tv The Daily Show Comedy Central August 13, 2024 1:25am-2:01am PDT
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looking for a smarter way to mop? try the swiffer powermop. ♪♪ an all-in-one cleaning tool, with a 360-degree swivel head that goes places a regular mop just can't. ♪♪ mop smarter with the swiffer powermop. ♪ ♪ >> announcer: from the most trusted journalists at comedy central... it's america's only source for news. this is "the daily show" with your host, jon stewart! [cheers and applause] ♪ ♪
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[cheers and applause] ♪ ♪ >> jon: hello, everybody! boom! [cheers and applause] hey, everybody! welcome to "the daily show!" my name is jon stewart. and i am risen from covid hell! [cheers and applause] first-timer. did not care for it. i also want to welcome all of our viewers who are probably joining in from x, after watching an amazing and surprisingly life-affirming conversation between donald trump and elon musk.
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you know, when they started quoting their favorite maya angelou passages to each other... "my interpretation, the caged bird is singing for bitcoin..." we do have a great show for you tonight. mark cuban is going to be joining us later. [cheers and applause] on this program, occasionally, we do make fun of donald trump. occasionally! and with the ribbing and the joshing and the pulling the pants down and the pointing. but he's in pain right now. >> multiple sources tell "the washington post" trump has grown increasingly upset about harris' surging poll numbers. >> trump is, quote, "complaining relentlessly." >> posting multiple times on social media, clearly frustrated
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with biden's decision to step aside, saying, quote, "now we have to start all over again." >> jon: not fair! jesus! a month ago, he was basically already the [bleep] president! he had cheated death, he started a new ear accessory trend, back then, people thought his vp selection was a smart choice! he had it all in the bag, and it was taken away! he was perfect on the beam, he nailed the dismount, he was walking to the podium to get his medal, and [bleep] romania filed an inquiry, right at the last minute! at the last minute! and now they're stealing it from him! and just by the way, romania, file all you want. you're not getting that medal back. [cheers and applause] you are not getting it back.
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oh, i'm sorry, we have an inquiry? yeah, good luck. but now, instead of enjoying the fruit of six years of biden attacks, trump's got to start all over again! and the audience has to literally sit through him getting up to speed. >> there are numerous ways of saying her name. you can say "kama-la," you can say "kama-la." ka-mala kama-la. a kama-la. >> trump misspelled harris's first name as "kamabla." [laughter] >> jon: i get "ka-mala" and i get "ka-ma-la"... kamabla? judges, are we taking kamabla? [buzzer] hope the romanians don't have a problem with that.
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but you know what? i guess what trump calls her isn't as important as figuring out what she is. >> i don't know, is she indian or is she black? she was indian all the way, and all of a sudden, she made a turn and she went, she became a black person. [laughter] [boos] >> jon: "what am i going to do with all my indian ethnic slurs i was going to use? mostly involved turmeric and cumin! but she made a turn into black!" he talks about it like she wandered into the wrong neighborhood. "she was driving on the upper west side, then boom, she is in harlem. boom, what a turn." you know what, donald, you are clearly struggling. let's get some issue-oriented ideas flowing here.
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you know what we are going to do? come on my brother. i'm going to help. we are going to do some -- [cheers and applause] apparently, writing a music about gambling all of a sudden. here we go. i got my pen and pad. i got my visor. forget the biographical stuff for now. let's focus on the issues! >> i saw it yesterday on abc, which they said, oh, the crowd was so big. and i've spoken to the biggest crowds. nobody has spoken to crowds bigger than me. [laughter] >> jon: okay, okay, that's one of those mom-and-pop issues for the single-issue "crowd size" voter. i'd move on, but -- oh, you've got more? >> i had 107,000 people in new jersey. you didn't report it. i'm so glad you asked. what did she have yesterday? 2,000 people.
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we had in harrisburg, 20-25,000 people and 20,000 people couldn't get in. we had so many. nobody ever mentions that. when she gets 1500 people, they said, oh, the crowd was so big. i have 10 times, 20 times, 30 times the crowd size. [laughter and applause] >> jon: "i had an infinite crowd! one guy, she had one guy named jeff!" all right, it's very clear, you have everybody, she has nobody, can we move on? >> he wrote, "has anyone noticed that kamala cheated at the airport? there was nobody at the plane and she ai-ed it and showed a massive crowd of so-called followers but they didn't exist." he goes on to say, "she's a cheater. she had nobody waiting and the crowd looked like 10,000 people."
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>> jon: oh come on [bleep] g god. [applause] now, for those of you saying, "wow, it sounds like he's losing his [bleep] mind": just because there is video and photographic evidence that kamala harris' crowd was real, doesn't mean that it was real. and you might say, "well, jon, i was actually there, i was in that crowd" -- have you considered that you're not real? have you considered that? the point is this: donald trump doesn't need the fake news media and their ai crowd shots to win this thing. because he's got inside information on kamala harris, from someone she used to date. >> well, i know willie brown very well. in fact, i went down in a helicopter with him. we thought, maybe this is the end. we were in a helicopter going to a certain location together, and there was an emergency landing. but he told me terrible things about her.
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[laughter] >> jon: you were in a helicopter with former san francisco mayor willie brown, who famously dated kamala harris, and while the helicopter was going down, as you were plunging to your imminent death, former san francisco mayor willie brown turns to you and says, "this might not mean anything to you now, but do you remember that lady i was going out with?
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the prosecutor?" well, before we die, i just want you to know, she's the worst! i do not want to meet my maker without giving you that piece of information that, if you survive, you may need." [cheers and applause] oh, my god! i got to tell you, i'm sure that that moment was seared not only into the memory of donald trump, but also into the memory of former mayor willie brown. >> to be clear, you have never been on a helicopter with donald trump. >> no, i have not. are you kidding me? i just assumed that he was on a helicopter ride with somebody black and he made the mistake and thought it was me. [cheers and applause] >> jon: what!
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what? that is so [bleep] up. i'm sure that is not what happened. what are the chances trump is just mixing up his black people? >> it seems that the african american politician in question was not kamala harris' ex, former san francisco mayor willie brown, but rather this man, nate holden, a former los angeles city council member who says he had a bumpy ride with trump in 1990. [laughter] >> jon: oh, my god! do you know what this means? nate holden, former los angeles city council member, told donald trump, as their helicopter was going down, bad things about kamala harris that i guess willie brown had told him.
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if they knew each other! that is the only explanation, right? >> holden saying, "willie is the short black guy living in san francisco. i'm a tall black guy living in los angeles. i guess we all look alike." >> jon: hey! donald trump is not racist. he just meets a lot of people on death helicopters, and he needs some mnemonic device help. "if the chopper goes down, that's not willie brown. [applause] if the flight's not going great, you're probably riding with nate." look, people, they pulled the candidate he trump crushing! it's hard! you think you could write a new
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hour in a month? it's not easy! he's trying! he's trying out some good catastrophizing on harris! >> if harris wins this election, you will quickly have a crash like in 1929. we're could end up in world war iii. the suburbs will be overrun. >> jon: boom! that's what i'm talking about! stock market crash, world war iii, suburbs destroyed! it's fresh, it's new! we haven't heard -- what was that? i'm sorry? >> if biden got in, you'll have a stock market crash the likes of 1929 or worse. >> a very real risk of world war iii. >> they are going, in my opinion, destroy suburbia. >> jon: this is just a remix? dude, you can't find-and-replace "biden" with "kamala." that is lazy apocalypsing. look, man, if you want us to genuinely fear your opponent as the existential threat you'd like to make them out to be, you're going to have to do better than boiler-plate cut-and-paste shit. you're better than this! >> joe biden is a failed president.
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>> she was a failed vice president. >> the worst president in the history of our country. >> the worst vice president in history. >> he's incompetent. >> she's incompetent. >> everything he's touched has been bad. >> everything she's touched has turned to bad things. >> he can't talk. >> she can't talk. >> in many ways, he's worse than bernie. >> she is worse than bernie. >> low iq, he's a low iq individual. >> she happens to be really a low iq individual. she really does. she has a very low iq. >> jon: this is bullshit, man. this is like when elton john changed, like, three words and then pretended "candle in the wind" was always about diana. it wasn't! very disrespectful to marilyn! [laughter]
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too soon? here's the problem: even when trump does figure out how to come at kamala, it's not really landing. because most of the time, the bad stuff he's saying about her applies even more to him. >> if kamala will lie to you so brazenly about joe biden's mental incapacity, then she will lie to you about anything. she can never, ever be trusted. >> jon: yes, donald trump is telling america not to elect a liar. [cheers and applause] donald trump is saying that. i mean, for god's sakes, he's, like, the michael jordan of lying! or as trump would say -- the willie brown of lying! [cheers and applause] it is confusing. look, i hate to say it, but i don't think trump has got it in him to go after kamala harris. he's been fighting joe biden for six years! it's all he knows. he misses the fight so much that he was still workshopping
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nicknames for joe biden this weekend. >> what do you like better? it doesn't matter anymore. but what do you like better, crooked joe or sleepy joe? sleepy joe, crooked joe? [laughter] >> jon: this is sad. it's like seeing an old man talking to an empty spot on the bench, and then you realize... that's where his wife used to sit! he would give up everything for just one more moment... with crooked joe! >> i hear he's going to make a comeback at the democrat convention. he's going to walk into the room and he's going to say, i want my presidency back. i want another chance to debate trump. i want another chance. >> jon: he's not coming back. he's not coming back, donald. [cheers and applause] hey, you know how i know he is
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not coming back? we have a [bleep] camera on him! he's just sitting there at the beach, having an arnold palmer! you can hear him sighing over the waves! does this look like a man marshaling his forces to take back the nomination? or filming a corona commercial? he's finding his beach! it's over! there's only one way that -- donald, meet me at camera one. [cheers and applause] hello, friend. may i call you donald?
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i get it. you wanted to run against joe biden, just two old dudes going toe-to-toe fungus. a last hurrah! "rocky 12!" it's not fair! now you've got to run against someone who appears healthy and youthful and happy! her vigor standing as a stark counterpoint to... whatever front butt thing you have going on. and it's pretty clear that biden isn't going to do what needs to be done to stop this steal. but someone i know loves stopping steals. right? you feeling me? kamala harris accepts the nomination next thursday night. which means, it may be time to get the gang together, storm the convention! pull an august 22nd! this time on behalf of joe biden! all you'd need is thousands of
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supporters who have not yet been sent to jail yet for being part of the last mob. or got sent to jail so early in the process, they're already out! if only there was a sign of the righteousness of this cause. >> a federal judge ruling the department of justice must return the spear and fur helmet belonging to qanon shaman jacob chansley. >> jon: shaman! don thy fur helmet! we ride on, for bi-don! when we come back, mark cuban is here. don't go away. we'll be right back. [cheers and applause]
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1:48 am
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when you're hungry you need a big box... but when they're hungry, you need an even bigger box. now for only $20. two great ways to save at popeyes! love that chicken from popeye's! [cheers and applause] >> jon: welcome back to "the daily show." my guest tonight is an entrepreneur, minority owner of the nba's dallas mavericks, and co-founder of cost plus drug company. please welcome mark cuban. [cheers and applause] ♪ ♪ [cheers and applause] >> thank you!
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yes, sir! security! i didn't hear you, what did you say? >> jon: this is a knicks town. our people in new york -- are they, because of the history between the mavericks and the knicks, generally with the trades were you pleased as to a certain extent -- do you find there is a kindness -- >> -- >> yeah. >> jon: extended to you? knicks fans? >> i like walking in new york, today, "cuban, we love you!" it's crazy. great basketball fans. all kinds of love. >> jon: that is what you get a new york? that is what they shout at you? >> now does more things for j.b. >> jon: well, did you have any idea -- when knicks was there -- sorry, i am a knicks fan. he was not -- he started in the
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playoffs. did you have any idea that he would become this all nba phenomenon? he is undersized, his footwork is so phenomenal. >> no, he was talented but he was picked in the second round. everybody knew, he would've been a top-five pick. if you redraft that draft other than luka, he is a top three or five picked. >> jon: it's amazing. >> more credit to it. he worked on it. >> jon: he seems like a phenomenal guy. then decided to take a contract for less money than he could have made. >> so it talk politics. [laughter] >> jon: by the way, you are in this interesting position, and your career, where you are sort of above -- you are now, even though i think your leanings, you would consider more independent, more libertarian, you are the left's favorite billionaire. [cheers and applause] you have become, because -- and
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i can't -- i don't know if it is because there is a certain mellowing that occurs as you get older, or if this new sort of tech bro phenomenon is so dystopian in its formulation. >> yeah, this is not whoever i always been. i have not been the rich guy trying to act like a rich guy. my high school fans are still my friends, my college buddies, but watching what is happening s insane. it's not so much as a poor thing. it is more like a takeover thing. trying to put them selves in position to have as much control as possible. they want trump to be the ceo of the united states of america, and they want to be the board of directors that makes him listen to them. it is not a good thing. >> jon: what is the ether was? because it seems like, in the old days of innovation, there was a certain amount of trouble we are innovating the internet, we are taking things, now it seems much more about sort of this social engineering, and
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trans-humanism, and we are going to join with computers and together, eight of us are going to run everything. [laughter] is that the ethos you see? >> yeah. i think -- >> jon: going to go with "yeah?" >> they've gotten to the point now where they feel like they should control the world, right? and there should be a ceo in charge of everything. >> jon: because of a good photo app? >> because they are rich as [bleep]. you get to that point sometimes, i think they have lost the connection to real world. >> jon: is it boredom? like, is there a certain extent, if you are a jeff bezos or one of those guys, you have sold so many books that you are just like, "i'm going to live on mars?" >> i think it is more of: what is their next act? like, we invented this. we created this. what can we do next? somebody wants to go to mars, what would bill matt can we do back on earth? look at elon. elon, being one of those
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powerful people, he is trying to be the most influential man in the world -- sounds like a commercial. literally, that is what twitter is doing. >> jon: i got to say, i think he might be that. i don't even think he is trying to be. when you talk about somebody who is setting up satellite links for war zones and also controlling discourse in the most important media platform, he is the most powerful. >> twitter is in almost every country, right? so twitter gives him the ability to connect to the prime minister, the head of every country in the world. >> jon: that's right. >> that person, whoever's in charge of the country, has an interest in what happens on twitter and what happens on twitter, because of a control, the algorithms being the biggest user, is all dependent on elon musk. wherever his dumb wants to go, he could to push -- >> jon: he is transparent about where he wants things to go. i think he is very clear that a civil war inevitable.
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>> concerning. >> jon: he'll be like civil war is inevitable and then he will right underneath there, "hmm, kind of an understatement on there." but, you know, i can't decide whether or not it is better to know exactly where he stands and know where he is going to be put the thumb on. because he's clearly very bright guy, and he has a media empire that has the largest reach and most influence of anything on the face of the earth and there is no question, he is going to leverage it in this election. no question. >> but the crazy part is, he has more impact globally than he does domestically, in my opinion. when you go on next, you see a preponderance of right-leaning people. you don't see -- >> jon: you are all over my for you, i've never click on any of these things. >> that is the way it works. >> jon: what? >> yes! >> jon: they do the opposite of what i want? >> yes! >> when you write an algorithm -- i haven't written a lot, it's been a while. you could to set the parameters of what you want to see happen.
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and he certainly has her not to the things he likes. but it is different and other platforms, and the good news is, what, 20% of adults in the united states are on twitter. so 80% who aren't there. >> jon: is that there's a certain amount of tech bro malpractice that there is this incredible need in the marketplace of something that is slightly less biased or toxic when it comes through there? and they came out with threads and you are on it for two seconds and you are like, i think i need a nap. >> no, i like threads. i think it's getting better. >> jon: here is something that doesn't sell online. "no, it's getting better!" [laughter] >> jon: that may be the worst -- >> the worst sales pitch ever. [laughter] >> jon: but you do disrupt industries. >> i try. >> jon: see, that is why, i would have thought -- and i think you have said this, that trump appealed to you at first because there is a certain outsider -- look, we both know, our government, there is a status quo, and there is a
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capture by lobbies and by big businesses that write this legislation, and end up gaining advantage, that needs to be disrupted. >> correct. >> jon: when did it occur to you that he didn't necessarily want to free it, he wanted to have the deed to the swamp signed over to him? >> about the third time i talked to him. he wasn't about changing -- i mean, the conversations i would have with him, i am like, there was a time when -- >> jon: are these phone conversations? >> yeah, phone conversations. >> jon: was a doom? >> it was. zoom actually. >> jon: did he face time? facetime. we were talking about this one debate for cnbc that he wasn't going to be at -- >> jon: not going to do it, mark. >> and mike, donald, why don't you go to a local small business and show off your business tribes. he goes, "mark, donald trump and mark cuban don't go to peoples houses and have dinner. are you kidding me?" that is who he is.
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going to do with the ground, i got all these religious people who are going to do the work. >> jon: jesus. so he, and his mind-set -- i think this is very interesting. and maybe you know this too. he runs a family business. so he is in essence a monarch. it is a dictatorship. and maybe there is not as much malevolence to his actions as, oh, america can be a subsidiary of the trump organization, because this is how i run it and they might say, we have checks and balances and division of government and he just says to himself, yeah, no, we'll get rid of that. >> that is the sense i get. this is my country, right? everybody else is bad. donald good. >> jon: okay. so donald good. whoever thinks donald good also good. >> come along for the ride. he just brought hate and anger to politics and that is his sales pitch. >> jon: when you talk to him, is not a part of his general
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conversation? or do you think that is a strategic demagoguing of he wants to get that emotion? >> that wasn't what we talked about but i think that is -- donald is a sales rep. he is a salesperson. he will follow what works. whatever he will try all kinds of different things, he will talk to all kinds of different people, and he will try things out. if it works, it is -- she's going to do more of it. >> jon: do you see him on his heels now? when was the last time you sort of had these counseling sessions? >> [laughs] no. i talked to him probably 2019 -- no, i talked to him during the pandemic, because i was trying to help them with different things. look, he is still the president of united states, it is still our country. so i try to home had with ppe and a lot of different things, a lot of medical care. >> jon: you are the guy who suggested the bleach? is that you? everything is going great! everything's working! cuban's income "have you tried drinking liquid plumber!" >> i did not say drink.
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i said in jax. [laughter] >> jon: fair enough. so all this is going on. so what is your relationship now with this tech world and how does ai fit into that and how do you remain bullish on those innovations when they so clearly are working to avoid any kind of regulation of these new innovations? >> okay, two things. one, they are there because they are rich not because they are tech burros, they just happen to make their money intact. i don't think that is applicable. the ai side, i have been a technology for a long time. you can always look at a new text, pcs, network, the internet, streaming, whatever, and say in five years, this is what is going to happen. with ai, you can't do that paired with large language models, we have no idea whethers going to zig or zag or what thet is going to be. and that is a good news and the bad news is. the good news is, we are dominating right now globally come of the united states is.
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