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tv   U.S. Senate  CSPAN  March 23, 2010 12:00pm-2:45pm EDT

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bring it home. and i ask you to imagine that the territory of united was compressed down to the size of new jersey. now, i'm not picking at new jersey because our ambassador michael oren comes from new jersey. it happens to be the right size. so now you squeeze the united states down to the size of new jersey and the next you put on new jersey's northern border and iranian terror proxy called hezbollah, which buyers 6000 rocket into that small state. then imagine that this terror proxy launches another 60,000 rockets to fire. now i'm not finished. you take new jersey's southern
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border and you put another iranian terror proxy on it and you collect hamas. and it to fire's 6000 rockets into your territory while smuggling even more lethal weapons into its territory. easy dude feel a little vulnerable? you think you'd expect some understanding from the international community when you have to defend yourself. i think any fair-minded person would recognize that we face the security problems and challenges unlike any other nation on earth. [applause] and therefore, and therefore, a peace agreement with the palestinians must have effective security arrangements on the ground, not just on a piece of tape or, on the ground.
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[applause] we must make sure that what happened in lebanon and gaza doesn't happen again in the west bank. [applause] now let me explain what our main security problem with lebanon is. it's not israel's border with lebanon. if lebanon forced border with syria to which iran and syria smuggle thousands and thousands of rockets and missiles to hezbollah. and our main security problem with gaza is not israel's border with god that, it's gaza's border with egypt. under which there are about 1000 tunnels dug to which hamas smuggled weapons to fire at us. my friends, experience has shown
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that only an israeli presence on the ground can prevent or limit weapons smuggling. and this is why a peace agreement with the palestinians must include in is really present in the eastern border of the future palestinian state. [applause] is peace with the palestinians proves its durability over time, we can review security arrangements. we are prepared to take risks for peace. but we will not be reckless with the lives of our citizens and the life of the one and only jewish state. [applause] ladies and gentlemen, the people of israel want a future in which
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our children no longer experience the horrors of war. we want a future in which israel realizes its full great potential as a global center of technology, ingrid and its values, living in peace with all its neighbors. i envision an israel that can dedicate even more of its scientific and creative energies to help solve some of the great problems of our time, for most of which is finding a clean and affordable substitute for gasoline. [cheers and applause] and when we find that alternative, we will stop transferring hundreds of billions of dollars to a regime which supports oil worldwide. [cheers and applause] i am confident that in pursuing
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these goals, we have the enduring friendship of the united states of america, the greatest nation on earth. [applause] the american people have always shown that occur each, their generosity, their decency, from one president president to the next, from one congress to the next, america's commitment to israel's security has been unwavering. [applause] in the last year, president obama and the u.s. congress has given meaning to that commitment by providing israel with military assistance, by enabling joint military exercise and by working on joint missile defense. [applause] so to, so too has israel been a
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staunch and steadfast ally of the united states. as vice president biden has said, america has no better friend in the community of nations than israel. i say that, too. [cheers and applause] for decades, israel served as a bulwark against soviet expansionism. today it is helping america's stem the tide of militant islam. israel shares with america everything, and i mean everything that we know about fighting a new kind of enemy. we share intelligence. we cooperate in so many ways, accomplished ways, which i'm not at liberty to divulge. this cooperation is important
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for us, for israel, but it is also helping save american lives. [applause] our soldiers and your soldiers fight against fanatic enemies that loathe our common values. in the eyes of these fanatics, we argue and you are a. to them, the only difference is that you are big and we are small. see you are the great satan and we are the small satan. now there's an important point here. this fanaticism page trade of western civilization predates the establishment of modern israel by a thousand years. militant islam does not hate the west because of israel.
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it hates israel because of the west, because it sees israel as an outpost of freedom and democracy that prevents them from overrunning the middle east. that is why when israel stands against its enemies, it stands against america's enemies. [applause] president truman, the first leader to recognize israel had this to say: i have faith in israel and i believe that as a glorious future, not just of another sovereign nation, but as an embodiment of the great ideals of our civilization. my friends, we are gathered here today because we believe in these common ideals of our great civilization. and because of these ideals, i'm certain that israel and america will always stand together.
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[cheers and applause] thank you. thank you. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> just moments ago cost the potomac river at the white
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house, president barack obama cited health care legislation passed in the house sunday night to 19 until 212 and now it's the sinister as the parliamentarian ruled last night the changes to the proposed excise tax on high-cost plans won't violate the 1974 budget rule. the senators ahead with 20 hours of debate expected to begin this afternoon. our coverage begins that and i gobbled them up to 15:00 here on c-span 2. the head of that, the president will be speaking ahead on health care. should get underway shortly. he still wrapping things up at the white house we will have live coverage from the interior department when the death star. in the meantime, a preview of what's ahead in the senate for the remainder of this week could respect a capitol hill reporter this morning on "washington journal." >> host: good morning. welcome, thank you for joining us this morning. take us through what may happen today in the senate regarding this health care reconciliation bill. s. go well, this afternoon we
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expect senate majority leader harry reid to drop the bill on the floor and the 20 hours of debate allowed under reconciliation rules will begin. and because it's not quite consecutively 20 hours, it looks like the debate time will conclude sometime on thursday. and after that, will probably be several, possibly into the hundreds proposed, mainly by republican senators, but if you maybe closed by democratic senators. and in the meantime, what you can look for is the republicans to is a member challenges and various provisions of reconciliation package violates the byrd rule, saying they were claiming that these provisions do not have a direct deficit impact and call for under the rose reconciliation. and alan truman will be asked to
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rule. in some cases, you'll hear arguments from both sides. in other cases these will be raised on the floor and he'll have to make a ruling ban. >> host: you write in roll call today, he finally moves against health care and starts off by writing the gop officially launches a flat stand against health care reform today. tell us more about this last stand. just go well, if you just mentioned, the president signed the bulk of earth care legislation into law today. i just say and target quantified 99%, 95% of those democrats were seeking of their agenda. it's going to be a done deal and there's nothing anyone can do about it anymore. you know, it's at least not in terms of blocking it. and i think what republicans are looking to do is continue opposing what's left to be done, both showing their constituents,
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those people who are opposed to the president's health care agenda, that they haven't given up. and, you know, trying to set the stage for the november election by continuing to roll forward in the health care legislation. with a procedural reconciliation bill has presented so far doesn't necessarily adhere to the rules. i think republicans also believe that every day we can talk about health care on the senate floor, in the capital and on television is a good day for them and republicans do have two go down a road to either adjust or repeal. it's not portions of the president's bill. >> host: and you write that the senate democratic leadership has been successful in obtaining commitment to vote down all republican amendments, even those that might be politically problematic come november. however, went america explores is still working to ensure that
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no democrats oppose the menace of their own. and we see democrats being things to the table this week? >> guest: as possible. the thing about the reconciliation bill is you change one, or one. it's got to go back in the house for a revote. and so that's where enabled republicans believe they might be able to create some problems for the democrats and extend the health care debate which they think works well. and if a democrat were to propose an amendment that were to pass you would have to go back to the house for a revote. so the point of which democrats are trained to do, democratic leaders is to preserve the integrity of the bill. harry reid, speaker pelosi negotiate the content of this negotiation package. reid has guaranteed will have 51 support reconciliation and that's all it takes to pass. and again, any changes have to
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debate this thing all over again and revote. they're trying to make sure this doesn't happen. we don't know yet that the democrats will agree not to post its own amendment and told it's likely the democrat didn't propose an amendment that enough democrats would vote it down, that it wouldn't cost of change. so, it will be interesting to see, for instance, if any democratic senator to serve as in some quarters. and democrats are trying to keep a unified the same way in the republican conference. >> host: were going to take some headlines and papers today. the philadelphia inquirer gop recruits for senate health showdown in the "washington times," but take a look at that one. gop fighting mad about health bill is also reporting from other outlets like "the new york times" talking about how the hell focused on, but partisan debate rages on. do you have a sense, david, of how focusing the american public will be on this week.
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and they gain from political points? >> guest: they do see the point. it will be interesting to see what the focus is on the action only because the president today is clear again that the bulk of health care reform as the president wants it will become law. but i think, you know, polls have continued to show that the public has engaged in the health care debate and they are watching what goes on capitol hill because the unemployment remains high and people are insecure and concerned and they're not please the direction of the contract. and so, i think that republicans believe that if they continue to discuss health care reform, he keeps the eye on the ball in terms of things people don't like about democrat leadership. that's the republican position. and democrats in the senate are aware that people might be paying attention, which is why their goal is going to be to try and give it away from procedure
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and shine a light on all of the benefit that are in the health care reform bill, some of which will kick in, you know, immediately over the next six to nine months and others which will kick in and tell 2014. it will be a message battle. i think people will continue to be engaged generally how much -- i think you will be interesting because they're watching the president signed the bill will be aware that the main battle over the white house's reform agenda has been won. >> host: who are the plan is to watch this week like tesco if you want to watch on the democratic side, conrad the senate budget chairman, you might want to watch. reid and dick durbin. it's kind of his job to make sure that his numbers vote the way the leadership would tend to go. on the republican side, i would take a look at judd gregg, mr. ranking republican on the
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committee and the republican point mann on reconciliation and try to poke holes in the legislation. watch mr. connell and his own right republican leader. and jon kyl who is the republican and authority signed a letter, all 41 of them that they will all support budget point of order and won't rake off. and it takes of course any budget point of order at the if the republicans raise would take 60 democratic votes or 60-vote period to overcome once the republicans are in uniform. >> to have a sense of which democrats may peel off or that sort of written in stone at this point? >> guest: i don't think anything is written in point country stone. senator michael bennet two was appointed to the senate to replace can salazar is standing for election for the first time in colorado. and he is a big component of the
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public option. last time i talked to was not ruling out the possibility of ruling out an amendment to add a public insurance option to the reconciliation package. you want to see the final outcome of the house house bay city mann changed his mind or signed since i talked to them not to do so. but it's something that he has thought about and was public about wanting to do. >> host: david drucker staff writer at thanks for being with us this morning. >> guest: thank you. >> president obama just finished signing the health care bill into law and now he's heading from the white house to the interior department to get out the health care legislation. live coverage starting shortly here on c-span 2. israel public affairs committee meeting, the aipac executive
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director. >> good morning, everyone and welcome again to the largest aipac policy conference in history. caught mac i i want to start my comments this morning with a few words of appreciation to some very remarkable individuals. first i want to say a few words to howard friedman, our outgoing chairman of the board. howard, thank you for your leadership and your dedication as chairman of the board. [applause] to david victor, david, these last few years have been quite extraordinary. i want to stay thank you for your leadership, for your
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dedication, for the commitment that you have made to this cause. you have made us stronger and for that all of us bow you a debt of thanks. caught mac sully rosenberg come you are the right person for this moment to lead this organization and the scots and i look forward to working with you in a remarkable partnership over the coming two years. rosie, thank you for all that you do for our people. [applause] i also want to take a moment to recognize a group of special leaders who are part of a much larger group of individuals, who has made extraordinary financial contributions to the work of aipac and i want to thank them as well. thank you. [applause] to my colleague, richard
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fishman, an extraordinary individual and to all of my staff colleagues, and what to thank you for your dedication and your commitment to excellence. [applause] and finally, to the men and women assembled here the board of directors, extraordinary individuals who give us their time and make a sacrifice of commitment for this cause. it is a privilege to work with you and i want to say thank you on behalf of all of us here. [applause] when the opinion and policy climate is clouded in washington as it is today, we must be the one that seek to provide the clarity and direction. so i begin my conversation with
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you this morning with that precise thing, to articulate our mission and our message at this critical moment. so let's start with the fundamentals. most important, america must lead the world in preventing iran from becoming a nuclear power. [applause] no other issue can be allowed to detract, to distract or derail this overarching imperatives. second, u.s. israel relationship has flourished for more than 60 years on the basis of shared values, common response to common threats, commitment to democracy, robust trade and a shared desire for peace and
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stability in the middle east. wiki should not accept the reductionist view that the relationship between the united states and israel resolving the conflict between israel and the palestinians. [applause] this geisha is an insidious argument is wrong, it is dangerous and we must refute it. [applause] next, the $3 billion in aid that you will be lobbying for tomorrow is an estimate and in israel's security and america's security. [applause] do not be deceived by columnist and sunday morning talking heads
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that america is in the giftgiving business when it comes to israel. as admiral mullen, chairman of the joint chiefs of staff said just last month, israelis remain a vital ally and a cornerstone of our regional security commitments. when america invests in israel's security, israel is safe to her and america is stronger. [applause] israel and the united states are allies, friends. they should treat each other as such. it is time to reduce the tension, time to set aside the past week and pledged to work to solve problems together. [applause] we are heartened by the report of the united dates in israel
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are working hard together to get the relationship back on track. and we are honored to have the secretary of state, hillary clinton and the prime minister, netanyahu said israel here with us today. [applause] we must remind our leaders that the special relationship is vital, strategically important and must be unshakable. [applause] and when disagreements inevitably arise, they should be resolved privately, as is befitting close ally. [applause] israel is ready to take risks
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for peace despite the unrelenting terror. every israeli prime minister, including prime minister netanyahu has extended their hand to the palestinians and the arab world in peace. what is lacking today, at this very moment, is a willing partner. america has enormous influence with the palestinians in the arab world. the administration should demand today the palestinian president mahmoud abbas come to the table to negotiate. [applause] nomar talk about talking. no more excuses. direct talks today. [applause] and finally, jerusalem is not a
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settlement. [cheers and applause] [cheers and applause] [cheers and applause] jerusalem is the capital of israel. [cheers and applause] no one should underestimate that these are the immediate issues on which we should. the challenge of maintaining a balance between the united dates and israel, the challenge of peace, the challenge to israel's very existence posed by iran.
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you know, in the language of.yours that doctors use to diagnose dangerous conditions, these challenges are acute, inserting an urgency we deny only at our peril. but her is also no that there are conditions equally dangerous, not acute, but chronic. the damage they do is slow where, toxic. in the end, deeply damaging, even deadly. make no mistake, we will maintain our focus on iran as the number one item on our agenda. [applause] we will continue to israel pursue her quest for peace and security with her neighbors. and we will work to continue to
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strengthen the bonds between the united states and israel. but these acute challenges exist in a broader context. and it is the chronic problems that i also want to talk about this morning. last year when we met, i spoke with you about the concerted campaign to delegitimize israel, to portray israel as an outcast, an alien presence in the community of nations. and i shared with you my sense of the strategy of slander and lies and to isolate israel, to undermine our claims to the first and most fundamental right of any state, the right of self-preservation, israel's very right to exist. what we heard that, what we hear now, is a war of words meant to
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weaken israel. .. to defend the existence of a member states? [applause] where is the resolution condemning this call to genocide? [applause] in the past half dozen years alone is sail -- israel has
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been included negatively in u.n. resolutions 170 times. compare that to north korea, with just eight. israel's been subject to 50 resolutions, five, zero, resolutions condemning alleged human rights abuses. sudan, responsible for the genocide of darfur, has had five. at the u.n. security council the united states has used its veto a total of 82 times. of those 82 vetoes how many of them do you think were used to defend israel? half. 41, in a world full of problems, the united states has used its veto half the time to turn back a u.n.
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assault on israel. as these instances indicate, the united nations has a long pattern of unfair and unwarranted criticisms and condemnations of israel. but shameful history of bias reached a new low this past september when the united nations backed gold stone report on the conflict in gaza was issued. that report correctly and courageously condemned as irredeemably biased by both the obama administration and the congress could be looked at just one more outrageous example of the united nations discrediting israel. that would be wrong. goldstone's work is something more sinister. it is representative of a broader pernicious effort to
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challenge israel's fundamental right to self-defense. it is fueled an international campaign to abuse and pervert international laws aimed at preventing genocide. think about that. doctrines like that of universal jurisdiction, which were created with the express intent of eliminating borders, to hunt down and prosecute those that commit the most heinous crimes against humanity. how wickedly ironic that israel's detractors today are bending those laws in an attempt to arrest and prosecute the leaders of a free and democratic israel. with its own independent and vigorous judiciary, and for what? for the crime of defending her own citizens from terror.
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we can not allow the weaponization of international law aimed at undermining israel. make no mistake, this so-called law fare is a war being waged against israel. it must be fought and it must be stopped. [applause] the story of the international community double-standard when it comes to israel is sadly an old one. but today, today, marks the time, to push aside the past, and write a new chapter. we must help israel assume its rightful place, in the institutions, organizations that uphold the community of nations. this year we need to focus
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on this issue in a new way, a way which we, the pro-israel community in america go on the offense in demanding fair treatment for israel. [applause] but the first thing we must do is to break free of our own doubts. no, none of us here, we don't accept the countless attacks against israel. but frankly i'm afraid to say we've come to expect them. my friends, this must end. [applause] this morning, i propose four specific opportunities that, if successful, could put israel on a different level, and affirm she has earned her place among the nations.
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first, recognition of the economic miracle that is the 21st century israel. [applause] a nation, built from the ashes of the holocaust is today a start-up nation. it is an economic leader, an innovation leader, and it must be recognized as such. that's why israel deserves to be a full-fledged member of the organisation for economic co-operation and development, the oecd. [applause] the oecd is the world's leading economic body. a select club of developed democratic countries whose representatives work to coordinate their policies in the economic, social, environmental and financial fields. 30 countries that together constitute the global
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economic elite. and israel, israel, has earned a seat at that table. [applause] yes, membership will be good for israel. it will boost the global prestige, improve the credit rating and make it easier for israelly firms to raise capital abroad. but it is good for eocd countries as well. it will signal to the world what we know already, that israel can be a positive productive partner in driving technological and economic advancement. without question the united states has played an important role in advancing israel's membership? when israel's sworn enemy sought to block the progress and politicize israel's application, the obama administration pushed back, making the case that israel's economy and
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governing structures were what mattered, not politics. that on the merits, israel deserved a seat. that on the merits, israel could compete with anybody. and that on the merits, israel's application should be evaluated and approved [applause] and it is working. but it is time to call on our government to make the final push, to insure that israel is afforded membership that she so clearly has earned. this brings us to our second opportunity. recognition of israel's role as a contributor to peace and security. just as today israel is a
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economic miracle, so too is it a force for security and peace. a small country, that has survived decades of war and terrorism. israel has built a world-class military alongside a world class commitment to democracy. and in that respect, there is a -- >> we leave the last portion of this recorded program now. you can watch it and more from the aipac conference online at president obama just finished signing the health care bill into law at the white house. now he is visiting the interior department to speak about health care legislation. this is live coverage on c-span2. [applause] [shouting]
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>> yes we can!. >> yes we did. thank you all for being here today. thank you. please be seated. ladies and gentlemen, to state the obvious, this is truly historic day. but as all of you know history is not merely what's printed in our textbooks. it doesn't begin or end with a stroke of a pen. history is made. history is made when men and women decide that there's a greater risk in accepting the situation we can not bear, stealing our spine and embracing promise of change. history is made on a leader's passion, is matched with his principle in service of his country. mr. president your passion to make lives of ordinary
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americans better is on display. the prince pils that guided your public service beginning when you were community organizer led this nation to this moment. mr. president, 30 minutes ago, by the stroke of your pen, you began the process of making life better for tens of millions of americans today and forever more. [applause] for much too long, for much too long, americans have been denied what every human being is entitled to, decent, affordable health care. starting with teddy roosevelt, straight through to you, mr. president, everyone else tried. they were great men. they gave it their best, but they came up short. but you succeeded,
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mr. president. we owe you for that. [cheers and applause] as i said just before the president signed the health care bill, i quoted virgil, classic greek poet, who once said the greatest wealth is health. the greatest wealth is health. mr. president, you've made us a nobler and wealthier nation by providing for the health of your fellow citizens. ladies and gentlemen, the president of the united states of america, barack obama. chaup. [cheers and applause] >> thank you. thank you, everybody.
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we wanted to do this twice because there's so many people we have to thank. and, as i look around the room, we've got leaders of labor, who helped to make this happen. we've got ordinary folks who knocked on doors and made phone calls at the last minute to get this thing over the top. my extraordinary members, my cabinet, we've still got additional members of congress who helped lead the charge on this. there's my staff, who i see are still here. [laughter] and, at any given moment i thought they were going to quit but they just stuck it out with me. so, the main purpose here is to say thank you. and thank you on behalf of the american people. after a century of striving, after a year of debate,
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after a historic vote, health care reform is no longer an unmet promise. it is the law of the land. [cheers and applause] it is the law of the land. and, although it may be my signature that is affixed to the bottom of this bill, it was your work, your commitment, your unyielding hope that made this possible. when the special interests deplored an army of lobbyists, an onslaught of negative ads, to preserve the status quo, you didn't give up. you hit the phones and you took to the streets. you mobilized and you organized. you turned up the pressure
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and you kept up the fight. when the pundits were obsessing over who was up and who was down, you never lost sight of what was right and what was wrong. you knew this wasn't about the fortunes of a party. this was about the future of our country. [applause] when the opposition said this just wasn't the right time, you didn't want to wait another year or another decade, or another generation for reform. you felt the urgency of now. you met the lies with truth, you met cynicism with conviction, most of all you met fear with a force that's a lot more powerful, and that is faith in america. you met it with hope. [applause]
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despite decades in which washington failed to tackle our toughest challenges, despite smallness of what so much passes for politics these days, despite those who said progress was impossible, you made people believe that people, who love this country can still change it. so this victory is not mine. it is your victory. it's a victory to the united states of america. [applause] for two years on the campaign trail and for the past year as we worked to reform our system of health insurance it's been folks like you who have propelled this movement and kept us fixed on what was at stake in this fight. rarely has a day gone by that haven't heard from somebody personally, whether in a letter or e-mail or in
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a town hall who reminded me of it was so important we not give up. who reminded me why we could not quit. i heard from ryan smith, who is here today and runs a small business with five employees. he is trying to do the right thing, paying for half of the cost of coverage for his workers but as his premiums keep on going up and up and up, he is worried we will have to stop offering health care for his people. but, because of this bill, he is now going to be getting tax credits that allow him to do what he knows is the right thing to do, and that is going to be true for millions of employers all across america [applause] i heard a story of 11-year-old marcellus owens, who is right here, looking sharp. [cheers and applause]
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he and i made sure to coordinate our ties today. yeah. it looks good. [laughter] marcellus is a wonderful young man. he lost his mom to illness. she didn't have insurance and couldn't afford the care that she needed. so in her memory, marcellus, 11 years old, has told her story across america so that no other children have to go through what his family has experienced. [applause] that's why we don't quit!. i heard from folks like natoma canfield who had to
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give up her health coverage after her rates were jacked up by more than 40%. she was terrified that an illness would cause her to lose her house that her parents built. she also knew if she was burdened by these huge premiums she wouldn't be able to pay the mortgage. she finally decided not to keep her health insurance. she is now lying in a hospital bed as we speak, faced with just such an illness and she is praying that she can somehow afford to get well. her sister connie is her today. the family is because we could not quit. [applause] i've met people like ashley who worked for my campaign. where is ashley? she is around here somewhere. i know she is. there she is, right in
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front. she doesn't like waving. ashley decided to get involved with our campaign a couple years ago. because her own mother lost her job and with it her health insurance when she got sick. they had to file bankruptcy. and so, ashley worked tirelessly, not to get me elected but to solve a problem that millions of families across the country were facing. in each of these americans made their voices heard. it was because of them, so many others, so many of you, that real, meaningful change is coming to the united states of america. [applause] it is because of you that we did not quit. it is because of you that congress did not quit. it's because of you that i did not quit. it's because of you. [applause]
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yeah. now, let me tell you what change looks like because those fighting change are still out there. still making a lot of noise. about what this reform means. so i want the american people to understand it and, look it up for yourself. go on our web site, or go to any credible news out let's web site and look in terms of what reform will
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mean for you. [applause] i said this once or twice but it bears repeating. if you like your current insurance, you will keep your current insurance. no government takeover. nobody is changing what you've got, if you're happy with it. if you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor. in fact, more people will keep their doctors because your coverage will be more secure and more stable than it was before i signed this legislation. and now that this legislation has passed, i don't have to take my word for it. you will be able to see it in your own lives. i heard one of the republican leaders say, this is going to be armageddon. two months from now, six months from now, you can
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check it out. we'll look around. [laughter] and we'll see. [applause] you don't have to take my word for it. so what works in our system, don't change. and a lot of people are happy with the health care they have got, and, that won't change because of this legislation. here's what will change. here's what will change right away. this year, we'll start offering tax credits to about four million small businesses to help them cover the cost of coverage. that means, that folks like ryan will immediately get a tax break so you can better afford the coverage, he is already providing for his employees. who knows, because of that tax break, he may decide to hire a couple more folks in his small business, because of this legislation.
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[applause] applause. this year, tens of thousands of uninsured americans with preexisting condition and children whose parents have a preexisting condition finally will be able to purchase coverage they need. that meeks folks like natoma canfield will have access to this to affordable insurance. that happens this year [applause] this year, insurance companies will no longer be able to drop people's coverage when they get sick or place life sometime limits or -- lifetime limits oar place restrictive annual limits on care they can receive. this year all insurance plans will have to offer free preventative care and this year young adults will be able to stay on their parents policies until they're 26 years old. that all happens this year. [applause]
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this year, seniors who fall into the coverage gap known as the doughnut hole will get some help to help pay for prescription drugs. i want seniors to know, despite what some have said, these reforms will not cut your guaranteed benefits. let me repeat that, they will not cut your guaranteed benefits, period. i would be wary of anyone who claims otherwise. these are the reforms that take effect right away. these reforms won't give the government more control over your health care. they certainly won't give the insurance companies more control over your health care. these reforms give you more control over your health care. and that's only the beginning. [applause] that's only the beginning. after more than a decade we finally renewed the indian health care improvement act.
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[cheers and applause] and the other changes, the other changes i'm signing into law will take several years to implement fully but that's because this is a difficult, complex issue and we want to get right. one of these reforms is the creation of a health insurance exchange. this is one of the most important reforms. and by the way, originally, i should point out, a republican idea. imagine that. [laughing] the idea is that, right now, there are lot of people out there buying health insurance on their own or small businesses buying health insurance on their own. they don't work for a big company. they're not part of a big pool. they have no leverage. they have no bargaining power with insurance companies. but now what we're going to do is create exchanges all across the country where uninsured people, small businesses, they're going to
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be able to purchase affordable, quality insurance. they will be part of a big pool. just like federal employees are part of a big pool. they will have the same choice of private health insurance, that members of congress get for themselves. that's going to happen as a consequence of this legislation and when this exchange is up and running, when this exchange is up and running not only because of better bargaining power will see their premiums reduced will people get a better deal but millions of people who still can't afford it are going to get tax breaks so they can afford coverage. this represents the largest middle class tax cut for health care in our history. and it's going to mean that millions of people can get health care that don't have it currently. [applause] now, for those of us who fought so hard for these reforms and believed in them
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so deeply, i have to remind you our job is not finished. we're going to have to see to it that these reforms are administered fairly and responsibly. this includes rooting out waste and fraud and abuse in the system. that's how we will extend the life of medicare and bring down health care costs for families and businesses and governments. and in fact, it is through these reforms that we achieve the biggest reduction in our long-term deficits since the balanced budget act of the 1990s. so for all those folks out there, who are talking about being fiscal hawks, and didn't do much when they were in power, let's just remind them that according to the congressional budget office this represents over a trillion dollars of deficit reduction. but it is being done in a smart way. and for those who have been suspicious of reform, and
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there are a lot of wonderful folks out there who, developed through all the noise got concerned because of the misinformation that has marched this debate, marred this debate. don't take my word for it. go to the web site and major news outlets and find out how reforms will affect you. i'm confident you will like what you see, approach that makes it work for everybody not just the insurance companies but makes it work for you. that's what health reform is all about. now, as long as a road this has been, we all know our journey is far from over. there is still the work to do to rebuild this economy. there is still work to do to spur on hiring. there's work to do to improve our schools and make sure every child has a decent education. there's still work to do to
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reduce our dependence on foreign oil. there's more work to do to provide greater economic security to a middle class that has been struggling for a decade. this victory does not erase the many serious challenges we face as a nation. those challenges, even linger for years and decades. we'll not solve them all overnight. but as we tackle all these other challenges that we face, as we continue on this journey, we can take our next steps with new confidence, with a new wind at our backs because we know it's still possible to do big things in america. because we know it's still possible to rise above the skepticism, to rise above the cynicism, to rise above the fear, because we know it's still possible to fulfill our duty to one another and to future generations. so yes, this has been a difficult two years. there will be difficult days ahead. but let us always remember
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the lesson of this day, and the lesson of history, that we as a people do not shrink from a challenge. we overcome it. we don't shrink from our responsibilities, we embrace it. we don't fear the future. we shape the future. that's what we do. that's who we are. that makes us the united states of america. god bless you. god bless the united states of america. [cheers and applause] thank you. ♪ . [cheers and applause]
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states sue the federal government today minutes after president obama signed the health care bill into law. the lawsuit says that this constitution doesn't authorize the federal government to require americans to buy health insurance. florida attorney general bill mccaul is taking the lead and is joined by attorneys general from south carolina, nebraska, texas, michigan, utah, pennsylvania, alabama, south dakota, idaho, washington, colorado and louisiana. all our republicans accept james caldwell of louisiana who is a democrat. some states are considering separate lawsuits and still others may join the multistate suit. the u.s. senate needs at 2:15 p.m. to begin work on companion legislation to the health care bill signed into law today. it contains a number of changes to the law. many added to get democratic support in the house. senate democratic leader harry reid says he has the votes to
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pass it in his chamber, but republicans plan to offer a number of amendments to slow change, what's called the reconciliation bill. we will have live coverage when the senate gavels. president obama will be traveling this week to explain the health care law. on thursday he will visit iowa city, iowa, where, as a presidential candidate, he announced his health care plan in may 2007. the american israel public affairs committee is holding its annual policy conference in washington, d.c., this week. among the speakers yesterday was colonel richard kemp, former commander of british forces in afghanistan. his comments were about 25 minutes. >> in his career colonel richard kemp has experienced firsthand and up close the demands on soldiers who are operating under
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the most stressful circumstances. he has served in northern ireland, iraq, bosnia, and most recently in afghanistan as the commander of british forces there. his service earn him the military title and honor of commander of the order of the british empire, an honor reserved for a select few are and received from her majesty, queen elizabeth. his service in afghanistan led him to co-author a book called a tax state red, which describe what it's like to fight an enemy under harsh battlefield conditions. with colonel kim's 30 years of service, has come a unique understanding of the critical decisions, military leaders must
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make during times of war. decisions of life and death. decisions about conducting the war where your enemies hide among civilians. decisions of extraordinary ethical significance. these experiences how profoundly informed transport insight into israel's gaza operation. a defensive operation following years of unrelenting hamas rocket and mortar attacks on israeli civilians. colonel kim has studied carefully israel's actions in gaza before he heard that former judge richard goldstone was investigating israel's actions on behalf of the united nations human rights council. colonel camp offered his findings and analysis to judge
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goldstone who declined his offer. now in case you haven't heard about the record of the u.n. human rights council, of the 34 resolutions the council has passed since 2006, 27 of them have been against israel. according to the human rights council, israel has a far worse record on human rights in such countries as saudi arabia and iran. fast-forward a few months to october 2009. the human rights council is holding an emergency session to discuss the judge goldstone's report, a 575 page document which accuses israel of intentionally targeting civilians. because this was an open session, colonel kemp finally had the opportunity to present
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his analysis. what he said the astonished u.n. member states, like saudi arabia, qatar mac and pakistan. mr. presiden based on my knowledge and expense i can say this, during operation, the israeli defense forces did more to save the rights of civilians in a combat zone and any other army in the history of warfare. [applause] >> despite the u.n. human rights council's unwillingness to listen, colonel kemp was determined to set the record straight. to describe the true nature of israel's defensive actions, for all her detractors to hear loud and clear. ladies and gentlemen, please welcome a true hero, a man who
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stands up time and again for his country, for his comrades, and for his ideals. colonel richard kemp. [applause] ♪ ♪ >> thank you, tim, for those extremely kind words. i should say though any success that i've had come any achievements i've made in my lifetime, in my career, have been due entirely to the
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extremely brave, committed, dedicated and hard british soldiers who i've had the honor to serve alongside. [applause] >> ladies and gentlemen, it is also a great honor to have been invited to speak to you here in washington today. i won't open up with that old churchill cliché, about two people divided by a common language. [laughter] >> i will though say how comforting it is to know that in this enormous audience today there is a very strong british contingent led by richard benson. [applause]
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>> and that least, therefore, there are about 30 people who understand what i'm saying today. [laughter] >> ladies and gentlemen, the nexus of globalism and violent jihad have brought to this world a phenomenon that is entirely new. and that phenomenon is global insurgency. the challenges facing the security forces whose duty it is to fight against this global insurgency war are in many ways much greater than those that have confronted them in any previous conflict. this is especially true of the security forces of the free world, such as the united states, the united kingdom, and israel. in standing together in this
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light against global insurgency, it is a sensual that we do not allow the dark forces of the insurgency to divide us. as they try to do. there are those who say, for example, that our forces are placed in greater danger because of the policies of israel and its fight against its insurgency. i would dismiss the comment. it is essential that we stand together. israel -- speaking from experience -- has been an enormous assistance and help to the forces of great britain in its own struggles, and certainly when i appealed to israel for assistance when i went out to afghanistan and needed expertise
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in combating a new and terrible threat of suicide bombing, that assistance was given very generously and very wisely. [applause] >> ladies and gentlemen, the reason that i single out those three countries as representative of the free world is that their actions are scrutinized, analyzed, and dissected by a powerful and omnipresent free press. those countries, like other democracies, are quite rightly governed by moral standards, conventions, human rights laws, and democratic accountability. standards that don't constrain the actions of many of the other states who are nevertheless caught up in that same violent struggle. and some of those states
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themselves and troubled by the need to observe human rights, whether their own citizens or of their enemies, or among those who most undoubtedly condemn israel and the united nations in geneva. [applause] >> as i will explain later in my remarks, some of those states may well, by this type of bill considered condemnation, make the global insurgency even worse than it already is for themselves as well as for us. the insurgents that israel, the u.s., and the uk's face are all different. hezbollah and hamas in lebanon and in gaza, al qaeda, a range of other militant groups in iraq, in afghanistan, al qaeda and the taliban, which is itself a horribly complex, interweave
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and overlapping tapestry of insurgency. they are different but they are linked. they are linked, ladies and gentlemen, by the complex network of international jihad, and by its transfer of expertise, skills, tactics and technology using the world wide web, remote training camps, and easy global trouble. they are also linked by the pernicious influence, support and sometimes even the direction of iran. it was iran that formed hezbollah back in the '80s. and to this day, funds and directs it as an instrument of its own foreign policy. iran has developed hezbollah into one of the age or, if not the most deadly terrorist organizations in the world their hamas receives support also from iran. and not just support.
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whenever there has been any sign of wavering by hamas, or other anti-israel groups, iran has moved in to stiffen their resolve, often using hezbollah to do its dirty work. similar, iranian support enabled someone to attack and hurt the combined military strength of the united states and united kingdom in iraq, where they were responsible for numerous american and british casualties. iran continues to provide such support to sheer militias in iraq today. we know, ladies and gentlemen, that the al qaeda management board plus at least two of bin laden's wise and a son has been based in iran since 2001 when its members to escape there from afghanistan. since their presence was discovered by western intelligence, the tehran regime
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has consistently protested that this group are confined to their homes and unable to operate. but last week during testimony to the senate foreign affairs committee, general petraeus, the head of u.s. central command, revealed that tehran is letting al qaeda leaders travel freely between pakistan and afghanistan, effectively using its territory as a safe haven while permitting them to hold meetings to plan terrorist attacks against american targets. taliban leaders also have recently been boasting that they have received significant training and resourcing from iran in their fight against nato and the afghan government. a fact that has now also been confirmed, i understand, by general petraeus. and, of course, we shouldn't forget that the army come the second largest insurgent group in afghanistan today has its
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main bases across the border in iran. these diverse groups with their differing goals of strategies share a common characteristic. they are trained and equipped above all for warfare fought from within the civilian population. in conflicts in lebanon, iraq, and in towns and villages in southern afghanistan, the civilian population come are routinely exploited in deliberate and fragrant violation of international laws and reasonable norms of civilized behavior. and in gaza last year, during operation cast led, civilians became a strategic weapon in the hands of hamas, were deliberately putting their own people's lives on the line, those people that they proclaimed they were in place to protect. they use the noncombat and population of gaza as human shields, relying on the israeli
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military's adherence to international law and its own moral codes to protect them from harm. hamas, of course, deployed suicide attackers, including women and children, who were also used to fight, collect intelligence, and ferry arms and intelligence between battles. they used schools, private houses and other legally protected public buildings, sometimes deliberately filled with civilians, including women and children, and fighting positions. and despite the international legal protection afforded to religious buildings, as we've heard earlier this morning, they frequently use mosques as weapons storage and strong point. the u.s. and british armies faced the same situation every single day in afghanistan, too. the taliban forced boys as young as 14 to throw high explosive grenades at our troops, knowing that they will not return fire against children.
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civilians are forced to move in front of taliban fighters, attacking nato troops in the line of fire to provide protective shield for them. i readily recently on a jihadists website of an old woman who was used to fire at nato troops to distract them from taliban attack. all of this is, of course, in flagrant breach of any, anything we would recognize as international law. [applause] >> but, ladies and gentlemen, it would be an enormous error to believe that jihadists groups ignore the international laws of armed conflicts. they certainly do not. they study them with care and understand them very well. they know that a british, american or israeli commander and his men are bound by its national law and the rules of
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engagement that flow from it. they didn't do their utmost to exploit what they view as one of the enemy's main weakness is. they're very modus operandi is built on the correct assumption that western armies will abide by the rules. so how do civilized armies get around these tactics and prevail against the insurgents? in particular, avoiding killing innocent civilians when that is exactly what the enemy is trying to lower them to do. and, of course, in counter insurgency we are winning over the hearts and minds of the people that so critically important. it is vital to absolutely minimize civilian deaths. as generals unami mcchrystal, the nato commander in afghanistan recognized in his edicts to avoid death at virtually all cost you have to go even beyond the rules of war, sometimes, sometimes even
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putting your own troops lives at greater risk to do so. the commanders of the israeli defense forces who planned and implemented operation cast led also understood this necessity, and they themselves took unprecedented measures to minimize civilian casualties. [applause] >> the israeli intelligence operation in the run up to cast led was a huge complex and fought with danger. covert human intelligence sources predominantly arabs working for israel working tirelessly to allow the idea of the best possible idea of what faced him in the urban areas. make no mistake, ladies and gentlemen, if captured the penalties for these agencies are heavy. hamas recently reintroduced as a fiction as a method of execution
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for its prisoners. torture is routine. so why did israel make this effort? because to fight a pinpoint war on the ground, particularly against an enemy such as hamas, you need the best possible intelligence to deal with as effectively as possible when enemy fighters and their leaders and to make sure the minimum damage is done to the civilian population. when possible, the idea when given at least four hours notice, targeted for attack, handing, knowingly handing an advantage to hamas. as we've heard, attack helicopter pilots had total discretion to a border strike if there was to great a risk to civilian cashers in the area and many missions that could have taken a hamas militant capability were aborted because of this. during the conflict, the idea allowed huge amounts of humanitarian aid into gaza. this sort of task is regarded by
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any military commander as risky and dangerous as the best of times. to mount such operations, to deliver a virtually into your enemy's hands let us not forget that hamas confiscated significant amounts of that aid for their own military use. is to military tactician quite applicable. but the idea of courageously we are willing to take on those risks. in the latter stages of cast led, the idea of unilateral announced updating three hour cease-fire knowing of course that this would give hamas a vital time and space to breathe group, read deployed for future attacks. that added to the danger to their own troops. the israeli strike over 900,000 leaflets warning the population of impending attacks to allow them to leave designated areas. they phoned over 30,000 palestinian households in gaza, urging them in arabic to leave
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homes where hamas might have stashed weapons or be preparing to fight. similar messages were passed on israeli radio broadcast boring the civilian population of the forthcoming operations. american and british forces operating in afghanistan today have adopted similar measures, some perhaps borrowed from israel's experience to reduce civilian casualties while fighting an enemy that uses similar tactics. at the start of operation, the major offensive that is running even today in afghanistan, our troops and the american troops delivered large number of leaflets for the local people. they held meetings with local leaders to try and enlist their help, and they took the unprecedented step of giving warning that the operation was coming to allow those civilians that could to leave the area and to give less committed taliban fighters a chance to get away without a fight. despite israel's extraordinary measures, in gaza, as we know
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only too well the number of innocent civilians were killed and wounded. every commander knows that no matter how sophisticated your targeting, how high take your equipment, and how careful you are planning, the ever present friction and chaos of military operations means there will always be mistakes. and, of course, there will always be soldiers who deliberately or through incompetence go against their orders. like british and american soldiers, israel's forces operate under a strict code of conduct and held accountable for theirs by the israeli government. ladies and gentlemen, is fighters are of course subject to no such restraint whatsoever. there is no equivalence. there is no equivalence between israel soldiers and hamas is fighters. [applause]
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>> like every army, including on the western armies, the idea is far from perfect. but their work to reduce the risk of civilian casualties in gaza went well beyond the requirements of the geneva convention to an extent that would not even be considered by most other armies around the world. least of all -- [applause] >> least of all, of some of the countries that are most vocally condemned israel and the united nations. [applause] >> the campaigns fought by israel and the u.s. and the u.k., and as i've explained, have several common factors. but there is also a major difference. in many countries around the world, not least of all in europe, the start point is that
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israel is always in the wrong here ladies and gentlemen, i have met many israeli soldiers and former israeli soldiers. these are not war criminals. [applause] >> i recognize virtually no difference between the soldiers and the idf and the brave british soldiers that i spoke about at the beginning of my remarks. [applause] >> they are also very brave men and women who have prepared to put their own lives on the line to defend the civilian population, and quite often make the ultimate sacrifice giving up their lives. the u.s., the u.k. and other nato countries, even when themselves cause the
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unintentional deaths, tragic deaths of innocent civilians attract no such automatic condemnation as do the israelis. those states individuals and national groups that and thinking we accept or subscribe to this blanket condemnation of israel risk perhaps unintentionally, perhaps unintentionally worsening the global insurgency that we all face. they enable highly questionable reports such as judge goldstone the u.n. fact-finding report to be created and then given prominence. the goldstone report depended heavily on testimony from the people of the gaza strip, the same people as i've described whose suffering was exploited by hamas as a strategic weapon, the same people who face horrific punishment from hamas thugs if they so much as consider deviating from the hamas life. full acceptance of the goldstone
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report, ladies and gentlemen, and its findings and interpretations would effectively make it impossible for states to defend themselves from armed insurgents as long as those insurgents operated from within the civilian population. [applause] >> in his report judge goldstone strongly criticizes israeli attacks on hamas fighters, position in proximity to civilians or civilian installations, even when they were actively engaged in a tax against the idf. in reaching this conclusion, judge goldstone effectively validates the terrorist tactic of hiding behind an exploit the civilian population by denying that a state has a right to react. that validation will be noted around the world and will serve to encourage insurgent groups to fall the hamas and taliban line by exploiting civilian populations. it may well lead to an increase
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in civilian casualties during conflicts. yet, goldstone is doubly dangerous. for all its seemingly frenzied indictments of israel and israeli defense forces conduct of the conflict in gaza, goldstone himself eventually concluded that, ethical, if this was a court of law, there would have been nothing proven. he emphasized that his conclusion, that work crimes had been committed was always intended as conditional. conditional indeed. a year on with no shortage of people trying to prove it, i for one have seen nothing to confirm systematic abuse by the israelis in gaza. [applause] >> instead, ladies and gentlemen, the evidence i have seen and he announces that i
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have made leads me to continue to believe as i informed the human rights, the u.n. human rights council that during operation cast lead, the israeli defense forces did more to safeguard the rights of civilians in a combat zone that any of the army has done previously in the history of warfare. [applause] >> our commitment to israel's security and israel's future is rock solid, unwavering, and during, and for ever. >> was a secretary of state,
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senator, first lady, or the tourney, hillary clinton in 1991, you can search it, clip it, share it and more online at the new c-span video library. with over 160,000 hours of video and 115,000 people every c-span program since 1987. the c-span video library, cable's latest gift to america. >> president obama sign the health care bill into law today. he goes on the road later this week to promote the new law. on thursday he will visit iowa city, iowa, where as a presidential candidate he announced his health care plan in may 2007. just minutes after the law was signed, attorneys general from 13 states sued the federal government saying the constitution doesn't authorize the federal government to require americans to buy health insurance. all are republicans except james caldwell of louisiana who is a democrat. some states are also looking at
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other ways to avoid participating in the overhaul. virginia and idaho have passed legislation aimed at blocking the bills insurance requirement from taking effect. and the republican-led legislature in florida is trying to put a constitutional amendment on the ballot to ask voters to exempt the state from the federal laws requirements. the u.s. senate meets at 2:15 p.m. eastern today to begin work on companion legislation to the health care bill signed into law. it contains a number of changes to the law, many added to get democratic support in the house. senate democratic leader harry reid says he has the votes to pass it in his chamber. but republicans plan to offer a number of amendments to slow or change what's called the reconciliation bill. we will have live coverage when the senate gavels and hear on c-span2 president obama sign the health care bill into law this morning in the east room of the white house. the house passed the bill over
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the weekend, along with a package of changes that as the reconciliation bill. under the rules of congress, the senate cannot take a reconciliation unless the president signed the original senate bill into law. this is about half an hour. >> ladies and gentlemen, the president of the united states, and vice president of the united states. [applause] >> thank you all. [applause]
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[applause] >> thank you all. let them celebrate a bit. >> thank you. mr. president, i think we've got a happy room here. [laughter] >> it seems ridiculous to say thank you all for being here. [laughter] >> ladies and gentlemen, to state the obvious, this is a historic day.
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[applause] >> in our business, we use that phrase a lot, but i can't think of the day that 37 years that i've been a united states senator and the short time i've been vice president that it is more appropriately stated. this is a historic day. in history. history is not merely what is printed in textbooks. it doesn't begin or end with the stroke of a pin. history is made. history is made when men and women decide that there's a greater risk in accepting the situation that we cannot bear, that is stealing our spine, and embracing the promise of change. that's when history is made. [applause] >> history is made when you all
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assembled here today, members of congress, take charge, to change the lives of tens of millions of americans, to the efforts of those of us lucky enough to serve here in this town, that's exactly what you have done. you have made history. history is made when a leader steps up, stays true to his values and charts a fundamentally different course for the country. history is made wind leaders passion, passion is matched with principle to set a new cours well, ladies and gentlemen, mr. president, you are that leader. you have -- [applause]
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>> mr. president, mr. president, your fierce advocacy, the clarity of purpose that you showed, your perseverance, these are, in fact, it is not hyperbole, these are the reasons why we are assembled in this and together today, but for those attributes we would not be here. many, many, many, women are going to feel the pride that i feel and watching you shortly, watching you sign this bill, knowing that their work, they work has helped make this day possible. mr. president, you are the guy that made it happen. [applause] >> and so, mr. president, -- [applause] >> all of us, press and elected officials assembled in this town over the years, we have seen
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some incredible things happen, but you know, mr. president, you have done what generations of not just ordinary, but great men and women have attempted to do. republicans as well as democrats. they have tried before. everybody knows the story. starting with teddy roosevelt. they tried. they were real bold leaders. but mr. president, they fell short. you have turn, mr. president, the right of every american to have access into decent health care in reality for the first time in american history. [applause]
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>> mr. president, i've gotten to know you well enough you want me to stop because i'm embarrassing you. [laughter] >> but i'm not going to stop for another minute because you delivered on a promise, a promise you made to all americans when we moved into this building. mr. president, you are to repeat myself literally about to make history. our children and our grandchildren, they are going to grow up knowing that a man named barack obama put the final girder in the framework for a social network in this country to provide the single most important element of what people need, and that is access to good health care. [applause] >> and that every american from this day forward will be treated
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with simple fares and basic justice. look, the classic poet virgil once said that the greatest wealth is health. the greatest wealth is held. well, today america becomes a whole lot wealthier goes tens of millions of americans will be a whole lot healthier from this moment on. ladies and gentlemen, the president of the united states of america, barack obama. [applause] >> thank you, everybody. thank you. thank you. thank you. thank you. thank you.
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please, have a seat. thank you. thank you, everybody. thank you, everybody. please, have a seat. thank you, joe. [laughter] >> stack good to be here with you, mr. president. >> today after almost a century of trial, today after over a year of debate, today after all the votes have been tallied, health insurance reform becomes law in the united states of america. [applause] >> today.
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it is fitting that congress passed this historic legislation this week. for as we mark the turning of spring, we also mark a new season in america. in a few moments when i signed this bill, all of the overheated rhetoric, over reform will find a confront the reality of the reform. [applause] >> while the senate still has a last round of improvements to make on this historic legislation, these are improvements i'm confident they ll make tly. [applause] >> the bill -- [applause]
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[laughter] >> the bill, the bill i'm signing will set in motion reforms that generations of americans have fought for and marched for and hunger to see. it will take four years to implement fully many of these reforms, because we need to implement them responsibly. we need to get this right. but a host of desperately needed reforms will take effect right away, this year. [applause] >> this year, we will start offering tax credits to about
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4 million small business men and women, to help them cover the cost of insurance for their employees. that happens this year. [applause] >> this year, tens of thousands of uninsured americans with preexisting conditions, the parents of children who have a preexisting condition, will finally be able to purchase the coverage they need. that happens this year. [applause] >> this year -- this year, insurance coverage will no longer able to drop people's coverage when they get sick. [cheers and applause] >> or place -- they won't be
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able to place lifetime limits or restricted annual limits on the amount of care they can receive. this year -- [applause] >> this year, all new insurance plans will be required to offer free preventive care. and this year, young adults will be able to stay on their parents policies and tell they are 26 years old. that happens this year. [cheers and applause] >> and this year seniors who fall in the coverage gap known as the doughnut hole will start getting some help. they will receive $250 to help pay for prescriptions, and that will, over time, fill in the doughnut hole. and i want seniors to know, despite what some have said, these reforms will not cut your guaranteed benefits. in fact, under this law,
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americans on medicare will receive preventive care without copayments or deductibles. that begins this year. [applause] >> wants this reform is implemented, health insurance exchanges will be created, a competitive marketplace, where uninsured people in small businesses will finally be able to purchase affordable quality insurance. they will be able to be part of a big pool and get the same good deal that members of congress get. [applause] >> that's what's going to happen under this reform. and when this exchange is up and running, millions of people will get tax breaks to help them afford coverage, which represents the largest middle-class tax cut for health care in history. [cheers and applause] >> that's what this reforms about.
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this legislation will also lower costs for families and for businesses and for the federal government, reducing our deficit by over $1 billion in the next two decades. it is paid for, it is fiscally responsible, and it will help lift a decades long drag on our economy. that's part of what all of you together worked on and made happen. [applause] >> you know, that our, that our generation is able to succeed in passing this reform is a testament to the persistence and the character of the american people, who championed his cause, who mobilized, who organize, who believed that people who love this country can change it. it's also a testament to the
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historic leadership and uncommon courage of the men and women of the united states congress, who have taken their lumps during this difficult debate. [laughter] >> yes, we did. [laughter] >> you know, there are -- [laughter] -- there are few tougher jobs in politics or government than leading one of our legislative chambers. in each chamber, there are men and women who come from different places and face different pressures or reach different conclusions about the same things and feel deeply concerned about different thin things. and by necessity, leaders have to speak to those different concerns. it isn't always tidy. it is almost never easy. but perhaps the greatest and most difficult challenge is to cobble together, out of these
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differences, the sense of common interest and common purpose that's required to advance the dreams of all people, especially in a country as large and diverse as ours. and we are blessed by leaders in each chamber who not only do their jobs very well, but who never lost sight of that larger mission. they didn't play for the short-term. they didn't play to the polls or to politics. one of the best speakers the house of representatives has ever had -- [cheers and applause] >> speaker nancy pelosi. [cheers and applause]
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were the best majority leaders the senate has ever had, mr. harry reid. [cheers and applause] >> to all the terrific committee chairs, all the members of congress did what was difficult budget what was right, past health care reform, not just ditch generation of americans will thank you, but the next generation of americans will thank you. and, of course, this figure was also made possible by the painstaking work of members of this administration, including our outstanding secretary of health and human services, kathleen sebelius. [cheers and applause]
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>> and one of the unsung heroes of this effort, an extraordinary woman who led the reform effort from the white house, nancy-ann deparle. [cheers and applause] >> today, i'm signing this reform bill into law on behalf of my mother, who argued with insurance companies even as she battled cancer in her final days. i'm signing it for ryan smyth, who is here today. he runs a small business with five employees. he's trying to do the right thing, paying half the cost of coverage for his workers. this bill will help him afford that coverage.
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i'm signing it for 11 year old marcelas owens, who's also here. [applause] >> marcelas lost his mom to an illness. she didn't have insurance. couldn't afford the care that she needed. so in her memory, he has told her story across america so that no other children have to go through what his family has experienced. [applause] >> i'm signing up for natoma canfield. . .
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[applause] to senator ted kennedy and it's fitting that ted's widow vickie is here. [applause] it's fitting that teddy's widow vickie is here and his niece, caroline, his son patrick who has helped make this for a reality. [cheers and applause]
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i remember seeing ted walk through that door in a summit in this room a year ago, one of his last book appearances. it was hard for him to make, but he was confident that we would do the right thing. our presence here today is remarkable and improbable, with all the punditry, all the lobbying, all the gameplay that passes for governing in washington, it's been easy at times to doubt our ability to do such a big income is such a complicated thing. to wonder if there are limits to what we have the people can still achieve.
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it's easy to succumb to the sense of cynicism about what's possible in this country. but today we are affirming that essential truth. a truth every generation is called to rediscover for health, that we are not a nation that scales back its aspirations. we are not -- [applause] that falls prey to doubt or mistrust. we don't fall prey to fear. we are not a nation that does with easy, that's not who we are. that's not how we got here. we are a nation that faces the challenges and accept its responsibilities. we're a nation that does what is hard, what is necessary, what is right. here in this country, we shape our own destiny. that is what we do. that is who we are. that is what makes us united states of america. and we have not just insurance, as soon as i sign this bill, the core principle that everybody
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should have some basic security when it comes to their health care. [applause] and it is an extraordinary achievement that should happen because of all of you and because of all the advocates all across the country. so, thank you on the thank you, god bless you. and may god bless the united states of america. [cheers and applause] god bless you. thank you. thank you. [applause] all right. i would like to now call it to state some of the members of congress who made this day possible and some of the americans who will benefit from these reforms could and were going to sign this bill.
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[inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] this is going to take a little while. [inaudible conversations] [applause] is going to take a really long time. [inaudible conversations] i didn't do it. -- crack
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[inaudible conversations] we are done. [cheers and applause] [cheers and applause] [applause] [cheers and applause]
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[cheers and applause] [applause] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] sumner
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security and israel's future is rock solid, unwavering, enduring and forever. >> secretary of state, senator, first lady or attorney, tori clinton come in 1991 come you can search it, clip it, sherritt and more online at the new c-span video library with over 160,000 hours of video. and over 150,000 people every c-span program since 1987. the c-span video library, cables latest gift to america. >> is a guide up, a travel blog if you will, but it's also kind of a mini history work of biography of each of these presidents.
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and let's face it, you can tell a lot about people at the end of their lives >> attorneys general from 13 states sued the federal government today, minutes after president obama signed a health care bill into law. the lawsuit says that the constitution doesn't authorize the federal government to require americans to buy health insurance. florida attorney general, bill mccollum is taking the lead and is joined by attorneys general from south carolina, nebraska, texas, michigan, utah, pennsylvania, alabama, suffocate a come idaho, washington, and louisiana. all the republicans accept a
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chance buddy caldwell of louisiana, who was a democrat. some states are considering separate lawsuits and still others may join the multistate suit. president obama will be traveling this week to explain the health care law. on thursday he'll visit iowa city, iowa, where as a presidential candidate he announced his health care plan in may 2007. the u.s. senate needs now to begin work on companion legislation to the health care bill signed into law today. it contains a number of changes to the law, many added to get democratic support in the house. senate democratic leader, harry reid, says he has the votes to pass it in his chamber, but republicans plan to offer a number of amendments to slow or change what's called the reconciliation bill. this is live coverage on c-span c-span 2.
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the presiding officer: please join me in reciting the pledge of allegiance to the flag. i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. the presiding officer: the clerk will read a communication to the senate. the clerk: washington d.c., march 23, 2010. to the senate: under the provisions of rule 1, paragraph 3, of the standing rules of the senate, i hereby appoint the honorable mark begich, a senator from the state of alaska, to perform the duties of the chair. signed: robert c. byrd, presidet
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pro tempore. mr leader. the desk. i ask for its fst reading. mr. reid: there is a bill at the clerk: h.r. 4872, an act to provide for reconciliation pursuant to title 2 of the current reconciliation of the budget. mr. reid: i ask further reing t amendment b waived. the presiding officer: without objection. mr. reid: mr. president, it is my understanding the republican leader wishes to be recognized at this time. republican leader. i would ask -- i note the absence of a quorum. the presiding officer: the clerk will call the roll. quorum call:
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mr. reid: mr. president? the presiding officer: majority leader. mr. reid: i ask the quorum call be terminated. the presiding officer: without
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mr. mcconnell: mr. president? the presiding officer: the republican leader. mr. mcconnell: aree in a quorum call? the presiding officer: no, we're not. mr. mcconnell: i understand there are two bills at the desk and i ask for their first reading en bloc. the presiding officer: without objection, the clerk will report. the clerk: s. 3152, a bill to repeal the patient protection and affordable care act. s. 3153, a bill to provide a fully offset temporary extension of certain programs so as not to increase the deficit and for other purposes. mr. mcconnell: i now ask for a second reading. and in order to place the bills on the calendar under the provisions of rule 14, i object to my own request all en bloc. the presiding officer: objection is heard. the three bills that are read
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for the first time which will receive the second reading on the next legislative day. mr. mcconnell: mr. president, a little earlier today the president signed the democratic health spending bill into law, and he used the occasion to point out a number of things he wants people to know about it. now he'll travel around the country taking -- talking the bill up to a skeptical public. clearly, democrats in washington still don't get it. americans already know what's in this bill. that's precisely why they don't like it. most americans out there aren't celebrating today. they're dumbfounded by the fact that congress just passed this 2,685-page monstrosity against their wishes on the backs of their children and grandchildren who they know will have to pick up the tab. with all due respect, you don't pass a bill the american people
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didn't want and then try to sell them on it. you win their support first, then pass it on a bipartisan basis, just as we've done on every other piece of major social legislation we passed over the past 45 years. people oppose this bill not because they don't know what's in it, but because they know exactly what's in it. but for some reason, democrats in washington still think they can continue to spend the public -- spin the public on this bill. they're still trying to sell it as the one and only solution to problems that we all recognize exist in our health care system. they'll say this is the only solution to controlling costs. they'll say this is the the only solution to covering preexisting conditions. they'll say this is the only way to keep people from getting kicked off their insurance plans. the american people aren't stupid. they know these are false
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choices. they know you don't have to slashes medicare half a trillion dollars to lower premiums. you don't have to impose job killing taxes to keep people from being kicked off their plans. people know you won't save money on health care by spending another $2.6 trillion on health care. they know you can do these things without forcing taxpayers to cover the costs of abortions. they know you don't reduce the deficit by creating a massive new government program that even democrats have described as a ponzi scheme. they know you can go a long way toward doing all of these things without creating a brand-new entitlement at a time when we can't even cover the costs of the entitlements we already have. and they know that democrats can claim to know the verdict of history all they want, but that history will remember this past week not for giving americans a boost, but for diverting us from the real task of enacting commonsense health care reforms that actually lower the cost of
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care without undermining the health care system we already have. americans wanted us to get at the root of this problem. instead, democrats are spending trillions more on a system that already costs too much and forcing seniors, small business owners and middle-class families to pay for it. you can call that a lot of things. you might even call it historic. but you can't call it reform. the fact is this bill spends $2.6 trillion at a time when near double-digit inflation, while putting the real problem off for another day. it kicks the can down the road. so democrats here in washington can celebrate all they want, but the celebration is going to be short-lived. the american people are not fooled. mr. president, i yield the
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floor. the presiding officer: mr. majority leader. mr. reid: i agree with my distinguished counterpart, the senator from kentucky. the american people aren't stupid. what we are now going to be on shortly is something we do nearly every year since 1980 we've done it 20-some-odd times. 80% of the time it's been done by republicans. we're going to move forward and make a good law we just passed, signed by the president today, even better. this legislation will reduce the deficit during the first ten years by about $140 billion, over the next ten years by $1.3 trillion. in nevada, mr. president, 600,000 people will be able to have insurance that don't have it today, 24,000 small
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businesses in nevada will be able to have insurance for their employees. why didn't they have it before? was it because they were cheap or mean? no. they couldn't afford it. the insurance companies have a lock on the system. they couldn't afford it. mr. president, there are so many good things -- and i'm not going to talk about all in this law the president signed today, but let me talk about one thing because it's very personal. this legislation now allows someone -- will allow someone who turns 24 to still be on their parents' insurance when they're in college. they don't even have to be in college. the reason this is important is searchlight, nevada, is place where a hard-working couple had a child sometime late in life. they love that boy. he's going to school almost full time, working part time. he turned 23. he went off his parents'
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insurance. within weeks of his being 23 years old, he got sick and was diagnosed with having testicular cancer. he was real sick. he's had two surgeries. he's had chemotherapy twice. this has been paid for by his parents who didn't have the money to do this. they exhausted their savings. mr. president, in america that isn't the way it should be. this law that we now have takes care of a lot of people just like jeff hill from searchlight, nevada. we -- for all senior citizens in nevada that are on medicare, we closed the doughnut hole. that is people no longer have to be concerned about arriving at a point with their health care delivery system when they no longer have coverage for prescription drugs. we take care of that in this new law. there are bipartisan ideas to
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attack fraud, waste, and abuse. we expand medicaid programs. mr. president, doing nothing means double-digit premium increases as high as 60% to 70%. this is a good law. we're going to make it better. i note the absence of a quorum. quorum call:
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