tv Book TV CSPAN November 26, 2009 8:00pm-9:00pm EST
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>> if you know that i don't believe in podiums, and that i don't believe in speeches, because the american people want to see your eyes. we don't trust anything anymore. by a show of hands how many of you trust washington, basically to do the right thing? if you trust washington, raise your hands if you trust washington. we have got one individual in the entire room they trust washington. hello mrs. bush, how are you? ..
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>> they don't depend on it. things are tough right now. the economy. the international situation. jobs, taxes, energy, the environment, health care. and we don't seem to be able to talk to each other anymore. the fact that you are willing to make this interactive, but the fact that you are listening to me for three minutes. you know what the town halls have been like. why can't b we if civil.
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why can't we listen to people we don't agree with. many of you know me. how many of watch fox news? raise your hands? i love you. [laughter] >> how many of you watch cnn. i knew there's be a new people left. how many watch msnbc, the only network that has more letters in the name than viewers. by the way, the joke cost me to chance to be on msnbc. somebody has no sense of human. bill griffin. he will get that. we watch news now, and we collect news to affirm us rather than to inform us. we don't even share the same facts. i love somebody that's not watching these. are you used to watching the radio. i need this for a second. i love this. for a reason. by the way, there's no idea how
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many makeup they used to get me to look like this. i am the before and after photo. i wanted to connect the record on what americans actually thought. if you are buying this book because you are a republican and you're outraged with barack obama, i'm not sure this is for you. if you are a democrat and you want an explanation and want this for 2008. if you are an american and what to know what americans really think, believe, and want. then this is for you. it goes into our daily lives. i'm going to show you some of this right now. it does have a chart on government. it has a chapter on unemployment. it has chapter on religion. because it's important.
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is anyone between the 18 and 29 in this room. a few. your life is so screwed. can i suggest heavy sedation? how much are retirement age? there is no such thing as retirement anymore. you know, the saddest thing is when i go focus groups with people who have saved enough that they thought that they could retire. and then they watched the stock market in the last year collapse. and they now have to think about going back to work. they'll never get the same job, they'll never have the same opportunities, and they are going to struggle. there are a lot of americans who are struggle right now. they have a combination. or we can talk about what builds us without being angry, where we can disagree without being disagreeable. we have recommendation for the
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future. i'm going to get to that in a moment. what i'd like to do. is just lost a little bit of data. that is not only nonphotograph of hillary clinton after she discovered monica lewinsky. 72% of americans are mad as hell and not going to take it anymore. that's fine. one of the great films of all time. every generation, other than the 18 to 29 years old are angry. and the older that you get, the angrier that you are. and that's walk of promises that weren't kept. frankly, we do play. this is why you see all of that yelling on television. and the problem is it's on the blogs, it's on talk radio, because there really is that much anger and it's all about fear. if you can do the wide shot, because i'd like to get the audience. how many of you are better off
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than your parents when they were your age? if you think the quality of life is better, keep them up. look how many hands are up. how many people believe that your quality of life is worse than your parents when they were your age. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. four out of the six are sitting in the front row. what is wrong with you. how many of you truly belief, not want, but believe that your children are going to have a better quality of life than you when they get to be your age. raise your hands. look at how few hands are up. if you want to understand that anger, are you guyed married? you're not. you're just together. how long have you been together for? 40. she said 3. there's something wrong about this group. i don't think you want to put
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the microphone near them. i think they are doing something that we don't want to film on television. this is why we are angry. because part of the american dream is intergenerational improvement. i'm working, and a lot of people have kids ground. and grand kids. there are any great grandparents here. really, how many children do you have? three sons. how much grandchildren? five. how many great grandchildren? one. how old? four. congratulations. do you believe that your great grandchild will have it as good as you? >> why not? >> just the way that everything is today. >> the way everything is is. is there any in particular that concerns you? >> well, i think the politics that two on with everything, and no one seems to be sure what we
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really want. >> with you, the politics is the problem? >> well. >> i'm making her very nervous right now. don't worry, the camera is behind you. let me ask you, who drove here more than 30 minutes to get here? more than 45? 60. an hour 15. an hour 30. who drove here two hours? okay. if you drove two hours to be here, what bothers you the most? are you mad at hell? >> i don't know i take the long view. i'm thomas hookers great granddaughter. my father worked in the oil field. my biggest concern is our emergency future. >> are you confidence that we will solve it before it gets worst? >> no, i'm not. i think we are dependent on oil. with the south texas nuclear
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project being a real problem. yesterday the chinese out of osman got the project for wind power. even though in a four county area, he is pulling out of the four county area in the panhandle. i think it's questionable. i don't know if i feel badly or constant. i'm certain. >> by the way, my greatest anger would be related to someone named hooker. okay that did not work. who else drove two hours to get here? you did. are you mad at hell? >> yes. >> what are you angry at? >> i think everybody taking our drive to work. i mean, it takes like everybody wants the government handout. we don't want that. we want businesses. we want to be able to employ people. i'm a schoolteacher. i've worked all my life. i'm getting ready to retire.
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i don't think i'm going to be able. i have to keep on working. my husband has business. he wants to keep on working. but that opportunity to why work if we're going to pay everything in taxes? >> on behalf of those who had a very good public school education, i appreciate it. thank you for being a teacher. and please don't retire, we need more teachers that are dedicated and committed. any other teachers here? thank you all for what you do. i appreciate it. i wanted to give the people to come to ours a chance to be heard. and what americans really want really? idea of getting heard. now let me show you 70% of americans are better off than they were. than their parents were. only 34% think their kids will be better off than them.
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57% think that their children are going to inherit a worse america than them. a majority. that's what's going on right now. that's the anger and frustration that the book explores. the idea of what went wrong, and then how to fix it. because i have an audience, who has kids or grand kids? you are a child. you don't have kids. who has kids between the ages of 10 or 18 or grandchildren between 10 and 18. this is what you are going to want to write down. i'm going to go through it quickly. this is not just a book about politics or economics. it's about quality life. number one, you have to have dinner with your children five nights a week or more. because that tells them that they are the most important
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thing in your life. more important than business, social. if you are not having dinner with your kids, without your dad right there, yeah. you are going to tell me whether it's a check ormers for you. does your dad have dinner five weeks a night or more? >> no, he works late. >> okay. are you in high school. okay. it's 0-1. he's going to regret coming here. number two, to take your children to church or synagogue once a week. because that teaches them that there is something greater than themselves that's out there. may may not be able to see it. but you suspect a supreme being and teachings, you are more likely to respect each other and themselves. do you go to church once a week? >> do you -- i am not religious. >> okay pop -- okay.
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0-2. number three. you have to check their homework. it tells them their intellectual development does matter. do your parents check your homeworks? >> of course they do. >> you're lying to me. >> no, they are on me all the time. >> okay. so you are 1-3. >> 89.6. >> at 100? so you are right at the a minus. >> ya. >> cheat. okay. i didn't say that. who has a blackberry. somebody hand me a blackberry. because i left it over there. thank you. you'll never see this again. this is evil. this thing here. if you are a parent, and the research that we did, finish
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what "americans really want want -- really." if you are a parent and your child is talking to you, and you pick this out and answer it, do you understand the damage that you are doing. has he done this to you? >> no, not that i remember. >> you have to be really careful. i will never see you buys ago. but you are driving home with him. >> you're driving home with him too. you want to say something? >> my mom has done that to me. >> is that your mom? >> no. >> is your mom here? >> no. >> she's going to find out about this. >> how do we teach someone that sometimes honesty is not the best policy. tell your mom don't do it. but then she's going to ask you to do something. when you are at the dinner table, don't text. how old are you? >> 9. >> is this your dad? >> yes. >> you were so fortunate to have
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a mom and a dad. so many american families don't right now. also in the book, it's a description of the role of the family and life. i will tell you, and you may not believe me, because you've never seen it before, and you'll never see me again expect in the post office under the most wanted list. the most important thing in your life is your mother and father. the most special times is time with them. you may get angry with them at times, but you'll be glad that they are there. the older that you get, the more that you will appreciate. the only mistake is that you didn't spend more time with them. ask your mom not to answer this when you are with her. but you have to do the same thing with her. that time is special. it's precious. the fourth thing you need to know is to go on a trip for at least a week. will you leave this behind? that's number five.
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what was number four? >> i'm switching the order of that. stop reading. america can't read, expect for you hear in austin. take a trip with your children every year, for at least a week. because it takes that long to get away from all of the things that go wrong. and you leave this bemind. do your parents do that with you? okay. now you are 2-4. there are two more coming. you got to get a majority here. do you tell your parents whether you really are on a friday and saturday? >> yeah. >> you do. yeah, because i don't want to deal with the consequences. >> do you demand to know the truth? >> i trust him. >> that is so essential. because of the lie to you about friday and saturday, they will lie about anything. >> do you participate in a team
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sport? >> yeah. >> which one? >> i'm a swimmer. >> why it matters. physically, his team does well based on well he does. so you have a responsibility to each other. if you can answer five out of six of those, your kids are going to be doing great. if you ants less than three of those, your kids are going to have a problem. of all of the things that we can talk about today, what happens? what comes up when this things rigs? what song? anything? no song? do you know how to work these? can you turn this so that whenever it rings in the future, it plays play that funky music white boy? i think that would so mess with his life if that song came on. this is what matters. this is what americans want. they want that family relationship. let me show you a few more.
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these are the five priorities. i want everyone in this place to stand up. everyone stand up. these are the five that matter most. but i want you to tell me. which is the highest priority for men of this list right here? take a list. >> how old are you? >> 11. >> how many say more time? raise your hands. people with your hand up sit down. no cheating. how much say fewer hassles more than anything else. clearly married men. sit down. how much say more choices? raise your hands.
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y'all sit down. how many men want more money? raise your hands. this is taxes. how many say men want no worries? raise your hands. all you worry people sit down. now only the people still standing, what's the highest priority for women. only those of you still staning. who says more money? we got one women. you are going to be divorced soon enough. more money sit down. how much say fewer hassles. what says more choices? you need to sit down. your hand was up. your hand was up. your honor, i was going 55. plus 20. >> who's says the highest is no worries? all you worry people sit down. let the come are show that we
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only had three people on that side, about 12 people here, about 8 people over there who correctly identified that men want more money and women want more time. look at all of the women expect for the 11-year-old boy here. look at how many women you can pan this around who got it connect and men that got it correct. this is how you understand what really matters to people. this is how you connect. and this is what this book is meant to do. it is meant to tell you what genuinely matters. not what you see or read. but really what the prior if is are. i'll stop for a second. and i take a couple of questions. and i want to show you some language that did really well in the presidential campaign. any questions before i go on? yes? can we get the microphone here?
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go ahead. >> how did your parents do with how to keep your family healthy and happy? >> how did they do? my mother. how did they do? my mother would be outraged about how much weight i had gained. what the audience doesn't know, i took a vote to whether i should hide my gut with a sport coat. it was 2-1, yes. they checked my homework. not only did we have dinners with mother and father, no television, no radio, no television, no nothing. every year we took a presentation. and it was meant to be with them and with me. and with nobody else. i didn't do a team support because i'm a geek. but i was always very active in politics. and so that was my interest. but on the other five, it was
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100%. and i do believe it made a difference. and the saddest thing my father passed away a few years ago. and my mother is in bad shape. they don't get to appreciate this. this is not meant. i want to reach you. because you offered it. there's one thing i want to read to you from here. is i thank a lot of people in acknowledgments. but my grandfather, a second generation american who passes it down to his son and grandson. it was hit influence that turned me into a political junkie and history freak. there are that i am dedicated that to him. i am blessed that i had parents that never made a moral judgment. i'm going to tell you a story. i never told the story publicly. i'll speak for loudly. this is a story that there's a gentleman here sitting in the front row.
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who i haven't seen in more than 10 years. and i first met him on the perot campaign. and i referenced him. because he is an incredibly successful businessman. and he's a real guy. a real human being. in an industry ha often doesn't have it. you've never heard the story before. he has no taste in clothing whatsoever. i don't know if you are wearing pink or orange, but it is not your color. you don't know this happened to me. i left. the last day that i left. i worked for ross perot, he was shorter than i was. this is 1992. and he called out. and we closed up shot.
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i said good-bye. i got to the dallas parents on the phone. and my mother says who are you going to vote for now that perot has pulled out? and i thought for a moment. who did i want to vote for? i had issues with the other two candidates. and i broke down. because for the first time in my life, i had no one do believe in. i may be an rack extraanymore or a throwback is a better way to a previous time. but i like to fall in love with my candidates. i like to believe in something. i want to have faith and a reason to work so hard. and i had no one to vote for. i had to hand up on my parents for the first time in my life because i didn't want my mother to hear me crying that i lost
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faith. so i was asked back two years ago what mattered most to me. this is just when i agreed to do that book. and what mattered most was to promote stability in politics. and it matters to me because i want people to care about their country. i want people to care about their neighborhood. i want them to know the history and the culture of america. i am an american exceptionallist. i do believe that this country, and i will say it, has created of opportunity as much as anybody across the globe. you have to believe it. i couldn't have done this. in any other country i would have been arrested and shot. in this country, the stuff that i said, people laughed and turned the channel. hopefully, please don't turn the channel. and so i wanted to try to promote the opportunity to have a conversation about employment,
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about religion, about retirement, about youth. about things that they teach you that you are not supposed to talk about. in my household, we talk about politics. but my parents never made a judgment. we talked about religion, but they let me choose. and it's funny to me. where we've come as a country. where we are now so prepared to polarize, rather than to see common ground. when we show up to so many events looking to disagree with somebody rather than to see well, maybe that point of view is worth considering. and i want to show you something about barack obama. i want to show you why he won the election. this is a statement that coming from one of the debates. and it was one of the most powerful statements of the campaign. rather than show of hands, because i don't want this on camera to embarrass. by applause, how much voted for barack obama?
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and how many of you in this room voted for john mccain john mccain. the back of the room voted for barack obama, these people right here voted for john mccain. this is why we voted the way that we did in 2008. if you've seen this before. i do something called instant response. which test the power of language word for word. i did these moves. and i say this to anyone who's a critic of fox news. i hosted three debates, three of the town hall panels. all three of mine had obama beating mccain in the debates. i say this to those that claim that fox news isn't fair in balance. which each debit they gave me
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more time to talk, and they thought why obama won. on fox news, the three voter panels picked obama over mccain. do you really believe they would have had that on msnbc? do you think they had that kind of opportunity? i respect that employer very much. knowing what the results were, they still put it on the air, and they highlighted it, and they let me do my job. this is barack obama versus hillary clinton. obama worked harder than any other candidate that i have seen get elected. he was talking to 200 coors a day, trying to find the last voters. hillary clinton knocked on 200 doors, but he was just trying to find bill. now let me show you obama's performance.
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in my mind, you frame the election. it's a home run. >> is this has prevented us from solving the problem year after year after year. i don't think the choice is between black and white or it's about gender or religion. i don't think it's about young or old. i think what is at stake right now is whether we are looking backward or we are looking forward. i think it is the past versus the future. >> past versus the future. that's one of the reasons why he won so many independents and moderates. he didn't frame it during the campaign, ideology. he framed it as tomorrow versus yesterday. and that was a brilliant framing. no matter how you look at what he's done, his campaign was remarkable. i want to show you john mccain's best line.
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>> now which you can see if they gave him a standing ovation. because he was able to remind them of what he had been through, but his record, i've been genuinely a war hero. if i may, in the limited time that i have to want to show you to add. the two best ads of the campaign. because they illustrate how americans feel right now, these ads are discussing a book. the first one is also of barack obama. you hear his voice. why? because nobody wants to hear from announcers anymore. no one wants negativity. everyone is fed up with ads that attack and attack and attack. if i know what your opponent is evil, but you never know why you are good. you are going to have a primary in the states between governor gary and senator hutchison.
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it's going to be entertaining, but i don't know how informative it's going to be. notice the difference here. obama takes such a positive approach and he does something that no other campaign can do. he focuses on the audience. you know, you mentioned about that i just routes, "words that work." is the subtitle that really matters. the visuals are great, but you're going to see thousands of people and that's what barack obama wanted to communicate. that he had lifted up the spirit of thousands of people. >> we want diplomacy and peace. we can create jobs and opportunities. we are tired of fear. we want something new. we want to turn the page. >> we can change the world.
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whited barack obama gets 66% of the 18 to 29 euros? because he offered them something that he wanted more than anything else. the chance to make a difference. now your grandparents that you want my grandparents to change the world? that they can't even change their underwear. older people look at this -- [laughter] i'm going to want you to go through the whole audience and get people to laugh. he connected so well to that generation because his language reflected that generation. and frankly, if and not on politics until 35 minutes into it. i don't think the republican party connects to a 21-year-old. frankly, i don't think they connect with a 31-year-old. we have changed now. how many of you are on the
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internet, raise your hands? how do you surf the internet within the last 24 hours, raise your hands? life is different. we don't watch network television anymore. we barely watch cable. you realize that people -- we want to get kids away from television, right? guess what? they are on their computers now. this is the first generation where more people -- more kids are spending more time in front of a computer than spending time in front of a tv set. now add the two together and they're never outside. thank god they are swimming at least. and so this is the kind of america that we face. and so he offers some, we can change the world and they said do it, let's do it together. and by the way, 1 billion people thought jobs. it was in the tens of thousands of people that wanted to work for george w. bush. by the way, i do give bush credit. look at how much it, lest when english was only his second
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language. come on, laugh. >> this is going to be the best on the republican side and visits from rudy giuliani. i worked for rudy giuliani and this is one of the greatest honors of my life, to be a poster to work for him on his may or your rights. he ran an awful campaign. he ran the worst campaign in modern history. he's the only person ever to finish a campaign with more wise than delicates. can you edit that out of c-span? because that's the one that's actually going to get me killed. of all the jokes i do here, that's the one that next time you see me i'll be in a wheelchair with my legs broken. but what he did for new york is truly incredible. watch how high the lines go, how positive people react. now, when he talks about the classes of black and white.
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when talks about the future, it's in color. when talks about the past the music is kind of dark. and when talks about the future you will hear light sound to it. it's brilliant, brilliant communication. >> used to call it unmanageable, ungovernable. a large majority of new york wants to live somewhere else. with a city that was in financial crisis, a city that was the declined capital of america, the welfare capital of america, the city that was in very difficult situation when i was mayor. by the time i left office, new york city was the best example of conservative government in the country. we turned it into the sega's largest city america. and most importantly, the spirit of the people have changed. >> by the way, i've never seen a street in new york that looks like that. [laughter] but it's all hopeful. lease on the ground? it's incredible. he's going to say one thing that a candidate never does and then is going to offer the keyword
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that republicans were looking for. >> consent of being hopeless, the large majority had no. so i believe i've been tested in a way in which people can look to me. they're not going to find perfection, but they will find somebody that dealt with crisis almost on a regular basis and has had results. and in many cases, exceptional results. results people thought were impossible. i'm rudy giuliani and i approved this message. >> results, democrats want to change, republicans wanted results. and he actually said in the ad, i'm not perfect. well, we are looking for political people who admit mistakes because it makes them more human. i don't have too much time. can i answer questions for you about where we are, what we're doing? go ahead. hold on, let the microphone gets you. either way, you're going to get about eight people today. are there any lawyers in this room? who was a lawyer, raise your
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hand. all the lawyers, please get out. [laughter] but seriously, she's been hit, she has been hit. and we've got it all on tape. so you are so screwed. go ahead. >> wire the public schools supporting the democrats? >> thank you very much everybody. [laughter] why are the public school supporting the democrats? yes sir. this is your child right? you raised him well. the answer, education is the issue that i care the most about because when we say children are the future, too often we say and we don't really mean it. we don't make the necessary investments or commitments. it's not how much money we spend on schools, but how we spend it. if they have a chapter in the book on education. and it focuses not on effort, so often we get graded on effort.
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and like you get graded on results. well, you can read and write and add infotrac. i have a company in washington called the word doctors and we will take probably 100 applications for every one person we can higher. because the kids aren't taught how to write. they are taught how to stand up and communicate. that we seem to give everyone a trophy. how many trophies do you have? >> a lot. >> a lot, see. you have five. and how old are you? u. r. levin and you have five trophies. give me one. effort is important. as for dusty turman's success. but in the end it's results and i feel like, bluntly, i'm going to step into it, but you asked the question. i want to be focused on the kids. and i believe that the teachers union should be focused on the kids, not the teachers.
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but for those of you who are teachers in this room, i want you paid more. and i don't want you to retire. what bothers me is that you got the experience. that is invaluable, that's precious and special. and those good teachers who teach well, if you're a good doctor you make our money. if you're a good lawyer, i guess that's an oxymoron. thank you. and i'm supposed to be the word doc or. [laughter] it's the only profession where you're actually discouraged from doing that. so i don't know -- i don't know why they tend to vote democrat. i want to be their best supporter, but i want to hold them accountable. i want to reward the best teachers underwent the worst teachers to find another occupation. and i want you to be challenged every day of your life to do better. if you come home with an a, i want an a+. if you come home with one trophy, i want you to have to.
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i want you to change this world and i want you to be the most optimistic, hopeful, oriented young person and i want all of your friends to do the same way. [applause] something else. gentleman with the smiley face, which by the way went out in the 1970's. [laughter] >> it's my last name. i'm really sort of worried about disenfranchisement. can we really continue to believe that voter fraud is not rampant. i mean we've always had it, it's always been a problem with representative republics in each sort of voting thing. but i really think nic maneuvers in the current administration. it looks like they are really stacking the deck, but wasn't it
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blended johnson present to make sure that you write down the names of every had found because every dead person at the same right to vote is every dead person? >> the man who called imam now was keeled in and the justice of peace said he was suicide because he was shot several times in the back. [laughter] >> we know what are fraud. >> what time is my plane leaving? this is the book festival. we actually have to come packing. [laughter] yes, we have problems, but i know we have a better electoral system and yes more people should participate, but we have not a lot of people voting in 2008. you know it's interesting to me is that there is so much criticism about young people not voting and then when they actually voted in 2008, people were complaining that they
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didn't know enough of who to vote for. i think it was great. i love going to rallies where there are thousands of people participating. and i want us to be the most informed, most active democracy. they also want more debates. i want more forums. i want more town hall meetings. and for every congressman and senator who doesn't have the guts to face you and to respond to your question, i say two words to them, get out. [applause] now i told you guys to move up because you are too far back, so now this is personal responsibility here. i encourage the people in the back. now they want to ask a question. i'll let the microphone gets you. >> i'm going to ask you, don't you believe now that people don't trust the way people use words. for instance, -- >> don't you not believe that no people in using the right --
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[laughter] >> they don't use words correctly. you always have to pay for something that's free. >> my favorite word in english languages but they, obviously. [laughter] but you know what, you don't shop at that store and you don't buy the person products because of a politician and you don't vote for them. if they're not being straight with you and look you straight in the eye, that's what freedom is all about. that's what freedom is all about. you have the power to make a difference. what's the one thing we want most in government? to hold people accountable. what do we want most in our day-to-day business lives, and in a job, respect. if our boss doesn't respect us, or we don't respect the people who work for us, and we shouldn't be working there. and if we don't hold the politicians accountable. if you're so angry with the way things are, vote them out of office. don't complain, do something about it.
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two more -- one more, okay. hold on and i will come see you. [laughter] by the way, for the record, t. at the lawyer. [laughter] and i do give dick cheney credit. i know a lot of people aren't keen on him. inc. about it. he could have shot the dog. he could have shot the track, that he shot the lawyer. and he got the lawyer to apologize for being shot. [laughter] >> i want to know why we are not being listened to. >> a -- the question is why you're not being listened to. because sometimes you're not speaking effectively. just to show means they will have people come to the town hall meetings. but shouting doesn't mean that anyone hears you. if the simon and garfunkel song. i was at the rocker's hall of fame. i saw the two of them sing together and they got him a favor line. people listening, people
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listening. you don't go to a townhall meeting with the president of the united states with a gun. you don't, you don't, you don't. and you don't shut down a senator or congressman because that's just a speck full. [applause] hold on. but you do go there with legitimate questions. anything about the language that you're going to use. and i'm going to give an example is a way to close on health care because there is a chapter on what americans really want. during the medical profession. it's in here about what we want on health care. you ask a simple question. can you really create a trillion dollar government program, brand-new, and actually make it deficit neutral. how many of you really believe regardless of where you stand on the health care issue, how many of you believe that this trillion dollar government program for health care will be
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deficit neutral? raise your hands. one? one individual, to people. there is a lot of obama people. but my question is, if they lie to you about that, what else are they not telling us? instead of making a statement, you ask it in terms of a question and you use the rhetorical. this is how i grew up. i used to ask my mother, how far is that from the earth? she would look at me and say, how far do you think it is? this is why i'm crazy. [laughter] i never got an answer. or if it's going to cost you $20, who's going to pay for it? they're not listening to us. because we don't often know how to frame the questions for them that they have to pay attention. and quite wrinkly, we don't hold them accountable. in this book, all those questions, and in this book are those answers.
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i struggle with this. i wrote this three times when i was in the process of selling a company, but i had to get it right. what a great way to end this. because i want them to listen to you. i want them to genuinely, genuinely here you and i want you to be optimistic and hopeful again. i want you to walk out of this room shaking hands with people that you never met before, as you reach for your wallet for $24.95 to write a check and i guess i do find this somewhere. but that's the whole purpose of what americans really want, really to empower you, to inform you, to educate you so that you'll never feel like you're not listen to again. i'm so grateful -- i thought this was going to be tough. the fact that you took your son here. your son will never forget this. you're probably going to shoot me in the parking lot. that you took your son here shows me you're a great dad. so i think you and for the
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teachers who are here, i thank you for your service. i hope you have a good festival and what americans really want, really. thank you very much. [applause] >> frank luntz freakily appears on fox news. >> as i said before they were not acknowledge this, they were marketers who lived in la. they have last after it collapsed in 2007. at the time, e-mail marketing was not officially known as
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spam, but it was. because they weren't getting consent from people who were they were sending e-mails to. and then quickly, they were profitable. there was no way to raise money at that time. the venture capitalists have fled and they branched into selling, in addition to spending e-mails, they sold products. they sold cameras you could hide in your shoe. they sold e-books titles like how to hypnotize people and how to grow taller. which involved a lot of stretching. and they also distributed spyware. i was discussing right after 9/11, they distributed some software that would turn your cursor on your computer screen into a little american flag. it was actually spyware that tracks u.s. he went around the internet and db targeted ads. so they were operating on what i call the fringes of the internet
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economy. this was a portion of a book to be pro-program. you can view the entire program and any other booktv programs online. go to type the name of the author were booked into the search area in the upper left-hand corner of the page. select the watch lank. now you can view the entire program. you might also explore the recently on booktv box or the featured video box to find recent and future programs.
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[applause] >> good evening everyone and welcome to the courthouse in jefferson county. before again any remarks i would like to notice that the courthouse is just now reached the final stage of what has been six months of renovation. curt davis who is with the county here, improvements for it jeffersontown he has been making this go along. this is the first meeting we've had here in the newly refurbished courtrooms. i'm very proud and all the work he has done. raise your hand. there is kurt. [applause] before introduced tonight's speaker i was asked to give some knowledge about the courthouse
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itself. after jefferson county was created the first courthouse was built on the spot. on land donated by george washington's younger brother, charles. it was a modest structure and it housed the county court which was equivalent to a county commission and majesty court. in 1812, a superior court was created in virginia and it was for this district he was housed in winchester. and it wasn't until 1831, zero by the way, i remind myself, please have your cell phone than any electrical devices. please go ahead and turn them off if you would please. it was 1812 when superior court was set up in winchester and it would be 1831 before a movable or a circuit superior court was created in the commonwealth of virginia for this district. and its first session was in may of 1831, presided over by judge richard parker who was the father and namesake of the judge who would try john brown.
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in 1836, the first courthouse was pulled down and a larger one was constructed in the greek revival style that had been popularized by thomas jefferson in which characterizes virginia court houses from this period. the new courthouse had a portico topped by a bell tower, pot belly stove, heeded the building which had an assembly hall on the second floor in the rear. the ground floor was taken up by a huge courtroom and there was this ground floor courtroom in which john brown was tried in october of 1859. during the civil war, particularly in 1863, the courthouse was heavily damaged by shelling and luckily the court records had been taken by wagon to lexington for safekeeping and thus survived the war. but by the were sent the courthouse was a sad, empty, and ruthless ruin. a photograph from that time shows that there were tombstones that were being sold in the courthouse yard and you can see
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the rafters above. in 1866, a new courthouse was built in shepherdstown, which had been named the county seat by the federal troops occupied the county. in 1869, county officials tried to sell the break and timbers of the old house for scrap, but charlestown residents argued that the building was theirs and not the county to sell. the bitter struggle as to which town would be the county seat was decided by the west virginia supreme court in july of 1871 and a disappointed shepherdstown almost succeeded from the county. [laughter] the ruined courthouse would now be reconstructed area it would be bigger, stronger, taller, the bell tower was increased fantastically inside and the clock was added. great very well partitioned the ground floors into offices. the exterior walls, windows, and columns were raised higher and to create a for a brand-new
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courthouse -- courtroom upstairs. basically house of the courtroom, the position of the judge, jury box, the well, enclosed with feeling, similar to that in which john brown was tried. a gigantic chandelier was put in for evening sessions. a balcony was added which was referred to as the ladies listening gallery, this seems an awful lot like a gen-probe. for 40 years, from 1873 until 1912, this courtroom would be the home -- one of the homes of the west virginia supreme court of appeals. in its early days are supreme court with a circuit riding court. during its routines are cheered. one in charleston and one here in charlestown. in 1922, the upstairs courtroom with its own trees and trials,
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the wars were raging in southwestern virginia and union organizer, bill blizzard, and over 700 coal miners had been charged with murder and treason following their armed attempt to unionize logan county in what had become known as the battle of blair mountain. those cases were transferred to jefferson county and all the files that were had including the trial in which equated bill blizzard were held in this very courtroom. unlike some venerated holdings, which in symbolism and history, the jefferson county courthouse is not a museum, there remains a working courthouse. it still houses the circuit court and many offices of county government. births, deaths, taxes, land transactions are all recorded here. people are married and divorced your. petit juries, grand jury, stilted regular sessions. but a jury still resolved double and criminal controversies.
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elections are held in the results tabulated and announced here. this famous building is at the very heart of our civic lives. a lot has happened here and is still happening here. however, the lynch ten story and the entire history of this old building, this old courthouse is the trial of john brown. here to tell us that story tonight is a man's deep into details and significance of that famous trial. about a year ago i was given a courthouse to her when two men after trying along. and when i got to the subject of john brown, it became apparent that one of the tour through a great deal more than the tour guide. our small group delighted in the added depth the two are suddenly took on. this was my first encounter with brian mcginty. he introduced himself as a retired lawyer and historian. he told us of his intention to write the very book that he is here to speak up tonight. needless to say i was excited and i am greatly pleased and honored that he graciously agreed to come here tonight on
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the official date of the book's release -- on this eve of the harpers ferry. an accomplice writer, mr. mcginty has offered seven books of which "john brown's trial" is only his most recent published by harvard university press. he published mr. mcginty's court which. his struggle with chief justice and the supreme court's decisions during the civil war. in his book deal could not occur published by oakland university press in 2006, mr. mcginty export a famous southwestern indian massacre of a mormon family in which took two of the children captive. i'm an earlier books by mr. mcginty are about the great polish
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