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tv   Capital News Today  CSPAN  January 4, 2010 11:00pm-2:00am EST

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ace challenges. we have a budget shortfall here in the city. like all big cities, we have departments that could take a good look at themselves and honestly ask if they are doing the best job. there are always opportunities for efficiency and improvement. but i have been handed a good city, in good shape, and i think mayor white for that. -- thank mayor white for that. [applause] yes, there is an aging
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infrastructure. there are issues with tension yes, we have an aging infrastructure. dare issues and we are going to have to redistrict the city in this term. those are challenges i know that we are all eager to address. [laughter] and i will speak in some detail about those priorities when i deliver the state of the speech in april. but i firmly believe our city's future will be shaped by our citizens, not our politicians. i welcome your suggestions, i seek your ideas for the future-- [applause] a city's success can be measured by the involvement in satisfaction of its citizens, how they view the quality of life in their city. and what our citizens want, the city to be for their children. as i said, we are in this
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together, and you are part of the process. a city must be a place, as margaret mead said, where groups of women and men are seeking in developing the highest things they know, and that is we are set to do. i know that he's in is a city of open arms and carried warm hearts. and after katrina, the whole world knew that as well. thank you for opening yourselves to those in need. [applause] we are a city of opportunity and we are a city of optimism. we have a sense of partnering and a respect for our differences. houston is a city built on dreams, but our dreams are
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always powered by hard work. they are guided by common sense and they are inspired by creativity. i spoke on election night of this being an historic election. and my election made news around the world. now, houstonians were very surprised that they elected the first american of the major american city. we have a tradition of electing mayors not for who they are, but for what they believe we can do as a city. [applause] but, i do want to speak just
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briefly to those from my community, to those who are or or bisexual or transgendered. i have understand how much this day means to you. i danfield your excitement and your joy. but i can also feel your apprehension and your longing for acceptance. i will gladly carry you for word, but today is simply one step toward a tomorrow of greater justice. and when the time comes i will gladly pass the torch to the next in waiting, and i will cheer for them as you do for me.
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your bravery in the face of threats, your grace in the face of unsolved sustains me. we will support each other. [applause] do not fear to dream big dreams. bring your whole self to everything you do. face the world with dignity and integrity. i promise you that pain is worth the reward. thank you for being with me. [applause]
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thank you. i do know this city well and i love this city even more. i would not want to live anywhere else. this is a great city. i have been asked many times over the last month to name a city to which i would compare houston. and i have thought about that quite a bit and there is in fact one such city. that is the houston, in my imagination. [applause] the houston that could be, at the houston that should be. the houston that can be and will
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be, if we will it to be, if we work together to achieve it. [applause] but imagine with me some possibilities, some very real possibilities for our city. imagine neighborhoods where the police are known and recognized and a and turn know the neighborhood and we are all safer. imagine neighborhoods where all children can play outside in their parents don't worry about where they are. [applause] and who could harm them. imagine a more unified approach to public safety were all of the law enforcement agencies in this area, houston police working for example with various county sheriffs, deputies or with constables together on the crime initiative, something that makes
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sense for all of us. imagine an extensive mobility system embraced by the public. houston is an immense city. we need all possible transit options to move as quickly and efficiently around the city. [applause] that can happen here. and it will happen here. imagine a city with clean and safe air. [applause] as we prosper, we must take pains to improve our air quality. and history knows that, we know that. what is good for people and what is good for neighborhoods is also ultimately good for business. we have to get it done. [applause] imagine too city save from the
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ravages of floodwaters. [applause] i think you have experience that a little, have we? as we know what they are here can be volatile and there's not much terrain in houston. we should expect our city to work toward alleviating flooding, especially in neighborhoods where it has happened over and over and over again. [applause] i have heard my colleagues on the campaign trail talking about that and expressing their willingness to tackle long term flooding problems in the city of houston, and that is a challenge that will take years and dollars and commitment and i thank them for expressing that in stepping up. [applause] imagine a city within during
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partnerships where we work closely with our other municipalities, up with harris county, with the private sector, with the nonprofit agencies. we will build on the existing partnerships we have and create new ones whenever there is potential benefit. imagine a city where the high-school dropout rate is insignificant. think what that would mean. [applause] banquet that would mean for our quality of life and our ability to attract jobs, but think what that would mean for the lives of our children and our children's children. now, we don't have to imagine houston as an international city. we are and international city. [applause] the whole world lives in houston. we are cosmopolitan,
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international, diverse and tolerant and some of our city you have seen onstage today. with my have tried to use the media coverage around my election to tell the world about houston. but i am only one voice, so today i hereby delegate and designate you as ambassadors for our city as well. let us tell the world why we live here and why we love this city. [applause] a great city is ideal. it is a symbol for other cities. a great city embraces diversity. a great city refutes discrimination. a great city reaches into every corner of itself to assist those in need. a great city of bordsen elite is some and selfishness.
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a great city rolls up its sleeves and rebels in the work it performs. we great city has no patience for idleness. a great city is one in which all citizens feel the warmth of community, the presence of safety and the pleasure of dignity. a great city imagines its own bright future and sets about to make it happen. please join me and help make these things, these things that we are imagining today reality in the city of houston. thank you very much. [applause]
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[applause] [applause] >> now the inauguration ceremony in atlanta for new mayor, kasim reed. this is just over 25 minutes.
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>> what now welcome to the stage for kasim reed's big moment, the honorable chief justice of the georgia supreme court, carol gunsby who will administer the oath of office to mr. reid. [applause] [applause] you will play clec hand on the bible, raise your right hand and repeat after me. i do solemnly swear. >> i do solemnly swear. >> that i will faithfully and impartially discharge the duties of the mayor of the city of the
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atlanta, georgia during my term in office. i will not knowingly permit my vote to in the election or appointment of any person to a position in the city government's to be influenced by fear, favor or affection. reward or expectation thereof in all things pertaining to my set office i will be governed by the public good and the interest of the city. i will observe the provisions of the charter. ordinance and regulations of the city of atlanta.
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i further swissair that i will support and defend the constitution and the laws of the state of georgia and of the united states of america. i further swear that i am not the holder of any office of trust. under the government of the united states, any other state or any foreign state, which i am prohibited from holding. by the laws of the state of georgia, and that i am not the holder of any unaccounted for public money do this state or any political subdivision or authority thereof. i further swear that i will the pull in support the ethics code
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of the city of the land of. i further swissair that i have been a resident of the city of atlanta for the time required by the constitution laws of this state and the charter and ordinances of the city of the atlanta. i further swissair that i am otherwise qualified to hold set office according to the constitution, the laws of georgia and ordinances of the city of atlanta. so help me god. >> so help me god. >> congratulations. [applause]
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[applause] [applause] >> i love you back. [applause] >> well, to the members of the judiciary, to my council on the atlanta city council, to my colleagues come to my friend and
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the leader of council, president ceasar mitchell, what we know definitely know after that long and detailed swearing in is that if we were not in this together we are definitely in it together now. [laughter] i want to welcome visitors from the state of georgia. in addition i would like to take the time to welcome three mayors, mayor neal, mayor khaldun. [applause] i also want to extend my warm appreciation to my predecessors, who are here with me, mayor sam massell, ambassador andrew young and my friend mayor shirley franklin who have honored us with their presence. [applause] i also want to thank members of the fulton county commission,
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members of the dekalb county commission and members of the georgia general assembly who were present with us today. i look forward to working with you. [applause] to take the oath of the office of mayor of this city of atlanta, with my father and my mother standing beside me is a moment that i will never forget for as long as i live. [applause] to my family, particularly my brothers, his wife crystalline my good friend that my brother's fianc, thank you for dreaming with me and thank you for helping to make this possible. [applause] i also want to thank my stepmother for being here as well.
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[applause] thank you for allowing me the privilege of standing before you today is that that denied mayor of the great city of atlanta. this is truly the single most important moment of my life and the gratitude that they feel toward you who made it possible can never be measured. i will always remember and have my efforts informed and inspired by the knowledge that i would not be where i am today were it not for you, the citizens of the atlanta. no man or woman is an island and no one rises to leadership without being listed-- lifted to such heights by those of brown them. such really as the moral of my story. along the path the this podium i have seen the faces, heard the hopes, felt the disappointment and thought myself deeply moved by the dreams of people in my community. i carried this personal encounters in my heart and i
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will use this office you have given me to make a positive difference in the lives of all i can, for today i and the recipient of a sacred gift, a gift of the public trust and its collective hope for a brighter future. i assure you, i take neither that gift nor its attendant responsibilities lightly. stewardship of one of america's great cities is now the mandate that has been entrusted to me, the members of the judiciary, the president of the city council and the members of the city council. i am deeply humble by the call. more than anything i know that i could not do it without you. i ask for both your prayers and your earnest efforts in making atlanta the that signing city on a hill, as dr. king would have it be. i also know that so many of the great leaders of a plan that have known before me, that
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services are the tangible way we demonstrate our own acceptance of responsibility, because when we put others in front of ourselves, when we sacrifice self interest in the name of collective responsibility, when we stand with others rather than going it alone, we does to-- do so because we recognize the responsibilities we have far greater than any one of us. there is an african proverb that i would like to share with you because it means so much to me. it is simple and elegant. it says if you want to go fast, go alone, but if you want to go far, though with others. i atlantic, let's go far today. [applause] so, while i stand here before you as a mayor who has sworn to undertake those responsibilities i am looking out at so many of you who have often understood
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and shared in this effort. your service inspires me and will continue to inspire me as we face a set of responsibilities that calls each and every one of us to serve the atlanta. with that in mind, i would like to we face at this moment. that vision is the full responsibility. our responsibility to our past come into our present come to our future and most importantly to one another. it is often said that to know where we are going we must know where we have come from and with that in mind i believe we must understand and acknowledge that the atlanta that we cherish today, the plant to the wehrey movement of freedom that changed the history of the world was launched would have never come to be bored not for the combination of people and initiatives that have come before us. great mayors like mayor william hartsfeld had the vision of an airport that is become an
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essential engine of our city in the gateway to the world. mayors like ivan ellen in mayor sam lasalle to help transform atlanta to the new capital of the self, building bridges between people. mayors like entry young voom helped create new public projects like the modern airport and to introduce atlantic to the world stage by bringing unprecedented private investment in jobs into our city, and there's like my friend shirley franklinville continue to make sure that the state, the nation in the world knew that the plant was opened for business even when it was tough and in the process she never forgets the least of these and the people who needed help the most. those leaders built a city-- [applause] those leaders helped build a city where business opportunity and growth became hallmarks of
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atlanta, where barriers are not overwhelming but are instead obstacles to overcome, a city where public works and good works go hand-in-hand with private investment and professional success. those great leaders in callous others to toiled quietly outside the limelight with no expectation of glory or fame, have made it landau but it was always meant to be, this city on a hill. today the torch has been passed to each and every one of us. each of us has a responsibility to continue the legacy of past leadership by continuing to cultivate a business climate were addressing challenges that limit their capacity to invest in our city and to invest in one another. first we must recognize our city must not only stay it is open for business that we must act like it is open for business to
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create economic prosperity for all of our citizens. i have said before and i believe now in order for it landed to truly be graded must be a city for all of us while job creation with their wages and opportunities for people of all backgrounds must be the responsibility of the private sector. we have a responsibility to create a culture in the halls of our government with the city enables businesses to radically respond to opportunity, not to impede that response with red tape in red ink. we must recognize that creating a culture that is conducive or responsible economic development is a paramount function of city government. starting right now we will make sure that the women and men who have visions of opportunity have partners at city hall. i will be known as the mayor of a small business person. it is these people of vision that will employ our citizens, open new markets and take its
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lead to new heights in the next decade. [applause] we will create new opportunities in several ways. we will have the best and brightest among us join the dedicated public servants in city hall to work with business and with our citizens to develop the next engines that will fuel our city and our region for decades to come. while the challenges we face are unprecedented, so too are the opportunities. we will make sure functions like the process in the city is not a force of frustration but a source of growth. i promise sanka met today that in my first year of office, we will completely reform the city's permitting process once and for all. [applause] it will be more efficient and easy to use. by embracing business and giving
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business the opportunity to embrace the back we will take responsibility to continue the legacy of our past. as we strive to create the new health the environment where entrepreneurs can flourish, we must take responsibility to solve some of the unfilled challenges of our past, one of which is the city's pension crisis. friends, that has been provided-- the work provided by every worker is worthy of merit and deserving of appreciation. [applause] you have worked in our offices, repair their streets, kept the city moving in made atlantic great but the stark reality today is the one out of every five of our dollars in the general fund is going to the pension system and we must work as a team to get through these tough times. we need to face this challenge head on being mindful of the
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responsibility to taxpayers to fund that system but make no mistake, we will face this challenge and people get through it together as a team. the next area of responsibility we must embrace is the responsibility of our presence. we know that the times in which we live in the economic hardships we face have created for many of our citizens a sense of hopelessness and when people are without resources to make ends meet, when the flames of their frustration are flamed by a strong wind of hopelessness, these individuals may turn desperate and some even turn to crime. please know that this city will not simply be tough on crime. we are going to be smart on crime. while i will be-- [applause] while i will be vigilant to stop crime and protect our citizens at every turn, i would not be
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satisfying my responsibility as your mayor without also addressing the root cause of crime, without creating hope, jobs and opportunity for our citizens, then nothing else matters. this i promise i will do. [applause] but, know this. when women cannot walk to their cars that night without feeling safe, when students don't feel safe walking to class, when a conviction attendees don't want to stay out of town we have failed to take responsibility for the most sacred it obligation, the safety of our citizens. we must undertake this effort with seriousness and severity. we must work harder to prevent crime. we must eliminate violence fueled by gang activity and we must reduce these types of activities such as aggressive panhandling that frightens our citizens. [applause]
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we must also treat our police officers better. by paying them a wage-- [applause] by paying them a wage that allows them to support their families and to afford to live in the city they have sworn to protect. we must have more police officers walking and working amongst us and in the next year i will honor this commitment. it should be so and it will be so. [applause] the foundation of my campaign was built on the my promise to attack crime in this city, the foundation of my administration will be built on my fulfillment of that promise. we must take responsibility for giving hope to those who feel hopeless, opportunity to those who feel they have none which is why as mayor i have pledged and i will keep my pledge to open
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every single recreation center in the city of atlanta. [applause] but opening them isn't enough. more than opening them, we will turn them into what they must be, centers of hope and from this day forward, as mayor that is what we will refer to them as. that is what they must be for the sake of our children. [applause] i also want to thank the chairman and ceo of turner broadcasting inc.. we had a very warm conversation yesterday and we were talking about what we could do to reach out and save the generation behind us, to make sure that the generation behind this has what i had then had with ceasar mitchell had. ceasar meja lagger up about ten minutes away from each other.
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i went to a little high school called westwood. here we stand today 40 years later as the mayor of a capital city of atlanta and there's the president-elect of the council. [applause] but, but we must ask ourselves today is our story possible for someone who has come to a clint in 2010 because if we do not make sure that those who follow us have the same opportunities that we had that got us to where we are today then we have failed our city. and after having this taut, phil told me that this year 1 dollar out of every will be dedicated to opening recreation centers. last year and a quarter of a million visited and those dollars are going to open recreation centers for the city of atlanta.
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we will have action, not words. [applause] turner broadcasting has laid out a challenge that is appropriate. for other businesses that drive in atlanta to contribute to making sure our young people have the opportunities that they need to go as high as their intellect and their hard work will take them. this value brings me to my third area of responsibility, the responsibility to our future. we are a city with one of the youngest populations in the nation. where opportunity is limited only by our imagination. we must take responsibility for that future by creating opportunities for each of our children to achieve. a journey should be measured by the distance traveled and not by the heights reach. well my story is a simple one my
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journey from selfless atlanta to these calls is one that should not be viewed as too far by the children of the middle school where i voted on election day but rather a new walker breach of them believes they can pursue in detain. my story, ceasar's story it must be one of thousands ford planted to become what it can be. but do you know what? our responsibility to help every child is a sacred responsibility that we cannot afford to give a failing grade on but i want to say this to the young people of atlanta, to the children, to the teenagers and those that are going to college. when the judiciary branch and the atlanta city council and when the president and when i are working along with other people in our city deliver more resources, we are going to demand more of you. [applause]
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to our young people today, i say this. now it is time to connect hard work with life outcomes. success in life is not accidental. now is not a time for ease. now is the time for you to dream and work but you must always work harder than you dream, young people. [applause] the final pillar of responsibility we must recognize is our commitment to one another. for me personally i recognize that i am a part of a team of elected officials, especially my friends and colleagues on the city council. we have a responsibility to work together, with honesty and transparency to help make this city thrive. we have a counsel to do more. to the council president i want you to know that i am proud to be on your team and i embrace the partnership that we have and to other elected state and local
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officials, i am proud to be on your team come to work with u.s. we face the challenges of our region and our state. led aspartic together is that the future of our city and state depended on it because the know what? it does. next, i want to it knowledge that the city government has a responsibility to its citizens to perform the business of government in an open, ethical and professional manner. we must also create a culture of customer service that competes with the service quality of those companies that collican at the home. it is thought enough to say we must do better. we must actually do better whether it is taking care of that pothole on the street or answering your questions when called come every encounter with an employee or the official must be one that inspires confidence. finally, we must recognize that we have a responsibility to one
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another, to transcend that which divides us and to respect that which makes us unique. the diversity of our sex, of our race, of our sexual orientation, of our religion, personal background and personal heritage's what brings us together because the tapestry of the atlanta is a beautiful one and it must be a source of strength, and never of weakness. we should also be kind to one another. it is not a sign of weakness to be nice to each other, to treat each other well. [applause] we cannot face our future together if we are facing off with one another. in my office and in this city i will strive to have every voice heard and every opinion respected and i hope that you will join me in the discussions that we need to have and the actions we need to take to come
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together as the city because we need to be more than a city that is too busy to hate. we need to make sure we are a city that isn't too busy to love. [applause] ladies and gentlemen, friends, citizens of the plants of those are our responsibilities, to our past, to our presence, to our future and to one another. i am reminded today of the biblical story of joshua and the spies who moses dispatch to the promised land after surveying the land that was promised, after seeking out giant grapes and a land flowing with milk and with honey, this spies return to moses to report their findings and while ten of those spies were filled and the perceived giants they would face, two of them came back believing there
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was a promised land worth sacrificing for. one of those spies was joshua it went on to lead his people into the land of the future. atlanta, we are all on the lookout for our future. we are all spies of our own collective destiny. we can see the future and act boldly. i choose the latter. we will act boldly, because what they know without a doubt is that atlanta, the atlanta that i know and love is worth sacrificing four, is worth fighting four, so yes we stand in the midst of storm clouds of an economic recession that has challenged their ability to deliver and just as much we stand in the valley between mounds of local and regional issues that stand so high that we are challenged to imagine what did you looks like from the mountaintops. we cannot ignore those storm clouds. we cannot avoid those valleys,
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but fran says your mayor i will share with you this. we will see the sunlight of our future. we will stand on top of those mountains. we will be a city on the hill. we will embrace the shared responsibilities we have an together in spirit, in service we will succeed. we will win. come with me. our journey has just begun. godspeed. thank you. [applause] [applause]
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>> and now it's form on grassroots campaign planning from american universities campaign management institute. this is about an hour and 30 minutes.
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>> i am going to introduce our for speaker of the afternoon who is another great republican. it is funny and all of our republican speakers are great, but some of the democrats are too but the especially the republicans. [laughter] what? [inaudible] yeah, and that was an intro to the intro. the intro. >> you can stop right there. >> pietro actually we start out saying that we are welcoming you back to the campaign management institute at american university. we are finishing our first week and our speaker this afternoon our first the areas dave watts, who was the electoral services representative for the national association of realtors in washington. dave sir says liaison between the national association of realtors and the state and local associations around the country in conducting issue and candidate campaigns.
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he had also worked for the party. before he joined national association of realtors reworked for former president george w. bush so you know he is a republican. texas senators john cornyn and kay bailey hutchison and five different members of congress. he has worked in politics only since 1982. but, to me that is only. managing races at the county, state and national level and we are delighted to have dave back with us again to talk about coalitions which feeds into what i just finished talking about in strategy in strategic thinking, so dave. >> thank you guys for having me. yes, i am an african-american republican. i am a member of a small, but i like to think loud coalition. as i tell my friends, we like to
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think that we are small but that means we have got a lot of room to grow. my democratic friends say we will never grow but i always hold out hope. right now we are 45% away from being the majority. maybe before my lifetime is over we might crop up a little bit closer to 50% but right now we are hovering at 45% away from being the majority so i do have hope. i think it is great you guys doing this. a lot of you have spent your christmas break to do this. i think that is great. most of you are either going to run campaigns, work for the party or be a field director or political director of something of that nature. my talk today about coalitions is going to do little bit more with how to incorporate aleutians into your field operation. i am going to talk a little bit about how coalitions can help you raising money. i'm going to talk a little bit about how coalitions can help
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you in messaging but the main thrust of my presentation is going to be how do you you take coalitions, all the thousands and thousands of coalitions that now exist and incorporate them into your local plan. because the beauty of coalitions is if you run your coalition's program correctly you can get a lot done for a little bit of money and that is why coalitions, that is why i think they are beautiful. i heard this major discussion over here about my guess was media time and by mtv for your campaign plan. i will guarantee you when i'm done with my presentations there will not be in knock down drag out about media time. hopefully what i will do is give you some ideas on how you can build coalitions and how you can incorporate coalitions into your plan that will allow you to take the limited resources and we all have been because of campaigns
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we have three limited resources, people, time and money. it will allow you to take some of those resources and move them to other places by doing coalition specific activity so what i want to do first is to start with the very definition of what coalition is, the objective of the coalition in that region development should be to establish a fast political network that will enable your party campaign to grow into a true majority by reaching out to all americans regardless of religion, ethnicity or racial background. the one thing we know about today's political environment, less unless people are identifying themselves. it used to be a long time ago that everyone was an r for everyone was a d. not anymore. in today's environment more and more people are identifying themselves by issues. the party id is sieving going down.
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the independent id's been going up. i think it started a brown 2010 continues to trend in that direction, so now the people are identifying themselves by issue it makes our job, you have to write this down, are you going to send this to them? you don't have to write this down. now it makes our job harder because we now have to go out and be can't assume any more that anybody is an r or anybody is a d. now we have to take the time to talk to them. it is just a terrible thing, is in it? but we do, we have to take the time to talk to them and we do that through voter i.t. education, registration activision in coalition outreach and three that we seek to bring a course of borders of the verse groups to our party campaign in order to advance our positive agenda for america, so that is what we are all here four, right? is not what we are all here for?
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whatever candidate you support or whatever party you work four, they are going to make the argument that we are the right party and we are the right candidates because we have a positive agenda for america so that is what we are all here for. they will also tell you as i told the may class, everything they do is for because they love america and it is also for the children. so whenever you get into a bind, hold a press conference and said you did it because you love america and you did it for the children. usually it gets you through every time. sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't. now i must warn you that as a former schoolteacher i have no problem in dealing in calling the people while i am giving presentations by name, so i love nametags. name digs make my life a lot easier. two types of collections. the first kyper preexisting.
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this would be a republican party, your democratic party, you are right to life groups coming your pro-life groups would be all the clubs, all the organizations that currently exist right now. when you are running your campaign and you start putting together your coalition plan the first thing you should do is get out a piece of paper and try to list all the preexisting groups that you think are going to be before your candid and the groups you think are going to be against your candidates. and then the first thing i would suggest you do as you sit down with your candidate in the come up with a strategy and in order to go visit these preexisting coalition groups, because they are a great place to start your campaign. it is a great place to get volunteers. it is a great place to get the membership list. now, let me warn you.
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do you know the old adage and i am sure your parents have said this, with my money comes my advice. we have all heard it in some way or another. to go to the preexisting groups you have to be prepared to give a little bit to get a little bit, so when you go with me with these groups you treat these meetings as serious meetings. you going, you know what you are going to ask for a have the time and you make the ask. then if you don't get what you want then the negotiation begins. but preexisting groups can be a very powerful tool for you as you begin your campaign because if you are a challenger, when you begin your campaign you were not going to have a lot of what? your not going to have a lot of things. you are not going to have a lot of money but you are also not going to have a lot of what?
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support-- name recognition. keep coming. you are missing it. who said people? are you tem or are you jesse? people. you are a challenger. most challengers unless they are elected a state representative or elected a state senator or elected to some previous office, don't come to the rodeo with a lot of horses. in texas i use the term courses. there are show horses and their work forces so lot of people don't come to the rodeo with a lot of work forces. one way you can begin to build-- i don't want to use the word stable, but to use, to build your stable of workhorses is to go to the preexisting groups and you will know who they are. the local party will know who they are, the state party will
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know who they are and when your candidates announces rick the word gets out on the street that he is about to announce, they will make sure you know who they are because they want to sit down with you probably just as much as you want to sit down with them. but you guys can jump in net any time. if i say something that this and make any sense are you have a question, just blurted rideout is bee through this. the second group is campaigns the citigroup. when i think that campaign specific groups, i talked to a buddy one day and we were talking and he said, we have this breakthrough coalition. he was working on nikolish and race and i said what is it? he said undertakers for johnson. i thought he was joking. well, his candid it was a former state senator and he had done something in the legislature to
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help the undertaker business. so, when he announced for office one of his supporters who was an undertaker came to the campaign and said we will pass out voter registration cards for everybody who comes to the funeral home. [laughter] and you know i left a little bit and i said, so what you guys going to do? he said we are going to pass out voter registration cards to everyone who comes to the funeral home. i said as long as you are living that is ok but you guisseppe to make sure that doesn't happen. that is a good example of a campaign specific coalition. another one i like to think of is here dressers. hairdressers for call on. barbarous. the beauty about campaign specific aleutians andy bacon advantage with campaign specific coalitions is you can troll--
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control the size, the growth of this coalition. this is a campaign coalition ended is usually a coalition that just comes together for this specific campaign, so you are not dealing with nine executive directors, you are not dealing with nine regional vice president. you are not dealing with 18 field coordinators'. these are coalitions that you guys created to your hard work and these are also coalitions that kind of fallen to your lap during the campaign. he were sitting in the office one day, you have three schoolteachers come in and they all say we support. .. because cullen is for education said u.s. the campaign director look at them, you hug them and you say guess what, you are now charge of my-- teachers for
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colin, for congress and do you know deputy about this? how much is a cost you to make them in charge of that coalition? zero. absolutely zero so they are all excited. what do they do? they start running out in signing up teachers to hopefully colin does not do anything in the meantime to scare them off than they sign up for more teachers and more teachers and more teachers, so you have now begun to build a coalition and that coalition has cost you what, jared? zero. now, they are always did some ancillary costs because eventually you will have to print up some flyers that says what colin's position is that right now we are just looking for buyers. as colin's campaigns grow and is the money starts coming in and is colin's pull number start going through the roof, money will be a problem but right now
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we are more interested in the bodies to bring into the campaign. yes, sir. pac's are preexisting. you know what the pac's are. [inaudible] >> but if you have a good fund-raiser what you are having the coalition meeting with the candidates come of the fund-raising meeting the talk about pac's, a major donors so all that should be covered on your finance side. so any questions so far? i wanted toka little bit now about why coalition is important, why must we now in today's campaign cycle have a robust coalition program within our campaign plan. because it broadens our potential universe. everything we do on the
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grassroots site, everything, every minute of the day, every hour of the day, every day of the week is spent towards what? building an army that we turn out on election day. or, in some states, that we turn them out in months earlier for early voting. we start turning them out a month early is the key so everything we do is designed to turn out the vote. ..
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when we are building a coalition plan.
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what people like to register to vote who are unregistered from their friends. as a field guide i've known a lot of people i was always guilty of wanting to run to wal-mart, said a table of the outside of balart and sit there all day and think the masses would come off the mountain. they don't what. the best way to register voters in the coalition's into situations where and you can have like-minded people registering like-minded and registered voters. generic vote her drives are great and serve a purpose. the serve a valuable purpose depending but if you can do voter drives, and i'm going to give you guys an example how you rolled this in but if you do a voter drive try to set up a voter drive where he of like-minded individuals talking to each other because the
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propensity for folks to register are a lot higher when they think they are talking to a friend than if they are talking to a stranger. so when you are writing your campaign plan and putting in your voter plan keep that in mind. the fourth thing is while we are all in politics and you guys are running campaigns it is to give the lasting majority because you are all hoping your boss will what? wins. after he wins you don't take everybody collected on the campaign. no you put them in a database and when he has to run for the reelection in two years is the first place you have to go to get the campaign going, back to the database. now if he'd run a smart congressional office and i know you all will run smart congressional offices you are constantly adding to the
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campaign database. constantly adding to the campaign database and hopefully that will give you enough names to develop a lasting majority. if you work for a candidate who does not win that still doesn't mean you take the names and throw them in the trash can. if you are a good soldier for the party to take the names and give them to the party. jackie, why are you laughing? >> [inaudible conversations] [laughter] what's that? because trust me, the local party, and i was a local party for three years, any information we collect, win or lose after the campaign is very valuable for the next campaign. because if colin god forbid i hate to do this, comes up short let's say he gets 40% of the vote. he gets close but he doesn't make it over the hurdle so i sit there and i say maybe we can win
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this next time. the book shows up, ready to go to years, he's a great candidate, walks in and says what do i do? he's like i'm willing to write myself a $1 million check and he says i've got the money. i've hired my consultants. i've got my campaign manager who once you find out he has $1 million charge him a bunch of money but what he doesn't have is what? he doesn't have people. and he will be ever in did it to you and use a wait a minute i have a list of 5,000 people we collected on the last campaign i will send to you. if you are the county or the state is let's make a deal times. it's not really lets megadeal time the truth be known is less
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megadeal time. you can have this and play chicken like o.k. what do i get and he says i will do this and that in this way you can do is ask for amazing salles licht optional items for your fund raiser and then call it even and that we everybody is happy. and so we are always looking win or lose to develop a work of lasting majority because if he wins, and let's say she wins with 51% we all know in the world we live today he is what? the next cycle. he is a target and he is vulnerable so we know they are going to come after him because he hasn't reached for some reason i guess -- the number used to be 55. used to be the magic number anyone over 55 didn't get targeted but now today the number might be 60. they might say a guy gets 58 he
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might depending on how the district changes he might be vulnerable so even if books wins and wins with 51 he still needs to do a good job of building his lasting majority and in the last one is provide largest talked about. okay. basic information about colish and development is going to take time. the sooner you begin collection development of the easier it will be. it will not happen overnight. you are really going to have to get lucky and persevere when he or in the beginning stages of building these collisions and i am not talking to the pre-existing groups because they are already there. i'm talking more about the campaign or specific coalition groups that will really when push comes to shove those guys will be the dedicated
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volunteers. those guys will be the ones that will be the dedicated ones who've been willing to give up their time from the beginning and so those are the ones you really want to focus on. people who do outreach me to be knowledgeable in collisions. don't hire me to do asian outreach. [laughter] you'd be surprised a campaign manager sitting in the office that's got 1 million things to do, their boss comes in and says we need to hire coalition's director. they stayed up in the office, they look out and say elisa, you are in charge of outreach and she is like i don't know anything about asian of reach. doesn't matter because you have checked the box. you can go back and tell your boss i've got a coalition director for asia now reached. it is elisa -- everybody's happy for a second everybody's happy. [laughter] so, when you go to higher for
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specific questions remember we are looking for like-minded folks to talk to other like-minded folks. so let's make sure your coalition hires me to the specific collision's you are trying to target, teachers for teachers, doctors for doctors, lawyers for lawyers, a dentist for dentist, you guys get the drift. don't freak out and feel like you have to check the boss who into the hiring me to do asian outreach because it is just not going to work. if you have any haitians who support the campaign first of all they are going to be pissed. oops, can i say that? [laughter] they're going to be upset -- they are going to be upset that he hired someone outside of their demographic group to manage their coalition. so that is very important a lot of people forget the boss comes in and they freak out and say i need to find a collision director.
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they literally. i've seen managers walked out of their office, stay in the office and pick somebody and they go back in the office and problem solved. the send an e-mail to the roskam problem solved, coalition director and everybody moves on until a situation comes up. number three, coalition building involves reaching out to more than people just -- people sitting in the local meetings. if you're coalition person, if you are a collision director that spends more time in the local gop or democratic local county or state party meeting they are not doing their job. the whole point of the collision is to go where? outside of the box. and you're not going outside of the box if you spend all of your time dealing with folks that are probably 90% for you. that would be my guess if you are a republican and will go to republican meetings is to your going to run into all day, republicans. if you're a democrat and go to
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the democratic meeting summit is to your going to run into cash? democrats. you've accomplished nothing. your field staffer comes back and says i signed up all these people. you look at the list. this is great. but these people were forced yesterday, forced today, they will be forced to mauro. so as you develop your coalition strategy, do have to remind your field staff and people who are doing your community outreach if they are spending all of their time in the party meetings they are looking in the wrong place because all they are doing is preaching to the choir and i do realize and i was a field staffer at one time, sometimes you are only comfortable preaching to the choir. you're not very -- your not very comfortable leaving your comfort zone and going and talking to groups and organizations that are outside of the sphere.
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so as you are managing your campaigns or questions, keep an eye on your folks and make sure they are living outside of the moral universe. colossians, it is a beautiful thing. but some people get offended. there are some people in both parties that feel that we shouldn't break folks down y issues three we shouldn't treat folks down by race. and we shouldn't break folks down in the 1,527 ways we do right now. and they will come to you and say why are you doing this is a waste of time and waste of money. and then you as the manager will have to deal with that. and there is no right way or no wrong way to deal with that but that will be an issue. there will be people will come to you and say we don't need this coalition, that coalition. we are one happy family. why can't we do it this way
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changing the political nature with the voter i.d. and how more people are identifying by issues. you will make a brilliant presentation to them on why we need coalitions. and when you are done they are going to look at you and say we don't need coalitions they are a waste of money so keep that in mind. plus there are always community leaders in the communities that are in some of these pre-existing collisions that want you to come to them first. and if you don't, they will let you know. mind you a lot of times they will never let the campaign know they are interested in helping until they hear one of their friends is involved in the campaign. then you get either the call or the block in which is better. why is joe in charge of asian
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outreach when i've been working with the republican party in asian outreach for 20 years? >> that will happen. it happens all the time. you apologize profusely. hopefully you haven't given him a title like grand pubar, something, something in you try to work the situation because it does happen. because you will have people that will eagerly, and want to help and you feel like because they want to help and because they are giving up their time, energy and effort you want to put them in a leadership role. and at that time you do this you have no idea that there is this other group that's been doing this for 15, 20 years. it happens. you try to avoid it and talk to as many people as you can before you start getting people titles but it does happen. so that's just something you have to be aware of. so what i tell people before you start getting out titles do a
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little research. ask around. make sure there's not another active group out there that's been helping, that hasn't been helping blacks but they've been helping the party for 20 years. to make sure when you do make -- when i do make maggie women for the brooks collection director that there hasn't been jackie who's actually been the women's coalition director for the dallas county republican party for 20 years because then i have a problem because then she comes in and says am i not good enough? i hear that maggie is now -- what is the deal. if you put your head down like okey what do i do so you come up with fancy titles to give both of them and everybody is happy. but it does happen so do your research. especially before you start handing out leadership titles -- and this happens more i think on
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the coalition specific than the preexisting groups because in the preexisting result of the guys come to you with their titles. and they have no problem telling you over and over the title is. and i am not saying it's wrong but you know who i'm talking to like jack i am so and so. so those guys are not the problem. it is when he starts to grow your campaign specific coalitions and the store to blossom you are in the position to handle titles and responsibilities. so just do your homework before you do that so you don't bump heads with new folks and people who have been as they say carrying the water for a long time. i got in trouble with that on the campaign. a guy can one day. i didn't have an asian coalition hand. i made an asian coalition head. the next day the state president of asian coalition came in and says i want to be the colish and head for the campaign.
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and by looking at the going -- rut-row i name a guy today's ago to be the steep -- i called the other guy and he was great so we ended up having a deputy and then aco deputy so it worked out pretty good. but always remember when you are getting out titles do research to make sure you don't duplicate. and as he said it takes time. you will have good days and bad days when a building coalitions but in the and if you start early and campaigns now start earlier than ever before, if you have a pretty good coalition operation you really hopefully by the end will have a pretty good operation in place to help you turn out the vote on election day. any questions so far? no questions? okay i call on anybody. that is why i like these. yes. >> [inaudible] [laughter]
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during the question to a very good question. what happens -- and this happens a lot more than i think people like to admit is people will hear he wrote himself a million-dollar check of money so you have people that will come to the office and say i've been doing coalition of reach for 20 years, and i wrote this proposal i want you to look at, never met him, never seen him but they come with a proposal, and most proposals -- when someone gives a proposal they are asking for what? they are not asking to go on a date, a trip, they are asking for what? mauney. and so that is when it really gets dicey. especially when they know the candidate, it gets even more dicey because the first thing they will say is if you don't
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like my proposal i will go to the candidate. and that is when you have to go proactive and get on the phone and call and say this is what is about to happen. that happened to me on a campaign where i had people that came and on a congressional race. they worked their fingers to the bone to build a pro-life coalition about three months into the campaign, two guys who supposedly represented pro-life groups showed up at the campaign with a proposal. one guy wanted eight grand dimond, the other guy wanted 12 grand a month. and they basically wanted the money to do the same thing that this group of folks who showed up at the beginning were doing. and so the candidate was great. the candidate was great because they gave me the proposals.
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i said we will look at them and get back to you. before i could get back to then they went ahead and called the candidates directly and said this is what they are doing, they are doing this wrong and that wrong. you're not going to get these people without cause and that people. we can fix your problems. and so they said we can fix your problems before a grand amount, the of the said we can fix your problem for 12 grand a month and the candidate took the position i will take my chances. and he didn't hire either one. but that doesn't mean they won't then go to another campaign and do the same thing. and i'm not saying what they are doing is wrong because they do bring some expertise to the process. but that will happen. and it probably happens more in the collision world than it does anywhere else. but there are guys who do a very good job of building coalitions and can be a great help to the campaign. and that's where you have to sit
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them down looking at your budget talking to your finance director you have to make the decision whether or not you can pay that or you can come back with a counteroffer and ask for less. but it does happen. it happens a lot and if you are a manager you need to be prepared for that. it's not the end of the world if you say no. they will come across but it's not the end of the world if you say no. but it does happen. yes. derrick? >> [inaudible] >> it's funny. it depends if they like your chair. there are some volition shares that like the chairs and some when your name them chair you start getting calls from the coalition members are you crazy? why is this guy who durham
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share? so there's no right or wrong. each situation is different. a lot of times in the proposals, not all the time a lot of times in the proposals they will put a fund-raising device, not a vice the fund-raising part, a grassroots part that says we can deliver this many bodies and then also we can raise you this much money so usually that is part -- most of the time that's part of the proposal that you get. are you guys a week in the back? are you sure? it's your job to keep them awake, chris. [laughter] all right. >> [inaudible] [laughter] what is it, too as a group, three is a club, for is a collection. one, two, three, four, it is a collision. there you go. we are building coalitions, bringing the guys in to the
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brooks campaign but what do we do with them? momentum is building up, jackie has done a great job raising money. you are now his fund-raiser. jackie has done a great job raising money. we have all this money, all these resources, all these people, but what must we do? we must give them what? something to do. because if i walk into your headquarters, brooks, and i come to volunteer and you don't give me anything to do guess what? i am walking out and there's a 90% chance of what? as they say in the south i am not coming back. so you need to make sure -- this is it to your campaign manager -- the need to make sure as people are coming into the office they have something to do. and so what i'm going to do in a
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little bit is talk about the grassroots site where the trust me they will always have something to do on the grassroots site. always have something to do. so i'm going to talk about the four things they can constantly be doing that will keep them busy. voter registration. you are always looking for like-minded voters to register to vote for your dog, brooks, so when they come in you can say to them do you go to church? are you a member of the club? are you a member of a group? what are you a member of? and they will name of all of these clubs then you will say do you mind doing a little kosher registration drive for us? and the duty about that is that keeps them busy up on till the deadline because most states -- some states have you have the same day registration? where you literally can walk in the same day and register to vote?
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got help us in those states but they have them. most states have a hard voter registration deadline. and usually the deadline runs close or right up until the absentee ballot period so you always have that to keep them busy because you are always looking to register voters because remember our army is never what? big enough for brooks on election day. the next thing we are going to be doing is they will be i dean. we are always looking to ied those folks that think like us and believe that brooks is the greatest thing since sliced bread and he's going to be one heck of a congressman and he's going to right the wrongs of everything the matter with washington, d.c.. you and mr. smith. [laughter] the third thing we are going to talk about is what will keep
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them busy is hunting for volunteers. as i said earlier you can never have enough volunteers. if you've got 5,000 people in your database you need 6,000. you're going to have a drop of three, x amount of people are not going to show up, they are going to start and stop and start and stop and hopefully they show up at the end and then the fourth thing which is the big enchilada is g.o.t.v., get out the vote, which is the most important part of any campaign because we can run a flawless campaign, you can do everything right but if we don't execute that program you in the plight collins and loose with 49. so next time i hear a better g.o.t.v., just a little off the record advice. i want to talk a little bit about the voter registration real quick.
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i will go through these -- i will go through these real quick. they say opportunity to chart -- how long do i go until? okay opportunity for france to register trans to vote. that works well. opportunity to bring new diverse voters to the campaign because i remember i said we are always looking for new and exciting individuals to join the movement and the opportunity to target them on a registered citizens with issues specific to the messages. and this can be pro-life message, pro-choice, pro guns, an environmental message and it could be a save the whales message, any type of message. but any time we can get issues specific when registering voters they are a lot more comfortable to register because they think they are registering because brooks what? he cares about the issues they care about. and that is why issues specific
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butchered drives were a lot better than just generic walking around at the carnival or my favorite is going to nascar race is walking around in which everyone if you work in a state there's a nascar track someone will say let's go to a nascar race. trust me. don't. [laughter] it's going to be hard to fight the temptation but at the end of the day you will have these people registered and 99.9% of them won't even live in brooks's district. you will take them back to the office and be happy and start their fighting addresses and be like brooks. up, op, brooks. [laughter] and throw them all up in the air. i was guilty of that, let's go to the track because what is it? 100,000 people that literally come off the mountain. [laughter] you don't have to move, you literally sit there and they are cutting something up. i don't want to know -- i am a
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nascar guys. i go to fight to increase is a year. that is why i can joke. but they do literally come off the mountain and everybody sits in the office and they are like this is going to be great. absolutely great. but usually 80 or 90% of them don't live in brooks's district. don't throw them away because if you have a candidate that is running in those other districts you can do them a favor, coat them, a copy them, you keep the copies and you can fedex the hard version and the will of you for it. they will owe you one day down the road. so you don't take the ones that are not in propes district and throw them away. and remember you can't throw them away if they are from a different party. that is illegal, kids. if you offer some on the chance to register and they'll get you and say brooks keefer is the biggest and yet since cowboy
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boots you still have to register. it is illegal to give them the clipboard and pull it back. once you realize they are not a brooks supporters. a lot of people don't know that and they make that mistake and then it gets back to the other campaign, they call the reporter. next thing you know the reporter is calling for office and says hay we hear you guys are not allowing people to register to vote. so then you are stuck in this two or three a problem that there is no good answer for. so when you are doing voter registration and when you are talking to volunteers, if they offer the clipboard the have to follow through. you can't pull back if you offer the guy a chance to register and alison's is i wouldn't vote for him if it was a choice between a dead man and livestock life dolled. allyson wouldn't say that but if she did you still have to allow
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her the opportunity to register. you can't pull the clip board back and a lot of people don't know that and that is why they get in trouble. and it doesn't take the opposition very long to pick up on the sent to you guys are playing funny with voter registration. then you end up trying to disprove and it takes away from the message of the day as the -- communication folks will tell you. you've had the communications talk, right? every day of the campaign is running smooth as you have a message of the day and don't want your message of the day to be fuddy duddy with registration cards, so you have to extend. any questions? yes? >> in a statewide senate campaign, how many coalitions would you expect a candidate to have? i'm thinking now i could go -- >> as many as you can manage.
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there was one candidate a long time ago in the 80's when i was totally in the field who made the comment he had 5,000 collisions and he was a statewide senate candidate and he produced a list that was lower than 5,000, but he claimed to have 5,000 collisions. so, that is a discussion that on a statewide race your political director, field director you guys should sit down and make a list of what is out there, when you think you can create and then the big question is you've got to manage a because if you bring all these people and and you don't give them something to do, then they are out the door. so you always take what you can manage. it's great to stand up and say we've got 800 collisions but if you only have the capacity to manage five, then you pick the five best and those are the ones
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you want. so because there is no depending on the state, on the candidate, depending on the nature of the race, depending on wake up and the nature of the race, depending on a lot of things would dictate how many coalitions. but don't, martha, try to think that you need a bunch if you don't have the capacity to manage. only take what you know you can manage because managing collisions is a lot. it is a lot of phone calls come a lot of e-mails, it is a lot so only take on what you can imagine. and it will change as your staff grows you can add more collisions. as the campaign grows. but in the beginning the careful to only take what you can manage >> [inaudible] will you consider collision building part of the political operations of the campaign or part of the field operations of the campaign?
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>> i look at it in the field guide field. some folks look at it, it can be looked at either way. i because of my background kind of always tend to default to the field side on collisions because everything they are doing they are doing and where? out in the field and if they are doing it correctly what they are doing is supporting your political operation because you still should have people working the party scene and republican clubs. you still have people doing that but also the separate group that is working a different circle and everybody is supporting everyone. so, all of the campaigns i've been involved in, the colish and stuff some people put in the political wing. it's been in the field. if you are running a state victory program and it's all in one. but usually the would be up to
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the campaign manager whether he wants coalition to be in political or whether he wants it to be part of the field operation. that is just my 2 cents. but as a field guide i put everything in the field. if it was up to the fund raising would be part of the field but we can't do that. voter i.d.. opportunity to idea the state and local level as i talked about before -- what's that? we are always looking to gather information as field guides and collision guides and how do we gather this information? we are list, list, west. we are always looking for lists and directories and membership guides. we are in the scavenger business looking for lists, names, people as i said who are outside of our
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universe that we can try to ied to see if they are for us or against us and when you are gathering lists and gathering directories a lot of times you're subject once again subject to the resources you have available if you have a great state party and it is a congressional race for brooks, calling comes in with a bunch of lists from groups and the first thing they have to decide is how do we punch these names in and that becomes a big situation. you call your state party. the state party says we don't do that so than your option is you can call a list of vendor and have him punch all the names into a database but he's going to charge you by name so than you get into the resource. or if you have a robust group of volunteers you can give them the list, come up with a freely
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nonthreatening script and start their own banking out of the list and start asking id questions trying to figure out if people are for you or are against you. basically what you do with that is what we like to call tagging people in the voter file. you guys have had the vote for final conversation, right? as you are going through and i being folks you are attacking people in the file because the people we don't want to turn on the vote are the people that are what? against brooks. as we go through the project we are creating to files, people who love of us, people that would rather see a dead dog elected to congress than brooks kiefer. so that is why it's important. an id is also important because remember we are always trying to do what, john?
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build our army. are you asleep with your eyes open? all right. build our army. i just talked about that. microtargeting databases and you guys talked about voter files, and it goes back to my conversation about anything we can tag in the file becomes an invaluable resource not only for this campaign but for campaigns down the road. if collins is a vote owner and he brings in his membership directory of 450 owners that live in the brooks district then we can take that list. if we find someone nice enough to punch we then can put that list in the voter file come at hegghammer has bowed to the wonders and go through and make some calls, find out who is four blocks and against and then when it comes to the g.o.t.v. we can
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call a vote message. that's why i say we are always looking for lists and directories and stuff like that that will help us turn out the right people on election day and that is why the id is so important and allows us to tag of a voter files in so many different ways. i know on the republican side we deal with voter at the realtors. i work republican and democratic candidates so we use the than system and i think it has 125 different ways to tag a voter file and it makes it a lot easier when we need to play group for a specific opportunity, specific event and we can pull the group by their affiliation. so whenever you guys start entering stuff into your vote for final always give them an affiliation id. just don't put bill generic.
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no, call him, find out his issues and put him in the voter file as a supporter of a specific issue or specific topic. or put him in as a lover of brooks or hater of brooks but we also put him in -- we always put people in the voter file with some type of tad and in the opportunity to improve, volunteers, colish and gives the opportunity to identify new volunteers and active supporters who care about specific issues as i said party id is getting smaller and smaller and smaller and so we have to spend more time recruiting issues specific volunteers than party volunteers as i said before opportunity to build the data base they can have an enormous impact on election day because as i've been preaching for the last almost one hour we should spend almost every second of every minute of every day doing what,
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cody? building our army to turn out for election day. and so collisions will also help us build volunteers and opportunity to target with his specific phones and voter contact messages. if you have the money the issue specific now is great. but make sure you have the resources to do it. phones are great but mcgeorge you have the resources to do it and voter contact messages are great especially when folks get mail specifically for an issue they care about that really makes them feel special. it really drives up the likelihood that they are like brooks a lot more than if cody is a ranger and brooks sends out a piece that he wants to repeal the tax on all of the ranges in wyoming. cody being a rancher will love
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that. cody is a rancher but gets a piece from brooks saying brooks wants to repeal the dawn of laws on their ranches in wyoming. cody is not going to like that so that is why we get back to trying to learn as much information as we can about each individual voters we can target them with the right message because if you target the wrong message, cody is gone. you can send him ten pieces. after that you are not getting his boat. so if you can build your universe large enough to where you can do issue specific mail, issue specific phones and specific contact messages your chances of getting those folks to support your candidates or higher than just getting the generic meal peace support cody and then you list 19 reasons why he is great and expect him to go through and pick the one they want to identify. if you do a good voter
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registration program and a good soldier id program you should be able to communicate with these folks hopefully on an issue by issue basis. but it's difficult because we are dealing with a large amount of people. and so it is difficult to heard all of those people come and get them to register and aideed and then get out -- so you will -- some folks will fall through the cracks. that just happens. but the more as i said you can i.t. and hit votes with messages they like to hear, messages that make them feel good because at the end of the day what we are trying to do is have boaters on election day to feel what when they vote for brooks? comfortable. that is all we are shooting for. think about it we are really -- we do all this work trying to make jinnah feel comfortable to go in -- yes, genna, you come to
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feel comfortable to go in -- that's why i love main cards. [laughter] and everything we do here is we are trying to get the votes are comfortable. so the more we can talk directly to them the more we can make them comfortable that they are going for brooks and the next day read the newspaper and say why i voted for this i will never know. that is what we are trying to avoid, try to raise the comfort level through targeted messages. colish and volunteers, we just talked about that. and then the last thing i want to talk about, the final hours. in 2004 we used to talk about the final 72 hours. in 2006 expanded to the final 210. now in campaigns we consider the final hours should be called like the final 30 days. and it should be called that
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because early voting now in most states -- line from texas, in light of the number in my head but 60% of the people vote in texas and elections vote early. we start to weeks out, we go through the weekend and stop the friday before a by-election. when i was in dallas county, 95% of them were decided in early voting. when i got that first print out of early voting resulted 7:00 i already knew who had won because more people already voted early than had voted on election day so i literally considered at 7:00 winner, loser, winner, a loser. early voting is very, and i know i'm getting off the track but early voting is very important and that is why it is not the final 72 hours anymore, it is
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not the final 210, it's now the final 30 days because you first start with what? you have to do absentee checks and after the absentee checks you get into the early voting and then you do that for three weeks and that is even before the last weekend before the election and that is why it goes back to my point of the army can never be what? big enough. because you are going to have to be running three or four separate operations at the same time and that is why i make the point you can never have enough volunteers. never. there is just no way you can call your boss and say we are at capacity. we've got 6,000 -- note. there is so much that needs to be done. as i said campaigns start so far out opportunity for volunteer
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cord missions to the coalition's, you can set out the pro-gun phone banks and where they only talk to the gun ids, labor unions on the banks where they only talk to lieberman burst, you can sit out collision specific phone banks because remember our ultimate goal is to make the voter comfortable to get them to vote for brooks. so we do that by sitting at collision specific phone banks where we only talk about those specific issues so we write a tight script that only deals with that one issue because a lot of times when we are calling people let's say it's a catholic phone bank only calling catholics if they have a question, who better to answer their question, a fellow catholic or someone who has no clue? you want a fellow catholic to answer the question. because if you give them someone who has no clue they hang up and they are like i'm not voting for
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this guy he has no idea what my feelings and positions are. so when you are sitting at your g.o.t.v. activities if you have the resources, if you don't have a lot of volunteers, then you have to do the best you can but if you are lucky enough to have eight or nine manageable coalitions where you can have ten to 20 volunteers then that is perfect because that group can do all collision specific activity. now, your field people won't like that. door field people will say why aren't we all one group altogether? i've been in that position where i have thrown a fait because we kept the volunteers agreed to the and and i've been in the position we molded them together. there is no right answer or wrong answer. it just depends how well your campaign is going and what the volunteers structure looks like
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to read but you will get field guides cunningham and stomping their feet because they only have eight people at the party phone bank while martha has done such a great job with the catholic group she has 50 people at her catholic founding, then it is a problem and so then as the political director, field director of the campaign manager you have to work that out because that's friction that will not go away. yes? >> how do you deal with coalition different coalitions that don't agree with each other like environmentalists and then a phone company or something? >> but one funding at one end of the district and the other at the other end of the district, and let's see, collision course -- okay. if you have a group that supports brooks and an environmental group that also
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supports blocks you have a good problem to have. i don't know if it is a problem or not. i really don't. if the group's former early enough you almost can have a little sit down ahead of time and say we are both ruled that you both love books for different reasons. here's what the plan is and here is what we are going to do. work with us now and if you're not, let us know. but i don't see a reason for that to be a major problem because if they really care than they want brooks to get elected and so to me i think they would be willing to grin and bear it and if you have to, put a phone bank at one end of the district and one at the other but at the end of today there should be so our man brooks can get elected but it does happen. the coalition groups where you
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have groups within the group within the group and that's just another part of collisions that you have to learn to manage because there is always groups within groups within groups. yes, sir. >> do you ever have a situation where you have a collision director on staff or does it always fall under -- knott as always fall under the field but what it fall under the political person or would you get a separate person for the collision director? >> it depends on what? >> mauney -- >> perfect. resources. if you can afford and what to run a robust one plan? like if i'm running a statewide race i would have a coalition stricter. i would have campaign manager, political director, field director and a collision director. i would make them all equal, don't put the colish instructor under the field director because that is not going to work
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because coalition director is going to get upset that he is under so when you do your chart have all four. if you can afford it and also if money is coming and you can afford it, have regular field staff and coalition field staff. and you have the regular field staff assigned to your field director and colish and field staff is assigned to the coalition director. and then as a political director it is your job to manage that relationship, to make sure they all have reachable metrics and that they all reached the metrics without killing each other because every once in awhile you get this squabble over he's my volunteer, no, he's my volunteer that comes out a little bit savitt sure if you are going to do that that you have a tight parameter on who qualifies as a collision volunteer and regular volunteer because you want to give them metrics. you want them recruiting,
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bringing in volunteers. so they will all have metrics depending on the region, the district, the town that the are working in. in a perfect world you have to field staffers in a region, regular field staff and coalition field staff working that region and with two people you are able to turn over a lot of dirt but there is some duplication activities and volunteers and then you have to play the referee as the political director or sometimes can be a manager has to play the referee. to figure that out. yes, sir? >> [inaudible] -- say that there is a worker coming into your office saying i am for brooks -- >> i am a union worker then. do you, probably when they are that announced you just send them to the union guys.
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you might want to ask them that there is no rhyme or reason because most of the guys are party guice also so you run into that. so for those you just slide them wherever because at the end of the day you want them to be a volunteer. and a lot of times you run into the more -- when you run into the i guess you do a very good job recruiting for nontraditional people bringing them into the process that is when you run into the key is my volunteer, she is my volunteer. it is a good problem to have. it really is. >> in a statewide campaign like we are doing pennsylvania here what is a decent number of collisions we would be expected to have? should we be counting on maybe having ten questions? 20, and how big would you think they would be? >> i've never done a race in
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pennsylvania. >> in texas there's not too much -- >> we are a larger than pennsylvania. we are just maybe 8 million, 9 million people -- i'm just kidding. i think it goes back to how many you can manage in the beginning and how many you can add. i don't think there is a right number were a wrong number. i think it goes back to how many you can manage because as i said you don't want to start creating collisions when you go so quickly and you've got nobody to manage them, no field staff to work with because then you lose them. so i think that is one of the decisions when you first sit down and have your initial planning meeting of your campaign you come up with a coalition growth plan. get out a map -- get out a calendar and say okay in march we want to be at four come apr at eight, may, 16, june, 22 and
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then the task becomes what are those coalitions and when do you incorporate them into the campaign? so i think it just depends. >> [inaudible] if you do you do it with a smile. i've never said no because i've always found a way to incorporate some one -- anybody that shows up at once to help the campaign you can't turn them away. if you don't figure out a way to put him in the coalition i would try to figure out a way to make them still a vital part of the campaign because we can't afford to turn people away. but my guess is there are some people that show up that you scratch your head and say instead of doing this with see if they will do this. but there are times when you do say no. i don't think there's a lot of times but some people will point you decide -- every race has the
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one or two lovely volunteers everyone thinks are not, they are going to do this and that but you can always find a place for everyone to work in the campaign so i'm trying not to say no unless they give a tremendously overt reason to say no try not to say no. >> on the general time line for the pre-existing organizations probably start that maybe -- >> immediately. once you sit down with your boss and come up with your plan you should start making phone calls right away. >> the coalition building -- >> will come a long as the campaign grows. exactly the preexisting groups you need to jump on those right away because they will be the base in the beginning. they will be what props you up in the beginning so i would start on those pronto. >> in the campaigns we are not allowed to take into account
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independent expenditures because they can't coordinate i guess so how much coordination is between the old groups and new groups and do the campaigns -- are the campaign's controlling the actions of the new groups? >> that is what the campaign specific collisions are great because you actually mold them into the image you want. and that is the big advantage of the campaign specific question whereas with the pre-existing there is a book ten times the size of this fall of the fec laws that tell you why a lot of times you can't coordinate with the pre-existing groups and so, that is why the campaign collisions are a benefit is they allow more maneuvering room and they are campaign generated collisions so you can pretty much do with them as long as you are not breaking the law we what you need to do to fit your
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campaign. yes, sir. >> -- a colish and become an acre? >> you are getting too far. what is a 548 krepp? >> 527? you are getting too far. i will leave that to the lawyers and campaign manager to figure out. that is above my pay grade. we will go through these real quick and i mentioned a lot of these opportunity target, specific voters, persuade new registers and get votes out on election day. now i'm going to walk you through a little bit -- if we were going to set up a statewide coalition, your structure should work. this is a diagram to give you an idea. you don't have to do it this way but i just thought i would give you some type of an idea as you sit down and when you begin to build your statewide leadership what it should look like to read
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the first thing you do is name a statewide steering committee. to pick the leaders in the state to hit at the steering committee and then begin the process of delegating the county chairs. you guys have had the targeting discussion nine sure. you always start picking the county chairs in what? targeted counties. always try to start in the targeted counties first and then work your way to dimond targeted counties. if you have 25 county chairs than the non-targeted counties but only to county chairs and targeted counties then you have a problem. so, as you are ranking your counties to recruit shares always start your highest target, finished with your lowest and god forbid you don't
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fill your county chair at the lowest target it's okay. but what you don't want to do is fill that one which is county number -- pennsylvania what, 122 counties? ..
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>> county number 64 in pennsylvania has a population but for some reason 60% of all gun owners live in that county. you will target that county for gun owners. but you would make that adjustment as you go down the targeting tree. that is what i like to call it. you work your way down. then we have the county chairs then repass the county chair to go out and work with the group's. a lot of this presentation is what we use at the rnc and a good friend of mine, who will be there new-line ed of the party will see this to put this together but you can replace
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these groups within a coalition specific group that you like. the whole purpose is to give you an outline has to put your coalition plan together to know how to build your organization. then we have the county chair with different coalitions. in the perfect world there is no duplication. beach county chair has recruited seven different groups with seven different shares with seven different list with a whole smorgasbord of information but the beauty is if we're lucky we get the information for free. if we're lucky. there is some cost but we get it for free. if we build a statewide
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coalition is just a good diagram on how you should do it it is not perfect yushchenko collation statewide leadership than regional chair then you could go into the county's share. >> what about to produce a document your memo to give to the county chairs. if you re-elect this person and he will help. >> did the right the literature then leadership's signs it. so if you want to throw it regional, you want to do coalition statewide leadership then add it to a group of regional leadership by all means you can add that, a county level than develop these clubs.
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then i will walk you through how we will use these clubs to enhance voter registration voter i.d., i get out the vote and build-up volunteers. this is what we use. you can plug in any other group. the first group has 1200. we go to bob smith who is our coalition captain for the valley. gives us his membership list. by doing that, it allows us to do what? voter i.d.. we can call from the membership list. we do it quietly and find out. then we distribute voter registration forms for us.
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he stands up and makes a great plea to the membership like brooks is good for the district passes the cards around and make sure bob collects the cards. do not have bob pass out the cards and don't get them back. if you don't get them back you will not get them back. make sure every car they pass out they get back. you cannot take the card away once you offer it whether they are a supporter or not. then invite the candidate to speak at the coke out because the coalition los the fact that they show up reclamation the candidate knows the difference between a duck and quail. [laughter] because when he shows up someone will ask him to do
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you know, the difference and he will say blah, blah, blah but make sure when you do coalition and candidate events you brief your candidate on the specific coalition you were going to see what they like to talk about and what they don't like to talk about. i had a buddy who worked on a campaign the caribbean coalition had a large population they put together a great event and they candidate is a great five minute speech and then he wishes them all a happy chinese new year 1/2. [laughter] after giving a great five minute speech. because nobody tells him. as the manager or feel director scheduler or planner, never assume anything.
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if you're sending your candidate two a coalition specific to that let him know as much as you can zero of the candidate i do not like to call them by the men but make sure somebody close enough to whisper to him of the does not know anything to do with that specific coalition. my buddy was telling me though creance -- koreans laughed. no harm no foul but it he did say great speech endeavor but a look said each other and they left off. make sure your candidate is fully briefed then volunteer for the 72 hour campaign. we're always assigning people to register and only
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signing people up to volunteer. even after the registration point* closes we still continue to sign people up to volunteer. are you okay? now we cover the membership lists, brodeur registrations and our candidate is speaking and if you want to you can call the local newspaper and they show up and they write a nice little article you earn media and what of that cost you? nothing. zero. we're all happy. the campaign is happy to have a nice story in the paper brooks is happy he has a nice picture standing there holding a quail and everybody is happy and all for the price of nothing.
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the fishermen's association we have our capt. he will take the candidate fly-fishing with the media. a great event falls into the category of what? but it is free. but what is the one thing we need to do before we go? we need to make sure the candidate knows how to fly fish. you would be surprised. he would say what is happening? you would be surprised how candidates were campaigns to send them to events especially something like this what is the money shot? him a standing in the water
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with his waiter's and jones is right beside him and they fling the rod. that is the money shot. if your guy does not know how to fly fish she cannot be standing watching bob jones fly the broad that will not work. when you sit down with the scheduler and campaign manager be very careful to make sure you set up stuff that you know, you're a candidate can do. just like candidates who agree to serve out the first pitch of a baseball game. they get on the mound and have no idea how far it is to home plate because nobody explained. they just give up there and they start rocking and today he bit.
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when they said it up nobody thought telling the candidate you may need to go downstairs before and stretch out the hour because it is hard to get it to home plate. asked the board for the endorsement those are beautiful because they're also free most of the time. there will be folks that will show up to get the endorsement prick if you just read my proposal. if we know that comes with a cost. sometimes it is free 70 endorsement shows up in two areas. in the newspaper, and it also shows up in what? brooks now has the fly
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fisherman's association seal of approval. some of them have net brooks or will never be brokers but if it says the newsletter that he is a good guy we have now raised the cover level. so now they get the newsletter they do not need to meet him. if he is a good guy he is okay for me and they vote for him. they agreed to write a cart event -- article here we have william black. he is a little bit of a character and will not give us his membership list. that is not the end of the world because what we do with them is say okay if i give you that would you do the piece for us?
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i will not give you my membership list is not the end of the world. okay i will give you the mail and all information that you need. i would give the labels in the money. everybody is happy and they have not given of the membership list because some groups are prohibited to give up the list. when you are out working and they say we cannot they are usually correct. they cannot but there are ways to reach their members without having them compromise the sanctity of the membership list. because if they do the memberships will be hot. then they will call the members of the club asking them to vote then we will send a postcard toward the
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end of the campaign reminding them election day is coming up. do not forget to vote for brooks because he is our guy who represents the interests of the white tail deer hunters. meet them halfway and cover the cost of the envelope, and material and they put the labels on. the biggest concern is maintaining the sanctity of their list. that is how you do it but you still get this stuff out to the membership. and i have gone quickly there is more in here. i have left to other diagrams issued to the campaign plan i will finish up a great definition a
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temporary alliance for a joint action. what is that? winning but getting the majority of the folks out to vote for brooks on election day. that is one of the best definitions that i have probably come across. coalitions will change cycle to cycle groups that are for you in your a challenger not for you when you were the incumbent. but it is for joint action. thank you very much. [applause] good luck to you. if any of you have seen a beautiful mind. nash says that eager young minds of tomorrow. i see the eager political operatives of tomorrow. i wish you all look.
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you will win some and lose some but stay in there. you have chosen the third best the third right profession in the world behind the nascar driver and a professional golfer. [laughter] you have chosen to be involved and good government. to me there is no higher calling short of going into the military of what you guys are doing in getting involved and good government. he will win some and lose some key pierhead up and don't break the law. i do not want to read about you in newspaper or see you on television. good luck. thank you very much. [applause]
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>> welcome back again a reminder to turn off electronic devices. we have hopefully taking care of someone outside in the parking lot and a 30 can do the same we are if good shape. we have come far and have some to go considering but problems with debt and deficits. last panel today six floors the possibility of reform. the panel is will equal to consider the possibility
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some who spend significant parts of their lives in the trenches of the policy. we have the pmi professor of government at professor of william and mary ann john hilley who served as director of legislative affairs under president clinton and working from cigna corporation he served as policy adviser and top budget aide to former senate majority leader bill frist and frances leed from the university of maryland and mr. rawls senior counsel from the fbi and chief of staff to bill frist and senator domenici. this session is moderated by alan murray. he is especially appropriate given his book teetwo of the
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negotiations for the tax reform act of 1986 and having used it in class it makes a terrific holiday gift. [laughter] >> that is good. it made the trip worthwhile. it is a bigger panel than the last and also this time they only get five or seven minutes. we have a bit of a problem because three of the people on the panel are from the senate and a no-no time and is. we will start with francis. >> is difficult to call for optimism in the near term for to have government revenues into a sustainable balance regretted time when democrats controlled the presidency and enjoys solid margins of control in both chambers it is easy to underestimate the need for legislative bipartisanship. data collected over long periods of time testify to the great importance for
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successful law making. congress really legislates within merck -- margin of victory the most successful legislation including significant legislation on controversial matters are garnered by a bipartisan support. 84% of all important legislation passed by congress postwar period has two-thirds of the membership of both chambers of congress. 95% of these laws have that at least in one chamber. the highly partisan politics and health care reform is not the norm for successful legislation not even recently. most legislation approved so far by the 111th congress has been approved by two-thirds margins in both the house and the senate including controversial matters like tobacco regulation and mortgage
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foreclosures and children's health insurance. of threat to policy progress on all sides but it is especially serious with fiscal reform. there are wide ideological differences between the two parties on the appropriate level of taxation. the goal of finding a long-term balance between revenues and expenditures is not ideological. whether government expenditures are at a high or a low level neither favor. given this politicians rigor louis float and a grand bargain perhaps facilitated by a commission that could combine a tax increase. and theory, such an agreement ought to be possible but to compound the difficulty budget politics create extraordinary incentive for the party
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chewing gauge and posturing rather than the engagement to bridge differences. even if it is possible to strike a compromise, the politics have powerful temptations especially for the party out of power to refuse a deal and exploit the partisan advantage with the concern of deficits. bringing both sides together is far more difficult than bringing liberals and conservatives together although bipartisanship is usually necessary and fiscal balance is a goal across the spectrum, a political incentive create formidable obstacles to stop party corporation preferred deficits are a policy problem but also a potent political weapon. a party out of power does not near the object to the ideological direction of national policy. speaks to impeach and the
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effectiveness of the party in power. rather than work on a bipartisan solution with political incentives they rigor in a drive a party of power to reject compromise and relentlessly prosecute the partisan power for and competent and mismanagement. few issues call for political leadership. deficits fall into a category that political science famously called position issues. unlike the candidates take a range of positions it is usually left to right, they are matters in which everyone, regardless of ideology holds. everyone. liberals and conservatives alike are against government corruption. everybody is against waste fraud and abuse. people favor efficiency but
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precisely the consensus on the desirability the party of power will typically offer these virtues as exhibit a in a case to return to power. and things are so important because so many have no strong ideological commitments. only slightly more than half of 56% in the latest research center. they did not identify themselves as either liberal or conservative. both parties are bidding for those and it is a major way of doing so. bipartisan cooperation and fiscal policy is the often the casualty to paint the but opponents as incompetent. even though they use it it is the party had of power
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that complaints about deficits. this is evident in raising the statutory debt limit. a willingness to vote in favor of the increase in the debt limit is determined by which party is in power. during the reagan years democrats consistently voted against it while republicans voted for it and during the clinton years democrats supported it but republicans voted against it. and just recently the republicans supported. the party out of power uses the issues to embarrass the party in power. today to and golf in fiscal reform it is not just to the ideological question but to appease the fiscal management. the recurring issue if congress should rely on budget estimates from the
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cbo or office of management and budget. cbo usually use is conservative budget assumptions and therefore tends to prove a ruby year public outlook so they tend to like the cbo numbers while republicans opposed it and during clinton's presidency the choice of the two estimates was essential in the impact that led to the government shutdown 1995 and 96 with the use of the cbo numbers. but given how important budget issues are to take control of the national parliament or regain control part -- . the isi party has a reason to come to the table to negotiate. the only way is during divided government reflecting back over recent decades it appears most
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significant budget agreement that of the word federal deficits were adopted. this includes the 1980 budget accord as well as a agreements during the current clinton years that led to surpluses. 1983 social security reform that simultaneously lowered long term cost of the program also occurred under positions. i thought the compromise was the only way the american government functioned. given the large number of the toe points and grabbing of the agenda and effectiveness of minority party obstruction major legislation almost never passed any other way. but the powerful political incentives will stand in the way even both liberals and conservatives could agree. >> thank you very much. before we move on, we were
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talking earlier in the panel if there is a health care bill it looks like it will be passed on their boats. what does that mean for the future of that bill? >> it is quite unusual to see that. it is quite striking. when it looks like a bill is going to happen that provides some incentive for the women to come to the table and get something that they like. but the party discipline we see on this legislation makes it very unusual. you should not look to that legislation and tried to generalize. that is way outside the norm >> thank you. i will offer an idea for a new budget system for the federal government. two supplant the current one that is not working at
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albreck i have tried to design the system that it can be both fiscally responsible and political viable and it is called square one. the first let me give you the basic concept. it tries to create incentives for partisans to come together and work constructively to reconcile the policy and political differences. but if they fail politically to do that, then in this system the default mechanism for the federal budget is fiscal responsibility. i will give a bare-bones description then i will circle back and talk about the attributes including a critical political wants. this is a new. there are three interlocking elements. bear with me. i will try to be precise and ask you to focus. first, the key element is
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deficit reduction. rather than force the elected representatives to make the tough policy choices to reduce the deficit we set up a lot and budget rules that can do the work. it is a lot dan and comprehensive role generating budget savings and must effect a broad swath of the federal budget. then the did the savings have to be generated and done in a balanced way. a strong version of this straightforward and comprehensive rules will freeze domestic spending and automatic adjustments and the inflation index of the tax code and freeze other across the board automatic payments. you can see why recall the square one because it plus lots of potential savings
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and the pot for deficit reduction. of course, if this was allowed to play out and they did take effect it would lead two a balanced budget in some number of years. here is element never to. it is an important part to let the political system be successful. you need to give representitive is a way to allocate scarce resources in a positive way. i do that by adding the fiscal dividend. it is quite simple. in this context the amount of budgetary resources made available by not cutting as steeply as the comprehensive ruled would've went into effect. there are a couple ways of doing this and i will take a very simple version, the simplest is to express a dividend as a percentage of one-half of the annual
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savings generated by the rules. however it is done, the key is to create the fiscal dividend which the political system can allocate. for example, as part of the annual budget process elective representatives say it won't go to parse the four fully offset the cola or fully or partially the indexing of the code or increased domestic spending above last year's level. but very importantly, there would be free to make other budgetary changes as long as those generated the savings made by the rule in if they did not like those savings which it is set up so they want, then they are completely free to offset the savings with others but must be within the budget. element number three.
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of this is the one that encourages partisans to work together and sets the default reading as sensibility. first abolish reconciliation. it has been massively be used and encourages terrible behavior by both parties. of the majority party tries to steal the minority and the mike minority sits down and tries to make them meltdown. underscore one digit decisions would not be part of any privilege to build. members of the two parties need to work together to allocate as well as make other budget decisions or they can disagree and invoke the filibuster if they desire. but in the event of such a political meltdown as well as other budgetary changes
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but system would revert to log that includes the comprehensive rules. those savings would float deficit reduction and under this system the event of the failure to act is fiscal responsibility pervez those are the bare bone mechanics. with me talk about the attributes of the political aspects. the first and obvious objection is elected representative will never agree to a budget system with the prospect of imposing pain. maybe. maybe not. the concept is quite flexible. his seems to me the real important parts of a working system is not how quick we get to balance but having a permanent system tilted toward fiscal responsibility. that is how you sure all of those holders of the sovereign debt and currency and bond markets are on
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could course as yesterday's discussion, having been a practitioner there are too great structural and potions 1981 and again 2001 and 2003. of the first one took 16 years to correct and this will take as long. the prime objective should be a permanent fund that is fiscally affecting the out -- economic standing. what type of flexibility? although must be comprehensive it does not have to embody a full freeze. you could make the at this goal dividend any size you want by a minimizing the percentage cut from the fiscal dividend. of course, you could delay
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or phase in the start of the regime until economic conditions improve the and you can trigger the role under the measures of unemployment and returning to health to the economy but the broad-based rule is essential. as many can recall, the sequester was nearly and unfair the counted. we can discuss later but the essential part of square number one is a comprehensive ruled that spreads between widely but not unfairly so that if it is invoked the only serious dislocations will be electric. the systems in place our representatives to never went to cut in sacks. freeze domestic.
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>> mine is fine, they don't. >> but how are the resources used? make your best argument and fight it out in the open. this system anchorages the party to find other savings and secure the deficit and then they forced a fundamental reform setter so needed on both sides of the government remember, if you meltdown in an outperform their jobs description you referred to that who does the campaign. -- says the cutting. but unlike the budgetary fight supplant our country at a deeper holes, if this would have two boys. >> what did it shutoff that would be very interesting. we can talk about the rest
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later. >> the me ask you one question. when i first came to washington in 1980 and working for the "congressional quarterly", i thought that i don't want to learn all love the rules of congress. i was going to be the bobby byrd. and after about a month and a half of him in my head with their rules for retiree learned the rule i would find exceptions. one of my colleagues said there is only one rule is you need to know. at the end of the day congress can do whatever it wants to do. haven't we seen that rule particularly in this area of fiscal policy dominated days demonstrated over and over and why would this system work where others have failed? >> there are bad rules and good rules.
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there were seven problems and one i mentioned but hollings said dos the current system which is not bipartisan and cut him did you don't teddy neff you have an arbitrary fixed goal then we have a sequester which is politically unrealistic. but this basically has a carriage, a stick and electric camera. that character is work together and you can reconcile your differences so it gives them a reason to work together and with the reconciliation but if you fail to perform then there'll be electrical consequences because the rule will fall on the politically important constituents. it is carrot, the stick and consequences.
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can i make the final summary? >> no. [laughter] >> i do thing we'll have plenty of time for discussion. the four most budget expert and folks should know that john wrote what i consider to be a brilliant book called legislating together with a balanced budget act for he was working in the clinton administration and managed to have house republicans and senate republicans and democrats all on one page using reconciliation but could not get the house democrats on board so it is a very good book. if you look at the team up here you see a heavy senate
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president's anybody looking at the legislation would see for some reason the game is usually a foot to in the senate and i know over the years i have had some theories and a do remember i fifth opened up a law firm for senator baker and launching and inflicting one of my theories on the senator and he looked at me that way that is the ninth of this and basically said the senate is very easy. calm down. the greatest of the british body in the world. -- to deliver to give the body. spouses socialize together and her children play together. when one of us loses we eat together.
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[laughter] i always like that story because it gives that edge but also they play for power. it is for the members. frances did a very good job to lay out the consensus view and large parts of academia and the american public in terms of bipartisanship and my role here is to go with a branch or scrooge. ase take my children over to the national theater and we would see a christmas story every year. and scrooge would launch into the early colloquy i would turn to my wife and say does he have a point*? she would give me the stair
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when husbands say something stupid but basically the consensus view is that all problems from american politics could be easily solved if only the members of the parties would stand back and do what is in the best interest of america and engage in the effort this bipartisanship and we haven't era of hyper toxic unprecedented partisanship. the first part of the argument goes to the partisanship and i will let married defense on this view because he is a student. but the level of partisanship is not unprecedented. and the 19th century it was equal or worst record just to keep in mind as a historical perspective. when historians look defined
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is very self indulgent compared to the politics the founders had at the start that we had in a civil war when been used to go on to the senate floor armed one was almost beat to death by a congressmen from south carolina. we need to realize american politics is filled with emotion and maybe when joe biden takes diner across the potomac and kills him in a duel we will match what bird and hamilton fell for each other. politics is very intense business. second, it is what i consider to be in the toolbox so when congress looks what can they really do? they have three things. congress is mostly status quo system. they're good in a crisis. we holler at them but they
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are pretty good. 9/11, president bush. we came out with the t.a.r.p and number and picked out of the year admittedly and congress delivered although they hollered. president obama shows up he needs a stimulus and out it goes. and a crisis recently congress has thrown $1.5 trillion out on a hunch and guidance in response to a president of what they see as a crisis. second, a partisan response that john mentioned called reconciliation and the one way through the filibuster and with 51 votes you can prevail. a lot of folks happen as a dirty word pro if i were to say parliamentary then you
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say that this mine. all of the other countries in the world have parliamentary systems were the executive and legislative branch are in the majority party and the majority vote wins. only in america. the only place in the universe where a minority in one legislative body can stop it. that leads me to my third which is known as the filibuster. it is bipartisanship but it is not easy. it is partisanship that comes the majority knows 1/2 to negotiate with the minority and it is hard and approaches gridlock. frances did a good job admitting we get through it but it is low. we have negotiated bipartisanship not easy. and enclosing a would say i
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think you have to be realistic we are in the wrong budget war. this is not going on for a point* security going bankrupt and had to be saved. medicare went bankrupt in the late 90's and general revenue was added. we are in it because of the recession but it is more intense than ever. my feeling is we go through a variety of options the for don't get day strategy for the future along the lines of -- if we don't get a commission that has teeth and we will default and that will be a long tough fight. >> just one thing before we move on. i appreciate your historical perspective and appreciate
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when they wrote ran against each other that was worse than partisan stance provide take a shorter view of history which is what i know. it to me it looks like a straight downhill slide in the ability of people of good will from both parties to get together and address the problems of common public interest as opposed to constantly looking for an edge in the next election. do disagree? >> i do. that is why i am here. [laughter] the key factor is the south have two-thirds of their leadership positions and you have long term democratic control. larry is the expert on this with starting in the '70s in
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a whole host of reasons most of us could agree blacks come up with men, consumers and environmentalist could enter into the political equation. what happens in 1980 the system becomes competitive. these swings are back and forth by 12 votes. it is 55/nothing and everybody picks each other up. if you put it into overtime they go for each other and a hard way. as long as you have parties with a strategic interest to maintain power or try to recover how are you will have a competitive situation. my feeling is not because of men of good will have a problem but the american political system has been very competitive swinging back and forth narrow
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majorities in the house and senate and makes for more competitive setting. >> first i want to thank you for inviting me. i work at william and mary where mr. jefferson received his bachelor's degree. it is always a pleasure. [laughter] to see how they apply that insights. [laughter] you are correct about the long-term issue but it is a case that i think it has gotten worse. just look at the distribution. 20 years ago we had democrats who are more conservative and republicans who were not. since 80 the overlap has disappeared. the most seems to be the most liberal and in the house i think there is one
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democrat who was more conservative than the most liberal republican and i assume he eats a loan. [laughter] so how do we deal with these daunting structural deficits? francis points out that a landmark legislation has always been passed with bipartisan immaturities. that is the case if you look at the case they tend to be lopsided. but if you look at amendments boats that is from the content of the legislation. and a more important, it be looked breed 1980, use of the across partisan election building. after 1980 we see a slide toward a more partisan breakdown within the two
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chambers and disproportionate chambers holding the congress you have to have a degree of bipartisanship to get anything done. now we're in that era with a partisan house and senate and that is not a great surprise. the important legislation being passed basically with the knockdown drag out those pretoria may be more predictive of what is to come than the recent history would suggest. i really enjoyed what john said and this is a new book based on what i have heard he is raising the process we will hear more about in the next 10 years to carve a like to talk about those and other stuff on the agenda briefly pritzker it is useful tooth look at previous efforts into
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categories prefer #1 israel have a rule that is put in place in the absence of the underlying deal for bargain over compromised. you have a situation where they could come together. you use procedure and the rules of the game to force them basically to do something they do want to do because of the political cost. this second category every form is when you use most to lock in a negotiated compromise after they occur. they come up with some type of reform and then the task becomes have to keep them from backsliding in the future? we can use rules to enforce the agreements. the first category would be
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hollings but the second is budget enforcement act of 1990 use of pay go procedures. with the historical record seems to indicate the first category does not work. but the essential problems are similar that under the constitution of the united states the budget rules of the house and the senate are the responsibility of the members. you can pass statutory rules were you go in there they can change those so it is very difficult have sent to use rules to force members to do stuff that they really don't want to do because it will danger the moment for me. but even for a time if you can cut a substantive bottom line the rules and institution if used
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correctly seemed possible enforcement techniques and is if we consider the proposals of what john mentioned. another process is the idea of a bipartisan commission. senator craig and senator conrad suggested for the responsibility to come up with a plan that would recede a guaranteed open approach in the house and the senate. it is hard to understand they understand why republicans would support the process and the commission would give them high eight -- have the votes to why the democratic leadership void embraces is beyond me and i don't think they would. >> you have one minute.
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>> one can imagine such a commission playing a constructive role and provide members of congress with the cover to come up with the kind of deal i talked about before. using pay go and related procedures have locked that in place. a powerful incentive as alan murray describes those before 1986 should not have passed but it did. and nobody wanted to take the blame. imagine a situation down the line when there is more momentum for the bipartisan commission to come up with a package that is credible and we could use the pay go rules to lock into place. >> two advertisements in one session. it is still available [laughter] very interesting. you have to have some sort
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of bipartisan agreement? >> no. it depends. and this particular context context, if you have a unified government this could be slam through on a party-line vote. obviously you do need a degree. >> two add on to that i a agree with the idea no substitute for bipartisan support no party in power no governing party wants to take it upon itself does not want to take sole responsibility for raising taxes or cutting spending or a combination of the two. you need political


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