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tv   Book TV  CSPAN  January 23, 2010 4:00pm-4:55pm EST

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s from the perimeter. they ewe 4 against a n that 5 n that oeex. noma er. ontt possessio no matte >> eri milc:rpayed o he der1unnational team. was agoodhotbl ocker on that tm. averedabout 6 a gae. got the gold meda and the fans here arte him a swell. >> eric: so a substitution demarcus cousins leads. he is replaced by another freshman, daniel ort into the game. true freshmanfro oklahoma city. bob: cousins got h in ite mouth eric on the last paly. i don't know ifhe is bleeding but they are attending t him on the sideli. orton s agood shot block also. ha somes very good skl cousins oks le heik is oky. orton has 27 bloc kson the season and only plays but 14 minutes a gam. e at is pretty od stuf. >> eric: arkansas yingtro ge t theonheboard.
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alread downby te. fortson getsin th aint. >> b: go defse. white sirts evyere in the pnt nthis penetration. >> eric: ba rilled way. th is wall. and all gets it ab and will wait for -- >>bob: zone defense on the part of arkansas. ntuc is not a gret outside shoting am. >> ic: loose ball run dow b bledsoe. edsoth only member ofthe starting unit or kentucky that has not cored. miller and an overthe bk. daniel orton is going to be ca llfort he personal foul > bob: each of these teams come in here a little differently. keuckyhad a weekof f to prtice. ac thursday night, arksas lost loto at home invery hly contesd ga is you can
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unrstand why kentucky is pressun ey are ging to get arkansas avyegs them this one is over. >> e c: clarke cughtoff h screen. gets i inside, shinon for the a cket coubunts an odnefo kemi, shington! >> bob: good icpk andro l here. ar ets a lot ofattention and patterson very very good position as he comes over qukly. unortutely he does not get the call onthisoe. washingto fnirst em al sec. and led eonference n reundibo lt yer no doing as well ts yea though. eri pree onurhe back courand they are going toget a fol call on marcusbritt, rech i. first foul on marcus bt. junior from adison arkansas.
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>> b: foson is fooling around a little iwithb wall, plang the man and finds e screen easy -- finds the seam easi againstthezon there. >> eric: fortson gets inide. overto britt itt ets it back. good offensive start for arkansas. >> bob: stro guy takg the shsrght no. rotneicl ke s got one loko so far inthe gmea. bdsoe is ding a goo ob on him. er: clke now working ainst darius miller. gets thescreen frm washington.
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fortso has. has t locked by orton. pel gets it back. has it bocked by orn number 28 d number 29 for the freshn! >> bob: patrolling the paint, danil! he is happy aout that,huh eric? righ here great frake s. gets a piece of this on thway up a hens econdyar jmpng. ge his hands on it. excellent effort by orto. what a apon for johnalpari to have a gu ylke daniel rton afreshman come off thebenc when y need him d spell demarcus cosin >> bob: big te. >> ec: llerri miss is wild. ead the back this is clarke. hn wl is down hard cls o that kentucky ben. >> bob: you know you alk about kentuy,ck eric andth
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are very very ggressiveand sdete their supstar sas th htle! toy's c network game is brou t to you by:
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rupp arena, it s pely the coach. he tol them toang ough rvive andeep e atackitng ntaly onffense. e if they can dtt rc. >> eric: not a great start ar nsas agaita kentucky team that came out edy to ay. >> ob: theris jack pelphrey. that isjohn fell ephrey this dad looking on. notice he not wearing a stitch of blew awhernyon the teyire. >bob:he allegiance is blood inst d of school ere. john pelphrey did coach one game here at rupp ra and they lost ina tight game against a iy gillespie coached kentucky sqad >> eri ahe of the bca.
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pa erson can't come up with the pass from ll. there is a wo list of names that are lums of ukn have come back here and coached rupp arena and not had muh uccess ainsthe ildcats. >> bob: we had a formeroach re is yr who idnt have success aainsthe wildcats re. coach peto. >>ric: h h name isup in wild shot mal farmer s chked hato the game. here com9jemal farmer has checked into e ga. here comes kentucky. dendreauiggins w into the ga. he has the ball n the ourt. and liggin gets hisfrst sh. ot the sophomore from chicago. eythust come at you in waves. >> bob: and startsat the dense end. they don't full court pressure here on evrey made basket. marshawn powell, aung
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player rew the ball and i hit the line. that ishyhe turnov happen. kentucky has great speed eri and they e iat the dense end. they are so intense and sometimes they ae going o make miss at the dfnsive end but that is okay bceause thecmpeoating fatois speed a he defensiveed. ri>> eric bledsoes ps i.n ts the mper. hi first points. ev y memb ofhe stin unit for entucks already scor and arkansas hasst three intspo as a etm. >> bob: tough place to play after only a day's restcoing inher >> eric: looking rnei clar e. he got it in the crnoer. he was out of bunds when ceived the pass. >> bob: eric, the defense im t alking about at the -there is a press. th when enhe ball gts through e press theirinterior
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fens shot blocking aggressive fouys on th e boards. theyreally make it difficul t to get ankind of shot off. you can see thatis atypical possession wihtkentucky's dense nngin don he os ll. >> eric: stef welsh s chked into the gme f the first time for arkansas. ears number 1 in red. patterson along theb seine. can't hit te fortson. pullup. he'sn sorbooke b>>look at this ack. >> eric: csinsouughtbout it. has ttempted a coupl of threes. >> bob: early in t sean he would have shot thatbut he has be coached to not dothose things. this is where he operates. >>ric: e bit moanageable. an e iswrded with the foul call. he will goto theee-thw line. >>bob: courtn eyrtson gets people to back up on him. he i ast,
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even whe you are guarding i outh so h can getoubcked up an ock u in threes in tarsition. they are nto ettanythg once it isf ive on fiv in he half cour. >> eric: first free-throw is go fordmarcus cousins. bad ew right now fo rkasas. mil,chhington whised fothelast foul, that is his second. and he is going to have to leavthegame. len bryant ontthe gae a well as amshawn powell. soi is a new frontlin f the razorbks > b:akes m them a little thner. bryant only a freshman,cn oot tsidbut he is notte layewashiton is. wagt h trouble in the flaid game. fouled out andonlyplay 1 nutes. >> eric: foron ltsses it gets itba ck. this time ha t ripped away. loos on the floor. ligginh it and call
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tiout! >>ob: >> ke: ou think the kentuck y fans in the bluegrassate likelue bollar wor? i think theyd! wow! everody th floor on that one! prre collapse in tlane dive ef! atthy lve it hee. great huslte by kntucky. >> eric: coach, tha ts liggins who t thehalf cot liur when the ball was freerom f forton and en goes down tthe abelinae dives on hebaselin. b: yothk he wants more mines?ut i tink s! yore ight. there he is on the fo. get p,deaudrn. get back in the game. he waalsos ht guy slppaed itaway! >> eri so ntucky basketll
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it is nowfr tunrs,. >> bob: ford. >> eri andc:ledsoe showin off his peedetsn he open floor andas it knocked away. they are going to say it last touched it so is o of bounds to akansas. >> bob: i like john pelphrey's reaction ee. press the tea mat is proking you. the defense as been so good that roti nerke who had 5 game thisyear has had like zeroopotunities and he is on the ech. >>ric:owell. draws the fou n cousins. and cousins now in p m
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11:49 maing first hlfa john pelphrey looking for answers.
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fdy? t it imater, re i d n not tionamag ff ynt ad [gr you ever think about buying a bigger place? just waiting for a v fr creiry.
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and it's free. go to >> eric: enjoying the start of reis sec contest. wildcats on top of th razorbasck 19-7 watchg is from the silinefor the oent, mi washington. heas t h personalosf >> bob: laseyar big numbers, played a lot o numbs. fewer minutes this yr aub of the ful troubl led e conference in rebounding. wa down in those numbers. as a reslt its a strugle for thm btha t bot nds ght here because he is th anchor in th md defensivelynd the b interor post player on se as lle ly ve-mile-per-hours in the game so far two fouls >> eric: at least hesmakig mslfseful. has the clipboard. >> bob: i think pelphrey would efer him on the floor raher than as a asistant coach,
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huh? >> e eric bledsoe has it ripped away but done so illegally. they ll call a foul on se welsh. intohe game for t hefirst time for kentucky birthday oybnumber 21, perry stevens on the w not one u two signs regnizin perrystevenson's birtay i the crowd. >> b : th love their players, don't the >>igh arcing shot for te freshman. >> bob: best game against the gators in gainsvil. had 25 on sho liketha high degee rof fdicult yos. he isa hysic specimen for a fresan. >> israeli' call it on the -- i'll call it ontebthda boy about perytevensonis firs and roei crke trigrs tge
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inbounds. agn, is festive where everhe goes. llfe shot on ehjumper. quk triger. gets the roll! threeointer for dotson. and now bodi movg again and it is ing to go against deaure lggins. >> bob: a litt extra cuicul ativities . the officials jped right in therto make sur nohing gte mo tn it uld be. >> eric: here comes ke whingn. he has t twperhenal fo. does he o anything different? >>ob: you really shouldn' put auy back in but pephr is o fa brehind in the ame he need a gu who as som
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ex rien.ce th is a difficult ositp for a coach an yodu can be in thisa sometime during your caeer, almost everyone siand what do do when you fall so fa behind. the etionof a place like this and your top interrioguy get fou troluble. he has put im back ithe gam if g het the it will reall dificult. >> a whier anything in his ea whegoaceson the floor, how no o -- >> bobdon plan on defense. play wit yur team. don't apon fense, play with your team. >>ts f misss apair. deaune liggins o o the nchbeor kentuy. he pcid up h seco pe onal foul. john wall tddson. reboundftsn 86 he is alys lking to run. >> b: hei. >> eric: bcked aybya ton. hithir
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perry svensc lebrating birthday numb 22 erwith a. >> bob: d to end basketllba speedy fortson ake i but orton rejects an when, kentky gets going in hte break, ouch out babythey can -- watch otba they can nish! u wonder why people y money for ticketsto t place? [ lghteau ] >> e ric: lead is 19 for the kentucky wilats. ra what s gi on? >> we talked opstevenson aboulastt ear as cmared to thiseayer terda and ye said it ee like last year was a long time go. as for the resfhmen that ha no eye dfit with last year's ntuy struggles pery jokes i vehalenty of sries t sharewith
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thm if thy want to hear th.em >> b: i don't hink they want to hear them,do yo? >> e ic: la yeaon the e that stgled nder gillespi stevenson avredag minutes a game. thisr geeaing a fractionof th coming off jh clapari's benc >bob:> ecau of sel the new freshmana mor talent play s. the nit s ad saer peoe that watch atrpp arena. >>ric: rotnei clarkeets gs first two. bobtheone has not doe an hing tlow own kentucky. this is the first psesoson of the game whe hey have won the block a all. two-ree nes theotically should be good beau theyare outside shootingt am. not s boecause th can netrate. >> dodsonmisses everything a buof ir balls so far in the ir half. >> bob: that is hy zone should good, ght.
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>ri foron gets his man to fly and rws the foul! >> bob: eric, rotnei clarke s doneothi so far in the me. a back scre and igle sc een and needs to get t shot off. i ll you what he i as three-point shooter d than are orng him to do ings that he i snot comfortable with. he hoot 49 frodownwn and he has got noe look from r -poiee range so far in this gam >> eric: that last foulasno perry steenso his send. he will got the bechn. ntucy's foul situation a little diferent. no reason to panic when stevsonenpi uckp two personals. >>ob: inde. >> eric: kentuckthe cond ranked team in the couny against arkansas. th bbyo i'm rie acrter. ca caprana also on ha win today and ketuck will
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doubuntedly be the number one team in the coury starting e freshmen beliable. >> ric: look at the big feow demarcus cousins! >> bob: washington coldt risk te foul. >> can'ttit back. ntuc basketball. wall he wil goto the free-row line and shoo apir >> bob: washinon cnot stay with cousins,fearful of fouling butcousins makes a great move, spinngo wa ington's body. pheost, erc,on defe ns when you are in a situation ke that you don'twnt ur body on the offensive guy. you watn tobc off step he can't makethat ind of move.
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fantastic size, 611", 260 bt he is oe onf younger players that kno wat to do with *6 1'1" 260. ob: >>d that is unusual. when first came to kentuckyll a he wanted to do w face the basket nd shoot jump hots. now, he is operating where edsto in the paintnd very, ryve effcve. > er>: clarke's got theal. swinit around and ge itin side. bledsoe g otat one. it willsaywth arkansas. >> b: nopace orf the three-point shoot. er watch him move thitt . the man whosetsthe screen. >> ob: his guy comes up and allengesch great scouting ont part of ndition. i belie roei crkeis going t ce that kind of dense feee tire yare in e sec. six blocks for the ildcats. >> eric: courtney forts.
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pulljmper. 7 points now for fortson. at lads the rzorbacks. >> bob: got more th half right? >> eric: unfortunately, the zorbks don't hvamore than half of theoints in the gam e. theyre trailing b 17. sc eth goa sketinterfere lens. othetwo pots f cousi. he's got eight norllywen you get double teamedhe w aits heis patient ca esh nows ht geography f theane rfnd a ndat is unusual for a guyas young as he. >> eric:hey cedbryant for ickingis h hands hrough the cylinder. >> bob: can't do that. maybe at sint lwrence or intramural leagubt notheed. >> eric:owey wthl wait for dearcus cousins to ce
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and join hm on offense. paers behindt heefense. bob: this is a team hat look like they rested the last x days. b: you're g abori that! >> eric:atck patterson. sotimes you forgt about him! but boy heca nay a ittle!
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>> eric: now, there has -- therhasbeen awhole hec a lot to cheer about here in lexington, connection. let's take a look now at the havoline rad to nshaville, te of he 2010 sec men's skllba tournament sec scores toy how mu of a sruse is that to you, alabama kocking off mississippi stat e?>> bob: that is sua prise to me. and i' hmappy to sela aama beuse nony ganrthere
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cochesa guy i knowvery ell. w wi do a goodob here. vandy beat auburn and came frm o behind to do i. ilogtherpowe lyer in then cference and 'ole mss very g team rankeree playe inoble figures in thato. lsu stuglg a little it 'ole miss now at 32. >> bob: eala lsu won the coerence,egular season. eric: comes up lia ttle bit shor cousins snatches therebound. 7rbounds alreadyfo demcu coinusto go with 8 oints. look at the ig fellow. he can hitt hat shot. he has made oneut o of fiveo r ths year but looks lie it has tac ance. >> bob: i'm surised h is not ouof the ame already. >> eric: bledsoe. fing roll os up short.
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and arkansas tryg tinget methng going offensively. powell has it blcked. that isow sevenbo cks! >> bob: and -- and tings just not ing the wy of the razorbacks . >> bob: intimidation on that one that he missed. he was looking fo somebody that might bcming. eric: h. by,oe knows where the ballis doesn't he that shot w short and he go to it, realized i repetitive juing. i tel yu you go to start talking about scos a e of the t bigs ifuythe couny. greg nmoo ofe gegeorown, and peopllikee hat i telou what, he is really, really impressive. >> eric: two roundebaway from a first lf double odble. >> bob: he ithe best player against auurn last week as well. >> eric: thitime powe able to getit to fal. fa ing down at half cou
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ramon harris. twisted anke? he bac on his feet. he's got the basketball. bledsoe from dep. and afolu called ont freshman cons. >> ob: wellthey are oing t cheer th lyers here in the bluegrass state. tterson blocking it at one end andenn the other end beingn the right place atte right time emarcus cosins at the oppite n. a heck of p ar of fu and fiveen ri tere. >> cousins continuetoe plague the by fou trouble just picked up s end. wouldn't be surpred ifhe sits forth rto this first ha. bonus situation1-1 for mike washington. hits e first. let's go to cara. >> john wall just chcke back intohe tme. he has a right knee ctusion
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is toughing thour it. demarcus cusins lost part of his tw o fro teeth early in wn. at was the injury, guys. he wil get to the denstti after te ballgame. >> eric: wow! re ty hemsingisto begin wih? partially loose or? >> bob: he got hi at ginng of the game ad came back andook a chargeadgt hit agai his nowmanstepped in his ace. a tough day as fars anjuries but heure is lapyngi well. >>r: keucky eads by a nch. and now even more. they are up by 21. side dariusm ler he's nogot ve points. rkans played close to 15 mites and they had jt one assi haven had'ta lot of field als to assisot n but just no
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assist. bobthey have gotten the ball to the paintency of times but the sothave been blked. 7 bloks in the paint. that is 14 points f they were layins. got to creditentuky defens theyre everywhere. you can get in agamel ke this and seems like there is 6r 7 gu ouhere playingdfense. uak tthe ball toth basket, soe ist ere. you dribble penetrate and there ishe y fr the the are the reeets challeng.ed thier a loose ball and you think you will get a lay-up and it ges lcked. theary ustling everywher and their lenh is really evident in thisgame. >> eric: mike shinon plyed a large rt in thisfirst half foul trouble. two personal uls. ill st the game. >> bob: he is -yoking him n and ut now. letting hilaa little bit. tryi toget inon the offensive end and takeim out at the defensivendiyou
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n. e onhing is verapparent in the game besides the atlent of the guys in the whie.t if yotek rotneclar out of t me if you are plying arkansas, they are going really st le at the eiv end. >>eric: ok alot that! john wall flies in and when your op guard is getting p-ins you know you got a good team. >> bob: 'she6'4". >> lef jmper. ball hits the sh clock. it's kentuy basketball. >> bobtrantion baby. take the ball to the basket play der ntrol andcsh. that an eyne >> eric:oul lle f on on ll, his first, infr th bound, ihinkyo uuld have cleanp ht last pass . inco. eric: ion'think i have th vereticalthat he has.
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>>obyou could dunk iour y. >> eri a lc:g tie go. bstitution right now for arkansas. john pelphre looking or nya on he goes to forer schoarsh golf anwalkon, stephen c x now toh te gm he wear number 25. noth 1-1itu sionfor shington. hitste irst. >> bb: limed mitutes for this guy. had ig game.s 14 ointa ain texas. >> eric: hers e'ox. cox is probly the only psoner in the budii we father kicked a61-yarfield goal 86 his therlayed profssiollwithhe cleveland browns and washington d skins. everything but on orton, yes! and he's fouled! daniel ort freshm mres. man bryan schroeder
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oklahoma city showing some -- eshman fromoklahoma ty showing somesi lls, ball movement . a shofrom that crr going to is on this side. heis inhe right place. he has gat sizeto. 6'11". abt 2. >> gng for the rebound, a fo called. an tht ason marshawn powell. if i i it i ss third. i hinkt sombody eps in the la too quickly there sohey are giving him another shot. >> eric: a quick time o the floorfr stephe cox. he is reaced bystef welsh. largest leadof the day ntucke on top by 26.
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mi wasngt and he will goo t fre-tow line. >> bob: th is e mike washington, tha ec fans rea familiarwith powerfully taing kthe ball to theasket. ven't en alot of atthin this game. keverydy aobe the f thw roline excepthim so as a result he will briga lphe on blocs. like, washinon, gtt an easy e. >> second foul on orto. hargrowhrrals checks in or the first tme. harrellson abig fellow. 6'10". harr lson triple teamd. e has it ripped away. or on has the basketbl. ssed up an in washington he hasom alive in thela cople minu. >> bob:t le at hes i in the ga nw, ght? i mean plangith t fouls isdaerous but its getting doright now.
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i tnk that is his third. eric: it isn washington. is nuer three. they will sa itys. so troble continues fr
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we're watcngk b the e.c.etwork stuo, cing up at halftime, we recap the first half bweenetentucky anarkaas. vandy with auge clak at cebomack at home and texasn action. it's a comack for now. ba to eric collins and b wenzel. >>ric:e're i kentucky where it's allhe ktu tcky wildcats. so conrn after six consecutive days off that out at. >> b : that hasn't been the ca. ey a rted d thes're raring to go in this one. part of it ishe heavy legs th arksas is experiencing playing thursday night against the university of flora iid a tough ss too. the talen isovwhelming and
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e spin wch they play is s ethingo behold. defeive tensity in the int remkable for the team. blocking t sho and challenging everything. would-be lay-ups are blocked shotand y-upt the other end. >> eric: with that fr-thr patrick pattson ers moved in to 2 ph all time oring. at kentucky. he picks up the loose m. >> b: he been remarkably consistent patterson, in the course of his career everyear. 16-8 as a freshman. 17-8 last year. 16-8 this ar. >> ec: hs on paceo t graduate in spring. raduation tyears. congratulatis toat pattson. >> bobgood stu there. >> er: stevensoban cke
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game. birtay boy has two fouls. yingo get somethi going against paerson. the basketball. bledsoe! knocked out bofunds. lastouched byarnsas. >> bob: wall does something enrtaingvery single game, but doeeverything fundamtallsound. so when he does somethin intesting you have to love it. watch the split pass here. he barely picks it up. ft anded. >> eric: paterson hast blockefrombehi. it's on powell that isis ird. it's on marshawwell. >> bob: wnoou have the two be interr pyersit wh three uls.
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powell is a freshman playing r the first ti inme rupp arena with 22,000 peopl scaminat him. peoplee cin waves. ugh for te.on >> eric: powl cael in the game in three s.e.c. dprns games shoing 64%, 19oints per game so far in the first 1 minutes he picked up three fouls and he's 1-rom the fiel >> bob: ah. o o the three games we at ho. more comfoablerter playing e.c gam on the roads noformula for succs for freshman. >> eric: theeowy by bledsoe has it. bled eets it. b upper body strethng. >> eric: kentuckyins
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e ce to 50. a quick time-outalled by john pelphrey yingtro stem e tide. pelpey has tremendous history in the building. he ang with feldhouse, richie farmer sea woods will forever be knowns the fourunettables! four seniorslayi for rick pitino finishing up their career in 1992 bringing kentuc bac fro probatio theyere st a real fanttic el-good story their me he.ti >> bob: yh. ose guys it's bod in kentuck so they stayed trute o the program. en thingsere w going bad, th didn't transfer or leave.
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he will be remembered forever. he got ganigtic ovati wn he was introduced to the >> ec: jhnsonisses and kentucky cleared. e dsoe just f past courtney fortsonho i picking his mouth ard! now arkansa will tryo t get something positive going. get som offense. inside. fortson ts tlay-up. >> bob: i tell you, that is a tough, tough lay-up. two point a he wasll over the floor. he c domatehe offense. put the ball on theloor and dribbling 15 times. > eric: the ballok away af r the steal. fortn got aiag hi wantsorun. 11oints for the sophomore. littl bst actityiv for zorbacks.
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>>ob: urtney fortson missed the first 14 games of the ar. as a result, thetruge was therfor kansas duringhat ti. since he as beenh back, they're playing better. it'sitf o an aberratio pling throh ugkentucky. but the contribion through e team ball handle assisting, take th balto e baet. na of e the unlfanisnot getting much help inhis one. >> eric: john caliparino kws whaty hahe in court ar nsas record is 8- onhe year and t aon who wanted to listenesteay if coeyortsur played the entire year 's 14eam i yvitelle. >>ob: actl he changes the entire gameor is team. the rest of the tm has five.


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