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tv   Book TV  CSPAN  January 11, 2010 1:00am-2:00am EST

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>> good evening to everybody. thank you for coming. looking around and seeing i left my relatives and friends i almost feel like i am at my bar mitzvah and have to give a speech on all the people who brought me to this point. at any event it is only appropriate this launch take place at the wiesenthal center because despite the fact that the subtitle of the book is "one man's quest to bring off the criminals to justice" this is a group effort and it is an effort that without the help of the wiesenthal center i would never have been able to achieve what what i achieved so that's important to remember. ..
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>> they're legal action has been taken against them during the last six weeks. many of you might know one is sitting in prison in munich awaiting his trial but many of you probably don't know that a dutch ss hit man had his trial opened two weeks ago in germany and
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charles is sitting in jail awaiting a decision from the administer of affairs in australia whether not to approve his extradition to hungary tuesday and trial and that is a case from operation. and another case discovered their operation last chance has had a questioning in budapest with the passport taken away and hope he will be put on trial in the near future. this story, that is the real story. the efforts that are still going on and it is amazing. here we are , now 54 years at the end of the war and it is still going on. part of the reason is 2 miles of events that took place during this period there really changed things. for me personally were extremely important in facilitating the work i have
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done during the last three decades. one was the discovery in the united states initially and later canada, australia, united kingdom, and thousands of nazi war criminal -- criminals had emigrated posed as innocent refugees and allowed to enter and build their lives for themselves. one was the fact ad is the stage at this point* not much was not about the very important role the collaborators had played in the implementation of the final solution. the other was the soviet union and the fall of communism that opened brand new possibilities. i actually want to start with something else that is the basis for our efforts to bring out these two just is. i would summarize for the following points. it is interesting these
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questions are also asked 35 years ago. not now we're for relating the principles because the suspects are in their eighties. even with suspects in the '50s and '60s, 35 years ago the question was asked this is worthwhile? should they be put on trial? so many years have passed since the crime has been committed. i answer that, first, the passage of time in no way diminishes the guilt of the killers. people committed crimes in the 40's and have not been brought to justice. they are just as guilty today but if we caught them in 1962, and it would have expect or expressed any skepticism. it would have been natural. time passing his change nothing. we don't think people deserve a medal because they reached an elderly age. age should not offer
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protection or eight new -- ignore people that commit heinous crimes. of the fact is not a single country in the world has never committed prosecution due to age. no such thing. for good reason. let's assume for a minute if we were to give been to the skeptics and and stop with a chronological limits of record does not matter right now what that is, 80 or 90, but the practical implication of such a limit would be if you are smart enough, rich enough or lucky enough to ease a justice until that limit your off the stock. obviously, that would be a courageous and a travesty and one that should not be done. the last point*, the main
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point* is what simon wiesenthal always stressed stressed, something that i find very much a tremendous motivation at times with this job that king get so frustrating is particularly frustrating, i remember what sets me back on track, the obligation that our generation those of victims of the holocaust. that a serious effort be made to try and find the killers to bring them to justice. that is something that every single victim deserves. imagine, if we were to all of a sudden stop and somebody says my grandmother died during the holocaust she deserves to find her killer just as much as any of the victims. that is in important point* to remember.
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another worthy of mention very often people say, or make the assumption that so many years after the events they do feel some remorse. or willing to would mitt they made a mistake. but in all of the cases i personally have made, i never ever encountered a single nazi war criminal who never expressed any remorse. that is food for thought. many of these people are living in countries in which the holocaust is a much discussed topic. of a strike, a candidate, eight u. k and other leading democracies of the world where the holocaust is openly discussed and in great detail and you might imagine someday reach the conclusion
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with they were involved in a way back then was this holocaust people are talking about and they really did something terrible. they might say we were brainwashed. we were brainwashed by anti-semitism m by our leaders and we foolishly follow them. now i am sorry. that has never ever happened. that is something horrific if you think about it. another reason in the body this is why it is so important to bring these people to justice. i want to turn to those events mentioned previously that were so important. the fact that nazi war criminals had entered the united states in such great numbers is not a shock. but it was because people deny realize how important a role the eastern europeans
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played in the final solution. every single country the nazis invaded or countries with nazi germany they found a willing and sell less collaborators. but we have to distinguish between the level and extent of collaboration in eastern europe with western europe. in other words, the local police in countries like france and belgium and holland and greece and norway and the administration's all participated and had a role in the initial stages of the final solution and identified did use and stole their property. in some cases concentrated them and even rounded them up and put them on trains. but the collaboration of those countries stop at the train station. i am not saying that to
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condone with those collaborators did in those countries but you have to distinguish that what happens in eastern europe with estonia, core rainn -- ukraine, local collaborators fully integrated into the mechanism of mass murder and many people were killed by their neighbors because very few of the jews were actually deported to the death camps. 10,000 from croatia, lithuania, all of the others murdered in their homes and nearby by their neighbors or locals who were members of death squads ordered local security police units. many eastern europeans new if they stuck around and remained in the countries of origin that became part of the soviet union or under communist rule, a new they would be probably caught by
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the authorities was as the case. they set out to to escape and try to run as far away from possible from the scene of the crime and go to countries they would be accepted, economic opportunity, united states, canada, austria and great britain. the veteran not, almost totally counterintuitive within seven years after world war ii these countries admitted thousands and thousands of the worst of hitler's henchmen. united states sacrificed 200,000 soldiers killed, not including the wounded to defeat hitler and save the world and then admitted thousands of his henchmen. one of the stories that helped us tremendously in terms of trying to convict
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the government to take legal action against them and i have to point* out there was not a single government in the world. every single country that ultimately took legal action against nazi war criminals had to be basically embarrassed. it is obvious they had to put these people on trial. none of them wanted to do anything and it took almost 30 years until a problem was discovered. once discovered trying to convince them to take legal action, in my case one thing that played an important role in the whole process was something i did when i started my career as a researcher working for the zero staten island part of the american agency of government which deals with
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nazi war criminals to bring them to dry it -- trial and strip them of their citizenship. it was a little unusual. in 1984, los angeles sent a request to the national archives for all information relating to joseph mangling, the doctor of auschwitz. one of the documents the center received was a report by a counter intelligence corps operatives who reported that mandela had been arrested and released in vienna in 1946. this led a tremendous shock because no one ever heard the americans have arrested mangling and released him. this was absolutely shocking than the center presented the material to the american
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authorities and the attorney general at the time made a decision that the united states of america will look for dr. joseph mangling and they will check if the ever enter the united states and a historical investigation will be determined that mengele was arrested was true. that third investigation was actually given to the o isi and at the research of israel i was part of that investigation and one of the key elements was to try and find a true survivor of auschwitz by the name of david five men. apparently he worked in the laboratory and survived the war and he was the source of the information that benjamin had given to his superiors in the sea i see. they asked me to try to find
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him. a friend suggested that i take a look at the international tracing service. i don't know how many of you know, what that is but after the board therein billions of request to the red cross of people who lived in europe during the war. today would be called a data base but in those days was a massive index of cards or files with over 16 million index cards with the names and biographical information of people who live in europe selma who had survived or died. but every person who wanted privileges as a refugee, had to register. some of you might have heard two years ago there was a whole story that a very important archives in
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germany was open to the public for the first time. i am sure it was a big story in the states as low. but what nobody wrote to is a very important part of that archives had actually been open in israel for the last 50 years. i went to that fiat to find david and it is interesting because they never used his material before and for some reason i had the mr. again notion the files or somewhere else because it was all about the jewish but it did not take me long to figure out that most of the people were nine jews. what is interesting about the information is that is not only the date of birth about world war ii activities but also what
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happened after the war. emigrating to australia in 1950. today in been pressing the day she is in prison and purse as an example. it had the date of the immigration and where they went and what ship and in the case of the united states, and that it even had the initial address. there was nothing on the cards that would indicate if the people were nazi war criminals but of course, i knew that deprivation from other sources. i knew practically all nazi war criminals emigrated through anglo-saxon countries posed as refugees and then allowed to emigrate and come to the country's as refugees. i made up a list of those
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that i knew were nazi war criminals and it went looking for them and a low and behold 16 out of the 49, i found with specific information, and most went to the state's coming to canada and to australia. in any event, this immediately lift a red lights. this is a gold mine to find nazi war criminals probe at this point* i already worked for the o s are for six years. i was getting bored and i actually contacted the seven wiesenthal center and is interested in rejoining and setting up a database that would have been a first of its kind of nazi war criminals. of to the state does not
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exist but when i found this i said to the rabbi, forget about the database, the canadians are investigating, austrians and the british do not realize they have a problem. let's use the names to convince the government's 1/2 to take legal action against nazi war criminals living in their countries and convince them to set up offices like the lsi, a specialized agency that has the expertise to investigate these cases and bring them to trial. the rabbi agreed and that basically led to the establishment of the israel office center program began with the campaign to convince the anglo-saxon democracies because america's was already taken care of. they had already started to take legal action and their
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initial success bringing eastern europeans to trial help to convince the other countries use criminals have the same profile that day to had to do this and in the end australia, canada australia, canada, u.k., 1991 and all passed laws allowing for the prosecution of nazi war criminals and the practical results were not that great the certainly in a moral sense and in a judicial symbolic sense the success of the bill of the passage of a lot is an important part of the history of this center. after we succeeded in that regard, we focused our attention wants the soviet union broke up and communism fell, and as i explained was particularly pernicious come
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only sold and the problem was because they're either part of the soviet union union, and never had a chance to deal honestly are courageously with participation of their own locals are nationals -- or nationals. because the communism itself basically use the events of world war ii for their own propaganda. i don't know how many haven't visited the mass murder graves in the -- in your up. will be went to the site of the mass murder of the jews you would have found a small monument which the inscription said to the victims of fascism. the soviets, for their own reasons hid the identity of the nazis primary victims
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which is the jews and hid the identity of the killers because they always spoke of their brotherhood. they did not want to focus on the latvians and lithuanians. and now they are doing it for political reasons. but is another story. in any event, bobby have over 33,000 jews murdered nine yom kippur in 1941. and for many years there were no monuments. than a very courageous russian poet wrote date:then it put up a monument for the victims of fascism. these people never have that opportunity. and as a young democracy wanted to join the european union and nato the question of the attitudes of the holocaust was a very, very
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important issue. in this regard we were very inspired and motivated by one of the biggest successes we have had over the years, the trial of a man who was the commandant of a camp that was the worst camp of its kind in the balkans nicknamed the auschwitz of the balkans. you might know and tell 1991 croatia had never been independent with the exception of the four years through 194-13-1945. estate called the independent state of croatia operated as a satellite state of nazi germany and run by the local fascist movement. the main goal was to eliminate all minorities of croatia. it was a country that have
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large minorities there also of jews and the goal was to get rid of these people. they set up concentration in camps all over croatia over which serbs, jews and also the anti-groups. approximately 90,000 civilians were murdered and by the most cruel tortures imaginable. they were famous for torture in the inmates, no gas chambers they were murdered by knives, daggers, axes, bulle ts and the like. one of the commandants of the camp had escaped to
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argentina after the war and living there with the help of an argentinian journalist and my a colleague, we were able to find him and he was living 400 kilometers south of buenos aires in the land -- on the atlantic ocean and rearranged to travel to yugoslavia to meet with survivors whom he found and learned of survivors then he went knocking one day without calling before and then there was a tv crew behind him. he knocked on the door then he said tonight can been ahead grex we have a few questions he sits down and then they said tell us, how
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do explain what happened? he said, it was a penal colony and everyone who was there deserve to be there. board about the horrible cruel executions? by the way, the germans, not a single german was in there but occasionally they used to visit and even they were shocked by the cruelty. but there's no reason for them to be there because they saw they did such a good job so wide base -- waste manpower? he said you don't get it. the problem, is that they did not let us finish the job. this was his comment it was on film it showed in argentina and throughout the world and was broadcast in argentina and the next day i had a letter in to the
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argentinian ambassador and their croatian ambassador calling for croatia to extradite. this is a very, very serious gamble because at the time croatia was led by a man who even though he personally fought against them in world war ii, when he became a politician in a late 80's and sought the presidency of croatia he became the ultranationalist to the extent he made a famous comment thinking got his wife was neither a serb nor aid to. he was also the one who wrote in his book fact the jews inflated the number of victims which is really a million and holocaust denial. which is ridiculous.
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this is a tremendous gamble on our part and the serbs are happy to seek his extradition he was put on trial in belgrade and 99% sure he would have been hong but i firmly believe it was much more important that he was plucked on trial in croatia and it serves as a history lesson for the population and ultimately that gamble paid off even though i had some worries some moments until it actually happened. says to give you an idea of the sentiments of the people in croatia, july 4th, croatia, july 4th, 1998, i know there any soccer fans, that was the world cup in the quarterfinals match, cariso of beat germany and one of the greatest upsets in history. my wife and i came to meet
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with the prosecutors to give information and discuss the case and walking through the city, the streets literally shook every time croatia scored a goal. a tremendous upset. we walked out of the hotel to take a look at the celebration and all of the sudden i see marching my direction seven young men about 22 through 28 waving a gigantic flag which i could not see. and they're yelling at the top of their lungs, remember he is in jail and awaiting trial. he did not score the goals. but it gives you a sense of an idea what sort of
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sentiment exists over there and why it was so important to put him on trial. another senior remember from the trial. every day his family's to come to the court room and one day at the end of the session and the edge to edge did a phenomenal job speaking to someone and it was taken out of the courtroom by the card and his friends and supporters saw the judge was not paying attention in survey gave him a nazi salute as he walks out. i thought it was amazing was the testimony of a jewish survivor from sarajevo who the 15 year-old boy had been seized. today's after his arrival he was but with other young men
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his age and taken by the guards and they were given the following assignment. the guards had murdered quite a few prisoners and cut off their limbs and now they're asking these boys to take what was left of the corpses and throw them into the river. so he turned to one of the guards and said why are you doing this? he said because you murder jesus. it is classic. here was a classic combination of christian anti-semitism and fascism and racism. so when he was convicted, it had a tremendous effect and remember during the trial he was the arden to croatia and patriot he would have given his life for croatia to become independent from yugoslavia someone who was buying arms during the war
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through 1995 and a person for whom the establishment of independent croatia was the pinnacle but now they put him on trial. that does not get better than that. he would have given his life to see that but then it is established and put him on trial and sensible way for 20 years. this in eastern europe gave us the impetus for "operation last chance" if focused on eastern europe in the effort to try to find nazi as we did not know about. of the adr was actually from the founder and head of the foundation out of miami. someone was a very strong supporter and have gone with me to all sorts of places in the world like costa rica
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looking for not cease and that was obvious. i did not need him to show me that the some of them were proactive. it was my decision to go to eastern europe and maybe this way we will find nazi war criminals we did not know about. in any event it started in the baltics and also one other interesting thing. over the years we realized some of the potential witnesses are the perpetrators. because in many cases the victims never knew the killers. that is true of the robot killing units in the murders were very often carried out away from bystanders. if you don't have victims are bystanders the only people left are the
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perpetrators. if these countries were already brought to trial by the soviets, and many were cart -- cotte were given harsh sentences are sent to siberia but then there was the amnesty summit could return. we figure if we offered a financial reward, we should get them to finger the people who pay no are out there doing the killing and brought to trial. have to say this was not an easy decision because the last people on earth you want to give money to put on the other hand, they were the best chance to get these people on trial and we thought the trial was super important to these countries. that is why restarted in the baltics. we later expanded
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romania, poland, croatia, hu ngary, germany. i want to conclude my remarks by saying it few words from the cases. the most famous case really on like all of the others was the case of dr. albert who was a most wanted nazi war criminal in the world. he was the only case which was known to us that was made the targets of "operation last chance" because he was a doctor and a notorious, he was called dr. debts he would kill inmates by directing the knoll directly into their hearts castration he would keep body parts as souvenirs comment no anesthesia and a horrible person. he was about to be arrested by the west germans in 1962. he was working as a
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gynecologist be better not. in one of the most beautiful places in germany and he set up a successful than a logical practice and they were about to arrest him and he was tipped off and disappeared into thin air. simon wiesenthal was one of the people who was looking for him. he always used to stress this case. make up the west of most wanted and make sure dr. robert is on the list. in 1967 he issued a list of those found in egypt and syria and then name was on that list. he was on net and for many years he tried to find him but then the case fell away but in 20041 of his sons committed a financial crime in germany and the german police checked all of the family bank accounts and
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there were 2 million euros of albert. what is the money doing their? he had two sons and the illegitimate daughter if they did not take the money he is still alive. they set up a task force and when they heard restarted operation last chance in germany we would make him the number one target which we did purchase of as soon as we announced he was a target we started to get sightings. information from all sorts of people. i say if i had a dollar of every sighting of the alberta i would be a rich person. hundreds of people, japan, a phoenix, las vegas vegas, argentina, brazil, ch ile, all over the world they thought they saw him. that should not have been the case he was easily identified the 60 6.4 inches
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and wears size 14 shoe and had a scar although it could have been removed. but in any event after a lot of research and soul-searching we reached the conclusion he is in south america because his illegitimate daughter was living in a place in several miles south of san diego diego -- santiago and hiding in a notorious place you may recall the gestapo and rome and said we're not 100% sure but she calls the key nobody in that age cannot do it alone obviously. the daughter went there and
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read went on to missions to south america but particularly that first one but even though we met for people in the course of to describe to us a person who exactly fit the description of alberta who was seen in the last two weeks but we did not find him but has many of you no less than one year ago there was a report in the new year times and germany that albert heim died and he died in 1992. what was interesting heim son was the key witness in this report. six months earlier had told one of the important german newspapers that he had not seen his father for decades and had no contact with him whatsoever of the six months
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later he said i was with him in cairo, i visited many times we work together to watch the olympics then he died. what was particularly interesting fat was according to the sun, heim had to convert to islam because israel signed a peace treaty with egypt he was afraid the egyptians would give him up. said he converted to have protection from the egyptians. but heim wanted to donate his body to science but the family that adopted him was opposed on religious grounds because it is against islam so they stole his body and threw it into a mass grave that is used for paupers. every year thousands of corpses are thrown into the mass grave and that happened is supposedly 1992.
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it is impossible to corroborate the story. we cannot do dna checked and it is a perfect fit to. he is certain he lived in egypt. and actually after he supposedly was assassinated by some israeli claims of 25 not zzzz but under no certainty and the german police agreed that heim died for of that is one case and one last story will give you an idea of how we work. a case of a man we hope will be brought to trial shortly in budapest. one day a couple years ago we get any mail sent to me from a hangman living in scotland who told the following story. a hungarian girlfriend and
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they often gather for social events. bond overly hungarian there who goes around bragging he was involved in bed deportation of the jews to auschwitz. but he said i know about this. i have seen the bbc mugabe on deportation. i am appalled. maybe you could investigate and shut him up. that is what he wrote. [laughter] i immediately contacted person and i said first of all, thank you for taking the effort to reflect -- tel plus but obviously i need your real name, address and if you can get date of birth that is great but also where it was he involved in the deportation of the issues? he writes back immediately his real name that is a
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hungarian name and i could not find this date of birth and no idea where he was involved. i went there and restarted to look with the experts of hungary and reit could not find anything but a little while later i interviewed and i tell the story and i say listen, i'd go and make believe you're right a story about this guy, the hungarians and a scotland. he is the ardent hungarian petrie and he will cooperate and find out where he was involved in the deportations. some of this guy wrote for the glasgow herald and immediately agreed and it took awhile to organize but he called up this who
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immediately agreed to be interviewed. he was a publicity hound and we knew that before hand. [laughter] michael went to his house and at the next day he said i have good news and even better news. the good news is he was in a fairly large city in hungary and 12,000 reported but the better news is that while i was in his house i saw photographs of another officer that helped to organize the deportations so i said who is this guy on the wall and a photograph? he is that of dr. koop zero and a much higher contacted than me. i speak to him all the time. to be honest i did not know who he was.
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but in any event, i went to the doctor who has been trying to find their permission and i said listen , that narrows it down tremendously. but he said he is in contact. but you have to see the look on his face. he is a very orthodox man and his spontaneous response was to leave the son of a is still alive? he knew who he was. he organized a mass murder of jews. at least 1300 but also serves were murdered, rounded up, taken to a large theater in the middle of town and they decided to would be released
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all of the rest were sent to the danube which meant they were sent to the banks of the river where teams of hungarian murderers mow them down. if they were not killed by the bullets they drowned in the river they brought in a cannon to break the ice. those were terrible results. on like every other case he was actually tried for the crime in hungary and the trial ended iran it leaves the 23rd 1944 they ever convicted and sentenced but then the not zzzz e-bay diss hungary and canceled the conviction and gave promotions and setback to service and then he ran away then returned to budapest unknown to anybody supposedly. we did not know where he was.
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i said to mike go. where is the? he said he did not say. go back and casually get it out of him. where is the? he did and he is in hungary but that is a big country. we were afraid to ask any more questions so i told them i have to helper's to help me with all of my hungarian missions and i said take a budapest fallbrook start looking for him and if we do not find him we will hire a detective park ave founder three of them and they called them. they said they were writing a paper the first tee calls, no answer and use the message. the second was a famous art is part of the third the
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following conversation took place. is this the home and of cup o? yes. was your husband and their? yes. of but he died two years ago. but he forgot and i told them he is in contact with him out of -- all the time. he said he died. i said it is impossible because he said he is in contact with him all the time. one hour later the phone rings they left a message on his answering machine and he called the answer the questions and told them the whole story with one little exception he failed to mention he was convicted for murder for helping to organize a mass murderer the four. we gave the material to the
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hungarian government and finally three weeks ago or four weeks ago was finally arrested temporarily with his passport taken away and word is now he will be prosecuted. think the hungarians are waiting for him to die honestly. he is 95 years old, lives by himself. right outside the synagogue and takes care of himself and is in great shape and obviously there is no reason to ignore him because his debt was 1914. we hope he will be brought to trial. he is running around trying to say we make his life miserable and giving interviews and not sitting at home waiting to die. i can promise you. but if he is on trial it will be the first of a hungarian nazi war criminal where there was actual murder with crimes of the
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holocaust and will serve a very important purpose. in any event i want to thank you for coming into view we will be doing our best to do whatever can be done to bring these people to justice because that is what the victims deserve and survivors and all of us and deserve. thank you very much. [applause] >> we can take up a few questions before we sign books. but what happened to david? did you find him? >> i did not find david, osi found him. he emigrated to the united states and lived in chicago but was no longer a live. the end of the story was that mengele was arrested by the americans and released
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and briefly held twice. but no one knew who he was or what he had done and that is how he got out. any questions? >> i you actively working with osi on any case is? >> one of the good things of the osi is they don't need our help that much. this is one of the few agencies in the world that does not need any prodding, pressure and they are proactively seeking out to find the nazi war criminals living in the united states. of the 82 legal decisions $0.12,137 were won by the osi but in that context remember what the osi has to do is a low easier than the other countries.
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there are two ways to bring not cease to justice today. plan is obvious through prosecution for war crimes but there are two countries which bring not cease to justice for immigration and naturalization violations. one is the united states and the other is canada. that was done because according to american amok, they could not prosecute people who had committed crimes outside the united states whose victims are not american. the american government in 1977 basically did what i jokingly call the outcome, compromise. the fbi wanted to have him tried for murder so they got an income-tax. it is the same idea. they were asked questions about there past which they falsified so they can be put on trial.
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but good news it is relatively easy to win cases the tissue and not have to prove they murdered anyone but they live. if you want to become an american citizen, you need good character. if you are born in america you don't. [laughter] if somebody sir john the latvian murder squad it is proven he does not have good character the bad news is the punishment is not commensurate with the crime because the punishment was denaturalization then deportation and have there been a country willing to seek extradition then it would have been okay but the only country that wanted these people while the soviet union and nobody would send people to the soviet union because of the problems with the justice
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system. >> thank you for your presentation. i would love for you to comment on the killing asner movies. >> listen. please ask questions a related to this issue first. >> i am understand your family was quite shaken by the knowledge you had a contract put on you buy the croatian -- . [laughter] this is not a planted question even though he is my question. [laughter] that is true. it was related to "operation last chance" one of the criminals rediscovered was the man named by asher usa police chief during the war
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and he personally orchestrated the destruction of the serbian jewish communities. hundreds of people they were sent to concentration camps where they were murdered. when we exposed him, a couple-- later in the letter was received in the offices of the senate committee for human rights that toasted our press conference is putting a price on the head of the justice minister, the head of the senate committee of human rights and myself. i was personally insulted they offered at the least amount of money for miele. [laughter] by the way it turned out it was offered not by a croatian group in croatia but offered by a bunch of croatian immigrants -- emigres living in foster a few of the
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extremist group of emigres and in millburn they have a club named after the head of the independent state of croatia and the independent movement. they offer the money but i am still here alive and kicking. [laughter] >> i went to a knowledge the fact out eight amazing it is said dos have prosecuted more criminals. and when we look around the world i look at the people who are being executed just like the jews and we don't have a hope to prosecute war criminals and 70 other places this has happened. we have to and knowledge the tremendous amount of courage and commitment that jewish people have had to honor never again and what people whispered in the camps, but if you get out make sure
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people know what happened. >> i hate to contradict your assumption but it is simply not true. the fact is the jewish people have devoted almost no attention or very little attention to bring the nazis to justice. about is a fact and a lot of good reasons. weather and not to make the effort to establish the state of israel which is more important than to bring the nazis to justice. the place it is a haven for jews and within the jewish identity and other issues face the jewish people. they almost never check revenge and relatively little to bring not cease to justice. one example during the six years i worked there at the
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jewish memorial center at to the osi i found almost no documentation about the killers i was looking for. i found a lot of documents and background affirmation to help the osi build the case is and explain what happened. but the whole question of the identity of the killers was not such the important question for the people doing their research. that is the reality. in that respect it is much more exceptional than you would imagine. but as a fact of history and as a historian. >> who is responsible for hunting the nazis? >> it is the job of the government. we cannot prosecute a single person. we can only try to help to make it happen. in order to do that we offer to find the nazis and evidence than we have to
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work to influence the government. i say i am 1/3 historian 1/3 political lobbyist because you cannot get to any action with the exception of the united states. >> [inaudible] >> i did not understand. >> hugo chavez? >> who is he hiding. >> some went to venezuela but that is not the issue there are much more serious issues with hugo chavez. >> what about the polish people? >>


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