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tv   Book TV  CSPAN  August 15, 2009 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT

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>> my political books are in the genre going back to the future, of reading tyranny which is become my political black market and i just got a first edition said up, 12 volumes of edmund burke, which is fascinating, not good beach book but it is a good thing and the 5,000 yearly. for fun i am reading the 17 volumes of vince flynn and this young author, author is named lisa lutz i think is surnamed. the spellman files and the spellman file. she is a young, hip, funny reader and writer. if i can get to that the summer i am doing good. >> i'm looking forward to my summer reading. this is a long shot but i am reading this about this and the story of lincoln, darwin and modern life and that is my leegin. and i carry my books about
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lincoln, my books about fdr which is taken each trip and forget to read but i will do it this summer. >> to see more summer reading lists and other programming permission visit our web site at >> in 2000 nina easton at pudong booknotes to discuss her book, "gang of five," leaders at the center of the conservative crusade published by simon & schuster. she offers portraits of conservative figures bill krysta, ralph reed, kroeger norquist and david mcintosh. this program is an hour. c-span: nina j. easton, who is--or who are the gang of five? >> guest: the gang of five are--bill kristol, ralph reed, david mcintosh, grover norquist and clint bullock comprise my gang of five. c-span: and who are they?
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>> guest: we, what i tried to do in this book was look at what i call the flip side of the baby boom generation. these are folks who ar--emerged on campus in the 1970s--social ... pariahs, really, on campus, to be a conservative at that time--came to washington with ronald reagan, came to washington behind a victor. but they were part of the baby boom generation, and so they have the same qualities--personality qualities that you find among '60s leftists, that sort of contrarianism. they were rebels, they were insurgents. and they remain so today. who they are specifically--bill kristol, i'm sure, most of your viewers know. he is frequently giving opinions on major networks. he's the publisher of the weekly standard, which is a quite influential conservative magazine. grover norquist is an anti-tax lobbyist, but that's only one piece of his claim to fame because really if you think of this mythical right-wing conspiracy we hear about so much
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from--from hillary clinton and others, it would probably be taking place every week in grover norquist's conference room, every wednesday morning when he gathers dozens of activists from the right-to-plot strategy. david mcintosh, congressman from indiana, who graduated the university of chicago law school. very smart. came to congress with the so-called republican revolution in 1995 and was a co-leader of that freshman class, who we all remember was quite--raised quite a--quite a ruckus in washington. clint bullock is a constitutional lawyer. he's at the institute for justice here in washington, which he co-founded. he is a leader of the school choice movement in--throughout the country, really; is also famous for sinking the nomination of lani guinier for--during the early years of the clinton administration, a
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civil rights appointee. so he's a--he's an anti-affirmative action activist as well. ralph reed is also very familiar to your viewers, i'm sure. he was--built the christian coalition into a major political powerhouse in the 1990s. c-span: where'd you get this idea? >> guest: i got this idea--i was with the sunday magazine of the los angeles times and i had written a number of pieces about the conservative movement. in fact, i'd written about bill kristol and bill bennett and charles murray at one point, sort of the early stream, really, of the compassionate conservatism we hear so much today. they were using a lot of those same ideas in the welfare reform debate. but i--i wrote about libertarians, and i wrote--wrote about pieces of the movement. and i found, brian, that it wasn't being covered in depth. it was fresh territory. and i found it quite interesting. i think there is a lot of working press--there is--does tend to be a liberal bias.
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and there does--and certainly among liberal political people there's ignorance, frankly, of--they know far less about conservatives than conservatives know about them. so i found it fresh territory. i call it a hidden history of american politics because the influence and the rise to influence of this particular generation of conservatives has tremendously infl--influenced the political debate when you look at everything from political muckraking to abortion politics to the budget battles of the '90s. and these guys were very key in helping shape those debates. c-span: what kind of cooperation did you get out of the five? >> guest: it was--it varied. but mostly, given the fact that i was from the, quote, "establishn--establishment media" and there was probably some reason to distrust somebody coming from there, they were pretty cooperative. i sat for--they--they sat for
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anywhere between six and a dozen interviews themselves, long interviews, taped interviews. i interviewed all of their families. i interviewed their friends, their fellow students. i went back to their hometowns. so they didn't put any blockades in my way, and that was quite helpful. c-span: did grover norquist let you in his wednesday meeting? >> guest: yeah, he did. c-span: how often? >> guest: i was there mostly during the '96 election, when i started the book. and it was very interesting at the time because he was--or this or--his group, the leave us alone coalition, was looking at how to impeach bill clinton even then, when we were just talking about whitewater and so on. and there was a lot of talk in the conference room then. there was a lot of presumption that clinton was going to pardon key whitewater figures and, 'if he pardons them, can we impeach him? we should get it out in the election dialogue, suggesting to voters that we--that this is a
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possibility? ' well, of course, it did--didn't happen, and it would take monica lewinsky to bring the impeachment business to fore. c-span: how many--it's--it's one of those parts of washington that the public doesn't see, these meetings. >> guest: right. c-span: i mean, you talk about paul weyrich's kingston meetings. >> guest: right. c-span: which--are they the forerunner to these? >> guest: they are. they're very much the forerunner. i think grover tried to be both more inclusive among--because--believe it not, despite this notion of the vast right-wing conspiracy, there's a lot of divisions and rivalries within the movement. grover tried to make it a more diverse, a more inclusive, a big room kind of meeting. and i think it was generationally different. he's in--he's a different generation. this generation came--and this is really important to remember--they play to win. they think they're going to win, as opposed to the barry
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goldwater generation, who played really on the fringe of politics for so long. or you saw paul weyrich after the last election and the impeachment battle and the public not being on their side during that. he wrote that memo basically saying he was going to check out of politics. he was through with it. these guys don't play like that. they--they want to return to days of ronald reagan, and they think they will. and there's a sense of--even though there's a sense of being--there's somewhat a sense of being an underdog and that they feel like the--they've battled a liberal press, they feel like they've battled liberal groups that are well-funded and have a better standing with the press in washington, they also believe themselves part of the process, winners. they're--they're part--it--it's not an accident that they really became an important part of the republican party. c-span: well, let's talk about--a little bit about them.
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grover norquist comes from what era--what--how old is he? what's he like? is he married? does he have kids? >> guest: right. grover is actually famous for his bachelorhood. he ha--has a group house on capitol hill that has served as a kind of nesting ground and party central for his fellow comrades, as he calls them. he--he uses--he borrows a lot of leninist-marxist rhetoric to make his point. grover's interesting because he's the son of an engineer, and he looks at--he looks at politics as systems. when he was--when he was fighting the clinton health-care plan, for example, he viewed that a--he said, 'clinton's health-care plan was an attempt to put more democrats on the payroll,' because government workers vote democratic and it's going to expand the government. that's how he views politics, like systems. and he's got a lot of that thinking himself. he went to harvard.
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he came down to washington, started with the national taxpayers union, went back to harvard to finish his mba, really just to satisfy his father. he grew up in a very, very tony suburb of boston, beautiful area, where i--as i point out in the book, it's the kind of regulation that grover hates--zoning and everything. actually, it's a lot of very nice suburbs with--without the trash you usually see with suburbs. it's a lot of strict zoning, two-acre plots. c-span: did you go there? >> guest: yeah, i went there. i went to his parents' home and it's beautiful. c-span: what did his parents think when you showed up? >> guest: well, i had made an appointment with them beforehand. c-span: but i mean--but what did they think of the idea of talking about their--their son? >> guest: they were--they were very happy to talk about their son and themselves. they were shy, though. there's a shyness and discomfort with people that i think we also see with grover. grover norquist is very good at dealing with groups of people--groups of people, as--as somebody in the book said. groups of gun owners, groups of
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tax activists. but he's not really good on--one-on-one. and it kind of has led him into some--as some of his friends point out, led him to misjudge people along the way. but his parents were quite forthcoming, and pulled out their--their own college yearbooks. his father told me the story of how he picked out his wife. he pulled out his--he pulled out the yearbook. he was interested in a wife with these qualities, 15 qualities, the angular face and republican and a non-smoker. and he looked at the honor society at the university of michigan, and he picked out who he would be interested in dating and called her. and that was it. c-span: how long have they been married? >> guest: a long time. i mean, they--they--back--dating back to the '50s. they've been married a long time, and had a nice family life. his--his father is a polaroid executive. c-span: now david mcintosh, the congressman running for governor of indiana. >> guest: that's right. c-span: republican against frank o'bannon. >> guest: right. c-span: who's the incumbent. what's--what's his story? >> guest: he is--comes from a
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small town in indiana. he lost his father when he was five years old. actually, they were living in san francisco at the time. his mother's a nurse. and this is interesting, too, because i think a lot of liberals think that republicans and conservatives just come from elite backgrounds, and most of these guys--well, not--half of them don't. and he's a good example. his mother struggled. she had four children. he was the oldest, and he was kind of in charge of them. very unathletic boy, but brilliant. would sit in the--in his room reading math books while the kids outside were playing. and they'd say, 'david, come out,' and he wouldn't--you know, he wouldn't come out. he--his family was known for--his mother expected his--her children to be able to debate, to build a fine argument, a reasoned argument, and they--this was a trait handed down from her side of the family, known as the--slows was her last name.
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and they called the slows slayers, the people--the--the folks in the family who could really argue the best. and if you couldn't make a good argument at the table and standup and reason your way out of an issue that you wanted to defend, you could be laughed off the table. so that--that trait is part of his family and led to him being quite articulate, but also, this led to him being a bit combative and moving in towards debate. c-span: where did he go to school? >> guest: he went to the yale--he went to yale. and what i started to say, he--he--like a lot of conservatives on campus in the '70s, he moved into the debate society because on campus in the '70s, liberalism really did hold sway. it was--it--it held the moral high ground, if you will, and a lot of conservatives were written off as--this idea of political correctness that we talked about in the '80s and '90s, a term that wasn't even invented in the '70s--the most striking thing
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about my research was to what extent liberal orthodoxy held sway on particularly elite campuses. if you had conservative views, you could be dismissed, ignored, laughed at. david actually started as a democrat, but because of the liberal orthodoxy on the--he and like-minded colleagues felt at yale, they moved in the direction of what was known as the party of the right in the yale political union, which was willing to debate really fundamental carson palmer shined in his debut. but he left the game, with his foot in a protective boot. hehe has a sprained ankle. >> in 2002 he was waived and he morphed into "big papi." clutch-hitting machine of two red sox titles. but it's a a fairy tale that's getting revised.e he ended up on the list ofcontio players who failed the test,
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back in 2003. he claims he never used steroids but his credibility is in question. it's a topic he opened up to, >> now, since 'the new york
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times' reported that he had the positive test, he has suffered at the plate. hitting just over .200. one bright spot, batted 7th last night, in a big series, and went 2-3, with a two-run homerun. >> get to the track. michigan international speedway, kyle busch, and his crew, getting pumped-up. 7 laps to go. vickers, pulls in front of busch. he has the lead.tting final lap here, three, and vickers forces him low. battling for the lead. final turn, busch forced back into third, and battling vickers. and passes him, and takes the lead and checkered flag. busch finishes third. and not happy with vickers, in second. gr pit road, after the race, engaging in a little heated
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discussion, is then safest way o describe this. busch, after the race, fired upo >> i'm sure i'm complaining, an' i'm twhinning, and i'm a cry baby, but that's uncalled for. i would have ran my own line, instead of giving it to the lin third place car. the they deserved to win at the end. he didn't deserve to win.u wer >> oh, man, i'm so sorry, i forgot it was the kyle busch'm show. i thought we were racing for a s win. i many sorry, we had a great car. too loose. he wasi' better. i thought it was my job to hold him off.oo loose he came over to the car, and he cam knockede our fender in, and started crying like a little baby. [laughter] >> i just want to throw this out to you. no crying in baseball. i think the same thing goes for the guys, who drive. no crying. history was made for kyle busch,
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took the lead, to set the nationwide series all-time record. >> last week stewart was able to win at watkins glen points-leader jeff, will look for another victory on the track on sunday. edwards won last year. but, as nicole says, beating anyone, on kendricks sports is a tall task. >> i don't know if anyone can beat kendrick motor sports. >> in 26 years of competition, the team boasts numbers no one can match. >> i don't want to take anything away from the other teams, and rauch, had all five years in the chase. there are points where other teams can hit it, but, i think over time, rick's ways and the system, the people, you know, all of that is just going to
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keep them at the top. i wouldn't want to race against them. no way. [laughter] >> we're considered a part of it. it's a satellite operation. a lot of it is what they do. and we have alions with them, and i consider us a part of that. and it's nice to have them. i agree with jimmy. that's why i'm happy where i am. and made the decision of moving to where i am. it was because of that alliance. >> four races, hendrick does stand out. stewart, and johnson, and gordon, are affiliated. and newman and martin. that's five of the teams six affiliated drivers. winners of half of the races this far. >> for us to be able to beat those guys, without any luck, we'll have to get just a little better. >> gordon knows a thing or four about winning. and he acknowledged, what he called a slight edge over the
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competition. is it a guarantee? he says no. anyone in the top twelve is a threat to win the championship. hendrick affiliated or not. i'm nicole, espn. >> doesn't matter if it is someone from the hendrick or any other team, whoever wins, you can hear them as soon as it is over. >> coming up, d-wade says there's one team to watch when the 2010 free-agency hits, and who he is eyeing. that's next from tiger hasn't won a major, came in with a four-stroke lead. see who has been able to chip see wthe new mcdonald'so chip bacon and cheese angus third pounder. before taking it on, one must study it first. rushing in unprepared may prove overwhelming...
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with all that juicy, 100% angus beef. there! you found a point of entry! the bacon beckons like a springboard to paradise. one small bite for man... etcetera, etcetera. angus axiom number 11: bring on the bacon. the astonishing new angus third pounders. all angus. all mcdonald's. ♪ ba da ba ba ba
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>> back here, bram, and mike yam, p.g.a. championship, third-round, would this be interesting to see sunday, have the last two champs to be paired together? that's how it is shaping up, tiger, birdied number 14. gave him the lead back. came came in with a four-stroke lead. and padraig has had a fabulous day. one-shot back. round of the day goes to yank.
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>> special conversation with ray lewis, he discusses how he almost departed baltimore, and dealing with the loss of his friend, steve mcnair. >> to lose someone like that, your emotions will go up-and-down. but, to witness it, when i saw him laying there, and speaking at the funeral, life is short, man. that's why you have to do it right. >> starting under center, second and third unit snaps, on friday. if barkley wins the job, becomes the first true freshman-quarterback to start a season-opener. >> on the college-football season, no better place to be
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than "espnews." >> let's man up or boy up. it's midwest regional final. williamsport, for one of these two. it's the regional final, and it was a 6-6 game, ripped a single into centerfield. and jake will score. iowa takes the lead, 7-6. >> same score, two outs, and grounding out to second-base. ends the game. and des moines is celebrating. they're onto williamsport. >> you love the kids. >> massachusetts, taking on rhode island.ahead nd down 7-6.
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and nick able to score becausevn he draws a walk.sixt tied at 7. ene bases still loaded and nextn. batter, here's karl ravech.ast a >> it's a walkoff grandslam, and massachusetts is going to williamsport.slam! >> massachusetts, dramaticing t victory for them. walkoff-homerun. >> to the big boys, nationals have offered top draft-pick, a record deal, leading into the monday deadline. how much it is, only that it is a record deal. it may not matter, the team president said, there's a very real possibility, he won't sign with them. >> there's been a lot made of lebron leaving in 2010 and dwayne wade is part of the free-agent class. and he thinks the nets could have some interesting players, and new jersey will be 29 million below the salary cap, following this season. he was at the meadowlands,
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making a cameo appearance. and said this miami can offer more, and tax laws, he can keep more of his money. other notables, chris bosh, and dirk nowitzki, and, paul pierce. >> still to come, tiger came out swinging, with a 67. find out who is coming up with the biggest challenge @@úúxx
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 cummings up on o's extr we'll look at the win for tillman, left to a standing ovation and earned his first shaving cream pie. how about pie last night. he is the fourth orioles the hit for the cycle. and he's pie squared. tonight brian meatuses goes to the mound. it's ons -- o's extra comes
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upright now. welcome in on a special day for the season ticket holders. a autograph session and a q and a. the orioles take on the los angeles orioles. it's o's extra presented by at&t. we're trying to find out if there's a cinnamon pie. i may have over stated that. speaks of felix pie, he's 2 for 2 and the game has not started. how about last night. it was one of those rare games where the orioles had ever on the field contribute and pie topped it out hitting for the cycle. >> he's worked hard on the game, since he lost the left field job earlier it was given on the him on a daily basis to see how everything went. he did not get off to a good
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start. terry crowley worked on his swing. he's realizing how much work he has to put in to be at the major league level. last night culminate,ed that hard work. and the other is felix pie's teammate aubrey huff who picked up a cycle against the angels. >> amber: you injure your hand at the plate. everyone wondered if you're okay. you come back out. did you know about the cycle? were you determined to get the cycle. >> i don't know i hit for the cycle. i think it is the cycle. really, i don't know. i come back, yeah i hit for the
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cycle. wow. i'm very happy. wow. they missed you. they weren't very good at it. >> felix, they weren't good with the pie. >> excuse me. >> they missed you. >> they missed me. >> you have worked so hard with terry crowley every day you work with him. what was it like to hear the crowd cheering for you after you hit the cycle after all the hard work. >> it's unbelievable. [cheering] all right. they got you with the second one. they got you with the second one. we'll let you get back in the shower. a good night overall.
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>> happy. thank you. thanks felix. that's a career night, 4 for 5, a single, double, triple and the home run, and the triple he got for the final base hit. brooks robinson in 60 hit for the cycle in chicago, cal in texas against the ranges in 94. aubrey huff two seasons ago against the angels and last night felix pie. >> he was so hot last night, he got 2 pies. i want to make a point about how tough it is for him with the breaking ball and watch how many breaking balls he gets a hold of. he hits it up in the seats. that was his second hit. this is a leg kick. when a shortstop has to feel the ball in the hole no way
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they should throw out pie. he pulls the ball in the right center field gap and he's off and running. easy triple. i would have been halfway around 1st base by the time he got to third. it was fun to watch a guy that fast run the bases. >> pie picks up the cycle. he's back in there tonight. a chance to continue to holt hitting. chris tillman picked up his first major league win. he pitched into the 7th inning and he spoke with amber about his outing. >> it was tough. wieters got other others and said you have to settle down and throw as hard as you can. my stuff is not as good as it was today i have to try to do too much. it was good. >> after the 1st inning what allowed you to settle in. what was working for you and feeling good? >> everything was working.
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my change-up was down in the zone [ chuckle ] man, we tried to hide new the hallway and they got to you. that's something you will remember like your first win. it stings a little bit. for you to go up against the angels and walk away with the win, there was one guy in the lineup with a batting average lower than .295. what did you learn about yourself. >> it was good to go out there. not having my best stuff. we had to battle the whole thing. so it was fun. >> the defense in the 1st inning how much did that give you a boost with jones getting you out of inning and wieters throwing out figgins. >> that was huge. got the inning going. got that double score the run. it was good to see the guys
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play good defense and right behind me and score 16 runs. >> good to have the run support. we'll let you go. thank you very much. this just in, jimmy tyler got a new shipment of shaving cream. they ran out last night. 3 cream pies last night. picks up his first big league win. what did you like about his outing? >> at first i didn't like it when you walk the first two guys you know you will pay. look at this swing by guererro. the ball bounced two feet in front of home plate. how does a guy hit a ball in home plate and drive it into left for rbi single and later he gives up 12. this is legitimate. you leave a ball in the zone for a good hitter to hit, a lot of times its will end up in the seat. he came back and used his
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fastball in the second half of the ball game. threw good 94 mourn fastball ---miles-an-hour fastball. people were hitting to the infielders. this is what you try to do. get the ball in play, i have a chance to get an out. he did not give up or guilt after the 1st inning the one bad pitch and the ballclub scores him run. he does another good job. >> chris tillman joins the list of rookies winning their first major league win. the season ticket holders were out earlier today. autograph sessions with the players. and state of the union with dave trembley.
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you know my dad used to bring me to o's game and i had the fun you do now. >> your favorite things were the kids corner and the orioles bird? the orioles bird was my favorite too.   >> second game of the 4 gam
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series. here's the angels lineup. figgins, aybar. kendrick at 2nd base. quinlan will start at 1st base to get another right handed in there and mathis will catch. here's the orioles lineup. after 16 runs on 19 base hit. roberts, jones markakis, wieters 6th. pie eighth. he raised his batting average 20 points hitting 4 the psych emand -- cycle. earlier today the orioles invited the season ticket holders out early to meet the players and participate in a state of the orioles address
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with dave trembley. >> in the state of the orioles address fans had a chance the interact with dave trembley and andy. there were questions about minor leaguers like josh bell, shut the orioles be bunting more. they are honest and gave them direct answers and the fans were honest with dave and andy. one question was should we see better decisions and examples from some of the vet land players on the field. >> to be honest with you, that's a lot more difficult than i thought it would be. it's about pride. and it's about doing things right. no one is intentionally trying to mess up. no one is intentionally trying to embarrass the ballclub or embarras the fans. it happens. it's probably happened way too for examplely than all of us
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would like. but you know for me, leadership is what you do not what you say. i would agree with you, that the actability that the veteran player has to lead and show the procedure example for the younger players needs to be improved on. >> we've been staking -- talking about george sharal, what a good job he's done. getting rid him. tell us about the two players you picked up and is it a good deal. made another bedard-type trade. >> i hope so. >> i pressure the bedard reference. you know we're all human being in this goal, you make a trade and you have a special invest independant the players you get back. you know your reputation is somewhat at stake in how they perform. all the guys we got back in the trade the one that over
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delivered and overachieved was george sherrill. he's proud to be an orioles. i had no interest in trading him. i did it for one reason, i felt i had to. i need to keep building the base of young talent in our system. i was not satisfied with the level we had at 3rd base of talent particularly closer to the big leagues. i had a team that had a need for what george could deliver and got a young switch hitting 3rd baseman with power who has the potential to be a potential middle lineup-type player. we think he will play third. he's 22 years old doing wellalty double-a. he's hit over 400 for us with a couple home runs. delightful kid. i had the opportunity, you never have enough pitching, every chance you get you have
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to add quality arms. steve johnson independant of his background, if his name is not steve jones we would want him. they put him in the deal as well. it was a deal i didn't want to make but felt i had to make it. >> andy continued to stockpile the young talent today. we got news the orioles acquired left handed first bases man john hughes. this is a player to be named later. the orioles get another first baseman in the minor league system. he has a .3 13 average, 7 homers and 26 rbi in triple-a. in double-a 15 home runs and 46 rbis. andy being honest telling his philosophy of stockpiling
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talent. he lived up it to. you can never have too much talent ready to come up to big leagues. andy continues adding to what he puts invent tear0 -- inventory. big picks up a hitter for zaun. there's mickey, we'll chat with the one time orioles catcher when we come back. ♪
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♪ tell me who's watching. ♪ i always feel like somebody's watching me. ♪ (announcer) it's right here. it's easy.
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 s. >> the orioles continue to an outstanding job with the alumni, coming back the mingle and talk to the fans. they are reliving the 1989 why not orioles. a fan brought a box of fruit loops to be autographed by mickey. that 1989 team a team that didn't win anything but came close is one of the favorite teams of any orioles fan.
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tell us of your memories. you had three years here. what was it like being part of that season. nobody expected anything. >> we were a bunch of guys thrown together. the only guy. significance was cal. we go out on opening day and beat clemens. and the next thing we know we're in toronto with a chance to win the division. >> you know mickey, i try to tell people how tough it was to catch. you came in after i left the orioles, you were the everyday catcher and switch hitter. how different from the other places to catch in baltimore and be a switch hitter? >> i think one thing that does not get talked about. this is one of the hottest places in the league the play. everyone talks about texas being hot, it is, the humidity gets you here. it's draining. it's physically draining every
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night. you will go out and lose weight. if you take care of yourself it's not too bad. by the end of the year you're ready for it to be over with. >> in 1988, what did you do in the off-season to prepare for 89 to get through rigors the summer and the humidity your second year. i didn't do much, i usually let my body and mind more importantly heal until the first of the year, middle of the december. i got back to work. i didn't do anything in particular. >> mickey, we have a switch hitting catcher one of the most highly touted minor league players to come up here. matt wall streeters. what would you say on the him? >> go out and play is best you
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can. your first job is to get that pitching staff where it needs to be. i think that keeping the ball in front of you and throwing a few people out. if you can drive in a few runs that's a bonus. it was unique you said you were a bunch of guys they put together. we see this here. they think about what type of player they bring back. seemed to me that year you were a bunch of good players that came together with the chemistry. >> we. with remind me of the texas team we in 96, we all got along well. and you know, if we went somewhere after the game if we went as one we went as 20. you need the chemistry, not only in the clubhouse but away from the field. >> how did you replace rick dempsey. >> i didn't slide far to start
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when i tried it. >> he hit higher than my last .215. mickey we appreciate the visit. good to have you back. nice to be back in baltimore, good people here. >> one of 89 why not orioles. they finished two games out and they almost went to postseason. we'll get the scouting report to pitching matchup. lackey going against madiz. the rookie looking for a second big league win. 
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 matusz getting ready for hi start. when he addressed the media dave trembley was asked about him facing a first place team. >> he will be up for it. especially leaving the game early his last start against toronto. he will have on the stay away
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from the middle of the plate with these guys. >> so brian matusz on the mound. >> his debut was a great day. he used all the pitches, changes speed. went 5 inning, gave up one earned run. gave up 6 hits in the first outing. he showed what we have down in the minor league. 4 steps in one year. a, double-a, triple-a and the big league only an hour and a half away. he's done a very good job. his record on the season is 12 and 3 as it stands. what a fantastic year. >> matusz faces john lackey in his 225th. >> he's one of the hottest pitchers around. don't mean he's one of best looking guys you will look at but one of the hottest pitchers
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on the mound. since july 8th he's number one in the major league with a .180. he threw 131 pitches in his last outing. 6 2/3 innings is all they went. he gave up 8 hits and lost the ball game. he's out here for long haul. this guy was cruising till he threw 131. he's a horse. game 2 of the series, o's look at the back-to-back wins. what's the key of the game. >> remind melvin the angels are in town. he has a career batting average of .321 against the angels. since 2003 he's hit .354 against this ballclub. it should be melvin's night. i'm trying on the make it back- to-back wins. who's the player on the watch.
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>> i'm going a day from melvin. nick mark cakeis is -- markakis is any guy. he has 3 home runs since the all-star break. i think nick will have a big night. melvin can drive him in all night long. >> i'm going with aubrey huff. he's sitting back-to-back games and has two rbi in each of the two games. 4 rbi's over the past 2 games facing a right handed pitcher. i think huff has a breakout game. >> think he will get two in a row. >> i'll go for 2 in a row tonight. i'm down by 7. i have to close the gap. next the play-by-play. rick and i are back with o's extra postgame. and it's brian matusz against john lackey as the orioles and the angels battle it out here,
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game 2 of the 4 game series. enjoy the game. we're back later in the postgame. 
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