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tv   The Daily Show  Comedy Central  May 23, 2024 1:25am-2:00am PDT

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the only price to be paid for convenience is that we must be secure with ourselves. - yeah. got yourselves some nice home security systems, don't you? paying a man to do your job of protecting your house. only problem is, while you're out feeling like your things are safe, that security man is [bleep] your wife. - doors and windows should be armed, and your motion detectors are up and running. just call me whenever you need me back. [gun cocks] ah! who are you? - it doesn't matter who we are. what matters is our plan. you should have respected my authority. - [gasps] ♪ ♪ >> announcer: from the most trusted journalists at
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comedy central... it's america's only source for news. this is "the daily show" with your host, michael kosta! [cheers and applause] ♪ ♪ >> michael: welcome to "the daily show!" i'm michael kosta. we've got so much to talk about! joe biden has a new fan, donald trump is afraid for his life, and rfk jr. is reaching out to the only people weirder than he is. so let's get into all of it, with our continuing coverage of "indecision 2024!" [cheers and applause] ♪ ♪ let's kick things off with polls. there's a new one every 15 minutes. even though none of us have ever met a single person who has participated in one, but whatever, someone's doing them! but a new poll out today reminds
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us that, no matter how dumb our leaders are, we the people are even dumber. >> "the guardian" did, like, a commissioned harris poll for americans and how they feel about the economy. 55% say the economy is shrinking. 56% say the economy is in recession, which, you know, we know on cnbc is not the case. >> 49% believe the s&p is down for the year. >> i know. >> which seems incredible. >> which it's up about 13% and 23% last year. 49% also say unemployment is at a 50 year high. in fact, unemployment is at a 50 year low, or near there, under 4%. >> michael: all right, so just to summarize: we think the economy is shrinking when it's actually growing, that the stock market is down when it's actually up, and that unemployment is at a 50 year high when it's actually near a 50 year low. but we do know that bennifer is on the rocks, so we're not completely pathetic. it might just be me, but maybe,
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as a society, we shouldn't have replaced newspapers with dudes ranting in cars. i don't know. and look, in a way, i get it. people don't judge the economy based on data. they're like, "you say gdp is up, but i say i used to be on my cousin's netflix account and now i have to get my own, so yeah, "jerome powell," we're in a recession." [applause] but you have to remember, these are not surveys of americans. these are surveys of americans who are willing to talk to a stranger who cold calls them in the middle of a workday. what i'm saying is, these people are not normal. i mean, i ignore phone calls from my own mother, that's normal. sometimes i'll get three, four, five calls in a row, then a bunch of texts, "the car is filling up with water." i don't have time for this, mom! i'll see you at thanksgiving. that's normal. either way, clearly joe biden
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needs to do a better job of getting word out about the healthy economy. maybe he just needs a hype man, you know? like how notorious b.i.g had p. diddy. maybe p. diddy can do it, what's he up to? [audience reacts] is he -- i guess he's not available right now. okay. while biden has his work cut out for him trying to win over people who aren't fully informed about the stock market, one of his rivals is going after a much smaller group of people who are obsessed with it. >> u.s. presidential candidate robert f. kennedy jr. is now trying to appeal to amateur traders on reddit, who call themselves apes and intentionally invest in distressed companies like gamestop. >> the politician saying that he personally invested $24,000 in gamestop. the tweet accompanied by the bizarre new campaign poster showing kennedy and an actual ape, each holding what appears to be a falcon. >> michael: wait, forget gamestop. why does this picture look like he's on a honeymoon with that falcon? are they in love, or is the
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falcon just trying to get a better angle on that worm in his brain? now you might think it's weird for rfk jr. to be going after this tiny little specific group, but don't forget, america is just a bunch of tiny little specific groups. first, he gets the reddit apes, then he gets the furries, then the trad-wives, cottage-core tiktok, disney adults, jetblue frequent fliers with mosaic elite status... the next thing you know, it's january and he's giving his state of the union from burning man. let's move on to republican candidate donald trump. recently, he took over the republican national committee, and today, someone sent him a house-warming gift. >> we begin with breaking news from the republican national committee headquarters in washington, d.c. it was placed on lockdown this morning after vials of blood were sent to the building according to multiple sources. >> we've learned that package was addressed to former
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president donald trump and it contained two vials of blood. >> michael: what the [bleep] is going on here? someone sent blood to the rnc? i guess it could just be rudy giuliani's lunch order. but even so, why is anyone sending blood through the mail? it's 2024, people! fax it. but seriously, don't send blood to the rnc. that's reckless. now you're gonna end up on their mailing list. but you can see why donald trump might be freaked out by this. because as you may have heard, somebody is trying to assassinate him. >> donald trump is now claiming that the fbi raid on mar-a-lago two years ago was actually joe biden's attempt to assassinate him. he pointed to wording in the search warrant that allowed the fbi to use lethal force if necessary, which the fbi says is "standard protocol" in any search. >> but in a fundraising email to supporters, trump wrote, "they
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were authorized to shoot me!" and "you know they're just itching to do the unthinkable. joe biden was locked and loaded, ready to take me out." >> michael: holy shit. "locked and loaded?" "ready to take me out?" i have never heard joe biden sound so [bleep] cool in my life. i always thought of him as a doddering old man. [applause] i always thought of biden as a doddering old man but donald trump makes him sound like one of the expendables. "the rest of you take who you want, but leave the orange man to me." can you tape "wheel of fortune?" this might take a little while." now personally, i think it would be very difficult to assassinate donald trump, mostly because he would never get that close to a book depository. but regardless, i don't think trump actually fears getting assassinated by joe biden. and the reason is because he announced it in a fundraising email. if you're dodging bullets, you
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don't stop to wave your venmo qr code. "somebody, please! send money!" for more on this so-called assassination conspiracy, we go live to josh johnson. [cheers and applause] josh, what's the latest? >> hi, michael. i'm at joe biden's campaign headquarters, in the donald trump assassination room, and the mood here is frustrated. >> michael: wait. joe biden actually is trying to assassinate donald trump? >> oh, of course! trump is 100% correct. biden's been trying to take him out for years. the entire fbi raid was their best chance. they were going to roll into mar-a-lago, corner trump in his office, surround him like scarface, then be like: [gunshots]
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then secret service is like "skew, skew, skew!" then trump gets lit up like "blippity, blippity, blippity." mission accomplished. [applause] >> michael: i don't think that's how guns sound. >> that's cause you not from the streets. >> michael: okay, fine, but if they were trying to assassinate trump, why would they raid his house on the day he wasn't even there? >> look, they're trying to find trump, but the guy's like the wind. when's the last time you saw him? >> michael: i saw him yesterday. he's been at that new york courthouse every day for two months! and when he's not there, he's at a rally that he promotes on his website! >> damn, how'd you know that? you should join the team! you can stand right next to me, hit 'em with some of that: [fake shooting sounds] [moaning] >> michael: josh, josh, i'm positive that's not how guns
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sound. >> wow, suburban white boy going to tell me about guns. okay, all right. [applause] like you've ever caught a body, kosta. >> michael: hold on, let's get back to this story, this is huge news. is biden still trying to take trump out? >> oh, yeah. everything in donald trump's life is a joe biden plot against him. even the poison. >> michael: poison? >> yeah, what do you think kfc is? you think that's just a business? no, it's a 77-year-long plan to clog up trump's arteries. and that's not all. did you ever notice trump has been aging one day, every single day that biden's been president? you think that just happens to people? wake up, michael. it's a secret plot to kill trump with natural causes. this [bleep] is diabolical! >> michael: isn't that just how time works? why would biden do something that complicated? trump said a president has total
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immunity to take out his rivals. why can't biden just use a drone? >> ooh, drones. kosta, you smart, you sure you don't want to be on the assassination team? have the drones coming down like: [high-pitched bird noise] >> michael: drones don't sound like birds! i know that. >> then why they in the sky? okay? country club kosta is going to tell me, a man from the streets, what a military grade predator drone sounds like! >> michael: it's not important! look, biden is wasting so much time trying to take out trump, he's going to end up losing the election to him! >> exactly, and the stress of that job will kill trump for sure. >> michael: but trump was already president and he's fine. >> yeah, for one term. but give him three or four more terms and he's done for. that's the biden brain, baby. >> michael: wow. it's the perfect plot. josh johnson, everyone. [cheers and applause] when we come back, we actually find some fans of joe biden. so don't go away.
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[cheers and applause] ♪ is you with me now? ♪ ♪ then biggie-biggie-bounce ♪ ♪ i know you dig the way ♪ ♪ i sw-sw-switch my style ♪ (holla) ♪ people sing around ♪ ♪ now people gather 'round ♪ ♪ now people jump around ♪ ♪ go, get ur freak on ♪ ♪ go, get ur freak on ♪ ♪ go, get ur freak on ♪ what's the worst part of the locker room? shareef: axe. axe. brandon: i like that. shareef: reminds me of like a designer store. brandon: this smells like a candle. shareef: is this a joke? you chose axe! brandon: i knew i had good taste! shareef: i thought that was a designer brand.
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[cheers and applause] >> michael: welcome back to "the daily show." there's plenty of endangered species out there, but in american politics, there's one species more endangered than most.
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>> in this election, republicans have their run or die candidate, who they want to be president forever. and democrats, they also have a guy. >> the best way to get something done, if you hold near and dear to you that you like to be able to -- anyway. >> four more years. >> joe biden has an enthusiasm problem. the polling shows that democrats are not enthused. >> joe biden, democrats are not excited. speak about maybe we in the media are out of touch. i hit the streets to ask what do voters really think about joe biden? >> not the most excited. >> i mean, he's okay. >> i wish i was more excited. >> on a scale of 1 to 10? >> probably somewhere around two or three. >> what would you compare to seeing some really beautiful latte are? >> that maybe is a five. >> could you point in this graph how you feel about voting for joe biden? >> okay. >> but if you couldn't tell by the stick and poked tattoos and warby parker glasses, these people were all democrats.
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there must be something they like about joe biden. >> he's a big ice cream guy. can't vote against that. >> what you think his favorite flavor is? >> manella, 100%. >> got to be super meant. >> he is our president. >> he is our president. >> slap that on a t-shirt. i love it. >> i expect him to behave like a president as opposed to. >> he definitely is not a child. >> then i found one person whose passion whelmed to me. >> on a scale of 1 to 10, how excited are you about voting for joe biden? >> 11. >> 11. oh, my god. is this joe, joe biden or a famous corgi and unser graham named joe biden? >> joseph robinette biden are in jr. >> my god, there is an older one? >> who is this guy? against my better judgment, i followed him to his car. >> oh, my god! oh. okay. >> it is a cardboard cutout. before i get into your car, this isn't a sex thing, right?
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>> it is not. >> i didn't think so. >> oh, my god, you have kamala too. you have the full cabinet in there? where is the acting labor secretary? julie? this is bidens biggest and only super fan. does he hold the key to defeat donald trump and his maga army. donald trump has this huge fan club of tens of thousands of intense weirdos and the 11 has you. why do you think that is? >> there is sort of a cult mentality going on there. i think they have an unnatural devotion to a single person. >> right. a cultlike devotion to one man. let's talk about the cardboard cut out. why do you keep it in your trunk? don't you want to see them in the morning and say, what's up, joe? >> well, my boyfriend, he's less enthusiastic. >> oh, my god. >> having him watch us all
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times. >> you have a boyfriend? >> i do. >> okay, setting aside the question of whether the boyfriend was also a cardboard cutout, winded to go to first realize he wasn't biden curious? >> i was a senior in high school in 2012 and i had just come out of the closet and joe biden had announced his support for marriage equality. >> and you thought to yourself, he's a little young right now to be president but may be in eight years, he'll be ready? >> at the time, not so much. but this man literally came out of retirement to save our country from white supremacists and fascism. >> so you like him more than when he was just that? >> absolutely. >> that is a strong endorsement at a time when joe biden is so unpopular that somehow, hating him is uniting pro-israel. and pro-palestine protesters. so what does dakota see in this guy? >> his swag, his whispery voice, what is left of his hair? >> mostly his policies. they are so many to choose from.
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>> really? i can't even think about me. go off. >> i would think of what he came into office, he immediately got off to work with the american rescue plan, follow that up with a bipartisan infrastructure act, the chips and science act. >> the chips and salsa act? >> chips and science. >> maybe we need to make policy more. >> i think you are right. there was his 80th birthday when he had all the candles. >> i guess we can have fun with glaring reminders of his age. >> turns out, the things that get dakota excited are different from other voters. what did he think their problem was? >> well, he is an older, straight, white gentleman. and in democratic circles, that is usually not what gets us excited. >> i don't think there's anything we can do about as oldness or his whiteness, but do you think he would consider exploring his sexuality? >> sure. >> joe biden joe biden tumbler fan fiction aside, could dakota get democrats fired up about biden? not like that. >> i'll be pretend to be someone who is not overly enthused to
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vote for joe biden and i want to convince me. all right? i'm ready. >> do you love living in a democracy? >> yes. >> oh, my gosh. i thought the perfect candidate for you to vote for. >> who is it? >> it is the current president, joe biden. >> oh. >> it is about full normalcy, and sanity, and keeping the institutions that have built our constitutional republic first centuries. >> keeping things the same as they are now. >> with minor improvements. >> with minor improvements. i guess, one thing that is good about biden's he doesn't have the baggage, say that hillary has. >> i love hillary. >> come on! ♪ ♪ >> maybe i have been focusing on the wrong thing. maybe it isn't the voters that need the pep talk. it's joe biden! and dakota has some advice that will shape the political landscape forever. >> i would say, keep doing what you are doing but do it better. >> yeah. way to pump him up.
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[laughter] >> well, there is always 2028. >> seriously, can i please sit in the front? >> no, i am sorry. [cheers and applause] >> michael: thank you, troy. when we come back, jb smoove will be joining me on the show. so don't go away. [cheers and applause] ♪ i wanna see all my friends at once ♪ ♪ [droids beeping] [loud indistinct chatter] ♪ [message received tone] ♪ ♪ i wanna see all my friends at once ♪ [find my chime] ♪ ♪ i wanna see all my friends at once ♪
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[cheers and applause] >> michael: welcome back to "the daily show." my guest tonight is an emmy-winning actor and comedian who plays leon black on "curb your enthusiasm." >> you ever considered how much time you have wasted in your
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life urinating? hundreds of hours. you could be learning something in that time, you know? >> you know who's going to be a billionaire, the [bleep] who creates a car that runs on piss. >> yeah. >> why waste it? >> now that idiotic brain of you has finally landed. you have landed on something. >> water and gatorades and shit, coffees and shit, pull over the dick out, you are on your merry way. the peeus. >> michael: please welcome jb smoove! [cheers and applause] ♪ ♪ that's great. oh, my god. >> hey, man.
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let's dial right in, baby. let me tell you something, no truer words than ever have been spoken, man. >> michael: than that. >> let me tell you something. you invent that car, you will be assassinated. you know how you would ruin big oil. what? you are out of here. >> michael: when i liked about that clip was the dick hole for the car, you still had to get out and walk to it. i was thinking -- >> you have to get out. >> michael: what is that supposed to mean? >> hey, whatever. [applause] you set that up perfect. >> michael: i set you up perfect. so was that in the script? dick in the hole or is that jb doing jb? >> "curb" has no script. there is only an outline based on the idea for the episode. but that changes also, based on where you go. there is branches. it's branches everywhere.
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what is going to be the best path? what am i going to get the most funny out of? having his back or fighting with him? you know what i mean? a good fight is always great. >> michael: but there is also takes if you deciding it doesn't work. or does jb? >> [laughs] it always works. >> michael: it is fun watching because you see larry sometimes crack or you can see in his eyes, he goes, i don't know what's happening. yeah, yeah, yeah. [laughter] >> that is where the stand up part comes in. >> michael: i was going to ask you about stand up. >> that is where that comes in. we, as stand-ups, we have to be able to read people. how are you going to be in a room full of 2,000 people in the audience, you have to find that one [bleep] who is not laughing. >> michael: i know, right. >> he's like -- >> michael: you don't think, i'm making 1,099 people laugh. you are thanking him what's wrong with this [bleep] right there? >> that is what we do.
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not just improv people, but stand-up comedians have a unique -- we can feel. is it called an empath? we are like an empath. >> michael: i like that. >> we can feel your energy. >> michael: it's true. >> we feel it. we know when to move onto the next bit. the decibels in our ear goes up and comes back down to a certain level and we know to move on. we've got an opening for the next bit. but we've got to read people. i got to read him because i'm trying to honestly make a snot bubble come out of his [bleep] nose! [cheers and applause] >> michael: and you do. you do. >> woo! hey, you make somebody laugh and you make a snot bubble come out, that is the ultimate. stand-up comics also take the drama of the world and we convert that drama, because we have a different filtration system. we take everything we have been through and rearrange it to make
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you laugh about it. we are also therapists. >> michael: [laughs] >> we touch on things -- >> michael: it's true. >> that only we can touch on it in that way. look, man. if you get rid of the comedian, you might as well just [bleep] die. >> michael: [laughs] >> no, i am telling you, because there is no way in hell you could take the brunt of the real world every day without somebody who is able to take that world, filtrate it, put it through your body, and give it back to you in a manageable form. >> michael: you have always made me laugh on "curb," your stand up. thank you for coming and hanging out with us. >> man, it's easy, baby! >> michael: congratulations on "curb." the final season of "curb your enthusiasm" is available to stream on max! jb smoove. we're going to take a quick break, but we'll be right back after this. the vehicle. >> the vehicle! [cheers and applause]
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shareef: axe. axe. brandon: i like that. shareef: reminds me of like a designer store. brandon: this smells like a candle. shareef: is this a joke? you chose axe! brandon: i knew i had good taste! shareef: i thought that was a designer brand. [cheers and applause] >> michael: that's our show for tonight. now here it is, your "moment of zen." >> look, i will just be very plain and simple. i was of the state of the union address and joe biden must have been jacked up on something. i absolutely believe that from a medical standpoint.
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>> what you mean he was jacked up at the state of the union? >> i believe they gave him something to help him sustain the laughs and 60 in the figure that he had. that was not joe biden. i was in there. he screamed for two hours. he screamed for two hours. and you know, maybe we can talk off-line and i will show you something and i think that proves that. >> you will show me what? >> s [twangy music] - ♪ i'm going down to south park ♪ ♪ gonna have myself a time ♪ both: ♪ friendly faces everywhere ♪ ♪ humble folks without temptation ♪ - ♪ i'm going down to south park ♪ ♪ gonna leave my woes behind ♪ - ♪ ample parking day or night ♪ ♪ people spouting "howdy neighbor" ♪ - ♪ headin' on up to south park ♪ ♪ gonna see if i can't unwind ♪ - ♪ [muffled] ♪ - ♪ come on down to south park ♪ ♪ and meet some friends of mine ♪
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