tv Book TV CSPAN November 28, 2009 11:00am-12:15pm EST
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>> there are other countries, and i was when if you could discuss that? >> in essence, there will be winners, but it's probably a very short-term sort of thing. if civilization is disintegrated there will not be any winners. we're either going to all naked together or we are all going to go down together. and i have people telling, i gave a talk in boston, people said i lived back in the mountains, we haven't solar cells and we have our own water supply or our own well, and we have a few acres on which to grow our own food, so we don't have to worry. what they don't realize is when civilization begins to break down, no one is secure. and we're all in this together. and that's the basic point that i would want to make. there may be short-term gains
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here and there, let me close with the final story if i might. because we are at closing time, some of you will remember the name will durrant. he married a graduate student. they wrote a 13 volume thing on world history. this was more than a half a century ago so not everyone here will remove or. will durrant also had the distinction of having his doctoral dissertation published as a book by mcgraw-hill. a couple of years after he published it, after it was published, mcgraw-hill contacted and said they had nine other copies of the book left and it was no longer selling. unless he would like a turkey said he would like them. so he and his wife had a new home and he had studied lined with bookshelves. he had about 100 books of his own, and he had all this anti-space. they drove up to mcgraw-hill warehouse in northern new
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jersey. brought all the books home and filled his study with the books. sometime later he was writing a print in europe, and he said they would settle down and enjoy life very much. he said by the way, he said in my study i now have a library of 1000 books. 900 which i have written myself. [laughter] >> now, lest i end out with such a library, the books will be on sale out there. [laughter] stomach and i will be signing them up here. thank you very much
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>> pulitzer prize-winning author gordon wood presents a history of the united states from 1789 to the end of the war of 1812. he writes that founders of the national government disliked the idea political parties and wish to see the demise of slavery in the north. at the redwood library in newport rhode island, is an hour and 15 minutes. [applause] thank you very much. it is a pleasure to be back here in this magnificent building. 18th century library, which i think is one of the architectural marvels of the united states and everybody should come here to see it. i am delighted to be back here again. this book which is a big fat book, can be used as a doorstop if you decide not to read it. it will work that way. the title of the book comes from a statement of jefferson turkey referred to united states, jefferson being the most expansive mind of president in history. he referred to united states
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that he was present up as an empire of liberty. different kind of empire is what he saw. and he as i said had great visions for the growth of this united states. i have introduced this book with a little brief description of rip van winkle's -- washington irving's story of rip van winkle, which i think captures an extraordinary change that took place in history between 1789 and, 1850. in fact, from the revolution to the second decade of the 19th century, irving who was conservative had said the building wrote the short story which i think is his most famous short story. most of you are familiar with it. in the second day of the 19th century. i i think he was trying to express some of the awesome changes that he had experienced
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in his own lifetime. and i think he had developed an acute sense that his native land was no longer the same place, that it had been a generation earlier. this character if you recall, rip, awakens from a slate that had begun before the revolution, and had gone on for 20 years or so. and went with enters his old village he immediately felt lost. the buildings, the faces, names were all strange and incomprehensible. the very village was, wrote irving. it was larger, more popular. it was no longer tolerated. the very character of the people seem to change. it was a busy, bustling town about it. sort of the accustomed drowsy tranquility terrifying situation for rip, of course, who had an insufferable aversion to all kinds of profitable labor. that's a crucial point that
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labor or work had become celebrated in a short period following the revolution that even the language was strange, said irving. rights of citizens, elections, members of congress, liberty and other words which were perfectly bob dylan and jargon to family to. whether he was federal or a democrat, rip could only stare in the world or stupidity. this story, rip van winkle, became the most popular of irving's most ministorage. i think 18th century americans appreciated the notion that the world has been transformed in a very short period of time. superficially the leadership seemed the same. george washington replaced george the third on a sign outside the tavern, but beneath the surface, everything was change. and that's a quote from the story.
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in a few short decades, america underwent, i think, a fantastic transformation in politics, society and the culture. and i think most people wanted what had happened and who were they at the end of this period. in the decades following the revolution. before the revolution, america had been a collection of british colonies composed of some 2 million subjects, hobbled along the atlantic coast 3000 miles from the centers of civilization. european outpost so to speak whose cultural focus was still not the metropolitan center of the empire. by 1815, following the second war with great britain which is often referred to as a second war of independence independence, these insignificant problems had become a single giant, in a republic with nearly 10 million citizens, many of whom had already spilled over the appellations into the western
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territories. a cultural focus of this new, huge expansive nation was no longer a broad. it was instead directed inward at its own boundless possibilities. americans knew they were grand experiment of democracy, but they were competent that by their own efforts remake their culture, re-create what they were. re-create their beliefs, their thoughts. the revolution told him that it did not limit what they might become, hence the important again to indicate agitation to conduct, i think this trade has more publications on education per capita, relative to population, than at any time in our history. many of these ideas didn't get implemented until the next generation, but the ideas were laid out, like jefferson's plans, for a two-tier system of publication, were laid out for others lycoris man from
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massachusetts to implement. suddenly, i think everything seemed possible to this post revolutionary generation. the revolutionary leaders were faced with the awesome task of creating rather their own british heritage, their separate national identity. that becomes a major problem for them. how do you separate yourself with having the same language, the same heritage, many of them with the same religion, how do you become americans? and if you can think about the principal issues, separating england from america, that eventually led to the war of 1812, it was impressment, that taking of british taking of american sailors, our sailors off of american ships and impressing them into the british navy. that became the crucial issue that led to war, it becomes a crucial issue because you can't have a british sailor from an
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american sailor. and that aggravated the whole problem. americans now have an opportunity to realize an ideal world, but the broad minded and tolerant levels of the lightman to practice, to become a homogeneous compassionate and cosmopolitan people. to create the kind of free, society and be a lustrous culture that people since the ancient greeks and romans had only yearned for. but i think in the end, little worked out as these founders as we call them, expected. the society became much more democratic, much more populist than anyone had expected. so in a generation's time, these americans experienced greater transformation as we've ever had had, i think. now we have a certain age remember over the last 50 years, from 1960, early 1960 until
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today have undergone a tremendous cultural transformation that anybody who's old enough to remember what it was like that before the 1960s, knows what i'm talking about. by i think this generation underwent an even greater transformation in their culture, in their society and in their politics. that i think gives us some perspective on the changes that we have experienced. this transformation also took place before industrialization, before urbanization, before railroads or before even any other technological inventions that we usually associate with modern social change. the decades following the revolution, americans changed so much that they came -- became used to change and came to celebrate change, thinking that was a good thing, which was rare in the history of the world. first of all, the population grew dramatically. doesn't every 20 years or so, as
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it had been doing for several generations, it was growing twice as fast as any nation in europe. and people wanted to move as never before. spreading themselves over half a continent at astonishing speeds, between 1790 and 1820, new york's population quadrupled, kentucky's multiplied eight times. and a single decade, ohio grew from a virtual wilderness, except of course for the 10000 indians are so that white americans scarcely acknowledged, but in that decade, a group from no white people to become more populist than most of the century old colonies had been in the time of the revolution. in a single generation, america's occupied more territory than they had occupied previous 150 years of the colonial period. so there is this outpour of people, growing population, incredible kind of dynamic that
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i think is underlies much of the change. although americans in 1815 remained farmers, living in rural areas, they have become especially in the north, and many of these changes i'm talking about were northern, which helps it find the sections but that takes place, despite most people living on farms 19 of 20, they were at the same time the most, one of the most highly commercialized people in the world. they were busy, not only buying and selling with the rest of the world, but increasingly with one another. which ran against -- and he came to appreciate that. that was not easily understood that it was not clear. it was counterintuitive that a person say, selling a product between, say, warwick and providence, that that exchange could actually increase the wealth of the whole state.
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that was hard to believe that most people thought that you could only increase your wealth by selling more a broad than back. they had a zero-sum sense of the commerce. but they had come to appreciate the exchange between two people within the same state can actually enhance the prosperity of the whole state. nowhere else in the western world was the making of money business, labor, working, more celebrated that it was here in the united, early 19th century united states. they were stunned at how much america are celebrating, working for profit. he said frenchmen are concerned with making money but they don't brag about it. it would be distasteful. it is too gross. but americans actually looks at officials, mayors of towns and he said this is just unique in
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the world. they celebrate the celebration of work made slaveholding in the south more and more anomalous. slavery was widely condemned, but it did not die in the united states. indeed, it flourished not only in the south but only in the south. and dies in the north. it spread across the southern half of the country, and as it did it disappeared in the north, became more deeply entrenched in the south, in the southern state. in a variety of ways, socially, culturally and politically, the south began to see itself as a beleaguered minority in the bustling nation. and that's an expert mary cheney because at the time of the revolution, you have to understand, virginia was the big dog. it was constitute a fifth of the nation's population here it was by far the richest, biggest, most powerful state. it's not surprising for a the
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first five presidents are virginians. virginia was the nation in its own eyes and in the eyes of many others. but by 1815, 1820 that was no longer true. and virginia and the other southerners see themselves as a beleaguered minority, even though they are in control, still in control of the national government. now all of these demographic commercial changes could not help but affect every aspect of american life. and i want to just touch on some of them to give you some of the of what i think was happening in this period. politics first of all became democratized as more americans gain the right to vote. but it isn't just the right to vote. columnist had two thirds of white american males could vote, but now it's different. is not only the right to vote is extended, but the interest in voting has been expanded. is entering the aristocratic
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world of the founding fathers in which these stood for election, that's the term they use, was largely replaced by a very different democratic world, erected by the plea modern world. even my 1810, recognizably modern world of competing professional politicians who ran for office under the banners of modern political parties. we usually think of the jacksonian era, the next generation, being the heir of the common man and the era of democracy. but i think it is a mistake. i think democracy is already present by 1810, especially in the north, and that the jacksonian era in some respects is an era of consolidation. if you think about the way patronage was used, the jacksonians spoils system and the way in which jackson was held up as a monarch like president. these are efforts to consolidate the kind of chaos that had been
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expressed in the first part of the 19th century, the first two decades of the 19th century. that most of these political changes as i say to place in the northern state. they were mocked by the new emergence of men. men who lacked the usual social, moral credentials that the founders had had. there is an extraordinary letter written by benjamin trover was the great architect and at the same time was a surveyor of jefferson's public believes that he is a good republican, that is a jeffersonian, but he writes this letter in 1806 to the italian patriot, philip. and he complains in this letter, which is hard for him to do because he is speaking about jeffersonian republicans, about the kinds of men who are getting into the congress from the state of pennsylvania where he lived. they were ignorant men. they were unlearned men. they were not gentlemen.
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not a single one of the congressman from pennsylvania was a man of letters. from the county was sent a blacksmith, he said to the congress. and just over the river, a butcher was sent. now this butcher was the congressman that the secretary of the british in washington wrote a memoir, journal, that was later published. this british secretary described this butcher as the man who abused his privileges that the privileges to send mails free by sending home is women for his laundry. but as the british commentator pointed out, this was much of an abuse because the only said it once a week, he didn't change his shirt but once a week. [laughter] >> wayne levi to president jefferson to dinner at the white house, the butcher noted this british witness observing a leg of mutton of a miserable thing description could not help to
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get the legislative moment and expressing the feelings that this profession explained that in histone no such leg of mutton should ever found a play. well, that kind of person was legislating in the congress. i do know things things have changed at all. [laughter] >> but it was new for these many of these people to have the numbers of these kinds of ordinary folk. edmund randolph, who was a prominent republican, complained that the congress was full of too many ordinary people. as he said every tom dick and harry is in the congress. this is how he described it. the refuse of the retail trade of politics had ended up in the congress. not even when political figures were not ordinary, many found it now on the whys to pose as being ordinary folks. in his campaign for governor of new york in 1807, daniel tomkinson was a successful lawyer, columbian college
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graduate, lawyer no less, he portrayed himself as a simple farmer's boy. that's the term he used in running for governor of the state. in contrast to his opponent, morgan lewis, who was in love of the family, and he is going to play up that he is an ordinary farmer's boy when in fact he is just a lawyer, went to columbia college education. in 1810, a new york federal tried to combat in the next election with their own candidate, a man named jonas platt whose habit and manners said the federals are as plain and republican as those of his country neighbors. plat was not a city lawyer like thompkins, they said. who rules in splendor and waddles in lecture. this is the beginning of a kind of anti-intellectualism, anti-aristocratic feeling, and anti-elitism that we use that term, they just aristocratic we use the elitism that is endemic
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to american culture that was left, although not to the same extent today. in pennsylvania, this should give you another example. simon said it was a self educated man, a son of a poor mechanic that he worked his way to become governor and 1808. no education. from his lack of sophistication was a badge of honor. when his opponents mocked his obscure origins and called his followers clodhopper, that was all he needed. he and his followers said well, that's great. i am glad to be a clodhopper in a society of clod hoppers. and he used that as a successful campaign technique and became governor. as a result. so americans became i think so thoroughly democratic through this whole period that much of the period of political activity, beginning with the constitution, which devoted to finding means and divided to
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mitigate that democracy. i think the most important was the development of the judiciary, and i have a couple of chapters on law and the use -- the greatest federalist achievement, the party, not the federalists of the constitution, but the party was the creation of the judiciary and the marshall of course was an important figure of the. john marshall. most important perhaps i think industry, ordinary americans develop a sense of their own worth, a sense that living in the freest nation in the world, they were anybody's equal. that sense of the quality really gets established and i think of course it is the most powerful etiological fort in our entire history. it has been read untrimmed use by reformers led to our own time. aristocracy of any sort in this period was put on defensive. any pretension at all being
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socially superior was attacked as aristocrat and through people back on defense. so in addition you have, and this is worth a few moments, what i would call the democratization of ambition. up to this point, beginning a 19th century, for thousands of years ambition was an aristocratic quality. people who are ambitious were the great soul men of the past. "macbeth," or in the present, hamilton, burr. these are the people who have ambition and they accomplish great deeds, but they also were dangerous because they can do harm to the society. these are the men who fault the ambition, hoover i think the threat as well as a boon to any society. ordinary folk it was assumed to not have that, did not have
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ambition. they were more or less content with their lot. now there are obscure men. who do become aristocrats and great men, and then of course they adopt aristocratic qualities and ambition. but most people through the history of the world will content with their lot, filed in their father's footsteps and were not presumably susceptible to ambition. but what was happening in america was that ambition was burning to the common people, have become the mocker ties to. there is a register which is one of the first weekly magazines that america produced in this period declared, they were everywhere. the almost universal ambition to get ahead. not to become a great man, like cargo or john adams but just to make more money than their fathers, and input their status. this kind of ambition did not have to be feared, as one had to
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do the ambition of a hamilton on a per. i think this moment, the passing of the aristocratic, the heroic passion that i think troll people like burr and hamilton, and the coming of the harmless and humdrum interests of ordinary moneymaking. government, what's amazing to me is government of massachusetts in 1807 saw this and grabs a significant other and was aware of what was happening. he suggested that a man who's not only to acquire property is not perhaps a great man for who one would care to die. but he is a character who know we need to fear. that i think is a cute inside sullivan has. and indeed by advancing his own particular interest in an innocuous piece meal way, said sullivan, the ordinary man even advances his republic. sullivan is celebrating this fact that the older aristocratic
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one of the greatest os ambitions hamiltons embers, our dangers was giving way to a new world of ordinary businessmen who were more mundane but safe. and i think that is an extraordinary moment in history of western culture. and it occurs first here in america. and i think it isn't the end of the whole world that the founders i think experienced of great soul characters. this is just one kind of change that took place in this period. let me mention just a few others. violent of all sorts increased in unprecedented levels. personal violence was actually more common in america than england and has continued to be from the beginning to the present. homicide rates in the chesapeake briefers a century of the crime
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and increase rapidly in this period. homicide went up in new york city in the 1790s. there was much domestic violence and multiple family murders, more than any time in our history. through the whole history of the 19th century. more occurred in this period, multiple murders where father kills his family, which inspired charles rockton brown first novel. irving became much more prevalent and much more disruptive. drinking of hard liquor reached a peak never been duplicated since. americans were consuming $5 per person, the highest we have ever consumed in the history of our country. at higher than any other nation in the world, with the possible exception of scotland. [laughter] >> everyone was drinking, and did you exclude the fifth of the population who were slaves who didn't have much access to
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alcohol, that figure of 5 gallons per person really goes up. so you understand where the temperate movement comes from. it took off in the 1830s because of the dragon problem. a little town in vermont with 1500 people in ad 30 distilleries. everybody drank all day long. daily. they fit babies liquor. whiskey. courtroom, everybody, the jury, they would pass the ball around. [laughter] >> and people would be getting along by this, as john adams said a nation of drunkards. riding of college should we think of the 1960s as being, goodness, we had such bad times in college is. that between 1798, 81808 american colleges were right by mounting student finds an outright debate. on a scale never before or since seen. in america. the colleges were closed for weeks on end because of riots.
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nassau hall in princeton was gutted by fire, students set it afire. in some cases 40 percent of the student body was expelled. 40%. so this was a scale of writing that had never experienced and has never been duplicated since. religion also was democratized and transformed. not only were the european-based religions declined, but we had the emergence of new religious that nobody had ever heard before. the shakers, incredible outpour of religious feeling. and by 1815 americans were becoming the most evangelical christian nation in the world, without established churches. and that was the marvel that tolstoy saw. how could religions thrive without being supported by
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state. on the eve of the revolutirevolution, the anglicans said wait a minute, we are the dominant religions. by the end of the revolutionary period, even as early as 1790, the two dominant religions were the baptists and the methodists. the methodists, not a single method is an american in 1860, and by 1790, there was already the second largest growing and within a decade or two, it had become the largest religious domination and all of the united states. largely because it had preachers who had no education and just went around and preach infields. and they were bringing in souls left and right. evangelical religious played everywhere. the most famous gathering of religious speakers took place in the summer of 1801 at a bridge, kentucky. they had huge numbers people together with dozens of ministers of several different
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denominations, came together in what some thought was the greatest outpouring of the holy spirit since the beginning of christianity. crowd estimated at 15 to 20000 for a week, frenzied conversion. the heat, the, the confusion were overwhelming. half a dozen ministers preaching from wagons and hills, all at the same time in different areas of the camp, shouted their sermons. hundreds if not thousands of people fell into the ground moaning and wailing and remorse and they sang, laughed, rolled and jerked and excitement. now we have known some religious before but nothing like this skill. nothing like this. of course, the outpouring of the holy spirit was accounted by the pouring out of lots of intoxicate spirits. [laughter] >> and critics of the excesses, many critics of course, claimed that the frenzied excitement resulted in more souls being conceived then converted.
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[laughter] >> but it was, he became a symbol of the promises and the extravagances of this new kind of evangelical, spreading throughout the west. it touched an outpouring of religious chaos, and inventiveness that was unmatched then or before or ever sent in american history. at the same time americans thought that in high culture, they thought that torture of western civilization, the founders it, thought the tortured western civilization was being passed to them, western art, literature, and that they would make it shine brighter. of course, instead their art and literature became popularized in vulgarized. much to the chagrin of the founders. let me give just one example of this. john marshall wrote a five volume biography of george washington. while he was chief justice. and he was expressing the
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ennobling arc of history, of biography. but it didn't sell at all. nobody wanted to read this, these big books but who wants to read a big fat book? [laughter] >> what really succeeded was parson wiens is short little biography that focus on washington's youth. even if he had to make up the stories about washington's youth, he's the one who created the cherry tree in this. in the five volume biography, marshall spends one page on washington's youth. and wiens devotes almost his whole biography on his early years. and it sold and still is in printer it is the most popular biography of washington ever written. that is not what people expected. in addition, the period of experienced the titanic struggle between the hamiltonian vision of a large fiscal military state
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like those of your. that's what hamilton's vision was. that's what he's trying to make the equal of france and britain on their own terms. and that competed with jefferson's vision, through public and asian of a limited state with little or no taxation and no standing army. nothing like a european state at all. and they have different conceptions of what worship you, republicans want to avoid war and they want an alternative to war, and they chose what we now call economic sanctions. jefferson's grand experiment, his liberal experiment with the embargo of 1807, 1808, those 18 months of that embargo was he brought a grand experiment, web offering the world an alternative to the miseries of military force. and we are still using that. that's what we're talking about
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with iran. that's what we still cling to, economic sections as an alternative, to the brutalities of the outright use of military force. hambleton thought this was a pie in the sky dreaming. this was a real competition. these two men personally but also intellectually, what they represented, vision of what the united states might be. at the same time, jefferson and republicans were eager to spread democracy throughout the world. and that notion has continued right through our whole history right up until, well, to our own time. the invasion of iraq was justified as bringing democracy. so but 1815, the world of the founders was passing in a new generation was taking over. many of the founders living in the 19th century were disillusioned by what they had brought. they had begun, of course, with many allusions.
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they thought they could do with the native peoples, the indians in a humane and respectful manner. they thought that shack i mean, the letters that henry knox secretary of war in washington right about to each other mostly, what do we do with the indians aren't respectful of indian culture as a modern anthropologists. they don't want the indians to disappear. they don't want a culture to disappear, but of course they can't control what's happening as they say on the ground. and they would like to settle this, want that land and they push the indians off of it. the founders also thought that slavery was naturally disappear. especially with the ending of the international slave trade in 1808. through that whole period, up to the second decade, this a strong feeling that slavery is on its last legs, it's going to go we. of course, it is going to wait in the north. all of the northern states but
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1804 have abolished slavery. and it looked as if the upper southampton, virginia being the leader, is taking steps to eliminate slavery. and it is true. maybe 30000 free blacks. blacks were freed in the media decades of the 1780s and 90s following the revolution. there were freedoms is in virginia, which freed hundreds of slaves who could shield that they had and indian ancestor. if you had one in the ances
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he was one of football's most consistent winners, but the impact tony dungy had on the nfl and his players far outreached the field. we caught up with tony in canton, ohio, at the pro football hall of fame, our conversation starting with his start and the man who touched him making it possible for him to touch so many. if somebody was going to take this for tony right now and say walk me through this hall of fame, all of these busts and show me why you are the way you are. >> i think it really would go back to paul brown and some of the things that he did in terms of the structure of coaching, of running an nfl football team, and then some of his disciples that came through. i played for coach noll who played for paul brown. i played for bill walsh who coached for paul brown, and that was my introduction to the nfl. so from a strategy standpoint and how do things as a coach, those were two guys that i
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definitely learned from. and a lot of people in the nfl learned from. but coach noll and art rooney and that whole steeler organization in terms of how to do it, that's where i learned. >> but everybody knows, with you, that's a part of -- a small part of why you are the way you are when it comes to coaching. that's what you learned on the field. how about off the field? >> off the field, i'd have to say my parents. they were both teachers and a lot of their philosophy and a lot of their style really went into my coaching. my dad, his philosophy, was that aside, in terms of people being elected to congress, were the also ordinary people or any aristocratic model? >> the south does not democratize as much as the north. there are the times, dicks, and harris that randolph completed, but the southern, the question was how does the south differ in its degree ofter person. >> who was it that showed you it was okay. before you, tony, people wanted
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to minimize that and strictly talk about xs and os. >> that was coach noll. i was a rookie player in 1977. he said, gentlemen, football is now your job. it is your occupation, but it can't be your life. it is not your life, it is not your life's work. you're going to do things away from the field and after football. we'll help you be the best football player you can be but you have to be the best person you can be. i never forgot that. >> where else would we stop at most meaningful men in your football career? >> there are probably about ten players from that steelers era of the '70s that really were role models for me. the fran harris, lynn swann, jam hamburg, jam hamm, all were in the middle of their careers when i was a rookie. you saw how to do it on the field, but also how to do it off the field. i can remember franco harris riding his bike to three rivers stadium and saying, here's a
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superstar that rides his bike to work. it's not bad to just be a regular guy. >> how did that change you as a player, as a coach, coming in with that group of role models? >> i think i began to understand what was important if you wanted to build a winning team, what it took. it took more than ability. it took caring about each other and that desire to be good, but also the fact that you could do that and still, off the field, do some great things. these guys are very successful today, had they never played football, they'd have been successful. that's what it told me. >> can you imagine a bust of tony dungy as you walk through? >> i really can't. when i think of the hall of fame -- we're looking at art rooney here -- that's to me what the hall of fame is. chuck noll. chuck green. i don't see myself in that category. >> honest to goodness. >> you know, and maybe it's different. people ask me after we won the
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super bowl, well, is this like jackie robinson? no, there's no way. maybe you have to step away from it and look at it differently, but i just think -- i don't see myself in that category. >> it's not just the emotional impact that you've had and what you've had in terms of history, but in terms of the 139-69 record, in terms of the six division titles, in terms of the only coach to lead a team into the playoffs ten straight years, why wouldn't you be in the hall of fame, tony? >> well, you know, some of those things snuck up on me. really. you don't really realize that you're going through and i've been part of some great teams, and two great franchises. but i guess i just look at that as me being in the right place at the right time. >> i can sit here all day and keep trying. that's all i'm going to get. >> yeah. i don't know that anybody really says, you know what? i should be in the hall of fame. i just don't think people say that. i think it's a shock if it does
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happen. >> i don't know. you look at some of these personalities, and i have a feeling a lot of them -- maybe you say that until actual tli happens and the moment -- >> probably. i have so many guys that i've seen the induction speeches. they say, it is just such an honor to be here. and it would be. when you look at who's in and i look at my teammates from the steelers and i look at guys who i've coached, derrick brooks and warren sapp and peyton manning, marvin harrison. those guys put up numbers and did changes that changed the game, that they should be in. that's the way i look at it. i kind of just did my job. coming up on "vizio profiles," one of dungy's discipl disciples' next stop will likely be kansas. find out what makes tunny so he helped mold into the great players and even a greater person.
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gecko: all right... gecko: good driver discounts. now that's the stuff...? boss: how 'bout this? gecko: ...they're the bee's knees? boss: or this? gecko: sir, how 'bout just "fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance." boss: ha, yeah, good luck with that catching on! anncr: geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.
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he is known for building championship teams and championship character. and no player embodies that more than derrick brooks who played for tony dungy for six seasons. yet eight years later cannot have a conversation about football or life without bringing up the lessons the coach instilled in him, lessons that began in a little sauna after practice. >> it became kind of a routine. you may took a little bit about what was happening but it would eventually evolve. and we'd talk about what guys were doing in life. >> coach was real ly made us
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better men. that's the side that you got to appreciate when it came time to do things on the field. everything he did had a message behind it. i'm quite sure any player you ask that played for him will tell you the same thick. >> what it was with derrick? what did you see with him early? >> derrick was so driven and he had wanted to be the best. but then i saw this other side. i saw a guy who was really concerned about education, he was concerned about young people in the community, and that kind of resonated with me. i had boys who looked up to these guys, and that was my message to all the players. "you're going to do some great things out there on the field. we're going to win some games. but you got a ton of boys in this community that are going to grow up a generation, they're going to be like you guys are." >> did that surprise a lot of guys, all of a sudden have a coach standing there talking about other things besides xs and os? >> it resonated with a lot of the guys in the locker room, i'm more important than just an "x"
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and an "o." everything coach does is consistent, a yes is yes and a no is no, you always know where you'll stand. he treated us as men. a big thing i know that guys at that time had kids, when they saw his boys around, to see a head coach involve his boys at the time, you know, eric and james, and the family around, that meant something to these guys that had families, like it is okay for me to bring my family around. >> funny you say that. when i went to indy, it was the same thing. i told the coaching staff and players, hey, family's going to be around a lot. i want you guys to feel comfortable bringing your family in and the first time eric and my boys went running down the ha hall, tearing up stuff. everybody's like, what's going on? who is that? oh, that's the coach's kids. there's never been kids in this building before. >> he brought that. i can say, they walked in and out of meetings, they were just a part of it and we accepted that. >> my boys got close to a lot of these guys and that was the point that i was trying to make
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to them. you see these two boys, but there's hundreds of thousands of boys that are looking at you the same way that you don't see. >> how do you describe your relationship with a men like derrick? >> i always viewed myself as a coach who coached people the way i wanted to be coached, and the way i would want my son to be coached. i don't think i was easy on those guys. i thought i was approachable. our first conversation was, we are going to win, we're going to do it a test if you don't think that's a good way for you, we can find another team for to you play. >> i remember. when he said we was going to do something, we could go in and approach him about it, and he'll sit there and listen. he'll acknowledge that the conversation happened. but when you walk out of that office, 99.9%, it's going to be done that way, the way he said it. and you start to appreciate it. coming up on "vizio
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the odds of that same boy then making it to the u.s. and european pro-golf tours? 1 in 7 million. the odds of the "big easy" winning the open championship once and the u.s. open championship twice? 1 in 780 million. the odds of this professional golfer having a child diagnosed with autism? 1 in 150. ernie els encourages you to learn the signs of autism at early diagnosis can make a lifetime of difference. tony dungy isn't teaching players these days, but he's still teaching. blessed with a strong family foundation, tony quickly learned so many of the men he coached were not, leading to the insechgs all-pro dads in 1997.
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the national non-profit organization that helps raising the bond between fathers and their children. 12 years later it is where tony focuses his hard work and his heart. >> when we first started out at tampa with the bucs, we thought if we got 500 people, it would be an awesome day. it is just blossomed and grown. the last one we did in indianapolis, you had to sign up online and we sold out in six minutes. about 1,800 people. so, dads who have been there have really enjoyed it. the kids enjoy it. and it's been a real blessing to see. >> i walk over to the running back station and i think it is just going to be about ball control. all of a sudden i see people hugging. >> that's the real neat thing about it. you get the kids having, fun, doing something they would do on the football field. then you talk about what it means to communicate, show affection and be a team. you get these at the different
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stations. it is not just, hey, we went out and did some football things. we did some things that hopefully they'll remember for the rest of their lives. >> so i know what they get out of it. what do you get out of it? >> i think for me it is just the excitement of seeing kids enjoy some time with their parents and to realize how special that is and see if you can get that emotional bond to really click. every now and then you'll get a letter from a dad who says, hey, thank you, i was at the all-pro dad day at the hall of fame, and it changed my life in this way. and one letter like that is really makes it all worth while. >> so the one thing i did notice -- all of the dads are getting out there and doing their dad thing. nothing from you? >> no. i tell you what happened to me. i was a junior in college. we had a big game, last game of the year against wisconsin. i scored the touchdown that iced the game. i got down on one knee and shook the dice and rolled seven. my dad who was very, very
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strict, he kind of said, well, that will pass, he didn't say too much. my mom read me the riot act and something i never forgot do this day. matter of fact i said it to my players, excellence that feels it has to be proclaimed by the mere fact of its proclamation admits the doubt of its existence. she hit me with that after the game. i said mom, what are you talking about? >> she said it was enough. i was a hot-headed, hot-tempered guy, technical fouls in basketball, getting thrown out of the game. my dad said you'll never be a winner if you can't keep your emotions under control. i think about that, had i not had my dad to tell me that when i was 14, 15, 16, i don't know how i would have been now. but the person that people saw on the sideline in the nfl was the direct result of my dad mentoring me when i was 13, 14 years old. >> so not even in private, you may not go home after the super bowl, roll the dice?
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there's nothing like that with the cameras off? >> i think about it at times but i would never do it. >> he doesn't need to brag about it, because what tony dungy brought to the game and the men he coached speaks for him. he made history and set league records. but everyone who knows him says tony dungy will not be remembered for winning, but for how he won. if someone from the hall of fame came to you and said, after 27 years of coaching, we want you to give us one thing that symbolizes you. we want to put something in here that says this is tony dungy. what item would you give them? >> i'd give them the fine from our locker room, the only sign we had up for 1 years in indy and tampa -- expectation and execution. no excuses, no explanations. >> you don't even have to think about this. >> no. that to me was what we were all about. >> 50 years from now, a father's walking his son through this hall of fame and they stop at the tony dungy bust and the son
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says, daddy, who was tony dungy? what do you hope the father would say? >> i would hope he would say, he was a guy who won as a player and a coach, he was around a lot of these other guys who are in here. he helped a lot of guys get in here as well. and he brought a little different type attitude to coaching football. >> on upcoming episodes of "vizio's profiles," we'll reveal some of the nfl's most compelling personalities like you have never seen them before. logon to for more exclusive contact, information on the news from the shows and upcoming episodes. we'll see you next time on we'll see you next time on "vizio profiles." -- captions by vitac --
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are 5 times more likely to have alcohol problems when they're adults. so start talking before they start drinking. caption test please stand by caption test please stand by caption test please stand by caption test please stand by caption test please stand by caption t today, it's the 106th meeting between ol' miss and mississippi state. the egg bowl next on the game caption test please stand by
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dexter mccluster may be the second half of the season mvp. right now he is going against anthony dixon. while most of you were given the business to your gastric system the last couple of days, teams in the sec were focused on a couple of things. you had two teams trying to remain unbeaten ahead of their sec championship game. florida taking on florida state later today. alabama took on in-state rival auburn yesterday. a wonderful drive to conclude it. a short pass there. 1:24 left. here the final play of the game, and alabama d does what it does best, earn a victory,
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so alabama victorious 2-21. a huge final drive for greg mcill roy and company. what imprettied you the most about the -- what impressed you the most about the tide on this drive? >> well, they lost mark ingram on that drive, and saw others step up. you see mcilroy, completed his final seven passes. that's what they're going to have to have, especially if ingram's injury turns out to be serious. >> big news coming out of this one, mark ingram. preliminary reports are a abused hip. just 16 carries, 30 yards for the all american, ingram. >> and you expected a big day
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out of this guy, especially when you're playing against auburn, the number 10 rush defense in the conference, but only 30 yards on the ground, and he's ultimately injured in this ball game, and as they push toward this sec championship game, he's been the mainstay of what they've done all season long. >> as a team, just 73 yards rushing for alabama. we'll get further updates on ingram as the week goes out. here is an earlier look at the teal of the tape. any advantages, disadvantages you see right now? >> it's almost like mirror images of one another. you look at there are defense. the offenses aren't generating as much as they have, but they're still good enough to
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make it to the championship game. >> we may have a good one today, number 25 ole miss and mississippi state. >> thank you very much, rob. it's ole miss football team playing good down the stretch, andre. dexter mccluster is getting a lot of attention, put we can't overlook the fact that shea hodge has been a big part of this of late, and he's kind of in the shadows of late? >> well, he is there are major receiving threat, leading the sec in yards, just under a thousand yards. the coach has asked him to step up this season, and he has really had a fantastic year. >> his career has been great. he only needs 23 more yards to pass chris collins as the all- time leading receiver for his
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school. let's go down to the sidelines. >> for ole miss head coach, houston nutt, it's about getting his team to finish strong a second straight season. he held a bunch of signs around the practice facility that say they remember in november. the rebels currently 7-0 in two seasons with nutt. if they win, they will likely get an invitation to the capital one bowl. dan mullen placed a priority on this game pretty much on his first year on the job. in january, he hung a special clock which counts down to today's kickoff in his team's practice facility. they call the clock the countdown clock to the tomorrow up north. dan mullen won't even mention them by name. he only calls them the team up north. so he has his players motivated
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in a special way. as nutt said, this game today is for the state title of mississippi, and it couldn't mean more for both teams. >> mccluster, you can't enough about him. anthony dixon is the lone ranger on that offense, though, not a lot to take attention of tebow's career and the matchup with the game up north.
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goal, one of to the two, and apparently on you know, obviously the felt like -- i do not know who told him to clock it. okay? and i -- i'm listening to the headphones. cue cannot clock that ball. i don't know what what call was ever made. >> well, coach, the video does not lie, does it, matt? >> this is just an indication of just how key outic this situation became for the lsu tigers. the fact they even got into such a time crunch is the issue you. that's why you rehearse these instances, because it's chaos an the field. when your players look tow the sideline, that needs to be the eye of the storm. in this case, it was bedlam,
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and that cost lsu the game. >> you see the whole team turning to the sideline and saying let us know what we need to to do. >> the sideline needs to know what has to happen right there. in this case, they mismanaged the situation, and it cost lsu the magnolia bowl. that's their bowl game. >> that's right. lsu now dropping down to number 15 in the land. are the hosting arkansas tonight. well, a win today in starkville will give the rebels
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espn's game day crew in gainsville, florida today for fsu at number one-florida. the mascot mover, the crudest over the gators. please, everyone, tim tebow has pleased a lot of folks in gatorland through his wonderful tim tebow in pursuit of a second heisman trophy. he is the sec leader in touchdowns. he'll be honored by the fans today have whoa have been asked to
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