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tv   [untitled]  CSPAN  April 3, 2010 12:30pm-1:00pm EDT

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who tapped out the following letter to the central association of german citizen of the jewish faith on march 25, disaster beckoned that and the letter is read by susan. >> also it is true that the lives of our jewish religion has not yet been distributed. bit by bit every jewish man and woman will be out any means a substitute. what is to become a german who can no longer earn a living here? if people of other faiths but cost against us then we jews need to hold fast together for each other. the union calls german jews to remain loyal. don't they see the writing on the wall? are we to go back into the ghettos of old? >> the central nazi boycott would last on one day, but
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because our own view is clouded by knowledge of the later horrors, we perhaps lost sight of the shot that went to the jewish community at government support of the boycott. this contemporary document who escaped to the u.s. in 1938 shows that some jews despicable misery was unimaginable. as it turned out, however, the following months and years would see surprising variation in german jews and ability to maintain normal life under the nazis. it is impossible to gain an overview over the entire situation, some regions a dozen other. the big city was safer than the small town. some businesses and trade continued large unhindered while in many professions jews were thrown out of their offices. established in the managers were better placed than youngsters barred from education and training. and it was the role of sheer luck. it was unfortunate enough to get
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so caught up in the dragnet, please arrest and concentration camp like, were exposed to the full measure of not see brutality. abraham was arrested in june 1933 and transferrtransferred into timber to the northern german concentration camp. is report of his expenses is read by paul. smack the jewish holidays were approaching. we debated anxiously whether the ss knew the dates of the holidays because we feared worst cruelties. we just agree to avoid any hint about the upcoming holiday. we had not record with a relative. we sent greetings unaware of the events of the camp. because of the letters read by ss men, the ss learned of the
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dates and there was nothing left. that's i ended up going to the camp commander, after all, to request a work exemption and permission to conduct services. answer? that isn't done here. the first day of the holiday at 6:00 in the morning, we jews over newcomers in the camp were assigned to a specialty detachment, we were chased across the yard at a quick margin table. were ordered to stop in front of a manure pit. we had to climb down into the pit and get to the bottom. i was yanked out of the line by my comrades in the middle of the pit. one ss grinned at me. ago, rabbi, you can hold services here. i remained silent.
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are you refusing to follow the command? i'm not holding services in the manure pit. he hauled it out of the pit and gun butts rained down on the. i was brought to my bunk unconscious. i laid there two hours before regaining consciousness. >> it is strongly shape by our pain for the jewish community. and shake in this way our memory also tends to exclude some groups without meaning too. the contemporary documents remind us that fully 16 of german jews and they light a fire over 100,000 people were actually christians of jewish descent. and nazi eyes they were still racially jewish. many of these christians found themselves stranded between a community of faith that showed little or no christian
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solidarity, jews skeptical of the converts, and the notion that being jewish in forest from above with which they could not identify. some like richard, writing in may 1933, still turned to churches for help that his letter is read by paul. >> i personally arranged to be baptized by the protestant church in 1908 because i also married a christian woman. because i wanted the children that we expected to have someday to be raised as christians. i wanted my wife to be buried in a churchyard when the time came. and above all, i wanted to belong to the protestant religion because of my deep-seated convictions. which according to my assessment and experiences, were the right ones. my daughter read a protestant, and her child was baptized in a protestant church.
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in spite of my growing christian ties, markers per in with a slogan don't buy from jews were glued to the windows of my business on the day of the boycott. when i protested, they explained to us that we were half jews. inspite of our certificates and the fact that we had been members of the protestant church, dear pastor, those of us who converted and became doubly hard hit because we now belong to no one, not the jews nor recognized by the state as christians. so, dear pastor, what are we? am i a jew regression by a member of this folk or an outcast? is my certificate a document or not? >> these appeals fell onto their
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figures. many people have commented on the fact that in 1933 the first year of nazi rule, while over 30,000 german umax immigrated but in the following years the numbers leading drop to around just 20,000 a year. they only top in 1933 level in 1938, the year. with a melancholy hindsight reduced flow of immigrants when the nazis still about immigration, seen evidence of german jews refusal to see that the era of german jewry had come to an end. but the following contemporary letter from, and thousands others like it, throws a different light on events. in 1933, and like following years, a great many of those german jews left did so by
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illegally crossing the borders of foreign countries, mainly france and the netherlands. there, they were in a foreign country with no rights and no opportunity to work. the jewish press, including the zionist press, was full of horror stories of german jews stranded in was a broad and full of warning against leaving without the legal right to live somewhere else. many of the immigrants were in fact insisted to return to germany so they might at least or anything, or be looked after by local agencies. and, therefore, the letter is read by joe. >> i have been in holland since june of this year. i was forced to come here because my parents and siblings escaped from germany. my father had been employed in berlin as a chauffeur. following the prohibition of ritual slaughter, he lost his job on may 1. as a result, he had no
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possibility for him. our family is dispersed in all directions. my father is in holland. he is staying with a family we know. my mother and a fourth small siblings are in poland with relatives. a brother in pairs, and a sister in antwerp, a brother in berlin. currently i am in amsterdam where i been offered a job in a home. it is a supervisory position in a strictly religious orphanage. that is especially interested in hiring me to make sure they have a person responsible for rituals in the house. i would personally benefit immensely from this jobs as it would offer me at least a place to stay. i am completely without means, and don't know what to do. >> after 1933, immigration would be limited by the legal opportunities to reside abroad.
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how should one read the future? again, blinded by hindsight, we forget that for a while the nazis continue to give very contradictory signals. here, a senior figure from the central association of the german jews, alfred, reports on his meeting in november 1933 with a senior civil servant inside one of the most nazi of german ministries. he had asked for the meeting falling the issuing of the edit of law of the previous month, banning non-aryans from writing for the german press. according to the official, this meeting germany'germany's long-established jews just needed to show patience and restraint. and the report on the meeting by him for the central association is read by peter. >> the conversation with the
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counselor was very satisfactory. it show that even in the ministry, there was clear understanding and recognition of the extraordinary tragic situation in which german jews finds himself. the point was made repeatedly, however, that the biggest problems for german jews is caused by those who every time the government makes an accommodating suggestion, loudly announced and showing signs of weakness or anxiety. claims of that kind then strengthen radical hamas within the body and thus make the job difficult for steady of forces. quoting the last expression. the propaganda ministry, released this section, also holds the view that the regime measures against the jews were necessary to create a clear position at the outset in which the german element, as the regime defines it, is the sole power in charge. once this position has been
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reached, then it will be possible to talk about integrating long-established settled jewish elements. >> and at the local level, too, german jewish leaders don't understand. head of the branch of the central association of german jews reported on what happened when he complained to a local headmaster about school boys singing a bloodthirsty song. and his report is read by paul. >> last friday i encountered a unit of roughly 30 upperclassman who sang the lovely song about jewish blood spurting from the night. yesterday i visited the headmaster and discussed the occurrence within. the matter was very uncomfortable for him, and i really have sympathy with the man. has unfortunately powerless and could not hold out the prospect of any success. city is already stirred up a
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hornets nest himself. i believe it would not be at all unwelcome to him if we were to take the matter into our own hands. perhaps the headmaster will respond accurately to increase by his superiors. >> and indeed the document show and we will remember this after the war, that the central association of german jews midwest and like a major breakthrough in march 1935 when the police president, that sounds derogatory to the jews should no longer be some. taken in conjecture with other achievements in 1934, the association may well have briefly hoped to be winning back public spaces for germany's jews. so a number of the documents in the volume show how contradictory was the picture facing german jews in the early 1930s did but even allowing
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for that, others are still hard to understand. the diary of elizabeth born in 1923 who lived with her parents and two siblings in the country, is remarkable for its almost complete lack of reference to her own jewish situation. some jewish children in this period may indeed have imagined the new people's committee, included them to some degree. but it is hard not to feel the block was not in somewhat in denial. and this extract from her direct is read. >> we had a very nice party, celebrate the end of the school year. as we enter the costume on this day we saw before us an amazing sight, the teacher's desk was draped with a white and blue cloth. and denigrated with primroses. beautiful green garments and little flags had been hung around the picture of hitler,
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and the picture of hindenburg, which hung on the blackboard. the handicraft that we had made were laid out of the school benches near the window. little by little, more and more people came in. and our celebration soon began. there was first a speech delivered by three boys from the sixth grade. to look back on the year of the german turnaround. then we sang a song in praise of germany. then to students in the seventh grade recited a poem, rising up. after this, our headteacher gave a nice speech, followed by others that after this our headteacher gave a nice speech, followed by a reciting spring. i was also in this group of a long with many girls, and we all wore flowered leaves on our
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heads, and health status in our hands. this course also sang a song longing for the spring. and three girls from the continuing education school we cited the poor bow. the song, i gave myself, when that was over, the headteacher and again gave a speech. finally, the song, raise the flag, and deutschland, deutschland, were some. and this is how the school year of 1933, 1934 in did. >> sometimes been intemperate documents hit a psychological state but offer on a cloud glimpse of the outside world. elizabeth would later be murdered with her family by the nazis in a death camp in german occupied poland. by 1955, try as the adult world might to protect them from many jewish schoolchildren were
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accurately sensitive to the stresses of the times. the following report stands from a jewish community newspaper in 1935 and is read by susan. >> one can continue after the changes in all age groups. beginning with six and seven year olds in primary school, and extending on to students in the highest grade, they are particularly visible in the younger children. they no longer seem as innocently happy and full of spirit as they should be at their age. and as used to be in the case in years past. this does not mean for it so that have entirely stopped laughing and romping around and doing not he thinks. but they are also aware of the events unfolding in the world of adults on and carry some of this
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burden on their own shoulders. at age six, they already understand that there are many things which they no longer are allowed to do. the fearful among them have grown more fearful, and those who are particularly spirited constantly run up against conflict. their faces become serious and anxious, when one of them begins to talk. and the others also cannot hold back their stories. they recount with a apart from their parents and siblings. what they decipher from the newspaper, what they have seen on the street or experienced themselves. on days when some new alarm are worried hits the community as a whole, the behavior of the school children between ages six and eight serves as a very good indicator for this situation at
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home. and the adult who is privy to all these developments is appalled to discover how many men of the station of fear, and enter your to complex have already taken hold of these the youngest children. >> just around the time the central association achieved the little do with the prohibition, in fact, a new wave of anti-semitic violence and local campaigns was just beginning to crack down on the jewish committee. it would last through spring and summer 1935. it was caused because the nazi party want to push the authority ban marriages between two macs and non-jews that unmarried partners were one part of was jewish and one area and now found themselves subject to the meaning and brutal race disgrace rituals in city streets. and this report is read i susan.
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>> we received a report concerning the following incident. sacred markers, the jewish businessman intends to marry. she is an aryan history. the two have already been engaged for four years. the circumstances led to an incident on the night of saturday of the ninth, going into sunday the 10th of march, during which the graffiti, i am a race defiler, and i continue to defile. appeared in big letters on to display windows of the markets on which he is a co-owner. the same paint was used for graffiti declaring, a jew lives here on the house of his prospective father-in-law, a
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respected locksmith were the bride also resides. apart from this display, the display windows were painted over a series of several nights calling for a boycott. master locksmith, who has only a very modest income, has lost one contract goes up to eight member party blog you. at the same time, warnings were sent to various quarters yesterday. summer also sent to some of our friends indicating that he would be driven into ruin and prevented from receiving even one single further commission. he has already gotten in touch with the mayor in his capacity and the local police official, and one hopes that this will hinder any further excesses in this affair.
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nevertheless, because of this fundamental importance of this matter, and because the newspaper has issued defamatory statements and called for a boycott on these pages, we have decided to approach you, president of the regional government, with a respectful request that you take matter to restore a lawful state of repair. >> and this letter was sent by the central association to the regional president. in one form or another, courageous jews would continue to seek redress from the authorities. the central association at this stage evidently still thought a letter to the regional governor would make a difference. they would be disappointed in this case. increasingly, even the most influential jews found it hard to gain a hearing. the violent campaign and once the number of laws were
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announced in september 1935, terminating jewish citizenship and banning marriages between jews and non-jews. so well-informed jewish observers, the law came as no surprise to a committed zionist could even see something positive in the clear statement that a simulation was not impossible, much is where things were headed. and this abstract is read by peter. >> we heard that your speech that opened in nuremberg around 9:00 september 16. it's a completely around the fight against jewelry and marxism. laws against jews were thrown at these were red following the führer speech. however, the broadcast was interrupted so as i sit here writing, i don't yet know what they say. in any event he didn't really against us to the extent way
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that his underlings usually do. although he said the jewish people have caused all the problems plaguing the german people, he believed the reich government had taken measures that would lead to a job or relationship between the german and jewish people. on the whole much is left unclear but the papers were clueless in by later this morning. we certainly will be disappointed if you were expecting things to get worse. in the meantime i have read the new laws. for the most part they are things one already knew in advance that prohibition on mixed marriages, no area and female domestic servant under 45 years, civil rights and the reich, jews only legal subject. if one had watched the national socialist movement closely, one has to have seen these things coming. they are quite consistent in this respect. coming from a jewish point of view, i completely welcomed the ban on mixed marriages.
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it appears that the laws of announced last sunday have had a calming, certain calming effect on german jewish relations that on an uplifting note jews recognized as a people. and with this, any future for assimilation in germany has definitely disappeared. hopefully they will get the message from these development. >> it's often been argued that german jews were deluded by the state is into believing that a stable future albeit were limited rights was not possible. shifting to the source of the time, we found more evidence of their eyes on thursday knew that the history of the german jewish community was now over. the new umbrella organization noted with remarkable openness in his guidelines for the future that the vast majority of jewish
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youngsters would have to seek their professional futures abroad. and the former parliamentary deputy was already imagining a german jewry that existed only in the memory of future generations abroad, and this is from a letter sent by him in berlin to his son in tel aviv, read by jill pauly. >> berlin rosh hashanah 1935. that is so much i still want to do. for now i want to carry on writing down my many memories. i imagine my grandson, scott, sitting together in brotherly fashion 50 years from now on the evening of rosh hashanah, already retired, respected and established contributors to the building. surrounded by their own children and grandchildren. and i imagine the conversation turned to the grandfather, and
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one of the brothers go into the next room and quietly returning with the memoirs. and god would begin to recount aloud to his grandsons the story told in these pages, almost as though it was a night of passover. yes, he would tell the story in these pages allowed. with his grandsons are unlikely to be fully with the german language. and will be able to read the memoirs themselves. yes, it is thought such as these that give me a certain energy of the satisfaction of well being. i began to indulge in them, embrace them, if a picture has got somewhat quiet and calm, tell their grandkids how they were stillborn in berlin. why and how do parents emigrate and also give their grandchildren a picture of the bygone century to the memoirs.
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and i can picture have a grandkids will sit there hearing of many battles and works performed by their forebears, their grandfathers, and their great grandfather irwin. and their great, great grandfathers who wrote down these memoirs. and to which the righties of their great grandfather, erwin, their own grandfather, then added and expanded upon. to which the family archives a sin by their own father added in turn and supplemented. and then they will see for themselves the stories that their forebears did not fight and suffer and battle in vain. and they will see why they have fought and suffered. and if they compare the earlier stories with what has been achieved, what they will see is the world marched forward. and how that happened and have
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their own forebears did apart bringing this about, bringing about this progress. and that will become and incentive for my great, great great grandchildren. i made the grandkids of god under scott. to seize the opportunity of the spirit of their forebears and also to contribute to the great project of promoting progress in the world. and through this, they will also contribute to the building. this will at that point around here 2000 or so look quite different from today, free people on free soil. >> he was deported one day after his 74th birthday and died there in late 1942. in the mid 1930s, some even had a chance


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