tv [untitled] CSPAN June 26, 2009 2:30pm-3:00pm EDT
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week that obviously we have a series of events that have yet to play out and iran and we will watch those play out. i think our long-term interest as it relates to iran and the danger in the region quite honestly is no different than they remained the day before the election berkeley have witnessed the images since the days of the election and i think that is on the four most of the mind not only on the president and a new administration but people throughout the world. >> but policy? >> he does understand right now that the iranians seem preoccupied. >> speaking directly to the election results he said there should be a reproach or recounted i have not heard president obama's say anything like that. does he agree? >> that is a decision the
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iranians will have to make about their own leaders. >> are you saying chancellor virgo went further? -- chancellor kohl? >> i am not prepared to characterize her statement. >> but they said they spoke with one voice. >> in condemning the violence i think you have heard everything the president has said. >> cardis he working in this climate today? >> he has made a few calls today and what about anyone else? >> no. i know the team that works on energy obviously worked throughout the process to get to the legislation to the point* where it is right now and working hard to get through the house and onto the next up two heading into the senate. they will continue to work bathrobe the day.
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>> the energy and interior secretary ...? >> yes. >> . >> [inaudible] >> not being a senator i do not know what particular piece of legislation has thus far been written. i think a majority of people in this and a strong we believe they have to deal with the problem in a way that creates jobs, lessens dependence on foreign oil and protect the planet that we live on to help lay the foundation for long-term economic growth. and preserve our well being. i think the administration believes legislation is possible to get through the senate and two his desk. >> would you doing to get it
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through the senate? >> to get it through the house. >> the iranian opposition groups list the terrorist organizations the e.u. has removed them with the president considered doing the same? >> i don't have any information on that we can have somebody look that up for you. >> what the president has said i believe they would threaten to veto the defense appropriations bill because of the of 22 measures. the defense appropriations committee increase eight -- just increased funding does the press still stand? >> absolutely. secretary gates has outlined a very robust plan to change our defense procurement to invest in weapons systems and
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mouth -- manpower that make the most sense for the future. he and others have determined that is not the part of the program and secretary of defense advisers suggest they would recommend that the president vetoed the bill. >> another thing that may be presumptuous, but senator schumer speaking at georgetown on wednesday said they even of the immigration summit that a comprehensive immigration bill is what is in order and urged the president to go along those lines to plan to sell the immigration problem. three years ago comprehensive immigration meant naturalization and a border security in one package. does the president agree it should be done at once? >> i have not talked to the legislative affairs pace in
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terms whether this is contained in one bill or how it is done except to know that whether insuring that employers, verifiable systems to check employees when they are hired, strengthening security at our borders as well as providing the pathway to citizenship that includes comprehensive reform and the only way to deal with the issue is through that comprehensive reform. >> i wonder if you knew if the president ever met michael jackson in person or mrs. obama? >> he did not tell me that he had provide cancer in the checked but i do not believe they have the. >> on monday the gay and
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lesbian. >> i do not have a lot of it. >> but with the gay and lesbian americans, is he feeling political heat from this group. >> it was scheduled. >> but this is the first time? barranca as is the first time in the white house. >> should we suspect in the announcements on the issues that would be right at the forefront of marriage? >> no. >> how was the doncaster day? >> bowater had warmed up. i would bet a hefty amount of money it would not don't
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meet -- but i was proved wrong on the first pitch i have to a bit i was not counting on bill to get me what. >> never underestimate. >> with iraq they said the prime minister would be to strengthen security forces those that are currently constituted can they quell the violence and how much it is the withdrawal to the city's the u.s. troops a litmus test for how things will go next august at the end of 2011? >> the president mentioned obviously while there is always concerned about violence in iraq, he has certainly spoke been too
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general odierno and others we have witnessed continue days continuing come if you compare the security situation even now compared to months ago the security situation has gotten stronger. but again, we have political progress that has to be made, continued security progress that has to be made. the president and his team, ambassador held general odierno believes we are making progress and we're on the pathway to meet our goals. but obviously we continue to watch very, very closely. >> back to michael jackson and calmat understanding there
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were other world leaders that came out with written statements to include eight leader here arnold schwarzenegger with a statement, why not a written statement that for a man who has come to the white house and visited for his humanitarian efforts, recognized by other presidents come and help to fund-raiser for the democratic party, why not a written statement? >> i thought i did a pretty good job. >> of first yesterday we were told no statement then today you are acting the president. >> you are the media. have you never interrupted me to ask a question? i was surprised, maybe i was
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just surprised. >> but i am getting at why this way? we were pressing yesterday and kept asking. >> because there is not going to be a statement. i asked the president what he thought about it today and as the spokesman i have passed that along to you. >> back to the public plan option, the president wants to see comprehensive reform and senator grassley said of the want any republican votes, and no public plan option. who is driving the train? >> which train? to make the health reform whether there will be a public plan option? >> the president has been very clear on his priorities. i think you heard the president say earlier this week it this is part of health care reform which is part of a long negotiation and he believes that the public option for those that cannot
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afford insurance are offered through the workplace, for them a public auction provides important choice of competition i think both committees and the senate are working toward making progress on the president's goals. >> senator grassley is willing to say nobel if there is a public plan is the president ready to say no bill if there is not a public plan? >> i think there are a lot of twists and turns between getting it out and to the president's desk. i think he has been clear and again i think talking democrats versus republicans even in the health committee which has made progress this week, i think over 100
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amendments from republicans have been adopted during the course of that debate. think there is evidence that the democrats and republicans are working together at this point* to further some of those goals. >> just a couple of follow ups from weeks ago. >> on june 17, you were asked of the president supported the language you use with the justice department brief and you said you would check and get back on that. >> look, i guess they obviously that was filed by the solicitor general of this administration. >> but the complaints of the particular language. >> i understand the. >> i asked last week what
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experts if nab president has spoken to about firebrand. >> i am not aware of any. i think people in the administration had talked to other members of the administration in and outside of government i don't know of any in particular the president has spoken to. >> of want to follow-up from earlier today. >> michael jackson and? >> no. but if you want to follow-up. >> but if i get a chance i will. >> he ast if the president felt that president ahmadinejad owed him an apology and in his reply the president stopped just stop of short same president
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ahmadinejad botha and apology to the people but did not quite say that they do think that is what he is saying? >> i would simply point* to what he said i think he was fairly clear on what he meant and who it was directed. >> and a question and that was asked yesterday about the letters from congress? >> of the was looking for that but i do not have any more news on that. >> the president said the nuclear clock is ticking does that imply a deadline for military action? >> i certainly will not get into anything like that. i the ink obviously only to say that we continue to have grave concerns about steps they would take to acquire a nuclear weapon. and nothing that would suggest they would take any steps not to continue to pursue.
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>> governor sanford, i wonder if the president has ben following the results the past week to politically or personally? >> i am sure he has read it in the paper but he has not given me any particular reaction. >> the president talked about. [laughter] >> i apologize to the. >> we can see how the people in the front are cutting up. >> the president talks about how he would like to see more political progress and i am wondering if you could talk about some of the things the president is hoping for and what is he hoping to do? >> obviously he has met continually with ambassador
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hills, obviously the meetings we made during the stop in baghdad i guess in late march/early april, without getting specific there continues to be progress with reconciliation with oil and hydrocarbons. that as we move their route a very important year of the elections and iraq again proving it will take the steps necessary to govern its country. >> [inaudible]
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they had a very clear message now will he come before the g20 or is there a new road map for u.s. relations? >> i have no news when a visit might happen. >> for many years including the last administration and the u.s. congress don't you believe that by having immigrants with the illegal status pleading billions of dollars from the economy and at the same time they have supported the president during the election. >> obviously if you are not a legal resident you could not
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have supported the president in the last election. that may have been more news that we wanted to make on a friday afternoon. [laughter] i think the president has long been a participant and a believer in comprehensive reform to strengthen their borders, to ensure he worked with senator grassley on legislation creating a data base to check for employment comment to ensure that employers were not abusing the system as well as taking steps to bring people out of the shadows, having them learn english comment go to the back of the line. some things out of yesterday's meeting for the first time we are taking steps to ensure
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that those that are in the immigration process which in years past has been backed up considerably, that we provide some ability for people to check where in the process they are. i think that is important to ensure a safe and orderly system. have a good weekend [inaudible conversations] >> the last day of congress before the july 4th recess the house gaveled in this morning to complete work on the 2010 interior environment and spending bill that was passed 254 /1 hundred 73 provides $32 million for the interior department department, u.s. for service and epa and other related programs. right now a debate on climate change measure by requiring the use of alternate energy
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and legislation targeting greenhouse gas production by 17% by 20/20 a final bill could come today. spec a look back at 30 years of close-up television programming. to hear from current and former associates of the show. we'll also take questions from teachers and students you can see that today on c-span2.
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>> the committee on transportation and infrastructure will come to order for the second in the series continuing oversight hearings that i committed us to undertake at the outset of the recovery act in fact, in december 2007, when i proposed an initiative to get the economy moving again with programs under the jurisdiction of this committee and actually we had bipartisan initiatives in this committee to move things forward and of course, the administration at that time was not keen on doing that purpose seems that not much has changed with the
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current administration not much interest in moving a six year transportation bill. we are ahead of them. as we crafted a transportation infrastructure the committee as part of the american recovery and reinvestment act set forth standards that there would be accountability, transparency, and reporting. that projects should be equitably distributed throughout the state, and the priority consideration should be given to the area's of the highest unemployment as measured by the economic development administration monthly reports on areas of high unemployment throughout the country. we committed to openness, transparency, accoun tability.
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this second of the hearings follow through on the commitment. said it is hard to believe it is just 120 days ago the bill was signed into law. and i have to give great credit to the federal highway administration into my department of transportation overall and today's hearing is only on the dot portions of the recovery act provisions. we will have another hearing after the july recess on the waste water treatment, infrastructure portions and other the gsa, coast guard and others will report to us in that second hearing. now there is a report in the
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newspaper, several reports actually, that misstates or misunderstand the way the federal programs work. there is a commentary states "have received only 1,302,000,000 of the stimulus packages, a 27.5 million in road construction funding" end quote. now that is accurate but does not accurately state the issue progress states have been reimbursed for $1,302,000,000 this did this program works just like their regular federal aid highway program states are notified by the federal highway administration of their allocation then
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states, the dot advertise forbids and by bids and evaluate the bids as they come in then they award the bids and the contractor begins the work, then bills the state and the state bills the federal highway administration and it reimburses the state against submitted vouchers. that is how it has always worked. it is a good comparison that would be if you are hired at a pay of $50,000 and your first month of pay is one/12 of that amount, $4,000, you do not complain you do not get paid
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for you were paid for the first months of work. states do not get the entire allocation at one time, they are paid against their vouchers for the work completed incrementally by contractors. actually, all of the $27 billion was allocated by the federal highway administration and states were told what their respective for apportionments would be under the formula, all of the money went out by a existing federal aid highway formula. and the states then began the process. now the reality, but i had a lebeau, here it is coming
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4,366 projects have been approved from all states three of the territories and the district of colombia representing 14 .4 billion dollars, a 54% of the highway funds in the recovery act, 4,098 projects as of last week as the date of reporting to us have been put out to bid. 2,294 projects have signed contracts totaling they value of 6.$5 billion. work is underway on 1,243 of the projects and 21,000 on-site jobs. to a . .. .
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