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tv   Book TV  CSPAN  September 14, 2009 1:00am-2:00am EDT

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cisis and the design your to make sense of the change. also of course we must say the bush administration presented its own theory that iraq was involved and this led people to look for broad explanations so when the 9/11 commission approved iraq wasn involved in 9/11 people said okay that proves t government was likely about that particula conspiracy theory that is there another conspiracy theory that makes sense and includes the official conspiracy theorists theelves. ..
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are they really creang conspiracies? or is this jt another, another long explanation? >> guest: i always tell my students that it is hard work& it is hard work being a citizen of the democracy. you have to question authority d you also have to question the conspiracy theorists who are out of power. they have government officials telling you things. you also have people out of power, alternative conspiracy theories.
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you need to demand explanations and not just say that sounds right for a trust the person or this person or a distressed that person. you really have to investigate and you really need to make use of your resources of the media and all th information that is available to us. and make your own decisions. >> host: is there anything that you can point to that distinguishes a real government conspiracy to fm one that is imagined or maybe there's no way to do that except for all that kind of investigation. >> guest: evidence, that is the only thing. what was watergate? the coniracy theory among reporters that "the washington post" that the president was involved in this conspiracy in the tapes came out and prove it was a real conspiracy. the iran-contra the month a conspiracy. other cspacies, we do havehe evidence yet. thathe simian always that they di't happen but it doesn't mean that we need to demand the
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evidence and keep lookingor it. >> host: thank you very much. it has been wonderful. thanks a lot. >> guest: thank you. >> oliver north discusses the women and men fighting the war on terror. he spoke of the national fe arms union in virginia. this is about 50 minutes. >> i say my job is fox news which is to keep covering heroes because it really and i s that young people. everyone smile fox wulsin yacht to speak to a college campus somewhere. i would rather go to kaahar quite frankly. [laughter] i will say to the and people, i know i have conjured up in the mind of the young person e image of somebody wearing a spandex suits in a cape but that is not the definition of the hero. the definition of a hero is a person who is put themselves at risk for the benefit of others
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and that is what basically all like to. i know that some of my colleagues at fox news don't and the rest of the so-called mainstream media don't get that. i tell them every once i awhile that the military in the media have a lot in common. they both take casualties. they do. i mean in the milary well know wt that is in the media is when they don't fall under eir right cues. [laughter] both the milary in the media rely on feedback and in the milhtary the feedback is the enemy advancing or in wire or the retreating? that ithe back. the effectiveness of what you do. the efftiveness of what we do and broadcasting in the media more broadly as measured by what the people by your books or whether they watch your show is aware that they listen to you on the radio. it is called ratings.
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we also get eir feedback now most of the time on literally by e-mail. people, we actually look at the stuff that comes in. i brought wi me one of the e-mails i receivedhile i was covering the troops overseas and i w on a rooftop ben ramadi, iraq. i was on with hannity colmes and it was 4:00 in the morning. i am standing next to one of those who had been in a gunfight and i said on the air, ground combat is the worst experience a human being can have an allen colmes the actually that made me about@ it. so in the aftermath of this i am standing right next one of these hard-charging americans who had been i that gunfight and right afterwards we keep the satelli up and i start seeing e-mails that are coming in from people who are watching that segment this is an actual, this is
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feedback from the media mac. on tonight's "hannity & cmes" you said ground combais the worst expnce a human c have. this is not true. the worst experience any human can have a spending time with my mother-in-law. [laughter] this is really-- mbest friends spent two years in iraq and he lost his right hand in fallujah. he hazmat my mother-in-law. i just called him. he agrees with me and says-- and odd that is the back of the media. and that is a sad picture for you. let me just imay relate what i do. i'm leaving tomorrow to go to afghanistan. i will be embedded with u.s. forces on the ground and in som cases coal located with afgh national ay men and afghan national police and i wanto give you syou understand my
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persctive, i am a son of the greatest generatio menees ago when i worked for another network, tom brokow's office was right next to mine. tom brokow had just writtan a book, the greatesteneration and my mom and dad were part of it. it could have easily been my mom and dad. there is a soldier's trousers and a beautiful woman selects and that was my mom. i look back carefully not only in wt was in this book but of th generation. it influenced me as a young person growing up in that was the message i got because that ishe message of this great firearms museum. the message is the legy that has been left for the next generation. that is why this museum is such an important part of who we are is the people in america. and that is why that legacy that was handed off to my brothers and me influence all of us, everyone of us served in t
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military. not because we are more patriotic than an extra neigor but it was part of who we are. who was part of who my parents were. everyone of my uncle served in world war ii. and the media today is full of stories about how desperate the situation is in afghanistan and i brought with me for fiv different newspapers all of which have a story on page 1 about how bad things are in afghanistan. you could take the word afghanistan out of the article into years ago the word would have been ira well gets what? they won the war in iraq. soldiers, sailors cordesman and marines of the united states of america won that war and yet you would not know that from the media because as soon as the war turned around thstop covering and today all the bad news is coming out of afghanistan. i would like to remind young peop who dt have the blessing that i did it grow up with parents and the greatest
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generation that in world war ii, and i went back and check because they knew what was going to be here tonight, i went back and check on this day in94 the operation, the first american offensivef world war -- remember pearl harbor had been bombed seven nths before. america lost every single battle it was then up until june, the battle of midway, every single battle was a disaster. by june when the midway is one and the naval air battle, by june tens of thousands of americans were dead. not just that pearl harbor but all across the pacific ocean. americans were dying on the beaches of tienda who were laing with the canadians and the brits. yohad a disaster going on in north africa. and it was a total reversal of
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everything everybody felt was going to happen. it was terrible news. the battleford euadalcanal w 20 days old today in 1942. 20 days long. when they landed at guadalcanal they expected it to b30 days out. it was still going on six months later. there was absolutely no one who forecast america could be put in that kind of a situation in viet at the end of the day 60.5 men an women serving in the united states, the nation mobilizes and we win the war and there ain't no doubt about that it would not have happened had the united states not gone into the war. europe would have been ruled by hitler andtalin would have parcel up in japan would have run a ship. now, when you look the way the news is being covered today and
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the despair jinping that are id routinely by my colleagues in the mainstrm media about those who serve in our armed forcesr those who support our armed forces and i bet some of you are contractors today that is the new dirty wor in america, contractor. the media has to give out the american people aren't going to do to these soldiers, sailors airmen and marines what they di to my generation when they came back from vietn. in large part that is because the extraordinary experience of thesyoung americans and that has to stop politicians from denigrating them. we all know of certain politicians in washiton. i'm trying not to be partisan here. mr. president i don't want to be partisan but we know a certain illinois senator, he likened ose who serve in our armed forces to those who served stalin, hitler and pol pot.
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it was immediately jumped on and some of these town halls tha are happening now that look like picnics of the stop doing it. the washington compostn the "new york times"- [laughter] describe them and this again is how they started out, nothing but for kids from missiippi, texas and alabama it couldn't get a decent job or health insurance but enjoyed the military because that is all we ofred them. i've not bragging or complaining. th is my 16th trip to ver this war. i spent mths in the field with these youngsts. that is t the description the youngsters, somehow magically these ne'er-do-well missed gadstone see and up in the unit th cover. i've only covered 4units in that war. not one of those photographs this stage, not one of those hundreds of miles of footage i've shot was supper. it is all the rea thing.
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what is the dference? here is the real thing. this is the picture of who these youngsters really are. that is the battalion commander who had just been wounded. they operatend maintain the most sophisticated weapons and equipment ever designed by and this was a human being who stepped off the curb and blew himself to peace is against the side of that hamdi. thenemy intends to die in the ocess. telepad barber you don't like your haircut, i dare you i was next to the chair and tt ishy i took the picture. [lauter] the good news is these guys know how to shoot. the vanameyde they are up against is so afraid it's standing up to them that their favorite weapon has become t suicide vehicle and the ied.
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because ithe go into a gunfight with soldiers and marines you are going to lose and they all know that. this was a suicide driver who tried to approach a marine category in ramadi, iraq and the summer of 2006. it is standard procedure they used a they tell them to stop, then they roa flash bag indefinite stop anthey finally opened fire at the vehicle. they killed the driver. the driver was a suicide driver but he didn't know that he didn't control it. if y look closely read next to the vehicle you see a little whe thing in the road with. that is the robot that is about to go up the car,istic ubben armand see what is there. i it justot out of a convoy and i've fot knupp on top of building and i'm standing there point in my camerait and is the other bad guy with the controll that nation device sees he does not want the robot
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to get too close. that kind of thing happens routinely all throughout this place. this happens toiraq in the same thing is going on right now and helmand province and ndahar were the young guys out there with one of the most difficult sense of terrain and climate and dangerous circumstances you can imagine i would not take anything from any one of these guys. this is a nighttime operation outside anbar province. the national police came in and said we have got an ied in the middle of th road. if you lk carefully beneath te lights will see the reflection of 1975 ford fair lane station wagon the police came in and told the marines, we think-- so the marine patrol goes out to me give up to the edge of it in we are 20 ears away. i have got bicameral rolling on it and youan hear mortars being fired from somewhe. this arjun says let's get o of
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here, let's toe this thing. i'm thinking tell it? a different kind of toe. [laughter] that is secondary from what was inside. this is a gunfight in downtown ramadi, iraq. that is the blue mosque. there's a photograph of me standing next to that mosque last december without a flak jacket or helmut. every time i was with the marine corps and army, and every time i got shot that i found myself calling for sewage. the one taken last december i'm standing in front of the blue mosque and you can still see the bulletoles in thside of the wall around it, no flak jacket, no helmets is walking down the street because that of the-- part of the war has been one. that is the sergeant major who is theecipient of a silver star. that is the company can-- commander. he was compa commander in the second batlion 4th marines and
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this particular gun fight the rpg went off literally at the edge of his seat because it was fired from a prone position. u.s god battle dressis and walks ofo the battalion commander. i followed him and he s metal parts sticking out of his flak jacket to lars later he passes t and they put him on the helicopter and they take them off. three hours later ind up on the same helicopter so i walk again and a helicopter. i walked in and there he is sitting there but ned waiting for the guys to come backo where filling out the paperwork to ship him to germany which is the great trauma hospital in germany were all these guys in iraq and afghanistan in the persian lf get sen carlton is naked because the first thing they do whe a guy's shot full of holes as they come in with these jaws of life and
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cut everyg right out you and let you o there and they realize metal inside so they are going to x-ray him and they see all the pieces of metal in him and they say you are going to germany. carlton sees me what cannot the helicopter because i am ambulatory a he says, where's that helicopter going? i say it is going back to the base bause he sees the corpsman there, the guy that was medevac. he picks up his gon box that to the helicopter and we fly back to hurricane point. the battalion commander seas salmon says what do you doing becker? you are supposed to a new way to germany. i am fine, sir. if you get an infection from the stuff i will have the court-martialed. two weeklater yet such a raging infection he is about to lose his leg and they ship them ba to balboa and six months later i am out in california to see the unit when they come back and they are having their birthday party and there is carlton who is recovering from
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the surgery and the infections and everything else and his wife has framed in a great big frame three documents. one, the purple heart for 83 holes in your body in the bronze star for heroism and the trd is the letter of-- from going into hospil. [laughter] [applause] why i show this picture of and he i laughing because you know what i'm doing. some rybak there behind me is a guy who is shooting at me and i never even hear the shot in the tape you can hear the rst shot go by my head and i'm done on the ground rolling in the sewage and izzy can see there is sewage behind me. my cameraman has rolled up the camera and i amonniker down. standing back on my knees the budget marines. notice the one on the far left of the screen has reacted to the shot. he is looking to see that they gethe old man's of the next thing you hear of the mouth of the gunner this name i
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tagliabue, you can hear him standing behind one of the walls that they are saying, amazing how fast an old man can move when he is properly motivated. [laughter] no sympathy whatsoever. this by the way the pictu you just saw was taken five minutes before this picture. now i am behind its seawall and i'm standing behind these cyberguy who ilookin for the bad guy but notice who is behind him at this point. i may be crazy but i'm not stupid. is i afghanistan. last summer, as a matter of fact st about this time last year. that is all that is left of the hamdi that was blown up by an improvised explosive device planted in the road. the corporal and-- we covered in previous deployments in iraq are both in that vehicle. my camaman, chris jackson is
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in that vehicle. the ied goes off underneath it and immediately the vehicle expled in flames. all of the ordinance inside on fire and by the way our of the sergeants and corporals. my camaman, and that is him right there, that is chris jackson, my cameram. jared been over 7,000 reporters and journalists in correspondencend guys carrying cameras out there in this war. there's only one that has been decorated for heroism and that is because chris jackson jumped up, respecting the vehicle even though he had been blown outf it. the back doors were blown right out, jumps up, somehow jerks open the door and save the sergeants like. that is the helicopter that took him up. e next thing that happens as a helicopter can send and corpsmen comes running upo jackson says we have got to take you out of here because he had been woded. he had been burned and had fragment wounds from the
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shrapnel. jackson turns to the corral and sa i can't go. the corpsman says, why can't you sir, you have been wounded? he said i can't go because he and he is pointing at me, has sealed the camera and all the rest of them were in the vehicle and it was blown to pieces. there was a metal plate from the bottom of his cera. pb1 70 camera was all that was left so it is al fried. he has the only camera but the corpsmen is now thinking this guy has got traumatic brain injury a may be a terrible confession so he says i can go. nor pesci only camera and the corpsmen finally says, so what? let me tell you something in every hour ofliver north's video tape their fibers six earl look at seconds and i ca do better, and he said that. [laughter] th secretary of the navy a few wes later this base, the secretary of the navy comes out
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and it is a seacord base operating on the iranian border and the secretary of the navy was walking ut of the iefing that he just got in with the special operations guys and walks over to me and he says i wa to me your cameraman. is he still in the country? i said that is theameraman stding right over there and he is the one who did it. do you want to meet him, there he is, chris jackson walked over to jackson and said i'm going to see today you are recognized for your heroism. at to me says something about and ackers jackson but the military tt the secretary of the service would do that for a young cameraman who save the life of another guy. i put this up there just because it is so interesting i looked at the slow kid and i said that has to be the son of a russian soler. very interesting the interpreter
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who was a graduate of ucla and bo in the united stas when his parents fled afghanistan in the 1970's and just before the tal collapse in '79 a the russian invasion. is parents raised him in united ates and hepeaks fluent so we are up along the part of the area with pashtun is, and he said come said that has got to be the son. he said the kit is way too young to be part of the russian progeny. that is alexanderhe great. [laughter] think about it. this is exactly where axander stop on his way across asia and that i indeed, that kid is not-- it is macedonian. this is a nisha were taking place in the process. this is a very brave afghan battalion commander and i can't use his name as we couldt use his face on the show that we did, the documentary we produced by putting not because there is
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a lot of press that says these guys are not worth anything. they have been trained by u.s. special forces in u.s. marine. the command isut there are as good as any other nation' military and cerinly better than most. these are young guys to decided they would fight for their country. you can never see that in the -called mainstream media but whdon't you see it? i can't explain why. we get so little coverage of these guys that ey are actually much better than you would otherwise thing. that is a very tough afghan command of their. he was on the raid that we took down in the eiddle of the desert. this was the raid itsf, and took down the taliban ithe process. the final st about theseuys. i have spent my whole life in or arou the military. my daddyas a soldier, i went off to the marines aage 17nd spent my life either and if route covering it.
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this is a dimension you jt don't see in the rest of the media, the extraordinary faith of these youngsters. to a remarkable degree these are guys of made the dision having grown up in the crucible of modern culture, they may decision then they are n ashamed to gather around in a prayer serce and they ar not going out onhe football field getting ready for a friday night game other going out imortal combat againstn enemy who intends to die. my dad was not uagainst that and the european theater. we have not confronted in the enemy who wants to e in the process. these guys all know that. they also demonstraten spite of that to an extordiry exte what i call for lack of a better phrase, a true christian compassion. icesave this for less. it is the last picture on the
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book. that picture was taken on the way to baghdad on april 6, 2003. that is the united states navy corpsmen. i would not be alive today, nic ney corpsmen save e lives of countless others in the se thing goes for army medics. they are extraordinary. i first met this young guy on the battlefield in afgnistan in 2001. at this int in his life he is now part of the lead company that his in the attack on baghdad in baghdad is the smokies sea in the backgund. we are three days outside of baghdad. it is probably 25 miles away. the lead elements wch is a rifle company motorized and not particularly well, it is out there in front oeverybody, is engaged byepublican guard regiment, the lt line of defense for saddam hussein.
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one regiment the republican guards. there is a furious gun find it ifou notice the vehicles are not armorehumvees like we have got today. they spend them around to put more betenhem and the rpg's that are flying in this navy corpsmen rushes o into the battlefield and what we would call thenterlocking bands o fire and start pulling wounded marines out of the middle of that gun fire. the first gu to brings in a helicopter landsn the road and when the screenas taken kff my foote i now and standing on the ramp othe c 46 helicopr because i can get higher witht getting on t of a humvee and getting my head blown o. so i jumped on the back of the helier so i could stand there and this guy is bringing these guys u the shock traa team stars tonighteed, blood extendeand
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immediately start treating him for a shock. the third guy he carries out to the helicopter is this one. he is gone out into the middle of the gun fight, risk 'tis like take this guy up and bring him back. csrt gotattle dressings on. he h already laid th out on the ee of the battle come up with him on his son back in is carrying him to the helicoptering you can see-- see he is sll wearing the chemicals it. prably 110 degrees outside. he has not hattie showers since he left kuwait on the 20th of march. he has been nonstop moving and he is in the lead rifleompany and what they would do is leave the rifle companies into the lead elents, they then if you will of the attack. you notice carefully the clothing on the wounded warrior on his back. that is a wounded iraqi republican guardsmen. if you look carefully you can
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see he is terrified. heas been wounded, he has been in a gunfight and now someone has a wrap them up which never would have happened in his own military come up with his own life at risk to carry him to the helicopter were this wounded iraqis treated the same as any of the wounded marines, wrapped in a blanket, started in i.v. d they put them in and take him away. ..
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>> are there never would be a successith the american revolution and good jury weekdays we enjoy is this and just like the rest of europe these young guys and gals have been out there, one point* 6 million have served in our armed forces in combat. landg in normandy and five his first big battle then fought again and was wounded as they went to into the river valley.
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and world r ii the arage length of time spent in mbat in either a theater pacific or european, a little different with the cbi the average was 6.four months. america goes to war and august 1942 and the average length of time for infantrymen in combat was 6.two months. today the third infantry division of the united states army, a young soldier enlisted for a 48 month enlistment extend a60 wi spend 45 months and combat broke it is unprecedented probe with the carib@ean where the average was nine months the vietnam war was 13. tnday these youngsters who are seing in excess of 15 months routinely and many
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like these are back-to-back they are in harm's way every single second. and they know a couple of things first of all, these are youngster who have experienced what tyler mere mortals do not see they understand withnite states of america, as is one of the few places you can flick a switch and the lights t one you can turn on the wer and drink it out of the t for they know you can get taken to hospital iamerica and expect to live in a country that they serve a few are hurt badly and go to our hospital you will not they know that you c go to a store or go online and by almost anything you wa with nothing more thaa credit card. but in americaon like anywhere else inhe world, you can go check into
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a hotel nobody asks for your passport or papers. you can get in a car in new jersey and drive to california for the freedom concert ev though we had one in new jersey. [laughter] but nothinmore than a driv's lense to do not have to get a permit to drive the state line are to have made travel passport go in other words, , make it go away. i touched it ain. make it stop. [laughter] there is a keyboard o here. who would of thought what to do with this? i make that obsvation becaus these are youngsters that will come bk and complete their service and will have served honorably which is not appreciated by my colleagues in the media and many politicians in washington and there will be
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committed to the cause of freedom. we know without the second amendment the rest of those bill of rights are meaningless there the youngsters we have two recruit as t next so i leave you this char of this evening. you have seen people i get to keep company with but i encourage you if you know, a soldier, sailor, airman or ardsman or marine who h served in this war. by the way, everybody on active duty today is a volunteer. some may be in voluntarily extended than what they thought that they are all volunteers. the warriors of 9/11-- understand how vulnerable this coury is to those who want to die to take awaour freedoms price encourage you if you know, any of them u.s. cars them
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to become part of this organization that supports the freedom that we hold dear. thankou for being here tonight, cop. [applause] >> is this yours? you are the secretary. [laughter] that is th wrong tng to say? >> hi to introduce the president of the association
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and he has a presentation >> we do not do this evyday this was given 10 years ago but we want to do the honorable life membership [applause] >> >> you have to come to the gun show. [laughter] >> i should put omy field jacket retrofire away. we have 15 minutes for questions. any topic at all. >> on the ied how far away we they from the vehic? >> the one that you saw the flaming vehicle was a pressure play.
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one of the interesting things that has happen in aq and the ied was very, very sophisticated they are not that sophisticated yet in afghanistan and large part because there is only one paved highway and all of the afghanistan. there is o paved highway in the entire country. iraq h a more advanced infrastructure so they put them behind guard rails. there are noris afghanistan. everything is a dirt track so pressure plaq its wok pretty good as y might imagine weave sophisticated intelligence that can spot people that you have gps accordance to make sure nobody drives a vehicle over it. will ke you and this has happened to mlast er and will start happening again on saturday you try to go to 20 kilometers will take 30
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urs because you are walking. the vehicles with the same minesweeping equipment did little more sophisticated and vietnam. there is the enormous challenges in dealing with something as simple as the pressure plate ied with there is an enormous amount explosives it blew it to pieces. usually they use of iraqi city on the same st've had people out there and afghanistan it is all the more primitive and very feu of these explosive bennett traders, they have factories. so far relatively few. >> do you find that our
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response to the ied and suicide bombers over the ars is becoming more effecte and sophisticated? >> good question. you can see now i have been doing ts since 2001, you can see wedopt a countermeasure and they adapt we adopted countermre and they adapt they have their own techniques and procedures and a deaf ears to wt we're doing. they adapt and there's the ieds the defensive measure and the suicide bomber is the offensive measure. most of the suicide bombers to the extent that we can identifyhe remains are not loca. nearly a of them are impos. they were recruited some or
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all slyke syria or egypt or the palestinian liberation and dies and moved over been handed over him to gives them ready for the big martyrdom. that has happened to rethink the number is 854 90% it is up there. those lt week prior to the elections in afghanistan and most of the victims of those devis are not american allies or coalition fces they are simple civilians to drive over one of these silly things and itlows the whole family to pieces or goes up in the marketplace andills dozens of muslims. the brutality is mind-numbing when you thin about it. most of the victim's our fellow muslims. interestingly enough, not to
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getoo far but the people who have responded wit the most vividly to e american military action, not the words but the wayhey were and act, are the women. if you think about it americans for flak jackets certain date and iraq and in afghanistan. and with a respond to this kind of thingnd 60% of the last election zero people voting were women. this is not a sexist comment but they' not wanting their sons to, to be a suicide terrorist. so what they're looking for is that type of opportunity and the challenges to
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protect them to let them drive a car, theyecome the targets of a lot of this stuff as three sought in the elections in afghanistan last week. >> that was fast. [laughter] >> at the dedication and support does not exist? 1963 we sold. >> to make the observation every time i get into a place like iraq or afghanistan check the bureau plate.
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it is all over the place. you are right. let me say sometng on behalf of the contraors. contractors is a new dirty word in ington whether a security contractor or whenever. i will tell you that the, have to write tonight before i get on the plane tomorrow i will get out by th time i get tre. the reality of life as we know it, you cannot fight a r without contractors. one of the reasons why the ft is going aft the contractors they do nowant us to fight the war it they do not want us to fight or whenhey resent the power and the ability to bring about the changes we're seeing in iraq and they do
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not wanted they do not want us to project i gue. so wt you end up with is vicious assault on the people who want tbe building the next generation aircraft. the v-22 should replace the next plane coming down the pipeline but they will have thos released 2014 and very likely be on that because you cannot produce in the 2 fa eugh and a muchore expensive airplane therefore landing in the mdle of gunfights will increase the time it tak to cut people off of the battle field. all of the a drops that are being donin afghanistan are done by contractors. the u.s. embsy has three care delivery platoons a not one of them e being used for that purpose.
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it makes no sense. do you hear thateneral? i don't get it. quite frank i don't get why they are so starved for resources afghanistan if in the the team has decided that afghanistan is a good war they better get the resources there they need to win it. >> my understandi the iranians were invold with the trorist in iraq andy question is alway are they also involve as adversaries in afgnistan? >> good estion no doubt iranians has thrown significant resources from the industrial base into the
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fight andraq. they have a large shia population within which they can work. the iranian revolutionary the islamic revolutionary government of iran was never close to the taliban pro they were the principal supporters of al qaeda of those relationships were difficult to forge. heres the nexus. it occurs in the distribution of her wrote a share when and opiates coming out of the poppy fields require ran h one the biggest drug problems of the world. in a place surrounding has 75 for 80% in the heroin in the world is made in those two provinces. because chemics are coming into drugs are going up. is more of a criminal nature
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but they are there and there are steps about that. why that is being kept a a big dark secret, i d't know. they he designed to have some type of dialogue with ahmadinejad and s colleagues maybe they're trying not to embarrass him. one master sergeant told me here is the iranian built, it is not a home built it is a machine shop buildinf these things explosivel penetrate years and very, very sopsticated all coming out of the maine shops and iran and weapons me fracturing. here we are on the iranian rder you can see it and it is a shame they saithey have to rry this all the
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way fbom iranian team. now we do not even say that about the syrians because we do not have a dialogue. i was asked earlier today about the release of the blueit -- terrace the blew up pan am 103 i don't get it right oron't get why we don't call it what they're real is of the support of locaterrorism beardo underqnd whye don't put every bit of information, if we released half as much information about iranians as wdid about blackwater but it has spent blacked out and it is the hemorrhage of classified information bravura going to him rich classified information how about telling us stuff about the enemy? i don't get it.
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>> we have time for one or two more. >> >> [lghter] on the lighteride i wt you to confirm meant -- it but if it is true. i one. [laughter] [applause] >> by the way he naver won a championship. >> this were destroyed? >> no. i have a 16 mm.
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[laughter] >> and dino putti those commanrs through school schoolthe people i had to trained right and into the field. >> by tuesday can give you a better answer. that is where i am gng. you are right. one of the really serious problems is with any other, i do not like using the term third world with these allied countries that are struggling to protect themselves and exercise around sovereignty vy ofnhat preceded our arrival, you can deliver containers full of uniforms and they disappear.
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so this enormousroblem and challenges tt exist have tten better in iraq and it ll dbetter. idea and told by will absolutely report by thing they're getting better that says they are not better ye because that is one of the questions i answered of people are carrying ak-47s then you see a musket so many bullets fired through its. that is r weapon. you tell mehere are no others around the world? >> yes. they are in somebody's backyard there is an enormous challenge but it is being aressed just om what we have seen since 2003 it will take time in afghanistan. lot of that is driven by a lack of any other infrastructure. it is unbelievable firm i
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have not been in a country is that hard to get around and that with 40 yrs and that was called vietnam. i am not surprised those problems exist but i am hopeful they will get bter pre have this conversation with the reeked ever team team, the big turban that is going up why don't you just by a couple of generators? then it is your fault. we gill come by every two weeks and it refuel it. >> alesco put a multimillion dollar steel at -- that we're paying for i love the germans. would be nice if they fought. [laughter] >> cutng me off but lete
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say and close with a couple of thoughts. number one, this is the same vice my mother used to give me. number one, i should have kept my word soft and tender because i do not know what i have to eat them. >> before you criticize you are to think ofthe fact that it will makehem angry. before you criticize k try waing a mile in their shs that way we nine they grace you -- criticize you you have the issu. [laughter] [applause]
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>> rear ofhe public library in nth carolina speaking tthe author a home on the field. what made you decide to write this book? >> i decided to write this book because i noticed what was happening in rolled committees and the south and thwest's said demographic had changed from city are small towns that i knew would transform the culture and the community is. that was an inresting story anone that would influence or change your country and in many different ways. >> why did you choos the city? >> at the time it had two
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processing pnts, a feed mill, 30chicken farmers and so, for me it is an easy choice because the processing industry is a big generator. into the small town community. when you were there you drop people you met who waed to benefit i wanted the food cheaper buy gas how did you talk too them? >> the town is a chicken so era runon the pcessing industry. of the people -- peoplesoft the town began to change quite rapidly during the '90s. and they responded in various ways much like how the country response to immigration today generally with anger, confusion and
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that was an interesting and difficult part to capture for the townsfolk. since then they have come to anccommodation with the migration. perhaps more than 50 percent hispanic and the town has been transfoed and changed and economilly and has done a lot betteand tim are tough right now but no doubt the growth of t early nineties and early 201stentury is due to the chicien workers that have come and settled. >> a uniepproach why did you cose that? >> i hoseoccer i was boreand nothing to do. i played in high school and i was involved with a group of boy and coachinthem and it became apparent there was no varsity team at the hi school. or they could d they were
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advocating to created team but unfortunately the administration did not think it was a good idea selto try to get a team together we were successful and we went on and had tremendous success on the field but really, the boy is served as a means to let you know, who this community is and why they have come water their dreams and hopes and how they are assimilating into ourociety. >> what do we need to do regarding immigration policy? >> this is a complex question. the president has called on on migration and hopefullye that will happen this fall. there are components to provide some sort of access to pathway to citizenship for some ofhe migrants
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that have come a some think it is a good ide and others are opposed. when you look at the kids and a team d wher they have been, they have grown up here andav gone to t schools, assimilated to our society and getting married and having children otheir own and yet to the immigration status may be in question and i think for them, somethingeeds to be done tassist them to ful integrate into our society. >> nine have youade any contact with students? >> yes. his son turned one years old and i went to the birthday party. >> what is the reading program and what role do you play? >> it is a programesigned to basically get all incoming freshmen to read one particular but then begin to tal about the


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