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tv   Tonight From Washington  CSPAN  February 17, 2010 8:00pm-11:00pm EST

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it's not just north korea is china as well. >> thank you as always, gordon. interesting and insightful comments. any further comments? all right. with that, ladies and gentlemen, thank you very much. the meeting is adjourned. thank you. [applause] ..
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thank you for being with us this evening. president obama today spoke and the first anniversary of the 787 billion-dollar stimulus package that passed the congress and he signed last february. here is a little bit of what he had to say and that we will get
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our authors reactions. >> we acted because we had a larger responsibility than simply winning the next election. we have a responsibility to do what was right for the economy and the american people. one year later, it is largely thanks to the recovery act that a second oppression is no longer a possibility. one of the main reasons the economy has gone from shrinking by 6% to growing at about 6%. this morning we learned that manufacturing production posted a strong gain. so far the recovery act is responsible for the jobs of about 2 million americans who would otherwise be out of work. >> host: amity shlaes what is your take, the president had to say about the stimulus package? >> guest: well peter i'm glad it is the stimulus anniversary because now we can say we are done with stimuli in 2010 will be a non-stimulus word and maybe barry that wording get it out of our public vocabulary, because
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stimuli don't work all that well regardless of what the president claimed. >> host: now, the president said the stimulus package presented a second depression. >> guest: well, i regard that as hyperbole. the analogy here for our economy is not the u.s. in the 1930's but rather japan, where there were i believe ten stimuli over a series so of the anniversary of the stimulus to get another stimulus and in the end japan's debt was up there with zimbabwe's in jamaica's and unemployment went in the wrong direction during that period so we want to compare where we are now to the '90s, what became the lost decade in japan and that demonstrated the weakness of stimuli as a care. plus could dean baker, same question to you. >> guest: wiley think president obama exaggerated the
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impact certainly but for example i don't think we did before the great depression. it requires not just one bad year but basically prolongs ten years of stupid economic policy and that something that was really in the cards but i think it did lead to growth, did lead to employment. there is a number of independent estimates in the congressional budget office, moody's, global so they are pretty much the same range somewhere in the order of 1.2 to 2 million might be a little high. 1.8 million jobs, probably closer to a percentage point added to and-a-half 3% of gdp or. that is a big deal. is not nearly enough and we are still looking at an unemployment rate that is almost 10% in projections are we are still even two years of looking at an unemployment rate averaging 03% and are now projected to get back to normal levels of
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unemployment until five years out which is why i would like to see much more stimulus but it is important to put this in context that we should've seen much more class february, but it did have a big impact and a positive impact. we would be much worse shape without a. host: you would like to see another stimulus just as big or bigger maybe? >> guest: to put this into some context of the look of our lost demand why are we in the situation? we have this housing bubble. we are building houses like crazy. we had a bubble and nonresidential real estate. that purse. the bubble wealth around $8 trillion in bubble well, most of that has disappeared. that bubble wealth was feeling so you to add up how much lost we have because of the collapse of residential and nonresidential construction it is somewhere in the order of $1.2 trillion a year. the stimulus package president
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obama has drawn on the table people talk about 787 billion. 87 billion of that was technical tax issues from the stimulus, around 100 billion or so will be spent in later years so if you say what are we spending 2009/2010 it comes to roughly $300 billion a year so we are trying to replace $1.2 trillion in lost man with $300 billion in stimulus. that is not going to be enough. i think it was a step in the right direction and i'm glad we did it but is nowhere near enough stimulus. >> host: ms. shlaes, any reaction to that? >> guest: i have the supply orientation so i would ask and a lot of us would ask, what would make someone want to supply something to supply a job, to supply a new-product? keene is arguing more from a keynesian perspective. i would argue from a classical perspective then when you have
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spending like that what happens if there are all kinds of distortions in the economy? to put it in common sense terms you don't know what the next emulous is coming if you are a little firm. you don't know where it will be. you know tax increases are coming to pay for the stimuli. you are worried about the health care situation. maybe that will help their business to have help from the government but it might put a mandate on you so you don't, you to not contribute to the economy and that very much is what is impeding our recovery. stimulus there gets in the way as opposed to helps. you can see purchases advanced over time. the government gives you get big enough offer you will buy a car this summer where the then next, but milton friedman, often you were moving around purchases he planned to make any way and you also by the way, sometimes don't purchase of all because you think we'll mac that that looks big overtime in the government
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will have so much debt in my lifetime, maybe i will be a lot more cautious than i might it then five years ago so all of these are factors. us the good evening to you also. as the mentioned at the top this is a call-in program and we want to hear from our viewers. (202)737-0001. here in the mountain and pacific times sounds 202-73-7002. you can also ascendancy tweet at or an e-mail at booktv at let me tell you a little bit more about our guests before we get to your calls. for speier going to start with dean baker, the co-director of the center for economic policy research. he is the author of numerous books including "plunder and blunder" and his most recent is "false profits" recovering from the bubble economy. appeared in several publications
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including "the atlantic monthly," "the financial times" and "the washington post" in currently writes columns for the american prospect, the guardian newspaper and trista or. if you want to follow his blog you can go to american prospect bought borgen click on the top of the tehjan blogs and you will find him there. his blood is called "meet the press." amity shlaes as a senior fellow at the council of foreign relations, syndicated columnist from bloomberg news service and a former columnist for the editorial board for "the wall street journal." she is written several books including "the greedy hand" how taxes drive americans crazy and what to do about it and the one we mentioned "the forgotten man," a new history of the great depression. she has a web site, amity we want to show our viewers the federal budget proposed for 2011 along with the deficit then what is left for discretionary spending. the obama administration has
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proposed this. about $3.8 trillion in federal spending. that $3.81.4 trillion is in discretionary funds and the projected deficit is about $1.3 trillion, about 8.3% of the gdp. now, dean baker and amity shlaes, today on the american enterprise institute web site, norm ornstein growth this about government spending. government has been transformed from said the program sets indigested year-to-year by politicians responding to short-term and long-term problems to one of an automatic pilot. the old phrase that mr. ornstein learned in college was to budget is to choose. we no longer choose and that makes the over focus on the tiny share of the budget allocated to discretionary domestic spending so discouraging. amity shlaes, first of all is
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the deficit too big and do we not have enough discretionary spending funds? >> guest: sure the deficit is too big but what is different now safe from the 1980's or the '70s is exactly that tuition norm ornstein is the looting. were trapped by our entitlements, those created first of all and the new deal period such as social security. that is not the discretionary part and then you add to that the great society entitlements and also this is a bipartisan thing, medicare part d for example under president bush. they hog the budget and they hogget wider and wider in the discretionary spending is squeezed to decide. you want to mention also i believe defences discretionary people don't want to mess with that so you have discretionary spending that they are-- very
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narrow thing. the economic theory that fits here is called public choice theory which says government is aggressive and what you see when you see a budget like that this government winning. >> host: so, what is the solution in your view? is it cutting spending? is that raising taxes? >> guest: we used to save the cut taxes it will be alright. this time you can't do that. you have to have to rearrange the budget and rethink the entitlements and start with the idea that young people don't expect social security to be there for them in any case and we also were rained some of these things. i was interested to see congressman paul brian has a new proposal that is rather thorough. he changes social security, he changes health care, he changes the tax code radically. including for many high earners probably increasing their tax with the flat tax rate anyway of
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25%, to rates ten and 25 and stop taxing capital gains and that is a big change. it is a completely-- that is the kind of discussion we need to have been there is more common ground i think in the two parties then one would imagine there. both parties have to talk about this, democrats and republicans about how the reform those nondiscretionary? >> host: dean baker. >> guest: first thought in terms of the budget deficit, we have big budget-- deficits. people like alan greenspan and ben bernanke gave us the largest downturn since the great depression. that is why we have a huge budget deficit. we didn't have a huge tax cuts. we had stimulus and response to the downturn. we have higher unemployment if we have not had that but let's be clear if we are upset about the deficit greenspan and bernanke, i don't know why we reappointed bernanke. in terms of the entitlement
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programs, yeah we have a public pension program, which is hugely popular. you look at polling day that-- i was at a conference this morning in social security is over 90%. they ask people would you be willing to pay higher taxes to sustain sosa security benefits and 70 to 80% said yes. i don't see any problem with running a pension program through the public sector. what is the problem with the? it is usually popular. health care costs, medicare again. we are providing medicare health care benefits for seniors. that is also hugely popular. you have these tea party people out there yelling don't let the government touch medicare. they are anti-government but they want medicare. medicare is a government program. these are success stories. our health care costs are out of line in such as security has not been rising in its share of the budget and it will in the near future is baby boomers are
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retiring and getting benefits. in fact it actually fell a few years back but in any case that is not the big share of the budget. medicare because we have they broken health care system and president obama was trying to address that, but that is the direction you have to go, so we want to talk about getting our budget in line really this is a health care story and one point to understand here, we pay more than twice as much per person as people do in any other country we think is comparable, germany, canada, whatever country you want to point to. with we have the same for person health care costs we would have enormous surpluses as far as the eye can see. so we have an enormous health care problem and that is dealing with special interests, the pharmaceutical companies, the medical supply companies, the doctors, the insurance companies. congress is not anxious to tackle those but if we are worried about the long-term
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budget situation it is the health care story. >> host: it is time for your calls. carlynn indianapolis, your efforts. >> caller: hi, my question is for dean baker and it involves the viability of the campaign stimulus. let me first-aid i'm a lifelong democrat but i have major questions on how any keynesian stimulus will work when the conditions that allowed the keynesian stimulus to work under fdr namely, that we had very limited in flow of workers the immigration. not what we have today. we have massive inflows of new workers, i think 1.5 million issued new visas every year according to the census department and i don't know how many illegal entries for workers. it seems to me the keynesian stimulus worked precisely because under the 1924 immigration act there was
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relatively little in flow. >> host: mr. baker? >> guest: i don't think immigration changes the story. i think your numbers are a little high. mini emigrants, accounting undocumented workers and illegal immigrants but many of those are not workers. some of those are families, kids and parents of people who work here but in any case that has some medpac that would say on wages that there is a lot of research showing wages of less educated people tend, there is downward pressure but in terms of that total employment picture that is a relative drop in the bucket in the scheme of things so i think we should be talking about immigration policy because they think the current policy is a complete disaster, having millions of people work off the books is that for them in bad for workers and i would like to see those people in a situation where they can work on the books. they actually did not break the law. the people that hired them for
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of the lahsa we could throw people in jail for hiring undocumented workers and we could talk about that but i think we should be performing immigration law but that is not what is preventing the economy from growing and that is not why we have 70% unemployment. >> host: thomasville, pennsylvania. thomasian on the line with amity shlaes and dean baker. >> caller: how are you doing? great programming c-span. i have a couple of quick questions. one is the regulation of derivatives, there is none as of yet and i think that was one of the reasons what has happened with this debacle, and also, it is one of the things where the pendulum sometimes swings too far and you can't regulate too much, where you fort growth but you have to regulate somewhat because of the things we just saw like thomas jefferson said if men were angels there would
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be no need for government. also come on the one gentleman, mr. baker mentioned about another stimulus package. where are we getting this money? is that just seems to be building and building and building. >> host: amity shlaes would you like to address those concerns? >> guest: thank you for that question. the regulation of derivatives is important because there was a big what we would kindly call disingenuousness on the part of the market and regulators since derivatives fell between regulators they didn't have to be regulated and we have lived with the consequences of that but i would also save one reason we need to regulate derivatives is the too big to fail doctrine, and a better way to go about this is to let those who invest poorly in derivatives failed. then they want next time make the wrong that. if you overregulated and overregulated and then press
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ewind westy you have a postal system, very team, not susceptible to strong growth, makes the u.s. less competitive so the standard for derivatives regulation should be transparency, markets and clarity not arbitrary prosecution and beating up cases where the agency goes after this person or that person but if you have lots of clarity about how derivative should be traded and were, that is fine. it is time to cooperate internationally. what is not find this to make prosecutions out of it and again the problem behind it is the too big to fail doctrine because then too big to fail banks will trade in derivatives. host: the gentleman referred to our programming last night. we had discussion of the wealth of nations by adam smith. amity shlaes one of your books is called "the greedy hand." is that any reference to adam smith's invisible hand? >> guest: not really, although it is related.
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it is from tom paine who spoke of "the greedy hand" of government, thomas paine, making our prosperity its prey. when i wrote this book we had prosperity. it was the '90s but it seemed that taxes for some of getting in the way so i was trying to capture that. thomas paine was a great pamphleteer from around the time of america's founding. >> host: very quickly what is your opinion of adam smith and alimport missy today? >> guest: he is very important and he is worth bringing in. i am just trying to think of something pithy to say about him, including his concept of the comparative advantage. because it does matter for example what we do about labor prices. now we are in a competition. globally we should make what we make baston and you have you know for example stimulus money we often make what we don't make best because there is a stimulus
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subsidy for it so i say read adam smith and don't right stemi why. us cabeen baker, are you a fan of adam smith? >> guest: we have all learned from adam smith just as we have from keynes. in terms of this idea of the division of labor comparative advantage, you know, one of the points i often make is that we often read this so selectively so we have this idea somehow we are going to be the smart people and get the labor from the developing world. that is nonsense because they are plenty of people in india and china who are every bit as smart as the player and the reason we tend to get the smart jobs is because they are smart people get congress to give them protection so it is easy for someone from mexico or developing countries come to the united states and work as a cabdriver or worked in restaurants or construction and very often off the books for code is very difficult for them to get a job as a doctor or
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lawyer so we have protectionism. we just tend to conceal it so i learned a lot from adam smith. i just wish more economists would learn from adam smith. >> host: richard from brooklyn, thanks for holding. you are on with amity shlaes in dean baker. >> caller: first of all thank you for c-span. i am listening to this discussion and you hear it constantly on all of the news programs. we really have 17% unemployment rate in this country. it is not 9.7 or ten and what amazes me is that the american people just stand by and put up with all of this stuff that we hear on television. i would just like to know-- >> host: koehler can you give an example of the kind of stuff you were referring to?
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>> caller: i mean, you know, i mean it means the unemployment rate, people are suffering and did most other countries there would be demonstrations in washington. the american people are just not cut out for that. they just stand by and wait for their politicians to do something. we know how bad congress is. we know so many of the things that are not being taken care of for the american people. >> host: let's leave it there. let me add something to that for both of you to respond to. here is an article from this morning's "washington post." leaders henline for budget panel, president obama will name allen simpson and erskine bowles and the clinton white house to chair a commission to solve the nation's budget problems and he will be announcing that tomorrow. to build on what the caller said about the american people, not protesting as much as he thinks
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they should and appointing this new budget commission, what do you think about both of them? why don't we start with amity shlaes? >> guest: well, a commission is not a solution and there we hear what the caller richard from brooklyn is complaining about. there is sometimes yap yet been commissions don't usually have strong outcomes. i can think of the social security commission that came out after september 11th and no one remembers what it said even though was interesting. we have had plenty of commissions that went nowhere so here we share the callers restoration and also his measure of unemployment which includes workers, so-called discouraged workers and if it is real. so how do we solve that? the answer is still true growth, mostly in the private sector. i would disagree with the caller. i can think of countries alas such as latin pheaa which is
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suffering i believe 20% unemployment right now because the people have decided they want to be in the currency of the euro. they are sacrificing something. with people's something to believe in, if future hope for growth, they will do a lot and that is important to know. i think if we had a more coherent vision about our own reform the country would pull together and do that. >> host: mr. baker? >> guest: lotfi it is an interesting example and i think people are putting up with it because they realize there aren't any other alternatives. their debt-to-gdp ratio would be too high. but that aside, we care about the united states first at four mustin i am actually amazed, we are not the country designed to have high unemployment so if you compare the united states to europe we as a matter of design have got rid of essentially non-work supports. we had welfare reform in '96 and we said you know, we expect
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people to work so if you don't work you don't get health care, you don't get normal income. you really can't get by in nonetheless we are looking at a situation where we are looking at again the official unemployment rate projected to be over 9% next year or 8% the year after investing get back to normal levels until the 2015. we are talking about an extended period of their high unemployment. when it candon people working part-time and voluntarily, discourage workers you are up 17% so we really are talking about a disastrous situation and i am surprised there is and more anger. there is a lot of things but it does not manifesting itself in any sort of organized political effort. itis take that as many people are very frustrated but clearly there is anchor and people looking at wall street, the banks getting record bonuses and people basically brought us this mess. they got their bailout and now they are happy and tossing around millions of dollars and crediting themselves on the back
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for being so smart. maybe they are because they ripped us off. but no, we don't see the political movements. i wish they were there but they are not. >> host: mr. baker you reference congress in an earlier statement. do you think the political leaders are abdicating their budget responsibilities? >> guest: no, i mean i don't think there is a budget responsibility. i see this as a huge distraction. we have accused-- we are talking about the deficit. it is really kind of silly. it is sort of like our house is on fire and we are using a lot of water to try and put it out in we get these guys to run over and say you are using a lot of water. it is close to crazy. the media concern should be getting people back to work in the longer term issue, somewhere down the but we have to fix our health care system, better sooner than later and i can give the 20 ideas on how to fix the
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health care. we know how to do it but no one, the politicians still want to tackle those powerful and as groups and would rather go blah, blah, blah about the deficit. >> host: our next call comes from westcliff come colorado. dennis, go ahead. >> caller: hi, how are you folks doing? i would like to note there could be a systematic financial collapse worldwide and the reason i say that is there has been talk of the world global bank and if the bank, the banking system right now was talking about a global tax for a central bank, and my concern is that there is no involvement of the world bank or the imf can any of these individual countries' problems with financial issues, and my concern was if there is a global bank that is there going to be possibly a world currency, and
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the financial collapse of each individual country so that we 6' 8, 8 1/2, can do it all. i mean when i say do it all and do it gracefully. i mean with the greatest of ease. >> benji will, so his game and personality were -- wilson, his game and >> wilson, his game what's electric. a future star in the nba until one morning when everything changed. get a inside glimpse of the man that willlead a n cove ning ill uceyouto da marrith. ory
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ed interviews the movie's biggest star, matt damon. >> hello and welcome to this edition of net impact. i'm mark fennell. we have seen roger goodell and ga doris smith exchanging pleasantries and have been in front of congress as they attempt to negotiate a new collective bargaining agreement. as they do so the atmosphere between them will only get more tense. we know roger goodell. but who is this man that the players have chosen to be their voice in this turbulent time.
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here is mid athletic jill s orensen. >> this is fun for da morous smith, he is the director of the player's association and a coach for his son alex in silverton maryland by night. >> the intensity and passion you see here is the backbone of smith's day job as union chief named to the successor of the late legendary jean upshaw. he has not slowed down. >> been on the job for six months and been on the road three-and-a-half, four months probably. >> he was seen as an outsider to get the job with former players as the front-runners, his background as a trial lawyer was far from the experience of an nfl player. >> i definitely think that's a positive that he was an outsider, a guy coming in and he
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doesn't have all of the connections or any preconceived notions of what was happening before. and you know he can come in and kind of look at things clearly. >> i'm very confidence. i'm confident that he can get things done. he has presented his self in such a way he has broken it down to the players. >> as much as he is an outsider, he is an insider growing up by fedexfield. on his resume counsel to attorney general eric holder and served on president obama's transition team. >> business worldwide in some way shape or form always touches washington. it is one heck after sports town. those are things that are inex trickably tied to who i am. does it affect what i do? probably but hopefully for the
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better. >> with a lockup for the horizon he has made it a priority to visit each time to help them understand the process. >> this was in one of the file drawers in our office and i am going through every one. >> why. >> on what we have done internally is there. the one thing i am blessed about is that gene was an incredible note taker. he had written out in longhand a speech that i don't know whether he gave or was going to give but the most interesting party bottom is you see it in quotes, the nfl has always been willing to take a a short loss for a long-term game. >> in the midst of negotiations or because of them, they have made national headlines on a regular basis. >> as executive director my number one priority is to protect those that have played
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this game. >> to me, it is probably a little bit of a combination of half negotiation and half trial lawyer. i mean, both of those things are things that are in my dna in some way, shape or form. i think about my grandfather. as a result i am not afraid of any question. i want guys to be involved and truth be told i probably lean on them in a hard way but this is their union. it is not my union. >> always in the line of firings da morous smith is used to the heat. >> 17-year-old ben -- bengie wilson was arising star, a young basketball phenom with a definite nba future. in fact in 1984 wilson was the number one ranked high school basketball major in the nation. he had been described as magic
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johnson with a jump shot and kevin garnet with a better handle of the ball and a better perimeter guy. we show you wilson's wizardry on the court. >> reporter: chicago may be a football town and baseball crazy in the summertime but in the core in the city basketball is a way of life and we are not just talking about the mj glory days, we are talking about the kids that built their games here like isaiah thomas on the west side and more recently dwayne wade and derrick rose on the south side. but 25 years ago somebody else owned these courts in chicago. a skinny silky kid with a smile name bengie. >> at center for the wolverines, kevin wilson. >> if you haven't seen him you are in for a treat. >> i want to be successful and so i do what it takes to be
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successful. and that as i go home i study and do my work and go to class. >> kind of corny stuff. >> well, it works. >> everything seemed to work for benjamin wilson but especially basketball. >> dribble, wilson, duke. >> born and raised on the city's south side he was the middle of five brothers and it wasn't born before that was the fiber of his life. >> i was like bruise lee with two basketballs. it was unbelievable. like the harlem globetrotters what he could do with the ball. with three fingers like this. >> and with that and his ball, wilson's neighbors were always up early. >> the neighbors used to be furious about being wokeup in the morning because he was always dribbling the basketball
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and our next door neighbor mr. robinson says bengie was his alarm clock to go to work. >> by 16 wilson could play like a point guard but now he soared like an eagle. >> he dropped it to wilson for a turn around. >> we used to imitate ben when he shoots his jump shot. it was like he would shoot it and then he will put the wrist back like this and run down a court some type of way and everybody used to emma late him in high school. that's how big he was in high school. >> and everybody wanted to be around him. he drew admires from all over including the nba. >> ben wilson steps in. >> 6'8", 8-and-a-half, can do it all. when i say do it all and do it
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gracefully, with the greatest of ease and it looks so pretty when doing it. it was smooth and it was silky and it was just -- he had it that camera, the camera that captured that moment. he was that type of player. >> wilson slides down the lane. smooth as sis can. >> as a junior he was a starter on a simeon lineup full of seniors and bengie was 3rd team allstate and the wolverines went 30 and one for the title. that put simeon on the map. >> i think he helped put simeon into a more global nationwide type school, basketball power. i remember i seen the year we thought -- we thought we could go anywhere and play anybody anytime. >> after winning the state championship in the spring of
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1984, ben kept improving. nike all american camp. he left as the first kid from illinois to ever be ranked as the number one major in the entire country. >> it was clearly, clearly benjamin wilson was the number one major in the country. no one came close. how bengie wilson's changed in less than a second. >> ben was rising andhen m. >> ificis
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remembered 25 years later. benji wilson's future seemed secure. a few years in college before family and wealth would surely follow in the nba but it wasn't
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meant to be. instead it was a tragic turn of events and now 25 years later bengie wilson has never been forgotten. let's get back to his story. >> ben wilson had it all. sizzling basketball skills and an electric personality but on november 20th, 1984 it was a gray, cold fall day, a lot like this one. on vincennes avenue in front of simeon high school, the day was about to get even darker. >> the old die and they have served their times and lived their lives. and when the sun is rising, it is so different. ben was rising. and then it became midnight at midday. >> at 12:37 on november 20th, ben wilson was walking with shaquan the girlfriend and mother of his ten week old son,
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brandon. they were a block from the school, students like to gather at a small store around lurch time but bengie bummed into two freshman from cal la met high school on the sidewalk and they pulled out a .22 caliber high school and shot him twice and one bullet piercing his' orto and the other one went into his liver. >> i don't know the story to this day. i have never tried to seek out the story because the is taken to st. bernard hospital. and while the chaos continued at simeon, bengie's brothers were miles away with a sibling connection that still haunts them. >> i was in library class and i
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heard somebody say i got shot. i got shot. i was in library class and i was like i'm going crazy but -- then i thought about cane and andal and cane slew his brother. right there something let me know that he got shot. as a matter of fact i had a dream two nights in a row before he died, somebody or something tried to tell me, had a dream that night that bengie was dead. the next day i had the dream, bengie was dead. at that moment i heard my brother's voice said i got shot just like i said it to you, it came to me like -- there was something there and i was like what's the hell going on here.
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my mom says you want somebody to talk to you you got to be in a crazy place and i was in library class and i heard him. when i found out, i went berserk. >> he wasn't sur as
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where ben was at. 9th floor, 8th floor and we seen ben on the floor by himself. that's what brothers do. we weren't supposed to and i don't like to but we had to see him. >> they was telling us that he is in stable condition and we saw the sheet back and we saw him. we had to see him. we knew. he was gone. >> early the next morning the day his senior season was supposed to start, ben wilson was pronounced dead at the age of 17. pre ro
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ben wilson's death is a tragedy. >> ben wilson's struggle for life ended. >> he was gunned down. >> it is not how long you live. but how well you live. >> i seen my brother in that casket. i tried to wake him up like man, you ain't dead, get up, man. get up. get up, you ain't dead. get up. seeing the two guys that did it and they are alive. >> did you know ben wilson? did you know him? >> after the shooting cousins billy moore and omar dixon were taken into the custody, charged
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with murder and attempted robbery. moore was sentenced to 40 years for pulling the trigger and dixon 30 years as his accomplice. on the day that benji died simeon teammates decided to play their first game of the season without number 25. ♪ ♪ to be with the lord >> >> earlier students sobbed at simeon simply overwhelmed with grief and bengie's mother stood tall in the gymnasium. >> i come to support and love all of you to keep bengie's memory. keep the love alive. >> the wake was held on the gymnasium floor and 8000 people
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came to see bengie lying in his number 25 jersey. the line was outside of the school and mourners waited 7 hours. >> i still have dreams about him like he came back and he was able to play again but just dreams. >> sometimes i sit down and when i'm going through things, i speak just like i would to my grandparents, you know, how bengie, how are you doing, that type of thing. >> i just can't forget about
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him. >> your emotions. >> still an emotional story 25 years later. there are sup updates to this story. at the time of his murder, bengie wilson left behind a ten week olson name brand don and brandon would go on to become a talented high school prep basketball player himself and played college basketball at the university of maryland easton shore but he would leave after his sophomore season according to a school official. as for the two young men convicted of this horrific crime. william moore is still in prison and omar dixon would tack on additional charges when he was charged with possession of a weapon in a separate case. next summer, south africa
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will play host to the 2010 world cup but it was back in 1995 when they hosted another world cup that changed the country, a game of rugby that united 42 million south africans. clint eastwood's new movie evictta brings the new start to life on the big screen and comcast sports jamie buyer sat down with tray isir. isteuntr nelndele s orts the t change the world. itous that principle that movie in vick tus was born. >> obviously you are a big sports fan yourself, what about sports do you think has the ability to unite people like the way we saws mo
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>> areniqu of -- unites people and mandela was quoted as saying that. i guess there is something about getting, you know, 60,000 people , g fo tly sthin kn pall er eam. ut t y elected president nelson mandela as hee daunask of bringing a bitterly divided south africa together in the way of a par tie. >> what instruct you about the story that made you interested? >> it was true. i couldn't believe it. i called clint and i said i
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can' of f ger >>oudidn c ay t han old man that tatal athiatake nse. ase, mrside se. help of francis pe noir, the spring box. >> how did you get yourself in shape for this role. >> i grew six inches to play the rt. kedutt. put won t then't favoo betheyso
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ismy uncommon ble so t g ve, i rati . thetitlck tus re phat m as oinsp didn't evolve into a civil war anll outside predictions it should have and it is the decision that every person in that unmade. >> still to come, he is a line man in the nfl but what is his keys to success off of the
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field? find out when net impact returns.
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invictus. >> who says that a 6'3" bruisesser on the football field can't have a softer side to him. all you have to do is take a look at eric heightman and you would never know that off of the field he is a piano man. here is comcast sports net bay area broady brazil to show us. >> this is the side of eric heightman people no, an offensive lineman for the 49ers since 2002. and this is the side that most would never expect, at 6'3", 315 pounds he has the frame of a football bohemoth with the hands of a beethoven. >> i had to take lessons growing up as a kid. when i started to play football it was more of a focus and piano you kind of put that on the back burner and it was always secondary for me, it was a hobby but something i always kept up.
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>> inside of the home today heightman employs a piano and keyboard setup and are connect with the apple program. he composes his best work in the form of sound escape. >> my style is a classical movie theme stuff. >> dramatic and plays well. it is dynamic. >> yes. i would like to think that. you guys can be the judge. >> while football is the profession and composition is the pierce, it is the music that gives eric an escape from life when he needs it. >> i get home sunday night or after a big game and maybe there is something i need to crank out on the piano and release some emotions. it is an escape, a good way to release frustration or whatever emotions you are feeling at the time. it is something that i have done for so long. you know i have played for so long i don't want to let it go at this point. i enjoy playing and i will keep
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doing it as long as i can. >> it is natural to expect that eric's music endeavors will jolt last his football career but that doesn't necessarily mean he is planning for a future behind the keyboard. >> you never know. we will see maybe if there is something you can put out there. i would like to get in the recording studio, maybe not for profit but something i can show my kids at some point but i will continue to do this for as long as i can. >> broady brazil, comcast sports net. >> he is pretty good. his team is not doing bad either. that will do it for this edition of net impact. i am your host art fennell. and for everybody here. thanks for watching. we'll see you next time.
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fcome man
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>> maryland still has hope. it is e
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>> acc basketball is brought to you by motel 6. we will leave the light on for you. by pepsi. refresh everything. geico. 15 minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance. visit us at and by jack in the box where you can get anything on the menu anytime of day. >> dan: back at the rbc center. time for our starting lineups brought to you by food line. maryland terrapins. all averaging in double figures. jordliam
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we americans are always at our best when we hear and heed the cries of others. when confronted with massive human suffering, americans have always stepped up and answered the call to help.
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but there's never been anything on the scale of human tragedy in our own hemisphere like what we're now witnessing in haiti. y president clinton and i are joining together to appeal to you with real urgency. give now, and lives will be saved. thank you. thank you. >> dan: welcome back. great crowd tonight on a weeknight, wednesday night. maryland leads it 73-72 all time. maryland winning six in a row behind that man all-time winningest coach. gary williams. 21st season. speaking of coaching his alma mater. sydney lowe. our officials carl hess, mike
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wood. maryland in their road red. >> >> dan: terrapins open in their man-to-man defense. it is hayes on gonzalez. getting his ninth start of the season tonight. this wolfpack team in a bit of a shooting slump. taking a three to start the game. maryland will settle for that shot. very conscious of tracy smith on the inside. tracy smith and scott wood doing a lot of late. opens in the man-to-man as well. in match up an interesting one. williams can't hit.
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here comes the senior. takes it to the bucket. early in the game what we are seeing is vazquez. there he has the pass. vasquez is going to help out against tracy smith. first bucket here. scott wood has just not been able to find the bucket of late. dan, let's get our four keys to the game. >> dan: we already talked about that a little bit. for the maryland terrapins they have to play with intelligence on the inside. that's what they are doing trying to take away tracy smith helping with vasquez and for north carolina state wolfpack has to put some points on the board. they will have to shoot the ball pretty well. their shooting percentage has been very poor in this six-game losing streak. mike: not shooting well. last three games 3 of 17 from
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the field. only one three-pointer in the last couple of games. >> dan: vasquez is playing. >> dan: horner can be an offensive option. nc state is 8-0 in the season when honer scores 15 points or better. >> mike: vasquez for a shot. that's usually a good sign for maryland. vasquez who in his last 20 games averaging over 20 points a game. maryland showing little against horner. they were talking to each other about switching back and went right to the goal.
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>> inside to williams. and the freshman is fouled. scott wood will pick up the personal. his first. jord >> mike: i think jordan williams has had a great season and been a big part of maryland's success. >> dan: i agree with you 100%, mike. williams does an outstanding job on both sides of the court. he missed that free throw. but i think williams is a guy who has to continue to improve and the maryland terrapins will become a better team. >> mike: maryland won against virginia monday night.
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looking for it. mosely. possession error to maryland. >> dan: he showed you why he is in the starting lineup. he does a
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>> mike: we are all even in rah. there is other action dan, trailed b half caack to w se rdon the conference this year. bo of those teams, duke and florida state coming up with big wins on the road and florida state, that really helps them as they move now to 7-5 and the conference picture duke really making a move. and they have got virginia tech on saturday and then maryland next week. >> mike: so still a lot to be
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decided. jordan williams going back to the free-throw line. this is 0-2. >> dan: this is an area of his game that he is really going to have to improve. makes the free throw there. but twice now he has had point blank range shots at the basket and hasn't been able to get the goal. needs to make free throws and get to the line for three-point play opportunities. >> mike: just 50% free throw shooter on the year. little pressure from the terps. got into a little bit of trouble. one of the things that you can't do something that he did. as soon as he caught that ball he was in the corner an had his back to the court and was double paint. did the only thing he could really do to avoid the turnover. you never want to catch the ball in that situation going toward the ball, you like to catch it headed towards the basket in the other direction. >> mike: i'm sure that's what
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sydney lowe is telling the wolfpack right now. pressure on the inbounds from nc state. >> dan: they threw it to the same spot. >> mike: josh davis. deshawn painter in that lineup. painter in the hole. has it blocked by mosley. julius mays came into the nc state lineup during that time- out a moment ago. >> dan: playing well here in the early going. mike: nice pass.
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from where it all began. >> dan: wasn't much room to make that pass. smith when he catches the ball close to the basket may as well just mark it down on the scoreboard. his first shot of the game and deshawn painter down with the rebound. the shot they wanted from the freshman deshawn painter. >> dan: they will get the ball back, mike. it may be okay early in the sure they want that. i agree with. he is a guy that is better around the basket than shooting that 15-foot jump shot. >> mike: he has been seeing playing time in his last couple of games averaging four points a game in his last two games.
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again for three. again you see the maryland strategy. >> mike: mosley. made him pay for it once. he has one three-point basket in the game. >> mike: here is vasquez. davis. the foul. vast questions to the free- throw line. >> dan: davis has a couple of inches on vasquez and has much longer arms. he can really contest vasquez think vasquez knew it. >> mike: great free throw shooter at 82% as you see. a player coming back into the game. c.j. williams on the floor for the first time for nc state.
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>> dan: maryland with the pressure again. >> mike: vasquez now with 5 points. nc state really is having trouble after that make that first pass there. >> dan: they really got lucky there. >> mike: adrian bowie into the maryland lineup. almost came up with a steal a moment ago. there is mosley who leads the team in steals. a sophomore from baltimore. >> dan: maryland really likes to create offense from their defense. got to make sure you are strong with the ball and make good passes. >> mike: c.j. williams. a nice hip in -- tip in by
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dennis horner. >> dan: he shoots inside. >> mike: boy, he is deadly down at the other end. on his offensive game early tonight, mike. he have it monday night against virginia. 30-point night. >> dan: tracy smith out of the game at the moment. >> mike: horner. wide open. another offensive rebound and tip in. that time by deshawn painter. when maryland has struggled this season, mike, offensive rebounding by their opponents have had a lot to to with it. they generally have trouble. >> mike: painter whistled for the foul. vasquez trying to drive by him.
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vasquez recognizes as the big guy steps out and doesn't really step out quickly and has a foul situation and takes advantage. landon milbourne has four. maryland lead. >> mike: these teams going toe- to-toe here in the first half. >> mike: turnover. give it to maryland. something we haven't seen a lot of here in this first half. davis is generally pretty good with the basketball driving to the basket. most of the time he is trying to drive to the basket against guys. that time adrian bowie just
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moved his feet. ball came off his leg. nc state has really done a nice job on the boards on both ends. down the other end. josh davis. getting his first bucket. >> mike: landon milbourne offering the rebound and putback. when he plays well, dan, boy, this maryland team is really tough. >> dan: mike, i think if nc state you've got to be concerned about the quality of shots that maryland has been getting. >> mike: folks, we have got a great one going here in raleigh tonight. both teams shooting lights out in the last couple of
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f♪ ay, a 't gg ♪ you ubwa $5ongss, to ♪ in the top 25. duke and wake forest. wake lost last night at virginia tech. when was the last time the acc had just one ranked team in the top 25? may have to go back to dan bonner's era. i'm not sure. i can't remember. and that's why it is a trivia question, mike. trivia. there is javier vazquez. >> dan: haven't missed a shot. >> mike: no. has got a three-pointer. gonzalez back in the game for nc state. >> dan: nc state has been able
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to do what they like on the offensive end. >> mike: he has been shooting the ball well. 34%. >> dan: at this point in the season there is no secret about scott wood any more. teams are collapsing to him every time he gets the ball. >> dan: and they are really flying at him. he is telling the official there that he got hit on the arm. this is a young man when he is shooting the ball doesn't need a lot of time or distance in shot but that was a little bit of a push there. adrian bowie was right on top of him. >> mike: tucker just into the game for maryland. vasquez. bowie down all along the inside. 10 on the shot clock. taken away by gonzalez. too much dribble by vasquez,
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mike. gonzalez. good three-point shooter. here is bowie on the glass. >> dan: great game so far, isn't it, mike? >> mike: it really is. shoot like that on a couple of possessions. looked disorganized at times. smith tries to pass inside to horner. >> dan: mike, what we were talking about earlier in the game is that tracy smith draws so much attention that the wolfpack really needs to be able to make themselves a more multidimensional team. four out of five maryland players in the vicinity makes the pass to the open man. nice job finding horner despite the offensive power. mike: sydney lowe has now
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played everybody on. richard howell is not available tonight. jordan vandenberg, the 6-foot freshman from australia. thumb that he injured in practice yesterday and that really hurt nc state. >> dan: it sure does. he has been playing pretty well for them of late. >> mike: and another good defensive stop by state. here is jordan vandenberg. pass into the paint to smith. he fouled. tell you what, making things happen in this part of the game for nc state. >> dan: mike, he is really quick with the basketball. his ability to move the ball quickly down the court and keep in mind this is the maryland
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team that has played. here. on saturday. playing again on wednesday. so you want to push them and see how they hold up. >> mike: that monday game was actually a makeup game of a game that was snowed out and dan, i think you know as well as anybody up in that part of the country there has been a lot of snow. >> dan: we think where we lived we accidentally got shipped to buffalo with all the snow we have had. >> mike: smith in the corner now. vasquez getting a break. vast questions averages 33 minutes a game. he will not be on the bench for the terps. will yams. >> dan: that's what i'm talking about with williams, mike. he gets the ball within two feet inside the basket. yes, there is defensive pressure there but gary williams wants them to finish this play. >> mike: williams has not had
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a field goal in this first half. >> dan: just looking slow in certain parts tonight. >> mike: gonzalez in the lane. open again for three. hanging on to that basketball. nice job by gonzalez. what started out as a pretty good looking break. duke's first half has been dead even. tucker way strong. i'm not so sure maryland needs tucker to come in this particular game and shoot shot opportunities like that. maryland has been doing a nice job getting the ball into the lane area. they have gotten a lot of 8 to 12-foot jump shots.
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i don't think they need to settle for that three. dan: tucker as you saw. >> mike: vasquez back in. here is scott wood on a breakout. maryland simply not doing a good job handling the basketball. into traffic and nc state tripped it right away. >> taking it away from mosley. and scott wood. what a shot. scutaro. that man has got an impression going. >> dan: hayes takes it into a big crowd. wood gets it. makes himself a pass. this is one where mosley would have been better advised to simply let wood have the basket. >> mike: that is sean mosley's
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second personal foul. he has had to take a seat. wood in and out at five points. >> dan: this is a maryland team that really is a good basketball team but they have have everybody playing well to be at their peak. mike: mosley hasn't been able to make that shot today. the game with those two fouls. boy, a lot of opportunities. >> mike: big 7-footer down with the rebounds. jordan vandenberg.
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julius mays. shot clock. under 10 seconds. getting a shot off. look at jordan vandenberg. vandenberg. scoring 9 unanswered points. gary williams. jordan vandenberg who hasn't played in three of the last four games. nice offensive rebound. nc state up seven now. >> dan: that was just poor defense by the maryland terrapins. everybody didn't need to be running at the basketball. look at how many maryland guys are above the free-throw line and nobody blocks out jordan vandenberg. vasquez jumps at the ball. in that situation you need to get out and block out. terps are lucky they didn't get called for that with vasquez
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with his hand in the net as the ball was near the rim. >> you saw gary williams in that huddle. he is not happy with his post players right now. maryland terrapins concerned. in a very short pdf but they really have dominated nc state in recent years. >> mike: vasquez trying to break a drought for maryland and he does. the terps have been gone almost 5 minutes with a field goal. >> dan: one of the big problems for nc state has been inconsistent play and maryland of it forcing some turnovers. >> mike: here come the terps trying to get momentum back.
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vasquez loses it. jordan williams. >> dan: i don't think he saw williams. he threw the ball and landed and williams happened to be there. >> mike: williams had a great game the first time these two teams played each other. rebounds. maryland. like it will be anything but. at the paint. don't settle for that three- point shot. mosley was guarding and went down to double team tracy smith then as mosley was trying to get back, he went right around him. >> mike: he has seven points. has the shot blocked by smith of mosley. trying to grab on davis.
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his second foul. nc state playing well on both ends. scott wood, the freshman.
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- ey lryon owd ] soest stan helacom. emiusite r on0k+ . >> mike: one of the things going on here in the game. tracy smith the guy drawing most of the attention. sean mosley is playing inside trying to help out and that means open out on the perimeter so as the play develops he will take it over and get it inside. watch sean mosley. he will leave and go down inside. that leaves him open and watch what he does as he catches the ball mosley not able to get back. he uses his quickness to get to the goal. >> mike: seven points for him. made them pay with that defensive strategy. >> dan: that was poor defensive work by sean mosley.
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vasquez. good pass. jordan williams. let's keep an eye on landon milbourne. lots of times when he gets one of his shots blocked in the game he becomes a little bit more tentative. tracy smith blocked that shot. he fell away when he didn't need to fall away. >> mike: painter. good pass by vasquez. c.j. williams. offensive rebound. horner with 6 points.
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>> dan: another offensive rebound. the nc state wolfpacks. >> they have got a big push. >> mike: another rebound for the wolfpack. josh davis. nc state lead and another time- out called by gary williams. >> dan: what gary williams is seeing right here is his team being outhustled by the wolfpacks. maryland has been very sloppy with the basketball. behind the play. they really don't hustle. a great pass. >> mike: sydney lowe keeping his team fresh. >> dan: as you saw from that
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replay, mike, both guys went towards the ball. they left davis wide open. lack of communication by terrapins on defense. somebody has got to take the paul. somebody has got to defend the basket. >> dan: this is a team that hasn't played with a lot of spark. maryland is. >> mike: here they are on wednesday, not that that's an excuse, but a lot of games in a short period of time. jordan williams has been a bright spot here in the first half for the terps. >> dan: finished his last couple of opportunities and that was a big basket right there for maryland. >> mike: you don't want this game to get too far out of your reach. >> mike: c.j.
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will yams. the kick out to horner. horner for three. >> dan: you can leave c.j. williams out there but you can't leave horner. >> mike: dan, you made the point when horner scores 15 points or more, 9-0 this year. time-out here at the r bsmc center. horner giving nc state its largest lead of the game. 33-25. we will be back.
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>> mike: we have got a very special presentation coming up at halftime. david thompson will be honoring the 35th anniversary of winning an award. first half highlights. david, dan, many consider the best college basketball player ever. you should know you tried to him. >> dan: e key word there. david thompson an outstanding college basketball player and in the history of the acc he certainly ranks right up there at the top.
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a winner of that awared. nate smith award. award. by nc state. it. foul and didn't get one. pretty good defensive work. gonzalez for three much can't hit it. last 10 minutes of this half has belonged to nc state. hayes. >> dan: they would like to push the ball up the court if they could. >> mike: great ball movement on offense. smith in the paint. tracy smith. did not let him operate down close to the basket. got to make him give up the
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ball. blocked call by horner. crowd didn't like that. first foul on dennis horner. >> dan: tracy smith no secret what he can can do. if you're going to let him catch the ball and you're that close to the basket he will score just about every time. >> dan: that's the second foul on horner. painter back into the game. nc state with a double digit lead for the first time. now mailer. and a rare missed free throw by vasquez. and that's just the way things have gone for maryland in the first half. they come in. shooting 73% from the line. averaging almost 76 points a game. >> mike: vasquez is a 83% free
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throw shooter. pressure by the terps. we are under 2 minutes. foul by vasquez. first foul. >> dan: that's sort of typical the way the first half has gone for gary williams and his squad trying to make a play that really isn't there. gonzalez holding the ball at half court. >> dan: the score 17-15 maryland. >> mike: since then nc state has outscored the terps 20-8. and not a good pass from vasquez. >> dan: not a good pass by vasquez. very good job by tucker filling the lanes on the fast break. >> dan: that's a play where vasquez has to take that ball
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to the goal. he just threw it away. >> mike: wood lost the ball out-of-bounds. >> dan: and this is an opportunity for nc state here that they are not taking advantage of and it has got to frustrate sydney lowe. maryland is playing very poorly and nc state sort of stuck on this 10-point lead. they are glad to have the 10- lead but they would real to put maryland away. >> mike: painter is going to pick up a foul. remember maryland in the bonus so they will go for the free- throw line. dino gregory, he is not a good free throw shooter. he is a great free throw >> dan: maryland turned it
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over. >> mike: getting a shot to go much that's big for nc state. >> dan: it sure is. maryland terrapins. over. right on it. big bucket. his first in the game. when the score was 17-15 i was really surprised. nc state defense. maryland did not get that. it will hurt you.
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smith on the . a foul. foul was on gregory. horner with those two fouls is back in the game. they want >> mike: gonzalez. 5 seconds. horner. shot outside. won't go. but it has been a good first half for dennis horner and the wolf pack. he has got nine points to lead nc state. the wolfpack with their largee lead of the game 37-27. our halftime activities with a salute to david thompson on the way. take you to or?"
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f omedtrok ♪(whi tun n't be h♪ of acc basketball. lots of celebrations going on. one of them tonight is to honor
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that man. who would ever forget that back in 1983 sending him running all over the court after winning the national championship. >> mike: also being honored david thompson. it's part of the ceremony. >> dan: a member of the wolfpack. spent the 72 season on the freshman team averaging over 35 points a game. before ever having played a varsity game one acc coach had will be dubbed him in the best player in the conference. once he was eligibility for varsity competition david undoubtedly fulfilled that statement. for his career
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tradition of ncaa state. one of the best traditions in the country with college basketball is n c state. the one thing they have is they don't have is the greatest player ever to play in the acc david thompson. honor and privilege tonight to celebrate the 1975 nate smith
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player of the year on his 35th anniversary and a former teammate of mine david thompson. david? congratulations. congratulations. >> i agree he was one of the best certainly of all time. we will come back with more from raleigh in just a momomomoo phons ] hedy. hey,. how'oing 's u sha '. kin' yeahy.
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>> nc state up 10 at halftime. vasquez. . >> he only managed two more points. the terrapins got no support from anybody else. had a pretty good three-point shot. dennis horner hit another three. only three point passes by nc
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state. they did a great job scoring close to the basket. >> we are ready now for the second half. it is coming up here in raleigh rbcr. rep ese ' atrtph th v smaes. f let'whatns. f wherall s?! i doow. dows takiever fis tght? at i? e's l ph so, dumb mart then's fa3g n. disthout glatte oh b as j expt. le aer ]you co theo coon. atbettexpe. d gemessphon ee aail-ate. man the ♪ [ ma lf torie f all hamm ] gonnt liutte f and like. ♪ f floa a bly. stke a nnat l buty d sike ♪
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ch areiallisk he hu vi so urs ated moreu.go tog we can all fight the flu. >> about ready to get going with the second half. state up 10. neither team had a player in
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double figures as nc state ends the half on a 20-2 run to take this 10-point lead. here are our us marine corps leaders of the game leading scorers. >> reporter: vasquez 9 for maryland. dennis horner 9 for nc state. williams for maryland at eight points, four rebounds. scott wood with seven for nc state. here is wood. not a good entry pass. smith. vasquez. maryland can't be successful. kick out for mosley.
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and both teams come up empty on their first possession. that does not make gary williams happy. >> maryland really struggling on offense. they have only made 5 of their last 21 field goal attempts. they are not making good decisions on the offensive end. they beat that maryland pressure. they had a big win here. they beat duke here earlier this year. that's a really, really tough shot by tracy smith. he has been playing very well defensive and again maryland just careless with the basketball. very fortunate they didn't turn it over right there.
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maryland only had 16 fouls in the first half and usually that's a good thing but i think it is an illustration. going to pick up a foul. >> dan: that's a foul he pick up, mike. that's just lazy defense there. that's where maryland needs to pick it up. they need to pick it up on the defensive end. have them run a little bitment get some easy baskets. carolina state playing of confidence right now. it is north carolina state that has dominated the inside so far tonight.
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vasquez loses it. will yams comes up with it is ioing ny fson. d ent m, dre youults are ally at ri for 1n1 rus et's togethe and the getour ccin you'tectelf lp p e spf th
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flu vs ar e tst tiv evenflu. getactsu.go together, we can all fight the flu. com str
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>> dan: time for our wendy's past break. >> dan: got everybody down the court. maryland did not defend the fast break very as well. josh davis came off the bench in that first half and had four points for nc state. >> maryland has to get something going or this game will get away from them. >> they have been doing a great job on javier vazquez.
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the game he was pretty silent. vasquez. shot clock. second three of the game for javier vazquez. sydney lowe is disgusted about that. but you can't guard that play. maryland just 2 for 7 from behind the arc. now, this is where maryland has got to get some energy. this is north carolina state team that is above 40 tonight. >> maryland just not very aggressive. >> mike: mosley the rebound. great pass. >> vasquez does such a nice
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job. jordan will yams beating everybody down. can do so many things to really help his team. >> dan: the important thing there, mike, it has to be a team effort. and contribute maryland struggles. defense there by vasquez. another three. >> that's probably not a bad foul because he began to set sail. vasquez. this is a tough two-point shot obviously at the end of the shot clock. you just can't guard that play then vasquez you talked about his ability to pass the ball. he has got four assists in the game. finds williams under the basket. >> reporter: looked at that shot for a moment. mosley trying to get his
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offense going. hand the the ball. excellent pass. bowie had a layup and wasn't to catch the back. over horner. smith the rebound. two on one. he has really shown, dan, he can put that ball on the floor and take it to the basket. >> dan: you don't think of scott wood as a big finisher in transition but he has made a couple of really nice plays tonight. 14 points. to run the court.
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gonzalez. in double figures. nc state ran down the court and set up an offense maryland never really got organized on defense. had been a big part of the fense tonight. ♪ ♪ f fivar fg ♪ ♪ f five do♪ ♪ fllarong
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, an ♪ ♪ youan'tong de s ootlamou so to thank you, we're making... any regular footlong a $5 footlong. get thatanlar ♪ more at
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>> nc state up 11. honored during that time-out. the bass fishing team from here at nc state. >> mike: you go from bass fishing to vasquez and our proshot in the net. three-pointer time expired and maryland seemed to have a little bit of a spurt there. >> dan: maryland may be getting it going on offense a little bit but defensively they have still not been able to stop them. row that the ncaa is playing that. virginia tech with a great team.
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they have got williams staying with it. >> he does a great job getting open in there but i said a couple times in the first half and i'll say again, even though your big guy gets fouled in there he has got to finish those plays. >> mike: dan, he needs better free throwing. >> dan: right. when a guy only shoots 50% like that you send him to the free- throw line. that's a roll there. williams the high school player of the year in conneticut a year ago. impressive. has come back into the game now nor nc state. i'm not sure he call that. >> that's a nice job to get the
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ball out. mays good pass to smith. tracy smith. >> get out of that first double team. you're going to get a good shot opportunity and tracy smith going to the basket. >> william. vasquez can't hit the shot. another player who has a solid game tonight for nc state. davis. ña
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continuing toúa ú5úfx8play unde control. they have done very well for the most part tonight. if davis can get down inside has a pretty substantial height advantage on mosley. >> shot clock. shot clock. good defense by maryland. not allowing an nc state shot. turnover will give the ball back to the terps. they had a real chance, dan, as they have got the lead down to 8 points. >> you see a little bit more energy on the part of the maryland terrapins. not particularly making good that end but a little bit more spark there. it is a maryland name that has won six of their last eight games. maintaining second place. >> something going on inside between gonzalez and adrian
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bowie. i think that's actually julius mays. >> it is, okay. it is julius mays. now, there was no foul called there. they were just stopping the game and asking those guys just what in the world do you think you're doing. >> i like that. i think that's really appreciated. don't call it. making another hustle play. very poorly thrown ball but because they got down on the offensive end they were in position to collect that. >> vasquez trying to get it
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going. that's a difficult way. he has got 16 points. >> maryland really trying to speed up the game now. trying to get them out of the comfort zone they were in. now maryland has got it down to 6. williams off the drive. landon milbourne. eric hayes back into the game. hayes 0-5 from the floor. again, it is really tough for maryland to win ballgames when hayes isn't going to score and mosley will have a tough night as well.
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hayes had four three pointer the first time these two teams played in a gig r big maryland win. >> i get the impression sometimes with hayes he misses a couple shots and then he stops shooting the ball. >> he has really missed open shots tonight. that's the break for maryland. you're right. maryland down 6. will have the ball when we come back.
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>> let's take a look at our coverage of the game. smothering that shot. here comes the terps. >> that's great coverage of the defense by dino gregory protecting the basket and as a result maryland gets an easy
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one. the terps who have been 12 have cut that lead in half. >> nice defense by north carolina. trying to get open. landon milbourne. what a nice shot by landon milbourne. him . dan: he hasn't scored in a while, mike. it has been some time. >> mike: down at the other end. how did he get that away? hits the three. eighth three pointer of the season. adrian bowie the june on or about from green belt, maryland, had helped put some light back into the terps fans. sydney lowe has called time-
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out. >> dan: maryland went with pressure, mike. an while they haven't gotten a lot of turnovers over pressure they have caused the game to speed up a bit. coming down with that rebound and then follows the play up the court and gets the three. nobody stopped him. he is playing with a lot of confidence. he drills it. he has got five points all at the second half and in a game where mosley an hayes are struggling helps to get guys off the bench. >> you look at a guy like bowie, he is filling in the gap a bit. >> that's what they are supposed to do. >> the terps. >> that's pass interference. sphwhr very well might have been. this is the closest this game has been since it was tied at
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17. north carolina state needs to settle the game down a little bit and let tracy smith handle the ball inside. he has not handled the ball in scoring position very many times tonight. a lot of touches at all. >> no, only had seven in the first half. >> sydney lowe. . >> off balance. . >> i do not understand how north carolina state is able to continue to get offensive rebounds on those plays where the shot clock is running down. >> 14. really difficult play to get the offense.
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>> that's what you want. you want landon milbourne to be a jump shooter just inside the three-point arc much that's not the strength of his game. >> he has got 17 points now. remember that horner has scored 15. gary will yams. horner, the senior from linwood, new jersey, who signed originally with them. what a game he is having tonight. >> he has not only done it, mike, shooting threes, he has done a great job playing inside. going up against landon
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milbourne and that's usually the place where landon milbourne has an advantage. dennis horner dominating that matchup making a couple of threes and got an offensive rebound. >> not only did he have seven points he had rebounds now. a double-double. >> four of those rebounds on the offensive end. and if you look at maryland's nbc on the year when landon milbourne, his opposite numbers on the other team, maryland struggles. >> back into the has done a really nice job staying in fronts of vasquez and preventing him from driving to the basket. >> playing out underneath the
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maryland basket. bowie. >> that's another three. only had seven coming in, mike, and has he two now. >> only averages four a game. he has got eight. nc state struggling a little bit from behind the arc tomorrow night. >> turning it over. maryland with the pressure. they don't get the steal. causedded them to go just a little too quickly and the wolfpack with five turnovers in the sec half. >> maryland has only one.
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>> williams. points. pass. a foul committed. >> i have always thought that was a rather optimistic move on the part of the guard. going to block the shot of a 7'1" guy. >> doesn't exactly add up, does it? >> nice job by tracy smith to get the ball out of the zone. very well in transition tonight and he does so again right there. the freshman from melbourne, australia, only five for seven of the line coming into the game
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. >> vasquez. pretty quick shot for maryland. >> that's vasquez playing with a lot of confidence. right in the quick. it was a steep, steep three- point shot. that's a guy that thinks he can get the job done and for the most part he does. >> off hayes. nc state turnover. vasquez. from the other side of the court. three 3s. that one has given maryland the lead. the last maryland lead was 17- 15 and the three from vasquez has put them up by 2. >> dan: mike, the game tempo has really picked up. maryland is off and running in transition. north carolina state having a tough time getting the defense. no attempt against the three in
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transition. >> mike: vasquez shooting 50% from the field. he has got 19 points. five assists tonight. back to the lead. they have trailed by 12 here in the second half. >> now let's see maryland, they have come back and taken the lead, can they continue to play lead? times if these teams come back seize the lead but they don't have enough to keep it. . >> you can see the confidence going out of the faces of the nc state wolfpack. this is a situation you've got to find tracy smith. >> they have not done a lot. has been the offense. >> he is on the sideline.
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off balance. and jordan williams a big rebound. williams. finished that time. that was a tough shot. 16 points for jordan williams. maryland now with its largest lead. 55-51. dan, i think this a bit of a dangerous thing for them. >> dan: mike, they are just not being very efficient on
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state has got to get the ball inside. >> can't believe that. he had the rebound. maryland on a tear. they have come from behind ta lea lyyou or m carance host chaaniey a medle? ♪e mu chhat'you n. voo. 1tes save yoor m car ine.
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y to go grab by lls. e taoad trip tace o ro are you ready to gain 10 pounds? then you belong at bass pro shops. t nocan r proteam 175 for the factory reduced price of only $12,995 and get a free bass pro discount card good for 2 years. and the spring fishing classic starts february 26th with free seminars and big savings. bass pro shops. your adventure starts here.
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i waenjo verye. i o beere nt, sos whain. o hat th y dayest traio stay ahead f ale yoys, to sem tn't keepth tyear ster. >> let's revisit our toyota trivia questions. two teams in the top 25. duke and wake. wake lost last night. when was the last time they had one top team. march 7, 1977, north carolina was the only team ranked in the
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top 25. >> that's 567 polls ago. a long time. at the point here for nc state. they need offense. jordan will yams williams. he has got seven boards. ó$ six minutes to go. been a nice comeback here in the second half by maryland. >> terps on a 15-5 run. williams. he has been a big part. >> that was a great catch inside by williams and he was maintain his body control and not get trapped under the basket.
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did a great job. north carolina state inside the game. wolfpacks just can't get anything going in there. >> the terps now with their largest lead. tracy smith to be perfectly honest doesn't seems like he is working very hard to get the ball. >> look at vasquez. sink his hand there. gets the steal. that's what a senior leader will do for you. >> it is lucky he didn't throw the ball out-of-bounds there. time to tell you about our motel 6 of the i think, dan, we both agree unanimously on this. adrian bowie, the junior, eight points. doubled his average. he has been a huge key for maryland here in the sec half. all eight of those points coming in the sec half. >> when you said sean mosley only has two and eric hayes has not scored, somebody on the bench has to pick it up and it has been bowie. >> he hasn't scored a lot by dino gregory has been giving positive minutes off the bench.
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there is williams getting fouled. >> c.j. will williams. last one banked in. >> four in a row before that bench. >> he should be a little harder or a little softer so he can bank it in. shots. touched the net with his free throws. >> again, north carolina state they have just shut down offensively. to get out of transition and they can really well get the ball inside but they have not been able to
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do that. >> c.j., i don't know that he is the guy you want to rely on to shoot the ball to bring you back into the game. he shoots only about 40% on the season. >> five points and 22 minutes saturday. he has not scored here tonight. horner. a big rebound and big defensive stop for maryland. under 4.5 to go. and the terps up 7 with the ball. nc state. mosley.
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>> foul. mosley commits a personal foul. got to get nc state right back got to get nc state right back in /
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to the inside guys. >> you're right, mike. it has been a team effort in there. tracy smith you can see only 3 for 7 shooting in the game in the second half. he has only touched the ball four times in other than rebounding situations and that is after touching it only seven times in the first half. so the maryland terrapins have done a really good job keeping the ball away from him and when he does catch the ball for the most part you are forcing him to get it become out. >> 3:48 left. still time for nc state but they cannot come up empty on many offensive possessions and some big free throws here from dennis horner. >> mike, you're right. there is plenty of time left in the game an north carolina state has to get back to the
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formula that was so successful for them early in the game and that is getting back on defense forcing maryland. scoring on the inside. >> a double-double in the game tonight. 18 points. 10 rebounds. been offensive rebounds. been able to take them off the boards. he is 3 for 3 from the line. a five-point game. >> whistled for the foul. good job on eric hayes but a little too tight. >> the wolfpack can afford to be aggressive.
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eric is a senior. a shot. vasquez. staying with it. gonzalez doing a much better job than that. vasquez. after it. no panic there. >> that's just a great play by a great player. gonzalez on the drive. under 3 minutes to go now. vasquez. taking over the game. >> sure has, mike. he made that big three-point shot then watch this. he is really in trouble here. ball much gets his hands on the ball again. vasquez pulls it out and converts. >> how important is your go-to
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guy? your best scorer. missing that one. >> complete free-throw line. it is very important, mike, to answer your question. you get into the tight games. got to have guys that can make free throws and vasquez has handled the ball so much. free throws. >> another 20 plus night for javier vazquez. vazquez. williams. looking for the foul down low. second. that is probably the first foul they teach you to call in referee school when the player has good position inside. the offense plays. defense reaches over his back. >> tracy smith will go to the free-throw line. he is 2-2 tonight. we haven't seen maryland make. they played really good team
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defense there and not allowed them to get to the free-throw line. >> what a difference in the two games against maryland. in the first game, smith had 18 points and 10 rebounds. and you can see only 9 points here tonight. >> he has been surrounded by the maryland terrapins this evening. particularly in this second half. >> gary williams. will yams. pé
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