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tv   Book TV  CSPAN  August 30, 2009 1:00am-2:00am EDT

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wh he started to think about what other people who d not have the means went through with a devastating illness. >> his passion for health care began then. . . when i finished my report and i end up ling him of lot more.
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>> joe? >> it would be hard to live in massachusetts and all have opinions about ted kennedy. i think it wasn't s much opinions that began to criticize, it was it was the mentioned, it was perspective. it was f instance, during th whole te that i have alluded to about these sort of the womanizing, all these kinds of random relationshipspeople were telling me how lonely he was. well, that didn't really match up with thi sort of plaoy, the party boy but it's hardly matched up with what we knew about him as a child, and it certainl contrted sharply with how ffilled the in stable he seemed in his second marriage. so, i think that, it was that kind of resonance that did have an effect on how you felt, how you perceive this man.
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>> i also would say this was not my own reporting but because he is such a gregarious person, i wa really kind of surprised to find out hell lonely he was as a child and even, as aadult but the other thing is i thought i knew him so well and how he operated on the hill and everybody ran into had some story to tell mebout some of the kind of see it extended. senator voinovich who is this sort of, kind of poker faced senator from ohio told me that i guess who never shows emotion, almost broke dow when is that you got bone cancer he reached up to the kennedys. he wanted to make sure his nephew was getting the right treatment and he said kennedy not oame through with that but called his nephew, sent him a painting that he had done and and more stories like that there more entergy people and the help.
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>> i don't know if you mention dibella but he talked about his loneliness. it was ten schools in ten years, was it not? >> i think it was theen schos in 11 years. teddy is not want to feel sorry for himself forever complained. is very optimtiabout just about everything but he even conceded that that was very ugh for h. >> thank you. >> thank you all for a great portrait at kennedy as he change to the years. you like we are all constituents. how has the constituency change and how would you attribute the changes in the constituency to the behavr of the politician? >> the dtrict of colbia. [laughter] that is another issue. >> don aucoin. >> the constituency changes with the passage of ti and the death of the generation that supported chacon ted in t early part of his career. i guess he has made strides to sort ofmbrace and understand
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the biotech sector of the technology sector. he identified in rightly so what championing of the causes of blue-collar union members but i think he also understood that his messages is became more high-tech he had to move with the times and try to find waqs to do that. and dbt talk to any health care executives around boston kennedy is the rainmaker kn the hillor them le none other. >>e should also talk about the question inconsisten. it is a change in brothers. i think we should frankly and knowledge the mhaking that ted has bedn involved and about his brother jack it was not nearly as liberal as ted, was see? >> i believe it was peter's inside. maybe you suld take it. >> i think it is impoant observation that peopleefer to ted kennedy as having been sort of entrapped by these comparisons with his brother jack and bobby, yet the very
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positive mythic images that jack and bobby hebert partly influenced by ted's depictions of them d one area might bin civil-rights. there and whole books written about how jack kennedy was a latecomer to the civil-rights issue bute did brace it in the final year of his presidency very strongly, but when ted became the primary sponsor of the civil-rights act in 19 he delivered a strong speech, referring to that act as sort of dying wish of his brother, the precedent which i think invested jack kennedy with the kind of nobility and passion that a lot ofeople feel he didn't really have. like wise ted's hilochee to bobby was one of the most, probably the most defining of bobby kennedy and bobby kennedy was a much more complex figure. he had worked with joe mccarth he was considered ruthless. he was considered top. ted portrait msa simple man who saw wrong and try to righted and
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so warren tried to stop that and he is for train bobby annette hurley quay that bobby ars one a to b. portrait. the irony is of course said the size compared to those two unvorably so he was kind of an trapping himself than their myth. >> the is a much fferent city,uch different state now an it was in the 1960's. s it changed-- has it changed the nators politics? >> i think and you can sort of see the antecedent of these changes early on for the kennedys for always good it just being jack kennedy particularly and joe kennedy when end with him, it being one step ahead of theibase just to bring them along and i think what you saw in the '60s was ted starting to be a couple of days is the head of his base sophie laws support for immigration with the irish community here because they had been favored under the old immigration plan. heloc support with some of the
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working-class white voters based on his support for busing and affirmative action and other things, so there does seem to be i think you can see earlier signs of those changes. >> thank you sir. go ahead. >> my question is directed at torrow susan in susan e-mailed touched on the surlier but the think maybe the one in two pieces of legislationhat senator ted kennedy champions during his career? who. >> i think you probably say health ce in general. there are so many bits and pieces and try to get national health care whether this children's health or cra or hipaa a this whole alphabet soup of health care plans. i think there is enduring things like themmigration act of 1964 or 65, i should know this. and his fight for civ rights but without which barack obama would not be our president today,ess because of the civil-rights legislation that
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the kennedys championed but if it were not for the redng the immigration act that was no longer based on quotas the family connectio and workability, back obama's fath probably would not have come here. >> i want todd that to big ones ithe80s were, in 1981 the first year he was back in the senate he ended up leading theight-- leading the fight for continuation of the voting rights act of 1965, arguably the most important. he ended up leading that and that wasis first year back in the senate. the civil-rights resration act which was a huge ended up becoming law in 1988. he started that in 1994, which goes to what susan said about he is willing to take the time to get it done. i would add one thing. the vote he said he is most brought up in his entire senate career was his vote against iraq.
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[applause] >> thank you all for an excellent book but i have one questi for any of you. if chappaquiddick had not happened you think ted kennedy would have become president and how the field he would have done? >> do you want to ta that one? >> we can all weigh in. >> it s the year after watergate, the first election after watergate. it was a strong year for mocraps, and i think it, i think that probably wouldn't entertain the possibility of a run in 72 but nixon was popular enough and things were moving along enough that he might have delayed i until 76 and become president then, but as many people wanted out if he ha become president in 1976 his career would have certainly been over by 1984hich was 25 years
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ago, so he would have eliminad 25 years of active public service by running. [inaudible] >> yeah, well i guess anything would be possible in that case. >> i think everybody would knowledge that religion has paid in increasing role in politics of the past 25 years and ted kennedy has been more of a widening-- lightning wrought particularly with regard to t whole catholic thi. i just wonder what your feelings are for instance aut why he is su lightning rod this way when his views on artion are indistinguishable from virtually any other democrat in the legislative life and on some of the other moral issues like beingn nt early opponent of the iraq war, being an advocate for poverty and even being one of the most ardent, articulate spokesman forhe portion reduction strategy in which the obama campan okn as its own, so religion and politics, why is ted keedy
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right in the front there? >> richard viguerie, who was the dict males are for the bride andas been for years. i called them up and said, talk about kennedy haters, ndps said it stemmed from his personal behavior which these evangelicals found odious and held that against him forever and would not let that go. you simply can't excuse again chappaquiddick and that's, that's simply rises above and keeps him in a low estimation thin the church, a lot of the church. we can never buy that, and he has lived with that for the rest of his life. >> and it has been an interesting change in his relationship with the church. here's someonef i'm not mistaken that was baptized, was he baptized by the pope rick
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first communion? baptized by cardinal cushing. he was at the vatican i believe for his first communion. thank you and thank you. for his communion. the kennedys were very close to the church at one point and in fact that proximity extended into politics to the point in 1969 i believe it was the call from cardinal cushing to mrs. kopecki urging her not to have an autopsy for her dog so there was a close proximity to the church and the kennedys. that is stearn now partly because of the stance,ell of course there is a divorce, the issue of the divorce. >> that was more of a personal >> point taken, however they were well within the church and then of course there was the divorce, his stance against abortion among other things and
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the personal behavior. pez that cover some of t shoes? go ahead. >> in the '94 campaign he was on the other side of that issue because if you remember in the heat of the battlwhen it was really close between romney and ted kennedy, joe kennedy, ted's neph famously was on the campaign stop and he criticized the mormon church for its exclusionary policies particularly against african-americans and women and there was a cure. romney phelps this was a serious sort of breach of contract because when jack kennedy had run forsident of course the whole issue was the irish catholics d was he going to be the first catholic president and could be overcome tha romney felt very bitter about that issue being raised and sort of demanding an apology and ted kind of stuck up for joe and said n it is legitimate.
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and it was not the defining moment in the race but actually went back and uncovered two months after the election, which i have forgotten, romney wrote an op-ed piece for the "bost globe," basically just saying that he had been absolutely steamrolled by the kennedy people and particularly on that issue. i mean the pieces just dripping with bitterness. after that, romney end kennedy as i understand forced a good relationship, particularly when he was goverr. >> it is interesting joe, there are not many cases of real hostility or enmity with kennedy and people in the senate. in washington that is one of them, with romney during the campaign. the other one is what sam allis was tking about in 1981 when the carter people blamed kennedy
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for his petulance at a conventionnd for his sinking the cpaign. there aren't too many oer stories of that sort of petulance, are there? >> this was the one with this issue, it was balancing politics with his petulance and it was a beared-- i talked to people around him who said this was not typical of ted kennedy narwaz is trageous performance on the carter night when he was suppos to hold up its hands. he practiced with bob shrum. don't forget to hold up your hand in he didn't d it. he hid in a sea of suits and ultily shook his hand. those are very rare occasions for a guy w is known with great gats great manner, so does stand out. >> thank you so much fothis opportunity tonig. i want to ask, you are both acting as historians and reporter's and i wanted to ask theory sent massachusetts will have to seek a new young
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senator. i hope not too soon but it is in the foreseeable future, and do you see that, in this modern youtube enhanced, know everything immediately age, is there a possibility of creating a dynasty like kennedy created over these last fewecades? >> go ahead peter. >> we have seen more dynasties in politics lately and it is partly because of fund-raisg. there are some new wrinkles in there as you were referring to with online fund-raising and the obama campaign that take away some of advantage that the traditional family been set but he was a reason interesting point, which is that the nnedys rose to power at a time when the media was quite willing to sort of comic you know considerate not their business to look into people's conduct o their personal lives and there were things that would have been
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litically toxic and other errors that were not reealed about jack kennedy for example or all of them, so would ted kennedy it had more trouble and his brothers have had more trouble and is there? i think that is probablright but terms of birthing anotr dynasty, i think that the technology and the more media enhance campaign can actually make it more fertile round for dynay as in american politics. >> i also want to express appreciation for theho coaboration in writinget, as he rear actually i was in shock. i think the first series and so they i thought oh my god, this is an obituary and why didn't i know this and no one told me about it because that is how it came off that way. but i like the integrity that it is a collaboration as opposed to one writer and ididn't gloss
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over over the alienation, the loneliness and what haened at chappaquiddick, but on the subject chappaquiddick, and what happened, it makes me think now just recently, was chandra levy, the woman who was found murder in the washington woods and subur, and it absolutely destroyed the congressman, gary congdon, who aually was not the culprit at all, and just because they had an affair briefly, and he got plummeted been destroyed and condemned and kennedy, because of kennedy and who he is, did get reelected. even though he has redeemed himself a milln times over but i found that to be quite a paradox and quite anrony. i don't know what you read thought about it, but i just wanted to share that.
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>> i would say that it is very hard i think in the states that we live into look back at what happened after chappaquiddick and to understand how it could have been possible for him to resume his career and i think part of it i the point that peter made about the media, at a different time, a different level of scrutiny but certainly there was a huge amount of criticism of him afterwards, and i don't know that i can fully explain the willingness that people had come especially voters in massachusetts, to look past that except to say that maybe in some wayromething that i thought about when i was working on this is that, you know not to this braded degree but i think a lot of people can relate to th@t, to having used for judgement and then having that black mark against you on your record, something you can't escape for the rest of youlife and it is a way that i think
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that almost, people can relate to tha >> shunter levy who actually live two blocks from my house, that was not a situationhere there was a carccident and there was negligence. that wasn't out and ou brutal murder, and you know, they just made, as some of you know ey just amazed-- recently ma an arrest and it but it had a whole diffent tone. [inaudible i think they were unprepared. we did not come up. it really did not ce up in any substantial way. >> go ahead sir. >> i will set this up just a ttle bit. my name is john f. fitzgerald. [laughter] i was at the 1962 debate with ted kennedy and eddie mccormack. i was in gnat auditorm, reaching for eddie mccormack.
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the reason, i was named after kennedy's grandfaer to as the of course we know was the mayor of boston but my uncle was john mccormick, one of his chief aides in washington for over five years. i was campaigning for eddie mccormack and they came out of that debate because in that debate, in that hall everydy thought, edi had won that election, because he did. when you walked out the door you knew he dn't. when you went home you knew he didn't. i didn't read the articles. i have read every article on the mccormacks and the kennedys. i am political science major as well. so i have to get the book and read it because there are a lot of dails that i don't think i know about. here's the question. want to talk about t mccormack campaign of 62. he brandon 62 and and i was with him then and of course i s inhe campaign with kenne
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agents roiney and help organize some of the union supper go the question is and 62, someone said what would it have tacen to get adi out of that campaign? i think i know what happened. i didn't read the book so i'm not sure, if someone could answer tt question for me, i will give you my take on it for just in case. as i recall it, and as my uncle and mfather would tell me and i was 18 at the time so i was young. i was in politics then and now buta recall, the speaker and the senator that time, of course the president's father, try to get ready to run for governor. instead, i think-- orrin. but, i recall that i think the president was willing to make adi i think secretary--
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secretary of the navy i think, if i have a right. i was wondering wt your take on it w, someone brought up the fact. >> i am, i am lathan sir because i am so into this with you and it is likeo have the century ago and i am thinng about the inside politic i have to say, go to the jfk library in listen to the tape. you will still be rooting r eddie. anmaybe we can talk about thi afterwards. >> i will say this, adi said to me, edi died the year before kennedy and romney ran against teddy. i think it was the year after he died and at the took me to practice. he said to me, what i want to endorse eddie because we have become great friends in two he said without any question he is the greatt that ever hit the uned stes senate. and so, i just wondered what
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your take would be on that. >> there were negotiations that went on, and i talked to eddie some about that, and his campaign-- campaign managers and other people about that. basically ede felt it was his time. they thought there were going to make a move and they were interested in moving to washington and his wife at the time was dead set against the kennedys waltzing in and she was probably more so than eddie oppose to stepping aside but they did become close and yes later. >> i understand, just in respect to eddie, who i talked to, called kennedy the best senator the state ever had but the interesting thing was eddie mccormack, t fabulous civil-rights record long before the kennedy's got himself involved, he had been involved in the civil-rights movement and he was out of character that night and he said he was out of
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character that night. thank you. >> thank you very much for a great panel. a quick question and its open for everybody. it is it little bit say but i hope it will be fruitful. jfk who is known in his presidency to his calfor publicervice and we as constituents have certain expectations of our politicians. what's kennedy's expectations of us as citizens? >> one of the bills he is working on right now is a national service bill to greatly expand volunteerism, starting with their young children having them learn how to do volunteer work tople or retired and taking event sort of sabbaticals for six months to a year to to volunteer work, so he is still working on that. >> i was just goin to ed that, one institution that ted kennedy absolutely has poured his heart and sl into is the answero the politics in cambridge, and
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between that and his senate office, which has been a training ground for just extraordinary and men and women going into all areas opolitics and public service. and this may be a little b different from what you were asking, just common citizens but many look t kennedy legacy in part as being training and to a certain extent inspiring at an extraordinary number of incredible men and women including people like supreme court justice stephen buyer, so that is something that you see this when you really step back and take a look at his whole career. >> our time is very, very short. one last question for the palace. >> we couldn't finish the night without asking the obama question. what led up to and why did senator kennedy and doris barack
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obama andet carolina or was it the rers, i don't know but you must comment on that because it obviously pact the future so dramatically. >> i've got to tell you that i thought for a long time that kennedy would endorse a bomb but because i could see it in his face when he would talk about him. he discussed this look in his face and i could tell he saw something in a bombing like. when obama came in, he got a modest health pensions committee. and i think he saw inim someone who could carry on the gacy of his brothers and he saw somebody to certainly would be, have an historic presidency in terms of civil rights and so forth but i think that is what did it for him and as for caroline, you are saying why didn'the get the-- [inaudible] >> yeah, that rollout was plned. they had been talking about it for some time. they planned it so she would do the obet on sunday and they
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would make the announcement on monday. >> his staff told me that he sought as a meeting at the moment and obama with somebody to energize young voters. kennedy listens to his andnieces and nephews and they were excited about obama. that is the flip side of the patriot think, once they achieve adult said he takes their views seriously and it was the culmination in some respects of the civil-rights battle that kennedy had which to wrap his career. with. >> the h a lot of respect for senator clinton anth worked a lot on health care and he helped him a lot wn he first cameo the senate because he was-- they never really clicked in quite the same way. she is a different kind of the legiators then he is. she is more from up he and he is morfrom dn here and she is very hard wker and s is really just so knowledgeable on policy but she just doesn
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operate in the same way up tre that he does so i don't think he ended up having quite the relationship with kurd that he thought he might. >> thank you very much. i am sorr finish. here it is, about 75 ars and about 90 minutes ago we could go a lot longer. you have been a terrific audience. let's hear it from-- for the seven and the editor of the boston globe. [applause] the eight riders will be outside autographing books as he go tank again for coming every but he. you have been terrific. senator kennedy died on august 25th. to find up more about the
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contbutors to this book vit glo. inner book, "culture of corruption" obama and his team of tax cheats, crooks, and cronies michelle malkin,he era of change died within six months of presidentbama taking office because the feebleminded are correct. she calls the first lady and vice president biden the largdst benefiaries of cporate world nepotism and discusses the alleged secrets th administration officials are hiding. ms. malkin appeared o c-span's waington journal. this is half an >> host: glad to have you here on c-span. let me read a coeple of experts fromhe book. first ava you s obama's team, the best of washington aisers as david brosco that is a dysfunctional endangers conglomerate of business as usual cronies. rack obama owns is cabinet of tax cheats, crooks and cronies. it is his and his alone.
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judge him by the company he keeps. >>uest: yes, that is exactly right. i thank david brooks for helping to inspire this book. the introduction to "culture of corruption" openup column that head written not long after the election day and sort of foretelling this, this click of a aievatrons he called the and how phenomenally he was impressed that obama had brought with him the best of the washington insiders. he praise their ivy league pretty greece, and really this was sort of a repeat of this idea that somow these smarty pants wergoing to come in and change whington and it really didn't take long before the obama administration disabused of that notion in a very big way, and i go through all of th bohed nominations, and then a lot of the abominations that
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actually went through fairly by thskin of their teeth, obviously tiem geiger comes to mind. everybody knows about him but the are many others, and i think one of the most important and relevant cpters that i haven't talked about yet, and you look at the front page of "the new york times" you can see how relevant this is is a chapter did on wall street money men. a lot of treasury officials tied goldman sachs and city, who are now reaping enormous benefits from the government bailouts that tim geithner and henby paulson proceedings cam help engineer. >> host: with regard to the media you write, janitors in newsrooms across the country worked overtime after barack ama won the presidency. it wasn't easy cleaning the drew of the laptops and the floors in the offices of a journalist covering the greatest transitions world histo and at the "new york times" he say that this new yourimes which alted the financially troubled shwrap o record that sold
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$2 million worth of obama themed merchandise. the times has a vested financial interests in propping up the obama adminstration. >> guest: i certainly think so, bested the financial and 80 logical interest and that also helped me, the mayfield to write this book. i did it in a very concentrated time period and while i was digging up all of these stories and documenting conflicts of interest and cronyism, my colleagues in much of the rest of the mainstrea media were slobbering over the greatest transition in the world history. but even there, that was quite a myth because the speed at which the obama admistration put people into place was no better than the reagan administration. there was lot of hype about the unprecedentedhis and unprecedented that and in th end what i concluded was that was unprecedented for the amount of failures and lapses and
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businesses as ual that actually came back to office under the guise of hope and change. >> host: let's read some of the tweet comments. this is one from a viewer that says your president had a record low apoval andour site lossbert go get over it and get a life in get a rl job. >> guest:hange the subject, change the subct. anthony whats familiar with my book particularly writing about was in the last several months of the administration, they would know how hard, probably harder on bush phen obama i was, especially when it came to the architects of these failed financial bailouts and i think there is quite an irony that ought to be appreciated by this particular tweeter o obama who promised not to continue t old tired failed policies of the sh administration anget has many of the treasury officials who helped initiate those
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policies now in hiswn administration. coast could do you tweet? >> guest: eyes sidney duper coe nfine me at michelle malkin and before i came on and let everyone know that i would be here and i follow at cpan end at c-span w the. >> host: our phone lines are open and the numbers on the bottom of the scrn. give us a call or send us an e-mail, journal at you mentioned some of the individuals and the administration you take n. you call leon panetta he perfect illustration of the ltway swamp creature less "you refer to vice president biden, when it comes to ethical self policing the puts taxpayers interest above the electoral and special-intere, joe biden doesn't have a series bone in his body and you referred to the attorney general eric holder is a crime cuddling corporate lawyer. >> gue: i do and i provide all the evidence for people t judge for themselves. i think that the theme that runs
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throughout culture of corruption is that there is a massive gap between the album administration's rhetoric and the reality, and i not arguing that influence peddlers and powerbrokers should be outled some help. everybody is that to make a living b the point is that the team obama came here ons high a course as we have ever seen into washington to change the way that they do business and yet they have pple like leon panetta,ho parlayed an enre career as a government servant into a mass of private weah. you ha got people who came from the hedge fund industry's who wereunglers. these are all the prototypes that barack obama condemd and michelle obama for that matter and yet they fully embrace them in their administration and those who had knowledge the hypocrisy there. >> host: you hav me fpom the east coast to colorado springs. how does that affect the way you
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feel this town? >> guest: i have always had sordid the the logical detachment from the beltway. that is obviously just an outgrowth of my own political views as a conservative but i think it is much easier to do it from the outside to have my ear to the ground in the grassroots, in the mountain was. i feel really liberat out there. and, at the air is literally and figuratively fresher. >> host: mali is joining us very clearly from oakland california, republican line for michelle malkin. >> caller: god bless you dear michelle for putting up with the incredible abuse. one quick thing. i just read year-- bought your book and i haven't had a chance to read it but at drives me crazy is democrats, i want to cite obama's saying everything, you get to keep your own
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insurance. under or persilian grandfather in private health care insurance it goes to explain within one year of the writing of the legalizing of this bill private companies will not be able to sell new policie people will not b ablto go and get their own insuran within one year of this bill passing and becoming the law. and yet the president gets up there and boldface lies continually about it. you can keep their private insurance. private insuran is not going to be in business long if we can write the business and another footnotes, justed bold faced lie. commt people's not even read this bill and they feel perfectljustified in not havi read this bill. i put them there. they are my rvantsnd get this wonderful plant, nonef them are going to take this. >> host: youresponse? >> a couple of things. it is galling to contempt and
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the direction and with which members of congress in particular have responded to members of the public about this queson of reinthe bill, and e story o steny hoyer, the democrat leader essentially laing when the question was posed to him tells you will you need to know about washington's commitment to deliver t of democracy in transparency for at matter. i know that a lot o people who call on the reubcan line are as upset as i a tt this president essentially a minute that he had not read the bill either when he was ask specifically about a provision pointed up by investors business daily. that is right, the individual market would basally be destroyed. he admitted that he hadn't even heard of that provision. and, i think this mirrors the average and besides during the
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stimulus debate, of these massive programs getting rammed through and then the american people only discovering after their passed and signed into law, that they are not getting what they were promised and that in facevery single one of ese has turned out to be a slush fund for special interest and i think that is another reason why it was important write the book, because when these calm and lender rammed throup, too have a power to say stop and to ask and demand to know to benefits. i have a section in my chapter on sars about the health care czar, banta deparle. this is somebody to if she had and r by her name would have been condemned by team obama as a profiteer in the health care industry. in the last couple of years she made upwards of $6 million lobbying and working for various health care companies, hospital
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companies and there has been very little disclosure of for activities in the white house because she is azar. she is beyond congressional accountability. she works in theark. we know thanks to a watchdog group here in washington that the white house was-- and only r threat of lawsuit, the white house finally disclosed a list of executis. they have not however told us which white house of administration officials were in those meetings but guess what? mincy depae has financial ties to some of those executives who were in the meengs. i would likto know, the public should know was nancy deparle in those meetings in it she was why did she recused herself? >> host: deist joining yes, decrats line for michelle malkin, good morning. whoaokkonen the morning. this is what makes politics ugly.
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i don't know why c-span has the young lady here. am wondering where ms. malkin -- [inaudible] [inaudible] >> gst: you can just google my name. you can look at my plug in you ll see that i was one of the loudest voices criticizing cronyism andepotism in the bush administration. you can find many left-wing plug saying even michelle malkin is criticizing michaebraun at fema. allaudet dhs nepotism which i investigated and uncovered and covered myself and, also you can take a look at mfiles and see
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even most recently all of the work that i have done criticizing alaska, don young said and ted stevens. i think that, i think my critics suffer from a moral equivalency when the can't take a look of the book by everton and their immediate response is, where were you without informing themselves about where exactly i was. guess what? bush is not an office anymore. barack obama is and that is why i wrote the book. >> host: let me ask you specifically about a couple of photographs in the book. the former goverr o illoi the mayor of chicago and presidentbama. >> gst: i think it was important to set the stage-- stage for the atmosphere and the culture, the political machine th barack obama grew out have been there is a secon in the book specifically on the when the episode and balding barack obama, valerie jarrett, his senior white house adviser aunt
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consiglio reef from chicago and the connections to the rod blagojevich scandal. i integrate detailed also about the service employees international union which was volved somehow, was roped into blagojevich's ploy to try and trade favors for that senate seat. >> host: you also write about michelle obama, beneath the cultured pearls, sleepless designer dresses and false eyelashes supplied by your full-time makeup artist, michelle robinson obama is a hard ball chicago politico. the first lady loan ago showed a willingness to employ racial oppression as a defense against criticism. >> guest: yeaand apparently this chapter 2 of the book seems to be raising a lot of hackles among my critics because i am very tough on her and she deserves it. i have been extreme annoyed at
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the softball kid gloves treatment that she has gotten. i think people are cowed. they don't want to be criticized as racist or female bashing or somehow mean to this glamorous first lady, but she was steeped in the politics o patronage. her father was a patronage appointee of the dale the administration and then she herself floated from the daily administration to a cozy job at the university of chigo medical center. i have very interesting chart that the blogger compiled that put on page 65 of the book that shows the skyrocketing for salary of this cozy job at the university of chicago between the time that she was appointed andhe time that barack obama won his senate seat and the salary nearly tripled and of course they say that isust a mere coincidence. well, after barack obama won the white house she left that job and they thought it was not
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important to fill itgain after she left. i also talk about i think an interesting episode th happened while she was serving at the university of chicago dical center because it has relevance to the health care debate. now, she engineered what many consider a patient dumping scheme tt bus poor minority patients out ofhe university of chicago emergency rooms to commity health centers that supposedly would offer them better care. a l of local activists did not think so and neither did the emergency physicians associations which did condemn at as illegal patnt dumping. the person that she hired to sell the plan was none other than david axelrod, susa sure who is nowhe chief of staff at the st wilg was als an bald as was valerie jarrett, the seniorhite house adviser who at the time of this incident was on the university of chicago board of directors.
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>> host: this is an e-mail and i know you get a lot of attentio because you are a contribtor to the fox news channel but it says fox news is and critical of this president and the democratic party. generallyour sense about the role of-- fox news pla in the dialogue. >> guest: there are many different parts of fox and i think people confuse that and he keeps saying it until we are blue in the face and people don't appreciate that gets in prime-time you have's to have very strong opinions. sean hannity, glenn beck, bill read the but even among those three there are very diverse opinions on basic policy matters and on how hard orow soft to trt barack obama and then of course there is a news side which i think is unfailingly fair and baland so again to level an a hominem attack to fox to discredit a foreigner
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page book is ridiculs. >> host: our guest is michelle malkin. eric is joining us from lake park, iowa inpendent line. >> caller: why i wanted to know if this book, what is your answer to all of these questions you have? what is the answer to-mike leavitt book alpa don't have a idea? >> guest: well, i think that sunlight is the best disinfectant and i think that this closure will help breed disclosure and i also think there is simply that knowledge is power. and i think that the american people have not been fully informed about just how much n elusion pope and change the era of hope and change has been so i think the book part of the solution. >> host: another quote fro the book, this with regard to secretary state hillary clinton.
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>> guest: oh yeah, tnk they are the perfect administration. two, the antithesis of hope and change and i understand the political strategy that went on and trying to neutralize hillary clinton by givin her the secretary of state position. but the lack of transparency of both that the clintons throute their political lifetime really should give pause to honest progressives out there who thought that barack obama was going to do differently, and it is not the reach red, the chapter that approach about the clintons is not a retread about the past scandals, travelgate, watergate, the secret health care tk forc its etc.
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what it really does is go to the massive amount of conflicts of interest between bill clinton and his charitable foundations, many of their still undisclosed donors. we know about some of them. foreign state governments, barry shady businessmen and in some cases convicted criminals, and the kind of work th hillary clinton does now. the administration tells us and hillary clinton told us after she went for the nomination that she would recuse herself when there were conflicts of inrest. it is difficult to sayhen there wouldn't be and basically they are recusal policy is just come to trust us. >> host: georges is driving-- joining us from tampa, florida. >> caller: good morning. i read your blog all the time and i think it is great. i would like to know what happened to the cards are and i
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don't know why. did they find something wro there? i to believe your book is going to be an ongoing-- because of all the changes in the administration and all of these creeks leading. >> host: these photographs were looking at from a book that chelle malkiha just completed. >> guest: steven rattner just did leave after the last week goeth there is enough sunlight you can have accountability. he was under a cloud from the minute that barack obama appointed him the cars are because his formerompany, quadrennl, has been involved in a lontanding investigation of financial shenanigans. there's also a very strange incident involving the production of a movie called juja and a potential patfor
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play scheme in which rattner h dealings and promises with the directors relative involved with the movie. i did dedicate entire chapter to the czar because i thi this is one of the most troubling aspects of the administration. every republican administration of recent memory has said ss. we had a drug czar, homeland secuty czarist etc but it is imessive it did this so-- scope and the brett that the sars that barack obama has appointed and by the blogosphere count there may be up to 44 of them now whoave been installed by presidentl authority. they dol't have any congressional oversight and in many cases they arcomptely superfluous. we have the secretary of housing and urban development. why do we need an urban sta a lot at people knupp don't even know whave hampered the with the secretary of health and human services. why do we have a health care
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czar, nancy deparle who wide recently mentioned. one of the rsons that the obama peers gun into so much trouble during the former commination, they just drop their hands of completely circumventing it and creating the shadow cavett. >> host: going back to the shoup fox news, the problem is kennedy and o. riley don't check facts and promote lies. >> guest: there as accountable as anybody else and they know that the rest of t mainstream media, the fox bashers are going to be on them ke white on rise in a lot of these left-wing look organitions that dedicate their entire lives to coming through every sentence that on fox news a going to be those kinds of reports are then regurgited almost word for word by a lot of the mainstream media so the idea that they are not held accountable for what theyay on there is riculous.
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i have a joke on my blog about fox deraement syndrome, and i think it als serves ashe convenience distraction from what is going on in this administratiof and how disappointed a lot of these obama supports are. >> host: one of the photographs in the book is the current white house chief of staff rahm emanuel and this from tony, ich you please comment on obama's chief of staff in his dual cizenship. >> guest: tool citizenship of rahm emanuel? it doesn't bother me. >> host: the next call is john from sumpter, sout carolina. good morning. >> caller: good morning, good morning, good morning. c-span i think you need to do littla better job. evybodhas opinions and this dunlavy needs to be m. booktv, not c-span. if she is so worried about this
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and worried about that, write the book stating that hey health care and all of the other good stuff, put it out for the people and let them vote on it instead of going through all t changes. if you don't like someone tt has been in office all these years and doing all of this great uff, pointed out there and let people vote on term limits. you are sitting there, everyone has an opinion. put me on and let me voice my opinion. >> host: you are on right now be appreciated. did you have a question? >> caller: that's it. >> host: tha y. >> guest: even after all these years i think the first time i appeared on c-span was 67 years ago and i am still referred to as young lady. i appreciate that. >> host: this is another tweet that says bravo big fan reading your articles and town hall. how did this book come together, how to approach it and how did
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you write it? >> guest: it was after the inauguration and not long after that i really just for them. there was a lot of leverage between what i do in my syndicated cumn. i have been writing it, a twice weekly syndicated column since 1982 and then've blog it michelle and i've been doing tha since 2004. my guys, somebody mentioned ed morrisey and then iave another pundit. they are both wonderful, wonderful colleagues and they blog get hot air every day and that blog has been operating for a couple of years as well. the synergy between everything i too made it very easy to hammer out the book. that is the first thinghey know, even though mainstream reporters do this all the time. e were instant booksn michelle obama and the obama administration in january.
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and so, ihink what was interesting was that up until the very last second thatt went to press i was updating it. every day and headlines there is it relevant story that i think, that points to the deficiencies because i would see a story that sort of glossed over a lot of the conflict of interest or cronie tis. see, we need this book, we need th book. at deathly has villie back in. >> host: you were on with matt lauer, any reaction to that and you? >> guest: i was shocked that they had me on, gteful for that opporni and they graciously be printed the entire reduction of the book on the web site. but, you have at freer four minutes to try to get their point across and most of the questions have nothing to do with the, which is fine but i really think that there was sort of aame of ting toeat the clock and in the end i think
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matt lauer got beaten. it was ivery entertaining experience. >> host: michelle malkin, thanks for being with us on c-span for a full half-hour. the bo is called "cture of corruption" obama and his te of tax cheats, crooks, and cronies out by regnery press. come back again. >> michelle malkin began a career as a journalist at the los angeles daily news before moving on to the seattle times. she has appeared on fox news channel, nbc nightly news and 2020 a m and others. she is the author of several books including invasion and unhinge. to buy up more visit michelle up next, book tv' coverage from day two of the 25th anniversary "chicago tribune" printers row lit fest which was held in chicago over the first week in this past june. the first event featured beryl satter who dcussed your book,
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the family and the exploitation of black urban america. >> thank you and good morning everyone. i would like to welcome you to our session, the 20 that the animal chicago tribune printers row lit fest. r session this morning features beryl satte the author of family properties, race, real estate in the exploitation of black america published earlier this year by metropolitan books. my name is at eric arneson and m a professor of history a the university of illinois at chicago and i will be talking to barrel about your book before we en up the discussion to you, our audience members but first if i made a few introductory remarks. for muh of the 20th century chicago has maintained decrepitation as one of the nation's most segregated cities. its african-american population consign to the black belt on the


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