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tv   [untitled]  CSPAN  April 6, 2010 1:00am-1:30am EDT

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>> host: i am juan williams today on afterwards me have mitt romney. his new book is called "no apology" the case for american greatness" pro everybody is since this is the kickoff to your campaign >> it is too early to tell it has come from my experience working with the private sector and seeing a lot of countries make progress we assume we are ahead of the rest of the
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world and other nations are catching up my concern is if we don't shore up the fundamentals of america's vitality we could find ourselves being eclipse. this is a book saying america let's wake up and rise to the occasion and rebuild our strength and provide for our kids and their kids. >> host: cardis this seems to be severely parts of the book a critique of president obama. it has caught the attention of people around washington of his hour reach our specific muslim nations are "kindling " who hate america and wish it america of the worst to when he made an enormous bear their purchases of the the and our national interest by carrying out the first act of the presidency a form of apology tour saying america
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has been derisive comment dismiss have come in america it is there again now listening to the concerns of others and america has dictated to other nations per barrel i don't think that is historically accurate we have been freeing others but i think it created the impression that our conviction and principles is wavering it is not part of that was a mistake and instead that a foreign policy consistent with the value of saugh prescribed by harry truman and the atchison is a more perfect scores of america's way forward. >> host: you say it is good for the west to be strong but then talking about some of the things that president obama has done this special with a foreign policy area seems to suggest the diminishes america as you just did the
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dnc issued a statement that says american and the last election rejected radical posses wholeheartedly adapted by mid from may and this policy would alienate allies and emboldened enemies. what do you think? >> i don't have a lot to say of the dnc for the areas where i think the president disappointed a lot of folks including myself was when the honduran supreme court said the anti-american and pro chavez president violated the constitution and the military removed him from office our president said put him back which i think surprised welk's. when colombia's seeks a special status with the united states standing up to hugo chavez come mugabe denied him the special status i think that is a mistake when he goes before the united nations and speaks for the first time
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and chastises israel but has nothing to say about the palestinian group hamas launching 7,000 rockets at israel is a mistake. the decision to withdraw our support for mr. kohl defense from poland and the czech republic led those great friends to be concerned about america's willingness to stand with them and perhaps to reset relations with russia. we have nothing. i am afraid the steps that he took have confused our friends and made our foes continue have long and of course, it is not helpful to the world you have by man pursuing nuclear folly and north korea of course, did nuclear test even as the president was speaking carried out test prep of this is in my opinion an indication that they felt the president was not going
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to be a strong defender of american values and principles human-rights democracy those words of apology have emboldened of those who find access s a weekend enemy. >> host: you make the argument in the book is important to keep america strong as a leading presence in terms of world affairs. and in dealing with the iran and their rising nuclear ambition come you say it is important to say right now before anything happens said they were to take any action, america would devastate and there'd be a response nuclear and devastating? >> guest: to some degree we have made that statement is importune the world understands that if stations will seek nuclear status as iran is doing, if they
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seacrest tavis and obtain fissile material if it finds its hand or its way into the hands of people who use it, that our response will not just paid to the terrorist organization that uses the potentially to the nation that provided it. and as a result of think the people of ivory and ask themselves too really want to have fissile material in our country and the risk of called into the circle of suspects in the event of a nuclear world? i think people should recognize becoming nuclear has enormous peril that your material might get out to come mugabe used in the united states may respond against that nation as a lead against whoever used that nuclear device. >> host: you think the ayatollah would be fearful? >> guest: the people of iraq and i think would grow in recognition that becoming
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a nuclear nation is not solely a matter of pride but becoming a nuclear nation has associated day enormous downside there is a risk is that somehow your research team is not carefully managed the fissile material and might be a subject of retaliation. the people of iran need to understand very clearly the downside to becoming a nuclear nation i also wish this president and prior presidents have been reporting from dissuading by a exacting and enacting very tough sanctions. the iranian citizens and business people and political leaders ought to know when you violate the nuclear non-proliferation treaty the consequences are severe. military options are on the table william morrow those are on the table those while actively employed will be crippling and raise simply have not been successful to
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put in place those kinds of actions. >> host: bree u.s day america remains a leading military power in the world by you say there is a need for increased spending in defense? did you read this of ministration and others have not bloody enough money? he tell a funny story about seeing a guy with a sign the seeing half of the budget goes to defense? but it includes money spent by the chinese who are all spending less than they tried to diminish our lead with military might. >> guest: you can understand the sentiment of other nations is they will blake to get stronger. you not to dissuade the chinese from saying there will build their military but we need to make an honest assessment of the threads of the road than the missions the military might be called upon to carry out. we have a far broader array
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of responsibilities that a nation like china or russia or other nations of the rope and to protect ourselves, respond to humanitarian eight -- mentor increases and nuclear threat and a list goes on and on of the different challenges. in my view it requires an annual budget of 4 percent of gdp right now we are about 3.8 percent and total federal spending is over time approximately 20%. we think the defense budget ought to be 20%. those are a lot of percentages i apologize but sometimes we say we are spending so much more than any other nation in the world why should we spend any more with the military? they spend far less but actually i should go behind the numbers didn't report all military spending and the cost of standing up the army were they have not a
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paid volunteer army that cost is much lower so if you look at a more comparable basis china spends not at 10% of the level but half of the level of the united states if we pay for the same cost and what that suggests did so we really can continue to pare down them military might if we will be confident that we and our friends and interest can be protected around the world. >> host: you live in the book that title is it "no apology" the case for american greatness" for competing power as russia, china, iran and the terrorist jihadist. when it comes to russia let's talk about it you say it is building on its energy
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, and energy economy becoming more richer in more powerful china becoming the authoritarian state and of course, you have i ran conquests and compulsion? >> yes. up i faint following the collapse of the soviet union and the demise of its power after the loss to we have a glorious period of time where we have lost where the world would be saved. charro said this is america's holiday from history. we wish the history would stop at the way it has been in the past but the truth is some of these powers have grates ambitions to become world superpowers if not the dominant player on the stage for the we thought russia had lost and we won but russia energy resources are
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so extraordinarily rich we could use the wealth to reestablish their military might with more natural gas than anyone else in the role they tie with coal reserves and sold more energy than saudi arabia so they use that extra their wealth and the hundreds of billions dollars per year to rebuild the military that can be competitive with our own. that is what they are intending to do. >> host: you write to that they are supportive of ivory and because it would give them more control. >> guest: yes. brass rochelle looks of their strategy and attempt to reassert themselves of one of the leading players on the road stays there recognize that energy is the key to their reassertion of that kind of status and that means not only their own extraction but pipelines going to europe and other places that they can control
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there will have more monopoly power if they have relations with iran and if it becomes the superpower through its likewise benazir and the make efforts to get closer and venezuela is a energy rich nation. of the strategy contemplates the power associated with the energy. china is building there might the old-fashioned way they have adopted free enterprise. not like ours with the rules and guidelines of a fair and balanced free enterprise system but adopted free enterprise and they are winning in a lot of respects and the wealth they are creating allows them to ramp up the military and away unseen since the german build-up prior to the second world war. they build 30
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submarines, capacity to create their own fighter aircraft and go up against our forthcoming. they will be a serious contender militarily and of course, the jihadist of how those capabilities with resources and military might but they don't intend to go head and head -- ahead by to terrorize and cause the destruction of our system by virtue of more selective court erred corolla type of purchase. >> host: when you stop and think of the present sense of russia or china use say negative states must remember the quote wall is not to be popular but to be strong pre-empt you talk about the increased use of a soft power in terms of selling america to poor countries where i think you
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describe for example, the russians, chinese, places like kaman, somalia where people are impoverished andean men looking for work open to radical ideas to becoming a jihadist. how does that figure into your calculation? >> soft power is an effective tool to enhance the values it is good to have a strong fest as teddy roosevelt said it speaks softly and carry a big stick. the soft power, the ability to influence the others to adopt principles that are peaceful and promote human rights is critical and debris vastly under use the resources we have had. we are an extraordinarily wealthy nation they want access to market and technology, health care
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technology, education and skills of these things to provide that nations with think more air kind of the of us but when i was then that in america i heard about the miracle cure or the vehicle operation. said what is that? fidel castro provides cataract surgery he has surgeon such travel and bring site to people. said he does suffer a tiny fraction of the investment that we may again latin america bree he is appreciated because americans are good at branding because they can convince have a day's wage for a can of coke we're not selling democracy as well as a cut or what america has done to lift the world so rather than apologizing for who we are and what we have accomplished i think we should be drawing on the very best of our skills to
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make sure we communicate to we are and exercise the soft power influence to draw people to see the stability and peace of the planet. >>ost:hen comes to riding about global warming you say way to a second look at developing countries, specifically china. cannot be trusted to put in regulations that will limit the emissions of greenhouse gases because they have such a strong belief of economic growth and that is what they are all about. for us it would be futile on the international stage to unilaterally say we'll put in place limits or cap-and-trade standards if we compete with the chinese. what does that say? teeeleven dain global warming? remicade all call it america warming. and if one's primary concern is global warming than look
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at the emissions on a global basis to make sure actions taken tuned just put america and american workers at a disadvantage instead make an adjustment and changes for the entire planet that is five the entire plan which readily end up affecting americans would end up with the largest in matters of energy that would say why build a new factory in america crooks why keep the factory going when i have to pay far more expensive prices for energy in this country? why not go to a other nations like brazil, indonesia tie-in end that don't have the cap-and-trade cost therefore i can be more effective and cost-effective. >> host: or what about american leadership or a role model? >> that causes the largest in vendors and bumper of which are china and other developing nations too simply smile and say they
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made our life it easier, that we really have not helped the world that is not the leadership the world needs. what americans can do is pursue a course which in my view has perhaps even more compelling reason to pursue it to that is of energy independence in the course to allow us importuned by product of a greenhouse gases will need to use a lot more natural guest that is a far less co2 emitting energies source of coal or oil. we need more nuclear power plants. that is not a and the minister of co2 we have ways of making america of picking a leader will without at the same time putting ourselves at a competitive
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disadvantage with nations competing for the varied jobs our workers want. >> host: going back to soft power. and the book when you were talking about muslims you make the case that the ideology is really evil on many levels all whole motion doesn't conform with what you read in the car ran. use the instructions for people to dominate the world and capture and takeover and not just proselytize but to go out and conquer and you don't recognize this as part of what muslims teach? >> i would apply that principle to muslims as a group. i think the nation, excuse me the religion of islam is by the great majority of not a position to cocker their neighbor or carry out jihad
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but there is a strain of islam referred to by various names but i use the term radicand -- radical by len jihadist of the traces routes to a number of intellectual scholars who believe the role of the career and as they read it is a very aggressive militaristic conquering approach which the great majority of muslims in my view do not except but the very narrow group is of course, led by names like osama bin laden. they seek to draw support from the use and most people reject that. i would guess the most maturity would be delighted if they never saw al qaeda or the taliban again. but nonetheless that theology does exist and it is a theology which looks at us as somehow being very
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evil per cory theology that says everything that is america is wrong and is a threat. they see democracy itself is a blasphemy. there view is the law, sure ryan should come from god and the idea that individuals serve it is a form of blasphemy seventh thing we'd have done is contrary to how god wants things to be in there for the take a violent means to overthrow the modern movement within the muslim world provide think our way forward is to support of moderate voices and moderate governments and to help them to reject this violent extreme ideology. >> host: why don't you think those governments are doing it themselves? >> many are but the philippine government was
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dealing with the al qaeda like movement and finding it very difficult there were several thousand members this group that were terrorizing the people of the philippines. our military was invited to work in partnership with the philippine military trading exercises and carrying out humanitarian efforts among the people and communities and the islands where they were most-active and with this soft power application by our military and special forces we could turn the tide and the numbers are down reported the into the hundreds 87 you give a toast to special forces and think we need to do more with a smaller footprint to take action but let's look not at the philippines but the middle east like saudi arabia. why do you think they seem
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tolerant of this type of radical violence for eight? >> had don't think this enthusiastic about the violence. they realize having funded over the years that preaches the extreme form of islam but maybe in some respects they have put themselves in great danger her cry think it was said governor, not inside her due by december dimension day old churchill line that was they pay the can double to e to them last. this support of the monarchy over the years may well have ended up being a significant threat to the monarchy itself. i think in the world of
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islam there are obviously different strains of sunni and shiite and national interest and so jihad is some takes very difference shapes of different places but nevertheless the strain presents a threat to to local governments and muslim governments which these jihadist don't believe are sufficiently fundamentalist and a threat to the entire world. >> host: on this book tour yugo 19 hour 20 states including district of columbia and the states include new hampshire obviously iowa, missouri so people will say it looks like you are on a campaign is "no apology" and the one mine in the book that is so critical of president obama that given all foreign policy issues that this president seeks to present himself has some hop all transcending of america and american values and interest
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as opposed to being an advocate for american values and american interests. that would almost seem to be a campaign slogan. [laughter] >> host: the idea is that you believe we need an american president who stands for america and you do not see that in this president obama who seeks to transcend greater or larger than america? >> host: any time the president travels the world and is critical of the united states it will lead to the kinds of stories that came out of the british press saying he has been more critical of his own country on foreign soil than any other president of history that gives a real oppression he thinks he is above america and his history or what he needs to distance himself. harry truman and dean acheson follow the second world war if america adopts a new stride -- strategy are trying to teach trying to
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isolationism still brought into two world wars that america needs to be active but also promote over values of human rights democracy free trade and freedom and finally we need to be strong standing with our allies and fighting foes were ever they may exist for above those principles of foreign policy the president has question and would be wise to return to them when the iranian state the streets and protest an election that was unfair i think the president should have spoken out clearly saying we support voices of freedom you can imagine ronald reagan would have had something to say and so would bill clinton. >> host: you say this president is failing too properly promote america to the world? >> i think when you try to distance yourself from americanto


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