tv In Depth CSPAN January 4, 2010 12:00am-3:00am EST
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one hideous looking and tremendously stupid woman. a heap of parent droppings and on go the endorsements. [laughter] what inspired you to put these on? >> guest: it is such a convention the blurb that feeds the narcissism of the author and is supposed to jump out at the consumer. thought i would turn the blurbs on their head with a unhinged and pretty much encapsulate the whole spirit of the book which is to talk about the intolerance of the far left and the racism and sexism of so many of my critics with that i thought deserved far greater attention than it would get in the mainstream media. the book is filled with chapter after chapter of those kinds of attitudes. not only towards me the most
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conservatives and certainly to george bush and this was written in the aftermath of the bush/cheney syndrome during the 2004 presidential campaign. is noteworthy about all the books that i've written is that they've had a much longer shelf life than the years in which they were published. just this past week i posted a whole new batch of the same kinds of hate mail that i called attention to in "unhinged." it's never ending and certainly a bottomless source of fodder for an author and a writer. >> host: as we were discussing right before the show, your children could not read this book because of some of the e-mails that you have printed. [laughter] are these e-mails you received? >> guest: yes, yes. and what is striking, and i made note of this in that book and have since made note of it, you know, as i talk about the response that i provoke as a writer, as a public, very public conservative is that so many people are willing to sign their
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actual names to these missives and to these ad homonym attacks. i've talked about this, you know, on the book tour trail and certainly on college the book tour when trail and certainly college campuses when i talk to young people. i think there is a special kind of animus the left has for the women conservatives and minority conservatives and doubles the point of the blurbs on the back and the chapter on unhinged. on my heat mail there are public conservatives minorities and women who have certainly absorbed the same sorts of slings and arrows and i think sarah palin is the most recent and the notorious example of a public conservative provoking
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the most unhinged to borrow a phrase hatred among the left for what? standing up and advocating a certain set of principles and ideas for representing and ideologies that the left which is supposedly open-minded and tolerant is allergic to. >> host: why do you think it is? >> guest: i think that someone who has female chromosomes and brown skin, conservative of color that there is a sense of betrayal, and i certainly saw this early on in my days in that merely expressing openness to the ideas of thomas seóul and ronald reagan put him in the camp of minorities who have left the plantation or betrayed the
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expectations and entitlement the left feels to you and your soul and your mind. >> host: why did you choose to go to olberman college? >> guest: that is a good question. i thought i might be a world-class pianist at some point. i played from my elementary school days to high school. oberlin has a wonderful conservatory of world-class conservatory of music and i spent a semester there and i studied with a piano professor robert shannon for less than a semester and my eyes were quickly open to just how talented people were, students were and i realized i wouldn't be able to compete so i ended up sticking it out and eventually majored in english but my formative time was spent on
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campus working for a conservative publication and i talked about this many times over the years because it galvanized me politically. sort of the campus vision of the dartmouth review and again there it was the expression of conservative ideas that provoked such hostility on campus and there was almost a tribal war atmosphere in the early 1990's with regard to political correctness, multiculturalism. our campus like so many other liberal arts campuses had segregated dorms, segregated it for of four academic departments and i had never seen that kind of what i considered overt racialism from my childhood and adulthood of adulthood and i certainly experienced overt
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racism. i grew up in several south jersey. i've been called all sorts of racial epithets and it is so much easier to deal with that kind of ignorance. it didn't have that extra sense of patronage, the patronizing attitude and condescension and sanctimony about it being who good for you that kind of racial segregation was intended to help rather than hurt minorities on campus. >> host: growing up, michelle malkin, what did your parents do? were your political views already set by the time you got to old orland or were they changed? >> guest: i was always a congenital social conservative. i grew up in a catholic family. my parents came here from the philippines, and my father was a doctor, my mother was a teacher but not overtly partisan. there was a great love of freakin' in our household but we
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certainly were not the kind that went out and campaign or had placards on the front lawn. it really wasn't until i got too old berlin that i became politically charged. >> host: and you were known as the age of -- ava braun? >> guest: [laughter] it was as a result that i had done for the olberland forum and my husband, jesse malkin, started this foundation which i said was sort of like the dartmouth review of campus even though we look back into was mild and moderate in comparison along the political spectrum. but i think that going after some of the left big secret cal's including affirmative action on campus helped win me that early on. >> host: you're former colleague and friend, brian creston was quoted in 2007 in
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saying this about you >> guest: i do, and i have olberlin to think for that. i was not always the outspoken and i suppose lightning rod that i am today. i was actually very shy when i was in elementary school almost penalizing. so i had a speech class is where i could barely get the words out of my mouth. but when i got to olberlin i came to the realization that if i didn't say something, who would? and i feel that, you know, god blessed me with certain talents and abilities and skills, piano playing wasn't ultimately one of them. [laughter] but the written word certainly
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was, and eventually with practice and time speaking out in public became a part of that, in national part of that. it wasn't something that came to me, as easily to me as it might have other people. it was a skill i had learned, and i think especially in the 21st century you need to do all of those. you can't simply be a writer and expect the words to just communicate themselves, and so my career has evolved from being a syndicated columnist to doing the books to doing the blogging and i try to leverage it all to get my ideas out there and certainly when you read is true. i do enjoy it. and i don't shirk from at the way i might have were it not for olberlin. >> host: do you still have shyness to overcome? i mean, before like appearing on this program or on fox or
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wherever? >> guest: no, i think there's always a nervous energy that you convert, and i think that you have to develop that machine over time. it is not shyness or nervousness anymore but more the excitement and anticipation of getting out there in the public square. >> host: little oasis executive editor bill scher says about you: >> guest: just as background of bill and i went to school together. he is a olberlin alarm as well and worked for me when i published the olberlin forum and we have had a friendly relationship over the years. i interviewed him when he came out with a book a couple of years ago for my website,, and we have frosted
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and carried over the years and it is a convenient myth to think i've somehow changed my message or changed my methods over the years and i've heard that from other former colleagues of mine who i worked without past newspapers as well. but if you go back and look at my early writings, quote on quote, there really isn't much difference and fema or tone than what i do now. the difference now is there is a greater audience because we have so many more ways to reach people than we used to. if you go back and look at what i call my pre-blog that i've started after i left, i care about the issues then and now, corruption, pork, matters of race and ethnicity. so, with all due respect to bill, you are wrong, man. [laughter] >> host: one of your books, in defense of internment,
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relatively controversy all, this is what you write in the introduction. i want to read this and have you expand a little bit. this book defense that the evacuation of japanese from the east coast as well as aliens, japanese and non-japanese alike during world war ii. my book is by no means all encompassing. my aim is to provoke and debate on the sacrosanct subject that has remained on debatable for far too long. >> guest: yes. and what's interesting is that there are so many more people who think that the and what the book is about and haven't read them who have actually taken the time to do that. and i treasure each and every reader particularly the high school history teachers and college professors who have picked up the book and have now incorporated into their curriculum. i saw a huge vacuum in the debate over the very difficult
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decisions that franklin roosevelt and his staff in the war department and attorney general's office, all of those folks and intelligence and national security had to make when they made these decisions, and the passage that you've read is a careful distinction because there is this all encompassing term now, in turn meant, that has been calcified and history lessons to refer to not only the evacuation and relocation of those 112, 120,000 residents who are either first or second generation japanese, and others including any aliens, nearly half of whom were from european ancestry who were actually in the department justice camps. the whole book was inspired by their rhetoric i heard after september 11th from various ethnic lobbies, not just asian
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americans but also air of groups and muslim groups, who oppose any form of national security profiling by invoking the war to episode, and i think it is a dangerous a simple civil rights absolutism that prevented folks then and now from having really important discussions about the kinds of detention procedures, the kinds of court proceedings, the kinds of privacy policies and intelligence decisions that needed to be made after september the 11th, and i have said that one thing about each and every one of the books they are relevant even today. here we are. guantanamo is about to be closed. it might take a lot longer than the obama administration anticipated. but he has essentially adopted the same position on indefinite detention as the bush administration has.
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to them the only quibble now is where these enemy combatants should be detained, not wetter and i think that is extraordinary. in essence, they have the same position i do and yet i am the one who weighs -- and folks who embrace the kind of procedures i talk about in the book are considered beyond the pale, traders to the american tradition etc., etc.. and so i think the reaction to the book was quite interesting, and the the date we are having now. it's relevant to exactly what i talked about especially the last chapter of the book that talks about policy recommendations. >> host: you're first book, michelle malkin, invasion written in 2002, how america still welcomes tourists, criminals and other foreign ministers to the shore. you detail in one of the chapters you detail some of the
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deficiencies of the immigration service and getting into this country very relevant today with a christmas bombing. >> guest: no question about it and one of the things i thought was very important about "invasion" is it to a systemic look at our immigration lapses. it wasn't just about illegal immigration from the northern and southern borders, and a lot of the date about immigration today is hyper focused on the southern border. of course that is i huge issue but it's not the only issue when it comes to treating immigration as a national security concern and one of the things i talk about in the book is the state department as the weak link in our homeland security system and the christmas bombing episode certainly highlights that because we have this foggy bottom and tell the of handing out visas blindly to anyone and everyone who asks and those
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consular officials do not have a war footing. they certainly didn't have a war footing during the bush administration and prior to september 11th when these 15 of the 19th hijackers got their visas from consular officials in saudi arabia who didn't even review their applications. and if they had they would have seen they were so sloppily filled out that there was no information about where these men were going to be, who the contacts work in the united states. if you're going to handle a business visa, temporary business visa to someone they really ought to have business other than plotting to kill americans on american soil and with regard to the christmas donner you have the case where even absent the intelligence information that we apparently had back in the fall and august about abdul, even absent that specific information about his radical muslim aspirations he
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fit a certain profile. he was young, single, he was a male, he was muslim and he was ruthless. he had no permanent connections to his home country. he traveled the world extensively. he was paying everything with cash, and yet this person got a temporary visa to be here in the united states for a two-year period? there are already existing regulations in the state department and in federal law with that flag this kind of person as someone who should be inadmissible and should not be getting a visa in this country. but there is a major opposition to profiling of any kind and mind you this is not simply racial or ethnic profiling. it has to do with a certain type of behavior and a certain type of class profile so this is a theme of both invasion and in
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defense of internment. we have a very precise and very specific about what we mean when we say profiling and both of those books i think are in great detail what i think should be done. >> host: you wrote invasion in 2002. what's changed? are we still stovepiping information? is it being shared now? >> guest: well, if you listen to all the intelligence officials particularly over the last week and over the weekend, it's become the case we are doing more of the collecting of the dots, but the connecting is certainly still incomplete. and in "invasion" i went into detail how we have these existing databases in place but there is so much bureaucratic fighting and territorialism and the fbi doesn't want to be sharing its stuff with cia. neither of those agencies sure enough information adequately with information authorities and then even if you look domestically there are so many
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forces on the left that are working to undermine the kind of cooperation that we need. there is now a new push for an amnesty for many of illegal aliens who are already here and as part of that package which is being pushed buy primarily louis gutierez, a democrat from illinois one of the things they would like to do is torpedo what i think is one of the most useful federal, state, and local cooperative programs in the country. it's called the 214g -- to 87 she and it is a deportation program, and what they do is take criminal illegal aliens who are already in jail, and instead of releasing them, the fed works with local sheriff's office is to comb the data bases and make sure that those people are enrolled in a deportation process as they their jail terms and prison terms are coming up. well, the open borders lobby,
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which includes not only the usual forces on the left but also a lot of big businesses, there are a lot republican open borders types, too, don't want to see the deportation program is working because if you deport illegal aliens that's future a mid-sized voters who will end up on the democratic voter party pols eventually, and more cooperation means more effective deportation system, and this is anathema to the open borders lobby. anyway, this amnesty package would torpedo that program completely in the face of all this evidence and in many cases i talked about in "innovation" where deportation would have saved countless american lives. >> host: welcome to book tv bus monthly in depth program. this month is off track and walter michelle malkin. as our guest she is the author
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of four books. her most recent "culture of corruption" she sold over 300,000 copies of this book since it came out earlier this year. if you would like to donner in and talk with michelle malkin or e-mail or twitter go ahead. 202-737-0001 if you live in the store central time zone, 202-737-0002 for those in the mountain and pacific,. in all of your books you heavily footnote in "culture of corruption" alone there's about 70 pages of footnotes. why do you make such an effort? >> guest: it's not something i think about. i document everything. i think that there is increased scrutiny of conservative authors, whether deserved or not, of the source material. but i like to give credit where it is due, and be, i like to
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orman the reader with as much information as possible. and since i made this transition from dead tree newspaper columnist to blocker to author its just a natural byproduct of my own work habits and my own information gathering propensities when i open up a book i like to know where they got the information from and it's primary source material or a government document and it carries a url i put it on. and i think that here is in "culture of corruption" i preach transparency and if i preach it i want to practice it, too. unfortunately there are too many people in government who have made those kind of promises about transparency and failed to live up to them. >> host: you write all the
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time. you are twittering or riding on your block all the time. where do you find the time? how do you do it? >> guest: having a evdo card, i have wifi and it makes it easy to be on the road, mobile all the time. and i've become really efficient at doing it i think. some people ask me how can you do it, you've got a family, to little kids, you seem to be on line all the time to read a lot of the work i do is in the middle of the night. [laughter] and i think a lot of bloggers -- i noticed this -- let's see a store to the first blog in 2004, they are insomniacs, in terrible insomniacs so a lot of times i do my work in the middle of the night. word press, which is my platform has the ability to advance
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scheduled posts, so i can set it for a certain time to post so it appears i'm on line a lot when i can do this advanced scheduled things. tweeting i do during the day when the kids are at school and i write to columns a week which are filed tuesdays and thursdays. >> host: when do you pick the topics for your columns? >> guest: you know, i will decide what i'm going to write probably around 9:00 in the morning. although prior year to the deadline i will always have two or three topics i would like to write about. sometimes it is the flow would ever breaking news is or if it's something i've been reporting on for the last week or two gathering stream on i will make judgments about a new cycle. if it is a slow news cycle and there is no breaking news and i worked on something that's more in depth or investigative that might be time to pick that topic. oftentimes i have to write off a
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obama press conference or speech and of course the last month was all the breaking news covering the legislative battles and health care bill and cap and treated cetera. >> host: today on your block january 3rd, 2010 to let everybody know what day we are going live here, the most underreported news stories of the year and you talk about the sorrows of government and why that is under reported. >> guest: this has been a theme of my reporting over the year and i have a chapter in "culture of corruption" on the czars. i've been tracking this since obama has been in office and i think it is a very worrisome trend of having this inordinate amount of class, this call trade of appointees behalf who did not go through the senate confirmation process and now have control over large swaths
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of the economy and political life. and i am not the only one who has these concerns and it isn't merely a partisan thing when you have russ feingold on the left, robert byrd, senate democratic guardian of the constitution of raising early questions about this, early enough it was incorporated into culture of corruption when was published in july, it is very significant usurpation of power. so in one of my final columns of the year i highlight to of the czars who i think deserve more attention, and i think that there is a growing movement in washington to pay more attention to this shadow class of government -- governing czars gereed >> host: why did you leave washington? [laughter] >> guest: because i could. i left about a year and a half
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ago, and i think it is -- it's a rare opportunity when you can make a choice to sort out jump off the treadmill. i've been in the beltway circuit for near in ten years and as i mentioned i have two young kids coming and i think it is an unhealthy environment in many ways to raise kids and particularly for me there are so many people who cannot separate their politics from their personal lives. to me life is much bigger than what's going on in job pages of "the washington post" or in the blogosphere and it's not an all consuming thing for me all the time. although you see me on line. i talked about it. i am engaged in the world of
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ideas and marketplace of ideas and battlefield. but when i am out with my kids i have and i have to grit my chief worrying about somebody coming up to me and yelling at me -- >> host: has that happened? >> guest: there have been sort of parallel situations, and when my family is punished for my political views it's too much. and i came to a point i was able to make a decision to, you know, pretty much live anywhere in the country i wanted to and i thank got for the internet for making that possible mccreary at swift to colorado's brings about a year and a half ago and we love it. >> host: why did you choose colorado springs? >> guest: there are many factors but was the cost of living, quality-of-life. it's a gorgeous place to live. it really is god's country. and the quality of the public
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schools. the charter school system is one of the best in the nation. really it is a hidden gem and a living laboratory of parental choice in action. every public school should be a top-notch academic rigor its charter school and i think going back to the political sphere that there is a huge opportunity for the republican party to reach out to the non-traditional constituencies because you see a lot of minority parents, urban parents, the most successful charter schools in this country are places like south central los angeles and in the urban parts of houston and the inner-city new york city, and these are parents and teachers who have had to battle sort of traditional hard left the democratic constituencies, did the teachers' unions to improve the quality of education for the kids. >> host: let's take some
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calls. first call was bald from silver spring maryland. you are on with author michelle malkin. please go ahead. >> caller: i have a question which is which political party do you believe has done the most to improve the quality-of-life in the u.s.? >> host: before she answers that, which party do you think house? >> caller: i think the democrats have. >> host: why? >> caller: well, for a number of reasons. it would take quite awhile. >> host: just give us to. >> caller: -- to go over everything. but they are trying to improve health care, they are trying to approve -- improve safety and security. they gave us social security and medicare and workers' rights and a long series of legislative
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victories which in my view has substantially improved the quality of living. >> host: thank you. michelle malkin? >> guest: well, i don't define the success of a party or the gauge its effect on americans' lives by what it has given legislatively. and i think is a core fundamental belief of my and i think a party that has improved my life is a party that leaves me alone, that has constrained the power of government to interfere in our lives, and unfortunately, and i've been very vocal about this, i think the republican party has failed to live up to its core conservative principles and so many ways. this was -- this was the battle so many grassroots conservatives had with the bush administration
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over the years whether it was the expansion of the federal role in education with a note child left behind act, the prescription drug plan, the pushing illegal alien amnesty and then the last several months of the bush tenure doing what i consider was pre-socializing the economy for barack obama with these massive bailout, the mother of all bailouts, with t.a.r.p., and the republican party is likely to reclaim its mantle as the party that stands for liberty and freedom in the market until late reconciles itself with that sort of history and then does something to change it. i think that the reason we have seen the rise of the tea party movement over the last year which i covered ostensibly is because the republican party has done such an abysmal job of
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selling itself, convincingly as an alternative to the democratic party. >> host: some would say that he party movement on the right is just as unhinged as the liberals you talk about in your book, "on hanft." >> guest: like disagree. what has been unhinged is the response by semidey in the washington establishment to this bonafide grass-roots movement and they have been severe as racists bulkeley but celebrities who refuse to attend one of these parties and see what the folks are about. they've been likened to the taliban and terrorists, by the obama administration, a democrat majority, the s clu and i think that there is a large amount of protection going on here, and i noted over the past year there are many prominent liberal commentators from paul krugman to frank rich in "the new york
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times" who talked about the rights in st. rage, these are the phrases they use, in st. rage. but every one of these tea party protests, downhaul protests have been peaceful until the introduction of these astroturf leftist groups like the s. clu, notorious incident earlier this summer where a black man who was selling don't tread on me flags was beaten by scu agitators. so who is showing the in san rage here? and i think is interesting because of the tea party movement is doing now is showing the fissures between the national gop establishment in the grassroots conservatives and independence. it is a complete myth this is some sort of top-down control movement because it was you wouldn't have seen the
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incredible outbreak of outrage in the new york 23rd special election where the gop establishment sided with this radical leftist candidate and tea party types locally and conservatives nationally held the gop's feet to the fire. >> host: next call comes from ho sound, florida i think it is safe. i cannot quite see the screen. >> caller: its me. >> host: go ahead, hi, dave. >> caller: thank you to c-span. first an observation. one of the perhaps one of the reasons the state department is so lax on visas from muslim countries is that the state department bureaucracy has historically been prodir and. they've been pro-era of ever
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since the 40's under roy harrison and robert kaplan has written a terrific book, the arabs are all about this. now the question on a call on. one of the few tax chiefs who did not get through the senate confirmation process with former senate democrat leader tom daschle. recently about in the past week some pundit has actually said he might replace rahm emanuel as white house chief of staff and that is a job that doesn't have to go through senate confirmation. i would like your thoughts on that one. >> guest: i like and tom daschle to tools on this. he is one of those washington fixtures that never goes away. and even after his senate nomination for hhs had been withdrawn he didn't go away. in fact i point out in "culture
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of corruption" he was behind the scenes pulling the strings. this is a guy who is opposite of hope and change, and yet has been instrumental in in the entire health care debate and shepherding this through and trying to sell -- salvage it. as a picture of barack obama meeting at the white house with tom daschle and i haven't heard of the call was talking about, but it certainly comports with the way this administration has done business in the past. >> host: we have a tweaked here, michelle malkin, from loralogik. i heard this malkin refer to democrats and independent calls on c-span as moon bat. but she dismisses criticism from their calls? [laughter] >> guest: i certainly called
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some of the more extreme callers who called in with attacks on me over the years as moon bats but that is all in good fun and i assure that this refers to me as a way not -- wingnut. people fret over this mano a mano and names and sort of stuff, but it's just part of how we do business. >> host: do you think -- what misperceptions are out there about you in your view do you think? >> guest: well, we tackled one from bill scher that you read that on the intentionally right things to provoke people. i think it's the opposite.
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i think what i say -- naturally it pushes people's buttons in part because they don't expect it, they feel entitled for me to think and speak the opposite way. i think that is part of it but i've been around a long time. i started writing my newspaper column in 1992 and i have built up a long public record, and i think that there are a lot of people out there upset i have been around as long as i have. my death has been predicted prematurely over and over and over again. my professional def, my public death. that's part of it and i think that there is some particularly with conservatives you reach a point at your career that you become a totem them a real
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person and it's much more convenient to think of me as a, for example as a partisan republican always cueing the bushline when everything i've done over the years underlines that myth. everything from immigration to hurricane katrina to its decision on the dubai ports etc., etc., and then and now i think because i have written my latest book, "culture of corruption" which is the frontal attack on the set ministration, lack of ethics and transparency there's this idea of i hate the man or the ennis is built on something personal when all i did with that book was laid out who he associated with, who brought him to power, who the money makers and shakers were behind the campaign, and it's interesting because in the last couple of months of this year
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you see more progressives and leftists coming around to the same view, the same conclusion that this is a chicago corruptocrat who consorts to the likes of tom daschle and rahm emanuel and has created this hope and change that is disappointing a lot more people than conservatives. >> host: michelle obama, the better half? [laughter] >> guest: yes i think she is provided by her words and deeds over the course of the presidential campaign she came off as a very bitter and resentful woman and she has done a very artful and skillful job of milking the politics of racial and class resentment to get ahead and pander to the left, and i think that her own public record as a member of the university of chicago medical center staff among the
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administrators and over the years running and nonprofit called public allies which is an americorps type of organization give in sight on what this woman's priorities are and what she may be doing now and the fact is there is a scandal, we talk about the underreported stories of the year, involving the americorps inspector general butryn out on ceremoniously, his name was joe, he was smeared by the administration has somehow in content. why? while if you look what he did i think it speaks volumes he had been investigating all sorts of corruption and misuse of the americorps funds by people who happen to be obama cronies, and from the reports of conservative media outlets primarily by renewed york at the washington examiner it appears that michelle obama may have had a role in that. where -- imagine if laura bush had her fingerprints on something like that it would have been on all the front
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pages. this has also been a common theme of the books and my blog and columns over the years is the double standards and scrutiny of the conservative republicans versus these liberal democrats and progressives who always get a pass. >> host: next call butch in jackson wyoming. please, go ahead. you know the rules you've got to keep that volume turned down. we've got to move on to randy of williamsburg's virginia. please, go ahead. >> caller: good morning. happy new year. thank you for your efforts on behalf of those of us in the real world, michelle. let me give you an example of those non-for profits and hospitals and schools and how they are kind of connected in this mom for profit industrial complex along with the educational industrial complex. i own a small business called virginia is for education that
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has visited over 1,000 schools with a mobil facility that has its physical fitness and educational component all within this mobile trailer and not only do i go to school but i follow the children home into a depressed neighborhoods so that those children whose families don't have disposable income can come and principate and a health and wellness program on the corner that kicks the criminal element off and affords a healthy and clean environment for those people to be mentored. i create critical maps on the corner where it is needed. i bypass all these big federal programs that get out millions of dollars that have now come to rely have to tell you in five to eight years if i continue on my path with the amount of students on a visit with all will have almost the entire state of
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virginia in my voting bloc because they will all remember how much fun they had in my program whether it be on the street at the boys and girls club. in the school they know who cares for them if you just show a little interest. right now we have got bobby scott setting up to bring another a.c.o.r.n. upon us with money that is going to trickle down and it's going to trickle down everybody who is part of those not for profits -- >> host: can you wrap this up? alright, michelle malkin. >> guest: i've got to hear about the local effort and that is the kind of community service on each year on and organizing i cheer on. just to sort of shoehorn this into the culture of corruption thing i have a whole chapter
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about a.c.o.r.n. and of course we've heard a lot about them in the last couple of years. no thanks to much of the mainstream media that in some cases suggest the idea about the a.c.o.r.n. scandals but barack obama of course is so strongly defined by his short stint as a community organizer for the project vote which was a a.c.o.r.n. affiliate and their needs to be a heckuva lot more scrutiny paid to this organization and its hundreds of nonprofit supposedly non-tax-exempt affiliate's who have to absorb hundreds of millions of dollars over the last decade and thanks to the big government bought, and pair of undercover journalist, james o'keefe and hannah we know a little about that and there has been an attempt to roll back their funding but we currently
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have a couple of inspector general's of various grumman bureaucracies now investigating but at the same time we are looking back we also have to look forward because over the past year this administration earmarks and passed a community service expansion of $6 billion. unfortunately that was with a bipartisan cooperation. that's $6 billion more that is being poured into the organizations many of whom have engaged in suspect activities with that money. >> host: how many tweets do you send a? >> guest: it tends to lessen when i am occupied with my column. but a lot of times what i like to do when there is life legislative debate on the floor is live tweets to people and thanks to c-span we are able to
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do that. so anywhere from five to 15 on what times i will tweet interesting links from the folks i follow and when there is breaking news a lot of times you can get that on twitter before it even hits the wires. we saw this obviously during the the iranian student uprisings over the summer, and i think it is an amazing tool. there is still this antiquated notion of the media observers that twitter is nothing more than a vanity tool, that it's all about what i ate for breakfast and where i went for shopping and i think it's good they have that misconception about it because it leaves it open for the rest of us to appreciate and to get into to avoid a great informative tool is but also as an organizing
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tool. it was on her the entire tea party movement really spring. that would rich and facebook. and this happened outside of the mainstream media radar, outside of the washington political radar. for somebody that is new to twitter you can be at a loss, you don't know where to turn or which communities to go to. but if you get a bead on the right negative tags which are the labels, they give you a sense of which communities are forming tcot, top conservatives on twitter, it gave people a place to congregate and now they've splinter off and there's local groups paul michel rebel conservatives had their own hashtag which was #redco to read the things that attracted me to the blogosphere and the first reason is you could find people
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outside were funnier, smarter, more informative with mitch specialties than most of the people you read in the newspapers, you find the same thing on twitter, too. >> host: david author has a column in "the new york times" seeking to utter is here to stay at it isn't just a fad. what twitter come blogs comer you refer to books as dead trees. our books giving away? >> guest: you know i don't have a kindle yet but this is the future of books. i might have been with one of those magazines that is going to go by the wayside, an interview with jeff and he talked about predicting that did tree books would be gone one day very soon. there is part of me that mourns that. i always used to describe myself in stained wretch.
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i worked a couple of brief days for the atlantic city news press in south jersey as a press and filling the ink on my hands and having it indelible there is an old school feel about that and i miss that. and my kids have grown up with me trying to read the dear abby newspaper column and dead tree but we don't subscribe to a newspaper anymore. so there's that nostalgia i think i will miss with the advantages of the way we can be plugged in and seem less and go from clich to clich from ennis bigger column to the primary source material to other views through aggregation it's an incredible opportunity and time to be an information provider in the 21st century.
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>> host: how are you going to be writing another did cheadle? [laughter] >> guest: i sure i will be. but i don't know about what. >> host: not right now? >> guest: no, no. my plate is full right now with continually updating all of the themes and "culture of corruption" and heartening things back to my past books. bye saying is over the last week i've referred to -- i was on the -- i was doing a news interview last week about the bomber and i refer to a prayer i had printed in "innovation" this was founded in his luggage and said this, craved def, bring negative, your passport and the prayer that was found that said got, you who open all doors for me, open all doors, all avenues and this recurring theme of the front
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doors come back doors, revolving doors, all being open to people who want to come here and do harm remains very true today unfortunately and it is astonishing and disturbing what is it now nine years on so little has been done to shut those stores. >> host: jury in california do more on what michelle malkin triet >> caller: jury please go ahead. >> caller: on immigration you've been outspoken on that subject along with lou dobbs, tampon grade of pat buchanan and others and the only difference i see in an immigration is the c-span increase. is this going to be a war that is ever going to be one or are we going to break up as the institutions are failing as and significantly called comes to solving problems like this? >> guest: in some ways it
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seems like an intractable political problem because you have got a big business forces on the right and ethnic grievance groups on the left who are intent on undermining any attempt to systemically and forceful laws. and when i wrote quote innovation" i was inspired by a maverick democrat barbara jordan, congressnrom texas who foresaw a lot of the national security problems that we are having now and she was a minority, black democrat from texas and for the same slings and arrows accused of being a racist and xenophobia and immigrant paynter for simply advocating we enforce immigration law is already on the books.
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because the open borders establishment can milk the emotional aspect of immigration it makes it extremely hard to fight against but i think that there is a ground swell during the bush years against it and we are successful in killing a really tore it -- horrid amnesty plan and people need to the back of that history of these battles because every time we've passed some sort of amnesty whether it was a large scale plan like the 1986 plan under reagan or smaller amnesties that have since been passed over by year's. what happens is a few freeboard feith small braking you get more of it. it is very simple. every time we've passed an amnesty we have gotten more illegal immigration. >> host: da ibm, arkansas. good afternoon. >> caller: hello. peter, first let me thank you for dividing the phone lines as you have today.
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geologically. i think that gives a true view of how we feel and i wish he would do that during the week, too. it would help. >> host: we do that on in depth every month. >> caller: we appreciate it. sp eight, thank you, thank you, thank you. we appreciate you for saying things we are not able to get out and some of the things we can't say and i am sick and tired of hearing how beautiful michelle obama is. did we hear about about laura bush? i don't -- and what pretty clothes she wears? i don't care for her clothes but we have to listen to that if we listen to the news. and can i tell you what happened to me at 80 hardee? well, it was a town hall meeting in october.
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[laughter] i was -- i finally got called on to talk and i mentioned i had watched certain things on c-span and different things about c-span and you know what i was told? bayh this representative? get a life, leedy to read it they don't want us to hear and know what's going on in the senate and house floor. >> guest: on the first point with regards to michelle obama i made the point in culture of corruption so much of the mainstream media, the style of reporters and political reporters have concentrated on or a -- aura to jackie onassis and that is why did the second chapter of "culture of corruption" to michelle obama. i have no opinion on her looks, and i really could, you know, couldn't care less about what
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belt she's wearing so i actually have a feature on my block where there is a new magazine cover of michelle obama or a fashion diagnosis of her on a counter it with a substantive reporting board linked to articles or information about what she's actually doing behind the scenes and who she has surrounded herself with the lives of her best friends are with her in the east wing including susan scher who hired her at the university chicago medical center and worked for her at the old firm, said ne -- sydney and wallsten. they were part of the circle in chicago and these are women who carved out mighty careers as public and political figures because of their money ties and ability to raise funds for
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obama. this is a tight knit circle and crosses between the east wing and the west wing and it gives light to this idea that michelle obama is simply there to hold teas and give my tours of the white house christmas tree. she has a definite and defined political and policy agenda and she has surrounded herself with people who are able to help her carry it out. ..
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>> who did an incredible investigative piece of valerie jarrett real-estate dealings. turns out one of the public housing complex that she saw while she was president of habitat company became a dilapidated mess. there were pictures and the testimonies from people who lived in a public-housing project talking about what the danger was to the people who live there, filthy, rats, invested and it is interesting in a telling illustration of the gap between the rhetoric of hope and change and the reality of how things are with barack obama chicago
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because gallery jarret and richard daley who she was very close to which is how she got into political life. she was general counsel and also worked in the panic of days spending department came up with the vision of reforming the incredibly dangerous housing complex in stead it enriched a lot of real estate moguls and slumlords like valerie jarrett. you will not read about this aspect of her life in all of these slathering profiles instead just like michelle obama of reno what label is on the back of her designer clothes and what if shoes she is wearing and fashion designers she hangs out with but not about the history. the day before my book was published in july 26, "the
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new york times" to a massive profile of valerie jarrett with the glamorous photo of her on the cover 7100 words about how she was barack obama is brains, is essentially the karl rove figure in the obama administration. hot it talked about the role that she played to be sure that obama remains authentic with his racial authenticity because she shares a similar background of being will to ratio and she is there with a check and balance apparently. but it did not talk about the chicago connections and the way she has made money and the failures of her and richard daley initially. then the whole history came up again during the olympics debacle because it was the
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likes of valerie jarrett and the chicago cronies and richard daley who pushed very hard for both barack and michelle obama to go to bat for the olympics bid. bad entire chicago contingent traveled abroad to make that pitch. and it was a huge failure. i think a turning point* of people realizing the extent of the chicago ways on the potomac. >> host: this is a c-span booktv our monthly program featuring what author and his or her body of work. this month's guest is michelle malkin. booktv is or e-mail address to booktv the key for holding. you are on the air.
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>> caller: good morning. i have a question about your videos. on youtube there are videos some call you a dog is where the nazi slut or a racist or prosecute what the hell is going on? >> guest:. [laughter] and. we talked about this. that is what unhinged is about. the response that i seem to provoke. he mentioned videos on youtube. when i started hot air which is my group blog we initially conceived it as a video broadcasting side. we have great correspondence
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sometimes peoples of the stuff. that is the most unhinge response but i like to have the nine hot air i did something from dressup to a cheerleader to a guerrilla. [laughter] two gwyneth paltrow. >> host: do you regret this? >> guest: no. people ask me that. ask me again about people having a myth about me and there is a myth that i may perpetually angry person prick with the videos we did of hot air, we could do a lot of things. that one was poking fun at the retreat mentality and the white flag democrats over the of war of iraq and
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afghanistan against of the war on terror and the serious point* has been underscored as a great way to poke fun at myself. i was the antithesis of that such a leader in high school and you can tell by me and ability to get in the lives of those jobs who was making as much fun as myself as other people. but people like to refer to the video has a certain indictment but i have a great amount of fun with the things that we did and i also play the electric piano for those videos. real ultimately did not make it our business model because it is hard to be financially successful to do that every year. it costs quite a bit of money to do that. >> host: youtube bay and one of your videos? >> guest: they did.
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that other great time point* of hot air we were in the middle of some incredible scraps and the electronic frontier foundation helped provide pro bono legal representation. ben universal music group tried to yank a video i had done critical of the r&b artist akon the second is on youtube itself that gain to a video i had done on the muhammed cartoons. i have blogged about this extensively in 2006. i did a little homemade scratched up a video talking about the history of violent jihad against those who dare to criticize or insult is albreck of the video was yanked but there's a spartacus effect because all of the underground people
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went to go underground and three uploaded the video and it found its way back there but it was the subject of a "new york times" magazine piece a couple of years ago along with examples of the tough policy questions of the internet censorship and the desire and the push for freedom of information on the social networking sites. >> host: merrill lynch your on with michelle malkin. >> caller: i am a big fan. with all of the money that is being spent on the t.a.r.p, a stimulus, health care, that is bogging this country down tax wise, will we ever go back to a capitalistic country? or do you think obama's plan is to go through and turn us into a socialist nation?
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>> guest: he is referring to a strategy of the left that if you're not familiar with it, there is a very informative piece of and a merit -- informative thinker of the essentially creating a false crisis and chaos in order to secure the left agenda. as i said earlier in the show, i think the bush a administration helped inordinately unfortunately to pave the way for what obama is doing now. under the bush of frustration t.a.r.p was designed and first pass and then the same architects -- architects came to the but obama administration and tim geithner is a protege of those government sacks taxes
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that are continuing the policies hong -- and now it how many stealth bailouts have been rammed through without congressional authority at all over the holiday weekend for example, the limits on the government aid to fannie mae and freddie mac was completely blown out of the water. where is the transparency? face not been in the middle of the night when no one was paying attention. of course, gmac is now being taken over by the government and it is in these takeovers that are occurring outside of the legislative sphere that is particularly concerning to me. and we essentially have had that transformative agenda take place over the last two years. >> host: arizona please go ahead with your question for
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michelle malkin. >> caller: happy new year. i am a liberal and a proud of it. it seems more inclusive and you don't have to add the word compassion it -- compassionate to lipper cry would much rather talk about the subjects you are talking about now than factory and michele's issues. it reminds me the of it says nothing about dollar rate or michelle but it says everything about us. what i was calling today i have had so many thoughts listening to your conversations, the whole dialogue of handling our own world's humanities situation with a girl good and evil, , etc., etc. it seems to be of our own making and why we have to handle our own humanity problems so and he
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mainly? i appreciate your opinion on that. thank you. >> guest: i am not sure what she is referring to specifically. handling our humanity in in he made ways i guess she is guessing about the war with iraq and afghanistan or how we are handling guantanamo bay with that may come back to incipient it with the transnational left that it is america's fault the we have all of these problems and maintaining an emmy combat and since it is inhumane although the domestic left does not have much alternative. court alternative proposals now we are supposed to do with the likes the of the
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hundreds more. apparently bared groomed do niemen to come and successfully do what he failed to do. and in the point* of two of my books we do not have a mature and grow a discussion of what we should be doing and how we should be doing it because there are far too many people. msa the caller is one of them, but far too many people who would rather retreat into a fetal position and then fight the declared enemies who have none of the reservations that apparently the people on the left do. >> host: three quick e-mails. >> why is there such a distinctive vision between liberals and conservatives? there is very the told battleground. it is have some vs. have not from florida. >> guest: night question a couple of the premises. the first premise that i
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challenge is that we are more divided than ever. what is interesting to me especially since the summer since culture of corruption and came out, you find more commonality among the progressives and conservatives like myself in criticizing this of ministration alliance with big business for example. and i quote many honest progressives and leftist in the book and use the information that they gathered as part of my briefs. you have good government groups and i do not agree with everything but here in d.c. that held the obama administration with the two the fire with transparency issues. you have a strange alliance now of the far left a
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bloggers it is in is some established conservative veterans going after the democratic erupt like chris dodd that is why he is in cell much trouble. not because of the right wing attacks by independence and some of the honest liberals are very upset and they see the hypocrisy of this guy who has his hands so deep into the till of the financial-services now posing as a populist and as a champion of the working class taxpayers. there are other issues we're eupepsia it the supposedly far left for human rights left and evangelical conservatives on human rights issues and issues of slavery and women's rights around the world. and with things with the irene in uprisings people on the left and right who have
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supported those movements over the years, i would say more the right and left but the coverage over the last six months has been united particularly with the twitter uc strange bedfellows and then with regard to the question of halves and have not commit it is a myth it is the party of wealth and a big business and i talk to a hugely wealthy people who brought barack obama to power, people who worked in the hedge fund industry, and a lot of money including people like ms. rogers to is the notorious white house social secretary. she it got her position because she was a blunder of hundreds of thousands of
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dollars for the barack obama. so that thought has been completely blown out of the water. >> host: have you and bill o'reilly reconciled your differences? >> guest. [laughter] i worked fox news channel for many, many years since 2002. five. the appear on the sean hannity show i have a regular slot on wednesday nights and a regular slot every thursday morning with fox and friends and do other shows throughout the year. but i used to guest host for that show and i no longer do that. >> host: we will leave it there? the third female what can we do to expose the schools are as a danger he is to the children of this country? >> guest: he is one of the ones that i wrote about that is now the of the story on my website and it has
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largely been planned social conservative groups and talk radio that have given extensive scrutiny to the curriculum material and reading material that kevin jennings group that he founded called glisten has put up there over the years. it is very troublesome that somebody who operates under the moniker of schools are would advocate barry h. -- age inappropriate sexually explicit material. i was say any more than that. you can do research on my website for his name or just to go it. he grew goes with the catholic blog and a number of others have reprinted tons of this material and
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there are other investigative borders to scrutinized as well. latest a man from the obama administration in response came earlier this year before much of that curriculum matter was scrutinize. arne duncan the education secretary said he stood by kevin jennings. so now what is the response to this new information? there is a real stonewall when it comes to questioning this administration's staff choices. restorer that day shall we saw that with so many mainstream reporters deliberately or not, refuse to cover the scandals involving public statements, actions of a lot of the czars and it is not just one. there are a dozen of them.
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i highlight many of them in the book to have shady ethical backgrounds and backgrounds to call into question able to do jobs credibly with public trust. >> host: the next call comes from north carolina. please go-ahead. >> caller: hello michelle. i am a 27 year-old nurse and you stated earlier the government needs to 23 screening process for the terrace. my question is have you noted a pattern in the classified terrorists and how should the obama administration prevent from discriminating against
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immigrants although with the screening process but had to make sure we're not discriminating when trying to get into the u.s.? >> guest: i don't they discrimination in ad of itself is itself. we need to be discriminating of a we left it -- light into the country. i went to the state department and regulations already exist that are meant to protect us that have a national security component involved in the process of handing of student visas, a business visa and a tourist visa. and we're not supposed to give these temporary basis of to people who might be intending from the very beginning to break those regulations and state your beyond the stated amount of time or do anything other
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than what it is issued for. there are certain parts of the world where governments have been very friendly to jihad and that includes places like saudi arabia that sent us 15 at of the 19 hijackers. obviously includes yemen which is the operating base for the place that train to the bomber. yes. we need to be very discriminating about handing out future temporary visas to people from those places. we shut down the visa express program after 9/11. we never should have and the first place it was a means to expedite the process and skipping the process to pander to the saudi government. that is a problem of the bush administration which i have been vocal and the
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obama administration. i criticize the bush in illustration for reopening the visa plan to give them to steer them pilots after september 11. it sounds like a parody weird giving out more student visas for student pilates? hello. wake up. in terms of discriminating against immigrants understand lucretia's saying and i am very concerned and it was a motivating factor to write what i did the we are punishing people who want to come here to do good. but what we need you do is there are people who follow the laws and get in line and to do with the right way and punish people who do with the wrong way. that means cracking down. this is a hidden component. we have hundreds and hundreds of thousands of people that we cannot find. so instead of overloading
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the system with a massive amount of illegal immigrants through the amnesty blankets , we ought to be showing up and clearing the backlog that we already have. and i have heard from many, many families who have relatives or friends overseas and they have been waiting to order five or 10 years. we still have yet to clear the backlog. but then in terms of being discriminating and deportation fugitives. we had 400,000 deportation evaders those who had overstated the pieces and come to the intention of the fed. with then deported by federal judges. immigration courts then i am
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pretty much giving a blank check to runoff and disappear and we have not been able to track them. should that be a priority? that is the trouble with the system not prioritizing who should be an and whose these applications should be approved in an expedited manner and who should be kept out, a sound found monitored kicked out and kept out. >> host: the next call comes from colorado. >> caller: who were you doing today? i could talk hours and hours. i have a list of a couple of different things than one question. california we're missing 60,000 jobs which is a big breadbasket of the united states then they shut down a bunch that the cattlemen and
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their cattle. californians get their carats from china and in utah they get their potatoes which idaho is just up but they get their potatoes from china. and a bunch of oil rigs were shut down because they were too close to our farms. and lend 22 1/5 $2,000 permit. >> host: go to your question please. >> guest: it is a big deal that our government has been working on this for a while. a real quick question. it does not make a difference republican nor democrat if they expose corruption do you think they have a better chance of being elected?
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>> guest: hopefully am getting at the crooks of what he is talking about, i think in all of the talk of creating jobs and the jobs programs and what the democrats have proposed, there is very the attention paid to said jobs that government has destroyed. he mentioned i think referring to the central valley rather has been an artificially created drought it is a regulatory excess that created this artificial problem and has put some money farmers and ranchers out of work. it is unfortunate that the jobs summit that is a dog and pony show for all of the obama patrons and special interest on the left, the unions and all of his cronies that you do not hear that voice at these job summit panels. we always talk about what
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government can do to create jobs but what they are doing to destroy them. on the second point*, i absolutely agree that the theme of corruption will be a big presence in 2010 and 2012 election. i chose that phrase for a purpose because that is what howard dean and nancy pelosi used very effectively to defeat the republicans in the midterms. and the charge was deserved. there was and is corruption in the republican party. when the government gross, a corruption flows. that is the operating mantra. have said until the republicans claim their own house they cannot win on this issue against the democrats. having said that, you have seen already there is huge
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resonance among the issue of independence and not just the far right store the right-wing. we talked about chris dodd his poll numbers from connecticut but this is an issue that will hang over a lot of incumbents. a lot especially over the last month as you saw the a great outrage from the pay-offs and the bribery that accompanied the health care debate on the senate side. with ben nelson who is now being characterized from the batman movie there are posters of him looking like the joker and there are some areas that stock by him that he has helped with federal subsidies a, etc., etc. but he sold out his voters for voting for that bill.
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and then, there are many, many folks on the hill who are in trouble by the ethics committee's and charlie rangel and his tax problems, maxine waters, sanchez sisters, i could do a whole encyclopedia series of corruption. [laughter] >> host: florida please go ahead. >> caller: hello. happy new year. thank you for being here and answering your questions. like to go back to the first question about which party has done more for the american people? i liked your answer but i wish would go into some examples. it seems that conservatives and republicans have a hard time to articulate but there are so many examples. one gentlemen brought up the union's. everything they are tied to our going out of business.
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teacher unions commandeered spent billions of dollars to put teachers into rubber rooms because they cannot fire them. the economies of michigan and california. all of the schools that are complete disasters have been dominated by democrats. it seems that they come up with unconstitutional noble ideas that should be an pry better charity but they all turn into failures like massachusetts you have to be rich or very, very poor to be getting government subsidies because middle-class cannot afford to pay the taxes. >> guest: yes. with regard to unions, i devotes a whole chapter in "culture of corruption" there is no better a sample of no better example of rhetoric of helping working-class people first is lining the pockets and
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the self aggrandizement of political power they spend upwards of 60 or $80 million of the ad dues to get to obama and democrats elected in the last election cycle and would have gotten for it? the president is the most frequent visitor to the white house and quite a party year on the white house seen. but it certainly has not approved the plight of the average american worker. and now we're seeing a huge backlash against the corruption service employees international union and other organizations they do not want to be represented. our just blog about the case in washington state where health care workers have rejected you did representation by the seiu. the big organizations are
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desperate to put more members of their roles through pushing amnesty and in another case, trying a big power grab in the home health care sector and even there they are being rejected by those they purport to help. i have reported over the last several months that home health care workers in illinois be back in a first by seiu and other unions to corral them into their organizations. and if that is a basic theme over the years the caller did a good job of scoping over the history and unfortunately do not see a lot of mainstream media coverage of that. there should be more. we now have a race in massachusetts felt an election for ted kennedy's
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seat and the democratic candidate is the attorney general who is extremely tied to the seiu and obviously a reliable flow to for the dam care bill and the other candidate was not getting g.o.p. support called out coke the four per alliance with the seiu of sand is getting a lot of grass roots support for his candidacy. that is something to watch to seven rehab an hour and a half to go in depth with michelle malkin. we will take a little greek -- breakage u.s. speech she gave several years ago on her book in defense of the interment. do remember speaking there? >> guest: i will never forget that. [laughter] in the home of the free speech movement there are about 200 rabble-rousers' to spend the entire 45 minnesota lectured outside
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trying to beat down the doors shouting shame shame shame trying to drown out my speech. >> host: we will show you a little bit of that and her favorite authors and we will be back live to take your calls. >> thank you i am delighted to be here in the home of the free speech movement runoff the cameras can pick it up but there are a lot of students outside and demonstrators who would like nothing more than two drown out what i have to say. my question to them and to you upon hearing with a say is whether they afraid of? i have ideas cetera unpopular in berkeley is a place that is renowned for accepting the expression of unpopular ideas and i am glad and thank you in advance for the opportunity to have a civil and civilized discussion about some of the most important issues of our day.
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what the proper balance of civil liberties in post september 11 world pro like to think berkeley college republicans for organizing this event and in particular the president who unfortunately could not be here today. [applause] she is actually in class program would like to single out who has also been instrumental in organizing things -- . [applause] a number of reporters have asked me why i chose berkeley and as i mentioned mentioned, this is the home of free speech and i am not one to put myself in a bubble and only preach to the choir. it is very important for students today and people
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who make the decisions about what the home and security policies are in the future to make sure they are properly educated natalee about the past but about the present and future. also happens i have a lot of time -- ties to berkeley. i have family members in the audience my in-laws and my brother. and i spent a wonderful summer here when i was an undergrad and i came out here and did some research and was assistant to a wonderful professor who is a paragon of what a professor should be in the institution of higher learning. one of the things that i learned that was incredibly varo of its valuable we should never accepted the official orthodoxy or the official line from a self designated expert. the book that i worked on with there in which was
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called but is it true and published posthumously but it is on undependable topics with environmental regulation and i revisited the love canal debacle that it was accepted this is a environmental disaster of the experts and scientists made claims that were not true. he taught me and many other undergraduates that ordinary citizens and the laypeople and the students who do not have the expertise or credentials are capable to come to judgments and assess that evidence for themselves. it is the theme that undergirds might own book. i am not a credentials historian and academics have taken the orthodox line on the world war ii interment have criticized me and want to show me at of the debate because i do not have a ph.d. in history per chronic they come from people who do
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not have peach season histories themselves but on the right side of the debate. i am here tonight to an four related syngenta and every day you have learned about the japanese-american and in turn meant episode is wrong. why do i bring this up now? because some critics of the current war on terror said the dangers of repeating the mistakes of the past as an excuse to do nothing to fight america's present at a may, why do i bring it up now? because the allies of the past continue to poison national-security debate about how to best defend ourselves from invasion and infiltration in the future. because in post september 11 we can no longer afford the indulgent abuse of history as multi-cultural group therapy. japanese-americans and activist in washington have
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declared solidarity and have a radical alliance such as nationality profiling airports and religious profiling of muslim clerics working in prisons and improved screening of foreign visitors from high-risk countries and stronger immigration enforcement and detention of enemy combatants. [laughter] i start from a politically incorrect premise and a time of for the survival of the nation comes first. it is not always sigrid's st. in the enabled rates that are articulated in the declaration of the independents do not appear in random order.
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>> host: michelle malkin my adventures of "huckleberry finn"? >> guest: the quintessential american novel. it is literature that really spoke to me i read in the fourth grade i went to public elementary school and south jersey the narrative, writing and story from fourth grade has stuck with me and unfortunately in that instant news business there is not a lot of time i have particularly blocking to spend on the art for the craft of writing so when people ask me what would you like to do next? eventually apply to write
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fiction. i have written for nonfiction books, a couple of them political or polemical books one geared toward history so what some point* in my life i would like to do that and i would like to write a novel i look at oprah winfrey and the book club and i think about how conservatives have done a great job of making inroads of nonfiction. but i think there is definitely more room on social issues and i think there is a rich opportunity for a pro life novel to be written for example. who knows? >> host: have you ever been invited to oprah winfrey? >> guest: and i never will and especially since she is quitting. i have had out opportunities over the years ago on many
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mainstream news shows which is quite good track minded the view when they can always "culture of corruption" and and that was a wild experience it has become a viral video on youtube. i was surprised at how little in the way of substance they had in view of my book and a lot of my readers and fans enjoyed it because i could outtalk joy and whoopi goldberg. >> host: what type of questions? >> guest: general questions about i think the one that stood out the most was joys question comparing the bush and administration to the obama administration and in the end i think what was telling is that by the end of the segment thereof that argument -- arguing whether that obama
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administration was correct but how corrupt bereday? by then you have won the argument. there's so much but i compiled in the book that if you are not arguing with a strong man or the mess then there really isn't much to say other than yes it is business as usual in washington but that is an accomplishment to get to that point*. the only substantive criticism no matter who is in the mainstream media is that it is too early to tell. know it wasn't. to book debt the people he brought with him and the decisions that he made between january and july, there is plenty of evidence that pointed to the fact he would play hardball chicago way because that is the way he has always
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played. >> host: here is a publication that wanted to do an interview in here is your real spent-- response. respect you of your publication of which might and laws are longtime subscribers i have neither the inclination nor the time to sit down with your staff jane goodall and service the anthropological specimen for the new yorkers praetorship. by wanted to play a for amusement i will do for my kids. this is on your web site within the mail you sent to "the new yorker" editor. >> guest: that is right. they have a reporter who had handed me for several weeks to get a profile done and if i had had iota of confidence it would have been a profile i would have done it. i have done mainstream profiles and i did one with "the washington post" and one more recently this
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summer so i am not completely on willing to speak to the mainstream media but i have seen how they treat the mainstream media we're that apes and a profile for the amusement of their readers. and when i have time to sit down and do something like that and time to take the effort to turn it around, maybe i will do it but not in this case. it is nice to be able to say no and there are times that i say no more than yes. that is another myth that somehow i am a publicity hound where i have been very selective price think this is very true that rush limbaugh talks about bad as well. it is also true in my case
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saying no more than i say yes. >> host: when you do your fox news broadcast do you do from your home or a studio? >> guest: fox news has a bureau in denver so most often use tv's sitting in front of the mountain backdrop but what is interesting is a lot of people are not really paying attention. they still think i am in washington d.c.. i go to denver 1/3 twice a week occasionally i can do it from colorado springs. there is a studio there. the miracle of being mobile i am as much in touch through the internet and e-mail and picking up the phone with sources here then when i lived in the beltway area. >> host: what does your husband do? >> by training he is a
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health economist but by the the living, and he is a stay at home dad. we have a nine year-old daughter and a six year-old son and our lives revolve around the them. they are my world and everything i do, my right thing, the thrust of my passion is because of my children removed out to colorado to give them a healthier and a better life which we're very appreciative for and i have dedicated many of the books in mention my husband and my kids in every single book. >> host: according to nielsen books can use sold over 500,000 books. has you're breaking media wealthy? >> guest: it has given us a good life. one of the wonders and i
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always joke about this it is the amazing thing that a little brown skin a girl can make a living mouthing off on the internet and the internet and columns and in books and i cherish every single day the first of the rights that i have and fight to maintain them not just for myself but everybody who wants to make a living as i do and the thing about the injured -- internet this house egalitarian it has made. there is no barriers to entry. i have in my home office a shadow box of all of the rejections i got earlier in my career from some tickets in newspapers and editors. there were editors that would not give me the time of day when i submitted op-ed pieces so i share the frustration that so many of
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my readers had trying to get their word out. when a reader cannot get a letter to the editor published, if that happened 10 years ago they have no outlet know they can start up a blog or put it into the online form and they're just as capable as those of us you were in the business of getting their ideas out there. virginia you are on. please go ahead with your question. >> caller: three question. who do you find your conservatism?
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i saw your reading list and digests it is somewhere in there. number two, as you take this conservative view, how is it shape america's economic policy going forward to address the losses of our economy that have come from post industrial service economy which actually goes back apparently to the 60s. certainly the '70s. and this is indeed a problem culminated by crazy things with financial-services which was the only team but if you look at the map you will see geographically luxembourg is a successful
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post industrial economy. >> host: what is your third question? > taye cared check and amend it with a universal right to work lot and enforcement have guessed and extortion by management and how does that play? >> guest: that the tobacco what i can. i think the easiest way to define me would be a conservative was strong national defense and lower taxes and limited government as we can make it so of that people can pursue happiness and a way of living without the big hand of government getting in the way.
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and you had asked me who some of my up taters -- influences were but the basic idea of rejecting the fatal conceit that point* -- government bureaucrats know better what is best for people and the rejection of what was called the division of the anointed and the adr that there is a class that should rule over everyone else that their intentions envisions matter more than the empirical evidence and then individual desires. somehow we should ignore the outcome and the consequences of the left vision too completely reject that.
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i think in terms of card check and the big push don't just look at the rhetoric but the reality these efforts are nothing more than massive political power grab and those that have fallen by the wayside. >> host: effective protest from the teapartiers movement reached a crescendo and has since become less bellicose a large majority of tea party purges of pants were seen years protesting against any changes to medicare. once the health care bill is completed, do you expect that the party movement to lose a substantial number of members or for them to lose their volume? >> guest: i guess i would question the premise of the e-mail.
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because of those seniors did drive a lot of the town hall protest during the summer, i would push the crescendo for word. there was a protest in d.c. just last month in the wake of these backroom deals that were being done providing for those to include republicans and independents and democrats is disgusting even more. and it was never intended to be demonstrations or a sit-in or such. the real story is behind the scenes are many local chapters and state organizations are now grooming people for political office. and what is especially newsworthy is the fact that these are complete the independent newcomers to the
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political process not tied to the g.o.p. establishment. and that is where real hope and change lies with the people who want to inject new blood into washington who are not beholden into the capitulation of the republican party. >> host: a lot of criticism because of this photo with you and protester with the protester and the nazi symbols and you were criticizing the bush = hitler post 31 right. it originally appeared in a local colorado left-wing reps at -- web site which apparently was covering me doing one of the earliest tax revolt protest and it happened the weekend before or the day of obama's at
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signed the stimulus in denver. i had come to speak. i had not normally done this and that this was new for me to do more political activism and getting involved and i covered their early protests before they're even called teapartiers. and there was a massive rush of people after a spoke to wanted to talk and give me materials and this guy shows up and i have no idea what he was holding and immediately which was really curious the websites turned around and said michelle malkin endorses the use of nazi imagery she is a hypocrite etc, etc.. people come up to me all the time in public situations to get their pictures taken. i did not have a bodyguard that day i did not have been
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entourage. i showed up by myself. i said afterwards. >> host: you did not see the poster? >> guest: not until it was on the site and people said late you have posed with him any way? i could not say that i would not. because for a number of reasons proprietary to be nice to people when they want my picture taken and here is the left trying to use it against me using it for their own propaganda to paint all of the tax revolt here's a us of how fascist or racist or whenever. but the criticism still holds the same leftist that use that imagery over and over was the bush. they spelled bush using a swastika and now they factor out rage?
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that just says more about them than it does about me. . . >> caller: i judge you by your mindset and your philosophy. you know, you go and talk about corruption, but did you ever think about, why was the bin laden family allowed to fly out of the country right after 9/11? the only people allowed to fly. why did bush allow bin laden to get out -- and why didn't you investigate cheney when he had halliburton dealing with iran when it was against war. >> host: what do you think the answer to why to those questions is?
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>> caller: because she doesn't -- nobody, her or ann coulter or hannity, when bush was hold egg hand with the king of saudi arabia, after the saudi arabians hit the towers. nobody brings that up. but when obama bows down to the president of japan, a big to-do about it. i just think that the conservative mindset is only looking out for -- or against the liberal mind, doesn't see any negativity in the conservative actions. >> host: all right. got the point. >> guest: he is wrong. if he listened over the last hour and a half he would have heard me criticizing the bush administration state department for creating the visa express program, and criticizing the bush administration for re-opening up a student pilot visa program for saudis, and if you go to my web site and search
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for bush saudi, you will see many posts criticizing for bush for literally and figuratively holding hands with the saudi regime. i criticize the bush state department and kearn hughes for what call their attitudes towards jihadiss, and when i criticize barack to the saudis, i linked back to my post criticizing bush for doing the same. so this underscores the point i made about my critics ignoring massive amounts of written and published evidence that i criticized both sides, but -- there are very few honest liberals, particularly in the public square, who have acknowledged what i have written in "culture of corruption." it's a always back to the, what about bush, halliburton, cheney.
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they're not in office anymore, and it's a distraction method, maybe a method of coping, for those people to keep going back to the bush years, when it's time to start dealing with the corruption and the solicitousness of the current administration towards the saudi family. >> host: kansas city negotiating ahead. >> i'm a conservative, 42 years old, and i want to know if you think the views of conservatives and liberals are changed the views of religion in the face of god when my generation gross up. >> host: matthew, could you tell us why you're a conservative and tell us about yourself? >> caller: conservative is just common sense. i mean, like, i have been watching -- listening to rush
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limbaugh, and talking to i think a five-year-old girl who is homeless. and i was just thinking, well, instead of just giving the money for us working for, he work for it himself. so that's when i first started thinking of conservativism and why i should be a conservative. >> host: do you go to public or private school, matthew? >> caller: private: >> how many of your classmates share your politics? >> caller: very few. i was ridiculed last year for supporting john mccain and sarah palin. i was hurt physically and emotionally and the less liberal kid told thed a a --
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administration, the head of the school, that i said i was going to assassinate the president, which was a lie. and they said i was part of the kkk, which was, of course, another lie. so they told this lie to make me good get in troubling. >> host: thanks, matthew. >> guest: thank you for standing up for your views. it's tough to be that young and to be unorthodox in the face of left-wing political establishment, which is dominated, obviously, by the government schools and public education, and that's been a theme of my blog over the last year, too. the ways in which the left and the -- the armies they're using, the public school classrooms clo indoctrinate the next administration of obama type community organizers and political activists, and i think
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it's very worrisome, the extent of that indoctrination, which is taking the form of these obama cult worship videos, which you can find by the dozens on youtube, to e-mails i get from upset parents on a weekly basis. and over the invasion of obama-style propaganda in the schools, and much more of it subsidized by the national service act with the $6 billion legislation i talked about. i think his original question had something to do with the role of religion in the parties, and i'm not sure what he was getting at there. unless you kind of figure out how is it that this divided country can unite over religious issues. and i guess the thing i would
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say about that is that you have areas where social liberals and evangelical christians have a common ground, and we mentioned that in the first half of the program. human rights issues and what is going on in iran or look at the persecution of christians around the world, particularly in muslim dominated countries, even in iraq where christian churches are having a lot of trouble surviving. and domestically, i think obviously you're not going to get much agreement on things like the same-sex marriage issue across states. but outside of the tough world of the political realm, there is common ground, particularly on something like abortion, where you have liberal women and conservative women who care about the fate of women and their babies, and support for
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things like crisis pregnancy centers, which is an issue for me, and finding ways outside of that political realm to get women the help they need. there is some room for unity there. >> host: e-mail and a tweet. the e-mail is from dc. who are the three most likely republicans will try to run against president obama and three of the republicans you would like to see run. same tweet, michelle, who do you believe can beat barack in 2012? >> guest: in some ways it's short amount of time before 2012 and a long amount of time, and i think one of the problems with the washington pundit tookcracy. who knew an illinois legislator would be sitting in the white
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house today? very few people would have predicted at it few years ago. so although there are names out there that have been bandied about. mike huckabee, tim pawlenty, and sarah palin, always there as a presence. i have no idea. i have no idea who it could be. maybe there's some state legislator out there on the scene, sort of experienced playing as barack who could emerge. and bobby jindal is among that list of front runners mentioned. >> host: who do you like? >> guest: i like bob by jindal. i have known him for the last couple of years and i think he is doing an amazing job as the administrator of a state that has gone through hell,
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literally. and he has a lot of experience in many domestic policy areas at the forefront of policy debates right now. whether it's healthcare, ethics reform, corruption, and he emerged as a quote-unquote rock star or up and coming rock star. i think it's a good thing, after he gave the response last year to the president's january address, that he had sort of come down a notch. i think people need to manage expectation as and that's the mistake of too many g.o.p. front runners, they embrace the rock star tatus, -- status, and then they disappoints. >> host: what about sarah palin? >> guest: i like her a lot and i have been very open about my admiration for her, for her courage, her defense of
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conservative principles and the way she handled her detractors. i got to seer in colorado springs when she came through on her book tour. she is an amazing woman, and it's no surprise she has inspired so much loyalty and passion and fervor, and just anecdotal story, on my block, when she was announced, the support came out on the lawns for people, and i talked to many of the same things she has gone through in terms of in attacks and what they called parenting syndrome, the invasion of privacy against her family, and just the really disgusting attacks in many cases by other liberal women, which i find
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really remarkable. the question is whether public office is the right and proper role for her, and i don't think she has even decided. there's a group out there, and she has left open the possibility, on her own book tour she has not ruled it out. but thanks to the internet, thanks to facebook, where she primarily communicates, she is everybody to carve out a very influential role without holding office. >> host: did you read her book? >> guest: i certainly did. one of the things that bothered me before i read the book was the decision she had made to leave public office. i was bothered by it, and i said so on my blog. she should have finished the job. but she gave a fairly effective explanation of her own situation, the family situation, the ethics investigations that
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were bogging her down. she wrote, she is not a wealthy woman. she had not attained this status where she could take care of her family and balance that with her job. and so as i read the book, i have come to accept that explanation. also, i think the subtitle of the book is, "an american life." and that is what attracts to many people to her. she lives life to the fullest and loves this country, and understands what drives people outside of the beltway, and i have met some of her family members, and they're extraordinary people it's an extraordinary family, an extraordinary american life, and if not for the unhingedness of so many women, it's a life women would celebrate for their own daughters. >> host: we're talking with
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finance reform, and i'm also wondering, senate bill 1497, because we really need oversee of media consolidation. >> host: media consolidation and public campaign. >> guest: there's a lot wrapped up in there i agree with her that there are areas of common ground for progressives and limited government conservatives, and the financial arena is certainly one of those areas, and that's why you see both liberal democrats and libertarians collaborating audit the fed legislation. and now taxpayer advocates joining up with liberal bloggers
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to go after these big business democrats, like chris bat, and we see more critiques of the rahm emanuel and the tim geithners and the henry paulsens from places like rolling stone and blogs like mine that are sounding the same themes. and the general consensus among critics on both the left and the right is that the obama financial services or financial, quote-unquote reform policy has been banks that are too big to fail even bigger, and has rewarded the enron style accounting of fannie mae and freddie mac with even more bailout money, and so i think you see more of those strange bed fellow alliances, both targeting democratic politicians
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who have enabled it. >> host: michelle malkin, we put up your web site, talk about michelle when people post comments they're not always nice? do you leave those up or take those down? >> guest: if they violate my terms, i do my best to ban commenters who cross the lines of the terms of use. >> host: do you aloe an open -- do you support an open dialogue, though, people who disagree with you? >> guest: there are liberal commenters on the site and it's a closed registration so occasionally i open it up. but there's thousands, literally thousands of commenters between michelle and hot, and we do our best to police them. we rely on other commenters to bring comments to our attention. there are people who insult me on my site that i allow, as long
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as it's not libelous, defamatory or profanity-laden, because i think it's good to have that dissent on the site. but, you know, the issue with commenters is that there are people who want to turn our web sites into their own chat rooms, and so this can also be a problem. it's trying to balance allowing as much free flow of dialogue as possible with, you know, maintaining some sort of control over it. >> host: you have written four books, sold about 500,000 hardback copies of books, and is a huge number. can you make money on a web site? can you make money twittering to 36,000 followers? >> guest: we have a viable business model for both webses.
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we have ads in the banner and side bar. we weren't able to make the video part of it, the original video production part of it, viable. so, part of running a successful business is evolving, and looking at what leaders want, and providing that. and so i think both sites have had longevity that a lot of sites have not been able to maintain. and it's interesting. if you look at the right side of though blogosphere and the right side, much of the left is underwritten by wealthy venture capitalists, the huffington post, for example, and talking points memo. they have been able to raise venture capital and stay afloat that way even though they're losing money and not making a profit. the way we have been able to do business is by having a very
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streamlineed operation. it's run by two people. i have ed morrison, who has a great blog, and an announce -- anonymous blowing, -- blogger, and they're the hardest working people on the internet. breaking news, their own investigative reporting, original analysis, it's really a go-to destination for leaders on the right, and the traffic there has been phenomenal. they have doubled the traffic that my individual site does now. and i think it's because it's so streamlined, we're able to make it and survive. >> host: han to michellemalkin.? >> guest: let's see. for unique visitors, i think it's anywhere between 400, 500,000 unique visits a month
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now, and what's interesting is that we have done comparisons of our web site traffic for both sites, with some of the mainstream newspapers, and when you think about how deep pocketed these institutions are, how massive their staffs are, and some cases we rival mid-size newspaper's web sites' traffic. so it's been an extraordinary year. i think there is an increasing appetite for the alternative sources of information. i think it helps explain the success of the web site and also the success of conservative books. today i went to a "new york times" item, a town called "inside the list." they took a look back at the year and found that conservative books were number one on the list for 26 weeks total as
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opposed to two weeks for liberal books. there was a book called "liberty and tyranny "that was an the list and did not get the mainstream attention, didn't show up on the view or the today show. my book was on the list for six weeks in a row and didn't have "the new york times" become review. i think it shows you it's a new world, new world for conservative publishing. >> host: you do put "new york times" number one best seller on all your books. >> guest: that is the publisher that puts it there. >> host: is that good advertisement? does that help sell books? >> guest: i think so. it must. >> host: they never reviewed one of your books? and there it is again. jennifer, in arkansas -- arizona, you have been patient.
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>> caller: i want to let michelle know that hillary clinton was the person i wanted to be president. i mean, i'm 62 years old. i would have loved to see a woman president, and i think that was my last best hope. but michelle, what you said -- and i never realized until what the media, mainstream media did to the clintons. they made her racist, made her look like she was a nut. thats one smart woman, and now they're cooing over her. and now -- new chicago, they want the man in charges but if they couldn't get something done with the chicago schools then, how can they get it done now? and why has anybody looked while
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they were in charge how bad their system did go and where was al sharp sharp -- sharpton d jesse jackson when the young man was beaten to death. and being from arizona, border state, one reason that president obama put in janet nap pal ton know, she is a border state governor. well, she didn't want to secure our borders, still doesn't. she took the -- we have a sheriff here that gets 70%, 70% votes. he is the only person that has stood up and many illegal immigration a law. and we have laraza fighting us all the time. american people don't want illegal immigration.
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>> host: jennifer, thank you. >> guest: let's start with the point about hillary clinton. it's interesting. there seems to be this emerging group of hillary democrats now who have found common cause with conservative obama critics on many issues, and i think it's those swing democrats who are going to join with the tea party conservatives, i think, and really change the makeup in 2010 and 2012. i have my issues with hillary clinton, and i did a whole chapter on many of the shady connections and the money problems, the conflicts of interest that she has when you look at all the foreign governments and contributors to her husband's nonprofit charities, the clinton library,
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et cetera. there was an article this weekend that they disclosed more of those doctors, donors. the second issue? arnie duncan, i believe there has to be a lot more attention paid to his record in chicago, the record of failure on he chicago political establishment to give kids in that city a good and safe education, and it was very striking that the meeting of the student in -- beating of the student in the chicago area hand right before the olympic bid and might have had some impact in the debate there over whether chicago could have provided a secure environment for the olympics. but it raise all sorts of questions about arnie duncan's leadership 0, lack thereof, during his time as superintendent, and again, there are some liberal and progressive
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critics of she -- the chicago political establishment, but most of the main stream media doesn't want to pay attention. and third, on janet nap pal to an know's record. followed her many efforts to sabotage enforcement of immigration laws, and the obama justice department has waged war against that local sheriff, for doing things like being serious about deportation of criminal aliens. >> host: marion in houston, texas. good afternoon. >> caller: thank you. michelle, i appreciate your courage, and i really appreciate you coming forward with the issue of corruption. i think it's universal issue. it's not liberal or conservative. the higher the corruption goes in our country, the worse off we
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will all be, liberal or conservative. my question is, first of all, i'm a strict constructionist of our constitution. i think a strict interpretation really answers most of our problems. with regard to campaign finance, bush, obama, they all go for money, and what is happening right now is plunder. we need single payer system where a registered voter is the only person who can contribute. the supreme court said no corporate contributions that would lend itself to bribery. well, here comes the birth of the lobbyist. but groups campaign giving is killing the country. it's destroying the best country in the entire world. >> guest: justice bran dies said
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them are democrats, and there are out a few republicans on the list, and i think we're going to see a cleaning of the news 2010 and 2012, and hopefully return to a more strict constitutionalist way of government. >> host: steve, illinois, here's his e-mail. at political commentary becomes more hyperbolic, do you need to make your -- seemingly nothing is shocking anymore, calling the president a racist, do you find yourself working that much harder to shock? >> guest: this goes back to that criticism from bill sheerer.
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no, i don't. i don't purposely make things inflammatory. i think there are divisive issues in this country, and if i'm guilty of anything, it's of being blunt. i think there is not enough of that kind of bluntness in washington, and i think that's probably why it makes what i say all the more seemingly inflammatory. i don't mince word, and there's too much of that. i think it's this -- the fog of, in many cases, political correctness that blurs issues that to me are black and white. and, you know, i think there's a double standard in how this worry about inflammation is applied. there's a lot of inflammatory rhetoric coming from the white
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house press office and from the obama white house towards its enemies. nobody agrees about the divisiveness and the hyper partisanship that has emanated from those offices, and particularly as we have been talking about, with how they attack the tea party activists. and there wasn't any retraction or apology for that. and if you look at the inflammatory rhetoric of -- against many of the republicans, and particularly sarah palin or other conservative women, look our they talk about michelle bachman, for example, the congresswoman from minnesota, plain spoken and unapoll -- apology yetic about her views. and the attacks every day. and you don't hear about that. >> host: what do you read on a daily basis? >> guest: i consume massive
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amounts of information from blogs and web sites, international web sites, the bbc, economic -- check in. i have google readers that have hundreds of blogs i subscribe to, and obviously i go to hot every morning and see what my guys are up to. and i try to consume information from all sides, so i have a liberal blog, the big ones and small ones, twitter obviously is vital to my daily news-gathering process. and then i like to check in on big metropolitan newspaper web sites in the local sections. it's an old habit i have of looking at the local section of the seat -- seattle times where i used to work, and l.a. papers, and then because it's a huge
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theme of mine, i keep tabs on chicago. >> host: we have 20 minutes left with our guest, michelle malkin who has been with us for nearly three hours. davis, california, you're on the air. please go ahead. >> caller: yes. i was really curious about what michelle thinks about this crop krotch bomber, they call him, from yemen. with all the reports that came though state department about this guy being on the list of people to watch, how that guy come to the homeland, and briefly, there's a lot of ping-ponging about what is going nonschools, and i'm thinking
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because i'm a foreign journalist myself, i'm thinking, is it that we try and stifle the kind of support we give to education, being worried about corruption and big government? because there's big cuts all over, all programs are being cut here in california in schools. and the only thing that america is -- can do at this crucial time is education. >> guest: we talk a lot about the visa process and how the state department failed to keep the crotch bomber from getting a vista. obviously the big debate in washington over the last week and over the next several weeks, will be over the failure of these watch lists to protect us. he is one of the watch lists which has some, i believe, 400,000 people, and he was able
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to fly despite britain denying him a visa. what good are the watch lists if all the people are doing is putting them on a list and not actually watching them and doing anything about it. we have to connect the dots. you have to do more than just have these static lists that nobody is doing anything about. so, once again, sort of lent itself to natural questions about the elitist who don't want the lists lists -- -- lists com. and then the question about the danger yemen poses to us, over the last many years, and one of the last columns i wrote is about the resolving door for many of this yemenie based ihadies, theemen government has been relaxed about monitoring
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their own jihadises, and that includes the uss coal master mar cole, who is now free, and now we're pouring aid to this government that has shown a lax hand. and then related to the debate is over guantanamo bay, because abc news reported late last month that two of the yemenie al-qaeda leaders had been released from gitmo. so the debate about gitmo recidivism is at the forefront. >> host: a tweet: do we have chance with sarah palin going with a third party? >> guest: here's what i have said about third parties. in the new york race i was
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grateful for the existence of the conservative party as a check and balance on the republican party, and as long as we have these committed free-market limited government third-party entities that can work to make the republicans pay more than lip service to limited government, i think it's a good thing. we had the experience with ross perot in the past, and pat buchanan, and third parties have been sort of spoilers in that sense. for right now, for my purposes, i'm working toward holding the republican party's feet to their own fire and bring it back. >> host: dan cleary tweet: which left of center columnists or bloggers do you read regularly, if any? >> guest: i read all of "the new york times" columnist online,
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and i provide a check and balance on them, and i will give you a specific example. there was a very incendiary column written by nicklaus kris krisstoff last year, and he used a poster boy -- a poster situation for the healthcare takeover, and he told the plight of a young oregon man sufficient -- suffering from a condition, a neurological problem. and he asserted that this young man was unable to get health insurance and unable to get any treatment from a doctor, and he railed against joe like -- joe
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lieberman in particular at the time who was against the health care plan, and he was accusing politicians who apposed socialized medicine for allowing patients to die. i found that many of these anecdotes for health care have not panned out, and this is one of them. there were a lot of names in the piece, and niklas, who is a pulitzer prize-winning columnist and author, celebrated by the likes of oprah winfrey, had asserted this was a case for government health care expansion when the guy already had health n insurance. i called around and discovered not only did he have health coverage under the oregon state medicaid plan, and he had been treat bid some of the best neurologists in the state. so the entire premise of this piece was wrong, not to mention
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the fact that niklas kristoff said what is being paced now is going to make things better, when its fact it would caught medicaid reimbursement. so, it would cause more of the problem he says he is trying to fix. anyway, i called attention to it, and "the new york times" ombudsman said he would look into it, but there's been nothing on its. at least he has been called out publicly, and i even tweeted it, and tweeted nicklaus directly, who never responded to me about it. so this is what i'm talking about when i take about leveling the playing field and the egalitarian nature of the internet, and alternative information out there for anyone who wants to fine it. >> host: next call for michelle malkin. ing now boston. go ahead. >> caller: hello, michelle. i think it's pretty much well known you have a strong an tip
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by toward -- antipathy towards -- is the reason your husband, jeffrey, is a strong environmentist jew and that's the reason for it. my question to you is that everything that israel has done that a disturbs you? >> guest: i find this call disturbing. it's news to me that my husband is a zionist jew, but it's not news to me that a caller like this would assume that my views about profiling or my books or writing, ihawed are dictated by my husband's imagine -- imaginary views. i have been said over the years
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i am a puppet for my husband's views, and he is cracking up if he is watching this. obviously, of course, the big smear that the college has leveled is that i have some problem at all with muslims in general when i don't. i have a big problem with specific muslims who are waging war on infidels in the u.s. and across the country, and obviously in israel, and over the years -- and you can see this on my blog -- i have made very clear that i have no bad feelings against any ethnics groups, and during the cartoon debacle i made very strong attempts to support outspoken muslim newspaper editors,
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columnists, journalists, who had spoken out about the war that was being waged against the danish cartoonist simply for suppressing views about islam. >> host: on the back of unhanged is an endorse: this what happens when you send a yellow woman to do a white man's job. if you want more information on the e-mails she has received, unhinged reprints several of them. so, some dozen i would say. rrju /hich our gas and our
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oil gets our tourists there. so i don't understand the hatred there. >> host: sheila, where are you going with this? joe talk about butch. >> on the global warming and all that b.s. >> host: okay, michelle, would you like to comment on climate change and current legislation. >> guest: well, another of the underreported stories of the year, of course, at least domestically, has been the climategate e-mail scandal, and i think it's actually having a huge impact on the democrats' push to pass the cap and trade bill, and i think that it's going to be essentially stymied,
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and it should be, because if this administration truly through believed in integrity in science, it would have stopped at it long time ago. >> host: here's another e-mail. why are you so against civil rights for minorities and eliminating white privilege when you yourself are an asian? don't you have any sympathy for your own people. >> guest: well, here we good when i talked about the left treating minority conservatives as traitors, that's a fairly clear example of the rid rick you -- rhetoric you get. i'm not against rights for minorities. there's many democrats who opposed it. what i'm against is the kind of government-driven paternalism that claims to help minority when in fact it does nothing but that. it does nothing whatsoever.
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i oppose government racial preferences, i always have, whether it's been hiring or in education. i covered the debates in california and washington state for past initiatives that abolished government preferences, and those were passed by large margins of independents, democrats and republicans, who also opposed that kind of preferential treatment, and opposed racism in all of its forms. >> host: what's your favorite book you have written? >> guest: oh, it's hard to say. unhinged i was able to let my hair down. and i really had fun with that book. it hat -- you can tell from the cover, and that cover illustration was done by a man, a fabulous artist, does a lot of work for national review, and i
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just laugh when i look at that donkey. in defense of interment was the book that sold the least amount of books. however, i consider it probably the most important, certainly the most heavy in terms of history, and really reaching outside of the normal kind of writing that i did. and "invasion" will always have a special place in my heart, the first book i had written, and inspired after the september september 11th aftermath so really got me on me way towards -- the first book that regnery published, and then "culture of corruption," the most commercially successful and the most activist of any of the
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books i have written, because what i have told people across the country is a have again on the book tour, don't want it to be a book that sits on the shelf. it's information to be used, and people are, and it's finding relevance every day of the week with some news story involving corruption of one of the team obama members. >> host: after your first book, did the publisher come to you? >> guest: it's an interesting story. when i first came up withthe idea of "invasion." i didn't know anybody, didn't have any connections in that part of the established washington conservative scene. but i had started writing send indicated columns, and david limbaugh just started up as well so we were sort of -- we became
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friendly as we exchanged congratulations e-mails, and he had come out with one of his first books with regnery, and i said due know anybody who would be interested in taking a look at my book proposal? so he passed it on, and they liked the idea, and it went from there the second book, i p defe" and they were behind that it, and then "unhinged" and "culture of corruption." i had a couple of ideas that didn't go anywhere and a couple ideas germinating, and i have been very fortunate and blessed to be involved with so many good people the conservative movement. >> host: who are some of your best friends in the media? >> guest: you know, i have to say -- of course, the news about rush limbaugh getting hospitalized over the weekend really shook me, and i'm glad he is okay. i don't know him all that way
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personally, but he has been a huge figure over the course of my development as a young conservative. he is really one of the first popular conservative figures i ever heard. so listening to him on my college campus. and when i looked at the daily news, he read one of my columns -- i never forget it. a column on the oprahic indication of the culture. this is during the menendez trial. i'm a news junkie, and i will never forget when he did this. and he read my piece because what i was really concerned about was the defense lawyer, who tried to make these cold-blooded murders look like victims. >> host: leslie abrahamson. >> guest: and this culture has
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taken over and ossified over the years, and something i rejected, the victim mentality. we see it play out with the war on terrorism, the jihadies make the victim card and milking it. it was a huge thrill when he head my column over the air waves, and a got a huge response , and it shows the scope and longevity of rush. and then i have many folk is have admired and who followed me and reciprocated and we talk about issues, and people that have been so generous with endorsements of my book. and then at fox, sean hannity has been a huge help and supporter and friend and kindrid spirit over the years. and then i would say one of -- the other close friend i have are the folks in the
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blogosphere, and many of these people i have never met in person and probably never will and it's extraordinary when like minds can get together in that way. over bits and bytes, and occasionally i immediate people at a conservative gatherings, and it's nice to put a real flesh and blood hand to a name. >> host: have you ever written anything you regret? >> guest: no, i have not. and i think that is a function of having a solid set of beliefs and deliberation before i hit the publish button or the send button to the columns. i'm extremely proud of all the books i have written, and with regard to blog posts, the thing about the blogosphere is that you have to have transparency, and in some cases, on breaking
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news, it's constantly transparent, evolving process, and a self-correcting process. if i get something wrong, i admit it, fix it, put the new information out there for people to see, and i know a lot of my leftist detractors jump on one post thates wrong, and it's information i relied on a trusted source that got it wrong, and in a lot of cases it's mainstream media that are developing stories, and long the way you have to earn your readers p trust is to keep it open and to constantly add new information as it comes in and then integrate that. >> host: we're in atlanta. please go ahead. >> caller: listening to your resources for what you read, i went the direction. i wondered about america every
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went off to the war during vietnam, to find out what had gone wrong, where we had gone off the path from american exceptionalism in the promised land, and reading thomas jefferson's writings, which i consider to be prophetic, i recommend to you, miss malkin to go back and look at the precepts that actually led us believe that acceptance is a key motto, devine province. i noticed on c-span the other day that a rebroadcast of the lincoln celebration that speaker pelosi says resilience on divine province. she misread and it didn't understand that america is supposed to rely on divine province. it's so interesting in that light -- against the poise of the great divide between the people and the elite. and that these great --
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>> host: we got the point. thank you. and your response. >> guest: i have remain a committed believer in american exceptionalism, and that is not deny we have our faults and lapses, and i just think there's two kinds of people in the world, people who believe that america is a good and great country and people who don't. i do agree with the caller's recommendation to read history, and one of the books i just started reading over the ohio -- holidays, and he guess through a very thorough review of the history of the exercise of executive power over the course of american history, from george washington to george bush to show that the kind of decision that the bush administration was forced to make in the wake of september 11th are clearly
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within the tradition of the exercise of executive power over the ages. and although john and i might devil -- disagrees on our assessment of franklin roosevelt's exercise of that executive power, the point is that it's a mistake to have a very narrow and bush-deranged and antibush tainted view of how we're handling the war on terror, and obviously i think the obama administration is finally grappling with the gravity of these decisions, particularly just to wind back to some of the things we talked about at the beginning of the show, with regard to indefinite detention. >> host: michelle malkin, author and blogger, michelle in case you would like to see her work. has been our guest for the last three hours on book
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