tv Book TV CSPAN February 27, 2010 1:00pm-3:29pm EST
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is the principle that nobody speaks for the university. >> i would agree with that. i think these are largely reconcilable observations. universities have to have agendas. they have to decide whether they are going to move in certain directions or not. that is all interval to their academic mission that they have to take consideration. it is whether they go beyond that, postulating about world events that i think they step outside sphere. individually or faculty members have a right to do that, but the universities and should not to that. that, i think, is fundamentally. ..
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>> of faculties, the quality of faculty performance in the classroom, there's a slight positive corelation between their positive evaluations with the research productivity and the research outfit of those faculty members. so i don't think, in fact, if there's any edge that i would give to the great research universities over the liberal arts colleges is that there is an opportunity for young people to study with the people who are
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really pushing forward the boundaries and the frontiers of knowledge, creating new knowledge and are less likely to be simply transmitting core knowledge or knowledge that is at the periphery of the field to their, to their students. so i see no, not only no inconsistency, but, in fact, a necessary part of the mission is to link these two and to -- look, it doesn't mean that there aren't great researchers who are lousy teachers, and it doesn't mean that there aren't really poor researchers who are poor teachers, and there are, you know, you can fill out the fourfold table, and you're going to be able to find a lot of bad people around in terms of research and teaching, even at great universities. but it's not because they necessarily are devoted only to research. in fact, one of my feelings about columbia college is that
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there are so many faculty members here who love really smart, inquisitive undergraduates, and they would love to be able to foster them, and they do. now, i think it's an entirely different problem for very large state universities when the average class size for those people majoring in many, many subjects is 500, 700. you know, the average class size at columbia is about 20. and so it's a very, very -- we run a boutique educational establishment here. unfortunately, that, the state universities and great city university like the one that matthew runs really cannot have the luxury of all those small, small classes, and that does put enormous burdens on faculty members teaching thousands of students. it takes a very special type of person to be able to do that well, and i think that's where a lot of the discontent is
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expressed and where there are serious issues to be addressed. >> [inaudible] is this on? let me just quickly comment on that, and that is there is the formal teaching, largely undergraduate teaching, and then there's the intimate, daily teaching that a research professor participates in with his students and fellows. and i think we're all -- maybe the world is not aware of the extent to which research scientists teach graduate students and fellows and the realization on our part that without this teaching, our disciplines are dead. and so there is a great deal of informal teaching which amounts to many, many more hours a week
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than the formal teaching in the classroom. that is inherent in the research endeavor. >> well, let me take this opportunity to thank the panel for, i think, an extremely interesting and important set of remarks and also a very stimulating follow-up discussion. also let me remind everybody ha this book is on sale right outside the -- [laughter] this room. and so let's give them some, a round of thanks here. [applause] >> jonathan cole, who served as provost and dean of faculties at columbia university for 14 years, is currently a professor at the university. he's a member of the american academy of arts and sciences and the american philosophical society. for more information visit
1:06 pm >> friends of the late howard zinn gathered at busboys and poets here in washington to pay tribute to the historian and political activist who passed away on january 27th. the speakers include ralph nader and amy goodman. this is about and a half -- two and a half hours. ♪ ♪
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[inaudible conversations] >> [inaudible] >> that was the young woman's drumming empowerment project. let's give them a big hand. [cheers and applause] with kristin as their leader, she is fresh back from ghana. welcome back, kristin. it's wonderful having you here always. thank you so much. she will be back the next time here we have eve especialliler coming on the 24th of february, we invite you pack for that very special event. can you all hear me outside? good. i'm so sorry we can't have enough room for everybody to be here, but thank you so much. thank you for standing in the weather to be here. [cheers and applause] thank you. you know, you know, the gop is
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speaking about the fact that we have all this snow outside, therefore, global warming is over. and i would have to agree because our ice machine that hasn't worked for years is working now, so i know it's over. so global warming is not over, as you all know, and i just met someone from maine earlier today who said they've had the warmest winter they've had in a long, long time. we've gotten all the snow, so things are shifting. but thank you all for being here. i know this is a very special night. i wanted to, first, say a couple of words about our bookstore. our bookstore, which is run by teaching for change, a -- [cheers and applause] and the reason why the bookstore is important to mention tonight is because they received a fair amount of resources from someone who had studied under howard zinn and wanted to start an education project. you know, howard was all about
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educating people because he believed that's where you start, in the classroom. he, he began his classes by saying, you can't be neutral on a moving train. and he inspired this person to go out and provide enough resources for our bookstore at teaching for change to have 4,000 packets that have been distributed to middle school and high school teachers that teach history and social studies. the packets include a copy of people's history of the united states, a copy of people's voices and a copy of the dvd, can't be neutral on a moving train. so these teachers will be learning all about this beautiful history. i met howard, actually, taking a class that was offered by ralph nader. ralph nader offered a class for an institute for teachers of social studies and history teachers and asked me if i wanted to be a part of that
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class, and i said, absolutely. i went into the class, and howard was there, and he spoke, and lois gibbs spoke, and a few other really interesting people spoke about how to teach history the right way. and howard was there, and that's how i started my friendship with him. and we ended up having a wonderful friendship and correspondence over some time. so i have a couple of boxes of wonderful little letters and stories, and i want to read you a couple of them. if you don't mind. i have kids, and they were beginning to play soccer, and i had talked to him on the phone, so he sent me this letter in response. he said, dear andy, it's good to hear from you. yes, when your kids discover something like soccer, and he put discover in quotes, as when columbus discovered america -- [laughter]
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someone, the parents of course, will suffer for it. [laughter] so he also said, he said, writing -- and this was sort of a pre-set up for the tv series and the people speak series that ended up being on there -- he said, i've done some writing, what is supposed to be a poi lot program -- pilot program based on people's history. it's really a long shot, but i've given an option to this documentary film maker in new york who thinks he can pull it off. we'll see. he only needs to raise $2 million which i offered to give him, but he doesn't want laundered money. [laughter] he said, we should talk soon. we leave on friday, so i'll be reachable at home by saturday or monday. sunday is a wedding, a friend's, at which, believe it or not, i have been asked to officiate, my first and last gig. [laughter] then he wrote something here, he
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said, this is really hard to read. as you can see, this was written on this paper that fades, and this was written in '95. he said, how are you? roz and i think of you and marjean from time to time and hope everything is going well for you. roz is painting, are you? i've been running around the country trying to start a revolution. it's only a matter of days. [laughter] i've been in oregon, california, min minneapolis, rhode island, colorado, and next week i'm going to pennsylvania and texas. so he continued to start the revolution. and then he said here, this one other letter was written in 1997, he and i had worked on his play, and i got to know him through that. and he came back here several times to talk about the play, and he was so excited about this play. it's a play about karl marx coming back to clear his name
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because the soviet union had given communism a really bad name, and he was here to be back, sort of ascend from the heavens to clear his name in 1992. and he said, and we talked back and forth about the script, and he said, i made at least one change which should please you. he added, he said, do you remember how you were horrified as jenny telling marx to shut up? jenny was marx's wife. a woman in iran would never say that, you pointed out, and we all know that jenny was an iranian. well, she wasn't, so that was supposed to be funny the. [laughter] he says, well, i've changed that as you will see in the script. i've also cut down on the number of times shit appeared. i realized it was causing diarrhea. [laughter] so this is the kind of humor that howard had and how i remember him, and the last time when we heard that he had died, it was, it was, it was passed to
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me in a note. in fact, we were on c-span as we are tonight so, thank you, c-span, for covering this program. thank you. they deserve an applause. [cheers and applause] the last time this happened i was interviewing phyllis bennis who had just written her newest primer on the war in afghanistan, and someone slipped me a piece of paper at the end of the conversation, and i broke down and cried because i had just talked to howard two days before that. he was planning to be here on april 13th and ended up to be that, obviously, that wasn't going to happen. and i was very shocked by the news. and c-span, god bless them, as they record everything, they recorded the whole incident of me breaking down and the whole, the whole conversation that took afterwards and was just aired recently. so thank you, again, to c-span for always being there for these types of programs. i'd like to bring up to the stage someone most of you know. his, his close ties to howard
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zinn as he wrote a people's history of sports, just like people's history of the united states, much of that people's history of the united states sort of spent out a series of different books including a people's history for young people, a people's history for minorities, all kinds of stuff. in fact, there's a people's history for the people of iraq that's actually being made right now. so this has sort of spawned a whole bunch of types of books out of that first original book, "people's history of the united states," which now has sold over two million copies and made the fourth best seller for nonfiction on "the new york times" best seller list. [cheers and applause] so, hey, howard lives on! so i want to bring up david zirin who will be the emcee for the evening. he's on sirius xm radio, a weekly show that talks about sports and activism, and he's a great friend of busboys and poets, we love to have him on our stage. please welcome david zirin.
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[cheers and applause] >> get comfortable. [laughter] it's gonna be a wonderful p evening. we're here tonight, of course, to honor our friend, our fellow fighter for social justice, and i think more ocean of -- for most of us in this room our teacher, mr. howard zinn. now -- [applause] i'm dave zirin, i'm your emcee. i'm going to walk you through some of the mechanics of this evening, and then we'll get our first speaker on stage. this is not your typical memorial by any stretch of the imagination, and the marching orders for the kind of evening we're going to have tonight really came from howard himself. this started about three years ago when howard got a bizarre call from the "the boston globe" a reporter called him and said, excuse me, mr. zinn, i've been assigned to work on your
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obituary. imagine getting a call like that. [laughter] and howard, always quick, always quick with the quip, his response was, well, what's your deadline? [laughter] and that started a discussion that howard began to have with close friends and confidants where he said, look, when i die, please, no memorials. whatever you do, no memorials. and his friends said to him, well, guess what? you touched a lot of people in your life, there are going to be memorials. and howard said, okay. but if there are going to be memorials, it has to be about the work. it has to be about the struggle. it has to be about the music of the struggle. it has to be about the words that are in a people's history of the united states, the voices in a people's history of the
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united states. it has to be about making the world a more just place. and then he said, frankly, if you just have a bunch of historians go up on a stage and pay tribute to me, i gotta tell you, i might not attend. [laughter] so we've sculpted this evening to be for howard as much as it is for the work, for what he would have wanted to pay tribute to him today. and, first of all, you guys should give yourselves a round of applause for being out here on this horrible day because that's an amazing tribute to howard and what he meant to people. [applause] so this is who we have who are going to be on stage tonight, all sort of divvied up in a way for maximum enjoyment by you wonderful people. we've got speakers here tonight like ralph nader, amy goodman, marion wright edelman, phyllis bennis, sid wolf, rich riewp
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rubenstein. we're going to have music tonight from bernice johnson regan of sweet honey and the rock. [applause] and the great group with a name that was very close to howard's heart, emma's revolution. [applause] and we're also going to have readings tonight. the words of sojourner truth, june overdone and -- jordan and a personal request of mine, muhammad ali as well as the works of lucille cliffton who was near and dear to many of us, and they will be read by damian smith, susana rose, sarah browning. in other words, i think we have an evening here tonight 2458d have done -- that would have done howard mighty proud. so our first speaker has been called an unreasonable man. [laughter] and i would make the case that we've with all benefited from
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his unreasonableness in a myriad of ways from the seat belts to clean drinking water to the many issues that the over 40 nonprofits that he has launched in his life have fought around. he's also the author of a book calls, a novel calls "only the super rich can save us. "that's the satire. [laughter] and, like howard -- and that's why he's so perfect to start tonight -- like howard, he was a principled opponent of the idea that if we just elect the right democrat, we will have shangri la in this country. and, like howard, he has a motor that those of us half his age really struggle to keep pace with. ladies and gentlemen, mr. ralph nader. [cheers and applause]
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>> thank you very much, david zirin. thank andy and all the people here for making this celebration of howard zinn's life possible. you will hear the vast dimensions of howard zinn's activities in the speakers that will be here very shortly. to me, howard zinn represented dissent in america across a prodder spectrum offish -- prodder spectrum of issues and activities from his educational function to his organizing function to his inspirational function. dissent is the mother of ascent. if you look very carefully at what we have achieved in our
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country that represents civil rights and civil liberties whether substantive or procedural, they started out as dissent. and now they have come to the status of ascent. so the dissenter's role is one that is not simply drawing a line in the sand and saying no, although it includes that. it's much more than that. it's moving toward a higher level of activity that represent the fulfillment of life's possibilities. starting with human rights. i'm here to talk about howard zinn's afterlife on earth. very often when people who've
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advanced justice over the years and defined their life as such leave this earth, they provoke sweet memories, recollections all of which tend to be motivating for a period of time. they establish exemplary behavior which often replicate themselves among the young. but we need to go further than that. the legacy of howard zinn should be institutionalized in the best sense. the great public citizen of post-war europe, john monet, once said without people, nothing is possible. without institutions, nothing is lasting. i think of the naacp and its founders, the american civil
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liberties union and its founders, sierra club and its founders and other institutions that have lifted our country's expectation level into reality. i think we should, starting here which i believe is the first of howard's celebrations which will go to new york and madison, wisconsin, and boston and possibly chicago and the west coast, that we express our general intent and considering the establishment of a zinn institute for peace and justice that will not be bureaucratic, that will be principled, and it will take off from the final recommendation that howard always ended his speeches on.
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that means, the organization of neighborhoods. the organization of people. that was his bottom line once people became aware, once the facts were out, that was his bottom line. and that is the way we should extend his bottom line. and do it by expanding the number of young and not so young people in his path. when senator paul wellstone and his wife sheila lost their lives in that airplane crash a few years ago, their children did not waste a moment after the grieving period in establishing the wellstone center for training young organizers. and other civic activities. and so he and sheila live on through that center. it would have been easy just to
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have memorials and anecdotes and humor that expresses truth. about senator wellstone and sheila. but they went the next step. i recall when john kenneth galbraith passed away. there was no effort to extend the kind of progressive economics, the kind of wit and insight in an institutional elaboration for young john kenneth galbraith to come. when molly ivins passed away, the great, witty, incisive columnist for a number of outlets and syndications, again, there was an attempt to extend what she stood for institutionally, and there was no follow up. and when william sloan kaufman,
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that great person who fused the gospel with the peace advocacy and anti-war marchs as he led thousands of people from his position at yale university's chaplain, and there was no follow up. think of the invigoration of a democratic society that comes from those kinds of follow ups. we must change the american way of funerals and memorial services. we must do it with our energy while our recollections are fresh and our sensitivities tender. howard started out, as many of you know, not as an academician. he started out as a manual laborer in new york city.
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he didn't go to college until he was 27. at nyu as a freshman. he was a bombardier in the u.s. army, and on one of the runs over nazi-occupied france he participated in dropping napalm that burn withed french civilians. napalm. that was his greatest teacher. he never forgot that. he put his medals in an envelope when he returned and resolved he would oppose all wars. he went back to france to visit that small town where the burn victims had survived. those that did survive. the distinguishing feature of howard zinn is not that he opposed injustice and he opposed war and oppression, he didn't
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oppose one injustice, but for some reason look the other way at another injustice. and in the progressive magazine matthew rothschild who carried his column in the progressive every month had a list of thank yous, a personal thank you, howard zinn. and one of the thank yous was this: thank you, howard zinn, for being a jew who dared to criticize israel's oppression of the palestinians early on. [cheers and applause] early on. he ends. that was a great list of thank yous that matthew rothschild delivered.
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you can see he could have written a book on it, but he wanted to get it out in capsule form. and when you see the range of the thank yous, you can see that howard was a hand for all seasons. that his scope, the breadth, the depth of his concern -- and you'll hear about people who are more intimately involved with the people's history of the united states -- but, you know, every nation that i'm aware of through time since printing was established by guttenberg taught it young the nation's history that was full of omissions, myths and lies. and the teaching of american history if our country -- in our country was no exception to that. and that was the authentic
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revelation of what has to come to be howard's greatest academic work. i thought i'd end with a passage from howard's writings. and it was on war. here are his words. you can see that they are nourished by his experience in war, and when you come up against these warmongers like cheney and bush who were draft dodgers even though they loved the vietnam war and wanted others to fight it for them, he never pulled rank. it's remarkable how he never pulled rank and told them the war he did participate in.
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he said the following: war is by definition the indiscriminate killing of huge numbers of people for ends that are uncertain. think about means and ends and apply it to war. the means are horrible, certainly. the ends uncertain. that alone should make you hesitate. we are smart in so many ways, he said. surely we should be able to understand that difference between war and passivity. in that difference there are a thousand possibilities. end quote. think of iraq. think of the million iraqis that have lost their lives.
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think of our own soldiers and hundreds of thousands coming pack. coming back with disease and trauma and the horrific memories of what was done there. think of afghanistan, another repertory of the warmongering effort of a government out of control, a government that violates its constitution, its statutes, a government that is lawlessly bipartisan. i suppose howard zinn's favorite definition of freedom might be mine, but i'm not sure. and it goes back to marcus cicero, the ancient roman orator and lawyer who for my benefit defined freedom for all time
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when he said, quote, freedom is participation in power, unquote. i think that's what he stood for, and he knew that without freedom being participation in power it was very unlikely that justice and peace would follow. and i hope that you'll take this great opportunity this evening through the conduit of c-span and other tv here and other press in elaborating the extraordinary life of howard zinn about whom noam chomsky said, he had this amazing contribution -- and i'm quoting him -- he had this amazing contribution that he made to american intellectual and moral
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culture. his powerful role in helping the civil rights movement and the anti-war movement. end quote. he was a man who thought, a man who experienced, a man who demonstrated, a man who motivated, a man who thought for himself, a man who we must always remember in action on the ground. the zinn institute for peace and justice, i hope you'll consider it. thank you very much. [applause]
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>> one more time for ralph nader, everybody. [cheers and applause] clap your hands if you never want ralph to be reasonable. [laughter] [cheers and applause] okay. tonight -- you should know this first and foremost before we go on, this is actually something i just got a note about, tonight is actually being live streamed at busboys and, so we are putting this out live to people out there in virtual la la land. they're being a part of this too. busboys and the play has been mentioned earlier, and there's this line in marx and soho where -- if you've read the play, it's howard as marx. [laughter]
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and i don't know if marx was that funny. [laughter] and so it's marx in quotes saying, if you are going to perform civil disobedience, make sure it's with 2,000 of your closest friends, and don't forget to play some mozart. howard loved music, and anybody who's seen the people speak with the musical contributions of everybody from john legend to bob dylan knows to lupe fiasco. howard was kind of hip. that's why it's such an honor to introduce the next performer, we're going to get some music now. we have a performance by a renowned member of the 1960s group the freedom singers. lawrence is rubbing his hands together excited. and she later founded the a
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♪ while i run this race. ♪ guide my feet while i run this race. ♪ oh, guide my feet while i run this race. ♪ oh, i don't want to run this race in vain. >> now, i was not supposed to get through the whole thing with only a shadow. so you could actually pretend you know what howard's life is about and act as if you're not going to leave people by themself thes when they are calling for support, so the thing they're trying to rise does not die.
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and i don't care if you haven't ever sung it before. [laughter] if you don't get out of the track you're in, you can't make a new thing. ♪ guide my feet -- harmony -- while i run this race. ♪ guide my feet while i run this race. ♪ oh, guide my feet while i run this race. ♪ oh, i don't want to run this race in vain. >> when i go, oh, i don't want -- that's a blues line. [laughter] so you just slide up the line. don't miss anything. [laughter]
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♪ oh, i don't want to run this race in vain. ♪ hold my hand while i run this race. ♪ hold my hand while i run this race. ♪ oh, hold my hand while i run this race. ♪ oh, i don't want to run this race in vain. >> song comes out of slavery, and the song says i know where i am, and i know i do not want to find myself there tomorrow.
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i cannot guarantee that i am going to get to some other place, but i can guarantee that i am stepping out of the ground i stand on. [applause] ♪ i've been thinking about how to talk about greed. ♪ i've been thinking about how to talk about greed. ♪ i've been wondering if i could sing about greed. ♪ trying to find a way to talk about greed. ♪ greed is a poison rising in the land. ♪ the soul of the people twisted
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in it command. ♪ it moves like a virus seeking out everyone. ♪ we never stop, his work is never, ever done. ♪ -- killing, invading everywhere. ♪ there is really no escaping greed's sneaky snare. ♪ i've been trying to find a way to talk about greed. ♪ i've been trying to find a way to talk about greed. ♪ i've been wondering if i could sing about greed. ♪ trying to find a way to talk about greed. ♪ not partial to gender or your sexual desire.
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♪ all it wants for you is want, to ped, to own and to buy. ♪ it moves within the culture -- ♪ greed really isn't picky, it'll make anybody fall. ♪ greed is a strain in the american dream. ♪ having more than you need is the central theme. ♪ i've been trying to find a way to talk about greed. ♪ i've been trying to find a way to talk about greed. ♪ i've been wondering if i could sing about greed. ♪ trying to find a way to talk about greed. ♪ it's been around a long time, since before we began.
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♪ before this was a nation, greed drove people to this land. ♪ greed's driven men, created slavery. ♪ black men, women and children became somebody's property. ♪ maybe you don't know exactly what i mean. ♪ you don't really want to know about your and my greed. ♪ if you wonder whether you're infected by greed, then this song you really need. [laughter] ♪ i've been thinking about how to talk about greed. ♪ i've been thinking about how to talk about greed.
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♪ i've been wondering if i could sing about greed. ♪ trying to find a way to talk about greed. ♪ i can see it in you, you can see it in me. ♪ we can see it in big corporations all throughout the government. ♪ see it in the banks, i can see it in the military. ♪ see it in the church, i can see it in my neighbor. ♪ it all shows up so clearly, you and you and your greed. ♪ i've been trying to find a way to talk about greed. ♪ i've been trying to find a way to talk about greed. ♪ i've been wondering if i could sing about greed.
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♪ trying the find a way to talk about greed ♪ >> i never took a class -- [cheers and applause] from howard zinn. i grew up in a black community in southwest georgia, and that black community worked to socialize us to excel within the confines of the system we lived in. and the idea was to, in fact, be as fierce as you could be short of getting yourself killed or put in jail because you were black. we weren't using black in those days. but for generations we did that, and then we decided it was
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absolutely not a sufficient reason to be alive. because there is a limit to trying to save your life. if saving your life means getting used to being called out of your name, you need to question. and it doesn't mean you want to commit suicide, but it does mean that you don't want p to get old and die with people calling out your name. and so you step out of this path that has been carved by people who love you, who want you to gain as much as possible, who want you to push your people to the next rung inside of a safety zone sort of. when we step out of that path, they locked us up.
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the lucky ones. some they killed, but i got put h in jail. when i got out of jail and we went to the church, howard zinn was there. i think i never would have met him if i had not gotten put in jail. [laughter] but it wasn't just me being put in jail, it was over 700 people being put in jail inside of one week in southwest georgia. it was the largest mass arrest of american citizens on record to that date. and he came down to do interviews. he was the second person i had ever heard of who had written a book. so my well was not very large, but it was huge in my sense that i had broken ranks. with my own people's formula for
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operating inside of this country. and there were two advisers to the student nonviolent coordinating committee who we called adults. [laughter] one was ella baker, and the other was howard zinn. [applause] and i guess the one thing i feel about coming here tonight is how can i contribute to continuing stepping out of safety zones and risking my life? i think it is required of us if we actually have a chance to consider that we are daily,
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often, being called out of our name. and we are the only people who can do something about that. and it's an individual thing, but it is also an organizational thing. and i was blessed to be a part of an organized fierce, fierce, fierce force in this country, and howard zinn was also one of the troopers. not leaders, recorders. not designers, he was in the midst contributing what he could. it is required of us all. thank you. [cheers and applause]
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>> amy. uh-huh. of course. right on schedule. right on schedule. do we have another round of applause in us for bernice johnson reagan? [cheers and applause] and for those of you who couldn't see the people singing outside along with bernice, what do you guys think, should we send out some coffee and hot cocoa to the folks outside? [cheers and applause] that needs to happen. now -- [laughter] yeah, i forgot for a second, i
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don't actually run this place. i shouldn't speak like i do. [laughter] howard's great respect was not for fame, it was not for academic honors, it was for people who did the work. and our next speaker exemplifies as much as anybody, i think, in existence of somebody who does the work. all you had to do was see her in haiti knocking down doors -- [cheers and applause] to know that this is somebody who does the work. she is our great unembedded journalist, our seeker of truth from democracy now, ms. amy goodman. [cheers and applause]
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>> i can't believe i'm smiling here on this day when we're talking about remembering howard. it's not the fact that he's gone, but the fact that in the music of bernice and the eyes and the tellings of the stories again and again that you'll do that we know that he will live on and inspire so many. that really is the hope. [applause] and also thinking about the fact that he would smile on this day, because here he is being remembered on, on presidents day. [laughter] when you have, well, just going to the introduction of voices of the people's history of the united states, howard's words, the result of having our history dominated by presidents and generals and other or, quote,
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important people is to create a passive citizenry not knowing its own powers, always waiting for some savior on high, god or the next president, to bring peace and justice. those are howard's words. [applause] which is why he dedicated his life and his history and his writing to, as he said, the voices of ordinary people, of rebels, of dissidents, of women, of black people, of asian americans, of immigrants, of socialists, of anarchists and troublemakers of all kinds. [cheers and applause] and how important that is today. the media cutting back on its coverage of war from iraq to afghanistan, but with president obama's surge in afghanistan we see the latest assault on marjah
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and the accidental, they say, killing of -- well, they hit a house with their high-tech, very focused, accurate weapons which was the house next to the house they were supposed to hit. general mcchrystal apologized to president karzai. when the dust cleared, it was children who ran out of the wrong house, and they realized they had killed, i believe it's now i'm not sure if the count is there, about half a dozen children and other innocent people in this house. i'm not saying that this was deliberate, but it was howard zinn who repeatedly reminded us that if you're going to engage in war, the overwhelming number of people who die in war are innocent civilians. and i think of that bumper
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sticker that should be on every car in this country until we've done away with cars that says -- [laughter] there is no flag large enough to cover the shame of killing innocent civilians. those are howard zinn's words. [applause] there is no flag large enough to cover the shame of killing innocent civilians. howard zinn. the legendary historian, author and activist. when he died two weeks ago at the age of 87, it was a pain through the hearts of so many because he had lived the 20th century and documented those centuries before giving us such a different picture from the grassroots up of what has really created this country, the
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greatness of this country. and i think it's fitting that we're here today still in february in black history month. although howard zinn was white, he wrote so eloquently of the civil rights struggle and as bernice said and i know marion wright edelman will say, he didn't only write about it, he participated in not just february, the shortest month of the year, but for years and years has been a part of the civil rights struggle in this country. and his bravery, when daniel els burg in his film now nominated for an academy award, the most dangerous man in america, when he was trying to figure out where he could, oh, hide the pentagon papers, so afraid that perhaps "the new york times"es wouldn't publish them as they had them for months, what could he do, how could he insure that they would be protected? he decided to go to howard and
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roz's house in massachusetts and said, would you keep this stack of papers, thousands of them, in your house? just want to make sure if i am arrested, as he went underground, that someone's got them that i can trust. that was howard zinn. [applause] and so there was howard teaching at spelman college, an historically black women's college in atlanta, and i asked him about his tenure there. actually, when he came on democracy now, and you can see all his interviews, we've devoted a whole section at democracy on howard at democracy now, but i asked him how he, well, got fired. he said, that's a little harsh. he said, we don't get fired as professors, it's just our contracts aren't renewed, he said. he said, the students at spelman
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rose up out of the very tank will and controlled atmosphere during the sit-ins, went into town and got arrested, they came backfired up. i was too much for the administration of the college. zinn wrote in the afterword of a people's history of the united states, it was not until i joined the faculty of spelman college, though, that i began to read the african-american historians who never appeared in my reading lists in graduate school, nowhere in my history education had i learned about the massacres of black people that took place again and again amidst the silence of a national government pledged by the constitution to protect equal rights for all. so when howard died, the next morning we called two people to be on democracy now from their homes, noam chomsky -- his long-time friend and ally, and the pulitzer prize-winning author alice walker.
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[cheers and applause] alice was a student of howard's at spelman, and she was speaking to us from mexico. she said, he was thrown out because he loved us, and he showed that love by just being with us. he loved his students. he didn't see why we should be second-class citizens. well, 42 years after howard zinn was thrown out of spelman, he was invited back. it was in 2005. he was invited back to give the commencement address and receive an honorary degree. yes, times do change. [applause] noam chomsky, a long-time friend of howard and roz's, noam also just lost his wife, carol, to brain cancer, reflected on what he called zinn's reverence for and his detailed study of what he called the countless small actions of unknown people that lead to those great moments that enter the historical record.
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well, i asked, speaking of presidents day, last may i asked howard zinn what he thought of president obama in his first year in the office. you know, when there was a division of whether progressives should support barack obama, howard zinn said, yes, it's important to support barack obama for president. last may he said on democracy now, i wish president obama would listen carefully to martin luther king. i'm sure he pays verbal homage, said zinn, as everyone does to king, but he ought to think before he sends missiles over pakistan, before he agrees to this bloated military budget, before he sends troops to afghanistan, before he opposes the single-payer system. howard zinn went on to say, he ought to ask, what would martin luther king do? and what would martin luther king say? and if he only listened to king,
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he would be a very different president than he's turning out to be so far. zinn concluded, i think we ought to hold obama to his promise to be different and bold and to make change. so far he hasn't come through on that promise. that was -- [applause] the assessment of president obama. and because i want to hear what marion wright edelman has to say about her beloved teacher and what congressman john conyers has to say, snowed in in detroit, i'm just going to end with howard zinn's words. you know, democracy now is dedicated to people speaking for themselves. and so what he taught us and teaches us is most important. he said, i wanted my readers to experience how at key moments in our history some of the bravest and most effective political
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acts were the sounds of the human voice itself. when john brown proclaimed that his insurrection was not wrong, but right, when fannie lou hamer testified in 1964 about the dangers to blacks who tried to register to vote, when p during 1991 alex defied the president on behalf of his son, and of all of us their words influenced and inspired so many people. they were not just words, but actions. to omit or to minimize these voices of resistance is to create the idea that power only rests with those who have the guns, who possess the wealth, who own the newspapers and the television stations. i want to point out that people who seem to have no power whether working people, people of color or women, once they organize and protest and create movements have a voice no governments can sup press. -- suppress. [cheers and applause]
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he dedicated his book to the rebel voices of the coming generation. and just one last thought. when he was making the people speak that just appeared on history channel, and that was so wonderful that he got to see the realization of his work on television, a people's history enacted by all the great actors and singers, he was in boston, and they were filming. and he was walking with viggo mortenson to, well, his favorite coffee shop which happened to be dunkin donuts. and as therapy walking there, a person -- there, a person ran up and said, oh, excuse me. you know, viggo is so used to this and so tired of this, a person with a camera, can i take
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your picture? but that's not what this person had to say. the person with the camera turned to viggo mortenson, excuse me, sir, would you mind taking a picture of me and howard zinn? [cheers and applause] democracy now. [cheers and applause] >> our next speaker -- yes. how do you follow amy goodman? you follow amy goodman with sojourner truth. how about that? in 1851 the african-american
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abolitionist and former slave sojourner truth spoke in ohio. the speech was a landmark moment in feminist and abolitionist history, and it's been memorialized and kept alive through the people speak and voices of a people's history in the united states, and it's going to be read right now by spoken-word artist susana elizabeth rose, she reads, "ain't i a woman?" [cheers and applause] >> well, children, where there is so much racket there must be something out of kilter. i think that twixt the negroes of the south and the woman of the north all talking about rights, hmm, the white man will be in a fix pretty soon. but what's all this here talking
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about? that man over there says that woman need to be helped into carriages and lifted over ditches and to have the best place everywhere. nobody ever helps me into carriages or over mud puddles or gives me any best place. and ain't i a woman? look at me! look at my arms! i have plowed and planted and gathered, and no man can back me ever. and ain't i a woman? i could work as much and eat as much as any man if i could get it, and ain't i a woman?
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i can take the lash just as well, and ain't i a woman? i have borne 13 children and seen most all sold off into slavery, and when i cried out with my mother's grief, no one but jesus heard me. and ain't i a woman? they talk about this thing in the head, what's this they call it, intellect? that's right, honey. what's that got to do with a woman's right or a negro's rights? huh. if hi cup won't -- my cup won't hold but a pint, you say, and your cup holds a quart, well, then wouldn't you be mean if you wouldn't let me have my little half measure full? then that little man in the
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black there, that man with the black collar over there, he says woman can't have as much rights as men because christ wasn't a woman. where did your christ come from? where did your christ come from? from god and a woman! man ain't had nothing to do with it. [laughter] now, if the first woman god ever made was somehow strong enough to turn the world upside down all by herself, then all these woman, these woman, all of these woman together ought to be able to turn it back right side up again. and now he's asking to do it. well, these men better step aside and let 'em. [cheers and applause]
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>> do you see why howard wanted this to be part of his memorial now? oh. oh, yeah, thanks for the coffee. all right. [applause] very cool. very cool, indeed. see, they chose to be there instead of seeing this live streamed at busboys and [laughter] okay. our next speaker now following sojourner truth directs the new internationalism project at the institute for policy studies. her latest, which is available at the teaching for change bookstore in the back, is called "ending the u.s. war in afghanistan, a primer." please give it up for phyllis bennis. [cheers and applause]
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>> wow. what an amazing night. what an amazing memory, and what an amazing day to be doing this. because, you know, today is not only presidents day, that's really not very relevant, today is a very important anniversary, and it's not about presidents. it's about us. today is february 15th. think back seven years ago. february 15th, 2003, you go. when the world said no to war. and in new york city there were more than half a million people filling the streets that became our streets that day -- [cheers and applause] it was our streets, and in 665 cities around the world beginning with the sun, when the
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sun rose in the south pacific and it followed the sun across asia and ultimately through europe and down across africa and jumped the pond to latin america and last, last came to the united states. and in the united states in 250 cities across this country on february 15th we said no to war. and howard zinn was with us leading the chants in boston on the boston commons. so those of us who were in new york and those of us who were on the streets of d.c. and san francisco and chicago and taos, new mexico, howard was with us. he was our teacher then, and he remains our teacher now. it was a day, indeed, for troublemakers of all kinds. oh, yes. it was howard's kind of event.
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and that day when the world said no to war, something was created, and it was something very strange happened the next today. "the new york times" told the truth on the front page above the fold, and they said, once again there are two superpowers in the world: the united states and global public opinion. that means the white house and us. because it was us on a global level. people all around the world. that morning, that morning when a small group of people led by archbishop desmond tutu of south africa met with kofi annan at the united nations, the first thing that bishop tootoo said to kofi annan was we are here on behalf of the people marching in 665 cities around the world, and we're here to tell you those people marching in those 665 cities, we claim the united nations as our own. we claim it in the name of the
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global mobilization for peace. and howard zinn was the one who taught us how to do that. it was his legacy of what it means to reclaim history. to reclaim something that i know congressman conyers was going to say today, and he wasn't able -- his plane was blocked because of the snow. but he said something very interesting that i know he was going to say which was to say that what happens when you start to realize that even a country that has been grounded in slavery and genocide can be reclaimed. but to do it we have to understand our history, we have to understand our history -- not their history. we have to reclaim our history. not rewrite it. this isn't about revisionist history. this is about claiming the history ha we -- that we know, and that's what howard taught us to do.
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and now, now when we see a different kind of president, a different kind of white house but the same wars being waged around the world, we have a lot of work to do. we have to create a new kind of peace movement, a new kind of movement for economic justice, a new kind of movement for climate justice, and a movement that brings them all together. we need a new kind of movement that says no to war, that says we are internationalists. we stand with the people of other nato countries who are trying to get their governments to withdraw their troops from afghanistan. we stand with the people of afghanistan who are saying, get your occupation out. we've got enough problems, and you're not making it better, you're making it worse. we stand with the people of iraq for whom our occupation and our war is not yet over.
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we stand with the people of palestine whose occupation is enabled by our government. those wars, those occupations have to be ended, and we have lessons that we have to learn how to do it. and that's what howard zinn gave us. it was those lessons. and i would say that whatever we think of what barack obama is doing in the white house today and however much we know we need to challenge a great deal of what he's doing in the white house today, the fact that an african-american community organizer could be elected to the white house in this country in the country grounded in re schism and genocide and slavery is partly because of the work that howard zinn did and what he taught us to do. what he taught us to do. and why we look now to what kind of pressure we need to bring in congress, what kind of pressure we need to bring on the white house, what kind of challenge we
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need to bring to the pentagon and those who serve the pentagon. we have to remember those lessons and apply them. amy talked about what's happening right now in marjah, the small town in afghanistan where only the first of what, unfortunately but almost undoubtedly, will be not the last group of civilians, half of them children killed by u.s. bombs dropped by what they call -- what do they call it? they call it drones. what better example do we have of what martin luther king taught us and taught howard zinn when he talked about the intersections of racism and poverty and militarism. then a drone whose very origin is designed on the basis of racism because it says that it's more important to save the life of a theoretically and presumably white pilot from the
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united states than the black or brown or yellow or white poor people in some other country, in this case afghanistan, in other cases iraq or pakistan or yemen or somalia or where next week? we have a lot of work to do, and we have lessons from howard zinn. we heard earlier of the day that paul wellstone die thed. some of you will remember that day, it was october of 2002. and the reason i remember the day is not because it was the day that paul wellstone the died, but it was because on that day we created the organization united for peace and justice which played such a leading role in the last years of the anti-war movement in this country. it was at the meeting creating that new organization that we got word of the death of paul wellstone. and that's what happens with memorials. that's what happens with
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legacies. legacies don't just happen, they are made. and movements don't just happen, they are made as well. and that's what it means to remember the legacy of howard zinn. it's to build a new kind of movement. we have a lot of work to do. we have a lot of wars to end, we have an economic crisis to resolve, we've got a lot of work to do, howard, and we're looking to you to help us. thank you. [cheers and applause] >> our next speaker, i am absolutely honored and thrilled to bring up here a student of howard's who also happened to start an organization called the children's defense fund. [applause] ladies and gentlemen and those
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who do not ascribe by gender -- i've got to stop saying that. everybody, please give it up for marion wright edelman. [cheers and applause] >> thank you. we're all set? i have always felt very blessed to have been born who i was, when i was with the convergence of great leaders and great historical events. and howard zinn was among those great leaders who pardoned us in the civil rights movement which was one of the transformational movements in american history. i met howard zinn when i was 16 years old and a freshman at
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spelman college. we arrived at spelman together. i as student and he as chairman of the social science department. and i tell you, when he died, the nation mourned his loss as a pioneering historian and social activist who revolutionized the way millions of americans, especially young americans, understood our shared history. but for me although his writings and work inspired millions of readers, i was among the generations of students who were privileged to know him as a beloved teacher, as a mentor, and as a friend. spelman was his first academic job after his graduate study at columbia, and it was a historically black all-women's college in atlanta, georgia, across the street from morehouse college where dr. king went to school. and this very tall and lanky and
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beautiful professor came, and he as chair of the history department he brought a wife named rosalynn who was hospitable and gorgeous and supportive of him and us, their two children who lived together in the back of the spelman college infirmary. where students always felt welcome to gather and explore ideas and to share hopes and to chew the fat and plot together how we were going to change the world. howie encouraged students -- and we called him howie. that was laughed at by faculty members, but he encouraged students to think outside the box and to question rather than accept conventional wisdom. he was a risk taker. he lost no opportunity to challenge segregation in atlanta's theaters, libraries
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and restaurants and airports. and he encouraged us to do the same. the black spelman establishment did not like howard zinn any more than the white establishment did. and later after he joined the faculty at boston university, its president, john silva, disliked him just as much as spelman's president did because he made some teachers and administrators uncomfortable by with rocking the boat of the comfortable status quo. we felt howie was a confidant and a friend as well as a teacher, contrary to the more formal and hierarchy call traditions of many black colleges. he stressed analysis over hem orization, questioning and conveyed my daddy's belief and message that i could do and be
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anything and that life was about far more than bagging a morehouse man for a husband. [laughter] he lived very simply and nonmaterially. i had no problem asking him for his car to scout out potential demonstration sites for demonstrations against jim crow. he was passionate about justice, and his belief in the ability of individuals to make a difference. in the world. he was not a word mincer, he believed in what he said and encouraged us as students to do the same. he conveyed to me and to other students that he believed in us and that we were powerful and not helpless to change what we did not like. he conveyed to members of the
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student nonviolent coordinating committee whose voter registration and organizing efforts he had chronicled in his book, the new abolitionists, and we're now older but still young sitting here tonight. marion berry -- i didn't see joyce. the marvelous bernice reagan. but we conveyed to us that he believed in and respected and supported our struggle. he was there for us when 200 students conducted sit-ins and 77 of us got arrested. he served as our informal press secretary to call the police to let them know after we had gone down to the sit-in sites -- we had ten in atlanta -- where we would be. he was always there with a safe space in his home to plan, for us to plan civil rights activities by listening, not dictating. and he always kept our secrets
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from the administration. he laughed and enjoyed life and taught us that it could be fun to challenge jim crow. i remembered our regular annual visits to the georgia state legislature when spelman girls, a group of us, would go and sit in the whites only section of the galley to see the whole legislature stop to a halt as they began to yell and scream, and the gaveling to move those folk out of -- and put them in the place where they belonged. and so after bringing them to an absolute screech, we would very nicely get up and walk out with howie with smiles on our face to return the next year and to dream about our next adventure. he spoke up for the weak and little people against the big and powerful people. and it is his whole life. he was a marathon ther, he was not a stop-by sprinter. he liv
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>> welcome to "washington post" live weekend. we will look at the best moments of the show. i welcome coach bow drew into the studio and i chat with brooklyn becker. that's when "washington post" live weekend gets started right now. >> hello. thanks for tuning in to "washington post" live weekend. he is the owner of the most successful pro team in the area. he is looking to add the wizards to the sporting empire. earlier in the year i had an opportunity to go one on one with the man behind the caps.
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check it out. >> i moved here six years ago and would go to games and it was the down time. not as many people going to games. you would not see a caps hat. now there is a buzz about the team. >> this city loves winners. that is fundamentally it. but there is something special and magical about this franchise now. i sense it. i was at the olympics. i came home sunday, did errand. i went to the car wash, went to pay and the woman said i won't take your money. we love the caps. we want take your money. i was blushing. i said thank you. then i went to starbucks and this gentleman said i work for the state department. i came back from iraq. i would video conference with my 9-year-old son and all we did was talk about the caps.
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you kept my family together. when you own a sports team, you have this unbelievable responsibility. it's not just about the wins and losses and what you do for the players and for the fan base. you are kind of responsible for the emotional well-being of the city. the better we do, the more the city comes together. just imagine with the redskins and the caps and the wizards and nationals are competing for championships, this would be the happiest city in the country. >> you talk about happiness, how that is projected, your star player projects that the way he plays. >> he made
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for the gold medal. who will you be rooting for. and i said oh, my gosh, i think i'll be rooting for russia. how can that be? i'm american and i live in washington, d.c. >> you grew up through the years when that would have been -- what? >> so, alex has certainly had his charismatic effect on the community. and, the ratings on watching him play on tv are strong. people fall in love with the kid. >> worldwide. let me ask you this: your goals, one of your goals, as every owner is to be a champion. this franchise would love to reach that top. it came close once. is this team on the verge? i mean, the record says they are the t team in the league. >> we still-- >> do you have the sense it could happen this year? >> we are in that window now.
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we have up sides still because our best players are the young players. they are not even in the peek time. but we are going for it. we know that this year, next year, the year after, one of my promises was to build a team that for generation, 10, 12 years could be there. this is the third year with this team making the play-offs. i hope i'm not jinxing it. we have 90 points-- >> i think you will get in. >> i think we will get in. but, we are good enough and the trade deadline is coming up, maybe we can make improvements. this year, next year, within the next three, four year window we have to win a cup. we know that. we will do everything we can to do it because that will take us to another plain. winning a championship -- >> and the parade. a whole generation of kids, that's the team. >> i made a comment that people
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made fun of when i said i want i am mortality for the players and the fan base. the stanley cup is so special because your name gets etched in it. and you are forever there. when you win a championship, you win all arguments on whether you are the best team or not. so, we want to do it for the players. but we want to do it for families because i grew up in new york city, 1969. i was a kid. i would go to jets games and mets games with my mom and dad and some of the fondest memories i have is watching joe willie name math win the super bowl. my father and i were hugging. that was a touch point for the entire life. >> they are still trying to get back. >> that tells you about the window, how hard it is. get through it because there is no guarantee that down the road it will be there. >> let me ask you, a lot of wizard fans are hoping that you will complete the deal and buy that team. they are hoping for a fresh new
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direction, maybe sprinkle the caps magic on there. i think what the wizard have done now was very in line with the kind of thinking that we would have which is -- you have to be honest, can the team win a championship as presently constructed and clearly the wizards last year and this year struggled. so, i think what the family has done is exactly the right thing to do. we own 44% of the team. we are in negotiations. i'm hoping that there is a positive outcome. i'm fairly comfy dent that that will happen. what the pollen family did was wise, the right thing to do. you watch the games, young kids playing hard and very coachable. there is a loose ball, someone grabs it, you see a teammate picking that kid up. they are a much happier team now. >> still to come on the show, i luck out and get up close and
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personal with brooklyn dacher. personal with brooklyn dacher. first we continue personal with brooklyn dacher. first we continue we americans are always at our best when we hear and heed the cries of others. when confronted with massive human suffering, americans have always stepped up and answered the call to help. but there's never been anything on the scale of human tragedy in our own hemisphere like what we're now witnessing in haiti. y president clinton and i are joining together to appeal to you with real urgency. give now, and lives will be saved. thank you. thank you.
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every year sports fans gather to look at the articles. this time it wasn't just a pretty face on the cover but the wife of tennis star andy roddick. here is my interview with brooklyn decker. check it out. >> first of all, be glad you are not here in washington? >> we escaped the weather in the nick of time. >> smart move. >> i know we can't wait for the cover to come out officially. we have seen some online. great honor. you have done a lot of modeling. does that rank up in the
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modeling realm with a big honor you can have. >> it's the top honor. "sports illustrated" does a good job promoting their models. they are one of the few brands that puts a model with a name. for somebody to get the cover, it's a big deal. i am happy about it. >> pretty cool. always got "sports illustrated" as a kid. you had all the football players and basketball players, occasional tennis player but then this would arrive in february it was terrific. i'm glad you had could be -- you could be a part of that. you have one more "sports illustrated" cover than your husband, andy roddick. >> that's the one thing i can beat him at. anything else he is better. that's the one tok ken that -- token that i have. >> have you rubbed that in at all. >> have i what? >> rubbed it in. >> we made a bet a long time ago who would get it first.
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i am more hopeful. his is more realistic. he is excited for me. he understands that's a huge goal of mine. he is proud and excited and getting cookie about it actually. >> nice. i like that. he should be. if he's not he has a problem. >> one of the goal things is the body painting. it's amazing. it looks great. how long is the process. did you have to stand there for hours when they put it on. how long did that -- >> i did it last year, not this year. last year, it's funny, you go in a room and they say drop the robe and they paint you for 14 hours. ' it's a long day. call time was 2:00 in the morning. you shoot for an hour and they wash it off. the work is all literally washed down the drain. cool experience. i got my healthy dose of body painting. >> 14 hours a long time. >> it was long. >> did you -- how much of a
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surprise was it that you got the cover. was there any leak of information you might get it, anticipation, when did you find out and how much of a shock was it? >> i found out monday the day before the issue came out. they keep you on pins and needles for seven months. i was shocked. i was very surprised. before the issue comes out, they have rumor mills about so and so is up for the cover. and there is usually a handful, five or six that have shot it four, five, six years that are in the running. then it comes down to luck, image, location and i was the lucky one that got chosen. the girls have been so supportive and amazing. the experience overall is -- i'm basically in heaven. it's amazing. >> the other girls congratulate you and are happy but are they really. >> they are. >> a little jealous. >> i worked with sports you will luis straight you became a family with the girls, the crew, the staff. i started when i was 18.
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a lot of these models i grew up with. we started really young. now i'm the old age of 22, kidding. but it's fun. they are all very excited and supportive. it's a testament to how amazing the girls are that "sports illustrated" picks. >> not bad. the tar heels, you are a big basketball fan. they got duped tonight. would that make a rough season all the better if you can beat the dukeys. >> they had a rough go. it's a new team. i expected it to take a while to ease into one another. but at this point i thought they would be a little more fluid. they are not. if we can pull this off against duke i will be fine. we got the national championship last year. we can't get greedy as long as we beat duke. i will get updates on my phone. fingers crossed for the heels. >> everyone associates ashley judd as the big kentucky fans
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but north carolina is coming strong. >> i am more than willing to north carolina's ashley judd. >> nothing wrong with that. we will see what kind of season they have. how often do you get to d.c., very much. >> i was there -- i usually go about once a year. it's a four-hour train from new york. i'm from north carolina so it's halfway between. and i love d.c. it's really nice. but once a the finishing touches on this edition
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>> welcome back. if you liked any of what you have seen the past half hour, check us out on "washington post" live for the best in washington sports talk. before we put down the remote, take a look back at some of the best and funniest moments of the >> you don't need the suit to make you good looking. i need all the help i can get. >> any gut feeling on who will win it. >> i have a big gut. >> nobody from pittsburgh is on, is there? we hate them. >> they wouldn't come up and say, hey, your book suction. but the other -- sucks. >> you but the other day my son and i were talking, what if russia meets u.s.a. for the gold medal. who will you be rooting for? i said, oh, my gosh, i think i will be rooting for russia.
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how can that be. i'm american and i live in washington, d.c. >> the exposure is terrific for hig league if you can get nbc to put these games on the major network. >> can we just beat you guys? can we call it america's sport at that point. >> now our neighbors to the north. >> a bunch of people gathered around the olympic torch to bring it down and light things on fire, basically. it's tense. >> tiger and his handlers wanted this to move the story forward in some way and to bring him closer to being able to come back and play golf and not be constantly facing these questions. and by not answering any questions, he keeps the story alive. he was showing off the arm a little bit. he was definitely letting it -- if i was 22 i would be there
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with him. but i'm 28 and i understand that's not the way to do it. >> people feel too emotions to elin, sympathy and you go girl. go after him for what he did. >> did you just drop a you go girl. >> you go girl. you go elin. >> passed a text, tell him to shut up, tyler, virginia. >> shocking. you look like a civil war general. >> civil war general. >> when is the reenactment. >> thank you.
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caption funding provided by fox sports net what a lovely part of the country. the san francisco bay area and, more specifically, today haas pavilion in berkeley. it's pac-10 hoops presented by kfc. with the second place arizona state sun devils and the first place california golden bears. a check of the pac-10 standings shows how close the race is. cal with just a half game lead on arizona state with a three-way tie for third place. one week to go. hi, everybody.
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i'm steve physioc. this is mar questions johnson. today we bring you the biggest game in the pac-10 all year long. california trying for the first conference title in 15 years at home on senior day against a school, arizona state, looking for their first conference crown. >> the schedulemakers want to be a part of this. this is senior day. you got to be able to manage your emotions. he talked about it. this is the time of year when you define your legacy. a great basketball game this afternoon, steve. >> how about sun devil tie-up with the way he's playing. had a knee injury. after two losses at ucla and usc, herb sendek changes his offense. >> they have this innate feel for when he's in his rhythm offensively. and they make a concerted effort to get him the basketball. you talk about the knee injury.
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he picked up ten pounds since he was rehabbing. he lost that weight. and ty abbott better deal with it defensively. he can be make a difference in the game. >> you have a man the bay area writer calls jerome randle. this guy is a candidate for player of the year. >> thrust himself in the player of the year conversation along with quincy pondexter, landry of stanford. he's got the elements of a point guard. speed and the ability, then the deep range on the jump shot. jerome randle and the matchup zone that arizona state plays, his long distance shooting could be key in this game. >> it's senior day at haas pavilion. the fans saying good-bye to three amigo. adythinwing
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pizy si y crnd any topping only ly a piz. pac-10 college basketball is presented by kfc. ready to unthink the wing? try new fiery grilled wins only at kfc. and brought to you in part by just for men hair color. live forward. by beef jerky. we remind you to eat like an alpha. and by american airlines. we know why you fly. we're american airlines. you're looking at an aerial of the bay area and berkeley, california, the university was founded in 1868. the haas pavilion has been its lead facility for so many year. today they try and win a championship against arizona state.
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let's check the sun devils lineup that will try to take down the bears today. eric boateng tied a pac-10 record on thursday by making all 11 shots. derek glasser is a savvy point guard. only four turnovers in his last 138 minutes. jamelle mcmillan is their defensive blue. the coach herb sendek, check out his first four years. i mean, this is a guy that's been phenomenal. 8 wins to 25, and 20 already with 3 to play. and the pac-10 tournament to follow the second week in march. here's a look at herb. you can see the postseasons at n.i.t. quarter final in '08. second round in '09. and he will be in somewhere this year. the lineup that send ek will see, the four seniors are all in double figures. boykin, randle, combine for 55 points a game.
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they'll play their final game in berkeley today. the coach, a likely future hall of famer, for what he did at stanford, now trying to be the first cal coach to win 20 or more games in first two years in berkeley. there is mike. >> marques: mike talked about his team managing their emotions. senior day festivities before the game. jerome randle shedding tears out on the court accompanied by his mom and other family members on the court. boykin, christopher, you want to be hyped but not too hyped in a game like this. >> steve: jerome, a senior said play smart because we'll be emotional. play smart because we're going up against a great arizona state defense. you can see asu in the maroon and gold. and california in the white uniforms in the blue and gold
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trim. >> marques: talk about hype, the ball was tipped before the official even had a chance to take it up. slapped it out of i had hands. >> steve: they're ready to play. arizona state with derek glasser at the point. eric boateng who had a sensational game. tried to post up down low. >> marques: jamal boykin. >> steve: misses the three. he's been quiet a little bit in the month of february after a good start to the pac-10 season. christopher came out early. working on that shot. and he drains his first. >> marques: talked about it with jerome randle in the open. you can step out and knock down the long ball. a lot of pressure on eric boateng in particular. the matchup zone. >> steve: abbott, he has been hot. averaging 17 points per game since he was moved to the motion just a little more than a month and a half ago.
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>> marques: no player. just got to have an instinct of where his shots are coming from. >> steve: that's mcmillan. what a great player. and mcmillan with hands everywhere. i really think he's the glue to their defense. >> marques: he is. he this played exceptional basketball before he went down with a foot injury. he fills up a stat sheet. he'll give you 4 or 5 rebounds, 4 or 5 assists and steals. another point guard on the floor. >> steve: when he was gone for those four games opponents averaged 70 points per game, with jamelle only averaging 68. he's that good. missing the three. omondi amoke. he goes inside. california takes the early 5-2 lead. >> marques: the pocket point guard with the floater over the big guy eric boateng. penetration. he was off the three-point line. didn't force the issue. >> steve: derek glasser missing the three.
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randle with the deep rebound. arizona state gets back quickly on defense. christopher lets it fly. rebound. boateng. no travel. tried to hit it off the tips of his hands. he said, wait. he sets the basketball. the officials get it right. reverse the call. there is mike montgomery. he entered 2009 among the top ten in active wins with 569. he's now a 588. three great officials today in scott thorn, mike lilywood and mike nixon. abbott picks him. >> marques: second time he's been stripped of the basketball. >> steve: that goes out of bounds. randle complaining to the official that he was getting a little too much sun devil
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physic physicality. >> marques: he better get used to it. he's used to it but careless with the ball on the outside. >> steve: as good as he's been this year, there have been games where emotionally, mentally he's been taken out early. >> marques: he's seen a couple of those. a perfect example against the huskies. >> steve: robertson. he takes him up and misses the shot. >> marques: being a little too hyped because of the senior day. missed this on the inside. robertson rare. jamal boykin. >> steve: they're getting low to boateng now. 11 or 11 in the victory at stanford. his greatest game ever. >> marques: earlier in the season boateng would allow himself to be pushed off that position. allow himself to be physically aggressively contacted into a traveling violation. nice job holding that down off the jump hook.
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>> steve: christopher with the pull-up. off the mark. and glasser with the long rebound. >> marques: these guys have got the green light to pull the string on that jump shot. >> steve: tout jamelle mcmillan. boykin's got that right elbow in boateng's back. he can't back his way in. mcmillan will get it. misses the three-point shot. nice feed by randle. >> marques: successful against derek glasser. derek glasser. >> steve: jamelle mcmillan. long with the three.
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arizona state needs to knock those down. 44% of their shots. 44% of their points come from three-point range. mcmillan drops it in to make it a 1-point game. >> marques: basically a perimeter shooting team. that's because stanford spent so much time concentrating on ty abbott, that had he puts the shooters on the outside. >> steve: with a long three misses. boateng with the rebound. >> marques: this cal team, their personality to knock down perimeter shots. they're struggling to do so early on. see if it affects them at the other end. >> steve: nice leaner off the glass. knocks it down. >> marques: they can make an individual move if you're omondi amoke. you have to do a better job concentrating on the man-to-man defense. he's not a guy that puts it on the floor normally to be
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effective. >> steve: christopher. the right hand it goes. he had a big game against asu when cal beat him in tempe with 21. >> marques: a fact that the defender in that matchup which is basically a man-to-man, and cal has attacked this. >> steve: it's out of bounds. it will be cal basketball when we come back. the seniors try to play well.
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>> steve: it's pac-10 hoops prepted by kfc. and a classic here in berkeley, california. arizona state and first place california. kevin johnson, the mayor of sacramento. great golden bear. his jersey has been retired. then you have the all-time leading scorer joining kevin johnson today. and that's sean lampley. but one thing they did not do while they were here, win championships. win conference crowns. it has been 50 years to the day that california last won a conference championship. washington, of course, won it last year. prior to that ucla. and you see all the championships. arizona and stanford. stanford did it with mike montgomery. >> marques: last time cal won a championship miller was the athletic association of western
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university. that was pretty dated, the pac-10, the pac-6, the pac-2, the pac-1. >> steve: played well to help them win. there's another one. and that is patrick christopher with 7 points early. these are two of the top three shoots points team. but arizona state is 0 for 5. now they're 2 for 5. >> marques: jerren shipp, a senior, did a nice job knocking down key shots. by virtue of hard work. putting in hours in the gym. >> steve: there it is. the first three they have made. it ties the game at 11. they're 1 for 6 as a team. >> marques: jerren shipp out of fairfax high school. he's in there like clockwork.
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he just shoots it till it feels good. it carries over into his on-court game performance. >> steve: gutierrez also in the game. a fine defensive play by jerren shipp who came out of nowhere to knock it do himself. >> marques: also ty abbott, the way he flew in that closeout to randle, got a piece of the basketball. an air ball. that's the kind of defensive intensity, focus and effort you need from jerome randle. >> steve: both these teams displaying great energy on the defensive end of the floor to to start this game. abbott misses. christopher there for the rebound. closed out by stanford because of defense. but he had an unbelievable game at arizona last week. count the basket. charged? >> marques: it looks l he was about to get thesi but he missed a couple of long bombs early.
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