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tv   [untitled]  CSPAN  June 10, 2009 8:30pm-9:00pm EDT

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he'll with u friday. the reds coasting along after bruce's two-run homer in the 2 2nd. that's thonly runs in this % shairon has shut them down other than the home run. >> johnny: a quick one, two, three 6th inning for shairon martis, the third time he's had them three and -- three up and three down. totally on. jimmy, it's on. - it's on. - oh, yeah, it's on. affirmative, it's on. announcer: southwest airlines announces new service out of bwi airport, with three daily nonstop flights to new york laguardia for just 49 dollars one-way starting june 28th. grab your bag. it's on. - ( ding ) - book now at
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back at nationals park, bruce two-run homer in the 2nd inning. when you talk about legendary players and broadcasters, there's a picture of ronny. his son a terrific guy. tom does a lot around the country. >> rob: he was the youngest player ever in the major league, world war ii, he was 15. he came up. they didn't know he was from ohio. they said hey we need a body in the big leagues. he ended up pitching that year
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and came back permanantly. i think the last 30 plus years he was a broadcaster with marty. he's now in the hall of fame as a broadcaster. >> johnny: started in 1967 in the booth with sullivan and jim mc tire. he finished his last year of broadcasting a couple of years ago in 2007. >> rob: i loved him. he used to come over late in the game, he was such a country boy. he'd eat ronyons right out of the fridge. he was awesome. he was one of my favorite people. he still got out there well into his 60s, batting practice. >> he loved the game. >> rob: he was a great teacher of the game.
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he was the type of guy -- we'd do the on deck show with him. he'd always give a honey baked ham. >> johnny: when i did my on deck show, i would get gift certificates to the restaurant downtown. i found an interview with mickey mantle. i think we gave him a $25 gift certificate to a clothing store. it was a nice store in those days which is closed. >> rob: do they still do like player of the game and stuff? i was going to tell a story from montreal days. i was player of the game. usually it's the guy that wants
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to do the interview after the game. they gave me a weed whacker. i had to get through customs. i gave it to a guy. i'm not going to try to take that across the border in my bag bag. >> johnny: i thought it was to talk to the players before the game. we didn't do anything postgame. the guy would look at me and say when am i going to have time to go to a restaurant when it closes at 11:00? >> rob: i was player of the game a few times in houston. they would say brought to you by something and you'd get a $100 bill. i was like sure, i'll do it. you got an envelope with a crisp $100 bill in there. i was like i'll do it. >> johnny: count is full to
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adam dunn. dunn on base for the first time. we'll cover the bases tomorrow. home depot cover the bases with adam tomorrow. ballgame starting at 4:30 in the afternoon, wrap up game. dunn gets on. >> rob: kearns might interview adam dunn. he brought his jersey with a typo in it for charity. nice players we have. >> johnny: bruce has got a beat on it. two down. dunn retreats back to first. >> rob: we're het -- we're hitting a little harder now. again, get ago head with strikes is huge at this level. aaron harang, eight consecutive
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games with a home run, we're trying to get that home run in the ninth consecutive game. >> johnny: his location so steady tonight. he's walked one batter. that's dunn at 1st base now. >> rob: i think a lot of older, smarter veterans are not going to let him go. >> rob: willingham back after battling a viral infection. first time in the field. >> rob: lewd wick is having a bad year. troy glaus is on the disabled list. that's the same thing with adam dunn. if zimmermann is not hitting well or dukes, if i'm on the
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hill, if the last guy is dunn on your lineup, he's not beating me tonight. >> johnny: adam, look at the numbers here. he forced 14 batters to hit fly balls. >> rob: i played with tom browning who went five consecutive years, he never threw harder than 8 85, 86. he'd give up 33 to 35 homers a year. most of them were singular. he didn't walk anybody. it's the little things we talk about hopefully our pitchers are absorbing this information and saying, hey the more strikes i throw and more contact i pitch, i'm going to give up a home run here or there. i can't start to pitch away from contact and give up a two
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run home run. that kills you. >> johnny: eric had one game april 12th 12th 12th shutting out pittsburg. ronny belliard is waiting. no activity needs at this moment. he is sitting back waiting for something to happen as they did last night. full count to josh willingham. eight home run, 9 rbi, at the time last 25 games he's.
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>> rob: 50 home runs in 1987, 46 home runs, won 50 games. the point i'm trying to make is this, you're going to give up home runs. it's going to happen. you don't have to be embarrassed by it. you don't have to try to pitch away from contact a lot of times. we have guys guys with great stuff, great accountability. the biggest thing is getting over the hump. hit this one and hit the next one. it's repetition. >> johnny: joel getting up and loosening up in the bullpen
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now. ronny belliard will see what he can do here in the 6th. >> rob: you've got a good power hitter on deck. you can get on possibly with a base hit and make this a 2-1 game, put bard in a position to get us a lead or at least tie the score. >> johnny: as you look down the batting order, bard next and then martis will be hit four. belliard fouls it back. last night out of the bullpen all three guys were terrific. >> rob: execution out there. now we're in a little bit of a valley offensively. tough manufacture a run. >> johnny: throw to 2nd.
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out at 2nd. leaned too far off, couldn't get back. he's gunned down by hanigan. dunn is out at 2nd. if you're like a lot of people, you have high blood pressure... and you have high cholesterol. you've taken steps to try and lower both your numbers. but how close are you to your goals? there may be more you can do. only caduet combines two proven medicines... in a single pill to significantly lower... high blood pressure and high cholesterol.
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pitches. adam dunn you just saw to end the 6th inning, picked off at 2nd base. >> rob: keeping that two run lead intact, hanigan noticing adam dunn being alert enough guns him down at 2nd. >> johnny: hanigan has got a good arm. he's thrown out 7 of 9 attempting to steal this year. there's one down here in the reds 7th inning. telecast presented by washington nationals. they may not be reprinted or published in any form. hernandez is gone. we'll bring up jay bruce for the 3rd time. 1-2. that one hit, the two run
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home run. >> rob: in 2007 when he was in the southern league, he threw out 48% of runners attempting to steal. >> johnny: in the scouting report, it is don't. >> rob: he's got a rocket. >> johnny: he showed that. josh bard is 2-12. one swing of the bat. that's jay bruce upper deck. that's the 2-0 reds lead. it's been that way since the 2 2nd. >> rob: 14 off right handed pitcher this is year. two nights in a row, well pitched ballgame by the starter. he is giving the nationals an
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opportunity to win the ballgame. two hit, two run ballgame now by shairon martis. >> johnny: gonzalez a hit and the home run by bruce. that's it. both of those coming in the 2 2nd inning. this has got to be one of shairon's better efforts of the year. it will go up against the wall. bruce with a second base hit in the 2nd with a double. one down. jay bruce collects his second hit and the reds third of the night. >> rob: this is in the strike zone. bruce take this is and drives it down the line. he got a home run today. adding to it there realizing i
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can't get full extension to lift it out of the ball park. >> johnny: gonzalez got all of that one. elijah dukes is backing up against wall. he makes the catch. a terrific play by dukes in the field. does he cover the territory out there? >> rob: yes, he does. when he's in right, he covers the territory. get on your horse elijah and start running. he goes right in contact with the wall as he makes the grab. >> johnny: he knew exactly how close the wall was. >> rob: absolutely. watch the alertness. i've got a guy at 2nd. he throws it right in. that's not quite the pitch he was looking for.
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>> johnny: it almost went over bard's head. they will pass hanigan to get to harang. talking with elijah dukes before the ballgame, i was relating stories about high school athletics. i asked him about hillsboro high school if he ever played them. he said mr. holiday, i went to hillsboro, you should know that if you followed my career. he said it with a smile. he was very nice. talk about how tough the football teams were in the tampa area when we grew up. >> rob: i lived out near the hillsboro district. we played at the old field there in tampa that's no longer
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around. i lived out by bush gardens gardens and stuff. i know exactly where elijah grew up. we drove through there all the time. >> johnny: a lot of great schools there. >> rob: a lot of great athletes came out of there. really good baseball players. >> johnny: aaron to bounce it out to belliard. to johnson at 1st. the inning is over. martis gets a little bit of hot water again, but he's able to pitch his way out of it. it's followed one tradition: use the best high-country barley... and only rocky mountain water. and it's been brewed under one motto: never compromise. now maybe this means we're a little set in our ways. but we know a few guys who will drink to that.
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hello there nationals f enjoying this game tonight. get yourself out to buy a grand slam plan today. pick four and get one free. you can pick your plan, pick your game, pick your seats, get a free game. for information on the flex plans how about calling or visiting slam. johnny holliday in this evening along with rob dibble. >> rob: brandy had just gotten
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traded from the mets. during spring training, he was watching all of us warm up. we had the great knuckle curveball. then myself and randy threw 95 miles per hour. he said, all your stuff is nasty in this bullpen. then we had a 9-0 start that year, went wire to wire. the name kind of stuck. the exclamation point was sweeping the -- it never meant we were mean and nasty guys. >> johnny: they got adam dunn drifting off 2nd to tend --
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end the 6th. nationals need to get runners on base. >> rob: it shows you how well and how much harang does. >> johnny: fly ball to right field. enough room for him to run it down, one away. >> rob: taveras may not be hitting well this season, but he can run it down in the outfield. >> johnny: hanrahan getting back up in the nationals bullpen. we may have seen the last of shairon martis tonight. he's been absolutely masterful on the mound except for the pitch against jay bruce in the 2 2nd. >> rob: he's had great stuff
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all night, changing speed. he's been outstanding. >> johnny: willie harris getting set to bench hit. >> rob: 18 first pitch strikes, one of the best outings thrown in a long time. >> rob: fouls off to the left. he had a complete game against the cardinals may 2nd. he gave up one run and five hits in that ballgame, didn't walk anybody. tonight he's allowed only three base hits. he's got them 2-0. >> rob: one was a home run to bruce, one was a double. pretty nice night for shairon. >> rob: 2-1 pitch to josh bard.
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the count goes to 2-2. josh from syracuse, went to spring training with the sox. he thought he had made the ball club and put himself out of the job. he was signed as a free agent march 21st. that's late isn't it? >> rob: it is. most teams already have their rosters set. trying to hook up at the major league level at that time length is almost impossible unless there's an injury. >> rob: a swing and high pop. hairston has it. two down. our nats xtra coming up with byron kerr and ray knight.
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they'll be talking about theouting tonight. there was only one mistake the homer by bruce. the nats xtra pregame tomorrow will be at 4:00 and the first pitch a little after 4:30. >> rob: you also have to score a run to win. you may think it's a mistake. the hitters are getting paid to get runs on the board for their ball club too. shairon did an excellent job. >> johnny: 0-9 the last four games willy has played in. he went through three straight sunday through thursday. >> rob: in the last few innings, harang has stepped up
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velocity against our hitters. now he's throwing a lot of sinkers and cutter, but they're all fastballs. he totally changed his approach to our hitters in the third lineup. >> johnny: that's the mark of a good pitcher to be able to do that and adjust the gameover all. >> rob: he's feeling it. you see him hitting that same spot over and over. he's going to make harris beat him to the field. >> johnny: drives to left field, pops up down the left field line, foul. six road starts, he's 1-4. he's been banged up a little on the road. 2-2 and two outs in the bottom of the 7th. willie harris in for shairon martis. we'll see joel hanrahan in the
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8 8th. harris way fly to right. the nats are retired. we go to the top of the 8th inning at nationals park. reds are tossing a 2-0 shutout. take the right path. even to change it when conditions demand. keeping you on the road to achieving your goals. it's something we've been doing for over 150 years. let our strength and stability be the basis for yours. pnc. leading the way.
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