tv Book TV CSPAN March 1, 2010 1:00am-2:15am EST
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and pakistan where a genuine comprehension of developments and distant land could make all the difference for effective policy-making. please join me in welcoming ms. joiner to arlington. [applause] islamic thank you. it's nice to be here. i have cousins who lived stuff military road survey was a quick ride over but i came from san francisco. ..
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>> hof because margaret heckler reminded us that wind hold up half of this guy you should have us come and i was the only american in corresponded in china as well i reported for cbs for that moment there i met jack and his wife that spring on the hot-button issue shrewd america recognized red china after nixon's trip. they came up at a coffee break and she introduce them and my jaw dropped because of a college june either in the middle about his persecution and history of a service officer. out of the first meeting developed a very special person relationship first then a very special personal relationship.
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in 1978, december 15, when they announced formal diplomatic relations would be established, i was with them and jack ordered a bottle of champagne and we toasted the french above the people of china and the united states. he told me for the first time in a guerrilla stronghold when mao was begging for cooperation from the united states and american capital is to help rebuild china after the war. also in 1989 when they tanks rolled through tiananmen square i was in his home for lunch. it was statehood-- it was a historical moment i had to tell the story and at the it evolution whose beginnings he had witnessed in 1940 in
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china. he despaired of the lack of political expression in china that day and would today. he died 10 years ago next month february 3rd. let's get on with the story which really began in china in the sichuan province where he was born 1906 and to get there you would land in shanghai then take a four month river trip then 250-mile overland trip to the provincial capital and foreigners would be in the caravan and chairs and by the time he was 10 years old he did not like to be carried on the shoulders of human beings and roadblock alongside his father 25 miles per day at age 10. there were three boys his parents started the ymca in
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1906 their oldest daughter died on the river trip the first year and his mother was very concerned about hygiene all the time they were there. he married his college sweetheart when he got his first job with the foreign service and had taken the exams and pass them and it was the middle of the depression and there is a freeze on hiring so he went back to china and got a job as a clerk out and of boondocks in southwest china. and send for his college sweetheart who was regaled by tales of the international cities of shanghai where it was a very different life and she found here and could not stand the squalor, the stench, the sickening a rollout of opium that filled the alleyways and the baby girls left on
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the doorsteps proposal she left to stay with her in-laws for about six months of cultural adjustment record she came back then in 1940 the japanese who had begun to occupied territories in the 30's began to advance further and united states government decided to evacuate all dependents even the united states was still not a part of the japanese and chinese more. so jacked services at the consulate and supervise the evacuation of all american dependence including his wife and two small children and widowed mother and volunteered to go here. this is some of the famous steps which had become the capital of last resort for free china because of the advancement of the japanese press for you cannot see it but it is a wonderful picture. of the japanese were doing
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daily bombing raids. it is described quite vividly in my book. when the new ambassador was appointed that had been the consulate general everybody in the embassy had to dress up in the fancy duds and we taken to a formal ceremony. jack did not have a coat and tie and tails sell borrowed them from a britain diplomat and had to stuff a hat with newspaper to make it fit. finally pearl harbor happened and the only way to bring in supplies hot is through the 29,000 ft. high himalaya mountains from india. this issue a chance or idea how difficult. these of the tanks down here. they had to siphon the guest out and put it into a 5-gallon tanks then put it into the fuel tanks.
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the american as part of that lifeline resented it when they would see a lot of their supplies showing up on the black market sold by officials and military officers. because he spoke several different dialects dialects, discovered that this donated cloth to help close the children of china was being sold on the black market, and sold as fancy cloth pursuit and quinine donated by the red cross was also being sold on the black market by very high prices. the lifeline was also critical for any kind of offensive our counter-offensive and there was throughout the bore a great debate internally about whether it was better to have the air war for a ground war and the two
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proponents were general joseph still well, the editor joe who says we have to train the troops of the chinese. you cannot have one without the other. that is what they went on. people who worked on both staffs in 1943 john service was sent by the state department to join the stilwell staff as a political advisor because in reality, china was a patchwork quilt of different territories. some were controlled by the japanese or their puppets or some were controlled under chiang kai-shek and some under were lowered to would sell services to the highest bidder and summer and control of the ragtag
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revolutionaries led by mao zedong who escaped the extermination campaign of the nationalist and at one point the nationalist allies in the effort to modernize china and kick the foreigners out after the fall of the dynasty program will not go into a lot of detail recently in the book because you have to understand the context of the times to understand what happened. 1943 december for the first and only time president roosevelt met chiang kai-shek and his wife one of the famous sisters you were educated to spoke excellent english behind rose about is still well and general eisenhower. i think you know, the cigar smoker. and what they discovered, there was an effort to for a
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counter-offensive wanted to reopen their burr road because it was so perilous bringing in the flights over the himalayas. and a fight over priorities over who got supplies. and chiang kai-shek kept stalling and not a agreeing and then stop and then he did the same thing and then churchill and fdr went off to nablus dollar and in this used johnson was the man he could do business with fenty gave up for this wonderful piece storer era in dish antennas about envision the united nations and working hard to the vision and never let them get in the way the
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mission but did say to general stilwell, this guy is not going to be strong enough then there are a lot of rumors about different groups trying to turn him out comedies of let's find another man or group of men that can carry on. meanwhile, still well has been hearing from john service and others from his political the advisers about the chinese communist behind enemy lines and how they organized in the midwest i guess they could call of china and were organizing by the peasants and they were claiming they were effective. in 1937 and 38 there was a coalition between the nationalist and chinese again said japanese and still low was of military attache and went to the front lines of the mets a lot of these guys and unlike the nationalist they were
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feeding men well and not selling rations on the black market. he said see if you can find someone else. still low was interested in knowing more. very early predicted that if the stories of the communist were true that they were building this peasant movement they might actually be able to compete against the nationalist and his chinese friends were worried there would be a renewal of civil war. he and other americans are worried that if there were it would jeopardize america's efforts against the japanese of world war ii. while all of this is going on he met this actress and day match in the public and while involved with trying to organize of american observers to where mao was a get the chinese nationalist
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to agree to it, they were friends at first then they fell in love. while that is going on this and the mandated look was for the dixie mission not just because they were going to rebel territory but a secret mission but there's a song called is it true what they say about dixie? it seemed appropriate. both gentlemen and many people in the first mission, i think there were nine on the first flight spoke chinese grown up poor lived or worked in china. while they are getting ready to go on the dixie mission mission, getting more and more frustrated the japanese have launched a big offensive and threatening the air bases and the secret eyes only cable comes 10
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from the white house and the chief of staff says you have got to come out with me and translate. we don't want any of his family corsica fonts to do it because we're not sure they will do a proper the. service goes out and so tells the great leader of free china that telling that there was still well to be the leader of all allied forces also the chinese communist to are the bitter rivals in enemies. and chiang kai-shek says all right track of what you want to send me a special representative who can help work out the details. this wonderful man in the tailored suit is none other than general hurly who is the secretary of four and is
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in command of all forces through general stilwell. while this is going on, i guess who is arriving in the guerrilla stronghold where they live in caves to protect themselves from the bombings of the japanese? here he is young and thin with some americans sit here is the commander in chief of the military and when service and the americans met them, they found the chinese were as curious to learn about them and what was going on in the outside world as the americans were to learn about the military capabilities and also understand with all of the demoralized people than three china how behind enemy lines there was a robust healthy strong discipline and self-reliance group under morale that was seemingly building up. he roche back and one report
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and said the spirit reminded him a little of the church summer conferences he had gone to with his family where there was a sense of smugness and i have to find the right word, i don't want to mess it up to bad day. but he said nevertheless like going to a different country meeting a different people but we're skeptical and will figure out what this is about. i know you and i need to talk i hope you will set up the consulate that looked around and talk to anybody if you have specific questions you will direct you to the person and those of you that follow china quite closely but say the man whose briefing them as one of the top guerrilla leaders who was selected at
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one point by now to be his successor and shot out of the skies before trying the attempted to and the plane was headed toward the soviet union and we still don't know exactly how that all transpired. but nevertheless the americans were part of the mission in those that roche would month later included covert members of the oss which was the precursor of the cia. they had plans because the chinese communist were behind enemy lines closer to the japanese troops and the americans had plans to bomb them and the japanese simons iterative rescuing american troops and wanted to cooperate for the weather report and wanted to start a radio intelligence network can even hope to send
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sanitized operations even into tokyo with the aid of chinese communist. and here they are at a briefing. the americans will demonstrate how to use modern demolishing gear and a stockpile radio acquired when they play and 100,000 and outfit 20,000 guerrillas. all of this informational they comes to light in the last tender 15 years money declassified oss records. finally they match with mehl and he was invited to his cave one night, one afternoon and they end up talking eight hours. the content of that conversation has been at the heart of a debate going on
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with his story is forever. was there really a window of opportunity during the war for the united states to cooperate with the chinese communist? or was it just opportunism on the part of mao to keep the u.s. from fully supporting the nationalist chinese? represents a lot of information and is up to my readers to decide what they think. here is what john service in his report said. because he spoke such good chinese and took note the most verbatim could report when now said he wanted american businessmen to rebuild the war-torn country tonight if they could do a power-sharing coalition government many chinese groups would be willing to do that.
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in some capitalist will be right-- cautious of doing business with your track record. we thought about changing your name. but he said they said we're not so bad after all. i jumped ahead. i am sorry. he asked if service would fly and take his report and fly back on the next supply plane that landed. he said no. i will radio the report back because there is much more i need to do here. 27 years later after richard nixon had gone to beijing, he told one interviewer i made a big mistake. i did not realize the was beguine for american and cooperation. that might have been rose about this set of nixon had those missions -- messages
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got through but the report was not to coded for awhile and never got to washington for two months and by that time other momentous events and decisions have been made. and as jack said many times he was too low an official although still hoped to meet with the guerrillas as soon as he was appointed commander of all of the forces but that did not happen to a large extent because of general curly. while this was going on, service hears rumors that still well is being recalled and he writes of very fiery blind message to still well basically saying we should end the hollow pretense because that would set trump card pin giants fans. and the united states should exert pressure urging him to reform the government before
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it is too late because looking at the success of the communist with the land reforms with the stakeholders in their own revolution and he said on less than nationalist who was far as the economy is then i think the communist will be a very major political force in china. instead curly helped to get him recalled. he ordered john service back to washington to tell about the other china he discovered and 198 with his lover he told her that he would come back a free man and would insist on a divorce the ambassador said dolby a fool live with her if you must be you cannot continue as a diplomat
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married to a foreign woman. he goes off and leaves her pregnant, reconciles with his wife. she gets bracket in than nine-- meantime general hurley makes a surprise visit he is a lawyer and will negotiate a peace settlement and a coalition government between the communist and fdr tells his son jimmy i wish i had more men like hurley because of anybody can sell the internal political problems with china it is packed hurley looked at the contrast between him and now. actually hurley had never been briefed on travel and refuse to talk to john service and on his one night before he went back to washington. and was so ignorant of chinese culture thought it
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did not realize in chinese the last thing comes first. he would call chiang kai-shek and also likened the problems or the con man is to the problems of the home state in oklahoma between the democrats and republicans and eight out of office republicans is that they had guts. knew this to say, the efforts to forge a piece were unsuccessful although this is a very rare picture of mao and chiang kai-shek toasting the prospects of the last-ditch peace effort because both forces were no racing to except the surrender of the japanese to had quickly surrendered after the atomic bomb. this was august of 45 june june 1945 john service was
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arrested by the fbi. wild in china he had no idea that he had been looking at a scholarly journal about asian affairs magazine. the editor had people inside the government leaking documents and john service came back a man with the mission hoping he could cooperate with the chinese that os us what is already ready to send in saboteur groups in chain -- train the time is because they were closer and the chinese communist helping to rescue american pilots and a man with the mission. and urged by the higher-ups' at the state department and in the warehouse to spread the word to said that background briefings with different agencies in radio papal and columnist and introduced to the editor and
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unbeknownst to him there was a hidden in a legal microphone and the fbi was listening. he was arrested along with the editor, a deputy editor of an american naval intelligence officer on the conspiracy to commit espionage. remember the era of the time. the end of the war in europe , soviet tanks were rolling across eastern europe, the iron curtain coming down, the west who wanted russia to declare against the japanese because they thought it would take another year to have the soviets come in with help to save lives and shortened the length of the war that nobody knew much about the atomic bomb including harry truman. because of all of the guilt by association, for many,
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many years, he and his wiretaps is a very important traveler and wasn't listed by the man at the white house and the officials ended up making it worse and pulled john service into a web of suspicion he never escaped. he had phone calls to the top officials at the justice department even though by then jack's service had explained yes, he let the editor borough a few of his most recent reports but had nothing to do with american policy but his description of them near ration of what he was told. however the microphone and one of his rooms at the hotel said as they came in the door remember, -- he
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became a person of interest and after the outbreak or at the beginning of the cold cold -- cold war he found a wonderful ally in mccarthy. want to remind you of mccarthy's famous speech from 9850, because the republicans said sen to the politicians around the country to have some version within the government and how could it be so quickly after the war the allies with the soviet union had turned sour the soviets were our enemy? and mccarthy was sent out and he claimed to have a book with the names of other agencies and he owned a name for by name.
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and one of them was john service. service said official reports urging that we torpedo ally 53 and no on qualified terms that communism was the only hope in china. jon service and please remember that name was picked up by the fbi for turning state department of racial nablus strangely he was never prosecuted. today this man is on his way to represent the state department and calcutta by the most important listening post of the far east bob mccarthy was on the warpath gate the eighth hour speech and who are these people? ecap bridging and a lot of the information came from the nationalist chinese and
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known as said china lobby of which three were very supportive of the nationals. now i just spilled my watcher all over the desk. sorry about that. the family was on a freighter going across the pacific when one night a crewman came to the captain's table and said it is your name john? he said dsc said you better come up there is a senator talking about you on the radio. he went to listen on the short wave and sure enough they were talking about john service through the scratchy radio and a couple-- later at cable arrived saying get off the ship and report back to washington decide what you want to do with the family. they can go to india or come back. the difference of that which is that they were on travel expense of they went to india but if it went back to washington it was out of their own pocket.
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they continued on and it would take another month and were optimistic he could go back and explain everything one more time and maybe beyond the dock when they got to india. airline service roche a letter to her parents from the ship and i would like to read you a portion of that. this is the final part for the bitter enemies and everything should be cleared up and the insinuation and cruel persecution in a terrible thing of never accusing a man of something he did not do that never giving him a chance to defend himself should be over. we had five years of it and that is just enough and too much all because he and others have the courage to report the truth about china. if only we were still in washington all of this should have been cleared up 10. here we sit in the pacific
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ocean able to do absolutely nothing caught between this the and this guy. they were caught not only between the sea and sky but jack service went to face dual loyalty investigations by the senate and foreign relations committee and his family was stuck in limbo for more than one year. he was fired for doubtful loyalty, not disloyalty even though he was proved innocent in the loyalty investigations there is a third investigation done by the loyalty review board that overturned and ordered the secretary of state to fire him. seven years later he won a unanimous decision and was returned to the foreign service but by a vote of eight/'09 and the court one of the justices refused -- recused himself because he was the attorney
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general in 1945 during the case and was caught on the wiretaps by the fbi. he went back to work at the state department and was never again allowed to work on china. he was the only one of those persecuted who made it into the legal system and the others were many others were forced to retire or resign and he ended his career as a consulate general because that tax senate confirmation and they did not give him the title. nevertheless, 1971 coming eight months before nixon meant now there was a signal the chinese wanted a better relationship just like the u.s. wanted a better relationship because of the soviet union and here he is
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welcome back to whom he had known during the war years and spoke secretly about a meeting with henry kissinger when he was still there on trips arranging for nixon's trip. he asked his assistant and said you should talk to jack service and said how serious the chinese communist were on the issue of taiwan and other they would be recognized the republic of china if it wanted to recognize and jack said it is a cool issue for them when i talk to morale and kissinger said a double take and you talk with him? yes. would you be welcome to come to san clemente had talked to the president? he never got the invitation although kissinger said here is my card you call my secretary. i want to know where you are
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and how to get in touch with you. talking to kissinger's bright young men whose said it was such a sensitive issue to recognize the people's republic we could talk to any right wing conservative crackpot historian but not to the man who held the talks with the communist in 27 years before nixon and now have the famous handshake. as a result of the wording of provisions in this low diplomatic dance we did to recognize them officially. jon service was officially recognized as a china expert and a reputation restored and given many honorary degrees and here he is at one such gathering is his wife caroline and next year hurt is the actress and if
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you want to know how that comes about, i am afraid you really should read "honorable survivor" and you will get the full story. and i would just like to end with a couple of other things. i was hear a couple years ago and they're selling the past. whenever the chinese communist want to emphasize better relations with the u.s., not accusing us of maybe doing bad things to approval, whenever they want better relations, check the political winds when they talk about the spirit they know they want better relations in herein is today when you can read to the uniforms from world war ii and take your picture in front of the idealistic picture of mal by your mother. and it is kind of an extraordinary shift her cared note know that mao
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zedong or general stilwell or john service would recognize what has been going on in. it is a very complicated rich place with threads in history interwoven beef between john service story that is amazing and that is why as a journalist i was felt the fact is stranger than fiction. have been a wonderful audience. please go to my website. i am grateful to c-span for being here tonight. thank you for your attention. [applause] do i want to take questions? >> i spent 10 years and a writer's cave above to hear what you have to ask. >> how long does it take the fbi to process? >> is that a wonderful question? how long did it take the fbi
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to approve the foyer request? >> four years compared to some people that was a short. it was harder to get things out of the state department one of the reasons i discovered i will write of magazine piece about it and i talked with the foia office with the national archives because president obama and made it an executive order that all departments have to be more forthcoming with releasing the people's documents. and going through the process of deciding what to read these a lot quicker and expediting it. the state department i first asked for the personnel file i thought it would have everything in it and it had nothing of the security case. that was another couple of years. then the foia state department said i hate to tell you this but our security office is
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stonewalling. we keep asking. by law the records of any foreign service officer co-chairmen national archives 25 years after they have retired. i went there and they were not there i was allowed to go into the stacks with the historical archivist and we found a big gaping holes in the files and it turned out it was squirreled away by the security office over in merrill lynch on the other side of the potomac river. finally it was released and it turned out to be 25 legal sized boxes including 10 that or the summary and analysis of this entire ordeal with annotated references to the 15 boxes and i found in the appendix some of the documents that were so heavily redacted and they had not touched so they
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got the left hand and the right hand of our government don't always know what they are doing. >> [inaudible] >> guest: to talk about the post war service. [no audio] he met him at berkeley after taking early-retirement when it became clear he would never get his career back on track he went at age 52 got a master's degree at berkeley and ended up working at the senate for chinese studies and build it into one of a great research centers and communist china in the world but to back up if that a bit when he was fired for doubtful
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loyalty, he could not get a job thing could not change the group insurance policy they were afraid he might jump out of the open down. -- window he had a man that a private company that made the industrial trap. you may not know what the industrials' stream -- steam trap this but in pennsylvania learned what it was how to make and by the time he left that company seven years later after he was reinstated, he invented a better speech wrapper used in every industrial factory it traps this team and recycles it for energy in powering all of this industrial equipment. so no matter what you tackle did it with her heart and soul. he did not hire lawyers the
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friends created a defense fund and it was a blind system because he did not ever want to be in a position where he may be called to testify before a congressional committee to know who was giving money to the fund but because this invention of his with a steam trap by the time he left the company he was made president of the international sales division and part-owner of the company and sold his interest for enough money that he could pay back $70,000 in expenses to his lawyers. they worked pro bono but they wanted him to try to pay for all of the shipping and copying and standard graphs and he did. he was also able to buy a very nice home in the hills in berkeley california as a result. he wrote -- roche and a man who own the company when he
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cashed in and said it would not be too far from the truth to say that you saved my life. i mean that not just in terms in financial well-being but it would be dedicated to and used his initials. about that trip on the ship on india? because of the hysteria sweeping america and the loyalty oaths the established in many cities and towns around the country , caroline was very frightened above was going on and she went into their suitcases and found three notebooks and through them overboard. of you want to know why john service never really wrote the book about his experiences i think that is part of the reason.
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>> [inaudible] >> there is a whole process of freedom of information act process and you can google it and find the forms and fill them out and me very patient and very, very persistent part of what the obama administration hopes to try to do is expedite the process. sometimes ever get replies from the state department under reference appeal i had made in david tell me they discover the original document had come of the different agents say. they had forded to this other agency and i would hear from that other agency.
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so i thought just tell me with the other agency is and and i will hear from them but no. we're not allowed to do that. at one point come with a review of his files using a more liberal guidelines inactive since the early '80s when some reluctant to his case if the bid, they lost the box with all the documents and only because a woman who was from the fbi pr offense and god bless you went upstairs and found a clerk and together they went into a locked storage room and went box by box by box and found my files and got them back on track. it took a long time but yes we have to do something about it when you come across the telegrams saying general hurley will arrive
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7:30 a.m. and march to top-secret and 65 years later? there is something wrong with that. one other thing. they used to black out thing sometimes i could hold up to the light and read underneath the but now they like it out with the computer and there is no way i can take my magnifying glass so there is a blessing and a curse. >> what about the foreign service. [inaudible] >> how did the foreign service family react to what
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he ran through? >> he was not the only one. and by and large the foreign service association and richard l. which was quoted from the review and there was very much sympathetic can get to because of the rosh -- dryish coming into the state department and other calls of people in the state department and the bureaucrats, but amid the tall white rabbits. we still have some of them around. but by and large, all of the people who ever do jonge service personally knew she could not possibly have done when he was accused of doing. this is part of the awful dastardly part of it. his reports are available there is a wonderful
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collection called love chance in china upper great came out in the '70s but you can google it and find it on the amazon. it is his words and a lot of his words were taken at a contest saying the communist for democrats. was in contrast to the repressive actions of the nationalist he was comparing those apples not the american-style democracy. he called the marxist and the irony is general hurley he was one of his big critics and to blame him for his own failure to get the republicans and democrats are chided together come even after john disservice was recalled, a hurley said they were so-called communist and they had the same aspirations as the national list.
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when hurley when did he show the chinese proposal for the government under which they will join together and he looked at it and said this is fair but i think you could go further. do you mind if i work on this? much to the surprise of colonel david barrett he would translate, he took the proposal and rode it would more flour remain bridge of the people for the people and took it back to the chinese communist and said that is all right with us are you willing to sign your name to this paper? of course. they flourish. he goes back and shows it and oh my god they said we will never agree to that part of their our ideas the communists are willing to go into a coalition government if they could share power and not turn over all of
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their armies to the command of chiang kai-shek who they did not trust there was reason for bitterness on both sides. of a ruthless, ruthless murdering leaders. and has now said a revolution is not a dinner party. think what we're going through and afghanistan and places today. it is tough business. i discussed but patchwork clear quote look at what is happening in the place like afghanistan. do we have many john service on the ground speaking passion? speaking and interpreters it is very hard these days to be out there in the field. it is a minefield. >> [inaudible] hof.
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>> 1949 he was asked to help with the chide a white paper which was eight document that show the united states and everything it could to support chiang kai-shek despite the critics that said you did not and also show we are not dummies and we know the reality of the situation. and what was interesting, it and 1971, he had a three hour private meeting with him and had the 11 day singles based reports that he sent to one and his dear friends of the secretary for east asian affairs of men in march showed point* a man that is very well known and marshall then circulated to certain departments to the cia, were department, and got a list of questions back from these people who read it. marshall went out on private
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business and walked on berkeley hill and talked over his answers then marshall brent back. but that is how much of a pariah or hot issue it was. even during kennedy's presidency there was hope it would restore the reputation to bring them back and it was too hot to a political issue for the first term they said maybe in the second term of jfk. we know what happens. and also when he wrote his book about the vietnam war and his regrets, mcnamara said a phone the people like john service were only in the state department perhaps five would not have made such errors of judgment in thinking about the chinese and their interest. my concern is bob come pick up the phone he is at the
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center for chinese studies. but this town focus is into a tunnel vision and it is very hard to break out and see what is beyond the radar screen precut i fear for our country right now because we do not see what is beyond the radar screen and it is nice the president talked in the "state of the union" to boost the economy and more jobs but we can't forget. my eight sons served in iraq so i and very aware of it. they're two wars going on in they may have said for anything domestic. sorry. i had to get that out. >> you mentioned earlier there was some disappointment in this give expression that eventually developed in communist china.
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so the outcome in china and your mouse -- mao alleviate certain expectations during the war? >> when the summarize it. to what extent did john's service had any disappointment with the direction and development of the chinese communist movement and what became the people's republic of china? is that close enough? he went back in 1971 and later was criticized for having rose colored glasses and said, at that point* there were no americans into china and we did not know all of the horrible things of the cultural revolution and did not know enough about how many billions had died of starvation because
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of this amazing program to build a little iron factory in your own backyard. we did not have a lot of information and we did not know much about the shadows. my measuring stick was from the early 1900's when there were those babies love to die and people traveled by a chair and have armed guards because they go through different territories controlled by warlords that would exact same kind of toll that they are exacting on us going into afghanistan today. it is just a crazy and unified country and just looking at the fact least they were closed and fed and a unified country for the first time in 100 years at least.
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however in the '70s he was a goodwill ambassador and urged the united states and very much in favor of recognition of red china and the idea of 1944, 45 and the sense of mission was really, let's keep open the option of making mao prove what he says he wants to do is true. don't slam the door shut. just imagine if americans had cooperated with the guerrillas behind enemy lines, it would be a different and to the war even though it ended very abruptly nobody expected the atomic bomb because americans would have been abetted with the chinese communist. chiang kai-shek issued an order to the japanese
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animate surrender ring, don't surrender to the chinese communist. wait until we get there. 60,000 marines had to be used as surrogates flown in to hold the seaports for the nationalist two were stuck in the southwest when there infiltrated. or the soviet union which came down because the united states wanted them to come into manchuria and northern china. what they have time to dismantle the industry that mao and chiang kai-shek were counting on? and taking every nut and bolt back to the soviet union? if the united states had been werke and cooperation and jack said we would have avoided at least 27 years in not have the kind of warm relationship lot of us had
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hoped for but we would not have had your face had a recognition of the two governments and perhaps have the korean war and the vietnam war and that is something barbara has written as well. i don't know but we have to realize we are in a watershed moment today and i think the cerebus story is a cautionary tale of challenges united states faces and unfortunately that also shows how domestic politics can drive the decisions made on foreign policy and not always in our own best interest. make them quick. you have already asked one before.
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