tv [untitled] CSPAN June 19, 2009 9:00am-9:30am EDT
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the future this way. therefore, things should be investigated the right way based on law. and if there is any doubt, we have a conference of law. there is no deficiency to that. as the candidates have the right to have their monitors and observers, they have the right to file complaints. i ask the respective guardian council if they want to conduct a recount of some votes, they can do it in the presence of the representatives of the candidates themselves. they can do that for themselves. and they can record everything and sign it in their presence. we have no problem with that. that's what i wanted to address
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you, respected people. now i want to address the politicians and the candidates, those party leaders and political groups. i want to tell this group of people that today we are at a critical historical juncture in this country. look at the affairs, world affairs. if you look at a situation in the middle east. if you look at the economic situation across the world. if you consider the issues of our neighboring countries in iraq and afghanistan and pakistan. this is a critical point, a critical juncture. all of us are duty bound at this historic juncture to remain
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vigilant, to be careful to be cautious, not to make mistakes. in the election, people did what they were responsible to do and they did it the right way. but we have heavier responsibilities on our shoulders. those who in some ways, those who are looked upon as a source among the people of those politicians and those orchestrating the political weight, those people and party leaders, they should be so cautious about their words and deeds. if they showed just a little bit of extremism, then this
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extremism will penetrate into ranks of the people and will lead to dangerous consequences which will get out of their control. they themselves cannot control it at a point. we have had instances, extremism in the country and society. any extremist move will fan up another extremist move. if political elites want to ignore law and break the law, and take wrong measures, which are harmful, they will be held accountable for all of the violence and blood. [chanting] [chanting]
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>> i recommend all the people, these old friends of mine, to keep self-restraint, to be patient. they should see the enemy hands working. they should see the hungry wolves laying in ambush. they are removing the mask of diplomacy from their faces these days, and they are showing their true face. i recommend them to open their eyes and see the enemy.
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prominent diplomats of some western countries who have been dealing with us through diplomatic rhetoric the past few days, they have removed their mask. you can see their true face nowadays. their enemy to the islamic establishment. they are showing through the government of britain. people are changing. [chanting] >> i tell these brothers of ours to think of their responsibili
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responsibility. they are responsible to god. they will be asked here after by the performance. i ask them to remember what imam has recommended in his will. the law is the source of reference for everyone. what is an election held for? what's the reason for holding an election wax all the differences should be settled at the ballot boxes. that's that's what elections are for. in ballot boxes, ballot boxes to determine what people want, what they don't want. not on the streets. [chanting]
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>> if after every revolution, every election those who have lost votes, if they take to the streets, take their supporters to streets in protest, and those have secured votes, if they also have their supporters on the streets, so why on earth hold elections within? [chanting] [speaking in native tongue] >> people are having their business, they are frequenting in the street.
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and we should not go to streets and show off our supporters to people. for a terrorist agent and insider was going to deal a terrorist to blow, that's not a political issue. for those people, hiding among the masses of people is the best thing to do. people who are going to take part in the rally. it's a very good cover up for those people. who will then be responsible for this? the same people who got killed in the past rioting, they were from ordinary people from deceased members. who is to be held accountable for this? the reactions to be shown to
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these, they might take advantage of the situation of these beseiged members, and there will be a reaction, an emotional reaction nationally. who is going to be responsible for these? you feel so bad hearing such mishaps. they go to tehran university, dormitories, complex, and they attack the dormitories. they attack those students who support the islamic, the revolutionary students. they are attacked. and then they trans log into four supporting the leadership. my heart goes to those people
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[chanting] >> arms wrestling in streets are not the right thing to do after the election. it only challenges the election and democracy. i want everyone to put an end to this or this is not the right thing to do. if they don't stop this, then the consequences and the writing, everything, they will be held accountable for all this year [chanting] [speaking in native tongue]
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>> translator: it's also wrong to assume that some may assume that through the street riots, they can have a pressure level against the establishment and try to force the officials to actually listen to them. this is also wrong to think that way. [chanting] [speaking in native tongue] >> translator: getting up to
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illegal under pressure, this is itself the leading of dictatorship. [chanting] [speaking in native tongue] >> translator: this will never accept humility. this is a miscalculation here it's a wrong calculation. the consequences will direct those commanders behind the scenes. if necessary, people will get to know them in due time. [chanting] [speaking in native tongue]
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>> translator: i ask all these brothers of mine, all these friends to act based on fraternities, on friendship, abide by the law. legal means are there, peaceful ways are there. i ask, i recommend them to the take that way and i hope god almighty will help us choose that way. everyone watch the progress of the country. the celebration, the 40 million voter celebration should be appreciated. the enemy should not be allowed to ruin this celebration as it wants to do that.
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leaders of media, western media and arrogant powers. in the past two, three weeks, i have witnessed the words and deeds of the statesman and the united states and officials of certain european countries. i have followed all of these in the weeks leading to the election. and on the election day and the night after the election and also the past couple of days after the election was held. there was a changing process before the election, you could see that the bias and the words was that they wanted to cast
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doubt about the election themselves so they would see fewer people going to the polls. of course, the result that you see in the elections, they had their own estimations both europeans and americans. they had, yes, they had predicted almost the same results. this is what they did not expect, this 85% turnout, 40 million voters. they never imagined this to happen. when they saw this great turnout, they were shocked. they realized what has happened in iran. they came to understand that they need to adapt themselves with the new situation. the international issues,
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international issues, the nuclear issues both regarding the issues inside iran. they were in for a shock. they realized that there is a new chapter in the issues related to the islamic republic, and that they have to come to terms with this new situation. this is when they saw this great popular move on the election day. their own people, reporters, covered the election. on friday morning they started all these comments and reports, and some feedback were seen. when some candidates started protesting, they felt that they have found a chance so they
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jumped at the chance. and let's call it surfboard again, their tone after the election changed on saturday and sunday. what little by little they cast their eyes on. some of these street rallies and bided by, called by some candidates on the streets. then they pinned their hopes and they gradually remove their masks and they showed their true colors. some foreign ministers and presidents and heads of state of a number of european countries, and also america, and made some comments that help you to get to
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know the real trussell and true intention better. the u.s. president said that we were waiting a day like this to see people on the streets. some interpret this remark's to obama. and then they write letters and they say we are ready to have ties that we respect the islamic republic. and on the other hand they make such comments. which one should we believe? inside the country, the elements of foreign elements started work. they started street rioting and vandalism setting ablaze the public ba properties.
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they made shops and businesses into gear. they looted some shops and actually they try to deprive people of security. people security was targeted by these people are this is nothing to do with people and supporters of candidates. this stems from ill wishers from mercenaries and the elements working for the espionage machines of the west and the zionism. [chanting] [speaking in native tongue] >> translator: this is a slogan of death to america. what happened inside the country, the wrong way, the
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mistake of some people inside the country, this misled some people outside the country. they considered iran was, like georgia, a zionist american capitalist of fears before based on his own comments that were reflected in some media and press. he said that i spent $10 million in georgia, and i started at his eldest revolution and i replaced the government with another one. and these, the best ou this gret nation this nation cannot be compared. who are they comparing this nation with, that their problem is that they have not come to know this revolution, this people [chanting]
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[speaking in native tongue] >> translator: what matters, what is the worst thing to me amid all this are the comments that were made in the name of sympathizing with human rights and taking it hard on people. these comments that the american officials made. they said that we are worried about iranian nation. you are worried about iranian nation? do you consider anything called human rights?
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who did that to what is happening to afghanistan now. who is fighting and bloodshed in afghanistan. who is crushing iraq under its soldiers boots and brought humility to that country? and palestine, who supported the regime and gave them so much funds and political support. it is inside america. you get surprised during the time of the democrats when they were in power in the u.s., at the time when the husband of this lady in america university, ms. clinton. 80 people, 80 plus people related to visit david and group
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were burned alive at that time. there were these same democrats who did this. they call it david or religious sects. for some reason they were not liked by the u.s. administration. they just sit in a house. they could not push them out of the house. they put the house on fire. 80 people, men, women and children got burned alive in that house. do you realize what human rights is? well, i believe the officials of america, some european countries, they should feel a little embarrassed and they
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should not open their mouths and say anything they want to say. the islamic republic is the manner of defending humanity. we support the people of palestine, iraq, afghanistan. anywhere where people are being oppressed, we support them. and this is the sign that we are raising the flock of human rights. that believing in islam, that is raised in this country. we do not need any advice on human rights. that's what i wanted to say about the election. and finally, i want to address the 12 imam, shiite.
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[chanting] >> translator: we tell him that we are doing what we have to do, what we are obliged to do. and we have said what we have had to say. i have my own life. i have a handicap th handicappe. and i have a little good name that i hold that to you. i put this all on the line, and i am ready to sacrifice all i have for the cause of this
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revolution and the establishment. i am offering it all to you. we want you, to pray for us. everything in this country, the revolution belongs to you. disestablishment is yours. you are our supporter. we will continue the path with force, with full force. we ask you to support us with your prayers all along the way. [chanting] [speaking in native tongue] >> translator: people are chanting the slogan that they are ready to get their life on the cause of their leader.
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>> the senate health committee continues work on health care legislation this morning. live coverage is on c-span3 at 10:30 eastern. >> there is still time to get your copy of c-span2 thousand nine congressional directory. with information on house and senate members, the cabinet, and the nation's governors. plus the district maps and how to contact committees and caucuses. it is on line at >> the u.s. senate gavels in shortly for a period of morning business, though untrimmed no roll call votes on the schedule. see the senate live shortly here on c-span2. and the house is working on a spending bill for the
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