tv U.S. Senate CSPAN December 31, 2009 12:00pm-5:00pm EST
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with wealth or power or special connections, but it was to give a voice to those who were not bap heard, to add a round to the ladder of opportunity. to make real the dream of our founders. he was given the gift of time that his brothers were not and he used the gift to touch as many lives and write as many wrong as the years would allow. ♪ we can still hear him. his voice bellowing through the . . senate chamber, face reddened, fists pounding the podium, a veritable force of nature in support of health care or workers' rights or civil rights. and yet, as has been noted, while his causes became deeply personal, his disagreements never did. wiley was seen by his fiercest critics as a partisan lightning rod, that is not the prism
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through which ted kennedy saw the world. nor was the prism through which his colleagues saw ted kennedy. the product of an age when the ♪ joy and nobility of politics prevented differences of party and platform and philosophy from becoming barriers to cooperation and mutual respect. a time when adversaries still saw each other as patriots. that is out ted kennedy became the greatest legislator of our time. he did it by hewing to principle, yes, but also by seeking compromise and common cause. not through dealmaking and horse trading alone but through friendship and kindness and humor. there was a time the court did orrin hatch for support of the children's health insurance program by having his chief of staff serenade the senator with
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a song -- orinn road in self. recent cookies on a china plate to sweeten a crusty republican colleague. how he won the support of a texas committee chairman on an immigration bill -- teddy walked into a meeting with a plain manila envelope and showed only the chairman it was filled with the texans famous cigars. when the negotiations were going well he would into the envelope closer to the chairman. when they were not, he would pull it back. [laughter] before long, the deal was done. it was only a few years ago on st. patrick's day when teddy but hold me on the floor of the senate for my support of a certain piece of legislation coming up for a vote. i gave my pledge but i expressed skepticism that it would pass. [applause] when the roll call was over, the bill garnered the boat that was needed and then some. i looked at teddy with a stylish
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-- astonishment and ask, how he'd done it. -- pat in the back and said, look of the irish. of course, luck had little to do with ted kennedy's legislative success. he knew that. a few years ago his father and all told him that he and daniel webster just might be the two >> next, we will be pleased to greatest centers of all time. hear from senator john mccain, a without missing a beat tandy replied -- what did webster do? true american hero whose life has taught us all a thing or two about courage. [laughter] falling 70 recants remarks, there will be a brief video presentation. but though it is teddy's historic body of achievements we -- following senator mccain's will remember, it is his giving remarks, there will be a brief heart that we will miss. video presentation. [applause] >> thank you very much. he was the friend and colleague who was always the first to pick madam speaker, and mr. chairman, up the phone and say i'm sorry for your loss or, i hope you i am honored to be here to make feel better, or what can i do to a few remarks at this inaugural help?
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he was the boss so adored by his presentation of the tom lantos staff that over 500 spanning human rights prize. i think it is very appropriate five decades showed up for his that his holiness, the dalai lama, be the first recipient of 75th birthday party. he was the man who sent birthday the award named for the good wishes and thank-you notes to man who cared so deeply for the dignity of the people of tibet sell many that never imagined that a u.s. senator of such and all people who are denied their god-given rights to life, stature take time to think about liberty, and the pursuit of someone like them. i have one of those paintings in happiness. tom lantos believed that my private study off the oval office. american leadership and opposition to human rights a cape cod seascape that was a abuses, not silence, is the gift to a freshman legislator tryst expression of our national who had just arrived in character. washington and happen to admire he was born outside the united it when ted kennedy welcomed him states and neknew that, into his office. by the way, my second gift from teddy and vicki after our dog personally, human beings can do when uncovered for the respect bo. of the inherent dignity of every it seems like everyone has one human being in and moved by my of those stories, the ones that often start with, you wouldn't the moral duty to defend them against oppression. believe local me today -- who tom lantos' voice was among the called me today. he was the father who looked not clearest and most persuasive in
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our country, urging americans to only after his three children's experience assaults on any one's but john's and bobby's as well. dignity as an assault on our own he took them camping and taught them to sail. conscience. when he died, we lost one of the he laughed and danced with them at birthdays and weddings and cried and more with them through better angels of our national conscience. hardship and tragedy and passed those of us who remain in positions of influence incurred on that same sense of service a responsibility to echo the and selflessness his parents instilled in him. convictions that guided his work shortly after ted walked in his life. caroline down the aisle and gave we cannot replace his voice, but her away at the altar, he we can help ensure it is not received a note from jackie forgotten whenever and wherever that read -- on you, the the rights of mankind are beset carefree young this brother, the by the ambitions of desperate. burden a hero with a bid to been we're distinguished from other countries because we were scared, we are all going to make conceived not in loyalty to a it because you always there with your love. landlord tried or from a not only did the kennedy family particular race or creed but in make it because of ted's love, but he made it because of an idea that liberty is an theirs, especially because the inalienable right of mankind and love and the life he found in it an accord with natures in nature vicky. after so much a loss and so much is creator. sorrow, it could not have been
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to accept the abridgement of easy for ted to risk his heart that right, other society should began and that he did is a testament to how deeply he loved be no less false to the this remarkable woman from american heart than to accept louisiana. its abridgment in our own and she didn't just love him society. i injustice and tyranny abroad back, as ted would often should be as intolerable to acknowledge, but she saved him. americans as they are she gave him strength and purpose, joy, and stood by him intolerable here. human rights are not an invention of america, nor do always, especially in those last hardest days. they reflect standards of which particular cultures or religions we cannot know for certain how can opt out. long we have here. there universal and recognized as such in the united nations we cannot foresee the trials and universal declaration of human misfortunes that will test us along the way. rights. as long as reflected people have we cannot know what god's plan lived, they have identified is for us. those universal liberties that but what we can do is to live separate us from the animals. out our lives as best we can with purpose and with love and those rights exist above the state and beyond history. with the joy. they cannot be rescinded by one we can use each day to show government any more than they those who are close to much how could be granted by another. much we care about them and they inhabit the human heart. treat others with the kindness
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and from there, we may be a and respect that we wish for ourselves. bridge, but they can never be we come learn from our mistakes wrenched. and grow from our failures. his holiness, the dollar llama, we can strike at all cost to has spent his life in make a better world. passionate, tireless, and non- that someday, if we are blessed violent defense of his people's with a chance to look back on right to self-determination and our time here, we know that we dignity. for over half a century, he has spend it well. that we made a difference. led to their struggle, that our fleeting presence had a petitioning governments and people of conscience throughout the world to win their voice to lasting impact on the lives of others. the just demands of tibetans. this is how ted kennedy lived. he has endured the long trying this is his legacy. he once said, as has already years and every setback for their cause with an unyielding been mentioned by his brother determination that is singular that he needed the -- not be because of the patients coming idealized or enlarged and that's humility, and kindness that are because what he was in life -- his most admirable qualities. and i imagine he would say the he is an inspiration to all same about himself. the greatest expectations were people who possess a heartfelt placed upon ted kennedy's this sympathy for the suffering of shoulders because of who he was their fellow human beings. but he surpassed them all he is a father to his people. because of who he became.
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and although he has been long we do not weep for him today because the prestige attached to exiled from their presence, he his name or his office. inhabits their hearts as they we weep because we love this inhabit is. he gives them hope, and he gives kind and tender hero who persevered for pain and tragedy, us an example of moral not for the sake of ambition or leadership to some in our own humanity. vanity, not for wealth or power, at the end of his nobel prize- winning lecture, the dalai lama but only for the people in the offered a prayer and spoke of country that we love. the sense of shared humanity the in the days after september 11, the world's great religions all teddy made it a point to profess in which has been his personally call each one of the own abiding conviction. 177 families of this state who for as long as space indoors and lost a loved one in the attack. for as long as living beings but he didn't stop there. remain, until then may i, too, he kept calling and checking up on them. he fought through red tape to abide to dispel the mystery of get them assistance and grief the world. counseling. i have long believed that the he invited them sailing, played true worth of the person is with their children and would measured by how faithfully we write each family a letter serve a cause greater than our whenever the anniversary of that self-interest, a cause which terrible day came along. encompasses us but is not to one would know he wrote the
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defined by our existence alone. following -- "as you know so the same holds true for the well, the passage of time never conduct of nations. really heels the tragic memory whenever people are imprisoned, of such a great loss. brutalized, or murdered for but we carry on because we have demanded liberty and justice for themselves and their people to, because our loved ones would or for peacefully exercising their faith, it is not simply want us to, and because there is another tragedy in an imperfect still light to guide us in the in cruel world. it is a call for action, one world from the love they gave us. we carry on. worthy of a country founded on the principles that every person ted kennedy has gone home now. possesses inalienable rights he is guided by his faith and by deserves to be free. the light of those that he has should we be tempted to look loved and lost. at last he is with them once away to ignore the trials of more, leaving those of us to those deprived of the rights we grieve is passing with the so safely in joy, let us look to memories he gave, the good that the example of the dalai lama he did, the dream that he kept and his good and rich as a alive, and the single enduring friend, tom lantos. image, image of a man on a and accept the moral responsibility that can dignify boat, wait main tussled, smiling
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our own life. let us heed the words of the broadly as he sails into the great poet, john dunne, who wind, ready for whatever storms offered a 17th century echo of may come, carrying on toward his holiness is prayer. some new and wondrous place just beyond the horizon. any man's death diminishes shows may god bless ted kennedy and me because i am involved in mankind. therefore, never sent to know may he rest in the eternal peace. [applause] for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee. thank you. [applause] ♪ >> the right for a person to disagree and to pursue his own >> let us pray.
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lord god, your son jesus christ conscience is not a right. gave us the sacrament -- it is accorded to mankind. everybody in this world. sacrament of his body and blood to guide us finn in the and the dollar lama is a symbol for all those who are striving pilgrimage way to the kingdom. to obtain that. they our dear friend ted and and -- and the dalai lama is a shared in the eucharist, to the symbol for all those who are banquet of life christ prepared striving to obtain and that. for us. we ask this through christ our ♪ lord, amen. his eminence will conduct the final commendation. >> mr. president, we thank you for your presence and for your >> would accounts for the rise words of appreciation for the life and work of senator kennedy.
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of this humble buddhist monk we gather here today to pray for a man who has been such an from near obscurity to the important part of our history global phenomenon that he has and our country. become? it is not lobbies. we are here because ted kennedy it is not economic power. shared our belief in prayer and it is not political influence. the eternal life. it is a moral authority. vicki, you and the family, ♪ surrounded ted with love at the end of his life and gave us all an example of love and compassion in the face of in a suffering and death. we die with dignity when we are surrounded by love and such care. and now let us, and ted's soul to god posset loving mercy. before we go our separate ways,
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>> the dalai lama is, you know, let us take leave of our brother. they our farewell to express our affection for him. deported to make people better they it eased our sadness and strengthen our hope. spiritually, to inspire them one day we shall joyfully greet and spiritually make each him again when the love of individual a better person. christ, which converts all and tom was totally dedicated to things, destroys even death making the world a better place. itself. and this, and shared goal really brought them together. my husband's last act in congress was to give his holiness the congressional gold medal. and so the first action of the tom lantos foundation for human [speaking in latin] rights seemed quite obvious that it would have to be to honor his holiness. ♪
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>> i love them. i love the dalai lama. i admire him. i feel elevated from just being near him. and he confirms my own belief that spirituality is a very >> it into your hands, father of important component of living a mercies, we commend our brother happy life and having a decent edward, in the short and certain world. hope that together with all who ♪ have died in christ we shall rise with him on the last day. if we give you thanks for the blessings which you bestowed upon edward in this life, there's signs to us of your goodness and our fellowship with the saints in christ. merciful lord, turned toward us and listen to our prayers. open the gates of paradise for
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your servants and help us who remain, to comfort one another with assurances of faith until we all meet in christ and are with you and with our brother forever. we ask this through christ, our lord. >> amen. >> in peace, let us take our brother to his place of rest. >> we will now hear from the honorable nancy pelosi, speaker of the house of representatives. she has been an extraordinary friend with holiness through the years as she was to my father, tom lantos. in the lantos foundation and
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surfer her tremendous support and friendship. she will present the lantos human rights prize following her remarks, and after that, we will be privileged to hear from our inaugural laureate, his holiness, the dalai lama. [applause] >> [speaking foreign language] thank you for bringing us together here today on this very special occasion and for continuing your father's work [singing of "america of the for justice around the world. the red thread that you began beautiful] the conversation with this morning brought many of us together so many years ago, a generation ago, when tom lantos invited us to join his holiness, >> ♪ america, america the dalai lama, in the capital of the united states. he invited his holiness for the god shed his grace on first time -- it was the first
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time his holiness would visit and crowned by good with the capital. brotherhood as told tom us then, it was his from sea to shining sea ♪ invitation, but it was his wife's idea. [applause] ♪ they shared a passionate commitment to this man of peace and to his work. thank you for continuing to shine a bright light on the dark corners of repression throughout the world. tom's spirit lives through your work at the lantos foundation. it also lives in the house of representatives as we're proud to continue tom's worked for the human rights commission as an official into the of congress. it builds upon the work of the human rights caucus was founded by tom lantos and another congressman, and it is not shared with great conviction by
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frank wolf and by jim mcgovern. we thank them for their leadership. we heard from the chairman of the foreign affairs committee. it is clear to see, your [singing of "america the holiness, that the that has a friend in the chairman's office of the foreign affairs committee. beautiful"] howard berman, previously with tom lantos, and before that, and gilman who is with us today. thank you, ben, for your leadership as well. ♪ this has been bipartisan from the start. that special relationship between the united states and the dalai lama is almost as old as his holiness himself. it goes back to when president franklin roosevelt sent the dollar a llama, who was a little boy at the time, a watch -- sent the dollar and obama, who was a little boy at the time, a watch live show the phases of the moon. it was a wonderful gift of friendship and his holiness to the swatch with them when he
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left of that in 1959, and he told us earlier this morning that he had his watch, and it was a pocket watch, and he had it in his the equivalent of a [organ music] pocket when he received the congressional gold a little. he received the medal from president bush. so from one president to another, bipartisan, over the generations, the bonds of the united states and the bonds of friendship between the united states and his holiness and the tibetan people are strong and durable as ever. u.s. presidents, members of congress, and the american people continue to be inspired by his holiness' message of peace, not violence, human rights, and religious understanding. we can all learn from him. when we had a delegation that visited him in india last year and we were being particularly stirred up about our concerns about what is happening in
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tibet, his holiness advised them, particularly me, to rid myself of my negative attitude. [laughter] and to think with more reconciliation and peace and friendship in my voice. we're learning from his holiness. i am is so pleased that president obama recently appointed a special envoy to tibet, the undersecretary of state, who is with us today as well, and she just visited his holiness in india as well. thank you for being with us. it has been said over and over again, though he describes himself as a simple modicum and no more, no less. it is the simplicity that i hear. into millions of believers and admirers, that simplicity is a source of wisdom and compassion. last week his holiness visited the site where rev. martin
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luther king was assassinated a receive the international freedom award from the national civil rights museum. i was so pleased. i am simply said john lewis is with us today. he teaches us every day that each one of us contains a spark of divinity and therefore is worthy of respect. and we must remember that about everyone, including ourselves. it is in the legacy of dr. king and mahatma gandhi, his holiness leads the way in following the power of nonviolence to promote freedom of his people and people around the world. for more than 20 years salinas has advocated for tibetan autonomy. koster -- for more than 20 years his holiness has advocated for tibetan autonomy. he has expressed a desire to visit china and to engage directly with chinese officials. it is our hope that the chinese government will welcome this
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opportunity for a peaceful resolution of the issue of tibet. the call of tibet is a challenge to the conscience of the world. we must not fail to meet that challenge. in fact, unless we speak out for [singing of hymn] human rights in china and in tibet, we lose all moral authority to talk about human rights anywhere in the world. [applause] ♪ the dalai lama, the tibetan culture, religion, and it burned -- by the way, his holiness pope was about the internment and ecological challenges of overpopulation in tibet 22 years ago, 1987, and he saw that. in any event, all of this is a [military commands] source of inspiration to the people of the world.
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your holiness, i now have the great privilege of giving you this special tom lantos prize. on the metal are in scrub the words of tom lantos, the rights of one are the rights of all. on behalf of the lantos foundation, the human rights and justice, the entire congress and millions around the world, i thank you for your work to insure the rights of all people. and now, i have the privilege of reading the citation. on behalf of a net, katrina, and the lantos foundation, i will now share this award citation. the lantos foundation for human rights and justice hereby award this inaugural lantos human rights prize to the 14th dalai lama, the religious leader of the tibetan people.
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with courage, compassion, and humility, he is given voice to the aspirations of all humanity for a life of dignity, justice, and respect. as the unflinching advocate of nonviolent reconciliation, he has advanced the cause of human rights in every corner of the globe. his holiness, the dalai lama, is one of the most highly honored peacemakers of our time and a unique moral voice for our day. the lantos foundation. [applause]
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honorable speaker, senator mccain, chairman, and mrs. lantos, and also katrina, family members of a very dear friend of mine, the late congressman tom lantos. [organ music] distinguished guests, it is a great honor and pleasure for me ♪ to receive this inaugural prize of lantos human-rights award. and for me to receive the award
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is a truly great privilege, especially in that the award is named after an individual whom i admire deeply into made tremendous contribution to human rights for the world. [applause] >> i just want to express my -- [unintelligible] and i am very happy to see your face. as before, very fresh. [laughter] and full of spirit, although no doubt your wonderful late husband and even his friends
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have the feeling of view of freshness. i appreciate it. [applause] [laughter] >> it is a nature where there is a beginning, there is anend. such wonderful people also sooner or later have to go that way. but what is very important is their spirit and they're wonderful sort of service to humanity. that we must remember.
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and not only remember but follow, carry-on in that spirit and wonderful work of humanity. particularly human rights. as i always feel, it looks as if we're sharing concern about individual human rights or global human rights for people, it appears as concerned from individuals or group of people, >> senator edward kennedy was laid to rest at arlington national cemetery next to his but i am often telling those people who work for human brother's. rights -- generally, those the ceremony ran about 25 minutes. people who have some greater potential to change this
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society, to build better societies, those people who have visions, and ability, and with said, we can make some contributions for a just society. and these people have more dissatisfaction about a system or rule of system. so these people usually become the first casualty. so human rights is taking care of individual who writes or a human rights of global people. this is actually carrying further positive pieces of the community and of society. it is great work.
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also, i'd think it is very ideal of human rights and taking care of what human rights is is taking care of others. it is an act of compassion. act of human affection. so today, i think generally speaking, we are lacking the sense of responsibility in taking care of where we should be. so that is why unnecessary man- made problems still arise. hopeful are those organizations or individuals who work for human rights in the right of individuals.
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it is really wonderful work. then, [unintelligible] one of my very close friends. i always admired his hairstyle. [laughter] and his strong accent. [laughter] but he really, i think carried his belief fearlessly and determined. that also is sometimes necessary. i often am telling my indian friends, india, although after
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many decades in the past, but india still needs the spirit of those freedom fighters, those guardians. selfless, fearless, truthful, dedicated, that spirit, i think. i was telling my indian friends, what do you enjoy about independence? there is any progress there. good. but the country as a whole still has a lot of problems. a lot of poverty. there's still in need of that kind of spirit.
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so tom lantos was that kind of person. and personally, [unintelligible] from the hungry, and his life experience broad difficulty. but through his own hard work, the spirit is really great. he was a very successful person. and not only as an individual but also a tremendous amount of service to research and field. so what else i should say? i do not know. [laughter]
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you have seen this sort of metdal. it is quite heavy. [laughter] but this gives me some kind of encouragement of the sign of recognition of life and a little service. of those now, for the rest of my life, i take it with me. for promotional human value, promotional human affection and compassion and the quality and basic human rights forever in to that or in mainland china or
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everywhere. taiwan or africa or latin america, even here in america. >> there is a certain fitting the richest country, but still, a lot of poor people. ness having a burial at the dying of the day because we know a huge gap, rich tempore. the sun will come back again this is unhealthy. tomorrow. as we think of teddy, we know -- a huge gap, rich to poor. that his new life begins. it is held -- unhealthy. and as we look at this great they are also human beings. family, we are sure new life is they might be in a more happier already beginning and new, great sort of state. things are happening. mr. vice president, vicki, the whole of the american people to get it. members of the family, it is for i think american, i think the all of us a very special time in idea of freedom, liberty, our own lives, in your life, in equality. the life of our country. so we began in the name of the i think these are human values. father, and of the sun, and of
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since my childhood, of course, i the holy spirit. do not know much, but when we dear friends in christ in the heard america as a chairman of name of jesus and his church, we gathered together to pray for edward kennedy, that god may liberty, freedom, democracy, and bring into everlasting peace and then perhaps maybe also that rest. we share the pain of loss, of watched. on some sort of level for america. the promise of eternal life gives us hope. therefore we comfort one i just told this morning, another with these words. actually when received the gold watch from president roosevelt, karen? -- cara? >> in reading of the letter of i carried it with an american paul to philippians. military uniform. i remember seeing the uniform. [inaudible] with that watch, actually, president roosevelt with the changing our lovely body to conform with his glorified, the letter and a picture. power that enables him also to
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so as a child, i have a keen bring all things into subjection to himself. >> thanks be to god. attraction to this watch, not of that letter [laughter] may i just for a moment be the you see, even i did not see voice of so many of around the world to pay a final tribute to senator ted kennedy and to offer that letter, and nobody told me what it contains. our heartfelt condolences to his [laughter] wife vicki, sister jeanne, so that looks really like a children and grandchildren, and child, watch very beautiful. to all the kennedy family and to the extended family that most so i kept it sends them. probably include most of america. occasionally, a sense yo have they also add a word that we who are privileged to watch the very been damaged, that is also beautiful funeral mass this hospitalized. morning had to be touched by the but now still, works. wonderful part in that liturgy played by the younger generation is still works perfectly. of kennedys, the warm and very this time, i did not bring it. but last year, as you already
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personal tribute in the elegies mentioned, when they're received the congressional gold medal, of teddy's sons and even that because of emotion, the watch of the president of the united states whose warmth and friendship for ted was obviously so powerful. was given to me by famous that together with the splendid homily of ted's parish priest president roosevelt, so i kept made our farewell to senator that watch in my pocket. kennedy on forgettable -- so at the time, receiving the congressional gold medal, in the unforgetaable. upon learning of his death last wednesday morning, attributes to his half century of leadership gold watch in my pocket. in american politics and leadership. they called him the lion of the senate, and indeed, that is what receiving a from the american president. america, the greatest democratic he was. country. his war and zeal for what he and the american weapons, believed in a different -- roar military forces, of course, is and zeal for what he believed the difference. for some people ceres. but the real greatness of occasionally friends would get
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america is your principles. mad of them when he roared on what we believe what is wrong in any cost, he must preserve side of the issue but we always knew and were always touched by these principles. his -- for the underdog, for the that is important. thank you very much. [applause] rights of working people, for better education, for adequate health care for every american. his legacy will surely place him among the dozen or so great in the history of the senate of this united states. shortly before he died, senator kennedy wrote a very moving letter to the holy father and took advantage of the historic visit to the vatican of president obama to ask the president if he would deliver it personally, which mr. obama gladly did. a couple of weeks later, the pope replied with a father of a message of concern over the senator's own this and a prayer >> his holiness has inspired for his progress. when vicki and i and others and charmed us put our closing began to talk about the remarks of the offered by the
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oldest grandson of my late organization of this brief service, the happy thought father, tom lantos. thank you. emerged of using part of these [applause] two letters to commemorate the faith of ted kennedy and the warm and fraternal spirit of pope benedict xvi. i want to quote from that letter. it begins -- most holy father i >> women finish, a plan to ask asked president obama to personally can deliver this his holiness what wrongs one letter to you as a man of deep would have to have committed in the past life in order to end of faith himself, he understands speaking after him on today's how important my roman catholic program. [laughter] faith is to me, and i am so [applause] deeply grateful to him. i hope this letter finds you in good health. i pray that you have all of and i also want to convey god's blessings as you lead our apologies, both that i am not my mother and also from my mother. church and inspire our world she had hoped to be here this during these challenging times. morning and since her love and i am writing with deep humility greetings to all of you. to ask that you pray for me, as the two men we celebrate today, the dalai lama and my my own health declines. grandfather, have crafted lives i was diagnosed with brain cancer more than a year ago, and it cannot be more deserving of our admiration. they both have no hatred and although i continue treatment, persecution and have responded the disease is taking its toll
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not with malice or cynicism but on me. i'm 77 years old and preparing by dedicating themselves to for the next passage of life. ennobling the lives of others. in making this inaugural i have been blessed to be part presentation that the tom lantos of a wonderful family, and both press for human rights, we could of my parents, particularly my not ask for a more exact -- mother, kept our catholic faith exacting erev exemplars. at the center of our lives. we do them a disservice if we love with the impression that that gift of faith has sustained this event was about them. and nurtured and provided solace we know that ultimately not to me in the darkest hours. every one of us can be a tom i know that i have been an lantos or a dalai lama to do imperfect human being, but with with some exceptions, not the help of my faith i have everyone of us will chair the tried to write my path. foreign relations committee or service -- serve as the i want you to know, your spiritual leader of our people. most of us a thankfully unlikely holiness, in my nearly 50 years of elective office i have done to endure the agonies of war and my best to champion the rights exile that gave their lives of the poor and open doors of purpose in perspective. but we can and we must resolve economic opportunity. i have worked to welcome the to live by the principles that immigrant, to fight the finer legacy. discrimination, and expand as we seek a more humane access to health care and fellowship with humankind, we education. i have opposed the death must look to their examples and have it in for our actions. penalty and fought to end the
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the question before us is war. those are the issues that have whether the rest of us will take motivated me and have been the a stand in the halls of focus of my work as a united congress, in the suburbs of san states senator. i also want you to know that francisco, and joined them in even though i am ill, i'm the great battle on behalf of committed to the everything i millions of our brothers and can to achieve access to health sisters who live in suffering around the world. care for everyone in my country. that is because the unites us this has been the political today. cause of my life. some armies did success by i believe conscience protection counting the numbers of opponents killed or wounded. in the fight for human rights, for catholics and the health field and will continue to we measure victories and lives saved and suffering averted. advocate for it, as my but while the terms of battle colleagues and the senate and i are different, the stakes are work to develop an overall just as high. this is a struggle with no end national health policy that in sight. guarantees health care for my grandfather accomplished everyone. i have always tried to be a relatively few of his human faithful catholic, your rights objectives before his death. holiness, and though i have and his holiness has worked for fallen short through human decades on behalf of the piece failings and never failed to of his people. believe and respect the measured against the magnitude fundamental teachings of my of the challenges that we face, faith. i continue to pay -- pray for their accomplishments may seem incremental. god's blessings on you and our a life saved here, a prisoner church and would be most
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thankful for your prayers for freed there, a liberty restored. me. two weeks later, the reply came but to those to they have saved, back from the vatican, and in their efforts have meant part, it read as follows. everything. the holy faller -- holy father if you have any question of that fact, look at me or my mother or has read the letter entrusted to my aunt are my brothers and president obama who kindly presented to him during the sisters and cousins, none of recent meeting. he was saddened to know of your whom would be here today if a courageous diplomat had not illness and asked me to assure stepped forward to save my you of his concern and his grandfather from the holocaust spiritual closeness. 65 years ago. he is particularly grateful for this cause cannot move forward your promise of praise for him without our help. we must ask ourselves if we're and for the needs of our ready to continue walking the universal church. path of these great men have his holiness praise that in the trod. days ahead you may be sustained when political prisoners are in faith and hope and granted tortured in north korea, when the precious grace of joyful women are raped in condo, when surrendered to the will of god, the innocent are lost in shipping containers in the our merciful father. desert for peacefully practicing he invokes upon you the their religion, and when tibetans are denied their liberty, will we give up our consolation and peace promised time, our talents, our resources by the risen savior to all who share in his sufferings and on their behalf? will we work within our spirit trusts in his promise of eternal
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influence, however loftier load life. commending you and members of the it may be, to it as the frontiers of decency? your family to the loving intervention of the blessed the efficacy of the prize virgin mary, the holy father presented to his holiness this morning will be determined by cordial late in parts is i whether we answer those apostolic blessing as a pledge questions in the affirmative. of wisdom, comfort, and strength it is my hope and conviction in the lord. that we can and will meet this challenge. that is the end of the but when we return to our homes, quotation. with the pressures of our holy our jobs, and our families, we will remember this morning was father pope benedict added to our own prairies, we entrust the not simply a celebration of the dalai lama and tom lantos but an body of edward kennedy, senator affirmation of the principles that should guide us all. ted, to his resting place until these two men were forged in the lord calls us fourth until fires heard than any we're the end of time. likely to encounter, but as we work to advance the cause of amen. human rights, each of us has the lord, jesus christ, by your own opportunity to grasp something three days and the to me you how of their greatness. load the graves of all who in this long battle, as in in a believe in you and so made the long battle, good leaders like the dalai lama and tom lantos grave a sign of hope that promises resurrection, even as unnecessary, but they are not it claims our mortal bodies. enough. and our praise for them cannot grant that our brother may serve as a proxy for our sleep here in d.c. -- until you commitment to this cause.
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a commitment to carry on until awakened him and glory because you of the resurrection and the every man, every woman, and life. then he will see you face-to- every child on this planet is face and in your life will see free to realize their potential. light and no the splendor of god that is the opportunity that we celebrate today. for you live and reign forever and ever. that is the obligation that we are. i will ask father -- an old and that is the legacy that we must seek to uphold. friend of the family, to do that on behalf of the lantos family, intercessions for us. we would like to thank you for he will be saying some prayers your presence here today, and we look forward to working with you and then adding, lord, in your to carry on this struggle for another generation. mercy, and our response is, thank you. [applause] lord, hear our prayers. >> lord, in your mercy -- lord, hear our prayer. gracious lord, for give the sense of those who have died in christ, lord, in your mercy, thank you. we asked the audience to remain here are prayer, remember all the good they have done, lord, in your places until his in your mercy, hear our prayer, holiness as the part of the auditorium. welcome them into eternal life, lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer, let us pray for those
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who mourn, comfort in them in grief, lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer, leighton their sense of loss with your presence. lord, in your mercy. >> hear our prayer. >> increase their faith, strengthen their hope. lord, in your mercy. >> hear our prayer. >> let us pray for ourselves and our own program midge through life. keep us faithful in your service. lord, in your mercy. >> hear our prayer. >> skindell in our hearts along a for your kingdom of justice and peace, a longing for heaven. lord, in your mercy. >> hear our prayer. >> in the sure and certain hall of resurrection into eternal life, through our lord jesus christ week, and almighty god our brother ted. we commit his body to the
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ground, earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust. may the lord brook -- bless him and keep him, made the lord make his face shine upon him and be gracious to him. made the lord lift his counted upon him and give him peace. let us joined now in praying the prayer jesus taught us. our father, who art in heaven, [applause] hallowed be thy name, by kingdom come, that will be done, on earth as it is in heaven, give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. and now i will say again the prairies that his eminence -- prayers is evidence, because they are fitting for this moment as well. before we go separate ways let >> thank you.
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us take leave of our brother [applause] ted. make our farewell express our affection for him. make it easy our sadness and strengthen our hope. one day we shall joyfully greet him again when the love of christ which conquers all things, and destroys even death itself. into your hands, father of mercies, we commend our brother ♪ ted in the short answer and hope that together with all who have died in christ we will -- he will rise with them on the last day. we give you thanks for the blessings you bestowed upon him on this life. they are signs to us of your goodness and our fellowship with the saints in christ. merciful lord, turned toward us and listen to our prayers, open the gates of paradise for your servants and help us who remain to comfort one another with assurances of faith. until we meet in christ and are with you and with our brother teddy forever. we asked this through christ our
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lord. >> amen. >> here is our schedule. next, the funeral mass in burial >> you are intended to the press of the humble. for senator edward kennedy who here the people who cry out to died in august. you in their need and strengthen after that, a statue of ronald their hold in your lasting good reagan is unveiled at the u.s. capitol. this. later, friends and fellow we asked this through christ our journalists remember walter cronkite at his funeral in july. lord. >> amen. >> and made the peace of god which is beyond all understanding, keep our hearts and minds in the knowledge of love of god and his son, our lord jesus christ, and a >> all this week, interviews almighty god bless you, the with supreme court justices. tonight, we will sit down with father, the son and holy spirit. justices scalia and ruth bader >> amen. ginsburg. justice sebelius served on the them and now, i know that four
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court almost 25 years, and the talks about the role of the of teddy's grandchildren are court and the processes the going to come and be with us and justices follow and reaching a decision. ruth bader ginsburg has served say something about grandpa. since 1993. she gives a tour of her chambers as she discusses her life before serving. see those interviews tonight at 8:00 p.m. eastern on c-span. >> it is a three-day weekend on an "book tv" starting new year's day. on "afterwards" day new york times columnist talks about five decades of women's history. the best-selling author takes your calls sunday on "in depth." find the full schedule at >> family friends and former colleagues of the late senator edward kennedy gathered in boston in late august for his funeral mass. in attendance were former president jimmy carter, bill
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clinton, and george w. bush, along with president obama who gave the eulogy. other speakers included senator kennedy's two sons, edward and patrick. musical performances were provided by a tenor and soprano. [gun salute] this runs one hour 40 minutes. [playing of "taps"] the family, your mother, a sister everyone in the world would love to have in eugene with your devotion. dr. larry in the great team of doctors and nurses and is so many helpers' at hyannis port these last weeks and months and most especially the youngest of ted's gang, gracie an dma,
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lkylie and teddy. the christian burial weave together memory and hope. the worship of the church locates us precisely between a past we really remember in the future in which we firmly believe. we gather today as a community drawn from across the nation to entrust the life of senator edward kennedy into the hands of god and to provide you consolation and support. we bring with those treasured memories of ted kennedy, a member is not only of a national leader and a master legislator, but of a beloved husband, a great father, a terrific grandfather, a sweet uncle, a dear friend, a trusted >> coming up next on c-span, a colleague, a wise mentor. statue of ronald reagan is
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we enter this church with these unveiled in the u.s. capitol. then friends and fellow memories acutely alive for each journalists remembered walker cronkite, who died in july. of us. after that a portrait unveiling we gather to treasure the memory at the state department for and to share our sense of loss. former secretary of state: pal. the liturgy of the mass, it's -- colin powell. scripture, is music, and ritual are designed to knowledge these memories, to provide a context >> tonight, a look at the best of prayerful and communal books of 2009. reflection in which they can be several news organizations have held as deeply personal and published their best list for the year. sacred. tonight, books by ann coulter but the liturgy does not leave us in the past alone. and sir harold evans, beginning it points us in christian hope at 8:00 p.m. on c-span2. to the future. to view the list, visit our our prayer expressed in website, book confidence and hope is about the destiny of our brother and >> it really sinks in. friend with his future with god. you have lost it. you don't own it anymore. you are trespassing. the biblical readings of the and that hurts. they selected by chad and my positions are now in a storage bin. what was able to get out -- but vicky and his family moved us i was able to get out.
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from memory and hope in the past >> on q&a -- american casino, to the future. the first lesson of the mass was proclaimed, speaking the words award winning documentary on the of wisdom, the souls of the impact of subprime mortgages on minorities. sunday night at 8:00. judge starr in the hand of god. >> a new statue of former president ronald reagan was we believe our lives are in the unveiled in the capitol rotunda hands of god in life and death. earlier this year, five years after his death. nancy reagan, speaker of the st. paul states our case with house nancy pelosi, majority his usual confidence, and leader harry reid and minority leader mitch mcconnell spoke at caroline proclaimed it was such this 50-minute ceremony. beauty. neither death or life nor angels nor principalities nor things present nor things to come more . powers nor hide nor depth nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of god, in christ jesus our lord. that confidence, the triumph of life over death is rooted in the
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central belief of christian faiths, the resurrection of christ, the lord. the christian conviction upon which all phases built is the that christ, who passed through death to new life will, as he promised, lead us through death to new life as well. on this day we hold the memory of the life of senator kennedy [applause] with reverence and with respect. we also recognize that like all of us, his life has a destiny beyond history. the destiny of risen life in the [applause] kingdom of god. the gospel of matthew from which i proclaimed focuses our intention on this destiny by reminding us of the words of jesus and the tests he posed for >> today we are gathered to insurance into that kingdom.
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oh, come, + of my father, honor president reagan with the unveiling of his debt to. please stand and remain standing inherit the kingdom for the for the opening ceremonies. foundation of the world. for a was hungry and you gave me >> please remain standing for food. i was thirsty and you gave me a the presentation of colors, the drink. singing of the national anthem, i was a stranger and you welcome me. i was naked and you close the and remain standing as reverend me. i was sick and you visited me. black gives the indicatiovocati. i was in prison and you came to me. in this test on this day, our memories and our hopes converge. these works of the kingdom were daily concerns of the public life of teddy kennedy. they were the fabric of his mind, heart, and hands as he saw to realize them in a society ♪ dramatically more complex than the society in which jesus spoke these words. our hope, our confident christian hope is that the fruits of his work as a
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political and public figure at ♪ well-prepared m for god's kingdom. as we together reflect upon his life, the choice of this incredible basilican church as the place for his funeral, ♪ provides a fitting context for our thoughts and prayers. this basilica reminds us of two important aspects of the senator's life and work. first, we come to know in the days since his death bed when critical illness threatens his own daughter, he came to this place daily to pray. he came here, like generations before him, seeking the healing hand of god. we are reminded that the most >> ♪ o say, can you see by the public personalities also lived dawn's early light a very personal existence. was so proudly we hailed this church was the place of private prayer for a public man.
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at the twilight's last gleaming second, this church sits in the midst of neighborhoods where the whose broad stripes and bright stars important issues that animated through the perilous night ted kennedy's career or so, frankly, visible. for the ramparts we watched the needs of the poor, social were so gallantly streaming justice, health care, and and the rockets' red glare education, housing and minimum the bombs bursting in air wage. . gave prove through the night that our flag was still there o say, does that star spangled banner yet wave? for the land of the free and the home of the brave ♪
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by dedicated staff, who served him over four decades, and as we have seen these last days, especially by the citizens of ♪ massachusetts, whom he faithfully served. the extraordinary diversity of these many memories is rather overwhelming. it is neither my place nor within my power to capture them all. i know ted and vicki and their family as their parish priest. my sources are reflection on the scriptures and the pastoral of ministering to ted and his family. my vision, like yours, cannot encompass the totality of his like. my memories seen through the lens of a catholic parish priest are about how one person, one man -- a husband, a father, a public figure, a catholic, and >> please be seated.
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a citizen -- tried to meet the >> let us pray. test of the kingdom of matthew's gospel. to know him as a pastor was to be introduced to the kennedy o lord, the light of lights, how family. the senator led the family. he was supported by it through a majestic is your name in all the long and complex career, and he earth? we marvel that you care about was sustained by your family as his life entered its final humanity, and have crowned us chapter. all of us know by instinct the with glory and honor. fundamental importance of our families. none of us expect to face the today, except our gratitude for great responsibility of being the most visible figure in a this congressional tribute to family whose narrative is woven president ronald reagan, whose through the history of our nation over the past century. love for freedom inspired our as a priest, i saw him treasure nation to embrace our best and draw strength from his family. hopes. like others here today, i thank you for his ability to
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watched as his role of this family's leader required that he plant the seeds of confidence, sustain them all through life and death, through victory and and to lift liberties lamp until freedom's light was seen tragedy. it is not too much to say that his of biting political and around the world. legislative concern for the welfare of families, especially those at the socio-economic edge made this statue, in his honor, of american life was rooted in remind us of americas opportunity to remain a shining his own experience -- his of city on a hill, and motivate us biting -- his abiding to discover and do your will. legislative concern. senator kennedy was a tower of strength to his family and a lord, give us grace to love towering presence on the american public landscape. others are better suited than i to describe in detail his what you command, and to desire legacy. as a pastor, my description what you have promised. seeks to describe his public life in it -- republic live in grant that guided by your live his personal convictions. we may reach the light that no person space -- no person's
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faith is easily summarized. never fades, illumined by your few of us, if any, meet them truth, we may reach the truth that is complete. all, but we are all called to we pray, in your holy name, pursue the full vision of faith, amen. even as we recognize the inevitable gap between what we are called to and what we, in fact, achieve. >> ladies and gentlemen, indeed, most of us have a strong republican leader of the united suit matched with gaps and states house of representatives, the hon. john boehner. struggles. there are few passages which >> mrs. reagan, madam speaker, express this more pointedly and more poignantly than senator honored guests, and my kennedy's own eulogy for his colleagues, let me first say a dear brother robert at st. big thank you to the california patrick's cathedral 41 years ago in 1968. delegation for all their efforts there, when he said, "my brother need not be idealized or in making this day possible. enlarged in death beyond what he on october 27, 1964, ronald was in life. reagan gave a nationally to be remembered simply as a televised address supporting
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barry goldwater, the republican good and decent man who saw wrong and tried to right it, saw nominee for president. while goldwater was later defeated by lyndon johnson, many suffering and try to heal it, saw war and tried to stop it." americans watching that they immediately sensed that reagan would one day become president. like those of his brothers, ted kennedy was a public man with a the title of reagan's speech public face. his strong suit was a central was "a time for choosing." stream of biblical faith he crystallized the voices for voters. expressed both in the hebrew and when people look for self- christian scriptures. government, or would they submit his strong suit was the faith of themselves to being ruled by the great hebrew profits, of elites in a far distant capital? isaiah, jeremiah, and most am -- os. his polka at social engineers -- amos. was accompanied by a vigorous defense of america's greatest it was they who tied the quality of faith to the character of abroad. he reminded americans that they did have a rendezvous with justice. it was they who stood in defense destiny. of the widows, the orphans, and as california governor in the refugees of their time. 1960's and 1970's, ronald the striking resemblance of reagan proved over and over that
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these groups to the women, he had the mind of a committed children, families, and immigrants in poverty of our conservative, and the temperament of an extraordinary leader. as president, reagan displayed time did not escape ted his unmistakable skill in kennedy's notice. communicating a vision of american exceptional as some. his public faith was reinforced it was not just vision that moves people his way. and nurtured in the christian it was also his tone. scriptures. we have heard matthew today. he was always quick with a now, we should remember the smile for self-deprecating jokes. gospel of luke, commonly known as the gospel of before. he once said "i have left orders the jesus of look new the poor to be awakened in case of a national emergency, even if i'm -- knew the poor of his time in a cabinet meeting." he clearly had the pulse and well. he advocated for them, defended them, and reminded his the respect of the average disciples of god's special american. he developed an alliance with margaret thatcher and pope john concern for them. paul ii. at the heart of luke's gospel stands the person of mary, the these three led the west out of what author john o'sullivan has mother of jesus. called the nightmare years of senator kennedy had a special the 1970's. respect for her great prayer, the magnifica, a prayer which together, they literally changed
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the world for the better. simultaneously glorify god for his blessings and promised god's today we honor president protection of the poor. reagan's lifetime of in his final days, the senator achievement, and we honor his legacy of economic and political and vicki and i pondered this freedom. early in his presidency, he prayer in terms of the meaning of his life's work. fought to enact a set of tax cuts authored in part by fellow "our blessed mother proclaims these sentiments. conservatives, who would be dots mercy is -- god's mercy is honored to be here today. jack kemp. from age to age to those who the tax cuts that president fear him. he has shown might with his arm reagan enacted dropped rates and dispersed the arrogance of that were at one time as high as mind and heart. 70%. he has thrown down the rulers this allowed people to build, from their thrones but lifted up the lowly. expand, and create jobs. the hungry, he has filled with reagan's economic policies good things. the rich, he has sent away and inspired the largest peacetime the -- empty." expansion in u.s. history. the growth was predicated on ted kennedy, of course, live in free trade, lower taxes, the a far more complex world than that of jesus' time and place, regulation, and curbing runaway inflation.
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i recently had an opportunity to but that challenge evoked from him his public gets. tour the reagan ranch in santa he understood the complexity of barbara. the society in which he lived. one of the great things that i saw when i was there was a desk he was renowned for his mastery that president reagan used to of the possible and for his sign the tax cuts into law. the free market policies set in genius at crafting law and motion on that very table were policy in ways which benefited responsible for creating 35 the widows and orphans of our million new jobs in america time. again, he described the through 1999. motivation of his public life in this is another part of ronald light of the legacy of his brother robert's vision when he reagan's legacy. this is a piece of rock from spoke these words -- "our the berlin wall. future may be beyond our vision, those walls came down because of but it is not completely beyond ronald reagan's relentless our control. commitment to freedom, and his it is the shaping impulse of insistence on american victory america that neither fate nor in the cold war. nature nor the irresistible ties was not afraid to say the of history but the work of our soviets were the evil empire. hands matched to reason and
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ronald reagan saw in america as principles that will determine our destiny." a city on a hill, set apart by every public figure has a god, who intended us to be free. uniquely personal life distinct from but not totally separated in his first inaugural address from the public world of work he said, "freedom and the and achievement. dignity of the individual have others have remembered in the been more available and more assured here than any other past week and will address this morning the record of place on earth." achievements of ted kennedy. three years later, commemorating i would like to close with this the fallen warriors of omaha reflection -- as one lives more beach, reagan said, "we will always remember. toward the final moments of we will always be proud. life, the public character we will always be prepared so that we may always be free." fades, and the deeper personal convictions and commitments today our freedom is defended by 1092-foot aircraft carrier on which have sustained a person through a long and complex like -- life come to occupy the the ronald reagan. their motto is , "peace through center stage. this was the case in the last few weeks and months as ted and strength.
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vicki together faced the last measure of his life. i'm confident his legacy will be attacked for generations to come like any priest would be, i was to me if you study the man, at present for them and with them. time you will see the rhythm of life described by shakespeare. the faith, which had sustained a "all the world's stage and all visible, historic presence, now became the faith which teaches the men and women are merely players, and one man in his time us how to see this life in light will play many parts." ronald reagan played his part is of the next life. the gift of the eucharist, brilliantly, with words, and deeds, he inspired his which jesus' promise would nourish us in this life and countrymen to great heights and inspired a clear vision. would carry as to eternal life -- which jesus promised would we are honored to add his likeness to this great hall of statesman's and patriots. nurse as, became a source of [applause] greater comfort for ted and vicki. as the end approached, the conviction that sustained senator kennedy through so many public struggles became the source of quiet confidence in a truce taught by his church -- a >> ladies and gentlemen, the truth taught by his church by republican leader of the united states senate, the hon. mitch
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the second vatican council in mcconnell. these words. "we do not know the time of the consummation of the earth and of humanity, but we are taught that god is preparing a new dwelling place and a new earth where >> friends, fellow members of congress, trustees of the ronald justice will abide and whose blessed this will answer and reagan presidential foundation, surpassed all the longings for mrs. reagan, today we celebrate peace, which sprang up in the human heart. a great man's life. as we dedicate this statute in today, at this holy eucharist, we pray. this place of honor, we affirm we are confident that ted that man's treasure place in our kennedy has entered this new hearts and in our nation's dwelling of god. storied history. for as the liturgy today inspires us, lord, for your many today are too young to remember what a difference he made. faithful people, life is but rather than recite a history changed, not ended. when the body of our earthly lesson, let me just say this. dwelling lies in death, we gain when america thought our best days way behind us, ronald
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reagan showed they still lay an everlasting place. ahead. may he rest in peace. when the world thought freedom was in retreat, ronald reagan proved that liberty was still the strongest force in history. and when many thought freedom should negotiate with tyranny, ronald reagan had the courage to call tierney by its name, and to say that freedom would win. [captioning performed by ronald reagan is remembered as national captioning institute] one of the giants of the 20th century. [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2009] he deserves our admiration, and he deserves the statue. the real ronald reagan stood taller than any statute. we know the source of the strength. she is here with us.
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nancy, together, you end president reagan lifted our >> now, we pray to the lord not nation when we needed it most. only for teddy, but for all of us he leaves behind. america is still grateful. among his brothers and sisters, you will always have a special place in our hearts. he was the youngest, so now, his grandchildren, his yonder nieces when ronald reagan began the and nephews, and his youngest child of one of his nieces will journey that led to the sunset of his life, he remained offer the intercession. each time, please respond "lord, optimistic about america even hear our prayer." then. and as he put it so memorably in teddy certification for 40 years, and he some of us all -- a hand written letter, "i teddy served for 40 years, and know that for america there will always be a bright dawn ahead." he summoned us all. the work of his life is our holding firm to the ideals that he embraced throughout his prayer for our country and our world. remarkable life, we can say the same. and inspired by the example of
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>> for my grandfather is ronald reagan, we can pay an commitment and persistence not even greater tribute and the monument that rededicate here to our one values but too old today. values that will never wear out, we can build that hopeful future that the poor may be out of he always saw before him. political fashion, but they are never without human need, that that is a living tribute we circumstances may change, but the work of compassion must continue, we pray to the lord. owe this great man. >> lord, hear our prayer. it is the tribute that this memory and this nation that he loved deserves. >> for my grandfather, that we [applause] will not in our nation measures human beings by what they cannot give but instead value them for what they can give, we pray to the lord. >> board, hear our prayer. -- lord, hear our prayer. >> for what my grandpa called >> ladies and gentlemen, majority leader of united because of his life in every states senate, the hon. harry part of this land that every reid. american have quality health care as a fundamental right and not a privilege, we pray to the >> his earliest days of an
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lord. >> lord, hear our prayer. actor on the las vegas strip, to his profound partnership with >> for a new season of hope, paul laxalt -- the same week will rise to our best ideals and close the book on the old politics of race and gender, group against group, race ronald reagan became governor against race, we pray to the of california, paul became lord. >> lord, hear our prayer. governor in nevada. when ronald reagan first >> for my uncle teddy is called sought the presidency, paul manage to this campaign. to keep the promise for all the people here even strangers and newcomers can rise no matter he was president reagan's no. 1, what their color, no matter what down in the senate. their place of birth, students when the president ask for with of tuition for college and families without the chance to things that were important, he own a home, for all americans went to laxalt's. the president asked him for many seeking a better life and a better land, for all those left difficult and classified out and left behind, we pray to assignments. when he sent paul laxalt to the the lord. >> lord, hear our prayer. philippines, he brought that nation back from the brink of >> for my uncle's stand against civil war.
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he is with us today to honor violence, hate, and war, and his his " friend. he was so close to president belief that peace can be kept reagan that some called him the through the triumph of justice and that truest justice can come first friend. we know no one was more only through the work of peace, important to president reagan we pray to the lord. then his loving and beloved >> lord, hear our prayer. first lady, nancy. it is wonderful to see you. >> as uncle teddy once told i had a wonderful time visiting thousands and millions, maybe with you before we came here, seven of us in dark passages and exchanging stories about ronald reagan. fridays, in the words of you are here today smiling, as tennyson's, that my brothers quoted in love, that have a always, by president reagan's special meaning for us now, so side. a talented sculptor's said when much is taken, that which we he carved the statue we're about to unveil, he shaped the are, we are. president's base in the friendly grin reagan would flash before one tender of perot cards, strong will to strive, to seek, one of his jokes. to find, and not to yield. he told a lot of jokes. we pray to the lord. this is a fitting place to honor >> lord, hear our prayer. him. just next door, the new president began his first term by telling the country that >> for the joy of my uncle americans held for more than one
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teddy's laughter, his rare and year in iran were on their way home. it was here that temperatures noble contribution to the human sank into single digits that spirit, for his face of that in president reagan began his heaven, his father and mother, second term. his brothers and sisters, and all but one before him will welcome him home, and for all it was the first and only time a the times to come when the rest president had taken office in the capitol rotunda of. of us will think of him president reagan's confidence surrounded by family as we warm been reassured america. here's what he said. sailed in the nantucket, we pray to the lord. "history is a ribbon, always >> lord, hear our prayer. unfurling. history is a journey, and as we >> for my grandfather's print continue our journey, we think of those who traveled before us." president reagan's travels from promise last summer that the work begins a new, the hope illinois to hollywood to arises again, and the dream washington, berlin, and beyond, left an enduring legacy. lives on, we pray to the lord. >> lord, hear our prayer. throughout that time, the people of nevada have always been proud >> lord, our god, give her a to call ronald reagan our neighbor, our leader, and our friend. piece and healer of souls, hear
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[applause] the prayers of the redeemer, jesus christ, and the voices of your people, whose lives were purchased by the blood of the land. >> ladies and gentlemen, the forgive the since of all, and speaker of the of united states grant them a place in your house of representatives, the hon. nancy pelosi. kingdom. >> it is a distinct honor. we asked this through christ our lord. >> amen. i know from my colleagues as well as myself to welcome so many distinguished guests on this very special day in the capital. the unveiling of a statue in the capital is always exciting. rarely are we able to do it in the presence of an immediate family member. it is usually about history. today it is a great privilege for all of us to be joined by former first lady mrs. ronald ♪ reagan, nancy reagan.
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we're honored by your presence. [applause] president reagan and mrs. reagan had one of the great love stories of all time, and the american people benefited from that. the support, the love that mrs. reagan gave the president for a slice of joy -- a source of joy for the american people. mrs. reagan, with your presence here today, i hope you know that we honor you. not only for your support of the president, but for turning that support and love into action. with your support for stem cell research has made a significant difference in the lives of many american people. it has saved lives. it has found tears.
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it has given hope to people. -- has found cures. it's appropriate that we gather here with leaders of both sides of the aisle and both chambers of the house. i am pleased that my predecessor is here. thank you for joining us. [applause] we're also joined by the former governor of california and mrs. wilson. thank you for joining us. [applause] president reagan understood that bipartisanship and stability were important in all of our debates. bob michael, how are you? [applause] i could introduce everyone of
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you, and you probably think that i will. the president understood the value of bipartisanship instancand stability of our deb. ever the gentleman, he never questioned the motives of a person because he knew people in public office loved our country and acted on behalf of the american people. his friendship with another speaker, speaker o'neill, was legendary. based on, among other things, their irish heritage. characterized by grace, charm, and humor. as a californian, the special pride that we take as californians to tell you this story. jerry lewis probably knows the story. when president reagan was governor of california, he went
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to the chamber, the assembly chamber, to deliver the state of the state address. it happened to be around the time of his birthday, so the legislatures wheeled in a birthday cake. the president, then governor, proceeded to blow out the candles. someone called out to him and said, "governor, did you make a wish?" without missing a beat he said, "yes, but it did not come true." he did not share much political ground with the speaker. he said -- yes, i made a wish, but it did not come true. he is still there. [laughter] in august 2006, that same state legislature voted overwhelmingly in a bipartisan way to
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establish ronald reagan's statue as our second california statute in the capital of the united states. and so here we are today. standing next to the statute of president eisenhower over year. when we dedicated the statue not too long ago, members of president eisenhower's family was here. they told us he wanted to be depicted in his general's uniform as he was addressing the troops before d-day. president eisenhower, president reagan, and all of us who take ♪ the oath of office know that our first responsibility is to protect and defend the american people. that's why it is appropriate president reagan's statue has contained within it chunks of
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the berlin wall as a symbol of his commitment to national security, and his success. [applause] >> president reagan said we must not only preserve the flame of freedom, but we must cast its warmth and light further than those who came before us. that is our responsibility. with the unveiling of the statue today, we know that all who come after us will forever no -- all visitors of this capital will forever know the respect, esteem, and admiration that california, this congress, and
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frederick ryan, jr., chairman of the board of trustees for the ronald reagan foundation. >> on behalf of the ronald reagan presidential foundation, i would like to take this opportunity to convey our appreciation to the bipartisan congressional leadership, both houses of congress, for honoring ronald reagan in this special way. in the same ronald reagan spirit of region across the political aisle, congress has just passed, and yesterday president obama has signed legislation creating a national commission on the ronald reagan centennial. it will recognize president reagan's accomplishments, and celebrate his legacy on the occasion of his upcoming 100th birthday. in many ways, we at the reagan foundation view this event today as the kickoff of the reagan centennial foundation. are warm and sincere thank you
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to speaker nancy pelosi for hosting us today. [applause] in building the presidential library, and establishing the ronald reagan foundation, it was the president's desire that these organizations always been looking forward, and not back. ronald reagan's police and principals are timeless. every bid is relevant today as they were when he was elected president. today we remember ronald reagan's great contribution to our country, and we perpetuate his legacy by placing his like
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this year in the dome of this most hollowed ground of american democracy. knowing him as we do, president reagan was certainly be humbled to receive a special honor. i know he would insist that this recognition is not just about one man, but about the values he stood for, and the people who worked with him to make our country and of world a better place. we are delighted that with us today are so many people who were part of that great time in our country's history, and to work together with president reagan at both ends of pennsylvania avenue. these are more than just great staffers and members of congress, but gathered here today are many of the people, the men and women who formed the body and backbone of one of the most enduring chapters of our country's history. i am delighted to have a chance to introduce a man who was front and center in that story. [singing "ave maria"]
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always his trusted friend and colleague, james baker. ♪ [applause] >> thank you very much, fred. madam speaker, leaders, other distinguished members of both bodies who are here, nancy, ladies and gentlemen -- nancy, i know i speak for everyone here when i say thank you for your magnificent service as our nation's first lady. but most of all, for the love and support that you gave our 40th president. you created that secure space from which he ventured forth to change america and to change the
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world. and so, as this ceremony honors him, nancy, it also honors you. [applause] ladies and gentlemen, there are many people who deserve recognition for this beautiful sculpture of president reagan, including all the members of congress to honor him with their presence here today. but two other individuals played especially important roles. first, john rogers. we're here today because of his financial generosity as the patron for this magnificent bronze. you served president reagan with great distinction, both in office and out of office, and now you have served his memory and his legacy.
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second, the chairman of the board of trustees for the ronald reagan presidential foundation, fred ryan. fred, it was the foundation's decision that ronald reagan belonged here in this hall. it was your perseverance that turned that vision into a reality. you and the foundation have done a truly remarkable job. ladies and gentlemen, if any one belongs in this national statuary hall collection, it is ronald wilson reagan. [applause] like samuel adams, he was an american patriot. like henry clay, he was a superb orator.
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like george washington, he was a truly great president. like will rogers, because the giver and oklahoma's favorite son had a lot in common. they both starred in the movies. they both loved horses. they were both great at telling a joke. when ronald reagan walked into the oval office in january 1981, our nation has faced a number of crises. vietnam, watergate, oil shocks, and economic troubles. inflation and unemployment were high. public confidence was low. experts said america's best days were behind her, and that we ought to lower our expectations. but ronald reagan and his boundless optimism would have none of that. we are not, as some would have
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us believe, and doomed to inan inevitable decline, he said at his first inaugural ball. "we have every right to dream come into dream heroic dreams." and so, ladies and gentlemen, we did. president reagan demonstrated the power of big ideas. he was guided by a deeply held core values, principles about taxes and about spending, and about national defense. and most of all, perhaps, about the essential goodness of the american people, and the >> my name is ted kennedy jr., a greatness of america itself. name i share with my son, a name he never wavered from those i shared with my father. blinks. although it has not been easy at times, to live with this name, i at the same time, this idealist was also a principal pragmatist. have never been more proud of it than i am today. he would fight the good fight. your eminence, thank you for when he had won all that could being here. you have graced us with your be one, he would accept the
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presence. to all of the musicians who have compromises that were dictated, come here, my father loved the arts, and he would be so pleased oftentimes by political reality, for your performances today. declare victory, and move on. so you say, how did he do? my heart is filled, and i first want to say thank you. when he left office in 1989, the my heart is filled with appreciation and gratitude to the people of massachusetts. malaise of the 1970's was but a distant memory. my father's loyal staff, who in many ways my dad's loss is just america's economy was more than six years into a boom that would as great for them as it is for continue almost two decades those of us in our family, and longer, with only the briefest to those of us on my family and of recessions, truly minor ones friends, who have come to pay by historic standards, until our their respects, listening to present difficulties began. people speak about how my father impacted their lives and the when he left office in january deep personal conviction that people felt with my dad has 1989, america's pre-eminence in of world had been fully been an overwhelming experience. restored. he had strengthen our military. my dad had the greatest friends he had talked earnestly and in the world. all of you here are also my productively with our historic adversaries in moscow. friends, and his greatest gift to me. i love you just as much as he big fall of the berlin wall 10 months later was a test to the
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did. wisdom of his policies. sarah brown, president obama, after restoring our economy and restoring our confidence, and president clinton, secretary clifton, president bush, setting the stage for the end of the cold war, ronald reagan president carter -- you honor my retired from politics. family by your presence here then he retired from public today. life. i remember how my dad would tell audiences years ago, "i don't when the lord calls me home, whenever that may be, i will mind not being president. i just mind that someone else leave with the greatest love of is." [laughter] this country of ours, and eternal optimism for its future there is much to say and much -- he wrote. will be said about ted kennedy the statement, the master of the you will remember we did him a legislative process and final farewell five years ago. bipartisan compromise, workhorse of the senate, a beacon of right here in this capital, with social justice, and protector of the people. there is also much to be said, the deepest respect, and with and much will be said about my love, and yes, with tears. father the man, the storyteller, and with a renewed appreciation the lover of costume parties, of what he had done for the the practical joker, the united states of america. acropolis pager -- accomplished painter. he was a lover of everything that shining city on a hill that
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he saw so clearly, and that he french -- cheese, wine, and women. he was a mountain climber loved so very dearly. navigator, skipper, tactician, and now, fittingly, comes this airplane pilots, rodeo rider, magnificent bronze statue of ski jumper, a dog lover, and this great american. all-around adventure. it will stand forever as a silent sentry in these hallowed our family adventure left as all halls to teach our children and injured and exhausted. [laughter] our grandchildren about that he was a dinner table debater. which once was, and to inspire them with visions of that which was an irishman and a pass -- can be again. proud member of the democratic party. he was a green bay packers today, tomorrow, and unto the recruit but decided to go to law generations. school instead. magog ly god bless america and he was a devout catholic whose faith helped him survive unbearable losses and whose ronald wilson reagan. teachings taught him that he thank you. [applause] had a moral obligation to help him -- others in need. he was not perfect -- far from it -- but my father believed in
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redemption, and he never surrendered never stopped trying to right wrongs, be they the result of his own failings or of hours -- ours. >> ladies and gentlemen, please today, i am compelled to welcome mrs. ronald reagan. remember ted kennedy as my [applause] father and best friend. when i was 12 years old, i was diagnosed with bone cancer, and a few months after i lost my leg, there was heavy snowfall out of my childhood home in washington, d.c., and my father went to the garage to get the flexible flyer and asked me if i want to go sledding down the >> thank you. steep driveway. thank you. i was trying to get used to my new artificial leg, and the hill was covered with ice and snow, and it was not easy for me to walk. [applause] the hill was very slick, and as a struggle to walk, i slipped and i fell on the ice, and i started to cry, and i said, "i >> thank you. thank you. can do this. thank you so much. i will never be able to climb up
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that hill." and he lifted me up in his i have so many people to thank, strong, a gentle arms and said something i will never forget. he said, "i know you can do it. but i particularly want to thank nancy pelosi for all that there is nothing that you can she did to organize this, bring do -- can't do. it together, make it happen. i'm very grateful to her, and to we are going to climb that held everybody else, too, but together, even ift that is whae do with that loss, our ability especially to nancy. event that is one of my father's greatest lessons. he taught me that nothing is the statue is a wonderful lightness of runninonnie, and he impossible. during the summer months when i was growing up, my father would would be so proud. arrive late afternoon from washington on friday, and as you know, the last time that i soon as he got to cape cod, he would want to go straight out and practice sailing maneuvers in anticipation of that we can trace -- we can -- weekend was in this room was for his service. race.
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we would be still practicing long after everyone had gone so it is nice to be back under ashore. one night, another -- not another boat in sight. happier circumstances. i asked him, "why are we always the last ones on the water?" i want to thank everybody for being here, and for your "teddy," he said, "you see, most support, your thoughts, and kind of the sailors we race against wishes. are smarter and more talented than we are" -- and everything that has been [laughter] said here today, and lovely "but the reason that we are going to win is that we will work harder than them and we singing -- so beautiful. will be better prepared." he was not just talking about thank you so much. boating. my father admired perseverance. that is it. my father believed that to do a [laughter] job effectively required a [applause] tremendous amount of time and effort. >> thank you. dad instill in me also the [applause] importance of history and biography. he loved boston and the amazing writers and philosophers and politicians from massachusetts. he took me and my cousins to the old north church and to walden pond and to the homes of herman melville and nathaniel hawthorne.
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he thought that massachusetts was the greatest place on earth, >> ladies and gentlemen, please remain seated for the unveiling and he had letters from many of of the statue. its former senators like daniel webster and john quincy adams hanging on his walls, inspired by things heroic. he was a civil war broke. when we were growing up, he would have us all intoismy fathd >> ladies and gentlemen, the things. he loved his classic wooden schooner. statue of president ronald he loved his 1973 pontiac reagan. [applause] convertible. my father taught me to treat everyone i meet, no matter what station in life, with the same dignity and respect. he could be discussing arms control with the psident at 3:00 p.m. and meeting with a union carpenter on "teddy, let me tell you something -- making beds all day is backbreaking work. the woman who passed a clean up after us today has a family to feed -- the woman who has to clean up after us today has a
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family to feed." that is just the kind of guy he was. he adds with uncle joe's call to patriotism, of a tax cost to service, and bodies >> ladies and gentleman, rev. determination to seek a newer world. daniel cochlan will now unlike them, he lived to be a grandfather, and knowing what my deliver the benediction. cousins have been through, i >> let us about our heads -- bow feel grateful that i have had my father as long as i did. our heads. he even taught me some of life's our god, source of patriot harsher lessons such as how to dreams, and strirength of heroes like republicans. [laughter] he once told me -- he said, of, we're confident that this reception will remind people of "republicans love this country just as much as i do." the many blessings shed on the i think he felt like he had something in common with his great state of california. republican counterparts. all who visit here are blessed, the vagaries of public opinion, the constant scrutiny of the public life along with mrs. nancy reagan, demands. he understood the hardship that family, collaborators, and
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politics has on a family and the generations to come who will see hard work and commitment that it . he often brought his republican this work and remember the colleagues home for dinner, and words and work of the 40th he believed in developing president of the united states personal relationships and honoring differences. one of those wonderful of america. experiences that i will remember today is how many of his everyone will be blessed who hears this exhortation of ronald reagan and takes it to heart. republican colleagues are sitting here right before him. that is a true testament to the let us be shy no longer. men -- to the man. let us go to our strength. let us offer hope. always told me to always be ready to compromise, but never let us tell the world that a new compromise on your principles. he was an idealist and a age is not only possible, but pragmatist. he was restless but patient. probable. when he learned that a survey of for the sake of peace and republican senators named him justice, let us move toward a the democratic legislator that world in which all people are at they most wanted to work with and that john mccain called him the single most effective member last free. of the u.s. senate, he was so proud because he considered the to determine their own destiny. combination of accolades from
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your supporters and respect from your sometime political adversaries as one of the ultimate goals of a successful may god bless you ofall. political life. at the end of his life, my dad return home. amen. >> ladies and gentlemen, thank he died at the place he loves you for joining us today. more than any other -- cape cod. please remain in your seats for the departure of the official party. the last months of my dad's life were not sad or terrifying but filled with profound experiences. a series of moments more precious than i could have imagined. he taught me more about humility, vulnerability, and courage than he has taught me in [applause] my whole life. although he lived a full and complete life by any measure, the fact is he was not done. he still had work to do. he was so proud of where we have recently come as a nation, and although i do grieve for what >> ladies and gentlemen, thank
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might have been, for what he might have helped us accomplish, you for attending today's i pray today that we can set ceremony. aside this sadness and instead celebrate all that he was and >> in a moment, friends and did and stood for. i will try to live up to the fellow journalist remember high standards that my father walter cronkite, who died in said -- set for all of us when july. after that, a portrait of killing at the state department he said, "the work goes on. a former secretary powell later. because interest -- teh cause , members of the senate pay tribute to west virginia senator byrd for becoming the longest endures. serving member of congress in the hope still lives, and the u.s. history. dream shall never die." i love you dad -- i love you, dad. i always will, and i miss you already. [applause] >> all this week, interviews with supreme court justices. tonight we will sit down with the justices scalia and justice ginsburg. this. elliott talks about the role of the court in the process that justices follow in reaching a decision. justice ginsburg gives a tour of
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her chambers as she discusses her life before serving. see those interviews tonight at 8:00 eastern on c-span. >> now available, c-span's book. a great read for any history buff. >> president and mrs. obama, it is a unique, contemporary perspective on abraham lincoln. distinguished guests, friends of my father, all of you. from his early years to his life while a nation has lost a great in the white house, and his senator, my brothers and sisters relevance today. and i have lost a loving father. when i was a kid, i could not in hardcover at your favorite bookseller, and now in digital breathe. growing up, i suffered from audio. learn more at [captioning chronic and crippling asthma performed by national captioning attacks, and the medications institute] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2009] /lincolnbook. given to me were very difficult >> friends and colleagues paid tribute to longtime cbs news and gave me a throbbing headache. anchor walter cronkite. obviously, i wish that i did not the service took place at the have to suffer those attacks and regular place of worship for the endure those headaches.
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nor did i like having to grow up cronkite family. having a special non-allergenic this is one hour and 15 minutes. non-smoking room reserved for me whenever we went on family vacations, but as i now realize years later, while asthma may have posed a challenge to my physical health, it propped up my emotional and mental health because it kept my father by my bedside. my dad was always sure to be within reach of me, and the side effects of the medication meant that he was always holding a cold, wet towel on my forehead until i fell asleep again from my headache. >> he the believes in me, though as far as the special effort that was made to ensure that i had a proper room to sleep in he knew were dead, he shall while we were on vacations as a family, this usually meant that i got the nicest room, and it live. whosoever live and believes in also insured that that was my roommate. [laughter] the show never die -- and i could not have seen it at the time, but having asthma was like believes in me shall never die.
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i know that my redeemer lives in hitting the jackpot for a child who craved his father's love and attention. that he shall stand upon the when his light shined on me heiress. and though this body be alone, there was no better feeling in all of the world. destroyed -- whom i shall see when dad was a way, i often did not know when he would return -- for myself and my eyes shall behold, and not as a stranger. and that was a way -- when dad was away. as a young boy, i did not know for none of lives to himself and why he was not around christmas time when santa came to the house, and i wondered why santa had the same two moles on his dies to himself. face that my dad had, and in the for we live, we live unto the lord. and if we die, we die unto the same place as my dad. even after i figured out that lord. that was my dad and the costume whether we live or die, therefore, we are the lord's. finally came off, he still remained to be a magical figure. blessed are the dead who die. as a little kid, i did not look like much of a sailor, but my even so, it said the spirit for dad thought otherwise.
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the rest from their labors. in sailing, there are rules as well, much like government. welcome today to st. arthubarth tireless, mundane rules that will surely make you see things. the rule was four people on a boat. just four, but my dad dug around olomew's church and the celebration of a great life. until he found a bull around the let me ask you a few favors. please turn off anything that rule -- a rule around the rule. makes a noise. please abide by the cronkite family's wishes that there be no sound familiar? photography or audio recording kids under 12, especially scrawny little red heads like during this service. me, could tag along. my dad found that rule that mess i ask you to find a hymnal in the pew in front of you enjoy in with his -- meshed with his mission. the singing of 608. he refused to leave me behind. he did that for all of those around the world who needed a this chosen because it is the central voice. hymm for sailors. when we raised, there was lots of salt water and lots of salty language. ♪ those experiences not only brought my vocabulary, but they
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also helped my self-confidence. i saw a lot of his political philosophy in a sailboat races. one thing i noticed was that on the boat as in the country, there was a role for everybody, a place for everybody to contribute. second, in the race as in life, it did not matter how strong the forces against you were, the longest -- as long as you kept driving forward. there was nothing to lose. maybe you would even come out a winner. my dad was never about. he never gave up, and there was no quit in dad. ♪ eternal father, strong to looking out over this audience and looking out at this save whose arm hath bound the tremendous number of people who align themselves along the roadway, coming up on the case, throughout boston when we went around, who waited in line for restless wave hours to see his casket as they who bid the mighty ocean deep came through the jfk library, there is no doubt in my mind
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that my dad came out a winner. i want to thank all of you for its own appointed limits keep the amazing attribute that you have given my father in the last oh, hear us when we tried to several days, and i want to say, just as proud as i was to be tcry to thee crew on his sailboat, i am forever grateful to have the opportunity to have worked with him in the united states for those in peril on the sea congress as his colleague. i admit, i used to hang onto his t-shirt and his coat sleeve on o christ, whose voice the the capital when i was just a little boy, so when i got a water's heard chance to serve with him on capitol hill, all i needed to do was set my compass to the and host their raging at thy principles of his life. my father and i were the primary word sponsors of the mental health parity which was signed into law who walkesdst on the foaming dep last year. this bill represented not only a legal victory for 54 million americans with mental illness and calm amidst its rage who were being denied equal health insurance, but as one of those 54 million americans, i
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felt he was also fighting for me to help ease the burden of hear us cry to thee stigma and shame that a company's treatment -- accompanies treatment. i will miss working with my dad. for those in peril on the sea i will miss his since a self- deprecating humor. when the far right made that the o trinity of love and power poster child for their attack ads, he used to say, "we kennedies sure bring up the best our brethren shield in dangers in people." [laughter] when he first got elected and my cousin joe was a member of congress and i came to hour congress, dad finally celebrated from rock and tempest, fire and st., "finally, after all these years when someone says who does that stand kennedy think he is, foe there's only one in three chance protect them wherever they go that are talking about me -- who does that damn kennedy think he thus evermore summarize thall re is"." [laughter] to teddy, caroline, kara and i, glad hymns of praise from land
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we will remember him as a loving and devoted father, and in the and sea 1980 campaign, might that often quoted robert frost at the o trinity of love and power conclusion of every stumps speech to indicate that he had to go onto another political event. he would paraphrase the line our brethren shield in danger's from "the road less traveled." "the woods were lovely dark and hour ♪ deep, and i have promises to . keep and miles to go before i sleep and miles to go before i sleep." well, dad, you have kept that promise both literally and figuratively to be your brothers' keeper. now, it is time for you to rest in peace. may your spirit live forever in our hearts, and as you challenged us so many times before, make your dreams for a better and just america never die. i love you, dad, and you will always live in my heart forever.
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citizens, today we say goodbye >> let love be genuine, take to the youngest child of rose what is evil, love one another with mutual affection, outdo one and joseph kennedy. another in showing honor. the world will long remember serve the lord, rejoice in hope, their son edward as the heir to be patient in suffering, a weighty legacy, a champion to persevere in prayer, contribute to the needs of the saints, those who had none, the soul of extend hospitality to the democratic party and the strangers, plus those who persecute you, bless and do not life of the united states cursed them, rejoice, we senate, a man who graces nearly 1000 loss and has penned more put those who weep, live in harmony with one another, cannot be hoddy but associates with the than 300 himself, but those of us who love him 8 with his lowly, do not repay anyone evil passing know him by the other for evil, but take thought for what is noble in the sight of all. titles he held -- father, if it is possible, so far as it depends on you, live peacefully brother, has been -- husband, with all. beloved, never a venture sells grandfather, an uncle teddy, or but leave room for the wrath of
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god for it is written, a as he was often known to his young nieces and nephews, the vengeance is mine. i will repay, saith the lord. big cheese. if they are thirsty, give them . something to drink. by doing this, you will bring calls on their heads. overcome evil with good. the word of the lord. >> praise be god. >> the 23rd psalm. the lord is my shepherd, i shall not want. he'd leave me beside the still waters. he restores my soul.
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he needed to me in the path of righteousness for his namesake. yea, though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death, i will fear no evil for thou art with me. been >> that spirit of the rod and much -- the rod and resilience and good humor will thy staff, they comfort me. see teddy through more pain and though annointed my head with tragedy than most would ever oil, my cup runneth over. know. it lost two siblings by the age surely, goodness and mercy shall of 16. follow me all the days of my he saw two more taken violently life and i will dwell in the house of the lord forever. from a country that love them. he said goodbye to his beloved sister eunice in the final days of his life. he narrowly survived a pick -- plane crashed, watched children struggle with cancer, buried nephews and experienced personal setbacks in the most public way possible. a string of events that would have broken a lesser man. >> a reading from the gospel it would have been easy for ted according to mark.
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on that day, when evening came, jesus said to them, let us go to be cut -- let himself become for it to the other side. bitter and heart, to surrender leading to the crowd, they took to self pity and regret, to them along with him in the boat. retreat from public life and live out its years and peaceful there arose a fierce padilla wind and the waves were working quiet. no one would have blamed him for that. over the book so much that it was filling up. but that was not ted kennedy. jesus was in the sturm asleep on as he told us, individual a cushion. they woke him up. they said, do not care that we faults and frailties are no are perishing? excuse to give in and no and the lord rebuke to the wind. exemption from common obligation then the wind died down and to give of ourselves. became perfectly calm. indeed, ted was the happy he said to them, why are you warrior when the poet wordsworth afraid? have you no faith? spoke of when he wrote -- tempted more, more able to the word of the lord. endure, more exposed to suffering and distress. also more alive to tenderness. through his own suffering ted kennedy became more alive to the plight and the suffering of
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others. a sick child to could not see a doctor, the young soldier denied of rights because of what she looks like or who she loves or where she comes from. landmark laws that the champion -- the civil rights act, the american with disabilities act, immigration reform, a children's health, insurance, family medical leave act, all had a running thread. his life work was not to champion the causes of those ♪
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>> i did not know where i was going, so i don't know what i was saying her. [laughter] you have to have someone like me speak at your memorial service. walter was such a good friend. i cannot get over it. we met in london. walter was with the united press. i was with the army newspaper, "the arms and stripes. welthey would tell us when there
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would be a raid, if you can believe that. these days, you're lucky if they will tell you after they have had a raid. [laughter] a but walter and died and three or four reporters -- but walter and i n three before other reporters would go to bedford. it had airforce stations around it. we would each go to a base that we liked and we would write our stories. then we would go back to the headquarters of the airforce and they had it set up so that we could write and send back our stories. and that is when i get to know walter cronkite. you get to know someone pretty
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he was really ferocious at times. in the 1960 democratic national convention, when some security agents rough up and down rather on the floor, walter and lost his cool on the air, and shouted on the floor the convention. the next day, in the anchor booth, to our shock, first mayor daley kicked me out of my seat, sat down, and walter interview them about the events the night before. from walters point of view, it was one of the low points in his life because he had not defended
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the rules of coverage. then, in the fall of 1969, spiro agnew, then vice president, delivered his famous attack on the media. he said there were an eastern elite that had not been elected. walter was furious about that. if the media was not one to defend itself, who would. he grabbed onto it at the time. they flew out to st. joseph, missouri. they had a town meeting with citizens of st. joseph, letting the citizens explore the whole idea of whether we were
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nattering nabobs of negativity. cbs broadcast the town meeting that night. cbs was the target by the nixon white house. i do not want to get bogged down by all of that serious stuff. walter had this bizarre idea once that he would outlive the newscast without a script. he would recent story is that we thought were important enough to report. needless to say, the director, especially, was praised by the idea. we tried it. walter insisted that, when it
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came time to raleigh piece of film, he would press his nose. -- when it came time to roll a piece of film, he would press his nose. [laughter] we are talking about film, an audiotape. in those days, it took seven seconds for the projected to get up to broadcast speed. sure you had to be tense and tender about this. we never made it. it was utter chaos. we there ran over the film or the film did not come up and nobody knew what was going on, especially any sort of [unintelligible] it lasted for two days and then we went back to the conventional script. then there was a time he forgot his name. signing of, he said, this is -- and there was a blank. [laughter]
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finally, the comptroller rescue him by taking it away, rowling some morals. he never figured out what -- finally, the comptrollecontrolld him by taking away, rolling her somewhere else. he never figured out what happened. we would rehearse him for about the last week in january about how he would [unintelligible] [laughter] and it worked for a day are to and then he would relapse. it was just terrible. i want to talk about something called the magic number. if you're anywhere around our newsroom at the time, you'd hear people shouting in the last half-hour about something called the magic number.
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it was a piece of sorcery that was invented. i cannot claim credit for it. walter, who was very intelligent and very precise, he thought about timing things. and had to do with walters time on the air and it was a 22- minute newscast. he would time each piece of his copy down to the precise second, except, on the air, it never matched. it drove everybody crazy. somebody with a more medical -- with a more mathematical mind than i did calculated the coverage. we gave walter in number that was less than it actually was. he would stick to that number. on the air, he would expand to what we called the magic never. so we cheated him every day -- the magic number. so we cheated him every day. [laughter]
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whether he knew it, we do not know. we did not have the guts to talk to him about it. it would open up a whole can of worms. he was a lot of fun off-camera. you have heard this elsewhere. he played the clarinet badly, but good enough to get on his high-school band. in recent years, but his pal from the grateful dead brought him a set of drums. several weeks before the end, jimmy buffett flew his seat plane and landed close to walters' riverside apartment. he came upstairs and opened up this beautiful ukulele case. she thought was the most pitiful thing in the world. he serenaded walter with the ukulele.
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he was always a wire service reporter in his heart. he lived by the wire service that is, which i do not think anybody knows. did it first, but get it right. one of his first judge about getting it right was that the houston press where he was the copyboy. he had to get this houston bank clearing number everyday. aid was published on the front page of the houston press in a little box. it was a multimillion-dollar number. one day, the c at thgot the cens wrong. he got called up and really beaten up by the editor.
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he went out after words, feeling hangdog about it, and his senior but is said, hey, you better get out of town. you better be careful. you discovered that that little number was the key to the gambling numbers game. the last five digits of the clearing number was important. he had put down 27 cents instead of 17 cents and now his life was in danger. [laughter] in one contract negotiation, he shocked the suits at cbs. he did not want a raise. he wanted three months off. he wanted a new contract that
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paid him the same, but for nine months of work. they were jolted, to say the least. there was fear of the evaporating ratings if he was gone for three months. the editor at the time came up with what seemed like a reasonable solution. he said, walter should name his assignment. so for three months, they would say, walter is on assignment. walter thought that was funny. [laughter] on the day he left cbs news then became a cbs special correspondent, which moved him out of the news area, he accepted an invitation to something called bohemian roove, which is a camp in northern
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california for grown established men, bankers, serious dollars, who went up and it was a and off the record situation. they acted like a teenage boy is, playing on trees and things like that. [laughter] walter left the evening news in march of 1981. the following week, he announced that is going to bohemian grove that summer. he had been invited four years previous, but it was not acceptable given his role in the news to go. but once he felt free of the news, he was out there. he went there every year. of course, we do not know what happened. but he acted like a teenager. he became a member of the cbs board, of course. he had said to me, boy, you know, you do not know how many ways there are to say earnings per share. we sit there for hours and
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discussed earnings per share. it is just remarkable to me. every time i bring up a question about television, nobody wants to talk to me about it. [laughter] they are we are. that is a little bit of the walter rhino. -- the walter i knew. i did not work with walter. i was his friend for a long time. i was always just what he was really like. i would answer, he is just the way you copious.
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you -- you hope he used. he was always the pacman that america would hope he is. he was physically brave and he was never afraid to show his emotions. he was generous, fun-loving, a courtly gentleman, and good company where ever we were. to steal a line from melville, he was my harbor and my deal. -- he was my heart and my yale -- he was my harvard and my yale. i have enjoyed my ivery own smal celebrity watching him. our happy friendship began years ago. we were hosting a fund-raiser on the chesapeake bay. walter and best thbetsy were the
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celebrity couple. it was a rather dull affair. mrs. concretcronkite seemed to a good time. bessie was done fundraising and ready to go down to the annapolis warfront to visit a small 100-year-old saloon that i happened to own. we had great fun that night and spend the next day on the water. for the first day of a lifetime of sailing together. we visited each other's homes, laughter, and lots of the ventures. walter and i sailed airboats side-by-side and chaired the
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same deck for the next 35 or so years. we had the best seats in the house for the latest broadway shows. let me tell you, with cronkite, that was quite a ride. the day would eventually come to an end. walters about 25 hours into the 24-hour day. then the call would come up the stairwell, good night old boy. denied, walter. thank you for the great night. -- thank you, walter. thank you for the great night. we watched the sunset. we dined with presidents. we explored the caribbean by sale. the family followed me into their life and i became a trusted and comfortable member. by the way, sailing with walter
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on wednesday was not for the faint of heart. walter loves the sea. when the more timid stated short, we left our secure maureen and set sail -- are secure mmooring and set sail. pointers she would and we would go. --. her see word -- point her seaward end we would go. -- point her seaward and away we would go. a standing at the wheel of my beautiful old all legal, tucked in -- my beautiful old bald
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eagle, by comfortably or confidently trailed walter into probably every cove and harbert in maine and new england -- everett koop and harbor -- every cove and harbor in maine and new england as well. after setting the anchor in a pine-scented cove, after our bodies recovered from the obligatory plunge in the always frigid main water, the time would come frofour hot popcorn d
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cold beer as we rehashed the day's sail. after dinner, a pipe and a brandy on deck. one time, the magnificent or borealis flashed across the sky and seemed to flash for hours. we were awestruck. finally, softly, from winty, good night, old boy. that was sensational goodnight, walter. it sure was. every year, walter would sell to the chesapeake. this became an annual boys sale. it was manned exclusively by its military pilots. there were tough, dependable gentleman and love to trade
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stories with the cabin. the problem was that there were too many captains. all of us captain of our own boats. we were all either naval reserve captains, airline captains, or air force captain, captains from santa stern. so we commissioned walter commodore. he was the captain of captains. as you'd guess, walter had no problem adjusting. the ranking became commonly used among his friends and family. in fact, when i got the call that walter lost his final battle, the message was, the commodore is gone. the commodore and i sailed through a wild storm to bermuda. one year, just the two of us on deck, while the storm sank the
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biggest boat in the fleet. we took turns at the helm. it was a lifetime friendship that bonded that dark and stormy night. walter was more than a crusty old sailor or iron pants editor. he had an antenna sends it to friends pain. he knew the words that restored the fun and chased the worry and made things good again. he was the kind of guy who could openly, without shame, shed tears of the friend. my brother, my teacher, my shipmate, and powell, it is time for me -- and pal, it is time for me to say, good night, old
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i loved sailing with him. he was good at that, to. back in the days before satellite navigation, he would get as to the harvest mountain after hours in the dark fog. i admired my dad. he was just a reporter, he would say he just reported bigger and bigger stories. he was fast, too. he could rewrite stories during commercial breaks. during the 1960's, when the country felt like it would revert to the 1860's, his reports were fair and accurate. it seems to me that americans, on both sides of the political fence, others to each other. he looked thomas jefferson. my folks lived through the
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depression, the war, and the cold war before i was born. in the same year of sputnik, my dad walked home from the hospital with his new son of his. thank you, dad. thank you for rushing to the side of the boat when the boom not leaderboard. -- when the boom and knocked me -- when the boom knocked me overboard. thank you for being such fun to work with. we went from one small company to another in the 1990's. thank you for being such a good role model, doing your homework, being polite, saying to mama's a
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pastor in the hall where in the kitchen, shall we dance, and taking her for a few turns around the room. i'm happy for my dad. i am happy that he had so many interesting and very friends over the years. he would bring them home. happy that he finished his autobiography, the reporters left, before his health began to fail. i am sorry i insulted him by saying i was surprised how funny it was. i am glad he had such caring nurses and doctors in his last years. when we were young, my sister and i came to sunday school here at st. barts. four years ago kampf we memorialize my mom and -- four years ago, when memorialized my mom here.
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>> and the name of the father, the sun, and the holy spirit. amen. they told a story about a man who was one of the actual persons in human history -- one of the axial persons in human history. we're here today to commend him to god, one of his grief witnesses. a -- one of his great witnesses. walter cronkite was a father, a
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friend, and someone we would say in new york terminology a mensch. 2000 years ago, those first question witnesses also began to write what they witnessed. those accounts for the true context today in which we remember him and through which we commend him to god. they give us the words that we need to begin this peprayer and to proclaim what we do in this sacred hour. we simply thank god for the good things. we really cannot go further. although there were witnesses that the resurrection, those who claimed to be witnesses, there
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were really no reporters and certainly no video. nevertheless, we claim that this is news and good news. it is not journalism because it is not disinterested. it is the word of witnesses whose own lives were changed and who therefore wanted to change the lives of others and could affect the course of the world and do justice and to heal and to love. you may have noticed that there were two powerful readings today. walters family drew on their own inclinations to pick scripture. the first was from st. paul a letter to the romans, part of his passionate wisdom. if you read it closely, you'll find that this is the wisdom of the greatest living religions and it is one of the first
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claims of christianity that it was not going to be different from what went before. it was going to pass on great wisdom. let love be genuine, said paul to the romans. baker is evil and fallfest was good. love one another with mutual affection. out to one another in showing honor. only people who believe that they are loved can show that kind of love. do not lag in zeal. be sorted in spirit. contribute to the needs of the saints. show hospitality to strangers. these are the hallmarks of true religion and of the things that, when we see them in others, great people and people of no name, we know that we have seen the truth. but all great witnesses and all
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great reporters know that the truth begins with that last bursverse. do not claim to be wiser than you are. that means you have to dig for the truth and then you have to live the truth. trust is built on the kind of work. then they drew on one of the great sailing stories in the bible. the friends of jesus were out on the galilee, a little late, but subject to swallow. there was storm. he was a daredevil on the sea. they did not like that. but the lesson he ultimately taught them, he did what no sailor. can do ,he calk -- what no sailor i know can do.
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he calmed the storm. to be the least nervous person in the boat can be the gift. we look at the events of the world and the conditions of the day and it makes us anxious. occasionally, someone comes along and says i have dug and look for the truth and have witnessed it to you. in the end, all will be well if we did for the truth. -- if we did g for the truth. is, as paul said, our ability to show the truth with love -- let love be genuine. hate what is evil. do not claim to be wiser than you are. amen.
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now, where you stand, please? -- now, will you stand, please? >> with the assurance given in live at baptism, let us say, i believe in god, the father almighty, creator of heaven and earth. i believe in jesus christ, his only son, our lord. he was conceived by the power of the holy spirit and born of the virgin mary. he suffered under paunches pilot, was crucified, and was buried. he would descended. on the third day, he rose again. he is seated on the right hand of the father. he will come again to judge the living and the dead. i believe in the holy spirit, the holy catholic church, the saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrections of [unintelligible]
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and life everlasting. amen. let us join in the word that jesus taught his disciples. our father, the kingdom come, but will be done, on earth as it is in. heaven give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. for thine is the kingdom and the power and glory forever and ever. amen. in peace, let us pray to the lord. almighty god who has knit together in one communion and fellowships and mystical body of the sun, christ our lord, we
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beseech thee to the whole earth and paradise. dialect and the peace. >> amen. >> brand to us who are still in our pilgrimage and who walked yet by faith that their holy spirit may lead us in holiness and righteousness all of their days. >> amen. >> grant to all who mourn a sure confidence in my father's care, that cast in all their grief on the, they may know the consolation of i love. amen. give courage and faith to those who are brave and especially to this family, that they may have strength to meet the days ahead in the comfort of a reasonable and hold the hope and the joyful expectation of eternal life with those they love. help us, we pray, in the midst
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of things we cannot understand to believe and trust in the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, and the resurrection to life everlasting. amen. grant us grace to adjust well to to guide never failing love. recede into the arms of a mercy and remember him according to the favors though bearish on to the people. amen. and grant that increasing in lawless and love of thee, he may go from strength to strength in by heavenly kingdom. amen. please, be seated.
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>> i first met walter, cre crone under a piano. it was a big party. i was cruising steve allen and we did not get through until 1:00 in the morning. i was really for the party. i saw a man in the will of the piano with a big pillow. all of the seats were taken. it was jammed. he waved at me to come and sit on an empty pool next to him, which i did. during our first meeting, over
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half a century ago, we learned that we've both had boats and loved sailing. walter was a better sailor the night. -- than i. we sailed together from deign to the virgin islands. in the yachting language, walter cronkite would be called one of. an original. would replace your was your any room, it always -- what ever place he was or any room, it always was fun. just a few days ago, with kathy
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cronkite and maureen adler at his bedside, i took his hands and whispered, walter, let's go sailing. his eyes lit up and he smiled. i recited a poem with only a slight modification because i wanted to make it more personal. kathy asked me to share it with you. so, with apologies to the john masefield, i looked at walter and said -- you must go down to the sea again to the lonely sea in the sky and the only thing u.s. is a tall ship and the wheel's kick and the white sails shaking and a gray mist on the seas face and a great on breaking
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you must go down to the sea again is a wild call and a clear call that must not be denied all u.s. for as a windy day with the white clouds flying -- all you asked for is a windy day with the white clouds flying excuse me. it is getting a little rough appear with me. oh, yes. and the flying spray and the segal's crying and you must go down to the sea again to the vagrant gypsies live and the wind is like a wicked knife and all you ask for is a yawn from a laughing feller rover a quiet sleep and a sweet dream
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