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tv   Book TV  CSPAN  January 1, 2010 10:25am-10:30am EST

10:25 am
>> brian ross is the head of the investigative unit for abc news. mr. ross, in the madoff chronicles, what's new in your? >> i think there's a lot new of the relationship between ernie and ruth. what drove him to do it, when it started and his total lack of remorse. also take a close look at who else was likely involved that he didn't do this alone, despite his claims that he did. >> did mrs. madoff had it all? >> she deftly had a role. she kept the books when they started in the early 1960s on a folding card table in the apartment that she was still keeping the books the day he was arrested. and she didn't know drug, she certainly was along for the ride. i liken them to bonnie and clyde. anybody been firing guns, they were certain part of the scheme. >> do you see that this story
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will continue with more trials, etc.? >> there are more people, sort of the layers of the onion are being unpeeled. one of the significant questions i think though is the failure of the federal government here. sec investigators were after madoff again and again, from 92 on. they always missed him. why was that? their defense is they inexperienced and incompetent here but i don't know if that really satisfied an answer. >> when is the first time you heard of bernie madoff? >> the night he was arrested. i was sitting in new york next to my colleague. we had just finished reporting on rod blagojevich, the governor of illinois and his prevailed. my friend got an e-mail from the fbi saying bernard madoff arrested, $50 billion can. i said, i don't know who he is. that's a typo. it can be 50 billion. that would be the biggest in history. i soon found out. >> what kind of resources did
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you and your unit turn over to this investigation? >> well, we had the entire abc news investigative unit immunologic of action, much of it for broadcast but there were so many great details that just could not fit into the world news or nightline, 2020 and we ended up doing this book the first book i've written. >> it is her first book? >> i'm a rookie at this. but i enjoyed. it usually consists of a minute and a half or a minute fortify. and here i had as much other wanted. >> so how did you fit right in this book into your working? >> 4:30 a.m. was a good time to write, and they gave me a few days off over the july 4 weekend. so right after the sending at the end of june, i really swung into action. i was in pretty good shape to get out as quickly. >> did you have a chance to talk to any of the madoff for anybody close to him? >> well, i got to be very, very close with madoff's secretary for 25 years. she brought a stack of documents that she took out of the office.
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she felt so betrayed and angry at madoff and felt so badly for the victims who were her friends. she's the one who answered the phone, and when they called, she was in tears when she came to see me. she wanted to do anything to help bring this man down. and so that's how we got the little black book, which is published in our book. and lots of telling details. she gave copies to the fbi and copy today. >> it's the madoff chronicles, includes bernie's little black book you can see up there in the right hand corner. and it is published by brian ross. >> while researching his book, "the prohibition hangover: alcohol in america from demon rum to cult cabernet," garrett peck began getting temperment tours in washington, d.c.. booktv joined to learn how the temperance movement led to prohibition in 1920 and my
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prohibition was repealed in 1933. the tour begins at the little-known temperance fountain near pennsylvania avenue. smacked a site where sitting on right now is axley seventh and pennsylvania avenue at about halfway between the white house and the capitol. where the temperance once stood. they moved it in the 1980s about 100 feet north of us here. the site is very, very strategic here in washington, d.c., because again halfway between the white house and the capitol. right across from what once was a very, very bad neighborhood called murder row. a statue stood right in front of this building. at the base of it was a store called the apex liquor store. so it's kind of ironic that the statue itself eventually ended up in front of a liquor store. >> you said originally that the


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