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tv   [untitled]  CSPAN  July 1, 2009 10:30pm-11:00pm EDT

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al sharpton types they can find and put them on a community board to advise abc and stewart of sean hannity show is meeting community needs. and then the licensing for abc and every other station used to be renewed every six years. now it's going to be renewed every two years and the board will have a statutory ability to make inputs to the sec whether
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the station should be renewed or not and across the board they are going to cancel those licenses and give the frequency to station owners willing to rahm left-wing programming. and if the other alternative by the way is if they don't close the station down the new law passed by the sec that doesn't need congressional approval gives them the right way to find a radio stations and millions of dollars and you know who the finest payable to? national public radio. [laughter] they get the check. so this is a massive redistribution of the air power away from the right and toward the left. so that is the plan for political domination in this country. now, one of the things we talk about in this book, pardon me for taking so much time but there's a lot in here. [applause]
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part of what we talk about in this book is the thought total surrender on the war and terror. do you realize obama in the first week as president chose not to prosecute the guy that blew up the coal? because the judge said that we want the whole system how we are going to handle -- i'm sorry, the judge said let's proceed with the trial and obama said i don't want to do it now because i need to come up with a plan for detainee's in guantanamo. give me a six month delay and the judge said no, you have to proceed right now and instead of proceeding obama dropped the case and now that body is protected by double jeopardy and he offical they cannot begin the death penalty now cannot even be considered for this guy who killed 17 u.s. sailors. >> [inaudible] >> what? yeah, why does he have a right is a good question but he does
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and what obama is doing now is releasing people from guantanamo and he has pointed to the justice department people that are aggressive and smart and strong and widely in the task of writing out the interrogators who protected us from terrorists for the last eight years not going after the terrorists but going after the investigators that have kept a safe. right now we are watching obama blither and dither has iran fulminates and there's a freedom movement going on in the world's most dangerous country a freedom movement that could spare the world it's likely first atomic war and he is doing nothing. actually i'm wrong. excuse me. hillary clinton has taken the lead on this. [laughter] hillary clinton announced three days ago that she is an inviting the iranian diplomats from the u.s. embassies for the july 4th
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celebrations. no more hot dogs. [laughter] now, if you feel cutting off the flow of hot dogs to iran is not the most potent thing we can do let me suggest an alternative instead of cutting off the flow of hot dogs let's cut off the flow of gasoline. 40% of iran's gasoline has to be imported because they don't have refineries. and three-quarters of their imported gasoline comes from a refinery in dubai owned and operated by reliance industries an indian company and is part of the rapprochement with india. the export-import bank, you, put up a 500 million-dollar guarantee of the loan to expand and renovate the refinery. so, we are funding the refinery that provides iran with its
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gasoline. now, two very good congressman, a democrat named sherman from california, and a good republican named kirk from illinois have introduced an amendment to cut off the loan guarantee and has passed the house appropriations subcommittee three days ago. obama needs to endorse that and send a signal to the ayatollah that we are not going to put up with this stuff in the streets of iran and that if they do the security forces can walk home. [applause] finally, i want to talk to you about one of the most scary things there is and that is called sharia law. sharia law is the law that governs the islamic community and parts of it are very good. things like don't drink and gambling and pornography and don't eat pork and stuff like
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that. part of it is still on women for adultery, part of it is amputate limbs of people caught stealing, all kinds of horrible stuff like that that literally men have all the rights and women have absolutely none. so, every major financial institution in the world in the western world has set up a sharia comply and fund. dow jones was the first one, citicorp has it, aig has, morgan stanley, webber, merrill lynch, bank of america, all of them have sharia compliant funds. and this means if you are a muslim wanting to make an investment you could put your money in that fund and be confident that none of it will go to activities permitted by sharia law which makes sense. the problem is these financial listed missions have put in place sharia compliance boards
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which are staffed by the most reactionary right-wing islamofacists in the world. we site in the book five or six of them who have had to be removed from the boards because they are on the fbi tear watch list. and these folks are going to make the decision where the sharia comply and funding goes. and currently there is $800 billion globally under management by shirley incompliant funds. and if they get together with this offer will funds of countries like qatar and kuwait and to buy you could get that up to three or $4 trillion not only do these enormous decide where the money is invested, they also allocate the 2.5% of your portfolio that has to go to charity. it's like the muslim tire dingley it is 2.5% and they decide the charities. and they are all of the hamas
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and hezbollah terrorists runs. in fact the record of the designating charities subsequently blasted number of the bush administration is enormous. and if you run afoul of sharia law like you are a trucking firm and one day put pigs in your truck you have to pay 7.5% find they also decide where that money goes. now in this book in every chapter at the end we have something called the action agenda that tells you how to fight back and here is something very specific. frank gaffney, former undersecretary of defense, great guy, head of the center for security policy, the speed mine is in a book, has launched a lawsuit. all right, backing a lawsuit against aig and it's really cool. he says that aig sharia compliance fund is an act of the government which now owns 80% of aig. and as a result violates the separation of church and state because its government funding and institution of religion. [applause]
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now, and that coal? and that lawsuit needs money and support and it needs friends and please consult the part of the book where i give you the place to send all of that. so listen, we are at a crucial crossroads here, and barack obama has lost 12 points of job approval in the last 12 weeks. [applause] the gallup poll has him dropping from 70 to 58. restless and has him dropping from 65 to 53. i prefer rasmussen but the point is that he's dropping. and when he drops to 53 and 52 that is the share of the vote he got in the election so at that point he's actively shedding votes. it's people that voted for him and say now that they don't improve of the job that he's doing. and he is doing everything he can to drop his job approval. he's screwing up the health care
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system, doubling utility rates, he's going to raise taxes on the middle class as a result of his health insurance program. but he is going to do that after the programs are passed. and he literally needs to make it through this summer, get health care passed, get cap and trade passed, get illegal immigration pass and then in september and october with his ratings go to hell because he has got all of this through. and i believe that barack obama may be the last since your idealist in american politics. i think he would rather pass his agenda then get reelected. he would rather get reelected first but his priorities to make us into france and germany and sweden and that's his plan. and we can't let it happen. [applause] so with a crucial time is right now. i know that all of loss felt really disempowered in this last
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election because we all live in states that were hopelessly blue and there wasn't much chance of being able to turn them around. but now that works to your advantage. because everybody now here is a democrat, right? so you all know people who voted for obama. you know people like that. so, go and talk with them, read the book. it's why we wrote this. read the facts and statistics. argue, push it and get people to switch on this health care position. and that is pulled every single day. and as the ferre polling question suggests, not to be on their one which is do you want it recovered but the one that really explains what is going on that the politicians follow, this is right on the fence right now. clearly they cannot get 60 votes in the senate but they will try to pass with 51. but they may not get 51 and being able to leverage people like gillibrand, the senator from new york, gillibrand
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running for reelection and is an appointed senator, being able to get people like that to focus is very, very important. the last thing i forgot to talk about a just want to mention is that the state of israel is an absolute donner desperate straits at the moment because of the obama policy. he's doing nothing about iran and nuclear weapons. but god forbid they build an extra room on to the house for their newborn baby in a settlement on the west bank and all hell breaks loose and the united states is positioning itself against israel. in fact in this book we revealed that the have come up with a 1 billion-dollar aid package that goes to the united nations refugee relief agency in the gaza strip on the west bank which is a pass-through to hamas
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and we explain what's going on and it's absolutely important for those of us concerned about the state of israel to get a hold of mr. and chuck schumer who says he's a fan of the state of israel and tell him that this is the time to put up or shut up because he could turn obama around on this issue if he wanted to and pressuring him and letting him know how you feel is terribly important. so this book is not only to educate you, it is to give you homework assignments and please, work like hell. thank you. [applause] >> i'm a little conflicted because you waited so long for the signing so let me take three or four questions and not have you wait.
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>> we have a microphone, please wait until you get the microphone. >> this woman here is desperate. >> my brother-in-law is dr. dave weldon, a conservative congressman from florida. you probably know him. >> yeah. >> i asked him to ask a question. will the republicans win the house and the senate in 2010? >> the republicans are going to do very well and win the elections of 2010. [applause] whether they will actually be able to win control or not is something we don't know at this point. but they will clearly have a very large gain of seats. you need 38 switches in the house to get control of and that's tough but i can see ten or 15i think they would ran right now and each passing month it looks better and better for
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them. the senate is a tough story because the seats that are up or largely republican seats. there's a disproportionate number of republicans up this year because this is the re-election of 2010 and they were last elected in 2004 what was a pretty good republican year. so the disproportionate number of seats or republican and a lot of the seats up are in solid space states. but that's not necessarily reason to give up hope. number one. and number two, you've got to understand how congress works. it isn't mathematics. the issue is fear. if you malkoff four or five incumbent democratic senators and flip to were three open seats, even though they would have 53 votes they are not going to use it because they are scared to death and if in the house of representatives if the democrats took a ten seat margin in the house they would pass
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everything but it is a 38 seat margin the collapse goes to ten seats than they are scared to death and look at the 28 guys pushing up tombstones and began to consider flipping their votes. and it becomes a vicious cycle because the closer the votes get the close of the democratic control gets the more the leadership can't let them off the hook and pass the bill which means they can't do the hypocrisy they just did when they were all for cap and trade but pretend they are against it by voting against it wants pelosi has shored than it's been to pass any way and they become unable to do that. so the spirit of the question is yes we will win the election. whether we will take control depends how hard we work and how much we do. white shirt in the back, standing. glasses, you. >> [inaudible] >> were short dollars. >> first i want to say it's an honor to speak in front of you.
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i'm probably one of your youngest supporters but i agree so much. [applause] i go to a liberal university and to hear you speak sometimes is just like, you know? like question is i listen to fox news now and again when ron paul is on. he speaks of these antifederal reserve and i know now he has legislation pending in the house about the federal reserve and i know senator demint also has the counterpart of the bill in the senate. how do you feel about ordering the research and how do you feel about some time getting rid of the research altogether? >> i don't think you can get rid of the federal reserve. i think it gets too important to function and it was adopted in 1914, 1913 because there were panics every ten years and there was no way to manage them and bear in mind we have not had -- we have had one horrible depression since the 1930's man made because of inflation.
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this was the first one that was on man made so they have on the hold on a good job but bernanke has gone completely nuts. he's become absolutely, you know, absolute power forcing that marriage. they don't have shotgun marriages any more on less your a bank. merrill lynch, that was incredible what he did to the bank of america and i think that there is a serious concern about the fed overreaching. but the thing i am the most concerned about than that are two things. first the inflation that we talked about where the fed has gone crazy in terms of printing money. such that it might not even just be inflation. it might not be 18% inflation. it might be a loss of faith in the currency. it might be a reversion to the system. it might literally destroy the global economy because all the nations of the world are doing it at once. it's not like the tequila crisis
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you just stay away from the peso. everyone is doing it at once and that could be very serious. the second thing i'm concerned about is there's a chapter in the book that the declaration of independence has been repealed. obama went to the g20 summit which is now a g-7 plus 13 other countries helping determine our global economy. really responsible countries like argentina. [laughter] and those countries have created a global system of financial regulation. you're new boss is called the financial stability board. it's headed by central banker from italy and controlled by the european central bankers and they will formulate according to the g20 communique which we signed on to global policies about regulation of derivatives, financial on instruments, investment practices and executive pay all industries,
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and of quote. i didn't say all financial, i said all. and what you're going to look at here is the united states will sit at the table, come to a joint resolutions on these issues and then tell the sec and federal reserve board you have to implement those. it's the bargain we struck and you have to stand by it which means these enormous powers will no longer go to people appointed by an elected president confirmed by an elected senate but would go to people who aren't even americans and it becomes a very dangerous thing and threatens to integrate us into the european union. the biggest threat to democracy in the world today is not socialism even with obama. he's not going to mess with our fundamental right to vote and it's not the terrorists that are going to blow was up but not take us over. it's the bureaucrats. it's the barack to station of the world in which a self
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selected elite that fancies itself acting independent of the public will for the public good usurps this power and you see that in the european union in the european parliament they are not even allowed to introduce legislation. all they are allowed to do is vote yes or no on bills submitted by the bureaucracy. and that international barack corsi overcoming the nation's state democracy system is a key threat to our freedom and we went too far down the road at the g20 summit doing that. yes? this gentleman standing here. yes. >> didn't president of, say he wasn't going to raise taxes on least 250,000 biden said $150,000? if he lets the push tax cuts by what everybody raise taxes? >> he's saying he won't let the bush tax cuts by that affect people in middle and lower
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incomes in other words he's only going to deal with the top bracket and second brackett, 39.6 and 35 brackett. he squinted drop those and increase the risk. i'm sorry, 35 and 43 screen to raise them to 45, but it's very clear number one, that for his health insurance program he is going to raise taxes on the middle class. he's going to make the health insurance money that your employer now spends on your behalf taxable on your return, which means you're going to go through and add up the money you got on your w-2 and then add eight or $10,000 that you never got that your employer paid on your behalf for health insurance and that's going to be taxable income than you are going to have to pay. and one of the things that drove me completely in same the last week he is proposing to apply that to everybody except union members. if your health insurance is the result of a collective
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bargaining agreement it will not be a taxable event. the supreme court is going to throw that out because it violates equal protection clause but not before we go through two or three years of paying that tax and in addition to that the threshold has somehow dropped from 250,000 basically to about 100. if you have a household income of more than 100, more than about 90 it puts you in the top 20% and you are going to see a tax increase and it does include the utility increase. your bill will double over the next four years as a result of the cap and trade regulation or long island, that portable -- that's right. it will be like sure on without. i would love to take all your questions because i love doing that, but i'm going to be signing books and you can ask me as you go whizzing by and if i don't do that i'm going to be --
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with thank you. [applause] >> thank you so on. you're going to follow me.
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these places remind me of modern cathedrals that donors would build wings on hoping they would go to heaven. >> i think princeton philosophy lecturer's should be on the web. i think that these wonderfully concentrated islands of talent and wealth and a readmission should be opened to the larger society and not kept separate which they still are and i can't understand why.
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>> walter kirn lost in meritocracy the under education of an overachiever on q&a. sunday at eight on c-span. you can also listen on xm satellite radio or download the c-span podcast. p.w. singer, senior fellow with the brookings institution discusses the rise of robotic warfare and the impact of this technological revolution on future wars. this event hosted by the united states military academy at west point is 50 minutes. >> it's a real honor for me to be here at this place of great tradition but also with future leaders. what i thought would make the most sense is i would like to start with a scene from iraq. you have to imagine yourself alongside a road and what looks in front of you seems like a piece of trash, but actually that insurgent has hit in that improvised explosive device with
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great care. now, by 2006 there were more than 2500 of these attacks in iraq every single month and they were the leading cause of casualties among both american soldiers and iraqi civilians. the team that is hunting for that ied is called an eeob, explosive ordinance disposal and they are the point end of this. the effort to stop the roadside bombings and a typical tory in iraq will go out on 600 calls this they will be asked to diffuse about two bombs every single day. the number that is probably the better indicator of the value of these teams to the war effort is the fact the insurgents but a reported $50,000 bounty on the killing of an dod soldier. unfortunately this particular call wouldn't bend well. by the time that soldier got close enough to see the piece of trash wasn't really in ied by the lawyers coming out exploded.
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depending how much explosives packed into one of these you have to be as far away as 50 yards to a slate injure or death from the fractured speed. in fact even are not hit the blast itself can break your bones. the soldier could have been right on top of that ied so when the dust cleared and the rest of the unit advanced they found little left. that night the commander sat down to do his duty and wrote a letter back to the u.s. and he apologized for not being it to bring the soldier home back to the u.s.. he talked about how tough the loss had been on the unit how they lost. they then tried to talk up the silver lining they took away from quote, at least when a robotized you don't have to
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write a letter to its mother. that may sound like science fiction but was actual battlefield reality. as you will see in the pictures here, that soldier was a 42-pound robot called a pacbot. the letter didn't go to a farmhouse in iowa like is always the story in the movies. it went to a factory just outside burlington massachusetts that alongside of it says all i robot, that is it is a real world factory named after the fictional cizik asimov novel and then also great will smith movie in which robots start out by taking on a day-to-day chores and move on to carry out life and death decisions. now, they tell me i couldn't get a speech at any military facility in quoting here at west point unless i did a powerpoint so you will see slides plate.


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