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tv   The Daily Show  Comedy Central  January 29, 2025 11:00pm-11:36pm PST

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outback steakhouse has a three-course meal called the aussie aussie aussie. oi, oi, oi! with soup or salad. your choice of select entrées. and cheesecake for dessert. oi, oi, oi! (extra) oi! it's three. three oi's three courses starting at $14.99. at outback, for a limited time. three courses starting at ooh, scrambled eggs! how delightful. -thank you, lois. -well, you're certainly in a better mood since last night's tantrum. you know, brian, i've realized this is where i belong. for better or worse, i'm a griffin. -[door crashes] -coward! i have found you! ah! well, it took three years, but i am finally through all that porn. ♪ ♪ >> announcer: from the most trusted journalists at comedy central... it's america's only source for news. this is "the daily show" with your host, michael kosta! ♪ ♪
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[cheers and applause] ♪ ♪ >> michael: welcome to "the daily show!" i'm michael kosta. we've got so much to talk about tonight. rfk jr. tries to act normal for a day, americans figure out how to live without social media, and we'll tell you the worst way to kill a mouse. but first, let's get to the latest news on the trump administration in another edition of "the second coming of donald j. trump." ♪ ♪ >> i'm gonna come. >> michael: today is a big day for donald trump's cabinet -- the government one, not the one filled with golf trophies he gave himself. that's because today was the world's weirdest episode of
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"curb your enthusiasm," also known as robert f. kennedy jr.'s confirmation hearing to lead the department of health. and look, we all remember the stories about this guy from the campaign: the dead bear cub he dumped in central park, the time he sawed off the head of a dead whale and tied it to the roof of his car, the worm that died after eating part of his brain. basically, if there's an animal corpse anywhere in america, rfk jr. is probably involved. but what most people are concerned about when it comes to rfk jr. is his long history of speaking out against vaccines. and i'm not talking your run-of-the-mill concerns like, "should i still get a flu shot if i don't care about getting other people sick?" or, "do i really need the hpv vaccine if i only do hand stuff?" i'm talking about rfk jr. saying things like autism is caused by
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vaccines, or that "it's just not true" that vaccines are why smallpox, measles, and polio were eradicated, or that there are no vaccines that are safe and effective. basically, putting this guy in charge of america's vaccines is like making elon musk a walmart greeter. honestly, i'm going to tell rfk jr. the same thing i tell myself every morning before i host "the daily show:" "you are not qualified for this job." [applause] don't clap at that. [cheers and applause] shit. you are clapping because i am. and that's why medical experts around the country are sounding the alarm. >> ahead of the hearings, more than 15,000 doctors have signed a letter urging senators to vote against confirming him. >> michael: whoa, 15,000 doctors signed this letter. of course, we don't know who
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they are, because they signed it like this, but that's a big number. and even his own family is coming out against him, not only because of his medical views. he's also just not right in the ol' worm chamber. >> caroline kennedy, rfk jr.'s first cousin and the daughter of president john f. kennedy, warning the senators tasked with confirming her cousin to be the nation's health secretary that they should vote no. >> i've known bobby my whole life. we grew up together. it's no surprise that he keeps birds of prey as pets, because bobby himself is a predator. his basement, his garage, his dorm room were always the center of the action. >> michael: center of the action, cool dorm room? what's wrong with that? and while you answer, i'll just take a sip of this delicious-looking smoothie rfk jr. sent me. >> his basement, his garage, his dorm room were always the center of the action, where drugs were available and he enjoyed showing off how he put baby chickens and mice in a blender to feed to his
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hawks. [audience reacts] [audience reacts] >> michael: he was putting baby chickens and mice in a blender? and ladies, you thought it was bad when a guy brought you to his dorm room and busted out a guitar. i'm not sure her statement will have much sway, because first of all, blending food is just how you feed hawks. if you ever look in their nests, they always have a little nutribullet right in there. and also, we all have a crazy cousin. it's the cousin rule of three: there's a crazy one, a quiet one, and one that we secretly think is hot. what's up, stephanie? but for real, are there no
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stories where kennedy interacts with an animal like a normal person? just once, i want someone to be like, "yeah, one time rfk went up to a dog and rubbed his belly." instead, every story is like, "and that's when rfk kicked a miniature horse in the vagina." [laughs] his vagina. but with all this baggage, rfk jr. had one important thing he had to do when he sat down for his hearing today: just try to sound slightly normal for, like, two hours. take it away, bobby. what do you really believe about vaccines? >> i believe that vaccines play a critical role in health care. all of my kids are vaccinated. >> michael: man, that velvet voice is good enough for me! what are you going to believe, his well-documented, decades-long record, or the thing he said today when he was trying to get a job? besides, all his kids are vaccinated. he definitely doesn't regret that, right?
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right? right? >> what would i do if i could go back in time and i could avoid giving my children the vaccines that i gave them? i would do anything for that. i would pay anything to be able to do that. >> michael: that is the worst answer to "what would you do with a time machine" that i have ever heard. you can't think of anyone else in your family you would go back in time -- [audience reacts] [applause] and try to prevent... a shot from happening? robert f. kennedy jr.? no one else? which reminds me, you know what i would have done with a time machine? i would have gone back and make sure me and stephanie weren't cousins.
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sup, stephanie. let's get back on track. because kennedy was trying to present himself as a new man, but a lot of senators seemed determined to make sure that he didn't run too far from his past. >> did you say lyme disease is a highly likely militarily engineered bioweapon? >> i probably did say that. >> did you say that covid-19 was a genetically engineered bioweapon that targets black and white people, but spared ashkenazi jews and chinese people? >> uh, i didn't say it was deliberately targeted. >> did you write in your book, "and it's undeniable that african aids is an entirely different disease from western aids?" yes or no? mr. kennedy? >> i -- i'm not sure if i made that. >> okay. >> michael: jesus christ, this guy has said so many things, that he can't remember if he said black aids is different from white aids? "white aids is so bland, and they put raisins in it! don't bring that white aids to my cookout!"
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[audience reacts] you guys aren't sure how to react to the voice. this is the story of the hearing. senators would question him on past statements, and he would deny them. now one senator actually brought receipts. adorable receipts. >> your organization is making money selling a child's product to parents for 26 bucks, which cast fundamental doubt on the usefulness of vaccines. one of them is titled "unvaxed, unafraid." next one is "no vax, no problem." are you supportive of these, this clothing, which is militantly anti-vaccine? >> i am supportive of vaccines. >> are you supportive of these onesies? >> michael: wow. [laughs] wow. i never realized how much i would enjoy bernie sanders talking about baby clothes. "and these little corduroy dungarees.
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why do they have pockets? a baby doesn't need to carry around a wallet or car keys. do you support that?" but look, even if this guy gets but look, i'm not a doctor and have no basis for my medical opinions. much like rfk jr. so if we're going to criticize him, then, in the interest of fairness, we at "the daily show" want to hear from one of his supporters. so for a different perspective, please welcome the polio virus. [cheers and applause] >> hello, michael, thank you so much for having me on. let's hug! >> michael: uh... no. that's okay, polio. i don't want to get you. but how are you feeling after watching the hearings today? >> i feel reborn, michael. energized. i'm excited to get back to work across america. we should celebrate! let's breathe on each other! >> michael: no! no! i don't want to get polio. i know the damage you've done to millions of americans. >> millions of amazing americans.
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take fdr, for example. i gave that man something to overcome. i gave him a signature look. the wheelchair-blanket combo? that was all me! oh, how about francis ford coppola? >> michael: he had polio? >> yes. and if he hadn't, who knows if he would have gone on to make a movie, "megalopolis." >> michael: that's your francis ford coppola movie? >> i know, most people say "godfather: part three." >> michael: no, they don't! this is the same thing with rfk. i remember what you've done, so you're not going to trick me by being so friendly right now. >> friendly! that's so sweet. let's kiss! >> michael: no, thank you. >> fine! just let me spit in your mouth! >> michael: no! no! >> look, i promise. it's not going to be like polio was before, with all those canceled pool parties and the iron lungs. they're so clunky. i'm working with a whole new team for my comeback this time. >> michael: your "team"? >> yes. rfk jr.
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the trad wife community. justin baldoni's crisis pr firm. >> michael: i think life would be better if you didn't come back at all. >> well, i'm sorry you feel that way. can we talk this out over drinks? maybe we share a toothbrush. >> michael: stop trying to infect me, polio! >> this is my purpose! and you need to get on board because rfk is going to be confirmed, and i'm going to be everywhere. schools, hospitals, plane, bus, club, 'nother club, 'nother club. >> michael: i get it! i get it! >> the point is, thanks to rfk jr., i'm coming back. so you better kiss your legs goodbye, because once i get in those neurons, i'm going to be -- [coughs] sorry, excuse me, i'm going to be ruining all of your -- [coughs] >> michael: polio, are you all right? >> yeah, i just keep coughing and getting red splotches all over my body. >> michael: that sounds like you have measles. did you get your measles vaccine? >> no! rfk jr. said i didn't need one!
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did he not know what he was talking about? oh, no! i'm disappearing! i need true love's kiss! michael, hurry, lick my tongue! >> michael: you know what, i'm just -- [cheers and applause] i'm just going to let him die. polio, everybody. he's dead. when we come back, we find out what you really think of social media. so don't go away. [cheers and applause]
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this is cassie. she never really paid attention to her credit scores until she got credit karma. and used her scores to score more. like a great rate on an auto loan for some more reliable wheels. intuit credit karma. download the money app where your hard work pays off.
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gives you the opportunity to win groceries for life? imagine never paying for groceries again. well, what if i can't decide? avocados or tomatoes? why choose? at grocery outlet, you can afford both. and not just the basics. with grocery outlet, you'll find all your favorite brands included. including gluten free pasta and my favorite cookies? um, huh, everything's included. so burgers and steaks for life?! you gotta win first. still worth it. now that's bargain bliss. ♪ grocery outlet bargain market [not my name by the ting tings] ♪ they call me stacey ♪ ♪ they call me her ♪ ♪ they call me jane ♪ ♪ that's not my name ♪ ♪ that's not my name ♪
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♪ that's not my name ♪ ♪ that's not my name ♪ ♪ [cheers and applause] >> michael: welcome back to "the daily show." you might remember during the presidential campaign, elon musk jumped like a dork into the race for donald trump. and that caused a backlash for his website. >> the social media platform, bluesky, a competitor to x, has gained millions of followers in the weeks following the presidential election. >> a trend due in part to dissatisfied liberals leaving the elon musk-owned x platform. >> michael: yeah, that will show elon musk. [applause] i'll waste my life pushing a different set of buttons on my phone! ha ha ha! tell my kids i never saw them. of course, elon isn't the only social media boss who's drifted toward trump. grace kuhlenschmidt asked new yorkers what they think about their favorite platforms
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now. >> the world is up in arms about social media companies being run by trump-aligned billionaires, but are they mad enough to get off the apps? lex put this on tiktok and find out. >> that actually made me so mad. >> using pissed. >> yeah. >> it is very propaganda. >> incredibly angry. >> so plainly broadcasted that the wealth, i mean, combined trillion dollars, like, sits right in front of the cabinet, next to the president. i mean -- >> do you think the anger is justified? >> 100%. >> yes, completely. >> you guys are so pissed. [laughter] >> calm down! >> trump sucks, so it is kind of -- i don't know. >> he's going to be pissed to hear you say that, though. he really likes you. what apps are you mostly on? >> instagram on tiktok. >> got you. >> i am on instagram and snapped at. >> okay. >> instagram and x.
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>> you are on x? >> mostly use instagram. >> at what point would you be like, i have to get off this app? >> when i'm opening instagram, i am not being run by mark zuckerberg. >> sure. >> i am deciding, i'm going to go on here, and yet, finding more cooking things. >> so if it is an amazing one pot pasta recipe, you are like, it is actually fine. but it is being monetized to trump. >> yeah, i don't -- >> do you think you would be willing to pick an app and delete one with me today? [laughs] you don't even need social media but we have books like this. like, i will read just a little. i won't bore you. tuesday, mixed berries and chia seeds. wednesday, honey and greek yogurt. [laughs] so what would it take for you to delete the app? >> instagram? >> i deleted it last week. i'll probably delete it again. >> you do say you keep redownloading it. >> i do. >> what you think
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mark zuckerberg could do to make you pick it out -- kick it out? >> i don't know. he's done enough. >> probably should delete the app. >> do you guys want to do it? right now? >> wait. i saw this post that was like, people get promo for mapping on social media but then they get fomo for real life for being on social media. >> fax. >> is that meta? >> like them i need to go back to school. that is so over my head. i will delete with you. >> can we do it together? >> this is a beautiful moment. >> i am going to delete my airbnb. [laughter] >> that doesn't count. but for the sake of this -- >> you can choose one. >> no, go with airbnb. >> i want to stop renting little houses. >> will delete it after one. three, two, one... >> three, two, one... you are such a coward. [laughter] such a coward.
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>> you don't understand! >> we were doing this together! >> we were doing this together! >> i can't get off! say it to the [bleep] camera! >> wow. i really thought people would change their minds and delete these apps and divest from billionaires. go ahead and like, follow, and subscribe below. >> michael: thank you, grace. when we come back, rachel mason will be joining me on the show, so don't go away. [cheers and applause] let's go. (♪♪) applebee's really big meal deal for $9.99. (♪♪) size matters when it comes to our big classic bacon cheeseburger. plus endless fries and drinks
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all for just $9.99.
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my life is full of questions... how do i clean an aioli stain? use tide. do i need to pretreat guacamole? not with tide. why do we even buy napkins? thankfully, tide's the answer to almost all of them. —do crabs have eyebrows? —except that one. for all of life's laundry questions... it's got to be tide.
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this is sam adams just the haze ipa. best non alcoholic beer in america. whooo. your cousin. from boston. whooo. champions, baby! we won an award! it's sam season! [cheers and applause] >> michael: welcome back to "the daily show." my guest tonight is a filmmaker whose new hbo documentary series is called "an update on our family." >> the thing that is interesting about them is that people say both things. they say, how dare you post his tantrums on youtube? but also, from what we've seen, it's not that bad. so it's like, so you want them to show everything, so that you can judge whether or not it was bad enough. but also, if they do that, that's bad. there is really no winning in that situation.
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we'll never have a full picture of what was going on there. no one is ever going to know, right? you don't know until you've lived it. >> michael: please welcome rachel mason! [cheers and applause] ♪ ♪ [cheers and applause] rachel mason is here! [cheers and applause] how fun is this? >> wow. >> michael: how fun is this? >> i am tripping. >> michael: you are tripping? >> yeah. [laughter] >> michael: you are usually them, pointing the camera at someone. >> i am never on this side. cool. >> michael: man, this docuseries is excellent, excellent, excellent. i was mad, i was mad again, i felt something. i had all different perspectives. what is family vlogging, for those of us that don't know? >> wow.
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i'm glad those reactions all happened because that was what we felt while we were working on the show, and i say "we" because documentaries are made collectively with a bunch of people. and family vlogging is the practice of filming one's family for a channel, a youtube channel usually or social media generally. it is huge and vast. that is why in the opening of our series, we actually talk about the draw that shows like "the kardashians" or "the osbornes" have had going on earlier, there were shows on pbs. that's where it all started. people watched these families doing their thing and there is a draw. >> michael: let's talk about the stouffers. this is the family that the documentary really focuses on. let's talk about them and what went down. >> well, in a lot of ways, the stouffers were an average family vlogger account. they did everything right in the world of what you do and what youtube actually incentivizes you to do and they had all of the things.
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you have a charismatic, good looking couple, you have kids, and it all works. this set of things that you do for your channel that work really well in that environment, so the stouffers were just chugging along and as you learn from our series, having kids is good content. so every time they had a kid, it would do well for them. in 2017, after they have been running this for a while, they decide to adopt a kid from china. there is a myriad of reasons why they decide a kid from china makes sense for their channel, and for their family and their life, and it all is very public. >> michael: yes. what ends up happening is, after having him integrated in the family for a few years, they make a decision to dissolve the adoption. [audience reacts] >> i know. >> michael: i know. >> god, hearing you guys make that sound, it is so real! wow. in documentaries, you are just
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editing, you don't have real people respond. >> michael: i heard that sound and i was like, we are going to get so many more views on youtube now. [laughter] that is why i'm sitting right here. that is how i think. >> wow. >> michael: that is how we watch this docuseries, like this. "ugh, ugh!" "why did they do that?" that's when this thing kind of turns and then the commentors take over, right? >> yeah, so in a way, these two things intersect. the most horrific decision happening in the family's life and the life of this child, everything is just suddenly, that is their decision, they dissolve the adoption, but then at the same time, the internet crushes them. >> michael: yeah, yeah. >> i mean, unbelievable. some of the things that drew me into the story were the actual videos in response, because they were terrifying. i was like, oh, my god, the level of anger -- which is also an understandable level of anger. but when so many people are
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sending death threats and going crazy -- >> michael: "how dare you do that to those children? i'm going to slit your children's throat." what? wait a sec. can you family vlog in an ethical way that is not exploitative of your children? >> i'm glad you are asking that so we have regular people that have gotten sucked into, as you said, a complete and total world of entertainment, but they don't have the guy right there who is like, the story producer, that is not going to work or the executive being like, we cannot do this. they are just -- your fans are wanting this, give it to them. can it be done ethically? i mean, i wish i actually had an answer to that. but i think this is where the really big question exists for the social media companies. like, what do you guys think? can we figure this out? >> michael: and your job isn't to answer. your job is to help ask the question and it is a tremendous docuseries. thank you for making it.
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i can't believe how much work must have got into it. so all three episodes of "an update on our family" are now no available to stream on max. rachel mason, everybody. [cheers and applause] we are going to take a quick break. we'll be right back after this. no thank you! ♪ ♪ [cheers and applause] [ car engine revving ]
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new eroxon ed treatment gel. and squish, and squish... ok good. keep squishing! fingers relaxed... can experience the heights of intimacy. and squish. great! thank you, good job! squish the rainbow, taste the rainbow chipotle's braised beef barbacoa might be our best kept secret. slow cooked responsibly raised beef. seasoned with garlic and cumin.hand-shredded for fall off the fork tenderness.
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chipotle's braised beef barbacoa. if you know, you know. [cheers and applause] >> michael: that's our show for tonight. please consider supporting the california fire foundation. they are on the ground working with local fire agencies and community organizations to provide support to impacted residents. if you can, please donate at the link below. now here it is, your "moment of zen." >> people are aroused. i have not seen people so aroused in a very, very long time in terms of going, trying to get this done. so yes, i think democracy will have an effect and we are going to keep at it. ♪ ♪ [cheers and applause] ♪ it seems today that all you see ♪ ♪ is violence in movies and sex on tv ♪ ♪ but where are those good old-fashioned values ♪ ♪ on which we used to rely? ♪ ♪ lucky there's a family guy ♪ ♪ lucky there's a man who positively can do ♪
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♪ all the things that make us ♪ ♪ laugh and cry ♪ ♪ he's... a... fam... ily... guy! ♪ hi, i'm peter griffin, and i'm here at the museum of television & radio to commemorate family guy becoming the longest-running show in television history. for 60 years, sunday has meant god, football and family guy. and later, to a lesser degree, the simpsons. premiering in 1952 as a recurring sketch in the popular dow chemical follies, family guy has survived 19 cancellations, two assassination attempts, and a pretty good ribbing by those south park guys. well, tonight we take a look back at classic episodes from our first three decades. uh, here come some tourists. i know, i'll sit here and pretend i'm a wax figure. who is that? that's the fat idiot from the family guy. -ugh. i hate that show. -me, too.
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[announcer] raleigh kids cigarettes is happy to bring you family guy, the story of an american family named the griffins. -this is peter -[♪ light orchestra music playing] breadwinner and head of household. lois is the name of his wife. these are their children. this is chris, the firstborn son. this is little stewie. oh, boy, he's a handful. meg, and introducing doodles weaver as brian the dog. we don't trust just any cigarette for our children. raleigh kids is the only cigarette made for tiny hands. it's why it's the playground favorite. right, kids? [laughing] [announcer] and now, raleigh kids, also, the makers of kinder coffee, invites you to watch family guy. dad, i overheard the fellas talking. can i ask you a question about girls? of course, son. you're a young man, now. it's natural to be curious.


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