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tv   Book TV  CSPAN  April 11, 2010 10:00am-11:00am EDT

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i got a ringside sing for the arab war, tanks firing right beside me etc., up in the northern border and hezbollah gave the idf a very hard time. part of it was the idf's fault, because it comes from political correctness, they'd condition themselves to rock throwing palestinians, now they are fighting people with better weapons and better organization. but the bottom line was hezbollah fought better with more tenacity than arabs had fought before because they weren't fighting for a state, for nasa or sadax or the arabs family. they fought for their faith, their family and their turf. hezbollah hit the trifecta. :
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>> there is god and then there is practice, and they can be often very, very different things. but i think christianity and judaism are very healthy because they're both religions of exile.
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the middle east, the deserts of arabia, have a genius for producing monotheist religions. but the stands can't sustain them, can't inertia them. and if you're a darwinian type, judaism and how it has survived, you folks must be the most talented human being in history. if darwin had anything to say about it. but judaism is survival, the need to preserve the core, could evolve on the outer shell or the periphery's your it made jews adapter. when you look at christianity, of until the 14th century, there were far more christians in the middle east than the war in europe. christianity comes late in europe. in the 14th century, the the way means are still pagans.
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the germans are still having trouble absorbing others in the heart of europe. the pagan influence hangs on for a long time. but first of all, jews are exiled around the world. christians wind up in that once poor sub continent, europe that transforms itself and then there exiled again. exile this time to north america. over to israel. and this self-selection, in later stages, this movement toward a frontier is, this bravery, willingness to take risks, to rebuild, to restart life. sometimes from ambition. i think it's kept us fresh and healthy. and you look at the middle east, and it is just walled in dysfunctional traditions. there was never a change. so i think the tragedy of islam
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is the tragedy of the greater middle east. that said, i look at islam on a long time, and you go to synagogue, or indonesia, it's doing just fine. indonesia, 222 million people, give or take a couple million, while overnighted% are muslims, and they produced a couple hundred terrorists. wait a minute of a couple hundred terrorists out of 210 or so million muslims? that's not that that i did a research project, and although indonesians just don't want any part of it, some are stricter believed that other, but except for a few not cases, the ties go back to trading routes with mecca in the middle ages, but they don't want any part. hinduism and buddhism prevailed in indonesia far longer that islam. it's really a little hinduism,
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buddhism, a lot of animism thrown in. i don't have time to go in to some of the colors practices that drive the saudi's nuts, but it's very different. but indonesia is a frontier for islam. it came in really, to most accounts around the 16th century. and later to other islands and other parts. that supposedly short time in human affairs. so religion like society changes on the frontage. the problem isn't islam today. the problem is middle eastern islam. which is just locked in concrete and unable to change, and clinging to a civilization that they cherish. it is theirs. that's what they know. but it just doesn't work. middle eastern civilization, beyond israel, is not competitive in a single human endeavor. not even terrorism because right now we are terrorizing terrorists. what if the situation was
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reversed and this culture we cherish was utterly dysfunctional? how well would we adapt? i don't know. >> first of all, there was an article in the paper yesterday that it is becoming much more muslim radical. but i wanted to ask you, it sounds like you disagree with the war in afghanistan, and what is your take on the end of it? >> two very different questions. he may get an uptick in radicalism because the media and saudi money. saudi money boards everywhere. there is plenty of it. but i don't worry about indonesia. it will produce some terrorists, but the great line up lies to islam to the saudi attempt to subvert to wahhabi is a really comes from a businessman in indonesia. he said the problem to the indonesians is they just won't stay bought.
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intimations have their own traditions that they just. there will be some radicals. parts may become more conservative. 17,000 islands in about 3000, i think about 3000 inhabitants to some degree, i could be wrong about that number. 17,000 islands. so you will get a lot of choices, but a lot of the conflict between christians and muslims in indonesia, and i'm quick to recognize, a lot of the conflict between christians and muslims in indonesia were a result of government policies to move excess population from java and other islands that have large christian populations that are really fighting about land rights. identity comes a religious war after it starts. now, yes, in afghanistan, i'm glad you asked that i am never opposed to killing terrorists. i am opposed to capturing. terrorists -- once a human being
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commits a terrorist act, he or she sets themselves outside the boundaries of enemies as far as i'm concerned. to kill the innocent is a sin in any religion. and i have no patience with him. and i'm sorry. especially you get the christian side, this idea of everybody can be redeemed. well, no, they can't. sorry. if god wants to take care of regaining them, fine. but we can do. we really can't persuade diehard religious fanatics to sign up for the pepsi generation. it doesn't work. it's not going to happen. we have had no success added. this is a war to nice. you know, i always tell people, even if you're not religious, read the old testament. it begins with refugees. turns quickly onto genocide,
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wars and wars. the book of joshua, what a ferocious book. ferocious. but the point is that recognizes humanity. and by the way i think another reason why we have done so well, and while women's rights came here in the long gestation. of but if you look at religious literature, in both the torah, write to the old testament to the new testament, in our shared religious heritage, look at the characters, look at the people. they are full human beings. look at the women. they are the ones you want today, the july list and then there are the ones you want to marry, ruth. the women are really -- real human beings, rounded figures.
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no pun intended can you look at the stick figures and garage. there are women in their, but they are not real. and i think the fact that our founding documents of faith, the word of god showed us the path. we are just slow learners. but i do think the fact that our founding accurate our document, the documents of our faith recognize human inhumanity in all its richness and complexity. it's not just good and evil. they are complex. david is incredibly complex. it recognizes humanity. some other religious text simply do not. i'm all for killing terrorists. i don't want to leave afghanistan completely, but i think we made a terrible mistake in 2002. we like to afghanistan at 2001 to smash al qaeda and punish the taliban for harboring them.
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by mid-2002, mission had been a coffin, we should have come home. but a small residual force to keep hitting terrorist strongholds. instead we assigned ourselves this idea that we could somehow turn afghanistan into orlando, florida. and it's not going to happen. it just is not. we never ask ourselves the basic questions such as, what do afghans want? to extent there is an afghan identity. talking about pashtuns, earth backs, persian speakers, all of whom want something somewhat different. it's an artificially constructed country. so i think a mistake we made was assigned ourselves goals that were unrealistic. we have to keep pursuing terrorists, and some of the stuff we're doing is nice to do. but when it comes to strategy, as complex as it is in its execution and details, the
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fundamental questions, which we do not ask, are very straightforward. there are three. unless war such as world war ii is forced upon you, if you have a choice, you start with three questions. one, what precisely do we hope to do? clearly, what do we hope to do. draw it with sharp contours. number two, can it be done? number three, is if it can be done, is it worth doing? we haven't asked ourselves any of those questions about afghanistan. now, i'm not making light of the casualties when i say this, but strategies also very much like investment. who here would invest willingly in a corporation that has 200 years of history of defrauding
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and bankrupting foreign investors? i mean, a strategies like investment in the sense if you have a choice, you want to have at least a reasonable chance of a plausible return on your investment. but we just dumped into this idea, this assumption. ever have to fix afghanistan. okay, they hosted -- how that hosted al qaeda. canada attacked us so we have to fix afghanistan. there's no logic to this. [inaudible] >> win 2002. [inaudible] >> this voice, i was writing in "the wall street journal" that the job went there was to kill al qaeda. i was never trying to fix afghanistan. i am for women's rights. and as long as we're staying there i was for us doing what we legitimately good. but again, the amateurs, the british after a long time trying to figure out how to deal with afghan tribes that the policy
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was much. but try that too violent when they left. he didn't try to turn it into squires from sussex. so again, i'm not saying oh, don't worry about humanitarian concerns. i'm saying if you want to be a good humanitarian, start with things that are doable. be clear about the purpose. what exactly are you trying to do? can it be done? so i hope our efforts in afghanistan are fully and afghanistan becomes a fully integrated democratic member of the united nations and every afghan is going to university. great, hope it happens that i don't think it will. so i resent the idea that we're trying to do something, the local people don't want at great expense of blood and treasure. and speaking for the u.s., we have fallen into this pattern fold the cold war when we supported authoritarian figures. the cold war is over.
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we don't have to do it anymore. but we still can't stop, and the pattern is the same. we align ourselves. and did not, we keep getting ourselves that these guys are cherished by the people and they just need a little more time and the local militaries are going to come along. look, we've been in afghanistan almost a decade and we can get afghans to fight for what we want them to fight for. does that tell us something? at what point do the afghans step up? iraq was different. i was for iraq. not because of weapons of mass destruction. because the middle east is so broken, we have to do something to try to kickstart change. and it may work. we will know in four years. it takes a long time. but afghanistan has no inherent value that it is worthless dirt. they are hillbillies. our goals in afghanistan should be to keep it from becoming a base for al qaeda again. you don't have to turn it into
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toronto or british columbia to do that. we should have walked into thousand two, kept special forces, keep hammering al qaeda. but we might've had to go back. okay, then you go back. but think of the expense we have engaged in. blood and treasure. trying to get afghans am that most of them just don't want. now would also fall in the trap, who to talk to in countries like we talk to the people who speak english who were educated in the west. the harm -- karzai. and they're often brilliant cost that they know just what to say. democracy, human rights. there's a guy who charmed the hardheaded bush administration. i am very proud that i'm on record saying in 2000 tree he was a con man who could be trusted. he didn't have to be a genius to see.
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you just had about a few persian rugs in your life. he wasn't undergone. and now he is iranians man in iraq. very tight with revolutionary guards. just because something, just because they speak english and say what we want doesn't make them die in the wool democrats. if they can speak with an oxford accent they were really impressed. they had slaves the incredibly corrupt. incredibly corrupt. but she knew what to say and we didn't go beyond that. and there we go to religious in afghanistan. i keep hearing from people trying to rationalize the probable way. we don't want to do with religion as a force of human affairs. so they will say of god is issues using a religion as tool. well then, we don't ask why is the tool so effective. well, the taliban, this is what,
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they're hypocrites. if hypocrisy negated the power of religion, no religion would exist. but religion does exist. and again i keep fighting for people in washington to accept the fact that when your enemy insists that he is fighting for his religion and it's going to die for his religion, it might be to take him or her seriously. we pretend, the ivy league grads, they are so sector in education, they don't get the power, the transformative power of revelation. the incredibly, the shattering tackles of the voice of god in human affairs. they don't understand that power. so they just rationalize it away. but i put it to you, what could be more powerful in religion. the five great world religions.
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judaism, to a layperson like me it is at least 3000 years old. 26 to 28 as we know but it goes back obviously farther. christianity, 2000 years old. hinduism, god, who knows. buddhism, about 2000 of the as long as they. is about 1300 years old. 1300 years. think of the empires have risen and fallen over that space of time. ideologies have come and gone. no ideology has ever created a world -- created a religion, other religions have created many ideologies. darwin, because of, one was blind one thing, religion is the most powerful tool for preserving human collectives. even more powerful than ethnicity. because people will fight for their clan or tribe, family,
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their kid. look at al qaeda. al qaeda can they don't all speak arabic. they are surely not all arabic. they come in brown, yellow, black, white. it's a real multinational corporation but they will die for each other for the vision of their faith. to underestimate the power of religion in human, it is like putting a ball and chain on our strategic ankles from the outset. so in afghanistan, i don't want to lead. i want to keep some forces there to keep hammering the al qaeda. but let's recognize al qaeda, not in afghanistan anymore. there are other ways of doing it. they are scattered through air country that although there is one piece of very good news about al qaeda. it's important that i'm also proud of this, back in 2006, and 2007, i wrote that there was a good chance that the sunni flip
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against al qaeda and iraq would mark the high watermark with a guided. and it has. because al qaeda sets itself up as a champion of the sunni muslims. remember after september 11, 2000 want them how you saw policy and others jumping up and down the street celebrating? because al qaeda did what religious fanatics in power always do, they alienate the local people, they pretended to champion millions of iraqi cities and arabs turned against them. and that didn't resound throughout the arab world. so very different from 2001. right now al qaeda is not welcomed in any arab country. they are still there and still back room deals and funding from gulf emirates and saudi. got it. but they are not formally welcome anywhere. they are not big celebrations of osama bin laden.
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the butcher of baghdad and iraq, he is not being held up as a martyr anywhere. the trouble is middle eastern muslims have been failing arabs, especially failing for so long they needed a win. 9/11 was the biggest when they've had since before -- that was it. they have been failing so long to get a success story. and i was going for to iraq because i was hoping and i still hope, soberly, that iraq will prove to be an arab success story. and arab society, the kind of sort of sometimes treats people decently. so don't leave afghanistan. leave behind unless it ambitions for afghanistan. we can hire military down there when we are facing a global enemy. madame? we will get to everybody. >> was related to what you are saying, what's your position on pakistan? >> i will repeat at.
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>> your position on pakistan and emphasizing getting into pakistan, fighting the taliban. do you think there's any validity to that, any hope, that something can be accomplished? that's number one. and number one passion number two. >> number one is complex enough. first of all, i am not a dixie chicks, and although i very strong feelings about the present, i will not trash an american president. so i just not going to talk about obama. pakistan, she asked about pakistan. pakistan, is using -- losing proposition. it is an artificial country. it doesn't make sense. a champion great enemy of muslims and insisted on having a muslim state because india was been much and you.
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think how much powerful muslim boys would be if it state. pakistan, its own rationale for being a state is that they are all muslims. because if you go to pakistan, you cross the river going west that if you leave the continent -- the river designs pakistan. you go west of the river and you are the cultural central asia of pashtun and the southwest of the luge. it's a culture of central asia. they go and eat, everything, you go to east of the river and your and the culture of the sub. is very much islam. it is a country that just doesn't hang together. punjabis, the pashtun tribal in the northwest. also first for their share of the officers, warriors.
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it's a country that just doesn't work. and it's so crowded, so hypocritical. and there is so anti-american. all the help we've tried to give them, they have played united states for everything that went wrong. your car broke down, must be a drone overhead or something like that. and we played into the hands. they come here and take all the right things. but the pakistani media, most anti-american and world. by far. it's utterly irrational, again, they are failing so badly what india is taking off next door, the great enemy, that they need someone to blame. so we are the great escape. and i think we are absolutely foolish for supporting pakistan. i think, i would even close our
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embassy. i would pull everything out of pakistan. we can. i was and why in a moment. in the future, for all its many problems and flaws and it is a functioning democracy. it is not perfect, it is big, is largely democratic, very, very corrupt. but they are funny. there our attempt to reform the courts. it's got a long way to go. the hindu is the biggest con game and all of human history. think about it. back in time in memorial, a small number of people figured out how to convince the rest of the people that in times of crisis, famine, plague or whatever, war, that the small leak should be protected. and be protected and you were really good uv and elitist, a member of the elite the next time around. that said, india, for all its -- i think i'll a million new need to and it's a project there.
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fascinating. but does that we should be supporting. pakistan i would abandon. but we are not. united states, and pakistan government is a terrorist government. it has support the taliban for a long time. it has support terrorist attacks against india. after the last round of mumbai attacks, horrible. and the pakistanis, the i is a greenlighted. the rca. the isi greenlighted the attack that because they knew deny states would step in and prevent it. they have been gaming as four years. they attacking the. we step in, stop india from hitting back. so the pakistani never behaves responsibly. so with our edi make military approach to afghanistan, we have put our troops at the end of a 1500-mile supply line to the
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port of karachi after other passes into afghanistan. and the pakistanis can turn off the flow of supplies anytime they want. in the aftermath of the mumbai attacks suddenly there were attacks on our supply lines near the pass. if we didn't stop india to retaliate, they hit us. so our response is to get ourselves that they'll be good allies and give them another $6 billion. which will go right into -- it didn't go to crop country. it will be stolen. when a doesn't make down to the low level people, we blasted for the a that didn't get him. pakistan will never behaves as a mature state if it is capable of doing so as long as the united states continues to protect it again. i would pull everything we have out there. but we are chained or so
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ourselves to the chain supply. the idiocy, i don't want to wear with military, but we're doing things that are so utterly idiotic militarily that the future historians will marvel. in the back. you're viewing a long time. >> what other things about israel and how much influence does rahm emanuel have? >> i'm sorry, i'm not going to talk about president obama. i just don't do. it's an act of disloyalty. i don't -- i'm not an obama supporter but he is my president. when i'm abroad. okay. i'm so, she had a second question. >> i wanted to know about rahm emanuel's feelings towards israel?
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>> but how can i answer that. i don't know. i've never met rahm emanuel. i'm sorry. i won't pretend. if i were a real journalist i would lie and say rahm emanuel, he told me that. >> get me afterwards. [laughter] >> and a lady in pink had a second question she didn't you to ask and then the gentleman input and then you. and they will get over here. >> given the question communities precarious position in the west bank, how would you explain the anglican churches animosity towards israel? >> i can't. it's just silly. but again, human beings are hurt animals. i would say, do you want to understand journalists? they are hurt animals that and i saw that going back to 2006. a few pilot fish, like the "new york times," bbc, set the direction of the coverage and everyone jumps on it.
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in 2006, the "new york times," bbc, and a few others decided that the story of the 2006 war was going to be lebanese suffering and israel's barbarity toward the lebanese there is and all of the star journalists went to lebanon. and they read film the same dead baby coming out of the rubble again and again and again. and all followed the same story. i'm sorry come what i was after, i was base for several days. and i saw one of the journalists on the front lines while i was there. he was a reporter who went out for a few hours and went back. reporters from the major international networks standing on hotel terraces in flak jackets and homes while people having dinner inside the rest of but their outside pretending the danger is right here. it was the coverage in 2006 was incredibly corrupt.
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but the storyline was those bad israelis, those innocent lebanese were being tormented. and the rockets are raining down on israel. israelis are, some are became a refuge for the first time since 1948. others are living in basements and in shelters. and there is virtually no coverage of it. so i would say two things. mentality in the media, but fashion. how many of you have teenage daughters? or granddaughters. they were some pretty silly revolting stuff, right? it is not a thought to process of analytical decision-making. they are wearing what their friends are winning. and unfortunately anti-semitism court it anti-israeli sentiment could be every bit as fashionable as tattoos. i mean, don't expect rational answers to all these things.
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humanity in its fits of madness, there's no rational way to explain the holocaust. is humanity going off the rails, as humanity immediately does. sir? >> i am a former -- [inaudible] >> people who invented pr, the jews basically, why are we having such a terrible time count, you know, counter pr the palestinian, the air networks, why does israel have such horrible pr? given that they can't put three words together to defend what they believe in, what they are doing. what's going on? >> well, you know, you have to answer that for yourself to an
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extent that i would give you my personal experiences. looked, when canadian media is interested, canadian audience, the israeli media is interested in the israeli audience. when i was with, the only civilian, it was all military. depressor was there, the commandos center. the press center weren't interested in me. i was pro-israel as it gets. and some friends at help me get up there. but the press officers, they find after today's got an escort which in hebee gebee because i am much happier wandering around and seeing things on my own. but they weren't interested in having an american reporter for the new york post, the sixth largest paper in the united states, incredibly pro-israel, big jewish audience that they weren't interested because the first responsibility was to the
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israeli audience. and they concentrated on the israeli domestic audience. so i think it's partly the media aspect of that, but also it's really hard when the entire world is against you to counter argue. and the media, i think many in israel do make arguments. for why the criticism is unjust. but it just goes unheard. it goes back to the herd mentality. israel is just going to be in the doghouse. and you're so many in the west who have been conned by left wing propaganda pictures another point. people self segregate. in our societies it's not as intense as it used to be. certain kind of people join the military. a very different kind of person generally becomes, seeks a career in journalism. and those in the journalist world and united states certainly are overwhelmingly left of center they are not all hard left.
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they are just kind of touchy-feely left of center types. and all went to good schools. because you can't do the job unless you want to an ivy league school. it's not an elite profession which never was before. in the '60s and '70s journalism went from and it has hurt us badly. which is why the "new york times" is failing. and increasingly journalist also by the, they write for prizes instead of for the audience. but at any rate, i think so many of these we now have two generations of journalist in the united states who all went to these good schools, the liberal arts faculties are overwhelmingly dominated by leftists. the myth of palestinian suffering and palestinian rights is just dominant. i mean, it's, how can you possibly get a date with it without left wing chick if you're pro-israel?
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it's just not going to happen on campus. i betrayed my age with the word chick. it goes back to my horse cavalry. but beyond that i don't have a good answer for that i simply don't. except that it is a fad. it is fashionable. once again, to hate jews pic is the in the 19 can. >> you have presented what can be pessimistic view of the arab world and islam, although he later expressed some shade optimism regarding iraq. but you also, you know, at the beginning of the lecturer said the past does not determine the future, although used slightly different words. how will democracy which propose on ideological individual human rights and constitutional and legal protection of those rides all to the kinds of tribalism which you identify as bringing
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down the arab and islam world civilization only, and which i see also as my few understand and patriarchal understanding of religion, elements of which all exist to modify a form of the parts of the world. and so could you answer that? and could you also consider -- >> can you -- >> this is a discussion of idea. >> let her go. this is good. >> can you also consider the relative merits of pessimism versus optimism? and ideas of predicted there is a democratic progress, as they relate to the arab world because we know that theories of war and peace suggested that democracies are less likely to fight each other. >> adolf hitler came to power through democracy. it's a myth that democracy don't fight each other that human beings will always find a reason to fight.
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human beings when a fit of madness takes over, world war i, you already had -- germany, certainly had its reichstag to get democracy fighting each other. so just go with it. i absolutely agree with you that patriarchy is part of the problem. i don't know. i do know exactly how far the literature goes in judaism to argue for my with the book of judith? is an example i always use. judith, nice jewish grow, she is basically good looking and young and happily married. and some elders spot her and she goes down to the secluded place to bathe and they spot her baby, peaking at her, kind of voyeuristic. and then they come back and say, telling lies about her. she rejects and that she want any part of these elders. and so they lie about her being unfaithful and said that she is ultimately revealed to be it
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innocent, said that the point of the sort of judith, and his sister in every religion, when old men make the rules, young women suffer. which is why i firmly believe that religion is so healthy and our societies now he goes women do have a voice. they have to be heard. they have to be heard. and in so much of the greater middle east, women don't have a voice. and less it is heard screaming through a beating. so as far as being a pessimist goes, i'm really not that that human beings have my sound pessimistic because it's a world ugly. but human beings are survivors and we are the cockroaches that have powers of speech. we managed to get through things somehow. but i think you make your way forward much more difficult when you lie, when you pretend that there are no bad human beings. when you pretend that all men
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want peace. because clearly they don't. the closest some human beings come to being a god is take another wife. the environment, the individual, i've seen them, people who have never had any power in their lives suddenly any disruptive society get a gun. and a badge of some kind. or a shred of uniform. and suddenly you are licensed to kill and abuse him and the people who always earn more money than that with a woman who would give them the time of day suddenly they can be beat, killed, raped, whatever. and make the mistake, at least a small sliver of humanity delights, delights in harming others human beings. beating the hell out of and killing and raping and murdering jews in ukraine was not a hard days work for the average ss officer. dad loved his work. you know, to be flippant, and if
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you do not recognize, some human beings delight in inflicting pain on others. you can achieve anything that looks like a lasting peace. and when we -- with the best intentioned of the world, we try to redeem human monsters, or any human monsters, what do we do? by protecting the monsters, we condemn the 99% of human beings who do want to live in peace to the tyranny of the monster. you have to make hard choices in life. and this is not an argument, it's just execute every shoplifter. but violent criminals rarely are fully reported that an terrorists, violent terrorists who slaughter masses of innocent people are unlikely to come around and be really good students in their new
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incarnation. it just doesn't happen. so i'm sure i sound very pessimistic. i'm just trying to inject a level of reality that i see missing in washington. and that's really all. but i have great faith in humanity. i am one of those people who my wife marvels at people always expect me to be some sort of mean guy because i want to kill terrorists. i want to kill terrorist because i value civilization. i value peace. i valued human rights. i delight in every day, even a rainy day in montréal in march. i mean, there's something absolutely beautiful about every single day of our lives if we went to open our eyes to it. that the terrorists want to close our eyes. they want to close our hearts, close our minds, close our societies. so to me, fighting islamist terrorism or any other violent terrorism community in the name of any god is the ultimate
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humanitarian mission. [applause] >> i really don't worry about the fate of jews in north america. i really don't. we just couldn't -- it's not going to turn into germany. it's just not going to happen. it's simply not. i am much more worried about israel. we're talking about this last night briefly, and my concern is that we have a crusade state model where a civilization is reimpose on the middle east, but can't last. i mean, given, the middle east just isn't nurturing, and i hope israel will have a long grand, healthy successful future, but i worry about the way the world has turned so profoundly against israel. irrationally, it is a rational but again, israel is a victim of
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its success. in a sense that it shames everybody else who fails. i mean, how could these jews from the shtetl, these despised jews who somehow get to a palestine that is absolutely community of of greenery, the soil is ruined, it has no hope, diseases and endemic, and making their own picks and shovels in many cases. they begin to kill the land. and they literally, the cliché is true. they make a garden in the desert. and from the garden in the desert they make a high-tech society where the standard of justice and legality, i'm president in the entire history of the middle east, how can israel not be hated? by the people of been there uninterruptedly and failed and failed and failed again, and failed again and failed again.
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how can israel not be hated by pakistan's who fail at everything? the supreme energy that went into israel reinvigorated incredibly after the holocaust when the stakes were so utterly clear, close to a miracle as we will see on this earth. and those who can't replicate the success, because of their own failures, will take the success. it's like the old russian joke, there's to present and what doesn't has a beautiful gal. and the other peasant doesn't. and this peasant in these the cows so much and loves that count. so the poor peasant one day, he is kicking around in the forest, and he sees a would spirit, tied to a tree. and releases the woods. and would spirit says, thank you. as a reward for your generosity
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i will give you any one which. and the poor peasant says, kill my neighbors cow. unfortunately, that is the attitude of too much of humanity instead of working. think of the incredible synthesis is that could occur at the palestinians were willing to work with israel. and if you're willing to work with israel. how much progress, incredible progress could be achieved. but to do that they would have to give up israel as a satan that is planned for the failures. so again, as absurd as, you know, as a non-2, as a citizen of the united states i think i can look as israel fairly objectively and when i see israel compared to the squalor that surrounds it, the self-indulgent, simultaneously self grand diving squalor, i
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believe israel is worth fighting for. ladies and gentlemen, thank you. [applause] >> ralph peters neutral pose dollars served with the u.s. army from 1976 to 1998. he retired with the rank of lieutenant colonel. colonel peters many books include looking for trouble, "new glory" and "beyond baghdad." >> this is the cover of a soon-to-be released by aubrey of
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justice john paul stevens, and is being produced by northern illinois university press. sarah hoerdeman is to represent publisher. you might be one of the happiest publishers exhibiting here at the organization at the organization of american historians. we just learned today that justice stevens, as anticipate, announce his retirement. what does this mean for your book speak with everyone at northern illinois university press is very excited about this book. it really a coincidence an ideal timing this book has been in production and being researched and written for more than a decade. and so to have the publication of what was already a very good book coincide with the retirement is very timely, greatly appreciated by the press. and we are thrilled that such a terrific book coming out and such time as fashion. >> will you tell me about the authors? >> yes. paul is a journalist with more 30 years experience that most of it with the chicago tribune. so he's a terrific writer. the book is written in a wonder
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for journalistic style with a lot of clarity and a lot of punch. and jean is a former state legislator and light in illinois. and so he had access to a lot of the very high profile people that were interviewed for this book. and they make a great team. >> and the justice stevens know about it? >> yes. i wouldn't put a big stick on this is off ipod, but justice stevens to support it is interviews with the authors, was aware of the project, actually allowed us to take some photographs of interesting movies in his office. for example, he has a hole-in-one golf trophy. and he also kind of gave his blessing to the authors interviewed people who were close to you. the people who are closest our incredible loyal to him and so they would never have spoken with the authors without his say-so. and so we were able to have access to his family members, friends, or records. a lot of people with stephen's
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blessing. >> use a 2-wood tenures in the making, long? >> the authors have done seven s. down the amount of research. the book starts with stevens' them and his childhood growing up in chicago. and goes all the way through the current decision regarding campaign financing. so the scope of the story they're telling is very in depth and a number of sources and research they have done is really impressive. they spoke with everyone from stevens' brother, some of his children, people work with "when janey comes marching home: portraits of women combat veterans" is a lawyer and a judge in chicago. president ford when he was still with us, who appointed stevens, donald rumsfeld who was instrumental in having stevens appointed. former clerks and ruth ginsburg. so the number of people interviewed required him in his amount of time and research, and that is how it didn't up to 10 years. >> what kind of competition they have in this space? we should know for the oddest
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probably knows at age 90 the longest-serving justice that you have got several decades of legacy. have there been other big words on his career? >> there have been other books have touched on stevens. is a very good book that looks a very specific part of his judicial career, but nothing that is a to biography. and this book really personalized stevens is a man who's been a people who know him. so in addition to covering his very important work and his influential professional life, it also really presents really entertaining anecdotes about his personal life and stories from the people who know him best and love him the most. so this is really the most complete look at stevens the man that there is right now, and i can't imagine anything that is rush to print right now could match it in until the. >> what is the until they? >> the on sale date is may 1. >> thanks so much for talking with us. the book is called "john paul stevens: an independent life," and we're talking with publisher
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of northern illinois university press represented sarah hoerdeman on this day when we learned that john policies will in fact be stepping down from the court at the end of history. thanks. thanks again. >> thank you.
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>> basically last fall the economic crisis was horrible, and banks are getting the bailout, and on december 2, workers at republic windows and doors, it was about 250 workers,
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at this plant on goose island that made windows and doors were told by the management of the factory that was going to close in three days, and that they would also lose their health insurance. and the workers had news and armando we'll talk more about this, but the media coverage at the moment kind of made it sound like it was this big surprise and out of the blue and this horrible shock right before christmas. that was one of the interesting things to me right off the bat was that was sort of a misrepresentation. really do much more interesting and kind of inspiring story is the workers really knew for at least a number of weeks beforehand that something was up. i guess i'll try to keep it short for now, but the owner was trying to, or was many a lot of the equipment out of the factory secretly by cover of night, this whole kind of intriguing thing. so he had some kind of plan,
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which will get into later to close the factory down. and so the workers had been talking about what they would do when they got this news that they're expecting to get. so they were fully ready to take a really bold action which was to refuse to leave the factory when they were told that it was closed. so that friday, which was december 5, there was sort of a meeting during the day and when end of the workday came they did just which italy. that was the start of this occupation that ended up lasting six days, and turned in to sort of a two-part victory. the first part was that the workers got one of their demands, which was severance pay and vacation pay that was due them, which the copy was refusing to pay. and in the ultimate goal was to keep the factory open. and they tried or they launched efforts to start a co-op that might actually buy the factory and run it as a worker owned operation, you know, inspired by
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the things going on in argentina and other countries. while that was sort of impressive they got an offer from a california company that makes energy efficient windows and the drywall who had seen all the busy and wanted to buy the company. that did end up happening and so now republican winners and doors, what was formerly republic windows and doors is open and a company called mckitrick is kind of been held up as a poster child of the stimulus act and the whole green jobs phenomenon. and biden was there in the spring making a big statement. so it is kind of a whole art in in a big success, although it is to an ongoing story come and we will talk about a little bit more later, it is still too early to call it a complete success but to me the interesting and exciting things is the challenge and struggle for the union is still really there to make sure that the new company lives up to its promises and bad this isn't just a sort of greenwashing example of green
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jobs that a lot of politicians get credit for and nothing comes of it but rather is really an amazing flavor struggle coming to fruition. >> this was a portion of a booktv program. you can do the entire program and many other booktv programs online. go to type the name of author in the upper left hand corner of the page. select to watch a link. now you can view the entire program. you might also export the recently on booktv box, or the featured video box to find recent and featured programs. >> michelle alexander, a former law clerk for justice harry blackmun says it operates as a social and raise will control
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mechanism by targeting an educated black man incarceration. ms. alexander appeared on c-span's "washington journal." the program is 45 minutes. >> host: our guest is michelle alexder. her book is "the new jim crow: mass incarceration in the age of colorblindness." before we talk about the details of your book could you give our folks at home and little background on yourself, where you come from and your expenses as for as your career is concerned? >> guest: i was inspired to write his book largely by my experience at the aclu in northern california. i am now an academic teaching law at the ohio state university. but when i was at the aclu, you know, i really believed that racial bias in the criminal justice system was much like racial bias in all of our social and political institutions. all


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