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tv   Book TV  CSPAN  February 13, 2010 1:00pm-2:00pm EST

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welcome to washington lost live weekend. ahead we look back at the best moments of the past several months and reaction to the hire of the newest redskins coach. we have break down the after math of gilbert arena's suspension from the nba. and closer matt cass. that and more on washington post live weekend
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redskins fan nation. doc, first impressions of what you saw today, what you heard what stood out to you? >> that's the changes that barry eluded to. the lombardi. i want to see the return of those, there is a growth period in that and understanding gives us the best chance to be confident and
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productive. >> what stood out to be. >> and the fact that dan snyder chose to sit away from it. he is trying to make everyone see he it as a new era and it was shown by allen and shanahan running the show and the fact he kept saying i wanted to find someone i could work with. to me it seems luke he hired allen,. >> he did. that was -- the reports buffalo looking at him, he was saying it is a package deal. if they can work together that's a great thing. redskins fans, you sit in there are you happier today? are you buying it? what are the feelings. >> i was concern. the track record of super bowl coaches coming in. i'm not trying to be ageist if they are older than 55 the record is not good. >> 20-hour days or what. i'm going by history.
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what made me happy today and these guys will think this is ridiculous we had six of the press conferences with the dan and the new coach. this is the first one to call the owner dan nod mr. snyder. i didn't like it when steve spurrier or the great joe gibbs standing up there and calling him in a deference mr. snyder. when he was not won anything or brought anything to the table. and mike shanahan said dan believes this. i like that. >> and make him one of the guys. the other thing is that, you know making a man who is a man one of the guys and not being on this plateau due to economics. this is football. everyone knows it is different numbers, we come from different backgrounds but we're all powers and in our strengths we're united. when everyone is together. george allen said it best, when george said 40 men together
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cannot lose. so but it was together, it was not some guy who is in hierarchy. they have to be together. dan has done a good job of separation. coach said i grow. >> dehaven't to separate. any owner can be as involved he put the money in. if you look at the record and o- 6 and being in dead last two years in a row, the fan base, things represented by the fan base, they have the message time to step up. take everything personal out of the equation and return to glory, he won the two super bowls but the after that a win they went to the game and it was a period game. a lot of fans and mike believes they were the better team. he was fired. he was a legend in denver and fired. he is a humbled man.
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do you think that changes his perspective or fires him up like a young assistant coach we're talking about? >> the thing i was impressed with. when al davis hired him and fired him when he go the back on his feet, he -- he punished the raiders. >> every time they played them. >> 90% of the time he went there. he has chip and an air about him being out of the game and you are right he wants to prove it. he knows that no one has come back and won a super bowl. i look at bill parcells when he was out he came back and went through things in his personal life. he put that -- he built the foot print for the success. that's interesting only 3 coaches have gone to super bowls. and no one has won two different. cobe the first to ever do that. >> he could be. >> i did an interview with a station in denver and the one
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thing they said, this is the one thing we need to be cautious about. we're happy that vanney is -- vinny is gone. and we have a guy who has a resume of two super bowls. we have to be careful, i was told the gm got to coach fired. he is a great coach no matter who he plugs in they're successful. but when it comes down to picking talent, he did not a good job. he asked bruce allen he is the salary cap guy. if he can challenge him. i have to say that these guys have not been successful individually k they bring it together and be super successful? >> it is going to be the person now acquisition part of this that will make it work. >> jimmy johnson was a great personnel evaluator, he went to miami a disaster. orreceive ert went to carolina.
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1 in 15 we never heard from him again. that's based on history. >> and tom flores didn't maic a playoff. >> joe gibs who won with the guys not named john elwayment he with went to two but they were not nearly what they were year after year. >> tough build the staff. he said over and over no one does it alone in football. hes that bailed staff to get them better. our learning curve for the players had retarded. there are others who exkelled -- excelled: they have to practice. >> true >> to get better. they have to watch film and do the things to be a champion. this kid here understands it, he played quarterback. several positions, he had to learn all the spots and be dominate on teams, he had to be in the all the meetings and watch the film. he did it and he still met me out in george town as much as
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everyone else. up next, gilbert is known for being a jokester but he is in a situation that is not a laughing matter this time. we'll break down that when washington post live returns.
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welcome back. you know that gilbert arenas is an odd character but he is not a thug. but his poor lack of judgment has led to him being pus sended by the nba. he is facing legal trouble now. a panel and you wrote a piece about the situation. your thoughts on that. chris miller covers the wizards here and was in philadelphia last night. a strange night for gilbert arenas and, joe.
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degenva destruct attorney in washington, dc. i'll start there before we get to the suspension. the legal matters that he is potentially facing here we know he had he a prior incident in 2003 in california. what is he looking at legally here? >> well, the maximum sentence for him right now would be a five-year felony under dc gun laws. they would have the opportunity if they chose to do so to file a misdemeanor, carrying a pistol without a license which would be the choice here. there is no question under no set of circumstances will he get away with no criminal charges. it will be a one-year or a five- year felony. that doesn't mean he will do that kind of time he could get probation because none of these are mandatory sentences but he will get a maximum fine. and be a guilty plea or go to trial, the fact they were unloaded and will that fathor in at all, does that matter? >> it would tactor into sentencing and maybe a bit in everything caking but the
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problem here is that it's the guns themselves. being brought into the district from another jurisdiction. it is not a gun it is four. under those circumstances, there is a no way that the u.s. attorney cannot charge him with a misdemeanor or felony. >> we're going to get to that. about last night which i believe really set the - for lack, triggered this decision to make the suspension. before tip-off he was follow fooling off he shooting off his hands. that did not go over well with the nba specifically david stern who has been sitting it out. the wizards are not happy about that. and the strange interview, chris, where i didn't do anything wrong. i have been around gilbert i know how he operatings. i was not surprised it didn't help his case. >> odd behavior. >> i want to go back to the motion. i'm on the sideline getting
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ready to do my report i see it the first thing i think is what is he doing? i mean it is like he is slapping the nba in the face when he makes a comment he does something like this after the game. i asked him what was that about, what were you thinking there. >> the young players wanten to lighten the mood let's do it. you know it is no joking matter. i think that we have the past couple of days said he is using laughter as a defense mechanism in terms of his real feelings, but it is to the point when you challenge the powerful man in professional sports in north america and calling him mean and, basically just throwing it in the league's fails every day and twitters and all the other stuff, it has got ton a point david stern had no choice. the problem was the gap. you have the statements he was so-called issuing through attorneys which were the reasoned apologetic speaking about his family. the gap between that and a twitter page where he is
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telling off color jokes which would offend everyone in your viewing audience or comparing him to john wayne then the gunshot. if you are david stern, it has to be with people demanding that you suspend him you do it or you suffer a tremendous loss of face. >> by the way, those twitters plus and the actions last night on the court, they were not only recognized by david stern,ky assure you the u.s. attorney has a copy of all of that. that will affect the charging decision. gilbert arenas, he is getting himself in deeper legal trouble by acting the way he is. it shows that a disregard for the rule of law. >> i wonder if this surprises chris, i want to raise this to be the working reporter, i listen to a lot of talk radio today. what was interesting how many people called in, they he are angry but a lot of people concerned about his mental health. you guys. >> they should be. >> you have been around him like a fear that he is sort of
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disassociating nims a scary reality like he has no sense of what he is dealing with. >> when i talked to him it is strictly basketball. we never get into the personal side of him but there are times i wonder, you know, does he realize the reality of this and how important this is, and clearly, he doesn't. but now, i mean there is no basketball. here is the one thing i'm worried about and i brought this up with the wizards player last night in passing, what happens when he doesn't have basketball in his life now for an indefinite period of time. we saw for the two years he didn't have it, i mean, he was searching in his life. so now you are taking it away not because he cannot play because of health but the decisions that he has made that is impacting his life. and spooking of his kids. i'm thinking of the three kids that are looking at their dad. there too young to understand his, his father is with him
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here. he flew here to be with him. he is at a difficult point. >> i wish he had done that two weeks ago. his father is a very stabilizing influence. if you meet with him you see why. he he is a big man, very smart man you know him, you talk to him you are calm. he needs some direction. we know we're not going to speak of it the rumors floating around, we know he is feeling pressure of not playing, he is not feeling as good as he want tons. we know the pressure test of the contract he signed. he is not mentally handling it right. >> this what is confusing, when he plays. last night he had 19 points, 14 assists. he is playing at a remarkably high level when he is on the floor this year. when you consider that he has been away from the game for two years. he is in the top 10 scoring in the nba. so when he is on the floor, when he is on the floor, he he
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is stable. when he is off he has a hard time focusing on reality. that's the problem i'm seeing. now that he is away i wonder whattens to him. >> we're going to find out. we'll follow this and get more of the legal ramifications. coming up... and ways some spend off time and the newest player.
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thanks for washington post live weekend. pitching wins championships in baseball s why he thinks that brighter days are ahead for the nats. talking a lot of football this time of year but matt caps is in the house. and signed christmas eve morning a one-year deal. the closer for the nats. let's ask you why the nats? a lot of interest in guys that you can pitch. the. >> the organization is coming off 200 loss seasons needs some
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pitching. what about this team? >> the moves they made so far. this off season the things they have done last year the last couple of years in developing the team. they are starting to turn the corner and things are looking good. it will be very exciting to be a national here. >> it is interesting that you had a career that is similar to a lot of closers. started your drafted as a starter, right, became on a reliever and now as your moved on you had some success. what is it about the mind ses i saw were you 66 of 78 save opportunities. and only one blown save. what is it about that that has fit you so well as your career has gone along. >> i think it is that i played so many other sports in high school and growing up. it is being a reand late inning reliever it is a football mentality. let's go. and nose to the grind stone.
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i think that's helped me in pitching late in the game. and there is a lot of persons that i brought over from being a starter. my first couple of years in the minors and the experience of -- of going deep into a ball game and it is different. there is a different feel and tempo and different intensity. and early in the game as opposed to the 8th and 9th. and i think that football penalty. that bulldog mentality has -- it has helped me. it's helped in the transition, you played football in high school. >> yes. >> ran cross country. >> believe it or not. >> that's interesting for a closer not a lot of those on the resumes. and when did you fall in love with this. >> it was always from the time i was a kid it was the love. >> nice, i enjoyed it more than anything. had a lot of fun playing football and playing
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basketball. and didn't enjoy cross country a lot. i got through it. >> did you lose a bet? >> no. my parents had a thing if you want to play in a sport you have to get a job. >> i didn't want to play fresh span football. it was get a job or find something to do. cross country was out there so i did it. >> now you have a good job. interesting team here with the nats. unique you are coming into. and it people love their teams even still the fans from the glory days. do you see difference. people have moved here like myself we're waiting for the team to give us a reason to get excited. shinny new park. and ryan zimmerman, guys like that what is unique about the makeup that make you believe you can build and have success. >> it is a new franchise, not new but relatively new. five, six years it has been here.
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and there is still you have to develop that group. nothing does that better than winning. people will come. what is exciting is the size of the city and those around dc. you lee what to he have done. you put a product on the field you win. it ill with be fun. a lot of people. >> people looking to get excited. and morgan, when the trade happened. injected something. he has nicknames. tony plu. it o. does very one for you. i was big guy you know the way it rolls off.
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it is different. >> the woo ec is over. you have one chance to check out the best. remind is next. time was, if you got into trouble out here, chris collins, volunteer firefighter, would be there to save your life. then one night, hit by a car at an accident scene, it was his turn to ride in the ambulance. after years of rehab, chris has learned to take care of himself. but money is so tight, he has trouble staying warm. he just can't afford heating oil. nice to meet you, chris. nice to meet you, and thanks for the oil. you look like you're a fighter, chris. well, i guess i have to be. chris is among the millions of americans who risk their lives each and every day to keep us safe -- our firefighters, our off emts and first responders -- men and women who sacrifice for others and sometimes need our help. chris: thanks, joe, and thanks itgo and
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i'm nnedfrizengy, ! ti. touc. touce baore ut, comelex,ef d ll t you be k me, he cnshi! talkm, c i to it'r ba doul ten t und. teamhree, tw
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goiex. soach. al good ing with back. if you like any of what you have seen in the past half hour check out washington post live for the best in sports talk. we're on monday through friday at 5 and 11:30 on comcast sportsnet. take a look back at the week that was on dnl rewind. >> and. [ laughter ] >> were new san diego yesterday at this time? >> i was, man, but is like i'm not in kansas any more that's for sure, we'll talk to him and go to ash burn. are you in in your car. >> i'm in a car. >> i know you from texas but
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come on. it's not that cold. >> i cannot stand the cold, man. i'll tell you it is cold as hell. >> do you see how cold it is out here. look at our breathe. it is cold out here. >> we cannot see you it's not that cold. >> whatever. [ laughter ] >> he is a little soft. >> it burned my rear end. >> anyone who thinks they are doing color on the game for fox said there are a few players away. it is completely fooling themselves. >> i want to go back to the motion they he did. i'm standing on the sideline doing my report, the first thing i think is what is he doing. bill bert arenas is getting himself in deeper legal trouble by acting the way he is because what it shows is that a disregard for the rule of law. >> thanks for joining us by the way, thanks for showing up. >> nice for to you show up. >> pulled over. >> 37 minutes late. they should not be talking on
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their cell phone. >> when you look at the team the people here treated like is the soccer team. youth soccer. they love everything. they wanted to give them twinkies and cool pops. >> it bothered you? >> no it killed me. >> it did. >> ice cream and... >> they were worried who was going to sleep at home. they are dead last place well, they he with ill sleep at home. shanahan will get them so we can get back into the race. >> there are some laws if i'm not mistaken in you cannot talk on a cell phone. [ laughter ] >> add firearms. >> , that's a great point. ♪[music] ♪
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today on the s.e.c. network, 24th ranked vanderbilt riding high after a decisive win over tennessee trying to avoid the upset. the tigers are in town. the tigers are in town. the tip off starts now! [captioning made possible by espn] welcome in to our s.e.c. network studios and s.e.c. network tip-off. whit watson alongside charles davis. happy to be here. you have no idea after the weather delays over the southeast. six conference games today. kentucky and tennessee tonight. more on that in a moment.
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the early game is lsu and vanderbilt. >> vapid and hvanderbilt is pla excellent basketball. >> they're 15-0 at home. sophomore jeffery taylor career high 26 against tennessee on tuesday, and he scored 15 points in the previous two games combined. >> the beauty of vanderbilt is it's not one guy you have to focus on. jeffery taylor has combined 15 points in the previous two games. no problem, the teammates pick him up, jermaine beal and a.j. ogilvy, a plethora guys who can score. when jeffery taylor is on, they're difficult to handle. 26 against tennessee, 15 in the first half. shoot the three and take it to the rack. i like his game. >> plethora. >> it's almost s.a.t. time. >> lsu is still winless in conference. one of the bright spots has been tasmin mitchell, third in
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the conference, n scores and rebounding. >> he does it all. he is averaging 38 minutes per ballgame, leading the s.e.c., which tells you his value. 17-10. unfortunately for l su they need time to to average 27-17 to get the best chance to win the basketball game. >> we have more on vandy and lsu later, that tips off at 1:47 eastern, 12:47 central time. meantime, havoline presents the road to nashville, site of the s.e.c. men's tournament. the standings -- arkansas won five in a row to move to the top of the list. mississippi state and ole miss in the picture. alabama was on the rise for a while and they lost four in a row. that brings us to this question: which teams if any will make the ncaa tournament this year from the s.e.c. west? >> not going to get fans from fayetteville unless they
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sweep. the most losses any team that has had in the tournament that has gotten the at-large bid is 14. georgia, 16-14 in 2001. but s.e.c. was number one in rpi and georgia was 38. arkansas is 115. i think ole miss and mississippi state have the best chance to make the tournament unless arkansas wins the s.e.c. tournament or finishes the rest of the season with one loss or less. >> when we come back, we look ahead to the nightcap. tennessee trying to stop a kentucky winning streak. heavyweight going at it tonight. we're coming right back on the s.e.c. network. í
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today's s.e.c. network game is brought to you by -- the original home of the grand ole opry in nashville, tennessee. l.s.u. in town trying to stop an 11-game losing streak, the closest loss january 20 against auburn, four-point defeat. now they have to go to memorial gym where vanderbilt won 17 in a row. with more on the match-up, here is eric collins and bob wenzel. >> welcome to music city here
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in nashville. reiman auditoriauditorium, insi memorial gymnasium as we get ready for l.s.u. and 24th ranked vanderbilt commodores. calling the action with me is my partner bob wenzel. i'm eric collins. vanderbilt coming off a convincing win over tennessee this week but they had to play without one of the better guards john jenkins. will he play? what is the latest? >> they told me three minutes ago it's unlikely he will play. it takes away their three-point shooting. second most accurate guy from perimeter. >> john jenkins is fantastic freshman. l.s.u. winless so far in s s.e.c. play. they may play without bo spencer. >> they said he will play but he's only 60%. he averages 15 a game. they need his scoring. >> getting ready for basketball in nashville, tennessee. vanderbilt perfect 12-0 at home trying to keep rolling along. >> all right, guys.
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thank you. here are the standings in the s.e.c. east -- four teams have six wins or more in the conference. kentucky's only loss was south carolina. they're 5-4 in league play. tennessee lost to georgia once and vanderbilt twice. back with charles davis in the s.e.c. network studio. the conference nightcap two of the top teams in that east division. number 12 tennessee and number three kentucky. wildcats are the only team in the country with three freshmen averaging at least 15 1/2 points per game. how does the game set up? >> poorly for tennessee. not just the freshman that play well for kentucky. they get big production from patrick patterson up front and the big front lines are what hurt tennessee. what drives kentucky is john wall. the most exciting player in the country. when he takes care of the basketball. played well against alabama with 222 points but coach after the game, john calipari, he is wondering about the turnovers. he had six in all, all six in the first half.
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it seems to me that coach cal got his attention in the break. >> kentucky's second in the coaches poll this week, john wall fourth in the conference in scoring, still leads the s.e.c. in assist. he had 22-10 against alabama, but coach cal lit him up because of the turnovers. we'll take a look, also, besides that match-up with wall, the other key in this game, wayne chism and demarcus cousins, both top ten in rebounding. they've been hot lately. these are the numbers in the last four games. >> if you take the match-up head-to-head as we're doing, what if wayne chism can get cousins to chase him around the perimeter, because chism has that part to his gape. he can step out and shoot the three. he can also go inside and make it happen in the paint. that's going to be the key for tennessee. the last time wayne chism played well against south carolina had 30 points. hit a couple of threes. also had six from the free-throw line which shows his versatility inside and out. kentucky, demarcus cousins
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100% man, especially on the block. get it to him low. watch him wreak havoc. he runs the floor like a guard. >> in conference play, chism led tennessee in scoring four times and the volunteers are 4-0 in those games. a side note on this match-up, bruce pearl and john calipari, this is their first meeting as head coaches. they're dead even, 2-2 against each other. one more note on tennessee basketball. three of the four players involved in that traffic stop on new year's day pleaded guilty on friday in a court in knoxvil knoxville. tyler smith pleaded guilty to firearm possession charge, and brian williams to drug possession, and tay tum received a speeding charge. the penalties included judicial diversion, court costs and fees. while all of the charges against melvin goens were dismissed. smith who was dismissed from the team by head coach bruce pearl issued a statement after the hearing saying, "i'm using this experience to turn a negative thing into a positive one. it am looking forward to my
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professional opportunities in basketball, and i will return and complete my degree as soon as possible. i hope that the university and community will forgive me for my mistake. i will not let you down again." >> coming up on s.e.c. tip-off, final thoughts on the early game. l.s.u. tigers trying to snap a skid against mighty vanderbilt. back with more in a moment.
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s.e.c. football news and notes after seven years with
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the arizona cardinals, austin is now florida offensive coordinator. and ellis jisson signed a two-year extension to keep him with south carolina until 2013. and kaiser replaces cain as coordinator at vanderbilt. what to watch for in the conference? arkansas won five in a row and they're in alabama today where the tide lost four in a row. that's s.e.c. network game and must-win both ways. >> it is. especially for arkansas. though it's on the road, this stretch of four games, arkansas is a good chance of winning. >> south carolina-georgia. weather could be an issue for that one, scheduled to 4:00 eastern. carolina beat florida this week and georgia fell hard to auburn. florida will go out of conference to face xavier, the first time gators stepped out of conference during s.e.c. play in seven years. what do you think of that? >> you like the look at florida's record at 17-7 but they could use a
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non-conference win. i would be huge for the gators trying to make tite the ncaa tournament. >> auburn against mississippi state, tigers beat georgia by 19 and bulldogs swept ole miss for the fourth time in seven years. >> many people thought mississippi state would be the best in the s.e.c. west. this gives them a chance to prove it. >> back at halftime of the l.s.u.-vanderbilt game on the s.e.c. network. give me a key to the contest. >> to me, simple. if vanderbilt is focussed, vanderbilt wins the ballgame. l.s.u. on an unbelievable slide. tasmin mitchell gives them their best opportunity, but overall, vanderbilt is focussed shows up ready to play, they should be no problem winning the game. >> one of my keys, is zack watt watson 10 years old. happy birthdbirthday. we're back at halftime and throughout the day. vandy trying to keep a long home winning streak alive. tigers and vanderbilt commodoresing up on the s.e.c. network.
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>> eric: welcome to the oldest basketball coliseum in s.e.c. the memorial gymnasium. the louisiana state university tigers taking on the vanderbilt commodores. glad you could join us on saturday afternoon. with my partner, former rutgers head coach bob wenzel, i'm eric collins. well, the vanderbilt commodores may have been a real surprise team in the s.e.c. so far this year.
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just a game out of first place in the s.e.c. east. bob, up for the best conference start in 17 years. >> bob: the reason is balance. they have balance on perimeter scoring and inside scoring. and they have balance among players. four guys average in double figures. beal is the key player on the team. senior, experience, knows how to run a team. ogilvy, 6'11", 250 force in the paint. >> eric: another key for vanderbilt they control the unique home court. >> bob: they do. it's a problem for visitors. that's part of the reason, aside from their talent they win so often here. the benches typically on the sideline or on the end line at vanderbilt. they've been grandfathered in and i know from experience, difficult to coach your team from the end line. >> eric: so far 12-0 at the memorial gymnasium are the vanderbilt commodores. look at the star watch. >> bob: tasmin mitchell one of the best players in the league, 11 double-doubles,
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third in the league in that category. taylor had a big game in the second win against tennessee. 26 points for the sophomore. >> eric: so, ready to tip this one off. we have the stereotypical three-man crew working the whistle. cartwell, burt smith and third man on the job is patrick evans. l.s.u. looking for their first conference win, wearing the road purple. they're 0-10 in conference play. they lost ten straight games and 13 of the last 14, but they're dangerous with one of the better scorers in the s.e.c. with tasmin mitchell. >> bob: they're struggling. right here, going to 2-3 zone trying to preserve the left ankle of bo spencer who injured it. he's at the front of the zone. more time they take off clock, the better for l.s.u. >> eric: here is their sniper, brad tinsley. offensive rebound and a foul
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called. steve tchiengang getting his first start of the season and he rewards coach stallings with the offensive rebound and he's fouled. >> bob: 6'9", 240 pounds from the cameroon. remember ucla a couple years ago had two players from the cameroon and the student section was the cameroon crazies. [ laughter ] i don't know if they have that going here. a nice start for steve, huh? >> eric: steve tchiengang, just a sophomore, getting the start. for the vanderbilt commodores, his first start of the season. another offensive rebound! taylor. [ applause ] >> bob: big-time players, jeffery taylor. the hero against tennessee in the 19-point victory of the part of the reason tchiengang is starting in place of walker is he's probably going to do a little more damage on the boards. they're concerned about that to start the game against storm warren.
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>> eric: spencer had concern about the left ankle. he hurt it a couple days ago against arkansas. >> bob: keep an eye on the match-up between tasmin mitchell and jeffery taylor. left corner right now. >> eric: shot clock to four. they have to hurry. that's not what they want. a long-range jumper and it doesn't hit iron. shot clock violation. turnover, gives it over to commodores. here at the starting line-up for trent johnson's l.s.u. tigers. bo spencer in the back court, garrett green with another start. chris bass, tasmin mitchell and storm warren. warren has been a heck of a lot effective at home in baton rouge than on the road. >> bob: young, inexperienced player but he can board. that's his job in the game. the 2-3 zone does not allow for good block-out responsibilities. >> eric: a.j. ogilvy gets his first piece of the ballgame. >> bob: 6'11", 250. model of consistency during
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his career is ogilvy. >> eric: important game for vanderbilt. just a game behind kentucky. the ball is poked away by beal. should vanderbilt win the game, half game behind the wildcats. kentucky has a tough one tonight at home against the tennessee. this is how the commodores line up -- brad tinsley, jermaine beal, jeffery taylor has been hot of late and steve tchiengang and a.j. ogilvy already in the scoring column. off a screen. tasmin mitchell misses his first shot. green, the offensive rebound. >> bob: green 6'11" in california, seldomly used but yesterday in practice, trent johnson told me he is going to give the guy minutes especially against ogilvy because of his size. >> eric: inside, warren. working against tchiuble-team. fouled. there is trent johnson. last year he was the s.e.c. coach of the year.
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this year he can't buy an s.e.c. win. >> bob: he had better players last year, came in from stanford. had success there as well. martin with the new orleans team in the n.b.a., temple with the rockets and chris johnson their center all gone. so mitchell by himself needing a new crew this year for l.s.u. >> eric: warren hits two free-throws. jermaine beal. over to tinsley. open back door. they find ogilvy. poked away by warren. good hands defensively, the sophomore. >> bob: i like the attack by vanderbilt. getting the ball where they need to inside against the zone so far. patience is a virtue if you are a tyingervno carrierringrin
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difficulty] >> eric: a game of runs 3:30 into it. beal. bass has the ball in the open floor. 1-on-3, didn't like his odds. back up high. mitchell turns around and hands it over to bass. mitchell off the screen. can't get the pass. tinsley in transition. [ applause ] another offensive rebound. taylor. swatted away. but before the shot a foul. they're going to call that foul on chris bass, reaching in. time-out on the floor. chance to catch our breath.
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>> eric: 24th ranked vanderbilt commodores trailing l.s.u. 7-5. just getting started. back to the huddle, you can see the face of john jenkins looking on. he's in street clothes and he will not be playing today. >> bob: freshman shooter. note the number in the middle. 46% from three-point range. that is spectacular! and he's their marksman, other than beal on the team. he will not play. has been sick. was hospitalized. and, of course, if you're counting who is not here and his team beat tennessee by 19 anyway. so his contributions were compensated by this man who had 26 against the vols in that great win. jeffery taylor. >> eric: jeffery taylor was a perfect 12 for 12 at the free-throw line. in that game against the volunteers on tuesday. >> bob: nice form, huh? dad played in the n.b.a. a played for the rockets and the pistons and played in europe as wewell.
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>> eric: taylor splits a pair. l.s.u. looking for their first conference win still lead over the vanderbilt team. mitchell has been doing that for a while. we have our first substitution of the ballgame for vanderbilt. darshawn mcclellan has come in the game. that's him on top looking for some offense. >> bob: this is not good attack here. with ogilvy out of the game, they're not as confident in getting the ball inside against the zone. >> eric: that was a pass to hit the side of the rim. and it's not going to be scored as a turnover but it basically was. l.s.u. basketball. did not start shooting well. but since they've made three in a row. >> bob: if you're l.s.u. on the road at vanderbilt where
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they rarely lose, you want up-link. you do not want smooth basketball. >> eric: tinsley with a nice feed from jeffery taylor. [ cheering ] >> bob: what is the response on the make? 2-2-1 full court pressure, designed to trap at the ten-second line, try to increase the pace of the game. >> eric: bo spencer in transition. garrett green runs down the offensive rebound. >> bob: no legs in that shot. you can tell he's hurting that left ankle. he just signaled to his coach to take him out of the game. raised his hand. not feeling it. >> eric: wonder if coach johnson saw him? all the way at the other end of the floor. it's blocked by ezeli. vanderbilt basketball. beal in transition. open look for taylor. another offensive rebound. taylor second and rewarded with another trip to the
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free-throw line. >> bob: gotten some aggression going, jeffery taylor. early in the year he was quoted as saying his confidence level has been increasing. kevin stallings wants hill shooting that mid-range jump-shot. big numbers against rival tennessee. that's the best game of his career so far. >> eric: the first free-throw is good. trent johnson just did discover that bo spencer would like to come out. he sends in a sub. it's brad tinsley. actually, bo spencer is going to stay in. i have seen bo spencer signal twice to the bench he wants to come out but he's still on the floor. >> bob: it happened to me one time where one of my players started to play well and he got tired and kept signaling over. the official said he's signaling. i said ignore him. just ignore him. he will get better. that's what trent is thinking right now. this is difficult for spencer to handle the ball in the backcourt against pressure. ts


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