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tv   [untitled]  CSPAN  June 19, 2009 12:00am-12:30am EDT

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>> rafael nadal will decide friday if heel be able to defend his wimbledon title. ♪ ♪ >> coming up on espnews. the old saying is "let nature take its course," but no one said anything about nature taking over the course. if getting shut out by the worst team in baseball wasn't bad enough, the yankees add injury to insult. north carolina has already won the national title in basketball. the tar confed cup and the world cup. this is espnews. captioning by captionmax
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>> hi and welcome to espnews. along with will selva, i'm j.w. stewart. normally bethpage black only has period, i think there are other issues with respect to crew rest we want to talk about as we go for an. >> yes, sir, it leads to the lifting of the next day, if you are not allowed adequate time to recuperate from the up to 16 hours today than to have the day before and only away from the airplane for eight hours is not enough. we need to ensure that the pilots are getting at least an adequate opposition behind the hotel door to get eight hours of rest. >> one thing is certain we are all pretty mobile and rely on transportation system that is modern and safe and reliable uno
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in significant part of that is commercial airline industry. it is very important to our country in all regions and we wanted to be made as safe as possible. and things that tragic crash in buffalo, new york has activated a lot of interest in asking questions. did we drift along here and allow the creation of a couple different standards and training, and enforcement. it will more about that answer it as more disclosure come from the ntsb and so on and we're learning some from last week's hearing in this week's hearing ever that we are indebted to the witnesses. it mr. maurer, we are indebted to you and the families who decided to in the name of those you love to find a way to make a difference and make certain that others did not experience the same fate so we appreciate all four of you being here. this hearing is adjourned. [inaudible conversations]
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[inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations]
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some of the debate on the bill included comments from senators barbara boxer and john mccain. this is about 10 minutes.
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>> a message to the people of pakistan and that the united states has made a long-term commitment to stand by their side in the region and at home as they battle domestic insurgency and extremists. however, the conference report also contains millions of dollars in unrequested spending that is largely unjustified and certainly non-emergency. president obama's message to congress was two keep funding focus on the news of our troops and not to use the supplemental to pursue unnecessary spending and to keep earmarks another extraneous spending out of the legislation. despite the president's insistence not to include unnecessary spending in the supplemental, the conference report contains a number of earmarks and unrequested congressional program editions. i'm disappointed in that the majority chose to use the supplemental as a vehicle to add
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billions in unrequested funding and policy proposals which should have been fully vented and considered on their own merits of the same time stripping of the senate passed detainee fodor provision offered by senators lieberman and gramm. conference report is also being used by the appropriators as a back door for finding quote base requirements. house allocations for 2010 commonly referred to as 302 allocations cut defense spending by 3.5 billion and a reduced international affairs spending by 3.2 billion. in other words, this line of hand of adding on emergency program funding to supplemental appropriations is becoming all too familiar as a way of skirting fiscal discipline by increasing discretionary spending above the congressional discretionary catch out blind in the budget resolution. another riss mr. president we are continually that
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unfortunately, and also in the previous administration. again about cash for clunkers. in his remarkable. on june 16th, 2009, citizens against government waste wrote a memo to the members of seven sitting that this provision quote, is really another bailout for the auto industry. american taxpayers have already spent $85 billion and leaned out on to automotive companies, we and the unions. wide we need another bailout for the auto industry? the cash for clunkers provision has no place in the bill that provides emergency were funds. mr. president, i couldn't agree with the citizens more. wall street journal wrote on a june 11th 2009 editorial congress wants to pay you to destroy your car economic policy this is dodging. and it encourages americans to needlessly destroyed still use
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will cars and then miss allocate scarce resources from another perhaps more productive uses in order to subsidize replacement. by the same logic we can revive the housing market by paying everyone to burn down their houses to collect insurance money and build new ones. known with this is all about is really intended to help with subsidize new car purchases. a new that is why the presidency all of the allies of automobile manufacturers wrote asking all senators to support this program as well as the united auto workers legislative director who call this provision quote, the single most important step congress can take right now to assist in the autumn industry. have in congress done enough for the auto industry? when is $85 billion not enough? where the auto industry.
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we leslie this provision is a lemon according to a june 13th 2000 article from the l.a. times that stated critics say the improvement required in the trade as little as 1 mile per gallon for certain light trucks. in other words, trade in your zero light truck and buy another one is 1 mile per gallon more fuel-efficient bois, will swap so you can swap one gas guzzlers for another paris over $1 billion this provision doesn't achieve in the environmental goals is author set forth in either. or my colleagues, senators feinstein and collins argued in an opinion piece published in "the wall street journal" on june 11th, 2009 also ruled that this provision quote to being pushed by the auto industry is simply bad policy and designed to provide detroit won last windfall in selling off
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gas-guzzlers' currently sitting on dealers' lots because there are not a smart buy. this unrelated provision is an unwise use of taxpayers' money in bad environmental policy, doesn't belong in this bill and i strongly disagree with its inclusion. there's a few more earmarks of like to highlight -- $2.2 billion in and requested funding for eight c-17 globe mastercard aircraft. currently we have either bought or ordered 30 more c-17 cargo aircraft then is the military requirements. and this is not a jobs program, it is the backlog of c-17 so great that boeing will not begin building these aircraft for another three to five years. while secretary gates called the c-17 a terrific aircraft he stressed that the military users have a month and necessary capacity for airlift over the next 10 years. these are again testimonies to
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the power of the military industrial congressional complex in this washington dc. an unholy alliance between manufacturers, members of congress and lobbyists. in testimony on may 14th, 2009 secretary gates said, we have over 200 c-130 in the international currents that are uncommitted and available for use for any kind of domestic needs. all i know is i have a great deal of unused capacity in the c-130 fleet. as with the secretary of defense says so we're going to spend $504 million more for a seven c-130 hercules cargo aircraft. $3.1 billion and none requested
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funding for international operations and programs. additional funding added by the house majority agreed to in congress is to offset the $3.2 billion reduction recently made by the congress to the base budget request. $49 billion in and requested funding for hurricane damage repair to the mississippi army ammunition plans. this funding was added even though the army advised the managers of this bill that there are no storm related repairs required at the plant. so we're going to spend $49 million to repair a plant that doesn't need to be repaired. and that no valid military requirement exists for the funding. $186 million is provided above the president's request for light weight builds in mississippi for the marine corps. in additional funding is not requested to in the future years defense plan nor was it on the
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2,009 our 2010 marine corps unfunded , in other words, the marine corps a dozen needed, the department of defense's it is not needed but we are going to spend behind $86 million additionally offer those built in the state of mississippi. $150 million is included for air force aircraft wing kids and installations. davis air force bases in arizona and additional wing kids would be welcome, the additional funds will not request by the administration and i oppose this on her $50 million. it runs in the process by prohibiting the secretary of defense by caring and 2005 decision to discontinue the armed forces institute of pathology. i was very disappointed that the house democrats succeeded in their efforts to strip and the supplemental spending bill the detainee quota provision offered
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by senators lieberman and gramm. this provision was with the president's efforts to bar the release of photos of past detainee abuse, help protect our troops from the inevitable recrimination that these photos with insight. releasing the post without supplying information about the issue of detainee abuse but rather expos evidence of alleged past wrongdoing and put our fighting men and women in greater danger. that's not my ideal. in is when a leading military commanders including generals david petraeus and ray odierno. both of these distinguished military leaders have stated that the release of these images could endanger the lives of u.s. soldiers and make our counterinsurgency efforts in iraq and afghanistan are difficult. that's why i commend the leadership demonstrated by senators lieberman and gramm both of whom have steadfastly demanded that this crucial provision be addressed now by
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the congress. their efforts culminated in the passage by unanimous consent of stand-alone legislation that will help prevent release of these damaging images. so there is other troubling aspects of detainee policy included in the supplemental bill from the provisions in this bill attempts to address the detainee policy in a piecemeal without pills to constitute a compress a plan for what to do with the detainees at guantanamo and those terrorist suspects captured off the battlefield in afghanistan, doesn't include any million dollars or press and by president of, to close guantanamo. this is a serious review by congress and reflects a bipartisan backlash against the idea of announcing a date for the closure of guantanamo while failing to provide a plan for what comes next. well, as i said the beginning of my remarks madam president i ask unanimous consent that the supplemental emerson and requested congressional add-ons be made part of the record at
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this time. >> without objection. >> so and when the american people believed was a time of change, the american people now should know that it's business as usual. accommodation of lobbyists, industry, campaign contributions, unnecessary spending is continuing completely out of control. this is a piece of legislation that was supposed to fund the worst and iraq and afghanistan, so now we added billions of dollars to things like cash for clunkers, uneven and an unnecessary and unwanted military equipment that are made in certain powerful members of congress as quote state. it is not good and sooner or later the american people will demand that it comes to an end that. i yield the floor.
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>> the center of california. >> madam president, i just want to be heard briefly, we just years senator mccain attack this bill that is before us that primarily funds to wars. >> the were spending bill passed includes $1 billion for a program of incentives for car owners to trade in older cars for more fuel efficient vehicles. senator judd gregg of new hampshire tried to have that money taken out of the bill but his amendment failed. here is 20 minutes of that debate he meant. >> mr. president, i think the majority leader for his statement and another is controversy involved in the so-called cash for clunkers which is a kind of humorous name for a very serious proposal, let's be honest about where we
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are in america today. we have seen the largest decline in automobile sales and 50 years. sales down 29% and production down 46% from where it was 17 months ago. plummeting on all cells have reduced production and had a ripple affect across the economy forcing factories to close, we have lost 280,000 american jobs in the automobile industry. that is what this is about -- 280,000 american jobs that are lost and more than it will be lost if we do nothing. sum would have us do nothing. while the automobile industry is reeling from job losses and declining production many consumers in the market are waiting, they're holding back. purpose of this legislation is to put some movement into the purpose -- purchase of new automobiles, is a targeted way to give incentive to buy cars, get them back in the showrooms and back on the lots by in cars
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and start moving the inventory in creating demand and create a more positive feeling about the automobile industry. are there better ways to heaven as? yes i think i could have sat down with others and spend more time but that is the case on almost every bill that comes before us. some have argued it is just a month in the conference committee. a pass in the house of representatives before it was brought up in the conference committee. i will concede that i wish the bill would have been debated and passed here but we didn't have the opportunity to let it. this is a matter of seizing opportunity that can make a profound difference. has in this concept of giving cash incentives to customers to buy cars ever been tried? it turns out and has. it was tried in january of this year in germany with it offered $3,300 to consumers to replace old cars with new ones. at the end of the program's first month car sales in germany dramatically increased by 21%
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and i might tell you the bad news, the same of automobile sales in the u.s. went down by 41%. germany knew how to create a surge in purchasing by consumers with a similar legislation to what is being brought to the floor. let's be honest about the automobile industry -- mix of the housing industry is that the best of the economic pyramid any to make sure that a strong auto industry is available so we can rebuild of this recession and start creating jobs. of those who want to kill this provision are walking away from incentives to put people back to work. and the dealerships selling cars, servicing cars and producing cars across america. i beg of those who oppose this to understand what we're going to base if we do nothing which is what they want to do -- do nothing. i think that is a terrible outcome. everyone to stand behind recovering from this recession and restoring consumer confidence, if we want to move all cars off the road of
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so-called clunkers and bring new ones on with higher gas mileage and this is our opportunity. let's not get up in procedural tangle coming keep our eye on 280,000 americans at work in this industry. more to follow if we do nothing. this is going to be an important measure for us in the long run. we need to build on it but first we need to pass this today. as senator reid our majority leader has said, it's important provision in the house of representatives and without it we are not sure we can pass a supplemental bill which has so many other important thing is not the least of which is providing for our troops in the field. so it's a delicate balance that brings this to the floor and i hope that those who oppose it on to stand back and do nothing as this recession continues. understand the gravity of this automobile industry being flat on its back at this point in time and realize that we all president of, the passage of a supplemental legislation. he did not want to ask for this bill to pay for the wars in iraq
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and afghanistan but unfortunately the previous presidents made us on these shores on an emergency basis so you had to come in a supplemental appropriation bills to pay for the war and thus not to happen again. next year present obama is putting it in the regular budget, this is one of the last things we have to do to clean up the situation left for this president by president bush. this bill for automobiles is on that has a broad cross-section of bipartisan support and includes a part of business and labor, united autoworkers, u.s. chamber of commerce, national automobile dealers association as well as one than a dozen governors. it's important that we defeat this procedural objection to this program and put this money into our economy, give people a chance to buy in a car that is more fuel-efficient, put people back to work across america so we can start digging ourselves out of this recession whole. mr. president, i yield the floor
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been. >> mr. president. >> the senator from new hampshire. >> first off i appreciate this is a majority leader clear when the situation with, that this waiver issue is about and solely about the issue of cash for clunkers. a piece of legislation which has absolutely nothing to do, nothing to do with finding our troops in the field and was airdrop into a conference without being paid for. adding a billion dollars of new debt to our children's back. that's what this waiver is about. the majority leader has said it that this waiver will some way harm the ability to fund the troops, that is totally i believe to be inaccurate. this motion mw comes out of a piece of legislation which the
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majority leader and the assistant majority leader -- and they wrote the bill call that the honest leadership and open government act. in that bill created this point of order specifically to address this type of situation where it in a conference one or another of the bodies sticks into a bill that is a must pass a bill language that has nothing to do with that bill which is not paid for. and in this case is a billion dollars in spending not paid for which has nothing to do with the troops in the field and the reason is to assure the rule this way with so that it would not harm the underlying bill. so that if this point of order is successful this bill goes back to the house and they can unload it and send it to the president and fund the troops.
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is this the position of the assistant leader that this cash for clunkers in bellwood is so import network that the house of representatives would not fund the troops that the language was and in the bill? is he saying that the democratic leadership of the house is holding the funding of the troops hostage? to spending a billion dollars on an extraneous program which free is virtually no environmental prove went in our fleet? and which is simply part of of in the economic effort to revise -- revive the auto industry which you are to spend $82 billion on by the way. is that what he is saying? that seemed to be the implication of this language that the house will not pass the funding for the troops and we take add of it under a role created for the purpose of disciplining ourselves in this way a real pretty by the
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majority leader and by the assistant majority leader, authored by them coming in designed specifically to address this type of situation where a conference is truly abused relative to finding and spending money which we don't have. a i don't believe what that is realistic. i do not believe that the democratic membership of the house is going to vote against this bill in the cash for clunkers language is taken out on a surgical strike under a procedural right which was created by the democratic leader and the democratic assistant leader. in addition, of course, there is matt paygo is being violated here. and there is the great irony
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that the president of the united states senate by the democratic leadership of the senate and house held a very dramatic press conference at the white house at 1230 in the afternoon of saying that they were going to reestablish the paygo rules for future spending. that new programs would have to be paid for. and then that house leadership and back up to capitol hill here, and on the same day passed this cash for clunkers is a bill which was not paid for it and violated the paygo rule. the hypocrisy of it is so extraordinary that it can even be described. but that's what happened. and then in order to protect this bill which was an unpaid for a violation of the paygo
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rules, they stuck it in to the conference report to fund the troops. how outrageous is that? so a paygo point of order which might take down this whole bill is inappropriate to me, but it is appropriate to make this a very targeted point of order which will only eliminate the cash for clunkers language. the policy of cash for clunkers is debatable. maybe it makes sense, maybe it doesn't make sense, but it surely shouldn't have been put in this defense bill which is necessary for funding our troops. it is a strong idea, let it stand on its own 2 feet here on this part of the senate, let it be debated, lead and hopefully be paid for. but at least let it be amended in. ..


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