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tv   Book TV  CSPAN  January 23, 2010 2:30pm-4:00pm EST

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carr: f an lsu team who sn'thaon in sec play, it is a ve-point ad,b spenc has really struggled in seplay >> mark: well, a thindisutes importtan for ls. bo spence with nice nice shot athe oul line area. geptsnd hitsthe three. geing out and runngnihe basketball tea ifmhis play provand he gives m som offense and some defense and really stps u phis lsu basketball team becomes a completely different basketbl .team >>arter: the season numbers from bo spncer are pretty good in p t because he has taken a of shots and plada lt of minutes. 6-26.last two games he s
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he hadt made a three each of the st otw games. ometim eocus oo much onfirst scoring but sis an lsu tea that es scorin >> mark: theyd go percentages. and again, bospecer, str warr n, tasminmitchell, show guyed havecsored a lt. if thy getoints from some other guysasw l, they become such a better offensive et tlleam. run to take a 29-22 la.-0 'ole miss has respond wdeith ur sraightn n the the lead with a three o get it >> mark: again, you hae to >> carter:olyn pe dups for buckner off th eenetration. good job of pentrati nngch a going some whewh the ibbldr. got to ke sure you ca stay
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in e thibble and not allw the dribble i teammat as 'ole miss did nhe last ssespoon. >> carter: sy in he two ree zone. mitche kcks out. he is spencer. rims out on ths attempt. physical battle for the board won by polynice and the rebels. eniel polynic taee it himself. mar>> 'ole miss with a nice little run. iel olyce aagia w a peimeter player th doesn't take a t of tres. grtcncentrating, finishing. >> cter:su gs on a 10-0 run to take thee, 'ole miss answers wh an 8-0 run. >> mar forsu you want th ball inside. it insdimean youha oshoot n'want to pass it on the perimeteroy. lsu hasgod ball movement. outside, in e high post area,
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ybe he shortcorners donw there alongthe baselin carter: hars a ndarren check back in. green and bass sit. five o shoot. tche mias to hoist it. gets thefoul alled on gaskins! balout foul by teo gaskins. >>arkso m my timeeimes wen defeernd is aggressivel
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r the other side, the eula uth lftime
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this halftimrepe t brought to you by: > weome ck to the ceular south halftime report.
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whit watson, by booker in our sec networksdios. the late game today featur the las remaining unbean n the coutry, numbero kentuck facingarkansas. thecats 18- for he first timeince the '65'66 season. thes wildcats 81-0 coing off a 72-67 wi over aubura week ifhey win today, they are likely to assume he numberone ty have a chunkn the armor, ho about all the rnovs against aburn last >> ty got a nice lead in the second haland relaxed as auburn put the presure on. out-of-boundauburn a quik team i think h arkansas wnts to do is slow the me down ken cky has also had turnover problems en a of the game slow aed that what
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arnsas needs to d otdy. >> carter: talk out e super freshman for kentucky. ifohn wallddn't exist we might be talking about demarcus has been phenenalorthpick am and because wa is so go,cousins averaging 15 points n9 reounds a game attention he deserv.eshe >> eecially lately. he has ee playing great basketball in coference pla averaging 15 a ae two blked shots in th hree sec ga and just get betternd a beter. more comfortabel thesson as gonond demarcus ocsins alongithatterson nd orton, fantastic job at both ensof the court,c trolling things in the mde the wildctsa >>ou third in rebounding, fth blos and 8th in arkansa nd kucen gets ther tod. that is one ou r sec network games. otr key gesn t eag, number tenneeene-game
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wira idth carolina at flora. uy grwon tstri t aer 0-2 start the second hal o ga coming se network. a moment hee on th > itths e cellular south
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lfti report. backin sidthe sec ntork ostudi. barr booker and whit atson great to have u withs. take loo aundthe coeren on thisst urday afternoon. mississippi state unbeen iat the conference as theyea to alam thon brck gives alabama a two point lead in the cond ha. the ti tide leading mississippi ste. anhis was tight ll the way. downo a one-point gam threpoine-ame, reeth scos left. barry sart eps on teh lin alabama hangs on to hand, mississippi state its first
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nferce loss of eeason. >> and vrnadostays on hi pace, he shou break the altime record nileat february. ahenomel canaer for the teessee. frmbrownsville, >> onef th oer early games. auburn visiting anderbilt. jeff bo uner a bit of prsure at aubur game.transionit an 8-point brendonkox hard too that guy. reid his atn open three from the corner a momendt vandy trling at he break. nd>> vanderbltiashgot to do a btter job efensively. jaywks >>aking on iowa state. sherrronc lins iw th brady ornintags wil find
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morris for a fast break layn.i an 8-0run to open the game adn then maquez ofhe t sig yclones has seenenough, arry kaom! >> imposin oh> jn how you lke tha highlight. tied at ie. 6-5. n inside outside. thr-poi game. lateinr the irst, marquette up by one. darius johnson dom at the three-point line. the midrange jumper. marqtte up by three at that point. big ast crers,mrquette u just otw on syacruse. fithalf winding dn. villanova keep rolling. >> as the rand teamsn the big east keeps o olling. >> in the big ten, michigan state an tom izo o he oa.
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first lead of the gm for michig tate. an minute go. daneianoson off the gass. under six to play.e. the gopehlsu have several looks at it nd cannot get anhing to all. michigan stat 7e,0 inh conferenceas they hold on number 25 ohio state, number 12 virginia. first half. ne-t game. w illiam buordf does tha -12. still a 12-point me gain the first alf. llington smithtrying to chp away in the gold on gold meeting. bian 29-15. now, 40-28. oho state leading, wes rgin, on the ro. fstill winless ni he coneree louisiana state tigers. wel veth game hen we come ba.
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this halftime report is brought to you by: chris warren and terirco whitecombined for on point in leads which si.x 'ole miss how arehey doing that? >> lsu strugglinbehin the three-poinle. see if thyecan ta knocking downjmuers. >> louianaista tryg to take advantage of theact that thtwoe starsave not scod thus f fo 'ole miss. jet in the onference.n a gam the rebels lead by six in baton
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>> carter: 24th rank 'ol miss tredi wi athbout fve nuteto goin the fir sthla. since then, a 16-3 un by het rebels t take a 6 pont halfmeti edge, 38-32. 'oles n lsu. welcome back toton rouge, the pete maravich assembly cent. i'm crta blackrn with coac mark gtfried. what did you see, especially in th last fiveminu s of the fir halfthat chaed th
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mifo'ole miss. >> mark: if u aryo andy kennedy, the ne has been goo for your team. he probably gabed terrico whi and said you guysgoing to play tdy? luz, the fc hat you got scoring froothe places, sensornd sread nd harrs s scored a le bit. stillwt to go tothat guy, smin mitchl lsu needs of tasmin tche. >>arter: mitchell nearly another double ubledo with 12 po dan 8 eunds. not uch from 'ol iss' top orer ruggdto score a lttle bit. .cue fo hem this half the breakwhite finds warren. >> uauff early touch fes ri warrn. ngfind a cutti
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hodedbyaronotn aseeing take a look at theystal first hastats b,rought to youy crystal. nothing li it. >> m k: i alsoike the fact 'ole missot1g points off the bench andagain whn hte and warr have not csored that is someing,t -- out ofbunds play, go rgiht toterrico white >> cter:hite payedlnly five minutes in the st half, only had onshot. mark: sometimes the benchis your btf iend as a coach wh players for whatever their up o >> carter: tre jontson had a eat ne when i asked hm about eth minutes thallu ws playing. saihed i tell my guys ou go nine schoarship players, i have no chioce, i h to leave myuys out there. mark: he is in atugh
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situation. theyre oing a good job. sometimes you just ned that onwinthat gives you the con if he denso gtoverth hump >> carter: wte mss them both. he stillas not scored in this game. teicorr wht 16 a game zero today. mitchell wants it but he catch it,19 feet. the look for spencer ho knocks dowhiss condtile. >> mark: bo spencer answering the call for luz. >> mark: desperate need r the players o stp up and make >> carter: white tri it mi ain. the break.u agn puing it no, twy going to run ofense. they are lookingto tasm miheltc. >> carter: hlowagoesover the back to geths send
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fo. >> mk: wtadl aot lsu's ability to core, sometimes ke ospencer hwengives themuys offensive prodtionuc changes the y lsu looks on this end of the floor. the foot f whitebassruns itoff down. finding storm warren who makes it in. warren who was quiet the first half swll. left shoulder a turn it nto right-hand jump hoo. if you aeruarng sditorm warren, go ake him go to hi othershoulder. dmafield goal of thegame for orm warren. second chance hre fr'ole polynice somehow spins it in. >> mar eni police playing to his seng. we talked about in the fis ball in the pait.o get the he has some siz.e c get over the top the >> carter: notable un the
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firstl 'olemis s los on 16-3 rnut it was kinf back ad foh ere for ale 9-0 ru yole miss ight after they went t the zne d regain the lead and then the decisive on,'o miss16-3 in the closing inutes of the rst half. storm arwren picks uphs third rsonpe. otr end. sticks it in on the warr has to ack own, playit three prol fos. hooway ges right at him. trent johnson tas a timeout dy kenndy'se rebels up five. >> carte the4th r:nked
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iss rebels offense numbers lo good. 52shotin 40% fromte e.h how are they getting the god
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f e crairy f oesnst. ake-e. y lethin undr pi ere' credit fairy we will. by d time
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ann: thno m tovingcred bure's andfree
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y. fense lead to
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i think
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ucheballe it we, co n, aot call hed,thei. team! . alod c aubu. at home against
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trled by 11 a halftime. then a 23-10 run capdpe by a rst lead of hege vandy tring to make it ne i a rw dba to carterlackrn an >> mhm gi a tough pla ce play. >> o of the beasttes on their home crtinou their couny. >> the o dome is prttyoug maavich assembly center. pet >> mk: a lot of those wins excellent jobhee.ho did an took themo th final four in '06 with some terrific tlent and tams over the years. and a terrif jo there as
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well. >> cter: out o of the tiout, 'ole miss basketball and a tie game, ven at 0. the two scori stas fo 'ole ss,mi terrico whind chris ware have nlyoe point, meanwhile, terrance henry has a career hih today with 12 atually 14o n. gasns finishes and fouled. m'os stayed wi little bit ut tey -- the bobbled it arouna itte bit but hung in here and did a niecob of ust stayingih the play. henry, a nie dish, nie pass. gaskins strong o the rim. both coacs today have changed their dnses al ot. switchfromot man to zoen nobody has realy had a steda thughout the entire game. that someimesomes a chess
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tch inside he gam >> full court ure from le ms leing to numb for the ters b warrn holds it up and gets fouled from behind. w, andyknnedy has seen terro white and chris arre ruggty. only oneoint and yet this i ate-pot lead for 'ole ss with nin and a half to with te t two gusy really not even scoring >> mark: i like it. film' andy kenne, i feel gd rightnow. though we haen played ry ll, i thinke are in good she. the fact that wren and whit have mined for opoint and are sittg ere twi a minute gbeause dyath nine hey are going to ste upa make some bigshots down the stretch. he feels good about where he is right now. >> warre gets them both.
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ris warren bring is back for 'ole miss. >> mark: lsu changes again now back to e ma 'ole miss is gog to gor ght to the rbb enetration >> arter: gkinsstripped. runout, specer, one on wo. nifies nyway aound ponice. >>ark: nice finish by bo spencer. >> rter polynice takes it ght mitchell. buckner codn'tulhndle t. turnor, 'vee miss. >> mark: lsu has got more baskets t bak toay than hey have gotten in the last them.n rae more offense for nice , two anhded steal.hid. bo spenrce having a game tody. >> caer: drt the offiial box, fur fast breako pints for zero for 'olemiss. spcer.en it mark: wheres iwh? where is wrren?
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these guys ot tosep up and sce! >> carter: there is chris warren rsmadet ucket o th egame sec now has his first made the d goa fou for points i t game. th giss cptier,hr c rre he know he a't gotten a lt done offensively today. >> carter: nearly stripped. ju ball. lsu keeps it. >> mark: chri wsren knows t ne
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go.5:07 to 'ole ms hathe leadrght
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now with :57 to go in ban rougbut it i not ne yet. the eico play of te game showus that thu tigers can get out in transition and is finishing off th dunk fr theomirst half off look fro bo spencer.
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>> mar thee are those -- with t and the chinup on the rim! >> that was right after he said he w going to hi he weightroom begins with the chni. >> mark: bo pnce hash a ceni gmae. smin mithe's first hot of moe secod half came just ents ago. sminitche llas toa aggressive for lsu. >> carter: 5:07 to go, 'ole mi up by five. steal ofthe inbund wig puss. dus it. rrismsses th dunk. 'o misste yanks itwn for >> mar boya missed opportunity for lsu. >> carter: warren fouled on the other end. lee rreccoyself it a dotson who missed the dunk for m k: the game of basketal lu hasn 'ole miss is goingt other ct
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y ad now they are up five on thfoul line with va ygood fo shooter at theline. >>arte c noexcuses for rolled his ankle on wedneay. was execting to nt even play day so aybe nm exactl tyhe ft that e is accusmtoed to. >> mark:arr again stepping up with his offensiverowe to knock do smwne sots. 'ole miss al needs someplay from terrco white he isnot in the game ght ands needs to stay aggressive and aain, tasmin mihell iyour guy. shot one shot ts af. off the ps >> mark: 'ole mis is dwn to zo. >> rtercamitcll ahehe hgh post. lsu cat geit to him again.
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fensed by te leiss buckner bdyng withtchell inthe mdle of the zone. ni to shoot . mihelltc still hasn't ouched it. bass to ludwig wn e baseline instead of tain mchell takg t shot it is diee luig. invoed.smin mitchell k lsue r.ckne runout screen from warrenlips i osses over and findsram. who walks. lsu kept tight with 'ole missu withur mnies to ca teh tigers pull o the upt? g8g8g8g8g8g8g8g8g8g8g8g8g88
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>>cart : it i nos quite hottie totietime for the they have a 6-potin lead. carter blackburnwh mkr ttfrd. buts ill 3:58 to gofr a t 50hoi seeking to go above 0 lsu has not won an sec game. arut nowwith 3:58 go, m you ve chrisrren startin to score fo ole mis. smin mitchelas nly one so clearl'ole ss is getting itstar score ollring while ls is hvingrouble finding theirs. >> mark: a 'olmiss change the defenses ha bothered lsu. carte mihell steps out ot.arkheshld makehat tasmin mitchell has shown that hecan make it. dn't knock it dowst
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bu that is a shot think tasmin mitchell nees totake. watch the dribe netration. to cntaine dribblerto be able we alk abtouctnning the dribble we are talking bt again eping yo cst in th pat oh the baket tllo the baet. turning the crer snekag but you. lsu has got tbe ablet guard that. >> carter:ff t inbound. waen catches. teardrop,on't o. he now has 11 oards.l. othe double duble for tasmin mtchell deite e fact he han'tade a eld goal in t second half. mitlatching in the middle. the secno half for tasmin elitchl. >> mark: got the basketball in the mile oddthe floor, righ on thes elg insie e ddle. that is where you an to find
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ways to g the betball. cartterro white still he takes it to the baseline adn brings it back out. >> mark: nice patienc for 'ole miss. >> carr: 1tetoshoot. mark: polynice rcenize. the mismatch. chris beattitookt rit to him theinaint. ponice hasot ge strength to go inside. >>arter: kinsley nearly tur it over buttrrico whe couldn't hang n break for u, dwo six, they get to kep it mar>> lsu scucess against the zone when they went insid ey found tasm mitelln the hear ft the zone defen. >> carter: enceloses it. chri warren bringsit back. tasmin mitchell ith anice the mid coturto slow
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the break. >> mk: can't leave your feet. e oensive plerwith the sketball with no wheret go bo spenr gotin a bi of >> carter: before the shot,an le iss timeout. it is a ll timeout. >> mark: an kndy has got time right now and that is what youree tlling your te, we the all, we have4 2secondsot left in this arpticular possession. wen't need t be in a ry but we got to get sts.op >> carter: now,s a coach you e talking about howandy kennedy approaches this and i mean you want to treatery me hetame but is the is nuteto go in ti game when itwasd and it was close you sa ys, it is okay, are on the rad, e haven't gotten mch o of awrren and white. >> mark: if you are andy nneatdy that point in the game where warn han
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st players are gonigstephis upnd play. >> carter: tre johon on the himself dornicks do six, dfdi a underneath o of bundos lay. of all,don't let 'ole misscore on the ot ofbounds pl aaynd then anticitei the zone,how are weingo stay to get asmin mitchell's shot insi . heants wto see gre batl movement and ma ovement and peatiotragainstthe one.z ginvihi team a chce t attack 'oliss' zone eense. >> carr: wteren had onyn point in the first 30 minutes of the gam but has 8 since on three made hotshle tasmin mihell despite a slow second half another double doblu the 24th of hi career. haoy one made ht iothe send halfad yetlsu ly down by si, dfnghe inbound. spencer righthere with warren
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on tcatch bu ten beats him off the dribble, finishes. 8-point lead for miss. >> mark: the drible peatitr. 'ole miss quick offt drble. >cartr: lgest lead of the ballgame for 'ole mi cs withnwo to o warren pokes itaway. rs keep i. >>ark: if you are a good basketball teayouave to be able to win in different today 'ole miss has not had the averagg 81 aame but they have an 8inpo lead ndt he ball. 1:30 to go quicess chris wear to get aond spencer. aie alked about keeng that offensive playern frotn you. not allowing h to turn the carter: lsu has not wonn batonrogeince s 2003. ltht their last si game re att ete maravich assely nceer.
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andy ennedy has not beaten lsu anywhere bt ofor d.they are now jutover a minute away from the stfi win in nd sendinglsu toan - stt. they were0 a cuple ofye ars jo bra about's fnaason at l. nody expect or wanted 0-5 in thesec for team that won the league lastyear but thre will do it again.before and >> carter: i don't know owo do it and sell my prgro other than syinwedo, oc by bloc day by day. dy ke hs isoing right now. h time in nine games.r the
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winless in he sec. bodynos hapy bout that. >> deep three fm spencer. >> gotto t it in. handle the presse. nowwe want t oake sure that we get ful. >> polyniceoing to the ine. >> mark: always want your best foul shooers late in the ge theses tuations. a 6-point ead. you want the ball in the hnds ofyour best foul shooters knowing you are gonto get fouled. c>>te he s 77%. so'ole misshopg to ose outhewiayt on the road th will oen the rad again midek at ubu before a home day with arkansas. >> mark: oil miss again the ilitto win on the road if they want to have chace to n t weste division chamonship atuburn.
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arkans comi in nd then a tougone at ruff pp arena. andhe back on the road at u> carte mear:nwhile, for ls the upcomingscedule is not gointo easy. lsu has backo-back home games. burn and now it is theonroad for the next two with alabama and i tissi backed up by tennesse, kentucky nd another road game. >> a daunting task for trent john n to go on the road for two and then have two top ten nationally raed teams comg into this building back to back. so, again, for lu right now you want this team to continue to mpve. don't look past today. don't look down thatshedu for five re let' all of us talk about it but for yotea m you want those gu toys ocentrate on what we didwell today, what we didn't dowell and then what we
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areoing bter etat practice tomrrow. that i al they can contol rhtow. i thinktrenjot nson knws t it is a day by day pocess. >> coming up next, arkansasat keuckyn the sec network. eck yr local itings. and a kentucky winver o arkansas would likely put, kentky, to the number one spot in the poll n number uld be te first nuber one spot snc2003. ldcats ffo to their tird beststar e two better starts rfom ars that they wo theams the 1938 and 1966.hip lo totsxa weste is coltat fielhouse. m the only thingpple remember s how younish, not how you start john calipari undrsndsthat. >> carter: although h ss goingundefeated wl't be
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too bad. no jim caldwell philosophy about pullngthe starers and taing the lossdk eeping e ers for the post season. mar>> we take aut the john calipar.ce wins for i believe it's at 56. >> carter: , i thik. mar>> 5 >> carter: goes back to memph and conference usa. snaps the mepis streabuk the jo capari coached conference omcetition ark:n a i league where coaches scouty, they know yo th try to take wy your strengths. better than y nonconfereenc opponents, calipari. streak by n penetrationthree. december mi wil havae hance t rbbl out a dule digitoa
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winalthugh su omted ight down to the lastoupl of minutes. another frustrating loss for lsu. wednesday it was by four poin to abc. day wlli be- to auburn. todait will be doubledi gits e rebe survive a road test wil win for t 15th time this yea. mar ain,agnice win fo 'ole iss for andy kennedy. agai keeping his t in the hunt l championship. nninon the road. winning lsu.ogrgiaa now kind of gets bc that loss to miipitat at hom so, 'ole miss wth an cein day in bon roge. '03 her in baton rouge. a ssisippi state loand 'ole ms isin. perft day forels fans. coming up next, akans ar r ark gottfried ahe entire crew i'm caret
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kburn. nghe 197hhr dwood meeti between therebels and tigers goes to 'e iss. now, wseny ou to whit and the se studs. conecutsve s. trying to mait we wi ke you to the al seconds, andy action th a tepoinn- aled, trying to make >> a andhen commodores as meiodntext saturday at kentucky to take on te wildcats. know, you would expect kentucky is such a thing asa trapame is ging to south carolina becauseho tugh know that vanderlt wl be comingo their place and at that point, dave, more thaln ikely they will be the number e team in the nation.
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>> tennessee and kentuy a leading the pack ight ow. they a tve capabityil to take firstplac an epecially if they can get the wins off the road games in the upcm week. >> and don'tfgt the florida gators. they picked up a big win >> and the vanderbilt mmores score it up for the first timeince '65, '66.
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i'm dave baker. ming up xnet,the rarbcks take the kentucky wildcat the peng has be an exclsiue presentation of espn regionial televion, the worldwide learnc legiate sports. booker in the sec netwky studio. >> patrick patterson and uc hat game nextn ohect. twora ktucky numbertwo in the cuny,tr probably wi be number one if they can beat arkansas today o thesc twk.or whit waonts bary boeokr we await that game. a big wi fo vaderbilt. a ninegame winning streak. moreimporttly, a 23-10 un vandy was down at home on ther home foor and now a contender really id play well aion. didn't have mh energy in the first halfut gott hings played a great defensive second hf.
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shut auburnown. they areso ston an versatile offensively. cond half d.pints in the >> 'oleiss m trying to epke pace with missiippitate in the west dision mississii ste at albaa. th brock's three gabama es 3-0ead in this contt. in ht second l up by tee off the miss. e turr the to clean hngs mississippi statandlabama a one-point game. now,the-point ge. alabama bury stuart turns it over, winsit. rstonfenc loss for the bulldog asnd alabama stops a three-game losing strea huh aboutjarvisvr nado,fur more bloks, second all time ncaa history. oe,94 for varnado.
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>> mong past big nes in coege basketball. having a great career. >>tillo come, we have the ken cky matchup at the opf the hour and 5 highligh here fr thome studioincludi number 25 ohio state taing on 12 rnd westirginia. stay with us >> ohio state and west
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virginia. 6-point game with e bueyes in the lead whendarr b ryant yst in. a 10-0 west virnia run. now, down by four. sendcohalf, ohio state u by one. william bufora trpi 47-43, ohiostate. st vginia down three. ties the gameat 2. st werginia uer ainutto goow with a four-point lead as butl who ha dve in the game. ha now has 21 for the roeitn clarke he most prolific thre point shooter n the southeastern conferenc trying
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to shoot to win fortcky that gameistrai t ahe.
3:58 pm
bk inside the sec network arkansas tking on secnd rank, kentuc, at the op tof theour. wildcats offt n 18-0 start unrew head coh john kanspari. he lo 14 straight on theoad the southeastern e book on ktuckhasenbee n yo can outshoo tm rom ree you might have chance gainst those athltes. whatdo you think? >rotnei clarke i the guy can come in and do tha damage arkansas.hree-point shooter for th giv the rarbacks a do t think they can handle the size and strngth that kentuckyhas round thbaske >> tath game cm up at the top of thehour askentky prs go to 1-0 and ly all by u themselves a spot as thenumber one team. one big reason why the trhee supe freshmen, incudin john wall, penti player of e
3:59 pm
year cdidate, that game is sec network


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