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tv   [untitled]  CSPAN  April 3, 2010 1:00am-1:30am EDT

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up next, state department counterterrorism coordinator daniel benjamin earlier today. he talked about the obama administration's approach to security and terrorist threats. the woodrow wilson center international security studies hosted this even here in washington. it's about one hour. [inaudible conversations] ..
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today's meeting is cosponsored by the international security studies program and by our middle east program. the coseries of georgetown professor bruce hoffman sends regrets. he's unfortunately enable to be with us today. i'd like to extend a particular welcome to those who is viewing's today meeting on c-span. i welcome those who are attending in person. and the usual format after this meeting is over in one hour we will adjourn to a reception in the adjacent room. today's topic could not be more topical counter terrorism in the obama administration tactics and strategy and our speaker could not be more authoritative daniel benjamin a position held since me of last year. prior to his the placement
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as the state department counterterrorism coordinator can benjamin was a senior fellow and a research from the brookings is a tuition and room during the clinton did the industry should it was a foreign policy speech writer then went on to become a director in the office of transnational threats on the national security council staff the prior to entering government service he was a foreign correspondent for "time" magazine and "the wall street journal" progress after leaving government during his think tank years he co-wrote two important to box on terrorism the age of sacred teheran and the other was the next attack. it is a great pleasure to welcome ambassador daniel
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benjamin at the woodrow wilson center and we look forward to his remarks. [applause] >> good afternoon. it is a real pleasure to be back at the woodrow wilson center to see so many familiar faces. i went to think will friends for inviting me to speak today about the counter-terrorism strategy policies of the obama administration. i was able to appear for save -- several occasions i have book launch i did not get this many people. the last of my was here is when there was the event, and muslims in the united states with the chicago council. i am very happy to be here and to share my thoughts of how the administration is reshaping the way we combat terrorism in the short and long term and the persistent challenges we face perk up
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the restart by talking about the broad issues. then i will try to provide some perspective and context for understanding the threat of the three critical areas for if i had spoken to this audience one year ago just before taking office my view based primarily on the newspaper and learned at events like this the united states had developed very good skills or great skills that tactical counter-terrorism taking individual terrorist off the street in disrupting of history but i was concerned reducing ground in the campaign in particular we were failing effectively to counter cockeyed is narrative and in roughly 10 months in office my view of our technical capabilities in the area of intelligence
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and military law-enforcement have been confirmed and i have decided my colleagues have of that ability is more than anything i could have imagined after serving on the nsc staff. but my view we have not yet raised efforts to a strategic level was confirmed in we have not yet begun the hard work of dividing policies that would stem the tide of recruits and undermine the appeal of the al qaeda world view. i am pleased to say under president obama's leadership i think we are addressing the vitally important shortcoming formulating policies that seek to shape and constrain the environment that are terrorists operated. when they discover the immediate surroundings are more hostile then the ability to use the detection will diminish in numbers will shrink for the central
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to the approaches to undermine the appeal of the rationale for violence with al qaeda. obviously part of the strategy involves building a genuinely global approach to a global threat. is trying hard to reinvigorate appliances and this is especially true in the arena of counterterrorism. we are seeking to boost political will and strengthen the resolve of senior leaders around the road with that is essential for long-term capacity building a first with a wide range of partners. lee will strengthen the ability of others to deal with the threat to in our countries and in the region. we cannot be every were all the time and vastly better if others are as concerned as we are. also being caged in different regions and
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multilateral better built with capacity weather in the wind, 58 counterterrorism action and elsewhere because these are critical for small suppliers. have the core of our action the phenomenon of over radicalization in every country were violent extremism has taken root we are asking ourselves to questions to guide our approach. first all are our actions going to results in more terrorist in moderate doing to shrink the pool of future recruits? i argue the united states had to make counter violence extremists and a pretty banal in my position i have to say i am challenging and more than a little humbled of the responsibility of coordinating the government's efforts to undercut the al qaeda at narrative to prevent next generation of terrorist from being recruited. as part of this effort we're
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looking to address the upstream factors of radicalization. we're working to confront and those whose tacit support enable militants to carry forward their plans. we are greatly expanding our foreign assistance to nations with violent extremism has made inroads to address people's needs with positive alternatives to marginalize the extremists. in addition the president secretary stay understand how headlined the medical grievances are exploited that is why the administration give so much attention to resolving conflicts like the airport is really one that has creates into the apathy's that is exploited by violent extremists. but as the explore our work
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more broadly it is too our core ideal sam president obama has said from the outset there should be no trade-off between our security and values and in light of what we know about radicalization it is clear navigating by our values is an essential part of counterterrorism work thus we have moved to rectify the excesses of the past to close the prison at guantanamo for developing a more systematic method of dealing with detainee is. now let's turn to the geographical area i mentioned earlier i believe we're moving in the right direction of the central theater of afghanistan and pakistan. i have been in both countries including the week before last meeting with law enforcement officials. we see growing resolve and should never forget that by far the largest number of outside captures in the world have occurred in
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pakistan with a direct assistance of pakistani authorities. of u.s. government has seen a number of very encouraging signs that it not only recognizes the severity of threat but actively involving to counter and constrain its. pakistani military operations in the yearly the minister tribal areas have eliminated militant strongholds and crippled the operational abilities of extremist groups. were over we are seeing cross-border co-operation between afghanistan and forces which is instrumental in the rejection of a key safe haven. and the wake of the military population we have seen public opinion turned decisively against the militants now al qaeda and allies have made it tougher to have recruits and planet tax and raise money in the region. we are working with pakistan to establish the relationship based on trust
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and mutual interest that leads to the defeat of by the extremists and that it claims a large number of lives over the past year. you understand the trust deficit that built up over decades which helped to create the current situation in. these challenges will not be overcome overnight but we think we're on the right track. last week pakistan and the united states took another step to have a durable partnership by having a strategic dialogue in washington a first at the ministerial lover it had a mutual trust to tackle the extremist groups and threaten pakistan's security and our own. in recent weeks we have seen evidence of evidence of clamping down on extremist networks operating within its borders and several top afghan taliban leaders have been apprehended and we're
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grateful to the pakistani authorities for their action. we'll understand to keep the progress coming united states has to do more than just tell pakistan did the to militarily real so have responsibilities to assist with the economic development of those historic the neglected areas that have been safe havens for extremist and a need to strengthen pakistan's of beit -- ability to govern effectively it has allocated millions of dollars into the projects of social economic and political factors that pushed individuals and to the arms of a violent extremist groups and pakistan is now one of the top five recipients of u.s. assistance. we know despite setbacks al qaeda has proven time and again to be adaptable and resilience adversary the organization's desire to
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attack the united states and our interest abroad remains a strong as ever and even though it is under the great pressure has experienced since being evicted from afghanistan the group continues to nobody should presume we're out of the woods are far from its. but let me also bring up one important addendum. of kie it is not the only group with global ambitions operating in a shut nor is it just a focus. it is clear it is willing to undertake fold mass casualty operations of the target set that would please al qaeda planners. the group's moller board a conspiracy to attack the u.s. embassy should deepen concern it could evolve into a global threat and one that seeks to replace al qaeda or compete with it.
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very few things worry me as much than the strength and ambition of a maligned presence of south asia reelected-- working closely to reduce the threat of this very dangerous group and i am pleased to say there is growing cooperation in the region to sort let especially through a critical and not always easy partners especially in bangladesh. in terms of public perspective no place in the last year received more attention than yemen. the failed christmas day bombing was a stark reminder that under govern the space is an incubator and serving as extremism in that conspiracy demonstrated release one al qaeda affiliate's and not just the core leadership in pakistan has developed the capacity and desire to carry out strikes against the united states homeland.
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we should expect others to follow. having said that we should have perspective contrary to some recent and overblown media accounts of al qaeda in the country did not turn into the al qaeda safe haven overnight and yemen was arguably the first front since the december 1992 attempt to bomb u.s. troops in a hotel was probably the very first genuine attack by the organization. those troops ron ruutu somalia to support the ambition but that was before the uss cole attack and al qaeda has always had a foothold and always a major concern for the united states. but what i can say definitively is the obama administration has been focused on human since day one. we work very closely and more effectively all for the last several months in making genuine progress. we having gauge consistently
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and intensively with area many counterparts to help build political will for our objectives and many of the administration's senior civilian and military officials of the deputy national security adviser for near eastern affairs and david petraeus have visited kaman in recent months to how we can confront the threat two about credit and the results of disengagement was forced actions and aggressive response we have seen to in many years. those actions to emphasize began before the december 25th plot and have continued ever since. we recognize the al qaeda has taken advantage of insecurity which is worsened by internal conflict. we also know yemen is grappling with serious poverty than the poorest country in the world the lack of resources deliverance of services to
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deal with terrorism so the estates policy must be conceived in strategic terms and timeline said is why the administration has adopted a two-pronged strategy for young men to help the government confront the immediate security concern of al qaeda get -- of credit and govern the issues that the country faces long term. the only working to construct the space by a building of the country's capacity to do with the security threats, we also work to develop capacity for basic services and economic growth. of the department and state defense provide assistance to the forces and address the underlying conditions that make the money is vulnerable to recruit a member in this manner we hope the many government
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build more credible institutions to have a more predictable future per obviously for those of you who know him then it is not an easy task when is a long-term task over job we can help reduce the appeal of extremism and weekend the attraction of the al qaeda narrative and yemeni let me turn to another prairie region to a certain extent this is a good news story islamic maghreb and al qaeda is on the defensive which effectively is the homeland of northeastern ontario. the group is an enviable to conduct sophisticated tax due to pressure from the algerian forces which have
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broken of cells and disrupted any number of operations. furthermore thank you i am it is in fried -- chronic financial trouble in algeria and unable to reach recruiting goals. one of the questions of aqim is of it could carry added tax somewhere but we view the likelihood of such an expansion of operation most likely than just a few years ago it is a large measure due to the pressure that group has been under and the strong counterterrorism efforts by france however the picture is different aqim has a and two separate groups of fighters had also increased kidnappings against western targets in the last two years aqim stepped up the pace kidnapping austrian tourist
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and canadian diplomats and european tourist. another british hostage was murdered and others turned to kidnapping for ransom to raise funds we're urging our partners around the world to adopt a no concessions policy toward hostage takers so we can diminish this critical funding stream. penitentiary is remain determined in their opposition to do aqim despite sharp fall and capacity and striving to build that capacity through long term programs such as the partnership. this is a mold agency effort to help our partners in the region build the capacity they need to defeat terrorist organizations and facilitation networks. we also work closely with the other key international partners to ensure their efforts are well coordinated and effective. our quiet but solid support has emboldened our partners
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in the region to stand up to extremism. i know that in effective strategy has to go beyond those with its allies and interest and as president obama put a campaign against extremism will not succeed with bullets or balms alone we look at it key regions going back to the key principles to combat terrorism successfully may have to isolate extremism and often they do this themselves the indiscriminate targeting of iran and pakistan and elsewhere has alienated populations and lead to a decline of support it is also out rage clerics from many cases have spoken publicly. of course, we can count on al qaeda to put itself out of business refocus on the
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group's narrative to prevent their radicalization of really needed individuals. of the government recall these countering by the end extremism and we created a unit to identify and local drivers of extremism and develop programs to counteract. hard at work developing a better understanding of the dynamics of communities that extremism has taken root and every one of these possess a unique social factor that helps to contribute the radicalization of processing and for this reason reno a one-size-fits-all program has limited appeal instead program state to be tailored to fit the characteristics of the audience and for that reason we employ micro strategies such that they have a better chance of succeeding. we're realistic about what said the government needs to achieve to marginalize the proponents at the local
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level wow! misstates sometimes will take the lead sometimes it is better to place a supporting role. the magnitude of the challenge insurers no country can successfully combat al qaeda on its own. partnering with others especially at the local level is critical these officials are likely to have paid better understanding and can identify who is best to cantor. and also crucial to our long-term success. we no credible boys have to take the lead in their own community and they have the best place to have countered year it is. of the u.s. government is working to reliable partners and amplified legitimate voices in the west can help empower the local actors through funding are simply
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providing them with space physical or electronic to challenge the extremist views. nontraditional actors such as ngos public-private partnerships, private businesses have put some of the most incredible partners and local communities u.s. government and partner nations seek to develop greater understanding between the diaspora communities and it ancestral homelands through business and family networks defense that affect one community have an impact on the other. with the aid of these incredible messengers denies states tries to make the use of terrorist violence taboo through the radical khmer give a and we hope to offer something more of a poll. his basis of mutual respect as he discussed in his speeches provide an opportunity to have a more positive story than negative
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one of al qaeda. clearly we have not figured it all-out and as the december 25 plot shows significant gaps in we are to have setbacks in the future. the contemporary terrorist threat was not made overnight nor will it disappear overnight we have a lot to learn and there are a myriad of areas of where we can improve with communication but i think we have come a long wait over the last 15 months. we're making significant progress on the big picture strategic issues when it comes to countering violent extremism and with the of plead leadership there is a broad understanding to get this right. and closing let me also say we have more to work with this is a source of great hope it seems to me recede ever greater desire of ordinary people to be rid of radicals who undermine
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everything that these individuals seek to achieve progress on that clearly in pakistan two weeks ago when i not only met with officials but the alliance of clerics we look for support as they tried to make their message of non-violence heard. we went to the us team lawyer to strengthen the rule of law in his own country and also a woman professor who turned her in geo of thought cut into a two the formidable opposition force. these other kinds of developments that are at the heart of rolling back militancy and determined to do began working with them with other governments and the international community to ensure that they succeed. figure much for coming today and i look forward to your questions. [applause] >> let me lead off with a
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question of amplification. two weeks ago said director of central intelligence made a statement about the current status of our credit and the impact of the operations of for the last year. could you give us a sense of how you view al qaeda as an organization if they're able to maintain a chain of command that could lead to higher probability of an attack on the homeland and this is a related question of any update on the bin laden hunt or is that trail cold and has been made a higher priority again in the administration? >> is a high priority and i don't have any news that i can share here right now on that. but in terms of the capabilities of al qaeda i
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think director panetta in his various statements have captured it quite well the group with senior leadership is under the worst pressure it has experienced in quiet day long time since 2001, 2002 point* however this is an a nervously cable and creative opponent that is always looking for new ways to rid achieve its hands. i don't think we should write-off their ability to direct complicated logistical the challenge jane operations that could strike you as interest abroad or at home. the the thing to note to the threat to in some ways is a bit more distributed and that was before and a lot of these groups are capable
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actually al qaeda in the arabian peninsula and others aspirational the are able to conceive of operations themselves and are tapping their way forward to carry them out. again we are doing better at tactical counterterrorism and we have ever done before but it is a dynamic and the evolving situation and i would note with a new complexity that we face a significant uptick in domestic radicalization which obviously will complicate matters significantly. we have seen have pakistani half of merit can using that as a security point* for operations in india and elsewhere and five turnup in pakistan on the way to the


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