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tv   U.S. Senate  CSPAN  September 2, 2009 5:00pm-8:00pm EDT

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up to what he did last night. which is he hit three balls, escaladed three balls last night. did get the one hit. he has got to be hitting down on the ball, he is not a homerun type hitter that was a 3-1 count. adam dunn is on deck. saul rivera gives up a hit to drew macias. >> the more i talk to not just our scouts. other coaches, managers, the game is not that difficult. so prepare yourself, put your work in and go out there and just think ahead of time okay, he throws may a breaking ball. i'm going to take it another way. try to get a double. you know, when you are beating yourself and you are dropping that back leg and you are popping balls up, that you should be driving through the infield, driving back up the
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middle. you know? it is hard to just keep saying okay, this guy's going to get better. you are out here to bin the division, go to the playoffs, win the championship. this isn't the instructional league, this isn't the minor league. this is the major leagues. so you have to adjust and correct things if you have a flaw, you must correct it. if you don't, they can get somebody that will come up here and do the job better than you are doing. i think the nationals have been more than patient with a few people. >> bob: alberto gonzales is now hitting down under 250. correia the pitcher has had a really good afternoon. 67 pitches in six innings. lays it down. that is the first thing he has done wrong today. fouled the bunt. strike two. 
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 bog bog h. p. >> bob: i talked with many basketball coaches. in baseball terms guys like gonzales are point guards. they are not power forwards and centers. they have to do the little things to get the big guys set up. rivera took a look at second and the nats had two men covering and adam dunn done took the throw. i guess that is better than nobody over there. >> rob: i guess they had told j.d. don't worry, he will be at the bag, throw the ball and he chose not to throw the ball last night twice when first base was covered. the bottom line is he had both. he could have thrown it to either one.
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1-3 on the sacrifice. top of the order. cabrera, whose troublesome at bat with two outs and the bases empty last inning was the beginning of the end for john lannan. >> rob: let's make a great. if you are not a power guy, why are you swinging? with a big, long, power type swing? >> bob: had a 3 and 1 fast ball up and in. he wants you to swing at that pitch. plays it well. andrew macias over to third with two down now. the next know your nats segment on the notes from nats town block features adam dunn done. submit your questions by e-mail or through the comments section of the blog if you use your question. a free t-shirt is headed your way. you can submit them now through next tuesday. nats town ml to get the most exclusive nats
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news.   >> bob: david eckstein with a two out rbi chance. >> rob: i was at the world series he won the mvp. you know, you have to respect what this kid has done and made himself into a fantastic player. >> bob: he checks that ball. willie harris isn't going to come close to it. david eckstein has hits one 3850s to left center and the padres are doing everything right. they lead 6-0. you know what david eckstein is going to do now that he has that new consider for next year, he is going to work even harder than he already does. >> rob: he is going to work like they are going to take his job away from him tomorrow. that is the way david eckstein approaches every day in the major league.
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same thing albert pujols house does. he is afraid he is going to lose his job. i have been saying that for six months, bob. the problem is some of the guys, it is not getting through to some of our players. you know, david eckstein, nine times out of ten, he is trying to hit a ball hard through the middle. trying to shoot the gap. trying to get a base hit. one mistake rivera makes to him he launches it for a double. he tries to hit down on the ball and hit a line drive. know your limitations. >> bob: choking up on the bat to do so. >> rob: he was choking halfway up the bat. >> bob: it boggles my mind when i see some of the approaches by some of our players and other approaches by guys that should be having the david eckstein approach. >> bob: by the way, debi taylor
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profiles the ecksteins. it is an informational piece and chronicles some of the struggles they have had as a family with health issues off the field. it has been amazing the journey the ecksteins have taken. scrambling gonzales plays it well. out and a good thing. because eckstein was heading home. 6-0 as the padres add another in the sixth. geico's been saving people money on car insurance for over 70 years.
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and who doesn't want value for their dollar? been true since the day i made my first dollar. where is that dollar? i got it out to show you... uhh... was it rather old and wrinkly? yeah, you saw it? umm fancy a crisp? geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.
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 the naval air base is rig across from the park here. the scoreboard lacks great for the home team. the nationals have nothing going offensively, trying to wake up the bats for the final three innings of this two and six road trip. dunn zimmerman and/or or in the seventh. and something going on between the home plate umpire chris tiller and jim riggleman. jim managed here back in '93.
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adam dunn done having a tough series. one for nine. four strikeouts, a walk. five for his last 32. they are really pitching him well away. other than that little hit down the line adam hanna hit the ball this way on this tripe to speak of. >> rob: it is all his power on the opposite side of the field. then they throw him high and tight so he can't get his arm ps extended. when he breaks out of his small valleys he has gone into a few times this year, he can crush the ball. but they are trying to stay away from his strength. you know the other thing about dunn, even lighting in the highway .270s like he is right now that is about 30 points over his career batting average. he is having a better than average adam dunn done season.
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>> rob: look at that. aalmost .500 when he is ahead 3-1 in the count. >> bob: protection in the lineup from ryan zimmerman today. but coming in, adam dunn's batting average this year, .248. on base average 341. he started today at 278 and 413. little tapper hit his foot and a foul ball. ad dam walks a lot on 3-2. more than he strikes out. but doesn't get a whole lot of hits. i would say on 3-2 he takes more than he swings.
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trying to become the first batter since the first inning to get on base. correia's last start 6-2 at florida. they gave up four runs and eleven hits scattered lots of hits and got a win pitching nearly seven innings. but he had only gone seven innings or more three times all year. one of those was at texas, against that offense. adam dunn gone again fourth strikeout for correia. >> rob: coors light, the world's most refreshing beer. here's our all-star third baseman at work here with
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everth cabrera. a couple of short choppers there and you see him short hopping. throw it over to first a couple of times. keep cabrera off the base paths. coors light showing him hard at work and why you charge the ball and why you play in on a guy that had bunt today three base hits and two games. >> bob: almost identical plays in the games zimmerman one for two today. ten in the series. no rbis. the nationals have one bat ner their lineup today who has driven a run in, for this series. that is pete orr. the only other run came last night from catcher josh bard on his 32nd career homerun. 
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 2-0 fast ball in there. what's kevin correia doing, rob, that is so effective today? >> rob: throwing the ball down the middle. i'm kidding. he is changing speeds, especially with the breaking ball. he is doing what j.d. martin did yesterday. strikes in and out but the breaking ball is so up in the air with the 12-6 movement. you have guys popping it up and driving it up into the straits fear. you have the other guys that get on top of that curve ball. feed it down into the ground if a weak little ground ball out. >> this was a player that could have been had by anybody in the league san diego camp as a nonroster inviteee. 2-2 to zimmerman and a hard slider low and away, count is full. 
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 zimmerman one hopper, kouzmanoff off. a third baseman who has made three errors all year. minor league seasons are winding down. >> the nationals defeat the mar you lins 3-1 in jupiter, florida. the pitching heroes included josh smoker one run five innings pitched and shane mccaddie gets the victory. they can take the series tomorrow, guys. >> bob: time is running out on syracuse. they are four and a half back of scranton wilkes berry. five or six days left in the season. and a first pitch swing by pete orr. he is 0 for 3. macias grabs it. 19 nationals in a row.
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hopefully we'll be able to smell some home cooking sometime soon. pnc. leading the way.
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 adrian gonzales put the padres  on top leading to a five run-inning. chase utley also drove in two. two at bats later after the kouzmanoff off intentional walk and kevin correia has been outstanding. a two hitter through seven, he has retired 19 consecutive washington hitters. and jorge sosa takes over after saul rivera was touched for a
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run on two lights in the sixth. >> rob: we talked about this yesterday with the padres ball club. it is 2004, they have the best home earned run average as a pitching staff in the major leagues. six straight seasons under four. they use their ballpark and you know what? washington the nationals ballpark is a big ballpark if you pitch in it properly, you could use it to your advantage, so you know, we talked about this using your surroundings, your environment, the other team. the attacking their weaknesses. >> bob: their starter has only thrown 82 pitches in seven innings. unless he is on a 90 pitch limit he ought to keep going for awhile. kouzmanoff off on the first pitch of the service pops it
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up. they converge in the middle of the infield and gonzales takes charge alberto for the first out. today's copyrights telecast presented by authority of the washington nationals and may not be reproduced or retransmitted in any form, and the accounts and descriptions of this game may not be disseminated without the express written consent of the washington nationals. 14,468 announced here today. shift is on for chase headley. >> rob: now you know why in the 282 starts coming in for correia the padres have won 15 of them. keeps you in the ballgame. sometimes he gives up a few runs. >> bob: barring a disaster he is going to be a ten game winner.
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>> rob: 18 times now out of 28 starts correia has gone more than six innings. pretty good percentage. >> bob: he has given up more than four runs only four times all year in his start make that five. two starts ago he gave up five to a good st. louis club. but he's been very, very consistent for them. i like some of the arms they got from chicago in that jake peeve have i deal that. clayton richard kid looked pretty good last night going six and two-thirds with a run on four hits. a baffling breaking ball even more baffling kickoff move. 
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 3-2 to headley.    sosa walks him. that's the fifth walk given by the nats today. follow the nationals on your i-phone and i touch. it is called ml at bat.
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2009 featuring play by play video highlights. live audio, his on your i-phone your ipod touch to purchase. here's will venable two for three with an rbi.   barring a miraculous last two inning come back, the nationals after today will be 30 under .500 on the road. 19-49 if they don't win this one.
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>> rob: i think you just shoot for some small goals to end the season. one of them would be try to get 63 wins. stay away from the 100-loss season again. >> bob: well, to do that, after today, the nats will have 28 games left. they would have to win 17 of those 28. >> rob: doable. >> bob: they need 14 of those 28 to win more games than last year. typical sosa inning. a lot of pitches, long counts. and it's 2-2. on will venable.
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nationals are his ninth organization. and his fifth at the major league level. >> rob: just like we watched with jesus, they were on the same staff together at tampa bay. no wonder luke was fit to be tied. i mean, you come in, we talk about being an up tempo pitcher, it keeps your defense in the game. you know, there is a flow. sosa and column may must have played at the same high school together. they are the most nontempo two pitchers i have ever seen, other than it's all about bringing the game to a screeching halt. all that does is make your
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defense fall asleep out there and get back on their heels and they can't make plays behind you. and. >> bob: cubs closed out that 2- 0 win at home over houston today. but even with that win, they are ten back of st. louis, hosting milwaukee again this evening. they have chris carpenter 14-3 pitching. >> rob: a swing and a miss on a pitch low sosa after several foul balls getting venable for the it will bring up nick hundley, the catcher. >> rob: well he battled, battled, fouled you have a bunch of pitches and sosa throws an
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unhittable like a slider or fork ball down in the dirt. so like a fast ball and then breaks out of the zone. those usually have no chance. i do like those seats on top of the western metal supply company been bob you do? >> rob: that would be a great watch the ballgame. >> bob: they are facing right field. isn't that the thing about all the new ballparks? like even toward the corners the seats are turned back toward the infield a bit. got to be a great view from up there, though. >> rob: i think you are up high enough you still have a good vantage point. there you go. way up there up on top.
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that is as high as the wrigley rooftops we saw last week. i think that is higher than the green monster in boston. >> bob: what are you doing up there byron? the company was built in 1909 at a cost of $60,000, which some that day and age was considerable. the architects kept the building in place, similar to what happened with the band owarehouse at camden yard and the company filed for bankruptcy in 1957. the architects decided to keep it and build around it. back in the day, it was steel distribution, wagon makers materials black smith supplies and then it turned into a large hardware wholesale operation. >> bob: wow. did your dad work there or something? my great great grandfather
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jesse james dibble would have gotten me something here. i did have a great great grandfather first name jesse. >> i like that name, jesse. 3-1 from sosa. what else can we talk about? two on two outs with a pair of walks. sosa is going to give us plenty of time to talk. but you know, the thing is, that building was here before the ballpark was. so i'm sure the padres had to do some really interesting laser work and other things to make sure that the left field foul pole which is that line right there at the corner of the building, so that would lineup perfectly with the left field line here. it's pretty fascinating how they were able to pull that off. they couldn't move the building. and it had to be on the corner of that. so if the ball hits and goes to the left, you know it's foul. if it goes to the right, you
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know it's fair. homerun. kind of clever, actually. >> rob: i was told the architect just eyeballed it been been they are not that good. >> rob: that is left field night. >> bob: get out the plum string and we'll line it up. drew macias one for three with a base hit and a run scored. pretty cool though, how they added the balconies out there. even though they were warming up a pitcher on deck here in the seventh as i mentioned he has only throw 82 pitches in seven innings. >> bob: this area has really grown up. i remember when the nationals
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first came here three years ago, i looked out over centerfield and said if you build it cranes will come. now we only see one of them about four blocks away because this area with new condos and lofts and all kinds of buildings has really grown up. there is the crane. he is about four blocks up the street. >> rob: i see two. one is in dead center and the plane just flew over that one. >> bob: it is amazing the development that has taken place around this ballpark. >> rob: 20 years ago when i played against the padres, there were no buildings like this around. i mean even where we are staying over at the marriott marina on the water and around there, it is gorgeous out here now. like san francisco where they built the ballpark and then they built-up the neighborhood around it. >> bob: condo canyon they call
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it here. ball three. you have to be around the plate to get those calls. two on two out. bottom of the seventh. in certain situations in this series, the bottom of the san diego lineup has really hurt the nats. >> rob: he pitched around all those guys to get to the pitcher. 23:02:30 in the p.m. bob carpenter rob dibble in for debi taylor. steve caddie in for a visit. the nationals back home friday against the marlins. with garrett mock this was nice of byron to throw in shane's
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recent splits. > >> bob: aaron boone. he is going to be playing today. he already played. we saw him in arizona. a couple of months ago after the open-heart surgery. he was such a wonderful presence on our ball club last year. his dad is next door. we wish their family the best. coal ham mill, as i mentioned last night, that game was over before this one started. last night a two hitter against the giants. tim hudson is back. just over a year removed from that ligament transplant. >> rob: and i talked to aaron's father, bob, who is our senior vice president in charge of player development with the nationals and he said that i asked them point blank, i didn't know you had seen the scar on the chest. they went through his ribs to work on his heart and that is what took him the longest time to recover. once they fixed the heart, it
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healed quickly. but you know, cutting through the breast plate and all that,. >> bob: he went 0 for 3 today at wrigley field and played first base in the astros 2-0 loss to the cubs. >> rob: five months postsurgery i think it is amazing. 2-1.   ball there's, but he swung  the count's even. correia 0 for 2 with a sacrifice today and pitching one of his best games of the year. his longest outing this year,
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eight innings against seattle here june 16th. 31 pitches this inning, and one batter the first man kouzmanoff off has made contact.   ball three. with the pitcher. breaking ball. i like adding some drama to this 6-0 game here in the bottom of
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the seventh. the outfielders are going to receive literature from the condo sellers here shortly. i saw a pigeon on maxwell's shoulder. 3-2 the runners will be moving. and the pitcher swung at another ball that was not a strike.   in play. short center ball by pete orr.
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good job of calling off gonzales. a long, scoreless inning. the padres have left nine, but they lead 6-0. 
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 >> bob: rob and i went thro two of our row zetta stone disks during that half inning. we are right there with mike. it is the top of the eighth inning here at petco park. as they try to sweep the series. top of the eighth for the nationals. mike mcdougal has had no closing work at all since last thursday at wrigley field. so he will be in for the bottom of the eighth. the nats trying to get their first base runner since ryan zimmerman's clean single back in the first. 19 straight for kevin correia. that is the pitch to layoff if you are a right handed hitter
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with no power. there is a runner way inside, 2-0. dan mcdougal was getting lots of save opportunities there for awhile when the nats were going so well but those ops have slowed down again. little work in st. louis just to get back out there. 3-0. maxwell next and then padilla. the pitchers's spot due up fourth here in the eighth. will originally drafted by san diego. 47th round in '9 5.
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let's just take 47 times 30. it is over 1400 players. >> rob: i was close. >> bob: good guess. and then, 14 years later, there he is in the big leagues. 12 years in the minors for will. and the nats have a base runner for the first time since the first inning. the 30 tomorrow mack nationals hope you can join the party tomorrow night. thursday cheers ladies night. great prizes given away, girls get in half-price. you can learn more at 703-590-2311.
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maxwell jacks one left field line and caught by headley. justin has hit three lasers to the outfield today, every one of them caught. two by headley and one by macias. he is getting some good swings. padilla now. and behind him elijah dukes walking to the on deck circle. jorge 0 for 2 today. nats called them up august 5th. international league all-star this year when he hit .367 at syracuse. i'm not sure he saw many slight pieces like that. >> bob: they don't throw that
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many good sliders down there. he had an on base average of .424. he was a base hit machine down there didn't hit for much power. >> rob: you know what? if that is your game, come up here and continue that. there is no reason why you can't come here and just be a base hit machine too. you don't have to come up here and try to crush a lot. make your way around the league once, get your feet bet. start to learn some of the pitchers. study. learn from the veteran players. left hander joe thatcher righty. that is a wild pitch. short hop into catcher way up in the area and will nieves down to second base with one out. >> rob: i felt like i had to be a sponge, whether i was listening to the hitters on my team talk to me about what they
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are looking for, or other pitchers, veteran pitchers and what they did to hone their skills and stay in the major leagues for decades. jim was one of my first pitching coaches. i think he played 25 seasons. >> bob: the two of you couldn't be more different. two outs. padilla gone. strikeout number five for correia and dukes will be the batter. rob rob >> rob: good breaking ball right here. trying to kill it instead of trying to make contact. it is very difficult, though, when you are not getting consistent game play and not getting the four or five at bats on a daily basis from live pitchers, they are going to go up in and try to force the issue. >> bob: the only hitter on this club that has sufficient his hitting most of this trip.
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he is 11 for 23 had the grand slam in chicago one for three with a walk last night. 2 for 4. on monday, so elijah has the batting average back up to .250. >> rob: he got his baiting average back up to .250. i got my weight back up to 250 on this trip. >> bob: first game in chicago he was hitting .233. a slider takes it ball 3. >> rob: my wife's no help. she baked me banana bread that i ate in one night. >> bob: one sitting? >> rob: it was so good.
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everything okay near your home? >> rob: yeah. where we live it's been pretty calm. >> bob: almost aarea we are talking about. >> rob: the l.a. area fires all around. firemen trying to do the best they can. the humidity and the wind just pushed the fires everywhere. >> bob: the way the team is rallying around their pitcher looks like correia is done. maybe a chat here to see if he has anything left here on a very warm afternoon. started this inning with 82 pitches. he is at or near pardon me at or over 100. i think he may give a choice here or not. >> bob: the umph peer it is 6-0
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let's go look. he'll stay. >> rob: remember they are 20 games under 500 also. they are not going to the playoffs. >> bob: next pitch will be 100. >> rob: you love to hear from correia that i want to stay out here. i can get this final out. i have got it, bud. willie harris the batter 0 for 3 and 0 for 7 in the series. there is a base lit will nieves coming around and he will be held at third. nats still haven't scored. that was interesting because venable assumed the run was scoring. he came up scoring second base. all right that's it for the starter. he goes seven and two-thirds. his second longest outing of the year. to this point a shutout. ♪ ♪
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(tucci) only at&t has the best selection of full keyboard phones. like the lg neon, just $29.99 after mail-in rebate.  been bob beautiful san dieg harbor. the tony gwyn mr padres statue. look at that stroke.
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perfect balance. nats extra post game with johnny and phil wood. it was peaks and valleys for john lannan. the end came quickly with a five run. we'll break it down and hear from the manager. garrett mock and sean west friday night at nationals park. 15 starts, mock three and six. nine starts. bases loaded two outs. it's time if an intelligent at bat by alberto gonzales and he takes a fast ball in there. this game is not out of reach if he gets a board and gets adam dunn to the plate here. i'm sure they have thatcher ready for dunn. he is their only lefty and now alberto has taken two fast balls right down the middle. might be the strikes he sees. up and in. pitcher working off the wind
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up. it looked like strike three and for some reason chris tiller didn't end the inning. >> rob: maybe that bought a strike when jim riggleman was working them over. maybe that bought a strike. >> bob: three fast balls and another. >> rob: throws the bat out there and it shaters as it sits off the end of the bat. i just don't remember so many bats breaking when i played as easily as this. you just have to hit the bat with the ball and it explodes. >> bob: will nieves and dukes walked. harris the base hit. shortening up the swing right back up the middle. that ball really pouring in on him. they have been jamming the heck out of gonzales to get him out
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for the last month. 25 years of age they got him from leaves. there is the pitch gonzales out every time. the fast ball up and in on the infield grabbed by eckstein and the nationals are -- the nationals are frustrated again. they have stranded five today and three of them on that swing. everyone in here knows how to brew. we're a company of beer geeks. you all have yourself a good weekend. (man) samuel adams employees from the head of the legal department to the newest sales rep that we hired learns how to brew beer. you need passion. you have to actually believe in what you're doing. that's why i'm here. i love beer. sam adams tastes great because happy employees make better beer. i love my job.
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boss: come on in, i had some other things you can tell people about geico - great claims service and a 97% customer satisfaction rate. show people really trust us. gecko: yeah right, that makes sense. boss: trust is key when talking about geico. you gotta feel it. why don't you and i practice that with a little exercise where i fall backwards and you catch me. gecko: uh no sir, honestly... uh...i don't think...uh... boss: no, no. we can do this. gecko: oh dear. vo: geico. fifteen minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance.
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 >> bob: beautiful baseball in san diego. all padres. 6-0. gallegos co-highlights its almost all home team. that was a big swing. a. >> rob: a couple innings earlier he struck gonzales out on the same pitch. that is why he is the throw hole litter all-star is one of the best hitters in the big league. chase headley goes the other way. if you don't hit your spot to keep the ball low against power guys, that is where you'll get destroyed. you have got to give the padres a lot of credit. they have turned their season around 20-14. >> bob: we thought the nats had up until a tough home stan. now this shaping up as a 2 and 7 road trip where the nationals
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won two of the first three. top of the order, everth cabrera eckstein and then gonzales. cabrera one for four today.   cabrera one for four today. mcdougal goes 2-0. ball three.
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mike pitched in the eighth. sunday in st. louis with a scoreless inning and a double play ball. actually came in after a lead off walk by sean burnett. then he retired loud wig and albert pujols hospital at the tail end of a 2-1 loss and the nationals have now issued eight walks today. eight.   >> rob: if you look at it t way three walks and one hit for john lannan. then the bottom of the fifth
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happened and now it is six runs on seven hits. five walks you could say those previous walks helped to recycle their offense to get their big boppers up for the third time in the fifth inning when it was scoreless. they shouldn't be batting that often in a low scoring game. mcdougal with a strike to david eckstein who has come alive. he had that big two out hit after cabrera scratched out a hit to keep the inning alive for that double we showed you by adrian gonzales. then he doubles the run home himself in the sixth. and eckstein's three for five. >> rob: what did we talk about with abet tow gonzales? guy throws 95 miles per hour. >> bob: he should watch the david eckstein videotape. >> rob: on a bad breaking ball
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right here gets the pitch, doesn't try to do too much. hits down on the ball. it is right back up the middle. >> bob: that guy could play second base for me anywhere i remember when he came to the national league. some of the fans in st. louis had no idea who he was even though he had been on a world championship team. he had been overshadowed. and working games in both leagues i had had a chance to see david. i told people by then of april you will love this guy and they did. and then a couple of years later he is a world series mvp. he is a winner. and he is the kind of guy that holds the ball club together and i think it is very prudent and wise of the padres to bring him in there and now they have signed him to an extension. >> rob: when you say a guy that has half the skills of an adrian
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gonzales is working twice as hard as an adrian gonzales, that motivates adrian to go out there and work harder. that motivates everybody else around him. >> bob: he'll surprise you every once in a while and muscle up and hit one out. >> rob: griffin was penciled in to play second in l.a. and alvarado griffin, one of the coaches with the angels, fought for them to allow him to play shortstop, and give him a chance to play short. and they did. and a lot of times he would just barely reach first base. there is kevin towers the gm of the padres who gave me a comeback chance in '9 78. after a couple of weeks i had to retire again. but brought eckstein in here, brought in some veteran guys, already have moved some of the veteran guys right out the door. going a lot younger now 2-2.
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>> rob: the bottom line is you have to work every day in this game. nothing is handed you. privilege to play and all that kind of stuff. through there is always going to be someone trying harder than you and trying to take your job away from you. look at those little leaguers just won the little league world series. they want to play up here. they are dreaming about taking someone's job right now. >> bob: 3-2. that is a curly w on his head and on his shirt. 3-2. two on. nobody out.
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bases loaded nobody out.   guys who can throw the ball extremely hard and not throwing strikes, sosa and mcdougal. this shouldn't be too pleasant with the manager visiting. >> rob: he's just going to try to give him a little bit of time here to regroup. tell him listen, you are still my closer, you are getting some work in. i know it is a six run blowout. but go to work on the hitter right here.    gonzales a walk. liz 102nd pass of the year.
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guzman off 90 for 2 with a pair of walks today. plays it well for a double play. a run scores. he kept his wits about him. never panicked, and plays well up the middle for a 4-3 double play. >> rob: kouzmanoff is going to get a running 95 miles per hour fast ball. pete orr takes it himself. throwing off the wrong leg still throws a very nice strike to adam dunn done. no rbi on that play. >> bob: chase headley is the batter. two walks ask an rbi double. a two run double that doubled the padres lead from two to four back in the fifth inning. 
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 good running fast ball hits the plate. quick hands by orr. inning over. so mcdougal gives up a run. we go to the top of the ninth inning. dunn zimmerman and/or or down 7. in the dark. no peanuts or nothin'. and then if your bag wants to bring one of its little bag friends for company, they charge another $25. that's just plain mean. why do they hate your bags? at southwest airlines, bags fly free. grab your bag. it's on! ( ding )
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 nats are flying home af this one today.
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day off tomorrow and friday. the marlins are in 7:00 on masn hd. come on down join streets and the gang and take on those hard hitting florida marlins the nats swept them at home garrett mock 3-6 with a 5 era. then for the fish shawn west 6-5. he has won his last two starts. we'll get you going with byron and ray at 6:30 friday night. >> bob: after getting gonzales adam dunn leads off 1 from 3. a dandy change upright there. 
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 >> bob: i think about all w can say at this time is we miss you guys and we want to come home please, let us come home. dunn gets under that one. high in the air left center. macias. one out in the ninth. nationals have now given up 673 runs this year, the most in baseball. and the offense has stalled. they are stuck on 599 runs. bob, rob and byron from petco park in san diego.
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the nationals have scored two runs in 26 innings here. zimmerman's ball will get out of play. josh bard with a homer last night after dukes got picked off first. and an rbi flare by pete orr monday night. in this three game set. padres will go over 500 at home by two games. zimmerman jammed then he fouls it off his lower leg.
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cause excuse off the fewest errors at third base in all of baseball. nobody would tell you that he is more athletic or a better third baseman than ryan zimmerman. rob who cares about perception? to me he would have to be the front runner. >> rob: that guy has had 100 more chances. he also has 100 more. >> bob: ironically one-third baseman's ground ball off the other. >> rob: they are going to get a hit on this. you watch. they are trying to get their guy going close. as i said before though, zimmerman has had 100 more chances almost 100 more assists at the position and his power numbers far outweigh kouzmanoff and that is the way it is for
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many many years. >> bob: i think next year if ryan zimmerman throws the ball straight to first ball all year, he'll win a gold glove hands down. that is the only thing that's kept him, in glove errors ryan probably has what? three or four all year? he is a magician with the glove and has really improved his throwing. pete orr, 0 for 3. that was the nationals sport hit of the day. and the entire series, the padres have walked eight nationals.
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the nationals have walked 16 padres in these three games. that's pretty amazing, considering levon walked one monday night. >> bob: and a 1-2 to orr. two outs. there goes that fast ball like he is a closer. >> bob: a little extra on that fast ball. will nieves the nats's final hope. 
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 padres a strike away from a three-game sweep. and their 5th win of the year. in the air to center. the nats arrived in town with quiet bats and they will leave with the bats very quiet. two hours and 34 minutes to get
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shutout today. 7-0 by san diego. more in a moment. text-out-loud-reading, turn-by-turn-direction-giving sync system... in the all-new ford taurus. sfx: ((sync beep)) please say a command. read message. highway 8 closed. update route. turn right on silver road. we speak car. we speak innovation. introducing the all-new taurus from ford. drive one.
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bought the bats remain in the sun shane. >> johnny: the padres sweep the series. the nats glad to get out of there, get back home and maybe home cooking will do this ball club well. here's bob and rob. back in san diego . thank you, johnny. and the bats were nowhere to be found today. the nats shutout 7-0 by the padres. friday masn hd the marlins coming we'll get you going at 6:30 with nats extra. visit masn for all the latest news on the nationals. this has been a presentation of
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masn. stay tuned nats extra right now from the booth so long for just awhile. time for nats extra post game brought to you by verizon files. shutout in san diego. three runs in four games for the ball club a rough rough road trip. >> i'm speechless. it is hard to imagine you can go that many innings ask not come up with more than three runs. but that is exactly what happened as the nationals and san diego made their pitching staff look like contenders. >> johnny: defining moment in this ballgame. scoreless in the fifth inning. adrian gonzales doubles. >> bob: i thought willie harris was going to catch that ball. he just missed it. it tailed away from him.
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chase headley doubles in right field over the head of jorge padilla and two more runs score. at that point in time the padres were off to the races. >> johnny: one of the sixth, one in the eighth they knock out mine base hits. the nationals only four. zimmerman as two. harris the other base hit. correia gets the other one. he is now 10-10. atlanta takes the loss. correia for san diego goes seven and two-thirds. three hits no earned runs at one stretch. he retired 19 consecutive the nationals and the national pitchers didn't help themselves with eight walks today. so the ball club heads back home with a record of 46 and 88 and san diego goes to 59 and 76. >> well the padres are going to finish last approximate their division but the point is they seem to be coming together at this point in time. the nationals certainly earlier in august are not starting off
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september with much of a look ahead. when you have gotten good pitching you haven't got any hitting. today the pitching wasn't so great. you had four hits. that kind of speaks for itself. the idea that you could only score three runs in four games, what kind of a flight back from san diego is this going to be? >> johnny: against a ball club that is not very good. >> they are better than they were. but again this is the kind of team you expect you win against john lannan expecting to get his ninth win today. he was on his game for the first four innings. in the second inning he gets drew macias around to a double play. the fourth inning two on, nobody out. chase headley grounds into almost a double play. a little hesitation then he gets will venable to strike out swinging. headley out at second base. he gets out of that in the fifth inning at the two outs. cabrera gets a base hit to left
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field. actually third base. it was an up chance for ryan zimmerman. cabrera to second base and here comes gonzales. here's the fly ball tailing away from willie harris. just missed it. two runs scored. chase headley doubles to deep right. they had one more and five runs in that inning and they later scored two more john gives up five, walked four, struck out three. 90 pitches and 52 strikes and 38 balls. let's go back out to petco in san diego ask bob carpenter and rob additional i caught what you said. let's get out of here and get home. maybe getting back to nationals park can help get this ball club back on track. >> bob: last week the nationals played the cubs very tough.
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won two out of three games there. you had high hopes of sneaking a series win out of st. louis much less be swept. >> rob: you are playing a team not good hitting or pitching. yes they have been playing well the bottom lane is we should have taken two out of three from the padres and got swept. now you have to go back home with the tail between the legs and say that juan as successful a road trip as we would have liked. we have one road trip in the season in atlanta. a lot of guys running out of opportunities to show what we have for the evaluation team for the win tore see who is going to stay and who is going to go in this organization bob been i know you have the term for what garrett mock has been doing lately good over his last five starts. >> rob: he has become a good power pitcher using his fast ball to set p the breaking
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ball. this is last five outings he is not satisfied. he wants to go seven. he wants to go eight. he is a guy working his butt off, bob, to try to better himself in the next five starts the opponents are not hitting as much and he is striking out people because you have mentioned this in the past. when you look at our young pitchers, he has as good a stuff as any of them. >> rob: maybe the best stuff on the staff. you know, pitch for pitch he has the best velocity and one of the best breaking balls. but stick with the power. wkyc that power pitcher you are supposed to be. pound the strike zone. but with garrett mock. you know what, it is the third time through the batting order. you are going good, you are pitching well. start to try to be more economical, and now in your third trip through the batting order, you have a little bit extra behind your pitches and
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you can get that batting average against him and against the nationals the third trip through, with our young starters and start building for the future and the future is now with garrett mock. >> on this road trip the nationals completed their schedule against the central. other than three games at home with the dodgers, they are done with the west now. it is pretty much mets phillies braves and marlins from here on out except for one visit from l.a. so this quest to get up to 60 wins or more won't get easier starting friday. >> johnny: have a safe trip back enjoy the day off tomorrow and we'll see you friday at nationals park. >> bob: we'll be there, johnny. 7-0 the final today. the padres knock off the nats, sweep the series. a heck of a play by willie harris in left field. we'll talk about willie, after this.
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willie harris tumbles to get there you are looking at two or three bases if he doesn't make that play. his speed, his ath let says immake the play. we have seen willie harris do that time and time again. >> it was a great catch. i have to admit i held my breath. that is the kind of catch you break your wrist on. he caught the ball, curled his hand in and rolled with it. >> nats had an ton to ache a hits by zimmerman and dunn. but they couldn't cap lies. >> that was their only ton of the day. adam dunn got a base hit and ryan zimmerman singles to shallow right center.
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pete orr came up after that and unfortunately with two outs he grounded out to first baseman and gonzales on the first putout. that was it. only real scoring opportunity of the day. >> we talked about willie harris and adam dunn, ryan zimmerman the sung assess they had against padres pitcher. correia. adam had a hit, ryan zimmerman had two and that is all she wrote on the heels of a 7-0 always to the padres and a they fall on the road now 2-7. we'll take a break and come back, in fact john lannan today pitched well enough in the early innings that all of a sudden it seems like things can collapse on these guys. >> will came off a cart two men are out. that is exactly what happened today. the other team comes up and the floodgates open john lannan we'll touch on his efforts when we come back and continue, right after these messages.
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the dodgers turns out to be left hander victor great, he is a 24-year-old. he has a pretty good season this year going with the lookouts. 191 opponents batting average. low era. he is a left handed specialist. he is not a guy who only gets four saves on the year. in the gulf coast league the nationals gulf coast league is playing for the championship against the gulf coast league marlins and they won the first of three today 3-1. >> josh started today gave up five just the one run. the win actually goes to shane mccaddie, steve mccaddie's son. all three rbi as. >> we were talking about john and earlier in the game he had the padres hit nothing but ground balls. >> that is why he is so
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effective when he keeps the ball down in the zone. cabrera, eckstein, he got macias to ground into a double play. 4-6-3. he gets cabrera again. he gets david eckstein one more time on the ground ball. he gets chase headley into a fielder's choice ground ball here and nick hundley again on a ground ball. when he is effective he gets lots of ground balls. not many strikeouts. the trick is to get him out not strike him out. 7-0 the final. the nats losing streak has reached five. three runs they have scored in four games. the bats have become silent. let's hope that will change friday night when we come back home against the florida marlins. ?
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at some restaurants when you get boneless wings... what are you really paying for? whoa! ha ha! i say "happy," you say "birthday!" happy... birthday! who's hungry? why pay for flair
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when you can get all the flavor for just $3.99 with wendy's new boneless wings. tender, juicy chicken, hand tossed in our signature buffalo or bbq sauce. it's waaaay better than fast food. it's wendy's. nats extra post game show. brought to you by we are rise son. this is big. >> how many tickets you need
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yesterday? >> two. >> come on. >> no. just two. i was going it need like 30 or 450. my dad ended up buying a bunch and gave them out. >> that was nice of him. half the people in the stands yesterday were cheering for you. >> yeah. >> especially behind our dugout. >> how about this? if i was an owner, i would bring back luke barry bonds and sammy sosa. mar keys eavesdropping here on wednesday on masn. upcoming schedule ball club flying backton from san diego. the marlins come back in town. 6:30, 6:30 and 1:00. the phillies then here starting
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tuesday on nationals park on masn 2. our nats extra pregame starting 30 minutes before each one of those game times. sean west will be starting for the marlins when they come to town on friday night. six foot eight inch left hander throws a low 90s fast ball. he has two sliders. so much the bigger break to it. it has a decent change up as well. got hammered by the nationals june 30th in florida. jared mock, you heard rob dibble talk about him. good breaking ball. commands his fast ball. he wins. when he is able to command the fast ball. 4.47 era as a starter. you can only hope the day off and the time to regroup, johnny, that these guys will get it back together offensively. >> jim riggleman out in san diego meeting with the media.
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phil and i talked about this a couple of minutes ago. how things were going so smoothly for john lannan. they can change just like that. >> two outs and a base runner too and the bull out of reach on willie harris changed the whole ballgame, really. you know? we weren't swinging the bats, correia did a great job against us. but you feel lake you could squeeze one out somewhere if it is still 0-0. they got the necessary base runners. they got the ball down left field line we couldn't get to. turns interest a five run-inning. >> what did you think of lannan early on doing well but got into a little bit of trouble? >> he was a lot better than what the line scores are going to say, you know? if willie catches that ball. if we catch that ball got a
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bunch of zeros on the board. now we are in trouble there but you know, you look for ever. we got a great effort. willie did everything he could to get to it. he doesn't catch it john is trying to pitch out of trouble there, but you know, headley got him, after we walked kouzmanoff off. you know they got a little different in there with venable. somebody stuck one this there. he pitched a lot better than the line score will say. >> as you said, correia was pretty tough. was it the lineup you tried to take a chance in switching it up or was it just correia today? >> i think it was him. we haven't been scoring runs period no mar what the line has been the last two cities we have been to. but you have forgive him -- to give him credit. maxwell hit the ball all day and didn't have anything to show
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for it. we have just got to do better than that. it is not acceptable to go into two cities and not be able to scratch out a win or two. we have just got to do better. >> so the nationals get a win in chicago, in st. louis and get swept in san diego and come back home if a friday night date with the florida marlins. >> let's hope garrett has his act together friday night. >> johnny: when you look back at the eight game winning streak they had every nationals fan would say hey, we are rolling now. this is going to be good. >> phil: the offense was in sync with the pitching and they were catching the ball as well. obviously whatever you want to call it, baseball finally got fouled up. >> johnny: i would have to look up and see what that means. thanks for joining us, everybody. on this wednesday matinees for the nats at san diego.
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shutout unfortunately by a score of 7-0. i'm johnny holliday. enjoy your evening. we'll see you friday night at nationals park. in the all-new ford taurus. sfx: ((sync beep)) please say a command. read message. highway 8 closed. update route. turn right on silver road. we speak car. we speak innovation. introducing the all-new taurus from ford. drive one.
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team. with all the negatives surrounding marshall, let us remind you of the positives. he's caught over 100 passes each of the last two seasons and was a pro bowler last year. the jets could use that kind of a playmaker. while they were 11th in the le agast yea with 22 receiving touchdowns and eighth in total catches, regular production up and down the field was one of the league's worst. in fact, only cincinnati had fewer yards per reception last year than did new york. >> he was much better than in his debut, but there's still work to do, the words of vikings' head coach brad childress following brett favre's performance against the texas yaps. former vikings' great fran tarkenton, who was very critical when the vikings signed favre, weighed in with his feelings on favre and the vikings on mike and mike on espn radio.
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>> adrian peterson may be the next jimmy brown. this is a deep, talented team. when you can stop the run and run the football as they can, you're going to compete for a championship. d remember, they won as a team the division championship with gus frerotte at quarterback and tarvaris jackson was hurt most of the year. and gus frerotte was in his third or fourth comeback. only vinny testaverde may be older than gus and they won. so he's stepping into a situation of a very talented team. and maybe it will work out. i thought it was a terrible distraction. >> cincinnati bengals' quarterback carson palmer will skip his team's preseason finale tomorrow but is expected to be healthy for the regular season opener against denver, this according to espn nfl insider adam schefter. palmer has been nursing a sprained ankle. >> as the university of michigan investigates whether or not its football team broke ncaa rules with mandatory practice and meeting times, support is coming
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to head coach rich rodriguez and his staff, and it's coming from, of all place, ohio state. on tuesday a buckeye captain spoke out in response to current and former michigan players alleging rodriguez made the team focus on football more than the 20 hours the ncaa man dates or allows per week. curt coleman, an ohio state co-captain and starting safety suggested the michigan staff demands probably fit within the rules but it's on the players to go beyond that, quote: here are the words of buckeye head coach jim tressel. >> what makes it difficult is how good these kids want to be. you know, sometimes you have to chain the doors at the woody hayes center to get them out of there, act like you're cleaning the floor of the weight room or
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something because these kids want to be good. they want to train. they want to get their buddies in there and throw the ball around or those kinds of things. some what's important is that, you know, a, we're not around, and b, we don't prescribe things do. do kids ask, hey, what do i need to do to get better? yes, you need to work on your footwork. you need to do these things and so forth. and if they go out and do them, you know, it would be like telling our med students, we're going to close the library. you got to let them go to the library. you got to let them train. >> still ahead, a huge night in football. boise hosting oregon. trevor maddox going to stop by. here's another "nattyism" with natty light. today's word is "natastrophe." "natastrophe." the unfortunate loss or destruction... of one's natty light. as in... once bill took his eyes off the prize...
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and put them on natalie, the party turned into a complete natastrophe. natty light. now you're talkin'.
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it's back to being hit with all the stresses of work. how was your weekend? it's day one of that 3 o'clock lull. and that guy who always asks, mind if i jump in? but monday night football is returning to espn, where adrian's moves will be making the guys in the booth say lean back! re-donk-ulous! play on playa! so relax and run steady. because on monday nights you roll with us- three deep in the booth.
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>> a couple other games to get you updated on. the reds beat the pirates today 5-3678 brandon phillips with a big day, 3-4, 19th home run, three r.b.i.s. joey votto 1-2 with two runs scored in this one. the reds have won nine of their last 11. and those nationals, shut out by the padres today, 7-0, despite ryan zimmerman going 2-4 in this one. san diego has won 11 of its last 14 home games against the nats. adrian gonzalez had two r.b.i.s in this one, but it was his first r.b.i. in his last six games. >> college football overdrive built by the home depot, fivesad hours. we take youle live to games arod the country, many of them yousse will not be able to see sitting on your couch in your house. in that's right. that's what we do. kordell stewart, shaun king and myself. college footbal wl overdrive,o. every saturday 3:00 until 8:00 eastern time. time to welcome in the one, thed
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only, college football analystic trevor maddux.ieve can you believe it? college football almost here. we have it tomorrow. two great games. okay, one great game and one one pretty good game on espn. we'll start with the pretty good game. south carolina visiting n.c. state.te. it can always be interesting when you have steve spurrier. this team has never really taken off under steve spurrier andie e it's because he can't get a c'tg quarterback for some reason. now he has one in stephenci i what's as realistic expectation of the gamecocks next year? >> i think go to the next leveli you're right about that. it's been astonishing that steve spurrier hasn't been able to get that great quarterback play inte south carolina given what he did before at florida. it's not all on spurrier. o the offensive line for the last several years has had injuries and they have been completely inadequate at protecting the quarterback. so every time they've had a guy start that gets the momentum, he ends up having the opponent pass rusher pasted to his chest. so for stephen garcia to succeed this year, he needs time. t if he gets time, i think you'll
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start to see some of the spurrier magic. >> how much do you think steve spurrier has in the tank?>> h he's been at this a long you wonder how much patience he's going to have here in how much patie columbia. >> dari, that's the question because i don't think he's a gut that south carolina will get tired of and request his departure. his i think steve spurrier will dor that if he thinks that he can'tn get to the goals that he's set for himself. i really believe, though, that he will get. there it's funny that he succeeded at florida throwing the ball all over the place. now, he had a good running game and good defense there, but then signature was the passing game. at south carolina he's had the defense. he's had the running game. run he hasn't been able to sling the ball.e to but i think it's a credit to hie ability as a coach to focus on the things that he does have ano hen with those. >> quickly on n.c. state, tom wbrien came in and it was a struggle last year. but they won their last fourut games of the season to get to at ason game. nobody saw that coming. what's the likelihood that thatt success carries into 2009?
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>> very likely. >> yeah?. >> you start with quarterback russell wilson who started the year on the bench and ended updp first team all-a.c.c. quarterback. he's got a good series of stabld skill people around him. if his offensive line canim introduce, the offensive n.c. state will be fine. the defense should be nasty. b that front seven last year, as they got healthy in the second e halfhef the season, were terrific at getting into thegeto opponents' back field. they should again this year. >> all right.hould ain the 10:15 eastern game i thinknm everybody is excited about. >> right. >> boise state getting oregon to come to the smurf turf. boise state, a lot of folks if tk if they win this game, they don't lose again. they have a game at tulsa thatee could be tricky down the road.ut if they win this, they may run right to a b.c.s. game. how to do the broncos match up against an oregon team keeping in mind the team they beat in eugene last year? >> oregon was down to about its fourth quarterback in eugene last t their starting quarterback for this year feels like the hittart boise put on him last year that
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knocked him out of the game wasn't a particularly clean hite and so they're talking about this being a revenge game for more reasons than one.k ab but i think boise state matches up much better against oregon than some people expect. people think of boise state as o being the high-flying, trickf ba play offense team.bein this is a hard core, hard nose hitting blue collar football team. and so is oregon. so i think they match up very, very well against what oregon does very, very well.go >> a good sophomore quarterback, too, in that guy, number 11, kellen moore. 1 what are realistic expectationsa you think for the ducks?ctationr a lot of people like them. a lot of people aren't so sure . i like about this team? >> i like them. i like them a lot. b i like them especially because of their offense. show and they're running the show, and the offensive line is very talented, but a lot of turnover. will be the key to whether or not they're able to win or share pac-10 title. p0
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keep in mind they can lose the u.s.c. and still share a title if u.s.c. loses somewhere else,i and it's no lock that us us will beat oregon because they play at their stadium. u.s.c.'s front seven is very ths disruptive. against this offensive line ofhe oregon, the first time they're t at game speed together as a che unit, can they handle all thisin disruption and all that movement? mov fascinating story lines in this game. t?stou ready to pick i >> i'll pick it. >> go. >> boise state. le i like oregon. on h i think they have chance to win in share the title, but i think boise state can win at home in the opener. i in november i'd wonder, but in the opener yeah,.it >> we're going to be sleepy on friday and we don't care. >> and stay up and make sure you're sleepy on friday. trevor maddux, thank you. >> all right, dari. >> this from espn's joe schad. an espn spokesman says a
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conference call will take place later today to discuss a possible postponement of the san diego state-u.c.l.a. game because of wildfires. postponing it to december is a possibility if air quality is not acceptable. still up, our look around nfl teams continue with our blitz. we finally did it. we finally made it.
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fees. these are the real reaso for the coup that differed greatly from the fictional ones we've read and hear every day. but i will let the president give the first and version of the story. history wilrecord him as a hero for standing up to entrenched powerful terest and risking his life for democracy. we wel president zelaya. [applause]
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>> [speaking in native tongue] >> translator: tnk you. i think you sincerely for hav extended the invitation. it is an honor to be here with you. and when all i am in the u.s., i feel like a true descendant of the teaching of the founders of th wonderful american nion george washington, jefferson, lincoln and a the other men and women that have formed this democracy. i would like to thanks cynthia from the university and the nter for economic policy research who have helped organize this event.
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to all of you, greings. i am truly interested to have this brief talk with you sohat we can build and learn lessons from an event and central america that has more -- mourned and has been a source of mourning. and the words i will utter will be helpful for all of latin americans to think about how to prevent any further could a coup de ta because learning about in the event means learning how to carry out. so, it is important to assess
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the good and bad when we look at this nature. democracies are a political process where in all of the factors that pertain to society are involve the social, the economic, cultural values, and at the same time, the personality of the individual with his own contradictions based on his existence the role of the individual has a specific weight beyond the dialect or the analysis of the juncture, the character of the person always mas a path in society it is not easy to define and 20
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or 30 minutes the whole event that took place and all of the prlems of the region what alone to define specifically what democracy means for it. and my own knowledge of the definition of democracy from the greek times the one i like the most is the definition by abraham lincoln when he said th democracy is the government of the people, for the peoe, and by the peoe. so i is not the gernment for the eletes or the government for the groups that hold power nor a government developed by the day
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facto groups. on the contrary, it is a government for the people, organized by the people and also organized by the people. a well-knowneneral from china many years ago landed in her paris and a journalist asked ho chi minh what was his opinion about democracy, and the general said the 200 years is too short ss democracy. we need to wait a little longer.
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my task is not to judge democracy. my task this morning is to make some comments and it is up to you to judge it. we will have to make an sessment not to change the spe system but to perfect it as i said at t beginning of democracy is the number one process, the way of life. it is the concept that lies behind a political power that emerged after the french revolution of the modern world, the greek practiced in their cities a now it has become the paradigm of modern society that ishy in my opinion we have to
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stand by it. we have to defendant very honestly, very sincerely. that means to analyze its weakness and strength that way we can assess where the weakness and strength lie so we can mace progress. and honduras on the 28th of june, barelywo months ago, a cruel coup d'at took place rated by the spanish writer from the university of sarah llosa and expert constitutiona law
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and i ad this online after a document he wrote. he said the coup d'etat in honduras according to him was poorly presented by those who executed it. they did n take care of the visibility and the international community hasackfired for the international community. i can say that it was obsne and not as that to pull out a precedent at 5 a.m. raving his residence,hooting guns. there are 150 bullets in a metal door in my house, and i think that this spanish writer, the
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way he qualified he said obscene and anti-semitic. there are other elegant coups? perhaps. according to this writer this brought about redemption for the pro coup even for the media promoting the today talked perhaps of the sympathizers turned their back on them. after the storm to my house i was draggein my pajamas as we say. i was put in a plane by force and in 40 minutes after they supplied fuel which to the plane
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at the middle of the base we took off and got fuel at the base and was taken to the city in nicoe -- period scirica. there were three men dssed in hoods with their vests become heavy weapons perhaps they were thinking they would throw me out of the plane. i mean why so much force in a small plane? three military men guarding me. i asked the one closer to me i asked officer, where are w going? and he said i don't have any orders to advise youf anything. well, could you find out?
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theruth is 40 minut later w were landing at san jose, costa rica. i thougt it was strange, the plane, but they were careful to open the door, they pulled out the steps. it was a small plane and they told me get off. so they just left me on this trip in my pajamas. what do i do now in my pajamas?
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>> that they could give me some clothes, a suit. i said i would not fit in the clothes. it would be short for me. why don't i just me out for the broadcast the same way they drped me off, in my pajamas. and they didn't tell me to get dressed and we are taking you someplace.
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i would have accepted the invitati because they were clearly armed and they were military man. but, no, ty wanted to humiliate me, to show their power when meon is threatening you at gun point. and when i left my room i wanted with two or three people know. i wanted to talk to my wife. i was not able to. when they saw my cellular they did not want me to make a call let the people know. they surrounded me, ten military men with their rifles. theyointed their rifles at me. ofourse they are pointing at
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the president. ve nervous. i noticed they were shaking. and they say this is a military order. let go of your cellular. we will shoot you . they were acting crazily. i said i @m the president. if you're going to shoot, shoot. it was very uncalled for. but i wand to share with you some details. this was the way things developed, but my concern isthe cost. and i wanto discuss lessons that we need to learn from this
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for the rest of the worldirst of all, because it is potentially only one, the pbe coup people argued that i was committing a crime, esumably because i've have not being prosecuted. i've nevad a trial. either privately or as a presiden or politian. i have never had a lawsuit against me. i have never been convicted of anything. however, they allege that there were several crimes that i had
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committed, and fractions to the law. but if this is the case that there's a broken tree, the prosecutors,he judges. you ju make a phone call. then trials change overnight. that is well kno, the level of corruption there and the impunity in developing countries is quite sizable. but they have always had they were able to handle justice system. i have never been accused, prosecuted, or convicted. however, after the coup there
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have been 24 lawsuits and bench warrants that have been issued against me. and i hav-- their is a lawsuit against me for drug dealing, teorism, corruption, but trail to my country, and violation to e legal system, i presu the entire world. they are trying to place fear in me or to humiliate me.
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these are some of the reasons that they come up with to justify the coup. and there are some other cses, and i am actually advertising for them here in d.c. means to know both sis. address the charge thathe person was receiving came from venezuela. determined by planes. descended to the u.s. and then i had a drug cartel between venezuela, honduras. so 1,000 accusations that are completely unfounded and that
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e trying to seek support for the coup. the truth is that it is just like looking for a scapegoat to justify the coup. they said that the coup was to because they were trying to put a stopo an opinion poll that the government was developing. this is the closest thing to something rational because we we conducting a poll on the day of the coup d'etat. that day the government had organized a public opinion poll, not a referendum.
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this was an opinion poll close to what the journalts to on radio tv or those, and they are taken by a very public opinion companies to understand the trends of public opinion, such as to rate the opinions. this opinion poll was asking the organization whether they wanted to be asked -- if they wanted to be asked about prosecution. they just wanted to know what the people were thinking. there are a lot of and scattered communities in honduras. it is difficult to have a true
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opiniopoll because there are no phones in some areas to reedbuck the systems for participation are not fair. so the most effective way is to ask the tnt what is their opinion about something. this opinion poll, the outcome would not bind anybody. that is the love for a citizens' participation. it's just to find out what people like banking. the crew alleged that the pole
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was a illegal. they were trying to do everything possible to make the process to find it illegal. know at there may be attorneys here. the people of the government based on a law that has been apoved in honduras -- if the
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government did not pass this law did not want to swear in. i was swearing in front of a church because that is what the law said. congress does not swear un. a judge will. congress passed the law for a citizens' participation. and in article five it states that citens may request from the state to be consulted about matters of national or local interest. they obviously are intested, and that the outcome may not be binding. so this is just to find out what
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the population is thinking. so in order to avoid the consultation they took over. they had their coup because that would mean that the presentations in there on imagination because there are some descendants of nested thomas barr and astroger. they were predicting that after the pole the president was going to cancel the supreme court national congress. that is why they had to have a coup in order to put a stop to
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those persons that were in the president's ideas. they never asked me. i denied it categorically. they asked if i would continue to rule in ts league. i said no. i just want to know how people of thinking about reforms that are necessary to the lislation of the constitution. just want to know. but let me not delay the presentation. area that they give you my opinion. there are six families. only six families that handle 90% of the economy.
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they monopolize everything virtually related to developments, in legends, telecommunications, food, fuel, finaial, banking, now owns and those families to control. they used to control ngress. the congress members, i found out that one of the families had a group that was stronger -- actually has representatives that were more powerfulhan the
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president's grouping, party rather. and that they were being khnum cap on salary. their representative. andsouse memr has to spends a a eat deal of money campaigning. and because that campaign might have to resort to thos who have money. and they end up being their employees in the national congress. in honduras the congress is the true source of power, not the president. the president had a limited power. the congress of points the
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atrney general, the supreme court justice. i criticized the appointment of the supreme just says. of the 15 justices that there are 27 were named by the main banks. the justices defend the interests of the bank. d we believe that that should not be so in a country that is poured that needs more indepeent sounds. this should not be associated. so three and a half years of my
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government. always been associated with those points. they will be appoiing a commissioner for human rights for competiveness, for the enviroent, for the attorney general. also named by the congress, and he is now an attorney working. so the power in honduras is directly related to the that are being appointed. it is that like in the u.s. that
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the justices are named for life and you need a whole process for there to be removed from their positions. and right now these six perful families -- and i don't mind someone being economically powerful. they can make as much money as they want. free market. but they are using that money to deprive hers from their own right saddam to perform a a coup d'etat. those six families are handling
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and maneuvering. there is an article of the constitution that says that no honduran can bthrown out of the country. another article says benton in the constitution of secession we only by death, incapacitated by accident. t to those say that was absolute absence because that is why ey named the president of the congress. because there is absolute absence of the president. if interpretations to be made
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like that, if you turn around someone else is taking over. they seek to of legalized words justify the coup. the families that i am mentioning now have been documented. their is a book out about eight months adobe the economy powering honduras. their is a picture ture o the cr that is the national congress. we have to get that book to show you. the names of the families are
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documents. i won't abound on details to be there is a report by the ousted government oline that you can read. so this is a company in central americthat is developing and trying to overcome a large social problem that afflts seconds. 65 percent of the population lives belowhe porty line. the country's most pronounced
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inequalities. in the three-and-a-half years during my administration i executed several reforms. they were not structural . the constitution does not allow me t they were important be within the free market economy. these were reforms to the neoliberalism that i believe has some advantages ansome huge
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sadvantage is accumulate corruption. so part and parcel of the process. i have been biting for more economic freedom. that means less monopoly. monopolies -- at the end of the day they were good we could discuss their adequacy, but for us they deteriorated this system and market. the cause poverty, marginality, and inclusion. they are protected by the state
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itself, concessions, exception saddam. and this type of economy mends to look for new laws we took monetary action. we reduced to a five-bedroom the allowance said that the banks can use more money. exchange memberseasure we did n seek to tax more people. there are many companies that are not paying taxes periodso
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there were monetary and fiscal . what about the fact that the banking interest rate came down from 24% to 8%. so when the whole banking system based on the actions we were taking produced at it economic increase that from the first year of my administration went from 3% to 7 percent of growth, growing at 7%, recreation,
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exports. 10% on every agricultural. some country some from central america, they are importing food when we have engh land and the ability to grow, but we are importing pork, for instance. unbowed, we are importing from oil-producing cntries, we have thermal energy potential we could be gerating energy for central america, but everything
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is based because it is the zealand's to buy o buy a machin. you can generate powe the next day you can sell it. but if you set up a geothermal company or a hydro electric company it takes seven years to build. you only receive profits seven years later. so it's easier to toe the finds the oil used. the adternative. one of the economic policies we
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started to quantify the growth rate was 61%. in 07 there were several years. it was actually 65%. even during the wall street crisis last yearregroup. so when there is growth there is a reduction of perty. for the fit time we experienced three poverty reductions, 30 percent in one year. and the reduction, 1% in 10 years. i was able to do a reaction of extreme poverty of 10% in 1 year, but i had the banks working, whichhey don't like. they like to charge.
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they had to lend money. we were supervising the lending. i need to cut short in the order to get to the questions and answers. we were able tubes get social and environmental indicators . also went from 1,000 to 1,400. so that is huge. we implemented social progress. when there is growth there is more tax collection. you are able to put in place
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education programs. sodality network. ere are people that aren't living in extreme poverty. that allowed -- for instance last year in competitiveness and the dynamic implementation of business. we had had a good joint venture with taiwan, with brazil, and we opened qp the economy for more competitiveness.
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and i ow those that have the monopoly do not like it because they do not want to share, but to accumulate. and we open up a policy to reach to countries who are completely isolated from venezuela, cuba, brazil, argentina the foreign policy great. cuba has a program that teaches people to read and write. there is a campaign. they have done 38,000 orations
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in hduras. the sioux have not paid their eye operations, they cando it. all seconds help tundras with energy without having to ask tok for it. the country thatas aigration and economic influencd. but to say that due to the influence that is why the coup tooklace dividends just helping socially programs. these are the main elements that
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precipitated the coup as i see them. the affects of the coup have been extraordinary. the president condemns the coup publicly. the obama administration could do other things, but we believe that there is more to be done. i will be meeting tomorrow, and we will have an opportunity to discuss some ideas that need to be developed.
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the president is in a row of mediation. a document was created, and it was not accted. that is a challenge. the document, accepted. it is rejecting it time. add think that the first country in the world that cannot put its prestige on the line and submit to to not accepthe opinion of the international community. this is like democracy and
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during the obama administration. as far as domestic issues for honduras people have reacted in an extraordinary fashion. theyave been resistant and have ver heroic way. they have never done that before. of course i have one of the mayor's year that has been ousted. he was ousted as i have been. he has to come to the u.n.
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the director that has pin close saddam. the radio station has been closed, and the threats. that is the only one that says rem@ined independent providing information. the torture that has been documented. that human-rights has provided a report. there are 1500 political detainees. there are women who have been raped and two teachers have died in public demonstrations. killed by military snipers by shots in the head, died stantly in reedbuck their is is.
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the department has not made a statement about human-rights violations. we hope that in a few hours there will be a declaration about the coup. the statement, the department of human rights is apparent. lastly i would like to say that howard coble at this time is his to learn a few lessons thatll the citizens of the world have a ne for so that it may not
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happen in tandem an the possibility of reversg peacefully or to restore the state of law. the international comnity doesn't have efficient mechanisms to make a coup a crime. those who perpetrated. this is the international community. second leads, the role of the armed forces had still be reviewed theole of the armed forces and its leaders but is able to be corrected by the elite turned into violence if they would use
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the armed action disbands to put an end to democracy then there would be vlence. that would make the security of the people in latin america in the hemisphere. there are groups that we had to get rid of. we have gotten rid of. but we continue to bring conflict to our countries. we did not have to go through. but if this happens addends then there are pple ople from canadao
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the south will continue to experience violence. on society, the freedom. that is how the u.s. isble to have an african immigrant as the president. and it is actually the best way we have to fit for poverty. to remove poverty if our peoe lose the hope that a democracy. we will have hope. it should bring about thereams of our triots and the
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independence of our country. [applauding] >> thank you so much. thank you very much. and i think we have time for of a few questions before the media event. the most common question was about the specific steps that you would like to see the obama administration take now. i know you have already mentioned the indexation of the human rights abuses that are ongoing. are tre other steps that you would lik to see the
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administration take? [speaking in native tongue] >> translator: tomorrow some of the issues that will be discussed are precisely not just the characterization of the coup d'etat for which t state department has a recommendation, but also the outcome of the mediation. it is being weakened by the
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rejection of the pro-coup regime. ..
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more freedom of the press, and to give you as detailed-- and i will say this to the state department, the pro-coup government has named the former military person has a ministered to ill-advised on safety. he was the death angel during the 80s. he was in charge of cutting tongues, pting out es, and castrating people during the '80s. he has trials awaiting in spain and in the u.s.. he was the leader of the death squad and he is now advising his
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administer for safety for the de facto government. my wife tried to come to the border. there were 3,000 people demonstrating and the police apprehended to young people. they disappear and then the next day they threw their dead, and they had 24 stack,-- and thy had plastic bags on their mouths. and then, they apprehended a teacher and threw him out with the same features. the people don't have any
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weapons in the position. now the teachers and campesinos have been, have not bn working for good they are on strike for 64 days and these are all issues that we will discuss with secretary clinton. >> i would also like to recognize the two ambassadors here, whom i know. ambassador alvarez from the embassy of venezuela and the amssador from the embassy of bril. if there are other ambassadors here, i am sorry that i don't recognize you, but we welme your presence and we are honored that so many distinguished officials at the oas and from the embassies could come to hear the president.
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a second question that was asked was about your interest in changes in the constitution in honduras and your vision for politics in honduras in the future at that time. [speaking spanish] [speaking spanish] >> translator: as i w stating before, the changes that we have introduced or of an economic, social nature, that within the washington consensus in the neoliberal model to develop our countries, and we are accomplishing the best development indicators, but we
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reached a solution that is the best for the democratic system, the direct participation from the cities. when it comes to the large domestic issues, now there is a debate on health in the u.s. and when it comes to domestic issues, what we do and in many countries direct policies being used goes straight to the people. we don't rely on the president or congress, but we ask the people and we be our decisions on that. in europe for instance, the decisions need-- decision needs to be made that they would have the edu-- he is submitting a referendum because the president
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does not make that decision when the euro was proposed. they submitted it to the population and they stayed with the-- because some officials may betrayed the will of the people so in contst they have a plebiscite in a referendum, but that is notaken seriously by the people, so what they did is i change that so people cou give their opinion the love for plebiscite in national arab sides-- states, that it would be used for the people to parcipate democratically. but, based on this law, he
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cannot ask about budget or social programor tax matters, or international treaties. then, what is the use of the law? said no, this lot needs to be changed, and they say that i am attacking the constitution because i want the people-- as the people of the want the law to be change. it is the people who can change the law of the constitution. i is the president cannot do it. i cannot issue a decree to change it. there is another article in the constition that states tha e branches of power cannot amend the constitution, but the people can, because the people approve the constitution, so we
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wanted to ask the people whether they wanted to be asked, whether they wanted to change the constitution. that is what we were asking. >> a third question is, gen-- a third question is that the mckibben elections are scheduled in honduras for november, it seems illogical that e defect of government would be so resistant a mediation into your return. should we understand this in terms the ongoing repression, or what exactly? [speaking spanish] [speaking in spanish]
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>> translator: yes sir the i was that the oas and there were several ambassadors here. and about 75% of the ambassadors made a statemen yesterday, and there are resolutions from the union of countries of south america and there are statements by the central american cotries and resolutions. the president of mexico stated, and also the minister of foreign affairs and likewise from brazil, and countries that have made the statement outside the multilateral entities from
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those-- also made a statement. they have stated that they will not recognize our government that is the product of a coup. as long as e president that has been elected by the people is restore to power, and the coup d'etat is rersed precisely because the president himself, who i am the project of the process of a liberal nature, very encompassing.
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there is a whole series of actions that to guartee a clean and transparent process. the population is now being repressed. those who are against the regime are repressed. one of the candidates for the presidency has his arms broken and is in a hospital because he has beenttacked in a demonstration. this is a presidential candidate. there are many years-- mears that have been ousted by force and the nephew of the current de facto government has been appointed as the mayor and he was not accepted and he had to be replaced. other labor leaders that for
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woing on polk, campesinos, indigenous people, they have been captured and their rights to participate have been violated. so, my question is the same that america as the ctinent is asking itself. candy pro-coup regime guarantee democracy when there repressing a large part of the population, and members of my party and others who were working on the pull. is it transpnt-- could it be transparent, and the other question is,, the coup happened
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six months before the election. now we are four months away, but win the elections were postponed in may, then the couhaened the next month. so, is this an action to set up a fraudulent action, that will be made easier by removing the elected president from the country? can they guarantee clean eltions are one of the mt politically imrtant forces are being repressed then there are no guaraees for democratic participation? the peoplof the americas are speaking against the process and when honduras was excluded from the oas, it was so that it could
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come back later and we need a two-thirds of the ve, and we were not able to get it, so the regime out of our de facto government will not be recognized and the elections, if the government is restored, it the social agreement to carry out elections are not a good outcome, but it will be a deepening of the social graces. >> unfortunately we are now 15 mites past the hour that the president is scheduled to meet with various media, but i am hoping very much that this presentation has


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