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tv   U.S. Senate  CSPAN  August 3, 2009 5:00pm-8:00pm EDT

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the presiding officer: the senator from alaska. ms. murkowski: thank you, madam president. i'd like to take a few minutes this afternoon -- the presiding officer: excuse me. request that further proceedings under the quorum call be rescinded. the presiding officer: without objection. ms. murkowski: madam president, i'd like it take a few minutes this afternoon to speak to an amendment to the agriculture bill that has been introduced, and this is amendment number 1910, and it has to do with the high energy cost grants. and this is a program within the rural utility service. and i'd like to just lay out to my colleagues a bit about this program. the high-energy cost grants are available for improving and providing energy generation,
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transmission, and the distribution facilities that serve communities with average home energy costs that exceed 275% of national average. so 275% of the national average. you have to see your home energy costs must exceed this level in order to -- to make yourself available to this high energy cost grant program. these grant funds can be used for on-grid and off-grid renewable energy products, energy efficiency and energy conservation projects serving these eligible communities. now, some have suggested that this is somehow an alaska-base alaska-based -- or an alaska aid program. it certainly does help in my state, but it has provided aid to utilities in more than a dozen states, including alabama, arizona, california, florida, hawaii, idaho, kentucky, maine, massachusetts, nevada, new mexico, new york, and
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washington. and in addition to these states, applications have been submitted by other eligible communities in more than eight states. this is in colorado, in minnesota, montana, north dakota,ry rirks sout, rhode islh dakota, wisconsin, wyoming, and out in portry cork the virgin islands -- port -- puerto rico, the virgin islands and america samoa. in addition, these are community-driven projects. they reflect the local priorities for addressing energy challenges. some of the projects that are currently underway within this high-energy cost grants are replacing failing transmission and distribution lines that serve communities in my state and in arizona, idaho, maine and nevada. as we think about how we're going to move our energy, particularly our renewable energy sources, we've got to do more within our transmission systems. these -- this program allows for
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us to replace our -- our old or our failing transmission and distribution lines. some of the other projects, extend electric distribution lines to connect homes in rural communities in states like alaska, arizona, california, washington, and including some homes on indian reservations. the other projects replace old, inefficient diesel generators in -- in many of the remote alaska villages with -- with more efficient, less polluting units with heat recovery systems. these funds from the high-energy cost grant also go towards constructing community-owned renewable energy projects, including wind and solar, small hydrhydrohydro , biomass system. and again, in states where you see these projects are in alaska, arizona, hawaii, maine, new mexico, washington, the marshall islands. and the last area of the programs provide cost savings, energy efficiency and weatherization upgrades for
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rural homes and community facilities in states like alabama, alaska, florida, hawaii, kentucky, and massachusetts. so, madam president, i -- i go through this list of where these projects are to -- to -- to ensure that members know. we're not just talking about a benefit to a state like alaska, where our energy costs are enormously high, but -- but states such as alabama, where they might not be facing the cold winters but they're certainly facing the hot summers, and how they too can be more energy efficient, how they too can benefit from -- from programs that help to reduce t the -- the high energy costs that they face in their state. this program has been one of the smartest things that congress has done since the pattage of the rural -- passage of the rural electrification program back in the 1930's. it's provided assistance to run modern power lines on indian reservations, help to propel
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economic activity where it's needed most in this country, it's provided aid to towns off the interstate transmission grid and a number of towns in the west that are isolated and -- and not so connected to that grid thus, more subject to the blackouts and the brownouts. this program has also motivated many states to step up their individual efforts to increase funding for these programs. in -- in my home state of alaska, despite the very dramatic decrease in revenues, we're investing tremendous resources toward energy solutions. in the state's fy 2010 capital and operating budgets, they include $25.5 million for alaska energy authority projects, $5 million for renewable -- $25 million for renewable energy, $38 million for power cost equalization, and $28.4 million for heating assistance. that's a total of just about $115 million in funding that's coming directly from the state
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to help alongside -- to -- to fund the high energy cost grants. so if funding sources continue to be eliminated or -- or reduced, the nation's efforts to address the high cost of energy by increasing energy efficiencies and renewable resource development is going to be severely hindered. and this happens at a time that we can least afford to do this. this program has helped with installation of renewable energy systems, whether it be solar or wind or hydro biomass, geothermal, and these are generally financed through guaranteed loans. this is exactly, exactly in keeping with existing congressional intent and the intent of this administration to expand renewable energy and to reduce carbon emissions and greenhouse gas emissions and their potential climate impacts. and it's done so economically. the program has a 4% cap on planning and administrative
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expenses. i wish all federal programs did this. the program has an excellent track record. according to the congressional research service, it has such a low default rate on its loans that the guarantee program has a zero subsidy cost loans being secured by the borrower's electric system assets. now, earlier on the floor, it was argued that this program is somehow duplicative of -- of other existing programs, but it is not. the existing usda rural utility service loan programs can't make loans to school districts or to indian reservations, such as the navajo projects that have been made in made made, or to off-grid utilities. and the program can only make loans for electricity programs, not for renewable energy projects to tie into grids. this is -- this is exceptionally important. the fact that the programs currently can only make those loans to -- to electricity
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programs and not the renewable energy programs. the program was authorized -- the high energy cost grant program was authorized by congress back in the 2000 rural electrification act simply because it covered a gap in existing programs that desperately needed to be filled. now, this amendment might not only kill this program in the future but it also might pull the rug out from under the projects that have expended funds and which have started and which are waiting for the federal funds to be delivered. this program actually lowers federal unemployment and economic assistance costs over time, because helping to reduce our energy costs is one of the best things that we can be doing here in government to support sustainable economic development in a state or in a region. i certainly support the need for fiscal responsibility,
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absolutely, especially given the size of our deficit, but cutting the high energy cost grants program is likely to not only lessen economic activity in rural areas but also worsen our overall economy and unemployment across the nation. there's no reason to delete the continuation of funding that is proposed for this program. i would urge my colleagues to vote against this amendment when the time comes. and with that, madam president, i yield the floor. ms. murkowski: madam president, i suggest the absence of a quorum. the presiding officer: the clerk will call the roll. quorum call: mr. kohl: i ask the quorum call be rescinded. the presiding officer: the senator from wisconsin. without objection. mr. kohl: madam president, i ask unanimous consent that the senate proceed to vote in relation to the mccain amendment number 1910 after the cloture vote with respect to the kohl-brownback substitute
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amendment number 1908, and that prior to the vote with respect to amendment 1910, there be four minutes of debate equally divided and controlled in the usual form with no amendments in order to the amendment prior to the vote. the presiding officer: is there objection? the senator from oklahoma. mr. coburn: i was asked to come down and get my amendments pending. i checked with your staff. all i had like to do is prior to doing that, is get several amendments up and pending, won't debate them and we'll have the debate after the cloture vote. mr. kohl: fine. mr. coburn: is that agreeable to the chairman? mr. kohl: it is agreeability. mr. coburn: thank you. i will not object. the presiding officer: is there objection? mr. kohl: no objection. the presiding officer: without objection, so ordered. mr. coburn: madam president? the presiding officer: the senator from kansas. mr. brownback: if i could, madam president, i've been asked by one-clerks senator barrasso,
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to ask unanimous consent that the pending amendment be set aside so i may call up amendment 2240 on behalf of senator barrasso. the presiding officer: is there objection? without objection. the clerk will report. the clerk: the senator from kansas, mr. brownback, for mr. barrasso and others, proposes an amendment numbered 2240 to amendment number 1908. mr. brownback: madam president, i ask consent that further reading of the amendment be dispensed with. the presiding officer: without objection. mr. brownback: madam president, i just wanted to get this up for senator barrasso. we will be handling that at a later point in time. i would yield the floor. mr. coburn: madam president? the presiding officer: the senator from oklahoma. mr. coburn coburn: coburn: i ass consent that the pending amendment be set aside and amendment2243 be called up. the presiding officer: without objection. the clerk will report.
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the clerk: the senator from observing oh, mr. coburn, proposes an amendment numbered 2243 to amendment number 1908. mr. coburn: i ask unanimous consent the amendment be cred cred as read. cred -- amendment be considered as red. read. the presiding officer: without objection. mr. coburn: madam president, i ask the pending amendment be set aside and amendment 4424 be called up. the presiding officer: without objection. the will report. the clerk: the senator from observing oh, mr. coburnings proposes an amendment numbered 22440 amendment number 1908. on page -- mr. coburn: i ask unanimous consent that that amendment be considered as read. the presiding officer: without objection. mr. coburn: i ask unanimous consent that the pending amendment be set aside and amendment 2245 be called u -- called up. the presiding officer: is there objection? seeing none. the clerk will report. the clerk: the senator from oklahoma, mr. coburn, proposes an amendment numbered 2245 to amendment number 1908. beginning on -- mr. coburn: i ask unanimous consent that that amendment be considered as read. the presiding officer: without objection. mr. coburn: i ask that the pending amendment be set aside
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and amendment number 2248 be called up. the presiding officer: is there objection? seeing none, the clerk will report. the clerk: the senator from oklahoma, mr. coburn, proposes an amendment numbered 2248 to amendment number 1908. mr. coburn: i ask unanimous consent that the amendment be considered as read. the presiding officer: without objection. mr. coburn: madam president, i now call for the regular order on amendment number 2226, and i send a second-degree amendment to the desk and ask for its consideration and will ask that any consideration of that be delayed until after the cloture vote and that is my -- the second-degree amendment is my number 2246. the presiding officer: was there a consent request with that as well? mr. coburn: yes, unanimous consent is requested for that. the presiding officer: is there objection?
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mr. kohl: i on yect and i suggest the absence of a quorum. the presiding officer: the senator does not have the floor. the senator from oklahoma. mr. coburn: i ask unanimous consent the pending amendment be set aside and amendment 2246 be called up. the presiding officer: is there objection?
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the amendment is drafted as a second-degree amendment to amendment 2226. kobe i wil2226. mr. coburn: i will change the drafting. i suggest the absence of a quorum. the presiding officer: the clerk will call the roll. quorum call:
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the presiding officer: the senator from oklahoma. mr. coburn: i ask unanimous consent the call of the quorum be dispensed. .the presiding officer: without objection, so ordered. mr. coburn: i call for the regular order on amendment 2226 and i send to the desk a second-degree amendment to the desk and ask for its immediate consideration. the presiding officer: the clerk will report. the clerk: the senator from oklahoma, her coburn, proposes an amendment numbered 2226 to amendment -- mr. coburn: i ask unanimous consent the amendment be considered as read. the presiding officer: without objection, so ordered. mr. kohl: i send to the desk a second-degree amendment to amendment 2246.
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the presiding officer: 2246 is a second-degree amendment.
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mr. kohl: madam president, i ask that amendment 2248 be pending. the presiding officer: is there objection? without objection, so ordered. mr. kohl: i send to the desk a second-degree amendment to amendment 2248. the presiding officer: the clerk will report. the clerk: the senator from wisconsin, mr. kohl, proposes an amendment numbered 2288 to
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amendment 2248. mr. kohl: madam president, i ask unanimous consent honor keyher be granted the privileges of the floor for the duration of the bill and all amendments there and to. the presiding officer: without objection. mr. kohl: i suggest the absence of a quorum. the presiding officer: the clerk will call the roll. quorum call:
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mr. kohl: madam president, are we in a quorum? the presiding officer: we are in a quorum. mr. kohl: i ask unanimous consent the call of the quorum be dispensed. .the presiding officer: without objection, so ordered. mr. kohl: i ask unanimous consent to set aside the pending amendment and i send to the desk an amendment and ask for its immediate consideration. the presiding officer: is there objection? no objection, the clerk will report. the clerk: the senator from wisconsin, mr. kohl, proposes an amendment numbered 2289 to amendment numbered 1908. mr. kohl: i ask unanimous consent further reading be dispensed. the presiding officer: without objection, so ordered. mr. kohl: madam president, this amendment has been approved by both sides and i ask for its
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adoption. the presiding officer: is there further debate? if not, all in favor say aye; opposed? the ayes appear to have it. the ayes do have it. the amendment is agreed to. mr. kohl: map, i move to reconsider. mr. brownback: i move to lay it on the table. the presiding officer: without objection. mr. kohl: i suggest the absence of a quorum. the presiding officer: will the senator withhold? mr. kohl: i withhold. the. mr. brownback: i ask to call up amendment 2254 on behalf of senator chambliss and 2255 on behalf of senator vitter, en. the presiding officer: is there objection? without objection, so ordered. the clerk will report. the clerk: the senator from
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kansas, mr. brownback, proposes amendments en bloc number 2254 and 2255. mr. brownback: i ask further reading of the amendments be dispensed. the presiding officer: without objection, so ordered. mr. brownback: these amendments have been agreed to on both sides for senator chambliss and vitter and i ask unanimous consent the amendments be agreed to en bloc. the presiding officer: is there objection? without objection, so ordered. mr. brownback: i note the absence of a quorum. the presiding officer: the clerk will call the roll. quorum call:
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quorum call:
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mr. kohl: i ask that the quorum call be set aside. the presiding officer: the senator from wisconsin. without objection. mr. kohl: i ask unanimous consent to set aside the pending amendment and call up the following amendment which is did he desk and ask for its immediate consideration, landrieu amendment 2259. the presiding officer: without objection. mr. kohl: as modified. the presiding officer: the clerk will report. the clerk: mr. kohl proposes amendment number $2259 to amendment number 1908 as modified.
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mr. kohl: i ask that -- i cease reading of the amendments. the presiding officer: without objection. mr. kohl: these amendment amends have been approved by both sides i ask for their adoption. the presiding officer: all in safer say aye. those opposed, no. the ayes appear to have t the ayes do have it. the amendment is agreed to. mr. kohl: madam president -- the presiding officer: the amendment is agreed to as modified. mr. kohl: i move to reconsider the vote. the presiding officer: without objection. mr. kohl: i suggest the absence of a quorum. the presiding officer: the clerk will call the roll. quorum call: mr. kohl: madam president, i'd ask the elimination of the
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quorum. the presiding officer: without objection. the clerk will report the motion to invoke cloture. the clerk: cloture motion: we, the undersigned senators, in accordance with the provisions of rule 22 of the standing rules of the senate, do hereby move to bring to a close debate on the substitute amendment, number 1908 to h.r. 2997, the agriculture appropriations act for fiscal year 2010, signed by 16 senators. the presiding officer: by unanimous consent, the mandatory quorum call is waived . h. the question is, is it the sense of the senate that debate on amendment number 1908 to h.r. 2997 be, the agricultural rural development food and drug administration and related agencies appropriations act 2010, shall be brought if a to a close? the yeas and nays are mandatory under the rule. the clerk will call the roll.
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the presiding officer: are there any senators in the chamber wishing to vote or wishing to change their vote? hearing none, on this vote the yeas are 83, the nays are 11. three fifths of the senator duly chosen and sworn having voted in the affirmative, the motion is agreed to. the presiding officer: there will now be four minutes of debate equally divided on the manage canmccain amendment numb.
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the presiding officer: the senate will be in order. mr. mccain: madam president? the presiding officer: the senator from arizona. mr. mccain: madam president, this amendment eliminates the u.s. department of agriculture's high energy cost grant program, which is a $17.5 million subsidy that's designed for -- to pay for energy generation systems in rural areas. madam president, for 2010, the budget for the u.s. -- the presiding officer: excuse me, senator. the senate is not in order.
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will you please take your conversations outside. sorry, senator. go ahead. mr. mccain: from the president of the united states, the office of management and budget has offered a number of programs, has recommended a number of programs be eliminated. it says concerning this high energy cost grant program, it says -- and i quote -- "the administration proposes to eliminate the high energy cost grants program because it is duplicative of and less effective than the rural utility services electric loan program." this is a recommendation by the administration to eliminate this program because it is both duplicative and unnecessary and there is a $6.6 billion program in electric loans at no cost to the taxpayer. i recommend that we agree with the president of the united states and eliminate this unnecessary $17.5 million
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subsidy. i yield. the presiding officer: who yields time in opposition? ms. murkowski: madam president? madam president? over here. the presiding officer: the senator from alaska. ms. murkowski: thank you, madam president. i -- i stand in opposition to this amendment. the funds contained within this high cost energy program are designed to improve the energy generation, the transmission, the district -- mr. roberts: madam president, we just do not have order. go ahead. ms. murkowski: thank you, madam president. these are designed to do exactly what we're working so hard in this body to do, to improve ou our -- our energy generation, our transmission facilities, our distribution facilities, and we're doing this through a program where the qualifications in order to -- to comply, you have to serve communities in
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which the average residential home energy costs are 275% of the national average. so there's 14 states across the country that have projects that focus on these very, very high energy areas. we're trying to reduce our energy costs through renewables and -- and through the -- the standard energy mechanisms. but quite honestly, when your energy costs are 275% above the national average, it's pretty darn tough. so these funds make available to those communities, such as the state of alaska but also communities in arizona, california, florida, hawaii, idaho, kentucky, maine, massachusetts, new york, nevada, washing disporntion the marshall islands -- washington, and the marshall islands, it allows them to have more affordable energy. and i would urge the amendment. mr. kohl: madam president? the presiding officer: the senator from wisconsin. mr. kohl: this bill includes the amendment -- the amendment would strike the senator from alaska has stroke ineloquently and i believe correctly and so i do --
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i oppose the amendment. the presiding officer: is there further debate? if not, the question is on the amendment. [inaudible] the presiding officer: is there a sufficient second? there appears to be. the clerk will call the roll. vote:
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know, is calling the game. cy young award winner, our good friend at espn. he's going to be on the telecast in moments. he's joining us far breakdown. you'll been a pitcher/coach in the big leagues. what would you tell kevin gregg? >> you're going to blow some saves. you tell him that first. then you talk to him. find out if he's healthy. find out if he's tired. then tell him there's only a couple pitches. a 38-pitch inning turns into a
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debacle when you make a couple bad pitches, a hanging breaking ball, a flat fastball inside turns into a home run. and from there you just got to get his confidence back. i think cubs tonight will him. i think carlos marmol will be the savior tonight, and nopefully kevin gregg gets back on the bump and gets on a roll. -cubs in cincinnati. they're having their own issues. bronson arroyo said last night, we're finding ways to lose all the time. what would you tell the team if you were their skipper? >> i'm in the their skipper fortunately. dusty baker system dusty's great manager, but he's not had a healthy team all year and bronson arroyo voicing the opinion of this team because it's now or never. they're a 11 games out. they have to get to five or sick games out the turn this season around. a lot of people around baseball don't think that's possible. it's almost a spring training roster. brandon phillips is in the four hole, joey votto is in the three hole. after this, scott rolen, the big trade they made is not in there because he got hit in the head last night. dust yes's got them playing for
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pride and trying the creep up the standings so they're not just playing youth in september. >> one of the most exciting thing about the team is the presence of edinson volquez. now he's out a year with tommy john surgery on his right elbow. what's the biggest hurdle coming back? >> he's 26 years old. there is a special time there as far as healing. he's got plenty of youth there. i don't think the reds should rush him back. we're looking at maybe missing all of next year, tommy john surgery, 12, 13 months on a minimum. if it's 14, 15 months, you're looking at next september, next october. it could be all of next year, a 17-game win ear year ago. this is a guy they haven't abused and don't want to abuse to come back from this. it's a big, big blow to this rotation for the cincinnati reds, not only now but next year. >> people who tune in will see aaron harang take the mound for cincy. his e.r.a. north of seven in his last four games. as we watch the game tonight, what will you tell us he isn't doing specifically? >> this is a big guy for me that
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needs to throw the ball down hill. he needs to have plain, honest fastball. that means get the fastball going on and off the plain of the bat. he's 6'7", throw it down hill, keep it high to low. every once in a while go up the staircase. if you do that, he's pitching high to low right into the hitter's swings. he's got to start low and go up that ladder. aaron harang is a winner. he's confident but he hasn't won since may 25th. it's got to be about location. >> if you ask a lot of baseball fans around the country, name everybody with an e.r.a. under 3, i don't know how many people would name randy wells at 2.84. eight shutout innings against the astros. what's he doing right this summer? orel, can you hear me? well, it was great question, but we'll have to wait. >> would you like me to answer? >> it really was. all right. we'll be back with more after this, including the very latest on plaxico burress. >> yes, not only that, steve, not only the latest on burress,
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we'll hear from chris mortensen. undefeated professional boxeren. floyd "money" mayweather has the fastest hands boxing has ever seen. so i've come to this ring to see who's faster... on the internet. i'll be using the 3g at&t laptopconnect card. he won't. so i can browse the web faster, email business plans faster. all on the go. i'm bill kurtis and i'm faster than floyd mayweather. (announcer) switch to the nation's fastest 3g network and get the at&t laptopconnect card for free.
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>> back on espnews. i'm steve bunin with linda cohn. the broncos have agreed to a five-year deal with robert ayers. their 12th-round pick remains unsigned.
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>> chris mortensen joins us now on espnews. i'll tell you, mort, i i love. this they played the little animation with the map. i love your animated character. what do you think of that? >> well, i've got some e-mails from people that say, i remember when you were just a journalist. and now we don't know. i'm a bad actor. >> oh, not so much. all right. mort. let's get it to. before we get to, that got to ask you about today's indictment of plaxico burress. how do you think nfl commitser roger goodell will react to this in >> i think that's poised to definitely suspend plaxico burress. now that he's been indicted, he can indefinitely suspend him and make a more definitive decision pending the outcome of the case. obviously right now the league might be getting information from plaxico's people we are getting ready the plead guilty,
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that kind of thing. i'm going to be very surprised if plaxico burress is playing football in 2009. >> yeah, it does look that way definitely. all right. let's talk about stuff on the field and teams in the nfl. and you are with the st. louis rams. and they have a new head catch in former giants' defensive coordinator steve spagnuolo. what does spagnuolo bring to this team? >> it's interesting, he's served his last ten years as an assistant coach under andy reid of the philadelphia eagles and tom coughlin of the new york giants. and what that brings is a mentality, a physicality you don't see. the rams' training camp, and maybe this is a trend with teams that don't go to the playoffs, very physical. they're tackling to the ground, even receivers. that's the old days. and that's something that, you know, andy reid actually does. tom coughlin has lightened up. he said reid is probably one of the more physical camps. and that's what you see.
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one reason might be is they've gone from being the third oldest team in the nfl to the third youngest. the younger you get, good attitude, nobody second-guesses you and your body recovers more quickly. >> speaking university, speaking of guys that can tackle, they signed their first-round pick, baylor tackle, the second overall pick in the nfl draft jason smith. how is he doing in camp? >> really well. i was told he's playing right tackle. very aggressive player in college. he's shown that aggressiveness out here. i've been told the defenders haven't really appreciated all that aggressiveness, which means he's exactly what they got. and then, you know, their center, jason brown, he's another physical player. steven jackson told me he's loving, that no question about it, and i actually asked spagnuolo, i said, who are you going to resemble more, andy reid's offense because he's got the former cornerback running it or more the giants' smash mouth offense and jason smith is a big reason for that. >> that's kind of interesting because it brings me to my next
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question about the health of quarterback marc bulger. >> well, if you protect him, he'll be okay, and marc will be first to tell you that. protection has been rough on marc the last few years. they solidify it with jason smith playing right tackle. they get one of the best centers that nobody knows about, jason brown of the raiders. and they move richie incognito, tough to guard. and they have another first-round pick. so orlando pace is gone, but i think they feel pretty good about what they have there. when you are running the football, that protects you, as well. that's what they plan to do. >> mort, some good news for the ram, they play in one of the weakest divisions in the nfl. what are the team's realistic expectation, though? >> it's interesting because spagnuolo comes from the n.f.c. east the past ten years, a very tough division. you know what, they don't have... they're not sitting there thinking, we're going to be a playoff team. we can turn it around like the cardinals did. they're doing this as a day-by-day thing.
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they love james laurinaitis, the linebacker they drafted in the second round from ohio state. it's about changing the culture, getting more physical and building this thing block by block, piece by piece. let's don't worry about anybody but ourselves. the n.c. west is perceived as a weak decision, but i don't believe any believes they'll win the division and go on to the playoffs this year. >> okay, give me the best story of the bus tour so far? >> it always involves jerry jones. it's the stuff that never... it's the stuff that makes... when we started comparing twowr buses and he started giving me a tour of his bus and then right behind me i think steven jones, his son said, you know trrk's a million stories about this bus morts. and i said, better not tell them on air. >> i'm glad i asked you, mort. thanks so much for sharing your story. >> there's that graphic.
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>> and there's little mort in animation. you can see which teams he's going to stop next to. green bay is next followed by the vikings, the bears, the colts and those nasty lions. >> coming up, our top story, including nascar on maude? -- monday? >> yes. >> linda cohn's got the highlights next. >> espnews brought to you by: (announcer) what does greatness taste like? miller lite. (announcer on call) off the glass, centered in front... oh what a great move, another great move... he skates in on goal... he scores! unbelievable! it's all over! oh my... (announcer) that's what greatness tastes like. triple hops brewed. great pilsner taste. miller lite. taste greatness.
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. a look at pnc park. and they are trying to get two out of four against the pirates, four out of eight on the road trip. welcome to nats extra brought do you by verizon wireless. they look for two in a row. the victory on the road, finally getting on the series, a big come back. >> a big come back and base hits, clutch. belliard and gonzales getting a
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chance as willingham is delivering hits time and time again. swinging the bat. ripping one over left and a double. and then big base hit for gonzales as he ended that 4 for 46 slump. >> a great stuff all day with the nats, they needed the runs. defense there. the nationals goet it done, the 5-3 victory afterwards. jim riggleman talked about the day that josh willingham had. >> he has been good all year. a couple of big heights today just like he did in milwaukee. he's been like that and with an exception out of the all star break but, great at bats by zimmerman, guzman, belliard, you know, a hot of good baseball out there. we played clean, good pitching so, you know we're happy with
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that. >> it has been a week for mr. willingham there. as a matter of fact, the national league has taken notice. coplayer of the week on the senior circuit with tim lincecum. and it has been amazing. if you look at his comparison to ryan zimmerman, he is having a good year, 24 doubles, 20 homeruns. willingham 21 doubles and 17 homeruns. the difference is that three doubles, three homeruns. but 169 at baft. he has been the most productive and the 499 percentage is a 100 points below and would you have thought it? slugging percentage 50 points higher. >> thinking about it. the fifth or sixth coming out of spring training. at least fourth, 5th. he expressed his displeasure to
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manny and said i need to play, i always played. manny told him to be patient. did not upset anything. what about the business, came on strong, hit a lot of pinch hits. a lot of solo homeruns and brother died. he has played great from day one. >> we're looking at the match up yesterday. and didn't get the decision as we talked about but 5-2/3. another sold outing as he not close to a victory. he is fasted a good young arms the last two times on the mound he talked about getting ahead of pot and he can throw he in the dirt. it has helped him it gives a lot of disparity, change in speed, that's his key.
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he has not thrown many changeups. i didn't identify it. and about a third as many curve balls. >> they were talking about what was, woulding at pnc park, get ahead of the guys. one thing i need to look at and unhittable pitch with two strikes. and overall it was a good outing, it was throwing is the main thing. i figured that out. we had some question. >> and very impressive and will nieves behind the back stop. you knew pittsburgh were going to try to run the ball. but nieves had a different story for him yesterday, they were going to try to run it and steal some bases. >> thinking about the football season he came up and fired some and a perfect strike. got milledge and got mccutchen
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more than that, about 8 feet. did not slide it and sliding late. he had him and pick off. laroche, came up. he was hung up. you see a quick tag by belliard. he got a start at first base. three assists. we have known that will can swing the bat. he call as good game. and he has not had much of a chance to play because bard swung that the well. now that he has gone down and not producing giving him a chance to play. it may be a good tail back. >> yes. >> he can move there. well let's get a taste of pnc and debbi taylor checking in now. you know, it is fun to go in and talk with will, always smiling and willing to chat with you ted tell you how things are going. >> he is the best, he brings energy to the club. and he was great yesterday.
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he had been inconsistent offensively but since july 1, he is hitting .303. here is more from will. >> i think that i just not trying to hit too much, trying to hit the ball the other way and recognize the pitches. the last couple i every hitter, you know, getting into slumps and i think that they come out of slumps faster than others. and just i'm feeling good i'm just trying to take the same approach every time i'm in the lineup. >> were you consistent yesterday with nailing some of the runners on the pirates, milledge, much marcle and laroche that's your bread and butter. >> i'm -- and a backup catcher. you have to play good defense. you have to make sure that the pitcher is comfortable with you back there. and you just -- you know shut down the running game and call good games that's my priority
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so if i hit obviously i want to hit and that's fun but just when you call a good game and throw people out, you are the catcher that's one of the best feelings. have you enjoyed working with the staff and seeing them improve start to start? >> you know it was tough like you say they are young. they are getting more confidence now. they feel more relaxed. and they trust me and they trust and i think they just, you know, they are focusing on pitching. they have great stuff and i said it, we have good pitching and i assume they get more experienced. they will be good. i say that the guys remind me of tampa bay when hlose the games they have the same staff. that's the hope i have.
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>> you and seeing the signs. and new year's eve back in 1972 but what kid you know about him growing up in puerto rico. >> and play the way he valued trying to help other people. >> and he was a great player i saw some clips on tv of him he was just great. unbelievable player. i played in puerto rico i met his wife and his sons. i know the family and i just know that what he be for baseball and the community.
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>> as a youngster he was inspired by wear the number 21 as much as he could. and back to you. >> thank you very much. >> ball player there. staying sharp. ready to go. coming up we'll take a look at the top of the nationals lineup. and morgan and guzman. getting offense going earth on. so when you said you bring fiber optic all the way to the home, you meant... we bring fiber optic all the way to the home.
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at pnc, it's doing what most benefits our customers. whether that's building more certified green buildings than anyone on earth. creating online banking tools for the next generation. or making a 10 year, $100 million investment in kids. it's how we've always done business. and will for a very long time to come. pnc. leading the way. adam dunn, looking at that nationals lineup. morgan will lead off in center field followed by guzman. zimmerman. josh willingham back in left field. dukes in right. behind the back stop. gonzales at 2nd. andrew mccutchen didn't get to
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second base thinks to will nieves he will lead off for the pirates and play center field and the middle and left. in right field. and the catcher. pearce at 1st n right. young at 2nd. at 3rd. and shortstop and the pitcher. welcome back to nats extra. that close to baseball between the nationals and the bucks. looking at the lineup. as they have. nice different now with nigel morgan and guzman making it happen. >> and have to speed up and a proto typical spot. a good eye. holds the bat well. look at this graphic. going back to logan and what we had the top of the lineup. leading in the 1-2 spot. all the way down there is jeter and teixeira at 35.
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that's serious bumper there. and leading in hits. and now i think that competing with him. has the speed and christian better than average. i have seen christian start to use that speed. >> as you mentioned and the 500 teams. a good thing to set your table for next year. jim riggleman talks about christian and nyjer. >> it out abouts pressure on the club you know it is -- as well as they have done especially you know since we got nyjer in the trait. the way he has got on base. we should have scored more runs. we'll score more and continue to fet on there the way they have. looking at the other part of
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the lineup and gonzales getting the start. a couple of r.b.i. they are looking for more from 7 and 8. we haven't got anything there. josh was hot a while. he has not done anything of late. he is a liability. he doesn't throw well. he doesn't move that well behind the plate. alberto after a hot start has done nothing. average he is playing for his baseball career especially every day player. everyone knows he is a utility guy, he has to start producing some offense in order to be playing every day. >> he is looking for that second baseman. as for bard and nieves you think the rest of the year it has been favoring bard. i don't know that it will continue. i don't know how you can catch
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him. we have tphroerz mending and everyone says forget about him. he is a great run producer. is just 25 years old. we're in a holding pattern but bard and nieves will be there. >> we're at august 3rd. dunn with 26 homers all of last year, and you talked about so many times total between them. he is at 26. >> and dunn is a gift you look at him. what he is doing he is putting together the type of season he had in the best years. 293 and that was a partial season and 19 homeruns. and all the years hit 40 homeruns. and 275 is a real strong average for him. he hit as lot of fly balls. he makes contact he is 300. 270 average with his ability to walk 100 times driving in.
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he has a stellar year. you and i like the fact they're hitting them back to back 4 and 5 now. with zimmerman, dunn and willingham back to back to back. we have three guys hitting it out of the park. 25, 30 time as year. to attract others how important is it for dunn to be here to get other play ares to come to dc. >> that's a tremendous question you have to have dunn first of all he is not just a tremendous offensive player. he is going to be a better player at first base. i'm projecting or guessing that it is going to be his position from here on out and goes to the he gave up to many runs he was a plus 15. that's a number. offense when you computed it and store, to go from first to third. range in defense he went to a
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minus 1 you go down and the skill they use and he has been bad. he will be bad you can keep willingham. dukes will come along. and attract because of the teammates they will have. playing with the pirates and sean burnett pitched well. he is coming up in the hot corner. what his role could be with the nats in the future as washington looks to turn things around. ♪
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♪ tell me who's watching. (announcer) it's right here. it's easy. ♪ i always feel like somebody's watching me. ♪ it's the money you could be saving with geico. welcome back to nats extra. going to pnc park and from the
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times joining us now and mark we're talking about sean burnett the reliever for the nationals. pop out and get the victory. he has been good and 098 batting average. the first he faced since the trade gave up another. and this is the guy that trade as good as morgan. and this is who risyo he wanted. >> and being traded. set up and 8th inning they don't want to use it as a lefty special as a guy who can go a full inning. and trade made. >> in my opinion this guy and we're looking at the pictures of the struggles again. i believe he is going to be in
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there as a closer. could you share that? >> they used that as a closer before the trade. he got a good enough arm. he has good arm dating from when he was a starter here. he may be an option they like to have a good closer. and have him set them up and have everything and get the job done. he is the next one in line. >> mark zucerman joining us talking about sean burnett. speaking of that it is now time as we look at the work he has done for and in the 3rd that one earned run. look that the e.r.a. >> he is and a screw ball kind of change up with late movement. he is a guy. >> and it looks good, too. >> don't scoff at him here.
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there has not been scruff said. i knew jim i knew him forever. he has a better grasp and respect throughout the organization. than jim possibly had. and he upset a few people and risso is all about business he knows the game. he is a tremendous evaluator and a you can send them out and you see someone you like you need to know he is projecting as a front-line player. one who is an all start player and he is amassing those here. >> stay in the and looking at the and and you can play in the
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game. looking at the starters what they need to do to win and what garrett can do as we he continue.
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here is a look at mr. mock, preparing for the pirates in the wrap around game. starters the last five have not been as good as they hoped, struggling a bit, ray. >> well, they he have and we're running it through balester and martin, mock, three guys that have not pitched much. balester good. lannan and stammen not food. martin. better. mock not so good. three of 59 guys not throwing good but we know he that they can. garrett is a guy that i'm high on. >> he has done a great job now he is getting to start but
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looking for the first victory. >> he will get it today. this is not mock. when he was in aaa everyone that's a big difference you know and he is a pitcher he dominates. tell you what he has to do. throw more fastballs. too many breaking balls. he has a great fastball. he has a cutter. he is throwing too many breaking balls. when he gets into the out situation he throws it and they have seen it too many times. he struck out blanks three times he has to be committed to the pitch it is critical and that game he is o-2. comes in and ties up gonzales. he hit as homerun. he has to have a better selection he is a major leaguer and a fie that i think will fit in the rotation when is washes out. >> the pitching coach.
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>> he has four quality pitches, the fastball has a sink to it. and sometimes when you have four. and you may go to the wrong one. you try to use them too much to show everything and. and sometimes a simfully fie it. >> a chance here to terrell owens go four straight. 2-0-2. >> that's good, that's progress. it's not about winning series, it is about starting to win games and turning the franchise around so that the players take the field, they feel like they he have a chance to win tonight. they are feeling that. they he have been in enough games and come in the positive end and throwing away but we're a different club than we were at the start of the season. looking for a win against bob
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and rob have the play by play. enjoy the nationals and pirates blam pa announcer: final boarding call... all passengers... each with an average speed of 590 mph... almost as fast as you. nothing's gonna hold you down. grab your bag . it's on™west so our low fares stay low. ( ding ) book now at
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 >> bob: some fans got what wanted. several big plays. offense to win and a blow of josh willingham. tonight mock tries to close out a .500 road trip. 
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 >> bob: nats have been pittsburgh since last thursday night. seems like we have been there forever, seems like josh is staying hot with the bat and would be a 500 road trip if they can win tonight and make it 4-4 in milwaukee and pittsburgh. bob carpenter and rob dibble. josh willingham, a hot streak. he admits in his career and coplay are of the week. >> rob: he deserves it, he has been doing a great job. and on a steady basis the better he is. and mike risso said he hoped to take over the position out. there he went from left to right. he does han a great job a couple of grand slams. and he deserves that one 11 r.b.i.s. and i don't see how come close to player of the week after
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what he has done. on this trip he has been fantastic. three homers. 11 r.b.i.s. play are of the week. coplayer of the week. >> bob: 6 for 14 in milwaukee. 4 for 9 here in pittsburgh. the last nine game nos one scoring more runs than the nats. nobody batting higher, including percentage is good. homeruns have been good and nats have won five of the last nine. the defense even adam dunn helping out. zimmerman has been brilliant. nats had a goal of getting out of the sell lar with one error in seven games. they are well on their way to doing just that. @x@0@p@0@6p)@)
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 >> bob: charlie morton is ready. morgan is ready. we're underway one minute early at 7:04. pirates can not wait to play game 4 of the series. morning ran hitting .308 and a nat .387. it is morton to morgan. 2-0. clear skies tonight. beautiful. 79 degrees. a threat of rain late. tomorrow night. 2-1 to morgan. 37 multihit games, 5th in the league in the series. he has been on base six times, 3 hits, he is only scored one run the entire series so far. tapper the count is 2-2. will give you more on charlie morton who they got from the braves. they got him in a four-player
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deal. back on june 3rd. even though he was with atlanta this is the first time they have ever seen him. a 2-2. morning ran will take the change up. no swing says the ump. >> rob: he had the best stuff in the moyneor league system, bob, he didn't have the results. so they didn't think it warranted him even though he got a start of putting them up in the big leagues. slaps it to the far side. he is hitting .356 against right handers. a pouncer right side. young. learned to get rid of the ball in a are youry -- hurry when
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morgan is running. zim areman 6 for 10 with a couple of walks in the series. raised his average to .293. he is hitting .421 over the last 10 games. guzman in between. zimmerman. adam dunn is back after a well deserved day off. we'll see if adam is refreshed. he has been struggling in the series. striking out a lot. six times. here is guzman. another hot hitter. so you have zimmerman .421 the last ten games, guzman .436 the last nine. this he have combine ford 22 r.b.i.s. left field line, flirting with the chalk, going foul. what about charlie morton? >> rob: the world is his oyster, he was a brave.
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he ran out of chances. they traded him sending him from send. a strike including a 96 miles per hour fastball. and deja vu, remember jason schmidt from the braves over to the pirates before he got good. >> bob: interesting. i was about to ask you why would atlanta let a pitcher like this go. >> rob: he fell out of favor after six years in the organization and the world of talent, they said he had the best of anybody in the organization even hanson. they he were hired of him not putting up results. >> rob: we heard that before. 3-1 to guzman he was 4 and 8 in 16 and 15 starts. e.r.a. over 6. he did not pitch in the edge mas until the pirates got him this year. guzman.
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a hard man to walk. that's his 10th walk this year. he is 367 at bats. he is aboard. same pirate defense they opened the series with friday with fair let jones and wright and pearson first. all the other guys have been at those to start every game in the series. >> rob: the former up the middle they are still first in the league. they have only 43 errors here is ryan zimmer span having a great series -- zimmerman having a great series. he is 8 and runs with 75. the only hitters who scored more runs are albert pujols and chase utley.
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very short lead by guzman. whoa, he is taking some these days. >> rob: he made 15 starts with the braves. 80 hits and 75 innings. 41 walks. 48 strikeouts, 75 and so... you know only twice in the minor leagues. an e.r.a. under 4. sometimes it was 5, sometimes it was 6. so they just got tired of watching a guy with a lot of talent. he even said something that's always been frustrating if people know they're on your side you cannot do anything with the tools he is blessed with. he can be a pitcher show it. the braves. >> rob: you produce you are gone. they tradeed a home town boy this year. o-2. target in.
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zimmerman has been pulling them they force him to hit a foul ball off his leg there. >> rob: he get as piece and hits off the end of his foot. they see the reaction. in the series he has 1 hit that's not to the left of center. the homerun friday was deep left center bullet he had a base hit the first time up. remember when he was jammed on saturday? that's the only time in the serie -- series he has not pulled it against the pirates. hear trying to pound him inside. >> rob: he has worn out that spot between 3 #-rd and short. >> bob: they are playing it off the line with milledge. he is 110 feet at least off the line in left field. he is off in left center. o-2. breaking ball. manages to spoil it. pirates 45 inwiths on the year.
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11 back of st. louis tied with cincinnati. dunn's former team. he is on deck. 33 wins trying to make this a road trip. trying to win the 8th game under jim riggleman in 19 games. >> rob: young pitchers. and he has gone through breaking ball change up and only on the third hitter. >> bob: nearing 20 pitches already. takes the breaking ball. not going well that's a swing and a miss.
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seeing it well. 2-2. >> rob: it is important when you see that rotation or the dot on it from a slider. diving away from you, you don't swing on it. >> bob: a 10-year veteran and the crew chief. a 2-2 to ryan. that's inside with a change up. he is from fairfield county, connecticut. >> rob: near my wife's neighborhood. 3-2 pitch. the runner goes. zimmerman hits and follows. >> bob: coming off a nice come from behind win yesterday early scoring would be welcome. garrett mock is going to go out
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and pitch more than 5 1/3 innings. that's been his longest start this year. a small crowd. game 4 of a wrap around series. pardon me, monday. >> that's monday. >> bob: a swing and a miss. and with a snow cone tag. cedeno holds on and guzman is gone. on the backnd of the strike them out, throw them out double play. right by zimmerman and a fastball. in the dark. no peanuts or nothin'. and then if your bag wants to bring one of its little bag friends for company, they charge another $25. that's just plain mean. why do they hate your bags? at southwest airlines, bags fly free. grab your bag. it's on! ( ding )
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 >> bob: pirates 28-20 this batting.259. 12th in runs. bottom 3 in homeruns. and milledge returning to the big leagues had a good series with the bat. he has not been good in left field. 5 for 12 with 11 strikeouts. one walk this year. short time with the pirates. mccutchen. we'll see if mock can handle the young bucks that he made three starts. 3 and a 1/3. 5 1/3 he gave up your runs on 8 heights five days ago. mccutchen 7 for 12 in the series. he scored 6 runs.
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on the first pitch. you had a chance to visit with him this afternoon, i found it interesting what you told me about his football/baseball decision. >> rob: he was great at both but in high school he blew out his acl. that made his choice easy. >> bob: five years after his junior year in high school he is in the big leagues. >> rob: yes. baseball he didn't think that he would get hurt as much. more longevity. >> bob: it is easier to hit a ball carrier or a linebacker than to hit a curve ball like that. >> rob: that was not he is 6- foot, 180. he would have been a wide receiver. wide out. >> bob: 2-2 mock to mccutchen.
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a fastball. going to leave again. if it is there. it is. mccutchen has fourth homerun in the series. his 7th of the year. look out ricky henderson, 15 years from now there is a kid that may challenge you. >> rob: drop the head he has quick hands. it is about quickness and power. >> bob: right near the pole the first at bat on saturday night. the pirates are hitting homers against the nationals in the series. they're not a homerun hitting team. mock gives up his 4th homerun. in 27 innings this year.
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>> you are going to give in and happen to back to work, back to your game plan. milledge reaching for it. guzman has it. >> rob: scouting report on mock. power guy? nibbler? you cannot throw all four of them you're not that kind. 41 hits now 42 hits in a little over 22 innings pitched. pick 3 change up that's fine you cannot go fastball curve ball change up. try to. >> bob: that's a lot for a young pitcher? >> rob: yes. pgh >> reporter: jones the right fielder played first base in
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the series. he is 2 for 10 with an r.b.i. a couple of walks. jones one of the older he is 28. big kid, 6'4", 245. out of the chicago area. former property of atlanta and minnesota. he hit 146 homeruns in 10 minor league seasons. wow! that gets you a look somewhere. and his experience he walks on 4. 77 at bats with minnesota two years ago. an ideal defense has dunn at first aconsiders from zimmerman. strong arms of dukes and morgan in right and center.
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not to mention the speed and willingham in left and bard behind the plate tonight. >> bob: breaking ball outside. not going to tell you what he has done until after this at bat. i do not want to jeopardize it. >> rob: not hitting well. >> bob: down to 229. jones does not run a lot. but he is effective. about a 6 stealing 2nd. >> rob: and balester stop the fast breaking ball. >> bob: 2-0. >> rob: they're hitting 360, 403 as a starter. you can throw as well as mock you are doing something wrong.
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>> bob: not even close. ball 3. i think we're starting to see an example, rob, of something that you breach all the time. minor league numbers mean nothing when a guy gets to this level. >> rob: the big thing, there is a strike. you have to be comfortable with you. what are you a fastball guy s that your best pitch. a breaking ball guy. you can throw it any time in the count. 3-0. 2-0. you have to be comfortable in your own skin. >> bob: bait hit. right field. jones is going to turn and challenge throw a buttedy. gets by zimmerman. batter to make it to 2nd base. that's another error on the nats. locks like the throw was good
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but i think that it caught zimmerman in between hops. it was not a hop. it didn't get there on a fly. >> rob: a change up, up and away. by zimmerman. a good throw. it was a good throw. >> bob: you can give that error -- >> rob: he just missed it. >> bob: i think he tried to drop the tag too fast. it is an error if they look at that replay, could be on zimmerman. nationals make the 96th error of the year. pirates are poised for a big first inning depending on what steve pearce does. that was ryan doumit's first base hit in 13 abs in the series and 16 at bats overall.
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nats play back and get in exchange for a run. unless it is hit at the third baseman. 2-1. plan   >> bob: jammed. left center. 1 run is in. they will hold the runner. ball gets off the cut off man. dunn's glove. no advancement. probably a wise decision the third base coach. pirates lead 2-0. >> rob: the fastball knew it was coming, jams in.
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you get behind. even if they get lucky. jam shot. at this point misses the cutoff. run are stayed at 1st. i mean just one or two pitches. locate them throwing all four and none well is going to get new a lot of trouble. >> bob: you have to work ahead and find the strike zone. and throw a lieder behind in the count. he is a hard throwing guy. get a breaking ball you can throw in the count that makes you a big-league wicher. >> bob: the follow up question is: how many guys in the majors have 2 good breaking balls much less one? >> rob: none. none. very few. to me. none. you have a good curve ball and decent slider but you never can
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master both of them at the same time. >> bob: young goes up. >> rob: tough pick. do you like the slider better or the curve ball? >> bob: we had the conversation. i through a slider. not many like to throw them. what that means is that it is more of a cut fastball than a curve ball. the percentages are higher of locating it. 1 ball, 1 strike to young. he is a switch hitter. hard to double up. double play is in order. only 2 good breaking balls mike musina and maggie. >> bob: 1-2,. >> rob: you want to throw pitches. 80, 85% of the time. throw in all 50, 60% of the
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time. you cannot pitch up. >> bob: slow roller. no double play. guzman will get the middle. pearce, doumit scores. 3-0. >> rob: that's why i like jz so much. whatever he throws it is a strike. doesn't matter how hard you throw or velocity get it over the plate. a ground ball. buzzman goes to 2nd. get out of this jam with three runs given up. >> bob: laroche 7th pirate to bat here in the 1st. first pitch to zimmerman. short one to gonzales. inning out. 2 other hits, walk. dunn leads off. top of the 2nd ahead. 
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 >> bob: long inning for moc we have some notes for you. 9 come back wins in the 7th inning or later, including a pretty nice 3 run 7th inning. dunn broke a record for a left- handed batter and.
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matt capps 21 in 23. willingham player of the week. what elsee him after dunn in the top of the 2nd. adam had a day off yesterday. mock after at 26 pitch. 3-run, 3-hit first inning. >> rob: when a starter is 7 innings or plus, leading after 8, 31-4. leading after 7, 25- 5... >> bob: i wonder if though at 31-4 are against the marlins? >> rob: i think they are. >> bob: they're coming in tomorrow with josh johnson. they have a day off today. >> rob: i give you a bad one. 13-43. >> bob: the problem is that it is usually not a 1 that's 2, 3,
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4 spot. and that makes it 2, 3, 4 times tougher. 7:00 tomorrow night. masn 2. nats extra. jd martin. josh johnson, rather 7 starts against the nats. dunn strikes out. for the 7th time in this series. willingham was great yesterday. that was a huge homerun in the 7th. >> rob: you saw how quickly he dropped ahead on the pitch. >> bob: then the double. and in the series 4 for 9. a homer 3 r.b.i.s. two walks. hit by a pitch. he is has done everything but
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give a guy a ride back to the hotel. he has been all over the place this weekend. >> rob: i hurt my ankle he carried me all the way back to the hotel. [ laughter ] >> bob: that's a load. >> rob: i don't know if he can do that. i don't know what it is about the nats. harris won the player of the week award outright. he did that july 21st of 2008. josh goes with guzman. zimmerman with brandon web and nick johnson with albert pujols. when they get it someone does something big. give us one by ourselves? oh, well. a great honor. josh humble about it as always. he is hitting 367 over the last i don't like the old tv show that was the week that was. lots of things going on.
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>> it is hard because the pitcher especially lincecum. he played twice. josh plays every day. >> bob: they should have a pitcher of the waco award. 17, 11 hits. no earned runs. and -- it. 23 strikeouts, four walks, they have pitcher of the month and player of the month. >> bob: up and in. 3-1. hard sinking fast bowl.
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time given have beaten the nats 5 out of 7 this year. >> rob: get this guy though. >> bob: willingham gets to a big time. that's a shot to the gab. it gets by jones. that could get him to 3rd. willingham is not -- he is a great hitter. a smart base runner, knows his limitations. 2nd one out. a first base that played this into a double, maybe a triple. right there. should have just taken decent route. could not cut the ball off. lack of speed. josh doesn't want to test his arm. >> bob: josh willingham now. 39 extra base hits.
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here is dukes. front door breaking ball for a strike. timmons is giving that side of the plate so far. >> rob: and that was a little blow. that's fine just keep it both ways. 1-7 in the series. that gets away. that's just as good as willingham hitting a triple. 3rd base with an the out. he likes to throw them not very well. all over the place. a breaking ball that's going to hit off the shin guard. he doesn't -- he cannot find it. how long it will take the slide ball for willingham to score here. >> bob: driven in 31. 1 as soon as he has been back.
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a sack fly. and a man short. on the bench. friday night. inside. 2-1. you can dos and sosa. change up. up and in. you get the feeling it may not be deep into the game for either starter the way this thingst it starting. getting out of the gate here. inside corner call again. 3-2. >> rob: and he may not be hitting the cover off the ball but little things will score. drinking up the double play
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scoring a run after this. take out at 2nd. you get lots of respect in your dug out when do you that. when you lay off a 3-2 breaking ball that's outside. 1st and 3rd one out. bard coming up. >> rob: one win behind the dodge ares. >> bob: 2. >> rob: everything well defense, offense. going 1st and 3rd. everything they do is sound. this he had so many injuries. hunter. a lot of the guys are down with injuries they are winning. think they are 8-2. it is --
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the question of. >> rob: a lot of great hitters pitchers. >> bob: how do you play together? bard does not want to hit it on the ground. he is not running well. he needs to elrate the thing and get them on the board. >> rob: how many times can you let the guy who hit a save record let them go. a guy you bring in two years ago lost his closer job in colorado and make him an all star? that was fuen. it es, they got got him, signed him. he's been solid he fits into the scheme of things. >> bob: i know the braves were the one team that mediocre players went to and became
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better. and it is starting to mirror that, if not already, of course. and contenders every year. 1-1 to bard. he will line it up the middle. what a play by the shortstop. cedeno turns an r.b.i. hit into an inning-ending double play. that is outstanding defense on a ball that hit the back of the mound and speeds up. pa announcer: final boarding call... all passengers... each with an average speed of 590 mph... almost as fast as you. nothing's gonna hold you down. grab your bag . it's on™west so our low fares stay low.
7:40 pm
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 >> bob: ronny cedeno will lea off after making a great play. you will see. >> rob: this is amazing, though. that is taking it from the glove. great turn. you saw what he did. he comes after him again. dukes there. just a fair from getting young. they're not saying who jack who but the first week as a pirate has gone well. >> rob: they're saying ronny c. >> bob: 4 for 11 with a homer and three r.b.i.s. that's interesting for a guy who is not at all the homerun
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hitter. >> rob: that's all he did yesterday from the hole. one of the greatest. right up. hit 5 homers. 25 career homeruns and 4 and a half years in the big leagues. >> rob: with the cubs for the better part of four years. .167 for from seattle. cedeno, morton and mccutchen. 8, 9 and 1 for the pirates.
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>> bob: norton two double plays. a great play by the shortstop. cedeno showed great instincts there. never thought about going to the bare hand. >> rob: you knew he didn't have time. >> bob: another one. gonzales is back. grabs that player. 1 out here bottom of the 2nd. sunday is another family fun pack day. if you want to sit in the terrace, 14-dollar as ticket. lower left or right field reserve seats $25. and non-alcoholic driven and chips. pregame. signature sunday with autographs and after the game the kids run the bases. you can do the math. that esa great deal for families on sundays. phoenix will be in here
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tomorrow gets it with the marlins then the d-backs for the weekend. look at this. >> rob: not low. given morton. >> bob: that will be the nationals second error of the night. 97th of the year. two of the last three not making any for a week. top of the order. an true mccutchen. hmmm...
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town the left field line first time up. time to throw him away. they have led too much in the series. maybe needs to be updated. there is not much of a track record to go on. he has pulled the nats silly. in the series. the pitcher was slow getting started but go to 3rd -- 2nd. a wild pitch by mock. , you can tell by the sound of that crack of the bat. you don't make hitters comfortable. don't pitch inside enough. and hitting people talking about banging them uncomfortable. my goodness. bard stops it from being another wild one.
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3-1 to mccutchen. well. >> rob: after a breaking ball he comes whatting to another in the dirt. and josh cannot corral it. a lot of back spin on it. >> bob: i'm glad that was in the dirt that was a breaking ball that may have ended up in the seats itself. a lot of frond door breaking balls to a batter. that's another one pulling it out. >> rob: i think that's a change up. looking like it changing up. >> bob: walked by mock. >> rob: make another trip. if i was steve i would find out what they're thinking there. just a battery. and he has to take command of the game because -- you missing the bag. and missed right now. not lost for the game.
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14 here. and popping up. and between dunn and legs. and breaking. first time up. >> rob: and played 11 imgames
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now. and when they played tomorrow it will be the first one he plays that does not involve the nationals. away. maybe a chang up for two thrown in. up and in. and there. >> rob: sitting breaking ball. 89 by him on the fastball. knock gets the first strikeout.
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and have a shift on. and gonzales only a step maybe a half and on the first. >> rob: a change up. 2-0. >> bob: it is interesting they on the infield but the outfield is the other way. right between and running. they have to hold him.
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bases are loaded. 2 outs. >> rob: and throwing soft early in the count. fastball. bang. in between the shift there. py dunn for after the homer for two more runs in the 1st. >> rob: breaking ball first pitch. >> bob: and clippard is the long man. he may fit that description tonight. dunn a nice big hop. thank you very much to the dirt
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of the pnc infield. three stranded by the pirates they lead 3-0. so when you said you bring fiber optic all the way to the home, you meant... we bring fiber optic all the way to the home. um... which gives you more bandwidth than cable. so you can upload faster. so it's like comparing a horse and buggy to a sports car. am i the, uh, horse? (announcer) it's a whole new internet. makes uploading as easy as downloading. because your internet's not fast
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unless it's two-way fast.  sunshining brightly her pnc park. top of the 3rd. gonzales, mock, morgan. nats are coming home to mace the marlins. jd martin, johnson. wednesday, lannan, stammen, day
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game thursday. 12:35. and the arizona comes in. masn hd on friday. >> rob: 3rd inning of work for mortgageon. kept the nationals off the board. >> bob: thanks to that guy wearing number 13, ronny cedeno. cannot hit, play the field. >> rob: has done both. two runs a ground ball and a double. 2 for 13. three r.b.i.s in the series. nats and mock can bunt.
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gonzales hit as fly ball to center. jones for the first out. mock is 1 for 6 with a bat 67891 for 10 career. abbreviated schedule. there was a wrap around. tampa bay beat kansas city 10-4 at home. baltimore at detroit, only other game 5-3 o's. mets are home tonight and trailing arizona 6-0. 2nd
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inning. that game the starter not a shocker here. nelson figueroa. >> bob: strike 2 to mock. cubs 3-0 in cincinnati. later and including the braves on the west coast at san diego. must be nice to play the sunday night game and have a night game on the west coast the next evening. [ laughter ] they did it to the dodgers. they're home tonight with milwaukee. when we see it they always made get away 7:05 or 7:35 so you would not get home until 4 or 5:00 in the morning. >> bob: ah... mock up the middle.
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cedeno gets to bat. he is uns ting all over the place. >> a 3 hopper. cedeno 10 feet on the other side of 2nd base. scoop it in. in front of young taken him out. >> bob: 2 outs bases empty. morgan. he has done a few things in the series but the pirates have done a good job on him. he is 3 for 13. this is the fourth game of the series he scored 1 run. >> rob: and didn't have to make first base muddy. >> bob: that ball rocks out to left center. mccutchen right there. nat goes quietly. 2 and a half in the books. pirates by 3.
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 welcome back where mock the nats are trailing the pirates 3-0 as we move to the bottom of the 3rd. now a minor league report a couple of the nats top prospects who are likely headed to the arizona fall league. derek norris, great job and he can contribute, he has 23 homeruns, 74 runs batted in.
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shortstop is the nats priority player. that means he will get a lot of action in arizona. he had solid numbers hitting ten homers and driving in 49. guys. >> bob: thank you for the update. here in the bigs almost mock is trying to keep the pirates at bases, lead #-g 3-0. pearce has an r.b.i. hit. laroche 3 hitters here. off speed delivery there. then another. another. i'm surprised when jamie


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