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tv   U.S. Senate  CSPAN  January 6, 2010 5:00pm-8:00pm EST

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wages higher and incomes are higher to keep north koreans from leaving, then of course they're not going to be competitive wage rates. and i think it's simply unrealistic to try to keep the border closed. i've heard some studies that tank in the short to medium term will keep the border closed. i think that's highly unrealistic. ..
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so you can see the time ranged, it's a little bits like comparing apples and oranges because you have different time periods for integration and then you have a different assumptions about what income level ranging from a doubling to 60% and 50%, this was raising actually 100% assuming it would take 60 years to accomplish but again no actual estimate of how much it would cost so you can see there have been a number of estimates calculated over the years. i found in many of them over the technical and often very unrealistic in their substance so there are actually very few service that are actually useful in telling us what we can expect
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, unification to cost. and also many of the studies failed to incorporate a piece of dividends for the benefits the military speaking benefits of korean unification. but this is just my preliminary research. i haven't originally intended to. to be in "the wall street journal" last week so i'm going to have to live with the numbers have come up with, but my estimate based on 80% to equalization of incomes and that still not the 100 percent that one study is calling for. it would be somewhat higher than the current east germany, and these $2 trillion if not more and if unification occurs through violent means particularly war the last trip i made to seoul i landed right when the yellow sea skirmish was going on. one of those were the north is a
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careful and then we are talking about anywhere from three to $5 trillion if unification is a violent purell so the cost is very high and. and actually "the wall street journal" did ask questions and one was how much does this mean per-capita and i did the quick math and said each south korea is facing a burden of a lease for a thousand dollars even just to bring north korean up to the south korean level so it will be very expensive. there is a goldman sachs report released last september i mention that that i think has a very rosy and unrealistic scenario for north korea. they speculated that if this rosy scenario were to come to pass bad gdp in a unified. could exceed japan within 30 to 40 years.
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i'm a little doubtful about that. i don't think japan has to look over its back gets at a unified korea surpassing its. but there is potential for unified. and so i started to take a look at what the role and positions of the major powers in the region. out my first assumption is that russia is irrelevant that we can basically ignore russia. they really don't have a meaningful role to play in the unification process. the country that's been most opposed to unification, one of the country's most opposed has been the most active in trying to bring down north korea and that's japan and. japan it certainly does not want a unified korea but they have imposed the most harsh sanctions to try and strangulate the regime which of course, because it china hasn't worked, of
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course, taking opposite strategy of embracing a north korea in giving trade and economic assistance worth $3 trillion a year. i don't know, if it wasn't for a chinese assistance with north korea rafal? maybe. many if not most would say absolutely, yes, north korea would fall quickly and china were to open its border and withdraw assistance to north korea. but i somehow think that north korea could still hang on for considerable time, it would just look more and more like burma in terms of its level of economic development than the level at sat. but also ironically japan even though like china there are most opposed to unification have the most to continue to unify the area because i wrote in my article reparations, a word and you are not supposed to use in japan, economic development assistance of the type de provided south korea in 1965 that just started the film and
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strategy. infrastructure projects. most people estimate that japan would provide about $10 billion of assistance. i think we have to assume that china would curtail its assistance to unify korea, it would simply trying close the border and perhaps develop a buffer zone in north korea to keep refugees from coming in but i think they would not be participating actively in economic development of north korea so really that means between china and japan we have a trickle of money coming in and a huge needed. we're looking at $60 billion a year being needed if we are going to raise north korea to south korean levels even with than 30 years, only 60 or $70 billion so that leaves the international financial institutions that would play a modest role perhaps seven or eight or $10 billion over a long time led by the united states and japan. so the bottom line is that unification is going to be
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extremely expensive and we certainly are nowhere close to being able to pay for it so it's a good thing for south korea is not going to happen soon because they are not ready. and so that leaves the role the u.s. will have. i would argue that the u.s. has the most to gain from unification, that a unified korea will remain a friend of the u.s. and the u.s. troops would be unlikely to lead a unified curia, korea will remain in a tough neighborhood not trusting the chinese or japanese and we are far away. so i think a u.s. troops will remain in the american companies whether from bechtel to procter & gamble and coca-cola and cargill and infrastructure and consumer goods companies will rush in to take the advantage of them. god help the north koreans when they get there on mcdonnell's but american companies will rush
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in to take advantage of the opportunities in north korea so the burden will fall exclusively on the south korean people or any government but i done think that's going to be enough -- near enough to sustain the rehabilitation process. so that's why even though i don't think unification's going to happen anytime soon i think it's going to be a very expensive process. with that, i know of the korean embassy does not follow the dictator that you should eat before viewing the dimas mountains so we are getting our work out of the way first so i don't want to keep us to a long from a nice lunch but i would like to open things up for discussion. also my friend a christian carl, told newsweek ran, he was in berlin when the wall fell in 89 and wrote some exciting stories, work that he has done.
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i would love to get your feedback and comments and questions again. a work in progress and i'd be happy to talk about any subject i have discussed it you get tired of talking about the cost of unification, you name it, i'm happy to talk about it so with that fire away with your questions. >> i will pass the mike around. before we get started let me mention there are a few handouts, we have copies and you can pick one up and there's also a copy of the peters submission for south korea and north korea. of i will pass the mike around. >> if you could say your name and affiliation and. >> michael marshall, upi. i wanted to ask you, what does a being ready for unification in tail particularly on the part of the south korean government?
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what other policies steps and preparations they need to make to be in any sense ready for this event? and also perhaps a dimension japan in the u.s., what steps that haven't been taken policy why is my the country stake? thanks. >> great question and a hard question and is one i'm beginning to think about. but off the top of my head in terms of preparations for south korea i would say there are two. the first is setting up a very large fonda. i think they need to raise taxes, tax rates in south korea to begin creating a unification on the, that doesn't just pay for cooperation projects but actually is preparing for unification purell and the second thing is i think dealing more effectively with north korean defectors. we are close to now nearly
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20,000 north korean living in south korea. and for the most part i see story after story and this is something i have to do research and write about of the future is the failure to integrate these 20,000 or close to 20,000 north koreans effectively into south korea. the government tried to come up with a term for them which literally means new place people. but the term not only is not very well known to the public but north korean directors don't like it and i think for the most part it is too apolitical. i went to a classroom with a class larger than this and wrote on the board i gave them a quiz write down what you think this means in english. less than 10 percent of the students, college students majoring in international relations, my favorite one was a student roads doesn't mean a new
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kind of vitamin? [laughter] so really reflects the level of an endurance so the average south korean is ignorant were afraid of of these north korean defectors. there have been a couple spy scandals, a woman was arrested last year for trying to acquire military secrets so at the worst bear on and strange and at best -- at best there on a strange and at worst of their spies so we stay with them. i read some heartbreaking stories about young people trying to integrate into south korea and not able to get jobs, not being able to get a girlfriend and so there is this one young man who went home and didn't come out again for six months and spent that time watching south korean tv and staring at himself and learning to speak like a south korean. and then he got a job, got a girlfriend. the girlfriend after a few
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months the girlfriend, he told her he was from north korea and she dumped him. [laughter] so he said that the next time i have a girlfriend of not for to tell her i'm from north korea until we been married for 10 years. [laughter] but the average north korean is earning a fraction of what a south korean terms. i've been to the center and a number of u.s. government official said that the visitor center is impressive, the facilities they been expanding to help north koreans and just but there are crichton and the time of the programming and job skills training is too short and so must come out illiquidity even with the funds they get from the syrian government ill-equipped to deal effectively in south korean society and in the face of massive discrimination. and ira right from time to time when i'm really against iran politics, if they can't get along with each other and we can't take care of 15 or 20,000
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then how will it possibly deal effectively with unification? so i think on the economic side of preparing a large fund and on the political social side it's dealing more effectively with the ones that are already there. sorry for the long winded answer. >> leonard, a consulting international liaison. there are some underlying assumptions in your talk, such as the lack of utility of some of the studies that were done by financial institutions. i would like to ask you about a couple of other assumptions that i don't think he made and see how you would characterize those assumptions. one is the economic crisis has
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changed, a lot of the behavior of these financial institutions. in china, chinese banks have come to the floor in making loans to europe and even america industry. and technology. secondly, china with its specific policies in the international systemç has a bac goal of maintaining stability of around its borders. does this mean -- what is the unification mean in terms of the assumption that china will add to maintain stability? with regard to either explosion or involution as you had referred to. in the third, what is the affect
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of the american and japanese government policies visavie corporate influences on our government's? from the private sector and china's influence on those be at its economic transactions in terms of the other forms of support. thank you. >> another couple of tough questions. this is actually in terms of assessing china of roles, china's potential role acidification unfolds is something we can only speculate about and i have to confess that the more i think about it of not sure the answer is clear. and i totally agree with you that china's overwhelming stability has been so generous if north korea economically because the lesson they learned of the famine of the mid-90s was that if we don't take care of a
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north korea were going to have a problem with hundreds of thousands of refugees on our hands and they don't want that. they are fearful of the ethnic koreans living in that region being interested in joining unified korea and creating all kinds of problems for them so china definitely want stability. what we can debate is whether or not if let's say it's implosion or an explosion on the part of the north korea unification begins then what will china do? and the first thing they will do is try to seal off the border and carry a buffer zone. i don't think they will try to march on p'yongyang, they would create a 10 or 20 mel buffer zone in north korea to try and keep the chaos that would unfold in the speed and spilling over into china but then it the next question is more difficult -- what did they do then. again as i assume a unified korea is going to be led by south korea which is going to have full support and closely
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aligned with the united states, this time and then continue to play an active role economically speaking in trying to rehabilitate north korea? does china sea that unified. aligned with the u.s., did they sit in the national interest to help the north korean economy traded gaining? they still want access to the ec, they have been building a road from the northeast corner where there are landlocked to try and get to the ocean, the north koreans have dragged their feet on this project long overdue as with any project with north korea tends to be. and so there will still be a strategic economic interests and the question is whether they will see it in their interest to continue to try and invest and be part of unified korea or stand back and say let's let americans and south koreans take care of it. you are not well,, your ideas about this.
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in terms of u.s. and japanese corporate interests we just that a business delegation go to north korea the couple weeks ago, good old ross perot and a couple other colorful individuals, but the follow-up chief of aig, ross greenberg made a pilgrimage to p'yongyang and it's a reminder that there has over the years been a a group 10 years ago put together a businessman who wanted to do business in north korean. japanese companies are more quiet about it but they are interested in and there's 10 billion in economic assistance that will not be a gift, it's going to be projects for japanese companies to rebuild north korean. so certainly american and japanese corporates will have a very big influence on policies that our two governments take. other questions? >> my name is robert kamen.
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in university of washington. you mention in the type of unification and fashion either by implosion in an north korea or german style fashions unification. my question is, if i can distinguish about two different types of unification models, german -- east german and west german, the west german and strongly in the west with united states and other international western states. east germany and chile have in russian and political controls as well as economic support. but if you say that in its north korea and south korea, north korea doesn't have any major international superpower
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control. even china is not necessarily in control of north korea so i see that come the people in public discussing about using the german coming east german unification policy vashon. why would these issues mention that? i would like to know your opinion as well as. >> can i answer for christian? i don't know if you want to make any common-sense you were in germany. he's going to be modest and keep me in the spot but i was reading some things that christensen me that he had written. it's true that russian troops were present when east germany fell and things to gorbachev they very quickly and quietly and said the country. and you're right, north korea does not have that. in part that's a testament to the staying power of the north korean regime even without
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foreign troops presence that they maintain their grip on power in a way that the east germans and other east europeans could not. but i'm not really sure what that really means. it's obviously one of the differences and why it's taken so much longer. there is one indicator of why it has taken so much water for the two periods but i'm not sure what else we can draw from that. >> andrew shepherded the state department. you said that to think unified korea it's assumed that we be pro usn maintain troop presence there. i think we want to know why you feel that that is so definitive. as part of that, if that were the case then you would suggest
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that a unified korea with u.s. troops moving up toward north korea would be something harder for china to swallow so assuming that's the case, what would tend to be looking for in reunification scenario that would make it easier for them to corporate? >> a great question. i think the deputy assistant secretary sf events mitchell wrote an article about two years ago essentially -- i reached that conclusion but then i saw that article he wrote for the csi that essentially said the same thing. that he assumes -- i think it's a reasonable assumption to make. again, given to the choices that south korea is going to have with powerful neighbors that they don't trust. in some ways i see having been
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they also a test of the alliance. if the alliance can survive pushed it can survive anything is the conclusion i've reached. and i was sorry that times, our own country falling apart in the alliance falling apart as well things to disasters leaders but we survived. our country survive and survive and i think it's getting stronger and stronger to the point where almost doesn't matter who's the leader in their country. so i think there are intrinsic interests that will remain between our two countries. but the problem is that china refuses to address this issue in any manner with united states so we probably need an understanding. we won't put troops and then they did that in the '50s and it didn't work out too well. so we will say south of china.
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i don't know what kind of arrangements are going to be made with china to make china not feel threatened about having a u.s. alliance unified. but that's the reality that the chinese are going to have to face and will be up to the countries to work it out but i think it was j. solomon in "the wall street journal" that revealed a year ago that the chinese were refusing very quiet, of course, there are not very quiet, but refusing to talk about contingency planning and who would do what if north korea were to fall apart. >> i'm peter, american university. in south korea has meant significant strides toward democratic consolidation and i'm curious what impact of unification would have on the democratic consolidation and what kind of political
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restructuring would have to take place to accommodate a unified. >> great question. and is one in that as a lot tougher to then then i was getting yesterday at brookings. >> [inaudible] >> go eagles. that is a tough question. i am someone who does try to follow korean politics fairly closely and that i often feel like you have this glass half empty and half full. when i'm in a good mood and south korea is the most vibrant the most dynamic democracy in asia and survey among countries that have made the transition in the last 20 years. in model for the rest of the world on a smooth and fairly bloodless transition and 87. but when -- if you look at this worth little summary the one paragraph that i wrote to the encyclopedia britannica last
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year the politics was dismal, politics of deadlock and retribution. and fist fighting and people being charged with assault. you need to be proficient and take one more than you do being a good rhetorician to be objective and free of national assembly. some koreans i think would take that -- they get a 04 in terms of leadership. the astounding thing is i found a number of days to -- 99 members of the national assembly is, as individuals their wonderful interesting articulate individuals but somehow this sum is less than the parts when they get together. they just have this -- it doesn't matter who they were all within our but they somehow can't avoid getting into these very counterproductive and very humble relationships.
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and so when i look at the current national assembly it's hopeless. and so i look at the leaders of the party is, when you look at pumpkin it is really snow white and the seven taurus. there is really no one -- there are no leaders on either side that are challenging. there are supposed to be a same party. i'm really think in south korean politics. a pox upon both their houses. this will be very effective at assembly or leading north korea. obviously north korea is half the population of the south korea and so north koreans are going to be and is john disadvantage. andrea miracle has to give all north korean defectors hope that it is possible in unified country to have smaller communist partner at a later
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emerge of the country. in but they will probably have to switch over from, they may need to consider calling from a presidential system to a parliamentary system have a vice president, having a vice president that is from north korea. for switching to a prime ministerial system here doubt they certainly need to make adjustments in the electoral rules for years. vahagn save presidential and parliamentary elections. you always have a lame duck president in kerry and the need to sink their elections and be able to be a a one thing the president for additional term. the prime minister system right now, you could keep the current system and have the prime minister be allocated to north koreans but the prime minister really doesn't have much real power. he's really subservient and operates at the will of the president so perhaps treating a vice president might be the
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easiest way of making sure that north koreans have some representation. but it's going to be a problem and they may need to switch to a more proportional representation rather than single member district representation. that's kind of thing off the top of my head but that's going to be a big task. one that i will need to make sure i incorporate into my papers politically how south korea is going to absorb north korea. again, i will, ideas and observations from members of the audience if you have any suggestions i'm all ears. ..
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equally opposed to unification. that's why china -- >> [inaudible] >> it's hard to measure who is more but i think they are equally -- certainly the chinese would lose more and feel more threatened immediately them the japanese certainly the chinese are to and personally imposed. putin talk to good game, held a summit or two with north korea but the russians or economically bankrupt.
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the russian companies have no interest in korea. they have plenty of opportunities within russia. they don't want to take the risk. talk about pipelines and power systems, and i think our imaginary unless someone else is willing to pay for it. the russians don't have any money to put up and really have very little presence now and in the foreseeable future so in terms of the financial contribution either that the government level or at the private level i think it will be insignificant. >> hi, thanks as always, peter. paul of reuters news agency. it's going to be become a lot of this in this room feel old but the summit is ten years past and basically the sunshine policy and the large flow successor are going on a decade. what sort of political and there has been a lot of that money appears to have gone in a black
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hole, there were family reunions, things got done that same time was political capital -- was anything useful of lasting importance achieved by the south koreans and north korea with fat and in parallel somewhat related with official relationships we of and for all relationships between north and south and i'm thinking the christian activity. what role do you think the christian movements that are so active in northern china and even into north korea what role are they going to play in the society when things change? >> great question. i was at a talk that done kirk gave yesterday about how hard you betrayed korea with the 5,500,000,000 that allegedly supposedly went to north korea. certainly i think it is fair to say the summit ten years later
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did not for me to my or almost anyone else expectations about the peace around the corner remember saying to the dmz was shipped from the front line to the front door for trade and cooperation, and again some of this may be like looking at south korean politics, half empty or half full and i certainly see the half full side, the very fact that it exists. i think that the tours are more ambiguous achievement in terms of what really -- what benefits other than cash for the regime and a glimpse of north korea by the south koreans. but i think it is a tangible and positive benefit from the summit and as someone who is married to a caribbean whose father died waiting to find out what happened to his family in the north i am very much aware of
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the family reunion problem, and it's a tragedy more haven't taken place more quickly because they are dying faster than they can arrange meetings. i have to think or believe some reunions are better than none even if they are very controlled, people being able to see each other. i think there was a change, a permanent seat change in the south korean attitude towards north korea, that north korea was viewed in a less threatening manner, perhaps to on threatening but getting there is a consensus. it wasn't an be considering closing it, it was the north koreans, so there's been a consensus i think that has remained in south korea even with the shift in government that there has to be some form of engagement with north korea, even if it doesn't meet our expectations we have to try to economically engage them. we have to try and we have to try to promote reconciliation, and if you look at past
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political terms in terms of all these rumors right now about the summit i think it comes down to whether myung-bak will have a summit and how much willing to leave, and he's going to give them and how badly he feels he needs a summit to help his popularity at home. i think those -- i think those are the two decisive factors. unfortunately i think that the summit didn't accomplish very much, and i'm not a very optimistic that this would accomplish very much with north korea, other than talking is better than not talking. but to me the summits are certainly i'm glad that it happened but they certainly haven't achieved what i think most of us would hope they would achieve. and the christian movement for, you know, now that we have yet another person walking across the border be hitting with what i think is very foolishly, there is no question when i was working on the north korean refugee issue the underground
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railroad might not exist if it wasn't for a christian missionary is willing to risk their lives in china to help north koreans get out. and my and an login from that pyongyang area in our longstanding christian. there is no latent christianity how much of it survived over the last 60, 70 years is hard to say but i think christian missionaries will pay play a very important role in the unified korea judging from the role they've already played in trying to help north koreans get out and they are the critical source of support, north koreans defectors and the united states, the roughly 100 north koreans in the united states most receiving help from cory -- korean churches.
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to the extent they care about cory i would say the average south korean doesn't care about korea because of christian churches, so i think they will play a very important role. >> we will try to squeeze in a few more questions here if you could keep your questions as brief as possible. >> peter, thank you for your kind words. christian carl from foreign policy "newsweek." yes, you mentioned the exchange-rate issue in the german unification. any economist would say the exchange rate policy settled upon by the german government made no rational sense whatsoever but of course there were very powerful political pressures at work ranging from pending national elections to the trade unions. what do you see as the competing pressures that will be at work on that issue when it comes time for the koreans to unify who do you think will be the players, the interest groups, the contending forces? thank you very much.
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>> that's another really good question that i haven't really started to consider. so i will give you the top of the head answer. given that the trade unions are really only present at the top table i think overall for the labor in korea won't exert the kind of influence that the german sleeper was able to exert. i think that the table will be much more decisive factor. to me it's fascinating to watch the transition from second generation to third generation, the transfer of power and authority and prestige not just in north korea but south korea, that you have all of them trying to hand off, all of them effectively trying to hand off power and would be the first
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mother daughter power transition which would be kind of fun to see. but given the slap on the rest that even he got from samsung there is the notion that no one wants to upset the jeeves leading the golden eggs, so i think they are still extremely powerful and well dictate to a large extent, to the extent economic forces and unification, economic policies i think it will be with a will ask for particularly if it were to happen under m b or president like myung-bak i think the jabal would have the biggest say. again many of the studies i reviewed i advocate not doing what germany did but again, if they do its way to lead to a flood of north koreans. so it is a huge dilemma and i frankly haven't been able to find a good answer. i don't think there is any magic
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combination of policies you can come up with that achieved -- you have tradeoffs you have to decide to why want to equalize incomes or do i want to attract investment in north korea? jul one to keep people there or get people investing. and so, frankly i'm not sure how the future of the south korean president has to do that is going to be -- what is going to shape this decisions to read off the top of my head i would say it would be more likely to be jabal interest rather be in labor interest that shape the policies. >> [inaudible] >> from washington. i believe you pretty much just answered the question was going to be you touched upon the implications of bringing north korean labor up to speed to integrate them into the south korean labour force. the question was going to be would be the implications on south korean leader wages if
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they're ready large influx. >> great question. i'm sorry to say that i got -- jset no good here at lunch time. so failed there. but it's a good question and it is a tough question. i guess the best indicator we have for that is i've had a chance to visit there twice and tried to talk to some of the workers and of course they are stiff and afraid even if i crack a joke like [inaudible] while, you know it's really true number women, southern men, or other women are attractive. nothing, not even a mona lisa smile. [laughter] just sternly sitting at their seats working and in a north korean or south korean would come over and say get the heck out of there they are trying to
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work. so i have not been able to have much of the conversation with the workers but it's clear the factories are running -- that are running well, they are beautiful new factories and have very good work conditions. the south korean voters i've talked to have been very happy. as you know there are hundreds of thousands of foreign workers in south korea from other parts of asia i think most of them would be asked to leave. it would be the first step i think would be taken and that would be in the short term manner i think the way they would try to absorb some of the north korean workers but you raise a very good point that a unified korea is most likely gwen to lower wages sycophant lee for south korea. and i don't think there's going to be any way that they can keep the two labor forces and economies separated, and it is going to create a big social problem for south korea.
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but we know which of the three d's, dirty, dangerous and difficult the south koreans like to avoid the north koreans will be asked to work those jobs. so i guess on an optimistic day i would say this is going to be manageable given that the labor shortages south korea already faces on a pessimist would say this is we to be very dramatic for the korean labor but it's another very good question. >> kathryn. you sort of touched on this issue a little bit but haven't addressed directly. one of the biggest differences with germany is east and west germany never thought a war with each other and they didn't have -- the kind of intensity feeling, the experience of the
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horrible suffering at the hands of each other. so, how do you see this play out in a unification scenario, do you think the generational change is significantly lessening that aspect or i would be interested in your thoughts. >> that's another really good question. when my wife was growing up, her parents taught her -- when she was five or 6-years-old she had to memorize her home address but it was in her address in seoul, it was her address and north korea because the assumption was in chaos broke out again and the family was separated, my in-laws they were literally dating they were separated and met by chance again in a refugee center and got married, but given that had been what had happened to them their assumption is that family would be separated. they would meet up again not in seoul but in [inaudible]
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you're right there's a generational quality and those people are literally dying but their children -- given south korea is still 60 years later, 65 years leader struggling with japanese colonialism who is a trader, still in 2010 figuring out who's land needs to be taken away for collaborating with the japanese it is mind-boggling to an american who has no sense of history but that would still be obsessing about this and i have no doubt this is when to be another pandora's box that will inevitably be opened. they are going to be hundreds, if not millions of south koreans and north koreans holding property deeds for land in north korea. my mother-in-law was born on a tortured, wealthy myett owner and she knows her address. she knows where she lived and so
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i think this is when to be another very difficult issue to resolve, and given the still haven't macau it 65 years to get it right with japan and haven't gotten a right efficient manner. i don't think they are going to be able to just have this blanket a declaration of no claims will be taken. i don't think that will fly so they are going to have to find a way to accommodate and i just want to know how they are going to do that at this point so i think that is going to be a huge -- at bat to the list of headaches. >> we have time for one last question. there is one back here. [inaudible] >> thanks, peter. i know it's a big topic in the
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political culture of the various grassley between north and south korea in terms of the learning curve and trying to integrate north koreans into a unified system what type of learning curve -- we always hear the stories as you just said indicates in terms of the cultural and political differences between the north and the south in terms of some sort of process to integrate north koreans into a broader democratic liberal society -- what type of process will that intel? will it be a very long process to try to balance the or could it be done relatively quickly? >> i don't know if you wanted to say anything because colin from international public and institute has actually been managing projects to try and help with civic education for north korean defectors. the sad truth is that if it wasn't for american support whether it is national democracy
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or international republican institute there would be far less training, far fewer training programs for the north koreans and i've had the opportunity of helping the international republican institute a little bit with working with some of the groups in seoul. but it will be a long process to get it will take years to deprogram and create and one of the goals of the defector communities to create young leaders and the average north korean and south korea wants to go back when the unification actually happens. so we actually have -- and andrew has written about this and nice article last summer saying we have got to put the south korean government has got to put far more money, has got to be far more proactive in creating leadership academies, schools, we can end up with a problem of separate but equal but the fact is north koreans have trouble competing in the
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cyber competitive education system that south korea has. there's an article a couple of weeks ago about a defector accepted into the national university. i think not through the back door or a hope not through the back door, so it's bring to be a very difficult process but thanks to the international republican institute i've had a chance to meet with some of these groups and there are wonderful -- some of them becoming christians and relying on their faith but some wonderful individuals sitting up ngos having regular meetings and have an traders' come to help them how to be an effective journalist and how to be a good broadcaster, how to be a good leader but there is nowhere near enough of that iri program. i wish they were ten times bigger than they are. but we do have those programs to exist but i think it is going to take five for ten years before they really have -- i mean south
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koreans are still mastering a well functioning democracy so i think it is going to be a long-term project but it's one that's already begun for some defectors in south korea. >> all right. thank you for your excellent questions and to peter for his presentation. >> i really appreciate it. [applause] >> hopefully i haven't given you to many headaches the headaches [inaudible] >> before we break for lunch i want to mention i want to introduce you to a new staff member at the embassy mr. john brinkley, you can praise him right there. he is a communications director in the main building. [applause] also, we will have plenty of time for lunch so i hope you can all stay. they're serving across the hall and if you could get up your things when you leave so we have more space --
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topics at today's pentagon briefing including new report on military intelligence failings in afghanistan and efforts to supply military aid to yemen. spokesman geoff morrell speaks with reporters for almost 50 minutes.
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>> [inaudible conversations] >> hi guys, happy new year. good to see you all. the new year's resolution, to be mr. nice guy up here. [laughter] would you say? [laughter] >> that is what my wife said, my resolution should be. anyway, i have nothing to start so let's have at it. >> what does bill gates tend to do differently in the response to the to the christmas bombing and is concerned that the u.s.'s seven to connect the dots that another attack might be imminent? >> i have not heard him express that kind of concern as a former intelligence official himself, obviously he is a voracious
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consumer of intelligence. he is one who believes it is a vitally important component to the nation's security and he is one who cares very deeply about the health and capabilities of the intelligence community. obviously this department is the provider of the vast majority of the intelligence budget for this country so he is responsible for a large part of it as well. and he pays close attention to it. as for whether or not -- was the first part of the question? >> what is he tend to do differently in light of the attack? >> i think first and foremost this government is doing things differently as the president articulated yesterday. as for what this department in particular will do differently
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and that is something yet to be determined. i am sure there is anything that is readily apparent at least with regards to this case that would illustrate there is a feeling within this department as to how we should have responded. with that said given the fact that he places such a premium of importance of intelligence. everybody who is responsible for that portfolio in this building is no doubt taking a much closer look at how they do business to make sure they are doing it to the secretaries and presidents satisfaction. i have not heard him in the days since the attempted attack particularly the need or request anybody in this department to be doing things differently. obviously we are doing things around the world operationally and that impacts the security of this country. whether it be an operation is
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taking place in other parts of the world. we are doing things in a very offensive manner to try to prevent any other attack taking place on our country again. so the president was very clear in the days since christmas this is not just a matter of what we can do defensively to protect our citizens will need to be on the offense as well as we have been for years now and under the obama administration that has been the case. we've taken the fight to the terrorists as the president said in iraq, in afghanistan, and any number of countries around the world sometimes directly sometimes in our support of our friends and allies working by with and through our partners ronald centcom is looking for 40 million mostly training money double what it was last year.
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can you get a sense of the approval process will this be part of the normal budget or will this be fast tracked. >> we got the fy and budget as you know was just appropriated by the congress before they recessed for the christmas holidays had the was welcomed news and provides us with the money to spend on 1206 which is building our partnership capacity, building the capacity of the military and security forces so they can attend to these problems so they can get such a problem that requires u.s. boots on the ground. and so with regards to yemen there has been a steady increase on our support of yemen dating back to 20 1/6 when we provided them $4.6 million. in 2007 and went to 26 million. in 2008, none of the projects that had been proposed that the requirements for 1206 but then
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again 2009 we provided $67 million. right now as you heard from general petraeus recently it is his desire to increase debt funding significantly in light of the threat that is now opposed from within hagaman and in light of the desire on the yen in government for more assistance from us to combat the threat so there's not a process under way within this building and the inner agency to determine how much is appropriate. there is a limited to sum of money to work with and roughly $350 million appropriated for fiscal year ten. jam is not the only country in need of this kind of assistance of the choices have to be made. judgments have to be made. there needs versus other countries have to be balanced. but i think that process is underway right now and given the threat that exists i think there will be an effort to do this in an expedited fashion.
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i cannot give you a precise time. i can't even do that. it's hard enough getting things done in a timely fashion in this building. this is a program as you know it is tool access and we do this in conjunction with the state department so i can tell you with any precision when this might take place but i think it's clear there is a desire to provide more financial assistance to the yemen government through 1206 founding so they can take on this threat but there is also other means of supporting them in this effort to and in fiscal year 09 they also received roughly $2.8 million in the foreign military financing, another million dollars international training and roughly $400,000 for counterterrorism fellowship program so we are looking for any and all means possible that we can be supportive of the yemen government and their armed forces as they step up to the plate in a very concerted
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fashion and very aggressive and brave fashion to take on this thread within their midst. we are clearly heartened and encouraged by the fact that the yemeni government seems extremely committed to dealing with this. there's been times in the past the commitment has been less clear and i think everyone at this point is heartened by the fact that there seems to be a commitment to pursue these terrorists within the next. >> was the secretaries reaction to general flan monograph published the other day both in terms of its substance and also in the way that was published? >> i have not spoken to him about this plano he has not ready yet. i think it is in his in box. but i don't think that he has a chance to read at least as i
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left the building last night he had not. with that said i think i can speak to you with some confidence even as he has not read the report yet based upon my familiarity with him and dealing with similar situations in the past, that the report itself, forget for a moment or put aside the venue of which was published it is exactly the type of canted critical self assessment the secretary believes is a sign of a strong and healthy organization. this kind of honest appraisal in richest has been a real and hearty and vigorous debate that has been taking place within this building or in this department or government for years now. you guys all watch closely the most recent strategic assessment on afghanistan and pakistan.
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you all know from the reporting you did during month the months that took place the one of the fundamental discussions that took place was about the degree you balance counterterrorism versus claim and how best to you pursue the threats afghanistan, and there are those who believe we should be focused much more on corn and there are those who believe that we should wait mortarboard counterterrorism. that is the root but general flynn was talking about and that is how do you deeply intelligence assets to achieve your objectives and he obviously has very strong opinions and he's someone i know who has the respect of the secretary and the senior military command within this building and i think that he is dealing with something that is clearly critical to the
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success in afghanistan intelligence is critical to our success and the fact intelligence over the years has been a challenge we've had to deal with and i think we are all open to suggestions how we can be doing this better and how we can be doing this quickly because as you know time is of the essence. >> you expect the department to support the kind of changes he is calling for and can you also talk about the way in which it was put forward? >> i think that we are not from here. we are going to micromanage how general mcchrystal go about deploying their assets. >> [inaudible] >> i'm not sure it requires additional resources. this is a question right now of taking the assets that he has and using them differently to achieve a different result or hopefully better result. that is as i understand.
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but if the determination is made that he needs more help and more resources on the intelligence side i'm sure something will be given at most attention within this building is that request were to come in. with regards to the venue, the al blight obviously it's a little on conventional and took some people by surprise. there's probably more traditional means of disseminating this information but i have not heard anybody internally voice too much concern about that. i frankly don't even know that he is aware of it. i think as i said it is in his in box and he hasn't had a chance to read it yet as last i checked he probably has seen some reporting on it. but i'm not -- i haven't heard on whether or not he is surprised about the choice of
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using a think tank to share these concerns. you should know why we of context of course that in particular is one that has devoted a lot of time and energy and resources to examining these issues and played a role as did several others in the assessment general my crystal and his team did this summer on the situation in afghanistan, so it's not entirely out of the blue that general flynn would share his opinions threw that out but there were probably others he could have considered as well. >> discuss the latest figures on gitmo detaining recidivism. last april it was 14%. there's been a lot of interest in the subject since apparently to gitmo detainee's ended up as leaders of al qaeda and the every be in peninsula.
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we are doing it is closer to 20% now can you confirm that? >> i cannot. i don't have any new members to s share with you at this point. those products as you know we try to keep very close tabs on those detainees we have transferred from guantanamo back to their home country or third countries. and the last report that we declassified as you mentioned was an april report we actually provided for you in may which reflected an increase in recidivism from 11% up to 14%. we clearly have been doing our best to keep tabs on anyone who may have returned to the fight either in a confirmed fashion or suspected fashion since then but
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i can't give you the numbers other than to say that i do not believe that trend has reversed itself. >> [inaudible] >> they're clearly was a trend we've done to reports. one showed 11% and another showed 14%. i don't think that trend has reversed itself. >> can i ask a quick on the tanker rfp. you're going to need tankers to fly to the home stations so what is -- [laughter] -- >> one footnote to this, i know your interest in this subject is clear to us we deal with this every time there is rumors and reports of an updated report on the subject and we are working to get an unclassified version to you as soon as possible so we are aware of your interest in it and working to provide it.
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count that working to be a good guide this year okay thank you. >> the proposal once for the competition of this -- >> answer is we are shooting to have the rfp out hopefully by the end of the month if not early next month we are in the process right now reviewing the comments provided i think the deadline for the comments was in november from the competing companies as well as congress, and so we are in the midst of reviewing those comments, but i think we are still on schedule to get this out in the next few weeks but no final decisions have been made yet about the rfp, but i think it is safe to say at this point that there will be changes to the draft and that's the nature you put all
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their want to get some feedback we've gotten feedback some of it quite helpful, some of this we just have realized ourselves and so i think the team is in the process of correcting the state's and altering the acquisition strategy a bit and that will be reflected in the final request for proposal which will likely go out in the next couple or few weeks. i would add one thing and that is whatever changes are being made should not be construed as any attempt to favor anybody. what is being done is we are trying to make the rfp as fair and transparent as possible while at the same time providing the taxpayers the best value for their money into the war fighters the best play in to support the operations and we
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hope when this happens we will have a full and hearty and thorough competition between multiple bidders. we certainly hope so. it is a very, very lucrative contract. and we certainly hope that they will reconsider their decisions about whether or not to bid for this replacement tanker. i think there's a lot of money to be made for whoever the winner is. there's also a patriotic element here. it is an urgent need for war fighters and has been for some time and we knew the best companies competing to provide the best play and in support of our operations. barbara? >> the president talked last night about taking the fight. he talked against terrorism and the feeding networks and he
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probably talked about afghanistan, pakistan and taking the fight in the past year to somalia, yemen. you have the right, fort hood, you have fob chapman. whether these are al qaeda affiliate's or al qaeda inspired, when you look at what has happened in the last few months and the year ahead is is still the secretary's du that the u.s. government house al qaeda on the run because it sure seems like the list is growing. >> i think -- i think that he clearly believes we have made over the past several years enormous progress against al qaeda. you just go back and look -- i will answer your question in full, barbara, i promise but it springs to mind the progress made for example in iraq. we had one soldier killed yesterday but that's the first
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soldier we've had died in combat since november. by my calculation i think over the past six months our combat deaths total 14. just in stark contrast to the reality of the situation when i took this job in the summer of 2007 when we probably lost nearly 100 people that month. so, the situation in iraq although there are still high-profile attacks that we believe have been executed by al qaeda going back to august, october, december there have been deadly high-profile attacks there is no question of qaeda in iraq has been severely debilitated and they are having to husband their resources and execute a tax on a much less frequent basis than they would prefer. it's interesting also public opinion seems to be among the iraqis they are still strong support for the iraqi
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government, strong confidence in the iraqi security forces and that there is no sympathy engender by these attacks. so that's iraq. in afghanistan clearly the situation has deteriorated over the past years i think since the commitment of additional resources by president obama earlier this year and the subsequent additional 30,000 that he has pledged. everybody has a high degree of confidence we are going to turn the tide against the taliban, al qaeda and others associated extremists within the coming months. broadening the view around the world there have been strides made elsewhere, and that is evidence and the white house has noted several of these over the past few days. but there clearly is a real terrorist threat that still
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exists whether it be al qaeda or its affiliates. they remain very much a threat to the american people and our allies around the world and that is why we still have 110,000 forces in iraq. we've got some 100,000 u.s. forces in afghanistan and we have forces deployed around the world in support of the war on terror so they remain a threat even as we've made progress against them they remain a threat, and so we cannot let down our guard, we cannot 40 minutes to pose to pat ourselves on the back with regards to the progress that is clearly made. we have to continue to keep the fight up and that is what our forces in this building is committed to doing. >> can we at since we may not see the secretary this week in a press conference and who knows about next week can we ask you to take the question to him for
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his reaction did general flynn's report and get an answer because it seems extraordinary given his view about making intelligence information public and that recommendations are the things that should be handled privately to the appropriate government officials? it seems extraordinary that -- and you said you didn't know. i and a stand, that's why i'm asking -- extraordinary that he wouldn't have a view about this report so can i ask you -- >> rediker i shared with you what i believe to be the review about the report. the question you're asking is different, you're asking about the choice of the venue to publish the report; correct? >> you said -- >> listen -- >> spoken to him -- >> that's correct also said i have a high degree of confidence that i had a good sense of how he would view this type of self analysis, this type of candid self appraisal but i will -- i
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anticipate talking to him about this and if i get an answer i will certainly get back to you. >> -- publicly publishing. >> can you confirm the publication of the nuclear review is going to be delayed? if so, why is that and can you also tell us if the pentagon and the white house or on the same page in terms of force reduction levels as some reports seem to suggest the contrary. >> forced reduction in terms of nuclear weapons? okay. i can tell you in terms of all of these reviews that are going on and i don't think we have ever had a convergence of so many refuse to at the same time, that looks as though we are in the final stages of -- we are in the endgame so to speak of the cutie are, fy 11 budget, and the ballistic missile defense review. lagging a little bit behind those would be the nuclear posture review and space review. so that is the status.
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i know it right now. there is still some work to be done in the coming days and weeks the secretary will be hosting the combatant commanders and the senior leadership of this department next week for the discussions for another one of the defense senior leader conferences and the part of that meeting will clearly be devoted to going over the fy 11 budget, the cutie -- qdr as well as the cyber threat, but that is the status report as i know it right now. as for any differences, not that i am aware of yes, adam. >> you have a seat in the front row. >> i know, [inaudible] if the -- use it to the trend is continuing to increase. can you give the sense what you
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think that's happening. >> i saw the trend has reversed itself. >> the trend, the increasing trend continues in that direction. can you give the sense why you think that is happening and how significant is and what the u.s. is doing to try to prevent that? >> i think that this is something we have spoken to -- i don't think the situation -- i don't think the dynamics has changed from what it was when we spoke about this last time. i think last april or may, and that is as we have reduced the population at guantanamo bay, you know, we are down to just below 200 detainees now i think in the history of that facility we have had probably more than 750 throughout its history. as we have released roughly -- we transferred roughly 550 people to date, and i think that
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that is -- that is a painstaking and difficult process we go through we scrutinize each and every case individually and assess its merits and the security risks and with the situation as back in the home country and make a determination about whether it is wise to transfer each of these individuals back home or to a third country. some of the initial cases were more obvious than others. some of them were deemed to be less of a threat than others. i think as we are getting down to the final couple hundred these are clearly very difficult cases. and that is why the president issued executive order on the first full day in office.
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they work together to try to figure out the best disposition of these remaining detainees. so we are working with department of justice, the state department to review each and every one of these cases to make the determination of whether it is possible to transfer some of these remaining 200 or 198 now back to their home countries. >> [inaudible] >> there was intense scrutiny in the past as there is intense scrutiny now but this is an exact science. we are making subjective calls based upon judgment, intelligence and so there is no foolproof answer in this realm. that is what makes this so difficult. we have to do -- we have to make our best assessment with the information we have both with
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regards to the individual and their home country in terms of their ability to either continue to detain or monitor a post detention of these individuals, and so these are very difficult calls. the calls made in the past -- although i said this trend hasn't reversed itself and even 14% is of concern based on a percentage they have not returned to the battle. that said even one as a problem and so we are taking extraordinary measures to try to mitigate the risk associated with transferring these detainees. elizabeth? >> how long have you had this latest report? how long has it been completed? >> not sure. >> can you explain why it's
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classified? >> if you really want to go through the whole -- the making sausage aspect of this obviously i am also sure the number itself that everybody is interested in is the key thing here in terms of classification but what ever we have released numbers to you in the past there has been a human cry about prove it, you know, show us examples where more have returned to the fight and that required us to get individuals and names and the evidence we have that leads us to believe they've either been sold or are suspected of doing so and that often requires us to make assessments about whether or not we are putting at risk any source or methods of determining that information. so, i could -- i don't think we wanted to come up with you and give you half of a loaf knowing full well the you wanted the fourth thing. so we are working to get this
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done in one swoop so we have not just the updated information but the names and circumstances that support it. >> [inaudible] [laughter] >> jester justin petraeus benet you said 14% was concerning so what is 20%? is that a failure to assess how well these guys are going to adjust when they go back? >> i'm not going to speak to specific numbers. obviously as i said before whether it be 11 or 14 or one we want to do everything we possibly can to protect the american people and friends and allies around the world, and we don't want to put anybody at additional risk to the transfer of these individuals so we've taken great care in the past and will continue to do so to try to minimize any risk associated with transferring detainees. as you saw yesterday from the president himself that there will not for example be any
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transfers of the remaining yemeni detainees, the 90 still at guantanamo at least as the current situation stands so clearly we are concerned about what happens to these individuals after they leave the detention facility and the president has made the judgment at this point that none of the yemeni detainee's should be transferred while the situation back at that country is still very much in flux while the government there has its hands full right now trying to take the fight to the terrorists the decision has been made not to transfer any more of these individuals back. >> -- creates more problems for you [inaudible] >> finding a place, well, they have a problem right now --
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>> does it slip even further out past that? >> i think you've heard from the president very yesterday and it is strongly supported by secretary gates the detention facility at guantanamo bay will be closed. it's not a question of if but it's a question of when and i would just remind you one of the reasons we are not able to move forward on closing guantanamo and moving to -- closing guantanamo bay de detention facility and moving to illinois for a sample is the congress adjourned for their recess without providing for us either the money or the authorities to make such a transfer or to make such a change for housing these detainees so right now we are left with out the money or the authority to move detainee's
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from guantanamo bay so first things first melancon chris reconvenes i'm sure that the administration will be working aggressively with them funding and authority to begin the process. >> obviously if we have 91 yemenis that we have to move that does change the dynamic. it does change the calculation so that is something that has to be taken into account as well. >> to follow-up. many released from guantanamo and yemen and pakistan and also at the same time as where this incident is concerned the yemenis on christmas day you think the u.s. is shifting any policy as for dealing with al qaeda from pakistan to examine or from pakistan and afghanistan
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still remains the same center of al qaeda. >> if i understand the question your point was there are yemenis who have been transferred from guantanamo who have popped up elsewhere -- obviously when we transferred detainee's we do our best we obtain assurances from host governments they will either continue to detain or monitor these individuals effectively. obviously that hasn't always been the case in the past, and i think we have acknowledged that. we've put pressure on the government to try to do better. i have made it clear and secretary of state has done so recently that although we are heartened by the yemenis response lately it hasn't always been consistent. there have been instances in the
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past particularly well-publicized involving the bombers which they were in prison and then escapes, so their needs to be a better accounting of detainees and we are working with of the yemeni government to help them be able to do this kind of thing much better than perhaps they have in past. >> i will rise of this information is already out there do you know when khalid sheikh mohammed and others are going to try in federal court and move to new york? >> i don't know. >> and a different topic do you know how many in a tvs were delivered to afghanistan? >> i can give you updated numbers, jeff. we are at now as of january the fifth, and i want to double fifth, and i want to double check these, we
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honey... the credit fairy... doesn't exist. what? it's make-believe. nobody left anything under your pillow. if there's no credit fairy then who will make our credit score go up? we will. by doing things like paying our bills on time.
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announcer: there's no magic to improving your credit. but there's help and it's free. go to what? lead our coaches, on and off the field to the greatest heights. ladies and gentlemen, we got our man. >> and welcome back to those of you who've been with us since the top of the hour and welcome in to those just tuning in. jill sorenson and russ bailer
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here on geico sports night. the nba suspended gilbert arenas indefinitely without pay and as you just saw, the redskins introduced their new head coach, mike shanahan this afternoon. >> i'm excited and honored to be the head coach of the washington redskins. when you look at history, the hall of fame, the great coaches, great players, what an honor it is to be the head coach of this franchise. >> the bottom line is, we have to play as a team. there's only one way you have consistency and you know, nowadays and that's, you have to do things right every day. and if you do things right every day you have a chance to get better. it's not going to be what we're going to do next year, it's what we're going to do today. i'm looking forward to working with them. i love the way jason handles himself. i'm looking forward to sitting down, watching film and going through every play he had throughout his career and
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sitting down and talking to him. hopefully the best years are ahead. i have very high standards just like everybody in this organization. i can't tell you how long it's going to take, but i can guarantee you one thing, we'll get better every day. hopefully it won't be long to, we're back to where this organization has been. >> let's take you out live to redskins park. right now bringing chic hernandez who is conspicuous by his absence at today's press conference. what were you doing earlier this afternoon? >> well, russ, obviously uh, the players on this redskins team knew this would be a circus here at redskins park, so two of the captains, rock cartwright and jason campbell said come along and watch the press conference with us. it was a surreal atmosphere to think that jason campbell, now a restricted free agent, he and mike shanahan may or may not be
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tied together for years to come. >> ladies and gentlemen, i want to introduce you to our new head coach, redskins coach mike shanahan. [applause] >> how many guys you think you'll actually keep? >> i don't know, man. i don't know, it's going to be tough to figure out. >> what's on your to-do list for the next few weeks? what concrete things are you going to, are your priorities-- >> you have so much stuff you have to do, like-- >> probably already looking at some stuff. you'll be looking at some stuff like a month and a half, two months now. >> what is your evaluation? your early preliminary thoughts on jason campbell and what do you like about him? >> i'm looking forward to working with him. i love the way jason handles
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himself. i'm looking forward to sitting down and watching film. >> you can do a lot of films. >> coaching for a year probably helps. get a chance to relax and get a chance to coach in such a grind. you know, you have a chance to sit out this last year. >> no stress. >> they try to trade for the deal a while back. >> when i was in denver, i had final say on everything. okay? supposedly. so the press kind of took it and ran with it. i never had to make that decision. we'll work together. >> they're going to have to agree on it anyways. >> who has final say. if so-and-so like these guys and so-and-so liked these guys, it's not going to be like, well, it ain't going to be -- [talking simultaneously]
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>> like you said, they work as a team, they both have to make a decision on one guy. >> jason campbell, obviously you coached hall of fame quarterbacks, john elway, steve young, what do you see in campbell, could he be your starting quarterback? >> there's no question he could be. i thought jason did a number of great things this season. i think he can always tailor an offense towards the callus of your quarterback. that's part of coaching. >> here is your new coach talking about you during a press conference, how, we'll never live through that, what's that like? [laughter] >> well uh, you know, it's good to see, he had positive things to say, um... one thing i enjoyed about his press conference is that he's well in control, he's well in control. it seems like he's a real disciplinary and that's really what we need. um... he seems like he's a guy that uh, you know, he carries a lot of experience. like i said, he has the
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credibility, uh, from all his experience with being in denver and offenses, and the way he ran his teams before. like he said, win championship in all three phases of the game. not one phase, not two phases, but all three phases. everything he said was positive. everything he said was real. >> his resume proves heads be the championship. get to that elite level, super bowl champion. my ears are wide open, i'm ready to learn from him and try to make the best of it. >> and make the best of it, they will. they'll now come in, i believe jason campbell tried to meet with mike shanahan before he took off. not sure if that meeting took place. the other hot topic is the trophy with his running back clinton portis. he came out yesterday and questioned campbells leadership or leadership style. there's a fine line there.
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when campbell heard the comments he fired back saying what does cp know? the two talked last night, worked out their differences, but both campbell and his new coach were asked about it. >> hopefully get another chance to clear the air with it. i told him not to worry about it. i said you know, the situation happened, it's over with, there's no beef between me and cp, nothing that'll carry over through off season. i have no beef with cp. we're teammates. i look at teammates with my brothers. sometimes brothers get in arguments and disagree on things. >> if we have some problems or business, we'll keep it inside the organization. and uh, i understand how that happens, but what you have to do is you have to talk about these problems before they happen. they happen all the time. in some organizations they happen, others they don't. players will get the message that redskins will stay together. >> that would be uh, i guess the
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same motto as a man hired as head coach of the redskins exactly 39 years ago today. george allen. mike shanahan the new coach of the redskins. >> chic, fascinating stuff. great job with those guys, thank you very much. >> thank you. coming up on sportsnite: what are the redskins getting in mike shanahan? we'll dig deeper into the resume he brings to the burgundy and gold. also: gilbert arenas getting suspended indefinitely by the nba commissioner. host: could switching to geico really save you 15% or more on car insurance? host: is ed "too tall" jones too tall?
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nurse: i'm just gonna guesstimate. vo: geico. 15 minutes could save you 15% or more. i touched the ball before it went out, coach. come on, alex, the ref did not call that! i touched, it's their ball. don't foul them when they inbound. team! alex! good call.
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mike shanahan was introduced this afternoon as the new head coach of the washington redskins during a press conference you saw live on comcast sportsnet. we heard from several people, including analysts and a host of players. here's the reason why there's so much optimism today in redskins nation. >> reporter: mike shanahan is probably best known as the man who led the denver broncos to back-to-back super bowl titles in 1997 and 1998 but he was well-known and well-respected well before then. after cutting his teeth as a quarterbacks coach and offensive coordinator in the 1980s, shanahan got his first head coaching job with the raiders in 1988, only to get fired four games into the season in los angeles. his next stop took him up the california coast to san francisco where he helped guide one of the most prolific attacks
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in nfl history earning his first super bowl ring with 1994, 49ers. 1995, he was back in denver as a head coach. prolonged success in the mile-high city with john elway. terrell davis, mike anderson, olandis guarary, clinton portis and more thrived in his heavy version of west coast offense. after three straight seasons of 500 football that didn't equate to even one trip to the postseason, he was fired on december 30, 2008. mike shanahan still earned $7 million from the broncos in 2009, making him the highest paid head coach in the nfl even though he didn't coach a game, but now he's back in the game. hoping to revive the glory of his coaching past as well as the redskins.
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back to the wizards. they still have a game to play tonight. they take on the cavaliers today in cleveland. for more on matters within the court, let's talk about what's happening on the court and off it. >> as we said throughout the course of this hour-long edition. gilbert arenas has been suspended for a time, we don't know how long it's going to be. it could be significant. this is the statement from mr. stern. although it is clear the actions of mr. arenas will result in substantial suspension and perhaps worse, his ongoing conduct isn't fit to take part in the game. we fully endorse the decision the nba made to indefinitely suspend gilbert arenas strictly legal issues aside, gilbert's recent behavior and statements
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including his actions and statements last night in philadelphia are unacceptable. some of our other players appeared to find gilbert's behavior in philadelphia amusing. is this also unacceptable. our organization never tolerated such behavior and we have no intention of ever doing so. within the hour, gilbert arenas released this statement. ... i never intended any harm for disrespect to the nba or anyone else, my attempts at humor showed terrible judgment. i take full responsibility for my conduct. earlier today i called commissioner stern to apologize and i hope we'll be able to talk soon. i look forward to the day i can return to basketball, in the meantime, i'll focus on dealing responsibly with the situation,
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serious situation and i look to continue to cooperate fully with the investigation by law enforcement and nba authorities. ron thompson, there's a baseball game tonight, and starting line-up without gilbert arenas. early boykins, nick young, caron butler, antawn jamison, how do they move on tonight? >> they have to do that. they have to move on, put all the foolishness that's gone on with gilbert and move beyond that. tonight is another opportunity for nick young to solidify himself in this league as a consistent, production-type ball player. we know he can shoot the long ball. we know he's a natural scorer. he can get buckets. now he's going to have more than ample opportunity to solidify himself as a consistent player in this league. now you have early boykins who is a great addition.
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he got guys easy baskets. he pushed the tempo, he was able to get into the paint and suck in the defense. brendon haywood is 50/50 tonight. we're not sure if he's going to play. he gives them the inside presence they desperately need. any time you play against shaquille o'neal and guys that can score on the blocks, step out and knock down shots, that's an area of concern, how they're going to react defensively. is andray blatche going to step up. is germane going to play? can alberto stay on the floor? some scoring but a defensive presence. >> the wizards were without gilbert arenas for two seasons. tonight they take on the eastern conference. it's the wiz and calf leaves at the top of the hour. likely will be a lot of games
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without gilbert arenas. coming up: the new redskins brain trust be able to turn the franchise around? the guy who knows mike shanahan pretty well has strong opinions. i'll talk to bill romanowski when we come back on sportsnite. those boys are much too much! we got the spirit, we're hot, we can't be stopped! we got the spirit, we're hot, we can't be stopped! we gonna beat 'em and bust 'em, both: beat 'em! bust 'em!... announcer: the smallest moments can have the biggest impact on a child's life. both: let's. get. a little bit rowdy. r-o-w-whoop-d-y. announcer: take time to be a dad today. one more time. both: oh those boys are much too much, those boys...
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we're going to see how the wizards fair tonight without gilbert arenas and get the players thoughts on his suspension on post game live. . strange as it may seem, the nfl season isn't over. the ravens head to new england sunday for a rematch of the week 4 match-up. the patriots won that game 27-21, but as brent harris reports, the ravens were looking to change history against the pats and their quarterback tom brady. >> that's it, you're not going
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to play the legacy again, you're not playing none of that, just coming up and signing. that's our task, that's our focus, that's where we are right now. >> reporter: however the challenge remains, beating the patriots, something the ravens have never done on their field. where new england was a perfect 8-and-0 this season. >> we're not making predictions, we're just preparing to play the game. the things we have to do to prepare for the good players and great schemes we're going against, the challenge of being on the road, probably, but we've done well two weeks in a row already. three times in the playoffs last year, i don't think that'll be a challenge for us. >> reporter: the ravens will be playing against the officials and the tom brady rule. a pair of roughing the passer penalties proved to be crucial in the patriots win. >> you take aggression away, you take away the way you play the game, then what are we? we're the lines, you know? so we don't uh, you leave that,
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you leave that where it is and move on from it. you play within the rules. if something happens, something happens. but you can't um, take away your aggression. >> you're stuck back up. you done lost your focus on the game. that week, whatever your frustrations was, they was. nothing that you went through then or nothing that they did, nothing that the refs did will ever slow down the way i play football. it's just football. >> reporter: the ravens know they'll have their hands full against tom brady and the patriots passing attack, but the secondary has been playing much better, especially over the last eight games where they had 15 interceptions ranked second in the nfl. ray lewis was asked about the improved play in the secondary, especially with losing three starting quarterbacks this year. he said he's very impressed but he's also impressed with his defense as a whole. the defense that ranks third in the nfl. in owings mills, with the
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ravens, brent harris, comcast sportsnet. back to the redskins now: everyone knows about mike shanahan's two super bowls with denver. some know about his championship with san francisco, but for a real look at the head coach, i spoke with one of shanahan's former players, bill romanowski. first of all, i have to ask you, i mean this guy, mike shanahan obviously comes in with a huge resume, with huge success. as a player, um, how much of an immediate effect does that have? does he have to earn respect still? or is it there already? >> well, of course you earn he'll have to earn respect. when he walks into a room, he has a certain presence about him. he's a smart, articulate guy. he's detail-oriented and bottom line, he'll win in washington. >> reporter: what are some of the intangibles that maybe we
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don't see, you know, being outside the locker room that you have seen? especially leadership-wise? which you know, you've probably read washington has lacked lately. >> well you know, what mike shanahan brings to the table is two super bowls. okay? he won two super bowls and he collected and brought together a great group of guys. it's one thing, john elway wasn't able to win the super bowl and then uh, he got there, took over the team, brought in a great group, a great core of guys and we were able to get the job done and uh, he's a great leader, a great motivator, and he'll bring the right talent to that team and do whatever it takes to win a world championship. >> reporter: it's interesting, if there are any critics of mike shanahan, they'll quickly point out after elway left he has a
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500-record in those three years. 24-and-24. how much stock do you put in that? >> i don't put a lot in that, you know, because he had very competitive teams and you'll go through slumps in the nfl but bottom line is he's a winner. i know he's very excited to be there, i just know in my heart that, get ready, washington, because the super bowl is coming your way. no gilbert, no distractions. will the witnessed yards be able to play without him? -- wizards be able to play without him? more coming up next. we talk to kelli johnson
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mike shanahan is new head coach to the washington redskins. he's the guy daniel snyder reportedly coveted for quite some time. snyder spoke with kelli johnson this afternoon. >> well congratulations first on really landing the two big positions with your organization, uh, what was it about mike shanahan though that you really wanted? and the reason you targeted him as head coach? >> he's a winner. when you have somebody with that background, that experience and where we are right now as a franchise and what we need to build, uh, the foundation now with mike and bruce is awesome. we're, we're real excited about it. it's a big deal. >> he talked about your relationship over the last ten years, has he always bayne coach that you coveted to bring here to washington? >> i used to always tease pat about that. trade me mike.
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he's someone i always thought highly of. i never thought he'd be available. it's just an opportunity that is really important for us and we're excited. >> what kind of leadership do you see him really bringing to this team? in terms of the players? >> he's disciplined. he understands all facets of the game. he understands uh, personnel, he's somebody that really is, is truly, exudes leadership and to have that is great. >> has it concerned you at all some of the things that have gone on this season with players, with coaches and seemingly a falling apart of sorts at the seems? >> we were 4-and-12 and two last place division seasons and we're all very disappointed. i feel terrible for the fans and uh, it's now uh, in good hands with bruce and mike and i'm just ecstatic to be in this position.
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>> how do you see bruce allen and mike shanahan working together? >> i think they are a great team. and uh, together, you can't ask for more. >> i know you brought in the hall of famer in joe gibbs. now that you have these two pieces and with their resumes, bruce allen, mike shanahan, how do you feel about the direction of this organization? >> i think 2010 uh, already has had a victory. so it's going to be a great decade. >> back to our breaking news of the night, gilbert arenas suspended indefinitely without pay by the nba. commissioner david stearns saying his conduct is being investigated for bringing guns to verizon center. leads him to believe that gil is not fit to play in the nba. all right for jill, i'm russ, big day, we could go on for hours. that's it for us on geico sportsnite. >> papa johns tip-off is next. wizards, cavaliers on the ma
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>> the owls have cranked up the excitement. their biggest rivals, st. joseph is up next, to face a team that is ready to go wild again tonight.
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for those of who thought the city of brotherly love was reserved for the big four, well, you have to mix in a few college basketball teams as well. a city series rivalry game tonight from the city of philadelphia, st. joseph is at the lie course -- liacouras center. i'm tye along with steve. it is always great when two philadelphia schools get together for a basketball game. st. joseph has struggled and temple is in the top 25. one thing that st. joe's has, pretty good guard play. >> they have had guard play before when they had delon kay west. not quite that -- delonte west. 38% from 2. as a matter of fact, he is almost shooting the same percentage from three as he is from two. but they need him to play with a little more fire and a little more energy if they are going to turn this around. >> kind of pick up from last
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year where ahmad nivins dominated the inside. the temple owls have been a pleasure to watch, maybe aside from the kansas game, that their last time-out and a lot of the reasons is because of their guards. >> these guards are playing great. brian and fernandez doing well. ryan brooks having a very good senior year. started out slow and now they have the big guy, lavoy allen whoshgs is not starting in the game because he was late for a film session. we will find out what kind of fire lavoy comes out to play with because he is a guy averaging a double-double but has only taken 27 free-throws on the season. so, tom, i think a little more fire might help lavoy allen. >> craig williams will start. it is the 149th meeting between the temple owls and the st. joseph hawks. the type is coming up -- tip is coming up are much too much,
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those boys are much too much! we got the spirit, we're hot, we can't be stopped! we got the spirit, we're hot, we can't be stopped! we gonna beat 'em and bust 'em, both: beat 'em! bust 'em!... announcer: the smallest moments can have the biggest impact on a child's life. both: let's. get. a little bit rowdy. r-o-w-whoop-d-y. announcer: take time to be a dad today. one more time. both: oh those boys are much too much, those boys...
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and not what you get? like electricity for gadget power at your seat. room to stretch your legs, and your wingspan, food when you're hungry, and taking off your shoes, only if you feel like it. these aren't luxuries, they're basics. get them back on acela. >> tom: so many great sites in philadelphia to take in and from a basketball standpoint, pretty good sights. fill martily, the -- -- fill mart nell -- phil martelli has changed up his starting line-up. now, the seniors are there.
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garrett williamson and darrin govens. govens we talked about. idris hilliard is there as well. but it is justin crosgile, the 5'11" fresh man will make the start. craig williams and michael eric. juan fernandez, a good shooter. what a find for dunphy in his 4th year, 11-3 this season and he comes in ranked in the top 25. joe lindsay is the referee. roger ayers and mike eves joins him. this is a city series match-up. todd o'brien will jump ten s center against -- center against michael eric. >> steve: you can expect to see temple keep working on their man-to-man because their defense is not up to phil's standards. >> tom: michael eric has had some trouble just catching the ball. he catches and shoots in one motion.
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>> steve: when you get position that deep, tom, it doesn't tyke much to score from there. really not a good defensive set to start for phil martelli's team. >> tom: temple gets the first bucket of the night. st. joseph's defensively as steve said, they have struggled this year. they are averaging over 78 points per game. that is not what st. joseph is traditionally known for. juan fernandez bringing it up the far side of the floor. how about the keys for tonight's ballgame, steve. >> steve: they have to grind it out because that is the kind of team they are, temple. they like to play low-scoring games and great defense. that is what they always look for. >> tom: meanwhile for the owls, forcing it inside is also a huge deal when allen gets into the game. >> steve: he average as double-double and st. joseph struggling with their inside defense. >> tom: 5-0 temple as gar rel williamson tries to answer the
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three before craig williams. another three-point miss for st. joseph. they have struggled from the outside this year. being consistent from three-point land. >> steve: darrin govens is their best three-point shooter but he is only shooting 38%. >> tom: that is too easy right there. down low to michael eric. >> steve: that is the type of team that will drive phil martelli nuts. he has gotten two lay-ups already to start this game. >> tom: the first team for st. joseph, govens producing. >> steve: govens one of the big keys for them, i think they expected more from him on the offensive end. 38% from two as we talked about in the open. not doing enough as a senior. >> tom: now the second key for st. joseph in tonight's ballgame? >> steve: they have got to do a good job of competing on the boards because they are minus 8 on the glass. you get out rebounded by 8 in a
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game is almost unheard of. this temple team is a very good rebounding team. they have to get on the glass. >> tom: the hawks have been outrebounded in 11 of their last 12 games. >> steve: giving up way too many offensive rebounds. >> tom: 7-2 temple off the missed free-throw by st. joseph. here's fernandez on the drive. misdirected by o'brien. now govens running it out towards the hoop. that is a tough pass and tougher finish for darrin govens. it is all about the touch. >> steve: this was a shocker. i call that a header in soccer. >> tom: 7-4 temple. st. joseph forces the turnover. back-to-back open sets for the owls. idris hilliard from the high post. can't get the roll.
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williams with another rebound. luis guzman has taken over the point guard duties. >> steve: that is really bad transition defense. they just got beat down. they are going to give up some more of those kind of baskets but that is not the kind you want to see. >> tom: telling quotes by phil martelli after a loss to princeton this past weekend is i have not done a good job showing them how to play and he means the style of offense and defense that he would like to see. >> steve: he has a lot of young guys. this is a tough mix he has. govens and williamson have been here for 4 years and you have so many young guys and other plays playing different roles. coaches are going to blame themselves as well as they should but there's a lot of factors for them not playing well. >> tom: one of the handful of freshman we will see today for st. joseph.
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carl baptiste checks in. >> steve: the one thing that freshman struggle is learning how to play defense at this level because in high school, you are able to take plays off and still win. at this level, you cannot take a play off and expect to be successful. >> tom: also with in the ballgame is a guy who fits that perfectly, rahlir jefferson. goal-tending against st. joseph. >> steve: i see st. joe trying to do some different things. taking the pick-and-roll hard. phil trying to pick it up offensively. sometimes you have to pick it up defensively. >> tom: 11-4 temple on top. baptiste with his first shot of the night. no good. guzman with the rebound. carl baptiste, 6'8" freshman averaging 2.5 points per game
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and ageing just under 9 minutes per game for st. joseph. a turnover by ryan brooks who has been battling a stomach virus throughout the course of this day. a quick start. 11-4 people the. we will be -- temple. we wil
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úúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúú fix. >> steve: when you are 4-8, you start looking for different combinations. basketball is a game of chemistry and finding that group that just happens to play better and create better chemistry can make all the difference in the world. >> tom: 15:30 to play here in the first half. garrett williamson to baptiste
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up top. hilliard is covered nicely by the freshman, jefferson. >> steve: temple 5-6 in this game. you have oh think phil is not happy with the defense. michael eric averages 4 points a game and has 6 already. not good. that was a nice play right there. >> tom: idris hilliard last year showed signs he was going to be a force inside, complementing ing nivins. right-handed turn arndound hook shot no good. the hawks can pull to within two with a made three. good pass inside by baptiste and a foul underneath call canned on fernandez. >> steve: that was pretty good vision right there. the fact he saw hilliard had fernandez on him, a smaller guy and forced it into him. but that was a pretty good hold off by hilliard. he got good position on fernandez and created space to get to the basket. very nice play. >> tom: fresh 35 for st. joseph.
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down 11-6. 11-3 overall. their only loss at the lee course center -- lee course sen liacouras center was -- >> steve: we watched every single play. he feels -- [audio indiscernible]. >> steve: kansas is very, very good. >> tom: we have not seen lavoy allen just yet as guzman take as three. it is off the mark. lavoy allen during that ballgame it was 19-17 at one point -- as prescott holds the hawks even at 11. 19-17 and lavoy allen had an open jumper and couldn't get it to go down. fran dunphy thought if that ball
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went down, maybe the energy would have been different. >> steve: that is how coaches think. one play. it could have. i'm not saying it would have but that is how we coaches think. >> tom: 11-4 run for st. joseph. nice pass outside for brooks. >> steve: ryan brooks has played well this year. when he has an open three, you feel like it is going to go down. he has played very well lately. and he is their senior. he has to play good. >> tom: don't forget the temple owls had dionte christmas who was a remarkable offensive player. govens on the high post with that deep left baseline. baptiste has been somewhat shy taking those kind of shots. it is probably a good time to take it. >> steve: i think that was a great time. good body. very strong kid. looked like pretty good rotation on that ball. that is probably a shot i'm sure in practice he makes. as a freshman you have to start
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making them in the game. he will make one and he will be much more confident. >> tom: bryant irwin checks in for the first time. a slimmed down bryant irwin. also the freshman carl jones for st. joseph is in. >> steve: this is the first time i have seen st. joseph. bryant irwin looks like a different guy. >> tom: different guy. temple may have touched it. joe lindsay said no touch by the owls. so, backcourt violation. over and back and it will be temple ball. roger looked because he heard fran dunphy and all the fans barking, too. >> steve: that was a pretty clear over and back. surprising -- i think joe was surprised. >> tom: 12:40 to play in the first half. 14-11, temple on top by three. still no lavoy allen. >> steve: to tell you the truth, it is always great to be final keep a guy out like that while you are ahead. he is a guy who should know
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better. especially after you have a 33-point loss to not come on time, that is not what fran dunphy was looking for. >> tom: williams for three, no good. garrett williamson with the rebound. running it out, finding bryant irwin. they've gotten away with a travel. now he is called for the travel. i thought the first travel was clearer than the second one. >> steve: let's take a look at his feet here. he changed pivot feet already. >> tom: right there. >> steve: he did a nice two-step there. >> tom: fernandez towards the baseline, trying to force the defense to come down and help out. with 21 on the shot clock, the ball will stay in the hands of the temple owls. temple leading it by 3. st. joe has shown a little life in the first
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[vibrates] g morning, sunshine. wakey, wakey. text me back. [chattering] [vibrates] hey. did you tell your parents about us? let's skip first period together. did you get all my texts? is practice over yet? where you at? are you with your friends? that's laaaa-mee. capital "x," lower-case "o,"
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capital "x," lower-case "o," i love you. jk. i hate you. jk. are you ignoring me? we're in a huge fight right now. is it something i did? i can see your lights on. i'm coming over. this isn't a joke. what did you dream about? [overlapping] is it me? i'm lonely. holla back. holla back. let's try something new. nude pics. send me some. text me. >> tom: it is cold outside in the city of philadelphia. the entire northeast has been besieged by this arctic blast that will get worse in fact next couple of day -- in the next couple of days. the problem for temple is i don't think kentucky, north carolina, i don't think they are going away. >> steve: no. but look at the tradition that a school like temple has. very good for a long, long time.
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you have hall of fame coaches and players. this is a school that has had great basketball for a long time. >> tom: two of those hall of fame coaches are on center court. their names are on center court. john cheney and harry. fran dunphy took over for john. there you see center court at the liacouras center. >> steve: [audio indiscernible]. >> tom: ryan brooks missed shot is picked up. guzman did a nice job knifing his way through that defense. >> steve: that was a strong play. that is a play where somebody has to put him on the ground. that was a little too easy.
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you have to guard height and offensive rebound. one of those big guys, irwin, o'brien has to put him on the ground. >> tom: now a missed shot by charoy bentley. they are up 5, 16-11, with 11:10 to play in the first half. lavoy allen checked in after the tv time-out. his first action of the night. ryan brooks makes it a 7-point ballgame. >> steve: speaking about lavoy allen, i'm surprised. you never see a guy average 10 rebounds a game and only taken 27 free-throws in 14 games. that is really hard to do. you think he is an aggressive kid. but 27 free-throws, very strange. >> tom: i asked fran dunphy today if he is evolving into the offensive player he would like. he said he still has some room. and he still has some room for improvement. >> steve: i think where the room has to come to is from himself. he has to want that thing. demand in the low post. work to get position so they
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throw him the ball. i have seen him make great offensive moves. >> tom: here's jones with his first shot of the night. ryan brooks with the rebound. jones let that one guy as the clock was winding down to 5. 4-0 run right now by temple, giving them this 18-11 lead. charoy bentley is going to be called for the foul. guzman is a good story. last year he was the starting point guard. then semaj inge unfolded as a real leader. guzman was relegated to the bench. >> steve: that is very hard to do. kept a good attitude. did whatever dunphy told him to do and now he's got himself in position where he is the point guard point guard an team that is looking at the ncaa tournament right now. has a great shot. they have some great wins. that villanova win. this is a team that could be in the ncaa tournament without
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winning the atlantic 10 tournament. >> tom: temple comes into today's ballgame with a number ranking on the rti. >> steve: played a very tough schedule. they have done everything you need to do if you are going get in the ncaa tournament. they played in georgetown. they played at miami and villanova and seton hall. so, they have done what they need to do scheduling wise. >> both teams combine for three made threes so far. expect that number to continue to rise as the evening moves on. especially if lavoy allen gets into a rhythm. nice pass underneath to michael eric. he shouldn't have put it on the floor. he nearly had the ball roll in. a fight underneath. mor gets it to -- moore gets it to bounce off the rim.
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ore gets it to -- moore gets it to bounce off the rim. the second made three for st. joseph. it is now 20-14 in favor of temple. >> steve: regardless of the score, st. joseph is getting pretty good looks against one of the great defensive teams in the country. st. joseph is getting pretty good looks on offense. >> tom: idris hilliard will be called for the hold. steve was talking about temple being one of the better defensive teams in the country. prior to the kansas game, temple was third in the nation in points allowed. they are now first in the atlantic 10 and they have dropped in the national rankings. but they are only allows 56.4 points a game. >> steve: that is great defense and a product of playing methodically on offense as it is when you only give up those few points. but they are a tremendous defensive team and that has been the key. >> tom: i asked fran dunphy today what kind of offensive style are you looking for tonight. he says we need to run offense. i was surprised to hear that but
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he said if his team is going to be successful, they need to run an offense. run the shot clock down. >> steve: exactly. they have a tempo they need to play. the tempo got away from them against kansas. it wasn't all temple's fault. part of it was the fault of kansas. >> tom: darrin govens being called for the foul. temple with the ball up by 6. 20-14 is as we zero in on 8:30 to play here in the first half. michael eric from the baseline. air ball. taken out of the air by lavoy allen. shot clock does not reset. here's guzman. >> steve: i'm going say that was a -- [audio indiscernible]. >> tom: he might have had a vision or something. he wanted to broaden his game. nice move by darrin govens. can't get the touch off the rim. idris hilliard drops it out of
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bounds. >> steve: that is one of those coaches i told you i could shoot -- i guess not. [laughter]. >> tom: here's govens to the rim. when you are a shooter, sometimes you have the touch on a shot like that and he got himself free. st. joseph down 6. temple with the ball. guzman trying to work a pick-and-roll with lavoy allen. he gave up his dribble a little too soon. fernandez will reset the offense with the shot clock under ten. >> steve: lavoy allen posting up but he gave up his post position very easy. you have to fight in there. you want to score baskets inside and you have to fight for every shot. right now, juan fernandez, they need him to be a little more involved in the game. temple hasn't played well when he hasn't
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>> tom: sj started 3-0. so, they were optimistic it would be a good non-conference season. the hawks are 4-8 but they have played a very difficult schedule. this is the upcoming schedule which includes a game against penn. >> steve: their out of conference schedule, that was a great win against bc, purdue, cornell, villanova, minnesota,
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siena, plus having a lot of those ncaa games on the road, very difficult schedule for a young team that phil martelli has. and that is why their defensive numbers, atlantic 10 is hard. >> tom: the shot clock is down to 3 as temple inbounds. here's forenan does who -- fernandez who just chucks it up. he is a sophomore from argentina. what a story he was last year coming to the temple campus just a couple weeks after graduating from high school in december. joining the team and helping them to their second straight atlantic 10 tournament title. >> steve: i think people were expecting to see pepe sanchez who was a no shoot, pass set-up guy. forenan does -- fernandez, a much better shooter. >> tom: st. joseph down 6 with
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the ball as we head towards the 7-minute mark. todd o'brien is a transfer from bucknell. very athletic move by idris hilliard. a foul on crosgile. the home of the temple owls. temple wearing the home white with the cherry red numbers trimmed in black. st. joseph in the road black with the white letters and numbers. these two teams have faced each other 148 times before this. and the temple owls have held the advantage with the overall record. with ramone moore's bucket and the foul, they hold an advantage tonight. >> steve: no one comes over to help. a little late and he is able to get his own rebound. a lot of guys standing around.
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o'brien standing around and crosgiles. when you are a bad rebounding team like st. joseph, minus 8 rebounds a game, everybody has to hem on the glass. that was an example of not doing it. >> tom: good rebound by o'brien off the missed free-throw. he has the first step to the basket. >> steve: you are already there. i wish the game were that easy. >> tom: o'brien from the free-throw line. nice shot from 15 and he brings the hawks within 6. todd o'brien was recruited by phil martelli out of school decided to go to bucknell. played as a freshman. then decided he made the wrong decision and came to st. joseph. sat out last year and getting a chance to play now as a sophomore with the hawks. >> steve: definitely helping this year. he is a better scorer than he has shown. >> tom: tough to find 6'11" guys. moore, bank shot no good.
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crosgile battling allen and the little guy comes out of the pile with it. o'brien with the fake and the three. trying to keep the ball upstairs. >> steve: crosgile didn't like it. i chastised him about his nonrebounding. >> tom: triple-team on us dris hilliard. -- idris hilliard. temple in transition. give-and-go and here's ramone moore from the corner. no good. crosgile with another rebound. >> steve: he is really listening now. that is what you need. you need everybody to get on the glass. >> tom: darrin govens with a two -- williamson with a two-point field goal. williamson quoted saying, we didn't play with any heart. and the game which they led by more than dozen points. and just couldn't hit the three. >> steve: that is not a good thing. no one wants to hear someone say
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that. you take that to me we didn't play tough. we didn't play hard. that is not ever a good sign. >> tom: jefferson the freshman, fouled by idris hilliard. that is his second personal foul and the 6th team foul for st. joseph. prescott and carl jones check back in. jones the freshman from garfield heights, ohio. 2009 northern ohio player of the year. and phil martelli probably paid him one of the best compliments a coach could pay. he says he has a big ticker, 38%. ryan brooks' three is going to help temple's field goal percentage. >> steve: you have to be more aggressive coming off help getting over the screens if you are guarding ryan brooks because he is such a good three-point shooter. >> tom: 25-18. temple on top in a low-scoring
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ballgame here at the liacouras center. quick hands by ramone moore. >> steve: you watch right here. this inbounds play. and just goes behind the screen by lavoy allen. that is way too easy. you can't get screened that easily if you are guarding a great three-point shooter. you have to fight over the top and get right into his chest. >> tom: you mentioned ryan brooks battling a stomach flu. he didn't practice or participate in the shootaround. he says he is feeling much better. >> steve: he is the one that definitely came to play tonight. >> tom: prescott from the left sideline with the shot clock down to two, lets it go, no go. o'brien runs out the rebound. carl jones who has the ball right now, not a big kid. listed at 6, 146 pounds. here's williamson along the baseline.
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good put-back by o'brien. >> steve: one thing that develops from a drive, tom, you will get an offensive rebound because your man is coming to help on the box-out. >> tom: lavoy allen does that better than anybody in the atlantic 10. going up with the one hand, palming the ball as he goes to the hoop. >> steve: he has very big hands and soft hands. >> tom: 3:22 to play here in the first half. it is 27-20 temple. temple with a 7-point lead, a foul called as jones goes to the basket. he will get a chance to shoot free-throws when we return and hoping to build on this drive
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>> tom: st. joseph has only had two females in their mascot costume and the second one is briana who is flapping her wings. idris hilliard is not a center per se, but he has to gobble up a lot of the interior space ahmad they haveens held on --
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nivins held on to. he is out for this basketball season. will start rehab shortly. but those are tough shoes to fill. >> steve: he was the best player in the atlantic 10 probably 2 years running. he was third in the nation in field goal percentage. shot over 60%. made 80% of his free-throws as a big guy. was very aggressive. forget about what he did defensively. just the fact he was a great rebounder but those are big shoes to fill for anybody. >> tom: 22 double-doubles last year for ahmad nivins. now st. joseph 2-2-1 zone press. >> steve: using that, tom, to try to stop temple from getting into a good flow. make them use some time and maybe not have as much time in their half court option. >> pretty good first step by guzman. finds the open lavoy allen. can't get that to go. st. joseph down 6 can cut into the lead.
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jones with his runner. no good. now ryan brooks in transition. michael eric back in there, working inside against bryant irwin >> steve: that was a very good move going to his left. still, it could be a little tough, move his feet a little more. stay with him on that. not good defense. >> tom: so, it is 29-21, temple is on top by 8. the hawks wind the shot clock down. garrett williamson. step back and take a three. >> steve: hose not a three-point shoot -- he is not a three-point shooter. but he improved in that area. there are years he didn't take any. >> tom: 5-point lead for temple. they have been lead by ryan brooks and michael eric, each with 8 points in the first half.
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prescott working the defense on brooks. eric up top against bryant irwin. >> steve: playing with a lot of confidence. a lot of times that is all it takes. >> tom: shot clock under 10. down to 5 as guzman finds fernandez. covered outside by williamson and allen knocks it out of bounds. it will be st. joseph ball. and coming up at the half, we will take a closer look at ryan brooks and the woman that the entire temple owls team calls mama brooks and the first half highlights and statistics. ryan brooks grew up in pennsylvania and went to the same high school as garrett williamson. garrett is the number two all-time leading scorer at their school. brooks is number three and i will give you one guess on who number one is. >> steve: i saw him play there quite a bit. one time i couldn't get in. >> tom: because he was playing.
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kobe bryant was playing? >> steve: it was packed. >> tom: i want to see if i could get that guy to play. >> steve: i was with my wife. they just about let her come in and we used to go scouting together. [laughter]. >> steve: we didn't get him by the way. just to throw that in there. >> tom: you weren't alone in that. >> steve: yeah i wasn't. there were 338 other division i schools. >> tom: 1:05 to play free-throw first half. >> steve: trap and double-team. >> tom: here's craig williams trying to answer the double-team. bounce pass down low. a nice move to get the defense around them. ramone moore lays it in and it is a 7-point lead for the owls. >> steve: they trap the double-team and do a great job of scrambling and rotating to the open man. they take a shot. you are not in good rebounding position.
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that is one of the things that can happen to you when people are ready to get out of traps. >> tom: phil martelli has talked about tempo, energy, a lot of those things. how does this last play affect what he has talked about leading up to the ballgame? >> steve: i think they are doing a good job. they are playing fair defense tonight. the thing about michael eric, the only one who has hurt them on a consistent basis. they have done a great job on fernandez. they try and scramble the game up a bit. when you do that, you will give up easy opportunities. throw it inside to eric or they get an offensive rebound because you are scrambling. you see what phil is trying to do. he wants to keep the energy up and a lot of times like trapping. >> tom: phil martelli has been at st. joseph for 25 years. their last 15 as the head coach. 10 years prior to that as an assistant coach. he is one of the personalities in the atlantic 10 in philadelphia and he fits the
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city perfectly. >> steve: and he has done an inbelievable job. now he is in a rebuilding situation. they are only 4-8. there's a long way to go and they are going get better as time goes on. >> tom: prescott for three. rebound by moore. one last opportunity for the temple owls. the shot clock is off. game clock is heading towards 20 seconds and fran dunphy wants to use the use it or lose it time-out. fran dunphy who has won 66 games here at temple. he has been in college basketball for 21 years as the head coach with 376 wins. he is the only coach in big 5 history to coach at two different schools within the big five. he coached at penn where he was successful with the quakers before coming over here to temple. we talk about villanova, st. joseph, penn, temple and la
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salle. >> steve: dunphy is an institution -- is becoming an institution in this city. 9 ncaa tournaments and he comes here and goes twice. everyone around the country knows how good a coach this guy is. he has done an unbelievable job and he has done an unbelievable job with this team because they don't have a whole lot of guns. brooks is good. fernandez is good. allen is good and everybody else chips in. and they always play good defense. >> tom: for them, they are going to run a little time off working against garrett williamson. off the screen by lavoy allen. nice hedge by o'brien. bounce pass down, low to a cutting lavoy allen and he is fouled. i don't know if you could design it any better than that. >> steve: no. that is as good as it get and there's no doubt fran dunphy made a point. they trapped the pick-and-roll and now they have to rotate and have different people running at the wrong guys and that is what happens. good play by the temple kids to get the ball to the basket like that.
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there's no doubt coming into this game, he was looking to get the ball inside more by getting it to eric and now to lavoy allen, who didn't start the game. >> tom: lavoy allen goes to the free-throw line as crosgile checks in for st. joseph with 6 seconds to play. lavoy allen 63% free-throw shooter. he didn't play the first 7 minutes of this ballgame. he now has 5 points and temple has a 10-point lead. largest lead of the half for the owls. 2 seconds to play. crosgile trying to do a little too much as time expires. so, temple with a 10-point lead. let me ask you your thoughts about the way the first half went on. >> steve: i don't think temple played that great and yet they are sitting with a 10-point lead. st. joseph is playing with energy. but they will struggle scoring in the half court against a temple team that plays defense like this. >> tom: and st. joseph heads to the locker room. phil martelli will make some
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adjustments. i'm sure fran dunphy will make some adjustments as well. fran was ready to head into the locker room, he was nice enough to stop and join us and talk about this first half. fran, what did you think of the first half from your standpoint? >> the hard part, tom, i think st. joseph there's no fear. they want to come out and try to take it to us right away. we mentioned that earlier today how they played villanova and they are doing the same thing to us. but we had success early getting the ball inside. they took that away from us a little bit. we made a big three-point play by lavoy allen. >> steve: i was going to say it seemed like you guys made a conscious evident to -- effort to get the ball inside. >> at times you watch film and there are times we can get it inside. we are not a great scoring team in there. i don't think we are great finishers down there necessarily. mike eric had a nice scoring first half. it was a nice addition to our offense. they are doing a great job on juan fernandez. they are not letting him get much of a look.
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>> tom: thank you, fran. fran dunphy's team is on top by 10 as we close out the first half here at the liacouras center in philadelphia. should be an interesting second half. it is a 10-point lead for the temple owls. halftime show coming
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in 1977, in johannesburg, south africa, an 8-year-old boy picked up the game of golf from his father. by the age of 9, he was already outplaying him. the odds of this gentle lad winning the junior world golf championships at the age of 14? 1 in 16 million. the odds of that same boy then making it to the u.s. and european pro-golf tours? 1 in 7 million. the odds of the "big easy" winning the open championship once and the u.s. open championship twice?
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1 in 780 million. the odds of this professional golfer having a child diagnosed with autism? 1 in 150. ernie els encourages you to learn the signs of autism at early diagnosis can make a lifetime of difference. >> tom: the owls are leading it. being ranked for the first time since the 2001 campaign, the squad is led by a mother/son duo. how about that. who is extending their relationship to the entire owls team, which is so important. senior ryan brooks has been around temple university since
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the 7th grade, when his mother started working on a ph.d. there. she has been a single mother to ryan since she adopted him as an in#2357b9. an infant. >> i decided i was ready to be a parent and i got ryan. i looked at him and he looked at me and he stopped crying. so, i thought well, this is it. >> from the beginning, it was important to darlene that rhino the story of his birth. >> my mom sat me down and explained the situation to me. i was all ears and definitely knowing that made us stronger. and i think once that conversation was over, i was pretty set forth this is my mom and i didn't see it any other way. being an adopted kid has opened my eyes and ears to everything and has allowed me to grow up and just be very accepting of a
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lot of things and cherish a lot of opportunities that i have been given. >> many of those opportunities came through sports, ryan played soccer, baseball and basketball as a kid. and sports became a bond between mother and son. >> as a sports mom, i also was a transport mom. so, it was ryan and half the team. we spent a lot of time in the carr going to different tournaments, travelling around for aau but it was fun. it was something i was very happy to be a part of. >> in high school, the 6'4" brooks knew that basketball was his real passion. as a senior, he led his team to a pennsylvania championship and hoping to play in college, but few offers came in. at the last minute, fran dunphy reached out and the id can who spent his childhood playing on the temple campus decided to stay close to home.
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>> when temple came up we made a list of pros and cons but i said it is your decision. >> temple is education and not only athletics. i was very familiar with the university because my mom worked here and ultimately decided this is the right fit for me. >> i was just beaming with delight that i would be able to see him. >> i have had her with me at all my games. we always travel together to the games. so, it was something i was definitely used to. >> darlene brooks has been a fixture at every temple game for the past 4 years and her steady presence is felt by the entire team. >> we call her mama book. after every game she is congratulating all of us. she works on campus and we see her and we give her a hug. she has brought the relationship to the whole team kind of. >> i have adopted 12 others. i'm mama brooks to the team. so, it is like i continue to have these kids that i want to see succeed. and it is important me to play
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whatever role i can in helping them do that. >> she taught me a lot of things through sports and how to represent myself. so, i think they are a lot of lessons learned through sports that allowed us to come together. >> well, ryan brooks had a fantastic start to his senior year and mama brooks obvious long island had a chance to -- obvious obviously had a chance to see it. we will be back with more after
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>> tom: we are at halftiime, 34-24, owls on top. surprising after watching the start the owls have had this season that they were picked to finish tide tied for 10th. i'm sure people would change where they would put temple.
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ism i think they played -- >> steve: i think think played better than their players. i don't think they are loaded with talent. they have some good players, no question. but dunphy has done a great job putting this team together. >> tom: he has tried to get some set offensive plays throughout the course of this year. and tonight, a lot of those set offensive plays have gone inside early on to michael eric. >> steve: a team who has 22 points in the paint to st. joseph's 8. michael eric averages 4 points a game and he has 8 points already in the first half, that is a lot. >> tom: he has 8 points and ryan brooks has 8 points. >> steve: and you look at the guards as we talked about tom, with 11 rebounds between them. they dominated inside. even their guards dominated inside. playing a little tougher, st. joseph needs to. they are headed to a territory rebounding wise that is not good
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in this game. >> tom: just saw ramone moore with that basket and this one by lavoy allen that finished up the half. that was huge because it resulted in a made free-throw as well. and you see the numbers. temple 15/33 from the floor. just one trip to the free-throw line, two trips. 22 rebounds and 15 for st. joseph. >> steve: you are probably going the shoot a pretty good percentage and a lot of those become stick-backs and that is what happened in this situation. i think st. joe's their defense in the half court hasn't been that bad when they rebounded the ball. it is the rebounding of the ball that is allowing temple to shoot a better percentage. >> tom: is we look at the second half. what does st. joseph need to do to get back in this and cut the 10-point lead? >> steve: st. joseph early in the game seems to be pushing the ball up a little more and getting easier baskets. they can't set up all the time because they don't have a post-up guy.
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getting this game speeded up a little, more in transition because it is to temple's benefit. >> tom: the one great thing about tonight's ballgame, it is just the first of many in the atlantic 10. this is the start of the atlantic 10 season. we are one half into the campaign. we will see how half two goes with the temple owls leading it by 10 as we get ready for the seco >x


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