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tv   [untitled]  CSPAN  June 25, 2009 11:30pm-12:00am EDT

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actually began and i went down in a volatile session to negotiate the terms and i would -- everyone said there is 25 minutes of small talk which we admit the president doesn't have any sort of what should i say and i said finally there's a thing on brezhnev in the paper so i said mentioned this and nixon said wouldn't want to be a russian leader. they never know when they are being taped. host: a twitter, "was the movie actor about your life and your interviews? guest: i agree. i think that is one of the reasons the reviews are so terrific because people know it was an independent film. those 10 minutes of fiction,
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there are one or two bits of the throughout. but basically i thought they did a fantastic job. i basically thought it was a really good film, and i am honored to have been featured. if we have time we will show an excerpt but here is maggie from new york. >> caller: good morning, thank you for a c-span. i am calling mr. frost because i have been trying to call this morning regarding governor sanford and his relation to the situation he is and how he is being disgraced and how nixon was disgraced. i'm really very concerned for governor sanford. he seems he has lost everything and obviously love that woman. i wish that the papers and the people would leave him alone for a little while. >> guest: interesting. there is a perpetual debates, we come upon from time to time about what is the public's
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business and what isn't. i think that's for instance the doings of someone like the governors and so on, those are obviously valid, but then obviously valid and stories about children who are lifting or something and what they have done, they're not running for office and a politician hasn't cashed in on them in there is a reason why that interest and should take place so it is a question of where you draw the line. it's an interesting case of an mp in england who have not done as people have done here, he had not cashed in on his marriage when it was already over so he had never done that. a look back the three years and had not been in existence properly and never used a photograph of his wife or children. he never had falsely done that and the press there for treated
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him very right main leniently because he had not tried to cash in on his private life when it was a farce or as i think when someone really ran for office very much in a dowling and it turns up later as we had a couple examples that that was a fraud in, then in that case the person who brought their private life into the public eye that it can be pursued but there'll always be those cases where the dividing line is tricky. >> host: we're going to show an excerpt from the movie frost/nixon and one of the moment to describe him act. >> the ones in the papers, did you actually enjoy those? >> of course. >> you have no idea what that makes do. liking people, being liked, having that facility, that
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likeness, that charm. i don't have it come i never did. it kind of makes you wonder why i chose that hinged on being white. in i am better suited to a life of thought and a debate coming intellectual discipline. maybe we got it wrong. maybe you should have been a politician and i a rigorous interviewer. >> maybe. >> guest: a very, very -- that is predominantly written it is fiction but very accurate fiction. i'm sure exactly that you what he would have said. he went quite a bit the way towards that. but an accurate portion of the. >> host: your new project crossed over the world. >> guest: lowell it is exciting, we have been doing it for a couple of years but is new in the sense that this week is the big launch in washington on
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mhz where jazeera english comes to america to washington in a big way starting on march 1st which is exciting because we started that with 50 countries and 80 million homes. now it is up to 100 countries and 140 or 150 million homes so it's very exciting and exciting that it is coming. two your neck of the web starting next wednesday. >> host: sir david frost, thank you for joining us on c-span. >> guest: is a pleasure
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the german chancellor angela merkel is in washington to meet with president of, nancy pelosi. she spoke with the library of congress about german relations, global climate change and foreign policy issues. issues introduced by former nebraska senator hagel. [applause] >> ,, thank you and thank you for your leadership and many
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contributions to the german partnership. i also want to take knowledge those who are here tonight to have contributed so much in some anyways to this very important relationship including some of america's former ambassadors to the federal republic of germany and many distinguished leaders present and former in the government of the federal republic of germany and to each of our distinguished guests tonight who are here to acknowledge your leadership chancellor merkel, and also to thank you for what you have meant to this partnership in the larger transatlantic alliance and i am personally privileged
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and very honored and that i have been asked to be included in and play a role in this evening's events so thank you and to all who to continue to show leadership in this institution which is relevant today as it has ever been. excepting the prestigious eric m. warburg award, the first to be presented in the united states, chancellor merkel and pose a distinguished group of leaders who have influence not only german-american relations but a world affairs. this remarkable leader whose career began as a young east german has had an historic influence on her own country in the transatlantic alliance. dr. angela merkel has traversed
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steep intellectual mountains and physics, chemistry, academia, has been ineffective and respected leader in the worlds of environmental affairs, youth, women's rights, governments and politics. always a later breaking new ground in grasping in the vision of a bigger picture as well as the minutia of detail, but never coming untethered from her corporation purposeful effort to focus on building a better world for all mankind. i recall the first time i met angela merkel, eshoo is general secretary of the christian democratic union. we had lunch in berlin and we talked about german-american relations, nato, the transatlantic alliance and her concerns about a world that she sought as drifting in a very dangerous way. that included a german american
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draft, attention and building in our relations affecting each other's interests. after our first meeting with left mean a deep impression of this leader and head in many occasions to meet dr. miracle in both my senate office in washington and in germany. each time i met with her i was more impressed with her insights and an ability to move very quickly to the center of an issue. i also was struck by her decency and humanity. now this should not be surprising considering issue is raised and shaped under the yoke of communism as she grew up in east germany. she has lived there and witnessed the devaluation of the individual, the wanton disregard for human dignity. and the breaking of the human
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spirits. her life has been about inspiration and, inspiration and leading her pupils to a better place or all are free to live in a democratic society based on respect for the individual and hope for a better world and the ability to work toward that better world. her steady sturgell of germany since 2005 reflects turn informed and wise leadership. she has helped to reestablish a 20 for centuries foundation for during u.s. relations. this relationship is vital to the capacity and strength of the broader transatlantic relationship. differences between nations are inevitable, the challenge however is for nations to define relationships based on common interests. not differences.
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chancellor merkel has always understood this, the german u.s. relationship touches on nearly all of the most critical global challenges the world faces today from national security ngo political crises to climate change in the global economy, a robust bilateral relationship between germany and the u.s. is essential to progress on all of these fronts and the chancellor merkel has helped bring a common purpose not just to germany, america and europe but to the world. the challenges of the 21st century span the globe and require international cooperation and leadership on periled in our history from afghanistan to iran, north korea to terrorism, pandemic health concerns, debilitating poverty, the global financial crisis to destabilizing migration. we cannot address these issues,
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none of these issues alone. transatlantic cooperation defined in part by a german u.s. alliances must be brought deep and strong and clear to move forward and the 21st century. the transatlantic port shipped as an anchor for global stability, the transatlantic alliance is the only global alliance with the capacity to engage is great challenges of our time and a germany and the u.s. are two of the most critical pillars upon which the alliance is built. chancellor merkel appreciates this reality and she also appreciates the responsibility is that go with it. the chance that president obama and chancellor merkel have met twice in london interesting and will see each other tomorrow is a testament to the importance of this relationship.
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germany is a friend, a close ally in critical partners to the united states, the strength of this relationship is essential not only for our two countries but the world. of these two great free nations represent two of the four largest economies in the world. we live in a time of not just great challenge and great threats but also great promise, a great opportunity, and greater responsibilities and great hope. it is a time for wise and inspired leadership and much courage. tonight we are honoring such a leader, chancellor angela merkel. chancellor merkel, thank you very much. [applause]
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[applause] >> we're honored to present to you in this eric m. warburg award for your outstanding leadership in german american readership. thank you. [applause]
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[applause] [laughter] [speaking german] it. >> translator: senator hagel, excellence a, ladies and gentlemen, it is a great honor and privilege for me to receive this award here today and let me say that i am truly grateful to the atlantik-brucke for this. i will understand this and see this as an encouragement to continue to do everything i can in order to work for a
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transatlantic relations. i am very glad to be here today in this is a very important place and these are very interesting times. and recently there was an event held which reminded all of us that 400 years ago the first germans emigrated to the united states and we as germans as i may say so nice federal chancellor that 8 million americans today are still able to trace back their routes to germany, there are still 17% of the american people who have german ancestors, and the fact that the person who praise to me today and was maya auditor is one of them and it is a great sort of pleasure to me. obviously they have very fond
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memories of two years ago being able to hand over a map which really was a product of german-american relations, we are very proud that it was a german for the first time rode down the name america on a map. being here today, receiving this award in is a great source of satisfaction and pleasure to me. this is a year on the 23rd of may in the republic of germany became 60 years old. the basic law celebrated its anniversary, the parliamentary counsel at the time together with the allied open up opportunity to then germans to be received and again in the family of nations in turn in a fully fledged member of the international community, and in may we talk about this anniversary of 60 years of the
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republic of germany. we also have to remember this is the one part of germany, a 60 year success story but for the other part of united germany they did not really feel this kind of success story implied the same way an eye to live for a certain amount of time in this other part of germany. when i was thinking ahead in trying to plan my life, i had always thought at the time that when i would retire from my profession at the time as a woman at the age of 60 now and then move over to the federal republic of germany. change my passport into a federal german passport and then immediately go over to the transatlantic to america. [applause] that was my great goal in life. now, the fates look kindly on me in the members of my generation. we were actually granted this
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privilege at a much earlier time so it is a great source of pleasure for me to be able to go to washington d.c. and also traveled throughout the united states. on the ninth of november this year we shall celebrate 20 years, 20th anniversary of the fall of the wall. i think many people in germany are not even aware of the fact that almost one-third of the history of federal republic of germany has been traveled the -- in the unit of a united germany. now honda these partnerships develop have had to leave undervests strong but also are important to our partners the transatlantic relationship, how is that going to develop in the future? thank you very much, senator hagel, for pointing out how a poor in this partnership way as and in many ways you are the embodiment, the most valuable
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good of this actual time. taking downtime in order to cherish such relationships, taking out time to meet others in that other countries who is serious enough to see what is happening trying to break new ground and make new contacts, trying to get new information. end a senator hagel reminded us how often and we met so you have always been interested in your call you couldn't at the time know that i was to become chancellor so you actually took the trouble to talk to the secretary general of my party and that shows you are truly interested in the matter at hand so they do yet again. i would also like to wish all of you, like to wish to the very best at the top of the council and the many


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