tv In Depth CSPAN January 3, 2010 12:00pm-3:00pm EST
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>> host: on the back flap of books, authors often have endorsements, and this is your cover, "culture of corruption," your latest book, and the back flap is endorsed by mark levin and mark stein. here is your book from 2005," unhinged: exposing liberals gone wild," and on the back flap of that book you have some endorsements here, ought to be
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shot between those viet cong eyes. one tremendously stupid woman. a fete did heap of parrot droppings. what inspired you to put these on? [laughter] >> guest: well, it's such a convention. the blush that feeds the narcissism of the author and is, you know, is supposed to jump out at the consumer, and i thought i'd turn the blurbs on their heads with "you think hinged -- unhinged, and pretty much encapsulate the spirit of the book which is to talk about the intolerance of the far left, the racism and the sexism of so many of my critics that i thought deserve ised far greater attention than it ever would get in the mainstream media. and the book is filled with chapter after chapter of those kinds of attitudes not only towards me, but to most conservatives in public life and certainly to george bush. and this book was written in the
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aftermath of bush derangement syndrome during the 2004 presidential campaign. but, you know, one thing i think that's -- well, i wouldn't say gratifying, but i think is noteworthy about all the books that i've written is that they've had a much longer shelf life than the years in which they were published. just this past week i posted a whole new batch of the same kinds of hate mail that i called attention to in "unhinged." it's never e a bottomless source of fodder for an author and a writer. >> host: as we were discussing right before the show, your children could not read this book because of some of the e-mails that you have printed. [laughter] are these e-mails you received? >> guest: yes, yes. and what is striking, and i made note of this in that book and have since made note of it, you know, as i talk about the response that i provoke as a writer, as a public, very public conservative is that so many people are willing to sign their
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actual names to these missives and to these ad homonym attacks. i've talked about this, you know, on the book tour trail and certainly on college campuses when i talk to young people. i think that there's a special kind of animus that the left has for women conservatives and minority conservatives. and that was the point of the blurbs on the back and the chapter in "unhinged" on my hate mail. and there are other public conservatives, minorities and women, who have certainly absorbed the same sorts of slings and arrows. and i think that sarah palin is the most recent and the most notorious example of a public conservative provoking the most kind of unhinged -- to borrow a
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phrase -- hatred among the left. for what? for standing up and advocating a certain set of principles and ideas, for representing an ideology that the left which is supposedly open-minded and tolerant is absolutely allergic to. >> host: why do you think that is? >> guest: well, i think in the case of someone who has female chromosomes and brown skin, a conservative of color that there's a sense of betrayal. and i certainly saw this early on in my days at overland that merely expressing openness to the ideas of thomas sole or ronald reagan put you in, you know, the camp of minorities who had left the plantation or, you know, betrayed the expectations
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and the entitlement that the left feels to you and your soul and your mind. >> host: why do you choose to go to overland college which is known to be a relatively liberal campus? [laughter] >> guest: that's a good question. i thought i might be a world class by yangist at some point. i played through high school, overland had a wonderful conservatory, a world class conservatory of music, and i spent a semester there. i studied with a piano professor for less than a semester, and my eyes were quickly opened to just how talented people were, students were there, and i realized i wouldn't be able to compete in that. so i ended up sticking it out, and i eventually majored in english, but, you know, my formative time was spent on campus working for a
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conservative publication, and i've talked about this many times over the years pause it really gal v.a.ized me politically. sort of our campus version of the dartmouth review. and, again, there it was sort of the mere expression of conservative ideas that provoked such hostility and -- on campus. and there was almost a tribal atmosphere in the early 1990s. with regard to political correctness, multiculturalism. our campus had segregated dorms, segregated athletic departments, and i had never seen that kind of what i consider overt racialism in, you know, through my childhood and young adulthood. i'd certainly experienced overt racism, you know, i grew up in
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rural south jersey, you know, i've been called all sorts of racial epithets, and it's so much easier to deal with that ignorance. it didn't have that extra sense of patronage, the condescension and the sanctimony about it being good for you that that kind of racial segregation was intended to help rather than hurt minorities on campus. >> host: growing up, michelle malkin, what did your parents do, were your political views already set by the time you got tooverland, or were they changed? >> guest: i was always a congenital social conservative. i grew up in a catholic family. my parents came here from the philippines, and my father was a doctor, my mother was a teacher. but not overtly partisan, you know, there was a great love of reagan in our household, but we certainly weren't the kind that went out and campaigned or had
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la cards on the front lawn. it wasn't until i came to overland that i became politically charged. >> host: and you were known as the eva brawn? [laughter] >> guest: it was a result of the writing that i had done for the overland forum. and my now husband, jesse malkin, started up this campus publication, the overland forum, which i said is sort of like the dartmouth review even though we look back and it was so mild and moderate, you know, in comparison along the political spectrum. but i think that going after some of the left's big sacred cows, including affirmative action on campus, helped win me that moniker early on. [laughter] >> host: your former colleague and friend brian preston was quoted in 2007 as saying this about you: you've never met a
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happier person than michelle when she's in the thick of a fight. she enjoys combat of ideas. >> guest: i do. and can i have overland to thank for that. you know, i was not always the outspoken and, i suppose, lightning rod that i am today. i was actually very shy when i was in elementary school. almost paralyzingly so. you know, i had speech classes where i could barely get the words out of my mouth. but when i got to oberland, i came to the realization that if i didn't say something, who would? and i feel that, you know, god blessed me with certain talents and abilities and skills, a piano player wasn't ultimately one of them -- [laughter] but the written word certainly was and, you know, eventually with practice and time speaking
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out in public became a part of that, a natural part of that. it wasn't something, you know, that came to me as easily to me as it might have other people. it was, it was a skill that i learned, and i think, you know, especially, you know, in the 21st century you need to do all of those. you can't simply be a writer and expect the words to just communicate themselves. and so, you know, my career has evolved from being a syndicated columnist to doing the books, to doing the blogging, and i try to leverage it all to get my ideas out there. and certainly what you read is true, i do enjoy it. and i don't shirk from it the way i might have were it not for oberland. [laughter] >> host: do you still have shyness to overcome? i mean, before like appearing on this program or fox? >> guest: no, you know, i think
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there's always a nervous energy that you convert, and i think that you have to develop that machine over time. it's not nervousness anymore but more of, you know, the excitement and the anticipation of getting out there in the public square. >> host: liberal oasis executive editor bill shirr says she is a flame-thrower by choice, she is capable of sober dialogue, and you can find more of that in her earlier work as a columnist. but clearly, she feels she makes a greater impact with her present approach. >> guest: you know, just as background bill and i went to school together. he is an oberland alum as well and worked for me when i published the oberland forum, and we've had a friendly relationship over the years. i interviewed him when he came out with a book a couple of years ago for my web site,, and, you know, we've thrusted and prairied over the years -- prairied over the years. i think it is a convenient myth
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to think i've somehow changed my methods or changed my methods over the years, i've heard that from foreman colleagues of mine who i've worked with at past newspapers as well, but if you go back and look at my early writings, there isn't much difference than what i do now. i think the difference now is there's a greater audience for it because we have so many more ways to reach people than we used to. if you go back and look at what i called my pre-blog, a web site that i ran after i left the seattle times in the mid 1990s, the same sorts of issues that i cared about then i care about now. corruption, pork, matters of race and ethnicity, so with all due respect to bill, you're wrong, man. [laughter] >> host: one of your books, "in defense of internment," relatively controversial, this is what you write in the
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introduction. i just want to read this and have you expand a little bit. this book defends both the evacuation and relocation of ethnic japanese from the west coast as well as the interment of aliens, japanese and non-japanese alike during world war ii. my book is by no means all-encompassing. my aim is to provoke a debate on a sacrosanct subject that has remained undebatable for far too long. >> guest: yes. and what's interesting is that there are so many more people who think they know what the book is about and haven't read it than who have actually taken the time to do that. and i treasure each and every reader, particularly the high school history teachers and college professors who have picked up the book and have now incorporated it into their crick line curriculum. -- curriculum. i saw a huge vacuum in the debate over the very difficult decisions that franklin
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roosevelt and his staff in, you know, the war department, the attorney general's office, all of those folks and intelligence and national security had to make when they made these decisions. and the passage that you read is just a careful distinction because there's this all-encompassing term now, interment, that has been calcified, you know, in history lessons to refer to not only the evacuation and relocation of those, you know, 112, 120,000 residents who were either first or second generation japanese and others including enemy aliens, nearly half of whom were from european ancestry who were actually the interned in department of justice camps. the whole book was inspired by the rhetoric that i heard after september 11th from various ethnic lobbies, not just asian-americans, but also arab groups and muslim groups who
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opposed any form of national security profiling by invoking the world war ii episode. i think it was a dangerous example of civil rights absolutism that prevented folks then and now from having really important discussions about the kinds of detention procedures, the kinds of court proceedings, the kinds of privacy policies and intelligence decisions that needed to be made after september 11th. and i had said that, you know, one thing about each and every one of the books is that they are relevant even today. well, here we are, you know, guantanamo is about to be closed. well, it might take a lot longer than the obama administration anticipated, but he has essentially adopted the same position on indefinite detention as the bush administration has. to them the only quibble now is where these enemy combatants
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should be detained, not whether. and i think that's extraordinary. in essence, they have the same position that i do, and yet i'm the one with who's -- and the folks who embrace the kind of procedures that i talk about in the book are considered, you know, beyond the pale, traitors to the american tradition, etc., etc. and so i think that the reaction to the book was quite interesting and the debate that we're having now, you know, is very, it's very relevant to exactly what i talked about, especially this the last chapter of the book which talks about policy recommendations. >> host: your first book, michelle malkin, invasion, in 2002, you detail in one of the chapters you detail some of the deficiencies of the immigration
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service and getting into this country. very relevant today with the christmas bomber. >> guest: yeah, no question about it. and one of the things that i thought was very important about "invasion" is that it took a systemic look at our immigration lapses. it wasn't just about illegal immigration from the northern and southern borders and, you know, a lot of the debate about immigration today is hyperfocused on the southern border. of course, that's a huge issue, but it's not the only issue when it comes to treating immigration as a national security concern. and one of the things i talked a lot about in the book was the state department as the weak link in our homeland security system. and the christmas bomber episode certainly highlights that. because you have this foggy bottom mentality of just handing out visas blindly to anyone and everyone who asks, and those consulate officials do not have
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a war footing. they certainly didn't have a war footing during the bush administration and prior to september 11th when these 15 of the 19 hijackers got their visas from consular officials in saudi arabia who department even review -- didn't even review their applications and if they had, would have seen they were so sloppily filled out that there was no information about where these men were going, to who their contacts were in the united states. if you going to hand out a temporary business visa to someone, they really ought to have business other than plotting to kill americans on american soil. and with regard to the christmas bomber, you had the case where even absent the intelligence information that we apparently had, you know, back in the fall and back in august about abdulmutallab even without that specific information about his radical muslim inclinations, he
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fit a certain profile. he was young, single, male, muslim, and he was rootless. he had no permanent connections to his home country. he had traveled the world extensively, he was paying with everything in cash, and yet this person got a temporary visa to be here in the united states for a two-year period? there are already interesting regulations in the state department, in federal law that flag this kind of person as somebody who should be inadmissible and who should not be getting a visa in this country. but there is a knee-jerk opposition to profiling of any kind. and mind you, this is not simply racial or ethnic profiling, it had to do with a certain type of behavior, it has to do with a certain type of class profile. and so i think -- and this is a theme of both "invasion" and "in defense of interment" that we
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have to be very precise and specific about what we mean when we say profiling. and both of those books, i think, go into great detail about what i think should be done. >> host: you wrote "invasion" in 2002. what's changed? are we still stovepiping information? is it being shared now? >> guest: well, if you listen to all the intelligence officials, particularly over this last week and over the weekend, it's become the case that we're doing more of the collecting of the docs, but the connecting is certainly still incomplete. and in "invasion" i went into great detail about how we already had many of these existing databases in place, but there was so much bureaucratic in-fighting and territorialism. the fbi doesn't want to share with the cia, neither of those agencies share adequately with immigration authorities, and even if you look just domestically, there are so many forces on the left that are working to undermine the kind of
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cooperation that we need. there's now a new push for an amnesty for millions of illegal aliens who are already here, and as part of that package which is being pushed primarily by louis gutierrez who's a democrat from illinois, one of the things that they would like to do is torpedo what i think is one of the most useful federal, state, and local cooperative programs in this country. it's called 214g, i think it is -- 287-g. and it's a deportation program. they take criminal illegal aliens who are already in jail and instead of releasing them, the feds work with local sheriffs' offices to comb their databases and make sure those people are enrolled in the deportation process as their jail terms and prison term thes are coming up. well, the open borders lobby which includes not only, you
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know, the usual forces on the left but also a lot of big businesses, there are a lot of republican open borders types too don't want to see these programs working because if you deport illegal aliens, that's future am necessarytized voters who will end up on opponents' rolls. and this is anathema to the open borders lobby. anyway, this amnesty package would torpedo that program completely, you know, in the face of all this evidence and, you know, of many cases that i talked about in "invasion" where deportation would have saved countless american lives. >> host: welcome to booktv's monthly "in depth" program. this month it's author and blogger michelle malkin as our guest. he's -- she is the author of four books. this is her most recent,
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"culture of corruption," and she's sold over 300,000 copies of this book since it came out earlier this year. if you'd like to dial in and talk with michelle malkin or e-mail or twitter in, go ahead. 202-737-0001 in the east or central, 202-737-0002 for those of you in the mountain and pacific time zones. if you'd like to send michelle malkin a tweet. in all four of your books, you heavily footnote. in culture of corruption alone, there are about 70 pages of footnotes. why do you make such an effort? >> guest: you know, it's not something that i think about. i document everything. i think that there is increased scrutiny of conservative authors whether deserved or not, but i like to give credit where it's due, a, and, b, i'd like to arm the reader with as much
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information as possible. and, you know, since i've made this transition from dead tree newspaper columnist to blogger to author to blogger, it's just a, you know, it's sort of just a natural by-product of my own work habits and my own information gathering propensities that, you know, when i, you know, when i open a book, i'd like to know where they got that information from, and if it's primary source material, if it's a government document and there's a url for it, i put it on. and i think that, you know, here is, you know, in "culture of corruption" i preach transparency, and, you know, if i preach it, i want to practice it too. unfortunately, there are too many people in government who have made those kind of promises about transparency and failed to live up to them. >> host: you write all the time. [laughter] you're either twittering or writing on your blog all the time.
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where do you find the time? how do you do it? >> guest: you know, having an evdo card wherever i go and have wi-fi and am always plugged in makes it very easy to, you know, be on the road, mobile all the time. and i, i've become really efficient at doing it, i think. you know, people, some people ask me, how can you do it? you've got a family, you've got two little kids, and yet you seem to be online all the time. well, a lot of the work i do is in the middle of the night. [laughter] i think a lot of bloggers and, you know, i've noticed this over the years especially since, let's see, i started my first blog in 2004 are insomniacs, you know, just incurable insomniacs. so a lot of times i'll do my work in the middle of the night. word press, which is my blogging platform, has the ability to the advance schedule post so, you know, i can set it for a certain time to post so, you know, it
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appears that i'm online a lot when i can do this advanced schedule thing. tweeting, you know, i do during the day when the kids are at school, and then i write two columns a week which are filed on tuesdays and thursdays. >> host: when do you pick the topics for your columns? >> guest: you know, i'll decide what i'm going to write probably at around 9:00 in the morning, although prior to a deadline i'll always have two or three topics that i'd like to write about. sometimes it's the flow of whatever breaking news is or if it's something that i've been reporting on for the last week or two gathering string on, you know, i'll make judgments about a news cycle. if the it's a slow news cycle and there's no breaking news and i've worked on something that's more in depth or investigative, that might be a time to pick that topic. oftentimes i'll have to write off of a, you know, an obama press conference can or speech
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and, of course, the last month was, you know, rife with all the breaking news of, you know, covering the legislative battles and the health care bill and cap and trade, etc. >> host: today on your blog it's january 3, 2010, just to let everybody know what day we're going live here is the most underreported news stories of the year. >> guest: uh-huh. >> host: and you talk about the czars in government. and why that's underreported. >> guest: i do. and this has been a theme of my reporting over the year, and i had a chapter in "culture of corruption" on the czars. i've been tracking this since obama has been in office, and i think it's a very worrisome trend of having this inordinate amount of this class, this cadre of appointees who were not vetted publicly, did not go to the senate confirmation process and now have control over large swaths of the economy and our political life. and i'm not the only one who has
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these concerns, and it is not merely a partisan thing. when you have russ feingold on the left, robert byrd, you know, the senate democrat guardian of the constitution raising early questions about this, you know, early enough that it was incorporated into "culture of corruption" when it was published in july, it's a very significant usurpation of power. so in one of my final columns of the year i highlight two of the czars who i think deserve more attention, and i think that there is a growing movement in washington to pay more attention to this shadow class of governing czars. >> host: why'd you leave washington? [laughter] >> guest: because i could. i left about a year and a half ago, and i think it's a rare
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ja brawl. >> this month a net impact, the best of 2009. tough man on the ice. alex the great ovenchin. and why fame and fortune has not changed him. and paying tribute to a man that taught everybody about the game. >> and then a dream comes true for one high school baseball player, a story that will warm
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your heart holiday season. >> hello and welcome to this special edition of net impact. i'm art fa nel. this is the best of 2009 report where we look back at some of the stories that touched most and kept us talking. like the first report that we called a father's tribute when we went under the lights on the biggest stage in major league baseball where yankee catcher jose molina could not help but reflect on the death of his father. this year was particularly emotional for all of the brothers. we begin the coverage of a truly remarkable story. >> they are the quintessential baseball family, the molinas, ben gypping, jose and yadar, a
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rare feat three brothers playing ints. the backbone is gone. ben molina santana passed away at at the age of 58. >> it is like somebody take your heart and threw it in the trash. >> his passing was stunning between games of a youth double-header. games played on the feel where he built them from scratch. >> he had high blood pressure and he wasn't taking his pills and he was going to the fields andmaing it. all of it got his blood pressure off and that's when he had the heart attack. >> the funeral within the community where he lived. >> it was a major thing seeing 3 or 4000 people in two or three days showing respect, the most
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respect that they have for my dad. you have to be there to know how the kids were crying. i'm talking about nine, ten years old. >> my dad was a great man. he tried to help the little kids and got a bunch of teams. >> he died doing what he loved. he built that field literally. to die there was a special moment for him. >> a special moment as a special place, the ball feel which is such a community landmark and it's street builds the architect's name, it was on that field that a father taught his three kids had to play the game and how to live life through the game. >> he teach us about be a good player every day and try to be better every day we became a man through baseball. he wasn't only baseball, he was the others things first like during the school, doing your homework and don't do drugs and
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don't do this. and then you play baseball. that's the way he taught us. >> among the invaluable life lessons, the importance of sacrifice. little known fact, ben molina had the chance to personally blaze his son's trail to the big leagues about the time benji was born the hitter in the amateur league was offered to try out with the briars and his decision to raise his family at home might be the reasons his sons make their living behind home. >> he is a very strong guy. he had a lot of respect. he worked from five a.m. to 3:30 every single day for that m years. to tell you the truth, i never heard him complain once. i never heard that man complain one time of taking us to the field. >> he always had a smile and he
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was always there for you and his heart just -- the way my dad was, the tissue, everything, gave you everything he had for his family. >> now, as we approach the one year anniversary of his passing, the mo lipa brothers celebrate his father. they look at the letter he put in his casket. >> it will be a tough time without him and that i love him very much. >> benji channels his father's spirit by putting pens of words in a poem. >> thank you for loving me more now than ever, you are who i am today, you make me in soul, now it is my turn to love you, rest in piece. i love you.
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>> of course the season had a bitter sweet ending for jose, the yanks would go on to win the world series and with that win jose picked up his second world series ring, he received the first one along with his brother ben gypping with the and gers, his brother yad dar won a ring with the cardinals in 2006. of course the entire baseball community in the city of brotherly love was saddened this year with the passing of one of the game's great announcer, hall of famer harry callus. he was one of those class acts that for so many of us made the moments on the field magical. derrick gunn reports on the voice we lost. >> this afternoon at a little past 1:00 p.m., harry callus passed away at the age of 73, a day that will live in imfa knee
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in philadelphia. >> this ball is out of here!. the philadelphia phillies are 2008 world champions of baseball! >> a voice so distinct and recognizable emma knitting from a man that ca necked with fans throughout his career that took him from hawaii to houston to philadelphia. >> harry always had time to sign an you to graph, he always had time to take a picture with a fan. fans could would come up and hand him his cell phone and ask if he would record his outgoing message. >> you have reached kathy and kevin and they are not in writing now. >> it is out of here! >> it is a voice that provided the sound track for nfl films for 34 years. >> whatever we asked for harry delivered and he did it on the spot, he would would hand him
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the script and we expected perfection and got it. >> we got the ball back in 57 seconds, a chance for both teams. >> upon the news of his passing, fans in philadelphia create add make-shift memorial outside of citizen's park with candles pile out. the phillies flag flew at half-staff. >> i literally grew up only listening and knowing the voice of harry callus for the phillies. >> the thing about it is that he probably passed up in the booth the way -- being in the place that he would have loved. >> thankfully we have his voice to throw back in the vcr and listen to, he will be missed. he was a great person. >> less than a week later thousands took part in a public meme for harry inside of citizens' bank park family and friends came out to pay their
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final respect to the philadelphia icon. for all of us i believe i can look up and say harry, thank you for entering all of our lives and making them better and our prayers are that god's love and grace will you with you and your family forever. [applause] >> sanedoff so grand it had only been done on the baseball diamond two other times. for babe ruth and for legendarychart broadcaster jack carr. >> i'm a phillies fan that is feeling a tremendous loss today. i got to know harry when he first started broadcasting phillies game in 1971 and i was a 9-year-old fan tuning in. that is when i met the voice. >> the phillies organization is honoring his memory with patches on the uniforms over their
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hearts. a broadcast booth is now named in callus' honor ant 7th season stretch featuring a song that allows harry's voice and personality to take over. >> when you are done, look around. he had high hopes. >> so while the city of philadelphia and its baseball team and football fans across america may have lost the voice, they will never forget it and as the tribute continues on, the impact of harry callus, the broadcaster and the person will never subside. >> in a world away, two nfl players on a humanitarian mission literally save a little girl's life. >> i couldn't believe what was happening. happening. >> you will hear the inspiring
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of their lives. >> one story inspired all of us to do better. what started out as a humanitarian mission to africa for two nfl play earths from the chicago bears ended up in a life saving mission. from sports net chicago, here is dan higgins with the story we called gridiron guardian. >> i think god has put people in the right time and place for things like this situation like this. we didn't pass the buck. >> two defensive line men and two teammates united in a goal to establish nfl supremacy. away from football there's another purpose that unites them. in a place a world away from soldier feel. >> during the off season the two bears were joined by teammate tommy harris on a special trip
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to nigeria for willie and who say born in to royalty, the africa journey was a home coming. >> this trip was two fold, we wanted for have a football camp where we were teaching nfl style football to youth and have a mel clinic where we were servicing world cities in -- outside of laos and the capital of nie jarya and it worked out well. >> they don't care about the football side. it is more like our sons are back. they are back from the united states and their long extended visit and they are back home and we get that kind of love and it is hard to explain, like a love that a mother has for their son and the whole country has it for us. >> our every day life, it doesn't matter who we are and where you are from and what you v you can all do little things to impact somebody's life. >> through football, wally and
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izzi can make an impact on countless fans but during the trip, there was one child who made a huge impact on them. a 4-year-old lady named shakier asman. her smile and behind that was a sick girl in desperate need of health. she was born with a life threatening defect, a whole in her heart. as words spread about her condition an organization called the heart gift foundation was is able help but there was a page snag. airfare to the united states was not part of the funding. >> i was like it can't be happen tog this girl. so full of life, even when i wrote a letter, i said she is full a life. i started talking to people and fortunately, i met this
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councilwoman who happens to be wally's aunt. she said my nephew who plays football in america is in town and he will step in and want to do something for you. >> wally's aunt came up to me and told me about the child and the situation and spoke with the mother and it was just when you look ate, it is a no-brainer, beautiful young girl and just needs the operation to get on the right track. >> both wally and izzi pulled their resources for the flight that saved her life. they made the trip to austin, texas, the home of the heart gift foundation where saving children's lives is the people they are in. on april 13th, surgery was
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performed to correct her heart. >> i was grateful. i couldn't believe what was happening. is this a dream? is this reality? >> shagoom is healthy and vie want the girl now with the help of everybody involved including two men with big hearts who saved the heart of one. >> we are the ones that received the blessings to touch this young girl's life and try to make a difference, to be a part of something so positive. they were the ones that walked away feeling like wow, it gives us a perspective on life. >> a fresh perspective on life also applies to my report on herb luck a forming runningback with the philadelphia eagles that now run force god. i traveled with pastor luck to africa where he runs a humanitarian mission called stand for africa and it stand
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for food and clean drinking water for africa's people. the former 32 on the field has now been back to africa four times doing what he calls god's work. >> you know it is not just the professional athletes that are teaching us about teamwork and core and and in spa ration, all you have to do is take a look at this story that involves a baseball player and a team that changed what the word winning means. mindy report reported on a champion's heart. >> spring, a time for new beginnings, a familiar warmth of the sun on your back as many discover the love for the outdoors. in carmel california, a town with roots as deep at giant redwoods, one day the spring was
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different than the rest. meet women rudolph, team manager for the carmel high school baseball team. >> very positive, polite and cracks funny jokes. >> kind of makes his own path in life. he has done it with a certain amount of creativity. >> he is a good catch. he listens and he is a teenager and he is a great kid. he loves life. >> will rudolph has a taxya, a mild form of sa rebbal palssy. a limitation with debilitating results potentially. over the years chores have become tougher, he has managed to stay focused on one of his true loves, baseball. >> made a do donation to
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children's make-a-wish foundation. >> my illnesses not terminal. but getting in a ballgame will be true. >> my junior and senior year, i watched games. >> nothing could have prepared will for what was in store. the bottom of the 6th inning of carmel's final game of the season and will's dream was about to become reality. >> from the second i heard the coach say number 30 for 14, my eyes welded up and i started to cry and i was like his dream was coming true. >> i haven't been on the field in an actual baseball field in the game since i was like 8. i was pretty happy then. the coach was cool enough to put me in the game. >> will was just pinch running
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at 3rd base. >> i said you are not going to run. >> the crowd was going crazy chanting his name. >> with cameron was in position a father was ready to catch a special moment for his son. >> my perception of what i should be doing ant angle i should have on the shot and how do i capture it the first time on the field. >> what happened next was something all in attendance will never forget. >> before the play actually i thought about it, they hit the ball to me and what was i going to do and it came to me and i cannot -- i actually paused for a second while i was running to 1st base and i was praying that he would throw me out instead of
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will. >> running. thought they had an easy play. >> i tooked a look from 3rd base and i pointed at first. >> i was going to throw it from home but i don't know, something in my heart told me that was not the right thing to do. >> that warm moment of mutual respect and sportsman ship create add memory that will last a lifetime. >> truely, i didn't stop crying until pretty late that evening. because i saw him get lifted up and it was just a dream come true for my child. >> while the run was one of many in carmel's easy's run no
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scoreboard could measure the impact it had on a young man with a dream. >> it's such a small thing that he wanted. after everything he has gone through to make it happen. it was the most wonderful moment i have had. >> both the coach to know my physical limitations and still put me in, that is amazing. >> to realize that t t t t t t
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miles per hour. stay right this because net impact is coming right back. >> welcome back to the best of net impact 2009. >> you may remember our report on washington capital's alex ovenchin a player loaded with family and forks he has major endorsements and commercials and his own clothing line and that's just for starters. earlier we asked the hockey superstar if he is overwhelmed by all of his success. >> in washington it is a pretty cool thing. you go in a shop or you buy some stuff and shopping and people just say hey alex, good game last night, critical game. it is very fun. >> one more interesting thing, this tough guy on the ice actually admit that had he cries
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at movies. well, actually, so do i. go figure. finally, let's have some fun, some fast fun, some of the best work happened this year when our reporters got right in the middle of the action in this case, speeding through the turn at 120 miles per hour at the famous dover international speedway for chris miller it was time to start your engine to see if he could survive the notorious monster mile. >> chris miller and don knee knew birring here's dover international stairway, year two of the monster mile experience, got the fan experience and i'm going behind the wheel, time to go drive. ten laps of fun, let's get it done. >> it's official, here is my pit pass and my name on it. if anything happens, put it in my meme mores. >> are now a semiprofessional race car driver. and maybe by the end of the day it will make you professional. >> it's that time. got to go put on my uniform and when i come back i will be a full fledged driver, i hope.
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>> hey, buddy. thank you very much. >> make no mistake, if anything happens to me, you have to explain it to my wife. >> me and your wife have it worked out. >> is that why the insurance papers are out this morning? >> i'm moving right in. >> all right. here we go. more laps. my man don new berger. >> that was a tip, for us doing 120 miles per hour going into that first turn, you feel it.
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>> it will be all right. it will be all right. >> we are ready. i am ready. all of the teachings that don gave me for the past year-and-a-half i get to a my it and go around the monster mile, they don't call it that for a reason. that's it. let's go race. [ revving ] >> donnie, how did i do? >> what do you think hot rod. >> that was awesome. >> you look good. >> turns all right. >> not bad, for a rookie you did a great job. >> the hat man, call the hat man. >> all right. >> this is one of the toughest tracks, called the monster mile for a reason and it is a track you have to drive, you did all
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conference play. and mike corey alongside them. for a great game and they played today. starting with the one today. two very evenly matched teams for williams mary. >> this is a great rivalry. last year in the caa tournament. petter to see one point. great matchups due to the best rebounding team and the impacting freshman which you're going to talk about. >> the great pressure for both teams that are really doing a great job. >> all three of them, posting double doubles lead by shante evans. a good mix with them. this year, 75% of the starters returning. but look for these rookies to really have an impact today. shante evans, doing it all for them right now. leading them in scoring. she's a relentless rebounder. she's going to be all over the boards today. and taylor hilton, the sixth player for coach taylor coming off the bench. very versatile. having a great freshman start. and emily has started every
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game for them this tide. >> boy, we caught up with her earlier. >> this will be one or two on the board and an unbelievable freshman and incredible which will be an incredible game to step up to meet contacts to pull the boards to play great defense to make the shots. it's going to be a battle for the team that is so physical and they are ready and not in place for them. >> well, you see jess fuller, the team that she's all over the place inside for them and the score and that pride with the chance for the shot blocker. and look for both of these women to get a lot of touches today. the post game that will be very important. you'll see two of the very best in the league. >> that is very exciting from youngs talent and the veteran post players as well. we'll be right back with the
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starting lineups and the opening attempts for them today. and the caa women's basketball today from williamsburg right after this. >> and today's 3aa basketball coverage on comcast sports desk is brought to you by comcast, how you play. sa minutes will save you 13 or more on car area. and by worldwide. you do your thing, leave the rest to us. anncr vo: with the new geico glovebox app...
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welcome back to williamsburg, virginia. and let's get to the starting lineup to host the pride. we've talked about this player earlier in the open shots for them. leading the team in scoring and rebounding for the young freshman out there in pennsylvania to get the great cards for them as well. and brigham and them. now, the forth season, and nc state, doing a good job here. first year leading them to the post season and the school, 26 wins. here's the starting lineup for them. talk about the inside present, the senior with the team leading 16 blocks. good cards there. and the point, back after mentioning the game, with the
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explained ankle. setting out there all last year with the injury. debbie taylor, now in her 11th season. the graduate of the college back in 1986 as we get ready for the start of this one before. going time out for the more family appearances. and your talks. >> when you talk to those coaches, you know that is very well. a great rivalry. and so, we've got to get pack on defense. it this is the most athletic look for them. for and they are looking to go. they al need to be able to handle their switching defenses. so william and mary, coach taylor talked about how they need to execute to take care of the basketball to make good decisions to limit the turnovers. and she said that this game is going to be all about the boards. rebounding that is going to be huge. so this is on the back pord. >> all right, underway for them to see the ball to begin. and coming off the two-game losing streak. william mary, they are one and the official is underway at
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katherine arena. >> the first show on the early three for them and the rebound, brought home. for william mary. >> triangle offense for william and mary. a lot of movement. >> to get inside to gather and nothing is at short. repound to candice bellocchio. wondering how tired they phaoeugtd be for this ball game after the tough trip down there in texas with her earlier game going inside. and shante evans back to first. with the basketball. >> reporter: yeah, tough travel day for them yesterday. but they will be ready to go. an early look at shante evans. her job is not done yet, mike. you have to keep her off the board. interesting that she's in a face mask. don't know if she suffered a broken nose recently, but that's a new look. >> they lead the all-time
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series with these two teams. first one back in 38-39. and 13-13 all tied since haás time -- last time you mentioned it was a one-point win for william. and what a play right there. >> you can see, no decision. and they are tpoeupbg to play behind -- they are going to play behind tiffany benson who plays a great board out there. >> a great play for william mary. >> such a strong guard. you can see how strong she is. the ability to hang in the air and to finish on the break. william and mary looking to finish the tempo. >> all caught on shante evans, the first this afternoon.
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and connecting out there. 3-0 tribe, just a minute and a half out of the caa opening weekend. great games for the conference play today. we're meeting things up here today. it's kind of interesting because you look at some of the team's records early on. and really, you need to kind of wait to see them in the conference play and you look down the roster with seven wins a piece. you're looking at them to see that it is 2-8. and much better. >> the top 25 schedules for them. >> it's all about scheduling. and the best of these coaches for them in the philosophy and the crew season which is to play a lot for them. and so defense in the bench to find out who's ready for them to start in caa. and speaking out there, you can see her with her head up and the ability to run with the good floors and the transition. >> a little bit behind the play at that time. that's the very first personal foul for the freshman as they headed to the free throw line
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for them, 4-0. very good free throw shooter. it's 75% on the season. and william and mary so far 3-3 on top. 5-0 early on. two minutes in. >> that's the early look for them to set up the defense. the three quarter plays for them. >> and here is evans. they get passed out to the wide open shot to come by. and they do that again to follow by evans. you talk about that. they will be all over the place any side, offensive repound for them and the big keys down low. they show it right there. >> coach taylor talked about it on the shoot around. and you cannot just turn around to get the body on somebody today. you have to hit and sit. and you've got to get shante evans out of the keys. and she is just relentless for them. >> and great position there on the weak side. >> you're watching one of the best players from the nation last year.
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over 2,000 points scored. mcdonalds nominating. and to stop the coach. the first for them earlier. and she's recruited by them. west virginia, george washington. how did you get her to come out there early on? they are out there early. when she stuck with it, she stuck with the first rule to see that. and that's not always the case, you know, with the recruits to go with the first choice like that. >> we love it when they are approaching for the early commitment. a lot of the players, they really wait. and sometimes they just know when you get lucky. obviously that crosses for them. and the people think that they have are the potential to be one of the best if not the best ever to wear that uniform. >> a good deflection there for them and william and mary to get into the basketball with the 5-2ed advantage for them. here's benson.
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>> three pointers, a good job for them and the rebounds. and the three pointers now on the way. counting for the hostage. and to knock it down there. and this game is tied at five. >> well, the best feet to talk about them and their emergency. and the leader out there and the situation that they were embedded for any player that they ever coached. they obviously have the ability to hit the three. but with a young team, on the lock. in west virginia for all of them and out of virginia beach and ready to take a breather. >> that's the three pointer back on the other end for them. and for all of them.
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and you can see not only for that but the offensive threat as well. >> they are hoping that they are staying in this situation all last year. and that she sprained her ankle and they are looking out there. and they are under all the pride. and for william and mary, we'll be right back. time out in the court. 8-7 as brigham lays it up there to the end.
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opening weekend of the caa conference play from william and mary at the tribe the top of the pride early on. and they are 7-5 this year with their five losses. one with the number one connecticut. and that may be what they needed at the end for them. and how about the other three marts for them? >> yeah. and she talks about if you're going to suffer these one-point losses, rather than get it out of her system, tie it out there. every game in caa is talking about possession for them. and learning how to create some separation to put that team away. certainly that's the one kid
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that deserves that. >> the only team in the nation with the one-point losses this season. to get you the defensive plays to come out of it. >> and some of these teams, very offensively minded. >> early numbers as you see there, knocked out of the couple of field goal for them. and now their offensive sides. and they will be fouled. she's like what, three right now? >> yeah. all-time leading offense for them and the basketball and working the weak side for them where so much offensive rebound out there for the efforts that you cannot down play these instings. we see it with them. and really good for these things to take to that basketball. >> 13 fouls for them first on pushers. and the rout hand out there to go for al aldridge.
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all right, holding the ball out there today. knocked that one out. >> and that did not start earlier until the season. the coach was trying to motivate her outstanding sophomore to work a little harder with all the confidence in the world. and she's actually the go-to player offensively. they will claim that this afternoon. checking in for the pride who have it right now. five minutes have gone by here in the first half. william and mary will take on the steal. >> executing the game plan for them and they talked about tkparding the paint today. one player on the basketball. four players starting the paint. knowing that they are trying to get the basketball inside. >> aldridge tried to get it down low. and that's a move by them there. not going down low, which they had have their way to call
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the suspense. >> outstandingth lettism, needs to be a little stronger to knock their balance. they will have the ability to sit down, slow down, and execute the move without travel. >> have you seen the three turnovers? that's the thing. coming in, averaging 23.5 to see that other one out there. right behind them with 22. to change that defense for them and that this is the young teams. the triangle offense that they need to run very difficult and both these teams, they need to take better care of that. they hit hard for a couple at the free throw line. and they went into that side for them to talk about the ability. to have a couple of free throws. the
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>> they will probably get some isolation opportunities for them in that triangle offense. and etc. at that time at the elbow for them and she has that option of going one-on-one. >> pack in for hoff hoff stra -- half pack in for hofstra. absolutely a great look. diagonal to beach their own pressure. that's an easy push.
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there's the touch so far and almost another steal for them and on the deck. as you get on the call to tie up and they look good, the time-out that came in with it and they called that time-out. they became with the po ses here to snap it all over the court so far. >> absolutely on carry. they are the best that they will love the effort early. an intense competitor and they love the season team getting on the floor in the first caa game of the season. >> some pressure for them today. talking about all those things that they need to work on. and the three quarter pressure for them. >> absolutely wanted to beat the zone press with them trying to get somebody from the middle of the court. this time they attack them using the sideline with the great diagonal pass. and with shante evans having the fantastic side. that's the turnover. and they really saved that play. and again, that's a great job breaking the pressure, if it is
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not the pass, it's the dribble. >> and they did it because they needed to lose the pal quickly. when you take the time like that, they give them a chance to take it so quickly and to low that out there. >> that falls into the unforced turnover categories and to see that away. >> hanging onto the one-point advantage. and again, to take it on the inside. rebounding for them. >> the same with shante evans and the scouring report. to say that they are already one of the most physical plays for them. >> with the shot out there to put the pressure on top there.
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center a great hit by them in that point guard position. she's a come poe point guard and that she has that ability to penetrate. trying to find the right balance. >> and when she leads them out there to score for eight points a ball game with a whistle here and a foul for william and mary. the freshman? , this will be her first and third for the team foul in the first half. as the the coach has not seen or take over the one-point lead for them there and trying to win their third in a row. field goals early on for them. and to attend for william and mary. and this is up high. to see that as well. they heard about that as you just tripped down to see about that. >> and a number of white shirts
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that surround the possible any time they get out there. pretty successful. limiting any touches for them in the post area for the pride right now. >> and that is a great three-point shooting team for them to get that problem there. if -rz >> she's out of the bin right now. but they will need to reset. malone seeing that triple out there. and now playing up. another offensive repound. >> moving it down low. traveling violation for them and that will be william and mary ball when we return early on here from waynesburg, virginia.
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leadership for hofstra. and coach taylor said that janine is playing well. very important for our team. embracing the role on empowering all of them and to bring that there. >> reporter: the opening weekend here on caa and the conference plays going on right now. and they are on the way. all good for them and the offensive rebound but keeping them alive. >> actually right now, we're leading it to james madison. 26-24. that's inned philadelphia with that much to go in the first half. >> and stop by aldridge. they are just talked about it. >> well, when you make the search for them and the rebound that will be right on cue. and you can see them shoot that there as they like to take it at that time, very good move off the dribble for them. >> and now evans again. they got a piece of the ball. it looks lick that part of the arm for them right there. >> and a nice little team to handle that there, and tiffany benson running the floor to
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make that hostile move to get off the floor. >> and to get by the defensive shot. the double team and another steal. and aldridge again. they are all over the place. up by the hands on that side, the rebound for them. >> a little up and down action. and they had take the time. lock it up, call the stuff. >> they are back up now by three points. almost halfway through the first half here for them and the shot clock that is down at ten. they need to put it up. that'll be a good violation.
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they are a young team. and they need to create offense from the defense to show that out there again. but the tribe overall, a good start on the defensive end of the court. offensively, a lot of people to get it done and the photographer said that a lot of people have balance here. and you know, i mean, that is a good player that could get it done for them on the offensive repounds. >> a good positioning which is the same one-on-one opportunity. and they need to settle their stuff. we're squaring up. and at that time to slide in to pick up that tribe. >> to pick up that seat and the freshman for one of the mary taylor hiltons for them to check out from washington, d.c. >> the coach at the time to talk about what they need to do for their game on control. and you can see it there. they need it to square it off the free throw line for them
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out of bounds on the baseline after they needed to get it knocked away for them on the offense and from william and mary. so when they moved the ball quickly. finally the open player trying to get it down low inside and to get that there. >> they have been really contested by williams and mary with not a lot of easy looks for them inside out there. >> and to walk with the foul as well as the forward and the body and they are your first. >> steve benson, the rebound for them to go left and they have an opportunity to finish that is really a game changer. and later on this year, that's benson and one struggle for them. and you have to work on it and they would find
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that there. to see that on the rebounding track for them at one point. with the free points that meant it there. and that is only 25% from the free throw line on the defensive end. and hofstra with a couple presented out there for the steal. as brigham, they've got it. under nine minutes to go in the first half. evans, to get that one and a little colder right now. because they needed to pick up the second rebound for them on that logo. >> and to see the little ganging bang running by. and they stay with william and mary here. >> red shirt sophomore, scrap but point guard. staten island, new york. real tough. big shoes to fill. stepping in.
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your starter for blanking them out there. just the real coach on the floor. the point guards for your children. and bellocchio, just the double threat. >> bellocchio to help to get them out there and bellocchio with a school record of 14-6 on the same plan for them earlier this year. and as you said, not only did they score, but a great job the at this half. >> yeah, i broke a record of 13 by them. and 71-80 for the record that is a long time. and bellocchio, great out there for the division. >> they need to get out of here a little quicker that is tied up. that'll be william and mary's ball on the jump. we'll have it when we come back. tribe on top by three under eight to two the in the first half.
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here's one for you. if me and buster were hanging over a cliff... and you could only save one of us... - which one would you save? - easy, you! - ooh, me or your mom? - uhh sorry mom! your miller lite? oh man... ( mumbling ) how high is the cliff? do you love the taste of your beer this much? well, you could. try the great pilsner taste of a triple hops brewed miller lite. taste greatness. if me and buster were hanging off a cliff... what is she talking about? i know.
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man sprinkled in. coach taylor, they really believe that they could take care of the basketball in order to compliment all of them and their defensive side and to score into the 70. they are very happy for them and the extras. >> for the tribe down low, and making it a five-point advantage, absolutely. on the defense. and that they were not up there. pretty much out there for them today. and forth in the field. and they already got that there. this afternoon, they missed that shot by brig ham and they were re-- brigham and they were rebounded for them. >> they should have mentioned it when you have the defense for them. you're in great shape. and the coach said that they are real proud of it at this point. certainly if you're the effort that needs it on the defensive end, you have that there and the sides. and that certainly helps execute those pressure defenses. >> reporter: and there is a drive and the foul that brigham got hit. let's take a look at the offense.
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that is for all of them to hand off their own one-handed bounce there. you know what, i am so proud of her because she said that she has already twoped her game with tiffany benson reporting out there to the freshman. and not a lot of offenses there. obviously they had that athleticism. but she has really worked to become an offensive player as well. >> reporter: the foul was on benson for william and mary her first on the team. at the free though line. brigham. and as you see the execution, marie malone and from william and mary. >> pardon me, for hofstra. the advantage here with seven minutes to go. they are unable toking hang on with taylor hilton. the interesting pass for them right there. >> and that is a little too late. they read the overplay out of the triangle offense. and just a little too late by
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aldridge. >> shooting just four out of 17 from the field. and that is the expensive shot. benson pushing in on the all-time mark for blocks. >> we'll talk about all those outstanding players with the basketball. they started a tribute to tiffany benson. >> they will pretty much see that. this year, on the rebound for them and brigham after the mess. only down four here despite that and not that much better. down to 28%. pressure defense up high. belo key owe a -- bellocchio a nice pass there. and no good as well. they can't get anything going right now. and 25 plays. >> malone was surrounded but a good opportunity to get that
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there. good thighs. and just couldn't get it to fall. >> and that offensive foul for them that had be the second. that's the 16th foul for them at the first half. >> hofstra is trying to increase that defensively. picking up full court for them at that time. and very aggressively. five and a half to go on the the first half and right there to raise it. they lost their three at that time, but off the mark for them. and the rebound to put that there. and that is the second chance for them and evans able to put it in. >> and first, they had a look. that's the one player that they were really going to extend for them and find. and beyond the arch, you couldn't get it to fall. and shante evans in a one-on- one
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rebounding situation. and they really have the advantage. >> i feel like each team had a lot of opportunities for them on the offensive rebound. with the chance for them and hofstra and just two of the william and mary team, converting on those chances. shot clock down to four. malone in the shotgun being deep. and converting to them there and a foul as it was for malone getting ahead of the pass to shoot a couple of free throws. >> well, evans, always been a fight for position. and the coaching staff for hofstra said that she just wears you down. she's going to fight, even with that matt. very hard from the division standpoint to see the basketball. her hands are unbelievable. it's the first look at the freshman. and she's really fun to watch. >> here is marie malone at the free throw line and evans for the sack. and she has career high numbers in just the last couple of games. 30 points to that loss for them
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and prior to that with the ate rebounds against them. five double doubles. you talk about the level of consistencies. as the freshman, she still has things to work on the defensive end. to come in with that level of consistency really sums it up. >> we have a whistle here and the foul on william and mary. really defensive. and the crowd, obviously, the head coach, not even thrilled with that call. that is the best and the third foul on their starting point guard to go out there. that's the 18th foul by william and mary. you'll have a one-on-one area coming up for hofstra. >> take that back. part of the 18-foul. >> now we're going to have a time-out.
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she angers them defensively, offensively. just really knows the offense. does a great job of executing that for coach taylor. we're going to see katie come in as the junior, not quite the size. and still, a little unexperienced at that starting point guard with the disadvantage. >> yeah, they had some experience and they started every game for william and mary last year. playing for them for the previous years. she does have the experience. but you're right. they are looking forward to her return and a little over that last year for the entire season. and actually to have the kick for the rest of the first half. >> and she is still working to get back to gain speed to get her confidence back, row know, when you're suffering an injury like that. a lot of it is about the confidence and really working your way back in.
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>> and a nice play right there. at 18-16. they are on a little 7-0 run right now after being down by five. four and a half to play. the first half right there. >> that's a great job on the defensive end. really forcing the tribe for them to start their offense a lot higher than they wanted to. >> a lot of time off the clock, due to the shot clock. and a steal right there. that's forcing them for a habit to get to the ball inside with that shot clock that we have seen a last couple of trips down. >> yeah, they turned up the heat defensively. really forcing william and mary to the tough shots or no shots. >> they are down low right there. and to convert and rebounded they will take the three out there. and here it comes, sam brigham once again. now they will try
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the parade. not there. and out there for the rebound. >> time to see coach taylor, slowing down the action. game management. and you have talked about women that are really having a difficult time getting the ball inside. they really need a big shot. to settle down, execute and the half court there. >> 1-6 from the three-point lead. they are 1-4, a nice turnover. >> no catching one in there at all to taylor hilton who was surrounded. 3:11 to go here in the first half for the two-point attack.
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back and forth here so far for them in the afternoon. 18-16. leading by two. and their heads turned up a little bit too for them as well trying to get to the passing light. >> reporter: so they set the tone at the point guard. and really if you are them, you have to look and you have to set that there was not enough to be successful. at that time, brigham, all in position for the double team situation. and that is the easiest field that they will need to have today.
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a first look there. >> i think that they are doing their job in terms of keeping for them on the inside plays as way from the basket. when they have that opportunity for them and they are very successful. there's the three on the way. sam brigham nothing it down and now hofstra is up on top by five and they were down five and now they lead by five. >> the first half that they have seen this play there. >> hofstra is on a 10-0 run. down 16-11 to outscore them. and that basket right there from them and naturally they needed something. >> that is the leadership when a player could sense that i have to do something that she has emerged into that role. they needed that basket. >> a good drive there by them. >> and hofstra needs to get
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hot. she's the dynamic four. she has the total green light. really working hard on the defense this year for krista kilburn-steveskey. and they are sending it in. and she has been quiet. look at them lay that in from the floor. and shante evans on the steal to take it coast-to-coast. and a time-out by william and mary as they have their largest lead for the first half at second. >> time out for them because they want to know how evans beat everybody down the court. and she has pitched it away from them. but impossible to think that shante evans can score the confessive layups. >> yeah, they need to kind of cut her off and at least foul or don't let her have an opportunity at the basket. just an easy layup for them in the e pr game warmups right there for evans.
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>> 25-18, hofstra leads by seven. 1:39 here to go in the first half in the first half. another great one, preseason number one and two teams are playing. the favorite in the league this year. right now at half time. they have the three-point advantage over jmu. >> that's a great game. normally on the year, they have two of the most best scorers in the country. and talk about certain league plays and a real difficult situation. a whistle and a foul for them, the first foul of the game. and 17 fouls though for them in this first half. 1-1 coming up. you know, we're just so excited about the level of plays from women's basketball eat now. the wave out there for madison.
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and i think again this year, of course with them and with what they could continue, not just you anymore, running away with this thing. just so many other teams that it makes it real difficult especially on the road. >> a great pair for this league. and great coaches. and you've got that side of new talent that is really making a name for themselves early. and you've got to meet the starters to look at scoring for some of them. and real great basketball game for them day if many and day out. >> they turn it over right there for candice bond. and wayne and mary, after hitting one of two free throws here for them with the ball. and a minute and 20 to play here in the first half. intercepted. brigham right there and this time, they win and the call for the foul. and brigham has a chance for the three-point play. >> that's so important. the ability to use your left hand on the run.
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and it takes the opportunities for them and the block. and out of aldridge's hand. nothing behind it. brigham, able to finish, to take the length of the court to tie on the back court. great job. >> coming right there, the senior for that one and the three-point play. now, william and mary, trailing by nine as we approach one minute to go here in this first pass. >> you see the turnovers, really taking the basketball out of william and mary's hands. >> so now, they are all checked in. they are on top. for aldridge, a good looking three. and the offensive rebound that took around. rock out there by fuller. >> hofstra is tougher for them
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on the basket. very opportunistic for them in the first half. >> they were scoring on the block and down low. they threw the double team for them and they need to find that there as we're down to 15-7 to go here in the first half. they will have a chance leading by nine. >> and still trying to get her legs back. still trying to get back into the game shape. not able to turn this there. >> 1:09 to go. evans to throw it in. gets it in. and a buzz. good to go. off the mark. so 20 minutes left for
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william and mary taking on the tribe for today's caa opening weekend for them as we take a look at this one for the rookie of your week. and a later look from the university of delaware. the former high school national player of the year. and that is expected averaging almost 25 points per game, second in the caa. and they had 39 in one game. tieing for that single's game record. it's the rookie of the week this week in the caa and also the player of the week. and averaging the best nine rebound of the year and that is two of them that you're watching right now. seven points on average for them on the rebound for the career high and at the state. they both earned the rookie of the week, honoring them this season as well. the head coach of the tribe. can debbie taylor talking about the outstanding rookie class. >> that's the tpwraet freshman class for them there.
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and they work really loud. probably more than i would have at this point. and they love to play the game and they are great team players. they just get better every day. we look for them to continue to do so during the course of the year. and our team to get better as a result of that. >> that is coach debbie taylor of the wayne and mary tribe. the third time in a row for them here the at home. and more from half time from williamsburg, virginia. on the comcast sports desk right after this. they keep them out with savings right after this wallet. stay tuned with the incredible winter weather sale for them all installed. you must call now. do what i did.
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and they are online at thompson creek. >> in 1977, south africa, and the boy picked up again for them to go from the father. and by the age of nine, he was already outplaying them. >> and with virginia and the gulf championships for them right there. and 1-16 for them there. >> and beyond that best same boy making it to the u.s. and the european golf tours. >> we need the open championship for them once and the u.s. championship twice. and that is one in 788 million. 1 in 150. ernie els encourages you to learn the signs of autism at early diagnosis can make a lifetime of difference.
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sports ticket to con kabt your favorite school or go to ticket master and to guarantee your seats today. possibly williams and mary, 28-19 here at the break. caa opening weekend in conference play for women's basketball. nice to have you with us. thank you for tuning in. hope you have a great sunday. and so far here in the first half, and it seems like they are sending the world out there in terms of shooting with the
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great defense for them down and low away from the basketball. >> i'll tell you what, both teams, they are really focusing on the defensive end. hofstra, giving them the advantage. they have really taken them off their triangle offensive attack. and really, any kind of consistent half court execution. >> all right, let's take a look at some of the highlights here in the first half and what we have seen in the first 20 minutes of play with the five, leading by nine. >> early in the first half, hofstra and now out there for them on the defensive end. william and mary, able to execute them on the half court. and a transition basket and an easy two. we didn't see much of that. later on in that half and sam brigham, the 12 first half points for them. and real green light areas for them and the coach. she is everything that was promised. >> we'll be watching some excellent freshman here on the great inside play that we have
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seen so far. take a look at the stats to give you the numbers here to get you up to speed here with that. the first half, 24 for the tribe. and she is coming out with the other numbers in terms of the turnovers, enough of those here today. >> well, turnovers, they have really plagued both of these teams. they are the last two teams in turnovers margin in the caa. and really, the half court execution, really, is a problem for them and for the tribe. the unforced turnovers, not making good decisions. the shooting percentage to get them out there. they have not given them any easy looks. >> all right, now, quickly on each team, where you see them in the second half. >> and well, william and mary will need to talk about getting back into the game. their starting point guard. they will need to play clean to stay out of the trouble. and they need to execute their offense. to set the better seens. they had keep up the pressure defense trying to get some touches. and evans to first, trying to lite a fire under her. but it should be a good second half. >> sounds good. looking forward to it here. when we come back, the second half for you. tiffany benson for the william
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definitely shooting with 16 screens for them as they tackle the rams. and they will be waiting no doubt. on the preseason watch list for them and both to win an award for them and standing out there for tomorrow. and that is tomorrow, caa basketball at 7:00 on comcast sportsnet. today's women action with one game along ours. all the other games tipping off right about now. and as you have the great ones throughout the week for the rest of the day don't we? >> yes, i'll tell you what, it's the first weekend, especially the game right after the holidays. and that is always tough. always tough to find out who will be mentally prepared. who had be sharp. and last year, william and mary scored 3-0. great momentum.
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>> and for the delaware that, will be a great one tipping off right now. and the top 25 teams for them and the record. and certainly indicative for them and what they have. and that is an hour for all the years. that game should be interesting for them to have a hit -l score for you -- to have a little score for you. and also leading 28-19. and one out, they kind of stuck that out from your perspective from the first half as they have the nice point attack. >> not getting the typical balance that they have. a young lady for them. coming off the tournament team for them performing in florida. and her first caa all rookie of the week award. and not really a factor today. 0-2 from the floor. not involved in the offensive end. and scored early for the
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second heart of the half. you really need to see the factor for them to get back to this game. and mr. not quite for them right there with those numbers. that's the one shot for her at that half and the first half and they start off the second half of the turnovers. here opls what you're talking about, right down the lane to hit hard by evans. and that's right there for two. >> we love that play and the road challenge for them to take it to the basket. and evans not going to give up the layup. a clean play and a physical play. and certainly one for the defensive side of that. and a second foul for them heading to the free throw lines here. trying to cut into this nine-point advantage. and they will be able to be on the first. and just over 60% from the free throw line on the season. it's up and good. two in a row for her. seven points off the lead. here comes that right after the bat for william and mary to try to force more turnovers for
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them and right back early. >> that is exactly right to set the tone early. extend that out there. we have not seen this yet. and we're looking to double the basketball. running doubles. >> and this is also for what they don't give them that much time for their half point set. almost over the quarter. tkpw whether that is exactly right. the big game there. >> they shoot up the air ball and this is rebounded by william and mary and right there. >> a good effort for them on the testify -l of the game to adjust to something different. and perhaps to create some offense for them from your defense. skpwhr they will check in for the next list for hofstra, sitting below there for the tie. almost losing it out of bounds but regains it. >> tense, not able to convert for them and their look for each side and what you do so well. the ball is sitting out there to go pack to william and mary. when she gets the ball inside.
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it's a lot of time for the quick move to the basket doing well in the first half and they get away from that ball. >> and taylor, they actually said that. she's the quickest jumper in the league. the quickest women's basketball player off her feet in the caa, which is not only with the shot blocking, but the offensive rebound and what you're eluding to. the offensive people. >> and to see the players put it on the tphror and they are are knocked away and stolen. and there she is. >> and they move to one side out there. they don't get the rebound for them. and for hofstra. >> that's probably not the move they want out of the suspension. very comfortable with them looking and going. facing up. showing offment and to see the move. and back to the pas kets. dropping and scoring. that's difficult for them. >> yeah, they forced that a little bit on the outside. where they needed to try to make more moves for them down low. >> and first though, contesting at the throw for them no.
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and with the hard head to stay out there to recognize that she's the best three-point shooter. and you cannot give her an open look. >> hofstra is now 2-8 on the three-point range for them and william mary that is 1-7. >> two minutes into the second half. and the 7-pointed advantage for them there to take the strong out there and to get fouled. >> it looks like they are trying to get them it had. and stepping out with the screen on the ball situation. the opportunity to choose that there. >> calling on brigham. that's the second. the foul here for hofstra and coming up with the steal. check it right out of here. right out of the air. >> getting by the deed. looking for that bounce pass to evans. 7:-- 17 minutes to go here in the first half. >> they must be happy that they
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took the sell on the defensive end. the real goal for them theres and a tpwraet shape player. they know they have the scoring potential. but they really worked to develop their ability on the defensive end. >> and good for them late for that pwefpbl for the trial. and a fast peak. they got that there. >> defense creates offense for them to get to the free throw line to get to the two. >> if you are william and mary, you are absolutely right. they don't have that much success to get off the court
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they square away for the rebounding clock. and they do that to take it over for the half court out there. still in the back one for them on the double team. look at evans for them on the inside and that is why you really need to know where she is on the floor at all times. >> you absolutely need to know about that. and you need to go with the offensive rebounds for them to see that a little winded right now. one of the things she's working onto get on better shape on the defensive end. but you certainly cannot question her there. >> after making the pass for them off the quick shot to make it to half court right underneath. and on the outside jumper for them. and up high, trying to find some rhythm that she has had a couple of drives. >> and we're going to get to
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you out there where they were out a little slump for them on the rookie of the year. and they should have been awarded for them last year. and to step up. >> along all of them on the double team and the double dribble to turn it over to william and mary. we have talked about that second half for them all this morning. so far, the the five-point scores for them in the second half. and that is averaging just 13. per game >> a little bit out there on that end. >> and a look that they had three fouls for them in the first half. they are doing that right now. off the shot. a good offensive look. and fouled on behind. and 6-3. very mobile. great shot. very athletic. that's a good job by them. to chase that board. look at her go up and get it and go right back up. and again, a good way to
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get back to back out there to get yourself in the free throw line. >> a foul on malone that will be the third for hofstra. no team fouls for them during the second half there. and the freshman out there. all state for the associated press last year. and out of pennsylvania. just had the career high. two out of 15 points for the win out of delaware state. that's not including the free throws from the game out there addressing ited today from every possession. especially free throws. we're in a very low scoring play out there. more than they are proving for the average. and highs, they will call that for the offensive side right there to find benson. and a dribble, no. about throwing to the free throw line there. >> well, unselfish play out of the league for the five. and they took me back to the good job running the floor. a good job to avoid the channel. the eyes are up.
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she knows that benson is with her. going for a little hoop there, perhaps. >> yeah. >> and this is just so good for them to push that off. that's what they have seen it there. and the saturdays are taken there. for the hostile defender. talking about this earlier with tiffany benson struggling at the free throw line here. and right now for the game, 0- 3. that's the first. >> and back to control all of them there. that's the opportunity saying that she just needs that. she had all of them getting the game under control. instead of trying to take it herself. >> they have yet to score here in the second half. and they come down to three. and they fly out there to the pentagon. doing it twice to catch the pass. as she was wide open. william mary shaves off the nine-point lead, down to three.
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play there. second half is a different story. really increasing their defensive pressure to shut down the pride at that side. >> and they don't know where the turnovers are at this ball game. and that is good for much of the play this year in the second half. tph-rz >> well, let's make sure that we mention them getting themselves involved. >> and five turnovers for the flag on the second half. they are running that knot right there on the board. as tension goes down for them. and he is fouled. that is another thing. that's committing 16 fouls here in the second half. as we have only played five minutes here. >> that's one of the things that they have talked about coming into today's game. all the respect in the world for evans. coach taylor said hey, the best way to defend her is to go at it. >> and bond comes up with the first personal foul for the pride and here is them at the free throw line. this is exactly what, you know, they were talking to her team about it at half time and saying hey, we need to get the ball back inside. we need to get back down there and they are doing
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all of that there. unable to convert on the free throw to catch it on the offensive board. >> and you need to find benson to chase that down. another possession for another shot for them and the team. >> and that is also trying to get them in trouble for that bonus. going the other way. that's a different one for them. and another offensive rebound right there. >> no one to see the all-time leading for the offensive rebounds for them. and a good basketball history. tiffany webson will save that down when we return down by three.
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and the leading scorer the other night. depending on the evening, anyone could put up points for us which is nice to have with the coach. >> and talking about the nature of the team and how that has changed. >> they have the depths, the athleticism, the height. changing from just the three-point shooting team. the balance that attacks the teams. and obviously, the go-to player that is really accepting. >> ing nothing on the offensive repound for them to strip that away for them this time. >> a lot of those are not to it today. all of them. and they will need to play there to tie it if they are going to finish. five and a half minutes left to go in the second half. looking for their first points of the second frame. they got it, stolen away. and comes up with the tale now. >> laying that right out there by them and to go back into the game, playing with the three
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fouls. >> coming back to tie that up. going to the jump. theirs options need to be good. and finally right now, to get to the points. they slide in to see that and to take six and a half minutes for them. and they still have the lead. now, it's up to five. >> and coach, you like that play out of asia jenkins. a penetrator. looking for that guy to come
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right off the bench. a transfer out there to come into that arm and that's a good bucket. >> that's the first two of the game for the sophomore right there. driving a little hard off of them and she got rejected by fuller out of bounds on the deck. being hit hard. recognizing that she has evans on her. good play to pull them off the basket. a good jumper right there. and that's a three-point ball game. they lead out there on the season numbers for the field goal range. and then evans is up high now for them. that's jenkins. fuller is going to hang on.
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and to stay with hofstra and it will. >> i like to get back to the point you were making with the team and the battling of the suspension. benson definitely getting the better half of fuller today. fuller never really able to get ob on track. has the chance to move defensively. >> and as far as they are going right now, they will take down the distance. and set two. the one-point pal game. eluded by just one now. and with 12:40 remaining. and quickly going the other way. benson down low to try to sweep out that defense. >> sitting on the defense. a great pass by bellocchio. tracking benson all day. you need to get as deep as the deepest offensive player. >> that's moving them right off of the assist for the game. and dribbling it off her leg out of bounds.
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that's the transition play for them. >> and another play. >> yeah, another good rebound for them. they are doing a real good job for them on the ball and the experience. and certainly the ability to take that off the coast. bellocchio, headed up. no one finds jenkins there, but for these, you do. >> and now, they are back to that play for that foul there in need. >> and the first foul off the afternoon. and just these first fouls for them and william mary here playing just ate minutes for the balance. and bellocchio was getting two. >> hofstra, really struggling here in the second half. the three-point advantage. they are up nine to begin. william mary with a great play for them with a couple of free throws for them. and a couple of jumpers.
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the offensive point for them and a good strap to get it done. >> right off the bank to fill out there. to go with the basketball. >> opening up for them right there. and up high to make that there. coming off the window. >> and the hands for them again. and the ability to stay with the plays. and to see every shot for them to put that up is a miss. and evans, unstoppable on the board. >> benson trying to board that for evans and now with the double double. ten points from rebounds. and 11 rebounds for them there. and for them, 11 points to go, we'll be right back.
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capital "x," lower-case "o," capital "x," lower-case "o," i love you. jk. i hate you. jk. are you ignoring me? we're in a huge fight right now. is it something i did? i can see your lights on. i'm coming over. this isn't a joke. what did you dream about? [overlapping] is it me? i'm lonely. holla back. holla back. let's try something new. nude pics. send me some. text me. and evans for them and out there. >> the coach, and the father of the coach's dream. unlike some freshman that comes in to surprise the coach. no surprises for them. and we know exactly what they were giving. they have incredible hands.
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defensively. and the ability to take that coast-to-coast. although we don't see that very often. and they can't see the ability to follow that shot. very good for them offensively. on the best part, no egos. they don't care who gets that out there. they just want to win. >> and the shot by all of them, quickly back the other way. for william and mary, and to see them laying it in. a couple of leads down the throw. and nine minutes going by the second half. >> by william and mary. 3-2, and tied for them there to see them bashing up, pointing that case. >> jenkins trying to move them there with the chance for that point. by taylor and for william and mary. >> and the coach, even taylor for them and another look down the floor for the second half. >> look at that pass inside. they kind of flew it away with noing angle down there. >> that shot is not too much
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for them in the first half. kind of the older bowl context for them. >> and they don't like that situation for the three and the four. >> this is jenkins right now for hofstra. wide open for them on the net. >> defensively for the miscue. the best three-point shooter for them. >> they finally got one to go. they were 0-6. prior to that three pointer. and that is the team's best right there. trying to respond but cannot for wayne and mary. they will have a foul. >> well, the all-rookie selection. she's really fearless. has a great deal of confidence. and they talked about finding her in the shoot around. but it took some good recognition. she has not been that wide open all day. >> here is bellocchio for hofstra as they lead it by six.
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they would have been woken up here in the second half with six minutes to score. they need to back up to eight with the low scoring affairs coming up with nine minutes to go. >> and a block by jenkins on the shot and here comes bellocchio. they make it for three. >> how many times for coach taylor that they nearly called it the two to three point
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shooters. and no rebounding. >> just the freshman for them for the three pointers last year. a great look for them. >> now with seven points and 10 rebounds for william mary as they scored a quick five. >> and they checked out of the matchup for jones. >> malone again. malone was there for them and just to fie with the three with eight minutes to go. a couple high percentages. >> the triangle offense. >> and the defense for them and the loan drive there. >> and to make the decision to take that suspension. >> the shot blocked at seven.
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there is a three by aldridge at that time. rebounding malone. >> jenkins, they will take them down the foul to sure hope for the free throw line when we return. and the the foul will be on them there. and her forth for william and mary. and we'll be right back with just the whole thing. so hofstra hanging on with the three-point advantage.
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they are up by three points with 7:41 to go in this game for william and mary. thank you for being with us here. and we have a great game up to this point. also the other good games coming up for opening weekend. we have a final now to report. and not a final yet. just still in prodepress. what do we have here hosting all of them and the tight ball game for that loose. >> and the early bragging rights for james madison in their third week in the top 25 at furl had 25 for them and a big win this year. to get the instate rivalries for them. and that had be allowed to set the tone early for them and the defending champion. and for the three seasons, number one for them there. >> and so to get that out there leading james madison. to make that there for william and mary. and for the forth. the fro throws, they get from the 41- 41-36 for
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williamsburg. >> and the highs with the strong second half and this time, they were accepted but hofstra. >> and pause, they spread it out. to get that ball for them. and that there, in time for the square maintenance and half it this time not a good decision to make that chatter for them. >> well, that is hofstra saying it there. to drive it up again. and to lead that for the second half to do something about that. they were good for the turnovers by hofstra. and the 21st of the ball game. and right on out there for the team's coverage for the 23. and for william and mary. and their average, william and mary for them there in the second half. >> the shot clock, down the 10.
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to have to look and the intent was not there to hurt her. and they needed to catch her and they couldn't. and e rans, they needed to break out from the past. and had and they extended beyond to have to make that crawl. most players, they will two down in that situation. they are just soing strong, mike. they were able to keep the balance. be had they called it on mckenna that will be the second. and evans, they are at the free throw line. as debbie taylor talks to her squad here down by half to go out there. >> and that is really with what they are doing to call it a possession by the possession game. and that will be critical for them in the last six and a half minutes. >> and at least one out of two. and hofstra off the ball for them there. and the afternoon for the intentional fouls for them there and candace and getting down the ball for them this. and with that squad.
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they took over a big night for them. and for them for that there. three poem there and the ball, they couldn't get it initially. they were locked out there for the god proceeds and they go to work. tkpw will now, benson has been called for their third personal foul. and for, you know, william and mary for that there and the free throw shooting there. to keep that team in there. and william and mary to keep that there and a nice team. so that is just over 50%. they left a bunch of points in the board to score out there to be different. and hofstra, nine out of 14. and they look better at 64% for them and the last around for the rebound. >> and so they were flying that there and always a shot block for themment >> and that left them out there to help the pride the at the end of the feeling.
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>> and also a foul underneath. and evans, just out there for the matchup. >> certainly, it's the different players. much more mobile. and evans, the goal for them and at that time, they need to get the foul. stpw will william and mary, averaging 62 points per game. and they were well pe low that this afternoon. time with the ball game for that fast work trying again. william mary with that for the second time. and now, they have to call the time-out to save the possession for them there. >> the young players, really trying the offense. working with trying to get them to understand. it's too long of a pass, mike. but they need to be able to get the basketball to them and to set her up. >> maybe a better fake outside too. they didn't have really any of the passes out there.
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>> just too slow to develop. she'll get that and they will try to learn the offense as the season goes on. it's a very difficult offense. to make you and the effort there. and will william and mary, 7-4. two in a row here. and also the pride at 7-5. and they have lost two in a row with a long trip down texas for them on that play to lose both of those games. here they are trying to break out of the small. and to the lose streak. they are kind of squeaking all year to get them down. two down for them and two actually. and the shot clock down to five. the corner out this for aldridge. one on the clock. they just take that there. >> a good job to get that stuff open with that ability.
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william mary, two for 11 on the to-poeupt leads for them there to the pit three pointers so far. you can see the stats right there. a loss of 3-9. skwhr a battle down low. and they are really going at it. >> penson had take the jumper out there. and that does well. leading by six. >> that will not show up on the stats. wu they absolutely have affected that shot to put them high off balance. >> and now that's the the one out there for evans and the the former for the score for the crime. al dribble, having the defense for them. and the foul. that's a good looking foul for them. that one crediting all of them there. >> the defense for them looking the other way. here is william and mary. if -rz center they like to see that at that time.
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for and learning the whistle. each with with the hands of the hill. and a good read by five. >> highs down the aáfpblg, 14 points, for william and mary to lead the way. >> mind all of them from that side and peeve. >> down by two. >> ahead. what a defense low for them. the two-point ball game. defense creating offense. a good opportunistic play by will wrap and mary. and they will probably get that in. how about the pig freshman running the floor. there let's take a look at the last two floors for william and mary. >> a big hustle that is a big game for the momentum. >> yeah, a little too casual with the possible. they are able to pick it up again. i like her on the keeper there. by wul yam -- but william and mary, running the ball high able to steal the ball as they are there to save that back in bounds for them to handle to never put that on the floor. a great job in the suspensions. a pig momentum for them going back to that tripe.
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>> yeah. behind this ball game early on. william and mary getting the looks down low. getting the quick shots of the basket. they had struggled with that for quite some time until they went to the transition. hey, you know, let's get the ball quicker. trying to beat that down there. now, they are back to that. >> it's like four game within the one game. they are really done. and it does lock like that's both teams. that's something that you get with players, to bet that out on play. and with them for that one. >> retphrebting it there -- reflecting it there, putting four points on the court. a nice way to get that defensive plays. >> and one shot for them. kind of the easy basket. and a great long side for them after that game.
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to try to keep it alive. and again, the next time for evans. >> and evans, he was not the play. they were coming down the stretch for the two-point ball game. and nine out of 16 from the free throw line of 66%. and william and mary, calling for them to come out of that play for them and with no points. and to just drive for that kind of chance. >> not saying anything bad at the freshman for an amazing start of their career. >> after choosing the game. for as be had times as they do to get the gift. they will need to put themselves in the position to get to the free throw line. an area of the game that happened for them. >> and he will start with the foul for evans to pick up the third. now, they need to wash up the three pointers.
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>> both the tie up, going up to just that rebound. we did feel the attitude. which team is going to make more plays down the stretch. >> hofstra has lead and now this game is all tied up at 46. with 3:40 left. and they bail her out. the shot clock down to six. and getting that ball right there to recognize the tieup. it will be hofstra's ball. a violation. william and mary's ball when we return. tied at 42. host: does charlie daniels play a mean fiddle? ♪ fiddle music
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william and mary and hofstra leading out there. looking at what they have done defensively. >> well, her effort is amazing. a chance to really establish themselves as one of the all-time great coach players that they think they are on the history. she's on pace. she'll get that record -p. just a matter of time. she's the quickest jumper. deflecting them off their feet which they met all day today. how about their efforts going to the zone? the thing that i like the best about what coach taylor said and how about this for the compliment? and the best that she has ever been in with any players she has coached as her development as the person and as a player. she tried to get better every
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day. >> they look like they are there for them and william mary out of that for 16 steals. >> and to tie that one there, down by two. they tied that one down the lane. recognizing it out it there to step up. kind of knock the opportunity to dish it to benson to stop yourself. and you love that she's a gamer and the go to. >> they only had five points in the first half. and seven half totals for them for the game. and right there to not two away from their ability. and the assistance to kind of see what shape she's in. and the third defense with coaching that team. a great read. good deflection. and she did it without creating a foul. >> william and mary on the 8-0 run here to take the 8-team advantage with crunch time with to and a half to go. the shock clock, down to five for the tribe. and the heads up. it's three on the clock. and oh, the most rebound offensively, tieing them out
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there. and she got fouled or the ball is just knocked out. it's just knocked out. it'll stay with william and mary. and they got that shot off of them on the shot clock here with 2:19 to go leading by two. >> the zone on the inbound. al dribble with the three pointer -- aldridge with the three pointer. >> the best three-point shooter for william and mary on the floor right now. >> shot clock at 14. hands off the three. >> five-point lead for the tribe. >> how about aldridge, she had a look. she made that extra pass to the wide open play there. and that point guard stepped up. >> time out hofstra. and an 11-0 run for raven mary to take the five-point lead for under two minutes to go. they missed that last game of the sprained
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ankle. and it doesn't look like they are earning too much today. and to waoeupd up to look for the three. >> yeah, the wide open look. a great pass for them and no one from hofstra, rotates out. but that play does not happen. if they to not make herself abouting on the offensive blast. going up to make that shot clock out of bounds. to train the possession and they end up being a killer for hofstra with the open play. and had and today with aet points. . of view assists. three rebounds. and they also have four personal fouls. they need to watch that here with a minute 53 to go. william and mary has the five-point advantage. >> thinking of being the gamer. off of this to look at that there. and i'm sorry, first though, she really got the dream light. she has the clutch player over them. >> and this is the time for them. with the rebound up there for the quick bound for shante evans.
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and the three-point ball game. >> could she make the basket that kept her off the free throw line? and again, rehrebtless efforts on the offensive foul. >> and they got a team high 13. >> and norm 1:25 left for william mary up. >> the tough side for them. >> shot clock the at ate. kpwaod defense but them that time to force that for the wild one and they've got it. >> you can see the confidence leaning there. some of her teammates telling her to go to the basket. >> now, one minute to go, and tiffany makes that. that had take the lead right there. >> bellocchio, two casuals for the high shot to shante evans. i think she tried to bounce it in there. and it bounced slower. you need to play with a sense
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of urgency. you have to be sure. >> now back to the five-point tribe advantage with 51.1 seconds to go. 26 on the shot clock for hofstra. yet they had it down to three and then they had the ball and the next thing you know, there's a steal and it's back up to the five-point advantage now and the clock with their enemy with only 51 seconds to go. >> that's still a lot of time. they have players that can make plays. but talk about making plays. real cool under the pressure. taysha pye has the offensive borders for them. and really, two of them over jeff fuller -- fuller, nothing better now. her second half has been the key in this game for the tribe. >> on the career high, 22 points and 11 rebounds. looking for seattle back on november 28. anded to, she sat 18. they make it with the five steals for them.
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and from the foul line 6 for 7. here is p-rbs ye tonight. coming up with that and they got hit hard. they will shoot the free throws out there for both teams. they duoon with the shot that locks. 24.4 seconds to go. >> absolutely. what they needed is a big bailout. for hofstra and on pound. and assume that the defense is going to lead them. the tribe stayed quickly. they know they are a three- point quick. basically it's an easy steal for them not to retain the possession. >> aldridge with the second personal foul. for william and mary. and bellocchio, hooks them up for the first three throw for that one-on-one situation down by four mow and 4.4 seconds to go. and the possession out there by the way for hofstra, getting another tieup for themselves. >> and now, debbie taylor out there on the carry for the
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tribe. and they did call a time-out. leading but three. there well, you need to prepare for them and they have that show for the court pressure, all game. when they see that look. now the decision by them and they do the foul. we were going to play that there. i'm sorry. to get that trap out there. and the strong defense. we're going to make the decision. are we going to give up the 40 seconds on the shot clock with the one possession? yeah. >> anded today, coverage on sportsnet brought to you but champions, how you play. geico, 17 minutes to save you 15% or more on car insurance. ramada worldwide, we do your thing. leave the restaurant. the tribe was up early in the first half.
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hofstra with a nine-poeupt lead from the locker room at half time, holding onto most of the lead. and then all of a sudden, they come back, storming back there for the 11-0 run with the three-point lead now. and with 44.4 seconds to go. and they take that for them and the first of the team now. you're in the locker room. and the huddle i should say now. and what's going on for them? >> at william and mary. they need that to make a big decision. you cannot turn the possible over there to protect that ball for them and the possession area to go to hofstra. you don't want to be tied up. if you are hofstra, and the best kiss you get the five-seconds call for them and don't even let them hit that bound inbound to create that over for them and the one trap to feel that look. and mr. and that is the forth. and the pass here by aldridge to step it up at the time. and they are no no rur reright now. they are up by three. with 38 seconds to go. and now, hofstra is going to foul. and a foul by bellocchio,
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that's the third. and they were tied for them there. >> and definitely at the free throw line. that's the maturity that the coach taylor had seen. and they want to see that. and that is the decision making, knowing the time to score with the one-on-one against the smaller guard. if it does not go in, looking to tie that game. i think that's a good decision. and they are bringing the basketball out. >> all right, so here is pie. and six for seven from the free throw line today. they really fouled the wrong person. a great day with the lions with 18 points. >> yeah, and with william and mary going to the baseball pass. the lower percentage working there. >> that's what the head coach thinking is the best for what they are saying right now. to bellocchio. and saying we didn't need to foul her to get the better half to lay that out there to go with them on that field and to try to get the rebound. it will be the triball. they load by four. >> a great pass for them and a great decision if you break
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somebody. and to knock them out there to throw it. obviously coach taylor with that confidence. >> well now, that really hurt themselves in this league for the ball game. they turned it over. and that is another turnover for them right it will and that should have added with the 35-seconds to go down to the forth and william and mary, they have to foul again. >> and to be able to do that you need to foul that. >> and first up, they had the steal. >> to make it in from behind. >> first with the foul there. and going the other way for the another close ball there today. we still have 31.8 seconds to go and early for them. and number one, leaning the nation with the one-point losses for them with three games back for them and that game. >> the high breaking lawsuit for them and the possession by that game and would you rather get that out of our system? and before the play. but they were never able to get that separation for them today. and the eight-point
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