tv [untitled] CSPAN June 21, 2009 11:30pm-12:00am EDT
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>> look for it. [laughter] >> it was a pretty good show. thank you for all of your patience. it is frustrating stuff and i appreciate that. >> i've started a lot of talk shows and although i'm sure -- this happens all the time so anytime we could be of help let us help. >> sam runs the washington station that has me on the air. >> nice to. thanks for being here.
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i'm actually from pennsylvania. it's different especially when i went to college but it's different. you guys have a great time. >> lynn sweet. >> thanks for being on the show. >> it's nice to see you. >> likewise i usually the one on their light. why, of sure. >> amy bolten. >> amy is to go to prison for all things chicago-related. chris matthews is supposed to be here but there's other programs
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-- [inaudible] >> that is what people remember. >> yeah, i do. be careful. all i am a lawyer. -- wired. thanks for coming. it's been interesting, right? >> it's been a great experience. >> how long have you been with marino? >> two years and i worked for a trade magazine. >> what was the trade magazine? >> it was treed manufacturing. >> what's that? >> fiberglass, airplanes and stuff. interesting. i got because i can be passionate about anything and it's true. >> good, good. thanks for the efforts on the
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book. i hope it's been fun. >> it's been a lot of fun. >> good. a lot of interesting moments, that's for sure. >> definitely. [inaudible conversations] >> danny lavina. >> nice to meet you. >> dear friends of ours politically and socially and very concerned. they are very good citizens. [inaudible] >> came from argentina and number of years ago. >> we have made very important friends. >> what do you do? >> that is a good question. >> i on a company that distributes prepaid debit cards for banking.
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it started as an instrument for remittances but in the up being like everybody else -- more than 4500 people in the united states. [inaudible] i'm trying. >> morella is famous -- >> [inaudible] >> terrific. don't tell that to my wife, please. >> at other times it is more terrific. >> she allows me to keep my wife happy. mirella has a collection she says she can always be happy if i bring her something in a little red box, so that's the way to a woman's heart is a little red box. >> this is no prospect for him with our line in the race and arlan will be a fun racing
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vehicle. the only person who may stay in with credibility on the democratic side is sestak, and he may do it. >> sestak? >> yeah, congressman sestak. >> [inaudible] >> i don't know. >> [inaudible] >> don't they all? which one of them don't want to be president? >> good point, yeah. but he seems to really be -- samore on the trajectory. he's an attractive buy -- >> great candidate. >> great candidate, yet. i grew up in that district so i know the politics of that area very well. >> but does he fit the mold -- >> he does. a gaudy that served in the war but is against iraq. he will have a good time with an opponent against him the next go round. so he is as entrenched now as anybody could probably be in that district. >> okay, good.
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[inaudible] >> you were for their right to the and you are now. >> correct. >> indiscretions of my auf. >> have you found the middle? >> have a plant it roots i am all for a weigel? in the book i talk about how when i was in law school i refer the state legislature and i lost and recently as i was writing the book i went back and you go before these special-interest groups they make you answer their questionnaire and i found 1i answered in 1986 and i don't recognize that person the way i answered their questions it was incredible. >> what about -- >> abortion, sex relationships, public prayer in schools, i was like 100% by i felt out the
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questionnaire and now i'm against all lummis tests. i think we ought to be out of all those issues so it was a shock for me to read that and if anybody should get that far in the book it will surprise them because when i am on tv doing these things -- those are not mauney views today. and although conversations >> i'm interested and i think martha has a great platform and it is not going away and tell me is the guy who spearheaded the whole campaign back in eda. amazing position and a researcher. >> one of the central characters in the book, right? >> david clarke?
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>> the book made into the hbo movie. >> aren't you michael smerconish? national syndicated radio talk-show host, regular author radio guy who cares a lot about issues than you care about. >> is this for real? twice still need to be concerned? >> the swine flu? it's not predictable it's pointed to but it's not acting any more severe than a regular seasonal flu it is just out of season. it means it probably is more unpredictable than the standard viruses that go around seasonally so i always have to overemphasize the caution but the way that its acting now it doesn't look like it is going to explode into 81918 tie. what we are the most concerned about and watching is we are coming out of the flu season so it doesn't spread very well in
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the temperate climates. we won't know until the fall and winter of the next season. if it comes back with a vengeance we will be in trouble. the good news is we will likely have a vaccine by then which takes about six months to get the vaccine. >> pure -- purel. >> the lot of the things you hear is a lot of pro forma type of things that the recommendations make sense. they make sense. >> i had a guest on my program when there was the concern that first came out two weeks ago, three weeks ago and he said 30,000 people in the year -- ok you know the statistics. he said keep that in mind. >> we've got to put it in perspective. if we track every single flu hospitalization during the season it would be like panic. there are only 150
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hospitalizations. there are about 4,000 cases reported in a typical there's millions of cases, there's 36,000 deaths was a you've got to keep it in that perspective. having said that, which is a word of comfort is still a virus we haven't had experience with so we never know how it is going to change and turnout so we keep an eye on it but we shouldn't get people alarmed. >> i am a skeptic about these things. i took my kids and for a chicken pox vaccination and three days later they had chickenpox. >> really? sorry about that. [laughter] chicken pox is a mild disease and now they really protect. it gives lifelong immunity. >> right. >> so i didn't have a chicken pox vaccine when i was a kid because they didn't have the chicken pox vaccine. >> it's nice of you to be here.
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i hope he will take a look at the book and find something of interest. if i were ever to invite you to be on the radio program is that a sort of thing -- >> [inaudible] >> i would love that. >> video of the wreckage of the plan at the pentagon, not at the moment they are showing at the same time they said they are showing you, how can you take that? >> how about all those people, where did the people disappear? >> exactly. >> am i going to have to put down my herger and again?
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>> so you did meet caitlin, our daughter? >> she's terrific. >> i don't understand those majors. >> [inaudible] >> vanderbilt, she will be here for the summer but you won't be here, you will be in harvard, right? >> i come here. >> give her advice, will you? >> it sounds like she has launched. >> nice to see you. privileged. i am michael smerconish. >> it is a great pleasure to meet you. >> nice to see you. >> that could haunt you if the film that in your hand.
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[inaudible conversations] >> i was explaining to your wife there was a particular column i had written a few years ago reflecting on the midterm elections and how i felt the party had gotten off the rails and the republican party, right, and from that particular column spurring the idea laying off the road map and that was long before the 08 election so there's a chapter on substance followed by a chapter that tells a political story. the flip-flop between the two. >> he had an outline where he wanted to go. >> i can tell. >> just writing. >> i had great advice from an english professor in college and he said the best way to write is to start and i've never forgotten that, just get moving. he didn't give credit to churchill if it was his words,
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just great advice, get moving. >> the best advice is don't start from birth. >> you should hear what he's doing. i ask if he's doing a sequel. tell him what you're doing. >> this is actually my fourth book and book number five is going to be about a fellow named jose perez who was an ims inspector in orlando and kept out the 20 highjacker -- >> pardon me. >> could i kiss you? >> just said hello as a matter of fact. >> how did you come across him? >> i followed the 9/11 commission hearings and this was a guy that never let his just due. >> you have to let tony hear what your next book is. >> [inaudible] >> i'm just saying i'm writing about a fellow named jose who kept the of 20 of hijacker, al-kahtani out of the 1911 event
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and never has gotten his just due. the proceeds are going to benefit the flight 93 memorial in shanks fell pennsylvania and i want to tell his story. that will be next. >> would you sign this book? >> i would be thrilled to. pardon me, senator, for one moment. [inaudible conversations] >> if you don't mind i will get a shot of all of you. >> thank you. >> my privilege. >> i got a thing from aei for preparedness for panamax. i don't know if you have seen that. interesting piece.
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>> i will take a look out that. i hope you're getting along all right. >> we are doing fine. we are doing fine. i miss being in the senate put on the other hand i find people where i am now go to work at 10:00, they go to work at 7:30 and leave at 4 o'clock. >> gentlemen -- lewicke picture, look at me, the three of you, look at me right there. i will take to. thank you. >> thank you. congratulations. >> thank you. >> ted, great to see you, my friend. >> do you know lindsay? >> yes, we have been on tv together. we are being recorded be careful. can we talk about the james fri thing because i spent half an hour about that on the radio today.
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>> [inaudible] >> yes, why in the world would she have apologized to him? you know, you must know the answer to that. i have it all figured out by the week if you want to hear my theory. >> i do. i would like to hear that. >> she felt guilty although she is totally appropriate. everything larry king didn't do in his interview with james fry, if you watched, she did and was totally in the right but for whatever reason felt guilty about it. >> why do you think she felt guilty? >> i don't know what i read the page six story couple of days ago, where -- page six maintains in the paperback version of the book, this is more interesting than mine i have to tell you, he had some kind of plot line that was dead on what happened to him on the oprah show and in his work of fiction he said the star of the show called him up and apologized and said i hope you don't hurt yourself, i also have something in this regard in my
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past. the insinuation was she had a skeleton she had confided and he had recorded her and that this had somehow read it to a reconciliation because he could have a dime per hour. if your dolph indolent i would be shocked. you're probably playing pachauri with me but it's an unbelievable story. i talked about it on the radio today. >> what was the feedback? >> mostly from people who, like me, got sucked into the story. my wife, i don't know if you met her but in her book club, she is here and in her book club they read a million little pieces and she recommended it to me and i am either all in or not at all and i got totally in on that book, brookline and sinker, talked about on the air, the notion of having root canals without anesthesia and we debated whether that was possible but i bought it, and he was revealed to be a fraud and oprah was the one who brought
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him down in that amazing albert of life tv. >> and so on your applaud -- >> i don't applaud her for doing what she did she was correct in what she did. you do know something about this. i'm sorry, what was the question? >> doesn't he say now that's fiction what he wrote? >> well, he says it was in the list and what does he say, creative memoir as if you go to barnes and noble and there's the creative memoir section. >> no, now that he is coming out with the paper back of the book. >> on that, yes that come on, he is a lawyer. when he says it's fiction you interpret as nonfiction? >> correct. i think he has dirt on her and
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forced her hand. i think that is what he did. because -- >> when i write my book on oprah i will tell you whether you are right or wrong. >> when will that be? [laughter] >> i hope it will be soon. >> who among those have you written about, where was there a the most blue back? >> i will tell you you would think the most would be frank sinatra because he was mobbed, no. the pullback, they're real blow back as far as death threats came from the nancy reagan book. >> really? >> yes and the mainstream media got so crazed because i had written a book about, that was the last book and i wrote about the rise and demise of a political dynasty saying in
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effect we will never have this kind of dynasty again. adis white anglo-saxon protestant you will not have that kind of a dynasty in the country again. the media went crazy so i got pulled back from the media about a house far as the threats it came from the nancy reagan book. not sinatra although he sued me before i had written a word for $12 million. >> when do you deliver the oprah book? >> i don't know. i'm still writing. it is a fascinating life story. it really is. it's probably more fascinating than anything i've written before. >> okay. when it comes out you have to come on my show, when larry king is finished with you come to me. >> let's do you first.
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>> if my ship ever comes i don't want you to write about me. >> i would be worried about him. >> you would be bored. accept all i mean it. >> that's who you want to be careful of. okay, we are finished. >> michael smerconish is a former attorney who is now an author and nationally syndicated radio talk-show host. to learn more about his books, radio shows and newspaper columns, is set this summer book tv is asking what are you reading? >> peter osnos is the founder of publicaffairs books. mr. osnos, what do you plan on reading this summer? >> one of the first i plan on
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reading is k blows top, i can say i haven't had a chance to read it yet. everyone tells me it's absolutely marvelous. peter was a reporter for "the washington post" many years and tells the story of mickey eckert def's visit to the united states and 1959i believe. when he came at a time of the cold war at its peak and he was the quintessential russian alarm and came here and traveled the country and went to iowa and looked at the cornstalks and went to hollywood and disneyland, but peter has captured that moment in american history and told the story with what i gather is great good humor and history at a very tricky kind so that's the first book i will read. the second book i'm going to read is chris bulkeley's mum and
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pup. i.t. we have all seen the famous line what he said to his mother on the deathbed. he looked at her as she was about to take her last breath and said i forgive you. what i'm hoping is my grandchildren don't say that to me when the time comes but when i read the excerpts of the book in "the new york times" magazine i realized how revealing it is about the way in which families of a certain kind live together and how you come to terms with the fact these extraordinary people you grew up with have reached the end of the line and it sounds to me something worth reading so i will. >> to see more summer reading lists and other program information visit our web site at
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up next on book tv, "after words," an hourlong discussion between a guest host and the author of a new book. this week author eduardo galeano talks about his book mirrors, stories of almost everyone. he also discusses open veins of latin america which venezuelan president chavez came to president obama during the summit during the americas of april. he's interviewed by john dinges journalism professor at columbia and author of how peter shea and his allies brought terrorism to three continents. >> host: hello, we are here with one of the authors that i have admired by whole life,
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eduardo galeano. he is born in paraguay. i mentioned to him just a minute ago i have had his books in my head for decades. one of the reasons i've become involved in latin america and latin american studies and writing as a journalist is because of your work. so it is a great pleasure for me to be here. >> guest: thank you. >> host: you have been in the states a while now. how long have you been -- >> guest: ten minutes, just arrived. [laughter] >> host: and i know you're going to new york. >> guest: yes, new york and other cities to help my new baby called "mirrors." help it to walk. it's a baby. >> host: this is the book, "mirrors" stories of almost everyone.
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of course i checked out the spanish title. [speaking in spanish] which is a little bit different. it means universal history almost. >> guest: almost because if you say universal history it sounds so swollen and arrogant. my intention was to write a homage to a human diversity from tears and boundaries or from tears -- it was a mad adventure. the titles are more or less trying to say it's
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