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tv   U.S. Senate  CSPAN  August 19, 2009 5:00pm-8:00pm EDT

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guided by the rule of law is strongest in advancing peace and security in region. the status quo in egypt will yield that. with the elections scheduled for 2010 and 2011 respectively. the key interest in seeing the process be transparent and fair. that it yields creditable results and forces that respect democratic forces. turn off cell phones that inclus . :
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exercise in public relations. in cairo, president obama stated the importance of, quote, the ability to speak your mind and have a say in how you are governed, yet in the past year alone egypt witnessed regression on several fronts, including the ability to have a say in how one is governed. the emergency law which has been in place since 1981, 28 years ago, would suspend basic constitutional protections, prevailed. in may of 2008, despite promises to the contrary, in cairo, president obama talked about the need for people to have, quote, confidence in the rule of law and equal administration of justice. emergency laws continues to undermine the judiciary notably through the imposition of
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administrative detention orders which supersede normal decisions, the trial of civilians in military and political courts, and hezbollah lawsuits brought mostly by ruling national democratic party affiliate's and used to settle political scores against dissidents and artists among others. dozens of torture cases were documented in 2008, and 2009, including several resulting in death. as of may 2009 the egyptian organization for human rights documented at least 40 cases of torture since 2008. at least 14 of which ended at the hands of police officers. 8 fourfull increase over 2007. bose torture cases go unreported and undetected, torture largely goes unaccountable except in a few highly publicized cases. human rights organizations regularly release reports criticizing egyptian security's use of force. furthermore, rule of law has been challenged and undermined
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for hastily passed constitutional amendments. in 2007, which severely restricted the ability of the judiciary to monitor elections. a serious blow to an already tenuous process. president obama talked about the need for governments to, quote, place the interests of their people and legitimate workings of the political process above their party. yet ironically the u.s. government ended the obama administration has agreed to a condition that would allow funding only for e egyptian government approved registered organizations under u.s./e diction bilateral framework. this represents a serious disconcerting step in the wrong direction that only serves and consolidate the power of the ruling national democratic party. furthermore the egyptian government has taken steps that indicate the paving of the way for the succession of the likely candidate in upcoming presidential elections, president mubarak, to the exclusion of all other forces. this is occurring under the direct nose of the u.s.
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administration. in cairo, president obama also talked about the need for, quote, richness of religious diversity being upheld, whether it is for those in lebanon, since the cairo speech, there have been 20 documented incidents of sectarian violence targeting the middle east's largest christian population, the christians, and other religious minorities. the egyptian government response continues to be inadequate and not guided by much-needed equal rights and equal protection of the law for all religious minorities. and for their full integration in government and society. president obama, in your speech, you concluded that, quote, is clear that governments that protect these rights, namely political and religious pluralism and respect for religious rites, those are my words, are more stable, successful and secure. you exhorted government to maintain power throu consent, not coercion. now is the time to put these
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words into action by clearly stating to president mubarak that u.s. interest is seeing an immediate reform agenda take hold. we commend president obama's efforts in re-establishing a strong and positive relationship with cairo based on mutual respect, we insist that this not be done at the expense of the legitimate rights that the egyptian people for universal human rights and freedom. it is those people whose voices you must stand up for in your talks with president mubarak tomorrow in an overall bilateral u.s./edition relation. that concludes my statement. on behalf of the coalition i would like to state that we support a strong u.s./lee janzen strategic relationship built on mutual respect and mutual interest, yet we support their relationship with the democratic egypt that respects human rights. thank you and without further ado i will hand the floor over to dr. mansour.
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[applause] >> my name is dr. ahmed subhy mansour. i run the koran center in washington. i represent the koran movements, i believe in islam as a nation of peace, justice, tolerance and loving humanity. we are also acting for a political reform. beginning with democratic state. and unlimited freedom of speech. and human dignity. muslim scholars, because they
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are qualified -- they have been persecuted by president mubarak and have suffered four waves of rest from 1987 until 2007/2008/2009. this proves that president mubarak refuses to reform the problems within egypt, from within islam. he also refused the reforms from outside. i think it is time to be stopped. we need reform. we need reform because we are talking about the koran muslim scholar. we are concerned about this.
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we want him to leave power and to enjoy peace of mind and live. we want reform because we believe that if this situation continues, egypt will suffer. in the immediate future, chaos. and stability in the middle east will be in real danger. we want the reform peacefully, and we want mubarak himself to pave the way for this reform.
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and the rest of this time, and making reform. beginning with reforming the egyptian legislation. do we based this on human rights and justice? reform, the egyptian court, a human right and justice also, to release the political prisoners. to stop applying virginity law. these are the graduate steps. we want egypt to have a democratic state, a state owned
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by the egyptian people, not to own the egyptian people. we want egypt, the egyptian army to defend egypt, not to fight the egyptian people. we want the egyptians to -- we want the egyptian police to protect and to serve dejection individuals, not to torture them. we believe that egyptians -- we are here to argue mubarak, to make this a good deed in the last days or weeks or months in his life.
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thank you. [applause] >> good afternoon, everybody. i am cameel halim, particle assembly of america. i welcome you all year. i thank dina, i am not going to repeat anything of what the two of them have said. i am just going to say i will explain to the panel who we are and why we were formed. i am coptic man, i have been in the coptic movement for many years, we organize it, we have
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done a wonderful job in fighting for human-rights and for christians in egypt. we went to the congress obama talked about the coptss in egypt, now is the time to talk about egypt. i think this has to do with everybody in this coalition. we are going to continue to fight for human-rights, but we have to look at our country, we have to see what is going on in egypt. egypt, after 52 years revolution, in a state, we have cholera, sewer water in the drinking water, human rights abuses, abusing everybody. the u.s. constitution is completely outdated. it gives the president so much power that people in egypt, they
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can't govern themselves, they need -- guardian for them. i think the middle east, first thing, what is going on in egypt right now that mr. mubarak is late in his age, the middle east itself, showing iran in the next election, people are hungry for democracy, everybody in the area wants to be free. a blogger said i want nothing, just give me my freedom. this is the state of all the people in the middle east. we want our freedom. we are sick and tired of the army governing us, tired of
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people telling us what to do, not to go here, not to come here, we want our freedom. this coalition was formed because we are going to fight for our freedom. we are going to ask for our freedom. we are the egyptians, the ones who left egypt. i know that there are 700,000 cops -- copts in the united states, 700,000 muslims in the united states, we were not doing our job in fighting for our country. this coalition here is the start of us. we are people living in america and demand changes. mr. mubarak, mr. obama getting mubarak here to bless him here and make a deal with him in spite of the condition of our country, we objected, we do not want it, we want him to talk about our country, it's how to change democracy, how to give power to the people, not to treat us like a herd of sheep.
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we want our freedom. i think the people in the united states, the egyptian people have the duty, all of them, to think of their country. we want human-rights for all our minorities, we want human rights for women in egypt, we want to be represented in parliament, we want the oppression to end. there's so much corruption. mr obama, it is not ok with you to meet with president obama and say everything is okay because you want to make peace in the middle east. this is not acceptable and this is not acceptable in the whole region. the middle east has to come out from the middle ages, has to come to the new age of democracy. thank you very much. [applause] >> mahmoud el-shazly of the
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american egyptian alliance. >> i am mahmoud el-shazly, i represent the lines of the egyptian american. the alliance of egyptian americans was incorporated in 2005 in the state of florida as a nonprofit, educational, corporation. it has two ames, empower american citizens and presidents of egyptian descent in their communities in their chosen country. and to contribute to developments in egypt, leading to democracy, sustainable development and social justice.
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being an independent organization, not affiliated with any other organization, we work very closely with the egyptian american organizations who share our goals and our objectives, and that is illustrated by being a part of the coalition of 28. our strategy at the alliance includes the encouraging its members and the egyptian american community at large to become involved in the american process, supporting elected officials and candidates whose platforms are based on informed, balanced and objective views on both domestic and foreign policy
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issues, especially those dealing with the middle east in general and with egypt in particular. they have declared from day one that it has no political or financial ambitions in egypt, neither as a group or as individuals. why aea does not endorse any specific party or movement, we follow with interest the reports that indicate efforts by some parties, to coordinate their positions for, possibly offering one candidate in the forthcoming presidential election.
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as well as other efforts in that direction. we feel that all or most, at least, of us, have been complaining, and we have reasons to complain about the exceedingly deteriorated situation in egypt going down three years. and we believe it is about time that we offer a very specific remedies, alternatives to what is the status quo. there has been many writings by scholars and activists in this direction. but we endorse in our alliance a very specific recipe, a formula,
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that has been articulated by a prominent political scientist in egypt, a professor of political science, and he published it in october of 2008, and it has very detailed, very specific, scholarly formulated articles, how to do it. in this, as we endorse the article, it calls on president mubarak, among other things, to do the following. appointed a transitional government to prepare the country for fully democratic and transparent, national, parliamentary, and presidential
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elections under a new constitution, real emergency laws and free all political prisoners, under this formula, president mubarak would relinquish the chairman isship of the national democratic party and let it compete on equal basis with other parties. a.a nationally respected prime minister with no political ambition beyond the term of the transitional government. possible candidates, in our opinion, would include dr. hamas olein, prominent physician and activist, dr. ahmad swede just to name a few. be so the prime minister the
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full presidential authority for domestic affairs, with president mubarak retaining control only on the military and foreign affairs. and dr. nafah is just anticipating that some people might criticize, very convincing reasons to do that during the transitional period. the prime minister, the prime minister's mandate would be to run the daily affairs of state through equally competent, non-partisan cabinet members, and without future political ambitions, also the cabinet members, have to renounce any
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future political ambition. to convene a constitutional convention of recognize scholars representing the entire spectrum of e egyptian political and ideological landscape, draft a modern constitution that guarantees true separation of powers, and the supremacy of the rule of law for all egyptians. in the meantime, the cabinet would undertake to repair the damage done to all national institutions through long years of nepotism, clannish and subjective choices of both individuals and policy lieutenants. we endorse this specific formula
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because it seems to be so detailed, specific, objective, and scholarly prepared, above all, its author clearly declares from the beginning his lack of interest in any future political ambition. thank you. [applause] >> thank you, mr. el-shazly. we now have nuraddin abdelmannan with the nubia project. >> ladies and gentlemen, good evening, my name is nuraddin abdelmannan, former diplomat and head of the human rights organization, the nubia project
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in washington d.c.. i have been here for 20 years battling for the cause of the oppressed people of sudan. i am here to address the issues concerning the nubian class--who are oppressed by the sudanese government and the egyptian government. nubia sacrificed its land for the prosperity of egypt, and egypt is keeping its waters for the last 45 years on our land for free and we are living in darkness. no electricity. egypt is shipping its electricity across the suez canal to some neighboring countries over there. just across the border, the nubians are in total darkness, marginalized, their land is destroyed by the sudanese and
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egyptian regimes. and we want the egyptian government to be sincere and listen to our problems and our grievances. we don't want to give up our land. we don't want to give our land for free for people who are coming to invade our land. establish a new revolution along the nile from alexandria to the lakes. they started buying the whole lands across egypt and sudan to deep in africa, the rich and wealthy arabs of the gulf started buying the whole land, they're going to kick us out into the desert. we don't want to be second-class
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citizens in our land. enough is enough. we gave more than we can for the prosperity of the egyptian people. we do love and respect the egyptian people but we don't love the egyptian regimes. since 1902, when the aswan dam was built, and later on it came down and so on, we gave and gave. but we were not recognized. our free gift wasn't recognized. so as nubian americans here, we told the obama administration and the congress that we are the taxpayers and we don't want our money to go to a regime that is destroying us. building series of dams in the nubian land, within very few
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years, we will fight back this time. it is not a joke. because we have nothing to lose after this. if we lose our land, then we have nothing to lose. this is a friendly message to our brothers and sisters in egypt, and also to our brothers and sisters, the copts, who are oppressed like us. we are going to fight against this policy of destruction of nubia, and we will also ask the american people and the congress and the administration to slash a part of the money given to mubarak's regime because this is our money. they cannot destroy us with our money. already, this motion is moving inside the congress.
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egypt, president mubarak, egypt, is not a culprit in this matter, only the regime. president mubarak is pretending to be very friendly, protecting the sudanese government. and he is wanted by commercial criminal court. ..
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and enough land to accommodate not only egypt, other countries and so on. but not to become second-class citizens. we want to be first class this citizens equal to all people of the land. nubia 3,000 years ago and army fled and served in jerusalem is under attack now. they are coming to replace us because we are the only pocket between egypt and sudan. so, this is a message to our
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brothers and sisters in egypt that they must take us seriously. we stand firmly in support of the rights and. we were one through history even the nubians were leaders of the religion. we share many things, the history, the owners of the land, the makers of the history of the nile and this is the only land spoken for the last 3,000 years, the nubian language. we wrote this after 800 years and brought it back to life. so we are on a very big journey.
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we want to resist. we want to live, we want to stay on our ancestral lands and also of live in peace with other components of the egyptian and sudanese communities without enemies to anybody. but we will resist any kind of destruction to nubia. we want you to help us in stopping building these dams on the model because it is quick to destroy the [inaudible] we told him that we don't want him to be the head of unesco because throughout his of ministerial job the last 20 years, he never gave any chance to a new began to hold the position in the media or minister or politician diplomat or so on.
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so when we talk of the unity between nubians and egypt and sudan and is not less than talking about the unity between arabs from syria. why that is permissible and not allowed for them to talk about. we are one nation. our beavers, brothers, and sisters and nubians will share the same history and we are on the same. we want to fight bk. we want to resist. we want to live on our ancestral land. we are the oldest indigenous people of the mile valley. thank you very much. [applause] >> thank you very much, abelmannan. i think he illustrates precisely the richness and uniqueness of this question so far as it
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brings together diverse elements of the egyptian population that recently have been alienated from each other so we are certainly very sympathetic to the collis and we hope that everybody that is listening pays attention to this critical cause. next, we have mr. omar afify, president of the rights of the people. we may need translation assistance. do you? >> yes. >> translator: [speaking in native tongue]
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>> translator: he is the president of the rights of the people, which is an organization that tries to bring together the people with sort of bridges the gap between security forces in egypt with the people. [speaking in native tongue] >> translator: he believes that torture and treating people with indignity is the main driver of terrorism and in security not just in the middle east region but across the world >> [speaking in native tongue]
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[speaking in native tongue] >> translator: so we joined the coalition and its demand to end the state of emergency in egypt and release political prisoners and ratify the unified houses of construction of worship law and these are all demands we placed in the letter to president mubarak sent in the name of the coalition. [speaking in native tongue] [applause] >> translator: for those of
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you that don't speak arabic he said we still hope president mubarak will respond positively to these demands and that that will be the first step towards a national reconciliation that will bring together muslims and all the children of the egyptian homeland. next, on behalf of individuals who are not part of any organization within the coalition, we have mr. abraham hussein for on their behalf. >> good afternoon. my name is abraham hussein. i retired here in washington, d.c. about ten years ago, after a long career in mental health administration in washington -- michigan and new york. i am delighted to be here on behalf -- i speak for myself but i think i am reflecting the
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views of perhaps hundreds of thousands of egyptians across the united states who are settled here and they are part of this question without being a member of a specific group. what we are witnessing this afternoon is a historical event to have eight organizations concerned about egypt is remarkable. we have differences. we may have views on certain issues but we are all united in our desire to have democracy, freedom, and supremacy of law, religious freedom throughout the jet to become egypt. i would like to set the story of two speeches. both were in june and cairo.
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the first one june 25 by former secretary of state condoleezza rice. she said 60 years the united states pursues stability at the expense of democracy in the middle east and achieve none. and she went on to say that they support democracy. as we all know, nothing followed this talk. five years later on june 4th, president obama made a similar speech, similar declaration in cairo on the same subject of democracy. he said i do have an unyielding belief that all people year and for certain things, the ability to secure mind and have a say on how you govern confidence in the rule of law. i sure hope that president obama will not repeat what the former administration did.
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pataki's jeep. what we need is to take necessary measures. what i am hoping that president obama when he meets tomorrow with president mubarak is to pressure the four or five issues we talk about in this conference and i expect him to give answers because this is not for the interest of the united states or egypt. the two countries are linked. the interests are common. what happens between house affects both egypt and the united states. the so-called stability under president mubarak is a facade, and it could fall apart and then the united states policy in the middle east could be exposed. i would like to ask president mubarak -- we sent him a letter, but if he and his talk tomorrow with president obama can make a down payment to show his interest and reform, he can make
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tomorrow a declaration to free political prisoners. he can make a declaration tomorrow that emergency laws will be suspended and the other three or four things he can show his good will. i doubt it, but if he is serious, he has the opportunity to make such a dramatic bold action and what is needed from president obama is to pressure mubarak to do what is good for egypt and for the united states. i think that's all i have to say. thank you. [applause] >> i would like to show this, this is a real white specter in egypt. this is the police, some poor guy was trying to express their views in a civil non-violent way and see what happened to him?
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[applause] >> thank you, ms terse hussein. the last speaker is the american society. >> i am here to read a short statement on behalf of the muslim american society fully transparent grassroots american muslim organization representing all sectors of muslim society including a very large egyptian american segment and on behalf of that segment today we are calling for the following colin kofi and fair elections to allow for full judicial independence, to allow the judiciary to supervise the electoral process also calling for international local monitoring of the election process. mass believes free and fair
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elections will lead to a healthy and more robust egyptian society. we are also calling for the immediate replacement of emergency law with constitutional law and finally we encourage the government to allow nonprofit grass-roots organizations to take a greater role in civil society and remove restrictions placed on those organizations. thank you very much for your time. [applause] thank you, shafi kahn. last is the chairman of the center for development studies who will conclude this press conference by articulating the message that we would like to send to president obama and president mubarak when they meet tomorrow. >> thank you, halim and all of
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you for sharing this press conference with us. i think my colleagues have said everything that ought to be said. we have been in touch with senior advisers of the obama administration's before this press conference, before the planned demonstration tomorrow. again, to meet many of the demands expressed here highlighted president obama had repeatedly said during his campaign and then in his immigration speech and then in his cairo speech and many other occasions that he will uphold
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democracy, human rights. he will not stand with dictators however, as some of my colleagues said, this was all welcome to talk. people both here and support him and in egypt, the arab world and the muslim world are waiting for him to walk the walk having made the talk now they are waiting for him to walk. we are concerned about similar backsliding by the obama administration similar to that that we saw in the closing years of the bush administration.
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so despite his deliberate effort to distinguish himself from his predecessor we see on fortunately all politics coming back to play. 80 million egyptians for expedient short-range. we say that both could be achieved only through principled foreign policy. and this country has a history of having at times followed a very principled foreign policy from the days of president wilson during the first world war all the way to carter and
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clinton we have seen american administrations which followed a very principled foreign policies in egypt toward the arab world, toward the muslim world and also it served american interest. we do not think there is contradiction between the two so that is a message. i know you are eager to ask questions and i would like just to say over the last 28 years of mubarak's road egypt has let down of every indicator and you only need to look at the u.s. state department and reports in the state of human rights in the world to say that steady
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deterioration on food mubarak in the last ten years human-rights watch confirms that. so does human rights first and of course the egyptian and arab organizations have equally, from all of the above. i am saying that because of the promises of mubarak had made during for election campaigns. we counted them. he had made over 100 promises in 28 years and for election campaigns. i can list those if we have time but i am not. i am just going to talk about three or four that my colleagues talked about and we hope
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president obama will hold him accountable on these promises. he promised in his last election campaign in 2005 that he will uphold the independence of the judiciary and would restore that independence. he had pledged to end the state of emergency. he had promised to have free media and he had promised to have fair and free elections. what did we see after that? into a very hasty sites to the constitution to undermine even the modest gains the egyptians had made in the previous six years. in figure 2,000 supreme court in
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egypt asserted that any election that is not totally supervised by the judiciary will not be considered legitimate. the government grudgingly observed that stipulation and in the 2000, 2005 we had to be elections where they were not >> i would have to say at this point it is premature to say paulus is a heisman trophy contender. >> there he is. >> throw this out there joe. i am not saying he will win a heisman trophy but he was a better high school player than winkey and a much berth athlete than winkey. winkey could not run and paulus could play on the same floor as ty lawson in the acc and 3 graduated from duke. you know he won't have a problem with the playbook.
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he won't the win the heisman trophy because he is at syracuse and not florida state. but i bet he is good and ends up in the nfl. >> ryan came from nowhere like paulus coming from nowhere. i will tell you this, the head coach coaches in the big east are skeptical about paulus's chances to succeed based on the long layoff. one head coach told me he wishes syracuse was first on the schedule. >> ryan burr, did winkey have other weapons at florida state? >> i am giving you winkey as far as paulus won't win the heisman trophy because he doesn't have the weapons winkey did. winkey 6 years in the minor leagues? where was the rush for winkey or ted williams who went to war and won the al-mvp the next year. we overestimate rust sometimes. it's not like the guy is an athlete. he can play. he can throw the football. i think he will be better than
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we might think. >> that public service announcement from ryan burr from syracuse because syracuse cares. let's move on. he made his point. some consider brown the top recruiter. what is the latest on his emigibility? >> it's in question. it goes back to when he was a sophomore and junior in high school. he has a trainer back in wichita, kansas, where he grew up. he throws brown on the bus they drive across the country and stop by florida state and georgia and talk to football coaches and the academic people. this might be against ncaa rules. right now bryce brown can practice, but whether he is play is undetermined. it's in question as the ncaa will continue to work towards the investigation and sort it
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all out. >> lane kiffin in knoxville. >> happy birthday. >> that's my man, college football all season long. keep it happening. what is coming up? >> the cowboys have not won a playoff game since 1996. is this the year and can roy williams replace t.o.? we will find out.
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♪ >> back goes romo looking. he's looking, floating. fumbles again. recovered again. the hit by chris collins and the recovery by trevor long. 3 straight fumbles by the cowboys. >> remember that game after a very disappointsing 9 and 7 year. the cowboys will have a new look. gone terrel owens and pac-man jones and safety roy williams. the key addition is the linebacker bookings signed in the off-season. no t.o. and roy williams is hurt. what are the cowboys biggest concerns? >> the philadelphia eagles have big question marks on the defensive side of the ball. a team talented with a list of who's who and now they are down
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to just who. the loss of jim johnson and the leader in brian dawkins. now you look at trent cole up front in the defensive end position. he has to make up some of the slack with his 9 sacks last year. he must improve. . >> all right. obviously marcellus wiley talking about the eagles. we will get back to the cowboys now on the 3 things you need to know about the cowboys. check 3 and out on the nfl page. here's matthew barnaby. >> i know, it seems weird to call tony romo a sleeper. but considering he is the 7th quarterback taken in the draft, he is going lower than he should be. last year he was 12th among quarterbacks in fantasy scoring despite missing 3 games and averaged 15 fantasy points a game. just 3 more than drew brees. he was 4th in the nfl in passing
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yards. he lost t.o. and you know what? that's a good thing. no more drama or who is the leader in the huddle. terrel owens was 4th in dropped passes. he has witten and healthy roy williams and a great running game. i know jessica simpson doesn't anymore, but i love tony romo this year. >> fantasy focus is brought to you by: >> all right. more on top stories. brett favre his first full day with the vikings. the latest on news.
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>> after his first full day with the vikings, we've got the buzz on brett in minnesota. after getting bounced in boston, a run with an n.l. contender is in the cards for john smoltz. and the president of the united states getting a visit from others who often go to the left. that's next on news. captioning by captionmax
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>> hey there. welcome to espnews. alongside the birthday boy, 21 years old, mike hill, i'm ryan burr. thanks for stopping by as we continue to talk about the one, the only brett favre. >> brett is slightly older than me, not much, but he is the quarterback of the minnesota vikings, and they're excited for right now in minnesota. favre going through his first full day of practice with his new team. just 24 hours after signing a two-year, $25 million contract. there he is out on the field. of course, we're in a familiar number four. favre will get the start tomorrow against k.c. in their preseason action. here's what the players have to say about the arrival of their new quarterback. >> i don't know what changes. that's not any job. whoever they bring in, we know they bring them in for a purpose. that's to help our team win games. he's our teammate, welcome him with open arm. >> he's a different breed.
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people like michael jordan, brett favre, they can do things other people can't do. they've proven themselves, so a little bit more acceptance for them maybe than other people. >> it's a lot of respect to be on the same field as him, a guy taking snaps from you and possible having the opportunity to catch a ball. >> this obviously wasn't what i was hoping for, but that's the situation that we're in, so i'm going to stay ready, stay prepared and keep working, and, you know, you never know what's going to happen and try the make the most of the situation of where i'm at. >> let's be honest, the guy's been doing this a long time at a very high level, you know. if we're all sitting in miami waiting to go on the super bowl, do you think we'll care if he came in here in july? >> all right. so the players are brought on. favre said he didn't come back for revenge to play green bay twice. you can't say he came back for the records because the man owns just about every record there is, however, not everyone is excited about favre's return.
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here's what former vikings' great fran tarkenton said on sirius's "the opening drive" show about it. >> i really have no interest in what brett favre does. he kind of lost me a few years ago by retiring, unretiring. it's a circus. it's an absolute circus. >> i think you got packer fans burning the number four favre green bay jersey. i think the packer fans have every right to be outraged. >> all let's bring in fill mackie whoco is on the vikings' beat for kfat radio in minneapolis. k let's start right there. you got hall of famer, a formerf viking great talking about favre former vikin to be in the hall of fame joining his team. what is the deal with fran tarkenton having some greasyha s words to say about favre? >> he actually had the same opinion on our radio station i want to say four or five monthsh ago when the whole thing starteo to trickle out. srted and, you know, fran's anuy. outspoken guy. i guess there is something to be said for the greatestnge quarterback in franchise histork basically knocking the decisiong
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but at this point we canhe speculate all we veterans can come out of the t woodwork, retire players, itit's doesn't matter. it's a done deal at this point. so my advice would be get over it and watch the new purple number four try and take this team deep into the playoffs. the >> the jersey is already being made.ea already sold 3,000 since yesterday. so how loud is that buzz 24 buz hours later? >> i tell you what, just behind me here, it's... there aree actually tornadoes coming through town about an hour ago, and i can't decide what was more tornadic, the tornadoes or the 200 people that stormed the black s.u.v. when favre andn childress pulled up.ll this has been an absoluteasn circus. this has been a roller coast ride. you had tamper gate '08.d of it was on again, off again.amp a lot of the fans cut bait ont the idea two days beforeno training camp. now the fans that said goodce t riddance to favre three weeks te
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ago are buying those purple jerseys and standing outsideith winter park off and on. >> now that he's with this team, do your listeners truly believe that he's the final piece to a super bowl run for this team?bev >> it's hard to contact phi. i - quantify. i don't think there's ever been a team in nfl history that just needed one more piece.on there's 53 guys on the roster,t. 45 active on game day. t if any team in the nfl was asasa complete as every position, defense, offense, weapons,en outside of the quarterback position, it's the so if there was a team in nfl history, in recent nfl history that was one piece away, maybe it's the vikings, and even though they're probably a thougy ten-win team without favre,m they're maybe an 11 or 12-win w team with him, and they're b definitely better going into thr playoffs with favre. >> phil, as we know, every player is going to say and do the right thing when it comes to favre in front of the cameras,nt but you have access behind thee. scenes that a lot of people don't have with the vikings. are there any players in thatha locker room who don't agree with
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the signing and they're telling you privately? >> no.ou it seems like everybody is beini professional. it's not like pop warner football or little league baseball where the coach's son e might play over some kid whoay e deserves it and you're looking out for everybody's feelings. i think jared allen said it best and even the tight end, they both said, hey, this is a business. and we're here to win games. the so if tarvaris jackson or sagen rosenfels have friends in that locker room, you can put asidee. the friendship aspect and focus on the profession.n put it's winning football games.foc the nfl comes down to wins. comd favre helps the vikings win more games. v bottom line. end of story. sry. you can throw all the drama outa the window in my mind. >> phil, the way he pursuedndow. brett, he went to the airport,su picked him up, chauffeured himwo back to the complex, how much pressure has brald childress put on himself to make this thing work? >> oh, he's all in.rad he is absolutely all in at this point. in fact, you can point back to. three or four years ago when he4 rolled the dies with tarvaris th
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jackson for the first time and e tried to roll with him with a rl win that was ready to win in the present. and he tried to roll with a tenuous quarterback situation, a and so by trading for favre atai this point, he's all in, and the fans here in minnesota and theta ownership i would assume expect nothing less than a deep playofe run. so i don't know if it's superi w bowl or bust, but maybe n.f.c. n championship game or bust. >> so if this doesn't happen, ii the vikings don't even make the playoff, what happens then?appe? >> start packing your if the vikings don't make the playoff, tarvaris jackson is a free agent. they might even be shopping him. but the window is now. if they go 9-7 or miss the playoffs... >> if they go 9-7 and make the playoff, it's all about making f the playoffs, but if you don't t make the playoff, you can packli your boxes. >> we're excited to have phil mackie any time here on espnews.
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thanks for your time, my man. ha >> thanks. >> baseball. white sox have lost three of straight, falling three back of the tigers in the a.l. center. facing zack greinke who has won just one of his last eight. bottom third, gordon beckham solo shot, his seventh of the year. bottom of the fifth now. carlos quentin has just left the building. another solo shot off of greinke, his 13th of the year. white sox on top 3 -1. to the seventh we go. t greinke having difficulty keeping the ball in the ballpark. but only allowed seven home runw the entire season, gave up three today. that one is alex rios, one of the acquisitions made at the trade deadline as the white sox break the three-game losing streak with a win, 4-2, pulling within two and a half of the first-place tigers. the red sox rolled the dies on john smoltz and his rebuilt arm, hoping he would be the missing link if their rotation. but it was smoltz's consistency that was missing and the sox let him and his hefty e.r.a. go, cutting the veteran loose.
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smoltz was an unemployed -- wasn't unemployed long, agreeing to a contract with the cardinals today. tony la russa and the red birds hoping the former cy young award winner can be a setup man for closer franklin. john kruk, is he a good fit? >> the signing of john smoltz to the st. louis cardinals to me gives st. louis the advantage going into the division. we know he was a dominant closer and a dominant starter in his days in atlanta. it didn't work out in boston. why? one is because he wasn't ready to pitch. two, the division he was pitching in, the american league east, is the best offensive division on the planet. to ask john smoltz to be at his advanced age coming off injury and say get these guys out, to me it was the wrong move for the boston red sox. i think what st. louis is getting is a guy who can be very versatile. he can be a fifth starter, but he can also be a setup man for ryan franklin. i think when you see the work he's going do with dave duncan, the best pitching coach in baseball for the st. louis cardinals, i think you'll see a
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new and rejuvenated john smoltz back in familiar territory in the national league and back in the form he was in atlanta. >> 20 years with the braves. you see the winning percentage, the e.r.a. and the whip. the opponents' batting average down at .235. with the red sox not nearly as good. a tough record, a tough e.r.a. and that batting average at .343, wow, it's been a tough season somewhere john smoltz. it was a numbers game at the white house today as number 44 hosted number 48. 44th president, barack obama, welcoming three-time nascar sprint cup champ number 48 jimmie johnson. the three-time champ along with the drivers from the '08 chase including dale, jr., honored during an event on the south lawn. this marked the ninth time the sprint cup series winner has been honored at the white house. president obama addressing many of the past drivers spoke about his need for speed. >> it is not every day that we
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have a championship stock car parked out on the south lawn. fortunately we got jimmy to agree not to do any burnouts or tear up my backyard. i also suggested, jimmy, that in exchange for free parking you should let me take the 48 out for a few laps. he said that was fine, but secret service didn't think it was fine. but that's okay. because i'm just glad jimmy could be here so we can honor him for winning his third consecutive sprint cup championship. >> and here are the recent sprint cup points standings. the race for the chase is on, just three races left before that chase. of course, saturday night it's live on espn, 7:00. tony stewart running away with it, but, of course, once that chase starts everyone goes back to zero and they start the whole thing over. still to come, michael vick running the wild card for the eagles. what would they do with donovan mcnabb?
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salsal pal addresses straight ahead. and notre dame, a big year for charlie weis. just how much faith does he have in his quarterback, jimmy clausen? we examine straight ahead. f
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hello! hey! hey! it's jimmy football with bud light. and i'm gonna turn your next tailgate... into an awesome-gate! it all starts right here! with these tailgate-tested treasures. natural fake grass can coozies? we got 'em! speaker in a box? kapow!
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a tailgate companion. bow wow!!! just go to and remember... bud light is? tailgate tested!!! tailgate approvew! ♪ >> long before the wildcat offense in miami, there was michael vick. now with the eagles, you know he'll be running the ball for the birds. donovan mcnabb said he had no problem with vick taking snaps because vick is lined up under center, mcnabb can be very well one of his targets. sal paolantonio has more. >> i'll be a receiver. i might be a tight end. i might be running back, you
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never know where i'll be. >> that's the beauty of running the wildcat offense, of adding michael vick to the mix. keep opposing defensive coordinators guessing how and where the eagles will line up. >> it will be when he gets himself into football shape, the lateral movement. , and we'll be working that every day with him. when he's available to do some of these things, then we'll do it. i would expect it to be fairly quick. every day he's looked a little smoother and a little more comfortable. he can take everything from the snap count being a little bit louder to the way he's bending his knees, planting and throwing to his movement. in the pocket. he's dag nice job, a better job there, and he's just kind of getting his feet back under him and getting the soreness out of the arm and getting himself ready to play. >> under the commissioner's conditional reinstatement, michael vick is not eligible to play until the eagles' third preseason game right here in
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philadelphia against the jaguars. will he play in that game? a close adviser to vick told me "i'd be totally shocked if michael did not play against jacksonville." with the eagles, sal paolantonio, espn. >> tony romo was 16 the last time the cowboys won playoff game. jason witten and demarcus ware were 14. are the cowboys better off without t.o.? that's one guy's opinion. >> i think the t.o. factor is going to be huge there. >> when you say "huge," you think they're going to miss t.o. that much? >> i do. >> really many. >> i do. >> really? test test test test test test
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>> the mort tour is starting to wind down. just a couple more stops before he's off the road. after a trip to nashville yesterday, the cruiser rolling on the check out the falcons. let's bring in our road warrior. mort, after what they accomplished last season, how are the falcons dealing with the expectations of this season? >> they're pretty high around town and pretty much around the team, as well, because, listen, who expected with a rookie coach like mike smith and a rookie quarterback like matt ryan, with all this was going on around the falcons that they would actually go to the playoffs? now, last year the n.f.c. south as a division was matched up against the a.f.c. west and the n.f.c. west. this year they're swapping those divisions out for the a.f.c. east and the n.f.c. east. so the schedule is tougher, but the expect taiptions apparently
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remain the same. by the way, the falcons, one thing they haven't been able to do, sustain playoff seasons back to back. >> matt ryan had one of the best quarterback seasons for a rookie ever in the national football league. what's his focus going into this year? >> it's winning. it's amazing. i was speaking with tony gonzalez, the tight end, and you know, there's been a lot of early comparisons with matt ryan to him being kind of a hybrid of tom brady and peyton manning. and tony said he wouldn't disagree with that. you know, that's the type of guy he sees in this kid, a very focused guy, and when you talk to matt about different things, it's really about one thing. it's about winning. he clearly feels much more comfortable in his own skin and the offense and everything going forward. >> and they brought in a weapon, and you talk about tony gonzalez coming in. what are they saying he adds to this team? >> well, it's interesting, you look at this team. they have a physical offensive line. they have a quarterback who we know is capable of being an all-pro quarterback. roddy while, a pro bowl
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receiver, some complimentary receivers. they have michael turner, a pro bowl running back. jerious norwood behind him. now you add a tony gonzalez. for tony, there's going to be a little bit of adjustment because he's going to be playing more traditional tight end. last year in champ bailey's office in kansas city he was spit out as a receiver. he brings to matt ryan another guy the move the chains. moving the chains will be important for this team. obviously you got to score points. that's a lot of weapons on one offense now. >> seems like they have everything solidified on this offense. the defense, john abraham coming back after a great defense last year. if there is one concern with this team, what is it? >> the concern is their defense because they're really trying to get younger and fresher and faster legs. they got the younger, fresher, faster leg,ing but those guys are running around a bit with their heads cut off. they kind of overload those guys, and the concern is the natural concern. you know, they're going to probably give up more points. that's where the offense comes
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back into it. that's why even though matt ryan may be better and they have all these weapons with tony gonzalez and rode white, michael turner is still important to this defense. and, you know, they still got to keep the ball on offense for 32 or 33 minutes to help that defense and keep those guys off the field. so matt ryan said, hey, we've got to run it 40 or 50 times a game, we'll do it. we have to throw 40 or 50 times a game, we'll do that too. >> it will be tough against those teams. i want to ask you about michael vick. last year helped a lot of falcons' fans get over vick. he's still with the philadelphia eagles. what are they saying about him at all about being back in the league? >> you know, there aren't that many teammates left here in atlanta, but listen, consensus around the league and even with the falcons is they're happy michael is getting another chance if... he's truly paid his debt to society. if it's good enough for the commission and andy reid and
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jeffrey lurie, it's good enough for them. just the sense i get from other players around the league and within the organization. at the same time, this organization is certainly relieved they found matt ryan, because otherwise this town would be clamoring for michael vick to come back. >> one more question about another quarterback, brett favre. we talked about him yesterday. what's the sense you're getting out there with the falcons and other players around the league? >> from organizations around the league i get dismay that they thought that brett was allowed to manipulate the vehicle, although, who know, maybe it was the other way around. >> wow. >> player-wise, you know, i know for fact that peyton manning still has not sent that retirement note that he penned for brett more than a year ago, so peyton was wise to that one. kevin miller of the titans said it would concern him if the veterans in the vikings' locker room didn't know what was going orange but he senses the veterans knew this was going on so it wasn't as big an insult as people made it out to be. and it's hard to get mad at
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brett favre because he's my favorite player in the nfl and hines ward is number two for the way they play the game. i think it's a milked bad. >> mort, on a personal level, you've been on this bus tour. it's been enjoyable, watching you get many sawjs and going around the country. what's been the most enjoiblg part of this bus tour for you since the thing is winding down this weekend? >> well, as we proved on, we've gotten less sleep. i slept better in the beginning, but what happens is you get into a new town and a new team and it reenergizes you as opposed to being at the same training camp for 20 days day after day after day. every time you go to a new town, the players are happy to see you. the coaches are happy to see you, and the owners are happy to see you. you're the people who run away from me. to be honest, that's the best part. this is just reconnecting with the players, coach, front office members of this league, and that's been neat to see them excited about us coming into town and i'm excited and reenergized every day. >> mort, we're always happy to see you in person.
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get back up here real soon. we've been enjoying your reports from the bus over the pastdio. couple weeks. >> headed to tampa. ra >> all right. ra mort said, the cruiser continues to move on. just three more stops. radi again he's going to tampa o.morrow and then jacksonville. he's rounding it out down there in miami, of course, site of super bowl 44. >> it's been a great run for mort. when we return, our top stories, brett favre day two with the vikings. we'll see how he did on the field. that's coming up. (announcer) what does greatness taste like? miller lite. (announcer on call) off the glass, centered in front... oh what a great move, another great move... he skates in on goal... he scores! unbelievable! it's all over! oh my... (announcer) that's what greatness tastes like. triple hops brewed. great pilsner taste. miller lite. taste greatness.
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when your engine's running clean... you feel it.  last night the rockies powe their way to a win behind two long balls. in the eighth it was gonzalez taking burnett deep, an inning later barmes did it and the rockies win game 1 of the 3 game series 4-3. the nats look to rebound tonight, next on masn.   hi, time for nats extra pregame. johnny holiday with ray knight. the clouds have blown away, there's young fans getting set to enjoy the ball game. game 2 of 3 again the colorado
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rockies, very much in contention, a game in front of national league wildcard race in the west. they will try to make it 2 in a row tonight. last night the nats made it interesting coming from behind to get the run in the bottom of the 9th. >> for the last month, this has been a team that does not give up, everyton they get they team to capitalize. base hit by gonzalez, belliard a fielder's choice and single by morgan, guzman singles to right field to plate a run and ends up zimmerman hitting the ball square. line drive left field. didn't find the hole. we win the ball game. but lose 4-3. got 10 hits. out hit them and salmon pitched well. the bullpen a struggle. >> the rockies had had the nats number this year. they have won 7 in a row.
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the out originals -- home runs 9. >> tulowitzki has produced 6 one runs. nobody has done anything crazy but they have all done something. barmes .360. the starting staff, mar quiz pitching tonight -- marquez, pitching tonight. and jimenez showed why they are difficult and we're 7-0 against them. >> this ballclub is playing better now than the first time when they went to coors field and faced this club. >> that ballclub we in the first half of the season was not a good team. this is a good ballclub. they can put runstology in -- together in streaks. the bullpen does a good job and the defense has tightened up
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well with jim wriggle man. >> when you talk about the bullpen last night. a blip in the radar screen, they came in and the ball game was tied and couldn't hold the tie. jim takes salmon out of the game. gets a ground ball and ties the game. bergman gets a pop-up and burnitz in the eighth. breaking ball to gonzalez to hung. that will happen. the wind was blowing out. that ball would not have had any, the wind would not have had an effect on that baseball. you see the numbers. malone one third. 1/3 for jason. and colorado manages to hold it off in the 9th and win it 4-3. overall this bullpen has been getting the job done. >> they have been great. if you look down the solo list of how everyone has done,
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there's nobody that's struggled. if you take kinsing out, the bullpen has a great average. matt has struggled of late. the situation has gotten strong from the back end forward, burnett a guy with great stuff. he's hit a bad streak. the other guys, mcdougal given up zippo. clifford has been effective but once in a while he has it up. the rest of bullpen has been solid. bergman has done a good jeer. >> burnett admitted there's a pitch he would like back. the home run pitch to gonzalez. >> the first pitch breaking ball to get ahead and hung it and he hit it over the fence. it will be a good pitch to throw. if i executed it wiebe great pitch. he put a great swing out.
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>> facing the rocky team they are an explosive team. put this behind you? >> that's the good thing about relieving you have to go at it tomorrow. they are a holt team. they have a lot to play for. burnett very important piece of the treads with morgan coming from business p pit it. >> he's got tremendous safe. we say that all the time. as the left-handed pitcher he throws hard. a good moving fastball. he has a big slider. last night he threw the first pitch, didn't get behind that. i'll take this kid. he's the best left-hander we've had they 3 years. he has that stuff. don't want to see them him hanging the breaking balls. he has a good change up. >> sean wants a piece of you on
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the golf course. bring him on. he wants to get in the pocket of yours. it's time for stay in the game. hold of the day by just for men hair color. just for men the nats bullpen in august are 6-2. e.r.a. of 3.96. they tossed 61 one third inning. 10 holds and 9 saves. just as the nats bullpen keep the national in the game you can stay in the game with just for men hair color. when we come back we'll visit with an old friend. stan and don. now the hitting coach of colorado and one time filling the shoes of silver fox on masn. gecko: uh, you wanted to see me sir?
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boss: come on in, i had some other things you can tell people about geico - great claims service and a 97% customer satisfaction rate. show people really trust us. gecko: yeah right, that makes sense. boss: trust is key when talking about geico. you gotta feel it. why don't you and i practice that with a little exercise where i fall backwards and you catch me.
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gecko: uh no sir, honestly... uh...i don't think...uh... boss: no, no. we can do this. gecko: oh dear. vo: geico. fifteen minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance. thing's busted. downloads okay but the uploads take forever. uh, actually that's not your computer. that's cable. with fios uploading is as easy as downloading. it's fast both ways. (sighing) you can just leave that. really? yeah i'll take care of it. (announcer) is your internet two-way fast? only verizon fios has the fastest uploads period.  friday will be a special day. masn will be here at nationals park. the steven strasburg press conference. beginning at 2:on friday. don't miss this a couple days
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from now. nationals park in washington, d.c., tonight game 2 of the rockies and nats series. and more the nats got one of the more exciting leadoff batters in baseball. morgan. a .365 batting average. 10 driven in, 21 stolen bases, he's a morning the league leaders. the major league best 13. he will lead off for the nationals tonight in center field. guzman next in line at shortstop batting second. zimmerman will be at third and dunn at first and willingham, dukes, belliard, ward will be catching and ballster on the mound. morgan 43 multihit games. for the rockies. carlos gonzalez, he went one for 5 last night. that one hit a home run his hit
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cleared the 10s. he's homered in 3 straight games and 5 of his last 7 ball games. here's jim tracy's lineup. gonzalez hitting .380 with 5 homers 11 rbis. don baylor is now the hitting coach. rockies. the 87 world series twins. he was a member of that ballclub. the 95 national league manager of the year with colorado. 18 years in the big leagues with a .260 average. 338 homers. 1276 rbi. one of his most prized possession the 1979 trophy for the american league,
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millennium, mvp. >> don baylor was the mvp of the american league, what a terrific year with the angels. 19 years in the major leagues and the thing i'm most proud about, a couple years ago, you slid in and knocked them dead. yeah we d. that was something i will cherish being with you and ray and the group at masn. they took care of me. i was out of water but you settled me down. >> hitting coach of this ballclub. i wanted to be back on the field, just to check the poms of the players all the time. you know, the hitting part of it you fix one guy and somebody ole breaks. it's ongoing. even with todd helton, as great as he is, he's always trying to get better and better. so we have had guys really come on this year, clint barmes has
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been outstanding. brad hawpe made his first all- star game. we've had good things happen to neuse how nice to get back to the organization you started off as their manager as an expansion team. >> it's unbelievable really. when i first started here i was the only one in uniform. we didn't have another player. this team has played the world series, like they did in '07. we're right there in the wild card spot. we win 95 in the wild card. we lost to atlanta believes at the time, though won the world championship at the time. this team has come together, a bunch of good guys. the guys like playing together. they like coming to the ballpark. have to pull them out of cage from time to time. though want to work and work. i try to tell them it's august. we have to get through september and get into the
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playoff i don't want to you be tired when it comes crunch time. >> i know in 79 when you were the mvp. you spent time with other ballclubs. the stolen bases were terrific. the hit by pitch pitches, the time you hit over 300 the yankees in you're 7th or eighth year in the major league. whether i played for billy martin, just so happened that was the year i hit .303. hit behind winfield and maddingly and things. when you play in yankee stadium you can't think about homers and big ballpark. so i stayed away from the pull field all the way. when you go the fenway park you think of hitting the green monster. you're in a pull situation. to hit .303 i was proud of that. for the people of this area, remember you playing with the
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orioles. it's great to see you back. >> it's still fits. i had to expand the pants a little bit. everything is good. thank you. great to see you my friend. >> nice to see you, thank you. don't you love don baylor's honesty. had to expand the pants a little bit. but then, don't we all. >> yes. >> look at the numbers that colorado ranks here in the national league. second in runs, homers, slugging percentage and doubles. >> everyone talks about that ballpark being offensive. it's changed. since they got the humidor it's not as small as it once played. it's offense is capable of putting up a left runs. you saw the graphics. don baylor i want to talk about. i met don in the 70s, you know, pete rose was a guy that i looked at played the game hard. don baylor was with him. nobody took out the shortstop or the 2nd baseman harder.
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he was the guy that was the first guy there at a fight and a big strong man was he. great offensive player and before he hurt his arm in the outfield was a good out fielder. what's not known about this guy, he's 6'2", 230, nothing but muscle. he can flat out fly. could have played football. he could have played football. one of the best athletes there was. would have been a great had he been able to throw. that pushed him to d.h. i was happy to look at him in the dug out. i managed against him and this is what i want to say. as good as he was he was a good manager. so respected. very quiet, but strong when he had to be. >> we learned that when you would take off and don would slide in here. a terrific man.
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we have something special for you. listen up and take a look. we have a thing called maximum access fantasy baseball. you can play the maximum access fantasy baseball for a chance at wreakly prized and aren't opportunity to have lunch with jim wriggle man. use a virtual hundred million dollars salary cap. we'll be back in a minute. coach edwards! the coors light silver ticket promotion is back.
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 picnic in the park saturday the ballpark. activities including throw a pitch in the bullpen. visit the nats dug out and run the bases. players autograph and photograph and a q and a with broadcasters and special guests. 1:00 to 4:00. standing by with a nationals first ladies, here's debbie
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taylor. >> thank you very much johnny. yes i'm joined by one of my favorite first ladies. an exciting event. the back to school drive. >> actually, we're collecting school supplies going to local dc schools. not thinking about what we're collecting. note book, paper, erasures, markers, anything will help. >> where do the fans bring the items. >> in the center field gate. the main entrance to national park. >> how exciting to be able to come into dc and while your husband is on the field do work off the field. >> i have a child of my own, i love doing anything for kids. we're all about it. all of us girls we're in there participating, you'll see us collecting supply and it's a great feeling to know we're help out. >> you're doing a lot to help
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kids learn. you mentioned your daughter high school year and a half. how is it to see her grow. >> it's been amazing. actually she's grownup a bit at the ballpark. it's nice we have a kid friendly field. she can come and play. she cries when we go home. >> thank you so much. let's go back to johnny and ray with more information on the drive, guys. >> thank you very much. thanks for being with us. the gnats first lady hosting the back to school drive. donate new supplies through the 4th inning. backpacks, rulers, pencils and note books, binders, folders, lunchboxes, you bring them will be grateful. the materials will benefit 3 local schools. time for the diamond dust and phil wood slighting in. and the events and developments of this week do resemble a western movie theme in a
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classic western. he rode out of west with a long right arm and a blazing fastball and turned around a struggling ballclub in our nation's capitol. it may apply to steven strasburg but it happened with walter johnson who was a native of kansas. his family moved to southern california. he played baseball in high school. they didn't win but one of them johnson struck out 27 hitters. now steven strasburg didn't realize his potential until san diego state and this april had 23 strikeout against utah. johnson never graduated from high school but attended college going orange county business college to study bookkeeping. strasburg may have to study bookkeeping after the contract
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with the nats. what's a public administer do. he works in the nonprofit industry. a par dock with the money he got. walter johnson got to dc on july 26, 1907. started to the tigers that rookie year, he went 5-9 with a 1.88 era. we hope for the best for strasburg. we know he will be here on friday for a press conference and he will throw out the first ball, don't expect him to throw it at 102 miles an hour. >> let's hope not. we'll cover the press conference live at 2:00 on friday. >> right. and as you look at strasburg and walter johnson the parallels are there if you look for them. i'm not suggesting that strasburg will be the next johnson. >> maybe randy johnson. >> wouldn't and bath eater.
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>> thanks phil. ballster gets the job to get the nats back on track. we'll talk about colin coming up. 
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 we hope he can hit the spot better. maybe not find as many balls in the middle. plate and keep the ball in the ballpark. >> that's jim riggleman talks about colin ballester who gets the start tonight against the rockies, opposed by a tough customer, joining us now from the washington times in the hot corner segment. john a holiday, ray night and mark zuckerman. one of a bunch of good solid young pitchers on the staff. >> we've seen what lannan can do. we know what zimmerman could do before the injury. now what the nats need is
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another young guy. ballester is a prime candidate to show they can do this. they need someone else. strasburg next yike. lannan, zimmerman is out of picture. >> ballester way like to see take on the roll. >> he's the one they talked about for the longest amount of time. in your opinion behind ballester. martis? >> they said he would be back up here. he's not done a lot in syracuse. the numbers have not been good. he's out the mir. i wouldn't be -- picture. he's taken a step down. >> mock what we've seen suggests he has it figured out. detwiler will get another chance. he's a top draft pick. you know, zimmerman had surgery
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today, we're taking 12, maybe 18 months until we see him again. you cannot win without pitching. somebody needs the step up. >> you mentioned stephen strasburg in the rotation next year. that quickly. >> the nationals are being careful not the push him. not the say anything. but he will make 2 1/2 million dollars in salary. you continue pay that money to pitch in the minor league. he will come to spring training and say there's no pressure. if he has a great spring he can make the rotation. i think they will go into next season thinking he will show them he deserves to be in the rotation. the rotation is good. >> no question. there's pieces of buzz ole there. now it's a matter of finishing it. you've a couple at the top. how does it come together. >> mark, thanks for joining us.
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for ray knight. i'm johnny holiday. bob carpenter and rob dibbie coming up next. almost as fast as you. nothing's gonna hold you down. grab your bag . it's on™west so our low fares stay low. ( ding ) book now at
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well, if you'd like your own personal tour of paris, there's an app for that. or, you'd like to figure out the metro, there's an app for that. or you'd like to send a postcard home, there's an app for that too, because there's an app for just about anything. only on the iphone.
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 the nets and wrong's went b and forth last night. him insays was the different in the contest. tonight game 2 from national park. jace even marquis for colorado, see if the nats can take a better stab at the rockies. right now on masn. 
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 it's another hot muggy nigh really hot colorado rockies team, but there's a really hot middle of the nationals order waiting for them. game 2 of the 3 game certifies and the gnats trying to beat colorado have not been able to do that just yet. let's talk about zimmerman, dunn and willingham. combined for 74 home runs and 210 rbis. >> i think it's a team that's thinking they will roll through us and continue the quest for wild card. they'll have to face the 3, 4, 5 guys. zimmerman has been on a tear. and it's helped the team to win ball games. he takes the ball, open down an way like a marquee and go the other way. john taking some the other way.
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throw it to inner hap to willingham he's good. he will crush those double or home runs. socks marquis has his job ahead of tim tonight. guzman in a 4 game slump. if he gets it going they will have a lot of table clearing to. it's wire wednesday. the 3rd base coach, 5 years as a major league player. 116 stolen bases and managed in the minors. we'll hear a lot from the coach tonight. ♪
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♪ tell me who's watching. ♪ i always feel like somebody's watching me. ♪ (announcer) it's right here. it's easy.
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 >> bob: the nationals hopin
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sink the rockies tonight. they are 0-4 again colorado this year. and the rockies have dominated the all time series to the tune of 24 and 10 since 2005. rockies are hitting .261 but second in league in runs and in home runs to philadelphia. and gonzalez is starting to warm up. he's homered in 3 consecutive games. he's a young leadoff guy, and baylor thinks he will be a star. colin ballester first career appearance and rob, he has to stay away from the straight fastballs he's watching sail out of ballpark. >> rob: fastball and hanging curveball. he needs to keep the ball down low and in the park. let's give you the scouting report. he's allowed 6 home runs in the last 2 starts.
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the 11.81 in the even numbered innings and strike first averaged 16.1 pitches per inning. he has to get that down to 12 or 10. >> bob: 7:06 in our national as capital. the first pitch is a strike. mostly clear skies. 85 degrees, it's muggy again. when colorado is in town it will fly. the rom rockies have 140 homers in the year. only second to the phillies. ballester with good location and the ball tailing away. >> rob: the texas rangers have 177 home runs. can they pitch. that's what we ask about that ballclub every year. fourth in the american league in pitching. >> they are still in the race.
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5 1/2 back of the angels. that's a breaking ball. low and inside. josh bard the other half of the battery tonight. and the rockies come in 48 and 25 under their new manager. he's not new any more. jim tracy. and 13 games over .500, one up on the giants. 2 over the marlins in the national league wild card race. fastball, high.   >> ballester's career record - 9. this is his 21st major league start. that ball will be out of play to the left side. one of reasons colorado has been good this year, other than their talent. personnel. they are a good road team. a record of 34 and 30 away from
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coors field and 9 games over 500 at home. not all young teams are able to do something like that. 11-and 2 a lead-off walk. nationals defensively still statistically the worst in the league but not the worst in the league lately. morgan between willingham and dukes. belliard starts at 2nd base and josh bard behind the plate. that's not the kind of start we wanted from ballester. almost pitched allotment for the inning. want to stay in ball games you have to keep that inning count of pitches down. >> you don't want to be at 110. i keep hearing to radio and
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other things written around town about how well craig stammen pitched last night. the bottom line the nationals bullpen had to get 11 outs last night, only 5 1/3 by the nats start and craig only gave up 2 runs on 4 hits. those bullpen appearances will stack up. and something in the starting rotation needs to check or it will be a rough september for the guys in the pen. >> 80 pitches in 5 1/3 inning. the sum total of some of the statistics are okay looking on paper. but the ballclub lost and the guy you were facing is one of the top 5 potential pitchers in the major leagues as far as stuff goes. you have to keep out there almost as long as the other starter to give your team an opportunity to win. >> and he, jimenez was the bridge to closer. 8 innings. pitched over 100 pitches.
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gave his team an opportunity to win. >> ballester 3-0 on dexter fowler. you have to pitch to contact. 2 walks to lead off the inning. not good. and now your dealing with todd helton and troy tulle with it 63 -- tulowitzki. that's a veteran catcher getting into the face of a
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young pitcher. todd holton hitting .318. fifth in the league. he's having another great year of doubles with 33, and with that statistic he's in the top 4 in the league and he has over 5 behind career doubles. -- 500 career doubles. my goodness. there's a serious release point issue taking place here.   >> bob: you keep that front shoulder in as rob talks about by throwing the breaking ball and hopefully getting a feel back for the mechanics. >> rob: you worked into a jam
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and you're trying to throw strikes or get back in these pitch situations and the hitter realizes that. and it's a fastball for a high strike. 1-2. >> rob: as you said the front shoulder stays lock you're able to throw a fastball. now your ahead in the count. but still, helton feels comfortable. he's one of the best 2 strike hits in the game. >> it's a 1-2 delivery. way upstairs. >> rob: he's had a couple tough outings, maybe he's fired up for tonight. the 1st inning, 5th inning and 9th inning are the hardest on a pitcher. you have to control your emotion if you're ballester. >> helton serves it foul.  
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>> bob: you talked a lot ab that. hiters sense things. they can pick up if you are panic stricken or delivery is off and you're trying to get one across the plate. s that when they are at a big advantage. another dangerous hitter. troy tulowitzki functioning at the clean up man. you saw the graph to doubles, brad hawpe is after tulowitzki. this is a good lineup top to bottom. and a 2-2 pitch from ballester. and a breaking ball fills the count. >> bob: nearly 20 mitch pitches and nobody out. >> rob: the next pitch will be 20 pitches.
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he's thrown his repertoire to the first 3 hitters. and he hits the runner. 3ing the ball into center field. he won. gonzalez to third, foul tore second -- fowler to second. it's just an unusual thing to see a play like that on when a pitcher is struggling so much. >> rob: your infielders are trying to get you out of jam. guzman puts on a play, a decent throw and you have a close play, looked like he had the base blocked. >> now the bases are loaded anyway. next up will be troy
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tulowitzki. the hottest hitter with 18 home runs. >> i wondered if steve would come out. he'll get a visit. got to settle him down. have to get him on a game plan, try to get a ground ball or outs here. damage control. let's look at game notes as we get this going tonight. not going so well. and a right handed right-handed match up with tulowitzki, and the nats play close games again the rocky, i remember one run doesn't make much difference if you don't win the ball game. josh willingham is just slugging the cover off the ball at national park. and the rockies and there's the record. 48 and 25 since the 29th of may, that's the day they made the move and brought in jim trace even they have been
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outstanding since. >> when josh comes up, i'll tell what you he told me about facing jimenez last night. he broke two bats in one ab, and josh is still amazed at that kid. tulowitzki will dump one down the left-field line and it's a 2-0 ball game. that is a smart hitter. you may say why was he swinging after 3 walks. you know [he figured he would get some sort of pitch that the pitcher wanted to get over the plate or near the plate. he was hopping all over it. >> rob: a lot of times and bob said this, i agree, the pitching coach comes out, talks about getting ahead. get yourself ahead in the count to give yourself a chance to get the guy out. he throws a fastball and tulowitzki gets jammed. it was a good running fastball. the next 2 to rbi and no out. >> second and third, nobody
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out. 2-0 colorado. rbi total for tulowitzki, ski 65 and hawpe has driven in 62. rockies leading the giants as i mentioned by one in the wildcard race. the start of their game in cincinnati delayed by rain. and on top of all this the nats are facing one of the best picture p itchers -- pitchers. jason marquis. breaking ball. he's behind another hitter. >> rob: wild card stand little coming up. the rockies atop. the giants, marlins, braves. >> marlins are in houston in an hour. the marlins and braves will play each other 6 more times down the stretch as well the
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giants and rock sneeze another 3 ball count and rivera is up and throw figure the bullpen. and if you're looking for body language you don't like, ballester just looked in the direction of the bullpen. he just can't throw a strike. >> he doesn't look right. doesn't look like he's comfortable. probably had a bad warm up and maybe stiff. i'm sure steve is telling riggleman you need him to fight through whatever is plaguing you at this moment. to put the bullpen in this situation. not just in series but in the game with no outs in the 1st inning that's a lot of workload on a taxed bullpen. the bases loaded. nobody out. 2 runs in. stewart the batter. and that ball would have gone to the screen on a fly had josh bard not caught it. >> i don't think he's loose and
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he's trying to loosen up. he's overthrowing. >> bob: how you can not be lose on an august day like this. >> rob: sometimes you have something that's ailing you, tendonitis. >> reporter: stiffarm, a stiff neck. that's why we don't know what's troubles pitchers in that's a pop play. short left field. the runners will have to hold. willingham gets it back in, in a hurry and an important first out obviously. comes against the 6thbatter of the game. >> rob: s that huge. it's a confidence builder. you don't have muchas a starter you're thinking anything you can go to get out of inning. try to control as much damage as possible. he's allowed two runs. more so the walks. don't want to give up a huge hit into a gap. >> tulowitzki on 2nd base the only man who's hit his way on board. the number 7 hiter is clint
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barmes. homers in the 9th inning last night. you want to keep it low and get on top. he's throwing a lot of pitches up. you don't want a good fastball hitter to get ahold of one of them. >> bob: barmes made the game's top defensive play last night with a runner on third and 2 out in the 7th when he knocked down and cleanly caught that smash by ryan zimmerman. 11 rbis in his last 10 games. front door breaking ball stays inside. >> bob: barmes not nonknown as a how -- known as a power hitter. his career high last year 11. he's trying to work it down. he doesn't seem to be lose. >> if he loses a hitter jim rig
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especially man -- riggleman may get him. it will be 3-0 or more and still only one out. 32 pitches. and that ball popped up. zimmerman has a chance, he's called off by guzman who throws it home and the runners are hold again. nicely done. that was his play. >> bob: guzman had a better bobby angle for the throw. >> if zimmerman catches that helton probably scores. guzman scores it, he's in a good position to get around the ball and throw it back into the infield, and right here, ballester throws another moving fastball. barmes popisis it up. he catches it. squared up to home plate. makes a strong throw. >> here's the catcher iannetta. a breaking ball for a strike.
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batting .226.   and that's strike 2. first batter he's had0-2. gigitake3 we talked about this. he should throw earth pitch for a strike. you have to battle if you can get through this. forget the pitches you threw. he escaped a lot of damage if it's 2-0 and getting out of this and you have to move on. >> bob: target away. got him on a swing. it will require a throw, and the nats are out of the inning. the rockies get 2. they could have had more and colin ballester survives. it's... no, not yet. it back that way. it's on.
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( ding ) book now at yeah. ( thud ) are you insured? do you know when your beer is perfectly cold? or do you risk drinking a warm one?
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if you have the coors light cold-activated bottle, you're covered. because every bottle turns blue when your beer is as cold as the rockies. it's cold insurance, only from coors light. ( cheering, splash ) cold beer: that's our policy. frost-brewed coors light. the world's most refreshing beer.  morgan and guzman and 19 multihit games out of morgan's 43. 6th in the league. guzman 45 multihilt games. we've told you about the 3, 4, 5 guys. here's jason marquis. 4 and 4. 20 games, 12 career starts again the montreal
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washington ballclub. on august 27 of '05 shall when he was punishing for st. lewis. threw a complete no-hitter on a day he threw nothing but sinkers. it was a sunday day game and maybe the best game he's pitched. >> he was good again the nats the last time they saw him july 6. no runs on 7 hits. and a 1-0 win at coors field. fastball right side. he gets a strike calm with it. >> rob: doesn't have a dominant pitch but he can throw for strikes anytime in the count. a lot of movement, heavy sinker. >> bob: morgan was on his first road trip with the nats. walked, stole a base and singled off marquis. >> we'll see how he did with
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the 20 minute half inning. that's often difficult for a starting pitcher to sit there. >> there's a batting cage behind the dug out. will a guy play catch. >> possibly. depending on how long he thought it would go. >> he will wait 20 minutes and give up a base hit to niger morgan. >> rob: the third one, good pitch down. but morgan goes down and fishes it out with a 9-iron and smacks it into right field. here's guzman hitting .308. and morgan is off and running.
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great jump. ball dropped, no throw and that is stolen base number 40 for niger morgan. and 22 as a national in his 43rd game. >> you need to get a few run backs in a quick way. morgan is your man. iannetta condition pull the ball out of -- can't pull the ball out of his glove cleanly. doesn't make a throw. >> bob: 2-0. marquis snap be the ball back in his glove. he not happy. in his younger part of his career, he's 30. he will have a birthday on friday, he was known as the pitcher who could lose it mentally on the mound when things didn't go right. he's been a very emotional pitcher. when he's on possesses one of the best sinkers in major
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league baseball. but nothing compared to what the nats saw last night.   >> bob: guzman lays down a bunt, and he's out on a close play on a ball that bounces to helton. and guzman moves the runner over and almost earned a base hit. >> rob: good ballclubs will do unselfish things. marquis struggles. lays one in there. christian takes the sac bunt. almost gets a base hit. shows he just gets beat by the throw, but it moves up the runner with one out. puts him in on 3rd base. the nats could cut that lead in half with zimmerman coming in. ryan got his bat broken last
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night. he was 0 for 4 with a walk. ryan has had 9 home runs in his last 22 games. a nice long fly ball would be enough right here. that's a hard ground ball, into the left field corner. going to go deep into the corner and zimmerman has a chance for 3. gonzalez throws it back in. ryan is safe with a tripple on!   ryan zimmerman's second tripl of the year. rbi number 79. >> rob: he getting all of this down the left-field line. they are looking for sinkers they are looking for stuff down and in. he gets it. plates morgan, now he wants the switch position with morgan, he has to hustle.
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hear listach and he does his best pete rose imitation coming into third. >> bob: wired wednesday with pat listach. we've had a couple runner visit him. he didn't touch the bag says dana. we've had one of those this year. adam dunn missed second base one day. and here's dunn with a chance to tie the game or even more. fastball whistles in belt high. did he hit second in. there it search they are trying to wonder how did he get to third so fast. must have taken a short cult. it's a tricky corner.
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carlos gonzalez, great arm. >> he came up to get the ball but it snuck by the railing in close and got deep in the corner. i think when you play in this ballpark or others that have this configuration, you have to go right to the line assuming the ball will go deep and then if it cuss and the ball is in front of you and you can hold a guy to a double. if you play it as it is shallow and it gets by you, it's 3 bags. he will learn that as he sees the ballparks more around the league. dunn outside, 2-2. marquis with a 3.55 e.r.a. and the nats a chance for 21st inning runs. the hammer is on deck. 
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 a lot of guys would love to have those numbers. batting average not that high. adam has done damage. 2-2 pitch. they've seen each other a lot. dunn in cincinnati and marquis in st. louis and chicago, all of those in the national league central. adam dunn has walked 89 times this year.   and he takes the walk on a change-up. the scouting report on jason marquis. >> he's having an excellent year like he did with the
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cardinals. doing better than most high profile pitchers that go up to colorado and he likes it hot. 281 and a 240 batting average against in july and august so far at the end of summer. >> here's josh willingham. one for 4 with a double last night. his first at bat he told me is one he will not forget for a while. he swung at a fastball inside he shouldn't have swung at and when he fouled the ball off he broke his bat. later in the at-bat, lining out softly to short he broke another one. he said he's not seen anything in the big leagues this year like what jiminez threw last night. that's a double play ball that will end the inning. he hit it sharply. a one hopper to tulowitzki. 2-1 in the first. not bad.
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 the rosin bag has to go beh the mound. he has to go behind the mound. in case a line drive hits it. i they one thing. every time he gets in trouble he works faster. >> bob: wired wednesday, and
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back to live action here. a first pitch strike. and this is a regulation hitter in jason marquis with 9 hits and 8 rbi. a pitcher with 8 rbis on 9 hits. he has a career batting average of .205 with 5 homers and 48 runs batted in. he hacked that to right center. even morgan can't catch up with it. that one hops the wall about 385 feet away. and for marquis his third double of the year among his 10 base hits. >> well, too fat of a fastball down broadway. marquis a solid hitter. anybody with merspeed would have had an's -- more speed would have an easy triple. >> outfielders have to play
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pitchers shallow. niger had no chance. here's gonzalez. the problem with the first 3 rocky batters we don't know how they are swinging the bat. they have not had to do it tonight. willingham gets there and holds on to the ball on a tremendous warning track sliding catch! that might be the best defensive play josh willingham has made that year. there's a couple problems. he doesn't know how quickly the fence is coming up until he hits that warning track to stop, he has to slide. he could get torn up to warning track. you see him stopping and trying to follow the ball while the head is bobs. great job. he had to hold on to a snow cone. >> it's funny these 3 batters the first 2 who walked, both go
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up first pitch swinging. gonzalez walks, he just fouled out. fowler walks, he fouls off. >> that's a called strike. >> zimmerman used to have the 1st inning problem when he was starting before the surgery. by the way he had his today. and debbie taylor will update us on that and a couple other national items. >> even going back the randy st. claire they used to simulate a 1st inning, that's extreme but the bottom line is, you need to try to get that adrenalin level 20 pitches in the bullpen up to like you will see in the game. so you don't come out here like, and you remember, we talked about, just looked like he was fired up, and he was attacking the hitters, and the
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more he got in trouble the more hyped up he seemed to get. that's when you need to low yourself down. >> bob: that was a comment that pat listach made. hayes former hitter. they know these things watching an opposing guy. or even on your own team. may get in panic mode and work too quickly. >> he managed in the minor league and that taught him how to learn when a pitcher is getting in trouble and by in trouble, not just walking and giving up hits. you can wear yourself out. talk about fighters that punch themselves out. pitchers can do the same thing. it's a humid night. threw a lot of pitches in the 1st inning. >> bob: 2-2 hit well to right. dukes going back and back and it goes over his head. hits the wall. they will send the pitcher marquis and going into 3rd base
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is the hitter. dukes didn't go after that ball. it appeared at full speed and it hit the wall behind him. a double by the pitcher a triple by fowler and the rockies lead 3-1.   >> rob: he think he's a a shot  at first at this ball and starts carrying and gets too close to the wall, because he wanted to make the catch. and the ball getting by him because he's too close to the wall to get the carom. >> here comes jim riggleman. well. he's looked a the bullpen twice without signaling. he's probably looking for a nonnonsense honest answer right here to see if he will stay in the game. >> rob: sometimes they go to
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catcher for that information too. >> they did between inning. -- probable wanted to look at his eyes and say do you want to stay in this game or i can pull you right now. >> bob: things are not going well for parnell in new york the braves scored 4 in the top of second. they are two games behind the marlins and 6 1/2 behind the phillies in the east. infield in. runner at third. todd helton the batter. and this uprising was started by the pitcher. breaking ball in the dirt. >> rob: right now the first two innings have been more of a battle with himself with ballester than him battling the
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hitters. that's what they are witnesses. they know that you don't want the guy to struggle so much get behind and have the lay fastballs in there. >> bob: snap throw and just back in is fowler. well executed by zimmerman and bard. slap that tag. you're a young kid watching, don't foul around with the tag. >> who did you say slapped tags on by thes. >> rob: will clark used to smack you to back. right on your hand on the bag. that's it. ballester is done. riggleman gave him one more chance. he gives up 3 hits, walks 4, one strikeout and tonight the nationals only get 4 outs out of their starting pitcher. it's going to be a long night
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for the bullpen after a short night for ballester. it's all rockies right now, 3- 1. in the dark. no peanuts or nothin'. and then if your bag wants to bring one of its little bag friends for company, they charge another $25. that's just plain mean. why do they hate your bags? at southwest airlines, bags fly free. grab your bag. it's on! ( ding ) ♪ how cold is it? it's chilled down to 34 degrees... for a taste as cold as the rockies. it's aged cold. it's filtered cold. and it's served in cans, bottles, and glasses... that tell you when it's cold. why? because refreshment isn't everything. it's the only thing. frost-brewed coors light. the world's most refreshing beer.
7:44 pm
 >> bob: ballester as last 3 starts on afternoon inning and a -- an inning and a third tonight. go to ticket marketplace of nationals. mock and 7-7 hammill go
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tomorrow night. the brewers are in for 3, actual ooh 4, it's a wrap around tear s series, after that the nats go to chicago, st. louis and san diego. here's rivera who's worked almost 4 innings since his return the nats called him back from syracuse on august 5th. robbie will have to eat up innings here. first and third, one out. he does keep the ball down. when he going well. he will get ground balls. he's had ray difficult year at the major league develop; level.   he also cannot throw a pitc
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straight, which is good. everything moving one way or the other. that was a foul tip. tulowitzki is in the hole 0-2. >> rob: for a guy like riviera you want to get in your managers good graces. you want the pitch, this is your work, what your job is. second, you have to be out there 5 inning tonight go out there. tyler has made a name for himself going out 3, 4 inning at a shot. we have come back and won a few of the ball games. roy and -- you want to impress your manager suck up 3, 4, 5 innings and do the job. there's some days you have to pick your starting pitcher up shall this is one of them. 
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 >> bob: double play defense with one out.   another good hitter, brad h is next. 8-0 atlanta in the 2nd inning at new york now. mccann has just homered. a snowman on the core board at citi field. fastball right in on his hands. 
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 >> bob: tulowitzki. that will be a called strike to outside corner. rivera pitch darting away at the last moment. not a lot of moving parts. throws a big breaking ball. couldn't pull the trigger. >> bob: here's brad hawpe. >> rob: we were talking about rivera when he's going well he has three or four pitches and
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throws from different angles. arm slots and all that. he probably gives the hitter anywhere from 10 to 12 looks throughout the course of one of his appearances. here he faces brad hawpe the fourth man to walk against ballester back in the 1st inning.   a fastball up 2-0.    the guys in black shirts ov the bases tonight. 3 of them have scored. and the bases about to be
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loaded again. it's sort of appears that rivera doesn't want a lot to do with hawpe. there's another lefty on deck in stewart. walks him on 4, none very close. purchase a grand slam flex plan. pick 4 games, get a fifth game free. the phillies, the dodgers will be here, the mets and the marlins. september is fan appreciation month with giveaways and prizes all day long. slam. >> rob: i hope he picks one of those 4 pitches and throws one for airstrike. >> bob: there you go -- a strike. >> so many pitches. no bases open. >> rob: when he was up here before he was trying to pitch
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away from contact, afraid to throw it over the plate. eventually you have to throw it over the plate. japulled to the right side organization the out field grass. the nats are out of inning and the rockies could have had more. they are settling for a 2-run lead right now. sterol. you've taken steps to try and lower both your numbers. but how close are you to your goals? there may be more you can do. only caduet combines two proven medicines... in a single pill to significantly lower... high blood pressure and high cholesterol. in a clinical study of patients... with slightly elevated blood pressure and cholesterol, caduet helped 48% reach both goals in just 4 weeks. caduet is one of many treatment options, in addition to diet and exercise... that you can discuss with your doctor. caduet is not for everyone. it's not for people with liver problems... and women who are nursing, pregnant or may become pregnant. to check for liver problems, you need simple blood tests. tell your doctor about any heart problems...
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 a slow moving ball game goi into the bottom of the 2nd. it could be 7-1 instead of 3-1. so the nats are in it and we have an eternity to go as far as this evening is concerned. dukes, belliard and bard. >> rob: we're trying to play this like a football game or basketball. time of possession. if we hold on it to long enough they can't beat us. >> bob: well other than the opening kickoff in football, baseball is the only sport where the defense starts with the ball. stewart throws out dukes who goes up first pitch swinging. belliard is next. 
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 that 1st inning was so long brett favre could have retired and returned a again [ chuckle ] belliard hitting .389 over the last 14 games. rifles one. a beautiful pick by helton. a 3 time goal glove winner who's been outstanding over there. >> rob: speaking of football, the former quarterback picked that one at first. josh bard is next. and josh is in a function, funk. 0 for his last 14. the nats are not getting much out of number 2 spot with
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guzman and on the night that josh bats number 8. he does a fine job of handling the pitching staff. and he had his average up in the 250 range. down the right-field line. bard not running well and brad hawpe. he only has 4 assists this year because teams have stopped running on him. even fowler has 5. that's a good swing by bard, and that helps because it will get the pitcher up and rivera, is a left-handed swinging hitter. good job by bard bringing the pitcher to the plate with 2 out. a knock in the process. see how saul can handle the bat. >> he's 0 for 6 career, but he's made contact 4 times.
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only 2 strike out. >> look like a slasher to me. see him hit one down the left- field line on a sinker. >> wonder if he borrowed willie harris helmet. >> did you have your own batting helmet. >> i did not. >> who's did you use. >> jeff reed and joe oliver. i stuck with my catchers. >> i knew there was a lot of hits in joe's bat. look at rivera and just about 5 or 6 feet foul. a little flair. and the count is 1-2. josh bard did his job getting the inning this far. >> willie harris or they painted terry pendleton's helmet. >> a tapper. the nats are gone in the second. bard a base hit. the nats have had 3 hits. to the third it's 3-1 colorado. so, how does the iphone make traveling easier?
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 >> we're back at national p the nats trailing 3-1 of the we have medical updates. jordan zimmerman underwent tommy john surgery in california with dr. yocum accompanied by the nationals team doctor. mike said everything went as
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expected and jordan will return to washington tomorrow. he will be in a print for 7 days and after that begin range of motion exercise. austin kearns should be able to grip and swing in a couple weeks. flores threw today for the first time. next up for him he will head to from had after this home stand the resume baseball activity and get at bats in the visual league and he will head to winter ball in venezuela. >> a base hit. leads of the top of the 3rd. barmes out the left center digging for 2. the throw not in time. well-played by josh in the gap. clint barmes continues his good hitting. so he has a homer and a double in his last 3abs. saul river heir hangs a breaking ball. tries to get it


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