how many workers are buried alive inside the stadium's foundation. >> yeah. i say once the workers are dead, the system is victorious, why have the games? >> absolutely.
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know what you have when you have it. now, i'm sarah sabo and i exercise by laying on my side and flailing one foot around until i pass out. >> i'm rich. i forgotten my first wife's face. >> we begin tonight with the controversy surrounding former president and inventor of the speech venue exit padlock, donald trump. after he dined at mar-a-lago with new trump secretary of state and defense front-runners kanye west and nick fuentes. here to discuss is legendary pulitzer prize winning journalist bob woodward, the author of the audio book "the trump tapes." bob woodward's 20 interviews with president donald trump. thanks for joining us, bob. >> thank you. >> now, bob, no reporter is closer to donald trump. what did trump hope to gain from this dinner with anti-semites besides voices loud enough to drown out the sound of trump trying to get through steak physically indistishable from aing to toy? >> first of all, what i found in
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the eight hours of interviews with him, he does exactly what he wants. in the audio tapes, he describes his relationship with kim jong-un, the leader of north korea. now, there is no worse thuggish leader on the globe than kim jong-un. he starves millions of his people. but trump told me, he said when he first met kim jong-un, it was like meeting a woman. in one second you know whether it's going to work out. he'll have dinner with whoever he wants. no one is going to tell him what to do. >> and it's just sad that fuentes got trump's ear instead of the usual more enlightened company of tallahassee's breast implant king. >> to be one of the 100,000 flies on that wall. >> now, bob, you've had a lot of late night phone conversations with trump. before ending a call, has either of you ever accidentally said i
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love you? [ laughter ]. >> no, he's not said that. but imagine, this is a nine-month period. he's president of the united states. i realized i became entangled in the chaos of his presidency, but the agreement was he could call any time. of course i could call him any time. >> yes, that's how a phone works. >> my wife, el is a walsh worked for the "washington post," was a staff writer for the new yorker, was in on lots of these calls. i would tell trump my wife is here. they had a little bit of a phone relationship, but elsa said during this period it was as if there were three people in our marriage. >> hot. >> now, bob, before donald trump led an insurrection, richard nixon led a criminal conspiracy,
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bill clinton allegedly committed sex crimes and george w. bush kills hundreds of thousands of innocent iraqis. the presidency a chance to administer capitalism greatest labor farm and command history's greatest death machine. how did it become such a freak magnet? >> from nixon up through trump, there is a concentration of power in the presidency. i think people just don't comprehend it. the great historian barbara tuckman in 1974, after nixon had resigned, she said, america has become overly enchanted, even bewitched by the presidency. the media has become bewitched by it. she was quite right saying the president himself becomes bewitched with that extraordinary power. >> bob, you are perhaps this
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nation's most preimminent journalist and by simly writing the office of the presidency have given credibility to it. but given recent history, perhaps it's time for some course correction, which brings us to our segment updated bob woodward books. now we'll throw out new titles for your books about president's past. you tell us if these provide a fuller picture of their time in office. ready? >> ready. >> and away we go. first up, for trump, how about a book entitled "trump's judgment, cobbled together advice from sean hannity, jon voight and the caddy who gives the other caddy's pills," yes or no? >> yes. >> okay. now for obama, how about, "rebuke, the inside story of obama's momentous wall street light wrist slap," yes or no, bob? >> i would say no to that one. >> okay. well for bill clinton, we're thinking "clinton's rise how the highest office in the land came to be occupied by the grossest human in history".
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>> no. >> how about this, bob, for george w. bush, you could do "hindsight, bush kills millions but he never tweeted hamburders". >> no. >> you haven't written one yet for joe biden, may we humbly suggest "biden year 1, 365 days, and 365 calls to long deceased colleagues". >> maybe. >> all right. we got a maybe. and that's how you play updated bob woodward books. well, my fingers are cold, so it's time to take a 90 minute shower. that's all the time we have. >> thank you to our esteemed guest bob woodward. thank you, bob. >> thanks. when "tooning out the news" returns, an exclusive offer for you, our dear beloved disposable cogs of capitalism. that's ahead. >> announcer: follow "tooning out the news" on twitter, facebook, tiktok and
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mhmmm. oh that's delicious. he's never gonna move out. i know. i'll take an iced latte. get him a coffee! this holiday season... it's gonna be busy. it's gonna be emotional. but it's gonna be worth it. with mccormick, it's gonna be great.
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♪ before we go, it's the holiday season and that means it's time for everyone to do their part to serve their community and nation the best way possible. reckless disastrous spending. >> that's right. we hope everyone propped up our failing department stores q4 earnings reports on black friday. >> and on small business saturday, purchase from mom and pop shops to elongate their lives a few more moments before amazon slowly lowers the pillow on their faces. on giving tuesday, donate to charities to the compensate for the failure of our national safety net. you can always do more, inside the hill is now offering to send you a self addressed


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