tv Today in Washington CSPAN March 24, 2010 7:30am-9:00am EDT
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ahead with a new form of doing this. we give the director of public prosecutions the part to decide on whether this action can go ahead. our commitment to observing the universal jurisdiction on crimes against humanity is absolute, and i wrote an article in one of the newspapers only a few days ago saying that. but we recognize the need for change. we put proposals to do so. we have set a consultation date that finishes within only a few days. we can hardly be accused of not taking action on this vital matter. on the question of chinese and british relations, i've always valued the very strong to see jude relationship with develop with china over the recent years. and david miliband our former secretary has been in china in certain weak cementing these relationships. and i think it's very important that people recognize that the g-20 is a new organization that
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is the premier organization for economic operation. the g8 did not include china, did not include india, did not include brazil, did not include south africa. and dolly very important economies, the vital for the future of our globe, are now part of the premier forum for economical operation. and what i want to persuade all countries of china, america, the european union, all of us were part of the g-20, is that the progress that we made last year was significant. but if all you do is prevent a recession, turning into a depression, which is an important a thing, but do not rebuild for the future, then the danger is you are allowing the world to fall again into the possibility that you may have another financial problem of globalization. to we have not only to secure the recovery, a by the investment that we make as a world community, the protection we give countries that are in difficulty, but with also got to go for the future. china has an incredible important role in this, working
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inside the g-20. and i want to meet the g-20 which is a new organization, not simply a group of people who meet every few months, but don't formulate a growth strategy for the world economy. i want us to be the group the form is a growth strategy and makes global cooperation every alley. each of us will benefit for the the cooperation with one another and it is incredibly important that let me say, i minister papandreou, i have a great deal of time for the tremendous work that he is trying to do to sort out the great deficit which is something that he inherited. i believe that european union will want to support prime minister papandreou and everything he does. he came to london only a few weeks ago. i know his visit of the capital in the last week and i think has gotten the message that if greek is able to take action as necessary they will get the support of the internet should you. and, of course, talks are continuing at the moment and this will be a subject of next week's european council. i hope we can see the way to
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making sure that greece financial problems are dealt with and we can move to what is the main way that we will over the long run reduce the deficit in the european community and the rest of the world, and that is by a return to economic growth. that is the way that you create jobs, get businesses moving forward, people that are able to pay taxes. your deficit falls because you're not paying unemployment benefits and that's the way i look for the european union as a whole to get the growth that is lacking over the next few years. >> thank you very much, prime minister. >> i am from time magazine. prime minister, and all the vigorous debates about defense funding and is a specifically by the way not a question about the issues that you clarified in your letter to choke out. in that debate there seem to be a bigger issue that is being overlooked. if you talk to him in a defense
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expert, you talk to people in the military establishment, they say an increasing disconnect between britain's sense of itself, british ambitions, and british military capabilities. is that something that you recognize, and is this something that you would see kind of longer-term shift necessary to set right? >> benedict, please. >> good morning, prime minister. what are your plans for closer u.k. french defense cooperation? are you for joint u.k. french and cd turns? and a joint british and french nuclear submarine fleet? >> thank you very much. the lady in the back please. spent a french newspaper. fns government should be a labor
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government, do you think it will have to raise taxes? what do you think of that great britain is to be the next greece? [laughter] >> can i start by saying when the next government is the labor government, look, we had a decision to make in november about our deficit and about setting out a deficit reduction plan, and we've set out a deficit reduction plan that i ask you to look at in detail because the most ambitious of the g8 countries. and we said that over the next four years will cut our deficit by half. we will not withdraw the stimulus. i just stressed this, and to recovery is assured. and i believe that is accepted throughout europe and the rest of the world as a necessary means by which the world economy is restored. so i disagree entirely with the conservative party in our country who say that you should withdraw the fiscal stimulus now. to be quite honest at every
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point in this recession matter whether it was or better the conservatives. but they would be a mistake at this stage to withdraw the stimulus when we are determined to remove the fragility of the growth that we have achieved over the last few months. but the deficit reduction plan is a 40 reduction by. we have a choice in november about whether we raised by you added tax or whether we raised national interest to pay for health, education and policing objectives which is to maintain these front-line services. we made a decision. we chose national service. not this year but next year. as the recovery moves faster into growth. and that is the policy of the government. we have set it out, and i will say no more than people should wait until the budget next week. as far as the two issues on defense our concern. u.k. french cooperation is at its highest level. and all the time i've been
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involved in politics. and our defense cooperation is one that i've got to and i was talking to president sarkozy about when he was here in london last week. and we have agreed a degree of cooperation that i think greater than we had previously. but we will retain as will frantz are independent nuclear deterrent. and as i mentioned today, our independent nuclear deterrent, triton, will be maintained. we wish of course to seek multilateral disarmament aroundd the world, and we're ready to contribute towards that. but we do not see in a world that is so insecure, particularly with other countries, trying to acquire nuclear weapons at the moment. and i stress the importance of having sanctions against iran. we do not see the case for us withdrawing the independent nuclear deterrent that we have. so it is an independent british nuclear deterrent. as far as the strategic defense posture of our country is
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concern. you raise very, very interesting questions. at no point in recent years as a country like ours didn't end to wars. first of all in iraq and secondly in afghanistan. as the chief of the defense staff says our troops are stretched but they are not overstretched. we are trying as you know to do in afghanistan something not too dissimilar from what we did in iraq. in 2007 we decided in iraq that we would move to a situation where in the area of botcharov we would build up the army and police forces in basra and we would ensure that local government elections took place so the politics took over from the insurgency, and we work very hard as we did for economic development in that area. and when we left basra some months ago, we had armed forces and police at a high level. we had local government elections with a very big number of candidates standing, and we were beginning to see signs and
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data which is a very potentially, potentially very prosperous area. it was starting to develop. look at afghanistan. so we are no longer in iraq. our armed forces are in one major theater, and that is afghanistan. our strategic defense review will be re-examined in the next parliament. we added a chapter a few years ago because of the threat of international terrorism, but we have our armed forces in afghanistan. i think our armed forces into our something a little over 175,000. we of nine and now thousand in afghanistan. and we are funding them to do the operations of the responsible for in the helmand province. now as we have a future strategic defense review, of course we will have to assess that there is this new threat that was not really the central thread of 1997. and that is the ability of broken nonstate actors who are terrorists to cause very big
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problems. and we have if you like, rogue or aggressive states, who cause problems with the rest of the world. and will have to incorporate that into our defense review. but i will say to for the operations that we do, in afghanistan in particular of course, our troops are funded for the commitments that we make and the operations they are required to do. and i think we must not lose this central fact. we're in afghanistan because three quarters of the terrorist plots that happen in britain, and we have been following plots very recently, start in the afghan-pakistan border area. and if al qaeda is in a position to run the government of afghanistan, through the taliban, then we would be even more at risk as a country. >> thank you very much, prime minister. matches for all my colleagues, time is running out. and with the permission of the prime minister, we will take just the final round of questions. please, quickly.
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>> let's take to read the. >> that's very kind of you, sir. [laughter] >> then you might invite me back. >> we will indeed. >> and no one believed early. [laughter] >> we are all here, sir. >> there are a number of issues which are likely to be central to the general election. prime minister, would you consider to be the most single most important issue and what is your stance on that issue? >> thank you. the lady here. >> if you look -- >> can you identify yourself? >> i am -- opinion polls have changed quite a bit over the last few months to your advantage. how do you explain that? have the voters sunday discovered your charm or is there another reason? [laughter] >> you sound surprised. [laughter] >> and if there's a whole parliament using that as a
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danger to the british economy? >> thank you. >> bbc world service. on policy, a. [inaudible] >> let me just deal with that first. we have very good relationships with the israeli government. of course, what happened over passport which is now be investigated by our organized crime agency is a problem and has caused difficulties for us. and, of course, as president vice president biden found the announcement of settlements, creates also difficult to do but i believe our relationships as a government, can play a part in getting talks moving again. and i know there are so many
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countries in europe and around the world, but also of course america that want to see these talks moving forward. you see, the problem with all got is we can see what a settlement in the discussion from ap summit could look like. we can see that there is not such a huge difference on some of the major areas. but we have not found the means to get there. so i hope tony blair is meeting with the court in moscow today will make some difference. but we stand wholeheartedly behind the peace process. we will help the palestinians with their economic challenges, and we've already promised that we would be part of, if you like, and economic roadmap for peace that would relieve the unemployment in gaza and the west bank. and so our commitment is not just that we want to see it. it's a very prodigal set a commitments. turn to our issues in britain. the issue of this coming election will be who is best for
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the future of our country, who is best to equip our country, who is best for jobs, who is best for growth, who is best for the national health service and the reforms it is making, who is best for tackling the educational challenges with the future, who is best for digitizing our economy on the internet, whose vessel relationships with the european union and the international community. and when people ask these questions, you move from what it has been over the last two years, sort of a referendum on what the government is doing day by day, to a choice of what is best for the british people. and i believe it's because people are saying that there is a clear choice, that people are starting to ask a very big questions about the conservative party and they are taking a second look at the new labour party. who is best to secure the recovery? there is no way that britain can be growing securely if we
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withdraw the fiscal stimulus. if as a matter of ideology one political party wishes to withdraw the stimulus while the rest of europe and the rest of the world, knows it is essential to keep the economy moving forward, then that is a major point of choice for the british people. do we want to secure the recovery? and i just have to say on every major economic decision we've had to make over the last two years, our opposition party has opposed every action that we've taken on the banks, on unemployment, and employment, on housing, protecting mortgages, and small businesses and protecting 300,000 small businesses. then i think people want to ask who's going to be best for the jobs and growth for the future. and i'm really excited about britain's prospect. go around britain and look at what's happening in a holster is a different industries. we are changing as an economy. were becoming a more balanced economy. are creating industry, low
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carbon industry, the advanced manufacturing industry, our medical research, our pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, the life sciences to go around our country and look at how the different regions are starting to specialize in new areas where, to be honest, it's the volume -- value added, the knowledge-based industries that a country like ours has that gives us a base for exporting to the rest of the world. we cannot compete in low-cost manufacturing, but we can compete in the quality of our innovation and the high value added products and services we can sell to the rest of the world. so where are the jobs of the future going to come from? the coach of the future? every country is asking that question but we have already have a very clear idea of the million and a half steel jobs weekend play over the next few years over the result investments now being made in these digital creative industry,
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biotechnology, advanced manufacturing and low carbon areas in this country. we make no apology for saying whether jobs policy and we have an industry policy for the future. that is a big disagreement between us and the other parties that i would just finally say this. the public service revolution is taking place in our country is about universal public services becoming personalized to people's needs. so people will not accept a take it or leave it basis on which they get health care now. we have moved. people want a personal service, that is geared to the needs that they have, the time they have available, the convenience for their family life. and also the quality that is necessary with personal care. so we are transforming the health services by giving people personal guarantees and a universal health service that they will get cancer specialist treatment within two weeks, so that we, that they'll get a
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doctorate at evening and weekends and not just during working hours. that the maximum time for operations would be 18 weeks. that they will get a free health checks which are only available now in the private sector, of able in the national health service. that there we urgent social care needs met for the elderly as a matter of a guarantee that the government is giving to people. this is not the old style take it or leave it top down health public service of the past. and were doing exactly the same for education, for schools. we are giving parents the chance to unseat the management of schools that are not performing well. the parents can petition now to do that to make sure they can change the management of the schools and the number of underperforming school in a country is gone down from 1600 to 250 and it will go down to ciro next year as a result of changes in management, where we take over underperforming schools and put them under a new leadership. and policing in our country, we have more police on the streets than ever before. they have visible presence. but policing services again i
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got to be personal to people sneaked some people can hire a private security firm does have some people can go private with their education or their health. we want to give every citizen the chance to have direct access to the policing service in the community and using texting and mobile phones and the internet and the direct accountability of the policing forces to the local people that people now have confidence that not only has crime come down, which it has by 30 percent over the last 10 years, but equally that they can feel that the streets are safe at night. there is a revolution taking place and you just got to ask your self, who is going to carry through that change over the next few years. a group like us to believe that these online services have got to be protected while we reduce the deficit in other areas, and the conservative party that would not support any of these guarantees that we are not giving to people. so i think what we're talking but in answers both questions is there is a choice that's what elections are about that there is a choice. and i relish the opportunity to
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put our propositions about the future and how we build britain better better for the future, and i look particularly forward to putting our propositions about britney being strong in europe and britain not been isolated on the fringes of europe as we were 12 years ago. and we would not be part of extremist things in eastern europe that have linked up with the conservative party in britain. i think we have to think internationally our future lies in looking outward and not inward. and that will be one of the central choices that we got to make when we come to the general election in britain in a few weeks time. >> free market spent the prime minister is gracious enough to give us one more round. so please, and give this gentleman. >> i'm from the austrian newspaper. you expressing confidence about climate change. but since copenhagen there's been a pretty dramatic loss of, including australia, pretty
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strong on this issue. and has been a rise of skepticism and a lot of countries. we have an election later this year that can lead to a prime minister who in the past has a new prime minister in the past has referred to the concept of global warming as absolute crap. are you concerned about this lack or the slow death of momentum around the world? [laughter] >> thank you. catherine? >> catherine from swiss radio. regarding the e.u. prime minister, what is your view on the proposal to create a european passport for hedge funds? >> thank you. yes, the lady there. >> i am from german business weekly. prime minister, you mentioned it's not about the current is. it's about growth. so i was just wondering, what is your view on germany's current
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policy? is germany doing enough to promote growth, or is it to focus on reducing deficits? within the e.u. secondly, i also wanted to ask about the enormous tax privileges that foreigners and some british born citizens enjoy here in the u.k. can't get it anywhere else in the e.u. as a labour prime minister, when are you going to close this gigantic tax loophole? >> i've got to about referred to the case of lord ashcroft. [laughter] >> i said right at the beginning that the exchange of tax information is the key to resolving these issues of tax avoidance. that is what we appreciate around the world that we had this huge debate about the saving director two years ago. and people want to create savings tax within the european union. because basically german for examples losing money to luxembourg where people putting
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their savings in another country and avoiding tax. but we decided that if we do that on our own european union, what would've happened if they would move their accounts not to european union country, but non-european country. so we had to have an agreement about the world. that the g20 move that forward. we britain welcome that because obviously we have benefit already as i said from the inside, and that in my view is a way forward for the exchange of tax information rather than harmonize taxes. just one answer the question on climate change. i see the stand a debate in the country is rivaling ours. the issue on climate change, is i think that people have agreed on national emissions targets and plans. all the major countries have been prepared to submit, china, india, the national emissions reduction plans. we have agreed that we got to find a way of financing the
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climate change objectives that have been set at copenhagen. but what we need for the certainty of moving forward is a global framework that is understood by everyone. and i think the challenge in germany and in the challenge in mexico will be to agree this global framework, and i think the global framework is the basis on which the emissions targets of individual countries and their plans, and the transfer of finance can be readily understood as being progress that we made at copenhagen. but not cemented because the framework is not clear enough. so what we're going to do in the next few months is make that framework cleanup. i don't believe those people, climate change deniers. there is a real problem that we've got to deal with. it is important to recognize that all the international evidence, despite the controversies does point to the fact that we have a real challenge ahead of us if you don't take the action that is necessary. i also was asked about the
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european union growth, and you have specifically asked a question about germany. it's in everybody's interest that europe grows faster. so we've got to look at how each of us can contribute to that. and i don't want to make any criticism on any individual country. i just want to say it is in our common interest to look in europe how we can contribute each other's growth and it is our common interest for europe to work with the rest of the world. and particularly in relation to asia to see how we can remove what it clear better to grow that exist at the moment. sometimes the barrier is the volatility of the old price because sometimes there is the skill of reserves that are being held by countries that comprise the world economy of money which it could have if there is a proper insurance policy such as we have proposed for currencies that find themselves in difficulty. and sometimes there are exchange rate issues that have got to be dealt with, but we have to address these seriously and in detail as individual countries,
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part of the g-20, and find to find a way for that seem its growth that if we were able to do that, to prevent a depression by taking action to protect countries that might have fallen into greater danger as we did april last year and in pittsburgh, we can do the same thing for the positive agenda of jobs and growth. and they do say, this is a vital year for us agreeing that the cooperation that we had last year is not going to fade away and does not -- were not going to return to the bad old ways that this is a vital wave the we agree to build on the progress that we made rather than let that progress be dismantled in a period where the world would then become more protectionist and growth would be held back and large number of people to be honest with face unemployment in every continent as a result of our very to work together. so the imperative for jobs and for prosperity is that the world is able to work more closely
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together. the framework is therefore the g-20 implementing that framework as a responsibly of the g-20 now and i've got to persuade and others have got to persuade our g-20 mayors to work together to cut in the with this idea that what we have seen in the last two years is you cannot solve big problems with our global action. and you cannot solve the problem of terrorism and/or nuke or security or climate change or economic growth or world poverty without and degree of international cooperation that is far greater than ever we have seen before. and the public themselves up to the internet are already creating a global society. but the institutions we have are not capable of delivering the results that we need. and so we have got to move further and faster to creating these new global processes, working together. otherwise, we will be criticized rightly by the next generation for failing to seize an opportunity that became available to us, but must be
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video library. every c-span program since 1987. >> now from london prime minister's question time and live from the british house of commons. every wednesday while parliament is in session prime minister gordon brown takes questions from members of the house of commons. prior to question time thatbusi. this is live coverage on c-span2. [inaudible conversations] >> a pre process to proceed and all others will be grateful for their success. >> given that almost 300 million pounds have been spent with no definitive outcome does the secretary of state not agree with me that now is the time to call an end to further wasteful and inquiries and deal
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with victims zones for the future? >> mr. speaker, the honourable gentlemen certainly need take no lesson for me that several thousand people lost their lives. the honourable gentleman shares that view. we will learn from the inquiry. mr. speaker, we do need a process to enable northern ireland's to reconcile itself from its past. >> questions. >> mr. speaker, i'm sure the whole house will join me in remembering the life and achievements of sergeant steven campbell from the third battalion he died in afghanistan earlier this week. we pay tribute to his energetic, brave, and dedicated service. his infectious enthusiasm and sincere patriotism will be sorely missed.
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the thoughts of everybody and this house, i know, with his family, friends, and colleagues. in addition to my duties in the house i have further such meetings. >> mike pinning. >> thank you, mr. speaker. can i join the prime minister. our thoughts and prayers are not only with those that have lost their lives, but those that have been injured as well. last week the prime minister took on an inquiry of funding for the armed forces. when did the prime minister realize he misled? before or after he gave evidence? >> mr. speaker, i said last week and was shown this transcript of what i said. i decided to make it absolutely clear on the first occasion. i repeat defense spending has risen by 20%. every request by the ministry of defence and the commanders for
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funding has been matched by the treasury for the operations that have been conducted. i have to say, mr. speaker, there was a 30 percent real terms cut in defense expenditure under the last year. >> thank you, mr. speaker. may i also pay my own personal tribute to those, all of them that we have lost, and in my condolences to their families. and sure we miss them all. mr. speaker, as the prime minister why in his pew it should be the hallmark of elected government? >> mr. speaker, i appreciate the importance that she and her constituents attaches to the fairness measure that we have introduced. the child tax credit which has helped 6 million families in this country. the pension credit which is helping to million pensioners
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with state poverty. educational maintenance helping half a million children go to school. i guarantee that when people under 24 will receive health and we will not be unemployed. these are the measures that are being put forward by my right honourable friend, the chancellor. they could never have been put forward by the shadow chancellor. >> can i join the prime minister and paying tribute to sergeant steven campbell who died in helmand on monday. we are paying a high price. our troops and families need to know they have our support. this is likely to be the second blast process questions before the general election. the main event of the day. this provides an opportunity to clear up a number of different issues. i would like to, can i start
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with a simple one? it is budget day. it is budget day. there is a picket line outside the treasury. will the prime minister confirm that on this occasion he would my people to cross it and go ito to work. >> let me first congratulate my right honourable about the good news. and let me secondly thank him for getting near to asking a question about the economy. of course everyone is going to work here. we will continue to work for a labor government. >> i am grateful to the prime minister for his congratulations. most people focusing on how you find the time for these things. i am very grateful nonetheless. very interesting from the prime minister. last week he would not give any
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support to british airwaves. the first quarter is concerned for them to go to work. one of the things in the spirit of clearing up a few issues to one of the things the treasury are working on concerns the prime minister's disastrous decision to sell gold at rock-bottom prices. this cost the country 6 billion pounds. the treasury has now lost its four year battle against the commissioner to keep the information about this decision secret. will the prime minister now confirm that these documents will be published in full with no reactions before the general election? >> mr. speaker i am very happy for any document to be published on that matter. mr. speaker you have got to do a bit better than that. the last, let me just remind him that we have taken people out of
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unemployment and in to work. we have helped thousands of small businesses. we have been helping people against the loss of their homes. the conservatives have got nothing to say about the present and the future. it is about time we started to think about the politics that work for the future. >> is the prime minister so relaxed about this information being published can tell us why he spent four years fighting it? >> mr. speaker it is a matter for the information commissioner and the treasury. mr. speaker, i am happy if the information commissioner wishes to publish documents. is he going to come forward with any serious policy of the future of this country? as he get anything serious to offer this country? as to get anything to say to the unemployed of this country or to mortgage holders or the
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businesses? the person who will be talking about the future is the chancellor. the shadow chancellor has nothing to offer. >> the treasury always wanted this information published. once again this prime minister takes a whole country warbles. let's try another one. the information commissioner has also ordered the department for work and pensions to release information on the prime minister's disastrous reign on every pension fund in the country. the information commissioner has ruled in november this should be published. the department has appealed against it. now we hear they are not interested in these appeals. >> mr. speaker, we had a debate. if the initiative chancellor may allow, he was the subject of the debate in this house on these very issues, and he could not sustain his case. we made the right decision for
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british industry. we made the right decision. it is the conservative party that has let pensioners down. we won't do so in future. i am happy to be judged. let's see. let's see. let's start with the leader of the opposition. will he tell us what happened over lord ashcroft? >> simple question. if he is happy with this to be published will he withdraw the appeal and have it published, years or no? >> we had this debate on pensions. we had this debate on pensions in this house of commons. the shadow chancellor, the shadow chancellor is trying to pursue the case against our policy to withdraw dividend tax credits. he could not even make a sensible argument on that at the
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time. we won this debate because our policy was the right policy and it continues to be so. >> on the second last questions we have just and what we have all along from this prime minister, no answers, and this cover-ups, not giving information, not answering the question, dithering on important decisions. how much longer are we going to have to wait until we get rid of this used as pawns s bunch of m? tell us when the election is then. >> he has been wrong on every single issue about the economy. when the people look at what the conservative party they were wrong on north rock, the restructuring of the bank, help for the unemployed, help for mortgage hours, help for small businesses.
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when it comes to right or wrong, they were wrong on lord ashcroft. wrong, wrong, wrong, that is the conservative party. >> order. must calm down. i'm sure they want to hear. >> thank you, mr. speaker. six days ago it was announced that the world's first mass-produced affordable zero emission car would be made in wierside securing thousands of highly skilled manufacturing jobs. and as the prime minister to ensure the investment which has been permitted providing the infrastructure, charging point, and support for the british motors to wants to switch to zero emission cars will be
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maintained and improved in the coming years to ensure that the u.k. will have its rightful place as our leader and the zero carbon emissions. >> let me thank my right honourable friend for what he has done and what nissan has done. that will mean not only securing and creating jobs, 50,000 vehicles a year produced in the united kingdom. mr. speaker, i have to say that the one reason it was possible to make this investment was that there was support available from government for the development of the new technologies they are making. unfortunately the conservative and a policy would withdraw support. we are the party of jobs and building industry for the future. there are the party rty of unemployment. >> i would obviously like to add my own expression of sympathy and condolence to the family and friends of sergeant steven campbell from the third battalion rifles to tragically
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died this week after serving so selflessly and professionally in afghanistan. mr. speaker, despite all the news that has not been raised yet today. that might be because when we put forth in a process they both dropped. when we tried to get people, when we tried to get people the right they both belonged to us. when we wanted to clean they both doctors. in the truth, mr. speaker, this parliament will go down as the most corrupt in living memory because they both lost. >> mr. speaker, we have proposed and will implement. and have also made it clear that anybody that goes before the business advisory committee are compelled to take the advice of the business advisory committee. future ministers will have to sign a contract in advance that is exactly what the will to.
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we have taken action to make the system. we cannot say anything other than the behavior of the members of parliament to were dealt with was unacceptable. i believe that the action we are taking is necessary for the transparency that the public wants. >> he had 13 years to clean this up. a slick at his record. last summer recall elections. the conservatives didn't turn out. they were voted against. our attempts to construct lobbying. the conservatives didn't even come up.
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they basically want to keep things exactly the way they are >> mr. speaker i made it absolutely clear that any action will be taken. that is why there will be a compulsory register some of lobbying. that is why every action that will be taken by government ministers will be. humility and all. >> the prime minister confirmed that unemployment in the united kingdom at 8 percent is far below the unemployment rate. will he assure the house that he will never adopt the policies of the conservative party that think unemployment is a price worth paying? >> mr. speaker, unemployment is never a price worth paying. i have decided this house that
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it is half today what it was in the recession of the 1990's. i also to say that unemployment kept rising for five years after the recession ended in the 1980's. unemployment is now falling as a result of the action we have taken. whatever happens to the employment and unemployment we have saved half a million jobs that would otherwise have been lost. >> given the restored faith in politics could the prime minister tell the house that no labour in the course of the scandal will be given? >> can i just say to the conservatives that the standard that will be applied in the future to future members over the house of lords will be a lot
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higher than the standards that were applied to lord ashcroft. >> i'm sure the house who want to hear. >> thank you, mr. speaker. the recommendation. will my right honourable friend the prime minister make sure we protect children at risk? >> there is no one that has done more to stand up for the needs and requirements of missing children than my honourable friend. i think she deserves the gratitude for the whole house. i did receive this week the report of the missing people taskforce. the government accepts all the reports recommendations which sets out a plan of action to improve how the agency will respond when the then people go missing and get the support that should be available to families. we are committed, and i thank them for the way she has
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prosecuted this issue in the time she has been in this house we are committed to taking these recommendations forward. >> which with the prime minister rather be remembered for? bubbling council tax are destroying destroying people's >> mr. speaker, i would like to inform the prime minister -- i would like to inform the prime minister that there is now nine children centers embedded delivering high-quality, much-respected, and popular support to a wide range of families. does my right honourable friend agree that to cut back from the universal service so carefully built up over the past decade would be a tragic betrayal of
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the future generations? >> mr. speaker, we have achieved our target of three-and-a-half thousand sure start children centers. they are now reaching 27 million the children under five and their families. i understand the view of the party opposite is they should be restored to their original which only covered a minority of children. i say the sure start children centers are now live vital part of every single community and nobody should tamper with the advancements that have been made in helping children under five. >> we have now had a week to think about it. will the prime minister now urge all the staff to go back to work this weekend? >> yes, mr. speaker. i have done so and i have done so consistently. mr. speaker, if the
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conservatives want to turn an industrial dispute into some political provocation they're going the right way about it. i would say that any party that wishes to all the coverage of this country should want to see an investor dispute solvency arbitration and negotiation take place. that is the view of the trade union envoy who said it was the business of the conservatives to help people get back into work. >> mr. speaker, my constituent died last week at the age of 19 on the 29th of march he will act immediately to ban such legal rights. >> mr. speaker, i too am very concerned about what she has
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told me. i send my sincere condolences to jordan's family and friends. we are committed to preventing them people from, preventing young people from starting to take drugs. the advice is clear that just because the substance is legal it does not make it safe. we are very concerned specifically about the harms of methadone, and the advisory council on the misuse of drugs is considering this and similar compounds an absolute priority. we will receive their advice on the 29th of march. subject to their advice we will take immediate action. >> mr. gregory campbell. >> mr. speaker, can the prime minister tell us when the more than 40,000 policyholders, including many in northern ireland who have withered many
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years for a satisfactory outcome be likely to be informed of a positive result given the thousands of them have passed away since the company began declining business ten years ago? >> i understand. the government expects that john shattuck is undertaking this report to submit his about report iy of this year. we have undertaken to provide command we have undertaken to provide the response within 14 days. >> mr. stewart bell. >> thank you, mr. speaker. can the prime minister confirm following upon the announcement to develop the western and its development investment of 2.5 billion pounds we have further passed an order to manufacture the pipeline for an investment of 200 m illion pounds? >> this is indeed very good news.
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it is because of recent tax changes we have been able support the development of remote deepwater fields. 200 million to tubes to manufacture the gas pipelines. that means jobs in the northeast, jobs in scotland, 2,000 jobs in the u.k. as a whole. it is because the government as been prepared to support of these the development. >> thank you, mr. speaker. if the prime minister would he kindly drop in on castle point and meet the wonderful people of concern who would thank him for deciding to be index the basic state pension but to earnings? will he get on and do it
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quickly? >> mr. speaker, i am grateful for his invitation to visit him. i am aware that he is a longstanding campaigner on these issues. i do pay tribute to the work being carried out. it is right that after the turner report we made recommendations about linking pensions to earnings. i also thinks he recognize a lot of the work is done by local councils. i am afraid some conservative counsels are looking down the elderly. >> speaker, the economist professor has predicted the various measures currently in place. unemployment could rise toward 5 million. what effect does my right honourable friend think it would have if a policy as a matter a principal were adopted?
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>> mr. speaker, every major country has made the choice about whether to continue the support for the economy that is necessary to insure a recovery. every major country in europe, america, all the major countries in asia have made that tries to support the economy so we can avoid rising unemployment and avoid unemployment getting to the levels of the 1980's and 1990's recession. there's only one party that seems to stand out against that. and is the he conservative part >> julien louis. >> high-quality in-patient care is one component of the health services supported by appropriate alternative to admission. the government paid for new horizons published in december 2009 set out a cross-government program of action to improve the mental well-being of people in england
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and drive up the quality of health care. >> mr. speaker, under blair's britain several first-class state-of-the-art mental health have opened in or near my constituency. under brown's britain one of them has just closed. we are promised a shared dashboard of shared quality indicators. >> i know you will want to be fair also. the world health organization says that we have the best prevention of mental health care. obviously every time you want to do better since 2001 there has been a 50% increase in real terms investment in the of. it is wrong to say we are underfunding mental health. we are trying to do what we can and will continue to do what we can. he should be fair in recognizing
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that. >> mr. speaker, main house in birmingham has been providing a much value of residential therapeutic service for people with a personality disorder since nationally commissioned over ten years ago. that service has just closed because when a national oppression in ended minister's intentions that commissioning should be picked up was not undertaken by the strategic house authority. when you look into what went wrong we should reopen the service as soon as possible. >> mr. speaker, i will be very happy to of black into it and ask the relevant master to be in contact act with us. >> fled with two children. she was involved in a violent and abusive relationship. her children have been snatched
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back under terrible circumstances. will the prime minister now take a personal interest in the case and assist in getting his children back? >> i am grateful to the hon. member. he gave me advanced notice of this particular question he wished to ask. i am sorry to hear of the difficult situation. following an invocation in the 1988 abduction convention on 17th march he will know the high court of england and wales ordered. as the honourable gentleman will understand it is not for me to comment or intervene in the decision of the court, but i will ask my right honourable friend the justice secretary to look into this matter. >> thank you, speaker.
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eighty-two-year-old is supporting my campaign despite the $0.25 on state pensions already which has remained at the same level since 1972 and replace it with an additional 25-pound on the popular winter fuel announced. will the prime minister have a word with his very good friend to make sure that this measure is included? >> mr. speaker, i do not want to anticipate all the news that you will receive in the budget in only a few minutes. i can say to him that we have made sure the last ten years that households over 60 have winter fuel payments every year. it is now at a record level of payment. of course the chancellor will comment on this in only a few events. >> the reverand ian paisley.
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>> would he continue to give himself as always to the task to the brits him and victory and peace? >> mr. speaker, i think the whole house will want to pay tribute to the right honorable member for a long and distinguished career, not just in this house but in representation and a number of forums, including holding the position of first minister of northern ireland. and i believe that the part he played in bringing the union commuter together and bring the whole commute together in northern ireland to ensure that we had power and to ensure that we have now completed the process of power is one that will adorn the history books in many decades and centuries to come. so i think, mr. speaker, on this day and on this occasion, i want
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the whole house to thank him for his service to this house and to the whole community. >> thank you, mr. speaker, does my right of a friend agree with me that no member of this house or the other place should seek to censor the bbc or the independent newspaper from questioning the involvement of lord ashcroft and the alleged corruption scandals? [shouting] >> mr. speaker, they don't like hearing the name lord ashcroft, but he is deputy chairman of the conservative party. [shouting] >> and perhaps the investigation should extend to an investigation of lord ashcroft. >> order. we will proceed to next business.
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[inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] >> order. order. before call the chancello chancf the exchequer mad for the communes of honorable members if i remind them that at the end of the chancellor's speech copies of the budget resolutions will be available to them in the vote office. mr. chancellor of the exchequer. >> mr. deputy speaker, this budget takes place as the u.k. economy is emerging from the deepest global recession for over 60 years. it has been a testing time which has required government across the world to make difficult decisions, difficult choices and take unprecedented actions. we had to decide whether to intervene to rescue the financial system or to stand on
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the sidelines. whether we should support the economy, business and families, or let the recession take its course. the record shows the right calls were made. [shouting] >> mr. deputy speaker, global recession is not turned into depression. unemployment here in the u.k. has not risen as much as was feared. borrowing, as i will explain later, is lower than forecast last year. but the recovery is still in its infancy under equally tough choices ahead. choices that will shape our economy and society for decades to come. the task now is to bring down borrowing in a way which does not damage the recovery or front-line services on which people depend. the challenge now is how we invest in the country to support the industries of the future and allow the talent of the british people to flourish. and at the heart of our
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decisions, is a belief that government should not stand aside which should instead help people and business help achieve their ambitions. my budget today builds on this belief and on our confidence in this country. this will be a budget to secure the recovery, to tackle borrowing and to invest in our industrial future. it will continue target support for businesses and families where and when it is needed. it will set out how we will stick to our plan to half the deficit in four years. mr. deputy speaker, oregon is at a crossroads. having come to this global recession, this budget will set out a route for the country to long-term prosperity. at its heart is a two and a half billion, one half broke packaged to it and best a national and in key skills. this package will be paid for by
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switching spending from within an existing allocations and the extra proceeds from the tax on bank bonuses inside with a budget. [shouting] >> in line with the budget that is balance over the period. mr. deputy speaker, the world and still recovering from the severest economic shock of our lifetime. despite what some try and suggest, the recession has not been restricted to the u.k. nor did it begin here. a storm which began in america spread rapidly a round the world. it was the biggest test countries had faced in modern times. when i presented my budget a year ago, world leaders had just met in london to a great unprecedented action to rescue the global economy. governments of all political colors, acted to stabilize their banking systems, and to use fiscal and monetary policy to boost demand and to protect jobs. now, not everyone here supported the action taken, but with
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hindsight, it is even clearer that the right calls were made. economic disaster was averted, growth has begun to return across the major world economies. and the prospects for the global economy are much more positive than they were the year ago. but, mr. deputy speaker, there is nothing preordained about continued recovery. there are still uncertainties, financial markets are feeble, oil prices have increased by over 50%, bank credit, while it is improved, still remains weak in many parts of the world. and confidence is not fully return to either businesses or consumers. and this is articulate the case in europe, which is the market for 60 percent of our exports. germany saw no growth in the last term, ireland, another key trading partner has contracted by over 10%. spain is still in recession.
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italy has slid back into negative growth. unemployment at 10% across the euro area is adding to uncertainty. all these factors are having an impact, particularly on an open trading economy like the u.k. so it's imperative that e.u. countries act with renewed energy and vigor to get the european economy looking forward again. we need to support trade, discourage protectionism, and take forward structural reforms. and such continued international action is crucial, not only to global prospects, but to each and every country should future. now, over the last two years we've been reminded of the force for good that governments can be and protecting people. the role of government is not equally critical in regulating the global financial system and putting in the right foundations of future growth, jobs and prosperity. mr. deputy speaker, the crisis
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in the world economy started in the banking sector, so improved global financial regulation must be a key priority. our first test here in the u.k. came with the problems of northern iraq. the government intervene to protect savers and to underpin the financial system. the unprecedented decision to nationalize a high street bank was controversial, as was our action later that year to recapitalize the banking system. on other governments, right across the globe, also acted to stabilize the financial system. and i believe this judgment has proved correct. [shouting] >> the united kingdom, the latest figures from northern iraq show it is returning steadily to normality. far is not being restructured and is rebuilding. last week lloyd's predicted a return to profitability this year. we will sell ourselves in rbs and lloyd as well as northern iraq in a way that maximizes the right to the taxpayer and recoup
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the money we have invested. [shouting] >> mr. deputy speaker, we intend to get all taxpayers money back. [shouting] >> in the meantime, i can tell the house that the treasury has already received over 8 billion pounds in fees and charges from the banks, the return for us. mr. deputy speaker, at the pre-budget report, i put in place one of 50% tax on the excessive bonuses of bankers. i made it clear that banks had a choice of whether to pay bonuses or not. but if they did, given the amount of taxpayers support that had been provided, i believe it was right for the country as a whole should benefit. i can tell the house that this tax has raised 2 billion pounds, more than twice as much as was forecast. this is money paid by the banks, those receiving bonuses will also, of course, have to pay the income taxed at their highest
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rate. mr. deputy speaker, as well as supporting the banking system, during the crisis, we need long-term reform to prevent excessive risk-taking. under our present sea of the g-20 last year, we put in place a plan to reform international regular system, but we still need to do more to strengthen global banking. the g-20 countries must put in place new rules on capital and liquidity by the end of the year. we also need to reform remuneration practices to improve cross-border resolution for when banks failed, and to ensure international standards are implemented. mr. deputy speaker, we cannot continue with a situation where the banks are rewarded for creating excessive risk with the task. foot the bill when things go badly. more countries now agreed on the need for international systemic tax on the banks. and this must be brought forward quickly and i will urge the
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international finance minister in washington when they meet next month. and i agree with all those who think such a tax should be internationally coordinated. [shouting] >> going it alone as some have suggested would cost thousands of jobs, not just in london, but across the whole country. [shouting] >> global efforts must be complemented in each country with a drive to implement existing banking reforms as we are in the u.k. as part of the reform of the banking, i want to make it easier for everyone to access banking services. since 2003, the number of people without a bank account has been halved. and i can announce today that we will do more to combat financial exclusions through a guarantee that everyone can have a basic bank account, and that will meet over the next five years, up to a million more people will have access to bank accounts, something essential in the modern world. now, mr. deputy speaker, we must
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be careful that as banks begin to return to profit, a sense of urgency around the form is not diminished. there could be no return to business as usual in the banks. but we must also remember that their success is vital, not just for the global economy, but also for britain's future. london is the world's leading financial center. across the country, the sector supports over a million jobs, including in edinburgh, manchester, carter and in other cities. a healthy strong financial services industry is essential for our long-term prosperity. mr. deputy speaker, the crisis might have started in the financial sector, but it spread rapidly to the entire global economy underlying why intervention was essential. the impact has meant that the u.k. economy has contracted by around 6 percent over the course of the recession. and this compares to 8 percent in japan, 7 percent in germany, and 4 percent in the united
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states. businesses in the u.k. have taken painful decisions. many families have seen their incomes squeezed. and given the intensity of the global storm, but government of course can prevent all jobs being lost or all businesses from closing. but i believe that governments have the ability to act, and i believe the responsibility to reduce the length and severity of the recession which is why we took decisive action to stimulate the economy, cutting taxes for families and business, as well as bringing forward countless spending. we also introduced initiatives such as the casts came to protect jobs and skills. and i can tell the house that this has helped drive it increase in sales of nearly 30 percent in the past year, this in the middle of a recession. these decisions have a cost, for the cost would have been far greater for families and for the economy if we have failed to act.
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four, mr. deputy speaker, we could have followed previous governments and watched on the sidelines. we could have listened to those who oppose all these measures last year. but if we had, i believe that we would still have been in recession. i'm also certain that the pain caused would have been worse and more widely felt. [shouting] >> indeed, in the recession in the 1990s, the rate of home repossessions was twice as high as now. that would have been the cost of abandoning families to their fate. doubled the rate of business failures, that would've been the cost of failing to support businesses through this recession. and because of the policy decisions that we made, the bank of england has been able to take decisive monetary policy action during the downturn. interest rates have been held at record lows, below 1%, double figures for almost three years in the early 1990s. but more than anywhere else, we could see the impact of our
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choices in the state of the jobs market here. unemployment have been rising in this country as it has been around the world. last week's figures, however, show the u.k. unemployment had fallen and is lower than the euro area and lower than it is in the united states. even after the severity of this recession, the count stansted at today 1.6 million people. this compares with 3 million people -- [shouting] >> early 1980s and 1990s. nor, mr. deputy speaker, because of a decade of world they're reform has been the massive increase in the numbers of inactivity benefits that we saw to it in the '80s and 1990s. and i can tell, the claimant count today is still lower than the number we inherited the 1997. [shouting] >> that has not happened by chance. it has happened because of the choices that we made.
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it is because of the tremendous efforts by business and workforce is to keep people in jobs. it's also because the global storm hit our country, we respond with an additional 5 billion pounds to help people find new work quicker. we expanded the job center and offered support to the rapid response services of firms hit by redundancies. mr. deputy speaker, it is clear that our approach is making a difference. nearly 4 million people have been helped off the claimant account last you alone. with personally support around three quarters of those losing a job are leaving the claimant count in six months india, if this recession that followed the course of the last, four times as many jobs would have disappeared. the flexibility of the tax credit system has also provided automatic support, compensating families for loss of income due to shorter working hours and part-time working.
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mr. deputy speaker, i can tell the house this year i'm a 440,000 families have benefited from this extra health on average by 38 pounds more per week than when they need it most. despite all this support, there are groups that are likely to need more help, even as the economy recovers. for all the workers, i want to extend the support provided by tax credits, to make it easier for those over 60 to receive working tax credits. we will reduce the minimum number of hours they need to work to be eligible. and to enable people who want to work longer, we are now consulting every form of employers right to make people retire at 65. we are looking at options which include scrapping the default retirement age, raising it or giving employees stronger rights. for younger workers, i've introduced a guarantee of a job or training for every 18 to 24 year old after six months out of work. which is already proving a
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success. this was to run until march next year. but with recovery still in its infancy, we should not withdraw the support to soon. and because unemployment has been lower than forecast, the cost has been slower than expected. i therefore decided to use the money saved to extend the guaranteed offer to young people until march 2012. [shouting] >> so for the next two years, i can guarantee that no one under 24 will need to be unemployed for longer than six months before being offered work or training. help with jobs now, and as i've outlined later, help with jobs for the future. mr. deputy speaker, low mortgage rates are reduce costs for homeowners, but many families still face fierce over repossession. the fallout from this game is already helping 220,000 homeowners who lost their jobs.
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to maintain his help during the recovery, i will continue to pay for support at the high rate for another six months. i am also determined to do more to help families take that first crucial step on the housing ladder. we have introduced new help through shared equity schemes and in 2000 a we also brought in state holiday on all transactions under 175,000 firms which ended in the center. by helping 260,000 homebuyers, it support the entire housing market when it needed it most. the housing market is now stabilized and has begun a slow recovery. but many first time buyers, particularly those without large deposits, still find it hard to get a mortgage. and i want to help them, but to do so in a way that is properly funded. i can announce that i was double the stamp duty limit for first time buyers from midnight tonight from 125,000, to 250,000.
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[shouting] >> mr. deputy speaker, this means, this means that nine in 101st time buyers will pay no stamp duty at all. to insure this measure does not become a burden on public finances, this relief will be funded through an increase in the stamp duty to 5 percent for residential property over 1 billion pounds. [shouting] >> mr. deputy speaker, -- mr. deputy speaker, they have been and it certainly ought their way to say, including for those saving for a deposit on their first homes.
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since their introduction in 1999, 19 million people have taken them out, saving over 270 billion pounds. from next month, the annual limit will rise from 7200, to 10,200 pounds, over which half can be saved in cache. and to help encourage saving further, i decided the limits will increase annually in line with inflation. now these changes come at a time when the savings ratio has already arisen strongly over the past year to the highest it's been since 1998. mr. deputy speaker, the last year has been tough for many people. but the evidence shows it would have been harder still without the choices we made and the action we took to support the economy. we need the same good judgment and decisive action to secure and strengthen the economy and to provide the right basis for a country to seize the opportunities ahead. i want now to turn to my
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forecasts. as i have said on many occasions, the world economy is still in a period of great uncertainty. in the absence of government actions to support the economy, the weakness in some of our overseas markets, particularly europe, could result any substantial downward revision of our growth prospects. but because of the action we are taken through the recession, and the measures that i am announcing today, i believe that it's only a small reduction is needed. this year, as i sit in last year's budget, and last year's pre-budget report, i expect the economy to grow between one and 115%. i have decided to revise downward my forecasts were 2011 to bring it into line to those of the bank of england to grow between three and 3.5%. a projection to the public finance at least on the lower end of these forecast ranges. at as the economy continues to rebound, following the recession, my forecast for the following years is unchanged.
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mr. deputy speaker, we've already seen inflation rise above 3 percent in the first month of this year, increasing the cost of living. the inflation figures released yesterday show a rise of 3%. and although high compared to recent years, this is a far lower than the peaks and inflation of over 10 percent in the 1990s and 20 percent in the 1980s. and as the governor of the bank of england has said, the present increase in inflation should be temporary and results on the ending of the one or other factors. i'm want however to help families and business through this period. so i decided to stage next month increase fuel duties instead of the plan increase, fuel duty will arrive -- rise by a penny and followed by a further penny rising junior. and the stage will ease the pressure on businesses and family income at a time when other prices are increasing. [shouting] >> mr. deputy speaker, by the
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time the full rise comes at the beginning of next year, i am forecasting inflation will be back at 2%, and i am today riding to the governor of the bank of england and the usual way to confirm that inflation target remains unchanged at 2%. so with interest rates also expected to remain low and stable, this is essential for future growth. mr. deputy speaker, the costs of stabilizing financial system and stimulating economies is meant an inevitable increase in government borrowing here and around the world. this has been exacerbated by the sharp fall of tax revenues during the recession. the imports of our financial industry which provided one in n tax has meant that weave been particularly badly hit. the pre-budget report i forecast the public sector net borrowing would reach 178 billion pounds this year. mr. deputy speaker, we now have hard data, rather than forecast, on tax revenues for 11 months of
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this financial year. as a direct result of the action we took supporting the economy at a difficult time, tax receipts in the center, january and february have been better than expected. more resilient for consumers and retailers have met that receipts are now 3 billion pounds higher. better company profits have led to higher corporation tax receipts. with more people having stayed in work, income tax revenues are stronger. these are the result of the deliberate choices we have made over the last two years. and at the same time, spending, including on benefits and tax credits, have been broadly in line with our forecast. as a result i can tell the house that borrowing this year should not be 11 billion pounds lower at 167 billion pounds. [shouting] >> in 2010-11, in part because of factors boosting receipts,
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borrowing will be 163 billion pounds. now i it would not be sensible to assume that this year's surplus in the seats will be maintained in full in the medium-term. but with the economy recovering in later years, together with the revenue from tax increases already announced, borrowing will fall to 131 billion pounds in 2011-12, the to 110 billion pounds in 2013-14 lb 189 billion pounds figure will reach 74 billion pounds in 2014-15. that is 8 billion pounds lower than was forecast in december. mr. deputy speaker, this will mean that the debt is one of the pounds lower but 2013-14 than was expected in last year's budget. a share of the economy, borrowing is forecast at 11.8 percent of gdp this year. it will then fall to 11.1% next year, the 8.5 percent in 2012-13
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lb six what a present, then 5.2% and fall to 4 percent in 2014-15. mr. deputy speaker, this means a reduction of the deficit from an 11.8 percent to a 5.2%, more than halved over a full year period. mr. deputy speaker, mr. deputy speaker, the structural deficits which takes into account the economic cycle is estimated to the 8.4 percent of gdp this year, and fall to 2.5 present by the period. mr. deputy speaker, that is a reduction of the structural deficit over two-thirds removing the bulk of the structural deficit by the end of the next parliament. as i said before, should the economy performed better than expected, will be able to do more to reduce the deficit. mr. deputy speaker, in 2007, government debt as a share of
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the economy was lower in the u.k. than in every other g7 country, except canada. debt has increased across the world as a result of this global recession. of according to the imf, medvedev is a share of gdp is expected to reach 82 percent of germany, 85 percent in america. as a result of our action to support the economy, i can forecast the public sector net debt here will reach 54 percent of gdp this year. it will then increase to 75 percent by the end of the forecast period in 2014-15. but net debt as a share of gdp will begin to fall the year after that. and even at its peak, that will be in line with the average of the g7cono. mr. deputy speaker, -- >> we live the house of commons not as the u.s. senate is about to come in. we will continue recording the british house of commons and show it to you later in our schedule. the senate will continue debate on changes to the new health care law
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