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tv   [untitled]  CSPAN  June 14, 2009 1:00pm-1:30pm EDT

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about a leader. >> i'm not saying you have to agree with him or anybody. >> guest: i dare, i'm very scared because i will get in trouble on this but i think reagan brought qualities of leadership, you know, he was elected in 1980, if i were writing this from a conservative point of view it would be hard not to i think have reagan as one of the pieces in the 1980 election, the informative election. you know, when you look at the election, the primary, barack obama in the primary said, you know, ronald reagan had a different kind of election than did bill clinton. >> host: that is a good place to close. i don't want you to get in trouble but i want all republicans out there who are concerned about reagan, to hear it from the international
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polling strategist guru. thank you, and we can, get the book, whatever your party's. thank you for watching. of think event hosted by the 2009 epicenter conference in san diego lasts about an hour. >> thank you very much.
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that is the first excerpt that we've shown in the united states of the film "inside the revolution" that we will be releasing on september 11, 2009, to try to take people inside the most moral, try to understand the dynamic that is going on because we are at the most dangerous moments in the history of the islamic revolution and it's been an extraordinary week as well. in the grand scheme of 2009, we are at the 30-year anniversary of the islamic revolution. it was actually on wednesday, april 1st, that we celebrated the islamic revolution in iran. it was 30 years ago on wednesday that the ayatollah khomeini it was toppled the shah who was pro-american, pro-israel, he toppled iran and there were 9 million iranians in streets.
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the streets of iran were on fire. when khomeini took power and on then on april 1st, 1979 he declared that iran was going to be the first islamic republic. the first country in human history to be governed by shari'a law, by the laws of the koran. now, on that 30th anniversary, iran marked that time, israel had a change of network on the day before. benjamin netten -- nettan yahue was sworn in. i had the privilege for working for him back in the year 2000. i announced i am a failed political consultant. i was on his comeback team in the year 2000. now, do the math. it took nine years for him to
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come back and when i was with him last year, i noticed he didn't ask me to come back and help him. [laughter] >> so that's why he won. but he faces an extraordinary challenge and i don't envy the role that he has now. his first interview that he gave as prime minister was to the atlantic magazine, an "american" magazine they put up on their website right away. the headline was this, he said to obama, stop iran or i will. [applause] >> he warned of the dangers of nuclear weapons falling into the hands of apocalyptic messianic culture leaders. what did he mean? why did he say this?
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he said it because the current leaders of iran means that the end of the world is near. this is what they're saying publicly in the book, "inside the revolution," i walk through the quotes, from their speeches, from their webtsz, from their video so you hear in their own words and when a film comes out we'll be doing the same thing. so you hear what they're saying. they are saying that the end of the world is at hand. these leaders of iran, not the iranian people, you have to make that distinction but the leaders of iran, mahmoud ahmadinejad, the president, i want you to say that five times quickly with me, no, i'm just quickly. you can just call him mahmoud genocide. [laughter] >> president mahmoud ahmadinejad and the supreme leader of iran, these men -- they have
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surrounded themselves with believe the end of the world is near. they believe that the arrival or the appearance of the islamic messiah or the twelfth amoms, they believe that his appearance on earth is imminent. that's the language they are using, the actual words, imminent. furthermore, they believe that the way to hasten or speed up the coming of the mahdi, the islamic messiah is to annihil e annihilate, israel which they call the little satan and united states the great satan. two quotes we have drawn together and put in the book, i want to share them with you so you understand a little bit of what they're saying in their own words. this is from january, 2001, nine months before 9/11. it happened to be the same month i began writing "the last jihad" but i didn't know this quote was out there at this time.
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the supreme leader said, it is the mission of the islamic republic of iran to erase israel from the map of the region. iranian president in december, 2001, quote, one bomb is enough to destroy israel. in due time, the islamic world will have a military nuclear device. the headline from the press service from 2001, he said muslims should use nuclear weapons against israel. iranian president mahmoud ahmadinejad, israel, he said should be -- must be wiped off the map. on april 14th, 2006, quote, like it or not, the zionist regime is headed towards annihilation. the zionist regime is a rotten,
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dried tree that will be eliminated by one storm. a man, on june 2nd, 2008, now he became bolder in talking about the united states. this is just last year, june 2nd, 2008, mahmoud ahmadinejad said, quote, today the time for the fall of the satanic power of the united states has come. and a count down to the annihilation of the emperor of power and wealth has started, unquote. two days later, june 4th, 2008, mahmoud ahmadinejad he said to the muslim world, quote, get ready for a world minus the u.s., unquote. is this theology that makes iran so dangerous? because it's what's driving iranian foreign policy right now.
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it's what's driving iranian leaders to feverishly build, buy or steal nuclear weapons. and the missiles to deliver them. north korea has this missile on the launch pad right now. it's expected to launch imminently. at least 15 iranian military advisors are on hand now according to the open press services. you have to understand in my view, north korea is a test lab for what iran is trying to do. north korea is desperately in need of cash. iran is desperately in need of data. will their nuclear weapons work? will their ballistic missiles work? they're working hand in glove with north korea and so if this missile launch goes off, it's not a threat because of north korea's potential capacity to reach the western coast shores of the united states, but because it's data is likely to
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get regime that's talking in this matter about the end of the world and bringing it back. you have to understand if iran gets nuclear weapons and the ballistic missiles to deliver them, mahmoud ahmadinejad could do in about 6 minutes what it took adolph hitler six years to do and to kill 6 million jews and that is not his major objective. it's one of his objectives but israel as i mentioned is only the little satan in shia muslim eschaology. the united states is the great satan so israel is an objective but we are the ultimate objective because iran's leader receives us as an epicenter of christiandom. we need a revival of this country and we need to return to jesus christ to this country but for their purposes they are coming to us.
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our theme at this epicenter conference this year is understanding today's global crisis -- crises in the light of bible prophesy. what most people don't realize is this -- is that the islamic revolution that was set into motion 30 years ago this year, 30 years ago this week is actually the fulfillment of bible prophesy. in the past 30 years what have we seen in iran and throughout the muslim world? we've seen wars. we've seen revolutions. we've seen rumors of more wars. we've seen terrible lawlessness. the exporting of terrorism all over the middle east, all over the world. asia, africa, latin america, the united states. we have seen terrible persecution of followers of jesus christ and now the constant talk of the coming of the islamic messiah. this is exactly what the bible foretold 2,000 years ago.
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jesus said in luke chapter 21 that in the last days, quote, you will hear of wars and revolutions. he said, do not be frightened. these things must happen first for the end will not come right away. matthew 24, jesus said you will be hearing of wars and rumors of wars in the last days. he warned of terrible persecution. he warned of rampant lawlessness. he warned of the rise of false prophets and false messiahs. and 2000 years after he said it, 30 years ago we began to see this islamic revolution explode onto the pages of our newspapers and coming to our homes and our country in a very real and dramatic and dangerous way. what's more, bible prophesy tell us specifically that percent of
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ezekiel chapter 38 and 39 the hebrew prophet ezekiel writing 2500 years ago writes of a day when russia will form an alliance with persia, with iran and a group of other middle eastern countries to surround and try to destroy israel in what ezekiel says will be the last days. this afternoon, pastor chuck said we will go into that prophesy in more detail but you have to understand we are seeing the fulfillment of bible prophesy. now, what's interesting, of course, is that the iranian leaders believe they're seeing the fulfillment of the koran, the fulfillment of islamic eschology and is a collision course. to fundamentally different views, racing towards each other, in our lifetime. now, let's know this is not the first time in human history that
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the leaders of iran have wanted to annihilate the jewish people who follow god. take out your bible to the book of esther and i will read some of the versus so if you don't have your bible -- and while we're doing this, let me welcome again the 80 congregations around north america that are joining us via a live internet feed and the horizon radio broadcasting networks as well as the c-span viewers. thank you and welcome and i'm glad you're here with us today. let's say thank you to that. [applause] >> in esther chapter 1, the first few verses we get an interesting picture. now, it took place in the days of those who reigned from india to ethiopia over 127 provinces
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and in those days the king sat in his royal throne in the citadel in persia. and in the third year of his reign he gave a banquet for his princes and attendance and the army officers of persia and madea. the nobles and the princes of his provinces in his presence. he was the leader of persia. my father was raised orthodox jewish, some jewish on my father's side and gentile on my mother's side, it's a long story, good story. maybe we'll find it during the q & a side. my father who he was growing up in temple he was in a forum play, a play about these very events and he was supposed -- he was the guard -- one of the soldiers in persian, you know, and he was to take his sphere,
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ladies and gentlemen, king -- the plot begins to thicken and we're not going to go through all the chapters of esther today. but in chapter 3 one through six king xerxes permitted the son advanced him and established his authority over all the princes who were with him. and all the king's servants bow jed down and bowed down but mortik confirmation and we'll talk more in a moment, he
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neither bowed down or paid homage and they said to him, why are you transgressing the king's command? now it was when they had spoken daily to him and he would not listen to him, that they told him to see where his reason to stand for he told them he was a jew and when he saw he neither bowed down nor paid homage to him, he was filled with rage. but he disdain on mortiki alone he didn't want to take him out for this insolence -- take out mortiki for he had told them who he was, therefore, he sought to destroy all the jews who were throughout the whole kingdom of king xerxes.
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one jew wouldn't bow down to a pagan rather than leader. and the supreme leader of king xerxes and the king was so enraged that he insisted that the jews destroyed. chapter 3 verses 13 and 14. come down to all king's provinces to destroy, to kill, and to annihilate, there's our word, to annihilate all the jews. both young and old. men, women and children. it goes on to give a precise date by which that plan was going to be enacted. thousands of years ago, an iranian supreme leader, an iranian president determined to
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annihilate the jewish people, two leaders. they had plans. they had money. they chose a date. it was all set. it was just a matter of time. the clock was ticking. but what the leaders of persia, the leaders of iran had not calculated into their scheme was the god of abraham, isaac and jacob. [applause] >> the god of the jewish people and the god of israel also had a plan. he had two leaders. queen esther and queen mordecai her guardian. they were horrified when they heard about this plan. but while esther rised in great agony and anguish, mordecai fasted and prayed, god gave him vision of what to do. god made it clear to him that he was this charge.
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that mordecai did not have to fear but he did have to act. now, as you enter queen esther and mordecai into the equation, both jews with the plan to annihilate the jewish people we see in esther chapter 4 how this plays out. chapter 4 verse 1, when mordecai had learned what had been done he tore his closes and went out to the city and whaled bitterly. he joined with the great warning of the jews who were fasting, weeping and wailingyesterday? >> reporter: nothing that we've heard this morning. basically this morning we saw there was talk yesterday. the report came out in fox sports that manny could be out within a couple of days. we haven't heard anything here. you can see it's weighing out a
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little bit in the body language. you can see it in his face a little bit. he wasn't talking a lot. sometimes you can see if they're staying away from each other, something is coming. if it's going to happen, i can see tomorrow being the day. if it doesn't tomorrow, my hunch would be it's not going to happen on the road trip. we'll wait and see. >> at that point, you've got a 7 game road trip, usually nobody gets fired on the road. have you heard anything about how it broke? >> reporter: i haven't heard anything. it was contributed to major league sources so it could be somebody within the organization he's trying to protect. ken is not wrong a lot. sports illustrated is reporting
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as well. when we talked to stan yesterday, he didn't deny it but he didn't confirm anything either. he said he's concerned about the record but he's not going to confirm or deny it. with that said, there were indications that stan is not happy with the record. that's going to be an issue the rest of the year. the question is if you do this, what's it going to help, is bringing jim going to make the rest of the season better? if not, maybe let manny ride it out. i think we'll know more in the next 24 hours or so. >> ben down at the tropicana field in st. petersburg, florida florida. >> any time anyone is speculated to be on the verge of losing a job is uncomfortable. you've got a feel for manny acta. nobody wants to win more than him. >> win as good all about
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becoming champions. our ball club has not played well. the first year we came in here, i say with nationals came in with 13 arms out of the spring training in which two or three people knew. ic they overachieved. last year not getting a good read on the ball club. last year, manny says this is the best team we've had. then the bullpen is awful. >> winning changes everything. time for the stay of the game hold of the game brought to you by just for men hair color. most holes in inner league play
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in the last years. walker 11, dan winger with 11. those relievers kept their team in the game. you too can stay in the game with just for men hair color. we'll step out while he steps to the mound to get ready for hopefully his first major league -- ♪ ♪ who's watching? ♪ tell me who's watching. (muffled music) ♪ who's watching... (announcer) it's right here. it's easy. ♪ i always feel like somebody's watching me. ♪ it's the money you could be saving with geico.
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well vince now his 60th year of baseball with the dodgers organization. he's got a great book called "pull up a chair." the visit with the author of that book. >> we're visiting with curt smith, the author of "pull up a chair." he's one of the biggest announcers of baseball in all time. how does ben compare? >> he's the best there ever was. he treats the english language like a violin. he'd give you all attributes in
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announcer and more. credibility, above all language winston church hill said words are used as bullets of ammunition. >> baseball has a lot of starts and stops, pitching changes where announcer has to be the guy to give you the poetry of the game. is that one of the reasons why people feel that vince is a part of their family when they listen to him? >> i don't think so. he's an extended part of their family. if you've listened to him, you know more about him than your aunt or uncle fred. he reminds me of the ancient mariner. let's say an infield becomes a base hit. the ball can be in play. i know because i've timed it 8 or 9 minutes. if it's a dead announcer, it's a dead game.
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this is his 60th season of play by play. dodger fans and people that listen by satellite radio, they say don't retire, they say more. >> back to you guys. times may be tough today, but the things we all look forward to haven't changed. like owning a home. watching our children grow. and retiring with confidence. so whatever you're looking forward to,
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