tv [untitled] CSPAN June 26, 2009 5:00pm-5:30pm EDT
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if we set an if reset an 18 month per amateur hour any of the state's going to undertake a project that takes a two years, three years, four years or five years which many major projects to win only essentially guaranteed 18 months funding. we ran into this during the last authorization as i dramatic dropoff is in projects particularly larger longer-term projects because of the uncertainty created by the temporary extensions and is essentially would be a temporary 18 month extension of current funding levels in your policy depending on whether we can work things out on policy changes. mr. paniati, how will this be guaranteed a 18 month planning? >> well, i believe the states would have faith in the administration. >> no, but my state in many states are constrained by their state constitution and other fiduciary responsibility is.
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they cannot commit themselves to something which they cannot reasonably guarantee or force the revenues and just saying the government will make good on if you plan a three-year project but only have 18 months of funding, trust us -- it didn't work during the last authorization and why isn't going to work now when states are in much worse shape financially and their capability of borrowing is dramatically reduced because of the problem and the financial markets? wireless work better now than then? >> the states would still be able to obligate projects with the funding provided so it would not at all restricted, if the funding the 18 months it would not restrict the ability. >> but if it takes three years to complete and we anticipate we can allen may be a third of that under the 18 months but two-thirds of we have a project that is hanging out there, two-thirds of the money is not available during, they can get
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to that part of the project and as for reimbursement during the 18 months how it is said that they are reasonably going to plan the project or do things they might just pull back from these major projects like it to the last time? >> i think they did last time was because the money was coming out in extensions and a matter of weeks. >> thank you, i don't thank you have answered. mr. rogoff. >> i think obviously i was working in congress when doing those short-term extensions and some of them were as short as a few weeks. part of the administration's thinking in doing a full 18 month extension and not a six months or three months or 12-month is to provide stability during that time. what is for gone here is the centerpiece of that proposal is to get us past the biggest hurdle we face of all and that is the imminent bankruptcy of the highway trust fund with a mass transit account going bankrupt not that long
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thereafter. and i think, you know -- >> let's not alarm the public too much, they don't go bankrupt, they go into cash flow and sufficiency. there is still in,. >> absolutely but as you pointed out yourself mr. chairman, the states are strapped in ways that have never been before so the state's ability to flow of money while the federal highway trust fund can reimburse them, if they ever had that ability they certainly donau. >> i am well aware of that and that's why we are concerned about 18 months prisses the predictability of enhance investment to begin chipping away at deficit and as i understand the 18 month proposal is basically continuing this year's levels of expenditures? >> is based on the president's budget which has an increase in 2010 can add that anticipates general fund to buy general greater level. >> or will that come from? senator murray has expressed concern about her other
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transportation needs being robbed to move money over here. i guess you said several things today that a surprising -- one is there a major policy changes the administration of like to see in 18 months. we have not seen those and i will get this to a question in a moment, that there would be some sort of a cost-benefit analysis which we have heard it which we have not yet seen yet. and according to secretary lahood i don't thank you said this today but obviously it is assumed in your remarks there will be funded offsets or revenues. i guess we have taken revenues off the table. so i guess i won my to know what are the offsets, what are we going to see the cost of an analysis and the policy changes because since we seem to be in sync with you on needed policy changes and the senate, senator murray and senator boxer said no policy changes, it would be useful to begin a dialogue and see which our proposals are if you want us to move policy changes because right now the
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senate is saying no policy changes. >> we certainly would be happy to share the concept with a view and the senate. i think on the cost benefit -- >> when would they be shared because i asked secretary of the hood and he said it was up to omb and we know that there is big and black hole. >> i'm obviously not in a position to go out farther than he has. >> so we are basically waiting in you guys have something plans but we don't know about them and it's going to be done by basically the end of july. >> i think we have some granular a as it relates to the concepts. do we have bill language? noaa in nunn to chance and at this time but as far as the cost analysis those given our dialogue before as i understand it is not about leveling a new cost-benefit analysis on each and every state and local project, it's about standing up and ability for state dot and nco partners to develop capability which some do not
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have now to bring cost of an analysis to bear on the projects. >> and compare across most and have flexibility to match a man can i that is in our bill so i recommend our bill to you. i believe miss norton has questions if you buy to proceed to this point and i asked miss edwards to assume the chair this point if you could. thank you, i appreciate your doing that. you are recognized. >> thank you mr. chairman. mr. paniati, i've got a couple of questions for you. i wonder if you are familiar with the $20 million in the highway trust fund for training, for use in training for apprenticeship programs because of the concern congress had that the construction industry and burdened with some of the highest unemployment in the
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country. also why has not been replenished with new people. perhaps some of these people are aging out and it is to say the change journeymen and meanwhile not in about 25 years has there been a program of its kind in there was in the 1970's when the industry itself was found by the courts to have discriminated and i hasten to add that as of the condition of the industry today, but at that point it was recognized that what was needed was not only so-called affirmative-action programs for training and there was management labor with government also a party to funding. 25 years that has not been the case so you've got a
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construction industry that is a largely white male industry. where the reason not because of the old problems discrimination but because there has not been systematic training of minorities and women who would be the new workforce. now we put a small amount in the summit would have to sit down and figure out this distribution for pre apprentice and apprenticeship programs. i am trying to get a straight answer on what is being done without funding. >> yes, we would agree it's an important element of the program. what we have done is take a two-pronged approach with that $20 million, the first part of that was two go out and solicit proposals from insisting on the job training programs that are out there so we felt like that was a good way to get money out there and continue those programs. we receive proposals and evaluated those and would expect within the next week to make
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announcements on $6.7 million of funding to more than 20 jurisdictions to support on the job training programs as well as 1.5 million that would go to the bureau of the union affairs for use on tribal land. as a second approach was to take the remaining funds approximately $12 million into the four proposals for new programs from ones that go beyond those that existed already. we issued a solicitation from that program, it has closed and we have the proposals. i think we have $25 million the request for about 12 million of availability and are in the process of evaluating those as we speak and we would expect to make awards in july for the remainder of the funding. >> i couldn't be happier with your response. i haven't been able to find where responsibilities was located and what has been done, and one office is that very important work that started so
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well -- one office is responsible? >> within our office of civil rights within the federal highway administration. >> i couldn't be happier that you have gone ahead and done this. i was concerned that the gsa which had it $20 million is a small amount which had $3 million, was going to be particularly bad shape to a nationwide proposal suggested to them. one of two things you need, you need to partner with dot or you need to quickly get yourself attacks force to zero in on how many jurisdiction to get this to get yourself a consultant. we understand they were getting enough consultants that they were, indeed, try to get a consultant, to your knowledge has any contact been made with or by the gsa? >> not that i'm familiar with. >> i will make that inquiry because the kind of answer you have given it is precisely the
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kind of response we cannot have from them, gsa is not here because it's not a program involving highways in any way but it has almost $6 billion to do precisely the kind of work you are doing in highways, building, construction of various kinds. let me ask you about a federal project that is, indeed, a cynosure project, the building of the department of homeland security in washington d.c. where we have expected ground to be broken shortly and certainly this year. there has been -- we have been having meetings more about transportation than about the project itself. seems to be going well for transportation, that has been a problem and we're able to deal with shepherd's parkway, we've got 14,000 new federal employees going across the river for the first time in the history of
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other city to land owned by the federal government, the old saint elizabeth west campus. we have dealt with and i thank you very much because it was the department i believe it was the highway administration folks who came in to see, yes. left unresolved was a very big problem. totally federal problem. these employees are coming to a part of the district that is adjacent to virtually to bolling air force base. and we are concerned that a thousand of them are going to be using that in trends close to brolin. we are informed that the bowling will be getting 8,000 new people on top of the people may have and am sorry if i could finish
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and get an answer to this question i'd appreciate it -- and that a thousand and reno a thousand will be using this malcolm x area to make their entrances to saint elizabeth with an interchange. could i ask you given the good work you all have done on shepherd's parkway to facilitate this a federal project whether or not and i should let you know that the district, of course, is not going to take care of this federal project with in any highway fund it has -- whether there has been discussion within the federal highway administration of how this matter can be resolved. this major transportation matter for making sure this a thousand people dead in to this new development? >> i know that several our federal lands on his have been actively involved in the santa elizabeth project. i done of the specifics of where
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they are right now in the issue you referred to so i will have two. >> two for the record. >> i wish you will, i will have them get back to us within 10 days about try to get ahead of what could be a major problem if we don't be in to work on and now. thank you very much and particularly thank you for which you have done with these three apprentice and apprenticeship programs. >> thank you to the panel. you spend a lot of time with us this morning and you are dismissed and will call the second panel. [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] thank-you and we will begin the
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second panel, we are joined by the honorable larry brown, executive officer of the mississippi department of transportation representing the american association of state highway and transportation officials. mr. joseph mukasey, general manager of southeastern pennsylvania transportation authority represented the american public transportation association and the mr. penrod, director of the allegheny county airport authority representing the airports council international north america and in mr. keating, president and chief operating officer of oldcastle material group east representing the american road and transportation builders association and will begin with mr. brown and. >> thank you madam chairman. as a special low before i began we have included a few figures which are incorrectly added it
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in now have been fixed and will ask that we be permitted to cemented that revised testimony for the record, a couple technical changes. >> without objection can i thank you. madam chairman and members, my name is larry butch brown, the executive director of the mississippi department of transportation currently serving as vice president of american association of state highway transportation officials and will be the incoming president of that association this fall. on behalf of the state department of transportation i want to thank you for your efforts in securing transportation funding as a part of the economic recovery legislation. today a want of a size three major points. all of the states have on a 50% or more of the non sum allocated funds well before the june 30 deadline. projects are under construction and people going back to work in good paying jobs. states are directing funds are ready to go project that spent economic recovery and job creation to all corners of the
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united states with special consideration being given to the economic news of geographic balance. the economic recovery and provide a $48 billion for transportation investment out of a total of $787 billion. of that 27.5 billion or for highways, 30 percent of that going to this of pelicans in the cities and counties. this is to be received in excess of $354 million in stimulus dollars that is for shares petition projects and am extremely proud to report that we met and exceeded the 50% goal well ahead of the deadline. states have delivered on that deadline. from the bus is a percent of the recovery act dollars have been obligated for a total of approximately 49 hunter projects valued at nearly $15.5 billion. all the states, the district of columbia and puerto rico now
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have projects under way. federal highway administration estimates there are 1500 or so projects under construction the value add approximately $6 billion. many states are moving even faster than the law requires. mississippi, for example has obligated nearly 80 percent of its apportion funds for highways and bridges. we have only a promise of a $50 million remaining to be contacted. our cheers petition commission crafted a plan to provide equitable distribution of projects throughout the state of mississippi to ensure the greatest possible impact in terms of jobs creation and economic development. mississippi plans on letting approximately 165 contracts use in a a a are a funding. as of late may some 552 jobs have been created. that many or more have been retained and many more new jobs are expected to come.
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and this is a repeated all across our country. states are working hard to ensure that economic distress areas benefit in arkansas, the program will deliver 84% of the jobs to distressed areas, 48 of the state's 51 projects are now in distressed areas. in arizona, for example 60 percent of the projects and 40 percent of the high economic recovery will be directed it directly to the economically distressed areas of their state. the states are flexing high with economic recovery funds for transit in a city passenger freight rail and projects. 9.9 million is being used for maintenance dredging of the mississippi rivers are southwest pass to provide a safe efficient river channel for navigation for that industry. the iowa department of transportation will provide $5 million for for freight rail
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projects. a $15.4 million project in the port of tacoma, washington will eliminate all for at great rail crossings in that cause a truck and traffic -- other traffic vehicle traffic delays of to 45 minutes several times a day. finally congratulations to you and your committee on moving out with a six year bella. we support your efforts and are ready to help you deliver on that six year bill. we also urge timely action on critical threats to our highway and transit program, madam chairman, an inevitable cash flow shortfall of the highway trust fund this summer, imposition of $8.7 billion decision. we urge you to take action on those critical issues and we urge you to take them in a timely in short-term manner. thank you for the opportunity to allow us from mississippi and from ashto, the american
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association of state highway transportation officials to appear before you today. i'd be happy to answer questions when the time allows. >> thank you mr. brown. mr. casey. >> in afternoon representative edwards and members, my name is joseph casey, representing the public transportation of philadelphia and surrounding counties area and the american public transit authority with 1500 members including public transit agencies and private businesses. public transportation can be a critical component to reduce this nation's dependency on foreign oil. improving the and vermin and achieving sustainability and improving the economy. with the increased price of gasoline over the last couple years america has rediscovered of public transportation. apta reporting last year
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10.3 billion trips taken on public transportation, the highest in the last 50 years. we've seen a similar increase of the last three years, ridership has increased so% and even though prices again dropped last year better ship remains strong and say another 3% increase for we were last year. the american recovery and reinvestment act is critical to mass transit. prior to enactment apta did a survey and of 200 providers they identified a hundred projects totaling $16 billion that was shovel ready. as you know, the american recovery and reinvestment act allocated $8.4 billion to transit. 50% of these funds have been obligated or currently waiting fda approval. septa a share of the i.r.a. funds totals $191 million. we identified 25 projects and
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because we were out early with the bids construction bids came in a 17% less than our engineering assessment and we were able to add an additional seven projects. of the 32 projects to make 22 of the projects have been awarded the accounting for setting fire% of the funds. some of the major projects dealing with exercise an option for 40 additional hybrid buses from new fire industry is to do with the growing ridership. replacement of nine year-old track at the broad street line and on the media lines. implementation of five bridges, the oldest of which build in 1905. and the rehabilitation of three major stations, to on the broad street lined, that are constructed in the mid 1920's and one new station on a regional rail line which will be a brand new station replacing a small shelter. on behalf of septa i want to
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convey my appreciation of the effort of this committee in addressing transit capital needs and allowing the use of 10% of the arra funds for operating purposes. as in of the economy is deeply impacted operating budgets of public transportation systems and the alternatives all over the country are increasing fares and reducing services. 10 percent allows the services to remain and also saves transit jobs. the stimulus package was a welcome relief. but well down 10 -- the recent report by fta identify the needs of the seven largest rail systems which carries 80 percent of the real riders. the report concluded that $50 billion is needed to bring the systems to the state of repair. four septa $4 billion are needed to bring our system to the state of repair. among the major capital projects we have 400 bridges, 200 of
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which are over 50 years old, and half of them 100 bridges over 100 years old. on the real system we have 150 stations, half of which require significant repair or replacement. our power substations, 19 of them use of life generally 30 years. we have 16 of the 19 of over 75 years old. and the real cars, a current average rail car fleet is 40 years old and currently have and ordered replace one-third of the fleet but even after their deliver the remaining two-thirds will be 35 years old. philadelphia's rich in history and proud of our numerous historical sites, however, we are not especially proud of the historical chance of assets. we thank you for the opportunity to speak and on behalf of apta thank you for your leadership and recently announced authorization proposal. >> thank you, mr. casey. mr. penrod.
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>> i am executive director of the pittsburgh national airport which handles a .7 million passengers per year and had general aviation facility. i'm here representing air force council and would like to thank the committee for the prior a place on aviation this year including the passage of multi-year faa reauthorization which include an increase in the passenger facility charge to $7. committee's decision to distribute $1.1 billion in stimulus funding using the faa process is proving to be successful. and explains why the faa was able to report on june 5th of all the $5 million of $1.5 billion is authorized. vice president biden noted in march this money will create new jobs now but also investment in long-term safety at airports in their economic viability. at the allegheny county airport and $2 million in stimulus money will be used to renovate taxiways and reconfigure aircraft to do air coming this
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facilities in the rams' based. construction is scheduled to begin the week of july 20th and when completed will be able to make states available for construction of mass -- much needed facility so we are trading ford -- for the construction jobs now we're also setting the stage for future jobs and aircraft maintenance operations. the $10 million a nose package will rehabilitate runway 1432, won over four runways used by military and commercial flights. this will be utilized to rehabilitate airfield pavement, make rating improvements, uptake pavement markings, and lighting systems. notice to proceed is expected in september and will pre 207 jobs. one point this committee made clear was recovery and funding to be for projects shovel ready. i am pleased to be able to report that many airports across the country have their shovels in the ground. and sarasota international airport to have completed a logical work on the $2.3 million
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overlay of runway 42, trading for a two direct jobs. and san francisco international airport they have completed majority of the repaving construction last month of $5.5 million rehabilitation of runway and the airport's largest trading 90 jobs. at tampa international work on a tax way rehabilitation and service route will be put in the estimated 600 people to work. the detroit metropolitan airport has begun a $50 million project to support the construction of runway nine left to seven right which will trade estimated 225 new local jobs. work began last month chicago o'hare on $12 million project runway tend to age and taxiway adjacent to the runway trading 50 direct jobs. there also a number of project status to come on-line over the course of next four weeks. the kansas city international
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