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tv   Book TV  CSPAN  November 23, 2009 6:15am-7:30am EST

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but let's see some of the sights and sounds as we get ready for the festival today.
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it the night before she went to bed, and almost all of the policy people on the campaign, loved working with her. >> really phrased how they said before she'd soak up all of the information, so we don't doubt that she can't learn it, it is whether she will. >>... how alaskans took the national media coverage of sarah palin? i mean, there was yet kind of a grand opening, and then got a rough ride, and did alass cans feel like she was treated fairly by the national media. >> it sort of goes two ways, again i think because, in some respects she's a home town girl
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and justifiably froud proproud d the most famous alaskan whoever lived and the first rally in fairbanks i remember interviewing someone there and he said i thought of myself as an alaskan and not even necessarily an american, really, because it is so far away and i thought that was interesting and now i feel like for the first time i'm part of the country and they're proud of her in that respect and there were also instances such as her claims about the bridge to nowhere which were really shaky, let's say and the alaskans knew that better than all of us and couldn't believe what she was going up there and making these boasts about the bridge to nowhere when they remembered her being a strong advocate for it and not giving back the federal money granted to the state. so i think, again, another thing that goes both ways. >> but they were stunned by the amount of media coverage that descended upon their state and i think when we were up there, they were reeling from it, and when we first got there, people
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were not as accessible, because we say everybody started to open out but at first there was resistance and wanted to get to know us first to see what kind of people we were which is alaskan, also because they wanted to be sure, it wasn't a head job. >> thanks for coming. >> thank you. [applause] scott conroy is a digital journalist for cbs news, who now lives in chicago and shoshana walsh was with fox news channel through election 2008, for more information would you "sarah from alaska" visit
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>> sarah palin signs copies of her book, "going rogue" an american life at a bookstore in cincinnati, ohio. before governor palin's opening remarks, book tv talks with the coordinator of the event, and with people waiting in line to get their books sign, the event is 45 minutes. >> you have line tickets, you have your book... you've got your receipt. okay. fair enough. >> well, there is a bunch of different letters, roughly 26.
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different letters and... well, i know, but... and a small v.i.p. group, and the first people to purchase, and the members give back program, it's and when we let you in, at 10:00, we'll close the store to people without the line letters and you will walking up to, you know, shop the store, and we'll line people up by groups and so you will not be standing in one space for four or five hours and line people up by groups, and then you will go up it is going to be quick, i'm telling people in advance, she'll sign fast and has a lot of people that she wants to try to get through, so, we're telling people, in advance, and, that she has to leave on a hard deadline to get to columbus this evening. security blocked it off. and she's going to come right up
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through the back entrance, probably state stay in the back and until she comes out. and does the signing. we're trying to tell people... >> 31, 2, 3. >> thank you. >> thank you! >> i'm from dayton, ohio. >> what brings you here so early to the sarah palin book-signing, does it have anything to do with the sweatshirt are wearing. >> has everything to do with it. in fact i went to some of her rallies and got up and stayed up all night to get there, to get the front row. got a hug from her. >> how can you explain to us your enthusiasm for sarah palin? >> well, because she stands for the values and the principles of what i believe in. smaller government. less taxes. strong military. and big defender of the
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constitution. and she walks the talk, basically. she is one politics that walks the talk. >> you'll be supporting her in 2012? >> i'll be supporting her probably for the rest of my life. i'm pleased to be living at this -- this long to see a politician like this, a woman like this. >> what makes her different than other politicians? >> because she's not afraid to take on her own party. she's not afraid... she's very... impeccable integrity and says, what she means and means what she says and is not afraid to bring down her own party or if she sees something that is wrong or corrupt, she tackles it. and we don't have... plus she's not from inside the beltway, she's not been to d.c. she's just an unbelievable politician, somebody we haven't seen for... remember the movie
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"mr. smith goes to washington" well, this is mrs. pail in goes to washington, we hope. >> if there is something wrong inside the beltway, what is wrong? >> well, i think we need to get rid of these what do you call them long-term politician, been there 30, 40, 50 years and get entrenched with that kind of mentality, and they are corrupt, every time you turn on tv there is another corrupt politician on an ethics charge and they... and the main thing, they dent listen to us any more -- don't listen to us any more in the heartland. they don't listen to us. she does. >> there is something you missed saying. >> yes, i wanted to say that she is a woman... like i said with strong values but a woman with impeccable integrity and strong faith in god and she's not ashamed to let this show. >> i think that is the test and i agree with you, 100%. >> your words, we believe in that, perfect.
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said perfectly. >> you are here early. why are you here so early for this... >> so we'd have a chance to... >> get into see her. exactly. >> do you remember when you first learned about sarah palin? and what your reaction was when you learned about her? >> my reaction was that i went to the republican national office and started making phone calls for the campaign. as soon as i heard she signed on and heard her speech, that night. so... great inspiration. >> what about her inspires you? >> just her integrity. how she told herself, her confidence, and who she is and what she stands for. and, she can express it to the average citizen. in a comfortable way. that is easy for us to say, she comes from the same background,
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same situations that we are in every day. so... she's just a great inspiration to the country and to make a lot of changes -- she'll make a lot of changes in whatever she does. >> 100%. i think she is one of the best things i think we are finally beginning to get people like herself and i think we need to start turning our country around. we are becoming a socialist country, right now with obama, and i am totally against that. and i think sarah would be the best person to come through and come up and i think she'll help turn our country around. >> when you say we're becoming socialist country, what do you mean. >> obama, obama. >> why, specifically, why? sn>> i just don't like his idea. i do not like what he does. and i think it is horrendous.
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>> i think it is a mine set, too, in regards to socialism. socialism, as that... people, that government does for the citizens and we have to get back to the values of, we do and we make our own lives and our own futures. not because of what government is giving us. so, it is a simple... social impeccable integrity is a simple term and not something in regards to intricate in regards to the policies, it's a mine set he is instilling in people in the population that, is what socialism is. >> i want to be able to create some feelings of support for sarah palin, and i think she is a great leader, and i have to say, in all due respect, you
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guys who have been running our country for so long, and we need a female gender to get the country turned around and we need to be on the committee and run the committee an sabring guys, but you goofed up too many times over the years and we need new leadership. as far as obama, i think he is an abomination. and, to go before our troops, and say you make a good photo op, that did it. i think he doesn't know what he is doing. and i think the sooner the better, we get a lady, woman, who is the al ber of sarah palin, we can turn things around. >> you think she'll be running in the next election. >> that is up to her, i'm not here to teller h do that or not do that. i think she has got a lot of
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sprung and leadership qualities and whatever she believes she can do, i'm sure she will, and i think she'll do it with gusto, and i think she's got a lot of followers to help her along the way. i think that she is not -- knock at every turn by the loonie liberals and people that want to tear things down. they do it because they know she is a force for good, and i think they are only a force for evil. i'm sorry to say it. i'm 75 years old, and i've seen a lot of changes in our country, but we are on the wrong road. absolutely on the wrong road. who does obama bring into the fold? people that haven't paid their taxes. people who... whose goals and whose leadership qualities are mao tse tung and others of that ilk. why do we... why are we letting
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some little squirt who might have a good view and a good ability to speak turn us going in the direction? we have made a great mistake and need to correct that mistake as soon as possible. and i urge every person in this country to get behind someone who can help us instead of taking us in the wrong direction and at this point in time, one of the candidates for that event is sarah palin. >> i'm charlotte, from cincinnati, actually live in oxford, outside that, i like her conservative values. i think she's a great role model for young women. and i think she's what america needs right now. she is great all the way around, i just love her. she's great. >> when you say you like her conservative values, what do you mean by that? >> specifically she's... she believes in the constitution,
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she... the abortion issue, i'm against abortion. just good american values. i just love that about her. she's a real person, she's one of us. she's not from washington, d.c., she not anything that, you know, doesn't act like anything she's not. she's just herself. and i really like that. >> i'm nancy and i'm from dayton, ohio. >> have you ever seen her in person before. >> no. no. i'm really anxious and excited about meeting her and having the book signed. >> have you heard anything about the book yet? >> oh, i heard about it. no, i haven't read it yet. i watched fox news -- i watch fox news a lot and they had lots of interviews and stuff like that, on there and i have been watching those and enjoying those, just watching her. so... i'm real excited. >> what is it you like about
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sarah palin? >> just about everything. i like her, i like her conservative values, she's one of us. she's not... like she said, she's not ever trying to be something that she is not. she's down to earth. she's got her head on straight. not like some of the... people we're dealing with now in the government, that seem to have their heads above the clouds. >> you have your line ticket? what's that? >> no, unfortunately, we're completely sold out. sorry about that, folks, thanks for coming out. hi. do you have your line letter for the event. >> i wanted to buy a magazine. >> unfortunately we are closed for the sarah palin event. >> all day. >> closed until 3:00. >> until 3:00. >> sorry about that. >> no problem. >> completely out of tickets. entirely sold out. sorry. >> we cannot come in and buy
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books. >> we're closed for the event. sorry. >> all right. >> your event ticket. >> no, here to pick it up. >> you paid for it. >> go right there. you're all set. >> do you know anything about a line... >> anyway... two weeks ago, whenever this was... >> do you have your receipt and everything? >> my receipt. >> your sticker, okay. come on in. thank you for coming. >> okay. >> can i get to the coffee shop. >> go out and through the coffee shop door. thank you very much. >> i think it's time for a woman to step up. get on the committee and... i think the current administration
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wants us to go downhill all the way to the bottom. she represents everything i think is good about the country. i have five girls, five grown daughters and we all feel that sar race a great lady and we'll vote for her. >> what is it about her that makes you feel that way? >> i think it is probably, it is the simple fact that she is true to life, a real woman, a real person, really, and she... raises a family and does all of those things, that isn't that what we all want? to live our lives and... truly what she says and she loves her country. >> did you already have tickets and wristbands to get in. >> we have the tickets. >> how did you get them. >> called and talked to them. >> and so, went straight for the owner of the store.
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>> did, yes. >> why are you coming out for sarah palin. >> love all that she stands for and fox news, by the way, you guys are great. i don't know what we would do, if it -- with the mainstream media. the country would not be the same. glenn beck, bill o'reilly, sean hannity, we love all of you! >> what do you think, why sarah palin is drawing such a big crowd. >> i think she speaks her mind. i think she knows what she is talking about, politically. i think she knows what is best for the country especially from an energy standpoint. i think she is a constitutionalist, and knows the constitution and she doesn't want to see the country move over to socialism and i think that is what is happening with obama. >> such a high turnout of people interested in sarah palin, just one year after the election passed. makes me ask, what does it mean for united states? what is going on in this
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country. >> we are fighting in most of -- finding most of americans that voted for barack obama are dependent on the government. that they feel that the government is going to give them prosperity. and what we're trying to support sarah is by telling her that we understand that our future is in our hands, that the government is supposed to be there to protect the country, and thaes that's their main position. in society. and, in the united states. and we don't need that for social agendas. we need to instill hard work, integrity and independence. and that is being lost in america right now. so what, as individuals we need to tell people that the government is not the answer. and that is what sarah is trying to lead us with.
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>> what about sarah palin, as aspiring the position in the government also, and how does she differ from the establishment. >> because she doesn't believe in padding agencies, the department of education to the federal government... that is supposed to be at the state level. >> i mean, once someone is... >> i'm toms, and i... am from sunny veil, california and live in cincinnati, ohio now. >> you were here very early this morning, i think a quarter of 8:00, what brought you here early. >> i wanted to scout out the area, primarily to see how the parking would be and if any lines developed. but, there were not a lot of long lines here because they use the system here, that was not a first come, first serve and rather groups. based on a letter, and it worked out good and we didn't get a lot
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of backup of people in the parking lot. worked pretty good. >> your shirt says conservatives4palin, we've got your back, gov. what does that mean. >> conservatives for pail, the premier web site on the internet, that defends sarah palin against the media attacks, and also, puts columns out on certain issues that are related to politics. it's -- it was originally started by a gentleman, joseph russo with $10 and now is very popular -- a very popular web site out there where people can go to get their information, on sarah palin, it is very fast and factually based and professional and i strongly rip lly recomme >> why are you so enthusiastic about sarah palin. >> sarah palin and i came of age during the age of reagan in high school and college.
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we're both the third children, i'm a middle son, with the oldest, being the sister and she's the reverse, the middle daughter with the oldest brother. our fathers were both school teachers, high school teachers and coached sports, and also, we're the same age, born 1964. and our political beliefs are pretty much the same. fiscal conservatism, social conservatism, she's a western libertarian and we're both christian and i'm catholic and she's evangelical and also she's for strong defense, so i think reagan played a big part in both of our up bringing and formation of our beliefs as we grew up. >> what does" conservative mean to you. >> there are many strains and i gravitate most to what would be edmund burke or russell kirk, what i call kirk hnd burke conservatism which sends to believe in an enduring moral
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order and also, the virtue of prudence. and i recommend, if you want to know more about kirk and burke conservatism i recommend blogging edmund burke or russell kirk. if i could recommend one book, it would be russell kirk's "a conservative mind" which came out i believe in the 1960s, 1950s or '60s but that was a movement book. >> so if you look around, political leaders right now, who is closest to a kirk and burke for you. >> i would say now it would have to be sarah palin. i think she's the premier conservative. she has three things going for her. she has the convictions, she's got the charisma and most importantly, has the courage. the country right now is kind of heading collect vist and we see economically we are having problems with unemployment an slowing economy and a growing government, that is really kind of getting out of areas of the constitution, rail the
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constitution really has promoted and i think sarah palin now is the champion of libertarians and conservative movement in america today. >> we were allowed to release a thousand kind of guaranteed line letters, people that we were pretty sure and her team was pretty sure she'd be able to get through in the three-hour signing and we also did 200 stand by tickets in groups of 50, to kind of run as time permit. so we sold out of the guaranteed tickets, last friday. and out of the 200 stand by tickets, sunday. and two days later. >>. [inaudible conversations]. >> she arrives at noon and she's going to come on her bus, which is you know, completely draped by -- a draped bus and will come
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in, get her family settled in the back room and then, come out to give a very brief hello, to cincinnati and her fans and then will begin a book-signing. her team, harper collins and my team here have worked to get the signing area sort of set, according to her requests, and then she will begin signing books, quickly, no personalizations, no posed photography and try and get through as many of her fans as possible. the teams also will have a photographer here who is taking a series of still images that they are heading on cards where people can go to a web site and hopefully find a picture of them getting their book signed by ms. palin. >> how does it compare to... do you have other events of this size. >> yeah. you know, just in my time, with
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the joseph beth book sellers in the necessity location we hosted caroline kennedy, 3,000 attendees, stephanie meyer, the twilight fame and eclipse and e have had a number of very large events here. johnnie bench, so, yeah, sort of spans the gamut. >> how do these big events help the bookstore? what is the -- in it for you. >> the biggest thing is the challenge of letting people know we do events is always tricky. you know, seems like every time we do one of these big events we have people who live in the city or even the neighborhood that are like, oh, you know, i knew you were a bookstore and i didn't know you had authors and we host, 20, 25 authors a month. so, getting people, the top of mind awareness, is probably the biggest benefit.
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but, also, just having people experience an event here, understand how you do it with the line letters and getting that muscle memory almost of knowing what it takes from getting from their door to our door and back to their door will hopefully convert people from maybe once or twice a year visitor to someone who comes in and reads a lot more. >> i'm nina, from here in cincinnati. >> what time did you get here this morning. >> about 7:30. >> so you have been here over three hours, going on four hours. >> i had breakfast. while i was waiting for this to start. >> why did you come so early. >> i wanted to make sure i got in and got a place! it is really important to me to be here today. >> why is it important for you to be here. >> because i wanted to meet sarah palin or at least see her in person. i think she's an up and comer and i agree with her politics
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and i voted for her. >> what do you like about her politics? >> she really follows what most of the people i know, middle class, mid-america, is about. my kind of candidate. >> what are the -- most of the people you know, what are their politics? >> most of the people that i know want a smaller government. we don't want the government interfering with our lives, to the extent that it is. we don't feel that we need a nanny state. i... my people in my family go back for generations in the united states and we do not believe that we need to be taken care of. we take care of ourselves, the government should be very limited, and i think that is more her style than the current president, unfortunately. >> so you are not in favor of any kind of health care reform.
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>> i think there are some things about health care that needs to be changed. but i don't think you have to take over everything, to do it. and what they are saying, they said it was supposed to be originally they were going to cover everybody that was not covered, this -- none of the bills they have will do that. instead it will tax us and create more problems and i have medical problems i know will be seriously affected, i read this bill. congress doesn't unfortunately. we had one congress money get on tv, and speak and say, well, he can't read a bill en three days and couldn't understand it if he read it. now, this is what they are voting on? >> what will you say to sarah palin if you have a minute to say something to her. >> 2012, baby! >> governor palin will be joining us, pretty shortly. so, thank you for your patience, no need to be in cloeshgs guys,


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