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tv   U.S. Senate  CSPAN  January 22, 2010 5:00pm-7:00pm EST

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mr. reid: mr. presimr.eid: an te quorum be terminated. the presiding officer: without objection. mr. reid: what is the pending business? the presiding officer: the conrad amendment number 3302. mr. reid: i ask that amendment be set aside and i call up an amendment that i have at the desk. the presiding officer: the clerk will report. without objection. the clerk: the senator from nevada, mr. reid, proposes an amendment numbered 3305 to amendment numbered 3299. mr. reid: mr. president, i ask further reading of the amendment be waived. the presiding officer: without objection. mr. reid: mr. president, i now ask we proceed to a period of monk business, senators allowed to speak for a period up to ten minutes each. the presiding officer: without objection. mr. reid: i ask cob sent the judiciary committee be discharged from consideration of s. res. 381. the presiding officer: without objection. the clerk will report. the clerk: s. res. 381, designating the week of february 1 through february 5, 2010, as national school counseling week.
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the presiding officer: the committee is discharged, without objection, and the senate will proceed to the measure. mr. reid: thank you. i ask unanimous consent the res. resolution be agreed to, the preamble be agreed to, the motion to reconsider be laid on the table, there be no intervening action or debate, that any statements relating to this matter appear in the appropriate place in the record as if read. objection. mr. reid: note the absence of a quorum. the presiding officer: the clerk will call the roll. quorum call:
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the presiding officer: the leader is recognized. mr. : quo quorum be terminated. n.e presiding officer: withoutut mr. reid: mr. president, we've all been working to help the people of haiti and the american citizens who have been caught up in this tragedy. that's why we're committed to work with senator balk, senator nelson -- baucus, senator nelson, menendez and republican colleagues to make sure that we pass legislation next week so
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the departmen department of head human services will continue to have the funding they need to help american citizens who are repatriated from haiti. mr. president, i ask unanimous consent that on tuesday, january 26, when the senate resume consideration of h.j. res. 45 the time until 11:30 a.m. equally divided and controlled between the leaders or their designees and the time be divide between the baucus amendment and the conrad-gregg amendment. that at 11:30 a.m. the senate vote on the baucus amendment to be followed by a vote on the conrad-gregg amendment with two minutes between the votes. further, as if in executive session, i ask consent that on monday, january 25 at 5:30 p.m. the senate proceed to executive session to consider executive calendar number 608, the nomination of josanna peterson
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to be judge for the eastern district of washington with the time until 6:00 p.m. equally divided and controlled. that at 6:00 p.m. the senate vote on confirmation of the nomination, the motion to reconsider be laid on the table, no further motions be in order, the president be notified of the senate's action and the senate resume legislative session. mr. president, before the chair rules on my request, let me indicate for the record that with respect to the judicial nomination, the majority was in a position to agree to a vote on the nomination of joseph greenaway, the united states circuit judge for the third circuit. however, i was advised that republicans would not agree to such request. therefore, we have substituted the nomination of rosp anna peterson. the presiding officer: without objection. mr. reid: mr. president, i
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would ask the the pardon of everyone here. it's a shame sometimes things take so long. i've been working for three and a half hours or maybe longer trying to get to this point; numerous conversations with a few senators. we're now at a point where we can move on to the next day's business. mr. president, i ask unanimous consent that when the senate completes its business today it adjourn until 2:00 p.m. on monday, january 25. following the prayer and the pledge, the journal of proceedings be approved to date, the morning hour be deemed expired, the time for the leaders be reserved for use later in the day and the senate proceed to a period of morning business until 3:00 p.m. with senators permitted to speak for up to ten minutes each. following morning business the senate resume consideration of h.j. res. 45, the joint resolution increasing the statutory limit on the public debt. the presiding officer: without objection. mr. reid: mr. president, at 6:00 p.m. on monday the senate will vote on confirmation of
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roseanna peterson of washington to be a federal district judge. if there is no further business to come before the senate, i ask it adjourn under the previous ofrpltd. the presiding officer: the senate
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homeland security secretary janet napolitano met yesterday with the e.u. interior ministers
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in spain to talk of ways to improve international aviation security following their meeting they held a joint news conference with reporters installing body scanners and issue of privacy dominated the questions during this 50 minute event. >> i want to apologize to all of you for the delay and the start of this press conference. the reason for that is we were having a very in-depth discussion informal council this morning an ongoing to tell you quite briefly about some of the things we concluded and get a number to the vice president of the commission and he can tell what he is taking away from the meeting and then i will give the floor to the secretary napolitano who was kind enough to come to the meeting today and as you know there were two items on the agenda is an informal council for the first time in the council we were discussing a
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presidency document that we've called the internal security strategy it's something we've been working on for a long time now. members take contributions of the fed and also a number of seminars that were organized and this has finally found its way it to counsel, the idea being after this discussion it will go to repair in a reasonable period of time so that we can hopefully get this security document move to an obvious time. the idea is to get an internal security strategy. it is a concise document. it doesn't involve new obligations on member states it just makes very clear to the citizens that there are common threads that all europeans face and that we in europe have a common strategy in order to meet
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various threats. as i was saying yesterday, the home affairs council is trying to show citizens we have a better strategy for ensuring security for all european citizens. it's a strategy that to a large extent takes on board what we've been doing in recent years that we've been able to come up with institutional set that will improve security for europeans from tax involved also the counterterrorism coordinator said measures that we've been working on different fields of action within the union. it is a document that we think is extremely important because it is something that we will use to inform citizens of the existence of the strategy. we've got three parts to that the oil will mention briefly.
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first, there is an exclusive analysis of the threats that were faced by common threats that the e.u. countries share some of them we know full where fighting organized crime, terrorism, organized crime of course has different manifestations, corruption, trafficking of course there's the trafficking of human beings involved as well. the cybercrime which is often part of organized crime, things which undermine our security also and natural disasters. some of them are extremely natural disasters and other house have man made elements but what we need is common action from europe to deal with those and then once we have analyzed those threats we go on to talk about the mechanisms we have at our disposal and then to defining european security model. this is a model that takes on
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board of the things we need to involve. we involve national, regional and local governments fully respecting subsidiaries. we also mentioned the european institutions and also civil society in the private sector. all those things have to be involved. it is a security model which takes into account dahlias and principles of the european union with respect to individual rights, privacy of citizens and course scrupulous respect for the rule of law and this is a model which contains strategies that we need to develop, and there are tens strategic guidelines that most important deal with sharing information, moving towards operational cooperation, willingness to prevent crime to ensure security and not just combat crime once it has arisen, and that is the
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document that we are hoping to adopt at some stage. it's been a very rich debate. many ministers took part in that. in the second session we were discussing radical islamic terrorism, international terrorism and fully involved in the debate was secretary napolitano. she has shared her views of the subject with us, and i would publicly like to say what i expressed actually in the private session of council is a thank you to all of the minister's -- and by doing this on behalf of all the ministers of affairs -- i would like to see thank you very much, secretary napolitano, you coming along. having you here since a and ambiguous message to the citizens of the country the european union and the united states are keen to continue to
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cooperate so as to be more effective in preventing a radical islamic terrorism and in prosecuting it when it arises we've shared information with the secretary napolitano and in due course the people spoke and contributed the debate. we've also come up with a joint statement. it is and eat you-u.s. statement. it is an important statement and it is based on aviation security in particular and you will get that text at the end of this press conference. we mentioned a number of points that are dear to us all. we are talking here about the risk of terrorists that basically the same risk on both sides of the atlantic's you want to protect our principles and values, our way of life and those of course by terrorism and we also say that we share
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responsibility for fighting terrorism to ensure safety and security for our citizens and i think we all shared many of these international values. we talk about a number of objectives in the measures to reach objectives have a lot to do with aviation security. if we've learned anything from the wheel the attack over detroit it is that flights are still subject to terrorism and we tried to include this in secretary general objectives. obviously those will be developed later on. we want to improve security and that means we have to i think d5 better those that might be terrorists. we have to identify better explosives that might get through our filters at the airport and we want to improve airport security systems in general and also improved flight security in particular, and based on those objectives there
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are different working groups involved and they will be discussed at the meeting in march. the meeting between the e.u. and the u.s.. we will be talking with aviation security. secondly, information exchange. third fleet, research, that's very important in this area. we have to carry out research to improve our systems on a day-to-day basis and then fourth, providing help to a third countries. they suffer from terrorism there also the origin what we are suffering from as well so those are the things we will be dealing with. they are very important. in summary, let me say that we are going to make an ever a greater effort. obviously things happen. you learn lessons from everything that happens and we're going to make an even more concerted effort, round off at this point. basically what i'm saying is we
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are going to work together. we will be cooperating more intensively and able to fight terrorism because we know that if we cooperate, if we improve
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. what i need is for people to believe that women in sports is a good thing. >> sheila and i are really, really close friends, we have a great partnership, and i am really proud what she has done with the team. >> why are you so quiet all of a sudden? okay. get your game face on. someone that i can look up to. i love her to death. she has done unbelievable things for not just me but women in general. >> i am not just an owner. i want to reach beyond the court. i want to not only mentor them, but if they to want build careers, great. >> asigone through a battle with cancer, it brings joy to my heart because people like sheila johnson helped make a difference for people like me. >> it is great to have someone give you money, but it is much
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more important for someone to give you money and to stand behind it. >> i think sheila just excel exeplifies the woman that is in a position and walks the talk. >> she shes the work she has done in building this company as a means she is going to better the world for all women, for all people of color. >> i am dr. sheila c johnson. this is my life 365. >> it is better to talk about something negative, still more. >> i have taken the team and given it back to the fans. >> i throw back in so i can catch it again. >> i enjoy life. i enjoy living every day. every day is different for me. i don't do the same thing every
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day. i am a person that likes to explore different avenues. i like to do different things. i like to meet new people. i like to embrace people. i like to help others. i like to be there for people. >> she is very inspirational for a lot of women, of any color. the issues that women face, the challenges they face, are still exist ent, but sheila johnson has shown that you can play with the big boys. you can play with the old boys network and be at the table and she uniquely is at that table. >> she doesn't mind being a role model. she likes the fact if she can show somebody especially girls and women that she can -- they can be successful, she goes out there and does everything in her power to help them be successful. >> dr. johnson, who inspired you to be the pioneer, the
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entrepreneur, to be what you have become and are still becoming? >> i have to say first and foremost my mother. she has always been a woman that has always sort of been on my back saying you can do it, don't tell anybody you can't do it. she has provided me with love, with discipline, and to never say no. she is the one that has given me the courage to move through life. i had the greatest childhood. i really did. my father was was a neurosurgeon, one of eleven in the entire country at the time, and because of that he couldn't practice in white hospitals. so he had to practice in the va hospital. he was also connected with the army, so he did operations and mash units there to when he came back he was in the japanese american war, so when he came back into the united states, it was tough. i mean, i probably as young as four or five, i really understood what racism really
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was all about. we had to move every ten months. >> did he first introduce you to this whole world of music, of instruments? >> really did. at five years old i had to start playing the piano, so i took piano lessons. i loved it. there were times when i didn't like it. i would rather be outplaying with my friends, but coming home from school i just had to sit down and practice. my real love was the violin. >> is music your first love? >> not only is it my first love, the music has given me the foundation for life. >> in what ways? >> i think every child, and i am glad you were one of my students. [ laughter ] >> don't tell anybody. >> i am really teaches you how to focus, teaches you how to organize t teaches you how to listen. it teaches you how to communicate. i really like the town. i like the countryside. it was just something that i
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never experienced before. >> can you explain your not just your passion but your vision for sal salamander hospitality. >> i would like to build one of the strongest hospitality in the country. there is hilton, ruth carlton. there is at marriott. i am not saying that i may or may not grow to that level. i started this a little later in life. more than anything, i want my thumb print on every one of those properties so when i are to retire, which will probably will never happen, they're going to say this is the sheila johnson property. she stands for excellence, she stands for perfection and quality. >> coming up on my life 365. >> did you feel it was important to find a woman it take over the franchise. >> absolutely. we wouldn't have sold it to
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anybody else. >> why was that? >> because we feel that a woman should own the team. it is a woman's league, and a woman should own it.
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female owner in sports. where did your love and passion for sports come from? >> it started way back in elementary school. i was a cheerleader which you have to remember it was before title 9, so we weren't really allowed to play any sports except in p.e. class, so i got to run track, and i got to be on the synchronized swim team, and we would play half court basketball even though i couldn't play. it was important that i was a cheerleader so that i could make sure i was at every game, both football and basketball, so that's where the love came from. >> what led you to the mystics? >> what led me to the mystics was abe poe boe leer. i have to give this man full credit for just the insight he
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could even want to look at me to put me to face the mystics. >> did you feel it was important to find a woman to take over the franchise? >> absolutely. we wouldn't have sold it to anybody else. >> why was that? >> because we feel that a woman should own the team. it is a woman's league, and a woman should own it. >> as we were going through the process, i also realized more than just the washington mystics it is really buying into the entire vision of what he has built here, so why couldn't i have a piece of that also? i went to ted's who of course owns the catches because we had to convince him the plan to buy the washington mystics, but i wanted to buy into the caps and buy into the wiza
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the old boys network which was terrific. >> second pick in the 2009 wnba draft, the washington mystics, select marisa coleman from
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maryland. [cheering] [ applause ] >> i was told about ten years ago by an nba executive that when you are looking for a job opportunity, you have to be very critical of the organization and look to work with people that are great leader that is have been successful in whatever they have done and when i had the opportunity to sit down with dr. sheila johnson and ted and hear their vision for the mystic organization and their passion for the young women on the team and for what we could do in this market, there is no doubt that i wanted to be a part of it. >> i couldn't ask to be in a better organization. ms. johnson is an unbelievable person, an unbelievable owner. i think they're the most passional owners in this league, and if you look around the wnba, you don't have as many passionate owners because you have the people, the owners associate with nba teams and sheila will do anything she can to make sure we are set. she wants nothing more than the team to win and we step out on the court and do what we have to do and handle our business we know off the court everything is for us.
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>> everything about her represents what we are and what we are trying to become. she is a positive female role model. she is a positive female african-american role model. she is involved with the mystics because she has a passion to help women. she has a passion to help african-american women and uses the mystics as a platform to do that. >> if you have been around them for a second the energy is contagious. i feel that i am blessed to have the opportunity to carry out their vision and to try to achieve what they want and what think are in the dc market. >> i plan my life out with opportunities and if the opportunities come along, i will look at it and then i don't go outlooking for things to be the first of anything. if i have the ability and if the door is open and say, look, we would like you to do this or we would like you to do that, i do it. it is just in my dna to do that. >> coming up on my life 365. >> certainly when you look at
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women, you look at the physical fitness of these players, and their dedication to the cause, i think you can immediately see where they're going to have their impact. and schools destroyed; families searching for loved ones; parents trying to feed their children. but we can all do something. we can help the american red cross as it delivers the food, water, and medicine that can save lives. donate $10 by texting "haiti" to 9-0-9-9-9. visit or call 1-800-red-cross. thanks for your help.
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i think that's something that sheila has she has encouraged her office staff, the back room staff with whom we work so much to really get us engaged and so when you have your sponsors engaged one-on-one with all of these efforts, it really makes for a much more exciting game
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people don't really want to talk about. we need to talk about it. it is nothing to be ashamed of. >> hi, everybody. i wanted to welcome all of you here. it is with great pleasure today we have fran dresher. i had breakfast with her, and she really explained to me all of the horrors going on in our lives and toxicity and everything going on in our bodies that is causing the dreaded disease of cancer. she had me absolutely mesmerized. i thought i knew a lot, but she is just an encyclopedia of knowledge. i am all about women's empowerment and most
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importantly we have to take charge of our own bodies. we really do. we have to educate ourselves about what is really going on out there that is causing this epidemic. without further ado, i would love to introduce fran dresher from the bottom of our hearts. >> most people know i am a nine- year cancer survivor. i had uterine cancer, and it took me two years and eight doctors to get a proper diagnosis. i always thought my future doctor patient i have good news and bad news, the good news is you have 48 hours to live and the patient says that's the good news what's the bad and the doctor said i was supposed to tell you yesterday. now, the reason why that is so significant to what we do is because we at cancer smance r are one of the few organizations in existence today in the world that actually focus on flipping healthcare from back end to
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front end so nobody has to lose a loved one any more due to late stage diagnosis of a cancer. >> you never know how your story will affect other people, and my particular story is that i had back to back deaths of my mother and father in my family, and then i found out i had breast cancer, and there was a woman in the audience who was a wife of a coach, division i coach, and she came to me and said, you know, my father has alzheimer's and i have been focusing on taking care of him and i found out i had a lump. i haven't done anything about it yet. she said because of hearing your story i am going to go get that taken care of. so those are the types of events that make a difference. when i can help someone else to do the right thing and to take the initiative to improve their health, that's what it is all about. >> what i am trying to do today with the washington mystics is to bring awareness to the
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polite of cancer that is affecting and touching everybody. it could not be them exactly but some member of their family, a friend, could be anyone. >> from duke university, number 20, alaina. >> hey fans, welcome to breast health awareness day. make sure you stay after for the live auction present by sibley memorial hospital and the mystics. you will get to bid on exciting items like this signed ball and all of the players pink jerseys worn during the game. ♪ [ music ] [ buzzer ] [cheering]
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[ applause ] >> we're going to get started here. we have 36 items and you can count them up on your sheet. [ applause ] ♪ [ music ] 150, 155. ♪ [ music ] 150? ♪ [ music ♪ women, do you look at the physical fitness of these players, and their dedication to the cause. i think you can immediately see where they're going to have
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their impact, and they have been incredibly forth coming with their generosity of time, and then with the auction which benefits the sibley. >> coming up on my life 365. >> this is robinson, as a young woman who grew up in the immediate wake of your husband's historic achievements, i want to thank you for bottom of my heart for your incredible strength all those years. get hou he3 mo hingat? ow t som een g toyou. you lo--utte so c i ..
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i lo i .. otheer l- i' one ank -ou le taoffbeermuch you e grlsnee trips b er l taste grs. you're gorgeous, look at you, i loooov y taste grs. i'm sg. 's fakf f ten s: annahm nric ifith easet sc anativlem olviills
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f t's good! d go you bobzy? don't wor thjustower the announeed ids e arts. for ten simple ways to learn how, visit . >> i asked sheila what jackie robinson meant to her growing up. this is her eloquent response. in the darkest hours of the civil rights movement jackie robinson was the beacon that lit the pathway of opportunity for all african-americans. sheila, you, too, are a shining beacon lighting the pathway of opportunity for all african- americans today, and i can think of no one more deserving
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of this honor. like jackie robinson, you always hit it out of the park. [ applause ] >> mrs. robinson, as a young woman who grew up in the immediate wake of your husband's historic achievements, i want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your incredible strength all those years. and thank you as well for all you have done to keep your husband's spirit alive. i am honored to know you, and i only wish i could have known him. >> to those that have said dr. johnson, you have accomplished enough, just relax a little bit, what's driving you right now? >> life. i enjoy life. i enjoy living every day. every day is different for me. i don't do the same thing every day. i am a person that likes to explore different avenues. i like to do different things.
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i like to meet new people. i like to embrace people. i like to help others. i like to be there for people. >> i think one of the main differences with sheila johnson is that her fill lain philanthropicefforts are part of her daily life. she sees the work she does in building this company as a means by which she will better the world for all women, for all people of color, and she instills that in all of other work. everything that we do from a business context thaz that thread, that common thread passing through t that's what makes her unique. it is what makes her different, but it also is what is going to make her legacy. >> sheila johnson cares so much about girls and women, not just here in the states but internationally. education is key for her to help women all over the world alleviate themselves from poverty.
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her thought is if you educate girls and women, they can alleviate themselves from poverty, help their families and also be a positive contributor to their communities. >> i have been blessed with so much in my life from my childhood all the way up to this point. i think god has given me the tools to not only continue on this path of building a new company but also to be able to reach out to others and to share the good fortune that i have. i know that i can't do it alone. if i can communicate to others that we all need to do this together, i think this will be a much better world. >> she is going to be someone who has encouraged optimism and said that we must try no matter what the odds say, and that she really has the faith to believe that something can change. >> one of the things that i have learned from her is that
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with each set of opportunities and things that life throws your way and life brings at you, it gives you a chance to reinvent yourself and to take what comes your way and through hard work and dedication create amazing success. >> if anybody were to say what should i have on my tombstone and what do you want people to remember me, i would like people to know that i cared and that i learned to love again and that i was there for people who needed help. i do think that she will be goal in towards a championship, it may not be this year, i am on the three to
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five year wan frge shin sup
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caption funding provided by fox sports net we welcome you inside historic reynolds coliseum as the wake forest demon dee cans pay a visit to the nc state wolfpack in acc women's basketball. hello, everyone. the acc is so tight right now, just two wins separate second place from 11th place. >> these teams have an opportunity to celebrate themselves from the pack. both teams are going to be rely on.
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>> sandra garcia took no time in making herself comfortable in winston-salem. he scored 19 points. she really has a presence in the paint. meanwhile nc state wolfpack boosts the rookie of the week marissa kastanek. >> she brought her work ethic here for the wolfpack and coach harper is looking for her to do great things and be a leader for this team. >> nc state the game right here on this court in reynolds coliseum. they're look for win number two as they take on the demon deacons. we'll have the starting lineup and the tip when we come back to raleigh. uth ,
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yearoy ed ugamelf hisr. by e oe wa alrutplhim. th of entl ng tior chamips e ag4? fn 16on. dds t sa akino th feurpro-tour fn 7 n. th of e "sy" g opepionnce and the u.s. chship? 780ion.
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e o rofel goavin a ciagnith ? 1 in erls eges tn ths ofm one of the great arenas in college basketball, reynolds coliseum hosting nc state and wake forest women tonight. the starting lineups presented by food lion. first for the wake forest demon deacons. thomas at point guard.
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morris, waters ray and the freshman sandra garcia. for the nc state wolfpack, a veteran backcourt, amber white, nikitta gartrell, the freshman kastanek, bonae holston and ellison. some keys to look for? >> the key for wake forest right away is to play ten deep. they got to get into their bench. they got to protect the ball. nc state is going to throw the full-court defense at them. they're going to really pressure them. they got to shoot the thr three-shoithree three-point shot. >> shooting the ball very well in conference play the ball is tipped. and wake forest will track it down. good hustle there by courteney morris. brooke thomas brings up the ball. up the floor.
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>> right away, you can see the pressure by nc state, the defense on the perimeter. thomas tried a little jumper. couldn't get it to go. and amber white manages to save it after a little confusion there for the wolfpack. >> you can see courteney morris is going to have the assignment of guarding nikitta gartrell. >> she tries to take it inside. and the shot from outside by gartrell. she falls down. no whistle, though. brittany waters coming after a great game last night against miami. and there's freshman garcia
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inside. >> nc state came over. they'll try to contain her in the half court. but that time, garcia goes right through and scores a two. nc state goes inside and back out to amber white. and she knocks it down. >> that one tipped out of bounds by white. wake forest ball, 17 seconds left on the shot clock. >> you can already see both teams double teaming in the post. wake forest may also look to extend their double teams on some of the pick-and-rolls if nc state plays aggressive on the perimeter. >> thomas driving to the basket. role reversal as she makes it look pretty. >> what's significant about that
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basket, he she did not shoot at all. not one field goal in the last game. she's already taken two. she's going to have to be aggressive to open things up for her teammate zmrs whistle blown there, inside on waters. her first. wake's first foul. head coach of the demon deacons, in his sixth season, mike peters petersen. i had a pleasure spending time with him at the shoot around today. >> they understand that in the end, coach petersen is trying to make them better at every opportunity. he knows what's ahead for this young team in acc play and it's getting them prepared. >> and the head coach in her first year for the nc state wolfpack, kelly harper, taking over, of course, for the
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legendary kay yow who passed just over a year ago. and coach harper willing to wear a microphone. that ball goes out of bounds and it will go the demon dee cops' way. >> you can see some communication by wake forest there, secily ray got there a little too late. but, garcia was able to hold it down one-on-one in the paint. brittany waters posting up hard against kastanek. we know that brittany waters likes to get the ball in the post. posts up for that jump shot. >> great little find to find garcia wide open for her fourth point in this ball game. white tries the happenedoff.
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but courteney morris is there to break it up. >> that's what makes her so deadly, she draws some attention on that shot. >> having a hard time getting the ball in, white, she finally sees kastanek. morris, again, got a hand on the ball. kastanek from the outside. that one's too hard. good rebound, though, inside by bonae holston, her first points. the player who was the acc sixth player of the year a year ago and has done a nice job stepping into a starting role. waters on the other end, she found out that the bank is open early tonight. >> and waters was hoping it's that kind of night for her. she fouled with ten minutes left
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to go in that tough game down at georgia tech. it made a difference in her team's energy. they play well when she plays well and vice versa. >> gartrell, a nice look inside. good passing by the wolfpack as lucy ellison the senior, gets on the scoreboard. >> courteney morris making her second straight start as we mentioned. earning the starting nod as the shot clock runs down. thomas has to do something quick. she kicks it to morris. that's too short. waters had her hand on it but couldn't hold on. this is good defense. and the easy points there. as waters steps in to take to advantage of the good hands by
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her point guard. >> brooke thomas. >> i don't think she minds that last one becoming a dead ball. she'll sweat it out a few more minutes for that. >> wide open in the post. kastanek timely gets her down there. >> deep on the shot clock now for the wolfpack. bailed out by the foul on thomas. her second foul. meanwhile, brooke waters finding the backboard is kind for her tonight. just inside the 3, she banks it in. wake leads 10-6.
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the demon deacons have scored 8 of their 10 points in the paint. sandra garcia. >> sandra's established herself inside. and one thing that she's going to focus all year -- that's a bunch of different defenses. she's strong enough. keeps it under control. and you love a post player who's always moving. when you have brooke thomas putting the ball on the floor, you got to be aware. >> garcia gets a break here. she's a perfect 2 of 2 from the floor, so far, you see her season average there, 9.1 on the year. already. just about halfway there. as the wolfpack inbound the ball. to the junior amber white.
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>> nc state looking to holston who has been their main stay scoring all year. didn't get a good look there. but the key to gartrell, off the dribble, not many players in the acc that can guard her. that's how quick and athletic she is. >> nc state bringing full-court pressure here. we got the backup point guard in. for the demon deacons. tichny roulhac. along with other freshman mykala walker. mike petersen is not afraid to go to his bench. we'll see a lot of players get in the game tonight for wake forest. >> and for good reason, when you have freshmen that are
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contributing points, actually contributing more points in conference player are the freshman for wake, that tells you that they're focused and they understand what it takes to win. >> traveling called there. on brittany strachan who came in. >> she's a guard even at her height, 6'3," you think that she would be used to it just looking at her thigh. so, she would rather face-up. >> the wolfpack trying to build a little energy out there on the floor. kellie harper talked about that. >> when you s,er gartrell and strachan they'll trap at full-court. you can imagine how hard it is to get the ball off. >> tia bell brings the ball all
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of the way down the floor herself. 6'3" junior forward. this one is going to go up from downtown and in for nikitta gartrell. that's a three. she has five on the night and is eight away from career point number 1,000. >> gartrell has increased her scoring by five points in league play. she was averaging 11 points per game. she knows that she's going to have to step it up for her team going down the stretch. >> travel called on secily ray there, the third turnover on the demon deacons. one of the points of emphasis in the ncaa women's game this year, to watch out on turn around jump shot, spin move. >> the travel. secily ray that's her second travel call in this game.
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she tends to make quick moves but her feet move a little too quick and she got called for the travel called. >> bell. three on the shot clock. bell takes the drive inside. brittany waters comes up with it for wake forest. it seems that the demon deacons slowed down just a bit when thomas is not on the floor. nothing slow there on the drive there by waters. well, nc state has taken a one-point lead over the demon deacons here in the first half. hould ing co ly su
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nnat l buty d sike ♪ inga... 7 ting a [ wohalfalor the wom] i kat's. guarding that point guard, you got to help us on that? we know how we're defending it, right? your man's the ball. you're helping him. >> kellie harper brings so much energy but also great basketball line. she ligot to like the way gartrl is playing. >> if she stepped up in their leadership it would be nikitta gartrell and early in this game, she looks so confident. when she's two things in particular, attacking the basket
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and her outside shot is going, she's dangerous. >> gartrell making her 51st straight start, has started all but two games for the wolfpack. you got to love that kind of experience on the floor. brittany waters is on the line for wake forest. >> and coach harper saying that she didn't have any captains, a tradition, she brought from her days at tennessee, she said that pat summitt never had any captains. but gartrell has been separating herself. >> 7 is% free-throw shooter but can't get either one of those to fall. >> and you can see the pressure by wake forest. what a hustle by roulhac, almost had one going to other way.
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>> and you got to watch roulhac when that double team is on the wing for wake forest. because they can get a quick one. >> that's put up by sharnise beal. senior guard in for the wolfpack and the steal for the demon deacons. they're going to be called out of bounds. great hustle there by boykin. another freshman that we talked about for wake forest you can expect to have an impact. >> that was a good look at her on the defensive end but she can score it as well. she 12 points against duke and virginia tech. we know what the defense of the duke blue devils is like. >> forced turnover for the wolfpack. >> out of that time-out, coach petersen made a change, started trapping on the wings. took nc state out of what they
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wanted to do in their half-court. wake forest runs a motion offense. they also set some screens on the perimeter. good defense, nc state, on that possession. >> see if the wolfpack can turn in some points on the other end. they find the senior, ellison, 13-10, nc state, as ellison gets her fourth point. >> wake forest went double. ellison with a nice dive to the basket, she realized that her defense was gone and that was good pass and good recognition. >> the three ball goes down for roulhac. her first points of the ball game. bringing this one even. >> wasn't shooting very often, was roulhac, but that one goes down. >> you mentioned it earlier there's a difference when
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roulhac is in the game and when thomas is in the game, both pressure the ball. roulhac, offensively, a little bit more under control. where brooke thomas has a tendency to play at 100% speed. >> kastanek back in the game along with white for nc state. garcia also re-enters for the demon deacons. couple of the startsers getting a rest now coming back in the ball game. another travel call. we have seen both teams struggle a little bit with turnovers. >> and that was to be expected as both coach petersen and coach harper want to play an uptempo game. they want to push the ball, they want to get to the line defensively. you can see wake getting back into that set. nc state takes their time
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bringing the ball up the floor. >> bell sees a little room when she turns around. garcia is all over her. she still tried to stop. good hustle inside by ellison, boy, she has been physical in this game so far. >> and bell missed that shot that's the right idea, you have to attack the aggressive wake forest defense and she tried to on that possession at least take a dive and drive to the basket, though unsuccessful, it's the right call. >> garcia's first foul in this game. turnaround jumper for ellison. no good. courteney morris back in the game for the deacs. looks for ray. loses her dribble. she's kind of stuck over there on the wing.
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lot of white jerseys inside the paint. leaving a little bit of room on the outside. but the deacs can't get it to fall. but, the charge is whistled. the basket is no good. >> watch it here again. i thought that morris was a little bit deep and still moving but kastanek. gets the call there. and brooke thomas is going to come back in this game, though she has two fouls, she's been missing from the lineup, but give roulhac a lot of credit, she really maintained things for wake forest as thomas was on the bench. >> we'll see if the speed of this game changes here. nc state bringing that full-court pressure. >> if anyone who can break it, though, it's certainly a speedy
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player like thomas. >> right now, secily ray with the ball. she passes it to thomas up top. down to 14 already on the shot clock. >> nc state, on that screen by wake forest. >> two left. going to have to take a shot. they do. that one no good by boykin. good hustle and a turnover on the other end. here comes thomas. >> and look at morris with the great play. i'm sure that coach harper is saying you got to call that. when you see the defender running up your teammate, you got to call that. that's the turnover. >> boykin didn't mind the miss on the previous shot. she tried to take another one, again misses it. offensive foul on gartrell for the elbow. substitutions coming in the game for the wolfpack.
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that's the second personal foul on gartrell. >> so that is big for both teams. fouls already coming into play, brooke thomas for wake forest with two. nikitta gartrell with two fouls. wake forest has a little bit more depth than nc state does. so, coach harper with fewer options to go to with gartrell in some foul trouble. >> five on the shot clock, again, the deacs are really getting deep in the clock before they get the shot off. >> that's good look. you want brooke thomas to continue to attack the baseline. yes, she's in foul trouble. she's get to be careful. at the same time, she's got to be aggressive. be aggressive. >> deadlocked here be aggressive. >> deadlocked here the images from haiti are heart-breaking--
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r just $2.99. ♪ you know when it's real ♪ wake forest and nc state tied at 13 here in the first half. take a look at our pepsi game summary so far. demon deacons started out pretty well in this game. overall, 6 of 14. nc state doing the job on the boards. but don't have lot to show for it on the scoreboard. >> nc state's getting second-chanc


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