tv Today in Washington CSPAN September 9, 2009 7:30am-9:00am EDT
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cater to engineering education emphasize engineering design. it is highly iterative, open to many solutions, a meaningful context for learning stem concepts. stimulus systems thinking, analysis. i would argue that much of the stem education that happens in many schools actually does this, does engineering design. and teachers don't actually think about it very much. i think back to my expert as a high school science teacher, try to havethe labs that were engaging and inquiry basis. this is what i would have get stupid they would do things again and again. they were tied to the site something that did something. apply some scientific principle. it has a different name and so sometimes people don't pay much attention to it, but i think it's really important. among the several recommendations from this report, we need to know more about benefits, what works and why, how to connect engineering
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design to scientific inquiry and mathematical reasoning. we need to know better how to prepare teachers. we need to know how to include underrepresented groups. we need to thinkhat what the policy and program issues are. we need to think about what the stem literacy means. when the president of the national academy said wl move from the middle to the top of the pack in a decade, i think this is what he as talking about. something about stem letters to, about being good at these areas. he talked about preparing for next generation of scientists, technicians, engineers and mathematicians when he talked a lot about the idea of stem literacy, that everyone can benefit from having analytical approaches, from having scientific ways of analyzing things, from having engineering approaches to design. and as i was reading through this and talk about the case for k-12 engineering, this is why pulled out of the first was an increased -- this is supposed to be learning, nothing.
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in science and mathematics. yocan tell this is a power point i made. increased awareness of engineering, understanding of engineering, interesting engineering trick of all credit irrespective. and increased technological literacy. texarkana pulled out the first and the last as things that would fit into this idea. part of the way that this is going to happen, because things that are moving out our about standards and assessments, math, science, others. but those arehe this that are in play right now. the case for k-12 engineering education. focusing on that point of increased learning and achievement, in science and mathematics. in summary, the available evidence suggests that under certain services is engineering education can boost learning and achievement in science and mathematics. under certain circumstances. these efforts, and i just quoted from what greg sent me, these efforts may be more specific for
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specific populations. however, the positive effects are not universal. research has not clearly establish a causal mechanism that explain such benefits when they occur. as i read that, it said to me there is a lot of work to be done. it part of what you're talking about is trying to make the argument that studying engineering, increased learning and achievement of science and mathematics, we need to know more about how to do that well. we need more evidence that tse things rely on each other, that these things work together to increase learning in science, math and technology. and again and reagan is in the current state of cater coeducation, it is not always the first order of objective. most cases it is and to enhance the study of science,
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mathematics or subjects. so there is a feeling it is being done to teach other things. that the silo that people often talk about maybe engineering is already reaching out to help move some of the other areas. and that is an organizing has to be made more clear or more strongly. thinking about the teacher part. there was this golden auclair description of the knowledge and skills needed to teach engineering to children. collector with an assumption that there was a clear description to teach children. engineering is an exception. terrific honesty. love this quote. is most elementary teachers are afraid of teaching science and teaching engineering is often accompanied by terror. the horror, the horror.
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so as i read through this report, i have to say i really enjoyed it. it felt like it really moved the discussion forward in many ways about how engineering could, what the case is. part of the case is that it lps move the other fields. part of the case is that what is already been decided, that people have id this is a way to teach other areas. part of what i think it's important think about is how to continue that discussion, how to expand it, how to get the attention of people who are thinking about race to the top, state level, district level. think about people are thinking about common core standards in mathematics and science. how do they engage in continue to be engaged in those discussions. how to move k-12 engineering education along the lines of reforms. how do we work to get better teachers. how do we work on standards and assessment. the other two areas are maybe not as clear and turn arounlow
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performance goals and the data systems may not be applicable but several of these reforms could greatly benefit by the sort of thinking about k-12 engineering education that you havembarked on with the support. thank you very much for your great work. i appreciate it. [applause] >> we will have questions after the next presentation. and will do it in a very similar way as we did in the morng. so we will ask the speakers to take a seat right here up front, and then we will facilitate the questions and answers. so we are going to our next speaker, steve myers. steve is a high school and middle school technology and
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engineering instructor in wisconsin. state has been very involved in education initiatives at the local, state and national levels, including as a representative on the wisconsin technology education association, curriculum for project at the national academy of engineeri, and member of the board of directors for the international technology education association. along with teaching, steve owns an educational consulting company, technological leaders curriculum solutions that he is about and luther college and a masters degree in technology education from the university of wisconsin. steve, thank you. [applause]
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great. just like my student. i knew i could get it out if you. boy, this is quite the honor to be here today and i'd like to take a moment to tha greg for his organization ofhis. ank you national academy and also to thank mary beth who is very instrumental in taking care of all the things behind the scenes when it comes to my travel and hotel. so i would like everyone, if they would, those people do not get enough respect it if you would give them a round of applause, please. [alause] >> now i find it quite ironic that i have to travel halfway across the country just to see a couple of good dear friends that live in wisconsin only a few hours away from me. one of those would-be docto al gomez who spoke earlier today. and al is a good friend of mine that i've know for many years and respect him very much as an engineering educator and have educator and have tried to plicate a lot of things that he has done in school. so it is nice to see you, i'll.
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anotheone of those people would be d kieny was very instrumental in this project with doctor wasmyollege professor, professional mentor and also a very goo friend of mine who can do but like you say that he has been one of the largest influences of me, upon me in corporate m passion for the few. so it is nice to see doctor welty again. during lunchtime i went out to check myself r any messages. and i received a text message from my principal, and my principal who you did see on the the order that we are very good friend and he is a very good administrator when it comes to promoting engineering and stem education. now we are very good friends and we'r able to joke what a bit. and a text message read this. steve, are you nervous? you should be.
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[laughter] >> on this is my administers way of trying to get a little confidence in me or not. it's kind of a funny way. however, i would like to put this in context a little bit. if i were not here right now, i would be just finishing up on lunch with over 400 student. i would just starting to teach 25 to 3514 year oldiddle school students how to use power tools. [laughter] >> that yes, i am a little bit nervous, but not nearly as nervs as it would be if i was back teaching right now. i would like to give you a little bit of ovaryf the presentation that i'm going to give today, and i tried t formulate a presentation to follow some of the objectives of the engineering report. i'm going to give you a little programhilosophy, an overview of how we feel about stem education in the briiant school district and then going to show you what what i do are
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the very rich student experience is to cut up within the context of a 16 and 17 year-old emma could actually happen in a stimulated curriculum. i am in good to show you what you some of the program successes that we have had, not only program successes but some of the student success is that we have had also. just to point out to you, i will explain a few of these pictures. this picture right appear as part of our design and testing facility that is in our laboratory. and i'm taking a picture from up above on a mezzanine that has four individual offices. it is called out that let, future innovative technologies, we have groups of seniors and juniors who had their own offices to come up with new ideas. we expect of those people when they leave high sool to have ideas that are patent worthy of nafta get you a stage where i'm going to talk about when it comes to our philosophy i think it is important to give
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demographic information not only about michael but the community. i live in brillion, wisconsin, which is located south of green bay. population of 3000 people. many people in your probay due to a school that has 3000 people in the high school. so we are a very small community. we would be considered a world community. however, that would be to the outsider what i think you find out about the small community of brillion. we a very far from what would be a rural blue-collar communities are about 330 studts in the high school. that's grade nine to 12. there are three major industries located in brillion pic one is a company, a worldwide manufacturer of long and silly quitman. a large logistics company, and brillion ironworks which is about a. something very interesting about brillion is these remanufactured on located less tn 1 mile away from the high school, and these
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three manufactures on a daily basis and ploy more people than live in brillion. as mentioned earlier in the view i'm not going to talk about it a lot but one thing we're very excited about is two years ago now we received quite a large sum of money from the aarons company to develop what we tnk is a state of the art technology and engineering education center. negative this picture appear. this is a picture of our high school and it just happened to be that one rainy day laster i was driving away from the high school and i looked in my rearview mirror and i saw a window, and it appeared to going into a high school. so very quickly, i went back into school, grabbed my digital camera, can i took this picture and a mere two seconds later the rainbow was content that is truly how i feel about brillion high school. i have found the pot of gold. i moved into the community and found out that there is lots of industry that is extremely advanced. i have a l of support from industry. we have a great educational system with great teachers,
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great kids, great activewear located very close to some very sophisticated technical colleges and universities. as my path would take me, i intended on staying in brilln to your ticket is now sixears later i am on my second house, and married married and have a two euro. boy, how life takes usn a different journey. i would like to talk little bit about our program philosophy because of the philosophy behind our program drives absolutely everything we do from the curriculum that we develop to how we maintain and develop our facity. our goal is to prepare all students to be successful for the next education opportunity. had to break that down, when i say all to become i meant student from k-12, and actually younger and older than 12 including parent and committee members if we want to educate on engineering and stimulated curriculum. we prepare all students to be successful for the next educational level. we have all sorts of studen taking our classes, so we
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definitely call a general education. we have males and t most taking our classes. we have those students, if this is politically correct, we have some of the valedictorian taking our classes. we have substance that are more challenged with school, whether the educationally or discipline. so we have a very broad range of students taking technology and engineering classes. hour minimum goal is to go to the next level of vegetation with a v-8 university, a technical college, or some type of future drinkard so that is our minimum goal for young people to gonto. we teach breath, not just. let me explain that a little bit. michael as a technology and engineering teacher is to me every single young person abdomen actually as much at them as i can throw. we're not able to get in depth on a lot of these subjects but at what we have done is by throwing as many topics at young
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people as possible, you find that the students are able to find something that they are interested in. and once they find something they are interested in, the educational process the longer becomes a chore, but students start wanting to learn and continuing and they start teaching themselves. isn't that article as educators, to create lifelong learners? i believe so. muchf our curriculum is based on innovation and designnd the context of engineering. i'm not going to touch on that. i will touch on that a little bit later. student expenses are based on the problem and the process instead of the product. an awful lot of the content that we will go through is there to teach students some technical skills and some knowledge. and even more so, to get young people excited about engineering related areas. however, the overall theme in the process that the students go through to participate in some of these activities is to give them a greater understanding,
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something i would call an enduring understanding that they can take on with life and apply it to many other areas. we have lots of partnerships with industry and higher education, and we definitely like to include all other disciplines. that's not just mhematics and the site is, but that includes language arts and social studies and some of the other arts. and even though we've talked a lot about integrating other things, we really try to define a lot of our programs and iraq committees that we don't integrate mathematics and the sciences into it but we intertwine. we try to make it as seamless as possible where students don't think that we are trying to force a mathematics into a project just to make a mathematics. you can't have one without the other, and to what we try to do is intertwine them all together and in in a sense fuld fool the students. a couple of pictures up here that i would like to share in the top right corner, the
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students, this was taken when the students were soft and more spirit than to graduate but the students at the top, what they are doing right now is using a height gauge to take some precision measurements and inactivity in order to do some statistical process control. the student were sophomores and then gone on to become some of my stars in the program. on the left we have jason and that is a hydraulic robot write your. part of the content was to teach young people about fluid power. the overline theme was to teach the students about current engineering. jason was only a small part of this project are they designed several parts of it and they found out instead of when you put them all together they have all different problems. are a much like international space station write a. so that was a lesson in concurrent engineering. in the bottom right, we have ryan's right there and what he is participating in is a three p. design process where he is
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going through and they are actually taking the most important salient features of the product that they are developing right there. this is just a few things that students might do in some omy classes. however, to make a long story short, if i could sum up what i want young people to do d what our problem stands for, i could do it in really one phrase and one picture. that is my goal is to create an innovative thinkers and doers of the 21st century. and that picture says exactly how i want you people coming out of my program to thank. for many years weave been operating on this goucher that we want young people to think outse of the box. in the brilliant school district on dolomite youngsters to think outside of the box but i wanted to also realize that many times some of the best answers are inside the box. as we have write your. and these are not my students. however, this is the way i
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wanted to think abt this group group has done is taken in at a lesser watermelon, pled inside a plexiglass box, and as it grows and matures it takes shape to the box and ends up coming out as a cube watermelon. now many as you can probably see some of the benefits of this when it comes to packaging. when it comes to show began displaying. when it comes to shipping these different things. however, i have realized and is dawned on me last night while i was feeding my two year old, has nothing to do with that. it's all about the fact that everybody gets the same sized slice. [laughter] >> just think of all the arguments this would so i dinnertime if we only had cube watermelon. now, i'm going to go ahead and share with you two activities, experiences i suld say, that some of my students have gone through. before i do is i want to preface
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this, at times i'm going to tell you some of the equipment that they are using and some of the software that you are using, what i don't want you to think so whatsoever to concentrate on that and that is the important part of educational process. it is not whatsoever. however, what i want you to think about is what is going on inside and what is developing in thmind of the young person. as they go through this. can locate. the first student experience i want to give to you is during a given junio senior designer problem-solving class, which is very much a stem or engineering related class. and they are setting aeronautical engineering. added to overlying things that want you to take a look at is a the design -- is actually three things and these are based on the principles that were written in the report. number one principle being students to participate in the design process. never do they should incorporate
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mathematics it and decided to it. and number three, engineering, engineers should have an engineering habit of mind. so in particular, and this one the habits of mind is the way of thinking and systems. and as i go through this i will share that with you. all right. project starts out with students picking up a 26 page design portfolio. and i have got part of this right here. as they open it up and read into it, it puts them in the shoes of an aeronautical engineer from lockheed. and what they do, they have to design an airplane to take you through this very, very quickly. first, students start out what was called a student teaching module and i get all sort of key terms such as new law, etc. ended break up and go research themselves. so they become the teacher. what this does is they come back and they teach the rest of the oup about the different area. we created some experts in the
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area. so they come back and they teach them about this. the next thing they do is in the students go and take data. engineers take it all the time. so they go and we get on a software called foils tm and post them in some mass and allows you to take different made on different shades of airfoil so they go into the they didn't take this data and start to plot left versus thrust, airspeed, etc. to get this relationship that the output change. dense to go on and make some smalairfoils contest them in a wind tunnel. compare the data to that which they got on foils them suffer. they wouldn't go back and study the history of aviation technology and possibly take an older aircraft and do a report on that and share that with the rest of the group. men in the top left hand corner, to show you a $5 propeller thrust. so they would go through and test to blade props, three blade prop them up foreplay props, etc.
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once they went through all o this initial testing in the science and mathematics, i feel pretty confident for them to go and design an airplane. here is the design of an airplane. and i have to apologize. during the flight out here it didn't survive so well. in fact, we are now missing a vertical stabilizer. definitely something i want to get fixed before the flight home. howeve this is an airplane that a young lady named breanne as i took a process she went about, she got on a computer and she started druggist did she do it in 3-d. on a 3-d modelg program. she was then able to color it on the screen pictures able to take a digital picture of her self and place yourself in the cockpit pictures able to go to google earth a get an aerial view of her house and put it in the background. she was able to put this in an animated, so airplane, that she was like actually flew over her house and did a double. etty exciting. i don't know how to do any of the stuff that the ks sure do. next she sent the file over to a
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machine and was able to cut out all of these very, very quickly. assembled it and we moved on to testing it. she was able to fly this thing around here cares about process that went through her head because i read the reflection afterwards. this young lady spent so much time on this airplane. the first time she tried to fly it, it did not g off the ground. and no kidding, this girl had tears in her eyes and had to leave class. she spent so much time. then i read in her refleion, she came back and she said, i spent so much time designing th airplane it didn't take off. i had a four blade propeller so i looked back in my engineering data. and i remember when we did the thrust test that d.c. motors do not have the same amount of work throughout their power range. and this is all written in a reflection from a 17 year-old. so she said, four blade prop? actually take too much torque and they don't work wit his
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martial i'm going to go down to a three blade prop. so she changed t a three blade prop which it for more thrust. the next time she went, her airplane went and took off. she didn't sound, you know, my airplane doesn't go quite as high as everybody else's but remember when john gave his student teaching presentation and they mention that if you put little tiny index cards on the elevator, that the elevator accident tha could like it does in a building that it allows you to go up and down. i added little tiny flapped my elevator and now my airplane flies high than anybody else's. wow. briand is now a freshman, just started this week, is a civil engineer. she wants to stay on the ground. but a civil engineer at the university of. the next one that i want you to think about, actually i have a short video here. i'm going to skip that. we are short on time. the next experience i want to share with you, i was taught during a stemmed glass that we started a stemmed glass as the top on myself and the science
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teacher who was a physics teacher and a chemistry teacher who can we start a stemmed glass with freshmen and sophomores try to get them excited about different cultures and this is a graat brilliant cardboard boat race that we have started exurbs are given a certain number of big sheet of cardboard. one roll of duct tape and bag of hot glue and they have to make a vessel that will hold three different students and go to a certain course out on the lake. the name of this vessel that we see being built in here is called hydrophobia. [laughter] >> this group, i want to pick on the second leg in. her name is carissa. she is a very, very bright. this team is comprised of very, very bright young people. now the trouble was we had about eight votes. and these young people were so incredibly far behind and i had stepped out at this point in my student teacher was coming out
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with a science teacher and i was nervous. because phey were not getting anywhere. all the other groups were outbuilding. these people were back in doing nothing. they were up the night before finishing off their boat. they went out and they raised their boat and as was the only boat that made all the way back. extra surprise. so i went up and after the next day, i said how did you do this? last night you hadn't even started. and she said that's because, mr. mayer, we started with a science and mathematics behind a boat work. i said, will take me through this process. she said well first we figured out the weight of all of our crew members, including panels and lifejackets. been through some experience, not being given the density of water by figuring out the density of water, we're able to figure out how much volume of water we needed to displace. then we went back and we designed our boat to displace that much water. but not only that, we put a 20% error factor in.
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we figured out exactly where the water line would be on our boat. and we took and optimize all of our material so most of the material was exactly where the water line was because we didn't know anything about it, the forces about it don't make any difference whatsoever. this is my 15 year old freshman. very powerful. i know i have negative two minus. listen carefully. >> the people who did the most are winning. that'sood. . .
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>> >> tell you all this because i want to keep you excited about what can happen. we have started to get people excited. this is the 15th presentation i've given to a large organization on our program. we have had 24 differentchool districts comprised of principals, school board members, technology and engiering teachers kajar facility to see how we are doing. sorry i have gone over in time. thank you very much. [applauding] >> if only you would show a little passion. just a little passion. thank you. we are goingo invite dr. robinson and steve up to the stage to take some of requests. i would like to remind you again orraw your attention to the two microphones if you would like to bring your questions
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there. identify yourself, your organization, and who your question is addressed to. we will start with you. >> carrie benson. my question is for steve robinson. you mentioned in your talk that one of the criteria for race to the top is data systems. nobody is opposed to tick, but a degree of the that in the u.s. data implies a standardized testing. the excellent programs that we have heard about have outcomes that a degree would also agree are not outcomes that can be measured very well if at all by multiple choice exams. what is the department of vegetation during to explore alternate assessment ssessment t be more appropriate for test of
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engineering. >> investing about $300 mhllion and coming up with the assessments that will be tied to the common core standards. you mentioned standardized testing and multiple-choice. those don't necessarily have to go hand-in-hand. we have to realize that the world that should be and the world that is might be different. because of the sca we do have stannous testing. the question is, first of all, how to make that better. and, you know, i think there is a general belief that testing i really important for doing one of the things that ncla did
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really well. and that is pointing out that witnesses and as commission and america. the question is how, given that free-market policy we're going to make testing and assessment better. how are we calling to do that? so it is a challenge. the challenge that the president that secretary have indicated they will not retreat from. standard-testing it might be part of data systems, but it does not have to be a bad thing. teachers complain about a standardized tests because they have set up systems that aren't very good. but teachers in designing and improving their instruction rely on tests. the question is how do we get from the tt we have to the test we need.
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>> thank you. we have yet another question. >> bob when bird from the national aerospace. for steve buyer kabob when we have looked at the programs that that e reaching an increasing number of citizens over 15ears we see many of them coming up at the high-school level. often in the past that has been associated with traits coming careers, but not higher education. also we note that on the -- is comfortable were easier to develop it within this ct at of the house. typically not subject to state standards or national standards.
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how do you see this evolving to meet both sides? you apparently are dealing with students who are going off to college and engineering school. siddons, not to college but not pursuing engineering and billing of two professional paths beyond his cool, but not college. how do you balance that? and do we need to get it out of ct to make it widespread to back. >> definitely i agree with your statement and the respect that we spent, and as kidder's, an awful lot of lot of time battlin the two and whersome of these fit. and a i firm believer that the y education has gone that broad-based knowledge and skills
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that people need going into a universi or some type of trade is no different whatsoever. we definitely cater toward students going into any of those areas. to be honest, after talking with many, many employers that would employ not only engineer's people in the trades and indeed, they all work together. the philosophy of teaching these broadbased skills only helps them work together when they get in the real world and . i guess i would encourage everyone to understand that the broad based avenue of education and giving, 16 years old. giving these in people all sorts of options and teaching them all sorts of things that is not only going to help them make the correct decision for them, but also to help an entire company work together better. i agree. their needs to be more discussion and probably less
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time arguing and more time working together find a happy medium. >> thank you. our next question please. >> high. but just wanted to expand the question about the assessment and program evaluation. the importan of the program evaluation for disseminating the successes of the various programs and also for learning from and not only the successes, but some of the shortcomings of these programs. actual research is working currently with the department of defense, the director is here
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right now. one of the things w have been doing it three different studies replicating the results of a pre engineering program here in maryland. and it is a module along with scientists and engineers from the aberdeen proving ground and the impact of that partnership with the teacher on the students and it using trying dilapated, treatment and control, the clause i experimental design, eventful experimental design with two levels of ionization. those series and studies are just now coming arailable. the have not been available for incorporation into this particular book, but i think
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that my question is, the importance of assessment and program evaluation and to its does that continue? >> thank you. >> one thing that did not talk about is the fun called investing in innovation which is part of the recovery from the. again a competitive grant fund which will support at several different levels people who are doing things that are innovative and interesting and that can show successful results. so a lot of that investing in innovation will really be driven by a result that people get. what you are doing sounds terrific. a think that is the place where you mht want to keep track of
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whats going on at the department. at the gashed stop there. >> thank you. >> question on the of a microphone. >> hi. the museum of science. my question is for steve robinson. can you assure us that the stem priority will remain in the oposal as it is issued in its final form? and also, what are some of the -- some advice you might get to this rm full of passionate engineering education advocates as they pursue, perhaps, or assist in pursuing that funding. >> i'm new at the department. my insurance would mean not much. i have been told it is very unlikely it would disappear.
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this is something that the president has mentioned as being one of the things where states that are making system in progress in education will have some advantage. i haven't actually seen the comments, although i have heard cond hand and a lot of people are saying why not other things. stem education is what is there. maybe pat can get more of an insurance. i have heard it's very unlikely something like that would happen at this point. sorry, second part of your question? >> what advicwould you give to the folks in the room? >> it involved. yes, we can. it is a question of the states are going to have to figure out things that they are already doing, partners that might be a round, there will be some -- two
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runs of applications, to rounds of distribution. if the state does something in the first run and doesn't get money, there is the second round. a lot of people are gearing up for thinking about how they can work on this. you just want to stay tuned to find out what sorts of things are happening. test stapler dead. >> it's the government that's going to. >> its tested level application. ye >> thank you. the bad part about being a moderator is it is also part drill sergeant. two last questions. we will try to make them sink and get them answered. we are of little overtime. bill will start right here. >> i am with an organization called smart. my question is related to a
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ssessment. we recently submitted a proposal. a very important part is the assessme phase. the person doing the assessment brought to a my attention to something. are you familiar to back. >> and this must be a question for you. [laughter] >> i'll just make this succinct. from what i understand it is a very in-depth assessment. dentist wanted to see if you knew about that. if you knew about how to do it better. >> no, but fortunately i won't be either given out of money or devising assessments. i'm sure there are people at the department to think about this and will be plugged into that. i just build their plants.
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[laughter] >> okay. >> thank you. our final question. >> thank you. california, silicon valley. my question relates to school. it seems obvious you have supported the environment. can you talk of the bit about some of the challenges you had establishing that relationship or your peer colleagues in other areas? and then what the bolt might be in the partnership you had with energy and help others can go about strengthening. >> a lot of is starts with a strong administrator. dictate where the money gives, who is teaching that. i think a strong recommendation
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would be to have building principles. another thing is with this partnership with the company that did not just come forth and say, here is $1.5 million. it was built on a variety of things. the one they have found very interesting is they came forth and said that we will give you this money, but we want you to know, this is not -- we are not looking for you to produce workers for our company. we on looking for you to produce innovative thinkers and doers. if the people to come and work for our company, that is tremendous. in some capacity they'd make a work for other companies. so it was not the facility and it was not the equipment. with the students selling the philosophy that did this. so it was the philosophy of
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teaching science technology, engineering, mathematics that's all it to the company. it was not to produce workers. >> is there any advice that you have for the folks that are here and how they might strengthen the partnerships to back. >> of nutley. it seems like education and industry park work in silos. however, our customers are the same exact people. i encourage you to go out and talk with different areas. make sure you go right to the top choice. it is usually the ceoshat understand the power of the broad-based educatio so i wod say make that connection. make it a priity in your community to get out and get the schools involved. this has definitely lead.
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for instance in the springtime it is just as popular as the baseball and track and field. it has created the attitude and the atmosphere throughout the school. we are not teaching technical mathematics. we are doing different glasses. almost turning herself into a technology and engineering relad high-school. >> all right. thank you. thank you for your questions. as i bring our best panel of, would you please join me in thanking dr. robinson and steve meyer? [applauding] >> we will have a small change in o program right now. senator ted kaufman will be your
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next speaker. i will introduce him right now. after his speech, his presentation he will take questions. so that is in an effort to accommodate some constraints in his time. the center was sworn in as delaware's ginning center on january 16th 2009 replacing five president joe biden as the only serving u.s. senato who work as an engineer center, but has advocated to meet the increasing challenges of a competitive global economy. in june he introduced the stem education coordination act bipartisan legislation iended to improve the efficiency in deep effectiveness of your stem education efforts. before starting work for then senator joe biden he had an
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undergraduate degree in mechanical engineering from duke university and an m.b.a. from the board in school. would like to thank you very much for being available today. [applauding] >> thank you, linda. and i also want the bank greg pearson for inviting me to speak to you about this important report. i commend the national academy of engineering and national research council for establishing the committee on k-12 engineering education. a truly do think this is really an important area for the country. i became an engineer nearly 50 yes ago. many americans were inspired to become engineers by a sense of patriotism and a desire to explore following the siet successful launch of sputnik.
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people all across the country were motivated to enter engineering because american needed the intellect, creativity, and innovation to when the space race. we met that challenge head on when we successfully landed on the been 40 years ago. now we are in the midst of a great economic challenge, and i truly believe engineers will once again help us meet the obstacles we face. but all it does that mean it restoring america's economy to a strong footing, but tackling and solving the world's most daunting challenge. it is amazing. all the surveys of yen people today who want to make a difference in their lives. the problem is that just don't perceive engineering as a way to do that, which is ridiculous. we need to be brandt engineering and let him and people know i truly believe that the way to make a difference is to participate as an engineer and the green revolution.
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any of the energy sources, so many things we have to do. the engineers have always been the world's problem solvers making huge differences in people's lives. clean wat. lifesaving jurors for canter and sease. clean, renewable petro free energy. affordable health care. he's a just a handful of the great challenges begin engineers can set as personal goals and help to achieve. if we are to tackle these immense challenges we can no longer a right to beginraining our nation's future engineers until after they leave the k-12 educatio pipeline. that is why i'm so pleased that this report offering a progressive agenda for expanding and improving cage that of an education and engineering. i know from persol experience that if you can't hit a dead person interested in tackling a
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learning calculus or precalculus and middle school, there are lost as possible possible the e. we all know it is not that easy. i often think -- people talk about how you can make education fun. carcass is not fun. there are people who thi calculuses fun. you have to think that there is some reason why you're going through this pain. and that is why its key. we have to give them an incentive. i wasn't doing as well as i should have been. my mother told me to put over a test in school a picture of a sports car so i knew what i was working for. at the gets the same way with test. we have to put over their desk, you know, if you want to make a difference, and you want to solve the world's problems this is how your court to get there.
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what can we do better? for too long and education efforts have tended to focus on science and mathematics and rarely include technology and engineering. as the committee says the smile the teaching has supported efforts to engage students and real-world applications. it has also impeded technology and science literacy which are essential skills for the 201st century. engineering is the ideal medium from which to teach the subject, especially if we have the means by which your people can make a difference. according to reports to a desk of engineering education may actually improve performance in science and math. an increase in students technological literacy. may also increase awareness of the engineing profession. yet as we all know there is a
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tactic untapped engineering potential out there. as i said before, the greatest economic challenges of our lifetime, we cannot afford to let engineers fall by the wayside. here are my four things i'd we should do. first we must build on that theme that engineering and innovation are the keys to america's economic success. that is say that again. i absolutely believe this. we must build on that theme that engineering innovation are the keys to american economic success in the global economy. i have so pleased that president obama said the call to vote more than 3 percent of our economy. that is key. this requires significant federal as well as private investment. one of the kid things we di recently is the american recovery and prevention act has provided over $20 billion in
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federal funds. the science and engineering community must show that stimulus funds dedicated to research and development of delivering positive results in terms of innovation, especially innovation that can be transmitted to a healthy economy. engineers and scientists will foster education that continues on a path to economic recovery and prosperity. that will help us build a clean energy company. stay competitive and a globalizing world, and drive the real world applications from our nation's health and science resech to improve our quality of life. moreover, these discoveries and innovations will create millions of new jobs- i need millions of new jobs. but the science community must connect the dots with the public to see that stimulus funds spent on science research delivers a dividends for assault. third we must encourage a new
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generation through policies. i dot have to say this to this group. i introduced this ten education coordination act. this bill is almost the identical to aersion that passed overwhelmingly in the house and will ensure thatour current federal-state education programs are working as efficiently and effecvely as possible. this legislation directs the office of science technology policy to establish a committee on the national science and technology council that is responsible for coordinating stigma activities that often were independent of ea other. the include federal stamp programs of the national science foundation, department of energy, nasa, and others. it is vital that our current stand programs which efficiently and effectively so at our investments succeed in bolstering achievement and interest and engineering
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education. lastly we must promote policies to encourage women and underrepresented minorities to enter engineering. about half of the overall work force, the comprise 71. 4% of the science and engineering work force. african americans hold 4.4 percent of science and jobs which is better than 3.4%. we can and we must do better. ..
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>> what we have to change the vote in his room and others, we have to inspire student as we did during the race t the moon, to address the challenges facing our country in the world. what better way to do this than to engineering education? i know. that if given the opportunity a new generation of engineering
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and scientist will step forward to meet these challenges. thank you. thank you for your work. [applause] >> if anybody has any questions i will be happy to try and answer them. [inaudible] >> you're coordinating council and office of scientific knowledge he, there have been some efforts in the past to do that kind of thing. do you have any hopes that we'll get something new better, different? and some real coordination between federal agencies? >> i think it would pass the bill and put the department in, but i think really doesike i
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think there is change coming. i think people are awaref it and i think they know how important this is. you can solve problems especially in the federal government by putting in another box on the organization chart. but in this case i think it is a boxer goes on organization chart at the right time to the people working together. i have talked to a number of the dean's at the engineering schools that the term syler was used by one of the previous speakers, i think sidling is becoming not public enemy number one but maybe public enemy number 10. and i think that people realize that we have to have all the different agencies working together. so i do think it is that one of the things i swear my point i would never say we tried that your guzzle a lot of it depends on the timing. i think the time is right for this. >> do you think that during our
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lifetime that we will be able to get technology and engineering to be as important as science and math is a policymaker's minds today? >> yes. i think it, what i hope happens is all stem boost for. you know what i mean? i hope what happened here is it all gets better. i was there. i was there when we went to the sputnik. everybody wanted to be an engineer. all of a sudden. best things in all the schools want to be engineers. i have a masters in business i'm not denigrating anyone. when i graduate from college, high school, everybody was really smart want to be an engineer and the guys and women who couldn't be engineers want to be business majors. i watched a complete turn on its head. 11 percent of the engine and graduate in 2007 would work on wall street that it changed totally. the cycles for different things. and i think the key to this, i
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really, really think that america's future is tied economic future, not environmental future, not political future, economic future is tied to all this green technology. so i think, hefully, all boats will be lifted so we won't have this, you know, wdon't have to do a report like this when we talk about engineering and technology playing second fiddle to science and math. frankly, during and so people can argue, because i remember it, during the '60s, 50s, late 50s and '60s, engineering was involved. again, we were shooting rocks at the moon. it was engineering that was really leading the way in a lot of these things. it wasn't quantum mechanics. >> my name is kinsey. i am a high school math teacher and albert einstein don't have the national science foundation. i just wonder what your body is
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on sort of a triangulation of efforts between federal agencies, the people action on the ground teaching in k-12 schools across the country, and in the business and industry partnerships. because there's a lot of evergreen technology. i am for new york city public school. a lot of green technology, and a lot of innovation going on within the engineering firms that i know of, just my friends who are engineers. but a lot of it doesn't seem to coordinate very well with the teachers and the school. might be met next door to a big engineering project where they're doing green technology. and there's not a lot of coordhnation so i wonder if this council that you're talking about, or efforts that you know bartok to bring those three groups sorted together, not just the agency themselves but sort of the three major big players. >> yet. i think it has to start with a top. what the president is doing, it's kind of like, let me talk about about green technology and jobs, okay? i don't know if many of you know john doerr.
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john doerr is eventually cap in silicon valley who during the internet investor in google, cisco, the guy is worth a gazillion dollars turkey came and talked to the senator's, democratic senators two months ago. and not easy, he said the internet was really big and he said, isn't that kind of the under statement. but he said the internet is x., green jobs is a three x. we have been looking at is all wrong and terms of climate change what it is all about. in terms of what this is going to mean. the good news is thathis thing could be three times bigger than the internet. nevadans in the united states is not in the balkan. right now we look at the top, we're not in the plan. that's why it's important as his on the field. that's what john barrow is arguing for is to put his money
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forward. and i had spent intervening too much time looking to keep thinking about this thing, and this is where it is. and it's going to be that way. and this is not going to require, in my opinion, this will not require some extensive coordination. everybody is going to be trying to figure out how can i get a piece of this. the big thing people say is, why do we spend ll this money on the stimulus, all of the rest of those kind of things. it would come out of the steam is, we will, economic recovery next year and everything is just fine, and we haven't done something about green jobs and health care technology, things like that, what we have done is we are level. we canompete. the chinese have figured this out. europe has figured this out. chinese -- i will go into all, the chinese have finally figure it out very quickly that this is not a burden. this whole climate change, energy, pollution, clean air, clean water.
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this is not a burden. they can do one or two things that they can either let the rest of the world about the largest industry in the world and come to them and they have to buy it or they can develop it themselves. they decided to develop it themselves. if you want to google chinesen energy and what is going on they are doing a lot of different things. my hope is this will not take kind of a mechanical every piece here it's a wonder, i don't know how many of you know this program with legos. i just went to that the other day in delaware, never programmed with the. it is incredible in terms of, you know, dupont is deeply involved. the teachers are involved. is something with a student at students he engineering up close and the results in terms of number of students who are considering engineering for the first time is incredible. it just goes to show people what you can do with engineering. so hopefully we will not have to engineer. pardon my pun. but i think that if in fact, ross perot, remember, this gigantic sucking sound.
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hopefully there'll be this gigantic sucking sound at the top that says we need engineers and we need them fast because we got to be competitive. that's where jobs are going to be greater. that's where my children and grandchildren. when people come up to me as the senator is we have to worry about our grand jury, usually somebody talking about the deficit. you know, the biggest deficit, we're going to leave our grandchildren. if we don't do something about this green technology, deficit will not be a factor. that will not be a factor because they may not be quite as broken we don't spend money on science and technology in education, but there will be any jobs for the. thanks. >> lore laura, north carolina state university. my question is what can we do to ensure that support for engineering indicate to education is a bipartisan issue and congress? or do you think it is already? >> i think it is but i don't
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think people really focus on a. like i say, even the students, the students want to make a difference. the students want to make a difference that i am absolutely convinced if you get students, i don't care who they a, and i raised three of them and i'm watching the race grandchildren. you just tell them the fts in this thing. this is where the action is. this is what it's going to be. it's not going to be -- so i just think -- we can do it. i think we have to do it. and i don't think it's that hard if we decide that's what we're going to do. i don't mean we the people in the. i think the people in the two are incredibly helpful in terms of getting the intellectual under pining for the thing and how to do it. i think this report is a wonderful thing. but i'm going to spend my time in the senator pushing decision-makers to move it at the highest level. i think the president understands it. i talked to the energy secretary today on another matter that he really gets it. is a very articulate. i don't know if you have heard of him but i think he is one of the most articulate spokesme for our cause.
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is a nobel prize winner but he also can write down to actual cost benefits and things like that. so i think, i'm not, you know, we've got a lot of problems. i tell you what, good news is this is a great, great opportunity. bad news is we are way behind. and i think that's the driving force. it's not like rublicans and democrats. and i don't think it's a partisan issue. and i think, there's alwayshe partisan problem of not, you know, republans are more concerned about -- excusing. they don't like to spend money on expenses on things like that. so i think that and that's one of the reasons we don't spend much on this. clearly the president is behind it included is our future. i think that is finally getting through to people. so i am very optimistic on this thing. you should never let a crisis go to waste. well, we should not let this crisis thataway speared this is
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our opportunityo do something and i think everybody in this room has been working on i for a long, long time. there are certain times you all know this, when there are opportunities. you can work, work, work on something. there isn't much interested you push and there are other times all of a sudden, you know, the sun comes through and people begin to understand. so i think we have an incredible opportunity to make a difference for the future of our country, our grandchildren, our great-grandchildren and a great, great grandchildren. so thank you very much. [applause] >> our next bigger is linda.
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and is dean of engineering and professor of civil environmental engineering at dartmouth univerty. she also holds an appointment in the department of chemical and biological engineering. lyndon received her phd and masters degrees from princeton university and a bachelor degree from drexel university, all in civil engineering. prior to joining, she was a facultyember in the department of civil environmental engineering at the university of michigan where she directed the environmental and water resources engineering programs. she as a fellow of the american geophysical union and a member of both the american academy of arts and sciences and the national academy of engineering where she serves as a member of the governing council. linda, thank you. [applause] >> well, talk about a ha act to follow. i didn't expect to be the last
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speaker of the day. but i appreciate being here and the invitation. i was not on the committee, but i am very interested in this area, and i'm speaking today about perspective of higher educatio i fear i guess under the auspices that we have a center for engineering education and outreach that has been very active in k-12 for some time. i don't usually speak of this myself, our director usually gets to get the talks. this is the first time i've had an opportunity to speak to an audience about this sort of things we're doing in k-12. so w had a ltle technology problem with the video. sufferers i have to get out of this year and into mine. maybe we could bring the lights down just a little.
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would that be possible? so i thought i would give, look at a few questions. first of all, why should engineering schools higher education be interested to k-12? i think we've heard a lot about that today. and in what methods and tools are needed, how to educate the educators. we have addressed all of these questions. i will give you some of my thoughts and how they dovetail into the recommendations of the committee. also, i was ask specifically to speak about how we need to change higher education to accommodate the changes that are going through k-12 and where do we go from here. so you've heard a lot about the pipeline issues. engineering schools are still concerned about the pipeline because the demographics are such as you know if we don't attract underrepresented groups into engineering, we will not have any students to educate. and the statistics have been suggesting that full-time freshmen enrolled in engineering and women earning b.s. degrees
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have been dropng in the recent years. and caucasian males account for the vast majority of our students still. ere is an interesting recent article in the american societ of engineering education journal prism that says that you can't read it, but hopefully you can read this, after a slight decline, there is a small increase in underclassmen, up 5 percenover the past two years and calling it a slow surge. but if you look at the statistics, women are now at 17.4 percent of the undergraduate students. that has been a decline from 20. i'm not so sure it is a slow surge. i think we can't look at two years and extrapolate at this point. but i do think that the economic crisis, climate change, green technology is creating an upsurge in interest. we see it in our students. and this may translate to into
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more interest in science and technology and engineering. and i hope it does, but i think it is too soon to say at this point, my opinion. top is loced outside of boston, and we have a very progressive legislature. and we have an test. many of you are familiar with this. and this was an article that appeared a couple of years ago that said that the failure rate at urban high schools raises warning flags across the state. there is suggesting that in some urban high schools, 50 percent of students were failing the comprehensive exam and scientific subjects. engineerg is one of the subjects in this exam. by the graduate this year, all high school students have to pass one of the science test or engineering test to graduate high school. so you can see a couple of years ago only about 2% were considered advanced in science
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-- excusing, and technology and engineering. and about 24% were failing. i am happy to say that those numbers have changed a little. they have improved. and just last week, there was an article on the front page of the globe that says science stymies many. and apparently 6000 high school seniors ineopay of not graduang right now this year becausehis will be the first year that this goes into effect. i'm not sure what they're going to do because i think they have three more chances or something to pass the. we have put these exams in place, but we haven't made all the changes we need to make within the system to support the students in achieving the goals. the other thing is that we started to include math, for example, in the licensing test for aspiring teachers, as byron elementary school teachers. and 75% failed. and that's because apparently they never had to pass math requirement in these exams in
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the past. so we are in process of i think elevating the importance of math, science, technogy and engineering. i think that the state believes in the importance of this for the state economy, as well as the national economy. and i think this is bringing it right up into the headlines in the front page of the globe. so that is all good things. but we have to figure out how do we educate the educators and providing the background they need to educate the students. so why should we be concerned and higher education? well, as i said, we have to worry about the pipeline. and that means that we have to figure out how to help with the education of the students and the attraction of underrepresented groups. and again, we are concerned in elevating the profession of engineering so we would like to increase technical literacy for all of our k-12. but there is some indirect benefits that haven't been discussed too much. first of all, what we have found
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at tuft is being active in k-12 actually engages and retained students in college. the underrepresented groups are disproportionately represented. we have, i will talk about later, a program, 60 percent of the students who are engaged in that our female. and we have 30% female. so double representation in the student body. so i think this is not talked about enough. the other thing is about being involved and engaged in these activities can aually improve the skill set of our students. something that was mentioned recently is they can also help us to develop industry academic partnerships, and it's a good basis for creating such panerships. finally, also stimulates innovation in educational tools, technologies, paradigms, and interdisciplinary research. all of which are very important to us. so those are the indirect
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benefits. so i want to talk a little bit about methods and tools at this as mentioned earlier. my predecessor, is now the director of the boston museum of science. he has been very involved in this for many, many years, and he is leading the development of the ie, the engineering and technology lessons for childn. engineering is elementary. and you heard about the success at one school. and those are what i do consider a little bit more traditional tools, textbook sort of told. i think the place that higher education can assist in the development of the tools, the senator mentioned lego engineering. chris rodgers, who is the director of arsenic, is the developer of mobile lab. and this is a programming language based on labview, so it is a partnership with lego that allows us to bring robotics it
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out to the middle and elementary schools. it is a set of materials and a way of approaching projects that are not as messy as using marshmallows and cleanings are best off the desk. and there is a graphical program linking that allows us to be accessible to, is elementary students all the way up to college. we use this in some of our project-based in the undergraduate level as will. this is where the technology got away from us a little bit, but i should be able to open -- sorry. should be able to open a folder and play a video. this is just a short video clip of two middle school girls. >> that show you some of the excitement that is in gendered by this.
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it's been really amazing to me to see the enthusiasm these kids generate. the other tool that has been developed at the ceo is stop action animation software. that is freeware that is down loadable. is of relatively reasonable we currently have 5000 registered teacher juicers. and they are used all seven continents. again, the netrk, the web is a great way of disseminating information. all of this is developed with nsf funding and i have another video here, if you'll excuse me a second. did i close it up? i don't know. this video was of a first grade project where they were studying biology, and they had to produce a little video using stop action animation software.
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and this is a first grader's effort here. there iso sound. [laughter] [applause] >> my understanding is that -- this is i think project-based learning. they have to conceive of thi they have to figure out how they are going to present it and then r the youtube generation is very popular. so i think it has been a real success. so those are a few of the tools.
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i'm going to turn tk how we educat the educators. i'm going to talk about some programs which i am aware. i am sure there are many out there in the audience here is very knowledgeable. we talked about attracting math and science education but we're talking that educating the existing teacher and talking about educating future teachers. g do-nothing there is a program out of the university of texas at austin which has just received a larger grant by the national science foundation to expand it into engineering. and this is in partnership with the college of education and college of natural sciences. so the concept is to bring students who are majoring in engineering into teaching, and allow them to get their certification in four years. so that's one program. at tufts we plan on initiating a similar program and i think this needs to be adopted and looked at in other places, these partnerships. at tufts we have a very active program calledtomp that was founded in 2001 to a private
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grant from a private foundation. here we are bringing first undergraduates into the classroom. little giraffesnappier you saw was a stop video. we are using lego engineering, and the stout fellows have these modules that they bring in one hour a week and they work with the teachers. there is an online community. so this was founded in 2001 with five students. national instruments parted with his. since then there have been a number of other universities. i think the number is up to about 14 now, universities, that are part of the stop network. and this last year we added partnerships, ge, i robot, google. and now i believe this figu represents 30 percent of the mechanical engineering undergrads, but we have more than 60 students every year are participating in the stop program and i said 60 percent of them are female.
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i will usher this video because in the interest of time but you can imagine how this is working. we also have some are lego engineeringnstitute where we bring elementary school and middle school educators to campus where they have a weeklong institute to get exposure to have to work with these materials in the classroom. so we have industry partnering with elementary school and middle school, and with the universities here. and in terms of impact, we have had about 3200 participants in the engineering conferences at lego engineering conferences, since 2004. we've had 5000 visitors to the stomp network in the last year. we have 7000 students who have been impacted since 2001, 200,000 visitors, 500,000 copies of roble lab and 800,000 visitors to lego engineering. so you can see tha we are
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having an impact even though we are a small institution. but as the report points out, it is only antidotal evidence for benefits. we could all get excited about what we see about that first graders of video, but we don't have a lot of hard data. who is goi to perform this research? this iwhere i think higher education can certainly be of assistance. we institute a joint program and we are offering now ph to greece and engineering education. and here is the goal is not so much to go out as to elevate and middle school classrooms or high schools, but to become one of the educators of the educators. and to do research in these topics. and this is a very new. we have six graduate students and for graduates, and they are basically supported again by nsf. they have played a huge rolen supporting all these
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