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tv   Book TV  CSPAN  September 12, 2009 3:15pm-4:45pm EDT

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kennedy-- >> it had to editions out that stop the presses and p the kennedy story on the front page. >> but phil is a dear frie and i know this, i follow the clergy's sexual abuse story from a regional thing. cathy is a friend from worcester. i made it to one of kevin's columnand in springfield, and they think there was a resourced diff, how the local newspapers would say it is springfield m@ssachusetts or worcester, they were not abl to compete with the globe in terms o extensive coverage but some of these stories crosson lies and wind regionally, particular in this story through several dioceses
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and so think looking at the news side at that time or what cathy char does daily he were able to get a flavor of that but it seems like these reporters who are comting against resources of a great communications systems and how does that impact-- mx question is how, a major story like that, how does that impact local stories just as significant in other areas? >> i think some types of stories can be replicated. that mita ben story where you have a disadvantage if you were smaller because we needed lawyers. much of what we did without a but particularly strong as the paper came out of the churches file cabinets. i felt it was impossible people to have a reaction because we were just showing you what was in the files. that took money in legal mike and that is what might be hard
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for small people to replcate. >> seny came from springfield, the judge who opened up and at the springfield newspapers were having a real challengeocally in terms of trying to get that information. >> somimes the way you tell it locally perhaps by looking at very specific cases. i know in new hampshire there was very good reporting on the dais seas. >> and there were some public court cases that could have gotten without the help of lawyers. >> one of the wonderfulhings about the globe's extraordinary effort on this was that it prompted investigations all over the country, and it scared the pants ofof the church as we know and you see that-- [laughter] that was a really bad analogy. we would occasionally get calls to the globe saying what is it with a priest in boston in course those people miss the point, which is probably happening in all the diocese.
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>> that is why we all need editors elizabeth. >> i think one way, any way you are reporters. anythingou see that you think is worthy is worth calling the newspaper. i think some people are reluctant to do that. lot of newspapers take zipline phonecalls. aqc news corp. reporting call. >> i totally agree. you learn to sort of weed out the cranks and we can always weed out the cranks by the handwriting on the envelopes in the days as thale mal. they have really, really very specific handwriting. anyway you can tell them right away but on the fog were always receptive to people coming. it doesn't mean you were goi to do this story but it means to want to heatheir story. >> the one thing i would like to say wrap up and bring it back to these public service pulitzer prize winners is that walesa the
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pulitzer prizes really are not, are not a political organization now and that they beryllium looking for the best story, they are paying a lot of attention to smaller publitions that are doing great work against long odds. the winner last year was the las vegas fundhich is the newspaper that is handed out in the middle of the review journal and in las vegas and it is a troubled paper. the winner of the prize was a reporter named alexandra berzon, whactually was working on her first assignment who came over, was given this as a kind of a probation-- probationary test to do this story and it was about, they had detected there were an ful lot of people dyinin construction sites on this trip. this was back when there was a lot of building going on, but
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she began to explore this as a young reporter, and they gave r a lot of time to work oit and she came back with a phenenal story. she had an editor working closely with her and she built this story into a story thatas a terrific public service pulitzer winne for this current year and it shows that the pulitzer prizes are looking at these kinds of stories. they know a lot of stories that are not going to be the "bmston globe" kind of story or "the washinon post" with walter reed. as wonderful story as that was also wonder public service pulitzer prize. these are going toe rare pieces nown this business and the stories that are going to get more attention are probably going to be like dealed gall giving flood, like alexander berzon a her discovery of what was going on in las vegas and at is exactly what we are saying is that people with tips, if you know something that is
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going on you ill wi have the reporters at your msn out there, your mainstream media it will be able to do that job in many cases and welcome your collaboration. so thank you very much for your attentn tonight and we do have the discount on the book of you are interested in going back to some of these ah-hah moments in finding out about the great moments of the history of jourlism and i will be happy to inscribe them. i am very free with my inscriptions i might add. >> they really are great stories. you guerre really demars. >> it really is a great read. [applause] >> roy harris is senio editor of cfo magazine. he has been a reporter with "the wall street journal" were served as deputy chief at the los angeles bureau for six years. for more informationisit litzer
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author david clary writes the history of the mexican-american war, fighting documents to present their reasons for engaging in the confrontation. includinamerican president william paulk and mexican general and president antonio lopez the santa anna. the rosswell public library hosts this event. it is about an hour and 20 minutes. >> i would like to thank you for the introduction and for arranging this and the friends of the rosswell public library for their hospitality, and thanks to c-span for being here. this c-span2's booktv. if you have not same the, you have really miss something every weekend. and just keep in mind that when this airs, millions of people
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will be watching you so be careful where you scratch. [laughter] the book is "eagles and empire" the united states, mexico and the struggle for a continent and i use that word struggle because i take kind of an expanded view of what is a war. usually you think of a shooting war o1846 to 1848, most historians will say that is that. but these things don't come out of nowhere. the origins of that war go back before either country ested, and we still feel the effects today. there is still a struggle. it is not now with the army's, but there's still an inherent struggle between these two should be sister republics.
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i have doney level best to cover both sides equally, using original materials from both sides. this is also a departure. mexican historians talk about theexican side, usual the army and the united states historians talk about the u.s. side. both of them leave out though our major actors in this thing, who had a major role to play in how the war.started and how it worked out in the end. and that is the people who really own the land these two nations for fighting over. daybar berrick andeans. over a century before the 1840's the frontier settlement in northern mico in retreating and retreating under pressure. military pressure from the comanches and the apaches
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especially. leaving isolated outposts in texas, new mexico, chihauh walk, sonora in california who lost any sense of identification with new york, with mexico city, and in fact during the federalist rebellions of the 1830's all of them rebuild and declared indendence. california and mexico and texas got away with it, so keep that geography in mind and the people who really made the difference. they were here before either of the spanish or the endless. i thought what i would do is read a little, talk a little, read a little and leave time for questions. so, i will open with a prologue. the last of the mohicans entered the great valley in the 14th century far from their homeland,
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the place of crain's also rendered. they been told to march off by their chief god, humngbird wizard. they were 830 savage blood-thirsty people with a bad habit of stealing women and and sacrificing humaville sill. they introduced into the valley a new weapon, the bow and arrow burke u.s. allies as neighbors there were frightening and dangerous. they call themselves people of the sun. they were falconer sm there were eagle flew over them. they had taken on the additional identity of for ego, the dominant spirit that had risen over all other god's in the valley. the old gods remained but for ego grew the minds of men. war eagle told them to look for a lake in the center of an island and on that allen their
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rock which grew a son plant know as a pear. atop the cactus they would see in eagle. markon the spot where they would find an empire. they called the island the place of the-- and proceeded to extend their control over the valley in by the 15th century a lay over empire extending both east and west. early in the 16th century they faced a new tribe of barbarians, trained the conover this seamen with livescan, harry faces and peculiar clothing. they did as they did when they arrive from the north. these newcomers also imported terrible diseases which slaughtered people by the millions. within a few years the mexican empire was no more. would remain for villages of farmers tending their lands.
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the conquerors call themselves been years. the old mexican empire became newsaine handy cheat memory of the recent past was in the name for the great valley, the valley of mexico. and the center of it stood mexico city rising from their ruins of mexico. the spaniards extended their reach north, south into the jungles and north into the lands of the desert while men, barbaric indians to the spaniards. the king of spain introduced a new kind of empire one that tried to dominate the landscape rather tn civilized nations. he did this in competition with france and britain. the three great king sense soldiers', appraise and settlers to see how much of america they could claim asserting their power over people who recognized no such authority. until the british and french fought their great war for
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empire. the fringe became lost and in 1763 his american territories were divided between britain in the far north and spain in the what. the land called louisianans. then the british americans rebelled against their king. the idea that people could govern themselves without turrell supervision sent a shockwave through europe and america. they took that louisianans and sold it to the anglo-american said then invaded spain. the french king of spain decided to extend his power to america. the rolling classes of new spain did not like that idea so they took up arms. ata of their rebellion was born a new country, mexico whichad a flag bearing a cactus which now held a stake in its beak. meanwhile they anglo-american crowded against theorders of mexico. there totem was an ego. the arican bald eagle. charlie asim they worship this bird. they dissed flighted every boeri
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even on the buons and belt buckles and devices of their soldiers who carried flags on staff's with eagles. this time there was not just one eaglen nay ear bud two then they were abo to wage their own struggles for the empire. 600 years into pages, not bad doughboy, did that take a lot of cutting down from the first draft. ..
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>> they also grewp defiant of authority. the year that spain -- the british king issued an order to his colonist, an ordinance that forbid them to invade indian country. well, they said you take it, king. and the americans, including george washington. they were willing to fight the natives to get what they wanted. now over the nextentury, the population of the united states just kept growing and growing from natural facility and immigration and spread out. and spanish saw this, and it
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scared them. when mexico became independent, they inherited this fear. by the 1820s and0s this title wave of angelos was washing into texas and some shores of new mexico and california. america had inherited a weakness, -- mexico had inherited a weakness about bng able to control its northern borders. remember before 1719 they claimed the border ran all the way into canada, oregon country. it seems absurd today, buspain did not give that up in 1819. there was not enough military power to control this. you had this illegal immigration in the new mexico territories. and in the 1820s, and 30s,
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and 40s, you had the politician raising a ruckus about that. this is the prelude to losing the american states. does that sound familiar? we have angelo politicians the same. ailette mexico immigrants are coming here to take it all back. they fight do that several times. well, this was the aggressiveness. this was not a deliberate policy of united states government. it never was. the problem was the united states government could never control its own citizens. and yet to this day you'll find much who believed that the texas revolution was a plot engineered out of washington. they completely and conveniently forget that it was one of a series of federal estate revolutions.
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mostly in northern and north central mexico, but also new mexico and california. and especially utah, which was always in outoar, which was caused by the gang overthrowing the constitution of 1824, abolishing the states, turning them all into military departments. so they defeated the state militia, slaughtered 2,000, captured 2,000, and he rewarded his soldiers. and think marched back to mexico city and left a trail of rape and murdernd estrousties through every state that they went through. this is what the texans then
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knowing the next target declared independence about the time he got into texas. of course, what happened here is it takes a federalist rebellious, and turned it into a war of independence. where he had lost. so the government at the time was alauded. andrew jackson, like all presidents before, they tried to get texas without knowing exactly where it was. but the violence d the united states officially by t mexican government, he didn't know what to do. he refused toecognize texas it was he was out of office. now that was the aggresveness. that was manifest destiny. what about the weakness? the united states which had a colonial experiencef self-government and an angelo sac faith in the rule of law,
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the spanish colonies were the worst kind of coloniasm. centlly contrled managed, out of the home count, not given a chance to develop any kind of an industry or economy, especially aer the mor moms took over in the 18th century. native born americas even pure spanish ancestor ancestors were denied entrance to the highest level of the church and government. the economies of the spanish colonies existed solely to provide profit. the -- pardon me. well, there was a liberal constitution written in spain
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afte the french conquered in 1812. and before anybody could implement it, they were kicked out. but in 1820, there was another upraoand a liberal government came in that wanted to implement this onstitution and do it in all of their colonies. within six years all of the independents relealons in the spanish colonies in america and some of which it started mexico started in 1810 were over except for cuba and pourtray co. spain lost it a. they spent the last few years trying to take it back. but to mexicans, the ten-year war of independence fighting among themselves because until that constitution was revised in 1820, they didn't want dependence. the upper classes had all the
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power were rehelling or fighting against a rebellious from surrounds beneath by indians who wanted land and liberty. which later was the battle cry. until that constitution is going to be opposed. they turned against spain and made them an empire, and adopted a liberal constitution modeled on that of the united states. to summarize the history of it though, mexico never had a government during this period. they h the contending. the presidency of long changed hands 50 times in the 30 yrs after the adoption of that cotitution. not to mention other constitutions were about wha have you. the idea of the rule of law in the survirs in spanish was to
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alien as to be unheard of. we have a difference in the united states. th peaful transfe of power was instituted in washington. and it's been respected ever since. the politicians may want to shoot each other once in a while. but they are reluctant to know how far they will go. turns out for the most part when they got into power they didn't know what they were doing, and they were too lazy to exercise the power. so this fashion-ridden country ly had one thing they could agree on. about 2% of the people, and the rest didn't care. that was they despised a feared the united states. they were not going to admit the loss of texas. but the war on unnecessary. as most of them are. expect there were not strong voices on either side once somebody started waving the flags to stop the march into it. what happened?
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texas already had new mexico, california, maybe some of the rio grand states. they were going to have a majority angelo population. they were going to the top part of the united states one way or the other. it wasn't necessary for the united stes government to declare the war. the reason was due to one man, the president. a thick headed paranoid stubborn man never really tried to find out what the other side was. he believed with the right peruasion, mexi himself and the territory for a nice wad of cash. overall, mexico's big problem was foreign debt and claims against it by foreign nationals, including the united states. it began to make noise about the claims issue. then the right border of texas
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was o the rio grand. that means that santa fe would be in texas. which is absurd. it's a claim by the texas congress in december 1836 to know the history whatsoever. and then he started troops marching, after the antic station of texas. he was sure the mexicans would see the light. and the army to corpus christi, that dn't do it. so the next break. he zapped him down into the disputed territory that didn't d it. finally there was a skiish between mexican and americans which was enough euse that american blood had been shed on american soil, and a whole list of kind of agrievouses that
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mexico poised to the united states. he wanted california in the united states, his territorial ambitions were unchanged. he was a very 19th century. man well, of course, it was made easy because the mexicans made a big mistake. they should have fortified the right of the river. he would not dare send an army across a fortified line into the disputed territory because all the world would know that's just plain negative aagain. and it was disputed, but harsh, it was a better case for mexico than texas anyway. but the only thing that the mexicanenerals and politicians would agree on aside from trying to shoot each other out of offi. the mexican army and taylor is coming down here.
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the country was that they would not accept the loss of texas. therefore they gave up the chance first to make a forward defense of northeast mexico and prevent the invasion, and second to have any say when it was all over where the boundy of texas would be. they said any time the united states trooped crossed the river, they invaded mexico. it was ten years after texas had done it. the united states said the europeans could never understand it. mexico had declared independence, and wouldn't recognize that one of its own providences would never accept. texas was stolen by the u.s. that's it. you know, i is more of the way the school-yard bully would take something from your kid. mexico and the united states had about the same size territory, but there were 7 million
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mexicans as against 22 million americans in a growing industrial economy. the vast majority of the mexico populationas ill lat rat, had no identification with the nation, whereas the vast majority of the rural population of the united states was literate win politically active. so you think mexico never stood a chance. buthere's something that neither side ever recognized. they never counted on. they knew tha generals were there. they had more generals than regimens in a mexico army. they sold them as a revenue source. and they were worth buying you got the right to not be prosecuted. it's the average mexican who didn't think of themselves as a
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mexican. most of whom didn't spook spanish. they ended uin the army because press came through their pueblos and halled them away. and the wives and children had to follow to have the sources support. and these sold under terrible leadership fought like tigers in every battle they were in, the first battle between the two forces and the other dension of this is the whole thing. this is in what's now south texas. and aside from the skirmish, this is theirst main engagement between the two national armies in may 18, 1846.
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our earn federalled asoon as the americans left. after sumning he led his troops out of camp. scouts spotted his army just before noon as his men were coming up. the yankees stopped toill nteens while the units closed up. it is force was east/west, fang north blocking tailor's movement down the road. it was not on the road to the left against an expansive super across the highway. treeing running and gave the area its name, palo alto. they perished with a four pounder far right. they were regular horde men. taylor hit the army facing south across the flat field filled wi water from recent rains. the sp@ce between the two forces was covered by shoulder high grass. which made is difficult for men on foot to move.
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the sky was clear and bright, and the afternoon high. taylor put infin triregimens in front, two others to h right across the road, covered with supply to his rear. which he never should have brought along. he had some call vary along the road. for the first time, the sons of two distinct races were going to measure their strength. the armied finished in the afternoon. they had 3300 men on an estimated taylor had about the same. actually, the angelo strength was around 2200. the mexican general surveyed the opposition and noted they were sewer pore your inrtillery as they had 20 pieces and 18 pounds. e battle commerced that the fire of canyon did not cease a single moment. that was both exaggeration and understatement. the mexican artillery was poor
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quality and no caliber. the shot and gun powder to crews not well trained. they had the two big 18-bounder seats not ver mobile, but packing along. four 12 pounds and several six pounders known as fly artillery. while the mexican governors had solid shots, they are the 12 pounder expding shell. the infinity on both sides had muskets. paper cartridges had powder. as always, mexican cartridges were overcharged. the troops were sore. taylor made a stroll. the mexican call -- calvary had
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inadequate feeding. the nor american went 800 yards and the mexican guns opened fire. too early, because the enemy was out of range. they fought and fellhort and ricocheted towards the yankees. he ordered to charge the enemy not knowing the taylor had put his infin triregimen there. they checked the plan to advance on his right. he was concentrating on the infantry and the mexican rights tearing them toieces. the enmy repted this damage. the soldiers died not like victims in combat where they could fill as well as be filled but in a fatal situation where
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th were helpful. they wanted toet in close and sacrife themcelves a a brave man should. that was civilian war. but the terror was real and the soldiers were helpless. the charge into that government would be suicide. so he tried to maneuver the victory. he knew his infantry on the right, and because the north american also had a drink in his right and gun in his left, the two armies began a slow wheel. the mexican infantry made little way against the devastating untilhe grass caught fire and froze and drove across the grass between the armies, the smoke so densand the flame so hot that the battle stopped for an hour. he took advantage and threw his calvary on the right. when the smoke cleared, the fire
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splashed and blood was gone on both sides. angelo reports bloody holes which they gave him mor body bodyies. also the mexican fell back in disorder. mexican counter battery killed run go and forced it back. the canyon were going. lieutenant grant while the splendors from the muskets killed his bras and bones, and knocked down two or three others. taylor's attack was repulsed by the deadly artillery. he ordered another on the leg supported by the i guess regular
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calvary. the horseman did not join in. they were allotted by enemy battery. carrying other soldiers along aveing the army in disorder. it was very dark, and about in the evening and both sides were exhausted. so taylor unleased the call to troops. it was a grizzly scene, dead animals, fire black and grass. the cri of the injured, the scams and the line of butterflies filled the air. it was too dark,ut the coyoto, and the men were mutilated. the was nobody to tend because the medical officer disappeared and nobod knew whether he nt.
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some menent on supply and the army moved out next morning. the inside side had about 200 killed and wounded butaylor supported 5 killed, 200 wounded. this reflected the role played by the north american government. he had tried to manage his part of the battle according to his limited abilities. on the other side, the battle just happened. the contribution was a cente his right to predict what he should have left bind. both commanders claimed victory and both were long wrong. fort texas was not relieved, the mexican army was still attacking, and the business would have to be conducted all over again. so much for the glory of war. okay. i talked about the common
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soldiers. there was something else that happened. this might come to you as a surpse, as it always has to the politicians and generals. do y know people do not like to be invaded and conquered? it really annoys them. there was were kinds of peistence. one was more organized. this was guerrilla war warfare. the whole, or at least mexico and all central mexico in the 1947 cpaign rout on mexico city was just under constant run. you've always heard the story
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that military genius cut himself off. he didn't do that. the glial la's -- guerrilla's did that. he couldn't afford it. so they own that. and they own the road from satillo and up to where taylor unrstand in the northeast. and the only thing they could do to keep is put extremely heavy guards on. now the guerrilla's were regular. i'm going to pick on a large force. but small parties, stragglers, th were slaughtered con restaurantly. without a month after taylor moved in, the volunteer units
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from the united states showed up. which to take the time to train and discipline. he'd been through the war before. he moved it was all it would take on the raw amecan enlistees and turn them into regular sdiers. he knew what he was talking about. he also knew that untrained soldier is a dead soldier and can't run in battle. 2500 dead, mostly volunteers during the war with mexico. and their quantity as fighters, and they are a disgrace to the considerate. the level of atrocity committed by these volunteers for which there is great deal of documentation for which taylor
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and scott both complained officially about. he was just unbelievable. this is got to be the most savage army. this has happened since in other conflicts. it's what happens when you have people of a big army that don't have enough to do. and they just caught trouble. but the murders, the thievery, the arsons, the desecration of churches and in retaliation, the united states policy is to say this is criminallalty, and they burned their nearest village. you get a whole strip of northeast mexico and a me wide swap of the mexico city road by e end of the war that are just smoldering. but the people have been awkward and driven out. we got a great big proem in
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this war. these people who are agreed by these atrocities strike back. they are not really guerrilla's they are individuals or small groups. and if you get caught drunk alone, you'll be hacked to pieces. that's it. right up to the end of the war. and this in turn in gender the rebellions against. baja, california is what would be called the servicing today. for go years they were in the invasion. the californians who had thrown the mexican army out also through the united states army and navy out. it took reinforcements fm a very small group of people. the states in northeast mexico, and of course, new mexico. we'll get to that in a minut
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despite the history, both little and irregular opposition, they just assume we drove the mexican army out, we own the capital. they had a big parade. and they went into the pol las, and the city exploded. not because the mexican government wanted it that way. not because the upper or middle class there was one that late. it was the poost people of all. literally the leepers, or today you call them the homeless. there was a large population of these people who which had been added very bitter and hungry peop displaced from the country side. and they held the american army with paving stones and whatever
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they could get. : .
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>> now, i -- we're in the mexico -- i want to quit the reading and the talking, and by describing the rebellion here. new mexico, he said we have come to liberate you from your oppressive masters. and most of new mexico -- the new mexicans, mexico and the u.s. were vague abstractions and had felt abandoneded by mexico city and way back in the colonial period and very little attachment to it all, and, in fact, you can still see this today, they did not call themselves, mexicanos. and still, they, i they had any kind of an ethnic identity, most of them, though were... they
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felt they were spanish, you know, and spanish mexico city abandoned them a long time before, and they -- the gordon of new mexico, nobody can prove it. but, there's a lot of circumstantial evidence, that rney bought him off with the help of the santa fe trade and had an army of well over 2,000 men and assembled all volunteers, and none of them could speak spanish and they were going to ma carney fight for new mexico. but they suddenly decided discretion is a better pt of valor and he was a great, big fat guy and couldn't get on the horse and had a dearborn cart and climbed into his dearborn and summoned his 18 dragoons and the only brigadier troops he had an lit out for albuquerque.
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and the and they assumed the new mexicans were docile people and welcomed this iasion and the opposite, they seethed with anger and rezenltd it and got worse and worse and worse and lived a miserable enough i-275, und under. what is worse, the troops who were mostly concentrated around santa fe after karen was gone. were as bad as any other volunteers in the service, you gotta remember, what the problems with the state volunteer regiments, their officers are politicians, back home and the enlisted men are voters back home and what kind of discipline do you have in that kind of a situation and this second, missouri cavalry, the colonel sterling price, was a slithery politician who wanted
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his men's votes for governor and got in late with the early version of santa fe -- and made himself fairly wealthy, time he was in new mexico, and whereas the man, just turned santa fe into a cesspool and really, what is great about this is, they are -- like i'm exaggerating and three missouri newspapers had correspondents along with the army and they were writing reports back home and scared to death these guys will come home... mbehavior was so bad and through the fall, imposed government and people resented it and began to talk and began to bring alarm and brought the pueblo indians in and remember they threw the spanish invade,out in 1680 and kept them out for 12 years and they remember that. and there was a plot that a snitch betrayed in december of 1846.
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and led partly by diego archulata, and was promised the governorship of western new mexico, and carney never followed through and he was annoyed. well, the leaders of that plot got away, and... andhere am i here? there we go. that brings us up to the end of 1846. well, jonathan as still at el paso and far to the north, santa fe and people hibernated when the snow was deep and cold arctic and trouble was brewing and the currently and the governor believe they decapitated a threatened revolt in december 1846 and without leadership they anglos believed they would do what they had always done what they were told, and unfortunately, for price and bent, the downtrodden people seethed with resentment at the obnoxious behavior of e occupati troops, and at the
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loss of the society of -- they add always known and the hostility boiled over, on the river grand, 70 miles north of santa fe and santa fe had been the capital of new mexico but since this early day of the fur trade and the commerce of missouri tawas was the capital of anglo, new mexico and nowhere in the territory what's the contrast of the lives of rich and poor more ef evident and they lived well and warm in fine stone and adobe houses and the families barely survived. in the shks. and working a the beck and call of t rich erlords and had been bad enough for centuries under those who spoke spanish and those who spoke english it became insuffer rab and the appointed governor lived in tawas and had married into a prominent hispanic family, and his wife'ssister, kit carson's wife and like carson he thought he had become a part of new mexico and found out at the end of his life, however the -- to
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the poor hispacsrom the indians living in the nearby pueblo he was just another gringo. damn damnedringo and headed onlyo tawas january 14e 14, 1847 slging through the snow and cold and reached his home town on the 18th and confronted a crowd demanding the release of friendseld in the jail on trumped up charges and ordered the reuters iot rioters to go h the mob continued to grow and confronted the prophetic and demand the release of the prisoners and he refused, they killed him and tore open the jail and went on a rampage looking for anglos and the sympathizers to kill and claimed 6 victims that morning and led by montoya and romero, they pound on bench door -- ben's
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door 6:00 and the depth of the native resentment reflected in the exchange between this governor and his killers as record by his daughter. and they got out of bed and shouted through the door asking at the people wanted, we wanted your head, gringo, a voice answered. we don't want any of you gringos to govern us wead have come to kill and he asked what wrong have i don't you, i've helped and cured you when you were sick and never charged you and a voice answered yes. but you have to die now, so that no north american is going to govern us. them shooting started and bullets and the door fell in and he took sever hours and after he was on the floor, someone decapitated him and the mob calmed down, blood fight and women and children tried to distribution through a back wall and the rioters set them free, they were new mexicans and that was not the end of the up rising but the beginning, and the tawas mob resumed the rampage through town and outward and the lders
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sent runners to other villages and tow including santa fe urging the indians to kill all mexicans and anglos who cooperated with them and the result was violence put down by savagery and spread fast and january 20 and 21, 12 miles north of tawas several hundred pueblos surrounded a mill and distillery and setting the compound afire and killing 7 of the ten defenders. and the village in the mountains to the east, a group led by cortez killed 7 anglos and a frenchman and another party killed two more and at the same time led by a tawas indian, tom seat tow, also known as thom, and pablo montoya who dubbed himself santana dell norte and the body marched towards santa fe driven by a prosecute clam nation issued, and calling for a
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general insurrection to beg on the 22nd. and price sent word to detachments in albuquerque and elsewhere to close on santa fe or join the march north and they had some idea of the scale of the danger. and a business partner raise aid volunteer company of anglo laborers and merchant and mountain men, called them the avengers and offered to join price. as a -- rebels had known from the begning it was a race war. and anglos on one side and hispanos on the other and price led 353 men in excluding a crew out of santa fe, january 23rd and taking along four mountain howitzer aiming to drive the rebels up the rio grand and two more companies of missouri voluntrs joined on the march with the 6 powder and 1500 surgeons led by defoya assembled near the village of santa cruz, and the candidate drove them off
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and left behind 36 dead including defoya and meanwhile, the missourians caught up with rebels and killed 15 and captured 15 with a loss of five and the anglos retreated and another detachment took the place and burnt it down february 1st and rebels retreating, under cortez vanished into the mountains, and the rebels believed they had justice on their side. and what they really needed was fire power. they blocked the road to tawas a narrow canyon, and on january 29th. again, the anglo crowds drove them off and four day later, price's core entered -- corps rch in to the pueblo and the insurgents boarded up in the church. and price bombarded the place and the guns were not heavy enough to penetrate thick adobe sonry and tried february 4th again and, guns oped fire 9:00 a.m., and men ordered to charge the church two hours later. and, a small party dodged through rebel fire to the
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church's walls and dropped the whole through it and lifted the fuses on artillery shells and tossed them inside. and another crew ran the 6 pounder up and fired through the hole after whi the church was taken. and many inside escaped into the pueblo and others took to the hills where the avengers ran them down and butchered them. the surgeons surrendered bruary 5th after losing 150 in kugd chavez, and price had 7 killed, 45 wounded add he had done in december, he had a court-martial an montoya, hang on february 7th and tom seat tow was shot by a guard and other defendants were arrest and charged with treason and murder and set free when word of the trials reached washington. and he was reprimand for exceeding his authority and saying the surgeons could not be arged with treason, they hold no allegiance to the united states and they were after all mexican citizens.
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price declared himself certain the new mexicans... he was not about to let another rebellion occur and the colonel ruled the territory through most of 1847 afternoon lone and when this legislature met for the first time in december, he ignored it and by february 1848 he had abolished most territorial offices and ruled as military dictator and the successors continued to practice. to the end of 1850, by the way. there was never ain an up rising against gringo rule in new mexico. and the resistance went underground instead and the territory was plagued until the 20th century and reflected hostility to alien occupation leading back to the rebellion of 1680 and core tedz was the only major leader of the tawas rebellion to escape and organized his men into a gur rail la band and raided out posts in eastern new mexico and trafficked along the santa fe trail until the end of the war and beyond and the bandito, hero
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bandit lived on in cortez in californ. and juan cortina and cortez in texas. and bernal jesus malnari and many others in mexico and the united states and i better stop so you can ask some questions, you went on longe than i realized i was doing. sorry abt that. there is a microphone cing around. you have a question over here. >> how much time have you spent in mexico? working on your book? oh, i don't know a lot if the goes back to time i spent there in the past. and i had oh -- i was able to use some old projects, that i
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had done, old notes i had taken on various other things that, you know, helped me with... >> [inaudible]. >> i picked up -- when you get into this kind of stuff you know you t to be better at them, my speak is not bad but i guarantee you it is better than my french, my las book i started from scratch, with that, and french, i canandle now, and as long as i have a digsary with me, i cannot understand what is spoken, strictly a written language andy spanish is, is getting better, i'mrying harder and, my wife is chicano, which... you kno didn't instruct me or anything but i can ask her a question and get an answer. anybody else? one over here.
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>> what group was it that retreated back into the tawas pueblo? >> the rebels. insurgents. they were... indios and hispano and mixed, missioned race. >> [inaudible]. >> and the church that was shot up, the ruins are there. still there. and if you look carefully, you can see some of the -- yeah. well that -- rotted away, but the... thehot. you know. >> you were pretty harsh on the american leadership. in terms of the war, in terms of their ambitions and their conduct of the war. you sort of had to rank-order
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the capabilities, taylor and scott, what would be your response to that, one of the interesting political dynamics that existed, one -- >> one of the reviewers of this point out, in my account, except for the dutiful kit carson none of the famous names you have heard of on either side come off very well. amazingly, a sorry group of people. taylor, was barely literate. and had never handled an army as big as he got which at one te amounted 207,000 men and usually it was smaller and he reall didn't know what he was doing on the ballfield. he -- like i said, all he d at palo alto is lend his encouraging presence. the nex day, the same thing and wall fought the battle of... up
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here called buena vista. and taylor refused to discipline his men, figure dpurd he had no power to, and the troops from texas, lou looned arkansas particularly were savages and threw up his hand and they wer -- got -- washington to cut out and one officl account, the aatrocities, it is unbelievable. this by the way, is in a memorandum from scott, who says, that we need to win the minds and feelings of the people. now does that sound familiar? as opposed to the hearts and minds. anld problem. scott, was a good planner and a good theorist. ine good strateg sense but a lousy tactician, terrible tactician, and he cost
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unnecessary bloodshed among civilians, partilarly a vera cruz. and he caused unnecessary bloodshed among his own troops, because after -- he went charging in and wouldn't let his engineers go up and scout the terrain and figured as soon as the men come up, send them in and thap are fed into the meat grinder, you know, piecemeal and slaughtered and at marina del ray, pretty much the same thing, i see somewhere in there, he lost over 2,000 men, during the -- august battles and if he kept that up he wouldn't have an army left and these, by the way were some of the stoutest resistances by the mexicans. here are these poor guys, terrified of the yanks and they fortunately, both actions, h better colonels and generals,
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but, they... the general, particularly, demonstrated something that the officers should have known, even the greenest kind of militia can do a good job if they are in a protected position under good leadership. that was the lesson of bunker hill. you know, and in their own history and also, all during this time, they are saying, what is wrong with the stupid mexicans, beat 'em every time, why don't they give up? well, it sounds familiar, because that is what the british were saying about george washington and the continentals in 1776. people don't like to have enemy troops on their home soil, they may not identify with the nation and think their government is a bunch of crooks but it is their country. you know? and, a lesson we have failed to learn, over and over and over
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and... and could they have controlled the insurgency better? yes, they could hav but the best lesso in counterinsurgency, i've seen all the textbooks outf the war college and the rest of it and don't invade to begin with, and santa ana, he -- i call him the greatest skully wag -- scaliwag in the history of the hemisphere he was president 11 times not counting as he served as acting or interim or temporary president and these are mexican legalisms. over there heads. t the... i blame him more than any other individual for mexico's sorry condition, as a sham of a
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nation. by 1840s, because he was the most prominent of all of those who took over 1821 and had such great dreams, they were going to build a great country, but, instead, tried to cut each other's throats every chance they got, just to get into -- basically where they could lin their pockets and, mexico, they called him 15 aws. and, reaching out like a double rigged octopus to grab every bit of treasure he could but, just amazing character and threw him out of the coury and would invite him back in, until 1857, and he was gone for the lt time. now, something happens here, o. is that when the aftermath of throwing him out, during the -- beginning of the war, the reform, mexico is finally put to death and with it the last vist tijs of new spain, and mexico
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becomes a mexican country. and it has been ever since and that doesn't mean that it is a -- has a first class government or anything. they are still, you know, a century and more of struggle on that but you have a better chance of having the people identify wh the country if it is being run by people like themselves. and not by people, they still look at as foreigners. even if they were born in the country. anybody else? having studied this so intimately, what lesson would you give that we should learn from the history of these two countries, struggling, and these two cultures, and as far as communication today? what lesson wind kia take from this history. >> one, you cannot escape history. it's there. people in mexico are going to
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rember all of this, much more than people in the u.s. because they came out on the losing end. something else i talk about, the hero bandits, what is in the news most about next -- lately, the drug cartels? this is a tradition of these hero bandits, that came over from spain, arose in spain during the -- against the moors and the are in the drug business now and operate in the city, but they are basically rural bandit gangs. when you have thisind of an entrenched, ingrained tradition, you don't wipe out just like that. and, i is always going to have a base among the people and the people do not feel that the government really serves their interests, which is the trouble in most latin american cntries today, mexico still a very small number of people have the
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greatest share of the wealth. too little goes to improve the fe of the poor cls, and it is a lot better than it was even back in the 1930s, but, there is that. second,he united states, what should it learn? well, you can imagine the impression his war made on all over the western hemisphere. all the latin-american countries. and you add to it the fact that the united states spent the next century half implementing as policy, something that was an informal practice during the end of the war in 48 and that was all the agrarian rebellions and village indians rising up locally against the state troops, and united states troops had authority under the treaty to help put that down and so the
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united states established itself as doing the favor of putting down even democratic rebellions in order to preserve order and stility, and then after 1900, you know, roosevelt corollary and all of the rest it goes on and on and on and when washe last time wenvaded a latin american country, 1990, panama? and then you wonder why a politician can score points with the crowds, in south america, by claiming to stand up to the gringos. and damn yankees. there is this hitage there and i don't know if this country will ever be able to overcome the fear and suspicion, considering that -- the war was bad enough and what went on for
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that 50 years you know, and a old world power politics in terms, the united states is the natural hegemon of the western hemisphere and the biggest, most powerful economically and militarily and what have you, but we don't have to act like it and in the long run, it is a losing thing, i mean, the sun set on the british empire, for inance. >> what wld be your view on the in the continental north-to-south road or south-to--- >> as far as i'm -- only thing i know about that is -- misbegotten highway construction projects between hewn and -- which will probably never get off the ground. >> i'm not speaking construction wise but with the attitude, that you say that is so imbedded, and not to be forgotten by the
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south, or mexico, i don't ever see harmony coming of that. >> well, i would hope so. i like mexico. and it's a country, with a sad, sad history and started out, all most without chance and so did this other latin-american countries with the -- uncolonialism. but we could make more effort to listen to others, before we -- our government takes a stance towards another country, might learn something about it. might get people who can understand the language. you know, not enough people can read or speak, spanish,panish ought to be the second language in the united states. but also, learn more about the history, we are very inner working country here and most of the unid states, citizens don't know very much about
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canada, either. you ow, we invaded canada twice. they know it. they haven't forgot it. the second time we did it in fact, set off the advance that made canada, canada and like when this u.s. invaded mexico set off the chain of events that made mexico, mexico. slightly different way and also though, set off a civil war in mexi and set off a body civi war in the u.s. and in the long run, you know, if it wasn't for california gold, i don't know if you could say the united states gained back the $86 mlion it cost to fight the war. handver here? >> bas on your great knowledge of history, united states and
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mexico, as we go into the immigration reform after we get through with the health care reform, what is your view againstimmigration, or if you arfor immigration reform, what are the pros and cons in your mindased on your hiory. >> well, i would say that the -- it's pretty well demonstrated that it is going to happen. people are going to css borders. and the total -- in this country is 12 million people now. and, majority, like from europe or africa or ia, legally, visas and just stay. you will not find them, you know? i read someplace, if it were
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legally possible to round up all 12 million of people and load themn school buses, the train and buses would be 7,000 miles lo and where wl put them? they -- e united states economic policies towards latin-american countries durilg the 20th century has not done very much to help the situation. it has changed some in recent decades but the -- before they existed as colonies, really economically, and they were there torovide agricultural products and other rawaterials to the you state and buy back manufactured products from the united states and would have been better all theay around if this country had encouraged industrialization. a little bit more. but, when we do, you know, the road to hell is paved with good intentions, hear of nafta?
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nav tanks well, that sounds like a great idea, let's go, encourage all these factory developments down along the border and people wouldn't cross it, see and that's fine and the united states also believes in free trade. and has since jefferson administration. what we call globalization. nowadays. we, when sources of labor opened up in asia cheaper than what was in mexico, the ctories went to asia, an those attracted to the border had no jobs any more and there were jobs in the united ates, and immigration was formed and typically mexican and central american my grants acrs the border only stay half the year and then go home. an now they are afraid to go home, because they'll get arrested at the border and what sense does thatmake, they are not only illegal aliens, unhappy about it.
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and not likely to attach themselves to the -- affectionately to the country where they are trapped. >> okay. so mexico is well populating -- populated if i understand you correctly. a lot of lower class people, without jobs or advantages. however, that is a country that is rich in resources, of silver and they have their o oil, is there a way that the masses of people in mexico can put the pressure just through numbers on the government to make their life better instead of coming over here? >> far be it from me to be a family advisor or counselor. things are gettingbetter. i hopeful because of the breaking of one party rule. went on for more than 70 years,
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until year 2000. and there is beginning to be a little bit more real democracy and particularly in the state and local governments. more educated people now than there used to be. the indian land problem has neve been completely survived and still have with the subcommandante and, la batiste he calls himself and puts himself on tv shows and... but land distribution is still a serious problem. i would say if the mexican central governmt wanted to start doing one tng to correct this, quit concentrating everything on mexico city. the biggest city in the world, 22 million people, ridiculous and is in a geographic bowl and
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the area has a hard time cleaning out. and what about the other citie in mexico? i mean, some of the factories could be there, there are some, sure. but, there is a tendency, now this went on uer the spanish and went on under the cents a text, the mexica and before them that this was going to be the hub of the empire and therefore everything would come in and serve it. mexico city's industrial overhead and population could be disbursed a little bit better and more economical instead of having to ship everything in and out of that place. that is as far as i'm willing to advise anybody. >> education, people -- do they suppress education down there. >> oh, no. they... since the 1968
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disturbances that has really gotten a lot better. but and mexico has really fine universities. it need mor work. go ahead. >> the war seems to have in the united states any way, trained a lot of leadership we read about later in civil war, robert e. lee and ulysses grant and a number of people, is thereny of the mecan... mexican leaders had their beginnings and skills honed in this -- >> oh, yeah. yeah. >> who they're ones we should know about. >> most of the famous names during the time of the war with the united states, got shoved out of the picre but there's a whole younger generation that
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comes along, that either indirectly participated in that war or had enough of the background when the war -- the reform starts, they are ready to go and... best known in north america i suppose. what the heck is that? oh, [speaking spanish] actually, they didn't fight -- were not in the army during the war with the united states. but, he comes in as a very young officer, in the wars of reform and then when they -- the french invade, it- 1862, 1863 and there until 1867 thesehe great hero of that war, they did learn
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a lot from mistakes of their mismanaged armies, particularly in later stages of the war ainst the french and both wars in the reform and wars against the french were mostly the real wars on both sides, real savage, and take a bunch of prisoners an slaughter them. you know? the united states side, of course, mentioned a few of them and you youlys -- ulysses s. gr and robert e. lee one of scott's engineers and had been, and the whole roster of junior oicers who become generals i the u.s. civil war. you get a ll of that on the mexican side, but, most of them cut their teeth a little later. the three reasons the united
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states, if you can state won the war, i'm not thature it did. but the oz organization and the weakness on the mexican side and second the superiority of the u.s. field artillery which was the best in the world at that time. and look at the devastation it wreaked on both sides in the civil war and the third was these west point graduates who were field and company grade officers, and the generals wer all incompetent, whether they were politically appointed or not. because ones who had been theron, with careers were moth eaten old relics of the war of 1812. and really not up to this. they got themselves mired in politics, taylor especially. about, something west pointeders learned a lesn from this. politic and military service don't mix.
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and high didn't understand that and politically interfered with the army every day. and, really threatened the saty of the -- american lives, just to score points and his successors generally followed the lead of the west pointers. and those who did not learn the lessons of folks' mistakes in the years have done so at their peril, keep the politics at home, and the commander-in-chief's job, then is to facilitate the military campaigns. >> many historians see the war as a great effort towards nationalism on both sides. i take it with your emphasis on federalism andebellion that you would take exception at least to some degree, with that interpretation. >> no, the rampant nationalism in the sense that we're the greatest and got the mission t civilize the world was already there in the u.s. and had been since pctically the -- the ink
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dried on the declaration of independence and 1783 and mexico, i think the stresses of the war and the post-war period finally create a mexican national identity and i interpret it here as the virgin of guadalupe, who, you know, was revealed to an indian. and she looked like an inan. but, the crio combrchios, took over, and they said she represented them and with their catholic heritage and born in new mexico but by the end, i have the thing where i describe the change, because, the way the war -- treaty was signed, the
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croios were trying to hang onto power at the top and were willing to give away half of the country to stay there and had troops out fighting their own people, more than the agrarian rebellions than ever put in the field of the united states. and this, those who were rising up and indians, like juarez, get the idea, maybe we could do a little better. and in the end, one chapter, i sayhe virgin was not creolia, she was mexicana. and was -- and i think i'm being told to shut the heck up. [laughter]. >> dave as well as his books, there are lots and lots of things that are tremendously interesting and well expressed. and we will bring this to a
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close now. our friends have prepared for us wonderful reception with punch and cookie and, remember, we like people to check out books, andlso like people to buy books. so, be sure an patronize our table andave it will -- dave will be able to sign some books for you. thank u all for coming. thank you. [applause]. >> david clary is the author of adopted son and to find out more, visit and search "david clary."
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>> "washington post" reporter ka lydersen, reports on the factory workers who refused to vacate the building, and bank of america received $45 million in federal funds before cutting the line of credit and the protest sparked national attention and representative louise gutierrez and manyorkers involved attended the event taped in chicago. >> kari i thought i would begin by going back to, you know, it is kind of amazing we're sitting actually a few blocks fro the former republic windows and doors factory and we drove pretty much right past it on the way here tonight. anso it brought back a lot of memories for us, who came over from around chicago and


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